Louisa County, Va. Index to Probate Records

Last Updated on: 9/9/2020 6:55:36 PM

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!

As I have time, I will add the context following the name (i.e. Exor., Child, Spouse, etc.)

Lasley, J. B.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 14-442
Lasley, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 4-127
Lassiter, H. A.; (Witness); Book/Page: 17-201
Laurance, Elizabeth; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-43
Laurance, Elizabeth; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-22
Laurance, Elizabeth; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-23
Laurance, Henry; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-43
Laurance, Henry; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-472
Laurance, Henry; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-23
Laurance, Henry; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-22
Laurance, Henry; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-583
Laurance, Jas.; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-583
Laurance, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-22
Laurance, William; (Security); Book/Page: 3-583
Laurence, Henry; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-472
Lawrence, H.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-462
Lawrence, Henry; (Bond); Book/Page: 5-496
Lawrence, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 4-18
Lawrence, Mary Ann; (Witness); Book/Page: 4-18
Lawrence, Patsy; (Neighbor); Book/Page: ?-0
Lea, John; (Security); Book/Page: 3-92
Lea, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-397
Lefaun, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-324
Levy, Alexander; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 19-383
Levy, Arabella W.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-444
Levy, Wyatt; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 8-382
Lewis, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 6-0
Lewis, Charles; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 10-351
Lewis, James H.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 6-0
Lewis, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-267
Lewis, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-0
Lewis, Lucy R.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 6-0
Lewis, Mary M.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-396
Lewis, Mary M.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-517
Lewis, Waller; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-530
Lewis, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-26
Lindsay, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 12-578
Lindsay, Landon; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-331
Lindsay, Reuben; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-331
Lipscomb, America W.; (Child); Book/Page: 13-384
Lipscomb, Ann E.; (Child); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, Areianna; (Child); Book/Page: 9-392
Lipscomb, David; (Friend); Book/Page: 5-646
Lipscomb, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, David; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-552
Lipscomb, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, Dianna; (Child); Book/Page: 8-179
Lipscomb, Frances; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-7
Lipscomb, Frances T.; (Child); Book/Page: 13-384
Lipscomb, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-77
Lipscomb, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-7
Lipscomb, Henry; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-446
Lipscomb, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-627
Lipscomb, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-179
Lipscomb, John; (Testator); Book/Page: ?-179
Lipscomb, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-627
Lipscomb, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 13-384
Lipscomb, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 9-392
Lipscomb, Leroy; (Child); Book/Page: 9-392
Lipscomb, Lucy B.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 4-133
Lipscomb, Mary Bickerton; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 13-67
Lipscomb, Moses; (Child); Book/Page: 13-384
Lipscomb, Nancy; (Child); Book/Page: 8-7
Lipscomb, Nancy; (Intestator); Book/Page: 17-777
Lipscomb, Nathan; (Child); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, Robert; (Child); Book/Page: 8-179
Lipscomb, Robert A.; (Child); Book/Page: 13-384
Lipscomb, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 12-578
Lipscomb, Waddy; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-392
Lipscomb, Waddy; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-391
Lipscomb, Waddy; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-511
Lipscomb, Waddy; (Child); Book/Page: 8-179
Lipscomb, William; (Admx); Book/Page: 6-183
Lipscomb, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-374
Lipscomb, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-284
Lipscomb, William T.; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-384
Lipscomb, William T.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-7
Lipscomb, Wyatt; (Child); Book/Page: 8-179
Lipscombe, Frans.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-248
Lispcomb, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-538
Lispcomb, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-538
Locknane, Sally Jennings; (Child); Book/Page: 6-160
Louisa, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Loving, George W.; (Child); Book/Page: 17-734
Loving, Henrietta; (Child); Book/Page: 15-144
Loving, Isabella; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-734
Loving, Lewis W.; (Child); Book/Page: 17-734
Loving, Richard D.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-734
Loving, Richard S.; (Child); Book/Page: 17-734
Loving, William H.; (Witness); Book/Page: 15-144
Lowry, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 4-79
Loyall, Frances; (Child); Book/Page: 11-267
Loyall, Frances; (Child); Book/Page: 11-267
Lucas, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 4-137
Luck, J. B.; (Witness); Book/Page: AA-152
Luck, Tarlton B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-127
Lucy, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Lucy, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 5-393
Lumsden, Geo.; (Witness); Book/Page: ?-0
Lumsden, Geo.; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-71
Lumsden, Geo.; (Security); Book/Page: 3-118
Lumsden, Geo.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-44
Lumsden, George; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-152
Lumsden, George; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-1
Lynch, Penelope; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 1-31
Lynch, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 1-31
Mackgehee, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-44
Maddison, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 3-52
Mallory, Charles T.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, Charles T.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, D. W.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Dillard W.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Dillard W.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Dillard W.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Eliz. R.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, Eliza; (Child); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, Fleming; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-235
Mallory, Fleming; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Frances; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-480
Mallory, Frances; (Child); Book/Page: 6-208
Mallory, George W.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: Z-244
Mallory, H.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Henry; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-119
Mallory, Henry; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-193
Mallory, Henry; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-198
Mallory, Ichabod; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-208
Mallory, Jesse H.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, Jesse H.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, Jesse H.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: Z-244
