Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With T(h)ompson
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:45 PM
T(h)ompson, Anne (Jerdone) --- V14:53, 57
T(h)ompson, Charles --- V14:53, 57, 68
T(h)ompson, Charles J. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Charles, Jr. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Elizabeth N. --- V14:73
T(h)ompson, Francis J. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Garland --- V14:57, 75, 77
T(h)ompson, Garland, Jr. --- V14:72
T(h)ompson, George --- V14:40, 64, 66
T(h)ompson, George G. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Isabelle J. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Jane --- V14:69
T(h)ompson, Jerdone --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, John --- V14:53, 57
T(h)ompson, Nath. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Patience --- V14:69
T(h)ompson, Philip M. --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Robert --- V14:69
T(h)ompson, Robert, Jr. --- V14:69
T(h)ompson, Roger --- V14:32, 37, 43, 64, 65, 68
T(h)ompson, Sarah (Mitchell) --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Sarah J. (Thompson) --- V14:57
T(h)ompson, Susan Ann Cole --- V14:44
T(h)ompson, William L. --- V14:71, 72
T(h)ompson, William M. --- V14:29, 57, 78
Tabb, Margaret --- V25:29
Tabb vs. Baird, --- V17:28
Tabt, Joseph --- V13:36
Tacket & Ford, --- V19:76
Taft, William Howard --- V43:96, 97
Tail Clamp, --- V39:34
Tait, Agnes --- Census 5/1/26
Tait, Enos --- Census 5/1/26
Tait, James --- Census 5/1/26
Tait, John --- Landowner 10/56
Tait, Mary --- Census 5/1/26
Tait, Susannah --- V30:74
Tait, William --- Census 5/1/26
Tait, Zimri --- Census 5/1/26
Taite, James --- V20:72
Taite, James --- Legal Note 10/29 Constable 9/44
Taite, Jane --- Jail Contractor 4/69
Taite, John --- Legal Note 10/57 Landowner 10/57 Will Witness 10/5
Taite, John --- V37:53
Taite, William --- Road Overseer 6/25 Legal Note 9/83
Taite/Tate, James --- V41:55, 103
Taite/Tate, John --- V41:25, 28
Taite/Tate, Nathaniel --- V41:103
Taite/Tate, William --- V41:27, 28, 103
Taite/Tate, Zedekiah --- V41:55
Talaferro, General --- V32:13
Talbert, Richard --- V21-2:13
Talbert, Richard T. --- V18:39
Talbolt, Charles --- V28:90
Talbot County, Maryland, --- V26:87
Talbutt, John --- V19:57
Talcose slate, --- V19:65
Taldario, Christian Ternando Augustine --- V31: 106
Taliaferro, --- V25:16, 17, 21
Taliaferro, Anne --- V25:16
Taliaferro, Champ --- Marriage 5/2/32
Taliaferro, Elizabeth --- V25:16
Taliaferro, Elizabeth H. [ay] --- V25:17
Taliaferro, John --- V25:16, 17
Taliaferro, John --- Census 4/46 Landowner 9/80
Taliaferro, Mary --- V25:16
Taliaferro, Mary Barret --- V27:6
Taliaferro, Robert --- Census 3/49
Taliaferro, Virginia --- Marriage 5/2/32
Taliaferro, Walker --- V42:92
Taliaferros Brigade, --- V32:14
Taliaferro's Brigade, --- V22:67
Taliaferro's Brigade, --- V35:138, 140
Talifero, General --- V26:84
Talker, Nancy --- Census 3/43
Talky, Amarylis Aletha --- Death 12/44
Tallahassee, FL, --- V25:34
Talley, --- V19:34
Talley, --- V21-1:41, 104, 118
Talley, --- V23:24
Talley, --- V32:70
Talley, A. H. --- V22:6
Talley, A. J. --- V21-1:57
Talley, A. W. --- V18:19, 27, 29
Talley, A. W. --- V20:74
Talley, A. W. --- Census 1/77 Magistrate 7/58
Talley, A. W. --- V29:104
Talley, A. Washington --- V19:48
Talley, Allen Samuel --- V21-1:122
Talley, Anderson --- V26:6
Talley, Anderson --- Census 2/1/31
Talley, Andrew Washington --- Tombstone 1/69
Talley, Ann --- V21-1:117
Talley, Ann --- Census 1/82 2/1/40
Talley, Anne B. --- V24:35
Talley, Annie --- V20:62
Talley, B. P., Mrs. --- V36:35
Talley, Barbara --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Blackey --- V42:90
Talley, Bob --- V21-1:109, 110
Talley, C. D. --- V21-1:87, 94
Talley, C. N. --- V21-1:94
Talley, Cary --- Census 3/37
Talley, Cary F. --- Census 2/40
Talley, Catharine --- Census 3/37
Talley, Cecil C. --- V21-2:14
Talley, Charles --- Census 2/1/30 2/1/42
Talley, Charles --- V42:92
Talley, Chiles --- Census 1/77
Talley, Clay --- V21-1:56
Talley, Clementina --- Census 1/77
Talley, Clementina Chiles --- Tombstone 1/69
Talley, Cora --- V21-1:94, 109, 110, 117
Talley, Cutler L. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Talley, Cutler Linwood --- V23:46
Talley, Dice Y Ann --- Census 3/37
Talley, Dick --- V21-1:48
Talley, Dick --- V27:44
Talley, Dot --- Haley Diary 9/97
Talley, Edna E. --- V22:21
Talley, Edward --- Census 3/37
Talley, Eleanor H. --- V21-2:15
Talley, Eliza --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Eliza Ann --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Eliza Mallory --- V20:61
Talley, Eliza R. --- V21-1:94
Talley, Elizabeth --- V13:84
Talley, Elizabeth --- Census 1/77 2/1/42 2/2/45 3/76
Talley, Ella T. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Talley, Ellen --- Census 2/1/31
Talley, Elwood --- V21-1:117
Talley, Elzie R --- V21-1:94
Talley, Emmett --- V20:62
Talley, Eugene --- V21-1:79, 85
Talley, Eugene, Mrs. --- V21-1:85
Talley, Evelina --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, F. D. --- V21-1:57, 94
Talley, Fannie --- V24:35
Talley, Fannie A. --- V22:17
Talley, Fannie A. --- V24:36
Talley, Fannnie --- V29:40
Talley, Frances Anne Boston --- V24:34
Talley, Frances G. --- V24:35
Talley, Francis D. --- V19:49
Talley, Francis D. --- Census 2/2/43
Talley, Frederick --- Census 3/76
Talley, George --- V20:21
Talley, George --- Death 1/44 Marriage 1/49 Census 2/1/42 2/2/45
Talley, George B. --- Census 2/1/42
Talley, Geroge(Sic) --- Census 4/47
Talley, H. J. --- V21-1:94
Talley, H. W. --- Railroad Officer 7/54
Talley, Helen --- V21-1:94, 117
Talley, Henry --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Henry W. --- V19:48
Talley, Henry W. --- V22:31
Talley, Herman --- V21-1:124
Talley, Herman Lee --- V21-1:123
Talley, Ida J. --- V24:35
Talley, J. M. --- V22:31
Talley, J. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Talley, James --- Census 2/1/40 3/76
Talley, James L. --- Farmer 7/63
Talley, James W. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Talley, Jean Mrs. --- V18:37
Talley, John --- Census 2/1/40 Haley Diary 12/91
Talley, John C. --- Census 3/76
Talley, John F. --- V20:62
Talley, John F. --- Tombstone 9/59
Talley, John W. --- Farmer 7/64
Talley, John. --- V20:18
Talley, Jonathan --- V22:17
Talley, Jonathan --- V24:35, 36
Talley, Jonathan --- Census 2/2/28
Talley, Joseph --- V42:92
Talley, Joseph C. --- V21-1:26
Talley, Joseph C. --- Census 2/1/46 Landowner 6/17
Talley, Joseph E. --- V19:48
Talley, Joseph G. --- V19:49
Talley, Julian --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Kate --- V23:106
Talley, Kate B. --- V28:36
Talley, Lacy --- Teacher 5/1/39
Talley, Lavinia --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Lelia J. --- V24:35
Talley, Lester, Mrs. --- V31: 37
Talley, Lillian --- V21-1:94, 116
Talley, Lillian Brockman Payne --- V21-1:116
Talley, Lillian Payne --- V21-1:116
Talley, Linwood Cutler --- V23:47
Talley, Littleton --- V19:74
Talley, Littleton --- Census 2/2/45
Talley, Louisa --- Census 3/76
Talley, Lucille --- V21-1:94
Talley, Lucinda --- Census 1/82
Talley, Lucy A --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Lucy Ann --- Haley Diary 6/17
Talley, Lucy C. --- V21-1:94
Talley, Lucy E. --- V23:106
Talley, Lula --- V21-1:26, 29, 30
Talley, Lulu --- V36:37
Talley, Lydia B. --- V24:35
Talley, Malinda --- Census 1/82
Talley, Maria --- Census 2/1/31
Talley, Martha --- Census 1/82 2/1/40 3/76
Talley, Martha Cole --- V20:21
Talley, Martha Cole --- V28:42
Talley, Martha Dickinson --- V24:33
Talley, Marvin, Jr. --- V21-1:124
Talley, Mary --- V21-1:4, 115
Talley, Mary --- Census 1/77 1/82 2/1/40 2/1/42 3/76
Talley, Mary --- V36:35
Talley, Mary Carroll --- Marriage 5/8
Talley, Mary J. --- Marriage 5/2/37 Census 2/1/40
Talley, Mary O. --- Census 3/37
Talley, Mary S. Carroll --- V21-1:26
Talley, Meriwether --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Merriwither --- V22:31
Talley, Micajah --- V42:95
Talley, Michael --- Census 2/1/40 4/47
Talley, Miss --- V22:8
Talley, Mr. --- V23:29, 33
Talley, Mrs. --- V22:25
Talley, Mrs. --- V23:36
Talley, Mrs. --- V35:21
Talley, Nancy Carter --- Census 3/37
Talley, Nathan --- V13:84
Talley, Nathan --- V22:17
Talley, Nathan --- Census 1/77 3/37 4/47 5/1/26 2/2/28 Rev. Soldier 8
Talley, Nathan --- V42:92
Talley, Nathan O. --- V24:34
Talley, Nathaniel --- Census 1/82 3/76
Talley, Nathaniel --- V42:94
Talley, Nathaniel T. --- Census 1/77
Talley, Nathaniel, Jr. --- V42:94
Talley, Nora --- V25:68, 69
Talley, Nora Mason --- Tombstone 9/59
Talley, Nora Mason --- V28:36
Talley, Nora Trice Crank --- V20:61
Talley, Nora Trice Crank --- V25:72
Talley, O. H. P. --- V29:104
Talley, Overton --- Census 2/1/42
Talley, Payton --- V22:17
Talley, Payton G. --- V22:17
Talley, Peyton --- V24:33-36, 41
Talley, Peyton G. --- V24:32
Talley, Peyton G. --- Census 2/2/28
Talley, Prudence Quigg --- V24:34
Talley, Prudence W. --- Census 2/2/28
Talley, R. D. --- V21-1:94
Talley, R. J. --- V21-1:94
Talley, R. L. --- Methodist 11/1/29
Talley, R. P. --- V21-1:17, 25, 28-30
Talley, R. P. --- V29:15
Talley, R. P., Mrs. --- V36:34
Talley, R. W. --- V22:31
Talley, Rebecca --- Census 3/37
Talley, Rhoda E. --- Census 1/77
Talley, Richard --- V22:31
Talley, Richard --- V25:69
Talley, Richard --- Census 1/77 2/1/40 2/2/28
Talley, Richard A. --- V19:49
Talley, Robert --- V13:40
Talley, Robert --- V21-1:117, 124
Talley, Robert --- Census 2/1/30 2/2/44 Haley Diary 8/94 Marriage 12/
Talley, Robert --- V38:40
Talley, Robert --- V42:26
Talley, Robert B. --- V16:31
Talley, Robert B. --- V35:123
Talley, Robert C. --- Census 2/1/31 Marriage 5/2/32
Talley, Robert Harlow --- Burial Site 12/90
Talley, Robert James --- V20:61
Talley, Robert M. --- V21-1:26
Talley, Robert N. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Talley, Robert P. --- V21-1:26
Talley, Sallie --- Census 1/82 2/1/40
Talley, Sam. E. --- V22:31
Talley, Samuel --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Samuel C. --- Census 2/2/28 Marriage 5/2/32 Tombstone 9/59
Talley, Sarah --- V16:31
Talley, Sarah --- Census 2/L/30 2/2/45 3/76 Marriage 1/49
Talley, Sarah --- V35:123
Talley, Sarah C. --- Census 2/1/42
Talley, Sarah Cole --- V20:21
Talley, Shelton P. --- V24:35
Talley, Shelton W. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Talley, Story --- V19:42
Talley, Story --- Census 4/47
Talley, Susie --- V21-1:113
Talley, Talley --- V21-1:94
Talley, Thomas --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, Thomas C. --- V16:31
Talley, Thomas C. --- Census 2/1/30 Query 12/42
Talley, Thomas C. --- V35:123
Talley, Todd --- V21-1:111
Talley, Todd --- Died 5/1/47
Talley, W. H. --- V23:28
Talley, W. M. --- V25:73, 76
Talley, W. M. "Dot" --- V25:73
Talley, W. O. --- V22:31
Talley, Walter --- V21-1:84
Talley, Wash --- V32:62
Talley, Will. H. --- V35:123
Talley, William --- Census 4/47 Census 2/1/30 2/1/40 Haley Diary 6/16
Talley, William --- V42:95
Talley, William A. --- V22:17
Talley, William A. --- V24:32, 33
Talley, William A. --- Census 2/2/28
Talley, William Anderson --- V24:32
Talley, William E. --- Census 2/2/45
Talley, William H. --- V16:31
Talley, William M. --- V25:68, 69
Talley, William M. --- V28:36
Talley, William Mercer --- V20:61
Talley, William Mercer --- V28:36
Talley, William Merger --- Tombstone 9/59
Talley, William N. --- Wheat Receipt 5/1/28
Talley, William U. --- Census 2/1/40
Talley, William Vernon --- V21-1:122
Talley, Willie --- V21-1:56
Talley, Willie A. --- V19:30
Talley, Willie A. --- V27:34
Talley, Willie A. --- V29:40
Talley, Wm. M. --- V25:72
Talley, Zebulon --- V42:94
Talley and Boston, --- V24:35
Talley and Hancock, --- V24:36
Talley family, --- V21-1:98
Talley Home, --- V20:71
Talleys, Miss --- V32:55
Tallie, Mrs. --- V23:33, 35
Tallie, Nathan --- Taxpayer 1/19
Tallulah Falls, --- V23:50
Tally, John --- Haley Diary 6/16
Tally, John W. --- Haley Diary 5/1/46
Tally, Martha A. --- V13:82
Tally, Nora --- Haley Diary 11/2/43
Talman, John --- Hotel Keeper 4/15
Tampa, Florida, --- V36:6
Tanabe, Clarance --- V40:14
Tanabi, Clarence --- V40:16
Tandy, Ralph --- V28:46
Tanerway, William --- Landgrant 10/83
Tanglewood, --- V26:107
Tanner, A. S. --- V19:45
Tanner, Douglas W. --- Author 3/6
Tanner, Mr. --- Of Green County Va., 1/56
Tanner, Mr. --- V37:62
Tanner, Neal --- V31: 52
Tanner, Patsy --- V23:62, 101
Tanner, Patsy --- Haley Diary 5/1/45 6/22
Tanning Squirrel Skins, --- 6/55
Tanyard Branch, --- V21-1:8, 11, 111
Tappscott, G. A. --- V24:38
Tapscott, Sarah Allan --- V23:37
Tarish, Mary --- Census 3/48
Tarish, Mary E. --- Census 3/48
Tarish, Victoria --- Census 3/48
Tarleton, --- V13:9
Tarleton, --- V22:10, 11, 95
Tarleton, Banastre --- V20:27
Tarleton, Banastre --- Tavern Visitor 1/39
Tarleton, R. M. --- Minister 2/1/18
Tarleton, Robert M. --- V19:10
Tarlton, --- V19:67
Tarr?, Ann --- Census 2/1/31
Tass, Son Of Sally --- Birth 11/2/38
Tate, Abigail --- Census 5/1/26
Tate, Addison --- Census 2/2/39
Tate, Adison --- Census 2/2/39
Tate, Agnes --- Taxpayer 1/19
Tate, Agnes --- V30:76, 78
Tate, Albert Ray --- Tombstone 10/70
Tate, Alice --- V32:30
Tate, Angelina --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Ann --- Census 1/88 Query 10/10
Tate, Anthony --- Roadwork 6/32 6/33
Tate, Austin --- V32:30
Tate, Austin, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Austin, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Betty --- Census 1/86
Tate, Calvin --- Census 1/85
Tate, Calvin --- V32:30
Tate, Calvin, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Carrie Mildred --- V40:9
Tate, Catharine --- Census 1/86
Tate, Charity A. --- V32:31
Tate, Columbia --- Census 2/2/31
Tate, Daniel --- Census 1/85
Tate, Demetria --- Census 1/85
Tate, Demetria E. --- V32:30
Tate, Dollie A. --- Census 2/2/31
Tate, Douglas --- Painter 10/99
Tate, Douglas --- V31: 46
Tate, Edmund C. --- V32:29
Tate, Edward --- Census 3/38
Tate, Eliza --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/31 2/1/44 3/38 3/41
Tate, Elizabeth --- V32:28
Tate, Elizabeth Strong --- V32:30
Tate, Ella J. --- V21-1:38
Tate, Ellie G. --- V21-1:38
Tate, Elvira --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Emily --- Census 1/85
Tate, Enos --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/46 Rev. Claim 7/32
Tate, Eugenia --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Eugenia Tate --- V32:30
Tate, Farrie B. --- V21-1:38
Tate, Ferdinand --- Census 1/86
Tate, Fleming D. --- V14:12
Tate, Fleming D. --- V32:30
Tate, Fleming D., Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Florida --- V31: 46
