Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With M.I.T.
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
M.I.T., --- V35:170
Mableton, --- V23:102
Mableton, --- V27:34
MacArthur, Peter --- Mentioned 9/69
MacAuley, James --- Census 3/42
MacCaulay, John --- Roadwork 6/33 6/85
MacCord, Howard, Col --- V37:76
MacCorkle points, --- V43:83
Macculay, John --- V16:88
Macedonia Church, --- V29:54-55
Macedonia Methodist Church, --- V28:16
MacGregor Clan, --- V33:51
Mack, (Slave) --- V30:9-11
MacKay, Elizabeth Jane --- Birth 10/12
MacKay, John --- Legal Note 9/83 9/84
MacKay, Marie Wilson --- Parent 10/12
MacKay, Vivian Marie --- Birth 10/12
MacKay, William E. --- Parent 10/12
Mackbride, James --- Legal Case 9/45 9/46
Mackgee, Thomas --- Genealogy 7/75
Mackgehee, John --- Will Signer 1/46 Legal Note 10/31
Mackgehee, Sameul --- Legal Note 10/31
Mackgehee, Sarah --- Genealogy 7/75
Mackgehee, Variation Of Magehee --- 1/46
Mackoy, Alexander --- Petitioner 6/24
Mackoy, John --- Legal Note 10/26 10/30
Macky (Marky, Micky), Alexander --- V13:33, 34
Maclard, Daniel --- Landgrant 10/19
Macon, Judith --- V14:52
Macon, Judith --- V25:95
Macon, Sarah --- V14:53, 54, 56, 57
Macon, Sarah --- V25:95
Macon, Sarah --- V37:15
Macon, Sarah --- V46:107
Macon, William --- V22:52
Macon, William --- V42:94
Macon, William, Col. --- V14:51, 55
Macon, William, Jr. --- V18:7
Macon, Wm., Jr. --- V18:9
Macon, Georgia, --- V28:40
Macphela, History Of --- 12/55
MacQueen, --- V36:70, 71
Macrell, Thomas --- Census 4/41
Mad(d)ison, John --- V41:55, 100, 102
Maddison, John --- Census 5/1/23
Maddox, Dillard & Co --- V31: 75
Maddox, Doris --- V27:32
Maddox, Etta Woodward --- V32:55
Maddox, J. R. --- V29:23, 24
Maddox, J. R., Jr. --- V29:24
Maddox, John R. --- V27:14
Maddox, John R. --- V29:22-23
Maddox, John R., Sr. --- V31: 75
Maddox, M. J. and Son --- V31: 79
Maddox, M. J. and Son Store --- V31: 75
Maddox, Margaret --- V29:38
Maddox, Maude H. --- V31: 79
Maddox, Maude Hardenburgh --- V31: 76
Maddox, Maurice --- V31: 75, 76, 77, 80
Maddox, Maurice J. --- V31: 75
Maddox, Mr. --- V31: 76, 78
Maddox, Ralph --- V31: 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
Maddox, Ralph Garland. --- V31: 76
Maddox, William G. --- V32:29
Maddox Family, --- V31: 75, 77, 80
Maddox Feed Store, --- V38:26
Maddox Store, --- V31: 53, 78.82
Maddox Store, --- V46:39
Maddox, Hanover County, --- V32:38
Maddox's Store, --- V31: 75, 76, 78
Maddox's store, --- V32:3, 8
Maderson, John --- V42:128
Madison, --- V28:74
Madison, --- V39:36
Madison, --- V37:92
Madison, --- V32:22
Madison, A. B. --- Farmer 7/64
Madison, Ambrose --- Landowner 7/12
Madison, Dolley --- V23:46
Madison, George --- V42:93
Madison, Henry --- V19:57
Madison, I. J. --- V19:9
Madison, J. B. --- V18:29
Madison, J. B. --- County Surveyor 5/1/49 Haley Diary 5/1/39
Madison, J. R. --- County Surveyor 7/57
Madison, J.R. --- V45:126, 136, 137
Madison, James --- V14:15
Madison, James --- V23:46
Madison, James --- V26:73
Madison, James --- Taxpayer 1/17 Tavern Visitor 1/39 Mentioned 2/29 3
Madison, James --- V28:4, 14, 99-100
Madison, James --- V42:12
Madison, James B. --- V15:73
Madison, John --- V24:48
Madison, John --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 4/40
Madison, Joseph --- Census 3/62
Madison, Joseph R. --- V20:29
Madison, Leadus O. --- Census 3/82
Madison, Lucy G. --- Census 3/82
Madison, Lucy M. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Madison, Mary D. --- Census 3/82
Madison, Nora --- V23:7
Madison, Ophelia S. --- Census 3/82
Madison, President --- V26:27
Madison, Susan E. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Madison, Thomas H. --- V21-1:123
Madison & Monroe, --- V35:166
Madison Co., --- V21-1:96
Madison Co., --- V32:21
Madison Co. Tenn., --- V35:13
Madison Co., Va., --- V35:10
Madison College, --- V21-1:117
Madison County, --- V26:73
Madison County, --- V31: 71
Madison County, --- V34:27
Madison County KY, --- V30:77
Madison County Tennessee, --- V28:77
Madison County, Tn., --- V20:61
Madison Court House (Virginia), --- V14:24
Madlock, John --- V41:101
Madors, Richard --- Petitioner 6/27
Maer, Margaret --- V22:7, 8
Magann, John C. --- V16:72
Magann, John Mitchell --- V16:72
Magann, Malinda Thomas --- V16:72
Magehe, James --- V42:128
Magehe, William --- V42:128
Magghee, Samuel --- V30:77
Magi, --- V16:48
Magicstone, --- V34:12
Magnesia, --- V19:64
Magruder, Benjamin H. --- V46:111, 116
Magruder, Colonel James --- V45:27
Magruder, Edward --- V42:11
Magruder, Edward --- V44:39, 119
Magruder, General John B. --- V43:42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 88, 90
Magruder, George --- V44:41
Magruder, George --- V45:59
Magruder, James R. --- V46:13
Magruder, John B. --- V28:27
Magruder, John B., Col. --- V35:39
Magruder, John, Gen. --- V42:50, 51
Mahanes, John --- Census 3/36 Landowner 11/2/30
Mahanes, Nancy B. --- Census 3/47
Mahanes, Samuel --- Census 3/34
Mahanes, Sarah Jane --- Marriage 5/2/33
Mahanes Family, --- V31: 37
Mahlenburg, John Peter Gabrial --- Minister 8/65
Mahone, --- V25:44-46, 48, 88
Mahone, Billy --- V24:82
Mahone, Billy --- V25:48
Mahone, Fielding --- V25:39
Mahone, General --- V25:83
Mahone, Otelia Butler --- V25:42
Mahone, Patricia --- V21-1:67
Mahone, Rena H. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Mahone, William --- V14:67
Mahone, William --- V24:82
Mahone, William --- V25:39, 93
Mahone, William --- V33:28
Mahone, William (IV) --- V25:91
Mahone, William, Maj. Genl --- V25:79
Mahone, William, V --- V25:91
Mahone, William, VI --- V25:91
Mahoney, Kelly --- V13:48
Mahoney, Kelly (Mrs. ) --- V13:48
Mahood, George --- Minister 6/52
Mahr, George --- V28:20
Mahr, Julia --- V28:20
Maib, William --- V13:74
Maidens, Goochland County, --- V32:38
Main, Road --- V28:58
Main, William --- V13:72
Main Street, --- V29:37, 54-55, 57, 67, 90
Main Street, --- V31: 69, 71, 72, 75
Main Street, --- V37:38, 55
Main Street, --- V38:28
Mait, William --- V14:33
Majesty's Justices, --- V31: 74
Major, Eliza --- Census 3/77
Major, Elizabeth --- Census 3/77
Major, Infant --- Census 3/77
Major, James Watson --- V28:3
Major, Mary --- Census 3/77
Majors, A. W. --- Court Clerk 12/42
Makers of America, --- V38:82
Making, of Virginia Architecture --- V29:63
Malinda, --- V16:80
Mallery, William --- Census 5/1/23
Mallett, Peter --- V24:77
Mallory, --- V32:39
Mallory, Agnes --- V17:31
Mallory, Alvah, Jr. --- V21-1:123
Mallory, Amanda --- Census 3/73
Mallory, Anna --- Census 3/51
Mallory, Benj. T. --- V19:49
Mallory, Betty Butler Berryman --- V32:71
Mallory, C. E. --- V25:73
Mallory, Caroline --- Marriage 4/98
Mallory, Caroline L. --- V41:38
Mallory, Caroline S. --- V22:37
Mallory, Catharine --- V21-1:5
Mallory, Catherine (Harris) --- V14:44
Mallory, Charles --- V43:105
Mallory, Charles L. --- V22:61
Mallory, Charles L. --- V25:73
Mallory, Clara --- V21-1:115
Mallory, E. K. --- V23:114
Mallory, Edward --- Census 3/51
Mallory, Elizabeth (Bourn) --- V13:46
Mallory, Eugene Ray --- V21-1:122
Mallory, Fleming --- Census 3/85
Mallory, Fleming W. --- V41:38
Mallory, Frances --- V21-1:68
Mallory, Gabrielle --- V21-1:26
Mallory, Garland --- V20:16
Mallory, George --- V13:46
Mallory, George --- V24:44
Mallory, George B. --- V23:113
Mallory, George N. --- Census 3/51 Farmer 7/63
Mallory, Henrietta --- Census 3/51
Mallory, Henry --- V15:35
Mallory, Henry --- V21-1:123
Mallory, Henry --- Census 4/40 5/1/23
Mallory, Herman F. --- V23:113
Mallory, James C. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Mallory, Jesse H. --- Census 3/75
Mallory, Jessee H. --- V45:79
Mallory, John --- V23:91
Mallory, John --- V25:70, 76
Mallory, John --- Church Contractor 4/60
Mallory, John --- V41:101
Mallory, John --- V43:104
Mallory, John Alva Lee --- V21-1:122
Mallory, John Henry --- V21-1:122
Mallory, John Jun. --- V17:31
Mallory, John W. --- V16:64
Mallory, Joseph --- Census 3/51 3/73
Mallory, Joseph E. --- V19:49
Mallory, Laura J. --- V20:16
Mallory, Lewis E. --- V23:103
Mallory, Linwood Carlisle --- V21-1:121
Mallory, Lizzie E. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Mallory, Lucy --- V22:38
Mallory, Lucy --- V41:38
Mallory, Margaret --- V20:13
Mallory, Margaret --- V22:97
Mallory, Margaret --- Census 3/75
Mallory, Mr. --- V16:61, 64
Mallory, Nancy E. --- V20:16
Mallory, Nettie P. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Mallory, Noel --- V21-1:113
Mallory, Otelia Graves --- V22:97
Mallory, Randolph --- V21-1:123
Mallory, Ray --- V21-1:107, 123
Mallory, Ray --- V22:41
Mallory, Richd. --- V43:104
Mallory, Roger --- V19:57
Mallory, Roger --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 4/40 5/1/23
Mallory, Ruby --- V31: 86
Mallory, Sallie M. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Mallory, Samuel C. --- Postmaster 7/57 Farmer 7/65
Mallory, Susan --- V20:16
Mallory, Susannah --- Landowner 12/76
Mallory, T. H. --- Merchant 7/60
Mallory, T. Nelson --- V20:80
Mallory, Thomas --- Census 3/31
Mallory, Thomas H. --- Census 3/50
Mallory, Thomas H. --- V44:75, 76
Mallory, Thomson --- V43:104
Mallory, Tot Graves --- V22:41
Mallory, William --- V21-1:5
Mallory, William --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 4/40 Landowner 12/76
Mallory, William --- V32:70
Mallory, William --- V41:105
Mallory, William --- V43:104
Mallory, William J. --- V20:16
Mallory, William T. --- V20:13
Mallory, William, Jr. --- V14:44
Mallory, Wm --- V43:100
Mallory's, Roads --- V30:38
Mallory's Crossroads, --- V35:29
Malloy, James --- V26:5
Malta, Insurance Record --- 5/1/36
Malvern, --- V13:25
Malvern, --- V26:89
Malvern Hill, --- V28:28, 74
Malvern Hill, --- V35:74
Man, Benjamin --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Man, Benjamin --- V42:128
Man, Millery??? --- Wife Of Rev. Soldier 8/73
Man, Thos --- V43:53
Manassa, --- V18:14, 15
Manassas, --- V16:11
Manassas, --- V18:13
Manassas, --- V26:21
Manassas, --- V28:27, 42
Manassas, --- V31: 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 105
Manassas, --- V43:50
Manassas, First --- V28:73
Manassas Gap, --- V44:52
Manasses, --- V21-2:34
Manchester, --- V32:87
Manifest, The, --- V33:91
Manikentown, --- V13:17, 18
Manikintown Harrises, --- V32:74
Manly, B., Jr. --- Church Official 4/16
Manly, Basil --- V19:25, 27-29
Mann, Arthur --- Census 4/41
Mann, Benjamin --- V45:69, 70, 74, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 92, 93, 97, 98, 99, 102
Mann, Henry H. --- V21-1:53
Mann, James --- V45:98
Mann, Nancy --- V16:89
Mann, Robert O. --- Census 3/43
Mann, Stephen --- V45:101, 102
Mann, Thomas --- V13:62, 71
Mann, Thomas --- Census 4/40
Mann, Thomas --- V45:69, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102
Mann, Thomas, Sr. --- V16:89
Mann, Washington --- Census 2/2/29
Mann, William Hodges --- Politician 9/95
Mann Act, --- V31: 6
Manning, Elizabeth --- Census 3/42
Manning, Frances E. --- Census 3/42
Manning, Jacob --- Census 3/42
Manning, Willie A. --- Census 3/42
Mannoni, Lawrence --- V21-1:73, 75
Manrique, Mary Ann --- V21-1:111
Manrique, Tiny Goodling --- V21-1:99, 100
Mansell, William F. --- V19:7, 10
Mansell, William F. Mrs. --- V29:49
Mansfield, --- V18:29, 30, 31
Mansfield, --- V27:34, 78
Mansfield, --- V39:31
Mansfield, --- V32:39
Mansfield, Ann Bruce Taylor --- V26:95
Mansfield, Ann F. --- Census 2/1/43
Mansfield, Annie F. --- Gravesite 11/2/39
Mansfield, E. --- V27:32
Mansfield, E. H. --- Farmer 7/65
Mansfield, E. S. --- V14:12
Mansfield, Ed --- Haley Diary 4/83
Mansfield, Edward --- Census 2/2/45
Mansfield, Evelina --- Census 2/2/45
Mansfield, Fenton --- Census 2/1/43
Mansfield, Fenton B. --- Married 11/2/38
Mansfield, Fenton Bruce --- V26:95
Mansfield, Fenton Bruce --- Gravesite 11/2/39
Mansfield, John --- V13:63
Mansfield, John --- Legal Note 10/32
Mansfield, John C. --- Death 1/44
Mansfield, Joseph A. --- Minister 9/58
