List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1926-013

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1926-013

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Kennon, J. S. Ricswan Mining Corp Lock
Mcsween, J. M.  Slate Hill Gold Mine
Walton & Wood  Staver
Walton, H. H.   
Walton, W. J.   

Case File Number: 109-1926-014

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Winston, Charles M. Harris, D. B.  
 Smith, J. E.  
 Smith, Roberta N.  
 West, James L W.  
 Winston, N. W., Sr  
 Winston, Nannie  

Case File Number: 109-1926-015

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Louisa Hardware Co Jackson, Gustine  
 Jackson, Mary  

Case File Number: 109-1926-016

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Baker, Minnie Knight, Alice Faulconer
Delano, M. B., Mrs Knight, Annie  
Falconer, Lottie C. Knight, Artington  
Graves, Willie Knight, Gladys  
Knight, Georgia Knight, Stuart  
Knight, Irene Knight, Terrell  
Knight, James W. Knight, Val  
Knight, Jesse Knight, Willie  
Knight, Monroe   
Knight, Parker   
Knight, Tom   
Mastin, T. M., Mrs   
Seay, Eva   
Talley, Annie   

Case File Number: 109-1926-017

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
King, Birdie Via Via, Charles H.  
King, Dora Via Via, W. F.  
Via, James A.   
Via, John F.   
Via, Nota B.   

Case File Number: 109-1926-018

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Timberlake, Andrew W. Timberlake, Jennie Hunter  

Case File Number: 109-1926-019

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Rush, Baker M. Rush, Virgie M Butler  

Case File Number: 109-1926-020

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Sherwood, W. W. Bradley, Lillie B Sherwood  
Sherwood, William C. Sherwood, Charles Allen  
 Sherwood, Dollie A.  
 Sherwood, Guy W.  
 Sherwood, Harry A.  
 Sherwood, Otto L.  
 Stribling, Erasamus  
 Stribling, Rosa B Sherwood  

Case File Number: 109-1926-021

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Fortune, Thomas Fortune, Lillian Yancey  

Case File Number: 109-1926-022

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Trainham, Nannie Hawley Trainham, Lawrence R. Hawley

Case File Number: 109-1926-023

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Buckner Excelsior Co Crank, W. Earl  
 Sharpe, Emily O.  
 Sharpe, R. H.  

Case File Number: 109-1926-024

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Jackson, Arthur Jackson, Ellen Dabney  

Case File Number: 109-1926-025

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Flaherty, Rosabelle Hunter Flaherty, James M.  

Case File Number: 109-1926-026

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thomas, R. L. Goins, E. J.  
 Hinger, Lilian C.  
 Hinger, W. G.  

Case File Number: 109-1926-027

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Wohlford, Irma W Hix Thacker Wohlford, Harper E. Bychowski

Case File Number: 109-1926-028

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hackney, Albert Hackney, Hattie Waddy  

Case File Number: 109-1926-029

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Hugh Bickers, J. F.  
Dickinson, Mary H.   
Jones, C. S.   

Case File Number: 109-1926-030

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Burnley, Martha Burnley, Rebecca  
Chiles, Delancey Dickinson, Lizzie Burnley  
Thurston, Joe May Dickinson, Nelson  
 Jackson, Fannie Burnley  
 Jackson, Jim  
 Jackson, Lucy Burnley  
 Jackson, Peter  
 Lee, Kate Burnley  
 Lee, William  

Case File Number: 109-1927-002

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Goodwin, C. Q. Goodwin, Fred  
Goodwin, George F.   
Goodwin, George S.   

Case File Number: 109-1927-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Barker, Alice Fortune, Tom  

Case File Number: 109-1927-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Lacy, W. F. Haskins, Atchia P.  
Terrell, E. A., Dr Haskins, George F.  
 Haskins, Joshua  

Case File Number: 109-1927-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Anthony, Alonzo S. Brooks, Annie M.  
Anthony, S. W. Brooks, Clarence  
 Brooks, Curtis Wesley  
 Brooks, Lottie C.  
 Brooks, Raymond  
 Brooks, Ruby  

Case File Number: 109-1927-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Butler, Walter R. Butler, Katherine Lenora Richards Hennkennius

Case File Number: 109-1927-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Smith, Gertrude Quarles Smith, Raymond V.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-008

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Wright, Minnie A Denton Wright, Robert W.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-009

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Brown, Staunton Brown, Katie Wright  

Case File Number: 109-1927-010

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Rosson, Ruth Mae Ruffner Rosson, Garnett W.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-011

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Allen, Mary Epps Allen, Talfree  

Case File Number: 109-1927-012

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Branham, William James Branham, Betty Thompson  

