Louisa County, Va. Probate Records

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 450 Will Abstracts, which produced almost 4,000 surname references!
To share your information, please send an e-Mail to: trevil5@trevilians.com. Thank You!!

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, John (1) Bagby, Type: Will, Date: 18-Oct-1788
The following will of John Bagby was made out on 18 October 1788. It was found in a Louisa County VA will book. (Copied by Tom Smith;tasmits@aol.com ) In the Name of God Amen. I John Bagby of the County of Louisa of Sound mind but great imbiality of Body calling to mind the uncertainty of human Stability do make constitute & appoint this my last will & testament in the following manner. Viz. In that first ... it is my will & device that my just debts be paid. -- also I give & bequeath to my daughter Mildred Terry a negro boy named Kent & a negro girl named Watsy to her & to her heirs forever. Also I give & bequeath to my son James Bagby two negro boys Viz. James & Will to him & his heirs forever. Also I give & bequeath to my son in law Steven Terry the tract of land formerly laid off by myself to my son William & which the said William sold to the said Terry to him & to his heirs forever containing by estimation one hundred and twenty acres. Also I give & desire to my son Richard the tract of land he now lives on & laid off by myself for 120 acres be the same more or less to him & his heirs forever. Also I give & bequeath to my son John the tract of land whereon I now live containing by estimation 147 acres being the balance of the whole tract I purchased of David Richardson Junior. Also It is my will & desire that my beloved wife Theodosia enjoy the whole of the last mentioned devised land, Viz to my son John together with all my Negroes, Stock, Household & Kitchen Furniture, stock, every kind together with all the residence of my estate during her natural life & after her decease to be sold at the discretion of my executors hereafter named & equally divided amongst all my children. Also whereas I have become security for my son William to William Evans for a some of money now it is my will & desire that if my estate shall suffer by the said securityship more than my son William's part of my estate shall amount to, my will & desire that the share of said son William shall be divided amongst the rest of my children & for him to be always answerable to the rest of the legatees for the excess should there be any. Also I appoint my friend William O. Callis, my sons Richard & John Bagby executors of this my last will & testament. In testimony whereof I have hereinto set my hand & affixed my seal this 18 day of October 1788. John Bagby (Signature & Seal) Signed Sealed & Delivered } In the Presents of } W. O. Callis, Jane Cosby Mary Callis, Frederick Harris, S---- Overton, Jr. }

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, Thomas Shelton, Jr., Type: Will, Date: 11-Jul-1859
Submitted by sidne@erols.com (sidne) I THOMAS SHELTON of the County of Louisa and the state of Virginia do make this my last will and testament as follows: Item 1st. It is my will and desire that the tract of land on which I live adjoining the lands of Wm J. Walton, William (S). Fowler and Benjamin F. Richardson also my tract of land situated on the south Anna River adjoining the land of William S. Fowler Nancy Hollins + Patsy Lawrence and William J. Walton be sold and any just debts out of the proceeds aforesaid sale. Item 2nd. I give to my niece [Lluvinia] U. Brazeil my negro woman Jane and her two children John and Robert. Item 3rd. I give to my nephew Joseph (L) Shelton all of my negroes and their increase which are not hereinbefore disposed of to my niece lluvia (U) Braziel. Item 4th. I give to my nephew Joseph L. Shelton all moneys due to me or that may be in my possession at my death and also I give to him all my horses, cows, oxen, hogs, sheep, household furniture and every piece of property not mentioned above in this my last will and testament. In witness where of I hereunto affix my hand and seal this 31st day of May in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and fifty nine. THOMAS SHELTON [SEAL] witnesses J. W. Payne Benjamin F. Richardson Charles Y. Nuckolls At a Court of monthly session held for the County of Louisa at the Courthouse thereof on Monday the 11th day of July 1859. A paper writing purporting to....

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, James Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 07-Mar-1792
Wills not fully proven Book p. On Wednesday 22 February 1792 James Johnson of Louisa at his dwelling house called on me and informed me his will was that his younger children Sarah, Nancy and Thomas to make them equal with his older children should have a small Negro each as all his other children had been very expensive to him in furnishing them with floating money and sundry other things and all children to be equal and he had frequently mentioned it before his [illeg.] James Johnson was of sound mind and in his last illness and he departed this life 23 same Feb. 1792. Sig. 7 March 1792. Sig. William Johnson. The above was committed in writing in my presence and I heard William Johnson declare it. Sig. John Overton.

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, Robert Hester, Type: Will, Date: 06-Nov-1769
Written 6 Nov 1769; Recorded 12 Mar 1770 Contributed by dwarren4@pdq.net (David Warren) In the name of God Amen. I Robert Hester of Louisa County, being in perfect senses, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. I give to my son, Abraham Hester, the Track of Land whereupon he now lives situated and being in Macklenburg County on Butcher Creek containing three hundred acres, to him and his heirs forever, he allowing my Wife Barbara Hester to work four hundred hands on the land during her Widowhood. Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Hester two hundred and fifty sight acres of land in the Fork of a branch that makes into Butchers Creek, being part of a track that I purchased of Thomas Baker, to begin at the mouth of the Spring Branch and then to run according to the meanders thereof until a line answer to make an equal division of the track I bought of Thomas Baker, between my son Jas. Hester and my son Nathan Hester, these two hundred and fifty eight acres to my son Jas. Hester and his heirs forever, Item. I give my son Nathan Hester the remaining two hundred fifty eight acres of the Baker track before mentioned according to a line of division as afore between him and James Hester, allowing my wife Barbara Hester the liberty of working four hundred hands on the tract of 516 acres during her Widowhood and where it shall best suit. Item. I give to my son Charles Hester the track of land where on I now live containing four hundred and thirty acres to him and his heirs and assigns forever, my wife Barbara Hester having free and indisputable authority upon the same during her Widowhood. Item. I give to me son Fras. Hester seventy pounds current money to be delivered to him at the age of twenty one years. Item. I give to my son Samuel Hester seventy pounds current money to be delivered to him at the age of twenty one years. Item. I give my daughter Sarah Smith one negro girl name of Tamar (which she hath now in her possession) during her life and at her death this negro with her increase be equally divided between her daughters Virginia Barbara Walton and Annie Hester Walton to them and their heirs forever. Item. I give to my daughter Barbara Walton one negro boy named Peter to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give to my daughter Anne Hester one negro girl named Milly to her and her heirs forever likewise the value of thirty pounds of goods and chattels out of my estate to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen years. Item. I give to my daughter Anne Hester the value of seventy pounds current money of goods and chattels out of my estate to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen years to her and her heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give to my daughter Susanah Hester the value of seventy pounds of good and chattels out of my estate to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen years to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give to my daughter Mary Hester the value of seventy pounds of goods and chattels out of my estate to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen years to her and her heirs. Item. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Hester the value of seventy pounds of goods and chattels out of my estate to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen years to her and her heirs and be it remembered that my Einc and Earp hereafter mentioned is empowered to let the five last legatees have such things as can be spared out of the estate at the time of paying of these legacies. Item. I lend to my loving wife Barbara Hester the rest and residue of my estate of what property whatsoever during her Widowhood and if in case that she should marry that then the estate be sold and the money be equally divided between my then surviving children lending my said wife a child's part during her file and at her death the part so left be equally divided among my then surviving children. Item. My will and desire is that if any of my children should die without an heir that their part be equally divided between my then surviving children except my sons Abraham and James and Nathan and daughters Sarah, Agnes, and Barbara. My will and desire is that my estate lent my wife be equally divided amongst my children at her death. Item. I nominate and appoint my loving wife, Barbara Hester Executrix of this my last will and testament during her Widowhood and if she would marry then my son Abraham Hester to be executor, hereby revoking and disannulling and former wills and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness thereunto set my hand and seal the sixth November 1769. Robert Hester (seal) Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Robert Garland, Geo. Sumsden and Sam Temple. Will admitted to probate March 12, 1770, Louisa County, Va.

