Louisa County, Va. Index to Probate Records
Last Updated on: 9/9/2020 6:55:36 PM
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!
As I have time, I will add the context following the name (i.e. Exor., Child, Spouse, etc.)
Waddy, Samuel; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Samuel; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Samuel; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-339
Waddy, Samuel Jr.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Samuel, Jr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Sarah; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Thomas; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-112
Waddy, W; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, William; (); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, William; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-284
Waddy, William; (Admx); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, William; (Intestator); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, William; (Neighbor); Book/Page: Z-244
Waddy, Wm.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 6-210
Waddy, Wm.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-183
Wade, Rich. S.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Wadkins, Ann; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, Fanney; (Child); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, Isham; (Inventory); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, Jno.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, Joel; (Child); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, John, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-67
Wadkins, Jos.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-67
Waldrop, Benjamin H.; (Witness); Book/Page: 15-144
Waldrop, Thomas; (Witness); Book/Page: 17-164
Waldrop, Thomas; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-155
Waldrop, Thomas; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 8-275
Walker, Elizabeth; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-162
Walker, Joseph; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-22
Walker, Tho’s; (Exor.); Book/Page: 1-0
Waller, W. C.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-220
Waller, Wm. C.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-448
Walton, Agnes; (Child); Book/Page: 2-71
Walton, Agness D.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Andrew G.; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 17-93
Walton, Andrew W.; (Justice); Book/Page: 14-363
Walton, Andrew W.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 15-261
Walton, Anne Hester; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 2-71
Walton, Annie Hester; (Grandchild); Book/Page: ?-0
Walton, Barbara; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 2-71
Walton, Barbara; (Child); Book/Page: ?-0
Walton, Erasamus H.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 15-261
Walton, Erasmus; (Testator); Book/Page: 14-363
Walton, Garland; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-542
Walton, Garland; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Geo. E. M.; (Child); Book/Page: 15-261
Walton, Jas.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-26
Walton, Joel; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-308
Walton, Joel; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Joel; (Admx); Book/Page: 3-542
Walton, Joel; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 8-235
Walton, Joel; (Admx); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Joel; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Joel L.; (Child); Book/Page: 10-308
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-542
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-552
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-31
Walton, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-419
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-178
Walton, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 8-275
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-419
Walton, John; (Child); Book/Page: 10-308
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-178
Walton, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, John, Jr.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 12-319
Walton, John, Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, John, Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, John, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-319
Walton, John, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, John, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-237
Walton, John, Sr.; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, Martha; (Spouse); Book/Page: 15-261
Walton, Martha E.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-363
Walton, Martin; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-542
Walton, Martin; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Mary; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Mary; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 8-275
Walton, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Mary; (Admx); Book/Page: 3-542
Walton, Mary; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Meredith; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Nancy; (Spouse); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, Nancy; (Spouse); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, Nelson; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Nelson; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Nelson; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Sarah F.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-363
Walton, Simeon; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, Thomas R.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 15-261
Walton, Virginia Barbara; (Grandchild); Book/Page: ?-0
Walton, W. G.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 12-31
Walton, William; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, William; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Walton, William; (Legatee); Book/Page: 10-142
Walton, William; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-542
Walton, William; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 10-6
Walton, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 15-261
Walton, William G.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-363
Walton, William G.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 13-237
Walton, William G.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 15-470
Walton, William J.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: ?-0
Walton, William J.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 12-319
Walton, William Jas.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 13-178
Walton, William Jas.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 13-178
Walton, William S.; (Admx); Book/Page: 10-227
Walton, William S.; (Admx); Book/Page: 15-469
Walton, William S.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-622
Walton, William S.; (Child); Book/Page: 10-308
Walton, William, Sr.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, William, Sr.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-361
Walton, Wm. J.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, Wm. J.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-267
Walton, Wm. James; (Exor.); Book/Page: 12-319
Walton, Wm. S.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 12-319
Ware, Dudley; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Ware, Isaac; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-577
Ware, Isaac; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-577
Ware, Kate V.; (Witness); Book/Page: 19-531
Ware, Lalia F.; (Relative); Book/Page: 19-531
Ware, Nathan A.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 17-163
Ware, Nathan A.; (Admx); Book/Page: 13-43
Ware, Wilson; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Ware, Wilson; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Ware, Wilson; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Waring, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 1-31
Wash, A. M.; (Witness); Book/Page: 21-323
Wash, Atwood; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-308
Wash, Atwood; (Inventory); Book/Page: 12-31
Wash, Atwood; (Inventory); Book/Page: 13-237
