Louisa County, Va. Index to Probate Records
Last Updated on: 9/9/2020 6:55:36 PM
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!
As I have time, I will add the context following the name (i.e. Exor., Child, Spouse, etc.)
Thomas, Nelson; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-267
Thomas, Overton; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 20-559
Thomas, Overton; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 21-44
Thomas, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-276
Thomason, Charles; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-463
Thomason, Charles; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-127
Thomason, Margaret; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-202
Thomason, Nath.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-462
Thomason, Richard; (Child); Book/Page: 2-202
Thomason, Roger; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 2-474
Thomasson, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 5-580
Thomasson, Elias; (Legatee); Book/Page: 6-111
Thomasson, Fleming; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 7-77
Thomasson, Fleming; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-397
Thomasson, Frances; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-325
Thomasson, George; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-622
Thomasson, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-215
Thomasson, John P.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-215
Thomasson, Patsy; (Relative); Book/Page: 11-622
Thomasson, Patty; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 12-325
Thomasson, Richard; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-397
Thompson, Ann; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-80
Thompson, Ann; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Charles; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-343
Thompson, Charles; (Admx); Book/Page: 7-228
Thompson, Charles; (Admx); Book/Page: 2-463
Thompson, Charles; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-339
Thompson, Charles, Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-156
Thompson, Charles, Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-480
Thompson, Charles, Jr.; (Admx); Book/Page: 7-302
Thompson, Charles, Jr.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-267
Thompson, David; (Exor.); Book/Page: 10-109
Thompson, Fleming; (Legatee); Book/Page: 7-80
Thompson, Fleming; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Garland; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-561
Thompson, George F.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-561
Thompson, L. B.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Martha; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Martha A. E.; (Legatee); Book/Page: Alb. 28-401
Thompson, N.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-20
Thompson, Nathaniel; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 15-261
Thompson, Nathl.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-561
Thompson, Nathl.; (Trustee); Book/Page: 6-210
Thompson, Nelson; (Admx); Book/Page: 2-463
Thompson, Pollard L.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Polley; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Rebecca; (Legatee); Book/Page: 9-357
Thompson, Richd. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-64
Thompson, Samuel; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 1-18
Thompson, Samuel; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-152
Thompson, Waddy; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-267
Thompson, William; (Exor.); Book/Page: 7-426
Thompson, William; (Justice); Book/Page: 3-542
Thompson, Wm.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-545
Thompson’s, Mary; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 4-13
Thomson, Alfred; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, Ann; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 3-572
Thomson, Anthony; (Security); Book/Page: 3-92
Thomson, Asa; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 5-205
Thomson, Asa; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Asa; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, David; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, David; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, David; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 9-210
Thomson, David; (Relative); Book/Page: 9-109
Thomson, David T.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, Edmund; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-572
Thomson, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Elizabeth; (Legatee); Book/Page: 4-13
Thomson, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Elizabeth Key; (Child); Book/Page: 1-11
Thomson, Frances; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, James; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, Jeremiah; (Child); Book/Page: 2-202
Thomson, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-577
Thomson, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-577
Thomson, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-572
Thomson, John; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, John; (Child); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-124
Thomson, John; (Inventory); Book/Page: 6-343
Thomson, John; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Joseph; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Joseph; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-492
Thomson, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 3-146
Thomson, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, Nathan; (Child); Book/Page: 2-202
Thomson, Nelson; (Exor.); Book/Page: 2-463
Thomson, Rebecca; (Dau-In-Law); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, Richard; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-315
Thomson, Robert; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Robert; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Roger; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 2-474
Thomson, Samuel; (Testator); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Samuel; (Intestator); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Samuel; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-315
Thomson, Temperance; (Spouse); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Temperance; (Spouse); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Thomas; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-202
Thomson, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Thomson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 2-202
Thomson, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Thomson, William; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 17-125
Thomson, William; (); Book/Page: 1-36
Thomson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, William; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-205
Thomson, William; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 1-29
Thomson, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-243
Thomson, William; (Child); Book/Page: 11-228
Thomson, William, Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Thomson, Wm.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-473
Thomson, Wm.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-473
Thomson, Wm.; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-433
Thomson, Wm., Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-234
Tillman, Cora L.; (Relative); Book/Page: 22-341
Timberlake, Granville; (Inventory); Book/Page: 7-192
Timberlake, Granville; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-39
Timberlake, Henry; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-68
Timberlake, Henry; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-149