Mansfield, M. B. Mrs. --- Census 2/2/45
Mansfield, Mary Fannie --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Mansfield, Mary Street --- Portrait Source 7/35
Mansfield, Minister Spurgeon. --- V35:190, 191
Mansfield, Ned --- Haley Diary 5/1/39 8/94
Mansfield, Patrick --- V28:83
Mansfield, Patrick, Reverend --- V36:17
Mansfield, Rebecca --- V19:94
Mansfield, Rev. Patrick --- V35:191
Mansfield, Robert G. --- V16:89
Mansfield, Spurgeon, Minister --- V36:16, 17
Mansfield, Susan --- V26:35
Mansfield, Virginia --- V26:95
Mansfield, Virginia --- Census 2/1/43
Mansfield, William --- Census 2/2/45 4/40 5/1/23 Landowner 6/60 Portrait
Mansfield, William --- V41:34
Mansfield, William --- V42:8, 128
Mansfield, William D. --- Death 1/44 Census 2/1/43
Mansfield, William D. --- V46:60
Mansfield, William Day --- V26:95
Mansfield, William Day --- Gravesite 11/2/38 11/2/39
Mansfield, Wm --- V43:54
Mansfield, Wm. --- V26:95
Mansfield Area, --- V16:65
Manteloe, Richard --- Census 4/41
Mantleloe, James --- Taxpayer 1/16
Manzari, Jack --- V39:47
Manzari, Jack A., Dr --- V39:51
Manzari, Sharon Lovell --- V39:51
Maple Grove, --- V23:48
Maples, --- V38:61
Maples, Malcolm --- V21-1:111
Maples, W. P. --- V21-1:126
Marcella, (Slave) --- V30:82
March, Mrs. Frances J. Goodwin --- V43:40
March Court Days, --- V38:27, 28, 29
March Court Days Special Edition, --- V38:26
Marchant, Jona --- V30:5
Marcum, Hazel (Hill) --- V38:65
Marcum, Pearly --- V38:65
Marcum, Wade --- V38:65
Margaret, (Slave) --- V30:82
Margarita, (Slave) --- V30:82
Margarite, --- V16:18
Margery, --- V23:84, 86
Margie, --- V23:84
Maria, --- V17:71, 72
Maria, --- V26:98
Mariah, --- V26:79
Marion, --- V20:38
Marion, Ky, --- V32:71
Markes, --- V42:91
Markett, Charles --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Markey, John --- Legal Note 11/1/40
Markland, Mr. --- V41:26, 29
Marks, Anne Scott (Jefferson) --- V14:63
Marks, Betsy --- V16:4
Marks, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/34
Marks, Grandfather --- V16:4
Marks, H. C. --- V29:104
Marks, H. S. --- Farmer 7/65
Marks, Hastings --- V14:63
Marks, Hastings --- Census 4/40
Marks, James O. --- Census 2/2/34
Marks, Joseph --- Census 3/81
Marks, Mary --- V16:4
Marks, Mary E. Waldrop --- Death Volume 9/33
Marks, Samuel --- Census 4/4 0
Marks, Sarah --- Census 3/50
Marks, Thomas --- Census 4/40
Marks, William H. --- Marriage 9/31
Marks Manor, --- V31: 52
Marksberry, W. M. --- V21-1:88
Marlin, James --- V42:92
Marlow, William --- V19:90
Marlowley, John --- Road Overseer 11/2/31
Marlybone, --- V21-1:44
Marquis Road, Origin Of Name --- 1/39
Marquis's road, --- V19:68
Marr, Alexander --- Prisoner 8/62
Marr, Gideon --- V20:73
Marr, Gideon --- Legal Note 10/31
Marriage Register Of L. A. Cutler, --- 5/2/31
Marriages of Louisa County, Virginia, --- V14:58
Marriages of Louisa County, Virginia 1766-1815, --- V13:26
Marriot, Harold Roscoe --- V38:9
Marrow, Reverend --- V21-1:79
Mars, Elizabeth (Welch) --- V38:10
Mars, Ellen Tennessee --- V38:10
Mars, J. W. --- V38:10
Mars, Ogden G. --- Letter To 6/77
Marshal, Col. --- V21-1:110
Marshall, --- V25:45
Marshall, A.C., Mrs. --- V40:50
Marshall, Anne Eliza --- V22:63
Marshall, Caroline --- V28:80
Marshall, Cleveland R. --- V21-1:93
Marshall, Col. --- V23:99
Marshall, Cora B. --- V29:64
Marshall, E. --- Haley Diary 9/51
Marshall, Edgar --- V21-1:100
Marshall, Edgar --- V22:60
Marshall, Edgar --- V27:46
Marshall, Edgar --- Landowner 9/47
Marshall, Edgar --- V28:86, 92
Marshall, Elder John E. --- V35:187, 190, 191, 193
Marshall, Elmira Winston --- Birth Death 10/12
Marshall, Emana --- V33:20
Marshall, Freddie --- V34:32
Marshall, General --- V14:26
Marshall, George E. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Marshall, George H. --- V20:80
Marshall, H. L. --- V29:25
Marshall, Henry --- Parent 10/12
Marshall, Howard L --- V37:38
Marshall, Howard L. --- V20:80
Marshall, Howard Laurence --- V37:40
Marshall, Ida --- V21-1:94
Marshall, Ida P. --- V28:92
Marshall, Jacob H. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Marshall, John --- V14:30, 54
Marshall, John --- Taxpayer 1/17 Reference To 8/3
Marshall, John --- V28:89
Marshall, John --- V31: 66
Marshall, John E., Elder --- V36:15-19
Marshall, Johnny --- V33:20
Marshall, Lucy Ann --- V29:86
Marshall, Mary Louisa --- V34:5, 6
Marshall, Merryman --- V20:11
Marshall, Samuel --- Birth 7/35
Marshall, Sutie R. --- Parent 10/12
Marshall, Thomas G. --- V22:63
Marshall, Virginia --- V34:23
Marshall's Road, --- V28:92
Marston, Gladys --- V25:74
Marston, May H. --- V38:75
Marston, Mr. --- V23:87
Marston, T. A., Jr. --- V25:74
Marston, Thurston A. --- V25:71, 74
Mart1an (Martian), Nicholas, Capt --- V38:50
Martain, Henry --- Taxpayer 1/16
Martain, Martha --- Daughter Of Amy, Birth 11/2/38
Martha, --- V16:78, 79
Martha, --- V26:83
Martha, (Slave) --- V30:74
Martha Washington School of Nursing, --- V37:11
Martiau, Nicholas --- V38:48
Martin, (Slave) --- V30:82
Martin, ? --- V30:14
Martin, A. B. --- Haley Diary 9/100 10/34 10/35
Martin, Alice E. --- V21-2:11
Martin, Alice Estes --- V14:48
Martin, Alice Estes --- V31: 49
Martin, Alyn --- V28:86
Martin, Amelia --- V23:49
Martin, Ann --- Will Witness 11/1/13
Martin, Anna Boxley --- V30:14
Martin, Aubrey Walker --- V14:48
Martin, Charles --- V30:14
Martin, Charles, Mrs. --- V30:14
Martin, Cornelia --- V32:81
Martin, Elizabeth --- Indenture 9/45
Martin, Elizabeth ("Lizzie") --- V27:63
Martin, Fannie J. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Martin, Frances --- Landowner 5/15
Martin, H. S. --- V21-2:14
Martin, Harry --- V21-1:116
Martin, Harry --- V29:26
Martin, Harry S. --- V21-2:13
Martin, Henry --- V13:38, 75
Martin, Henry --- V14:32, 33
Martin, Henry --- Of Oakland Academy 2/2/20 Estate Executor 11/1/8
Martin, Hezekiah --- Court Case 8/87
Martin, Inez M. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Martin, James --- Census 4/41 Court Case E/86 Will Witness 11/1/13
Martin, James --- V41:27
Martin, Jesse --- V33:94
Martin, John --- V13:22
Martin, John --- V21-2:42
Martin, John --- Heir 8/58 Indenture 9/45
Martin, John --- V29:6
Martin, Joseph --- V13:72
Martin, Joseph --- V14:32, 43, 68, 70
Martin, Joseph --- V15:41, 43, 75, 77, 78
Martin, Joseph --- V16:40, 43, 85, 86
Martin, Joseph --- V17:31, 33
Martin, Joseph --- V19:40, 63, 86, 87, 89
Martin, Joseph --- V23:45
Martin, Joseph --- Roadwork 6/27 6/33 6/88 Stock Mark Recorded 9/45 L
Martin, Joseph --- V29:29, 36
Martin, Julia McDowell Hartley --- V28:86
Martin, Kermit --- V27:63
Martin, Kermit, Mrs. --- V27:63
Martin, Limonia G. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Martin, Montgomery --- Marriage 5/2/36
Martin, Motte --- V19:7
Martin, Mrs. --- Died 7/96
Martin, Polley --- Courtcase 8/87
Martin, R. Thomas --- V23:102
Martin, Rev. --- V41:41
Martin, Robina --- Court Case 8/86
Martin, Sarah --- V46:45, 46
Martin, Susie Bell --- Tombstone 10/73
Martin, Thomas --- V14:52
Martin, Thomas --- Will Witness 11/1/13
Martin, W.T. --- V33:29
Martin, Will Witness --- 10/59 Lynchburg Trustee 11/1/20
Martin, William --- Census 4/41 Insurance 5/1/50 Landowner 5/1/5
Martin, William F. --- V43:54
Martin, William Thomas --- V21-1:121
Martin House, --- V27:57, 63
Martino, Tony --- V33:34
Martinsburg, --- V32:16
Martinsburg, --- V44:47, 114
Martinsburg Berkeley County, --- V31: 102
Marven, --- V17:53
Mary, --- V16:14, 79
Mary, --- V20:61
Mary, --- V39:40
Mary, (Slave) --- V30:82-83
Mary, Ann (Slave) --- V30:82-83
Mary, Chiles --- V22:46
Mary, Twin Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Mary Baldwin college, --- V33:83
Mary Baldwin Seminary, --- V23:50
Mary Baldwin Seminary, --- V27:77
Mary Lee, --- V19:27
Mary P. Hackett's School, --- V25:30
Mary Washington College, --- V37:73, 78
Mary Washington College, --- V32:61
Maryland, --- V18:11
Maryland, --- V21-2:22
Maryland, --- V23:49
Maryland, --- V37:82
Maryland, Baltimore --- V40:61
Maryland, Fort Frederick --- V39:19
Maryland, Fort Ritchie --- V40:5
Maryland, Funkstown --- V40:8
Maryland Heights, --- V35:73, 151
Maryland Line Field Music, --- V36:73
Mascot, Virginia, --- V34:24
Mashed Potatoes, --- V38:85
Mason, --- V26:4
Mason, Alan Earl --- Birth 10/15
Mason, Brian Kenneth --- Birth 10/15
Mason, C. R. --- Railroad Construction 7/52
Mason, C. R. --- V38:73
Mason, Charles A. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Mason, Charles R. --- Railroad Officer 7/54
Mason, Claiborne R. --- V18:19
Mason, Claiborne R. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Mason, Claibourne Rice --- V38:73
Mason, Commissioner --- V31: 49, 66. 87, 99
Mason, David --- Rev. Soldier 9/34
Mason, E. M. --- V28:84
Mason, Earl --- V31: 49
Mason, Elizabeth --- V46:119
Mason, George --- Census 3/79
Mason, George --- V31: 66
Mason, Harriet --- V26:3
Mason, Harriet --- Census 3/79
Mason, James --- V22:30
Mason, James --- Census 3/79
Mason, John --- Legal Note 10/32
Mason, John E. --- V19:45
Mason, Kirkwood --- Marriage 5/2/38
Mason, Laurence --- Census 4/4 1
Mason, Leslie Earl --- V21-1:122
Mason, Mary --- Census 2/2/43
Mason, Mary Elizabeth Nee Armistead --- Marriage Death 9/78
Mason, Melvin Lewis --- V21-1:122
Mason, Mr. --- V25:82
Mason, Nora --- V28:36
Mason, R. T. --- V21-1:67
Mason, Richard --- V21-1:101
Mason, Richard --- Census 2/2/43
Mason, Richard T. --- V31: 48
Mason, S. W. --- V26:6
Mason, S. W. --- V34:46
Mason, Sadie C. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Mason, Sallie --- Census 3/79
Mason, Samuel --- V26:3, 5
Mason, Samuel --- Census 3/79
Mason, Samuel W. --- V26:3-5
Mason, Samuel W. --- Census 3/79
Mason, Samuel W. --- V34:46
Mason, Sarah --- Census 2/2/43
Mason, Stephen Thomson --- Will Executor 9/78 Deed Witness 9/79
Mason, Thomas --- Census 4/41
Mason, Thomas --- V46:119
Mason, William --- V14:38, 40, 43, 66
Mason, William --- V15:41, 76
Mason, William --- Census 3/79
Mason, Zachary --- Census 3/79
Mason and Hanger, --- V38:73
Mason and Hanger Company, --- V38:73
Mason Company, --- V38:80
Mason family, --- V38:77
Masonic, --- V25:35
Masonic Day Lodge, --- V25:35
Masonic Day Lodge, #58, AF and AM --- V29:54, 97
Masonic Day Lodge No., --- V28:58, 104
Masonic Hall, --- V21-1:101, 109, 116, 119
Masonic Hall, --- V21-1:101, 109, 116, 119
Masonic Hall, --- V25:74
Masonic Hall (Fredericks Hall), --- V13:13
Masonic Home, --- V21-1:77
Masonic Lodge, --- V21-1:12, 20, 82, 84, 87
Masonic Lodge, --- V25:74
Masonic Lodge at Poindexter's store, --- V32:7
Masons, --- V13:40
Masons Lodge, --- V26:24
Mass, Nelson --- V16:39
Massachusetts, --- V37:82
Massey, Abraham --- Heir 11/1/16
Massey, Ann --- Heir 11/1/16
Massey, Capt. --- V16:22
Massey, Charles --- Heir 11/1/16
Massey, Jabez Patrick --- Marriage 5/2/35
Massey, James F. --- V27:45
Massey, James Venable --- Heir 11/1/16
Massey, Jan --- V31: 61
Massey, John --- V24:16
Massey, John E. --- V25:28, 34, 43
Massey, John E. --- Haley Diary 6/21 8/99
Massey, John E. --- V46:49
Massey, Thomas --- V14:38
Massey, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/19
Massey, W. H. --- V22:30
Massey, William --- Heir 11/1/16
Massie, Ann --- Census 1/83
Massie, Annie Porter --- V29:3
Massie, Archibald --- V24:51
Massie, Archie --- V30:51, 54
Massie, Barbara Temperance --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Billy --- V30:51, 54
Massie, Brooke --- V30:51, 54
Massie, Capt --- V35:82
Massie, Capt. --- V16:26
Massie, Cassandra --- V22:36
Massie, Catherine White --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Caty W. --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Cecilia --- Query 5/1/51
Massie, Corban --- V30:51-52, 54
Massie, Corban --- V31: 54
Massie, David --- Census 1/83
Massie, Geo. --- V22:36
Massie, George --- V13:70
Massie, George --- V27:84
Massie, George --- Census 1/83
Massie, George --- Census 4/40 Civil War Soldier 9/15 Parent 12/9 12/