Tate, Francis --- Marriage 1/48
Tate, Frank --- V24:92
Tate, Frank --- Census 1/85
Tate, Franklin --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Franklin --- V32:30
Tate, Franklin, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, George --- Census 1/88
Tate, George --- V32:31
Tate, George R. --- Tombstone 10/70
Tate, Glen --- V31: 46
Tate, Henrietta --- Census 1/85 3/83
Tate, Henry --- V13:21, 74
Tate, Henry --- V14:40, 43
Tate, Henry --- V19:38, 44
Tate, Henry --- Census 1/85 Roadwork 6/28 6/29 Jury 12/70
Tate, Henry --- V32:4, 30, 31
Tate, Herbert L. --- V21-1:38
Tate, Hudson --- V32:30
Tate, Hudson, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, J. M. --- V21-1:30
Tate, J. Theodore --- V21-1:38
Tate, James --- V16:85
Tate, James --- V19:38, 39, 91
Tate, James --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 1/85 1/88 2/1/31 5/1/26 Legal
Tate, James --- V32:30
Tate, James --- V42:91
Tate, James H. --- Census 3/38
Tate, James N. --- V32:31
Tate, James T. --- V15:86
Tate, Jane --- Census 1/85
Tate, Jane O. --- V32:30
Tate, Jane O. Tate --- V32:30
Tate, Jefferson --- Census 2/2/39
Tate, Jesse F. --- Tombstone 10/70
Tate, Joe --- Haley Diary 10/38 10/43
Tate, Joel --- V27:67
Tate, John --- V13:74
Tate, John --- V19:38, 40
Tate, John --- Census 1/88 2/1/31 4/46 Road Surveyor 6/85 6/89 Qu
Tate, John A. --- Church Speaker 10/68
Tate, John Henry --- V32:32
Tate, John Henry, Mrs. --- V32:32
Tate, John N. --- V32:29, 31
Tate, John R. --- V32:30
Tate, Joseph --- V32:30
Tate, Joseph P. --- V21-1:38
Tate, Julia M. --- Tombstone 10/70
Tate, Kelly --- Census 2/2/39
Tate, Keziah Ward --- V32:30
Tate, Kezsiah --- V22:36
Tate, Kizsiah L --- V22:37
Tate, Lavinia --- Census 1/85
Tate, Lavinia --- V32:30
Tate, Lavinia Tate --- V32:30
Tate, Lewis --- Census 2/2/39
Tate, Louisa --- Census 1/85
Tate, Louisa Corley --- V32:30
Tate, Louisa Janie Strong --- V32:32
Tate, Louisa V. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Tate, Lucian --- Census 2/2/35
Tate, Lucinda --- V32:30
Tate, Lucinda Ellen Strong --- V32:30
Tate, Lucy --- V24:92
Tate, Lucy --- Marriage 1/48 Census 2/2/39 3/83
Tate, Lucy J. --- Census 3/38
Tate, Margaret --- Census 2/2/31
Tate, Maria --- Census 1/85 2/2/39 3/38
Tate, Marshall --- Census 2/1/31
Tate, Marshall (Moses) --- V26:101
Tate, Martha --- Census 1/85 2/2/39
Tate, Martha B. Smith --- V32:30
Tate, Mary --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census Query, 10/10
Tate, Mary E. --- Tombstone 10/70
Tate, Mary Johnson --- V32:30
Tate, Massie --- Census 2/2/39
Tate, Matilda --- Census 2/2/35
Tate, Mattie --- V21-1:21
Tate, Michael --- Census 3/75
Tate, Mike --- Census 3/83
Tate, Mildred --- Census 3/38 3/84
Tate, Mildred L. S. --- V32:30
Tate, Milly --- V22:38
Tate, Milly --- Census 3/83
Tate, Missouri A. --- Tombstone 10/70
Tate, Nancy --- Census 2/1/31 3/38
Tate, Nathan --- V24:93
Tate, Nathan --- Census 4/46
Tate, Nathan G. --- Census 1/85
Tate, Nathan G. --- V32:30
Tate, Nathan G., Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Nathaniel --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/47
Tate, Nathaniel --- V32:30
Tate, Nathaniel, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Nelson --- V22:31
Tate, Nelson --- Census 1/85
Tate, Nelson N. --- V32:30
Tate, Nelson N. . --- V14:12
Tate, Nelson N., Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Octavia --- Census 1/86
Tate, Otis --- V31: 46
Tate, Page --- Census 3/38
Tate, Peyton --- Census 1/82
Tate, Philip M. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Tate, Price --- Census 1/85
Tate, Reuben --- Census 2/1/31 Marriage 5/2/33
Tate, Rhoda --- Census 1/88
Tate, Richard --- Census 2/1/31
Tate, Richard --- V30:79
Tate, Robert --- Death 1/45 Census 2/2/35 4/47 Rev. Soldier 8/77 Qu
Tate, Robert --- V30:79
Tate, Robert --- V42:52
Tate, Robert, Mrs. --- V30:79
Tate, Rubin, Jr. --- Census 2/1/31
Tate, Sallie --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Sally --- Census 1/88
Tate, Sally T --- V32:29
Tate, Sarah --- Census 1/85 3/38
Tate, Sarah --- V32:31
Tate, Sarah Ann --- V32:30
Tate, Sarah C. --- V32:30
Tate, Sarah Ina --- Marriage 5/2/38
Tate, Susan --- Census 1/86 1/85 2/1/31 2/2/39 3/38 3/83
Tate, Susanna --- V30:74
Tate, Susannah --- V20:94
Tate, Susannah --- V30:79
Tate, Susannah A. --- V32:31
Tate, Susannah Bibb --- V30:79
Tate, Tempy --- Census 2/1/31
Tate, Thomas --- Census 1/86 1/88
Tate, Thomas --- V32:30
Tate, Thompson --- Census 1/85
Tate, Thompson --- V32:30
Tate, Thompson, Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Timmy --- Rev. Claim 7/32
Tate, Upham (Fanny) --- Query 10/10
Tate, Uriah --- V20:94
Tate, Uriah --- Tax Payer 1/19 Census 4/46 5/1/26 Marriage Surety
Tate, Uriah --- V30:72, 76
Tate, Victoria --- Census 1/86
Tate, Waddy --- V15:22
Tate, Waddy --- V17:55
Tate, Waddy --- Census 3/38
Tate, Waddy --- V30:79
Tate, Waddy --- V32:30
Tate, Waddy. Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Waddy. Mrs. --- V32:30
Tate, Wallace --- V22:69
Tate, Wallace --- V25:72, 75
Tate, William --- V17:68
Tate, William --- V19:90
Tate, William --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 1/85 2/2/39 4/46 4/47 Landown
Tate, William --- V30:79
Tate, William --- V42:122
Tate, William A. --- Census 1/88
Tate, William M. --- Census 3/83
Tate, Willie I. Sims --- V32:30
Tate, Willie Oakes --- V21-1:123
Tate, Wilmer --- V21-1:123
Tate, Wm. P. --- V24:93
Tate, Wyatt --- V24:92
Tate, Wyatt --- Census 2/1/44
Tate, Zimri --- V43:54
Tate, Zimry --- Taxpayer 1/19 Tax Receipt, Illustrated, 3/30
Tatt, Zeus --- V45:141
Taubenberger, Jeffrey, Dr. --- V31: 41
Tavern, at Cuckoo --- V28:99
Tavern, Cosby --- V26:98
Tavern, Elisha Jackson --- V24:18
Tavern, Harris --- V24:32
Tavern, Johnson's --- V24:87
Tavern, Jouett's --- V29:5
Tavern, Lawrence --- V24:88
Tavern, Tract --- V29:90, 92
Tavern (Ordinaries), Boswell’s --- V46:8, 86
Tavern (Ordinaries), Col. O. Callis --- V46:00
Tavern (Ordinaries), Jouett’s --- V46:45
Tavern (Ordinaries), Sackville King’s (Cuckoo) --- V46:45
Tavern (Ordinaries), Yellow --- V46:122
Tavern, The, --- V28:19
Tax, poll (capitation) --- V46:51
Taylor, Alfred G. --- V19:10
Taylor, Alice --- Query 2/2/49 Married 10/9
Taylor, Amanda --- V23:107
Taylor, Amanda --- V33:20
Taylor, Anne Bruce --- Gravesite 11/2/38 11/2/39
Taylor, Anne Fenton --- V26:95
Taylor, Annie Hansbrough Todd --- Died 7/35
Taylor, Belle Helmer --- Tombstone 10/72
Taylor, Bernard --- V44:134
Taylor, C. C., Jr. --- V34:27
Taylor, C. C., Jr. --- V34:13
Taylor, Catharine --- Census 2/2/45
Taylor, Charles --- V28:19
Taylor, Clyde --- V25:2
Taylor, Col. --- V22:101
Taylor, David Watson, Rear Admiral --- V32:47
Taylor, Edmd. --- V43:104
Taylor, Elaine --- V39:58, 72
Taylor, Elaine --- V41:76
Taylor, Elaine --- V42:28, 107
Taylor, Elizabeth --- Query 2/2/49 Census 4/47
Taylor, Elizabeth J. --- Census 3/33
Taylor, Erasmas --- V41:90
Taylor, Francis --- Rev. Soldier 3/26 9/24
Taylor, Francis, Col. --- V22:99, 100
Taylor, Frank --- V23:106
Taylor, Frank --- V33:20
Taylor, Franky --- Census 3/33
Taylor, George --- Taxpayer 1/19 Will 2/2/18 Census 3/33 Haley Diary,
Taylor, George E. --- Haley Diary 6/19
Taylor, George Y. --- V43:104
Taylor, Henry --- V13:12, 52
Taylor, Henry --- V18:28
Taylor, Henry --- V21-1:57
Taylor, Henry --- Author 1/7 Map Owner 1/6 Farmer 7/65
Taylor, Henry --- V28:6
Taylor, Henry --- V31: 63
Taylor, Henry --- V37:73
Taylor, Henry --- V34:5, 48
Taylor, Henry --- V32:47
Taylor, Henry --- V43:89
Taylor, Henry --- V44:39
Taylor, Henry 89 --- V41:89, 93
Taylor, Henry II --- V45:28, 31, 38, 39
Taylor, Henry William --- V27:101
Taylor, Henry. Mrs --- V32:47
Taylor, Isaac --- V21-1:48
Taylor, James --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/26 Landowner 9/75 Guardia
Taylor, James --- V41:104
Taylor, James --- V44:134
Taylor, James A. --- V42:62
Taylor, James B. --- V21-1:29
Taylor, James B. --- V22:4
Taylor, James B. --- Author 12/26
Taylor, James B. --- V31: 100
Taylor, James Jun --- V22:56
Taylor, Jas. B. --- V21-1:94
Taylor, Jefferson R. --- V14:13
Taylor, John --- V14:41
Taylor, John --- V19:95
Taylor, John --- V22:88
Taylor, John --- V23:58
Taylor, John --- Taxpayer 1/19 Mentioned 2/29 Census 3/33
Taylor, John --- V44:121, 132
Taylor, John H. --- Census 3/43
Taylor, John L. --- Gravesite 11/2/39
Taylor, John Lampkin --- V26:95
Taylor, John Lampkin --- Author 11/2/39 Gravesite 11/2/38
Taylor, John R. --- Court Clerk 8/55
Taylor, Jordan --- V33:20
Taylor, Jordon --- V23:106
Taylor, Josephine --- V21-1:68, 113
Taylor, Lelia J. Parker --- Tombstone 9/40
Taylor, Lewis --- Haley Diary 7/96
Taylor, Lewis W. --- Justice Of Peace 8/38
Taylor, Lucy --- V24:12
Taylor, Lucy Penn --- V45:27
Taylor, M. Clyde --- Tombstone 9/40
Taylor, M. Milton --- Tombstone 9/40
Taylor, Maria --- V23:107
Taylor, Marian Emma --- V27:101
Taylor, Mary --- Heir 11/1/21 Mentioned 11/1/22
Taylor, Mary Ann Stratton --- V27:101
Taylor, Mary C. --- V19:2, 3
Taylor, Mary Minor --- V32:47
Taylor, Mary Minor (Watson) --- V41:89
Taylor, Mousy --- Teacher 5/2/12
Taylor, Mr. --- V41:90
Taylor, Mr. --- V42:109-111, 114
Taylor, Nancy Morris --- V45:27
Taylor, Nannie --- V28:36
Taylor, Robert --- V14:15
Taylor, Robert Lee --- Marriage 10/92 Son Of Amy, Birth 11/2/38
Taylor, Squire Richard --- Taxpayer 1/19
Taylor, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/19
Taylor, Thomas L. --- V44:125
Taylor, Todd --- V18:39
Taylor, Tom --- V43:89
Taylor, W. C. --- Haley Diary 10/38
Taylor, W. Hart --- V28:36
Taylor, William --- V14:25
Taylor, William --- Census 4/46
Taylor, William Coleman --- Tombstone 10/72
Taylor, William H. --- V23:79
Taylor, William T. --- Marriage 7/34
Taylor, Willie --- V33:20
Taylor, Wm. P. --- V44:133
Taylor County KY, --- V30:79
Taylor Creek, --- V34:6
Taylors, --- V21-1:110
Taylor's, --- V38:40, 41
Taylor's box, --- V38:42
Taylor's Corner, --- V38:40
Taylors Creek, --- V20:98-100, 102
Taylor's Creek, --- V32:31
Taylor's Creek (plantation), --- V13:57
Taylors West End, --- V35:169
Tazewell, --- V20:39
Tazewell, Virginia, --- V14:45
Tazewell, Virginia, --- V33:36
Teacher Salary Voucher, --- 3/24
Teasdale., Sara --- V36:9
Tedder, Catherine Hannah --- Birth 2/1/24
Tedder, Harriet Adealin --- Birth 2/1/24
Tedder, Roseetter --- Birth 2/1/24
Teel, Clara W. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Teel, Mary Ella --- Marriage 5/2/31
Teleford, John --- Census 4/46
Telford, John --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/26
Telford, John --- V42:122
Telford, John, Jr.[?] --- V41:103
Temperance Crusade, --- V31: 4
Temperance Grove, --- V24:48, 50
Temperance Movement, --- V25:49
Temperance Movement, --- V31: 3
Temple, --- V21-1:16
Temple, --- V37:2
Temple, Agnes --- Mentioned 3/3
Temple, Jas. --- V21-1:57
Temple, Joseph --- Landowner 3/3 10/55
Temple, Listen --- Landowner 3/3
Temple, Liston --- V19:99, 100
Temple, Liston --- V20:97
Temple, Martha --- V24:94
Temple, Ray --- Minister 5/53
Temple, Samuel --- V15:57
Temple, Samuel --- Mentioned 8/13
Temple, Samuel --- V28:59
Temple vs Chiles, --- V19:99
Temple(s), Joseph --- V13:30
Templeton, D. H. --- Haley Diary 12/92
Ten Years War, --- V24:81
Tender Flat Gold Mine, --- V21-1:9
Tenham, Ann --- V13:46
Tenham, Elizabeth --- V13:46
Tenham, Elizabeth --- Census 5/1/26
Tenham, Mary --- V13:46
Tenham, Rebecca --- V13:46
Tenham, Robert --- V13:46, 72
Tenham, Robert --- V14:33, 35
Tenham, Robert --- V17:33
Tenham, Robert --- V19:37, 39, 40, 42, 87, 88, 90
Tenham, Sarah --- V13:46
Tennessee, --- V20:39, 40, 48
Tennessee, --- V28:55-56, 64, 66
Tennessee, --- V37:82
Tennessee, Bledso County --- V40:56, 57
Tennessee, Greene County --- V40:56, 57
Tennessee, McMinn County --- V40:56, 57
Tennessee, Monroe County --- V40:56, 57
Tennessee Historical Society, --- V27:37
Tennessee River, --- V31: 101
Tenth Virginia Regiment, --- V26:82
Teril, Richmond --- Roadwork 6/89
Terminal Archaic period, --- V43:77
Terrace, The --- V29:63
Terre, --- V31: 6
Terrel, Chiles --- Census 4/46
Terrel, Elizabeth --- Census 4/47
Terrel, Julia Douglass --- Marriage 5/2/38
Terrel, Richmond --- V15:62
Terrel, Richmond --- V27:64
Terrel, Samuel --- V27:64
Terrel[l], Christopher --- V42:93
Terrel[l], Oliver --- V42:59
Terrel[l], Peter --- V42:122
Terrel[l], Richmond --- V42:128
Terrel[l], Will --- V42:121
Terrell, --- V19:57
Terrell, --- V22:20
Terrell, --- V24:38
Terrell, --- V37:2
Terrell, --- V33:3, 5, 9, 17, 45, 51
Terrell, ??? III --- Biography 10/55 Iv Settler 10/55 V Biography 10/59
Terrell, A. F. --- V22:67
Terrell, A. Frank --- V22:67
Terrell, Agnes --- Census 1/86
Terrell, Agnes A. --- Tombstone 6/56
Terrell, Alexander F. --- V22:63
Terrell, Alice --- V25:70
Terrell, Alphia R. --- Tombstone 6/56
Terrell, Amy --- Baptized 9/96
Terrell, Ann --- V22:66
Terrell, Ann --- V25:69
Terrell, Ann --- Census 1/86 5/1/26
Terrell, Ann --- V33:51,52
Terrell, Ann Lewis Phillips --- V25:70
Terrell, Ann Overton --- Birth Parent 6/65
Terrell, Anne --- Heir 10/57 Will 10/58
Terrell, Anne E. --- Mother Of John 2/1/22 Query 7/48
Terrell, Anne Overton --- Birth Marriage Death 10/59
Terrell, Barbara --- V22:66
Terrell, Barbara --- V25:70
Terrell, Barbara B. --- Birth Marriage 10/60
Terrell, Barbary --- Heir 10/56
Terrell, Beckey --- Heir 10/56
Terrell, Benjamin --- Taxpayer 1/19
Terrell, Betty Trevilians Anderson --- V25:70
Terrell, Bill --- V33:22,45
Terrell, Bob --- V33:7, 15, 16, 18
Terrell, Capt. Wm. --- V46:118
Terrell, Cemetery Records --- 6/56
Terrell, Cesar --- V36:12
Terrell, Charles --- V22:66
Terrell, Charles --- V23:81
Terrell, Charles --- V25:69, 70
Terrell, Charles --- Heir 5/2/27 5/2/28
Terrell, Charles --- V33:7
Terrell, Charles J. --- V22:66
Terrell, Charles James --- V23:81
Terrell, Charles James --- V25:70
Terrell, Charlie --- V33:15
Terrell, Dabney Carr --- Mentioned 10/60
Terrell, David --- V25:70
Terrell, David --- Dead 5/2/28
Terrell, Donna --- V25:70
Terrell, Dora --- V33:5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 47, 51
Terrell, Dorathea --- Census 1/86
Terrell, Dorothy Ann --- V25:68
Terrell, Dr. --- V23:84, 90
Terrell, Dr. --- V25:71
Terrell, Dr. --- V31: 89
Terrell, Dr. Edmund --- V46:37
Terrell, E. A. --- V24:36, 39
Terrell, E. A. --- Church Member 4/59 Haley Diary 10/99 Church Deacon
Terrell, E. A., Dr. --- V23:81
Terrell, E. A., Dr. --- V25:68, 70
Terrell, Early --- Haley Diary 9/52
Terrell, Edmund --- V25:73
Terrell, Edmund (Eddie) --- V25:73
Terrell, Edmund A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Terrell, Edmund Anderson --- V23:77, 81
Terrell, Edmund Anderson --- V25:70
Terrell, Edmund Anderson (Jr) --- V25:67, 68
Terrell, Edmund Anderson, Dr. --- V25:70
