Louisa County, Va. Probate Records

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 52, William Biggers, Type: Will, Date: 14-Feb-1785
William Biggers mentions wife Martha sons John, James; daughters Sarah Biggers, Mary Maddison, Elinor Terry; grandson William Biggers 3 years of schooling; then David, Macon; Witness John & Eleanor Tisdale; written 25 Oct 1870, recorded 14 Feb 1785.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 55, Clemine(?) Duke, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 81, George Chewning, Type: Will, Date: 09-Sep-1784
9th Sept. 1784 Present in Court 14th Feb. 1785 Will of Geo. Chewning wife Jean Chewning son Jesse Chewning one half of my land lying in Louisa. To son Ruebin Chewing the other half of said land. Item I have a Right to one hundred acres of land after my mother death laying in Caroline Co. and my will and desire is that the said land. Should be sold and the money Equally divided between two daughters Nancey Chewing and Jean Chewing. Executors John Minor, Francis Durratt, Turner Anderson Witness by Thomas Dickenson, Rebecca Durrat, Robt. Honeyman M. D.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 88, Geo. Chewning, Type:  , Date: 14-Feb-1785
Bond Turner Anderson with Nelson Anderson his security on bond for Turner Anderson exor of Geo. Chewning to make an inventory. Rec. 14 Feb 1785.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 91, John Tisdale, Sr., Type: Will, Date: 13-Jun-1785
Written? Recorded 13 Jun 1785 Louisa County, Brawley Parrish; Sons John, Shirley, Daughter Elizabeth Moss, Mary Wheeler, Susannah Alegree, Sally Morris - dec’d, and grandchildren of Sally Morris: John, Elizabeth, Josephine [?], and Sally Morris. "my desire that old Negro Winch Phillis not be sold"; Negro Dick to son John, Negro Daniel to daughter Susannah. Executors are son John Tisdale, son-in-law Daniel Alegree. Witnesses William Goldsmith and Susendy [?] Goldsmith

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 91, John Tisdale, Type: Will, Date: 13-Jun-1785
Will John Tisdale of Brawley (?) Parish. sons: John and Shirley Tisdale. Daughters Elizabeth Moss, Mary Wheeler, Susannah Allegre; grandchildren off springs of my daughter Sally Morris: John, Elizabeth, Josephine and Marry Morris. Exors: John Tisdale and son in law Daniel Alegree. Sig. John Tisdale (X). Wit. William Goldsmith, Lusendy Goldsmith. Recorded 13 Jun 1785.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 92, John Tisdale., Type: Sett, Date: 10-Jun-1785
Bond of John Tisdale, exor. of estate of John Tisdale. Sec. John Lea, Anthony Thomson. £2,000. Recorded 10 Jun 1785. Sig. John Tisdale, John Lea, Anthony Thomson.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 93, John Tisdale, Type: Sett, Date: 13-Jun-1785
Bond of Daniel Alegree, Exor of estate of John Tisdale. £2,000. Sec. Shirley Tisdale, Thos. Desper. Dated and recorded 13 Jun 1785. sig. Daniel Alegree, Shirley Tisdale, Thomas Desper (X).

