Louisa County, Va. Index to Probate Records
Last Updated on: 9/9/2020 6:55:36 PM
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!
As I have time, I will add the context following the name (i.e. Exor., Child, Spouse, etc.)
Boxley, Joseph C.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-140
Boxley, Joseph C., Sr.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-561
Boxley, Pallison; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Boxley, Pallison; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Boxley, Patteson; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-530
Boxley, T.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 5-257
Boxley, Thomas; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-243
Boxley, Thomas; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-279
Boxley, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-315
Brack, George; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 1-29
Brackett, Thomas; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 5-135
Brackman, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-18
Bracks, George; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 1-29
Bradburn, Mary; (Legatee); Book/Page: 2-453
Bradburn, William; (Legatee); Book/Page: 2-453
Bradley, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 2-162
Bragg, John L.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-393
Branham, Geo. H.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 19-359
Branham, Ludw.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-95
Bransford, Elizabeth; (Relative); Book/Page: 19-85
Braurn, Mary; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-453
Braurn, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-453
Brazeil, U.; (Relative); Book/Page: ?-0
Brice, A.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-26
Brice, B. B.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 14-442
Brockman, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Brockman, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-90
Brockman, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Brockman, Kathleen; (Child); Book/Page: 24-367
Brockman, Kenneth; (Child); Book/Page: 24-367
Brockman, Mildred; (Child); Book/Page: 24-367
Brockman, S. A.; (Testator); Book/Page: 24-367
Brockman, S. H.; (Child); Book/Page: 24-367
Bronaugh, Thomas; (Admx); Book/Page: ?-0
Bronough, Thomas; (Trustee); Book/Page: 14-22
Brook, Richardson; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 7-193
Brounough, Thomas; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 7-146
Brounough, Thomas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Brounough, Thomas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Brown, Charles; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-40
Brown, Dudley; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-1
Brown, Milton M.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-267
Brown, Milton M.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-361
Bruce, Caty; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
Buck, Elizabeth A.; (Testator); Book/Page: 20-604
Buck, James; (Child); Book/Page: 20-604
Buck, Sally; (Child); Book/Page: 20-604
Buckner, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Aylett; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Aylette; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Jane; (Spouse); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Jane; (Spouse); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Philip; (Testator); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Philip; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, Philip; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Philip; (Intestator); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Philip; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-0
Buckner, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, William; (Child); Book/Page: 1-57
Buckner, William; (Child); Book/Page: 1-0
Buckner, William; (Admx); Book/Page: 2-0
Bullock, Ann; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 11-622
Bullock, D. B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-365
Bullock, David; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 11-220
Bullock, David; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-123
Bullock, David; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-545
Bullock, David; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-205
Bullock, David; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-433
Bullock, Granville; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-422
Bullock, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 2-493
Bullock, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-151
Bullock, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-198
Bullock, Joseph; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
Bumpass, J. T.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 12-508
Bunch, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Anthony; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, David; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-243
Bunch, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, David; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 2-432
Bunch, George; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, George; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-432
Bunch, James; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, James; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, James; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-243
Bunch, James; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Jene; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-243
Bunch, John; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, John; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Judith; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Judith; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Lucreasea; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Nanny; (Legatee); Book/Page: 2-243
Bunch, Nathl.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Paul; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Pouncey; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Pouncy; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-432
Bunch, Saml.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-474
Bunch, Samuel; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-243
Bunch, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Winney; (Child); Book/Page: 2-272
Bunch, Wm.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-243
Burford, Philip; (Exor.); Book/Page: 1-11
Burleigh, Mrs.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 23-491
Burnely, H. M.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 9-235
Burnley, Abner; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 9-235
Burnley, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 9-40
Burnley, Caleb; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-395
Burnley, Hardin; (mentioned); Book/Page: 6-322
Burnley, Henry M.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-267
Burnley, James; (Inventory); Book/Page: 13-237
Burnley, James; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 6-210
Burnley, James G.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 9-40
Burnley, Samuel; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-395
Burnley, Seth; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 9-40
Burnley, Zachariah; (mentioned); Book/Page: 6-322
Burrus, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Burrus, John; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 7-146
Burrus, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-530
Burrus, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 7-146
Burrus, Mary; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-508
Burrus, Mary; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-448
Burrus, Overton; (Admx); Book/Page: 10-508
Burrus, Roger; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-234