Massie, George Edmond --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, George, Jr. --- V22:37
Massie, Hester (Hessie) Ann --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, J. O. --- V18:29
Massie, J. O. --- V19:46
Massie, J. P. --- Farmer 7/65
Massie, J. Quintus --- V17:40
Massie, J. Quintus --- V19:3
Massie, J. Quintus --- V22:93
Massie, J. Quintus --- V23:97
Massie, J. Quintus --- V24:55
Massie, J. Quintus --- V25:61
Massie, J. Quintus --- V26:72
Massie, J. Quintus --- V27:53
Massie, J. Quintus --- Author 5/13 Record Preservation 6/2
Massie, J. Quintus --- V37:82
Massie, J. S. --- V42:40
Massie, Jabez --- V22:37, 40
Massie, Jabez --- V23:6, 8
Massie, Jabez --- V26:75
Massie, Jabez --- Census 1/83
Massie, Jabez --- V33:71
Massie, Jabez Quintus --- V38:31
Massie, James --- V14:66
Massie, James Oscar --- Tombstone 1/63
Massie, James William --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, John --- V22:37
Massie, John --- Census 5/1/23 Marriage 12/9
Massie, John --- V42:91
Massie, John Bramwell --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, John E. --- Haley Diary 6/96
Massie, John F. --- V23:47
Massie, John Jackson --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, John R., Jr. --- Birth Death 12/9
Massie, John, Jr. --- Marriage 12/12
Massie, L. W. --- V42:22
Massie, Lavinia --- V20:31
Massie, Lavinia W. --- V29:40
Massie, Lewis William --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Louisa C. --- Birth Marriage 12/10
Massie, Martha Richardson --- V23:6
Massie, Mary --- Census 1/83 Mentioned 11/1/18
Massie, Mary --- V31: 69
Massie, Mary Elizabeth --- Birth Marriage Death 12/12
Massie, Mary Goodwin --- V23:6
Massie, Mattie L. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Massie, Mrs. --- V31: 57
Massie, N. W. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Massie, Nannie Jackson --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Pat --- V25:1
Massie, Peter --- Query 5/51
Massie, Peter N H --- V22:36
Massie, Peter Newell Harris --- Marriage 12/81
Massie, Quince --- V30:52
Massie, Quintis --- V30:51
Massie, Quintus --- V14:85
Massie, Quintus --- V17:71, 74
Massie, Quintus --- V19:2, 93
Massie, Quintus --- V23:56
Massie, Quintus --- V24:23
Massie, Quintus --- V25:3, 6
Massie, Quintus --- V30:54
Massie, Quintus --- V33:70
Massie, Quintus --- V38:33
Massie, Quintus --- V39:23
Massie, Rebecca A. --- Birth Marriage Death 12/12
Massie, Robert Bryan --- V37:40
Massie, Rose --- V24:51
Massie, Rose Duggins --- V31: 56
Massie, Sallie C. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Massie, Sallie F. --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Sarah --- Marriage 12/10
Massie, Temperance Baker --- Parent 12/9 12/11 12/12 12/80
Massie, Temperance George --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, Temperence --- V22:36
Massie, Thomas --- V26:77
Massie, Virginia Ellen --- Mentioned 12/81
Massie, W. C. --- Marriage 1 0/94
Massie, Welford J. --- V17:43
Massie, Welford J. --- Tombstone 1/63
Massie, William Andrew --- Mentioned 12/80 12/81
Massie, William George --- Birth Marriage 12/12
Massie, William M. --- V22:36
Massie, William M. --- Census 3/41
Massie, William Martin --- Marriage 12/80
Massie House, --- V26:75
Massie House, --- V29:84
Mastin, Edgar T. --- V28:44
Mastin, James G. --- V28:44
Mastin, John (D. F. ) --- V21-1:103
Mastin, Mary Catherine Lumsden --- V28:44
Mastin, Thos. --- V21-2:43
Mastin, Virginia A. Lumsden --- V28:44
Maston, T. A. --- Railroad Officer 7/55
Matarope, Richard --- V43:112
Mathan, Robert --- V14:34
Matheny, Benjamin --- V38:68
Matheny, Bertha (Doles) --- V38:68
Matheson, Gertrude --- V34:25
Mathew, Anderson --- Taxpayer 1/16
Mathew, Robert --- V14:40, 43
Mathews, Caroline --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, Clayton --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, Elizabeth --- V20:3
Mathews, J. R., Mrs. --- V21-1:25
Mathews, Jane --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, John H. --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, Mary --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, Mildred --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, Richard --- Taxpayer 1/16
Mathews, Sherwood --- V42:90
Mathews, Susan --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews, William --- Census 2/1/44
Mathews County, --- V23:55
Mathews County, --- V25:22
Mathews County, --- V27:4, 6
Mathewson, Mrs. --- V13:56
Mathis, Bartlet --- V20:6
Matilda Smith, Wash --- V20:12
Matlock, John --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 5/1/23 Landowner 9/66
Matlock, John --- V45:149
Matlock, Zach. --- V20:76
Matlock, Zachariah --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Matlocks, Zachariah --- Census 5/1/23
Matson, James --- V17:32
Matt, (Slave) --- V30:10, 11
Matta, River --- V30:40
Mattaponi Baptist Sunday School Convention, --- V31: 50
Mattapony, --- V14:76
Mattapony, --- V30:31
Mattapony, --- V35:174, 175
Matterhorn, --- V34:48
Matthew, Annette, Mrs. --- V35:169
Matthews, Eliza --- V28:41
Matthews, Elizabeth --- Census 4/41
Matthews, Fontain --- V33:3
Matthews, James W. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Matthews, Jane --- Voter 3/22
Matthews, John --- V16:85
Matthews, John --- Census 4/41
Matthews, Joseph --- Minister 2/1/19
Matthews, Oleta (Doles) --- V38:60
Matthews, Richard --- Census 5/1/23
Matthews, Richard --- V45:146
Matthews, Sarah --- Marriage 3/25
Matthews, Susannah --- V28:41
Maucher, J. C. --- Miller 7/61
Maud, (Slave) --- V30:83
Maupain(e), Danill --- V41:28
Maupain(e), David --- V41:28
Maupin, --- V40:58
Maupin, __ --- V42:55
Maupin, Alexander --- Census 2/1/35
Maupin, Chap. --- Census 2/1/35
Maupin, Chatharine --- Census 2/1/35
Maupin, Daniel --- V13:35
Maupin, Daniel --- V14:41
Maupin, Daniel --- V19:39, 42, 87, 91
Maupin, Daniel --- V22:90, 91
Maupin, Daniel --- Criminal Guard 11/1/42
Maupin, David --- V19:38
Maupin, Dr. --- V42:51
Maupin, G. W. --- Haley Diary 5/2/15
Maupin, Lafayette --- Census 2/1/35
Maupin, Thomas --- Census 2/1/35
Maupine, Daniel --- V16:87
Maupine, Daniel --- Roadwork 6/83
Maupins, David --- V15:44
Mauray, Pleasant --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Maurey, Pleasant --- V20:76
Maury, --- V14:79
Maury, A. P. --- V15:80
Maury, Adm. --- V14:14
Maury, Benjamin --- Census 4/41
Maury, Catharine Armistead --- Marriage Death 9/78
Maury, Elizabeth Walker --- Mentioned 9/67
Maury, Fontaine --- V14:16
Maury, George --- V14:78
Maury, James --- Teacher 2/29 Mentioned 3/11 8/14 Genealogy 9/78
Maury, James (Rev. ) --- V13:54
Maury, James (Reverend) --- V29:34, 35
Maury, Mary Ann --- Mentioned 9/67
Maury, Matthew --- Mentioned 9/67
Maury, R. H. & Co. --- V22:58
Maury High School, --- V36:7
Maury High School, --- V35:177
Maus, Jack --- V29:90
Maus, John R. --- V29:48, 90
Maus, John, Law Office --- V29:37
Mawmee Indians, --- V13:70
Maxey, Alice Spencer --- Tombstone 9/59
Maxwell, Beasell --- Petitioner 6/2
Maxwell, C. C. --- V21-1:120
Maxwell, Evelyn Borro --- V38:7
Maxwell, John --- V38:7
Maxwell, Judy Day --- V38:7
Maxwell, Karen Fry --- V38:7
Maxwell, Mary --- V28:80
Maxwell, Mary Frances --- V15:38
May, Ann --- V28:80
May, Anna G. Boxley --- V27:30
May, Benjamin F. --- Census 2/2/39
May, Bushrod --- Census 2/2/39
May, Cutler --- V27:32
May, Dr. --- V27:78
May, Dr. --- V32:26
May, Emily J. --- Census 2/2/39
May, Francis --- V27:39
May, Geo. W. --- V46:54
May, George W. --- Census 2/2/39
May, George Washington --- V27:31
May, Gladys --- V27:32
May, I. N. --- V27:78
May, I. N. --- Haley Diary 5/2/17 10/97
May, Ina Rebecca --- V23:38
May, Irving N. --- V27:31
May, Isaac --- V27:32
May, Isaac N. --- V27:31
May, Isaac Newton --- V27:31
May, Isaac Newton --- Of Oakland Estate 2/2/19
May, Isaac Newton, Prof --- V38:31
May, J. G. --- V21-1:20
May, J. G. --- V27:32
May, J. G. --- V42:27
May, J. S. --- V15:64
May, J. S. --- V32:5, 6, 11, 25, 27, 34
May, J. W. --- V29:25, 26
May, Jane D. --- V27:32
May, Jane Goodwin --- V27:31
May, Jefferson --- Census 2/2/39
May, Jeremiah --- V27:30
May, Jeremiah --- Query 4/50
May, Jno. T. --- V33:39
May, Joel --- V27:30
May, Joel --- Query 4/50 8/35
May, John --- Census 2/2/39
May, John G. --- V21-1:20
May, John G. --- V29:18-19, 40
May, John G. House --- V29:66
May, John G., Jr. --- V14:86
May, John G., Jr. --- V15:38
May, John G., Jr., Mrs. --- V15:38
May, John Goodwin --- V27:31-32
May, John Goodwin --- Marriage 5/2/38
May, John Goodwin, Jr --- V27:30, 32
May, John Goodwin, Jr. --- Bible Owner 11/2/23
May, John S. --- V27:31
May, John S. --- Census 2/2/39
May, John Spearman --- V27:31
May, John Spearman --- Oakland Resident 2/2/19 Query 4/50 Tombstone 11/2/
May, John Spearman, Sr. --- V27:30
May, Julia --- Census 2/2/39
May, Landon Cutler --- V27:32
May, Margaret --- Query 4/50
May, Mary McConnell White --- V27:39
May, Mary White --- V28:80
May, Mattie Pendleton --- Birth 11/2/24
May, Newton --- Census 2/2/39
May, P. P. --- V18:27, 29
May, P. P. --- Doctor 7/62
May, P. P. --- V30:29
May, P. P. --- V32:32
May, P. P., Dr. --- V31: 30
May, P. P., Dr. --- V41:78
May, P. P., Dr. --- V42:41
May, Pendleton --- Census 2/2/39
May, Philip Pendleton --- Parent 11/2/24 Marriage 11/2/23
May, Philip Pendleton Dr --- V30:29
May, Philip Pendleton, Mrs. --- V30:29
May, Phillip P. --- V27:31
May, Phillip Pendleton --- V27:30, 31
May, Phillip Pendleton, Dr. --- V35:39
May, Rhoda --- Census 2/2/39
May, Sally Ann Trevilian --- V30:29
May, Samuel --- V27:30
May, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 4/40 5/1/23 Query 4/50
May, Samuel --- V41:100
May, Sarah --- V24:39
May, Sarah --- V27:30
May, Spearman John --- Query 8/35
May, W. J. --- V29:25-26
May House, --- V30:29
May Lee, --- V19:25
May Place, --- V27:29-30
Maybe, Hayfield --- William T., Marriage 2/1/25
Maybe, William --- Road Overseer 6/25 9/82
Mayberry, Eleanor --- V15:36
Mayberry, Thomas --- V15:36
Mayburry, --- V19:16, 17, 76
Mayburry, Eleanor --- V19:18
Mayburry, Jeremiah --- V19:15
Mayburry, Thomas --- V18:20, 24
Mayburry, Thomas --- V19:15, 17, 18, 73
Mayburry, Thomas --- V20:47, 48
Mayburry, Thomas --- V21-1:7, 10
Mayburry, William --- V19:15
Mayburry, Willoughby --- V19:15
Mayfield, Frances Key --- V20:7
Mayfield, Jesse --- V20:7
Maynard, James Henry --- Married 12/12
Mayo, Ann --- V20:95
Mayo, Ann --- V26:77-79
Mayo, B. F. --- V23:104
Mayo, Col. --- V22:10, 11
Mayo, Isabel --- V32:46
Mayo, Jacob --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 5/1/23 Hill Witness 8/86
Mayo, Jacob --- V42:122
Mayo, James --- Will Witness 8/86
Mayo, Robert --- Will Witness 8/86
Mayo, T. G. --- V21-1:92, 94, 126
Mayo, Wash --- V26:77-79
Mayon, John --- V14:11
Mays, Douglas --- Birth 10/13
Mays, Ethel Chrystee --- Married 10/12
Mays, Gordon (Mutt) --- V21-1:108
Mays, J. N. --- Haley Diary 10/37
Mays, John Alexander --- Parent 10/12
Mays, Josephine Archella Patterson --- Parent 10/12
Mays, Margaret --- V21-1:69
Mays, Sam --- V30:23, 27
Mays, T. G. --- V21-1:94
May's House, --- V30:32
Maysville, Ark, --- V35:91
Mazie Ceclia Australia Seneva Brooks, --- V33:78
McAfee, James, Jr. --- Query 11/2/48
McAlester, Ja --- V45:152
McAlester, William --- Taxpayer 1/16
McAllerster, William --- Census 4/40
McAllester, James --- Census 4/41
McAllester, Nathaniel --- Census 4/41
McAllister, --- V21-2:38
McAllister, --- V30:67
McAllister, (Mary) Rachael --- V14:44
McAllister, Catharine --- V32:34
McAllister, Elizabeth --- V21-2:38
McAllister, Elizabeth --- V30:76
McAllister, Garland --- Census 5/1/23
McAllister, Henry L. --- V32:34
McAllister, Henry L., Mrs. --- V32:34
McAllister, J. L. --- Tombstone 1/63
McAllister, Maria Christmas Hall --- V32:34
McAllister, Martha J. Strong --- V32:34
McAllister, William --- V21-2:38
McAllister, William --- Census 5/1/23
McAllister, William A. --- V32:34
McAllister, William A., Mrs. --- V32:34
McAllister vs. Bibb, --- V30:67