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 103, John Matlock, Type: Will, Date: 01-Aug-1785
(Submitted by Janelle Swearingen, Bixby, OK) In the name of God amen I John Matlock of Louisa County old and weake and knowing the Frailty of Man That all men are appointed to die do direct this my last will and Testament in manner and for following -- Item I give all my Estate Real and personal to my wife Ann Matlock during her life and after her death my Son Zachariah Matlock is to possess and enjoy my Tract of land whereon I now live to the only use of him & his heirs forever. It is also my desire that all my other Estate be Equally divided at the death of my wife between all my Children but Elizabeth Shelton being dead its my desire that her part be Equally divided amongst her three children John Agness and Lucy Shelton it is also my desire that my wife Ann Matlock and son Zachariah have the management of my Estate Given under my hand and Seal this 4th day of December 1784. John (M) Matlock. Test Peter Crawford, Elizabeth Crawford, Jane (X) Crawford, John Crawford. Recorded Monday August 1785. p. 107 In obedience to an order of Court appointing us for that purpose Robert Michie, George Michie and Peter Crawford met together on the 24th day of August 1785 and appraised the Estate of John Matlock Dec’d in the following matter Viz. Negroes £ S Fellis an old wench 35 Jack a Young fellow 100 Sam a young ditto 90 Jane a young wench 80 1 young black mare 20 1 old black ditto 9 16 hogs 15 10 head of cattle 19 17 17 head of sheep 2 8 4 Feather Beds with good furniture 43 2 sheets 1 bed sheet 1 blankit 2 ? Cases

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 118, Rosamond Clarke, Type: Sett, Date: 14-Nov-1785
Bond of John Bagby, Exor. of estate of Rosamond Clarke. amt. Lb2000. Dated and recd. 14 Nov 1785. Sec. Saml. Ragland, Geo. Lumsden. Signed John Bagby, Saml. Ragland, Geo. Lumsden.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 123, Griffeth Dickason, Type: Will, Date: 01-Nov-1785
Written 1 Nov 1785, Recorded 12 Dec1785 Will of Griffeth Dickason, of Trinity Parish, Louisa Co. dated November 1, 1785, mentions; son, Robert Dickason, tract of land whereon I now live containing 466 acres; son James Dickason, tract of land whereon I now live containing 560 acres; grandson, Nathaniel Anderson; granddaughter, Elizabeth Dabney; granddaughter, Ann Anderson; granddaughter; Mary Anderson; sons, Charles and Higgason Cosby Dickason; daughter Ann Tompkins; and daughter-in-law, Rachel Dickerson. Executors- three sons, Robert James and Higgason Cosby Dickerson. (Will Book 3, page123) Bond of Robert, Jas & Higgason Cosby Dickason Exors. Of est of Griffith Dickason. Amt. 5000 pounds.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 123, Griffith Dickerson, Type:  , Date: 12-Dec-1785
I Griffith Dickerson of Trinity Par, debts to be paid. To my son Robert Dickerson tract whereon he now lives containing 466 acres. to my son James Dickerson tract whereon I now live containing 560 acres. To grandson John Anderson Negro Hannah now in his possession. To granddaughter Elizabeth Dabney Negro David. To grandson Nathaniel Anderson Negro Levi. To granddaughter Ann Anderson Negro Bobly. To granddaughter Mary Anderson Negro Judith. To son Robert Dickerson Negroes Marshall and Hannah and those he now has viz. Dick, Melly, Lucy, Anna and Rose. To so James Dickerson Negroes Melly, Silvy, Solemon, Martin and those in his possession viz. Peter, Phillis. To son Charles Dickerson Negroes Henry, Bethena, Tenah, Lewis, Isbell, Roda and Nancy. If son Charles dies without an heir then Negroes to surviving sons. To son Hickerson Cosby Dickerson Negroes viz. Jasper, Minor, Violet, Joshu, Silah, John and Judith the elder. If son Hickerson Cosby dies with no heir then to surviving sons. To dau. in law Rachael Dickerson Negroes Nell and children Fanny and Mary, Georgi, Sarah, and Dick and after her death to be divided amongst all her grandchildren. To dau. Ann Tompkins Negro Cicily. To sons Charles and Hickerson Cosby Dickerson Negro James. Crops, cattle, etc. to be divided amongst 4 sons and dau in law Rachael Dickason and money amongst 4 sons. Appt. Robert, James and Hickerson Cosby Dickerson exors. 1 Nov 1785. Sig. Griffith Dickerson. wit. W. O. Callis, James Overton, David Bullock, Thos. Poindexter. Rec. 12 Dec 1785. Robert, James and Hickerson on exors bond $5,000.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 127, George Pottie, Type: Will, Date: 09-Jan-1786
Will George Pottie St. Martins Parish, to wife #1000 sterling, choice of 4 Negroes for her support and the education of my son. to wife whole of estate during her widowhood or until son George comes of age. On account of bringing my son George up to the mercantile lane that #2,000 to be held by friend Archibald Dick till son comes of age to be 1/2 concerned without interest or board. When son come of age he shall have the whole money. I son died without heirs then all money due me in Great Britain to be equally divided amongst all nephews, my sister's sons except #500 to niece Isabella Johnston when she comes of age or marries with her parents consent. when wife dies all Virginia estate to be sold and debts collected and divided amongst nephews. No appraisement to be made. Wife and friends Charles Thomason and Archibald Dick to be exors. Wit. Robert Kimbrough, James Dickason, Thomas Nuckolls and Dudley Ragland. 26 Apr 1784. Codicil In Case of wife and son's death Archibald Dick Jr. to take inventory of stock which we both run equal risque and have use of #2000 without interest for 5 years, also plantation for like term. Alexander Budding shall have #10 per year pd him. Dick to have Negro George if wife and son die. 10 Apr 1785. wit. Dudley Ragland, Robt. Goodwin, Tarlton B. Luck. Rec. 9 Jan 1786