Burrus, Roger; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-234
Burrus, Roger; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-90
Burrus, Roger; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-331
Burrus, Roger; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-368
Burruss, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Burruss, Nelson A.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 14-70
Burton, Polly; (Child); Book/Page: 6-344
Butler, Andrew J.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-365
Butler, Austin; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
Butler, C. A.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 19-241
Butler, Catharine; (Child); Book/Page: 14-306
Butler, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: 19-365
Butler, Clayton C.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-306
Butler, Fanny; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-306
Butler, Hez.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 5-363
Butler, Hezekiah; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
Butler, Jane; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
Butler, Jane; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-363
Butler, Lavinia; (Child); Book/Page: 14-306
Butler, Nathan; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-363
Butler, Nathan; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-385
Butler, Patrick; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
Butler, Stephen William; (Child); Book/Page: 19-365
Butler, Susan H.; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-365
Byars, Anna; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Betsey; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Elizabeth; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Fleming; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, George; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, James; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 5-206
Byars, James; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Jemima; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, John; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Lavenia; (Child); Book/Page: 5-580
Byars, Lovenia; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-622
Byars, Lovina; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-80
Byars, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Matthews; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, Salley; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byars, William; (Child); Book/Page: 2-397
Byers, Nathan; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-80
Callis, Mary; (Witness); Book/Page: ?-0
Callis, Mrs.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-127
Callis, W. O.; (Exor.); Book/Page: ?-0
Callis, W. O.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-123
Callis, W. O.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-151
Callis, William O.; (Justice); Book/Page: 3-601
Callis, William O.; (Friend); Book/Page: ?-0
Callis, Wm. O.; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-297
Cammack, John C.; (Justice); Book/Page: 14-363
Cammack, John O.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 19-383
Campbell, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 15-261
Carpenter, Ann; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-325
Carpenter, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-622
Carpenter, Clifton; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Carpenter, Clifton; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, Elijah; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, Frances; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, James Walker; (Child); Book/Page: 14-4
Carpenter, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-325
Carpenter, Jonathan; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, Nancy; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, Philip M.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-4
Carpenter, Polly; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, Richard C.; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 17-93
Carpenter, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Carpenter, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-4
Carpenter, William B.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 14-4
Carr, Dabney; (Security); Book/Page: 2-109
Carr, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-386
Carr, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-386
Carr, T.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 14-442
Carr, Thos; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 1-31
Casedy, John S.; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-203
Cason, Lucy; (Child); Book/Page: 5-44
Cauthorn, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 14-178
Cauthorn, Milleycene; (Exor.); Book/Page: 14-178
Chambers, Harden; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-344
Chambers, Hardin; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-441
Chambers, Lucy; (Legatee); Book/Page: 1-18
Chandler, Alice M.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-383
Chandler, Henry H.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 19-383
Chandler, Leroy; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 9-210
Chandler, Levy; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 14-396
Chandler, Margaret M.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 14-396
Chandler, Sarah Ann; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-517
Chandler, Sarah H.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-396
Chapman, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Charles, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 11-0
Chewining, Jno.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Chewining, Tandy; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-433
Chewning, Anne; (Child); Book/Page: 6?-108
Chewning, Geo.; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-88
Chewning, George; (Intestator); Book/Page: 3-81
Chewning, George; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-81
Chewning, James D.; (Admx); Book/Page: 10-241
Chewning, Jean; (Spouse); Book/Page: 3-81
Chewning, Jean; (Child); Book/Page: 5-81
Chewning, Jean; (Child); Book/Page: 3-81
Chewning, Jesse; (Child); Book/Page: 3-81
Chewning, Jesse; (Child); Book/Page: 5-81
Chewning, John; (Child); Book/Page: 5-588
Chewning, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-588
Chewning, Nancey; (Child); Book/Page: 3-81
Chewning, Nancy; (Child); Book/Page: 5-81
Chewning, Reuben; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-241
Chewning, Reuben; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-143
Chewning, Reuben; (Child); Book/Page: 5-81
Chewning, Reuben; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-95
Chewning, Ruebin; (Child); Book/Page: 3-81
Chewning, Thomas J.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 19-241
Chewning, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-127
Chewning, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-588
Chick, Ambler; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-389
Chick, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-208
Chick, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-389
Chiles, F. W.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-538
Chiles, F. W.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-325
Chiles, F. W.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-538
Chiles, Fendal; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-124
Chiles, Fendol; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-296
Chiles, Henry; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 12-578
Chiles, Henry; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 19-383
Chiles, Henry; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-538
Chiles, Henry; (Legatee); Book/Page: 17-538
Chiles, Isabella P.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-383