McArthur, Douglas, Genl. --- V34:53
McAuley, Ed --- V39:20
McBride, Hugh --- V13:38, 76
McCabe, Mary --- V26:50, 51
McCalester, Elizabeth --- V30:76
McCalester, William --- V30:76
McCalister, Henry --- Census 1/87
McCalister, Katy --- Census 1/B7
McCalister, Nathaniel --- Census 1/87
McCalister, Robert --- Census 1/87
McCalister, William --- Census 1/87
McCall, Hugh --- V19:101
McCalla, Daniel --- Genealogy 8/23
McCalla, John M. --- Mentioned 10/77
McCallan, Jean Louise --- Marriage 10/92
McCallester, Garland --- Taxpayer 1/16
McCalley, Ella --- Haley Diary 5/Z/19
McCalley, Ellen --- Death 6/ 1 7
McCalley, S. B. --- Haley Diary 7/46
McCallister, Henry --- Married 9/97
McCally, Elizabeth --- Funeral 5/2/15
McCally, Ella --- Ill 5/2/15
McCandish, H. M. --- Farmer 7/63
McCandlish, Charles S. --- V24:60
McCandlish, Elizabeth R. --- V24:60
McCandlish, Hilary --- V24:60
McCandlish, Julia --- V24:60
McCandlish, Julia F. --- V24:60
McCandlish, Martha C. --- V24:60
McCandlish, William --- V24:60
McCandlish, Wm. Floyd --- V24:60
McCarrick, James Thomas --- V37:40
McCarrick, Jimmy --- V37:37
McCarthy, Dan. --- V21-2:3
McCarthy, Eleanor --- V21-2:3
McCarthy, Jane --- V21-2:3
McCarthy, William H. --- Marriage 5/2/32
McCarty, ? --- V30:16
McCarty, Kenneth --- V30:16
McCarty, Kenneth, Mrs. --- V30:16
McCarty, Martha Plew --- V30:16
McCarty, Page --- V25:81
McCaul, Martha E. --- Marriage 5/2/37
McCaulay, John --- V13:74, 75
McCaulay, John --- V17:31
McCaulay, John --- Roadwork 6/33
McCauley, John --- Landgrant 10/17
McCauley (McCollay, MacCauley), Alexander --- V14:53, 56
McCauley (McCollay, MacCauley), Elizabeth (Jerdone) --- V14:53, 56
McCauley (McCollay, MacCauley), John --- V14:32, 35, 37-39
McCawley, John --- Road Overseer 6/27
McChesney, Samuel --- V14:16
McClane, --- V18:37
McClaren, Mary --- V20:96
McClaron, Daniel --- V13:29, 30, 32, 33
McClaron, Daniel --- Legal Note 12/48
McClaron, Mary --- V22:49
McClary, Gordon --- V21-1:123
McClary, James --- V21-1:123
McClary, Reverend --- V36:72
McClary, Steve --- V21-1:84
McClary, Steve, Rev. --- V36:72
McClary, Steven --- V34:31
McClary, Steven L. --- V34:32
McClaskey, John --- V38:71
McClaskey, Ray --- V38:71
McClellan, --- V28:28
McClellan, General --- V15:16
McClellan, General --- V32:17
McClellan, General George --- V44:38, 39, 43, 142
McClellan, George B., Genl. --- V35:4, 30, 51, 143
McClelland, General --- V26:84
McClellan's, Peninsular Campaign of --- V30:1862 17
McClintock, Margaret C. --- Letter Writer 8/23
McClung, Mrs. --- V32:17
McClura, John --- Landowner 11/2/22
McClure, E. --- Farmer 7/65
McClure, J. W. --- V20:103
McClure, Miss --- V25:74
McClure, Thomas --- V29:95
McCollay, John --- V13:31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 73
McCollay, John --- Roadwork 5/33
McCollester, John --- V14:70
McColly, John --- V15:43
McColly, John --- V16:43
McColly, John --- V19:40, 44
McColly, John --- Roadwork 6/82 6/88 6/89
McComb, James B. --- V19:9
McComb, John W. --- V19:9,
McComb, Louisa --- V29:40
McComb, W. A. B. --- V19:6-10
McComb, W. A. B. --- V29:104
McComb, William --- V15:73
McConnell, Joseph --- Married 12/22
McConnell, Paul J. --- Minister 10/67
McCord, John --- V14:37
McCord, John --- V19:91
McCord, William --- V19:38
McCormick, William --- V15:44
McCormick, William --- Mentioned 11/1/34 Landowner 11/1/35
McCown, Alfred --- Haley Diary 5/1/39
McCown, Annie --- Haley Diary 5/L/39
McCown, I. W. --- Haley Diary 8/92
McCown, J. W. --- Haley Diary 5/1/43 5/2/16 7/94 Minister 7/41 10/34
McCown, J. W. --- V28:104
McCown, J. W. --- V29:57
McCown, Kate --- Haley Diary 5/T/39
McCown, Kate Lester Cammack --- V28:104
McCown, Ruth --- Haley Diary 5/1/39
McCoy, H. P. R --- V19:10
McCoy, H. P. R. --- Minister 2/1 /18
McCoy, Helen --- V27:61
McCoy, John --- Legal Note 10/29
McCoy, John --- V45:145
McCoy, M. --- V24:83
McCoy, Margaret --- Marriage 5/2/31
McCrae, Alexander --- Taxpayer 1/17
McCrane, Elienas --- V19:86
McCray, Alexander --- Census 5/1/23
McCray, Charles (Sr) --- V26:30
McCray, Doris E. --- V19:2, 3
McCray, Hazel (Doles) --- V38:69
McCray, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
McCray, Lloyd --- V26:30
McCray, Lloyd --- V36:24
McCray, Lloyd Young --- V26:33
McCulloch, William (Rev. ) --- V13:15
McCullock, Alexander --- Taxpayer 1/16
McCunnath, Ann --- V14:38
McCutcheon, George Barr --- V34:52
McCutcheon Uniform, --- V34:52
McDanel, R. C. --- Professor 7/55
McDaniel, Alexander E. --- Tombstone 10/73
McDaniel, Alfred C. --- Tombstone 11/1/31
McDaniel, George --- V26:63
McDaniel, George W. --- V32:98
McDaniel, Ida Estelle --- Tombstone 10/73
McDaniel, J. P. --- V21-1:73
McDaniel, James --- Census 4 / 4 0
McDaniel, Jno. --- V20:76
McDaniel, John --- V13:38, 76
McDaniel, John --- Census 9/41
McDaniel, Laura D. --- Tombstone 11/1/31
McDaniel, Virginia --- V22:96
McDoel, William --- Roadwork 6/90
McDonal, John --- Taxpayer 1/16
McDonald, Carrie A. --- V28:11
McDonald, Ephriam --- Query 11/1/23
McDonald, H. W. --- Minister 5/1/43
McDonald, Henrietta E. --- Marriage 5/Z/38
McDonald, Henry --- Haley Diary 5/1/42
McDonald, John --- V14:33, 36, 37, 40
McDonald, John --- Census 5/1/23 Prisoner 8/62
McDonald, L. A. --- Farmer 7/63
McDonald, L. H. --- Farmer 7,'63
McDonald, Lott H. --- Marriage 5/2/31
McDonald, Lott Hamilton --- Query 11/1/23
McDonald, Ozias S. --- V28:12
McDonald, Pattie Ann --- Tombstone 10/22
McDonald, Property --- V29:98
McDonald, R. D. --- V20:78
McDonald, R. D. --- V29:25
McDonald, R. S. --- V20:80
McDonald, R. S. --- V29:24, 78
McDonald, R. S. & Nellie B. --- V35:169
McDonald, Roderick --- Prisoner 9/62
McDonald, Sallie J. --- V27:34
McDonald, Sarah Shackelford --- Query 11/1/23
McDonald, Uree F. --- Marriage 5/2/37
McDonald Company, --- V38:5
McDoneld, John --- V43:55
McDowel, John --- V27:83
McDowel, John --- Roadwork 6/31
McDowell, --- V22:74, 75
McDowell, --- V35:142
McDowell, --- V40:58
McDowell, A. S. --- V21-1:79
McDowell, A. S. --- Tombstone L/60
McDowell, Andrew S. --- Tombstone 1/60
McDowell, Beverly --- V23:113
McDowell, Samuel --- V19:48
McDowell, William --- V16:86
McDowell, William --- Roadwork 6/83 Court Officer 12/40
McElhone, Joe --- V24:53
McFadden, Barbara Ann --- V38:59
McFadden, Carl --- V38:59
McFadden, Carole Sue --- V38:59
McFadden, James William --- V38:59
McFadden, Marilyn --- V38:59
McFarlay, John --- V13:29
McGary, Daisy --- V27:34
McGary, H. G. --- V23:42
McGary, H. G. (Gus) --- V23:42
McGary, John B. --- V22:30
McGavack, Sally --- V28:80
McGee, Fannie S. --- V27:34
McGee, Lewis --- Daughter Died 10/34
McGeehee, Mm --- V43:54
McGehe, Agnes --- Birth 1/42 Daughter Of John 1/47
McGehe, Albert G. --- Census 2/1/34
McGehe, Albert Galatin --- Birth 1/93
McGehe, Alexander --- Census 2/2/46
McGehe, Alexander S. --- Baptized 1/95 Marriage 1/49
McGehe, Alexander Stewart --- Birth 1/43
McGehe, Andrew --- Census 2/1/34
McGehe, Andrew Jackson --- Birth 1/43
McGehe, Ann --- V30:77
McGehe, Ann Graves --- Wife Of John 1/45
McGehe, Augustine --- Census 2/1/49 4/41 (Austin) Birth Marriage Death,
McGehe, Aurelia --- Census 2/2/31
McGehe, Barbara --- Marriage 1/47
McGehe, Bathsheba --- Landowner 11/1/26
McGehe, Beatrice Harlow --- Errata 9/92
McGehe, Beatrice Perkins --- Bible Owner 9/31
McGehe, C. G. --- Note 1/45
McGehe, Charles --- Birth 1/92
McGehe, Dabney --- Son Of Edward 1/47
McGehe, Edmonia --- Census 2/2/31
McGehe, Edmonia --- Marriage 5/2/33
McGehe, Edward --- Family 1/47 Will Executor 2/Z/17 Census 4/41
McGehe, Edward Lindsey --- Birth 1/42
McGehe, Elizabeth --- Marriage 1/97 Census 2/1/34 2/2/31
McGehe, Elizabeth L. --- Marriage 1/43
McGehe, Family Records --- 1/42
McGehe, James --- V30:73-74
McGehe, McGehee --- V30:72
McGehe, Samuel --- V30:77
McGehe, Susanna --- V30:77
McGehe, Susannah --- V30:74
McGehe, William --- V30:72
McGehe, William --- V30:73
McGehee, --- V21-1:88
McGehee, --- V27:48
McGehee, --- V32:39
McGehee, A. J. --- V22:30
McGehee, Ada --- V15:39
McGehee, Albert --- V22:30
McGehee, Albert G. --- V41:32
McGehee, Alexander S. --- V41:31, 32
McGehee, Ally Thacker --- V36:46
McGehee, Andrew J. --- V41:31, 32
McGehee, Anna N. --- V13:60
McGehee, Anna N. --- V19:50
McGehee, Blanche --- V16:72
McGehee, Carr --- Birth 1/42 Death 1/44 1/45 Marriage 1/48
McGehee, Carrie, Mrs. --- V21-1:109
McGehee, Clarence --- V21-1:57, 111
McGehee, Dabney --- V28:46
McGehee, Dillard --- Birth 1/42 Death 1/45
McGehee, Earl McRae --- V21-1:122
McGehee, Edward --- V16:38
McGehee, Edward --- V17:56
McGehee, Edward --- V27:50
McGehee, Edward --- V28:46
McGehee, Edward, Senr. --- V27:49
McGehee, Elizabeth G. Nuckolls --- V25:69
McGehee, Elizabeth L. --- V41:32
McGehee, Elizabeth Lewis (Cole) --- V14:44
McGehee, Elizabeth Lewis Nee Cole --- Birth I /43
McGehee, Emma --- V25:13
McGehee, Emmitt --- V36:46
McGehee, Esther --- Query 2/2/49 Dispute Over Age 4/68
McGehee, Francees --- V27:49
McGehee, Frances --- V27:50
McGehee, Frances B. --- V27:49, 50
McGehee, Frances Barbara --- V27:48
McGehee, Frances Barbara --- V28:46
McGehee, Frances Lumsden --- V28:46
McGehee, G. C. --- Midwife? 1/93 Register Owner 1/42 Postmaster 7/57
McGehee, G. C. --- V41:31,32
McGehee, G. C., Jr. --- V41:32
McGehee, G. V. --- V29:104
McGehee, Garret C. --- Obituary 1/48
McGehee, Garrett --- Census 2/1/34 Haley Diary 5/2/18
McGehee, Garrett C. --- Birth 1/42 1/44 Census 2/1/34
McGehee, Garrett Connor --- Marriage 1/48 Query 8/60
McGehee, Garrett Connor, Jr. --- Birth Baptized D Death 1/43
McGehee, George --- V25:69
McGehee, George --- Census 2/2/39
McGehee, George --- V35:37
McGehee, George C. --- Marriage 6/11
McGehee, George V. --- Census 2/2/39 Farmer 7/65 Legal Security 9/90
McGehee, Geraldine --- V21-1:68
McGehee, Helen --- V31: 53, 79
McGehee, Jack --- V21-1:56
McGehee, Jacob --- Son Of Thomas 1/46
McGehee, James --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 2/1/34 4/40 5/1/23 Rev. Claim
McGehee, James --- V45:145
McGehee, James [Mghee] --- V41:103
McGehee, James A. --- V41:31
McGehee, James Allen --- Birth 1/44
McGehee, James Allen --- V41:32
McGehee, James F. --- V16:72
McGehee, James F. --- Census 2/1/44 Farmer 7/65
McGehee, James Franklin --- V21-1:122
McGehee, James, Jr. --- Church Trustee 9/38 11/1/26
McGehee, James, Sr. --- V20:62
McGehee, Jane --- Birth 1/42 Marriage 1/48 Census 2/2/49
McGehee, Jennie --- Haley Diary 4/19
McGehee, John --- Birth Death 1/42 Obituary 1/47 Son Of John 1/46 Ce
McGehee, John --- V41:49, 101
McGehee, John L. --- Census 3/51
McGehee, John L. --- V41:32
McGehee, John Q. --- V41:33
McGehee, John S. --- Birth 1/42
McGehee, John Samuel --- Birth Death 1/43
McGehee, John Stewart --- Family 1/48
McGehee, John, Jr. --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 4/41
McGehee, John, Sr. --- Taxpayer 1/16 Death 1/44
McGehee, Judith --- V28:18
McGehee, Junius --- Census 2/2/31
McGehee, Katherine Winston --- Death 10/94
McGehee, Lester Mrs. --- Bible Owner 9/31 Errata 9/92
McGehee, Lester, Mrs. --- V27:36
McGehee, Lewis C. --- Note 4/44 Baptized 1/45 Census 3/41
McGehee, Lewis C. --- V41:31,32
McGehee, Lewis Cole --- Birth 1/43
McGehee, Louisa Ann --- Birth 1/42
McGehee, Lucy --- Birth 42 Marriage 1/42 1/47 Death 1/45
McGehee, M. Louisa --- V41:31
McGehee, Maria --- Census 2/1/34
McGehee, Maria L. --- V41:32
McGehee, Maria Louisa --- Birth 1/43
McGehee, Martha --- V27:49, 50
McGehee, Martha --- Marriage 1/48
McGehee, Martha (Cooke) --- V13:60
McGehee, Mary --- Birth 1/42 Marriage 1/42 1/48 1/49 Death 1/44 Obit
McGehee, Mary Ann --- Death 1/43
McGehee, Mary E. --- Census 2/1/44 3/51
McGehee, Mary J. --- Census 3/51
McGehee, Mary Stewart --- Marriage 1/45
McGehee, Matilda --- Census 2/1/34 2/1/44
McGehee, Matilda --- V28:46
McGehee, Matilda Jane --- Birth 1/43
McGehee, Merrie --- V31: 79
McGehee, Minnie Lee --- V13:11
McGehee, Minnie Lee --- Author 6/11 8/60
McGehee, Mrs. --- V21-1:109