Wash, Dickinson; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 8-303
Wash, Dickinson; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 10-351
Wash, Edwin C.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 17-93
Wash, Josephus; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 15-466
Wash, Josephus; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 17-93
Wash, R. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 21-323
Wash, Susan F.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 15-466
Wash, Susan F.; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-93
Wash, William; (Justice); Book/Page: 3-601
Wash, William; (Inventory); Book/Page: 4-127
Watkins, Eliza; (Child); Book/Page: 6-79
Watkins, Isham; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Watkins, Isham; (Child); Book/Page: 2-67
Watkins, Isham; (Admx); Book/Page: 3-590
Watkins, Joel; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Watkins, John D.; (settlement); Book/Page: 8-472
Watkins, Jos; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-366
Watkins, Joseph; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-449
Watkins, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-590
Watkins, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 8-64
Watkins, Mildred B.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-511
Watkins, R. B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 14-396
Watkins, Sally; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-425
Watson, Barbary; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-0
Watson, D.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-129
Watson, David; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-462
Watson, David; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-143
Watson, David; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-95
Watson, David; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-205
Watson, David; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-284
Watson, Elizabeth; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 2-0
Watson, Elizabeth; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7?-0
Watson, James; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 2-272
Watson, Thomas N.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 17-480
Watson, Thomas S.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 14-70
Watson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Weaver, Mary; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
Weaver, Meredith; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
Weaver, W. S.; (mentioned); Book/Page: 21-275
West, Benjamin; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-192
West, F. T.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 14-451
West, Frank, Jr.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 19-359
West, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-261
Wheeler, Geo. C.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-469
Wheeler, J. D.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 17-771
Wheeler, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-433
Wheeler, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-431
Wheeler, John H.; (settlement); Book/Page: 8-472
Wheeler, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Wheeler, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Wheeler, Nancey; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Wheeler, Nancy; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
White, Aaron, Dr.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 11-228
White, Crewdsen M.; (Witness); Book/Page: 15-164
White, Delpha; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-146
White, James; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-228
White, James M.; (Witness); Book/Page: 15-164
White, John; (Parent); Book/Page: 3-146
White, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-577
White, John; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
White, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-577
White, Mary Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 11-228
White, Moses; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
White, Moses; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
White, Moses; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-493
White, Mrs.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 9-261
White, Peter; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-561
White, Richard G.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-385
White, Richardson; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-146
White, Richd.; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
White, Sandy; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-146
White, Susannah; (Spouse); Book/Page: 3-146
White, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-373
White, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-373
White, William; (mentioned); Book/Page: 11-361
White, William; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
White, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-146
White, William; (Legatee); Book/Page: 11-361
White, Wm.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-0
White, Wm., Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-243
Whitlock, Batholemey H.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, James; (Child); Book/Page: 17-164
Whitlock, James G.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Jesse C.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, John J.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Marina E.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Martha D.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Nathan; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Nicholas; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Nickolas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Whitlock, Nickolas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Whitlock, Patsy; (Spouse); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 17-164
Whitlock, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, Thos.; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitlock, William; (Child); Book/Page: 8-417
Whitton, John; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Wight, Chas. C.; (Witness); Book/Page: 17-484
Wilbert, Charles W.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 20-339
Wilbert, Michael; (Testator); Book/Page: 20-334
Wilbert, Willimand; (Testator); Book/Page: 20-339
Wilkerson, Mary L.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 15-310
Wilkinson, Ann; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 15-466
William, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 5-393
Williams, Ann; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 14-178
Williams, James; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-363
Williams, James; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 10-351
Williams, Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
Williams, Jane; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-363
Williams, John S.; (Witness); Book/Page: 17-734
Williams, John S.; (Child); Book/Page: 19-227
Williams, John S.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 19-227
Williams, John W.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 19-227
Williams, Joseph; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-160
Williams, Mary; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-363
Williams, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 7-64
Williams, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-363
Williamson, George; (Exor.); Book/Page: 4-7
Williamson, Jacob Jr.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 4-7
Williamson, Mrs.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 7?-0
Willoughbly, Walter M.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: AA-152
Willoughby, Sarah E.; (Child); Book/Page: AA-152
Wills, Jno., Dr.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 11-220
Wills, Jos. L.; (Witness); Book/Page: 22-191
Wilson, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 5-393
Wingfield, Anna; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Anne; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Char’s; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-397