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 141, Col. Jolly Parish, Type: Sett, Date: 05-May-1791
Settlement of estate of Col. Jolly Parish mentions George Underwood 5 May 1791

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 146, William White, Type: Will, Date: 22-Jan-1784
Following is the "will" of William White, b. 1697 in Hanover Co, VA; d. February 1787 Louisa Co., VA; m. 1st prior to 1743 Ann Price who died by 1782 and 2nd Susannah Davis on 9 May 1782 in Louisa Co, VA. William was the son of John White of New Kent Co, VA and Katherine. He was born in St. Paul's Parish. He recruited and commanded the first regiment of Virginia Light Dragoon. All of his offspring came from his union with Ann Price. In the name of God Amen the Twenty Second Day of January 1784 I William White Snr. of Louisa County, being weak in body but of perfect mind & memory Thanks be to God: therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my body; & knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die; do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament, & I do Revoke all other Wills that is to say principally, & first of all I give my soul to Almighty God, & my Body I recommend unto the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my Exrs. Item, I give unto my son William White all my Lands & plantation whereon I now live, to his & his Heirs forever Item I give unto my Daughter Sarah Poindexter my land lying in Fork of Gold Mine Creek, & my land lying on the Southside of poul cat Branch & a small piece of land lying this side poul cat joining that land I gave my son Wm. Beginning at the mouth of a small branch, & goes as it marked to Cold. John Nelsons line. Item I give to my Daughter Milley Maupaine Twenty pounds Currt. money of Virginia to be paid out my Estate; Item I lend unto my beloved wife Susannah White one bay Horse & side Saddle during her natural life; & at her Death to be returned to my Estate again to be Equally Divided amongst my Surviving Children; I order that the Remainder part of Should be Sold at the Best Advantage at the Discretion of my Exrs. & the money to be Equally Divided in the following manner; (viz) in Eight Equaal parts Item I give one Eight part to my son Moses White, Item I give unto my son John White one eight paart, Item. I give to my son William White one Eighth part Item I give to son Richd. White Deceased his Three Children Richardson White, Sandy White & Delpha White one eighth part to be Equally divided Between the three mentioned children. Item I lend unto my Daughter Mary Thomson one Eighth part during her natural life; after her Death to be Equally Divided amongst her surviving Children. Item. I give unto all the children of my Daughter Caty Bruce Deceased them that she had by Thomson & Bruce, one Eighted part to be divided amongst the Surviving children Item I give unto my Daughter Milley Maupaine one Eighth part, to they & their heirs for ever. I ordain this my last Will & Testament & do revoke all others; I ordain my son Moses White Jno. White, & Wm. White, my Executors, in Witnesses whereof I hereunto set my hand Seal the Day & Date above mentioned. Interlind before assign'd. mark Wm. XWhite (Seal) his Sign'd Seal'd & Deliver'd in presence of us John Tisdale Jno Flumas Simeon Hall At a Court held for Louisa County February 12th 1787. This Will was this day Exhibited in open Court by Moses, John & Wm White Executors therein named who made thereto according to Law & was proved by the oaths of John Tisdale, John Fluman, & Simeon Hall Witnesses thereto & by the Court is ordered to be recorded & the sd. Executors having done what is usual in Such cases, Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. A Copy Teste:_________Clerk Circuit Court Louisa County,Virginia. Recorded in Will Book #3 Page 145-146 Please feel free to use my name and e-mail as passing this on or simply to reference Richard Heyduck if you so desire. Richard's e-mail is rheyduck@txcumc.org My e-mail is robindaviet@cs.com Very sincerely yours, Robin Butler Daviet