Terrell, Edmund Anderson, III --- V25:67
Terrell, Edmund Anderson, Jr. --- V23:82
Terrell, Edmund Rodes --- V25:67, 68, 73
Terrell, Edmund Rodes (Eddie) --- V25:70
Terrell, Edmund, Dr. --- V31: 30
Terrell, Edmund, III --- V25:70
Terrell, Edmund, III (Ned) --- V25:67, 68
Terrell, Edmund, Jr. --- V23:90
Terrell, Edmund, Jr. --- V25:68
Terrell, Eliza --- Census 2/1/38
Terrell, Elizabeth --- V20:59
Terrell, Elizabeth --- V22:63
Terrell, Elizabeth --- V25:69, 70
Terrell, Elizabeth --- V26:98
Terrell, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/26 Hill Reprint 5/2/27 Bi
Terrell, Elizabeth Ann Graves --- V25:67
Terrell, Elizabeth Foster --- V25:69
Terrell, Elizabeth Mills --- V25:69
Terrell, Emily --- V25:70
Terrell, Emily Elizabeth --- V25:68
Terrell, Emmett --- V33:8
Terrell, Eva --- V23:83
Terrell, Eva A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Terrell, Eva Atkinson --- V23:83
Terrell, Eva Atkinson --- V25:71
Terrell, Frances --- V22:67
Terrell, Francis --- V25:69
Terrell, Francis --- Heir 5/2/27
Terrell, Francis A. --- V22:63
Terrell, George W. --- V22:67
Terrell, George W. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Terrell, Glanville, Dr. --- V34:47, 48
Terrell, Goodrich --- Census 2/2/39
Terrell, H. R. --- Church Member 4/59
Terrell, H. R. --- V33:4
Terrell, H. R., Mrs. --- V33:4, 11
Terrell, H. Ross --- V29:45
Terrell, Harvey --- Haley Diary 11/1/51
Terrell, Henrietta --- V25:70
Terrell, Henry --- V19:100
Terrell, Hervey --- V33:3, 5, 8, 51, 53
Terrell, Hervey Rosser --- V33:5, 51, 53
Terrell, Hugh Powell --- V23:83
Terrell, J. S. --- V21-1:113
Terrell, J. S. --- Parent Of Minister 4/61
Terrell, James --- Marriage 5/2/37 Biography 10/59 Heir 10/56
Terrell, James Nicholas, Dr. --- V25:70
Terrell, Jane Virginia Fry --- V23:82
Terrell, Joe --- V31: 86, 87, 88
Terrell, John --- V25:67, 69, 70
Terrell, John --- Heir 5/2/28 Query 7/48
Terrell, John --- V32:29
Terrell, John Anderson --- V25:67
Terrell, John D. --- Son Of Joseph C. 2/1/22
Terrell, John E. --- Census 1/86
Terrell, John H. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Terrell, John W. --- Census 1/86 2/2/39 Tombstone 6/56
Terrell, John W. --- V32:29
Terrell, John, Sr. --- V22:66
Terrell, Josef H C. --- Father Of John D. 2/1/22
Terrell, Joseph --- V25:69, 70
Terrell, Joseph --- V27:83
Terrell, Joseph --- Census 1/86 Roadwork 6/31
Terrell, Joseph --- V32:29
Terrell, Joseph (Sr. ) --- V25:69
Terrell, Joseph Carr --- Query 7/48
Terrell, Joseph, Jr. --- V25:69
Terrell, Joseph, Sr. --- V25:69
Terrell, Julian Fox --- Marriage 12/11
Terrell, Lee --- Haley Diary 6/19
Terrell, Leroy --- V22:65, 66
Terrell, Leroy --- Census 2/1/38
Terrell, Lewis --- V22:66
Terrell, Lewis Frank --- V25:70
Terrell, Louise --- V23:82
Terrell, Lucy --- V33:5, 7, 8, 11, 51
Terrell, Lula --- V25:71
Terrell, Lula A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Terrell, Lula Atkinson --- V23:82, 83
Terrell, Lula Atkinson --- V25:71
Terrell, Margery --- V21-1:26
Terrell, Margery Amonette --- V23:82
Terrell, Maria --- V25:70
Terrell, Maria B. Doswell --- V25:70
Terrell, Mary --- V22:66
Terrell, Mary --- V25:69
Terrell, Mary Grace Jackson --- Parent 12/11
Terrell, Mary Jane --- V22:63
Terrell, Mary Mills --- V25:69
Terrell, Mary Overton --- Mentioned 3/3 Heir 10/56 Birth Marriage Death, 10/
Terrell, Mary Overton --- V40:61
Terrell, Micajah --- Quaker 11/1/7
Terrell, Mildred --- Census 1/86
Terrell, Mildred Frances --- V22:66
Terrell, Miss Ann --- V33:15
Terrell, Mr. --- V31: 87
Terrell, N. A. --- V22:67
Terrell, Napoleon --- Census 1/86
Terrell, Nathan --- V22:66
Terrell, Nathan --- Insurance Record 5/2/45
Terrell, Nathaniel --- Census 2/1/38
Terrell, Ned --- V25:67-70, 72
Terrell, Nicholas --- V22:65, 66
Terrell, Nicholas --- Will Executor 5/2/28
Terrell, Nicholas, Dr. --- V25:70
Terrell, Oliver --- V28:75
Terrell, Ralph Henry --- Parent 12/11
Terrell, Rebecca --- Biography 10/60
Terrell, Reuben --- V20:96
Terrell, Richard --- Mentioned 3/8 Census 5/1/26 Rev. Soldier 8/77 Biog
Terrell, Richd. --- V20:76
Terrell, Richmond --- V17:31
Terrell, Richmond --- V22:67
Terrell, Richmond --- Taxpayer 1/19 Parent 5/2/27 6/65 Will 10/56
Terrell, Richmond --- V33:51
Terrell, Richmond T. --- V23:28
Terrell, Rita --- V25:68, 72
Terrell, Rita Frances White --- V25:67
Terrell, Robert --- V25:69
Terrell, Robert Edmund --- V25:67, 69
Terrell, Ross --- Minister 4/61
Terrell, Sallie E. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Terrell, Samuel --- V14:15, 26
Terrell, Samuel --- V20:96
Terrell, Samuel --- Census 5/1/26 Biography 10/60 Heir 10/57
Terrell, Sarah --- V25:69
Terrell, Sarah --- Census 1/86
Terrell, Sarah J. --- Census 2/2/39
Terrell, Sarah Lynch --- Antislavery Advocate 11/1/19
Terrell, Susannah --- Query 11/2/48
Terrell, Thomas --- V20:60
Terrell, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 1/86 5/1/26 Query 2/2/49 Marr
Terrell, Timothy --- V25:69
Terrell, Tryphene Mahalia Turner --- V23:82
Terrell, Vaughan --- V33:51
Terrell, Vicky Diane Johniken Christian --- V25:67
Terrell, Virginia --- V25:68
Terrell, Virginia Andes --- V23:82
Terrell, Virginia Andes --- V25:73
Terrell, Virginia O. --- Tombstone 6/56
Terrell, William --- V19:58
Terrell, William --- V25:69
Terrell, William --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/46 5/1/26 Trustee 8/55 Heir
Terrell, William --- V32:27
Terrell, William A. --- V23:83
Terrell, William Amonette --- V23:82
Terrell, William, Captain --- V36:12
Terrell, William, Jr. --- V20:96
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), --- V13:68
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Annie Conway (Parrish) --- V13:23
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Chiles --- V13:19, 21
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Dr. --- V13:44
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Everett Carr --- V13:23
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), H. R. --- V13:43
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Henry --- V13:64
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), James Hunter --- V13:16, 19
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Joel --- V13:69
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Margaret (Douglas Merriwether) --- V13:19, 20
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Nancy Overton --- V13:18
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Rebecca --- V13:18
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Richmond --- V13:18, 30, 32
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), Susan (Vibest) --- V13:19
Terrell (Terrill, Tyrril), William --- V13:68
Terrell Family Cemetery Records, --- 6/56
Terrell/Terril, Benjamin --- V41:100, 102
Terrell/Terril, David --- V41:100
Terrell/Terril, j --- V41:103
Terrell/Terril, Joell --- V41:30
Terrell/Terril, Thomas --- V41:55
Terrell/Terril, William, Jr. --- V41:55
Terrell's Estate, --- V13:68
Terrell's General Store, --- V33:9
Terrell's Store, --- V25:1
Terrell's Store, --- V31: 85, 86, 87, 89
Terrell's Store, --- V33:5
Terrell's Store, --- V32:40
Terrels, --- V32:27
Terrey, Henry --- V26:44
Terril, Joseph --- V16:87
Terril, Richmond --- V17:68
Terril, Richmond --- V19:38
Terrill, General --- V35:140
Terrill, Glanville --- V27:10
Terrill, Goodrich --- V24:46
Terrill, James H. --- Railroad Meeting 7/53
Terrill, JEB, Maj. --- V35:137
Terrill, Richmond --- V16:41, 88
Terrill, Richmond --- V19:87, 89
Terrill, Richmond --- Road Overseer 6/28 6/85
Terrill, Richmond (Jr) --- V25:98
Terrill, Richmond, Jr. --- Legal Note 10/29
Terrill, Samuel --- V21-2:38
Terrill, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/77
Terrils, Joseph --- Road Work 6/88
Terrils, William --- Legal Note 11/2/33
Territory, Southwest of the River Ohio --- V28:64
Terry, Ann --- V26:97
Terry, Ann --- V30:80
Terry, Champnes --- Road Overseer 6/25 6/82 9/84
Terry, Champness --- V13:74
Terry, Champness --- V14:33, 36, 41, 42, 64
Terry, Champness --- V16:40
Terry, Champness --- V19:88
Terry, Champness --- Legal Note 10/28 11/1/39 Married 11/2/27
Terry, Champness --- V30:66-70
Terry, Champness --- V35:43
Terry, Champness, Mrs. --- V30:66, 69
Terry, Christian --- Census 5/1/26
Terry, Christian --- V30:66, 69
Terry, Daniel --- V41:102
Terry, David --- V15:72
Terry, David --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/47 5/1/26
Terry, David --- V30:75, 76
Terry, Emanuel --- Census 4/46
Terry, Frances Jane Carpenter --- V20:67
Terry, Henrietta --- V26:97
Terry, Henrietta --- Query 3/52 Census 4/47 5/1/26
Terry, James --- V26:97
Terry, James --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 2/2/40 Query 3/52
Terry, Jane --- V14:11
Terry, Jane --- V26:97
Terry, Jane --- Query 3/52 Married 9/36
Terry, Joseph --- V30:73
Terry, Joseph, Mrs. --- V30:73
Terry, Martha (Polly) --- Mentioned 11/2/27
Terry, Mildred (Bagby) --- V13:58, 59
Terry, Mills --- Census 4/47
Terry, Mrs. --- V41:77
Terry, Nancy --- V35:43
Terry, Nancy Dunn --- Landowner 11/2/28
Terry, Overton --- Census 2/1/33
Terry, Polly --- Census 2/2/40
Terry, Sarah E. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Terry, Stephen --- V13:58, 59
Terry, Stephen --- V14:11, 16
Terry, Stephen --- V15:72
Terry, Stephen --- Census 4/47 5/1/26 Insurance 5/2/45 Rev. Soldier 8
Terry, Suza --- V30:73
Terry, Thomas --- Census 4/46
Terry, Thomas W. --- V20:67
Terry, Thos. --- V19:57
Terry, William --- Census 4/47
Tew, Matthew --- V16:41
Texas, --- V16:76
Texas, --- V20:47
Texas, --- V21-1:45
Texas, --- V37:82
Texas, --- V35:6, 172
Texas, --- V40:61
Texas Company, --- V21-1:94
Thacker, A. M. --- V21-1:57
Thacker, Alice --- Census 4/47
Thacker, Allie M. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thacker, Anna --- Census 2/1/32
Thacker, Arch --- Census 5/1/26
Thacker, Betsy --- Census 2/2/43
Thacker, Carlinda (Rhinehart) --- V38:65
Thacker, Colby --- Census 3/38
Thacker, Coleman --- V31: 46, 47
Thacker, D. D. --- V21-1:57, 87
Thacker, David --- Query 2/2/48
Thacker, Dennie D. --- Tombstone 10/74
Thacker, Dennis D. --- V21-1:34, 107
Thacker, E. N. --- Church Member 10/69
Thacker, Edward Morris --- V21-1:122
Thacker, Edward Norris --- Tombstone 10/72
Thacker, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/32
Thacker, G. W. --- V21-1:57
Thacker, Garrett Kersey --- V21-1:123
Thacker, Hazel --- V38:7
Thacker, Isaac --- Census 4/47
Thacker, J. C. --- Goldminer 7/61
Thacker, James --- V21-1:48
Thacker, James F. --- V23:102, 103
Thacker, James L. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thacker, Jessee --- Census 4/47
Thacker, Jno. L. --- V21-1:57
Thacker, John --- V21-1:94
Thacker, John --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 2/1/32 2/2/32 5/1/26
Thacker, John Harold --- V21-1:123
Thacker, Joseph --- Census 2/2/32
Thacker, Julia --- Census 2/2/43
Thacker, Lewis --- V31: 46
Thacker, Lizzie A. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thacker, Louisa A. --- V32:29
Thacker, Lucille --- V31: 47
Thacker, Lucy --- Census 2/2/32 3/38
Thacker, Margaret L. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Thacker, Martha --- Census 3/38
Thacker, Martha J. --- Tombstone 10/72
Thacker, Mary --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/18 4/47
Thacker, Mary E. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thacker, Mary F. --- Census 3/38
Thacker, Moral Lee --- V31: 46
Thacker, Nathaniel --- Census 4/47
Thacker, Norris --- V21-1:101
Thacker, Purrington --- Census 2/2/43
Thacker, R. J. --- V21-1:57, 94
Thacker, Rachael --- Query 2/2/48
Thacker, Reubin --- Census 4/46
Thacker, Robert --- V23:59, 102
Thacker, Robert --- V24:70, 92
Thacker, Robert --- Census 2/1/32 3/38 Query 2/2/48
Thacker, Robert A. --- V32:30
Thacker, Robert A., Mrs. --- V32:30
Thacker, Robert J. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thacker, Robt. --- V24:94
Thacker, Sackville --- Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thacker, Sarah Ann Tate --- V32:30
Thacker, Susan --- Census 2/1/32
Thacker, Vergi --- V21-1:94
Thacker, William --- Census 3/38 4/47 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thacker, William A. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Thacker, Willie --- V31: 46, 47
Thacker, Wm. G. --- V21-1:30
Thacky, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/43
Thalhimer, Morton G. --- V33:10
Thalhimer, Mr. --- V33:18
Thaniel, William --- V23:102
Thanksgiving, --- V38:16
Thaxton, Irene --- Marriage 5/2/37
The, Cottage --- V28:87
The, Harrises --- V28:92
The, Hermitage --- V28:65-06
The, Rattling Chains --- V30:12
The, Tavern --- V28:19
The, University --- V28:73
The, Wilderness VA --- V28:52
The Archive, --- V37:42
The Baker Family of England and Central Virginia, --- V38:82
The Central Virginian, --- V38:12, 26, 27, 28, 29
The Central Virginian, --- V37:80
The Central Virginian, --- V36:25
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, --- V38:49
The Cooperative Extension Work inAgriculture and Home Economics Department, --- V37:9
The Cottage, Mount Harrison, Cincinnati, Ohio, --- V33:74
The Elms, --- V27:7
The Hermitage, --- V43:72, 73, 74, 75, 76
The Mineral City Land Co, --- V36:42, 50
The most convenient wayes A Story of the Roads of Virginia, --- V38:82
The Nation, --- V25:83
The Nineteenth Century, --- V37:7, 8
The Oakes (place), --- V21-2:5
The Oaks, Insurance Record --- 5/2/44
The Profile of A Go-Getter, --- V36:55-71
The Richmond Times Dispatch, --- V36:26
The Richmond Whig, --- V27:5
The Spotswood Expedition and the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe, --- V37:77
The Story of C. R. Mason, An Early Virginia Contractor, --- V38:83
The Tinder Mine, --- V37:22
The Virginia 10 Crew, --- V37:27
The Virginia Department of Forestry, --- V37:30
The Virginia Genealogist, --- V37:74
The Washington & Lee Swing, --- V37:37
The Washington Post, --- V37:85
The William & Mary Quarterly, --- V38:49
The Wills Memorial Aid Society, --- V36:40
The Woman Within, --- V37:16
The Wooing of Mordecai Cooke, --- V36:10
The Youth's Companion, --- V38:31
Thelma, --- V21-1:111
Thelma, --- V39:31
Thelma, --- V33:95
Thelma, --- V32:40
Thelma Station, --- V33:90
Thilman, Paulina --- V44:21
Third, Louisa Courthouse --- V29:72, 74
Third Virginia Regiment, --- V21-1:4
Third Virginia Regiment, --- V32:66
Tho., --- V31: 6
Thom, --- V25:97, 98
Thom(p)son, Anne --- V41:105
Thom(p)son, Anthony --- V41:102
Thom(p)son, Charles --- V41:101
Thom(p)son, Charles R. --- V41:31
Thom(p)son, David --- V41:102
Thom(p)son, Joseph --- V41:53, 55, 103
Thom(p)son, Mary Jane --- V41:31
Thom(p)son, R. --- V41:103
Thom(p)son, Robert --- V41:26
Thom(p)son, Rodes --- V41:55, 103
