Louisa County, Va. Probate Records

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!

Cty. Lou, Book: 12, Page: 578, David Lipscomb, Type: Will, Date:  
Will of David Lipscomb. A few Years married to wife Lucy P. B. Lipscomb to her $1,200 and all she had before marriage.. Son Thomas bad management wasted what I have given him. Dau. Martha unfortunate, to live with son Nathan. grandchildren William and David children of late dec'd daughter Ann E. Lipscomb 1 share. grandchildren Henry and Mary D. Chiles children of my dec'd. Dau. Mary Chiles.. Daughter Elizabeth Lindsay has had advancements. Son Nathan Lipscomb has had advancements. Son Thomas Lipscomb has had advancements. Dau. Ann E. Lipscomb has had advancements. To Virginia Baptist Education Society in Richmond.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 0, John Hastings Winston, Type: Will, Date: 12-Dec-1853
Will of John Hastings Winston (1783 - 1853) See Image of Will at "PHOTOS" link on homepage.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 17, Nathaniel Snelson, Type: sett, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 17, Sarah Snelson, Type: sett, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 40, Hezekiah Nelson, Type: Will, Date: 22-Nov-1832
Will Hezekiah Nelson to Sarah P. Nelson and Kitty Nelson all estate. Thomas Johnson exor 22 Nov 1832. sig. H. Nelson Wit. Peter H. Jones, Meriwether Wright, Charles S. Jones.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 43, Samuel O. Nelson, Type: Sett, Date: 13-Jan-1851
Estate of Samuel O. Nelson, Nathan A. Ware admor. Rec. 13 Jan 1851.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 67, Elizabeth Smith, Type: Will, Date: 10-Feb-1851
Will Elizabeth Smith. son-in-law Charles B. Cosby for benefit of his wife, my daughter Susan and her 2 children Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Cosby.. Children of my grandau. Mary Bickerton Lipscomb. dau. Mary Winston and Susan Cosby. 8 Mar 1849 Rec. 10 Feb 1851

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 68, Nancy Kennon, Type: Will, Date: 10-Feb-1851
Robert Dalton is a legatee under the will of Nancy Kennon, dec'd. rect Louisa County about 1830 and I hereby renounces all claims to said will as I have been fully satisfied for what was due me from said Nancy Kennon. 10 Feb 1851.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 110, Nathaniel Hughson, Type: Will, Date: 12-May-1851
Written 30 Mar 1845, Recorded 12 May 1851 Wife Rosa C. Hughson

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 178, John Walton, Type: Sett, Date: 13-Oct-1857
Estate John Walton, dec'd. in account with William Jas. Walton. Rec. 13 Oct 1857

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 178, John Walton, Type: Sett, Date: 13-Oct-1857
Estate John Walton, dec'd. in account with William Jas. Walton. Rec. 13 Oct 1857

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 180, Thomas Gooch, Type: Will, Date: 12-Jul-1845
Written 12 Jul 1845, Maybe recorded in 1857 Son Robert T. Gooch, daughter Ellen D. Perkins and her husband Hardin Perkins, my other children Albert G. Gooch, Evalina A. Perkins, friend Joseph Perkins, desire my Negros John and Henry not be sold; allow son Robert to take John, Henry to one of the others. Executors Albert and Robert Gooch. Witness F. M. Jones, Elisha Melton, R. M. Kent

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 237, John Walton, Sr., Type: Acct, Date: 09-Feb-1852
Inv. John Walton, Sr., dec'd. Negro Ben and July... $4,643.97 by William G. Walton, James Burnley, and Atwood Wash. Rec. 9 Feb 1852 account of sale of John Walton, Sr. dec'd. 10 Dec 1851.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 296, John L. Trice, Type: Will, Date: 12-Jul-1852
will John L. Trice of Louisa, infirm and feeble, 21 Jun 1852, All property real and personal to wife Adelia H. Trice until youngest son Benjamin Franklin becomes of age including Negroes Washington, Harriet, Mildred and Margaret. 1/3 of property to wife Adelia H. during her life and remaining 2/3 to living children, children to be given a plain English education. My wife's interest in her father's estate to be divided in same manner as above. Appoint Andrew J. Trice and Alfred W. Trice executors. sig. John L. Trice Wit. Robert Trice, Ira S. Gilliam, Polaski P. Porter. Rec. 12 Jul 1852.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 335, Martha W. Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 13-Sep-1852
Will Martha W. Johnson estate to be equally divided among my 4 children, youngest son Nicholas. Older children received a legacy from their aunt Mrs. Lucy Quarles. Exor to settle my guardianship for 2 sons Henry W. Johnson and Nicholas Johnson. Appoint son Bickerton Lyle Johnson exor. 9 May 1852. Rec. 13 Sept. 1852.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 384, William T. Lipscomb, Type: Will, Date: 15-Mar-1853
Will William T. Lipscomb. dau. America W. who married Horace Bibb. (some children under age 21). 5 children:. America W.. Moses. Robert A.. Frances T.. Joseph Lipscomb (youngest). 27 Jan 1853 Rec. 15 Mar 1853