Wingfield, John; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Josias; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Matthew; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Matthew; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-62
Wingfield, Nathan; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Robert; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Robt.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 2-62
Wingfield, Robt.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Wingfield, Thos.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-61
Winslow, Henry; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 6-210
Winslow, Margaret; (Child); Book/Page: 6-210
Winston, Ann L.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Anthony; (Intestator); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Anthony; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-20
Winston, B; (mentioned); Book/Page: 6-322
Winston, Betsey; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Betsy; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Bickerton; (Intestator); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Bickerton; (Intestator); Book/Page: 15-443
Winston, Bickerton; (Child); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, Bickerton T.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Caswell; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Chisel; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Elizabeth; (Intestator); Book/Page: 14-46
Winston, H. G.; (Attorney); Book/Page: 6-68
Winston, H. G.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-193
Winston, Horatio G.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-193
Winston, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-446
Winston, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-79
Winston, John; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 3-362
Winston, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-339
Winston, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-143
Winston, John H.; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 5-55
Winston, John H.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, John H.; (Admx); Book/Page: 6-199
Winston, John Hastings; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-0
Winston, John T.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, John Tate; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-20
Winston, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-389
Winston, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Joseph; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 5-393
Winston, Louisa; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 14-46
Winston, Louisa C.; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-462
Winston, Lucy J.; (Child); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, Maria D.; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-462
Winston, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, Martha A.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 13-67
Winston, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 5-393
Winston, Mary Bickerton; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Mary E.; (Relative); Book/Page: 22-341
Winston, Mary P.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 6-0
Winston, Molly; (Child); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, Oliver Henry; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Oliver P.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Overton; (Child); Book/Page: 9-196
Winston, Philip B.; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, Philip B.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, Philip B.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 8-272
Winston, Philip B.; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 6-322
Winston, Rebecca; (Spouse); Book/Page: 10-389
Winston, Rebecca; (Child); Book/Page: 5-393
Winston, Sally Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, Sally Ragland; (Spouse); Book/Page: 15-443
Winston, Sarah M.; (Relative); Book/Page: 19-85
Winston, Uphan; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-20
Winston, William; (Child); Book/Page: 9-132
Winston, William J.; (Child); Book/Page: 14-46
Winston, William James; (Child); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, William O.; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 17-93
Winston, William S.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 10-512
Winston, William. S.; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-389
Woldride, Mary; (Legatee); Book/Page: 20-471
Wood, A. O.; (Witness); Book/Page: 20-604
Wood, Drury; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-433
Wood, Drury; (Legatee); Book/Page: 12-150
Wood, Drury; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-433
Wood, Ed. P.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 14-4
Wood, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-0
Wood, James; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-331
Wood, James; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 9-203
Wood, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 3-192
Wood, Mary Jane; (Child); Book/Page: 14-4
Wood, Nathaniel; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 19-383
Wood, Thomas; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-192
Wood, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 8-273
Wood, William; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-395
Wood, William W.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 19-383
Woodfolk, Thomas; (Bond); Book/Page: 2-300
Woodger, Thomas; (Inventory); Book/Page: 5-244
Woodruffe, Caty; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-156
Woods, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 2-432
Woodson, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 4-137
Woodson, Isham R.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Woodson, John; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-572
Woodson, Mary; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-572
Woodson, Thomas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Woodson, Tucker; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-244
Woodward, J. B.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-502
Wooldridge, Richd B.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Woolfolk, Thos.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 8-250
Woolfolk, William E.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-365
Wright, Bartelott; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Betty; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Candace; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Clayborn; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, David; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, James M.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-163
Wright, James M.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-165
Wright, Jane; (); Book/Page: 2-198
Wright, John; (); Book/Page: 2-198
Wright, John; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Lamonder; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Mary; (); Book/Page: 2-198
Wright, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Matilda; (Child); Book/Page: 14-4
Wright, Meriwether; (Witness); Book/Page: 13-40
Wright, Richard; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Richard; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-0
Wright, Wm.; (Child); Book/Page: 2-0
Wyatt, Richard; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 8-382
Wyatt, Richard; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-210
Wyatt, W. A.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 19-346
Yancey, Anne; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-198
Yancey, Archelous; (Testator); Book/Page: 1-62
Yancey, Charles; (Inventory); Book/Page: 3-507
Yancey, Charles; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-462
Yancey, Charles; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-21
Yancey, Charles; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-507
Yancey, Charles; (Admx); Book/Page: 3-517
Yancey, Charles; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-284
Yancey, Charles; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-198
Yancey, David; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-284
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