Chiles, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-198
Chiles, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-124
Chiles, John; (Intestator); Book/Page: 6-451
Chiles, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-343
Chiles, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-90
Chiles, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 12-578
Chiles, Mary D.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 12-578
Chiles, Polly; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Chiles, Polly; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Chiles, Sarah; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-198
Chiles, W. D.; (Witness); Book/Page: 23-491
Chiles, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-228
Chiles, William; (Relative); Book/Page: 6-90
Chiles, Wm.; (Relative); Book/Page: 6-90
Chisholm, Alexd.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-389
Chisholm, Betsy Price; (Child); Book/Page: 5-389
Christmas, George W.; (commissioners); Book/Page: 10-325
Christmas, Theodosia; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-276
Christmas, Thomas; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-276
Clark, Agnes; (Child); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Ann; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-185
Clark, Ben; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-109
Clark, Benjamin; (Child); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Benjamin; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 3-362
Clark, Benjamin; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-184
Clark, Beverly; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-191
Clark, Beverly; (Child); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Bowling; (Child); Book/Page: 1-31
Clark, Christopher; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, Christopher; (Testator); Book/Page: 1-31
Clark, Edward; (Child); Book/Page: 1-31
Clark, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 10-241
Clark, Francis; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-62
Clark, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-77
Clark, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-108
Clark, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, Isaac; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, Isaac; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-108
Clark, Isaac; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-77
Clark, Isaac; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-182
Clark, Isaac; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-62
Clark, John; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-244
Clark, John; (Security); Book/Page: 2-472
Clark, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-472
Clark, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-191
Clark, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-212
Clark, Joseph; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-62
Clark, Joseph; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-109
Clark, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Micajah; (Child); Book/Page: 1-31
Clark, Mildred; (Child); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Penelope; (Spouse); Book/Page: 1-31
Clark, Rebecca; (Spouse); Book/Page: 3-182
Clark, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 2-190
Clark, Susanna; (Child); Book/Page: 3-212
Clark, Susanna; (Child); Book/Page: 2-202
Clark, Susannah; (Child); Book/Page: 3-214
Clark, Thos.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, Ursula; (Child); Book/Page: 2-75
Clark, William; (Child); Book/Page: 3-182
Clark, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-386
Clarke, Benj.; (Security); Book/Page: 3-495
Clarke, Benj.; (Security); Book/Page: 3-495
Clarke, Benjamin; (Exor.); Book/Page: 4-3
Clarke, Beverly; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-212
Clarke, Isaac; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 2-348
Clarke, Isaac; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-185
Clarke, Rosamond; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-118
Clarke, W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-185
Claybrook, Jno.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-142
Claybrook, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 11-549
Clayton, A.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Clayton, A.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 5-257
Clayton, A.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Clayton, Arthur; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-243
Clayton, W. Arthur; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-234
Clem, Patience; (Child); Book/Page: 2-202
Clough, Samuel O.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-267
Clough, Samuel O.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-267
Coal, Ann; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-431
Coates, A. T.; (Witness); Book/Page: 12-443
Cobb, Judith; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-267
Cobb, Samuel; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-267
Cole, Armistead; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-64
Cole, Armistead; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-152
Cole, Armisted; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Cole, Armisted; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Cole, Eleanor; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-315
Cole, Eleanor; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-601
Cole, Elenor; (Child); Book/Page: 3-288
Cole, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-146
Cole, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-624
Cole, Lydia; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-288
Cole, Mary; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-315
Cole, Rebecca; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-288
Cole, Richard; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-601
Cole, Richard; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-152
Cole, Richard; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-431
Cole, Richard; (Admx); Book/Page: 9-146
Cole, Sam’l; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-397
Cole, Saml.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Cole, Samuel; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-152
Cole, Samuel; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-624
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-152
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-146
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-467
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-624
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-375
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-315
Cole, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-601
Cole, William B.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-146
Cole, William B.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-624
Cole, William V.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Cole, William V.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-64
Cole, William V.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Cole, William, Jr.; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-601
Coleman, Benjamin; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Coleman, Benjamin; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Coleman, C. G.; (Witness); Book/Page: 14-306
Coleman, Elizabeth Garland; (Child); Book/Page: 3-248
Coleman, Jno. G. B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 14-306
Coleman, Spencer; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-248
Coleman, Thomas; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-0
Coleman, Thoms G.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-193
Colemen, James; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-23
Collins, Edward; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-555
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