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, Ann Gardner, Type: Will, Date: 27-Mar-1835
27 March 1835: Non-cuperative will of Ann Gardner brought into court by Thomas Bronaugh. The estate divided between Albert Garton and Elbridge Grady, grandsons. 11 Nov. 1839: Propounded for record by Albert Garton and Elbridge Grady by Timothy F. Grady, their next friend. Opposed by Nathan Gardner of Rockbridge County.

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, John (2) Bagby, Type: Will, Date: 15-Oct-1789
The following is a later will of John Bagby. It is apparently an update after his wife's death—since her name is not mentioned here. The will was found in a Louisa County, VA will book. (Copied by Tom Smith; tasmits@aol.com) In the name of God Amen. John Bagby of the County of Louisa of sound mind but good embecility do make constitute & appoint this my last will and testament in the following manner. Viz. In the first place it is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid. Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Mildred Terry a Negro boy named Kent and a Negro girl named Watsey to her and her heirs forever. Also I give and bequeath to my son James Bagby two negro boys Viz. James & Will to him and his heirs forever. Also I give and bequeath to my son in law Steven Terry the tract of land formerly laid off by myself to my son William and which the said William sold to the said Terry, to him and to his heirs forever, containing by estimation one hundred and twenty acres. Also I give and desire to my son Richard the tract of land he now lives on, and laid off by myself, for one hundred and seventy acres be the same more or less to him & his heirs forever. Also I give and bequeath to my son John the tract of land whereon I now live containing by estimation one hundred and forty seven acres, being the balance of the whole land I purchased of David Richardson Junior. [There is no signature] ESTATE OF JOHN BAGBY The following is an inventory of the possessions of Capt. John Bagby that was found in a Louisa County, VA will book. It was compiled by his executors. (Copied by Tom Smith; tasmits@aol.com) Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of John Bagby Deceased taken this 15th October 1789 L S D ========================================================= Darby ................................ 25 Moses ................................ 50 Jeffery .............................. 50 Bett ................................. 50 Bath ................................. 15 Molley ............................... 12 Venus ................................ 10 Sally ................................ 55 Matsey ............................... 20 James ................................ 15 Will ................................. 12 Beck ................................. 30 Kent ................................. 25 Jane ................................. 0 0 0 1 Feather Bed, Bed Stead and Furniture 7 1 " " " " " " 5 7 6 1 Square Walnut Table ................ 6 6 Flag bottom chairs ................. 9 2 Chests ............................. 9 1 Table Cloth and 2 Towels ........... 1 2 Dishes, 2 basons, 7 plates and 6 Spoons 16 6 A parcel of Earthen ware ............. 10 3 Jugs, 2 butter pots, A Tin Sugar Box 11 6 1 Spice mortar & pessel, a bell metal skillet ............................ 15 3 Knives and 3 forks ................. 1 6 1 pair Tongs and Shouvel ............. 4 2 pair cotton cards, A Cotton wheel .. 16 1 flax wheel ..................... 7 Sides soul leather & 5 Sides Upper . 2 5 1 ginn ............................... 4 cart boxes, 1 pair Steal yards ..... 15 6 1 hand San, 1 Drawing Knife, Auger & Rasp 4 1 Currying knife & steal ............. 8 5 Axes Free and a pair of wedges ..... 19 4 plough Hoes, 3 grubbing Hoes ....... 17 1 Frying pan, a ladle and bell ....... 9 2 Raw Hides .......................... 15 1 Pot, 1 Dutch oven and 2 pair pott hooks .............................. 1 3 Hogsheads, 4 Barrels, Washing Tub & half Bushel ........................ 17 6 1 pair Sheep shears, 3 iron hoops, 1 horse collar ....................... 3 3 a parcel of books .................... 8 2 Razors, cases and Strap ............ 2 6 1 gun ................................ 1 5 2 Tumblers ........................... 25 geese ............................. 1 17 6 1 gimblet, a hone & Horse flumes ..... 1 3 1 Saddle ............................. 7 6 2 Hogs ............................... 1 10 1 Bay Horse .......................... 6 1 Sorrel Horse ....................... 7 Hogs ................................. 8 Sheets ............................. 17 1 Sow and pigs ....................... 6 Cows, A Heipher, a Bull, a Stear, 2 Calves ........................... 22 9 Sheep .............................. 3 3 ___________________ [Total]........... 440 7 In Obedience to an order of the worshipful Court of Louisa we the Subscibers have valued and appraised the Estate of John Bagby Dec. to . which we report as writing our hands this 15th day of October 1789 Wm. Garrett, Wm. Smith, Robert Dickerson At a Court held for Louisa County October 11th 1790 This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John Bagby Deceased was this day in open court returned and the Court is ordered to be recorded.