McGehee, Myrtle --- V21-1:111
McGehee, Nancy --- Birth 1/42 Marriage 1/48
McGehee, Nancy Esther --- V28:46
McGehee, Nathaniel M. --- Census 2/1/46 2/2/37
McGehee, O. C. --- V21-1:57
McGehee, Oswald --- V13:60
McGehee, Oswald --- V28:46
McGehee, Oswell --- V14:72, 73
McGehee, Oswell --- V27:49, 50
McGehee, Oswill --- V17:56
McGehee, Otis --- V36:52
McGehee, Ott --- V21-1:108
McGehee, Patsey --- Mentioned 1/42
McGehee, R. F. --- V21-1:92
McGehee, Samuel --- V17:68
McGehee, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 5/1/23 Roadwork 6/30
McGehee, Sarah --- Daughter Of John 1/47 Census 2/1/34
McGehee, Sarah Blanche --- Birth Marriage Death 1/49
McGehee, Sarah E. --- V41:31, 32
McGehee, Sarah Elizabeth --- Birth 1/43
McGehee, Susan --- Married 1/47 Census 2/1/34
McGehee, Susan Ann --- Birth 1/43
McGehee, Susan Ann --- V41:32
McGehee, Susanna --- V20:62
McGehee, T. A. --- Merchant 7/60
McGehee, Thomas --- V19:14
McGehee, Thomas --- Of King William County 1/46 Census 2/2/31
McGehee, Thomas A. --- Married 6/16
McGehee, Thomas Harris --- Death 10/94 Marriage 10/92
McGehee, Veronica --- Census 2/2/31 Marriage 5/2/31
McGehee, Virginia --- Census 2/1/34
McGehee, Virginia C. --- V41:32
McGehee, Virginia Catharine --- Birth 1/43
McGehee, William --- V15:67, 68, 69
McGehee, William --- V16:38
McGehee, William --- V22:48
McGehee, William --- V25:69
McGehee, William --- Taxpayer 1/16 1/17 Of King William County 1/46 Son
McGehee, William --- V45:146
McGehee, William G. --- Note 1/44 Baptized 1/45
McGehee, William G. --- V41:31, 32
McGehee, William Graves --- Birth 1/43 Son Of A. 1/47
McGehee, William M. Sen. --- V17:13
McGehee, William M., Jr. --- V14:72
McGehee, William M., Jr. --- V17:13
McGehee, William Sen. --- V15:25
McGehee, William W. --- V21-2:20
McGehee, William W. --- Census 2/2/31
McGehee, William W. --- V32:4, 6, 7
McGehee, William, Jr. --- V14:71
McGehee, William, Jr. --- V15:25
McGehee, William, Jr. --- Census 4/40 5/1/23
McGehee, William, Sen. --- V16:38
McGehee, William, Sr. --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 5/1/23 Landowner 11/1/26
McGehee, Willianna --- Census 2/2/31
McGehee, Wm. J. --- V22:30
McGehee Family, --- V33:51
McGehee Gold Mine, --- V37:19
McGehees, --- V20:35
McGehee's, --- V19:46
McGehee's Bridge, --- V20:59
McGeorge, George V. --- Census 2/1/46
McGeorge, John --- Query 3/92 Landowner 11/1/35
McGhan, Judith --- V30:67
McGhee, Annie, Mrs. --- V21-1:94
McGhee, C. E. --- V21-1:94
McGhee, Clarence --- V21-1:21
McGhee, Clarence, Mrs. --- V21-1:119
McGhee, Curry W. --- V21-1:94
McGhee, Emmett --- V21-1:96
McGhee, Johnnie --- V21-1:124
McGhee, Lewis C. --- V22:30
McGhee, McRae --- V21-1:123
McGhee, Myrtle Talley --- V21-1:119
McGhee, O. C. --- V21-1:94
McGhee, Oswald --- V23:96
Mcghee, William M., Sr. --- V17:55
Mcghee, William Sen. --- V17:56
McGhee, William W. --- V28:102
McGhee Farm, --- V33:56
McGhees, --- V21-2:34
McGhee's Bridge, --- V33:55
McGlashan, Col. --- V16:8
McGraw, Samuel --- Marriage Witness 11/1/10
McGruder, --- V28:73
McGuffey' (textbook), --- V33:20
McGuffy reader, --- V38:44
McGuire, Capt. --- V30:20-21
McGuire, John P. (III) --- V26:38
McGuire, John Peyton (Ill) --- V26:38
McGuire, Odell --- V26:41
McGuire, Roger --- V15:41, 76
McGuire, Roger --- V16:41
McGuire, Roger --- V17:32
McGuire, Roger --- V19:39, 44, 91
McGuire, Roger --- Road Overseer 6/88
McGuire, Sallie --- V14:86
McIntosh, Enos --- V19:40, 42, 44
McIntosh, Mary Perry --- V23:43
McIntoshs' Battalion, --- V28:77
McIntyre Art Institute (Chicago, Illinois), --- V13:44
McKean, Bettine --- V29:53
Mckee, --- V25:72
Mckee, A. --- V25:29
McKee, Andrew R. --- Census 3/42
McKeegan, Lynn --- V45:118
McKenney, Bettie W. --- Marriage 5/2/34
McKensie, Donald --- Prisoner 8/62
McKenzie, Kenneth --- V17:35
McKeon, William --- V37:97
McKeon, Wm. --- V37:96
McKilliget, Alexander --- V14:34
McKindre, Bettie --- Marriage 5/2/35
McKinley, John --- Mentioned 9/79
McKinley, President William --- V45:113
McKinney, Benjamin F. --- V27:19
McKinney, Phillip --- V25:89
McKoy, John --- Legal Note 10/28
McKy, Alexander --- V14:35, 37, 40
McLain, James --- V29:40
McLain, Victoria --- V29:40
McLane, Bettie --- Census 3/76
McLane, Hetta --- Census 3/76
McLane, J. E. --- V18:29
McLane, Mary --- Census 3/76
McLaughlin, Bill --- V31: 69
McLaughlin, Calvin Brown (Reverend) --- V29:50
McLaughlin, John C. B. --- V19:10
McLaughten, --- V26:78
McLaws, --- V16:23
McLaws, General Layfayette --- V43:44, 88
McLaws, Lafayette --- V42:50
McLaws, Maj. General --- V16:22
McLaws, Maj. General --- V35:78-80
McManaway, Alice (Doles) --- V38:63, 67
McMichael, Lucy S. --- Heir 12/40
McMillen, Hattie Homa --- V38:8
McMillen, Isaac --- V38:8
McMillen, Marvin --- V38:8
McMillen, Mattie McClure --- V38:8
McMillen, Roy --- V38:8
McMillen, Velma Hitle --- V38:8
McMullen, Milles --- Prisoner 8/62
McMurran, L. A. --- V21-1:21
McNary, Mary Ann --- V28:46
McNary, William --- V28:46
McNeal, Capt --- V45:152
McNeer, R. D. --- V21-1:86
McNemar, Andrew --- V15:78
McNewar, Lawrence --- V14:67
McNully, Robert --- V16:75
McPeak, Enoch Meredith --- Marriage 7/87 Death 7/87
McQuerry, John --- V13:30
McQuerry, John --- V16:40
McQuire, Robert --- V16:85
McQuire, Roger --- V17:34, 36
McQuork, John --- V16:42
McRae, John --- Census 5/1/23
McRay, Alexander --- V13:75
McSearn, Daniel --- V13:35
McSween, J. M. --- V38:19
McSween, John M. --- V21-1:72
McSween, John M., Mgr --- V38:17, 19, 21
McSween, Louisa Boyd --- V21-1:72
McSween, M/Sgt. Donald B. --- V35:169
McSween, Mack --- V38:20, 21
McSween, Mr. --- V38:17, 18, 19, 22
McSween, Nellie B. --- V35:169
McTiere, E. L., Dr. --- V32:14
McVay, James C. --- V29:83
McVay, Linda --- V29:83
McVay House, --- V29:83
McViccar, Mr. --- V41:35
McWilliams, Andrew --- V19:39
Mead, --- V23:35
Mead, Capt. --- V40:89
Mead, George --- V18:13
Mead, Henry --- Census 4/41 5/1/28
Mead, John --- Mentioned 9/68
Mead, Minor --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Mead, Nancy --- Mentioned 9/67
Mead, Steth --- Church Trustee 11/1/26
Mead, Thornton --- V22:99
Mead, Thornton --- Census 4/40 Rev. Soldier 8/73
Mead, William --- Census 4/41
Meade, --- V30:40-41
Meade, Anne Bickerton Winston --- Death 10/93
Meade, Bishop --- V20:74
Meade, Bishop --- V25:101
Meade, Bishop William --- Author 1/8 1/10
Meade, C. M. --- V29:104
Meade, Capt. --- V29:98
Meade, George --- Census 2/2/30
Meade, George --- V42:37
Meade, George G., Genl. --- V30:31
Meade, George, Genl. --- V35:29
Meade, James --- Census 2/2/30
Meade, Madison --- Census 2/2/30
Meade, Nathaniel --- Census 2/2/30
Meade, Robert Douthat, Dr. --- V37:77
Meade, Sarah E. --- Census 2/2/30 11 1/ 8
Meade, W. J., Capt. --- V40:88
Meade, W. T. --- V27:24
Meade, W. T. --- Teacher 4/81 Farmer 7/65 Haley Diary 11/1/48
Meade, W. T. --- V29:52, 104
Meade, W. T. --- V32:45
Meade, W. T. (Capt. ) --- V13:55
Meade, W. T., Capt. --- V25:101
Meade, William --- V20:74
Meade, William T. --- Marriage 10/92 Death 10/93
Meade, William, Capt. --- V22:6
Meade's Army of the Potomac, --- V30:41
Meadon, George --- Census 5/1/23
Meadow Street, --- V29:42
Meadow Wood, --- V32:89
Meadowoad, --- V35:14
Meadowood, --- V28:78-79, 99
Meadowood, --- V32:90
Meadowood, --- V46:45
Meads, --- V21-2:36
Meadwood, --- V28:98
Mealy, Alexander --- Census 3/76
Mealy, Julianne --- V26:78
Mealy, Levy --- Census 3/76
Mealy, Lucy Ann --- Census 3/76
Means, --- V40:58
Measles, --- V43:44
Meaux, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16
Mechanicksville P.O., --- V23:45
Mechanicsville, --- V19:69
Mechanicsville, --- V20:12
Mechanicsville, --- V24:18
Mechanicsville, --- V28:74-76
Mechanicsville, --- V31: 6, 96, 97, 102
Mechanicsville, --- V33:91
Mechanicsville, --- V32:39
Mechanicsville, --- V44:11, 13, 53, 117
Mechanicsville, --- V46:29, 60
Mechanicsville, Road --- V30:38
Mechanicsville Bapt. Church, --- V35:187, 193, 194
Mechanicsville Baptist Church, --- V36:15, 18, 19
Mechanicsville Church, --- V32:83
Mechanicsville, VA, --- V30:19, 29, 32, 34, 37
Mechanicsville, Va., --- V35:9, 11
Mechanicville, --- V21-1:25
Mechum's River, --- V17:78
Mechunk Creek, --- V20:27
Meckenburg County (Virginia), --- V14:22
Mecklenburg Axe, --- V34:12
Mecklenburg County, --- V24:51
Mecklenburg County (Virginia), --- V13:70, 71
Mecks, John --- Census 4/40
Medd, Suellen --- V27:17
Medical College, --- V25:46
Medical College of Richmond, --- V31: 39
Medical College of Virginia, --- V31: 33
Medical College of Virginia, --- V33:87
Medicinal Whiskey, --- V31: 34
Medicine Lodge, --- V38:8
Medicine Lodge, Kansas, --- V38:9
Medieval Warm period, --- V43:84
Mediterranean Sea, --- V30:59
Medlock, --- V18:32
Medlock, --- V39:31, 32
Medlock, --- V32:39, 43
Medlock, John --- Landowner 9/63
Meek(e)s, John --- V41:27
Meekey, Mary --- V28:58, 60
Meekin, Francis --- Mentioned 5/2/30
Meekin, John --- Mentioned 5/2/30
Meeks, Adeliw --- V31: 100
Meeks, Ann --- Census 3/45
Meeks, Austin --- V20:76
Meeks, Charles --- V20:76
Meeks, Charles --- Census 3/45
Meeks, Elizabeth --- Census 3/45
Meeks, Fleming --- V31: 101
Meeks, Fleming J. --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Henry M. --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Herceni --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Hiram --- Query 11/2/48
Meeks, James --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Jesse --- Census 3/45
Meeks, Jno. --- V20:76
Meeks, John --- Census 3/36 5/1/23 Rev. Soldier 8
Meeks, John --- V31: 99
Meeks, John C. --- Census 3/36
Meeks, John R. --- V13:83
Meeks, John, Sr. --- V42:52
Meeks, Judith --- Census 3/45
Meeks, Martha Won??? --- Query 11/2/48
Meeks, Mr. --- V31: 101
Meeks, Nancy --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Peggy --- Census 3/45
Meeks, Richard --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Sarah A --- Census 3/36
Meeks, Virginia E. (Spicer) --- V13:83
Meeks, William --- Census 3/45
Meenie, Mr. --- V26:21
Megehee, John --- V43:54
Meghee, Oswald --- V23:96
Meginley, Adolphus A. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Megowan, Mary --- Mentioned 10/77
Megowan, Robert --- Mentioned 10/75 10/77
Meherrin, --- V18:8
Meherrin River, --- V18:7
Meill, Jno. W. --- V27:35
Mekoy, Robert --- V41:29
Melain, Sarah M. --- V13:84
Melain, Sarah M. --- Query 9/37
Melone, Simon --- V20:3
Melton, --- V18:29
Melton, A. --- Picnic Manager 5/2/39
Melton, Alfred --- Census 1/80
Melton, Ann --- V15:63
Melton, Ann --- Census 3/42
Melton, Ann --- V28:15
Melton, Ann T. --- V29:54
Melton, Anne --- Census 3/32
Melton, Asa --- Census 2/1/36
Melton, Carrie E. --- Teacher 4/81 Construction 7/54
Melton, Cooper --- V36:36
Melton, Elias --- V18:20
Melton, Elisha --- V15:37, 63
Melton, Elisha --- V16:3
Melton, Elisha --- V17:72
Melton, Elisha --- V19:73
Melton, Elisha --- V20:29, 30
Melton, Elisha --- V22:7
Melton, Elisha --- V23:70, 72
Melton, Elisha --- V24:89
Melton, Elisha --- V25:29
Melton, Elisha --- V27:7
Melton, Elisha --- V28:15, 104
Melton, Elisha --- V29:37, 44, 47, 54, 97, 98
Melton, Elisha --- V30:81
Melton, Elisha Mrs --- V29:44
Melton, Elisha, Jr. --- Census 3/42
Melton, Elisha, Mrs. --- V30:81
Melton, Emily A. --- Census 2/1/36
Melton, George H. --- V19:9
Melton, Helen H. --- V19:9
Melton, Helen Lee [Hiter] --- V19:93
Melton, Helen Lee Hiter --- V19:93
Melton, Henry --- Methodist 11/1/29
Melton, Henry --- V32:65
Melton, J. W. --- V42:10
Melton, James --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 3/42 5/1/23
Melton, James --- V41:100
Melton, James --- V45:146, 152
Melton, James H --- Census 2/1/36 1/57
Melton, Jesse --- V20:31
Melton, Jesse J. --- V29:39
Melton, Jesse W. --- V20:30
Melton, Jesse W. --- V24:90
Melton, Jesse W. --- Census 3/41 Cemetery Association 1/57
Melton, Jesse W. --- V29:7, 11, 13, 81
Melton, Jesse W. --- V35:108
Melton, John --- Census 3/42
Melton, Kiriah --- Census 4/41
