First Draft for World War I



Following is the list of the 300 names (Names in bold have Questionnaires filed) drawn for the first draft for World War I as published in the MINERAL WEEKLY PROGRESS, July 30, 1917:

Allhizer, Rayor Chastine Anderson, David Chester Anderson, Preston
Anderson, Thomas Lewis Anderson, Phil Allen Austin Thadeus
Badgett, Joseph Lilbon Baker, John James Baker, Richard Lee, Jr.
Banks, Joseph Bannister, James Edward Bell, Soloman Lee
Berryman, Samuel Edward Bibb, James Edward Boxley, Clifford C.*
Boyd, Charlie Terrell Bradley, Wm. Bragg, Wm. James
Bragg, Samuel Owen Braxton, Wilmore Breeden, Emmett Haywood
Bretter, John Werther Brikley, Clay Tom M. Brooks, John Anderson.
Brooks, Ollie A. Broows, Roy VanBuren Brown, Henry
Brown, Ramon Brown, Tom Bryant, Sam
Buck, John Richard Buck, John James Bullock, John
Burruss, James H. Burruss, Ellis Burruss, Johnny
Butler, John Hugh Butler, Thomas Frederick. Butler, Americus
Butler, George W. Cameron, Hannie O. Carter, Robert By
Carter, Tasker Lee Castillo, Ricado E. Chewning, Henry Clark
Clark, Willie Franklin Clingernpeel, John P. Clough, John Vivian
Coleman, Lewis Andrew Coleman, Albert J. Coleman, Richard B.
Coleman, Fred. Edward Coleman, Elly Jay Coleman, Lewis Andrew
Collison, John Wm. Cook, Wilbert Cooke, Robert
Corley, Lewis Wilmer Cosby, Geoffrey Earnest Courtney, Marshall
Crank, Wm. Earle Crank, John E. Crank, Geo. Boxley
Dandridge, Archie F. Davis, Sherley Diggs, Lewis
Drumright, Robt. Douglas Dunivan, Sidney Thos. Dunivan, Brack
Duvall, Joseph Benjaman Edward, Jacob Manning Edwards, Wm. Sam'l
Estis Normon Gustus Eubank, Elias Marvin Evans, W. H.
Evans, Wesley Lewis Flannagan, Allen Waddell Fleming, William
Fortune, Joe Wm. Foster, James B. Gammon, Joseph Sanderson
Gibson, Herbert G. Gibson, Herbert C. Glas, George Wahington
Glass, Everett Thomas Gooch, Aubrey Goodwin, Robert T.
Goubbs, Richard Lewis Green, Hambleton Green, Eddie Willie
Grubbs, Wm. J. Haden, Edmund Hall, Frances Alphonso
Hall, Harry Pendleton Hall, James Allin Hampton, Osar V.
Hargrove, Bernard W. Harlow, Henry Clay Harlow, Waldrop Shelton
Harlow, John Wesley Harper, Richard W. Harper, Geo. Alfred
Harper, Harry E. Harris, Eldridge Netheral Harris, Chas. S.
Harris, John Edward Harrison, Thos. Ben. Hayden, Paul
Haynes, Arthur Sam'l Henshaw, John Lewis Henson, Clinton
Hester, Thomas Benjaman Hester, John Seagar Hester, Henry Ryland
Hicks, Burnley Cleveland Hicks, Walter L. Hill, James Murray
Hiter, Henry Hix, Harry Anderson Hix, Joseph
Hizer, LaAuder Wilson Hodges, Isaah Hood, Curtes Ramon
Hooker, Levi Hooker, William L. Hoollin, Franklin Cutler
Howsey, Thomas Barrett Hubbard, James Hughes, Hobert
Hunter, Thornton Isbell, John Courtney Jackson, Herman
Jackson, Johnny Ruby Jackson, Thos. Edward Jackson, Willie Waller
Jackson, Wilmore Jackson, Marion Jackson, Frances Bacon
Jackson, Ben. Lewis Jackson, Carroll Vernon Jackson, Channing M.