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 436, Kitty Perkins, Type: Sett, Date: 14-Sep-1847
(Submitted by Jan Stark) Account of Sales made the 14th day of September 1847 by Powhatan Perkins admr. of Kitty Perkins decd. of the estate of said Kitty Perkins decd. JNO.T.A. Martin -- Bed, Bedstead & furniture, $ 10.50; 1 Comfort 75c & _____ 105c; 1 log chain 210c & ____ 150c; 1 Sorrel mare, 60.50; 1 Stack Oats No. 1 (bonded), 10.75 Total $ 57.15 :: JOSEPH PERKINS -- 1 Turkey feather Bed, 5.25; 1 comfort 80c & Dog plates .25 Total $ 6.30 :: RICH; A. PERKINS -- 1 clock, 7.75; Looking glass, 2.00; 11 Woolables @ 45 (4.95); 3 pair curtains, .45; 1 pair pitchers 35c; 1 can 6p; Lot Butter pots (bonded) , .90 Total $ 17.40 :: RO. H. ISBELL -- 2 half round Tables, 8.00; 3 oil cloth yc paid 1.35 Total $ 9.35 :: ELLISON HOUCHINS -- 1 looking glass, .60; 1 pair sheets, 6p; 5 towels, 3p; 5 Sheep 3rd choice @ 137-1/2c (6.87-1/2); 6 Sheep 4th Choice @ 130c paid Total $ 16.77-1/2 :: POWHATAN PERKINS -- 11th Wool @44c, 4.84; 1 Yarn Counterpain, 3.35; 1 Yarn Counterpain, 4.15; 1 Yarn Counterpain, 4.05; 1 Tea Kettle, 1.00; Box & cuckets, 6-1/4c Total $ 17.45-1/4 SHANDY PERKINS -- 6 Towels, 105c; 1 pair sheets, .60 ; 1 Sheet, 40c; 1 large bowl, 35c; 1 pair dishes, 13c; 13 plates, 75c; Bake pans yc 3p; Knife Box & contents. .55; 5 hogs 2nd choice @ 310c (15.50); 4 hogs 3rd choice @ 155c ( 6.20) Total $ 26.03 :: GEO. N. TURNER -- 2 Table Cloths, 120c; 1 Wood Bucket yc, 1.05; Total $ 2.25 :: THOMAS VAUGHN -- 1 pair Sheets, .95; 1 comfort, 85c; 2 Table cloths, .90 Total $ 2.70 :: FREDERICK PERKINS -- 1 comfort, 115c Total $ 1.15 :: GEO. P. SHELTON --Tea board & China, 3.00; 1 Spotted Cow, 17.00 Total $ 20.00 :: JESSEE C. PERKINS -- 1 pair Dishes, 40c; 1 Tureen, 210c; 1/2 doz. German Silver Spoons, 1.00; 10 Tumblers, Water yc, 1.55 Total $ 5.05 :: REUBIN M. FORD -- 1 dish, 20c; Cradle & contents, 1.00 Total $ 1.20 :: ISHAM R. WOODSON --10 plates, .35; 5 Hogs 1st choice @415c (20.75); Total $ 21.10 :: CARR FLEMMING -- 2 Coffee Pots, Tea pot yc, .45 :: JAMES MILLER -- 1 Churn, .30 :: SPOT: S. ATTKISSON -- Shovel & Tongues, .20 :: THOMAS RUTHERFORD -- 1 Bed Cord, .35 :: WM. J. BOWLES -- 11 Windsaw chairs @40c, 4.40; 1 Spotted Cow, 13.50; Total $ 17.90 :: RICH. S. WADE-- 4 Split Bottom chairs, .15 :: ASGAD COSBY -- 2 Bee hyves @30, .60 :: JAMES MILLER -- 3 Scythe blades, 1.05 :: ROBERT PERKINS -- 3 axes, 1.75; 1 red plough, 1.75; Total $ 3.50 :: CHAS G. DICKERSON -- 1 Shovel, .70; 1 Set Gear, .65; Total $ 1.35 :: JAMES CRUTCHFIELD -- Auger, plough & axe, 15c :: RUFUS IRBY -- 1 plough, $4.45 :: RICH. ATTKISSON -- 1 blue plough, 3.10 :: JOSEPH PERKINS (Louisa) -- 2 ploughs & 1 coal box, .70 :: WADDLE FORD -- 1 set gear, .60 :: JESSEE T. BOWLES -- 1 cutting box, 4.00 :: THOMAS WOODSON -- lot Grub & hill hoes yc, 1.00 :: RICH: WOOLDRIDGE -- 1 Iron tooth rake, 1.00; 7 pigs @130, 9.10; 1 Stack oats No. 2, 11.00; 1 Stack oats No. 3, 12.00; Total $ 33.20 :: WM O. HARRIS -- 5 Sheep 1st choice @185, 9.25; 5 Sheep 2nd choice @165, 8.25; Total $ 17.50 :: AUGUSTUS PERKINS -- 1 Brindle Cow, 10.30 :: JOSEPH GREY -- 1 red Heiffer, 6.00 :: PHIL: S. MOSBY -- 1 Yoke Oxen, 30.50; 1 Ox cart, 10.00; Total $ 40.50 :: B. H. CRUTCHFIELD -- 1 Bay horse, 55.00 :: DAVID P. ALLEN -- 1 Stack No. 4, 14.60 :: JOHN P. COSBY -- 1 Lot wheat straw, 2.25 :: Total Amt $453.40-1/2 ================================ I hereby certify that the foregoing account of Sales made the 14th day of Sept 1847 by Powhatan Perkins admr of Kitty Perkins deceased of the personal estate of the said Kitty Perkins deceased is a correct report of said sale. Given under my hand the 14th day of Sept. 1847. Ro. H. Isbell C’lk of Sale Clerk’s Office of Louisa County Court April the 29th 1853 The foregoing, account of Sales of the estate of Kitty Perkins, decd, was this day Returned to me in the said office and admitted to record. Teste David M. Hunter C’lk Amt of Sale of property belonging to the estate of Mrs. Kitty Perkins made 1st day of Decr. 1847 B. S. DANDRIDGE -- 1 Set china & waiter, 2.00 :: P. PERKINS -- 1 Cow, 14.25; Shucks in Stack, 5.05; Total $ 19.75 :: J. P. COSBY -- Top Stacks, 4.95 :: P. PERKINS -- Fodder in carriage house, 3.30; Fodder in tobacco house, 6.05; Total $ 9.35 :: SHANDY PERKINS -- 2 Bbls nubbins, 1.15 :: P. PERKINS -- 5 Bbls Corn, 2.20; Total $ 11.00 :: MINSTRA BOWLES -- 5 Bbls Corn, 2.25; Total $ 11.25 :: P. PERKINS -- 10 Bbls Corn, 2.20; Total $ 22.00 :: RO. PERKINS -- 5 Bbls Corn, 2.25; Total $ 11.25 :: P. PERKINS -- 5 Bbls Corn, 2.20; Total $ 11.00 :: B. S. DANDRIDGE -- 15 Bbls Corn, 2.25; Total $ 33.75 :: P. PERKINS -- 5 Bbls Corn, 2.20; Total $ 11.00 :: B. S. DANDRIDGE -- 15 Bbls Corn, 2.25; Total $ 33.75 :: P. PERKINS -- the balance per bbl.; Total $ 2.25 :: ARCH.D ANDERSON -- 70 lbs. cotton per pound, .09; Total $ 6.30 :: RICHD B. WOOLDRIDGE -- fur sole leather & 3 bags, 1.05 :: SHANDY PERKINS -- 1 Calf Skin, .50 :: TOTAL $190.75, less Cow & China ( -16.25) = $174.50 The cow & 1 Set china was sold at the first sale and the purchaser failed to take them away. Goochland County to wit: This day Edwin C. Fleming made oath before me a justice of the peace for said County and made oath that the above account of sales with the exception of the cow & set of china is correct, and as to the cow & china he was not present when they were sold, certified under my hand this 8th Sept. 1848.

