Louisa County, Va. Probate Records
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 6, Patrick Nelson, Type: Will, Date: 06-Jun-1922
Will Patrick Nelson of Louisa to niece Bertha King all property in fee simple including 20 acres I bought of James F. Moss and Clayton B. Moss. Niece to be exix. 6 Jan 1922. wit. John Q. Rhodes, Jr. Rec. 6 Jun 1922.
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 7, Henry W. King, Type: Appt, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 20, Vlardenia H. Nuckolls, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 23, C. G. Tisdale, Type: Appt, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 55, Harriet Gooch, Type: List, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 62, Thomas R. Hughson, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 191, Eugene Pendleton, Type: Will, Date: 18-Sep-1926
Will of Eugene Pendleton, beloved wife Bettie B. Pendleton use of whole estate for her entire life. At her death to be equally divided between my 2 sons and my daughter Eugene B. Pendleton, Lewis S. Pendleton, and Ann M. Pendleton. Advisable to sell Cuckoo Place on which I now reside because of the expense of the up keep. Wish to be buried at Gilboa church in section adjoining Capt. Wm. p Pendleton. Wife Bettie B. Pendleton exix. and son Eugene B. and Lewis S. Pendleton. (no witnesses) 15 Mar 1821. Recorded 18 Sep 1926. L. N. Foster and Jos. L. Wills swore to handwriting and signature. Eugene Pendleton qualified as exor.
Cty. Lou, Book: 22, Page: 196, C. L. Tisdale, Type: , Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. ?, Book: 22, Page: 341, Martha J. Netherland, Type: Will, Date: 10-Jan-1929
WB 22 -- 341, Martha J. Netherland 19 January 1928 recorded 10 January 1929. Husband buried Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Niece Mattie May Danne. I give the household furnishings, I have in her home at Trevilians Virginia and $1000 cash for her taking care of me during the latter years of my life; divided among the children of my four deceased sisters, Mrs. Mary E. Winston, Mrs. Sallie A. May, Mrs. Cora L. Tillman, and Mrs. Nanny P. Pettus; Charles Danne Jr., executor John G. May; amended 25 September 1928 to allow Mattie May Danne to select one of the two diamond rings. Witness John M. Scott, J.C. Ross
Cty. Lou, Book: 23, Page: 103, W. R. Hughson, Type: Heirs, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 23, Page: 254, Josephine Gooch, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 23, Page: 257, John Dunkum, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1857
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 23, Page: 294, James O. Cosby, Sr., Type: List, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 23, Page: 384, Jas. W. Nuckolls, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 23, Page: 491, Mrs. Bettie Barrett, Type: Will, Date: 15-Jun-1934
Will Betty B. Pendleton, to daughter in laws Virginia G. and Christina F. $250 to buy a little keepsake. To grandsons E. Barbour Jr. and Lewis S. Jr. $1,000. To granddaughter Elizabeth Eugenia $1,200. to cousin Kate Meredith $200. to Harvie Cook $200, to Gilboa Church $500 in trust by my children living near to use as they think. In Anne's care $500 to be used for charity. Remainder to be equally divided amongst children Eugene Barbour Pendleton, Lewis Smith Pendleton and Ann Pendleton Forrest. Three children to be exors. Betty B. Pendleton. Made special gifts: to granddaughter Betty 3rd old sewing table that belonged to her great great grandmother Betty 1st. also small mahogany bureau given me by my Aunt Victoria Meredith Alfred. also a picture. To grandson E. Barbour Pendleton Jr. old Goodwin side board and six solid silver teaspoons given my by Mrs. Gibbs, also a picture. To grandson Lewis S. Pendleton jr. old walnut chest of drawers owned by his great grandfather Philip B. Pendleton, 6 silver teaspoons given me by Mrs. Gibbs a picture and the white statuette he liked so much as a child. to son in law W. M. Forrest combination book case and desk that stays in the Drs. office. Has no special family history but I bout it