Louisa County, Va. Index to Probate Records
Last Updated on: 9/9/2020 6:55:36 PM
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!
As I have time, I will add the context following the name (i.e. Exor., Child, Spouse, etc.)
Hall, M.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 14-442
Hall, Milly; (Child); Book/Page: 7-152
Hall, Simeon; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-146
Hall, Simeon; (Inventory); Book/Page: 12-508
Hall, Susan; (Child); Book/Page: 14-306
Ham, Harriet; (Child); Book/Page: 14-370
Hambleton, Ann; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-237
Hambleton, David; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-1
Hambleton, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-228
Hambleton, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-133
Hambleton, Mary; (Testator); Book/Page: 18-218
Hambleton, Wm. V. M.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-228
Hamilton, David; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-228
Hamilton, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-137
Hamilton, Sarah; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-137
Hamilton, William V. M.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-624
Hamilton, William V. M.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-561
Hancock, Larkin B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-267
Hancock, Mary L.; (Relative); Book/Page: 21-302
Hancock, P. B.; (Relative); Book/Page: 21-302
Hanley, R.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 4-38
Hannah, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 6-0
Hardee, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 14-178
Hardin, Ann; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-572
Hardin, Ann Anderson; (Child); Book/Page: 5-206
Hardin, Thomas; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-208
Hardin, Thomas; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-572
Hardwick, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 2-386
Harlow, Jesse W.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 14-187
Harper, Barbara; (Child); Book/Page: 14-306
Harper, Calvin; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 14-306
Harper, Mahala C.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 14-306
Harrett, Sally; (Legatee); Book/Page: 4-13
Harriett, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Harris, Amelia; (Child); Book/Page: 5-243
Harris, Ann T.; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-594
Harris, Barbara; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-62
Harris, Benja.; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-549
Harris, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-128
Harris, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Benjamin; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 2-474
Harris, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-142
Harris, Benjamin F.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Bernard Dudley; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 5-646
Harris, Betsy; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-62
Harris, Betsy; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-622
Harris, Catharine; (Child); Book/Page: 5-243
Harris, Catharine S.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 6-156
Harris, Catharine S.; (Relative); Book/Page: 7-127
Harris, Cyrus; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-62
Harris, David; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-137
Harris, E. T.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-128
Harris, Elias T.; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-471
Harris, Elias T.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Elizabeth; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-622
Harris, Elizabeth P.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Frederick; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 10-6
Harris, Frederick; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-151
Harris, Frederick; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-127
Harris, Frederick; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-125
Harris, Frederick; (Witness); Book/Page: ?-0
Harris, Fredk., Jr.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Harris, Geo.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 8-64
Harris, George; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-16
Harris, George; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-125
Harris, George; (Admx); Book/Page: 6-183
Harris, H. F.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 21-323
Harris, H. Hiter; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 21-323
Harris, Isabella; (Child); Book/Page: 5-646
Harris, James L.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, James L.; (Admx); Book/Page: 12-142
Harris, Jane O.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Jesse; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-243
Harris, Jesse; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-257
Harris, Jesse; (Intestator); Book/Page: 5-279
Harris, Lewis; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-628
Harris, Lewis; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-628
Harris, Lewis M.; (Witness); Book/Page: 14-4
Harris, M. H.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-325
Harris, Martha L.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Mary J.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, May; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-449
Harris, Micajah; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 4-135
Harris, Nathan; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Harris, Nathan; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Harris, Nicholas; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-79
Harris, Overton; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-545
Harris, Polly; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-243
Harris, Robert; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 18-218
Harris, Samuel C.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 18-218
Harris, Sarah; (Spouse); Book/Page: 11-534
Harris, Sarah E.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 19-471
Harris, Thomas B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 12-491
Harris, Thomas B.; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-62
Harris, William; (Inventory); Book/Page: 2-303
Harris, William; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 5-44
Harris, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-135
Harris, William O.; (Admx); Book/Page: 10-142
Harris, William O.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-622
Harris, William Spiller; (Child); Book/Page: 5-243
Harris, William W.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-62
Harris, Wingfield; (Witness); Book/Page: ?-0
Harris, Wm.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 18-218
Harris, Wm. O.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Harris, Wm. O.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 12-31
Harry, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Hart, Robert, Jr.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-538
Hart, Robert, Jr.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-538
Harvie, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-244
Hasher, William T.; (Witness); Book/Page: 14-115
Hasker, Wm. T.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 14-187
Hasten, Lewis; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 8-250
Hatcher, Sarah; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-22
Hawkins, E.P.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-538
Hawkins, E.P.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-538
Hearn, Dr.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-511
Henderson, Daniel; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 2-379
Henderson, John, Jr.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-244
Hendrick, James; (Legatee); Book/Page: 4-13
Hendrick, James; (Mentioned); Book/Page: ?-4
Hendrick, Keziah; (Mentioned); Book/Page: ?-4
Hensley, Obediah; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-237
Henson, B. A.; (Witness); Book/Page: 19-143
Henson, Benjamin; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 6-0
Henson, Samuel; (Witness); Book/Page: 4-3