Thom(p)son, Waddy --- V41:54, 100, 105
Thom(p)son, William --- V41:103
Thomas, --- V21-1:68
Thomas, Alexander --- Census 2/1/34
Thomas, Alice --- V23:107
Thomas, Alice --- V33:20
Thomas, America --- Census 2/1/34
Thomas, Ann --- Census 3/39
Thomas, Arabella L. --- Census 2/1/45
Thomas, Archibald --- Census 3/74 3/75
Thomas, Archibald F --- V41:45
Thomas, B. L. --- V38:39
Thomas, B. Smith --- Vestryman 1/10
Thomas, Benjamin --- Haley Diary 7/96 7/98
Thomas, Bessie H. --- Landowner 11/2/11
Thomas, Bessie R. --- Tombstone 10/72
Thomas, Burrs --- V21-2:41
Thomas, Charles --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/46 5/1/26 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thomas, Cleveland R. --- V21-1:94
Thomas, Daniel --- Census 3/74
Thomas, David --- V13:10
Thomas, David --- Minister 5/13
Thomas, Dr. --- V21-2:13
Thomas, Edna --- V33:89
Thomas, Eliza --- Census 1/82 2/1/34
Thomas, Eliza Margaret --- Married 11/1/6
Thomas, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/34 3/39
Thomas, Eucenia --- Census 2/1/40
Thomas, Fannie --- Census 2/2/33
Thomas, Frances --- V20:32
Thomas, Frances --- Census 2/1/45
Thomas, G. H. --- V19:46
Thomas, George --- V14:42
Thomas, George --- V21-1:124
Thomas, George --- Census 2/1/40 2/2/28
Thomas, George --- V41:27, 28, 29
Thomas, George --- V43:115
Thomas, George H. --- V41:38
Thomas, George W. --- Farmer 7/64
Thomas, Gertrude P. --- V16:73
Thomas, Gresham --- V27:83
Thomas, Henry --- V13:33
Thomas, Henry --- Census 2/1/40 2/2/33 3/75 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thomas, Henry --- V42:36-38
Thomas, Ida H. --- V16:73
Thomas, Indiana --- Census 2/1/40
Thomas, J. J. --- V16:75
Thomas, J. M. --- V29:105
Thomas, J. M., Jr. --- V16:72, 73, 84
Thomas, J. M., Sr. --- V16:73
Thomas, James --- Census 3/39
Thomas, James --- V41:38
Thomas, James Newton --- Tombstone 10/72
Thomas, James O. --- Tombstone 10/72
Thomas, James Washington --- V21-1:123
Thomas, Jane --- V21-2:41
Thomas, Jane --- Marriage 4/98 Census 2/1/34 3/74
Thomas, Jane --- V41:38
Thomas, Jeremiah --- Marriage 5/2/32
Thomas, Jerry W. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thomas, Jesse --- V20:32
Thomas, Jesse --- V29:48
Thomas, Jim --- V21-1:48
Thomas, Joel --- V18:36
Thomas, Joel --- Census 3/74
Thomas, John --- V13:77, 78, 83
Thomas, John --- V23:5
Thomas, John --- Father Of Lavinia 2/2/26 Census 4/46 Minister 7/17
Thomas, John --- V41:24, 28
Thomas, John E. --- V21-2:20
Thomas, John M --- V39:27
Thomas, John M. --- V17:6
Thomas, John M. --- Census 2/1/34
Thomas, Joseph --- V13:7X
Thomas, Joseph --- Census 4/47
Thomas, Josephine --- Census 2/1/40
Thomas, Josephine E. --- V23:106
Thomas, Josiah --- V13:78
Thomas, Josie E. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Thomas, Julian --- Census 1/82
Thomas, Lavenia --- V23:5
Thomas, Lavinia --- V13:77, 78, 83
Thomas, Lavinia --- Birth Parent Husband 2/2/26
Thomas, Layman L. --- V21-1:88
Thomas, Louisa --- Census 2/2/33
Thomas, Louisa Jane --- V41:38
Thomas, Lucy --- V13:78
Thomas, Lucy A. --- V16:73
Thomas, Lucy W. --- Tombstone 10/70
Thomas, Malinda --- Census 1/82
Thomas, Margaret --- V13:77, 78
Thomas, Margaret --- Census 2/1/42 3/75
Thomas, Martha --- Census 1/82 2/1/40
Thomas, Martha E. --- Tombstone 10/71
Thomas, Martha Pollard Isbell --- Parent 11/1/6
Thomas, Mary --- V21-2:41
Thomas, Mary --- Census 2/1/40 2/2/33
Thomas, Mary L. --- Census 3/39
Thomas, Mary Lee --- V21-1:88
Thomas, Marywether --- V26:78
Thomas, Meredith (Christmas) --- V13:83
Thomas, Meriwether --- Census 2/1/42
Thomas, Mildred (Milley) --- V13:77, 78
Thomas, Milley --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomas, Minnie --- V37:10
Thomas, Morgan --- V13:64
Thomas, Nancy --- V13:78
Thomas, Nathan --- Census 5/1/26
Thomas, Nora --- V34:23
Thomas, Patience --- V13:47
Thomas, Peggy --- V13:78
Thomas, Poindexter --- V34:6, 13, 16
Thomas, Price --- V23:102
Thomas, R. N. --- V23:28
Thomas, R. N. --- V24:94
Thomas, Raymond --- Haley Diary 11/1/50
Thomas, Robert --- V13:77, 78
Thomas, Robert --- Census 1/82 2/1/34
Thomas, Rosebud --- V38:39
Thomas, Rowland --- V21-2:41
Thomas, Sallie --- Census 3/75
Thomas, Samuel --- Census 2/1/45
Thomas, Sarah --- V21-1:113
Thomas, Sarah --- Census 1/82
Thomas, Sarah --- V31: 69
Thomas, Sarah C. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Thomas, Sarah E. --- V16:73
Thomas, Smith --- Census 2/2/33 3/74
Thomas, Susan --- Census 2/1/34 2/1/42
Thomas, Susanna --- V13:77, 78
Thomas, Thomas --- V19:89
Thomas, Victoria --- Census 1/82
Thomas, W. C. --- V23:102
Thomas, W. C. --- V38:39
Thomas, W. D. --- Haley Diary 6/18
Thomas, W. H. B. --- V26:21
Thomas, W. O. --- V29:38
Thomas, Walter --- V28:23
Thomas, Watson --- V28:3
Thomas, William --- V13:77, 78
Thomas, William --- V21-1:124
Thomas, William --- Haley Diary 8/47 Landowner 11/2/11
Thomas, William C. --- V23:8
Thomas, William C. --- Census 1/82 Landowner 12/11
Thomas, William C. --- V41:38
Thomas, William Chisholm --- V13:77, 78, 83
Thomas, William Chisholm --- Parent 11/1/6
Thomas, William D. --- Haley Diary 7/93
Thomas, William G. --- V21-2:14
Thomas, William H. B. --- Author 6/57 6/78
Thomas, William H. B. --- V30:9
Thomas, William L. --- Census 2/1/34
Thomas, Willie M. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Thomas, Wm. C. --- V23:64
Thomas A. Wash's School, --- V25:31
Thomas' Creek, --- V23:4
Thomas Family of Louisa County (A), --- V13:77, 78, 83
Thomas Jefferson Elem., --- V21-1:67
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, --- V21-2:30
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, --- V29:95
Thomas Jefferson Foundation, --- V39:47
Thomas Jefferson Letter to William Overton Callis, --- V14:63
Thomas Jefferson Planning Commission, --- V29:67
Thomas(s)on, [Elens?] --- V41:102
Thomas(s)on, A. --- V41:101
Thomas(s)on, Anna --- V41:85, 86
Thomas(s)on, Anthony --- V41:55
Thomas(s)on, Elias --- V41:55
Thomas(s)on, Frances --- V41:87
Thomas(s)on, George --- V41:100
Thomas(s)on, Richard --- V41:100
Thomas(s)on, Samuel --- V41:55, 103
Thomas(s)on, William --- V41:103
Thomasites, --- V36:14
Thomason, Anna Bibb Cory --- V30:79
Thomason, Betsy --- V17:82
Thomason, Byars --- Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thomason, Charles --- Testimony 12/73
Thomason, Darrell --- V18:39
Thomason, David --- V17:82
Thomason, David --- V30:79
Thomason, David, Mrs. --- V30:79
Thomason, Elias --- V13:30
Thomason, Elias --- V22:14
Thomason, Elias --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/26
Thomason, Elizabeth --- V17:82
Thomason, Elizabeth --- V30:75
Thomason, Flemming --- Census 5/1/26
Thomason, Garland --- V17:82
Thomason, Gentry --- Census 5/1/26
Thomason, George --- V17:82
Thomason, George --- V21-2:40
Thomason, George --- Taxpayer 1/19 Roadwork 6/88
Thomason, George --- V30:76
Thomason, George, Jr. --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomason, Henrietta --- V17:82
Thomason, J. E. --- Undertaker 9/47
Thomason, John --- Census 5/1/26
Thomason, John, Mrs. --- V30:76
Thomason, Martha --- V17:82
Thomason, Mary Harris --- V22:14
Thomason, Mary Pollard --- V30:68
Thomason, Matthew M. --- V17:82
Thomason, Miss Camille --- V16:6
Thomason, Mr. --- V30:68
Thomason, Mrs. --- V30:68
Thomason, Nathaniel --- V17:82
Thomason, Nathaniel --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/46 5/1/26
Thomason, Nelson --- V17:82
Thomason, Richard --- V30:76
Thomason, Roger --- V15:59
Thomason, Roger --- Road Surveyor 6/81
Thomason, Saml --- V43:57
Thomason, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomason, Samuel --- V42:95
Thomason, Sarah --- V17:82
Thomason, Thomas --- Census 5/1/26
Thomason, Unity --- Census 4/47
Thomason, William --- V17:82
Thomason, William --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 6/1/26 Landowner 6/26 Legal N
Thomason, William M. --- V17:82
Thomason, William, dec'd. --- V17:82
Thomason, Wyatt --- V17:82
Thomasson, --- V18:37
Thomasson, Bettie --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Betty Ann --- Birth Marriage 3/72
Thomasson, C. --- V15:64
Thomasson, C. --- V32:25
Thomasson, Camilla --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Camilla G. --- Birth Marriage 3/72
Thomasson, Catharine --- Census 2/2/30
Thomasson, Charles --- Census 1/82
Thomasson, David --- Census 2/2/30
Thomasson, Delaware --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Dianna --- Census 2/1/43
Thomasson, Edgar --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Edgar M. --- Birth 3/72
Thomasson, Elias --- V20:4
Thomasson, Elias --- Census 4/46
Thomasson, Elias --- V43:55
Thomasson, Elias, Sr. --- Query 3/52
Thomasson, Elizabeth --- Census 1/76
Thomasson, Evelin U. --- Birth 3/72
Thomasson, Fleming --- Census 4/47
Thomasson, Frances --- Census 1/76
Thomasson, Frances C. --- Census 2/2/30
Thomasson, Frances Cooke --- V26:97
Thomasson, Frances S. --- V26:97
Thomasson, Garland --- Census 1/79 Query 2/2/49 Bible Records 3/72 Query,
Thomasson, Garland Delaware --- Birth Death 3/72
Thomasson, George --- V19:38, 91, 97, 98
Thomasson, George --- Census 1/79 2/1/43 5/1/26
Thomasson, George F. --- Birth 3/72
Thomasson, George, Sr. --- Census 5/1/26
Thomasson, Harriet --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Henrietta --- Census 2/2/31
Thomasson, James --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, James T. --- Birth Marriage 3/72
Thomasson, Jane --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, John --- V14:23, 29
Thomasson, John --- V23:110
Thomasson, John --- Rev. Soldier 5/2/23 8/77 Landowner 9/30 Tombstone
Thomasson, John, Sr. --- V26:97
Thomasson, Joseph --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Joseph Q. --- Birth 3/72
Thomasson, L. D., Mrs. --- V21-1:120
Thomasson, Lipscomb B. --- V23:111
Thomasson, Lipscomb E. --- Census 1/82
Thomasson, Martha --- Census 2/1/43 2/2/30
Thomasson, Martha Ellen --- Birth Death 3/72
Thomasson, Mary --- V19:97
Thomasson, Minerva Lipscomb --- Birth Death 3/72
Thomasson, Mordecai --- Census 1/76
Thomasson, Nancy --- Census 1/76
Thomasson, Nathaniel --- V14:23, 29
Thomasson, Nathaniel --- Census 2/1/43
Thomasson, Polly --- Census 1/82
Thomasson, Richard --- Census 5/1/26
Thomasson, Richard --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, Richard --- V43:55
Thomasson, Robert A. --- Birth 3/72
Thomasson, Roger --- Query 3/52
Thomasson, Sallie --- Census 2/2/30 2/2/31
Thomasson, Samuel --- V20:4
Thomasson, Samuel --- Census 5/1/26
Thomasson, Samuel T. --- V16:4
Thomasson, Susan --- Census 2/1/43
Thomasson, Thomas --- V43:57
Thomasson, Udorah --- Census 1/79
Thomasson, William --- Census 1/79 Will 2/2/18
Thomasson, William O. --- Birth Marriage 3/72 Marriage License 7/76
Thomasson, Wyatt --- Census 2/1/43 Farmer 7/65
Thomasson, Wyatt --- V29:105
Thomasson (Thomson), --- V15:47
Thomasson Family, --- V13:83
Thomasson Family, --- V16:89
Thomasson Family Bible Records, --- 3/72
Thomasville, Ga, --- V35:177
Thomerson, George --- V42:128
Thomison, Arnold (Jr.) --- V13:36
Thomison, Arnold (Sr.) --- V13:36
Thomison, George --- V13:36
Thomison, John --- V13:36
Thomison, John --- Insurance Record 5/2/45
Thommason, Mordecai --- V20:73
Thompason, George --- Miller 11/1/44
Thompkins, Ellen --- V32:12
Thompkins, L. H., Mrs. --- V32:25
Thompkins, Lena --- V32:25
Thompkins, Peggie --- V32:25
Thompson, --- V13:71
Thompson, --- V20:75
Thompson, A. J. --- Census 2/2/45
Thompson, Alfred --- V27:85
Thompson, Anderson --- Rev. Soldier 3/26
Thompson, Ann --- V19:98
Thompson, Ann --- V30:68
Thompson, Ann Jane --- V22:65
Thompson, Ann Jane Mills --- V22:64
Thompson, Ann Jane Mills --- V25:68
Thompson, Ann W. --- Census 3/74
Thompson, Anna Rhodes --- Married 11/1/4
Thompson, Anne --- V25:68
Thompson, Anthony --- V19:98
Thompson, Anthony --- Resident 1/4 Census 5/1/26
Thompson, Anthony --- V28:23
Thompson, Anthony --- V30:68
Thompson, Anthony --- V45:152
Thompson, Anthony, Mrs. --- V30:68
Thompson, Archibald --- Census 2/1/35
Thompson, Archibald Wyatt --- Marriage 1/49
Thompson, Aubrey --- V21-1:122
Thompson, C. --- V43:36
Thompson, Capt --- V43:36
Thompson, Charles --- V16:13
Thompson, Charles --- V17:32, 52
Thompson, Charles --- V19:43, 88-90
Thompson, Charles --- V20:79
Thompson, Charles --- V21-1:10
Thompson, Charles --- V26:4
Thompson, Charles --- Census 3/74 4/46 Railroad Officer 7/54 Landgrant,
Thompson, Charles --- V42:128
Thompson, Charles J. --- Census 3/74
Thompson, Charles James --- V18:36
Thompson, Charles, Jr --- V40:64, 65
Thompson, Charles, Jr. --- V17:60
Thompson, Chas. --- V21-2:16
Thompson, Chas., Jr. --- V16:69
Thompson, David --- Baptized/Biography 5/14 Courtcase 5/15 Census 5/1/
Thompson, Dorothea --- Census 2/2/44
Thompson, E. G. --- V17:9
Thompson, E. Rives --- Minister 12/30
Thompson, Edmd --- V20:76
Thompson, Edward --- V26:49
Thompson, Edward Gilmer --- Tombstone 1/59
Thompson, Eleanor --- Marriage 12/79
Thompson, Elias --- Landgrant 11/2/22
Thompson, Eliza --- Census 2/2/38
Thompson, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/35 3/75 Marriage 11/1/37
Thompson, Elizabeth (Talley) --- V13:84
Thompson, Elizabeth Lang --- V13:84
Thompson, Elvira --- Census 2/2/38
Thompson, Frances --- Census 2/2/45
Thompson, Frances E. --- Census 2/1/45
Thompson, Frances E. --- V29:84
Thompson, Frances Eliza Maria Poindexter --- V22:8
Thompson, Frances Mills --- V23:22
Thompson, Frances Mills --- Parent 12/21
Thompson, Frank --- V21-1:122
Thompson, G. --- V16:69
Thompson, G., Sr. --- V15:67
Thompson, Garland, Jr. --- V15:25
Thompson, Garland, Jr. --- V17:12
Thompson, Garrett McGehee --- Will 2/2/28
Thompson, George --- V15:58, 59
Thompson, George --- V16:12
Thompson, George --- V19:37, 101
Thompson, George --- V21-2:39, 42
Thompson, George --- V22:56
Thompson, George --- Vestryman 9/28 Legal Note 12/48 12/70
Thompson, George W. --- Married 7/41
Thompson, George, Jr. --- V15:59
Thompson, George. Jun. --- V22:56
Thompson, Georgianna --- Census 2/1/35
Thompson, H. L. --- V21-1:92, 94
Thompson, Harriet --- Census 3/75
Thompson, Harry --- V21-1:107
Thompson, J. --- V22:56
Thompson, J. P. --- V25:29
Thompson, J. R. --- V28:17
Thompson, James --- V19:39
Thompson, James --- Landowner 11/2/21 Jury 12/70
Thompson, James H. --- Census 3/75
Thompson, Jane --- Census 2/2/40
Thompson, Jane Anderson --- Heir 12/15
Thompson, Jno. --- V20:76
Thompson, John --- V13:30, 32
Thompson, John --- V16:43, 85
Thompson, John --- V17:32, 35
Thompson, John --- V18:7, 8, 9
Thompson, John --- V19:31
Thompson, John --- V25:96
Thompson, John --- Census 2/1/45 4/47 Insurance Record 5/2/45 Baptist
Thompson, John --- V29:44, 98
Thompson, John --- V30:66
Thompson, John --- V45:91, 99, 153