when the Hermitage was closed. To son Barbour the old Winthrop desk owned by Col. Edmund Pendleton and mahogany bed given me by Mrs. Burleigh and the cut glass celery dish given my by Elizabeth Jones (colored) and a picture. To daughter Ann two old trunks with contents of little value, the cut glass as she wants, the teakwood monkey, the bronzes, brasses and the Barret candelabra, her mother's old clock, the old Cosby Mirros and my part of the large hall mirror given us by Lewis. Also pencil sketch of Sallie Field Kimbrough Barrett done by her sister Unity Yancy Pendleton. The Nottingham oil painting and 3 pieces of Bride's china. Lewis to have the salad plate matching her. Barbour has some given him by Aunt Juliana. Table and bed linens divided between my 3 children. Rest of possessions gathered thro' many years of housekeeping to daughter Ann to keep what she wants and the rest divided between my 2 sons Barbour and Lewis. 18 Oct 1934. p S. I advise Anne to wait at least 6 months before making a division of the things left for her to decide. Rec. 15 Jun 1934. L. A. Keller, Jr. and Mrs. W. D. Chiles proved signature and writing to be the will of Mrs. Bettie Barrett Pendleton. E. Barbour, Lewis S. Pendleton and Ann Pendleton Forrest qualified as exors with bond of $2,500
Cty. Lou, Book: 24, Page: 57, Calvin Hughes, Type: Appt, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 24, Page: 172, P. A. Dettor, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 24, Page: 189, Alberta N. Duke, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 24, Page: 367, S. A. Brockman, Type: Sett, Date: 08-Jan-1941
Estate S. A. Brockman, dec'd. by Kenneth Brockman admor. S. A. Brockman died intestate 4 Jan 1941. List of Heirs: S. H. Brockman, age 26, son, address Louisa Miss Mildred Brockman age 24, daughter, address Louisa Kenneth Brockman, age 21, son address Louisa Kathleen Brockman age 21 daughter, address Louisa. Recorded 8 Jan 1941.
Cty. Lou, Book: 24, Page: 445, Oalah Duke, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 24, Page: 459, W. J. Nuckolls, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 25, Page: 18, William Dunkum, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1857
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 26, Page: 147, Reuben Dunn, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1867
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 27, Page: 115, William Richard Dunkum, Type: Will, Date: 29-May-1952
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 27, Page: 257, Lewis Duke, Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 28, Page: 264, James Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 04-Jul-1870
From Albemarle Co. Will book 28, page 264: Wife Elizabeth, after death of wife to my children: Susan, Jane E., Edmund C., Albert G. B., James T. Dunn. I give unto Jno. T. Dunn who married my daughter Susan, one dollar; Susan and her two children shall pay no bond. Written 5 Sep 1866, Recorded 4 Jul 1870
Cty. Alb, Book: 28, Page: 288, Fountain D. Dunn, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1869
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 28, Page: 401, Elizabeth Salmon, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1871
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 29, Page: 341, Ira Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 05-Jan-1880
brother Henry and Elizabeth ... to my mother and brother Lewis; sister Polly Sandridge; brother Henry is executor. Written 4 Sep 1873, recorded 5 Jan 1880; witness Elijah J. Dunn
Cty. Alb, Book: 29, Page: 485, Elizabeth Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 03-Nov-1884
Albemarle Co. Va. Will Book 29, Page 485. Elizabeth Dunn: sons Elijah, John J., Willis, Nicholas H., Robert C.; Written 24 Jun 1873, Recorded 3 Nov 1884.
Cty. Lou, Book: 29, Page: 581, Mary Goodman, Type: Will, Date: 05-Mar-1888
Will Mary Goodman to Mrs. J. J. Connor with whom I live in consideration as she has been only person to show me kindness in my old age. Make J. J. Conner exor 21 Nov 1884 wit. W. G. Rogers, A. M. Goss, Frank Bilmer. Rec. 5 Mar 1888.