Tinder, David; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Tinder, David; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Tisdale, Andrew; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Andrew; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, C. G.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 22-23
Tisdale, C. L.; (Testator); Book/Page: 22-196
Tisdale, Catharine; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Catherine; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Charles; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, David; (Intestator); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 12-150
Tisdale, David; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, David; (Testator); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, David; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, David; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-368
Tisdale, Eleanor; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-52
Tisdale, Elenor; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, Elenor; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, Ellen; (Intestator); Book/Page: 10-114
Tisdale, Ellen; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-114
Tisdale, Emily; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Emily; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Fannie; (Spouse); Book/Page: Org. 14-315
Tisdale, Fanny; (Child); Book/Page: 8-7
Tisdale, Geo.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, Hardenia; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Hardenia; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Henry; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, James; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, James; (Legatee); Book/Page: 5-368
Tisdale, James; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, James; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 8-7
Tisdale, James; (Bond); Book/Page: 5-496
Tisdale, Jane; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 8-7
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-433
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-113
Tisdale, John; (Intestator); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, John; (Intestator); Book/Page: 10-113
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-254
Tisdale, John; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-473
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-473
Tisdale, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-433
Tisdale, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 3-92
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-93
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-92
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-431
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-368
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 10-113
Tisdale, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-52
Tisdale, John; (Testator); Book/Page: 3-454
Tisdale, John; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-146
Tisdale, John, Sr.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, Joseph; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, Lemuel; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Maria; (Spouse); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Richard; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, Richard; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, Robert; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, Robert; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, Shirley; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-433
Tisdale, Shirley; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, Shirley; (Witness); Book/Page: 3-157
Tisdale, Shirley; (Security); Book/Page: 3-93
Tisdale, Shirley; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-454
Tisdale, Shirley; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, Shirley; (Intestator); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, Shirley; (Testator); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, Shirley; (Legatee); Book/Page: 3-431
Tisdale, Susannah; (Child); Book/Page: 3-91
Tisdale, Tarleton; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, Terrell; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, Thomas B.; (Intestator); Book/Page: Org. 14-315
Tisdale, William; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-90
Tisdale, William; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-79
Tisdale, William; (Child); Book/Page: 11-433
Tisdale, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, William; (Child); Book/Page: 5-234
Tisdale, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-26
Tisdale, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-90
Tisdale, William; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 8-7
Todd, Andrew; (Child); Book/Page: 3-446
Todd, John; (Security); Book/Page: 3-446
Todd, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 3-446
Todd, Rev. John; (Relative); Book/Page: 3-446
Todd, Robert; (Child); Book/Page: 3-446
Todd, William; (Child); Book/Page: 3-446
Toler, Mary; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-561
Toler, William F.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 10-6
Toler, William F.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 8-275
Toler, Wm. F.; (Inventory); Book/Page: 10-113
Toler, Wm. F.; (Witness); Book/Page: 10-114
Tom, ; (Slave); Book/Page: 1-57
Tomkins, Richd.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 2-79
Tompkins, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 3-123
Tompkins, Ann; (Child); Book/Page: 3-123
Tompkins, Frances S.; (Relative); Book/Page: 19-85
Towles, William B.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 11-511
Townley, Buckner; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 6-422
Towsey, R. R.; (Witness); Book/Page: 17-502
Trainum, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 7-152
Trevilian, Alice G.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 19-78
Trevilian, Charles; (Intestator); Book/Page: 10-152
Trevilian, Charles G.; (Intestator); Book/Page: 17-720
Trevilian, James; (Intestator); Book/Page: 6-167
Trevilian, Mary; (Intestator); Book/Page: 11-12
Trevillian, C. G.; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-589
Trevillian, Charley; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-433
Trevillians, Chs. G.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 11-433
Trice, Adelia H.; (Spouse); Book/Page: 13-296
Trice, Alfred W.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 13-296
Trice, Anderson; (Child); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, Anderson; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, Anderson; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 7-125
Trice, Andrew J.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 13-296
Trice, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, Ann; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, Benjamin Franklin; (Child); Book/Page: 13-296
Trice, D. A.; (Testator); Book/Page: 21-199
Trice, Dabney; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-90
Trice, Dabney; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-8
Trice, Dabney; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, Dabney; (Child); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, Elizabeth; (Testator); Book/Page: 6-502
Trice, Elizabeth A.; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-318
Trice, Fannie; (Intestator); Book/Page: 21-247
Trice, Frances; (Child); Book/Page: 8-179
Trice, Frances; (Spouse); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, Francis; (Testator); Book/Page: 8-476
Trice, Francis; (Intestator); Book/Page: 15-96
Trice, George W.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 11-418
Trice, George W.; (Former Owner); Book/Page: 19-383
Trice, Isabella Ana; (Child); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, James; (Child); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, James; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-590