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 477, James Robertson, Type:  , Date: 14-Mar-1853
plat of 493 3/4 acres on North River being land left by James Robertson to Achille Robertson during his life and then to his sons. plat shows the division of land among sons of Achilles Robertson. Divided into 3 lots of equal value No. 1 to William Robertson, No 2 to Tazewell G. Robertson, and No. 3 to James R. Robertson. Rec. 14 Mar 1853

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 539, C. Bend. Duke, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 13, Page: 591, James Hughson, Type:  , Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 1, Robert Dalton, Type: Will, Date: 11-Jun-1855
Will Robert Dalton of Louisa to my wife 1/3 of stock, furniture, etc,. Wife and exors to educate my children by hiring out my Negroes Gabriel and Judy until my youngest child become 21 years. Balance of Negroes and lands to wife until youngest child reaches 21 years including dwelling house. Friend, John Hunter, to be exor. 21 Dec 1843. wit. Thomas Gooch, Militaus T. Gooch, Horace C. Gooch. Rec. 11 Jun 1855.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 4, William Carpenter, Type: Will, Date: 14-May-1855
Will William Carpenter of Louisa; estate to be sold. Money loaned by me to my children shall be taken first from their share. to each of my daughters, viz. Matilda Wright, Ann F. Laker and Mary Jane Wood each 1/8 share equal of money from sale. 1/8 to children of daughter Selena Garrett, Dec'd. vis. William James Garrett, Mary Catharine Garrett, Thomas W. Garrett and Lucy S. J. Garrett. To son Philip M. Carpenter in trust for benefit of daughter Lavina Newman 1/8 equal part. to son James Walker Carpenter in trust for benefit of son William B. Carpenter 1/8 share. to my friend Joseph A. Mansfield of Orange County in trust for son Philip M. Carpenter 1/8 part. 1/4 acres of land shall be reserved for burying ground. Philip M. Carpenter and Ed. P. Wood to be executors. 25 Feb 1854. Sig. William Carpenter (x) Wit. William A. Gillespie and Lewis M. Harris. Rec. 14 May 1855.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 22, Joseph Grady, Type: Will, Date: 09-Jul-1855
Will Joseph Grady of Louisa, have given to each of children that I have left a Negro, to son Wm. Grady boy Dick; to dau. Roxey Grady girl Judy; to dau Marry P. Keesar girl Frances, To dau. Roxey Grady part of my land south west side of Road leading from Keesaers to Nelson's Bridge so long as she remains single. Also a good horse, buggy, milch cow, etc. Negroes remaining to be equally divided between my nine children, to dau Jane Gardner, dau. Roxey Grady, son Joseph Grady, son William Grady, dau. Mary P. Keesaer, son George Grady, son Cornelius Grady. Remaining land and livestock to be sold and divided equally. One ninth part of money and Negroes lend to dau. Ann Poindexter and then to her children. One ninth part to Thomas Bronough as trustee for Elizabeth Grady for her support. to grandchildren, descendants of daughter Rebecca Bond in Alabama $1 each. Thos. Bronaugh exor and if he will not serve then Dr. William A. Gillespie. Part to Mary P. Keesaer in trust with Thos. Bronough as trustee. Negro woman Tempy to have her choice of my children for a home. 31 May 1855. Wit. Thomas Bronough and Samuel Talley. Sig. Joseph (X) Grady. Recorded Monday 9 Jul 1855.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 22, Joseph Grady, Type: Will, Date: 09-Jul-1855
Will of Joseph Grady names sons William, George, Cornelius and Joseph and daughters Roseay, Mary P. Keesar, Jane Gardner, Ann Poindexter, Rebecca Bond. Will dated 31 May 1855, proved 9 July 1855.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 29, George Hunter, Type: Will, Date: 13-Aug-1855
Will George Hunter of Louisa the debt owed by my nephew David M. Hunter to David's son George. Balance of estate to my beloved wife. After death of wife I liberate slaves to go to Liberia in Africa if they wish. Otherwise to choose their masters. All money arising from my estate after death of wife to go to nieces and nephews of my wife equally with the exception of my deceased brother's William Hunter's children, they are to get double, same for any children if nieces or nephews are deceased. Nephew John Hunter and Robert M. Kent exors. Aug 1855. Sig. George Hunter Wit. Jesse Perkins, Jesse H. Perkins, Jr., Rec. Louisa Monday 13 Aug 1855. Bond $26,000.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 46, Elizabeth Winston, Type: Will, Date: 28-Apr-1853
Recorded 12 Nov 1853; grandaughter Louisa Winston; son William J. Winston, daughter Mary A? Duke.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 52, George Hunter, Type: Sett, Date:  
Sale of estate of George Hunter held at his late residence (livestock)