Melton, Lavinia Watts --- Tombstone 1/63
Melton, Louisa --- Census 3/42
Melton, Lydia Watts --- V20:30
Melton, M. A. --- Receipt For Bacon Purchase 5/1/34
Melton, Mary Ann --- Census 1/80
Melton, Mary Ann Carpenter --- V20:67
Melton, Mary Ann Chiles --- V30:81
Melton, Mary Elizabeth --- V30:81
Melton, May --- V36:40
Melton, Mr. --- V36:35, 36
Melton, Nettie --- V36:35
Melton, Nora E. --- V19:9
Melton, Ostler --- V27:93
Melton, Richard --- Census 3/42
Melton, Sam --- V20:30
Melton, Samuel --- Census 3/32
Melton, Simeon --- Census 3/32 4/41
Melton, Sparks --- Haley Diary E/99
Melton, Thomas, Jr. --- V14:70
Melton, W. J. --- V29:89
Melton, William --- V18:7
Melton, William --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 3/42 5/1/23
Melton, William --- V45:144, 146, 147, 148
Melton, William L. --- V20:67
Melton, William L. --- Census 1/80
Melton, William W. --- Census 3/34
Melton Family, --- V32:25
Meltons, --- V19:25
Meltons, --- V27:7, 30-31
Meltons, --- V39:31
Meltons, --- V31: 45
Meltons, --- V33:91, 95
Meltons, --- V32:39
Meltons community, --- V32:25
Meltons Depot, --- V31: 37
Meltons Railroad Station, --- V33:90
Melton's Store, --- V26:20
Meltons Turnout, --- V18:20
Meltons Turnout, --- V18:20
Melton's Virginia, --- V15:63
Memmot, Dorthy --- V38:9
Memorial Baptist Church, --- V29:47-48
Memphis, --- V16:76
Memphis, --- V24:85
Memphis, --- V28:66, 80
Memphis, Tenn --- V30:81
Mendenhall, Lawrence --- V19:7, 10
Mendenhall, Lawrence --- V33:86
Mendenhall, Margie --- V33:86
Mercantile Agency Reference Books, 1901 --- V39:26, 30, 32
Mercer, Hugh --- V14:79
Mercer, John --- V14:79
Mercer, Mr. --- V14:78, 79
Mercer County, --- V14:78
Mercer County, --- V22:55
Mercer Hall, --- V26:87
Mercer, WV, --- V38:79
Mercersville, --- V32:39
Mercerville, --- V18:31
Mercury, --- V16:81
Meredith, Ann Clopton --- Birth 3/28
Meredith, Annie Laura Coffey --- V26:65, 66
Meredith, Bettie --- Census 3/86
Meredith, C. B. --- V32:32
Meredith, C. M. --- Justice Of Peace 6/75
Meredith, C. Q. --- Farmer 7/64
Meredith, Captain Samuel --- V45:146, 154
Meredith, Champe C. --- V21-1:121
Meredith, Charles --- Death 4/82
Meredith, Charles B. --- V27:34
Meredith, Charles D. --- V23:105
Meredith, Charles D. --- Death 3/29 Census 3/86
Meredith, Charles D. --- V32:81
Meredith, Chas. D. --- V32:81
Meredith, Chester --- V21-1:113
Meredith, Chester --- Haley Diary 7/94
Meredith, Chs. D. --- V23:7
Meredith, Collins --- V23:106
Meredith, Collins --- V33:20
Meredith, Deane --- V21-1:67
Meredith, Doris --- V28:100
Meredith, Dr. --- Haley Diary 4/17
Meredith, Edmund --- V14:12
Meredith, Edmund --- V15:73
Meredith, Edmund E. --- V13:48
Meredith, Edmund E. --- V16:66
Meredith, Edmund E. --- V17:42
Meredith, Edmund E. --- V18:27
Meredith, Edmund E. --- V37:82, 84
Meredith, Edmund E., Mrs. --- V14:50, 64
Meredith, Edmund Evans --- V23:7
Meredith, Elisha --- Mentioned 4/98
Meredith, Elisha --- V41:38
Meredith, Eliza --- V23:107
Meredith, Elizabeth --- Census 3/86
Meredith, Elizabeth Gardner --- Birth 3/28
Meredith, Elizabeth Shelton --- Landowner 7/12 Parent 12/17
Meredith, Elizabeth Watson Shelton --- V24:66
Meredith, Ellen --- Landowner 7/12
Meredith, Ellen L. --- V23:107
Meredith, Fanny Brooke --- Birth 3/28
Meredith, Florence C. --- V23:7
Meredith, Huldah --- Census 3/41
Meredith, Indiana L. --- Census 3/78
Meredith, Indiana L. --- V32:77
Meredith, Indiana L. Harris --- V32:76
Meredith, J. L. --- V19:47
Meredith, J. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Meredith, James --- V13:36
Meredith, James --- V14:42, 65
Meredith, James --- Landgrant 10/16 Legal Note 10/27
Meredith, James --- V41:102
Meredith, James E., Dr. --- V32:76
Meredith, James E., Mrs. --- V32:76
Meredith, James F. --- Census 3/87
Meredith, James T. --- Marriage 5/2/31 Farmer 7/64
Meredith, Jennie D. --- V23:7
Meredith, John --- Mentioned 4/98 Legal Note 11/2/32
Meredith, John --- V41:38
Meredith, John A. --- V28:101
Meredith, John C. --- V20:101
Meredith, John C. --- Landowner 12/79
Meredith, John W. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, Joseph --- Census 3/86
Meredith, Juliana Pendleton --- V24:66
Meredith, Kate Watson --- V24:66, 70
Meredith, Kate Watson --- Tombstone 10/70
Meredith, Kathleen ("Kitty") --- V26:66
Meredith, Kathleen (Richardson) --- V13:72
Meredith, Kathleen Meredith --- V23:7
Meredith, Kathleen R. --- V15:41, 75
Meredith, Kathleen R. --- V16:40, 85
Meredith, Kathleen R. --- Author 12/67
Meredith, Kathleen R. --- V37:82
Meredith, Kathleen Richardson --- V14:32, 50, 64
Meredith, Kathleen Richardson --- V16:12, 77
Meredith, Kathleen Richardson --- V17:17, 31, 40, 67
Meredith, L. E. --- V23:7
Meredith, Lettie --- V24:66
Meredith, Lewis --- V26:68
Meredith, Lewis --- V33:88
Meredith, Lewis E. --- V26:68
Meredith, Lewis E. --- Census 3/86 Farmer 7/64
Meredith, Lewis E. --- V33:88
Meredith, Lewis E. (Jr) --- V26:64, 66, 68
Meredith, Lewis, Jr. --- V26:68
Meredith, Lottie N. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Meredith, Lucretia Bunch --- Heir 11/1/8
Meredith, Lucy Ann --- Birth 3/28
Meredith, Lucy Ann Doswell --- Bible Owner Death 3/28
Meredith, Lucy Temple --- Birth Death 3/28
Meredith, M., Captain --- V32:85
Meredith, Mary A. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, Mary Ann --- Death 5/1/34
Meredith, Mary Ann --- V41:87
Meredith, Mary Harris --- V32:76
Meredith, Mr. --- V32:85
Meredith, Paulina Doswell --- Birth Death 3/28
Meredith, Pleasant --- Census 4/41
Meredith, R. G. --- Birth 3/28
Meredith, Reuben --- Mentioned 4/98
Meredith, Reuben Gardner --- Bible Owner 3/28
Meredith, Reuben Gardner --- V41:38, 107-110
Meredith, Robert --- V22:39
Meredith, Robert --- Death 3/29 Census 3/78 Mentioned 4/98
Meredith, Robert --- V32:76
Meredith, Robert --- V41:38
Meredith, Robert, Mrs. --- V32:76
Meredith, Roberta --- Marriage 5/2/31 Census 3/78
Meredith, S. --- V18:9
Meredith, S. C. --- V23:7
Meredith, Sallie --- Married 12/17
Meredith, Sallie A. --- Census 3/78 3/86
Meredith, Sallie A. --- V29:92
Meredith, Sallie Anne --- V26:83
Meredith, Sallie C. --- V23:7
Meredith, Sallie C. --- V26:68
Meredith, Sallie C. --- V33:88
Meredith, Sallie M. --- Census 3/78
Meredith, Sally Cooke --- Birth 3/28
Meredith, Sally F. --- Death 3/29
Meredith, Samuel --- V18:7
Meredith, Samuel --- V23:8
Meredith, Samuel --- V26:68
Meredith, Samuel --- Death 3/29 Census 3/86 Mentioned 4/98 Landowner 7/
Meredith, Samuel --- V41:38
Meredith, Samuel (Rev. ) --- V13:82
Meredith, Samuel G. --- V26:68
Meredith, Sarah F. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, Susan E. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, T. O. --- Committeeman 5/2/46
Meredith, Thomas --- V23:106
Meredith, Thomas --- V24:66
Meredith, Thomas G. --- Letter To 4/62
Meredith, Thomas Gardner --- V24:66
Meredith, Thomas Gardner --- Landowner 7/12
Meredith, Thomas Gardner --- V41:35, 37, 39, 40, 107-110
Meredith, Thomas Garner --- Parent 12/17
Meredith, Thomas W. --- V27:61-62
Meredith, Thomas William --- V24:66
Meredith, Victoria C. --- V23:7
Meredith, Victoria M. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, W. Deane --- V21-2:13
Meredith, Walter S. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, William --- V22:101
Meredith, William --- Son Of Lucy Ann Doswell 3/28 Birth Death 3/28 3/29
Meredith, William --- V41:34, 39, 42
Meredith, William B. --- Bible Owner 2/2/26
Meredith, William B., Jr. --- V21-1:58
Meredith, William B., Jr. --- Letter Owner 2/1/21
Meredith, William B., Jr., Mrs. --- V33:31
Meredith, William C. --- Census 3/86
Meredith, William Clayton --- Death 3/29
Meredith, William S. --- Bible Owner 3/29
Meredith, William W. --- V21-1:121
Meredith, William, Dr. --- V41:35, 37, 44, 107, 108
Meredith, William, Or --- V32:48
Meredith, Willie --- V24:66
Meredith, Woodrow Wilson ("Wick") --- V26:65
Meredith, Z. H. --- V18:29
Meredith, Zach. W. --- V23:7
Meredith Family, --- V32:82
Meredith Family Bible Records, --- 3/28
Merehand, David --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Merewether, Becky --- Heir 1 0/58
Merewether, Charles --- Farmer 7/27
Merewether, James --- Census 5/1/23
Merewether, Mr. --- V14:76
Merewether, Thomas --- V21-1:3
Merewether, William --- Census 5/1/23 Farmer 7/27
Merewither, James --- Census 4/40
Merewither, Nicholass --- Census 4/40
Merewither, Thomas --- Census 4/40 4/41
Merewither, William --- Census 4/41
Merger, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16
Merideth, James --- Petitioner 6/28 6/29 6/31
Meridith, Ann --- V44:30
Meriweather, George --- Committee Of Safety 8/61
Meriweather, W. H. --- Railroad Construction 7/54
Meriwether, --- V19:19
Meriwether, Ann --- V17:43
Meriwether, Ann --- Insurance Record 5/1/50
Meriwether, Ann --- V46:3
Meriwether, Anne --- Parent 8/34
Meriwether, Col. --- V41:25, 27
Meriwether, David --- Landowner 3/55 Petitioner 6/28 6/29 Rev. Soldier 8
Meriwether, David --- V40:61
Meriwether, David Wood --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Meriwether, David Wood --- V41:55
Meriwether, David, Maj. --- V41:25
Meriwether, Elizabeth --- V21-2:41
Meriwether, Elizabeth --- Birth Marriage 2/2/23
Meriwether, Elizabeth --- V40:61
Meriwether, Elizabeth --- V46:3
Meriwether, Elizabeth Crawford --- Parent 10/51 11/2/25
Meriwether, Francis --- V16:87
Meriwether, Francis --- Query 2/2/49
Meriwether, Francis --- V41:49
Meriwether, Geo. --- V24:16
Meriwether, George --- V15:59
Meriwether, George --- Husband Of Martha 2/2/17 Landowner 3/55
Meriwether, George --- V41:55, 100, 103
Meriwether, James --- V15:71
Meriwether, James --- V21-2:39, 43
Meriwether, James --- Sheriff 4/69 Roadwork 6/86 Rev. Soldier 8/73 Landg
Meriwether, James --- V37:53, 54
Meriwether, James --- V41:103
Meriwether, James --- V43:57
Meriwether, John --- V16:87
Meriwether, John --- Vestryman 1/10 Query 2/2/49 Roadwork 6/28, 6/30 6/
Meriwether, Joseph --- Mentioned 9/67
Meriwether, Lucy --- V40:61
Meriwether, Margaret Douglas --- Parent 10/60
Meriwether, Martha --- Will 2/2/17
Meriwether, Mary --- Married 11/2/25
Meriwether, Nicholas --- V19:86
Meriwether, Nicholas --- V20:72, 73, 93
Meriwether, Nicholas --- V21-2:43
Meriwether, Nicholas --- V25:100
Meriwether, Nicholas --- Roadwork 6/33 County Surveyor 6/68 Legal Case, 9/4
Meriwether, Nicholas --- V41:30, 103
Meriwether, Nicholas --- V40:61
Meriwether, Nicholas Hunter --- Birth Marriage Death 10/60
Meriwether, Nicholas, Jr. --- Military Captain 11/2/31
Meriwether, Sarah --- Query 2/2/48
Meriwether, Thomas --- V15:78
Meriwether, Thomas --- V20:74
Meriwether, Thomas --- V21-1:4
Meriwether, Thomas --- Resident 1/3 1/4 Father Of Elizabeth 2/2/23 Road O
Meriwether, Thomas --- V40:61
Meriwether, Thomas --- V42:76
Meriwether, Thomas --- V43:57
Meriwether, Thomas --- V46:3
Meriwether, Val --- V41:103
Meriwether, Val --- V43:57
Meriwether, William --- V21-2:40, 41
Meriwether, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Meriwether, William --- V41:28, 55
Meriwether, William, Col. --- V21-2:40
Meriwether (Merriwether), David --- V14:32, 34, 39, 70
Meriwether (Merriwether), Francis --- V14:80
Meriwether (Merriwether), Joseph --- V14:74
Meriwether (Merriwether), Mary --- V14:11
Meriwether (Merriwether), Nicholas --- V14:16, 19, 24, 39, 70
Meriwether (Merriwether), Thomas --- V14:15, 20, 39, 61, 62, 66, 68, 70
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Elizabeth Thornton --- V13:18
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Joel T. --- V13:48
Meriwether, (Merriwether), John --- V13:30
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Margaret (Douglas, Terril) --- V13:18, 19
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Nelson Heath --- V13:15
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Nicholas --- V13:18, 19, 54, 73
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Nicholas Hunter --- V13:18, 20