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, Timothy F. Grady, Type: Will, Date: 07-Aug-1846
Louisa County Wills Not Fully Proven: Will dated 7 Aug. 1846. Will of Timothy F. Grady names wife Malissa Grady and children Elbridge Grady, Alexander Grady, Keziah Grady, Louisa Ann Grady, Timothy F. Grady, Jr. and Ann Elizabeth Grady. To Malissa he leaves land in Spotsylvania County in right of his deceased mother Elizabeth Grady, daughter of Francis Ford, decd.

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 0, Judah Anderson, Type: Will, Date: 28-Feb-1806
Submitted by Ray Anderson (adunits@pair.com) In the name of God. Amen. I, Judah Anderson of the County of Louisa. being in perfect health and understanding of sound and disposing mind and memory,, and considering the uncertainty of human life. do constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament; lmprimie, I desire that all my just debts be first paid: Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary my negro boy the name of Emanuel: also all I my interest in two negro men: Sam: and Numer also my two horses; consisting of a mare and horse colt: a feather bed she commonly lies upon. With the furniture belonging to the said bed: to her and her heirs forever: Item I give unto my son John one feather bed and furniture, the bed he commonly lies upon. to him and his heirs forever the residue of my Estate whether real or personal that is not already devised I give unto my daughter Mary to her and her heirs forever Lastly I do appoint my friends: Thomas Shelton. and Francis Johnson to execute this my last will and Testament. hereby revoking all other heretofore by me made, declareinq this to be my last. in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand seal this 28th day of February 18O6 Test. Thomas Shelton her William Graven Judah X Anderson Wingfield Harris mark

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 2, Thomas Gardner, Type: Order, Date: 15-Mar-1797
Louisa County Order Book 1797-1799: page 2, Thomas Gardner summoned to court and ordered to deliver Mary Gardner’s estate to Francis Ford, executor. 15 March 1797

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 4, Thomas Gardner, Type: Order, Date: 09-May-1797
Louisa County Order Book 1797-1799: Page 4-: 9 May 1797 Thomas Gardner, John Gardner, James Hendrick and Keziah Hendrick his wife, David Allen and Lucy Allen his wife, Stephen Hiatt and Sarah Hiatt his wife, ___?____ Morris and his wife Elizabeth Morris, William Gardner, David Gardner, sons and heirs at law of Daniel Gardner by Thomas Gardner their next friend, Robbin Gannon son of Temperance by William Gannon his next friend, plaintiffs against Francis Ford, proceedings to be heard in equity.

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 179, John Lipscomb, Type: Will, Date: 09-Aug-1830
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: ?, Page: 294, Mary Gardner, Type:  , Date: 14-Dec-1795
Louisa County Minute Book 1794-1795: pp294—14 Dec. 1795. Instrument purporting to be will of Mary Gardner, decd. Offered for proof. Proof sufficient. Francis Ford, one of the executors appealed to District Court in Charlottesville which granted his giving bond with security on penalty of 20 pounds payable to Thomas Gardner who opposed same. Thomas Gardner appointed to collect and preserve estate during contest.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 0, Philip Buckner, Type: Will, Date: 12-Jul-1761
Submitted by Leora Siewert (LSiewert@aol.com) Last Will and Testament of Philip Buckner In the name of God Amen. I, Philip Buckner being weak _____of body but thanks be to almighty God sound of perfect _____doth make this my last Will in manner & form ______. ____give & be _______ my sole to God who gave it in ______ sertin hope of a joyfule resurrection through Jesus our lord and as to my worldly estate I give and devise to ______ loving wife Jane all my land lying in Louisa County & the following slaves, Tom, Peter, Ne?, Frank, Fuller, old Ester, Nelly, Sally to her & her heirs forever and one of the plantations at the mountains which she shale make choice of for her life time. I give and bequeath to my son William all that tract of land bought of Benj’n Grymes Esq. lying on the mountains in Orang County & two slaves John the son of Fuller & _____ to him & his heirs forever. Itam I give & bequeath to my Daughter Ann one Negro garl named Bets? with her increase forever. Itam I give to my son Thomas one Negro boy named John the son of E_?_ to him & his heirs forever. Itam I give & bequeath to my Daughter Mary one Negro garl named Cold little Bets? with her increase forever. Itam I give & bequeath to my son Philip one Negro boy named Hary to him & his heirs forever. Itam I give & bequeath to my Daughter Jane one Negro garl named Nanny to her & her heirs forever. Itam I give & bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth one Negro garl named Judy to her & her heirs forever. Itam I give & bequeath to my son Aylett one Negro boy named Solomon to him & his heirs forever. Itam I give all the remainder of my estate after my just debts are paid to be equally divided between my loving wife Jane all my eight. I constitute my wife Jane & my good friends the Rev’d James Murry & Doc’r Tho’s Walker my Exe’rs & Exe’tricks. July 12, 1761 Phil Buckner At a Court neld for Louisa County on the 10th day of August 1762 This will was this day presented in Court & it appearing to the Court that it was wrote by his own hand as several of the members now here were well acquainted with his hand. It was admitted to Record & is Recorded Teste. Thomas Perkins, Deputy Clerk

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 0, Joseph Roberts, Type: Will, Date: 25-Aug-1747
Submitted by RnbwEnd@aol.com Legatees: Daughter Ann given land in Abemarle Co. Order Book 1742-48 names wife as Susanna " Marthy given land in Lousia 200 ac youngest " Elizabeth " " " 45 ac. Witness: Daniel Holladay John Kelly Agnes Holladay

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 0, John Cosby, Type: Will, Date: 12-Sep-1760
Written 12 Sep 1760, Recorded 26 Mar 1761 Will of John Cosby lists sons John, Wm, Griffith (Griffith Dickinson). Dau. Elizabeth Snelson. Grandsons: Charles and Higgason Dickinson, sons of Griffith Dickinson, remaining tract of 1000 acres. To son John Cosby all my land in Hanover Co., being his plantation-about 718 acres. To son William Cosby 1200 acres of land in Louisa Co., whereon I posses about 3000 acres, the same 1200 acres, where Will lives called Will's Quarter. To grandsons: Charles Dickinson & Higgason Dickinson, sons of Griffith Dickinson remainder of tract of 1800 acres. Mentions Mary Anderson, wife of Benja. Anderson. Grandsons: James and Cosby Duke, grandsons James Cosby, son of James Cosby. Executors: Cleavers Duke and Bartlett Anderson

