Unproven Data (as of 1March08):
We believe most likely that Mathew Thompson's parents are John Thompson and Ann Peatross. We have found John and Ann in the records and they appear to have moved to Caroline County, Virginia in the right time period. Among their children is a Mathew who would be of the correct time period. Mathew Peatross' will has been found and it states that his daughter Ann had already passed away at the time of the will. He mentions the widower John Thompson and their four children which included son Mathew.
Both the Peatross and the Thompson family appear to follow the naming patterns of the day and name their male children after their Grandfather's and then Father's, and the same approach for the females.
Mathew Thompson and Sarah Wyatt had two male children, Mathew and John. We feel that this child Mathew was named for his grandfather Mathew Peatross and son John was named for his grandfather John Thompson.
Additionally, the Peatross will shows a connection between son William Peatross and a Joseph Wyatt.
John Thompson and Ann Peatross had children Mathew, John, Amy, and Susannah.
My brother, Larry Thompson, spent at least a year looking through LDS films searching the nearby counties close to Caroline and Louisa for other John and Mathew Thompsons of the proper time frame. The only "good" possibility he found was a Robert George of the late 1600's with his wife Sarah who had a daughter Susannah George. She was born in 1706 and married a John Thompson in 1727/28. She died in Caroline County. Her husband John was "of England." This John and Susannah had a son John, who might have married Ann Peatross.
This is all supposition. Researchers can contact Ivonne Thompson at 915-751-8730 or kenandivonne@sbcglobal.net
Regards, Kenneth Paul Thompson
17. Ann Peatross ???
See notes on husband John Thompson
18. Richard Wyatt
Richard Wyatt was a Revolutionary War soldier. He was born and lived out his life at "Plain Dealing" in Caroline County, Virginia.
Richard Wyatt first married Elizabeth Streshley about 1743. She died of complications of childbirth in about 1744 after having her first child, Elizabeth. The child lived until 1830 and married John Starke. The dates for the marriage of Richard and Elizabeth are approximate.
Richard later married Amy Chiles in about 1750.
There are many books and a couple LDS Films concerning the Wyatts of Virginia and their ancestors going back to England. For sources, please see the data listed for Sarah Wyatt.
Some Wyatt Web Sites, to include Allington Castle in England where some lines of Wyatts can trace their ancestors back to. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~scperkins/WyattDNA.html.http://www.worldramp.net/~wyatt.
19. Amy Chiles
Amy Chiles was the second wife of Richard Wyatt. The first wife was Elizabeth Streshley who was married to Richard about 1743 and who died in about 1744 following complications from child birth while having their first child, Elizabeth Wyatt. The exact dates of the occurrences are not known.
30. Benjamin Bibb
We do not know the exact date of birth for Benjamin Bibb, so the date shown is approximate.
31. Ann Fleming
We do not know the exact date of birth for Ann Fleming, so the date shown is approximate.