Thompson, John H. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Thompson, John Lewis --- Birth Marriage Death 1/49
Thompson, John P. --- V19:30
Thompson, John P. --- V29:84
Thompson, John, Jr. --- Census 4/47
Thompson, John, Sr. --- Census 4/46
Thompson, Joseph --- Census 2/2/40 3/74 4/46 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thompson, Kate --- Marriage 5/2/31
Thompson, Lewis --- Census 4/47
Thompson, Lucy --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/40
Thompson, M. A. --- Census 2/1/35
Thompson, Margaret S. --- V15:35
Thompson, Maria --- Census 2/2/38
Thompson, Marion --- Census 2/2/38
Thompson, Marshal --- Census 2/2/38
Thompson, Mary --- Census 2/1/32 2/1/35 2/2/40 2/2/43 Married 8/34 La
Thompson, Mary J. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Thompson, Mary Jane --- Marriage 1/49
Thompson, Mathew --- Husband Of Sarah McGehee 1/47 Death 1/49
Thompson, Matthew --- Census 5/1/26
Thompson, Merger --- Haley Diary 4/19
Thompson, Mildred --- V19:94
Thompson, Mildred --- Census 2/1/32
Thompson, Mrs. --- V31: 31
Thompson, Nathaniel --- V15:35
Thompson, Nathaniel --- V22:8
Thompson, Nathaniel --- V23:23
Thompson, Nathaniel --- Census 2/2/34 Landowner 10/64
Thompson, Nathaniel --- V29:84
Thompson, Nathaniel --- V32:27
Thompson, Nathaniel A. --- V22:65
Thompson, Nathaniel, Junior --- V27:65
Thompson, Nathe, Jr. --- V15:25
Thompson, Nelson --- Census 4/47 Rev. Soldier 8/76 8/77
Thompson, Nelson --- V43:55
Thompson, Q. R. --- V29:24
Thompson, Richard --- Census 2/2/40 Baptized 5/14 Landowner 9/38
Thompson, Richard A. --- Census 2/2/40
Thompson, Richard Anderson --- V17:43
Thompson, Richard Wyatt --- Birth Death 1/49
Thompson, Robert --- V17:33
Thompson, Robert --- V19:39, 86
Thompson, Robert --- Census 2/1/45 4/47 Witness 5/2/24 Petitioner 6/27,
Thompson, Robert C. --- Census 3/75
Thompson, Roger --- V13:74
Thompson, Roger --- V15:43, 59, 78
Thompson, Roger --- V16:85
Thompson, Roger --- V17:31, 67
Thompson, Roger --- V19:86
Thompson, Roger --- Vestryman 1/10 Legal Note 10/30 Landowner 11/1/35
Thompson, Samuel --- V13:72
Thompson, Samuel --- V17:68
Thompson, Samuel --- V19:38, 42, 86, 91
Thompson, Samuel --- Census 4/46 Road Overseer 6/25 6/83 6/88 6/89 6/90
Thompson, Samuel --- V46:134
Thompson, Samuel Talley (Rev. ) --- V13:83
Thompson, Sarah --- Census 3/74
Thompson, Sarah A. --- Census 2/2/43 3/74 3/75 Tombstone 11/2/17
Thompson, Sarah A. --- V40:64, 65
Thompson, Sarah C. --- V19:31
Thompson, Sarah J. --- Census 2/1/37 Tombstone 11/2/11 11/2/17
Thompson, Sarah Jerdone --- Heir 7/68
Thompson, Sarah Mills --- V23:22
Thompson, Sarah Nee Wyatt --- Wife Of A. McGehee 1/47
Thompson, Susan --- Census 2/2/40
Thompson, Susan W. --- V40:64, 65
Thompson, Thomas --- Baptized 5/14
Thompson, Waddie --- Mentioned 3/23
Thompson, Waddy --- V19:86
Thompson, Waddy --- Committee Of Safety 8/61 Rev. Soldier 8/76 Vestrym
Thompson, Waddy --- V28:56, 61
Thompson, Waddy --- V43:99, 100
Thompson, Waldergrave --- Census 3/75
Thompson, Wheeler --- V21-1:84
Thompson, William --- V13:84
Thompson, William --- V22:17, 64
Thompson, William --- V23:22, 32
Thompson, William --- V24:49
Thompson, William --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/40 4/46 4/47 Insurance Record 5/
Thompson, William --- V28:56
Thompson, William L. --- V15:24, 68
Thompson, William L. --- V16:39
Thompson, William L. --- V17:13, 14, 55, 57
Thompson, William M. --- V23:22
Thompson, William M. --- Birth Marriage Death 1/49
Thompson, William O. --- Census 2/2/38
Thompson, William S. --- V15:21
Thompson, Wm. --- V22:31
Thompson, Wm. --- V24:50
Thompson, Wm. Ferguson --- V20:5
Thompson Cross Roads, --- V16:11
Thompson X Rd., --- V18:30, 31
Thompson X Roads, --- V19:45
Thompson X Roads, --- V21-2:18
Thompsons Cross roads, --- V34:46
Thompson's Cross Roads, --- V22:22, 67
Thompson's Cross Roads, --- V25:31
Thompson's Cross Roads, --- V27:34
Thompson's Cross Roads, --- V29:32
Thompson's Cross Roads, --- V32:40, 78, 81
Thompson's Cross Roads, --- V45:76, 92
Thompsons Crossroads, --- V28:98
Thompson's Crossroads, --- V27:97
Thompson's Crossroads, --- V28:20-27, 94
Thompson's Crossroads, --- V35:2, 18, 75
Thompsons Four Corners, --- V28:30
Thompson's Mill, --- V27:65
Thompsons X Roads, --- V21-2:16
Thompson's X Roads, --- V19:69
Thompson's X Roads, --- V26:3, 7, 87
Thompson's X Roads, --- V34:46
Thomsom, Anthony --- V19:98
Thomson, --- V18:37
Thomson, --- V19:58
Thomson, --- V23:47
Thomson, --- V30:39
Thomson, Anderson --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27
Thomson, Ann --- V19:98
Thomson, Ann --- Taxpayer 1/19 Church Member 2/1/16 Census 5/1/27 B
Thomson, Anna --- V30:74
Thomson, Anna Rhodes --- V32:90
Thomson, Anne --- V13:9
Thomson, Anthony --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomson, Anthony --- V44:56, 57, 58, 60, 61,62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70
Thomson, Anthony, Sr. --- V30:68
Thomson, Anthony, Sr. --- V30:68
Thomson, C. G. --- V23:102
Thomson, Catherine --- V17:43
Thomson, Charles --- V17:34
Thomson, Charles --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27
Thomson, Charles --- V42:128
Thomson, Clifton --- V14:14
Thomson, Clifton --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27
Thomson, David --- V16:40
Thomson, David --- V20:96
Thomson, David --- V24:27
Thomson, David --- Taxpayer 1/19 1/20 Petitioner 6/82 Heir 6/25 Paren
Thomson, David --- V30:75
Thomson, Edward --- V18:10
Thomson, Eleanor I. --- V17:43
Thomson, Elizabeth --- V19:58
Thomson, Elizabeth --- V30:75
Thomson, Frances --- Birth 5/1/33
Thomson, Frances Quarles --- Heir 9/25
Thomson, George --- V21-2:39
Thomson, George --- Taxpayer 1/19 Legal Note 9/82
Thomson, George, Jr. --- V30:75
Thomson, Gerald E. --- V35:171
Thomson, H. C. --- Farmer 7/63
Thomson, Hannah --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomson, Jeny --- Census 5/1/27
Thomson, Jeremiah --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomson, Jno --- V18:10
Thomson, John --- V14:40
Thomson, John --- V18:8, 10
Thomson, John --- Taxpayer 1/19 Query 3/91 3/92 Census 5/1/27 Roadwo
Thomson, Joseph --- V20:96
Thomson, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/20 Census 5/1/27
Thomson, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/20 Census 5/1/27
Thomson, Joseph --- V30:75
Thomson, Joseph --- V42:122
Thomson, Joseph, Mrs. --- V30:75
Thomson, Kerrehhappuch --- Landowner 8/19 7/11
Thomson, Lilly --- V21-1:94
Thomson, lsbell --- V30:75
Thomson, Margaret --- Heir/Marriage 8/19
Thomson, Maria Ellis --- Parent 12/79
Thomson, Mary --- V23:53
Thomson, Mary --- Heir 8/19
Thomson, Mary J. --- V17:43
Thomson, Mathew --- Taxpayer 1/19
Thomson, Matthew --- V30:76
Thomson, Nathaniel --- V17:43
Thomson, Nathaniel --- Testimony 12/73
Thomson, Nathaniel --- V42:93
Thomson, Nelson --- Census 5/1/27 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Thomson, Rhodes --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27
Thomson, Richard --- V19:58
Thomson, Robert --- V16:40
Thomson, Robert --- V17:32, 43
Thomson, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27 Petitioner 6/82 6/83 6
Thomson, Robert --- V43:54
Thomson, Robt --- V45:149, 154
Thomson, Rodes --- V42:128
Thomson, Roger --- Query 3/52 Legal Note 10/27
Thomson, Saml. --- V19:96
Thomson, Samuel --- V13:36
Thomson, Samuel --- Slave Owner 9/44 Road Overseer 9/84 Legal Note 10/
Thomson, Samuel --- V30:67
Thomson, Sarah, A. --- V17:43
Thomson, Thomas --- V15:59
Thomson, Thomas --- Will 2/2/18 Legal Note 10/29 Landowner 12/8
Thomson, Thomas Rhodes --- Marriage 12/79
Thomson, Trinity Par. Louisa Co --- V30:75
Thomson, Virginia Marion --- V15:38
Thomson, Virginia Marion --- V24:22
Thomson, Waddy --- V14:9
Thomson, Waddy --- V15:71
Thomson, Waddy --- V20:4
Thomson, Waddy --- V21-2:39
Thomson, Waddy --- V22:50, 52
Thomson, Waddy --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27 Court Justice 7/32
Thomson, Waddy --- V42:122, 128
Thomson, William --- V22:50
Thomson, William --- Taxpayer 1/19 Mentioned 3/6 7/70 Insurance Record,
Thomson, William --- V30:75
Thomson, William --- V37:54
Thomson, William II --- Will 9/25
Thomson, William Jr[?] --- V43:54
Thomson, William Quarles --- Estate Executor 9/25
Thomson Family, --- V13:83
Thomson Family, --- V16:89
Thomson vs Fleming, --- V19:96, 97
Thomson's Battery, --- V30:35
Thomson's Guns, --- V30:36
Thomson's Line, --- V30:67
Thomson's Meeting House, --- V20:96
Thomson's Meeting House, --- V24:48
Thomson's Section, --- V30:37
Thormond, Richard --- Landowner 6/27 Legal Note 11/2/33
Thormons, Richard --- Landowner 6/28
Thornberry, John --- V22:100
Thornhill, --- V21-1:116
Thornhill, Ellen (Mrs.) --- V29:90
Thornhill, G. W., Mrs. Dr --- V38:90
Thornhill, George Hubert --- Marriage 12/12
Thornley, George --- V25:21
Thornley, Harriet C. --- V25:21
Thornsen, David --- Landgrant 10/81
Thornsen, Samuel --- Landgrant 10/84
Thornsen, William --- Landgrant 10/80
Thornton, --- V22:56
Thornton, Boswell --- V43:57
Thornton, Carrie May --- Marriage 5/2/34
Thornton, Elizabeth --- V46:3
Thornton, John --- V14:77
Thornton, John --- V43:58, 104
Thornton, John T. --- V17:47
Thornton, Susan E. --- V17:47
Thornton, Thomas --- V22:39
Thornton, William --- V41:25
Thorpe, Oriana --- V19:20
Thorpe, Orina --- V19:24
Three Chop Road, --- V38:36
Three Chopped Road, --- V25:100
Three Chopped Road, Old --- V25:100
Three Chopt, --- V37:33
Three Chopt Presbyterian Church, --- V27:23
Three Chopt Road, --- V20:26
Three Chopt Road, --- V33:34
Three Chopt Road, History Of --- 8/79
Three Notch'd Road, --- V20:26, 28
Three Notch'd Road, History Of --- 8/79
Three Notched Road, --- V37:33
Three Oak's, Insurance Record --- 5/2/44
Three Sisters crops, --- V34:7
Three-notched Road, --- V20:27
Three-Notched Road, --- V26:74
Thrift, Bro. --- V13:42
Thrift, T. C. --- V21-1:86
Throckmorton, C. W. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Throckmorton, Mordica --- Witness 9/45
Thrope, Oriana --- V19:19
Throsberry, Elizabeth --- V21-2:41
Thrower, Soloman --- Census 4/46
Thruston, Charles Mynn --- V22:48
Thruston, Dorothy Luck --- V21-1:116, 119
Thruston, Lucy M. --- V13:19
Thruston, S. F. --- V21-1:126
Thruston, William --- V28:35
Thruston, William Plummer --- V13:19
Thurman, Ann Eliza --- Birth 4/66 Marriage 4/67
Thurman, Benjamin --- V19:89
Thurman, Benjamin W. --- Birth 4/66
Thurman, Elisha H. --- Birth Marriage 4/66 Death 4/67
Thurman, Emma M. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Thurman, F. D. --- Census 3/32
Thurman, Fendal D. --- Birth 4/66
Thurman, M. A. --- V21-1:29
Thurman, Malinda C. --- Birth 4/66
Thurman, Mary D. --- Birth 4/66 Death 4/67
Thurman, Mary Jane --- Birth 4/66
Thurman, Nathan --- Census 4/47
Thurman, Richard --- V19:38
Thurman, Richard --- Roadwork 6/89 Landowner 10/57 Mentioned 10/63
Thurman, Richmond --- Landowner 10/56
Thurman, Sarah --- Mentioned 10/63
Thurman, Theodore Lindsay --- Record Keeper 4/66
Thurman, Thomas L. --- Birth 4/66 Death 4/67
Thurman, W. C. --- V21-1:29, 30
Thurman, William C. --- Birth 4/66
Thurmon, Richard --- Landowner 10/56
Thurston, --- V21-1:115
Thurston, Albert --- V28:23
Thurston, Albert Harold --- V21-1:122
Thurston, Ann --- V21-2:41
Thurston, Ann --- V22:52
Thurston, Anne --- V22:52
Thurston, Anthony --- V21-1:48
Thurston, Blanche --- Marriage 12/66
Thurston, Clay --- V21-1:122
Thurston, Emmett --- Gravesite 9/88
Thurston, Evelima D. --- V36:15
Thurston, Evelima D. --- V35:187
Thurston, Evelima Dandridge --- V36:15
Thurston, Fannie Grubbs --- Gravesite 9/88
Thurston, J. W.T. --- V29:105
Thurston, James (Jim) --- Gravesite 9/88
Thurston, Jane --- V21-2:41
Thurston, John --- V21-2:41, 42
Thurston, John --- Gravesite 9/88
Thurston, Lindsay --- Gravesite 9/88
Thurston, Mary --- V21-2:41
Thurston, Mary --- V22:52
Thurston, Sarah H. --- V27:10
Thurston, Stephen --- V21-1:56
Thurston, William P. --- V21-2:41
Thurston, William P. --- V22:52
Thurston, William Plummer --- V21-2:41
Thurstons (place), --- V21-2:24
Tibson, Willie O. --- Tombstone 4/63
Tickel, William --- V20:5
Tickell, Joseph (Rev. ) --- V13:65
Tidewater Area, --- V33:68
Tidewater Times, --- V31: 5
Tidewater Virginia, --- V27:60
Tierney, Marian James Dickmson --- V27:101
Tierney, R. James --- V27:101
Tignor, Anna L --- Marriage 5/236
Tignor, Roger --- V36:73
Tiller, Caroline --- Census 1/84
Tiller, Elenor --- Census 1/84
Tiller, Maria --- Census 1/84
Tiller, Melvin --- Census 1/84
Tiller, Polly --- Census 1/84
Tiller, Thomas --- Census 1/84
Tiller, Thomas --- V32:29
Tilley, Jayne --- V24:41
Tilley, Preston A. --- V24:41
Tillotson, --- V21-1:92
Tillotson, E. C. --- V21-1:92, 126
Tilly, Henry --- V14:36
Tilman, --- V33:91
Tilman, Daniel --- V13:65
Tilman, James N. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Tilman, Levin --- V42:30
Tilman, Marcellus --- Census 3/31
Tilman, Paul Trevilian --- Birth 11/2/24
Tilman, Robert --- Census 3/31
Timberlake, --- V26:37
Timberlake, --- V28:14
Timberlake, A. W. --- V19:47
Timberlake, Benja --- V43:57
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V18:7
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V22:99
Timberlake, Benjamin --- Rev. Soldier 3/26 Census 3/89 4/47 5/1/27
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V34:45, 46
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V32:75
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V41:103
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V42:121, 122
Timberlake, Benjamin --- V45:69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 88, 89, 90, 93
Timberlake, Benjamin Jr. --- V45:72, 73, 78
Timberlake, Bessie Samuel --- V16:73
Timberlake, Betsy --- V26:4-6
Timberlake, Betsy --- V34:45, 46
Timberlake, Betty --- V40:58, 76
Timberlake, Capt. --- V43:36, 53
Timberlake, Charles --- V27:84
Timberlake, Charles --- Census 2/1/32 3/89 Farmer 7/63
Timberlake, Co. --- V28:5
Timberlake, Elizabeth --- V26:3
Timberlake, Elizabeth --- Census 3/73 Landowner 12/25
Timberlake, Elizabeth --- V34:45
Timberlake, Elizabeth --- V45:79
Timberlake, Elizabeth A. Turner --- V22:40
Timberlake, Geo. --- V22:40
Timberlake, George --- V22:39
Timberlake, George W. --- V16:73
Timberlake, George W. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Timberlake, Granville --- V44:151, 152
Timberlake, Henry --- V26:3-6
Timberlake, Henry --- Landowner 12/25
Timberlake, Henry --- V34:45, 46
Timberlake, Henry --- V41:34
Timberlake, Henry --- V45:79
Timberlake, Henry, Col. --- V26:3
Timberlake, Henry, Col. --- V34:45
Timberlake, Herbert Monroe --- V16:73
Timberlake, James --- V27:84
Timberlake, James --- Census 2/2/37 3/89
Timberlake, James F. --- V19:48