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Thomas --- V13:72, 73, 75
Meriwether, (Merriwether), Zachy --- V13:68
Meriwether's Line, --- V30:76
Meriwither, Francis --- Roadwork 6/84
Meriwither, James --- Taxpayer 1/17
Meriwither, William --- Taxpayer 1/17
Mero District of North Carolina, --- V28:64
Merrill, Bob --- V15:65
Merrill, Nancy --- V15:65
Merrimac, --- V21-1:43
Merrimac, --- V43:102
Merrimac, the --- V31: 105
Merrit, --- V20:87
Merrit, General --- V16:75
Merrit, General --- V27:44
Merrit General, --- V22:27
Merritt, Cloise --- V38:68
Merritt, Wesley, Genl. --- V30:33-34, 37-39
Merritt's, Reserve Brigade --- V30:33
Merritt's Line, --- V30:35
Merriweather, Nicholas --- Parent 10/12 Landgrant 10/85
Merriwether, David --- Heir 9/27
Merriwether, Elizabeth --- Landowner 11/1/15
Merriwether, George --- Will Executor 9/29
Merriwether, James --- Court Case 5/15 Will Executor 9/29
Merriwether, Nicholas --- Vestryman 1/10 Landowner 9/27 Mentioned 11/1/11
Merriwether, T. --- Vestryman 1/10
Merriwether, Thomas --- V21-2:21
Merriwether, Thomas --- Landowner 11/1/14
Merriwether, William --- Will Executor 9/29 Landowner 11/1/15
Merriwethers and Their Connection (The), --- V13:15
Merriwither, --- V26:87
Mertain, Frances --- Mentioned 5/2/29
Messianic, --- V16:46
Metcalf, Anthony --- V14:38, 40, 43
Metcalf, Anthony --- Legal Note 11/2/32 11/2/34 12/46 12/47
Metcalfe, Anthony --- Legal Note 11/1/44
Metcalfe, Charles M. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Methodist, --- V21-1:9, 41
Methodist Ch., --- V21-1:44, 85, 91, 100-102, 104, 110, 121
Methodist Chapel, Apple Grove, --- V34:23
Methodist Church, --- V17:9
Methodist Church, --- V25:35
Methodist Church, --- V26:24
Methodist Church, --- V38:28
Methodist Church, --- V36:31-33
Methodist Church, Louisa --- V29:37-38, 81
Methodist Church, Old --- V29:42
Methodist Episcopal Ch., --- V21-1:26, 79
Methodist Episcopal Church Trustees, --- V29:40
Methodist Movement, --- V36:31
Methodist Parsonage, --- V20:30
Methodist parsonage, --- V21-1:99
Methodists, --- V22:4, 36
Metlock, John --- Landowner 9/63
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, --- V34:24
Metz, John A. --- V23:102
Metz, France, --- V25:66
Metzger, Isaac --- Census 2/2/29
Metzler, Fred --- V38:10
Mexican War, --- V35:18
Mexico, --- V35:8
Mexico City, --- V25:4
Meyers, Annie --- V25:20
Meyers, Charles --- V25:20
Meyers, Jerry --- V30:29
Miab, William --- Roadwork 6/33
Miami, Fla, --- V27:101
Mica, --- V19:65
Mica Road, --- V19:78
Mica Schist Stone, --- V34:10
Micajah, (Slave) --- V30:75
Michael, H. H. --- V21-1:88
Michaels Road, --- V19:34, 78
Michaels Road, --- V25:16
Michael's Road, --- V20:59
Michal, John --- V41:27
Michaux, --- V28:64
Michel, John --- Census 4/40
Michell, John --- V42:128
Micheltree, James --- V33:93
Micheltree, Wesley --- V33:93
Michie, --- V40:58
Michie, "Scotch John" --- V45:108, 118
Michie, 1st Lt. W. B. --- V35:139
Michie, Ann --- Heir 9/71 Nee Watson 9/66 Query 10/10
Michie, Anne --- Census 4/40
Michie, Anne --- V28:63
Michie, Bushrod --- V45:110, 119
Michie, Catharine --- Census 2/1/42
Michie, Charles --- Census 3/44 Mentioned 9/66
Michie, Charles H. --- Heir 9/68
Michie, Cotch John --- V28:56
Michie, David --- Landowner 9/68 9/79 Mentioned 9/65
Michie, Edward --- Census 3/44
Michie, Elizabeth --- V13:10
Michie, Elizabeth --- V21-2:42
Michie, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/42 Census 5/1/23 Heir E/57 9/71
Michie, Elizabeth --- V28:61
Michie, Elizabeth F. Nee Walker --- 9/66
Michie, Elizabeth Watson --- V28:59
Michie, George --- V13:10
Michie, George --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 5/1/23 Rev. Soldier 9/68
Michie, Harry Lee --- V45:112, 114
Michie, Henrietta --- Nee Ragland 9/69
Michie, Henrietta --- V28:79
Michie, Henrietta --- V45:108, 123
Michie, Issac --- V23:102
Michie, J. --- V42:132
Michie, Jack --- V14:14
Michie, James --- V14:14
Michie, James --- V21-2:41
Michie, James --- Justice Of Peace 3/27 8/37 Census 4/40 Insurance R
Michie, James --- V28:5, 16, 56, 59, 62, 63, 79
Michie, James --- V45:106, 108, 121, 123, 125, 138
Michie, James & Henrietta --- V35:14
Michie, James F. --- Census 3/35
Michie, James Fontaine --- Heir 9/68
Michie, James M. --- Census 3/35
Michie, Jane --- Census 3/35
Michie, Jefferson --- V45:106, 108, 118
Michie, Jenetta --- Census 3/44
Michie, Jennetta --- Will 2/2/17
Michie, Jimmy --- V32:19
Michie, Jno. --- V20:76
Michie, John --- V15:47, 72
Michie, John --- Taxpayer 1/16 Till Witness 1/73
Michie, John --- Census 4/40 5/1/23 Insurance Record 5/1/50 Rev. So
Michie, John --- V28:55, 57-58, 61
Michie, John --- V45:86
Michie, John, Jr. --- V28:55-56, 59-61
Michie, John. --- V16:16, 43
Michie, Junius --- V44:47
Michie, Kate --- Census 3/44
Michie, Lucy --- Mentioned 9/67
Michie, Malinda --- Census 3/35
Michie, Margaret --- V27:35
Michie, Martha --- V14:16
Michie, Martha --- Mentioned 9/67
Michie, Mary --- Census 3/35
Michie, Mary --- V28:55-64
Michie, Mary --- V44:47
Michie, Mary (Polly) --- Mentioned 9/67
Michie, Mary (Polly) --- V28:17
Michie, Mary A. --- Will 2/2/17 Census 3/35
Michie, Mary Ann --- Census 3/46
Michie, Matthew W. M. --- V42:101
Michie, Matthew Walker Maury --- 9/80
Michie, Mildred --- Census 3/35
Michie, Minor --- V45:106, 108, 109, 110, 117, 118
Michie, Nannie Walker --- V27:54
Michie, Pat --- V26:48
Michie, Patrick --- Census 3/35 4/40 Heir 9/64
Michie, Patrick --- V28:56
Michie, Patrick H. --- Census 3/35
Michie, Patrick Sheriff --- V17:52
Michie, R. T. --- Farmer 7/64
Michie, Reuben --- V15:64
Michie, Reuben --- V32:25
Michie, Reuben T. --- V42:101
Michie, Reuben Thornton --- Heir 9/68
Michie, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 2/1/42 5/1/23 Rev. Soldier El
Michie, Robert --- V28:56, 63
Michie, Robert --- V41:24, 55
Michie, Robert --- V46:111
Michie, Robt --- V20:76
Michie, Ruben --- Census 3/44
Michie, Sara --- V28:16, 55-56, 61, 63
Michie, Sarah --- Census 3/44 Heir 9/64 Landowner 9/68 Mentioned 9/6
Michie, Sarah --- V28:65
Michie, Sarah --- V31: 96
Michie, Sarah --- V44:47, 96
Michie, Sarah H. --- Census 3/35
Michie, Scotch John --- V28:55, 57, 61
Michie, Thomas --- V32:21
Michie, Victoria --- Census 3/35
Michie, W. B. --- Civil War Soldier 9/15
Michie, Walker --- Census 3/44
Michie, William --- V20:12
Michie, William --- Census 3/44 4/40 Heir 9/64
Michie, William --- V28:56
Michie, William E. --- Census 3/35
Michie, William Watson --- Landowner 9/68
Michie, Wm. --- V20:76
Michies, --- V15:15
Michies, --- V28:18
Michie's Tavern, --- V24:15
Michigan Brigade, Custer's --- V30:33
Michigan Cavalry, --- V35:29
Michy, Jno. --- V28:55
Mickey, Bushrod James Jr --- V45:115
Mickey, Harry Warren McKinley Jr --- V45:115
Mickey, John --- V15:55
Mickey's, Estate --- V28:56
Mickie, --- V25:16, 20, 21
Mickie, David --- V21-2:34
Mickie, David --- V25:16, 21
Mickie, James --- V18:10
Mickie, Jas. --- V28:62
Mickie, Jno --- V28:57
Mickie, Mary --- V28:58
Mickie, Sarah --- V21-2:34
Mickie, Sarah --- V25:21
Mickle, Drucilla --- V38:9
Mickle, Steven M. --- V32:46
Micky, John Junr --- V28:56
Micky's, Estate --- V28:57
Microwave Relay Station site T, --- V40:14
Middle Archaic Period, --- V43:73, 75, 76, 85
Middle Church, --- V13:52, 53
Middle Church, --- 1/8
Middle Peninsula, --- V38:48
Middle Woodland Period, --- V43:82, 83, 86
Middlebrook, Adriana --- Census 2/2/47
Middlebrook, John --- Census 2/2/47
Middlebrook, Lucinda --- Census 2/2/47
Middlebrook, Mary --- Mentioned 7/40 Witness 7/38
Middlebrucks, S. Tase --- V13:63
Middlesex County, --- V26:72, 74
Middlesex County, --- V19:31
Middlesex County, --- V34:23
Middlesex County Jail, --- V34:15
Middleton, Basil, Dr. --- V25:95
Middleton, Mary Belsches --- V25:95
Middletown, --- V20:41
Midnight Train, --- V33:92
Midway, --- V24:64
Mier, David --- V17:32
Miestroff, Dorothy Page --- V37:38
Milburn, KY, --- V28:47
Mildon, Mary Emily --- V20:65
Mildred, (Slave) --- V30:82
Mildred, Ann (Slave) --- V30:83
Mildred Crossing, --- V30:34
Miles, David --- V15:77
Miles, David --- V17:35
Miles, Elton Oren --- V21-1:122
Miles, Frances --- V19:56
Miles, James --- V17:33, 34
Miles, John --- Census 3/42
Miles, Leon Earl --- V21-1:122
Milhado, --- V21-1:101, 107
Milhado, Alice E. --- V21-1:32
Milhado, Carrie --- V21-2:14
Milhado, Carrie V. --- V21-1:32, 34
Milhado, E. W. --- V21-1:30, 91, 94
Milhado, Earle --- V21-1:34
Milhado, Ed. W. --- V27:34
Milhado, Edward --- V21-1:32, 65
Milhado, Edward W. --- V21-1:34, 58, 82
Milhado, Edward W. --- V21-2:14
Milhado, Ella B. --- V21-1:32, 34
Milhado, Fred --- V21-2:11
Milhado, Fred W. --- V21-1:34, 110
Milhado, Frederick W. --- V21-1:32
Milhado, Frederick W., Jr. --- V21-1:124
Milhado, Hunter W. --- V21-1:32, 34
Milhado, Lucy --- V21-1:110
Milhado, Wayne Orlando --- V21-1:122
Military and Civil Defense Authorities, --- V31: 85
Militia, --- V46:2
Milky quartz, --- V33:69
Mill, Boxley's --- V28:35
Mill, Byrd --- V18:27
Mill, Factory --- V18:27
Mill, Road --- V28:70
Mill, Shelton's --- V18:27
Mill Farm, History Of --- 12/51
Mill Pond Creek, --- V20:59
Mill Road, --- V36:14-16
Mill Road, --- V35:190
Mill Tract, Old --- V20:61
Millar (Miller), William --- V13:33-35, 73
Miller, --- V40:58
Miller, ? --- V30:15
Miller, Ada B. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Miller, Ann --- V31: 97
Miller, Buck --- V42:60
Miller, Charles --- Legal Note 11/1/44
Miller, D. B. --- Farmer 7/64
Miller, David --- V14:64
Miller, David --- V19:43, 86, 87
Miller, Emma H. --- V24:71
Miller, Florence D. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Miller, Harry --- V38:62
Miller, Helen (Douglas) --- V38:70
Miller, Henry --- V14:33, 65
Miller, Hilda --- V36:25
Miller, James --- V14:43, 66, 67
Miller, James --- V15:41
Miller, James --- V19:44, 90
Miller, John --- V14:28
Miller, John --- Landowner 9/69
Miller, John --- V28:45
Miller, Linda --- V27:34
Miller, Louisa Janie strong --- V32:32
Miller, Melissa --- V38:62
Miller, Mildred --- V15:32
Miller, Mr. --- V31: 98
Miller, Mrs. --- V34:18
Miller, Peggy --- Census 2/2/32
Miller, R. B. --- V21-1:94
Miller, Richard --- Married 4/89
Miller, Robert --- V21-1:56
Miller, Robert L, Dr. --- V15:38
Miller, Ruth E. --- V27:34
Miller, Sally D. --- Church Member 2/1/16
Miller, Sally Reid Anderson --- Tombstone 7/71
Miller, School Industrial Building --- V29:64
Miller, Steve --- V32:32
Miller, Steve, Mrs. --- V32:32
Miller, V. --- V26:79
Miller, William --- V14:32, 34, 36, 37, 40, 42, 65, 69
Miller, William --- V15:42
Miller, William --- V19:39
Miller, William --- V22:66
Miller, William G. --- V24:71
Miller, William G. --- V25:69
Miller, William Grant --- Marriage 5/2/37
Miller, William J. --- Tombstone 7/71
Miller, William Richard --- V38:62
Millers, May --- V26:79
Miller's Hill, --- V16:21
Milles, Daniel --- V19:57
Milles, David --- V14:70
Milles, David --- V15:42
Milles, David --- Roadwork 6/85
Milles, Henry --- V13:72
Milles, Henry --- V16:42, 88
Milles, Henry --- Roadwork 6/84 6/90
Milles, James --- V13:33-35, 37, 75
Milles, James --- V15:76
Millfarm, Insurance Record --- 5/2/45
Millholland, J. K. --- V18:38
Millie, --- V19:28
Milligan, Shirley Ann --- V34:30
Milliken, Harvey --- V38:61
Millington, Creek --- V28:69-70
Millington, Creek --- V30:37
Millington Farm, --- V28:70
Mills, --- V27:43-44
Mills, --- V37:2
Mills, --- V35:18
Mills, Alexander W. --- V14:12
Mills, Alexander W. --- Census 1/76 2/2/42
Mills, Alexander Wade --- V23:75
Mills, Amanda M. --- Birth Death 10/14
Mills, Andrew --- Mentioned 7/73
Mills, Andrew L. --- Census 2/2/30 Parent 11/2/10
Mills, Andrew Lewis --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Ann --- Opinion Of Will 4/79 Will Opinion 5/2/29 Landowner
Mills, Ann (Jackson) --- V25:69
Mills, Ann Clopton --- Parent 12/4
Mills, Ann Jackson --- V23:22
Mills, Ann Jane --- V22:64
Mills, Annie Maria Yeamans --- V23:42, 76
