Lasley Deeds
compiled by Kathleen M. Quinn (
September 1997
The following document contains (1) a table of grantors and grantees for land bought and sold by Lasley ancestors in Louisa County from 1742-1968 and (2) abstracts of some of the deeds listed in the table (note that these are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the 'Deed Book' column). More abstracts will be added as I have the opportunity to do more research. I have alphabetized the table according to the grantor, as I believe this will be more useful for individuals looking for surnames other than Lasley. Please feel free to email me with comments or information you think might be of interest to me, and stay tuned for updates! And, as always, any mistakes are my own.
BOE, Henry | LASLEY, John | F:63* |
[12] Dec 1785 |
BOSWELL, John and wife | LASLEY, Manoah | E:333* |
9 Nov 1778 |
BRADBURN, William | LASLEY, Manoah | G:14 |
10 Aug 1790 |
DAVIS, John | LASLEY, James | A:140* |
14 May 1744 |
FULCHER, John and wife | LASLEY, John | J:425 |
11 Oct 1802 |
GIBBENS, Thomas | LASLEY, Manoah | H:99* |
10 Jul 1780 |
GRANTLAND, William and wife | MAUPIN, Robert | N:311* |
4 Sep 1817 |
HARRIS, William | LASLEY, Manoah | F:150* |
5 Oct 1786 |
HESTER, Charles | LASLEY, John | G:11 |
9 Aug 1790 |
JOHNSON, Micajah and wife | LASLEY, John | I:697 |
11 Dec 1799 |
LANDRUM, Lewis W. | LASLEY, Marshall T. | 1:456* |
25 Apr 1873 |
LASLEY, Charles H. | LASLEY, Hattie | 38:477 |
6 Oct 1902 |
LASLEY, Charles W. | LASLEY, Frank H. | 103:380 |
10 Mar 1959 |
LASLEY, Edwin D. | LASLEY, Martha W., Marshall T., and Hamilton | HH:602* |
12 May 1871 |
LASLEY, Frank H. and Ruth S. | SCRUGGS, Mary Elizabeth | 89:299 |
26 Mar 1854 |
LASLEY, Frank H. and Ruth S. | Virginia Telephone and Telegraph Company | 116:133 |
20 Nov 1962 |
LASLEY, Frank H. and Ruth S. | Ellis Stewart Company | 122:286 |
6 Aug 1964 |
LASLEY, Frank H. and Ruth S. | PROFFITT, Mary F. and William L. | 135:101 |
13 Jun 1967 |
LASLEY, Frank H. and wife, John O. and Alice S., Hattie H. | Virginia Electric Power Company | 76:126 |
26 Apr 1949 |
LASLEY, Frank H., Alice S., John O., Ruth S., Susie W. et al. | SPENCER, R. L. and Jane | 128:68 |
14 Jan 1966 |
LASLEY, Hattie | LASLEY, Frank H. | 103:380 |
13 Mar 1959 |
LASLEY, Jacob O. | LASLEY, B. E. and Lula | 21:426* |
6 Oct 1903 |
LASLEY, Jacob O. | LASLEY, B. E. and Lula | 22:18* |
1 Jan 1904 |
LASLEY, James | MERRIWETHER, Elizabeth | A:468* |
20 Jun 1752 |
LASLEY, John O. and Alice S. | LASLEY, Frank H. | 101:138 |
17 May 1958 |
LASLEY, Susie W. | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation | 77:433 |
5 Dec 1949 |
MAUPIN, Robert and Mary | LASLEY, John B. | Q:61* |
13 Oct 1823 |
MILLS, Charles M. and Ann E. | LASLEY, Judith C. | 1:762* |
23 Mar 1874 |
MORTON, Joseph and wife | LASLEY, Manoah | F:127* |
5 Apr 1786 |
PORTER, William Jr. | LASLEY, Manoah | H:554 |
8 Aug 1785 |
RAGLAND, Beverly and wife | LASLEY, John | I:697 |
9 Dec 1799 |
RAGLAND, Samuel | LASLEY, John | G:396 |
11 Jun 1794 |
RAGLAND, Samuel | LASLEY, Manoah | E:289* |
14 Sep 1778 |
SMITH, Edward and wife | LASLEY, John | F:57* |
[14 Nov] 1785 |
SMITH, Nathan and Barbara | GRANTLAND, William | M:34* |
7 Feb 1812 |
UNKNOWN, William and wife | LASLEY, John B. | Q:314 |
5 May 1845 |
WASH, William | LASLEY, John | I:59 |
13 Jul 1795 |
WASH, William and wife | LASLEY, John | J:66 |
11 Oct 1800 |
WATKINS, Frogeaur F. | LASLEY, John O., Captain | FF:372* |
22 Apr 1861 |
WATKINS, Thomas B. and wife | LASLEY, John | I:742 |
9 Dec 1800 |
NOTE: These are abstracts of deeds concerning Lasley ancestors and descendants in Louisa County, Virginia. I have made editorial changes in [square brackets] to indicate where I have inserted information known to me from sources other than the deed itself. These are organized in order of deed book.