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 157, George Morris, Type: Will, Date: 27-Sep-1785
Shirley Tisdale wit. to will of George Morris 27 Sep 1785.

Cty. Alb, Book: 3, Page: 164, John Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 01-Sep-1792
John Dunn of Albemarle infirm, to beloved wife tract of land where I now live, supposed to contain 100 acres, during her life, likewise all stock, furniture, and plantation tools, etc. To my three sons James Dunn, Martin Dunn and Reuben Dunn all lands equally divided.. James to have his part adjoining where he now lives, Martin .... on the other end adjoining Joseph Guines? line; Reuben part to adjoin where I now live. appoint wife Ann and son James exors. Written 20 Jan. 1790. Signed. John Dunn. wit. George Bingham, Thos. Jones, Charles Epperson, Susanna Peayton? Recorded . Sept. 1792

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 182, Isaac Clark, Type: Will, Date: 08-Jan-1787
Will of Isaac Clark, Planter. to wife Rebecca Clark use of acres including plantation on which I now live. to son William Clark, To dau. Ann Massey, then to her sons Abraham, William, Charles and James Venable. to my dau. Sarah Parrish. to son William Clarke all land I possess except 100 acres whereon my bro Francis formerly lived including that plantation. Exors: wife and son William Clarke, and friend Maj. Thomas Johnson. Trustee. Dated 1 Feb 1787. sig. Isaac Clark. Wit. George Meriwether, Benjamin Mosby, Mersley Mosby. Rcd. 8 Jan 1787.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 185, Isaac Clarke, Type: Sett, Date: 08-Feb-1787
Bond of Ann Clarke, Exts. of estate of Isaac Clarke, Sec. none Dated and red 8 Feb 1787. sig. W. Clarke. Rcd. 9 Jul 1787. amt. Lb2000.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 192, David Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 17-Feb-1780
Will David Johnson, to my four sons Christopher, David, Thomas and Berryman tract I now live on and several tracts joining including all land in Louisa containing 1900 acres to be equally divided. To sons David, Thomas and Berryman Johnson and daughters Mary, Kesia and Elizabeth Johnson eighteen (18) Negroes, 6 of which are 8-10 year; six of which are 14-21 years and six of which are 21-45 years. To son Christopher Negroes 2-045 years; to daughter Sarah Anderson 6s. To sons Christopher and Thomas 1/10 of residue of my estate during life of daughter Sarah Anderson and at her death equally divided between her children To daughter Martha Wood 1/10 part and then to her children. To sons Wm., Christopher, [it was difficult to tell from reading this whether there is one son named Wm. Christopher or 2 sons one named William and one named Christopher] David, Thomas and Berryman and daughters Mary, Kezia and Elizabeth Johnson residue of estate including legacy left me by my dec'd. father in law Christopher Berryman. To daughters my lodging room and room above while they remain single and then to my sons. 5 Nov. 1787. wit. Benjamin West, John Johnson, Christopher Isbell, Thomas Wood. Rec. 17 Feb. 1780.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 212, James Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 08-Dec-1788
Will James Johnson of Louisa Co. to daughter Elizabeth Moorman, bed, colt., to dau Mary Terrell same; to dau. Susanna Clark same, to son Micajah Johnson same; to son James Johnson same, to dau. Agnes Johnson same, to daughter Cecelia Johnson same, to daughter Lucy Johnson same, to daughter Massie Johnson same. Four youngest daughters to have maintenance until they marry. Wife Lucy Johnson land whereon I live during her widowhood with all Negroes. At death or marriage of wife then to sons Micajah and James. After death of wife Negroes to have a right to their freedom at age 21 years. Wife extrix and Zachariah Moorman, George Bell, and Catlet Jones exors. 21 Feb. 1785. wit. Pleasant Terrell, Thomas Terrell, Peter Crawford. Recorded 8 Dec. 1788.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 214, James Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 18-Dec-1788