Cty. Alb, Book: 30, Page: 30, Jane E. Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 07-Jul-1890
Mentions sister Susan Dunn, and the undivided estate of my deceased brother Edmond C. Dunn. Written 12 Feb 1886, Recorded 7 Jul 1890; Witness E. J. Dunn, Charles E. Via. [ possibly the daughter of James Dunn & Elizabeth Collins]
Cty. Alb, Book: 30, Page: 199, Mary F. Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 06-Aug-1894
Son Aldrelus L. Dunn; written 14 Mar 1886, Recorded 6 Aug 1894
Cty. Alb, Book: 30, Page: 201, Henry T. Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 03-Feb-1894
Wife is Clementine Dunn; Ann D. Garrison (single), George D. Garrison (not 21); written 15 Jan 1894, Recorded 3 Feb 1894
Cty. Alb, Book: 30, Page: 303, Bennett Rivers Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 06-May-1897
B. R. Dunn of Wilmington, NC. Mentions wife Mary J. Dunn, .... house and lot on the corner of 7th and Princess Street in Wilmington, 80 acres in Citrus Co. Florida, and my undivided interest in my grandmother Salmon's estate in Albemarle Co.; son B. R. Dunn, 5 shares of Atlantic and North Carolina RailRoad Company and my gold watch; son Wm. Adair Dunn, $75 to buy a gold watch; daughter Janie Bennett Dunn; desire my wife to sell the interest in my grandmothers estate to Thomas M. Dunn for the same price paid by him to the other heirs.... Appoint L. M. Dunn and Wm. Adair executors. Written 19 Jul 1893, recorded in Giles Co., VA on 22 Aug 1893, Albemarle on 6 May 1897.
Cty. Lou, Book: 30, Page: 498, Mary Dunkum, Type: , Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 32, Page: 85, Elijah J. Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 26-Sep-1911
wife is Susan A. Dunn; house and lot on Locust Grove Ave. Written 28 Apr 1910, recorded 26 Sep 1911
Cty. Alb, Book: 32, Page: 339, Thomas Martin Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 02-Jun-1916
Albemarle Co. Will Book 32, page 339: "wife Sally S. Dunn, my three children Leiia S. Dunn, Bessie J. Dunn, Perey T. Dunn; my home where I now reside one mile west of Free Union in Albemarle Co., ... 34 acres shall go to Bessie "The Oaks". Written 7 May 1915, Recorded 2 Jun 1916.
Cty. Alb, Book: 33, Page: 410, Mollie B. Dunn, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1925
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 33, Page: 483, Maggie Dunn, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1926
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 34, Page: 46, Mary Dunn, Type: , Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 34, Page: 131, J. T. Dunn, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1927
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Alb, Book: 34, Page: 400, Susie L. Dunn, Type: , Date: 01-Jan-1929
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 42, Page: 205, Vernon Dunn, Type: , Date: 21-Jul-1986
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 47, Page: 314, William Richard Dunkum, Jr., Type: Will, Date:
[No abstract was made.]
Cty. Lou, Book: 6?, Page: 108, Robert Dickenson, Type: Will, Date: 09-Aug-1819
Written 9 Aug 1819 In the name of God Amen, I Robert Dickinson of the County of Louisa and state of Virginia being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and disposing. Memory for which I thank God. And calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as I hath pleased God to help me with. I give and bequeath the same in manner following that is to say.
1st. I desire that all the perrishable part of my estate be sold after my decease and out of the Money's arising there from all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.
2nd. After the payment of my debts and funeral expenses. I give to my sons William Dickenson, Jonathan Dickenson, Joel Dickenson, and Hezikiah Dickenson, Charles Dickenson, Cosby Dickeman all the land, I may dispossed of to them and their lawful heirs ( can't read words looks like j oranor minded?)
They all leave lawful heirs if any of them should dye without lawful heir's be equally divided among them. If I leave any money in the House when I dye or any due me it is to be divided equally among my sons above named of their lawful heirs. Counting in the money I have loaned some of them. I do divided as above named so as to make and equal division among them likewise if I have given some of my sons above named more than others this is to be taken into consideration so as to make them equal in the divisions.
3rdly. I give to my Daughter Mary Yearbough during her natural life all the in or case of a negro woman named Christian and one negro boy named Mesidy and at her death to her children and their heirs forever.
4thly. I give all the in or case of a negro woman named Hanah I loaned to my daughter Ann Bagby, to her children to be equally divided among them and their heirs forever.
5thly. I give the Seventy five pounds current money I loaned to David Smith which he chosed rather than a negro woman lent to him as the others, had that married my Daughter this Seventy five pounds to be equally divided among my Daughter Frances Smiths children to them and their heirs forever.
6thly. I give to my Daughter Anne Chewning deceased children Jean and Darkes two negroes with all the in or case to be equally divided among them and their heirs forever.