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 70, William R. Hackett, Type: Will, Date: 06-Dec-1853
(Submitted by Jan Stark) I Wm. R. Hackett of the County of Louisa and the State of Virginia being of sound mind and disposition memory do make this my Will and Testament revoking all others. It in the first place is my wish my property should be kept together until my children be educated or one or either one of my daughters married, in the latter event that she may receive her proportionable share of the negroes and the same to be done with each as they marry. At the death of my wife Mary P. Hackett I wish my lands sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds equally divided between my children, the names of whom are respectively Lucy R., Colin J., Henrietta, and Mary P. Hackett. I also wish my wife and my son as soon as he be of legal age to act without security in regard to the former without she marry and in no event nor under any circumstances in regard to the latter as my Executors. Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of January in the year of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ One thousand eight hundred & fifty three. Wm. R. Hackett (seal) Codicil. Should my widow marry I wish that ample security be required. Wm. R. Hackett Codicil 2nd. If Debts should come agts the estate I wish that negroes sufficient to liquidate the same to be sold. I also desire Thomas S. Watson to act as one of my executors. Feb. 25th 1853. Wm. R. Hackett Codicil 3rd. I hereby give a negro girl named Nancy to my wife & also a boy named Lewis. Aug. 10 1853 Wm. R. Hackett At a Special Term of the Circuit Court of Louisa County continued and held at the Courthouse thereof on Tuesday the 6th day of December 1853. A paper writing dated the 24th day January 1853 purporting to be the last will and testament of William R. Hackett deceased with three codicils thereto, the first dated on the same day of the will, the second dated the 25th day of February 1853 and the third codicil thereto dated the 10th day of August 1853 was produced to the Court by Thomas S. Watson, an Executor therein named and there being no subscribing witness thereto Samuel P. Hackett and Paul W. Connor were sworn and severally deposed that they are well acquainted with the Testators hand writing and verily believe the said Will and Codicils thereto and the names thereto subscribed to be wholly written by the Testators own hand. Whereupon the said Will and Codicils thereto are ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament and codicils thereto of the said William R. Hackett deceased and Thomas S. Watson, one of the Executors named in the said Will appeared in Open Court and renounced his right to qualify as such Executor. And in the said Court December the 13th 1853, a writing under the hand and Seal of Mary P. Hackett, the Executrix named in the last will and testament of William R. Hackett decd. by which She renounces the Executorship of the said will was produced in OPEN Court and it appearing from the certificate of William Overton, a Justice of the Peace of this County that the said writing had been duly acknowledged before him, the same is ordered to be recorded together with the said certificate and on the motion of George W. Hackett, a brother of William R. Hackett decd. who made oath according to law and together with Samuel P. Hackett, Nelson A. Burruss, Beverly R. Fox and Bickerton S. Johnson his Security (who justified on oath as to their sufficiency) entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of Forty thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of William R. Hackett decd. with his will annexed in due form, which said bond is ordered to be recorded. Teste David M. Hunter, Clk.