Mallory, John; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 6-208
Mallory, John; (Relative); Book/Page: 6-480
Mallory, John B.; (Relative); Book/Page: 19-85
Mallory, John F.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, John W.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-325
Mallory, Joseph H.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: Z-244
Mallory, Judith; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Judith O.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Judith O.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Louisanna Virginia; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Louisanna Virginia; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Mahala D.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Mahala D.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Moriah F.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Moriah F.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Nancy; (Spouse); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, Nancy; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, Patrick H.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Patrick H.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Polley M.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Polley M.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Rebecca; (Spouse); Book/Page: 7-193
Mallory, Ro.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-275
Mallory, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-487
Mallory, Robert T.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Robert T.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Roger; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-246
Mallory, Roger; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-66
Mallory, Roger; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-246
Mallory, Roger; (Relative); Book/Page: 6-480
Mallory, Roger; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-208
Mallory, Sally; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Sally; (Child); Book/Page: 7-193
Mallory, Sally; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Sally; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Sally; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Sally D.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Sally D.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 6-208
Mallory, Susanna; (Child); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, Susanna; (Child); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, Susanna Taylor; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Susanna Taylor; (Child); Book/Page: 5-419
Mallory, Susannah; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
Mallory, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-56
Mallory, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 6-208
Mallory, Thomas; (Intestator); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-206
Mallory, Thomas; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 6-68
Mallory, Thomas G.; (Child); Book/Page: 5-164
Mallory, Thomas G.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-164
Mallory, William; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-218
Mallory, William; (Relative); Book/Page: 6-480
Mann, Thomas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
Mansfield, Ann F.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-325
Mansfield, Anna F.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-538
Mansfield, Anna F.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-538
Mansfield, Anne D.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-538
Mansfield, Anne D.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-538
Mansfield, E. S.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 17-325
Mansfield, Edward S.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-526
Mansfield, Edward S.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-395
Mansfield, Edward S.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-395
Mansfield, Edward S.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-526
Mansfield, F. B.; (Child); Book/Page: 17-325
Mansfield, John G.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-395
Mansfield, John G.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-146
Mansfield, John G.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-403
Mansfield, John G.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-146
Mansfield, John G.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-403
Mansfield, John G.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-395
Mansfield, Joseph A.; (Friend); Book/Page: 14-4
Mansfield, Mary B.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-558
Mansfield, Mary B.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-526
Mansfield, Mary B.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-558
Mansfield, Mary B.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-395
Mansfield, Mary B.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-395
Mansfield, Mary B.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-526
Mansfield, Mary E.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-526
Mansfield, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-403
Mansfield, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-216
Mansfield, William; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-449
Mansfield, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-325
Mansfield, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-403
Mansfield, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-146
Mansfield, William D.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-540
Mansfield, William D.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-216
Mansfield, William D.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Mansfield, William D.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Mansfield, William D.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-146
Mansfield, William D.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-146
Mansfield, William D.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-540
Mansfield, William D.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-325
Mantlo, Rich. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-580
Margarett, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Maria, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Marigoal, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 6-0
Marshall, James T.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 17-343
Marshall, John; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 11-220
Marshall, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-366
Marshall, John R.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 17-163
Martin, Ann; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-31
Martin, Ann; (Dau-In-Law); Book/Page: 6-208
Martin, Henry; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 2-95
Martin, JNO.T.A.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Martin, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7?-0
Martin, Joseph; (); Book/Page: 2-198
Martin, Mallory; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 6-208
Martin, Thos.; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-31
Martin, William; (); Book/Page: 2-198
Mary, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 6-0
Mary, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Mason, Richard; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-365
Massey, A. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: AA-152
Massey, Alexander W.; (Testator); Book/Page: BB-330
Massey, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 3-182
Massey, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-268
Massey, Benjamin F.; (Child); Book/Page: AA-152
Massey, Benjamin S.; (Testator); Book/Page: AA-152
Massey, C. Rosser; (Child); Book/Page: BB-330
Massey, Eliza M.; (Child); Book/Page: I-208
Massey, Ella Maude; (Child); Book/Page: BB-330
Massey, Fanny Overton; (Spouse); Book/Page: 6-268
Massey, Fountain Mesheck Walker; (Child); Book/Page: 6-268
Massey, George; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-80
Massey, Huldah; (Spouse); Book/Page: AA-152