Herndon, Joseph; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Herndon, Joseph; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Heron, James; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 4-137
Herring, Oscar; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 15-470
Herring, Polly; (Child); Book/Page: 8-235
Herring, Wilson; (Bond); Book/Page: 11-396
Herring, Wilson; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 8-235
Hester, Abraham; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Abraham; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Anne; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Anne; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Barbara; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Barbara; (Spouse); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Charles; (); Book/Page: 2-239
Hester, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Eliza; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Francis; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Francis; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 2-239
Hester, Fras.; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, James; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, James; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Jas.; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Nathan; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Hester, Susanah; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Hester, Susanna; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Heyatt, Sally; (Legatee); Book/Page: 4-13
Hiatt, Sarah; (Mentioned); Book/Page: ?-4
Hiatt, Stephen; (Mentioned); Book/Page: ?-4
Hickerson, John; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-286
Hickman, David E.; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 6-0
Hicks, F., Mr.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-517
Hicks, George; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-363
Hicks, Lucy; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
Hicks, Lucy; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-363
Hicks, Peawid; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-517
Hicks, Pewed; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-518
Hicks, Pewed; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-517
Hicks, William F.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-518
Higgason, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-114
Higgason, Benjamin; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-463
Higgason, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-585
Higgason, Benjamin; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-463
Higgason, Benjamin; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-531
Higgason, Charles; (mentioned); Book/Page: 4-149
Higgason, George; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-419
Higgason, George; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-419
Higgason, Jane; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-531
Higgason, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-463
Higgason, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-1
Higgason, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-286
Higgason, John, Jr.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-463
Higgason, Moses; (mentioned); Book/Page: 4-149
Higgason, Temperance; (Child); Book/Page: 10-308
Hill, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-63
Hill, Samuel; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-347
Hines, Nelson S.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-322
Hiter, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 12-219
Hiter, Hugh; (Child); Book/Page: 12-219
Hiter, James; (Child); Book/Page: 12-219
Hiter, Jane; (Spouse); Book/Page: 12-219
Hiter, William; (Child); Book/Page: 12-219
Hiter, William Y.; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-219
Hix, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 1-54
Hix, Pewed; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-507
Hix, Pewed; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-507
Hix, Pewit; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Hix, Temperance; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-198
Hogan, Wm.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Hogard, Temple; (Relative); Book/Page: 18-27
Hogard, Temple Gordon; (Relative); Book/Page: 18-27
Hoge, Elder P. C.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 15-144
Hoggard, Andrew; (Relative); Book/Page: 18-27
Hoggard, Deliah; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-164
Hoggard, Jesse; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-500
Hoggard, Jesse; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-164
Hoggard, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-164
Hoggard, M. S.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 19-143
Hoggard, Mary M.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 18-27
Hoggard, Merewether S.; (Testator); Book/Page: 18-27
Hoggerd, Austin; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-228
Holladay, Agnes; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-0
Holladay, Daniel; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-0
Holladay, Sarah K.; (Relative); Book/Page: 19-85
Holland, Christopher; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-572
Holland, Frances; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-572
Holland, George; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-32
Holland, Sarah; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-32
Hollins, Benjamin; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-244
Hollins, Nancy; (Neighbor); Book/Page: ?-0
Hollins, Richard; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-531
Hollins, Richard; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-114
Hollins, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-315
Hollins, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-152
Hollum, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 5-206
Holmand, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-162
Honeyman, Dr. Robert; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-111
Honeyman, Robt.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-81
Honeyman, Robt.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-81
Hope, Stephen T.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-193
Hopkins, A. G.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, Albert G.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, Anderson; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, Anderson; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-192
Hopkins, Anderson; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, Ann A.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-771
Hopkins, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-472
Hopkins, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-26
Hopkins, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-214
Hopkins, C. B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 12-162
Hopkins, Charles B.; (settlement); Book/Page: 9-214
Hopkins, Charles B.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-26
Hopkins, Charles E.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, Charles E.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Elizabeth; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Elizabeth Walker; (Child); Book/Page: 12-162
Hopkins, James P.; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-162
Hopkins, James P.; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-176
Hopkins, Jas. p; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-26
Hopkins, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 7-301
Hopkins, John R.; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-442
Hopkins, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-3
Hopkins, Joseph, Jr.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Joseph, Jr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-456
Hopkins, Joseph, Jr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-455
Hopkins, Joseph, Jr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Judith; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, Judith J.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, Kitty; (Relative); Book/Page: 9-355