Will of James Johnson. My daus: Elizabeth Moorman, Mary Terrell, Susannah Clark, Agnes Johnson, Cecelia Johnson, Nancy Johnson, Massie Johnson; sons: Micijah and Jas. Johnson. to my wife Lucy land I now live on, then to my 2 sons Micajah and James. Exors: wife and Zachariah Moorman, George Bell, Catlet Jones. Dated 21 Feb 1785 . Sig. Jas. Johnson, Wit: Pleasant Terrell. Thos. Terrell, Peter Crawford. Rcd. 18 Dec 1788.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 223, Elizabeth Dickason, Type: Sett, Date:  
Elizabeth Dickason estate to John Dickason 1778.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 224, William Johnson, Type: Div, Date: 01-Jul-1782
Division of estate of William Johnson 1777 Nov. Thomas Johnson heir at law to William Johnson, dec'd. balance to be divided into 6 equal parts- Thomas Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, William Johnson, Robert Johnson, Jane Johnson, Ann Johnson. 1 July 1782 Sig. Sig. Joseph Shelton, Thomas Shelton, William Terrell. Credit to widows dower.

Cty. Alb, Book: 3, Page: 224, Thomas Salmon, Type: Inv., Date: 01-Jan-1794
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 232, William Roberson, Type: Sett, Date:  
Settlement of estate of William Roberson by Jas. Robertson, Admr. names David Dalton, Bradley Dalton, John Roberson 1/9 to each legatee. Legatees paid except Joseph Roberson and Thomas Roberson. [no other names given]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 233, Sarah Snelson, Type: wd bond, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 233, Sarah Snelson, Type: app, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 235, Sarah Snelson, Type: will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 236, Sarah Snelson, Type: exor bond, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 248, Robert Goodwin, Type: Will, Date: 08-Jun-1789
Will Robert Goodwin to beloved wife Jane during her life, tract of land I purchased of Maj. John Crutchfield, also tract purchased of Robert Barrett, my part of water mill, furniture, etc. 2/3 of my slaves, certificates of every kind to pay taxes and balance at her death to children. to son Hugh tract of land adjoining goldmine, I purchased of Col.. Wm. Johnson, Negro. to son Robert tract of land purchased of Maj. John Crutchfield and Capt. Robert Barrett which I have lent to wife for her life. To son John Chapman tract of land given me by my father except 50 acres lying on north side of River and my part of water mill at wife's death and Negro. to son Archibald Tulloch 50 acres on north side of Little River, being part of land given me by my father also 150 acres I purchased of Robert Garland and Negro. If Robert Garland should refuse to my son Archibald a good title then I give son Archibald $110 in lieu of 150 acres. Have tried to make all equal. to daughter Elizabeth Garland Coleman 4 Negroes. To daughter Mary 2 Negroes and #110 at age or when she marries. to daughter Barbara 2 Negroes and #110. Trying to be equal with what I have already given daughters. Remainder of estate equally divided amongst children vis. Hugh, Robert, Jno. Chapman, Archibald Tulloch, Elizabeth G. Coleman, Mary and Barbara. Appoint wife Jane Goodwin, Spencer Coleman and son Hugh exors. 9 May 1789. wit. Robert Barrett, Andrew Good Jr., Frans. Lipscombe. Rec. 8 Jun 1789.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 261, David Johnson, Type: Will, Date:  
Estate David Johnson, dec'd. 1788 pd. for recording will; paid to Capt. Turner Anderson for surveying land and being clerk at sale; paid to W. Ford minister for preaching funeral, paid to John West & Christopher Isbell for carrying chains.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 288, Anne Bibb, Type: Will, Date: 18-Aug-1789
Daughters Elizabeth McAllister, Elenor Cole, Mary Edwards; Son P???y Bibb; Ann Edwards a small chest; Witness Lydia Cole, Rebecca Cole