7thly. I give to Catharine Gooch my daughter during her natural life three negroes named Pattey, Mary, and David and at her death to her children or their lawful heirs forever.
8thly. I give to my two grand daughters, daughters of my son James Dickenson Deceased. Ann Oliver, and Bolinda Dickenson fifty pounds a piece current money to them and their heirs forever.
9thly. I give to Mahala Dickenson my Grand Daughter one negro girl named Mary to her and her heirs forever.
10thly. I give to my five sons William Dickenson, Joel Dickenson, Charles Dickenson, Cosby Dickenson, and Hezakiah Dickenson one negro a piece or the value of one equal to the one I have given to my son Jonathan named Solomon to them and their heirs forever.
11thly. All the rest of my estate of what nature or kind sooner it may be note herein before (can't read word clear looks like partiourly ) disposed of I desire may be equally divided among my children and grand children that its and equal part to a family as follows William Dickenson, Jonathan Dickenson, Joel Dickenson, Charles Dickenson, Cosby Dickenson, Hezekiah Dickenson, James Dickenson deceased children my son and to my daughter and their children after their deceased that are living and the children of my Deceased Daughters as follows. Mary Yearbough and her children after her decease children. Catharine Gooch and her children after her decease to them and their heirs forever. Some of my sons have received more of me than others, those that have more are to make their Brothers equal with themselves out of their parts after making the division as above directed.
And lastley I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons William Dickenson, Jonathan Dickenson, and Charles Dickenson, Executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have Hereinto ( can't read word looks like sol) my hand and affixed my have seal the ninth day of August in the year Eighteen hundred and nineteen.
Signed sealed published and declared as and for the last will and testament of the above named Robert Dickenson in the presents of us: Robt. Barret, James Dickenson, Wm. Kimbrough, Ashton Garrett
AB. The words Daughters and Deceased (can't read looks like inter lined ) between the thirty second and thirty third lines before signed Robert Dickenson ( Seal )
At the court held for Louisa County Monday the 13th day of September 1819. A waiting purporting to be the last will and testament of Robert Dickenson deceased, was this day exhibated in open court and was provided by the oaths of William Kimbough, and Aston Garrett subcribing witness thereto and by the Court ordered to be recorded.
And at a Court held for this County of Louisa on Monday the 11th day of Oct. 1819.
On the motion of William Dickenson and Jonathan Dickenson, as of the Executors named in the Will and Testament of the above named Robert Dickenson who made oaths according to law, a certificate is granted them for claiming a Probate there of in due form they having together with approved Security entered into and acknowledge two seperate Bonds. Conditions as the Law directs in the penalty of Sixteen Thousand dollars each.
Cty. Lou, Book: 7?, Page: 0, Thomas Shelton, Type: Will, Date: 10-Jul-1826
Submitted by sidne@erols.com (sidne) I. Thomas Shelton of the County of Louisa being sick and weak of body but of sound mind and disposing memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of human do make and ordain this my last will and testament.
1. Having given to my son James Dabney Dec’d more than an equal proportion of my estate, my will is that his heirs have no part of my Estate.
2. I have given to my son Thomas the tract of land whereon he now resides.
3. I have given to my son Joseph three hundred acres of land whereon he now resides
agreeable to a survey made by David Richardson.
4. I give to my son Matthew the tract the tract of land conveyed to me by Mrs. Williamson and her grandsons William and John Martin. Also one hundred acres of my tract of land purchased of Daracotts legatees, adjoining the said land, I also give him at the death of my wife the tract of land I purchased of David Anderson’s legatees.
5. I lend to my daughter Mapy Shelton the residue of my tract of land purchased of Daracott’s legatees under the limitations hereinafter to be expreped.
6. I give to my son David Rice at the death of my present wife three hundred acres of the tract of land whereon I now reside to be laid off by a line commencing on the south side of Owens creek on a line running between my land and the lands formerly owned by John Richardson and running so as to include all the buildings where I live, I also lend to him during the life of my present wife the tract of land I purchased of David Anderson’s legatees which is given my son Matthew at the death of my wife.
7. The balance of the tract of land whereon I now reside I wish equally divided between my four daughters by my second wife (viz) Sarah Terrell, Martha, Elizabeth Watson and Cecilia.