Deed Book A: 140-141
14 May 1744
Between (1) John DAVIS and (2) James LASLEY.
Regarding a parcel of 125 acres received by John Davis on 5 Jun 1736. Parcel sold to James Lasley for 11 pounds. The parcel begins at Robert MOTHERLAND's corner two pines and white oaks along this line north 49 degrees, west 120 poles to Poore Creek; then down said creek by his watercourse to Mr. SMITHSON's corner white oak in the said creek; then along Thomas Smithson's line along his hill and up the creek to Smithson's corner at several marked pines; then along Smithson's line to a corner in Smithson's line; then running in a straight course to the beginning. The plantation and all other improvements on the said 125 acres of land also included.
Thomas Perkins, Clerk
Deed Book A: 468
20 June 1752
Between (1) James LASLEY and Mary M. LASLEY, his wife, and (2) Elizabeth MERRIWETHER.
Regarding a parcel of 400 acres sold to Elizabeth Merriwether for twenty Virginia pounds. The parcel was a land patent given to James Lasley in 1740. The land is bounded as follows: beginning at Francis SMITHSON's corner stake in RAGLAND's line running along Ragland's line north 70 degrees, east 88 poles to his corner pine and along his other line south 65 degrees, east 208 poles to his corner; from several saplings in Colonel Merriwether's line and along the same line north 244 poles to a stake in his line; then west 380 poles to Francis Smithson's corner red oak and along his line south 29 degrees, east 209 poles to the beginning. [The remainder of the deed is confusing, but I believe the premises on said land were sold to Elizabeth Merriwether for 200 Virginia pounds.]
James Littlepage, Clerk
Deed Book E: 289-290
14 Sep 1778
Between (1) Samuel RAGLAND and Mary, his wife, of Louisa County, St. Martin's Parish and (2) Manoah LASLEY of Louisa County, Trinity Parish.
Regarding a parcel of 400 acres sold to Manoah Lasley for 52 pounds of Virginia money. The parcel begins at two corner pines in John RAGLAND's line; runs then on this line south 46 degrees, east 136 poles to Benjamin HENSON's and JOUETT's line; then south 46 degrees, west 452 poles to a scrubby white oak sapling; then north 46 degrees, west 142 poles to a pine in James BRUKIN's line; then on the same line north 47 and 1/2 degrees, east 448 poles, cooping [sic] both forks of Great Cauthen's Run; then to the beginning.
Deed Book E: 333-335
9 Nov 1778
Between (1) John BOSWELL and Ann, his wife, of Louisa County and (2) Manoah LASLEY of Louisa County.