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 297, James Cosby, Type: Will, Date: 12-Apr-1790
Written 21 Dec 1789, Recorded 12 Apr 1790 Gives negro girl Fanny to his nephew Wm. O. Callis; leaves items to Launcelot Minor, and to Fortunatus Cosby, a son of my brother Charles; Niece Jane Cosby, daughter of my brother John Cosby.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 340, David Hughes, Type: Exor, Date: 14-Sep-1790
3-485: Mary Hudgins late widow of David Hughes, dec'd; Joshua, Billy, Sucky, Molly Dunn.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 353, Micajah Sims, Type: Sett, Date: 10-Jan-1791
Bond of John Sims, adm. of estate of Micajah Sims. sec. Micajah Sims, Benjamin Sims, Amt. LB 500. Dated and recorded 10 Jan 1791 . Signed John Sims, Micajah Sims, Benjamin Sims, Alexr. Anderson.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 362, Richard Phillips, Type: Sett, Date: 14-Feb-1791
Appraisement of estate of Richard Phillips by Benjamin Clark, John Winston, Henry Pendleton, Joseph Kimbrough. Rcd. 14 Feb 1791. B 3 p 495 Benj. Clarke a sec. on bond of John Adams, admr. of est of Thomas Adams. 8 Oct 1792.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 386, Samuel Carr, Type: Sett, Date: 11-Apr-1791
John Moore one of the debtors to the estate of Samuel Carr 11 Apr 1791.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 386, Samuel Carr, Type: Sett, Date: 11-Apr-1791
Account of estate of Samuel Carr. money paid amongst others to William Clark. 11 Apr 1791.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 425, John Porter, Sr., Type: Will, Date: 09-Aug-1791
Will of John Porter, Senr. To my grandson Thomas Porter, son of Wm. Porter and Rebecca his wife. Unto my grandson John Porter, son of William and Rebecca Porter, my dau. Eliz. Guerrant, my son William Porter. Exors: grandson Thomas Porter, William Porter, Jr. Dated 31 May 1787. Signed John Porter. wit. Sally (x) Watkins, Nancy Porter, Mary Ann Porter, Asa Hall, Benjamin Porter. Recorded 9 Aug 1791.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 431, John Tisdale, Type: Sett, Date: 24-Mar-1791
Estate of John Tisdale in account with Daniel Allegree admor. legacy due Sally Morris' orphans £308-7-6 by your legacy £288-7-6 pd. Samuel Moss for Jno. Tisdale one of exors. pd. Shirley Tisdale pd. John Wheeler