Timberlake, Joannes --- Census 3/89
Timberlake, John --- V15:36
Timberlake, John --- V19:16
Timberlake, John --- V22:3
Timberlake, John --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/27 Heir 8/56 Rev. Soldier
Timberlake, John --- V41:103
Timberlake, John --- V42:94, 85
Timberlake, John --- V43:58
Timberlake, John --- V45:78
Timberlake, John A. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Timberlake, John W. --- Census 3/89
Timberlake, John William --- Census 3/89
Timberlake, Joseph --- Census 2/2/37
Timberlake, Joseph --- V40:58, 76
Timberlake, Ken --- Taxpayer 1/19 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Timberlake, L. W. --- V44:115
Timberlake, Lavinia McGehee --- V16:73
Timberlake, Maggie --- Marriage 6/11
Timberlake, Martha --- V34:45
Timberlake, Mary --- V13:44
Timberlake, Mary --- V21-1:89
Timberlake, Mary --- Census 2/2/37 3/77 Wife Of Rev. Soldier 8/77
Timberlake, Mary C. --- Census 3/89
Timberlake, Meldsie --- Census 2/1/31
Timberlake, Mildred --- V45:70
Timberlake, Mr. --- V30:76
Timberlake, Philip --- V17:67
Timberlake, Philip --- Census 2/1/31 4/46 Road Surveyor 6/82 6/85 Legal N
Timberlake, Phill --- Census 5/1/27
Timberlake, Phillip --- V27:83
Timberlake, Phillip --- Census 5/1/27
Timberlake, Phillip --- V45:70, 77
Timberlake, Phillip, Jr. --- Taxpayer 1/19
Timberlake, Phillip, Sr. --- Taxpayer 1/19
Timberlake, Polly --- V26:3-6, 79
Timberlake, Polly --- Census 3/73 Landowner 12/25 Church Problem 12/28
Timberlake, Polly --- V34:45, 46
Timberlake, Polly --- V45:79
Timberlake, Samuel --- V42:86-87
Timberlake, Sarah --- V27:83, 84
Timberlake, Sarah --- Census 2/1/32
Timberlake, Sarah Estes --- V27:84
Timberlake, Temperance --- Census 2/2/37
Timberlake, Thomas --- V42:85-89
Timberlake, W. B. --- Farmer 7/63
Timberlake Family, --- V26:3
Timberlake Mill, --- V45:73, 75, 76, 92
Timberlake's Mill, --- V26:3
Timberlake's Mill, --- V34:45
Timeer, Obediah --- Census 5/1/27 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Times-Dispatch, --- V39:20, 21
Timmons, Cloyd --- V38:61
Timmons, Donald Dwight --- V38:61
Timmons, Edward --- V38:61
Timmons, Garnet --- V38:61
Timmons, Janet Louise --- V38:61
Timmons, Richard --- V38:61
Timmons, Rodney Lamar --- V38:61
Tin, shop --- V29:74
Tindad, --- V40:58
Tindall, J. B. --- V24:38
Tinder, James --- V45:153
Tinder Flats, --- V15:5, 6
Tinder Flats, --- V37:20
Tinder Flats Mine, --- V37:22
Tinder's mine, --- V19:64
Tinders, VA, --- V29:32
Tinsley, Andrew J. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Tinsley, Ann --- Query 2/2/49
Tinsley, Anna --- V20:14
Tinsley, Annie J. --- Marriage 5/2/36 1/2/23 11/2/24
Tinsley, Charles T. (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Tinsley, Crutchfield --- V42:85
Tinsley, Irene G. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Tinsley, J. T. --- V23:111
Tinsley, Martha --- Marriage 5/2/37
Tinsley, Mary --- Birth Marriage 2/2/24
Tinsley, Thomas --- Father Of Mary 2/2/24
Tinsley, William Thomas --- Marriage 5/2/36
Tinsley Family, --- V42:85
Tinsley/Tindsley, Mr. --- V41:110
Tinsley/Tindsley, Thomas --- V41:25, 27, 28
Tinsley/Tindsley, Thomas, Jr. --- V41:28
Tippecanoe County IN, --- V30:5
Tippling Houses, --- V37:61
Tirzah, --- V18:37
Tisdale, --- V32:40
Tisdale, Al --- V27:23, 25
Tisdale, Andrew --- Census 3/40
Tisdale, Andrew J. --- V19:48
Tisdale, Bettie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Tisdale, Camilla --- Methodist 11/1/29
Tisdale, Catharine --- Census 3/40
Tisdale, Charles --- V26:6
Tisdale, Charles --- Census 2/1/46
Tisdale, Ellen --- Query 9/37
Tisdale, Emily --- Census 3/40
Tisdale, Emma --- V25:29
Tisdale, George --- V14:44
Tisdale, George --- V21-1:5
Tisdale, Goochie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Tisdale, Hardenia --- Census 3/40
Tisdale, James --- V13:65, 66
Tisdale, James --- Landowner 9/25
Tisdale, Jane --- V21-1:5
Tisdale, Jane (Harris) --- V14:44
Tisdale, Jane G. --- Query 2/2/49
Tisdale, Jane Q. --- Birth Marriage 3/72 Query 3/92
Tisdale, John --- V13:35
Tisdale, John --- V16:87
Tisdale, John --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/46 5/1/27 Roadwork 6/83
Tisdale, Lemuel --- Census 2/1/45
Tisdale, Maria M. --- Census 3/40
Tisdale, Nora --- V27:23, 25
Tisdale, Robert --- Census 4/46 Shirley, Census 4/46
Tisdale, Shirley --- V20:94
Tisdale, Shirley --- Taxpayer 1/19 Landgrant 11/2/21 Legal Note 11/2/8
Tisdale, Shirley --- V42:96
Tisdale, Shirley --- V46:118
Tisdale, Tomasia --- Footnote 11/1/28 Methodist 11/1/29
Tisdale, Wid. --- V41:26
Tisdale, William --- Census 4/46
Tisdale, William Alfred, Jr. --- V29:50
Tisdale, Willie H. --- V21-1:122
Tisdales, the --- V29:51
Toano (Virginia), --- V13:42-44
Tobacco, --- V37:61, 62
Tobacco, --- V33:90
Tobacco, Payment in --- V29:35
Tobacco Growers Association, --- V31: 53
Tobacco Spitting Contest, --- V38:26
Toby, Catherine --- Will 2/2/18
Todd, --- V40:58, 61
Todd, Andrew --- Query 3,91 Mentioned 8/17 Will And Letter 8/21 Gen
Todd, Andrew (Dr. ) --- V13:69
Todd, Ann --- V13:10
Todd, Ann --- Genealogy 8/23
Todd, Ann G. O. --- Portrait Source 7/35
Todd, Annie Hanserough --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Todd, David --- Mentioned 8/18 Birth 8/21 Death 8/23
Todd, E. M. --- Landowner 11/2/11
Todd, Eleanor (Nelly) --- Mentioned 10/79
Todd, Elizabeth --- Genealogy 8/23 Mentioned 8/17
Todd, Elsie Dickinson --- Birth 7/34
Todd, Elsie Melville --- Death 7/35
Todd, Elsie Wright --- Parent 7/34
Todd, Esther --- Mentioned 8/17
Todd, Family Bible Records --- 7/34
Todd, Fannie Lee --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Todd, Henry Samuel --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Todd, Isabella --- Birth Death 10/79
Todd, James --- Mentioned 8/17
Todd, John --- V13:30, 32
Todd, John --- Taxpayer 1/20 Minister 2/1/14 Teacher 3/17 Census
Todd, John --- V30:77
Todd, John --- V42:121
Todd, John (Rev. ) --- V13:3
Todd, John, Jr. --- Minister 7/1/16 Landowner 7/11
Todd, Levi --- Student 8/19
Todd, Margaret --- Landowner 7/11 Genealogy 8/24
Todd, Margaret --- V30:76
Todd, Margaret Thomson --- Death 8/23
Todd, Mary --- Genealogy 8/23
Todd, Mary Louise B. --- Author 10/75
Todd, Melville Mansfield --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Todd, Milton Mansfield --- Birth Marriage 7/34 Death 7/35
Todd, Rev. John --- V14:9, 10, 11
Todd, Rev. John --- V34:17
Todd, Robert --- V13:10
Todd, Robert --- Parent 8/17 Student 8/19 Genealogy 8/23 8/24
Todd, Sallie Milton --- Death 7/35
Todd, Sallie Nee Hansbrough --- Funeral 7/92 7/93
Todd, Samuel --- Mentioned 8/17
Todd, Samuel Dick --- Birth Marriage 7/34 Portrait Source 7/35
Todd, Sarah --- Landowner 7/11 Genealogy 8/24
Todd, Sarah --- V34:17
Todd, Timothy Mansfield --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Todd, William --- V20:3, 5
Todd, William --- Mentioned 8/17
Todd, William L. --- Executor 10/79
Todd, William Lane --- Birth 7/34
Todd, William Lytle --- Marriage 10/79
Todd, Wilson G. Mrs. --- Author 8/17
Todd County, --- V28:47
Todd County (Kentucky), --- V13:59
Todd County KY, --- V28:45
Todd County KY, --- V28:48-49
Todd County, Ky., --- V20:60
Todd Family Bible Records, --- 7/34
Todd Plantation, --- V34:17
Todd's, Tavern --- V30:40
Tolbut, William E. --- V15:86
Toledo, OH, --- V24:59
Toler, --- V21-1:99
Toler, Adam --- V14:55
Toler, Adam --- V21-1:6
Toler, Adam --- Parent 7/68
Toler, Adam J. --- V14:53, 54
Toler, Benj’m --- V42:90
Toler, Col. --- V21-1:6
Toler, Elizabeth --- V14:53, 54
Toler, Elizabeth (Hubbard) --- V14:54
Toler, George --- V14:55
Toler, George --- V41:103
Toler, Hannah --- Census 4/47
Toler, Harrison, Dr. --- V14:58
Toler, Henry --- V22:93
Toler, Henry --- Census 4/46
Toler, Jesse --- V21-1:6
Toler, John --- V14:74, 75
Toler, John --- V21-1:6
Toler, John --- V42:93, 118
Toler, Leightina --- V16:73
Toler, Martha --- V21-1:6
Toler, Martha Sarah --- V21-1:6, 7
Toler, Martin --- V42:93
Toler, Mary "Polly" --- V21-1:6
Toler, Mary (Jerdone) --- V14:53, 55
Toler, Robert --- V16:73
Toler, Rosa --- V16:73
Toler, Sarah --- V14:53
Toler, Sarah --- V21-1:6
Toler, Sarah (Jerdone) --- V14:54
Toler, William --- V14:55
Toler, William F. --- V21-1:5, 6, 9, 10, 72
Toler, William J. --- V14:54, 55
Toler, William T. --- V17:20
Toler, William, Sr. --- V21-1:6
Tolersville, --- V15:36, 74
Tolersville, --- V16:35
Tolersville, --- V17:51, 53
Tolersville, --- V18:20, 22, 24, 25
Tolersville, --- V19:16, 17, 77, 78
Tolersville, --- V20:34, 46, 47
Tolersville, --- V21-1:4, 7-11, 13, 15-17, 40, 41, 43, 47, 52, 58,
Tolersville, --- V21-2:16, 36
Tolersville, --- V22:22
Tolersville, --- V39:29, 30
Tolersville, --- V32:39, 40
Tolersville [Mineral], --- V25:31
Tolersville Farm, --- V21-1:7-9, 13
Tolersville P.O., --- V21-1:9, 15
Tolersville P.O., --- V39:26, 27
Tolersville Road, --- V21-1:4
Tolersville Tavern, --- V16:33
Tolersville Tavern, --- V21-1:3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 80
Tolersville Tavern, --- V32:69
Tolersville Tract, --- V21-1:62
Tolersville Tramroad, --- V18:24
Tolersville, VA, --- V30:29, 32
Tolersville, Virginia, --- V14:13, 54
Toles, Mr. --- V14:22
Tom, --- V22:46
Tom, Jefferson (Slave) --- V30:81
Tom Jim Lloyd's Store, --- V33:88
Tom(Slave), --- V30:11, 82
Tomahawk, Insurance Record --- 5/1/50
Tomahawk Church, --- V34:21
Tomahawk Creek, --- V32:65
Tomasson, John --- Census 4/45
Tombstone Records, Moss Cemetery --- 2/1/20
Tomerson, Nath. --- V41:103
Tomkies, William --- V20:97
Tomlinson, Alexander --- V25:81, 82
Tompkin, (Slave) --- V30:10-11
Tompkins, Ann --- V27:91
Tompkins, Ann --- V42:91
Tompkins, Benjamin --- V42:91
Tompkins, Christopher --- V27:91
Tompkins, Christopher --- V42:91
Tompkins, Ellen --- V31: 106
Tompkins, Ellen --- V32:11, 12, 24
Tompkins, James --- V42:92
Tompkins, Joyce Reade --- V27:91
Tompkins, L. H. --- V32:25
Tompkins, Robert --- V42:92
Tompkins, Robert Reade --- V27:91
Tompkins, William --- Mentioned 9/69
Tomson, Anderson --- V43:57
Tomson, David --- V41:102
Tomson, Nelson --- Taxpayer 1/19
Tomson, William --- V23:53
Tony, Alexander --- Rev. Soldier 8/29
Toole, John --- V25:36, 37
Toole, John --- V32:50
Toolmaking, --- V34:7
Toomes, Cora Belle --- Marriage 5/2/35
Topping Castle, --- V14:19
Torbert, --- V30:33-39
Torbert, A.T A., Genl. --- V30:31
Torbert, General --- V30:33
Torbert's Division, --- V30:31, 33
Torce, James --- V15:41
Torrence, Clayton --- V19:58
Tosey, Richard --- Census 2/2/31
Tournament Invitation, --- 5/2/46
Towler, Cornelius --- Taxpayer 1/19
Towles, 3rd Lt. John S. --- V35:139
Towles, J. Vivian --- Tombstone 1/57
Towles, James H. --- Tombstone 1/58
Towles, John --- Tombstone 1/58
Towles, John S. --- Civil War Soldier 9/14
Towles, Oliver --- Rev. Soldier 8/72
Towles, Robert C. --- Tombstone 1/57
Towles, S. E. --- Tombstone 1/58
Towles, Theirtz --- V38:74
Town, Powers of --- V29:12
Town, Sergeant --- V29:12, 21
Town Cemetery, --- V21-1:92
Town Hall, --- V21-1:109
Town of Louisa, --- V24:89
Town of Louisa, --- V38:34, 43, 44
Town of Louisa, --- V37:66, 71
Town of Louisa, --- V36:44
Town of Louisa, --- V40:61
Town of Louisa, Charter --- V29:11
Town of Mineral, --- V21-2:28
Town of Mineral, --- V40:62
Town Saloon, --- V31: 3
Townes, John --- Will Witness 10/58
Towsey, --- V21-1:118
Towsey, Ava L. --- V21-2:15
Towsey, Elliot W. --- V21-2:14
Towsey, F. Burnley --- V21-1:122
Towsey, Frank --- V21-1:108
Towsey, Hazel --- V21-1:115
Towsey, Henry P. --- V21-1:79
Towsey, Ida J. --- V21-1:30
Towsey, Milton Earl --- V21-1:123
Towsey, Nannie --- V21-1:79
Towsey, R. T. --- V21-1:30
Towsey, Richard --- V19:74
Towsey, Richard --- V21-1:30
Towsey, Richard --- Census 3/31
Towsey, Sammy --- V21-1:122
Towsey, Thomas Barret --- V21-1:122
Towsey, Thomas Barret --- V21-2:14
Towsey, Tommy --- V21-1:85
Towsey, Tommy, Mrs. --- V21-1:85
Towsey, William --- V21-1:85
Towsey, William A. --- V21-1:79
Towsey, William A. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Towsey, William, Mrs. --- V21-1:85
Tradewinds, --- V31: 86
Traffic Court, --- V31: 71
Trafford, Edwd. --- V28:55
Trail of Tears, --- V33:66
Trailway bus, --- V40:13
Trainer, Alexander --- V19:78
Trainham, --- V21-1:88, 89
Trainham, Addie M. --- Landowner 10/64
Trainham, Addie Massie Lassiter --- V31: 86
Trainham, Ann Elizabeth --- V28:43
Trainham, Archibald --- Census 3/84
Trainham, Arthur --- V21-1:56
Trainham, Barrett J. --- Tombstone 10/74
Trainham, Charity A. Tate --- V32:31
Trainham, Charles --- Census 2/2/36 4/47
Trainham, Chris --- Census 2/2/43
Trainham, Clemy --- Census 1/86
Trainham, Coalman --- V15:68, 69
Trainham, Coalman --- V16:38, 39
Trainham, Coalman --- V17:57
Trainham, David --- Census 4/46
Trainham, David C. --- Census 3/89
Trainham, Drucilla --- Census 2/1/37
Trainham, Drusilla --- V32:32
Trainham, Edward Mrs. --- Death 12/100
Trainham, Emily --- Marriage 5/2/33
Trainham, Emma D. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trainham, Fannie --- Census 3/84
Trainham, Frances --- Census 1/86
Trainham, Frances --- V32:27
Trainham, Frances Jane Strong --- V32:31
Trainham, Freddie M. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trainham, Garland --- Census 2/1/37
Trainham, Garland --- V28:43
Trainham, Garland --- V32:32
Trainham, Garland E. --- V32:32
Trainham, Garland F., Mrs. --- V32:32
Trainham, Garland, Mrs. --- V32:32
Trainham, Geo. --- V21-1:56
Trainham, Granville M. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trainham, Henry --- Census 2/2/36
Trainham, Huldah --- Census 3/89
Trainham, J. H. --- V21-1:94
Trainham, James --- Census 3/89
Trainham, James Edward --- V21-1:123
Trainham, James R. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Trainham, James S. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Trainham, Jane L. --- Census 3/84
Trainham, Jane Strong --- V32:27
Trainham, Jeconias --- Census 4/47
Trainham, Jennie S. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trainham, Jenny --- Census 3/84
Trainham, John --- Census 1/06 3/84 4/47
Trainham, John --- V28:45
Trainham, John T. --- Census 3/89
Trainham, Joseph Thomas --- V31: 86
Trainham, Joseph W. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trainham, Larkin --- V32:31
Trainham, Larkin, Mrs. --- V32:31
Trainham, Lative --- Census 1/86
Trainham, Lucy --- Census 2/2/31
Trainham, Lucy E. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Trainham, Madison --- Census 2/2/36
Trainham, Mahala --- Census 2/2/36
Trainham, Mary --- Census 2/1/45
Trainham, Mary A. --- V22:68
Trainham, Mary W. --- V32:32
Trainham, Meredith --- V32:31
Trainham, Meredith, Mrs. --- V32:31
Trainham, Meriwether --- Census 1/86
Trainham, Myrtle Lee --- V31: 85
Trainham, Pace --- Census 1/86