Regarding a parcel of 166 acres on the west side of Gilbert GIBSON's mill creek and the north side of the South Anna River. Sold to Manoah Lasley for 200 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins at two pines and a white oak in the BARK line running along the same 55 and 1/2 degrees, east 121 poles to Gilbert Gibson's mill creek and down the same creed as it meanders, making a straight line 214 poles to said Gilbert's line at the end of his mill dam; then along the same line north 43 degrees, west 123 poles to three white oaks in Likinhole Creek; then a new line north 33 and 1/2 degrees, east 188 poles to the beginning. All woods, underwoods, waters, watercourses, houses, pastures, fences, orchards, tithes, profits, commodities, advantages, etc. are also transferred.
Deed Book F: 63-64
December 1785
Between (1) Henry BOE and Jemima BOE, executors of Jacob BOE estate and (2) John LASLEY.
Regarding a parcel of 50 acres sold to John Lasley for 55 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins at William WASH's line on Poore Creek; then on the said Wash's line to a corner white oak on [illeg.] RAGLAND's line; then on the said Ragland's line to the Spring Branch; then down said Branch to Poore Creek; then up the Creek to the beginning.
John Nelson, Clerk, Louisa County
Deed Book F: 57-58
Between (1) Edward SMITH and Salley, his wife, and (2) John LASLEY.
Regarding a parcel of 39 and 3/4 acres sold to John Lasley for 30 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins at John Lasley's and Widow BALL's corner pine in the said Smith's line; then on the said Smith's and RAGLAND's line south 5 1/2 degrees east 101 poles to Ragland's corner white oak; then on Ragland's line south 26 and 1/2 degrees west 89 and 3/4 poles to Smith's corner pine on Ragland's line; then a new line north 30 degrees west 100 poles crossing Mumford's Road to a Black Jack; then a new line north seven degrees east 52 and 1/2 poles to the beginning.
John Nelson, Clerk, Louisa County
Deed Book F: 127-128
5 April 1785
Between (1) Joseph MORTON and Maryann, his wife, of Albemarle County and (2) Manoah LASLEY of Louisa County.
Regarding a 100 acre parcel located on both sides of the North Annah [sic] River in Louisa County. Bounded by lands of John BOSWELL, John BRADLEY, William PORTER, and Elizabeth RAY. Sold to Manoah Lasley for 100 Virginia pounds.
Deed Book F: 150-151
5 October 1786
Between (1) William HARRIS and Elizabeth, his wife, and (2) Manoah LASLEY.
Regarding an oblong parcel on the northeast side of Long Creek which contains 48 and 1/2 acres. Sold to Manoah Lasley for 9 Virginia pounds. The parcel is bounded by the lands of Manoah Lasley, William HARRIS, and John BOSWELL.
Recorded in court on 9 October 1786.
Deed Book H: 99-100
10 July 1780
Between (1) Thomas GIBBENS and Anne, his wife, and (2) Manoah Lastley [sic, = LASLEY].
Regarding a parcel of 200 acres sold to Manoah Lastley [sic] for 1000 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins on the south side of Guffies Creek at one white oak sapling on David SANDER's corner in the pines with a line running from there due south 182 poles to pointers on Solomon TROWER's line; then south 74 east 176 poles to a white oak sapling on Jeremiah SELF's line; then north 23 east 116 poles to a pine on PAINE's line; then north 45 degrees west 135 poles to a pine on said Paine's Corner; then north 76 west 124 poles to the beginning.
Deed Book M: 34-35
7 Feb 1812
Between (1) Nathan SMITH and Barbara, his wife, of Buckingham County and (2) William GRANTLAND of Louisa County.
Regarding a parcel of 200 acres sold to William Grantland for 240 pounds. The property is located on both sides of the Beaver Dam Fork of the Machunk Creek and is bounded by lands of David DRAPER and Becknal ALVERSON. Premises already existing on the property also included. [This land eventually became what is now known as Spring Grove, the Lasley homestead.]
John Poindexter, Clerk
Deed Book N: 311-312
4 Sep 1817
Between (1) William GRANTLAND and Susan, his wife, of Louisa County and Robert MAUPIN of Albemarle County.