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 433, John Tisdale, Type: Sett, Date: 11-Aug-1791
Settlement of estate of John Tisdale by John Tisdale, Exor. Dated 5 Dec 1785. £1500 11s 5 1/2 p paid to Saml. Moss, Jesse Perkins, Shirley Tisdale, Wm. Goldsmith, David Bullock, attorney. Terry, John Boswell, Boswell & Johnson, Thomas Barnett Paid to Saml. Moss legacy left his wife. to John Wheeler legacy. Shirley Tisdale legacy, to Daniel Allegree legacy. to John Tisdale in decedent's will. Dated 24 Mar 1791. Signed. Jno. Poindexter, Dr. John Poindexter, Jr., Wm. Thomson. Recorded 11 Aug 1791.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 441, John Porter, Sr., Type: Sett, Date: 12-Sep-1791
Bond of Thos. Porter, Jr. exor of estate of John Porter, Senr. sec. Peter Crawford, Thos. Barnett £1000. dated and recorded 12 Sep 1791. Signed Thomas (x) Porter, Peter Crawford, Thomas Barnett.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 446, Andrew Todd, Type: Will, Date: 10-Oct-1791
Will of Andrew Todd, my lands in Westmoreland Co., Pa. two tracts on Crooked Creek, one on the Hiscominities near the Alleghany River. My half I hold with col. Andrew Porter of Penn. to my son Robert £120. To my sons John, William, Andrew, dau. Mary, son-in-law John McCullock. Exors son Andrew Todd and nephew Rev. John Todd. Dated 10 Sep 1791. Signed Andrew Todd. Wit. Robert Barret, James Winston, Henry Lipscomb. Recorded 10 Oct 1791.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 454, John Tisdale, Type: Sett, Date:  
Account of sale of estate of John Tisdale mentions Daniel Alligree 443 acres, Shirley Tisdale as buyer amongst others at sale.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 473, John Tisdale., Type: Div, Date: 12-Mar-1792
Division of estate of John Tisdale. 24 Mar 1791. #2003 6s 4 3/4 p Divided between 6 legatees not named. Signed John Poindexter, Sr., John Poindexter, Jr., Wm. Thomson. Recorded 12 Mar 1792.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 473, John Tisdale., Type: Div, Date: 12-Mar-1792
Division of estate of John Tisdale. 24 Mar 1791. £2003 6s 4 3/4 p Divided between 6 legatees not named. Signed John Poindexter, Sr., John Poindexter, Jr., Wm. Thomson. Recorded 12 Mar 1792.

Cty. ?, Book: 3, Page: 485, William Hughes, Type: Will, Date: 11-Jun-1792
WB 3, 485 12 December 1791 and 9 January 1792 report of William Hughes accounts as administrator of the estate of David Hughes, deceased. Satisfaction of your commissioners by receipts under the hand of Mary Hudgins, late widow of this deceased David Hughes, that she had received the sum of 24 pounds in full of all claims she had against this deceased estate, and likewise that Joshua H. each, and Billy H., Sucky Hughes, Molly Dunn, had each received of William Hughes. The sum of 12 pounds six shillings. 11 June 1792.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 495, Thomas Adams, Type:  , Date: 08-Oct-1792
Benj. Clarke a sec. on bond of John Adams, admr. of est of Thomas Adams. 8 Oct 1792.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 495, Thomas Adams, Type: Sett, Date: 08-Oct-1792
Bond of John Adams admr. of estate of Thomas Adams. Sec. Benj. Clarke. amt. £1000. Dated and recorded 8 Oct 1792. Signed John Adams, Benja. Clarke,