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 11, Elizabeth Key, Type:  , Date: 26-Jan-1762
Submitted by: comphi@flash.net (Philip R. Shipp) Will of Elizabeth Key, widow of Martin Key (d. May 1757 in Louisa Co., VA) "Mrs. Elizabeth Key Sent for me the 19 of December 17(??). She told me that if she died that it was her desire that (??) take her Estate into my Possession to make myself safe (??). ...was Security for her Guardianship of several of her Childre(n) and also said it was her desire what was left after pay(ing)... ...Children of should be Divided between her three sons tha(t) was prentises and Wm. Except her Cloaths and She desired her Daughter Thomson might have. She also Desired that her Grandson Solomon Trower mite be in my Care till I could Contrive him to his Father. She further desired that her Grandson Solomon Trower Should be decently Cloathed when Sent to his father. Signed - Philip Burford" The known children of Martin and Elizabeth Key have been identified in other Louisa County records as: William Key, Jacob Key, Thomas Key, Luck Key, Elizabeth Key Thomson and an unknown female who married a Trower. Although the date that Elizabeth's will was dictated is missing, Philip Burford posted bond on 26 Jan 1762 to become administrator of Elizabeth Key's estate so her death definitely occurred before that. Also, the placement of this record in the original will book falls between records of wills proven on 29 Jul 1761 and 11 May 1762. I cannot say for sure but believe the will was dictated on 19 December 1761.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 15, Joseph Bickley, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 16, Silvanus Morris, Type: Will, Date: 25-Jun-1754
John Moore, Charles Mooreman, Jr. George Harris and [?] Mooreman witnesses to will of Silvanus Morris 15 September recorded 25 Jun 1754.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 18, James Robinson, Type: Will, Date:  
Will James Robinson of Fredericksville Par. to son William Robinson 700 acres including plantation whereon Saml. Sutton now lives adjoining Samuel Thompson, Negro man Scott, furniture. To son James Robinson 700 acres from River to Hickory Creek and plantation I now live on, Negro Tom, furniture, stock etc. To daughter Margaret Robinson (after Lucy Chambers ?hundred acres is laid off) joining my son James on Hickory Creek. To Margaret land on Starke? Creek, Negro Molly, furniture, etc. Mentions Mrs. Frances Goldsmith is to have no control over his estate. Sons James and William to have 2 years schooling. 17 Sep 174?[torn] wit. John Brackman, Saml. Sutton, Wm. Cave. Rec. 25, 174?[torn]

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 20, James Goodall, Type: Will, Date: 01-Jan-1750
Written 10 Jan 1749; to Richard Goodall, son of Charles Goodall .. Eliza A. Goodall .. Recorded 1750 [Photocopy with margins & some words missing]

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 22, Jonathan Arnold, Type: Will, Date: 03-Feb-1750
Jonathan ARNOLD of Fredericksville Parish. Wife Mary ARNOLD. Dau Mary Elizabeth ARNOLD, now a child. Extrx: wife Mary ARNOLD. Signed: Jonathan ARNOLD (seal) Wit: Davis, ....Lankford, ...Hughes Dated 3 Feb 1750/1. Rec 2 Mar 1751.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 25, James Flanaghan, Type: Will, Date: 11-Jun-1752
Will James Flanaghan of Fredericksville Parish 1 Jun 1752 Recorded 11 Jun 1752, names wife Serena, sons James, Whittle, Ambrose, daughter Mary.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 29, Samuel Thomson, Type: Will, Date: 28-Aug-1753
Will of Samuel Thomson of Fredericksville Parish. 16 Jun 1753. Rec. 28 Aug 1753 Wife Temperance, sons Asa, Samuel, John, Joseph, David, Robert and William, daughters Elizabeth and Sarah Kimbrow. Grandson Samuel Kimbrow. To wife Temperance Thomson 240 acres I now dwell on and at her death to my youngest son, Asa Thomson. to son Thomas tract of land aforeknowledged. To my 5 youngest sons, John, Joseph, David, Robert and Asa 1200 acres on which I now live which I purchased of John Stubblefield and George Brack's heirs. Exor. wife Temperance Thomson, William Thomson and Thomas Thomson my sons. sig. Samuel Thomason (X) wit Champness Terry, William Steel.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 29, Samuel Thomson, Type: Will, Date: 16-Jun-1753
[please note that the right edge of the page is missing, so I have typed each line as it appears] In the name of God ___? Samuel Thomson ___ County of Louisa, in the Parrish of Fredericksville being ___ sick and n__ ___ of perfect mind and memory thanks go to God, I do dispose ___ estate as follows Viz I first commend my soul to God that gave it___ to this earth to see servisd? After a Christian manner at his discretion ___ __au follows my dearly beloved wife Temperance Thomson m___ Thomson and son Thomas Thomson ____ institute and ___ sole executors. ITEM I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved ____ __ance Thomson two hundred and forty acres of land being par___ whereon I now dwell during her natural life, and at her de__ to my youngest son Asa Thomson and his heirs and assigns. __a__ bequeath to my beloved wife Temperance one Negro fell___ Zach? And Negro wench named Kate and his child that my Negro ___ Cl__bo is grea__ with three cows and their calves next spring h___ his ___ whereon I live with all its furniture, a small wood h___ blankets to make a small wood, with wheat feathers in the house a__ can get this years, one natural paceing black gelding eight ___ of fat __orz? At the falls for her ___ years provision to ____ ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Thomson one ne___ Frank to him his heirs and assigns, and the tract of land before ____ and my desire is that my wife may not have her third of it. ITE_ and bequeath to my son Samuel Thomson one Negro boy Na___ ___ his heirs and assigns and the tract of land before acknowledged, ___ desire is that my wife may not have her third of it. ITEM I give to my son John Thomson one Negro wench named Rose and his ___ to him his heirs and assigns and one natural pacing grey stone? ____ ____ housing and one saddle, likewise &? ____ him of age and ___ his crop now making and all of my wearing clothes. ITEM I give and __ to my five youngest sons John Thomson, Joseph Thomson, David Thomson ___ Robert Thomson and Asa Thomson twelve hundred acres of ___ together on which I live to be equally divided, and my executor ___ G___ fore thence and if George Bracks heirs should sue or recove__ which I purchased of John Stubblefield the rest of my children to n__ G__ to them their heirs or assigns. ITEM I give and bequeath ___ daughter Elizabeth Thomson one Negro wench named Dinah ___ increase for ever and one Negro boy named George to her ___ assigns and his / this? Bed & furniture that she s__ on. ITEM I ___ bequeath to my son Joseph one Negro boy named Isaac to him ___ or assigns. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son David Thom___ Negro wench named Phebe and all her increase after his child ___ With to him his heirs or assigns. ITEM I give and bequeath to my __ Robert Thomson one Negro girl named ___? with her increase for ____ his heirs or assigns. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Asa ___ one Negro boy named C___ to him his heirs or assigns. ITE___ to son William Thomson one Negro wench na___ and her increase and one Negro boy named Fred? Which he ___ to him his heirs or assigns. ITEM I give and bequeath ___ daughter Sarah Kenebrow? One Negro fellow named Sambo to ___ and assigns. ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Th___ he now standeth indebted to me. ITEM I give and bequeath to my ___ son Samuel Kembrow one cow and calf to him his heirs or assigns___ give and bequeath to my son Samuel Thomson my riding saddle, ___ rest of my estate after my debts are paid to be equally divided among___ and children only fourteen pounds current money for his schooling or __ youngest sons so___ two years and his rest? Four years a___ I appoint my dearly beloved wife Temperance Thomson William ___ And Thomas Thomson my sons sole executor of this my last will and ___ Witness my hand and seal this sixteenth day of ___ Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty? Three Test Champness Terry