8. I give to my sons Thomas and Joseph and lend to my daughter Mapy under lamentations hereafter expreped all the negroes with their increase which I rec’d by their mother, to be equally divided between them. The negroes received by either of them heretofore to be taken into the account in the division and whereas my daughter Mapy has rec’d some negroes which did not come by her mother, my Will is that she account with all my children in the general division for them and Thomas and Joseph for those that came by her mother, except a negro boy Nelson which I have given to her son Thomas.
9. I give to my son David Rice three negroes (viz) Peter son of Anna, Harrison son of Suckey and Roda daughter of Fanny.
10. I give to my son Matthew three negroes (viz) Charles son of Anna, Robert son of Anna and Judy daughter of Suckey (Will’s wife).
11. I give to my daughter Sarah Terrell three Negroes( viz) Jenny daughter of Rachel Ben son of Fanny and Patsy daughter of Usly.
12. I give to my daughter Martha three negroes (viz) Betsy daughter of Lucy Louisa daughter of Lucy and Spotswood son of Fanny.
13. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Watson three negroes (viz) Mary daughter of Anna Rachel daughter of Suckey and Moses son of Polly.
14. I give to my daughter Cecilia three negroes (viz) Nancy daughter of Suckey (Will’s wife) Harriet daughter of Dilly and Elisha son of Franky.
15. I lend to my wife during her life Stephen son of Anna in lieu of Tom sold. I also lend her during her widowhood Nancy daughter of Lucy.
16. My will is that all of my negroes not heretofore disposed of be equally divided amongst my children (viz) Mapy, Thomas, Joseph, Sarah Terrell, Martha, David Rice, Matthew, Elizabeth Watson and Cecilia and my will is that the portion falling to my daughter in this clause of my will as well as the property herein before loaned or given her both real and personal be vested in trust in my brother Joseph Shelton and her brother Thomas Shelton who are to manage it in the way they may think most conducive to her interest and for and during her life pay over the profits to her use, free from the control of her husband, and the payment of his debts, and after her death, divide it and the increase equally amongst all her children or their representatives.
17. My will is if either of my children by my second marriage (viz) Sarah Terrell, Martha, David Rice, Matthew, Elizabeth Watson and Cecilia die before they marry or come of age, that his of her part be equally divided between the remaining children by my second marriage, and if a second, third fourth and fifth should in like manner die all their parts as well of my estate as what the receive by the death of either of them shall be equally divided amongst the remaining children or child by my second marriage.
18. My will is that my perishable property be sold for the payment of my just debts and if it is not sufficient that my executors hereinafter named sell an equal number of my negroes from those rec’d by my first wife and those of my own for the purpose of making up the deficiency.
19. My will is that my sons Thomas and Joseph and my daughter Mapey be charged with the stock of horses, cattle and household furniture which they have received and account for the same in the general division of my estate.
20. Lastly I do hereby appoint my friends William Meredith and William Shelton , Mr. and my sons Thomas and Joseph Executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day August 1824
Signed sealed in the presence of: Charles Dabney Jr. James Sims, Edmund Dabney, Garland Tarrat
At a Court held for Louisa County at the Courthouse on Monday the 10th of July 1826, This paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of THOMAS SHELTON dec’d was this day produced in open Court and proved by the witnesses thereto and by the Court ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of Thomas Shelton one of the executors therein named who made oath as the law requires and enters with approved security in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of said will in due form of law.
