Welcome to the USGenWeb and VAGenWeb Project

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On the left, you will find links to the most frequently requested information. At the bottom of this page will be links to other resources as well as information submitted by other researchers.

New Icon Sep. 1st: A new book, "Finding the Freedmen" Louisa County Records 1865-1870 by Elaine L. Taylor, is now available on Amazon.com
Finding the Freedmen provides relationships between the Freedmen and the people most likely to be their former enslavers. This is a resource for researchers seeking their ancestors who were freedmen in the county, and also for current property owners and descendants of slaveholders who desire to know the names of people that lived and worked on their property or for their families.    For a detailed description, please see Finding the Freedmen
All the proceeds from Amazon sales go to the African American Genealogy Society of Central Virginia.

New Icon Feb. 24th: The Register of Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia: Births and Baptisms 1752-1779, transcribed and with introduction by Elaine L. Taylor. 

New Icon Jan. 14th: Nancy Agee Updated Obituaries from Central Virginian through the year 2018 (28,188 total).  Thank you again Nancy Agee!!

New Icon Jan. 18th: A new research guide, Hanover County Research, by David Joyce, has been added to the website. This guide focuses on methods for researching 18th century Presbyterians, Quakers, and the members of the Church of England in Hanover County.

New Icon  The fourth volume of Louisa County Family Graveyards, "Silently Sleeping", is now available.  The book is $30 plus $5 s&h, check payable and sent to Pat Baber, 1105 Bethany Church Road, Bumpass, VA 23024.  For more information contact  Pat Baber  pbaber61@gmail.com   
The combined index for all four volumes:  Click Here For Combined Index

Copies of Volume 3, "In Loving Memory", are still available, plus a few copies of Volume 2, Rest In Peace.   These are $30, plus $5 s&h, check payable and sent to Pat Baber, 1105 Bethany Church Road, Bumpass, VA 23024.

New Icon Oct. 12th: A new research paper has been submitted by Evans Peay of Clarksville, TN    Click here to open the PDF  [Mainly Carroll and Tally family from Louisa & surrounding counties]  "These papers are in the possession of Ross Evans Peay (evanspeay at gmail dot com), Clarksville, TN as of October 2014. They are also available at the Tennessee Library and archives on microfilm as part of the Austin Peay Family Papers, 1863-1977. The microfilm accession number is MF.559....

New Icon Jul. 26th: A new research paper has been submitted by Donald L. King, M.D.
"A few years ago I compiled the attached monograph, "Patriot Brothers" about the five King brothers from Louisa County that served in the Revolutionary War... so I thought I'd send it to you in case you might want to put it on the Louisa Co. website. It is 11.5 mb, 48 pages, lots of illustrations...

--  The third volume of Louisa County Family Graveyards, "In Loving Memory", is now available.  The book is $30 plus $5 s&h, check payable and sent to Pat Baber, 1105 Bethany Church Road, Bumpass, VA 23024.  For more information contact  Pat Baber  pbaber61@gmail.com  or  Pattie Cooke ccooke2@verizon.net   
The combined index for all three volumes:  Click Here For Combined Index

An additional 50 copies of Louisa County Family Graveyards, Volume 2, "Rest In Peace", are now available.   The book is $30 plus $5 s&h, check payable and sent to Pat Baber, 1105 Bethany Church Road, Bumpass, VA 23024.

-- Uniforms of the Virginia Continental Line. Submitted by Jim Gillgam.

-- There are now almost 4,000 entries in the Death Certificate pages. (3/3/2009)  

-- A new book "Louisa County History, A Brief History" by Pattie Cooke, is 115 pages and provides a history of Louisa County as seen through the eyes of the courthouse or town. It is basically a town book with emphasis on county history.  Quantities are limited and the price is $23.  Contact Patti Cook for info. Information on George R. Thompson, his father, Archibald Wyatt Thompson of Louisa County, and others was submitted by Ken Thompson.

-- Thanks to the efforts of the Louisa County Historical Society, I have now included almost 5,000 tombstone transcriptions from over 50 churches and family cemeteries in Louisa County. There is a master index of all names, plus pages for each cemetery, both of which provide a link to a photograph of the tombstone.  Oakland Cemetery and First Baptist Church still need to be transcribed, plus a few other minor problems may exist.   Click here to see the index

-- An index containing almost 20,000 names, showing the relationship, date and reference document between two parties has been added.  This information was submitted by Janice L. Abercrombie.     Click here to see the index

-- The book "GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN", Louisa County Family Graveyards, Volume 1, is now SOLD OUT.  You can still contact Pat or Pattie and have your name placed on a list so they can determine when to have reprints made.    It contains photographs, tombstone inscriptions, and  locations of 215 family graveyards in Louisa county.  The book is $30 plus $5 s&h, check payable and sent to Pat Baber, 1105 Bethany Church Road, Bumpass 23024.  For more information contact  Pat Baber  pbaber61@gmail.com  or  Pattie Cooke ccooke2@verizon.net       Click here to see the index

-- Louisa County High School Students - 1945 including faculty and mentions men and women in Armed Forces

-- A new book "THE GARTH FAMILY: Descendants of John Garth of Virginia, 1734-1986" is available from Rosalie E. Davis.  Click here for details and ordering information.

-- Bible Records and Cemeteries from the WPA Records.  Submitted by Janice L. Abercrombie.

-- A new book "Cohabitation Lists of Former Slaves in Goochland, Hanover and Louisa Counties, Virginia as recorded by the Freedmen's Bureau" is available.  Click here for details and ordering information.

-- The new book, "Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books 1743-1801", by Nancy Chappelear Baird and Kate Hatch, is available for purchase from the Louisa County Historical Society for the sum of $22.00 (+s/h).

-- The Trevilian Station Battlefield Foundation website is now up and running. Click here to visit their site.

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Louisa County Information:

Genealogy On The Web - Links to other sites: Click Here for Links to Louisa County Information found on this and on Other Sites.


Archive Project

The USGenWeb Archives site is available now. Files on census records, marriage bonds, cemetery lists, wills, etc. are being uploaded now. We are accepting files to upload to the site. If you have transcribed primary source documents and would like to contribute them to the project, please send to Linda Lewis.
The Virginia Table of Contents list the files currently available for viewing or downloading.

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Contact Information

To send me an e-Mail, please address to :   wayne   at   trevilians.com   I would like your feedback about what you would like to see included, or any other suggestions you may have. Thank You!!

Snail Mail to:
Wayne G. Dunn
85 Little Riverview Drive
Reedville, VA 22539

Evolution of this website

Way back in March/April of 1996 the GenWeb project was getting started.  The goal was to have every county in every state hosted by a volunteer and they provide a website that would be available for researchers.  Then in June of 1996, Linda Lewis, who was the state coordinator for Virginia, posted a message asking for volunteers for each of the counties in Virginia.  At that time, only four counties were spoken for (Brunswick, Lee, Lunenburg, Scott & Russell).

I quickly volunteered, and by July 10th, had obtained a website (www.trevilians.com) from a hosting company named Hiway Technologies, Inc in Florida.  After I had the website, I fired off the following email to Linda:  " I am eager to race off at full speed -- just don't know where to!!"   How true!!   Internet? webpages? HTML? sounds kinda like "Lions, Tigers and Bears!  Oh My!"

In one exchange, discussing how much space was needed, Linda replied "TWO MEGS is plenty. I have the VA page, all the VA counties that I coordinate, and another project totally unrelated to genealogy, on my one meg page with Compuserve".   Hmmm, times have sure changed -- the Louisa site now takes up almost 700MB (as of December, 2007).