Cty. Ess, Book: 14, Page: 108, William Dunn, Type:  , Date: 01-Feb-1787
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 115, Zedekiah Gibson, Type: Will, Date: 10-Mar-1856
Will Zedekiah Gibson all real and personal property to be sold and debts paid. Remainder to remain in hands of my executor and interest to be paid annually to my daughter, Martha Moss, who was Martha Gibson. After her death to be equally divided amongst the children of Martha Moss. Appoint B. A. Parrish and A. M> Parrish executors and give him 6% per year upon proceeds of sale as compensation. Sig. Z. W. Gibson. Wit. Thomas Perkins, William T. Hasher, George W. Parrish. Rec. 10 Mar 1856 proved by Wm. T. Hasher and 14 Apr 1856 proved by Thomas Perkins. Bond of Albert M. Parrish and Booker A. Parrish $600.

Cty. Ess, Book: 14, Page: 142, Philip Dunn, Type: Appr., Date: 18-Apr-1785
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Ess, Book: 14, Page: 143, William Dunn, Type: Inv., Date: 22-Dec-1785
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Ora, Book: 14, Page: 150, William M. Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 01-Jan-1891
From Orange Co., Va. Will Book 14, Page 150: William M. Dunn of Gordonsville; Wife Mary S[mith] Dunn; son William M. Dunn, Jr. (executor); daughter Ada Dunn. Written 20 Feb 1891, recorded May 21, 1891.

Cty. Ess, Book: 14, Page: 178, John Dunn, Sr., Type: Will, Date: 21-Dec-1789
John Dunn, Sr. of Essex Co., wife = Ann (land where I now live), then to son John; son James - 140 acres in Caroline Co.; grandchildren (of his son John) 140 acres in Caroline Co.; grandchildren (of his son James) 140 acres in Caroline Co.; son William, land where he now lives, plus 66 acres in Caroline Co.; remainder divided into six parts; daughter Mary Cauthorn; … but in case my estate should suffer on account of her administration on Leonard Brookes estate …. ; daughter Ann Hardee; grandaughter Ann Williams; daughter Barbara Crow; my two small children not named of the six; wife Ann, son William & Richard Phillips to be executors; witness: Richard Phillips, Milleycene Cauthorn, Curtis Dunn; Note at bottom 'See original Will for certificate granting Adm. With the will annexed to Henry Dunn, Jan. 18, 1819, also Samuel Dunn March 22, 1825' Recorded 15-Feb-1790

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 187, Zedekiah Gibson, Type: Sett, Date: 08-Dec-1856
Appraisement of estate Zedekiah Gibson, dec'd. 3 Nov 1856 $178.70 includes 341/2 acres of land valued $172.50. by Geo. W. Parrish, Wm. T. Hasker and Jesse W. Harlow Commissioners. Rec. 8 Dec 1856. Sale perishable property Zedekiah Gibson 3 Nov 1856 $172.10. Rec. 8 Dec 1856.

Cty. Alb, Book: 14, Page: 264, Zachariah Dunn, Type: Will, Date: 01-Nov-1841
Wife is Mary Dunn, oldest son is Fountain D. Dunn; daughter is Sally McDaniel; son James T. Dunn; written 24 Feb 1841, Recorded 1 Nov 1841

