List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1900-055

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1900-055

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Smith, Sarah Swift, James  
Swift, Frances   
Swift, James   

Case File Number: 109-1900-056

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Ann Dickinson, Ann E.  
Dickinson, Charles Dickinson, Charles C.  
Robinson, Ann T. Dickinson, Charles M.  
Robinson, William A. Dickinson, Charles M.  
 Dickinson, Charles M.  
 Dickinson, Christina  
 Dickinson, Delia H.  
 Dickinson, Griffith  
 Dickinson, John  
 Dickinson, John F.  
 Dickinson, Mary E.  
 Dickinson, Ralph  
 Dickinson, Ralph  
 Dickinson, Robert P.  
 Dickinson, Robert P.  
 Dickinson, Robert P.  
 Gunter, Enos F.  
 Gunter, Jane Dickinson  
 Gunter, John M.  
 Gunter, Mary J.  
 Kennedy, Susan Ann Gunter  
 Mcgehee, Charles  
 Mcgehee, Martha A.  
 Moore, Frank  
 Moore, Permelia Gunter  
 Murray, Henry W.  
 Nuckolls, Joseph L.  
 Nuckolls, Willie  
 Trice, Alfred W.  
 Trice, Benjamin F.  
 Trice, Dabney A.  
 Trice, Delia H.  
 Trice, Frances A.  
 Trice, John L.  
 Tricke, Andrew J.  
 Whitlock, Barthlomew  
 Whitlock, Martha A.  

Case File Number: 109-1900-057

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Robinson, Simeon Robinson, Edmonia Richardson  

Case File Number: 109-1900-058

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gooch, Miletus T. Davis, Joseph  
Seargeant, Chapman Harris, Harriet Amanda  
 Hunter, David M.  
 Mills, James L., Dr  
 Perkins, Joseph H.  
 Quarles, Charles, Dr  
 Richardson, James H.  
 Saunders, Daniel A.  
 Saunders, H. Bolling, Capt  
 Saunders, Jennie  
 Seargeant, Louisa A.  
 Seargeant, Nathaniel  
 Waldrop, Thomas G.  

Case File Number: 109-1900-059

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Moss, Robert F. Sims, Denia D.  
Sims, Garland Sims, Edward N.  
 Sims, John  
 Sims, Thomas J.  
 Sims, Virginia A L.  
 Sims, Virginia Lee  
 Sims, William H.  
 Walton, Bessie  
 Walton, John  

Case File Number: 109-1900-060

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Moss, Robert F., Jr Cook, Ann E Moss  
Moss, Robert F., Sr Cook, John S.  
Parrish, Elvira Moss, Frances A.  
Parrish, Humphrey J. Moss, Frances J.  
 Moss, Julia A.  
 Moss, Malvina C.  
 Moss, Martha G.  
 Moss, Robert F., Sr  
 Moss, Samuel N.  
 Moss, Thomas O.  
 Quisenberry, James  

Case File Number: 109-1900-061

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Richards, James Hawkins, Edward P.  
Richards, Lucy Jane Hawkins, Marth J Thompson  
Thompson, Richard A., Capt Jennings, Charles Carter  
 Jennings, Mary A Thompson  
 Jennings, Robert  
 Jennings, Susan Thompson  
 Mcdonald, Lot H.  
 Sims, David  
 Thompson, Edmund  
 Thompson, John M.  
 Thompson, Richard  
 Thompson, Richard A., Capt  
 Thompson, William  
 Thompson, William  

Case File Number: 109-1900-062

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Johnson, Camillus Johnson, Camillus  
Johnson, Robert Johnson, Mary  
Thompson, Robert G. Johnson, Robert  
 Johnson, William  
 Lawson, Emma Johnson  
 Thomas, Alice Johnson  

Case File Number: 109-1900-063

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gary, William O. Goode, William H., Dr  
Harlow, Philip H. Hambleton, A. M.  
Kent, James M. Harlow, Maria N.  
Perkins, James A. Harlow, Philip H.  
Shepherd, Albin Harlow, Richard  
Shepherd, Thomas Harlow, Richard F.  
 Harlow, Thomas  
 Perkins, Major P.  
 Smith, Mary A Harlow  
 Winston, Frank V M  

Case File Number: 109-1900-064

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Poore, Clinton A. Poore, Hessie J.  
Poore, Jack T. Poore, Nannie T.  
Poore, Rhonie E. Poore, Smith W.  
Poore, W. L. Porter, Lou C.  
Poore, William N. Porter, Robert E.  
 Ruffner, James D.  
 Ruffner, Sally Poore  

Case File Number: 109-1900-065

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Reed, George Reed, Lucy Barcus Barcus