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 31, Christopher Clark, Type: Will, Date: 28-May-1754
Will of Christopher Clark. Dated 14 Aug 1741. Rcd. 28 May 1754. sons: Edward, Micajah, Bowling. Daus: Elizabeth Anthony, Sarah Lynch. Grandau.: Penelope Lynch. Wife: Penelope Clark. Daus: Agnes Johnson, Rachael Moreman. Had 400 acres in Hanover near Capt. Thos. Dansey. to dau. Sarah Lynch and son Micajah Clark 400 acres in Hanover whereon I now live. To son Bowling 400 acres in Hanover Co. NW side of Mt. adj. Thos Carr. to dau. Elizabeth Anthony 400 acres in Goochland co. on Footeet Creek near south fork of James River. Signed Christopher Clark. Wit: Thos. Martin, Ann Martin, James Waring.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 32, Benjamin Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 28-May-1754
Will Benjamin Johnson of Louisa, low in health, to loving wife Agness Johnson during her life slaves, Terry and Lucy and use of plantation I now live and live stock until my sons and daus. arrive at age or marry. To daughter Sarah Terrill Negro Nancy, 1 horse bridle and saddle; To son Christopher Johnson 200 acres land on Turkey Run in Louisa Co., 1 Negro named [illeg.], 1 cow & calf and man named Diamond. To my son William Johnson 200 acres on Fishing Creek, Negro boy H[illeg], horse, colt, saddle, bridle & 10 [illeg] To son Benjamin 200 acres on Fishing Creek in Albemarle County being part of the [torn] of land as I give to son William. To dau. Terr[torn] Negro Toby. To son Collings Johnson 200 acres to be laid off upper end of the land whereon I now live from the river crossing road to Hudson's line and ?50 cash to be raised of [estate] horse, saddle, etc. To dau. Agness J[?] Negro Dick. to son Newboy Johnson the plantation whereon I now live [torn] 200 acres it being part of the tract of land I gave my [torn] 200 out of ?30 cash to be raised out of my [torn]. If any children die without heirs then estate to be divided equally amongst rest of my children. After wife Agnes' decease ?25 cash to be paid to each of my daughters to wit Sarah Terrell, Penelope Johnson and Agness Johnson out of [torn] and remainder equally divided among all my [torn] I appoint wife Agness Johnson executrix and son William Johnson exor. 20th day 12th month [no year given]. wit. George Holland, Sarah Holland, Thos. Moreman. sig. Benjamin J[torn] Recorded 28 May 1754.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 36, Champness Terry, Type: Will, Date: 25-May-1758
Fredericksville Parrish, Louisa County; sons: Thomas, Joseph, William; to Wm. 200 acres land which I purchased of my brother James, to be upper end at place called "the three lots", 200 acres in each the others lott having ___ hundred 79 acres; to Joseph first choice of those lots; son Thomas next choice and my rifle; son Henry next choice, son David the last lot. Admin: Thomas & Joseph. Mentions "wife & daughters" but no names. Written 18 Mar 1757; rec. 25 Marc 1758; witness Bemjamin Bibb, Mary Bibb, William Thomson;

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 54, Catherine Steward, Type: Will, Date: 05-Mar-1755
Will Catherine Steward to sons Owen and William Ahern, daughters Susanna Grubbs, Anna Pierson, Mary Hix and son in law Thomas Grubbs. Exor. Owen and Ahern. wit. Thos. Perkins. 5 Mar 1755. date of recording blank.

Cty. ?, Book: 1, Page: 57, Philip Buckner, Type: Will, Date: 10-Aug-1762
WB 1, pg 57 July 14, 1761 recorded 10 August 1762. Philip Buckner to wife Jane all my land in Louisa slaves, Tom, Peter, Nero, Frank,___, old Esther, Nellie, Sally; and one of the plantations at the mountains, which she shall make choice of for her lifetime; son William, all that tract of land bought of Benjamin Grymes, lying on the mountains in Orange County; daughter and; son, Thomas, daughter Mary; son, Philip; daughter, Jane; daughter, Elizabeth; son Aylette

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 62, Archelous Yancey, Type: Will, Date: 12-Jun-1764
will Archelous Yancey, St. Martins Parish, to wife all estate real and personal during her widowhood. If she marries all to be sold and equally divided among children then living. William Crenshaw and son Stephen Yancey to be exors. 4 May 1756. Wit. Francis Clark, Isaac Clark, Joseph Clark, James Overton Jr. Rec. 12 Jun 1764.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 63, Samuel Waddy, Type: Will, Date: 14-Aug-1764
of Louisa, "My seven children: Mary, Anna, Sarah, Owen[?], Frances, Samuel & Elizabeth; son John = land where I now live; wife = Anne; written 6 Feb 1764; Rec. 14 Aug 1764; wit: Ann Waddy, Luct Tait, Robert Sharp.

Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 84, Isham Johnson, Type: Will, Date: 11-Aug-1766
Will Isham Johnson, to sister Susannah Johnson wench I hired to Peter Shelton called Phillis; to brother Richard Johnson Negro Sanyo and crop now growing and the money I have by me to James Johnson my brother he paying all my debts. wit. James Johnson, Richard Johnson, Susannah (X) Johnson. Recorded 11 Aug. 1766.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 0, Richard Wright, Type: Will, Date: 18-Feb-1773
Submitted by Peggy Haythorn (pjwh@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net) …. I Richard Wright of Louisa County … Written 7 Jan. 1773 … I lent unto my beloved wife Mary Wright all the tract of land whereon I now live….. Item … unto my son Clayborn Wright …. after my wife's decease one third part of the tract of land where on I now live to include the dwelling houses and what other houses that shall be on the third part. Item … unto my son Bartelott Wright …after my wife decease one third part of the tract of land where on I now live to be laid off to him on both sides of the South fork of Little Rocky Creek. Item … unto my son David Wright …. one third part or remainder of the tract of land where on I now live after my wife decease. Item where as when my son John died he left by a verbal will to my son Clayborn Wright effects to the amount of about three pounds value and as I've never paid the same to my son Clayborn my will and desire is that the sum of three pounds be paid him out of my estate …. Item I lend unto my beloved wife …. all the remainder of my estate, and after her decease … it be divided as followeth---Item, … unto my son Clayborn Wright Ten Pounds currt. money. Item I give unto my daughter Clorender Snelson one cow and calf and two sheep, to her, her heirs and assign forever, Item my will and desire is that my sons Wm. Wright and Richard Wright have no part of my estate as I have already given them their parts. Item, I have given my son David Wright a feather bed my will is that the value of it be deduced out of his part of my personal estate, Item I give unto my grand daughter Sarah Sims one feather bed and furniture to her heirs and assign forever Item My will and desire is that all the remaining parts of my estate be equally divided among my children hereafter named Lamonder Wright, David Wright, Mary Wright, Betty Wright, Candace Wright, Bartelott Wright and Clayborn Wright to them their heirs and assign forever. Item I constitute and appoint my sons Wm. Wright, David Wright and Bartelott Wright my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day year before written. Wit: John Smith, Thomas Coleman, Thomas Smith Richard (his mark) Wright Court held for Louisa County on Monday the 18th day of February 1773 this will was this day in open court produced by David Wright and Bartelott Wright Exors therein named who made oath hereunto according to law and was proved by the oaths of John Smith and Thomas Smith, witnesses ** by the court **

Cty. , Book: 2, Page: 0, Barbary Watson, Type:  , Date: 09-Mar-1778
I Barbary Watson of the County of Louisa Parish of Trinity being in my Perfect mind and Memory but Ill of the body by afflictions causing to mind the Uncertainty of this life make, ordain and appoint this my Last Will and Testament -Laying all other Wills aside in Manner and following = Item it is my Will and Desire that all just claims and demands against my Estate be first paid Item I give and Beaqueath to my granddaughter Elizabeth Watson one feather Bed and (??? ????) to her and her Heirs forever Item (next page) Item I give and bequeath to my son William Watson all the remaining part of my estate of every kind and (?????) whatsoever that I possess or have any right or interst in whatsoever/ To him and his heirs forever. Item It is my Will and Desire that my son William Watson and my son in Law Robert Michie act as my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament. In this ??? I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19 of Feburary one thousand and seven hundred and seventy Eight Barbary (herXmark) Watson Signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Johnson S????? James Wood Elizabeth Michie At a Court held for Louisa County March the Ninth 1778 This will was ths day presented to thhe Court by William Watson and Robert Michie the Executors there in Named who made Oath to thereto Accourding to Law and was Proved by the Oaths of Thomas Johnson and James Wood two of the witness there to and by the Court Ordered to be Recorded https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/9085/007644889_00189/68287?backurl=https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/27287132/person/2033061527/facts/citation/981002487147/edit/record#?imageId=007644889_00190

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 0, Philip Buckner, Type: Admin, Date: 12-Oct-1772
Submitted by Leora Siewert (LSiewert@aol.com) Aministrator’s Bond of William Buckner for the Estate of Phillip Buckner Know all men by these presents that we William Buckner. Rich’d Phillips, Wm White Junr, Edward Thomas and John Lewis are held and firmly bound to Thomas Johnson, Samuel Ragland, Wm Phillips and Wm Garrett Gent, Justices of Louisa County now sitting, in the sum of one thousand Pounds to the Payment Whereof well and Truly to be made to thes’d Justices and their successors, we Bind Ourselves and Each of us and Each of our Heirs, Executors and administrators Jointly and Severally firmly by these Presents; Sealed with our Seals This Twelvth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy two and in the Twelvth Year of the Reign of our Sovreign Lord George the third. ~~~~ The Condition of this Obligation is such that If the above Bound Wm Buckner administrator of all the Goods and Chattles and Credits of Phillip Buckner, Deceased do make or cause to be made a True and Perfect Inventory of all ____ _____ the Goods Chattles and Credits of thes’d deceased which have or shall come to the Hands Possession or knowledge of him the said William Buckner or into the hands or Possessions of any other Person or Persons for him and the same So made do Exhibit or cause to be Exhibited into the County Court of Louisa at Such time as he shall be Thereunto Required by thes’d Court and the Same Goods and Chattles and Credit and all Other of the Goods Chattles and Credits of thes’d deceased at the time of his death which at ____ anytime after shall come to the Hands or possession of thes’d William Buckner or unto the Hands or Possessions of any other Person or Persons For him to well and Truly Administer According to Law and Further Do make a Just and True account of his Acting and Doings Therein when thereto Required by thes’d Court and all the Rest and Residue of thes’d Goods and Chattles and Credits which Shall be found Remaining upon thes’d Administrators Account the same being first Examined and allowed by the Justices of the Court for the time being Shall deliver and Pay unto such Persons or Persons Respectively; as thes’d Justices by their Order of Judgment Shall direct, Pursuant to the laws in that case made and Provided; and if it shall hereafter after appear, that any last will and testament was made by thes’d Deceased and thes’d Executors, or Executor therein named do Exhibit the same into thes’d Court makeing Request to have it Allowed and Approved Accordingly of thes’d William Buckner being thereunto Required do Render and Deliver up his letters of Administrations, approbation of Such Testament being had and made in thes’d Court: Then this Obligation to be Void and of none Effect or Else to Remain in Full Force and Virtue. Signed, Sealed and Delivered ) Wm Buckner (LS) In Presence of ) Rich’d Phillips Junr (LS) Wm White Junior (LS) Edward Thomas (LS) J Lewis (LS) Va Court held at Louisa County Octo’r 12th, 1772. This Bond was this day in Open Court ack’dg and ordered to be recorded. Guardian Bonds, Inventories & Accounts 1767 - 1814 Page 38 -39 Lousia County Reel 40