Massey, J. Wallace; (Child); Book/Page: BB-330
Massey, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Massey, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Massey, John F.; (Child); Book/Page: AA-152
Massey, John P.; (Child); Book/Page: I-208
Massey, Lucy; (Spouse); Book/Page: I-208
Massey, Lucy M.; (Spouse); Book/Page: BB-330
Massey, Thomas C.; (Testator); Book/Page: I-208
Massey, William H.; (Child); Book/Page: AA-152
Massie, Jobez; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-155
Massie, John, Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-417
Massie, William; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-608
Matilda, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 6-0
Matlock, Ann; (Spouse); Book/Page: 3-103
Matlock, George; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-149
Matlock, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-103
Matlock, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-70
Matlock, Zachariah; (Child); Book/Page: 3-103
Matthews, Elizabeth; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 4-135
Matthews, Sharod; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-397
Maupaine, Milley; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
May, Allen; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, James; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Jane; (Spouse); Book/Page: 9-261
May, Jno. S.; (Admx); Book/Page: 9-351
May, Jno. S.; (Admx); Book/Page: 9-261
May, Joel; (Bond); Book/Page: 5-496
May, Joel; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-261
May, Joel; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-218
May, Joel; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-351
May, John G.; (Relative); Book/Page: 22-341
May, John S.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 9-261
May, Linda; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Lucy; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-394
May, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-496
May, Noel; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, P. P.; (Witness); Book/Page: 19-292
May, Sallie A.; (Relative); Book/Page: 22-341
May, Saml.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Saml.; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-462
May, Saml.; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-16
May, Saml.; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-181
May, Samuel; (Admx); Book/Page: 4-135
May, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-368
May, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-394
May, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-496
May, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-395
May, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-511
May, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-514
May, Squire; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-344
May, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-356
Mayo, Jacob; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-61
Mayo, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-62
Mayo, James Sr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-61
Mayo, Robert; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-61
Mayo, Robert; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-62
McAllister, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 3-288
McComb, Nannie H.; (Child); Book/Page: 18-429
McComb, William; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 19-359
McComb, Wm. M.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 18-429
McCullock, John; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 3-446
McDaniel, Sally; (Child); Book/Page: 14-264
McGehe, William; (); Book/Page: 5-205
McGehee, Agness; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, Augustine; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, Carr; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, Carr; (Child); Book/Page: 7-363
McGehee, Dabney; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, Dillard; (Child); Book/Page: 7-363
McGehee, Dillard; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, Dillard; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-426
McGehee, Dillard; (Exor.); Book/Page: 8-69
McGehee, Edward; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-132
McGehee, Edward; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, Edward L.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, Edward N.; (Child); Book/Page: 12-443
McGehee, Frances; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-449
McGehee, Frances; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-131
McGehee, Garret C.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 8-69
McGehee, Garret C.; (Child); Book/Page: 7-363
McGehee, Garrett C.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-426
McGehee, Garrett C.; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, Garrett C.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
McGehee, Garrett C.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
McGehee, George D.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-441
McGehee, J. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 19-292
McGehee, John; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-86
McGehee, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-363
McGehee, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-69
McGehee, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-426
McGehee, John S.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-363
McGehee, John S.; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, John S.; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-594
McGehee, John, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, Louisa Ann; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 7-64
McGehee, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, Mary R.; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-594
McGehee, Nathl. M.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-356
McGehee, Nathl. M.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 8-208
McGehee, Oswald; (Admx); Book/Page: 11-131
McGehee, Oswald; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-448
McGehee, Oswald; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-508
McGehee, Oswald; (Admx); Book/Page: 11-132
McGehee, Oswald; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-220
McGehee, Oswell; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-443
McGehee, Richard; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 8-250
McGehee, Richard; (Inventory); Book/Page: 8-208
McGehee, Richard; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-203
McGehee, Richd.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-356
McGehee, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, William; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 6-0
McGehee, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
McGehee, William; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 5-205
McGehee, William; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-594
McGehee, William W.; (Admx); Book/Page: 11-594
McGehee, Wm.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 17-343
Meghee, Elizabeth L.; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-431
Melton, Elisha; (Witness); Book/Page: 13-180
Melton, Elisha; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-234
Melton, Elisha; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 7-426
Melton, Ostler; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-220
Melton, W. J.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 20-559
Melton, W. J.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 21-44
Merdith, William, Dr.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-160
Meredith, C. Q.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-264
Meredith, C. Q.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
Meredith, Ellen; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
Meredith, Ellen; (Child); Book/Page: 19-264
Meredith, James T.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
Meredith, John W.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
Meredith, L. E.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-264

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