Searching For African-Americans
Native Americans

At the suggestion of Sam, I created a separate page that shows only persons listed as 'black' or 'mulatto' on the 1850 Louisa Census. Click Here To View

I have created this page in an attempt to help researchers who may be looking for ancestors that were African-American, Native-American, or any other minority that may not have left much of a paper trail.  What you will find here is based on the suggestions of other researchers, and I encourage you to to contribute your experiences and your information to share with other researchers.  Thank You!       
Click here to contact me:  Wayne Dunn

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Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Cyndi's List of African-American Sites on The Internet

Cyndi's List of Native American Sites on The Internet

Other sites that may be of value:


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Cherokee by Blood
Are You Descended from Pocahontas?


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