Jefferson, Henry Jennings, Robert T. Johnson, John Wesley
Johnson, Hezekia Daniel Johnson, Chas. Henry Johnson, Geo. Lee
Johnson, Willie Overton Johnson, James Harrold Jones, Nelson
Jones, Lil Mason King, Wm. Chancellor Kinney, Andrew Lee
Knighton, Everett Taylor Knighton, Allie Rowe Lacey, Wm. Kean
Layne, Wade Gibson Lewis, James Lloyd, Charlie C.
Lumsden, Jesse Beadles Madison, Buck Mallory, Willie Thomas
Marshall, Robert Mason, Richard T. Massie, John Frank
McGehee John Williams Melton, Allen Lewis Meredith, Champ Conway
Meredith, John Goodwin Meredith. W.W. Michaels, Frederick W.
Michie, W. J. Mihie, John Edward Minor, Zack
Minter, Lewid Edw. Mitchell, Aubrey Linwood Mitchell, Jack
Mitchell, C. Moody, Lemuel Morris, Willard Filmore
Morton, Wm. Henry Moss, John William Myers, Vincent Albert
Neikels, Howard Thomas Nelson, Chas. Winston Noel, Linwood H.
Overton, Thomas Elmore Overton, Henry Overton, Wm. Henry
Palson, Vander Lee Parrish, Walter Clyde Pate, Chas. Caldwell
Pate, Geo. Richard Payne, Joseph Andrew Payne, Dennis Julian
Paytes, Harvey Hulbert Pendleton, Hollins Perkins, Sterlin Miller
Perkins, Walter Everett Perkins, Charles Perkins, Grafton Marcelle
Perkins, Henry Perry, Julian Thacker Pleasants, Berkley
Poindexter, Alex. Poindexter, Frank Poore, James Edward
Price, Henry Quinn, Frazier Allen Quisenberry, Wm. Carey
Ragland, John Rigsby, Clarence Wesley Robesson, Fert Dei
Rohr, Eppa William Rosson, Garnett Walter Russell, Frank W.
Sammon, Roy Turner Scott, James Paul Seay Walter Lee
Seay, James Earle Seay, Littleburn Mitchell Sharp, Hugh Goodwin
Shealor, Jesse Bryan Shelton, Frederick Sims Shelton, James
Shelton, John Shelton, Gilmer Rosor Shifflet, Joseph
Simon, William Slagle, Wm. Emmett Smith, Oscar Hunton
Smith, Loyd Nelson Smith, Harry Jackson Smith, Charles Pickett
Smith, Lupton Allison Smith, Wm. Lucius Snyder, John Norton
Spicer, Lewis Marcell Spottswood, Harry Sprouse, Ivy Willard
Stewart, Charles Stickler, Glen Gornell Stilwell, Byron Tripp
Strong, Paul C. Strong, Fred. James Swift, Wm. Henry
Swift, John Shelton Talley, Terrell Talley, Allen Sam'l
Tate, Wilmer Tate, Ramon Jones Tate, Walter Henry
Thaniel, Boxley Thomas, Herbert Hope Thompson, Jesse
Thomson, Frederick W. Thurston, Alvah Harrold Thuston, Mercer Lee
Timberlake, Richard Tisdale, James Towsey, James Aubrey
Trice, Temple Tullok, John Franklin Tyler, John Lewis
Tyler, Madison A. Tyler, Walter Vaughan, Plummer
Vaughan, C. P. Vawter, Ernest Linwood Vipperman, Daniel
Waddy, John Walls, John Walton, Joe Ruper
Ward, Oliver Ernest Watkins, Vergil Bryant White, Clarence Stoney
Whitlock, Ruben Wickham, Ben. Willis, Jesse James
Willoughly, John Earnest Wills, J. Reid, Jr. Wills, William
Wiltshire, Chas. R. Windell, John Winston, Archie
Winston, Napoleon Winston, Robt.Bacon,Jr. Wood, John Bowe
Wood, Geo. D. Wood, Chas. Homer Wood, Howard James
Woodley, Walter Woolfolk, Chas. R. Wright, Willie James
Wright, Chas. Linwood Wright, James Walton Wyatt, Stephen