Case File Number: 109-1900-066

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Johnson, George Payne, Alexander  
Payne, Emma Chiles   

Case File Number: 109-1900-067

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Strange, John B., Col Bowen, Thomas C.  
Tutwiler, Thomas H. Garrett, A.  
 Garrett, Alexander  
 Garrett, Elizabeth A.  
 Garrett, Evelina B.  
 Garrett, George  
 Garrett, John B.  
 Garrett, John B.  
 Garrett, Mary R.  
 Garrett, Nancy H.  
 Jones, Horace W.  
 Jones, Susan J.  
 Macon, L. S.  
 Omohundro, Margaret  
 Omohundro, R. F.  
 Philips, E. W.  
 Phillips, Richard S.  
 Phillips, Richard S.  
 Pretlow, Claressa J.  
 Pretlow, Dr  
 Pretlow, Thomas J.  
 Southall, Martha  
 Southall, Veil  
 Strange, Agnes  
 Strange, Agnes B.  
 Strange, Agnes G.  
 Strange, Beverly  
 Strange, Bowie  
 Strange, Temple  
 Tudor, Ethelene Phillips  
 Tudor, James R.  
 Wood, Drury  

Case File Number: 109-1900-068

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Shelton, James B. Anderson, Garland M.  
Shelton, John B. Anderson, M. C.  
Shelton, Massey Argyle, Edward  
 Argyle, Mary L.  
 Berrien, M. S.  
 Gooch, Miletus T.  
 Holman, Henry  
 Holman, Mary K.  
 Parson, William A.  
 Patton, Sarah E Shelton  
 Shelton, J F F.  
 Shelton, Massey  
 Woodson, John E.  
 Woodson, Sarah M.  

Case File Number: 109-1900-069

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
A. William Anderson, Ella K.  
Ann Martha Anderson, Mathew A.  
E Edmonia Chick, Susan M.  
Gammon, Maria Louisa Wash Chick, Victoria  
W Richard Dandridge, John R.  
Walton, William G. Doswell, George W.  
Wash, Edmund Doswell, George W.  
Wash, James C. Duggins, Ellen Wiltshire  
Wash, Lucius E. Duggins, Joseph H.  
Wash, Nancy Duke, Ann Elizabeth Walton  
Wash, Richard C. Duke, Jabez  
Wash, Thomas N. Gammon, Emily D Wash  
 Gammon, Jefferson D.  
 Gammon, Martha Ann Wash  
 Gentry, Marcellus  
 Gentry, Maria Louisa  
 Gooch, Miletus T.  
 Gooch, Miletus T.  
 Johnson, William T.  
 Vaughan, Edwin  
 Walton, Benjamin  
 Walton, Joel W.  
 Walton, Molly E.  
 Walton, Sarah A.  
 Walton, William G.  
 Walton, William James  
 Walton, William S.  
 Wash, Alice  
 Wash, Alphonso A.  
 Wash, Atwood  
 Wash, Elinor  
 Wash, Francis  
 Wash, James C.  
 Wash, John  
 Wash, Lucius E.  
 Wash, Nancy  
 Wash, Nathaniel H.  
 Wash, Thomas E.  
 Wash, William  
 Wash, William  
 Wash, William A.  
 Wiltshire, Richard Lewis  
 Wiltshire, Virginia E.  

Case File Number: 109-1900-072

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Coates, Addison Bowles, George K.  
Coates, Joseph Bowles, Willie A.  
Coates, Mary L. Coates, Carrie  
Pendleton, S. T. Coates, Dianna M.  
Pendleton, Sallie Evelina Coates Coates, Elaine  
 Coates, Isla  
 Coates, Raliegh  
 Coates, Stapleton  

Case File Number: 109-1900-073

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Call, Manfred Arnett, A. D.  
Davenport & Morris   
Davenport, Griffin B.   
Davenport, Isaac, Jr   
Morris, John M.   
Morris, Junius A.   
Perkins, V. L.   
Watts, George, Sr   

Case File Number: 109-1900-074

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
May, J. Newton Poindexter, William H.  

Case File Number: 109-1900-075

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Vaughan, B. E. Anderson, Frank H.  
Vaughan, Harriet D. Irby, W. J.  
 Johnson, Charles H.  
 Johnson, Charles H., Jr  
 Johnson, Malinda E.  
 Johnson, William J.  

Case File Number: 109-1900-076

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thurston, William Q. Thurston, Allen H.  
 Thurston, Angie A.  
 Thurston, Clayton W.  
 Thurston, Gillena B.  
 Thurston, Levy  
 Thurston, Linnie M V  
 Thurston, Mary A.  
 Thurston, Mitchell A.  
 Thurston, Mitchell E.  
 Thurston, Sarah M.  
 Thurston, William  
 Thurston, William  

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