Trainham, Permelia --- Census 3/89
Trainham, Robert L. --- Census 3/89
Trainham, Sally --- Census 3/84
Trainham, Samuel --- Census 1/86
Trainham, Sarah --- V28:43
Trainham, Sarah N. --- V32:31
Trainham, Washington --- Census 1/86
Trainham, William --- V21-1:94
Trainham, William --- Census 2/1/37 3/84 Haley Diary 8/50
Trainham, Willie A --- V32:32
Trainham, Zacharias --- Census 5/1/27
Trainum, Albert O. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trainum, Archer --- V24:92
Trainum, E. A., Jr. --- V18:39
Trainum, Eugenia --- V31: 37
Trainum, G.W., Mr. --- V31: 37
Trainum, Mr. --- V18:14
Trainum, Sargeant --- V35:144
Trainum, Thomas E. --- Tombstone 10/72
Trammell, Charles M. --- Landowner 11/2/10
Trammell, Iris M. --- Landowner 11/2/10
Trammell, Mollie --- V23:80
Tramroad, --- V18:20
Tramroad, Tolersville --- V18:24
Tramroads, --- V18:24
Tramways, --- V18:24
Transportation, --- V39:46, 83
Transportation, Exhibit --- V39:57
Transylvania, University --- V28:66
Tranum, --- V20:98
Traquair, Alexander --- V13:33
Traquaire, Alexander --- Legal Note 11/2/33
Traveling Church of Spotsylvania Co., --- V24:47
Traveller's Rest, --- V27:37, 39
Travellers Rest, Tennessee, --- V14:82
Travis, Edna --- V15:39
Traynum, Andrew --- V24:92
Traynum, Samuel --- V24:92
Treaquier, Alexander --- Legal Note 11/2/34
Treasurer's Office, --- V31: 69
Tredegar Iron Works, --- V16:24
Tredegar Iron Works, --- V21-1:43
Tredegar Iron Works, --- V37:57
Tredegar Iron Works, --- V35:90
Tredegar Iron Works, --- V43:4
Tredegar Iron Works Richmond, --- V29:69
Tredgar Iron Foundry, --- V19:76
Tredgar Iron Works, --- V18:22
Tredgar Iron Works, --- V19:16
Trego, Shirley --- V38:58
Trego Stone Company, --- V38:77
Trent, Stephen A. --- V15:13
Trent, Stephen A. --- V35:48
Trenton, --- V21-1:4
Trenton, Battle of --- V23:99
Trequiert, Alexander --- Legal Note 11/2/31
Trevellion, --- V30:18, 28
Treviliam, --- V18:20, 29, 31
Trevilian, --- V19:5
Trevilian, --- V30:29-30, 33-34, 36-41
Trevilian, --- V39:32
Trevilian, --- V32:39, 40, 41
Trevilian, Allicer G. --- Birth Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, C. G. --- V16:29
Trevilian, C. G. --- V26:20
Trevilian, Charles --- V27:29
Trevilian, Charles G. --- Census 2/1/45 Marriage 11/2/23 Mentioned 11/2/2
Trevilian, Charles G. --- V30:29
Trevilian, Charles Goodall --- Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Charles Goodall --- V30:29, 32
Trevilian, Charles Goodall --- V35:38
Trevilian, Cora Lee --- Marriage 5/2/34 Marriage/Parent 11/2/23 11/2/24
Trevilian, Elizabeth L. --- Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Enigma --- V30:41
Trevilian, Family --- V30:29
Trevilian, James G. --- Birth 11/2/23
Trevilian, James L. --- Census 2/1/45
Trevilian, James L. --- V35:37, 39
Trevilian, John W. --- Birth 11/2/23
Trevilian, Martha --- Census 2/1/45
Trevilian, Martha J. --- Census 3/40
Trevilian, Martha Jane --- Marriage 11/2/23 Birth Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Mary C. --- Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Mary E. --- Census 2/1/45 Birth Marriage Death 11/2/23
Trevilian, Nancy --- Birth Death 11/1/24
Trevilian, Nannie P. --- Birth Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Robert C. --- Census 2/1/45 Birth Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Sallie (Sarah) Ann --- V27:30
Trevilian, Sallie Ann --- Marriage 11/2/23 Parent 11/2/24
Trevilian, Sally Ann --- V30:29
Trevilian, Sarah --- Census 2/1/45
Trevilian, Sarah Ann --- Birth Death 11/2/24
Trevilian, Station --- V30:17, 29-30, 32-33, 35-37, 40-41
Trevilian, Station Battlefield Foundation --- V30:18, 29, 41
Trevilian, Stephen --- V43:104
Trevilian, Thomas P. --- Census 3/89
Trevilian Depot, --- V39:26, 27, 29
Trevilian Station Battlefield Foundation, --- V39:47
Trevilian (Trevilians, Trevillian’s) --- V46:29, 39, 53
Trevilian Depot, --- V18:20, 22
Trevilian House, --- V30:29
Trevilian Station, --- V37:33
Trevilian Station, --- V36:74
Trevilians, --- V16:4
Trevilians, --- V19:9, 45, 47
Trevilians, --- V20:14
Trevilians, --- V21-1:25, 26
Trevilians, --- V22:17
Trevilians, --- V24:45, 48
Trevilians, --- V26:19, 21, 65
Trevilians, --- V27:3, 5, 7, 13, 34-35
Trevilians, --- V28:19, 30
Trevilians, --- V29:32
Trevilians, --- V39:36, 37, 39
Trevilians, --- V31: 6, 30, 75, 76
Trevilians, --- V38:24
Trevilians, --- V33:90, 91, 95, 96
Trevilians, --- V35:5, 18, 37, 38, 41, 44, 50
Trevilians, --- V32:37, 38, 39, 43
Trevilians, Battle Of --- Described 7/3 Tavern At 7/2
Trevilians, Charles G. --- Parent 11/2/29
Trevilians, Church --- V39:39
Trevilians, Elizabeth L. Collins --- Parent 11/2/29
Trevilians, Martha Jane --- Married 11/2/29
Trevilian's, Plantation --- V30:32
Trevilians Church, --- V29:54-55
Trevilians Church Comer, --- V38:41
Trevilians Depot, --- V17:84
Trevilians Depot, --- V19:46
Trevilians Depot, --- V22:22
Trevilians Depot, --- V27:29
Trevilians Depot, --- V40:3, 14
Trevilians Elem. Colored School, --- V24:12
Trevilians Post, --- V38:35, 40, 41, 42
Trevilians Post Office, --- V31: 76
Trevilians Post Office, --- V32:37
Trevilians School, --- V33:91
Trevilians Station, --- V33:90
Trevilians, Battle of, --- V27:29
Trevilians, VA, --- V38:36, 37, 38, 39
Trevilians, Virginia, --- V30:18, 51, 59
Trevillian, --- V25:32
Trevillian, Ann/Nancy --- V19:50
Trevillian, James --- V28:19
Trevillian, Lucy S. --- V28:19
Trevillian, Nannie Parke --- Marriage 9/85
Trevillian, Thomas --- V19:50
Trevillian, Thomas --- V42:92, 94
Trevillians, --- V23:47
Trevillians, --- V24:55, 74, 79
Trevillians, --- V25:1
Trevillians, --- V27:78
Trevillians, --- V28:18
Trevillians, Charles Goodall --- Bible Owner 11/2/23
Trevillians, Mr. --- V31: 107
Trevillians Depot, --- V16:74
Trevillians Depot, --- V32:11, 40
Trevillian's Depot, --- V26:20
Trewolla, Willie B. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Trial Justice Court, --- V32:50
Tribble, --- V21-1:112
Tribble, Alma --- V21-1:117
Tribble, Andrew --- Biography 5/1/4
Tribble, Ann Eliza --- Marriage 5/2/33
Tribble, Ellen --- Census 2/2/31
Tribble, Fess --- V21-1:115
Tribble, Festus --- Haley Diary 11/1/49
Tribble, George --- Census 3/82 Mentioned 5/14
Tribble, Gladys --- V21-1:69
Tribble, James --- Census 3/82
Tribble, James F. --- V22:31
Tribble, Lucille --- V21-1:113
Tribble, Lucy --- Census 2/2/31
Tribble, Mary --- Census 2/2/31
Trice, --- V22:20
Trice, --- V24:36
Trice, --- V32:40
Trice, 1st Lt. W.A. --- V35:23
Trice, A. M. --- V29:105
Trice, Addison --- V35:43
Trice, Alena H. --- V25:22
Trice, Alfred W. --- V21-1:35
Trice, Anderson --- V25:21, 22
Trice, Anderson --- V26:97
Trice, Anderson Powell --- V16:73
Trice, Ann --- V25:21
Trice, Ann Nelson --- V21-2:25
Trice, Anna Louise --- V23:7
Trice, B. F. --- V15:73
Trice, B. F. --- V26:24
Trice, B. F. --- V29:13
Trice, Benjamin F. --- V25:21
Trice, Benjamin F. --- V41:69
Trice, Bernice --- V27:11
Trice, Bettia S. --- V21-1:35
Trice, Bettie S. --- V21-1:32, 94
Trice, Bob --- V31: 69
Trice, Catherine G. --- V41:12
Trice, Catherine George Baker --- V26:35
Trice, Charles --- V25:23
Trice, Charles E. --- V22:20
Trice, Charles E. --- V25:22
Trice, Charlie --- V25:73
Trice, D. A. --- V29:105
Trice, D. A. --- V35:6, 69, 131, 145
Trice, Dabney A. --- V19:49
Trice, Dabney A. --- V25:21
Trice, David A. --- V22:31
Trice, Deacon --- V25:23, 73
Trice, Dick, Capt. --- V32:62
Trice, Edward --- V46:71
Trice, Elizabeth --- V14:48
Trice, Elizabeth --- V23:43
Trice, Elizabeth --- V25:74
Trice, Elizabeth --- V26:38
Trice, Elizabeth Hart --- V25:22
Trice, Elizabeth Lunna --- V34:22
Trice, Elizabeth S. Bronaugh --- V25:21
Trice, Emma C. --- V28:104
Trice, F. B. --- V29:105
Trice, Florence E. --- V21-1:35
Trice, Frank --- V13:40
Trice, George W. --- V15:36
Trice, George W. --- V20:29
Trice, George W. --- V32:29
Trice, Goodwin --- V14:64
Trice, Goodwin --- V17:34
Trice, Harriet C. --- V25:21
Trice, Herbert L. --- V25:22
Trice, J. C. --- V29:105
Trice, James --- V34:22
Trice, James --- V41:28
Trice, James M. --- V24:69
Trice, James M. --- V26:35
Trice, James M. --- V41:12
Trice, James Meredith --- V25:19
Trice, James Meriwether --- V23:41
Trice, John --- V23:83
Trice, John --- V42:130-132
Trice, John --- V43:57
Trice, John B. --- V35:169
Trice, John J. --- V22:17
Trice, John T. --- V25:22
Trice, Judge James M. --- V34:21
Trice, Kate --- V27:34
Trice, Kitty --- V31: 69
Trice, Lee --- V23:41
Trice, Lewis O. --- V21-1:37
Trice, Lewis P. --- V21-1:37
Trice, Lightfoot G. --- V21-1:37
Trice, Lizzie --- V25:74
Trice, Louisa Moon --- V25:21
Trice, Lucy Arrington --- V23:41
Trice, Madora --- V16:83
Trice, Margaret A. --- V25:22
Trice, Margaret A. --- V27:34
Trice, Margaret A. Seaberry --- V25:21, 22
Trice, Maria --- V26:97
Trice, Martha --- V25:21
Trice, Martha (Mollie) --- V25:22
Trice, Martha Ann --- V25:21
Trice, Martha Sandidge --- V26:97
Trice, Mary Candace --- V25:21
Trice, Mary G. --- V21-1:37
Trice, Mattie P. --- V16:73
Trice, Mattie Powell --- V16:73
Trice, Mattie Powell --- V21-1:105, 106
Trice, Meredith --- V16:89
Trice, Meredith --- V17:83
Trice, Meredith --- V25:21
Trice, Mildred Rebecca (Waddy) --- V14:45
Trice, Monroe --- V35:43
Trice, Nancy --- V35:43
Trice, Nannie --- V25:72
Trice, Nannie Iola --- V23:38
Trice, Ned --- V23:41
Trice, Ollie M. --- V21-2:15
Trice, Palmer Albertis --- V21-1:122
Trice, Patsy --- V27:11
Trice, R. A. --- V22:28, 31
Trice, R. A. --- V35:23, 145
Trice, R. E. --- V29:105
Trice, R. E. --- V36:44
Trice, Richard --- V28:35
Trice, Richard A. --- V17:21
Trice, Richard A. --- V22:28
Trice, Richard A. --- V25:19
Trice, Richard, Mrs. --- V21-1:108
Trice, Robert E. --- V16:73
Trice, Robert Ernest --- V21-1:105
Trice, Robert Lee --- V23:41
Trice, Sadie --- V25:23, 73
Trice, Sadie E. --- V25:22, 23
Trice, Sandy A. --- V28:41
Trice, Sarah --- V25:22
Trice, Simeon --- V19:78
Trice, Susan --- V14:45
Trice, Susan Anderson --- V13:23
Trice, T. G. --- V25:22
Trice, Temple --- V21-1:122
Trice, Timoleon --- V25:17, 18, 22, 23
Trice, Timoleon G. --- V25:21, 22
Trice, Timoleon G. (arth) --- V25:21
Trice, Timoleon Garth --- V14:45
Trice, Timolian --- V46:53
Trice, Trice --- V21-1:94
Trice, Virginia (Richard) --- V21-1:99
Trice, Virginia Harris --- V25:21
Trice, Vivian --- V21-1:105
Trice, Vivian --- V31: 36, 37
Trice, W. A. --- V18:27
Trice, W. A. --- V22:28
Trice, W. A. --- V23:106
Trice, W. M. --- V29:105
Trice, William --- V15:61
Trice, William --- V20:94
Trice, William --- V21-1:44, 48
Trice, William --- V21-2:25
Trice, William --- V25:21
Trice, William --- V41:102
Trice, William --- V42:130-132
Trice, William A. --- V13:13
Trice, William A. --- V19:30
Trice, William Meriwether --- V23:41
Trice, Willie --- V21-1:122
Trice, Wm --- V43:101
Trice, Wm. A. --- V21-2:17
Trice, Wm. A. --- V27:34
Trice and Harris vs. Hancock, --- V24:36
Trice-Lewis, Iola --- V25:72
Trick, A. Garrett --- Church Member 4/59
Trick, A. M. --- Census 2/1/32
Trick, Addison --- Civil War Soldier 9/21
Trick, Addison L. --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, Adelia --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, Alfred --- Census 2/1/31 Haley Diary 10/43
Trick, Alice --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, Alonzo --- Census 2/1/36
Trick, Anderson --- Census 2/2/46
Trick, Andrew J. --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, B. F. --- Hotel And Saloon Keeper 7/60 7/62
Trick, Ben --- Haley Diary 4/19
Trick, Benjamin --- Census 2/1/31 2/2/46
Trick, Benjamin F. --- Tombstone 1/71 Census 3/41
Trick, Catharine G. --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, Charles E. --- Church Member 4/59
Trick, Charlie --- Haley Diary 10/40
Trick, Dabney --- Census 4/46
Trick, Dabney A. --- Census 2/1/31 Civil War Soldier 9/7 9/21
Trick, David --- Census 2/2/46
Trick, David F. --- Tombstone 1/71
Trick, Dick --- Mentioned In Letter 6/37
Trick, Edmonia --- Census 3/41
Trick, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/31 2/1/36 2/2/35 2/2/46
Trick, Elizabeth L. --- Census 2/1/32
Trick, Eugenia --- Census 2/2/47
Trick, F. B. --- Farmer 7/65
Trick, Frances --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, G. W. --- Church Member 5/1/3
Trick, George --- Census 3/41
Trick, George W. --- Census 3/41 Died 5/1/38
Trick, Goodwin --- Road Surveyor 6/81
Trick, Ida Lee --- Marriage 5/2/38
Trick, James --- Census 2/2/35 4/46 Farmer 7/27 Marriage Witness 11
Trick, James C. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Trick, James J. --- Census 2/2/47
Trick, James M. --- Census 2/1/31 2/2/35 Landowner 12/25 12/63
Trick, John --- Haley Diary 4/87 6/96 8/50 9/99 Civil War Soldier
Trick, John G. --- Census 3/41
Trick, John J. --- Farmer 7/64
Trick, John L. --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, John L. Jr --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, Kate --- Church Member 4/59
Trick, Laura J. --- Census 2/2/47
Trick, Leighton --- Tombstone 1/71
Trick, Lin --- Haley Diary 4/89
Trick, M. A. --- Haley Diary 4/86
Trick, M. Mrs. --- Died 10/40
Trick, Madora E. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Trick, Mandora --- Census 2/1/32
Trick, Margaret --- Teacher 4/87
Trick, Margaret A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Trick, Martha --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, Mary --- Census 2/1/36 2/2/46 3/41
Trick, Mary J. --- Census 2/2/47
Trick, Mary M. --- Census 2/1/36
Trick, Molly --- V26:78
Trick, Monroe --- Civil War Soldier 9/21
Trick, Nannie M. --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, Percy --- Tombstone 1/71
Trick, Philip --- Census 2/1/36
Trick, R. A. --- Church Member 4/59 Picnic Manager 5/2/39 Farmer 7/
Trick, Richard --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, Richard A. --- Church Member 4/57 4/58
Trick, Robert --- Civil War Soldier 9/21
Trick, Robert N. --- Census 2/1/31
Trick, Robetha --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, Sadie --- Haley Diary 10/40
Trick, Sadie S. --- Church Member 4/59
Trick, Susan --- Census 2/2/35
Trick, T. G. --- Chairman 3/24 Farmer 7/64
Trick, Thomas N. --- Census 2/1/36
Trick, Timolean G. --- Census 2/1/36 Tombstone 4/65 Church Member, 4/57 4
Trick, Timolian --- Census 2/2/46
Trick, Timolson --- Wife Died 10/40
Trick, Victoria --- Census 2/1/36
Trick, Virginia H. --- Tombstone 1/71
Trick, Virginia S. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Trick, W. H. H. --- Haley Diary 11/2/46
Trick, William --- Taxpayer 1/19 4/46 5/1/27 Teacher 5/1/37 Rev. Clai
Trick, William A. --- Haley Diary 4/82 5/1/45 Magistrate 7/58
Trick, William H. --- Census 3/41
Trick, William M. --- Tombstone 1/71
Trick, Willie Ann --- Census 3/41
Triennial Convention, --- V34:32