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 1, William Dickerson, Type: Acct, Date: 13-Apr-1767
Account of sale of William Dickerson, Dec'd. Recorded 13 Apr 1767. Mentions: Charles Dickerson, Griffith Dickerson, orphans of William Dickerson, dec'd., Edward Jones, Sr., John Higgason Thomas Spencer, Robert Foster, Elizabeth Hencely, Jos. Goodman, Dudley Brown, Catherine Tobey, Benj. Cook, Absalom Browning, George Lumsden, John Tait, Jr., Jos. Street, Isham Richardson, William Swift, John Snead, Charles Snelson, Benj. Timberlake, David Davis, Samuel Waddy, William Terrell, Edward Jones, George Gearsey, John Crane, Obadiah Hinchee, Thomas Pears, David Hambleton, Robert Foster, James Foster, John Bickley, John Richardson as buyers. Lb 107 4 5.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 7, Andrew Hunter, Type: Will, Date: 26-Oct-1764
Will of Andrew Hunter In the name of God Amen I Andrew Hunter of the parish of St. Martins in the county of Louisa being in perfect memory an calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time I do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping to be saved by the precious death and passion of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ and my body I commit to the ground and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose there of in manner and form following I give to my son Peter part of my land going to his line beginning at a red oak by the river running thence N. 30 degrees east 24 poles to a read oak sapling by the road thence along the road north 38 east 16 poles to a pine thence north 1 degree west 46 poles to a Hickory in Dabneys line thence on his line north 19 1/2 degrees west 27 poles to a red Oak corner thence south 14 degrees east 277 poles to the beginning containing 14 ackers more or less I give to my daughter Mary one shilling, I give to my son Andrew one shilling I give to my son William one, I give to my son Stephen one shilling, I give to my daughter Jane one shilling. I give to my son George the bed and clothing belong there to at his mothers departure and all the remainder of my goods to my loving wife the land and plantation to George my younger son not to disturb his mother I leave my wife and my son George my executors that can pay me debts without appraisement as witness my hand and seal this 26th day of Oct 1764. Andrew Hunter. Wit. Nicholas Johnson, William Johnson, Samuel Powel(X)

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 7, Andrew Hunter, Type: Will, Date: 26-Oct-1764
Written 26 Oct 1764 (Submitted by Lynda Rangeley (rangeley@caller.infi.net)) To son Peter, part of my land...containing 14 acres...to my daughter, Mary, 1 shilling; to my son, Andrew, 1 shilling, to my son William, 1 shilling to my son, Stephen, 1 shilling, to my daughter, Jane, 1 shilling, to my son, George, the bed and clothing belongint to his mother...All the remainder of my goods to my loving wife, the land & plantation to George, my youngest son not to disturb his mother. I leave my wife and my son George my executors. They can pay my debts without forcement. As witnes myhand this 26 day of Oct. 1764. Andrew Hunter Witness: Nicholas C. Johnson, Wm. Johnson, Samuel Powel

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 18, Henry Dickason, Type: Sett, Date: 08-Feb-1768
Inventory of estate of Henry Dickason, dec'd. by Lawrence Young. 8 Feb 1768 recorded.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 22, Henry Laurance, Type: Will, Date: 11-Apr-1768
Will of Henry Laurance of Fredericksville Parish. 31 Jul 1767. Recorded 11 Apr 1768. To wife Elizabeth Laurance 100 acre plantation I now live on. 100 acre part I now live on to be sold to pay Joseph Walker to discharge my debt to him. All my children (not named). Signed Henry Laurance. Wit. William Sharp Smith, Sarah Hatcher, Lilly Ann Smith. Exors wife and John Laurance.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 23, Henry Laurance, Type: Sett, Date: 11-Apr-1768
Bond of Elizabeth Laurance extrix. of estate of Henry Laurance. Bondsman James Colemen 11 Apr 1768.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 29, Charles Nuckolls, Type: Will, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 31, Gilbert Gibson, Type: Acct, Date: 13-Jul-1763
Account of sale of Gilbert Gibson dec'd. 13 Jul 1763 David Ross one bed 2# 3s, David Ross one trunk 0# 5s,David Ross total due 2# 8s

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 40, Benjamin Bibb, Type: Appt, Date:  
[No abstract was made.]

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 41, Benjamin Bibb, Sr., Type: Will, Date: 08-Aug-1768
Written 5 Nov 1767, Recorded 8 Aug 1768 Louisa County; wife Mary; sons William, John; daughter Mary Johnson. Executors are William and John Bibb and James Arnet. Witness William Bigger, Uriah Tate

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 43, Henry Laurance, Type: Sett, Date: 11-Apr-1768
Appraisement of estate of Henry Laurance £37-14-2 Appraisers Jos. Shelton, David Hudson, Wm. Johnson. Returned by Elizabeth Laurance, Extrix. 11 Apr 1768.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 48, Abraham Venerable, Type: Will, Date:  
Love Statham witness to will of Abraham Venerable 1769.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 61, Robert Wingfield, Type: Will, Date: 24-Aug-1769
Submitted by: Brian and Melissa Stewart Wife Anne Wingfield. Sons: Thos., John, Robert, Josias, & Nathan. daus: Mary, Anna. Son Matthew Wingfiled received plantation whereon I live after decease or marriage of my wife. Exor: son Matthew Wingfield. Dated 24 Aug, 1767. Signed: Robt. Wingfield. Wit: James Mayo, Sr., Robert Mayo, Jacob Mayo. Rcd. 24 Aug 1769.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 62, Matthew Wingfield, Type: Bond, Date: 14-Aug-1769
Submitted by: Brian and Melissa Stewart exor of est. of Robt. Wingfield. Sec: James Mayo, Robert Mayo, Landie Richardson. Dated & recd 14 Aug 1769. Signed: Matthew Wingfield, James Mayo, Robert Mayo, Landie Richardson. Amt.: L100.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 63, John Tate, Type: will, Date: 11-Sep-1769
Louisa county, St. Martin parish, son Zacharias, Zackeus, dau. Mary Snelson, son Leneus[?] (my smith's tools), son's John, Waddy, dau. Sarah Tait, son Zephemiah & Zedekiah (412 acre plantation where I now live) dau. Ulan; wife Mary; "My ten children" administrator Mary Tate, Zacharias & friend David Anderson; written 20 Nov.1760; recorded 11 Sept.1769; witness Anne Terrell, Mary O. Terrell, James Hill, Richmond Terrell