Teste: John Hunter
Cty. Lou, Book: AA, Page: 152, Benjamin S. Massey, Type: Will, Date:
Will of BENJAMIN S. MASSEY to wife Huldah Massey, real estate, cattle, etc.; to son John F. Massey 300 acres reserving 1 acre for burying ground and then to his children. Sons Benjamin F. Massey, William H. Massey and daughter Sarah E. Willoughby and her husband Walter M. Willoughbly. To son William H. Massey and Benjamin F. Massey a farm of 104 acres I obtained from my father's estate. Sig. Benjamin S. Massey (x) Wit. W. F. Adam, J.B. Luck and A. W. Massey. Date_____________ Date recorded___________
Cty. Lou, Book: Alb. 17, Page: 351, William Dunkum, Type: Will, Date: 08-Jul-1846
…. with the land leased to the University of Virginia .... wife Frances, the plantation where I now live ... servants Jane, Peter, Wm., Howard, Ivery, Lil___, Fanny and Luc__tia; children Frances and Martha, son John A. Dunkum $3,000; dau. Polly Ann Sowell $2,210; dau. Mary Jane Durrett $1,870; son's Wm. L. , Chesley, Ejijah, James T/F.; dau Susan Ann - intermarried with J? P? Abell; younger daughters Francis Elizabeth and Martha Catherine; lease with UVA terminates in 1849; sister Elizabeth Dunkum; fathers estate where my step-mother now lives; son-in-law Lewis Sowell; written 24 Jul 1845, recorded 8 Jul 1846
Cty. Lou, Book: Alb. 28, Page: 401, Elizabeth W. [Carr] Salmon, Type: Will, Date: 03-Jul-1871
seven living grandchildren: Wm M. S. Dunn, Thomas M. Dunn, Luther M. Dunn, Martha A. E. Dunn, Bennet R. Dunn, Alfred S. Dunn, and Sallie Dunn. The first five being children of my deceased daughter Jane B. Salmon, and the last two being the children of my deceased daughter Caroline M. Dunn ... Sell the estate and divide equally without reference to the proceedings and decree which may have taken place and been rendered in a chancery suit lately or now pending in the circuit court of Albemarle Co. in the name of Chapman trustees against Dunn Brothers .....
.....late husband Thomas Salmon ... Husbands of my grandchildren .. Martha A. E. Thompson and Sallie Elliott Junior. Appoint Wm. M. S. Dunn and Thomas M. Dunn executors. 20 Feb 1871
Amended: Alfred S. Dunn and wife -- held in trust -- Recorded 3 Jul 1871.
Cty. Lou, Book: BB, Page: 330, Alexander W. Massey, Type: Will, Date: 20-Mar-1909
Will of ALEXANDER W. MASSEY To wife as long as she remains a widow all estate then to be divided amongst children. If wife, Lucy M. Massey, remarries then she is to get 1/3 of estate and residue to be divided amongst children Nina E. Pendleton, C. Rosser Massey, J. Wallace Massey, and E. Maude Massey. Daughter, Ella Maude to be given an education out of estate and to have a home in my home, " Cool Spring" as long as she is unmarried or needs a home. My mother's gold spectacles to daughter, Nina E. Pendlton and my gold watch to son J. Wallace Massey. Wife Lucy M. Massey to be executrix and I am not in debt. 9 Nov 1892. Sig. Alexander W. Massey Rec. 20 Mar 1909.
Cty. Lou, Book: I, Page: 208, Thomas C. Massey, Type: Will, Date: 06-Oct-1817
Will of THOMAS C. MASSEY of Spots., estate to continue as it is until daughter, Eliza M. Massey, arrives at age 15 years, then give Eliza 3 Negores Keziah, Edmund and Sampson; to son Thomas C. Massey when he arrives at age 21, Negroes Peter, Fanny and Sam; To son John p Massey when he arrives at age 21, Negores Moses, Lewis and Sally. If wife, Lucy, now be pregnant then that child is to receive 3 Negores. Remainder of estate to wife, Lucy, after above bequeaths of Negroes and when youngest child reaches 21 years. Wife, Lucy, sole executrix. 9 Jun 1817. Sig. Thomas C. Massey. Wit. Jesse Petty, Lewis M. Dangerfield. Rec. 6 Oct 1817. Lucy Massey made bond to act as administrix 6 Oct 1817.
Cty. Lou, Book: Org. 14, Page: 315, Thomas B. Tisdale, Type: Will, Date: 28-Feb-1900
Wife is S. Fannie Tisdale … heirs … except Blanch Nichols ... Written 27 May 1896, recorded 28 Feb 1900.
Cty. Lou, Book: Z, Page: 244, Booker Parrish, Type: Sett, Date: 10-Apr-1845
Jesse H. Mallory of Louisa for $3,000 to Joseph H. Mallory and George W. Mallory tract adjoining William Waddy, Old Mountain Road, William Johnson, being tract I now reside containing 375 acres, negroes, personal property etc. Also interest of my wife Margaret M. in estate of Booker Parrish Dec'd. 10 Apr 1845.