Trice, James M.; (Witness); Book/Page: 17-607
Trice, Jesse; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-394
Trice, John; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, John; (Child); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, John L.; (Testator); Book/Page: 13-296
Trice, Martha; (Child); Book/Page: 7-125
Trice, Mary; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, Patsy; (Child); Book/Page: 9-469
Trice, Polly; (Child); Book/Page: 9-469
Trice, Robert; (Witness); Book/Page: 13-296
Trice, Robert N.; (Witness); Book/Page: 15-261
Trice, Sandy A.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-322
Trice, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-627
Trice, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 2-190
Trice, William; (Bond); Book/Page: 3-590
Trice, William; (Testator); Book/Page: 5-370
Trice, William; (Bond); Book/Page: 5-496
Trice, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-627
Trice, William; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-646
Trice, William; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-394
Trower, Solomon; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 1-11
Trueheart, G. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-183
Truheart, G. W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-193
Truheart, John W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-193
Turner, Anthony; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-82
Turner, Geo. N.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Turner, James; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-410
Turner, James; (Witness); Book/Page: 11-433
Turner, John; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-128
Turner, Jonathan; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-344
Turner, Jonathan; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-410
Turner, Jonathan; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 5-410
Turner, Lewis; (Witness); Book/Page: 7-344
Turner, Maj.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 5-423
Turner, Martin; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-128
Turner, Mary B.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-267
Turner, Mary B.; (Child); Book/Page: 11-267
Turner, Molly; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 5-410
Turner, Molly; (Relative); Book/Page: 5-410
Turner, Nathan; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Turner, Nathan; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 7-403
Turner, Sarah; (Child); Book/Page: 5-128
Turner, Thomas; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 5-644
Turner, Thomas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 5-691
Turner, Unity; (Child); Book/Page: 9-469
Turner, William; (Exor.); Book/Page: 5-419
Turner, William; (Admx); Book/Page: 5-419
Twyman, Geo. B.; (Witness); Book/Page: 9-40
Tyler, Henry; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-561
Tyman, Wm.; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 8-250
Uclride, Lewis; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 5-460
Uclride, Robert A.; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 5-460
Ulegate, Paul; (Intestator); Book/Page: 11-621
Underwood, Alexander; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 4-18
Underwood, Elizabeth; (Testator); Book/Page: 4-18
Underwood, Francis; (Child); Book/Page: 4-18
Underwood, George; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-141
Underwood, George; (Child); Book/Page: 4-18
Underwood, Thomas; (Child); Book/Page: 4-18
Vaughn, Thomas; (Purchaser); Book/Page: 13-436
Venable, Agnes; (Child); Book/Page: 2-432
Venable, James; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 3-182
Venerable, Abraham; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-48
Vest, Alexander C.; (Commissioner); Book/Page: 6-0
Vest, Charles; (Appraiser); Book/Page: 19-359
Vest, James M.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 14-451
Vest, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-627
Vest, John; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-627
Vest, Joseph; (Son-In-Law); Book/Page: 9-392
Vest, Joseph; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 8-179
Vest, Louisa; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 8-179
Vest, Sally; (Child); Book/Page: 8-179
Vest, Susanna; (Child); Book/Page: 9-392
Vest, William; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 8-179
Via, Charles E.; (Witness); Book/Page: 30-30
Via, Nancy G.; (Child); Book/Page: 18-484
Vowles, J.; (Legatee); Book/Page: 8-272
Vowles, John; (mentioned); Book/Page: 6-503
Vowles, Lucy Ann; (Testator); Book/Page: 19-85
Waddell, Littleton; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 17-484
Waddill, Nannie E.; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 17-484
Waddy, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-180
Waddy, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, Ann; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-339
Waddy, Anna; (Child); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Anne; (Spouse); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Anthony; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 9-112
Waddy, Anthony; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Anthony; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Anthony; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, Anthony; (Child); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, Anthony W.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Anthony W.; (Witness); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, Benjamin; (Exor.); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, Benjamin; (Child); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Elizabeth; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, Elizabeth; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-180
Waddy, Elizabeth; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-339
Waddy, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Elizabeth; (Child); Book/Page: 9-112
Waddy, Frances; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-180
Waddy, Frances; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Frances; (Child); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Frances; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, Frances; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-463
Waddy, Francis; (Intestator); Book/Page: 2-339
Waddy, Francis; (Grandchild); Book/Page: 9-112
Waddy, Garland Thompson; (Child); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, Jane; (Spouse); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, John; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-180
Waddy, John; (Child); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, John; (Relative); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, John; (Intestator); Book/Page: 2-267
Waddy, John; (Child); Book/Page: 5-324
Waddy, John; (Intestator); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, John Jr.; (Witness); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, John W.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, Mary; (Child); Book/Page: 1-63
Waddy, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Mary; (Relative); Book/Page: 2-339
Waddy, Mary; (Spouse); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, Mary; (Testator); Book/Page: 2-180
Waddy, Mary E.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, Mildred; (Child); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Mildred R.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-82
Waddy, Polley; (Child); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Robert B.; (Exor.); Book/Page: 15-466
Waddy, Sally F.; (Child); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Samuel; (Mentioned); Book/Page: 2-1
Waddy, Samuel; (Intestator); Book/Page: 6-80
Waddy, Samuel; (Child); Book/Page: 6-80
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