Case File Number: 109-1927-013

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dejarnette, E. H. Mathews, Martha F.  
Mathews, W W C. Mathews, W W C.  
 Traner, Bettie H Watkins  
 Watkins, Elizabeth D.  
 Watkins, James A.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-014

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Nelson J. Dickinson, Loyd  
Dickinson, Vaughan Dickinson, Nelsie  
Morton, Elizabeth Dickinson, Willie  

Case File Number: 109-1927-015

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Fulton, M. J. Ettla, Charles F. Eicke
Smith, W. Worth, Jr Ettla, Susanna H. Formosa
 French, Catherine Sloan
 Thomas, Anna  
 Thomas, William  
 Walton, H. H.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-016

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Mills, Jane  []Poindexter, Sutton  
Mills, Mitchell R.   

Case File Number: 109-1927-017

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Federal Land Bank Of Baltimore Knight, Emma  
 Knight, George W., Jr  

Case File Number: 109-1927-018

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gordon, A. T. Diggs, Emma S.  
Humphrey, Andrew Broadus Harris, Anna  
 Holland, Lennie M.  
 Humphrey, Dora  
 Humphrey, Edgar E.  
 Humphrey, Eva  
 Humphrey, India  
 Humphrey, Ivor  
 Humphrey, John M.  
 Humphrey, Judson  
 Humphrey, Mollie E.  
 Humphrey, Sadie  
 Humphrey, Walter  
 Morris, Willie, Mrs  
 Perkins, Ada F.  
 Perkins, Myrtle A.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-019

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thurston, Anthony, Jr Thurston, Lucy Jane Barrett Thruston

Case File Number: 109-1927-020

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hill, Lillian Henderson Hill, Ferdinand  

Case File Number: 109-1927-021

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Barret, C. D. Adams, Revias R.  
Barret, Virginia R. Adams, Virgie R.  
Barrett, Frances G. Barret, Frances G.  
 Barret, Virginia R.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-022

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hill, Reuben T. Hill, Fannie Louise Preston  

Case File Number: 109-1927-023

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bickley, Louise Swift Bickley, Linwood W.  

Case File Number: 109-1927-024

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Collins, Edward Collins, Ella Smith Tinsley  

Case File Number: 109-1927-026

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Orange, Walter Raymond Orange, Mary Agnes Gray  

Case File Number: 109-1928-001

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Burrus, Nathaniel Burrus, Daisy  

Case File Number: 109-1928-002

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bagby, R. M. Baughan, Ruby  

Case File Number: 109-1928-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Atkinson, John H. Proffitt, George Haley  
Atkinson, Mary L. Proffitt, Nannie V.  
Atkinson, Richard H.   
Crowder, Nannie L Atkinson   
Hicks, B. Lula   
Luck, W. Clementine   
Proffitt, A. Roselette   
Proffitt, Marion A.   
Proffitt, Sabra L.   
Willis, Meranda F Atkinson   

Case File Number: 109-1928-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bibb, Agnes Ballinger, Agnes Bibb Gallinger
Bibb, Benjamin Bibb, Adella  
Brockman, John Bibb, Benjamin  
Brockman, Lilly B. Bibb, E. T.  
Brockman, W. J. Bibb, Jane  
Collins, Agnes E Vawter Bibb, John  
Collins, C. S. Bibb, M. E.  
Timberlake, Charles Bibb, Polly  
Timberlake, Sarah A Bibb Bibb, R. G.  
Vawter, W. H. Bibb, Richard Drew  
 Bibb, Sumpter T.  
 Brockman, John  
 Brockman, M P Bibb  
 Brockman, M. P.  
 Ester, Betsey Bibb  
 Ester, James M.  
 Ester, Joseph H.  
 Estes, Annie P.  
 Estes, James M.  
 Estes, Susan H.  
 Green, Harry  
 Green, Mary  
 Hawkins, Patsy Bibb  
 Hawkins, Thomas R.  
 Oden, Emma J.  
 Parrott, Almira Bibb  
 Parrott, Beauregard  
 Parrott, Charles  
 Parrott, John  
 Ross, Agnes Parrott  
 Vawter, Mary J Bibb  
 Vawter, William  
 Woolfolk, John W.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Allen, Daisy Johnson Allen, Joseph  

Case File Number: 109-1928-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Anderson, Sarah E. Mitchell, George  
 Mitchell, Henry  
 Mitchell, John  
 Mitchell, Nelson  
 Mitchell, Sallie  
 Mitchell, Sallie  
 Phillips, Mary Mitchell  
 Toney, Nellie Mitchell  
 Toney, Roger  

Case File Number: 109-1928-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Adams, Solon M. Barret, J. W.  
Anderson, F. H.   
Barret, Mary B.   
Barret, S. S., Mrs   

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