Regarding a parcel of 210 acres on both sides of the Beaver Dam Creek sold to Robert Maupin for 1200 Virginia dollars. The property adjoins the land of Reuben FLANAGAN, William Grantland, James TERRELL, David DRAPER, and others. All premises on said land are also included. [This land eventually became what is now known as Spring Grove, the Lasley homestead.]
John Poindexter, Clerk
Deed Book Q: 61-62
24 Sep 1823
Between (1) Robert MAUPIN and Mary, his wife, of Fluvanna County and (2) John B. LASLEY of Louisa County.
Regarding a parcel of 210 acres on both sides of the Beaver Dam Creek sold to John B. Lasley for 840 dollars. The property adjoins the lands of the estate of Richard LANFORD, deceased, [illeg.], John D. WATKINS, James TERRELL, and others. [This deed marks the transfer of land to the Lasley family for the property which is now known as Spring Grove, the Lasley homestead since the purchase of the land by John B. Lasley in 1823.]
John Hunter, Clerk
Deed Book FF: 372
22 Apr 1861
Between (1)Frogeaur F. WATKINS and (2) Captain John O. LASLEY.
Regarding a parcel of 270 acres of land on which Mary WATKINS resides and which adjoins the land of John B. LASLEY. All interest in one-fourth of the parcel is transferred to John O. Lasley for the amount of $100.
David M. Hunter, Witness
Deed Book HH: 602
12 May 1871
Between (1) Edwin D. LASLEY and (2) Martha W. LASLEY, Marshall T. LASLEY, and Hamilton LASLEY.
Regarding a parcel of 210 acres on the Beaver Dam Creek adjoining the land of Manoah LANFORD, B. B. BREECH, and others. The parcel was willed to Edwin D. Lasley by his father, John B. LASLEY. This deed gives the land to Marshall and Hamilton Lasley in consideration of their support of said Edwin D. Lasley for the remainder of his life.
William Sanders, Justice of the Peace
Deed Book 1:456-457
25 Apr 1873
Between (1) Lewis W. LANDRUM and (2) Marshall T. LASLEY.
Concerns the transfer of one still with all its fixtures and affurntainances [sic] from Lewis W. Landrum to Marshall T. Lasley for the payment of $80.
William Sanders, Justice of the Peace
Deed Book 1:762
23 Mar 1974
Between (1) Charles M. MILLS and Ann E. MILLS and (2) Judith C. LASLEY, wife of Marshall T. LASLEY.
For and in consideration of $1000, all pieces of land (a parcel of 165 and 3/4 acres) in Louisa County on Columbia Road adjoining the property of John ANDERSON and William WALKER are transferred to Judith C. Lasley from Charles and Ann Mills.
A. S. Perkins, Notary Public
Deed Book 21:426
6 Oct 1902
Between (1) Jacob O. LASLEY and (2) B. E. and Lula LASLEY.
Transfers all of B. E. and Lula Lasley's interest in a 210 acre parcel of land [known as the property Spring Grove] to Jacob O. Lasley for $200, with a stipulation that $100 will be paid presently and the remainder within a period of twelve months following the date of the deed.
C. H. Robinson, Justice of the Peace
Deed Book 22:18
1 Jan 1904
Between (1) Jacob O. LASLEY and (2) B. E. and Lula W. LASLEY.
Restates information from DB 21:426, namely that B. E. and Lula W. Lasley sold their interest in the estate of Martha W. LASLEY (B. E. Lasley's grandmother) to Jacob O. Lasley for the sum of $200, $100 of which was to be paid in twelve months from the earlier deed. The interest concerns a 210 acre parcel of land located beside the property of T. L. WATKINS and R. E. LANFORD. This deeds confirms that payment of the remaining balance of $100 was paid and the land was transferred to Jacob O. Lasley.
C. H. Robinson, Justice of the Peace