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 271, Edmond B. Nuckolls, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 296, Fendol Chiles, Type: Appt, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 306, Fanny Butler, Type: Will, Date: 12-Oct-1857
Will of Fanny Butler of Louisa to Mahala C. Harper, the daughter of my grandson Calvin Harper, dec'd. $1. Residue of my estate to be divided among my 6 children viz: Clayton C. Butler, Elizabeth J. Fleming, Catharine Butler, Barbara Harper, Lavinia Butler and Susan Hall. Appoint son Clayton C. Butler exor. to serve without security. 11 Nov 1854. Sig. Fanny (X) Butler wit. C. G. Coleman, Jno. G. B. Coleman, Recorded 12 Oct 1857.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 354, Mary Dickinson, Type: Will, Date: 08-Feb-1859
Will of Mary Dickinson all debts to be paid. To granddau. Jane C. Kuper my gold watch. To granddau. Georgianna Kuper my household furniture. To son Claudius Dickinson $50 in consideration of his maintenance of old Amey. For benefit of servant woman Dicey I leave in hand of my dau. Mary L. Kuper $10. Carriage and mules to be sold and equally divided amongst my 3 daus. Mrs. Jane Gillespie, Mrs. Ann O. Davis, and Mrs. Mary L. Kuper. Wish no inventory taken or security required of my sons James T. and Claudius Dickinson whom I appoint exors. 1 Oct 1855. Sig. Mary Dickinson. wit. David H. Pendleton and Semple Goodwin. Recorded 8 Feb 1859.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 363, Erasmus Walton, Type:  , Date: 11-May-1857
Edwin L. Smith, Andrew W. Talley, John C. Cammack, Andrew W. Walton and Richard T. Roberts commissioners appointed to divide slaves belonging to Martha E., Sarah F. and William G. Walton children of Erasmus Walton, dec'd. lot #1 drawn by Martha E. Walton, #2 drawn by William G. Walton and lot #3 drawn by William Smith who since the date of the order has intermarried with Sarah F. Walton. 1 Jan 1858.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 365, Charles Groom, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 370, Mary Humphrey, Type: Will, Date: 14-Jun-1858
Will Mary Humphrey sons Edmond, William and David and Daughters Harriet Ham and Mary Humphrey consort of John Humphrey each $1. Daughter Nancy to receive remainder of estate including 21 3/4 acres adjoining Johnathan Payne, A. Bell and others. Rec. Jun 14, 1858.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 396, Ann Quarles, Type: Will, Date: 13-Sep-1858
Will Ann Quarles to granddaughter Margaret M. Chandler Negro woman, Lucy, and her increase also $1,000 with interest till she arrives of age. If she dies without legal issue then to son James Quarles to be held for benefit of daughter Sarah H. Chandler. to daughter Mary M. Lewis 1/6 part, to my son James Quarles in trust for separate use and benefit of daughter Sarah A. Chandler wife of Levy Chandler not subject to his debts. To son John R. Quarles 1/6 part, to son James Quarles 1/6 part, to son John R. and Charles Quarles 1/6 part in trust for separate use of daughter in law Susan F. Quarles wife of my son Henry W. Quarles. To son Charles Quarles 1/6 part. Sons James and Charles Quarles exors. 21 Nov 1856. Wit. R. B. Watkins, John Hunter and Charles Quarles Jr. Rec. 13 Sep 1858.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 424, Charles Groom, Type: Acct, Date: 05-Oct-1858
Account of sale of Charles Groom dec'd. 5 Oct 1858. $2,083.78 3/4. The only two buyers with Groom surname were William W. and George

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 442, John R. Hopkins, Type: Acct, Date: 06-Nov-1858
Account of sale of John R. Hopkins, Dec'd 2 Jan 1857 buyers, Mrs. Susan Hopkins, William Bellamy, J.B. Lasley, John Anderson. M. Hall, T. Carr, Mr. Sharpe, Achalis Langford, B.B. Brice, John Johnson, A.J. Bell, $120.88 1/2 Rec. 6 Nov 1858

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 444, Mildred Moss, Type: Will, Date: 13-Dec-1858
Will Mildred Moss to son Francis O. Moss, daughters Ann Maria Davis and Arabella W. Levy, granddaughter Emma Mildred Moss. to children of Arabella W. Levy. 4 May 1855. Rec. 13 Dec 1858.

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 445, Charles Quarles, Type: Inv, Date: 06-Oct-1881
Inventory and appraisal of goods and chattels Charles Quarles $1,978.42. 985 acres land Inglewood $6.80/acres$6,698. 100 acres near Martins 680 436 85/100 Bellemonte $7.80/acre3,407.43 Rec. 6 Oct 1881

Cty. Lou, Book: 14, Page: 451, Mrs. Ann Quarles, Type: Sett, Date: 13-Dec-1858
Appraisal estate of Mrs. Ann Quarles dec'd. 16 Oct 1859 total $12,263.37 by Chs. G. Goodman, F. T. West, James M. Vest and R. T. Michie and Jno. R. and Charles R. Quarles exors. Rec. 13 Dec 1858.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 45, Mrs. Ann Quarles, Type: Acct, Date: 30-Nov-1858
Account of sale of Mrs. Ann Quarles dec'd. 30 Nov 1858 $3,888.7