Hopkins, Kitty; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, Kitty A.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, Lund; (Child); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Lund; (Child); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Mary Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 12-162
Hopkins, Mrs. Susan; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 14-442
Hopkins, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Seamour S.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, Seymour; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, Susannah; (Child); Book/Page: 2-451
Hopkins, Susannah P.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 12-162
Hopkins, William J.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-418
Hopkins, William J.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-38
Hopkins, William J.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-355
Houchins, Abner; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-69
Houchins, Abner; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-491
Houchins, Ann; (Spouse); Book/Page: 12-491
Houchins, Ann M.; (Testator); Book/Page: 15-298
Houchins, Edward; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-215
Houchins, Ellison; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Houchins, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-218
Houchins, Francis, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-215
Hudgins, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 3-485
Hudgins, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 3-340
Hudson, David; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 2-43
Hughe, Joshua; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-485
Hughes, Billey; (Child); Book/Page: 5-205
Hughes, Billy; (Child); Book/Page: 3-340
Hughes, Calvin; (Intestator); Book/Page: 24-57
Hughes, David; (Intestator); Book/Page: 3-340
Hughes, David; (Child); Book/Page: 5-205
Hughes, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-485
Hughes, John J.; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-197
Hughes, Joshua; (Child); Book/Page: 3-340
Hughes, Joshua; (Child); Book/Page: 5-205
Hughes, Molly; (Child); Book/Page: 5-205
Hughes, Nancy; (Intestator); Book/Page: 5-525
Hughes, Sucky; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-485
Hughes, Sucky; (Child); Book/Page: 3-340
Hughes, Suky; (Child); Book/Page: 5-205
Hughes, William; (Security); Book/Page: 2-286
Hughes, William; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-485
Hughes, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-123
Hughes, William; (Intestator); Book/Page: 5-205
Hughes, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-123
Hughes, Wm.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Hughs, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, A. S.; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-531
Hughson, Angelina; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-559
Hughson, Bettie E.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 20-559
Hughson, Bettie E.; (Testator); Book/Page: 21-44
Hughson, Ellis; (Testator); Book/Page: 18-98
Hughson, Ellis; (Child); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, James; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-591
Hughson, James; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, John; (Intestator); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, Lucy; (Spouse); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, Nathaniel; (Child); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, Nathaniel; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-110
Hughson, Rosa C.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 13-110
Hughson, Rosanna; (Testator); Book/Page: 15-259
Hughson, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: 6-79
Hughson, Samuel; (Intestator); Book/Page: 20-559
Hughson, Samuel; (Admx); Book/Page: 10-85
Hughson, Thomas R.; (Testator); Book/Page: 22-62
Hughson, W. R.; (Testator); Book/Page: 23-103
Hughson, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Hughson, William; (Intestator); Book/Page: 11-316
Hughson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 6-79
Humphrey, Chapman; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-479
Humphrey, Chapman; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-463
Humphrey, Chapman; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-493
Humphrey, Cornelius; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 2-386
Humphrey, David; (Child); Book/Page: 14-370
Humphrey, Elijah; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-493
Humphrey, John; (Spouse); Book/Page: 14-370
Humphrey, Mary; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-370
Humphrey, Mildred; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-386
Humphrey, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 2-386
Humphrey, William; (Child); Book/Page: 14-370
Hundley, Margaret; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 9-261
Hunt, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 14-29
Hunter, Andrew; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Andrew; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Daniel M.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 15-310
Hunter, David M.; (Relative); Book/Page: 14-29
Hunter, David M.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-228
Hunter, George; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-659
Hunter, George; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-310
Hunter, George; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, George; (Relative); Book/Page: 14-29
Hunter, George; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-52
Hunter, George; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Jno.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-480
Hunter, John; (Relative); Book/Page: 14-29
Hunter, John; (Friend); Book/Page: 14-1
Hunter, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-131
Hunter, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-383
Hunter, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7?-0
Hunter, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 14-396
Hunter, John, Jr.; (Relative); Book/Page: 18-429
Hunter, John, Jr.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 19-85
Hunter, John, Jr.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-383
Hunter, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 2-386
Hunter, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Peter; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Peter; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Stephen; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Stephen; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 2-386
Hunter, Stephen; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, Stephen; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-396
Hunter, Stephen; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-310
Hunter, W. D.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-365
Hunter, William; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, William; (Relative); Book/Page: 14-29
Hunter, William; (Child); Book/Page: 2-7
Hunter, William D.; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-131
Hutcheson, Eliza.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-129
Indianna, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 10-39
Irby, Rufus; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Isbel, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Isbell, Christopher; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-192
Isbell, Christopher; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-261
Isbell, Joseph; (Witness); Book/Page: 4-86
Isbell, Ro. H.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Jackson, Chas.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 3-552
Jackson, Elisha; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 9-235
Jackson, Elisha; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-235
Jackson, Ellen R.; (Child); Book/Page: 20-32
Jackson, Harry; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 20-32
Jackson, Henry; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 20-32
Jackson, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-160
Jackson, Thomas; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-67
Jackson, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 10-308
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