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 67, John Wadkins, Sr., Type: Will, Date: 13-Nov-1769
Will of John Wadkins, Senr. of Louisa, to loving son Isham Wadkins all my land in this county after the decease of Sporves[?] Ann Wadkins, the sd. Isham to pay his three brother £10 each and all the rest of my personal estate to be equally divided among the whole of children that is to say Isam Wadkins, Jno. Wadkins, Fanney Wadkins, Jos. Wadkins, Elizabeth Wadkins, Joel Wadkins, and I appoint my two sons Isam Wadksin and John Wadkins my executors. 4 Feb 1769. Sig. John (x) Wadkins wit. David Cosby, Jr., Wm. Rice, Thomas Jackson. Rec. 13 Nov 1769. Isham Watkins one of the executors.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 67, John Wadkins, Type: Sett, Date: 13-Nov-1769
Isham Wadkins and Moses Gentry bound for £500 13 Nov 1769. Isham Wadkins to make inventory of estate of John Wadkins, dec'd.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 69, John Dashper, Type: Will, Date: 08-Jan-1770
Will John Dashper dated 1769 recorded 8 Jan 1770.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 70, John Dashper, Type: Sett, Date:  
Inv. of Estate of John Dashper dec'd. by David Terrell and John Matlock, Jno. Bickley.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 71, Robert Hester, Type: Will, Date: 12-Mar-1770
Will of Robert Hester, son Abraham, James, Charles, Francis, Samuel, daughters Barbara Walton, Anne Hester, Susanna Hester, Mary Hester, Eliza Hester, Sarah Smith. wife Barbara. To son Abraham tract of land he now lives on in Mecklenburg Co. on Burchers Creek cont. 300 acres. To son James Hester 258 acres on fork of branch which makes into Bunches Creek, part of tract purchased of Thomas Baker. To Nathan 258 acre of same. To son Charles 431 acres I now live on. To my daughter Agnes Walton and her daughters Barbara and Anne Hester Walton. To dau. Sarah Smith and her children: Robert, Barbara and Sarah Smith. Exors. wife Barbara Hester, son Abraham Hester, 6 Nov 1769. Sig. Robert Hester Wit. Robert Garland, Geo. Lumsden, Saml. Temple. recorded 12 Mar 1770.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 75, Francis Clark, Type: Will, Date: 15-Jan-1769
Will of Francis Clark, the Elder. sons: Jos., Thos. Isaac, Francis, Christopher, John. Daus: Agnes Haley, Sarah Clark, Ursula Clark. to son Joseph Clark 200 acres whereon I live. to Isham Haley 100 acres adj. Joseph's . To dau. Agnes Haley 100 acres whereon she now lives. Mentions granddau. Cordelia Haley, dau. of Eliz. Haley. Land on Stoney run in Hanover co. to be sold by my Exors. and money given to my five sons. to grandson Francis Clark, son to John Clark 200 acres on head of Cross Creek.. Exors: 3 sons, Jos., Thos., and Isaac Clark. Dated 15 Jan 1769. sig. Francis Clark. Wit: R(Richard)Phillips, Jr, John Haley, Ambros Crew. Rcd. 8 Jan 1770.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 77, Francis Clark, Type: Sett, Date: 08-Jan-1770
Bond of Isaac Clark exor. of estate of Francis Clark, Sec. Thos. Johnson, Jr. Rchd. Anderson. Amount 1000 Lb. Dated & recd 8 Jan 1770. Signed: Isaac Clark, Thos. Johnson, Rich'd Anderson.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 79, David Cosby, Type: Will, Date: 10-Sep-1770
Will of David Cosby of Louisa Co. Fredericksville Par. lend to my wife during her widowhood tract of land whereon I now live with all rest o my estate of every kind. To my two daughters Barbara and Jane after death of my wife slaves Hannah, and Climena with increase except ones which I will dispose of. If either of my daus. die or marry before coming of age the part given her shall be subject to my estate. To my grandson Richd. Tomkins Negro Daphne dau. of Clemina. If either of my daus. should marry contrary to wife's consent the part bequeathed to her shall return to my estate. Direct exors to sell all my estate after death or marriage of my wife and money arising be equally divided between my sons Charles, David, Overton, John and James. Estate be not appraised. Appoint sons Charles and David and Robert Armistead exors . 9 Dec 1768. Sig. David Cosby. wit. James Smith, Nicholas Harris, James Winston. Rec. Louisa 10 Sep 1770.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 95, James Haggard, Type: Sett, Date: 17-Oct-1779
Appraisement of estate of James Haggard in Albemarle Co. Amt. £22-12-7. Dated 17 Oct 1779 appraisers Henry Martin, James Adams, Tandy Ford. Recd. 10 Dec 1779.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 108, Francis Clark, Type: Sett, Date: 27-Jan-1770
Inventory of estate of Francis Clark. Dated 27 Jan 1770. Rcd. 1770 Amt. 591 Lb. 14 3. appraisers: Thos. Paulett, R. Phillips, Jr. Sworn to by Isaac Clark, Exor.

Cty. Lou, Book: 2, Page: 109, Ben Clark., Type: Sett, Date: 10-Jun-1771
Bond of Joseph Clark, Adm. of estate of Ben Clark. Sec. Thomas Paulett, Dabney Carr. Dated and red. 10 Jun 1771. Amt. 1000Lb. No wit. Signed Joseph Clark, Thos. Paulett, Dabney.

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