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 96, Francis Trice, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 130, Nathan Talley, Type: Sett, Date:  
slaves of Robert Nelson dec'd. which come to him from estate of Nathan Talley dec'd. to his children James N. (A?) Nelson and David Kendall in right of his wife Florence.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 132, Robert Dalton, Type: Sett, Date: 29-Dec-1859
Settlement of Robert Dalton, dec'd. to Mary D. Dalton widow 1/3 land and Negroes for her life 29 Dec 1859.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 144, William Seargeant, Type: Will, Date: 09-Apr-1860
Will William Seargeant of Louisa. My wife to keep all estate together as long as she is my widow. At her death I give to my daughter, Mary Seargeant, $100. 1/8 part with exception of the $100 given to Mary to be put in hands of trustees for benefit of my daughter, Sarah Seargeant, not to be subject to any debt contracted by her husband, William B. Seargeant. 1/8 part of estate with exception of the $100 given to Mary to trustee for benefit of my daughter, Susan Seargeant, not to be subject to the debts of her husband John T. Seargeant. Balance of my estate to be equally divided amongst children - John W. Seargeant, Hastings Seargeant, William L. Seargeant, Henrietta Loving, Mary Seargeant, Louisa Seargeant. 2 Dec 1850 Sig. William Seargeant (x) wit. Nathl. Diggs, William H. Loving, Benjamin H. Waldrop. Codicil- All property including land to be sold and proceeds divided as before mentioned. I wish Elder p C. Hoge to preach my funeral and be paid $10. Son, William L., to be exor. 3 Oct 1857. Recorded 9 Apr 1860.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 164, Catherine G. Nelson, Type: Will, Date: 13-Aug-1860
Will Catherine G. Nelson, Louisa to friend Mrs. Nancy Ruffner all my estate. Friend Alexander H. Johnson exor. 18 Jun 1860 Wit. H. Bickley, James M. White, Crewdsen M. White. Rec. 13 Aug 1860.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 203, John Foster, Type: Sett, Date: 04-Dec-1861
Appraisement of estate of John Foster 4 Dec 1861. 6 pair hams, 1 gun, water bucket & stand, cups, saucers, sugar dish, 1 doz. knives and forks, 1/2 doz. plates, lot of tin, tray and sifter, 1 table, 1 coffee mill, 1 chest, 1 pair hand irons, 1 bed & bedstead, 1 wash stand $21.00.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 207, Wm. G. Snelson, Type: appt, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 259, Rosanna Hughson, Type: Appt, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 261, William Walton, Type: Will, Date: 13-Jan-1862
Will William Walton having lived three score and 14 years and believing my stay here could not be long, I therefore say how my little estate shall be divided. to my beloved wife Martha Walton during her life and after her death all to be sold and divided having given my son Geo. E. M. Walton two tracts of land, 1 whereon he resides and the other I bought at Nathaniel Thompson's sale and balance of money making $1,500. To daughter Mary Ann R. Smith 10 acres and $1,500 and that is what money I have given all my children and daughter Sarah Campbell has had $2,500 and when others get that much she can have her share of balance. Tract where I live divided into 3 parts and sold to highest bidder. Tract on Contrary divided into two my old mansion house tract and land I bought of Gunter and Ware, the other and my mills tract on Pigeon and my Beadles tract on the road and all personal estate sold to highest bidder and equally divided giving Erasamus H. Walton's children their father's part. Not any of my estate shall go in the hands of Richard T. Roberts, it shall be reserved in my exors. hands for Elizabeth Roberts. Thomas R. Walton and Andrew W. Walton to be exors. Sig. William Walton. Recorded 13 Jan., 1862. Since will not witnessed the handwriting was proved by Jacqueline D. Gillium and Robert N. Trice.

Cty. Lou, Book: 15, Page: 298, Ann M. Houchins, Type: Will, Date: 10-Feb-1862
Will Ann M. Houchins debts to be paid, personal estate to Dr. Philip B. Pendleton in trust to buy tract of land for Mary E. Sims, wife of William Sims, and her 3 daughters: Susan Ann, Mary and Elizabeth Sims, to niece, Ann S. Andrews, tract on north side of Virginia Central Rail road near Hancock's Mill known as Morrison's Gold Mine. 6 Jul 1859. Recorded 10 Feb 1862.

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