Trigg, Lucy --- V28:80
Trimeare, William --- V13:73
Trimmer, Obediah --- V13:9
Trimmer, William --- V15:42
Trimyer, John --- Taxpayer 1/19
Trimyer, Obediah --- Taxpayer 1/19
Trinity, --- V20:71, 75
Trinity, --- V24:83
Trinity, Parish --- V28:38, 39, 56-58
Trinity, Parish VA --- V30:72
Trinity Anglican Church, --- V29:34
Trinity Baptist Church, --- V21-2:36, 37
Trinity Baptist Church, --- V33:32
Trinity Church, --- V20:73, 93
Trinity Church, --- V26:52
Trinity Church, --- V27:23
Trinity Church, --- V13:51-54
Trinity Church, --- V34:16, 19
Trinity Meeting House, --- V21-2:36
Trinity Or Lower Church, --- 1/8
Trinity Parish, --- V13:20, 51, 54
Trinity Parish, --- V14:59
Trinity Parish, --- V19:96
Trinity Parish, --- V20:4, 28, 91, 92, 94
Trinity Parish, --- V27:23, 87
Trinity Parish, --- 1/10
Trinity Parish, --- V26:41, 42, 46, 51, 52
Trinity River, --- V17:29
Tri-party Agreement, --- V30:66, 70-71, 76
Triple Fork, --- V17:52
Triple Fork Gold Mine, --- V17:51, 52
Triple Fork Gold Mine, --- V21-1:7
Triple Fork Gold Mine, --- V37:9
Triplet, John --- V20:5
Triplett, Francis --- Rev. Soldier 8/77
Tripp, Lucy --- V34:31
Triune P.O., --- V17:25
Trout, Mary Virginia --- V23:37
Trower, --- V19:58
Trower, Henry --- Census 4/46
Trower, Solomon --- V19:58
Trower, Solomon --- Taxpayer 1/19 Church Trustee 11/1/26
Troy Female Seminary, --- V25:30
Troy Female Seminary, --- V25:30
True, --- V24:49
True, Coley --- Query 9/37
True, Martin --- Query 9/37
True, Ransom --- Author 6/40 6/66
True, Ransom B. --- Author 3/7 4/21 5/16 7/10 7/77 8/40
True, Ransom B. --- V37:79
True, Ransome --- V38:33
True, Ranson B. --- V24:48
True, William --- V30:73
Truehart, Francis --- V28:78
Truehart, George W. --- County Commissioner 3/69
Truehart, George W. --- V28:78
Truehart, George W. --- V45:124
Truehart, Mary --- Heir 11/1/34
Trueheart, Aaron --- V13:33
Trueheart, Frances Overton --- V35:14
Trueheart, George W. --- V35:14
Trueheart, Henry M. --- V15:81
Truman, Obadiah --- Rev. Soldier 8/77
Truman, Pres. Harry S. --- V35:170
Trynham, Sam'l --- V32:27
Tubbs, Leonora --- V29:5()
Tucker, A. Campbell --- V27:4
Tucker, Beverley H. --- Tombstone 7/72
Tucker, Capt. --- V14:4
Tucker, Harry St. George --- Politician 9/95
Tucker, Henry St. George --- V46:109, 111
Tucker, Howard Alex. --- V21-1:122
Tucker, J. T. --- Minister 9/100 Haley Diary 11/2/43 12/91 12/94
Tucker, J. T. (Rev. ) --- V13:44
Tucker, Lola May Hendrickson --- Tombstone 7/72
Tucker, Michael --- V42:92
Tucker, Thomas --- V13:36
Tucker, Thomas --- V14:68
Tudor, James R. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Tuggle Plantation, --- V36:12
Tuggles Plantation, --- V46:118
Tulip Grove, --- V28:66
Tulloch, Alexander --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Barbara Garland --- Query 9/86 Parent 11/1/4 12/57
Tulloch, Cofer Wilbert --- V21-1:123
Tulloch, David --- Census 5/1/27 Landowner 10/59
Tulloch, Elizabeth --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Henrietta --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Hunter Fleming --- V21-1:123
Tulloch, James --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, James Meredith --- V21-1:123
Tulloch, James W. --- Census 2/2/37
Tulloch, Jane --- Query 9/86 Married 11/1/4 Mentioned 12/57
Tulloch, John --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, John M. --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Joseph --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Maria --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Sarah --- Census 1/89
Tulloch, Thomas --- Query 9/86 Parent 11/1/4 12/57 Court Justice 11/1/
Tullock, David --- Insurance Record 5/2/45
Tullock, David, Jr. --- V14:73
Tullock, David, Jr. --- Insurance Policy 5/2/45
Tulloh, --- V21-1:43
Tulloh, A. M. C. --- V22:67
Tulloh, Bettie --- Marriage 5/2/31
Tulloh, David --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 1/89 4/47
Tulloh, David, Jr. --- V17:12, 57
Tulloh, E. C., Mrs. --- V21-1:94
Tulloh, E. E. --- V22:67
Tulloh, Ellen --- Census 1/89
Tulloh, Henrietta --- Census 1/89 Heir 5/2/27 5/2/28
Tulloh, Henritta --- V22:67
Tulloh, J. L. --- V22:67
Tulloh, J. W. --- V21-1:94
Tulloh, J. W. --- V22:67
Tulloh, Jane --- Census 1/89
Tulloh, John M. --- V22:67
Tulloh, Joseph --- V22:67
Tulloh, Joseph --- Census 1/89
Tulloh, Meredith --- V21-1:124
Tulloh, Robert L. --- V21-2:36
Tulloh, Sallei --- Census 1/89
Tullok, John --- Haley Diary 5/2/21
Tullon, James --- Farmer 7/63
Tune, W. O. --- V21-1:67
Tuning, George --- V20:76
Tuning, George --- Rev. Soldier 8/76
Tureman, Alice --- V34:24
Tureman, Emma Pemberton --- V34:24
Tureman, G. R. --- V24:44
Tureman, G. R. --- Minister 12/30
Tureman, G. R., Dr. --- V34:25
Tureman, Garnett Roy --- V34:24, 25
Tureman, George --- V34:24
Turkey, Ridge --- V28:76
Turkey Run, --- V16:43
Turkey Sagg, --- V16:88
Turkey Sagg Mountains, --- V16:87
Turnbull, Joseph Carl --- V28:11
Turnbull, Mary Elizabeth --- V28:10
Turner, --- V21-1:105
Turner, --- V22:20
Turner, Agrippa --- V20:14
Turner, Alma --- V23:42
Turner, Alma M. --- V21-1:35
Turner, Ann --- Census 3/44
Turner, Annie L. (Mrs.) --- V29:40
Turner, Anthony --- V14:45
Turner, Barbara --- Census 3/81
Turner, Benjamin --- V13:69
Turner, Benjamin --- Census 5/1/27
Turner, Benjamin B. --- Census 3/75
Turner, Bettie Edloe --- Marriage 12/18
Turner, Bill --- V30:24-25
Turner, C. C. --- V22:21
Turner, C. C. --- V25:73
Turner, Carroll --- V24:38
Turner, Carroll --- V25:73
Turner, Cecil --- V22:61
Turner, Charles --- V21-2:11
Turner, Charles --- V22:60
Turner, Charles --- V23:81
Turner, Charles --- V24:39
Turner, Charles --- V25:72, 74
Turner, Charles C. --- V22:60, 61, 68
Turner, Charles C. --- V23:90
Turner, Charles C. --- V24:38
Turner, Charles C. --- Tombstone 4/65
Turner, Charles Constantine --- V25:75
Turner, Charles W. --- V18:39
Turner, Charles W. --- V21-2:13
Turner, Charles W. --- V22:19
Turner, Charles W. --- Author 4/57 7/51 Marriage 5/2/36
Turner, Charles W. --- V29:91
Turner, Charles W., Dr --- V37:73
Turner, Charles Wilson, Dr. --- V25:75
Turner, Charles, Dr. --- V14:47
Turner, Clifton --- Census 2/1/34
Turner, Co. B --- V30:19
Turner, D.H --- V33:18
Turner, Ed --- V28:70
Turner, Ed --- V29:90
Turner, Ed. --- V31: 37
Turner, Edna --- V22:21
Turner, Edna Sticker --- V22:21
Turner, Edward --- V19:7, 9, 10
Turner, Edward --- V23:48, 52
Turner, Edward --- V25:1
Turner, Edward --- Mentioned 6/75
Turner, Edward --- V31: 37 43. 52. 53. 54. 58
Turner, Edward H. --- V25:1
Turner, Edwin --- Census 1/84
Turner, Elizabeth --- Marriage 11/1/10
Turner, Elizabeth A. --- V22:40
Turner, Elizabeth Anne --- V25:75
Turner, Ella E. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Turner, Ethel St.Clare Dickinson --- V28:89
Turner, Eugene --- V22:61
Turner, Eula M. --- V21-1:94
Turner, Eula Marguerite Jones --- V23:42
Turner, Evelyn --- V21-1:94, 113, 118
Turner, Evelyn --- V23:42
Turner, Evelyn E. --- V21-1:35
Turner, Frances --- V21-1:63
Turner, Frances --- Census 1/76
Turner, Frances M. --- V21-1:63
Turner, Frances Meriwether Rowe --- V23:42
Turner, Frances R --- V23:42
Turner, Frances Rowe --- V23:41
Turner, G. H. --- V18:29
Turner, Garfield --- V42:80
Turner, George --- V13:13
Turner, George --- V15:73
Turner, George --- V20:102
Turner, George --- V23:102
Turner, George --- V24:93
Turner, George --- V25:21
Turner, George --- Census 3/84 Miller 7/61 Married 8/99
Turner, George --- V29:30
Turner, George H. --- Census 3/75
Turner, H. F. --- V21-1:86
Turner, Harriet --- Census 3/84
Turner, Henrietta --- Census 3/84
Turner, Homer W. --- V19:9
Turner, Isaac --- V24:93
Turner, J. Carroll --- V22:21
Turner, J. H. --- V19:14
Turner, James --- V15:45
Turner, James --- V20:14, 98
Turner, James --- Census 3/44 4/46
Turner, James D. --- V15:34
Turner, James H. --- Census 3/81
Turner, James Lewis --- V20:14
Turner, James M. --- V19:50
Turner, James O. --- Marriage 11/1/10
Turner, James W. --- V13:85
Turner, James Waller --- V19:50
Turner, James, Jr. --- Census 3/44
Turner, John --- V20:14
Turner, John --- Census 4/46
Turner, John --- V31: 63
Turner, John C. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Turner, John H. --- Census 3/51 Farmer 7/64
Turner, John William --- V19:50
Turner, Joseph --- V13:12
Turner, Joseph Carroll --- V25:75
Turner, Katherine F. --- Tombstone 12/33
Turner, L. S. --- Merchant 7/60
Turner, Leon --- V21-1:63, 99, 124
Turner, Leon M. --- V21-1:63
Turner, Leon Milton --- V23:42
Turner, Lewis --- V22:99, 101
Turner, Lewis --- V24:92
Turner, Lewis --- V25:28
Turner, Lewis --- Census 1/84 Rev. Soldier 3/26 8/77 Census 3/51 4/4
Turner, Lewis, Jr. --- Farmer 7/64
Turner, Louisa --- Census 3/44
Turner, Louisa F. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Turner, Louisa Palmer --- V23:37
Turner, Lucrecia --- Census 2/2/40
Turner, Lydia Ann --- Tombstone 1/59
Turner, M. H. --- V21-1:94
Turner, Maggie H. (Mrs.) --- V29:49, 99
Turner, Marguerite Elizabeth --- V23:42
Turner, Maria Isabelle --- V19:50
Turner, Martha --- Census 3/75
Turner, Martha A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Turner, Martha Edna --- V25:75
Turner, Martin --- Census 4/47
Turner, Martin C. --- Census 3/75
Turner, Mary (Polly) --- V19:50
Turner, Mary Ann (Buck) --- V42:80
Turner, Mary Candace Trice --- V25:21
Turner, Mary Dabney --- V23:42
Turner, Mary Lou Walton --- Tombstone 1/59
Turner, Mary Margaret --- V25:1
Turner, Merrie --- V25:1
Turner, Merrie L. --- V25:1
Turner, Milton --- V23:42
Turner, Milton Henry --- V23:42
Turner, Milton, Mrs. --- V21-1:68
Turner, Mollie --- Marriage 5/2/38
Turner, Mr. --- V31: 32
Turner, Nancy --- V15:45
Turner, Nancy --- V20:98
Turner, Nancy --- Census 3/51 3/75
Turner, Nancy S. --- Census 3/81
Turner, Nannie A. --- V23:106
Turner, Nathaniel --- Landowner 9/30
Turner, Nathaniel H. --- Census 3/84 Marriage 5/2/36
Turner, Nathaniel H., Jr. --- Census 3/84
Turner, O. B. --- V21-1:94
Turner, Patty Trick --- Tombstone 12/33
Turner, R. Dale --- V20:81
Turner, Rebecca Wash --- Parent 12/18
Turner, Reverend Doctor --- V31: 63
Turner, Robert --- V19:7, 10
Turner, Robert --- Minister 2/1/18
Turner, Robert (Reverend) --- V29:49
Turner, Robert N. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Turner, Ruby --- V21-1:94
Turner, Ruby E. Walton --- V23:42
Turner, Ruby S. --- V21-1:35
Turner, Sallie --- Census 3/44
Turner, Sally B. --- V19:30
Turner, Samuel S. --- V24:38
Turner, Samuel S. --- Tombstone 4/65
Turner, Sarah --- Census 1/76 Will 2/2/18
Turner, Sarah Ann --- Census 3/75
Turner, Solomon --- Landgrant 11/2/22
Turner, Starling --- V30:19
Turner, Stephen --- V20:5
Turner, Theodore Roy --- V25:75
Turner, Thomas --- Census 4/46 Marriage Surety 11/1/10
Turner, Thomas C. --- V26:3
Turner, Thomas C. --- Will 2/2/18 Census 3/75 Church Trustee 12/25
Turner, Thomas Claybourn --- V19:50
Turner, Thomas, Sr. --- Parent 11/1/10
Turner, Tryphene Mahalia --- V23:82
Turner, V. W. --- V21-1:41, 42, 44, 92-94, 99, 100, 108-111
Turner, V. W. --- V21-2:28
Turner, V. W. --- Resident 1/40
Turner, V. W. --- V31: 33
Turner, Virgil --- V23:42
Turner, Virgil C. --- V19:9, 10
Turner, Virgil W. --- V21-1:22, 35, 125
Turner, Virgil W. --- V23:42
Turner, Virginia --- Census 3/75
Turner, W. W., Mrs. --- V34:38
Turner, Walter Lee, Jr. --- V28:89
Turner, Watkins --- V25:1
Turner, William --- V16:6
Turner, William --- V20:14
Turner, William --- Haley Diary 8/51
Turner, William G. --- V15:64
Turner, William G. --- V19:10
Turner, William G. --- V23:111
Turner, William G. --- Census 1/76
Turner, William H. --- Census 3/81
Turner, William Trick --- Tombstone 12/33
Turner, William W. --- Census 3/37 Parent 12/18
Turner, William, Mrs --- V37:10
Turner and Atkinson Store, --- V24:38
Turner and Blake & Co., --- V21-1:88
Turner Home, --- V25:75
Turner's Mill, --- V40:92
Turner's Store, --- V22:98
Turnley, James P. --- Landowner 9/47
Turnout, Buckner --- V18:20
Turnout, Bumpass --- V18:20
Turnout, Davis --- V18:25
Turnout, Meltons --- V18:20
Turnout, Rough & Ready --- V18:20, 22
Turnout Greensprings, --- V18:20
Turpin, Cecily --- Mentioned 10/8
Turpin, I. B. --- Haley Diary 8/92
Turpin, J. B. --- Haley Diary 7/93
Turpin, John B. --- V20:14
Turpin, John O. --- Haley Diary 4/18
Twelve Days of Christmas, --- V16:47, 48
Two, Penny Case --- V29:34
Twopence, James --- V20:76
Twopence, James --- V26:48
Twopence, James --- Taxpayer 1/19 Rev. Soldier 8/76
Twopence, James --- V45:153, 154
Twopence, Jamese --- V26:48
Twopence, Mary --- V26:42
Twyman, Alfred J. --- V21-2:34
Twyman, Louisa F. --- V21-2:34
Twyman's Store, --- V30:39
Tyache, Edward --- Census 3/31
Tyache, Edward, Jr. --- Census 3/31
Tyache, Margaret --- Census 3/31
Tye River, --- V33:24,28
Tye River, --- V32:83
Tyler, --- V33:91
Tyler, Alex. --- V14:7
Tyler, Annie P. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Tyler, Birdie T. --- V13:23
Tyler, Capt. --- V14:6, 7
Tyler, Carl, Mrs. --- V35:168
Tyler, David --- Census 4/46 Married 11/1/11
Tyler, Edna --- Census 3/49
Tyler, Faye --- V41:76
Tyler, Fleming --- Census 3/49
Tyler, George --- Landowner 2/26 Rev. Soldier 8/77
Tyler, Henry --- V19:33
Tyler, J. T. --- V19:48
Tyler, Jenifer Roy --- Marriage 5/2/38
Tyler, John --- V14:7, 53
Tyler, John --- V17:83
Tyler, Letetia --- V14:53
Tyler, Lillian Jefferson --- V13:23
Tyler, Louisa --- Census 3/49
Tyler, Lucinda --- V19:33
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner --- V38:49
Tyler, Mary --- Deeded Land 2/26
Tyler, Mary --- V32:89
Tyler, Mary A. --- V32:75
Tyler, Mary E. --- Census 3/49
Tyler, Mary V. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Tyler, Mattie --- Marriage 5/2/31
Tyler, Mr. --- V38:50
Tyler, Nannie B. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Tyler, Pattie --- V27:35
Tyler, President --- V38:49
Tyler, Robert C. --- V16:76
Tyler, Sallie --- Marriage 5/2/32
Tyler, Susan --- Census 3/49
Tyler, Washington --- V14:7
Tyler, William --- V16:39
Tyler, William --- Heir Of George 2/26 Church Trustee 9/56
Tyler, William, Captain --- V32:75, 89
Tyler, Wm., Capt. --- V16:37
Tylers, George --- Mentioned 2/1/22
Tyler's, --- V20:36
Tyler's Quarterly, --- V38:49
Tylor, Charles --- V42:94
Tylor, Charles, Jr. --- V42:92
Tylor, Henry --- V41:30
Tylor, Richard --- V42:92
Typhoid, --- V43:49
Typhoid Fever, --- V38:12
Tyre, Addison --- Census 3/39
Tyre, Robert --- Census 3/39
Tyree, Bill --- V20:18
Tyree, C. --- Haley Diary 6/19 7/93
Tyree, Cornelius --- V21-1:38
Tyree, Fanny --- V21-1:38
Tyree, Forest --- V21-1:38
Tyree, James Edward --- V21-1:122
Tyree, Jessie --- V21-1:38
Tyree, Lucy A. --- V21-1:38
Tyree, Priss --- V18:9
Tyree, Tom --- V21-1:38
Tyson, Tom --- Haley Diary 7/99
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