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 507, Pewed Hix, Type:  , Date: 14-Jan-1793
Charles Yancey admins. of Pewed Hix, dec;d. bond. 14 Jan 1793.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 507, Pewed Hix, Type: Inv, Date: 14-Jan-1793
Charles Yancey & Joseph Kimbrough are held and bound unto Thomas Johnson, Gent. the 1st Justice of the peace for Louisa County £250 Conditioned that Charles Yancey administrator of the goods chattels and credits of Pewed Hix, dec'd. do make a perfect inventory of his goods. Sig. Chas. Yancey, Jos. Kimbrough. Rec. 14 January 1793.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 508, Sarah Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 11-Feb-1793
Dower lands laid off to Sarah Johnson adjoining River, Overtons, Andersons, Sheltons being 80 acres. 23 Jan. 1793. by C[illeg may be Cornelius] Dabney and Saml. Dabney. Rec. 11 Feb. 1793.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 517, Peawid Hicks, Type: Sett, Date: 13-May-1793
Inventory of estate of Peawid Hicks sold 31 Jan 1793 on 12 months credit. To John Duke, to Mr. F. Hicks, To John Smith, Jr. Sig. Charles Yancey Administrator. Rec. 13 May 1793.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 517, Pewed Hicks, Type: Sett, Date: 21-Jan-1793
Inventory of estate of Pewed Hicks, dec'd. 21 Jan 1793 made by William Crenshaw, Cyrus Davis, John Young.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 518, Pewed Hicks, Type: Sett, Date: 13-May-1793
Account of sale of estate of Pewed Hicks 13 May 1793 £26-2-11 purchasers John Duke, William F. Hicks, John Smith Jr.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 518, Benjamin Bibb, Type: Appt, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 542, John Walton, Type: Sett, Date: 09-Dec-1793
Mary Walton, Joel Walton, Martin Walton, William Edwards, John Walton, Garland Walton and William Walton bound unto Turner Anderson, William Phillips, Nelson Anderson, William Thompson and John Poindexter justices amt of bond £2000 9 Dec 1793. Mary Walton and Joel Walton admors of estate of John Walton, dec`d. recorded 9 Dec 1793.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 552, John Walton, Type: Sett, Date: 14-Apr-1794
Inv. estate of John Walton slaves George, Diner, Sary, Kit, Bob, Agge, Ben, Delphi. Recorded 14 Apr 1794. by William Smith, Chas. Jackson, Nelson Anderson.

Cty. Lou, Book: 3, Page: 572, Elizabeth Anderson, Type: Will, Date: 08-Dec-1794
Will of Elizabeth Anderson, St. Martins Parish. To grandson Richard, son of Michael Anderson Negroes Paul, Sam, Ester, Fanny, Nanny, Patt, Dolly, John, bed, cow, pigs, etc. If he dies Negroes to be divided among my grandchildren Thomas M. Anderson, Pouncy Anderson, Reubin Anderson, Edmund Anderson, David Anderson, Ann Thomson wife to Edmund Thomson, and Elizabeth Anderson children to Michael Anderson. To my daughter Judith Dabney wife to James Dabney mare, side saddle, and all my wearing apparel. To grandson Thomas M. Anderson son to Michael Anderson colt. Lend to son Richard Anderson horse and then to his son Richard Anderson. Residue of estate to be sold and divided equally among my grandchildren Thomas M. Anderson, Pouncy Anderson, Reubin Anderson, Richard Anderson, Edmund Anderson, David Anderson, Ann Thomson wife to Edmund Thomson and Elizabeth Anderson children of Michael Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson wife to Matthew Anderson, Frances Holland wife to Christopher Holland, Mary Woodson wife to John Woodson, Kitty Perkins wife to Robert Perkins, Judith Anderson, Jane Anderson, Susanna Anderson, Richard Anderson, Ann Anderson, Shardy Anderson and Joseph Anderson children of Richard Anderson, Cisley Shelton wife of Thomas Shelton, Ann Hardin wife of Thomas Hardin, Polly Dabney, Charity Dabney, and William Dabney children of Judith wife of James Dabney. Legacy to granddaughter Elizabeth Anderson wife of Matthew Anderson to be at her own disposal. Exors to be Michael Anderson, James Dabney, and grandson Thomas M. Anderson. Sig. Elizabeth (X) Anderson. wit John Thomson, Zachariah Pulliam. Rec. 8 Dec. 1794.

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