Mills, Annie Ola --- V23:42
Mills, Anstress --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Benjamin Higgason --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Benjamin Pranklin --- V23:75
Mills, Byrd --- V14:59, 61, 62
Mills, C. M. --- Farmer 7/65
Mills, C. Monroe --- V29:25
Mills, C., Dr. --- V21-1:94, 109, 113
Mills, Catharine --- Census 3/37
Mills, Charles --- V16:40
Mills, Charles --- V23:22
Mills, Charles --- V25:69
Mills, Charles --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 3/80 Petitioner 6/82 Query 9/
Mills, Charles H. --- Insurance Record 5/1/50
Mills, Charles M. --- V23:32
Mills, Charles Monroe --- V23:44, 75
Mills, Charles Monroe, III --- V23:44
Mills, Charles Wiley --- V23:75
Mills, Claybrooke --- V22:44
Mills, Dallas --- Haley Diary 8/93
Mills, Dallas, Mrs. --- V28:35
Mills, David --- V13:53, 73
Mills, David --- V14:42
Mills, David --- V16:40
Mills, David --- V21-2:39
Mills, David --- Vestryman 1/10 Roadwork 6/28 6/29 6/82 Birth 10/13
Mills, Dickerson --- V14:41
Mills, Dr. --- V22:43
Mills, E. L. --- V29:104
Mills, Edmond B. --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Edmund --- Census 2/2/30 Birth 10/14 Death 10/13
Mills, Elizabeth --- V25:69
Mills, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/30 2/2/42
Mills, Elizabeth --- V45:76
Mills, Elizabeth Ann --- Died 10/14
Mills, Elizabeth Anne Wade --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Emelyn --- V21-1:113
Mills, Emma H. --- V22:19
Mills, Etha Virginia --- V23:75
Mills, Frances --- V23:22
Mills, Frances Carolina --- V23:75
Mills, Frances Fowlkes --- Died 10/14
Mills, Frances I. --- Death 10/14
Mills, Frances Isabella --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Gabriel H. --- Birth Death 10/14
Mills, Garland --- Birth 10/13
Mills, Hart's --- V14:12
Mills, Henry --- V14:34, 36, 37, 42
Mills, Henry --- V19:38
Mills, Henry --- Petitioner 6/27 Legal Note 10/31 10/32 11/2/34
Mills, Ida Lynch --- V23:75
Mills, Irene --- V22:41
Mills, J. J. --- V19:45
Mills, J. J. --- V29:32
Mills, James --- Birth 10/13
Mills, Jane --- Mentioned 12/4
Mills, Jesse --- Census 4/40
Mills, John --- Census 4/40 Haley Diary 5/1/49 Birth 10/13
Mills, John Henry Brackett --- V13:81
Mills, John J. --- V21-1:79
Mills, John J. --- Census 3/38 Landowner 12/13
Mills, John Jackson --- V23:42, 75, 76
Mills, John Jackson, Jr. --- V23:75
Mills, Joseph --- V19:34
Mills, Joseph H. --- Tombstone 9/59
Mills, Kathryn Elizabeth --- V23:44
Mills, Lavinia F. --- Census 3/38
Mills, Leckie Lena --- V23:75
Mills, Lecky D. --- V25:52
Mills, Lena --- Mentioned 11/2/10
Mills, Lewis V. --- V14:48
Mills, Lewis Vaughan --- V13:81
Mills, Linnie Vance --- V23:75
Mills, Louisa Ann Carol --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Louisa Ann Caroline --- Birth Marriage 10/14
Mills, Lowry --- Legal Note 11/1/39
Mills, Mamie J., Mrs. --- V21-1:94
Mills, Mary --- V22:57, 58, 64, 65
Mills, Mary --- Census 2/2/34 Birth 10/14
Mills, Mary (Mamie) Josephine Jones --- V22:41
Mills, Mary Baker --- V22:64
Mills, Mary Baker --- V25:68
Mills, Mary Colly Hopkins --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Mary E. --- V23:44
Mills, Mary E. Wright --- V23:7
Mills, Mary Josephine Jones --- V22:96
Mills, Mary Murdock --- V23:75
Mills, Minnie Blanche --- V23:75
Mills, Mitchell R. --- V29:40
Mills, Muria H. --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Nancy --- V17:82
Mills, Nat --- Haley Diary 5/1/47
Mills, Nathaniel --- V24:27
Mills, Nathaniel --- Census 3/37 Railroad Officer 7/54 Court Justice, 7
Mills, Nicholas --- V22:63, 64
Mills, Nicholas --- Taxpayer 1/16
Mills, Nicholas --- V42:94
Mills, Nicholas, Jr. --- Parent 4/12
Mills, Nicholas, Sr. --- V22:64
Mills, Ola --- V23:42
Mills, P. B. --- V18:27
Mills, P. C., Mrs. --- V21-1:68
Mills, Pallison --- Census 2/2/30
Mills, Pallison B. --- Landowner 11/2/10
Mills, Pat B. --- V22:29
Mills, Patrick B. --- V19:49
Mills, Payne's --- V14:9
Mills, Pearl --- V22:96
Mills, Pearl --- V34:15
Mills, Pete --- V22:41, 43
Mills, Peter --- V22:97
Mills, Peter Lipscomb --- Birth Death 10/14
Mills, Philip --- V22:41, 43, 96
Mills, Philip --- V25:13
Mills, Philip Cady --- V22:41
Mills, R. Lewis --- V13:81
Mills, Randy --- V22:41, 43
Mills, Rev. Mr. --- V13:82
Mills, Rice --- Birth 10/13
Mills, Richard --- V29:45
Mills, Robert --- V24:93
Mills, Robert --- Census 3/38 Birth 10/13
Mills, Robert Garland --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Robert Oliver --- V23:75
Mills, Robert T. --- Parent 10/13
Mills, Sara Kennedy --- V23:75
Mills, Sarah --- V17:82
Mills, Sarah A. --- Census 3/33
Mills, Sarah Elizabeth --- V23:75
Mills, Smith's --- V14:39
Mills, Suey Colly --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Susan --- Census 2/2/30 2/2/31 Marriage 5/2/35 5/2/39
Mills, Susan Katherine --- V23:75
Mills, Susanna --- Birth 10/14
Mills, Susanna D. --- Parent 11/2/10
Mills, Terissa Ann (Foster) --- V13:81
Mills, Thomas H. --- Census 3/37
Mills, Todd's --- V14:9
Mills, W. H. --- V23:42
Mills, Wade --- V23:75
Mills, Wade Hamilton --- V23:42
Mills, Wade Hampton --- V23:75
Mills, Wilhelmena --- V22:41
Mills, Wilhelmina --- V22:96
Mills, William --- V16:37
Mills, William --- V22:14, 63-66
Mills, William --- V23:75, 110
Mills, William --- V24:70
Mills, William --- V25:68
Mills, William --- Census 4/41 Insurance Record 5/1/50 Landowner 10/5
Mills, William --- V32:27
Mills, William --- V41:24, 25, 27, 28
Mills, William G. --- V22:19
Mills, William H. --- Census 3/37
Mills, William J. --- V23:23
Mills, William J. --- V25:18
Mills, William J. --- Census 3/38
Mills, William James --- V23:75
Mills, William T. --- Census 3/38
Mill's Crossing, --- V26:19
Mills, James, & Co., --- V14:75
Millsboro, Va., --- V21-1:98
Millstones, --- V19:65
Millwood, --- V44:51, 113
Milly, --- V16:79
Milly, --- V19:96
Milly, (Slave) --- V30:71, 74
Milly Poindexter slave, --- V32:9
Milroy, Robert, Gen. --- V42:53, 54
Mils, Henry --- V17:68
Mils, James --- V17:82
Milstead, Belinda --- V19:60
Milton, Carrie E. --- Teacher 4/81
Milton, Jesse W. --- V17:5
Milton, Albemarle Co., --- V25:16, 21
Mine, Copper --- V18:25
Mine Run, --- V22:74
Miner, Jester Alex --- Haley Diary 12/99
Miner, Thomas --- Census 5/1/23
Mineral, --- V16:35
Mineral, --- V18:24, 25
Mineral, --- V19:16, 17, 46
Mineral, --- V20:34, 47
Mineral, --- V21-2:11, 28
Mineral, --- V22:13, 18, 22, 96, 97
Mineral, --- V23:41
Mineral, --- V25:23, 95
Mineral, --- V27:8, 11, 24-25, 34
Mineral, --- V28:33, 36, 87
Mineral, --- V29:32, 95
Mineral, --- V39:32, 37
Mineral, --- V31: 6, 30, 33, 37, .45, 48, 49, 51, 55, 56, 57, 89
Mineral, --- V37:19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 91
Mineral, --- V33:90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
Mineral, --- V34:21, 22
Mineral, --- V32:38, 39, 40, 46, 71
Mineral, --- V40:9, 13, 14, 15, 16
Mineral, --- V46:39
Mineral, Avenue --- V40:62
Mineral, Club --- V40:50
Mineral, Hotel --- V40:62
Mineral (Tolersville), --- V35:18
Mineral (Virginia), --- V13:23, 39-45, 79
Mineral Baptist Ch., --- V21-1:51, 74, 84, 111, 115, 116, 123
Mineral Baptist Ch., --- V23:44, 113
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V13:41, 42
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V17:52
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V18:24
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V21-2:29
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V18:24
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V38:74
Mineral Baptist Church, --- V34:21
Mineral Church, --- V29:54-55
Mineral City, --- V15:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Mineral City, --- V16:35
Mineral City, --- V18:29
Mineral City, --- V19:45
Mineral City, --- V20:84
Mineral City, --- V21-1:13, 16, 17, 28, 44, 49
Mineral City, --- V39:30, 32
Mineral City, --- V32:39, 40
Mineral City Bank Building, --- V21-1:88
Mineral City Baptist Ch., --- V21-1:81
Mineral City Land Co., --- V21-1:21, 22, 30, 81, 85, 91, 94
Mineral City Land Co., --- V21-2:14
Mineral City Land Company, --- V38:17
Mineral City Lodge IOOF, --- V21-1:94
Mineral City Milling Co., --- V21-1:125
Mineral City Mining, Manufacturing and Land Co., --- V21-1:16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 28, 72, 80
Mineral City Pilot, --- V21-1:44
Mineral City Reduction Works, --- V15:4, 5, 6
Mineral Civic League, --- V21-2:30
Mineral Community League, --- V21-1:68
Mineral Crystal Ice Co., --- V36:42, 51-53
Mineral Day, --- V21-1:117
Mineral Depot, C & O, --- V21-1:125
Mineral Drug Store, --- V22:41, 96
Mineral Drugstore, --- V21-1:102, 104, 112
Mineral Drugstore, --- V31: 33
Mineral Elem. School, --- V21-1:67, 101, 104, 119
Mineral Elementary School, --- V21-2:29
Mineral Elementary School, --- V27:74
Mineral Elementary School, --- V31: 55
Mineral Fire Co., --- V21-1:73, 108
Mineral Fire Department, --- V21-1:7, 43, 126
Mineral Fire Hall, --- V21-1:110
Mineral Garage, --- V21-1:94
Mineral Garage, --- V21-2:30
Mineral Grade School, --- V21-1:67
Mineral Hardware, --- V21-1:72, 91
Mineral High School, --- V21-1:67, 69, 70, 103
Mineral High School, --- V21-2:15, 29
Mineral High School, --- V22:41, 96
Mineral High School, --- V25:9, 12
Mineral High School, --- V31: 45, 48, 54
Mineral High School, --- V37:38
Mineral Hotel, --- V21-1:19, 41, 47, 73, 99, 110, 112
Mineral Hotel, --- V27:11
Mineral Ice Plant, --- V21-1:62
Mineral Lodge, --- V21-1:77, 78
Mineral Machine & Lumber Company, --- V21-1:86
Mineral Magisterial District, --- V21-2:14
Mineral Methodist Ch., --- V21-1:86
Mineral Methodist Episcopal Ch., --- V21-1:85, 86
Mineral Mill, --- V36:45
Mineral Milling Co., --- V21-1:44, 125
Mineral Milling Co., --- V21-2:29
Mineral Milling Co., --- V36:42, 45-47, 50
Mineral Mirror, --- V21-1:44, 120
Mineral National Bank, --- V21-1:117
Mineral Nine, --- V21-1:71
Mineral Parent Teacher Assoc., --- V21-1:68
Mineral Pilot, --- V21-1:120
Mineral Post Office, --- V32:37
Mineral Printing & Publishing Co., --- V21-1:69, 120
Mineral Public Schools, --- V13:45
Mineral School, --- V21-1:66, 70, 116
Mineral School, --- V31: 49
Mineral School, --- V36:46, 50
Mineral School Board, --- V21-1:66
Mineral School Board, --- V21-2:14
Mineral Service Station, --- V21-1:125
Mineral Station, --- V33:90
Mineral Tea Room, --- V21-1:109
Mineral Town council, --- V33:94
Mineral Train Depot, --- V31: 37
Mineral Volunteer Fire Depart., --- V21-2:30
Mineral Volunteer Fire Department, --- V21-1:96
Mineral Weekly Progress, --- V21-1:44, 91, 120
Mineral Weekly Progress, --- V27:11
Mineral, VA, --- V30:29, 32
Mineral, VA, --- V38:17, 74
Mineral, Va., --- V17:37
Mineral, Virginia, --- V19:75
Mineral. Virginia, --- V14:54
Miners Chapel, --- V20:47
Miners Chapel, --- V21-1:79, 80, 83, 87, 115
Miner's Chapel, --- V21-1:70
Miners Teachers College, --- V25:62
Mines, Sulpher Co. --- V18:27
Mines, Sulphur --- V18:25
Minnesota, --- V37:29
Minniegarod, Dr. --- V29:52
Minor, --- V21-2:38
Minor, --- V25:21, 22
Minor, (Slave) --- V30:83
Minor, Alex --- V24:40
Minor, Alice --- Census 3/73
Minor, Andrew --- V37:10
Minor, Anne --- V13:18
Minor, Barrett --- V43:102
Minor, Charles --- V43:104
Minor, Clara --- Census 1/77
Minor, Committee Of Safety --- 8/61 Rev. Soldier 8/72 8/74 Mentioned, 9/73
Minor, Conly --- V23:106
Minor, Dabney --- V13:19
Minor, Dabney --- V14:19, 27
Minor, Dabney --- V23:100
Minor, Dabney --- V24:49
Minor, Dabney --- Yancey Will 1/72
Minor, Dora --- V24:39
Minor, Dorothea --- V46:15
Minor, Dr. Minor --- V43:92
Minor, Elizabeth --- V20:63, 66
Minor, Elizabeth A. --- V14:81
Minor, Fanny --- Census 3/73
Minor, Folly --- Insurance Record 5/2/44
Minor, Garet --- Letter To 4/12
Minor, Garret --- V22:47
Minor, Garret --- Mentioned 3/4 Rev. Soldier 3/25
Minor, Garret(T) --- Commissioner 1/21 Parent 10/12 Birth Marriage Deat
Minor, Garret, Mrs. --- V27:39
Minor, Garrett --- V15:60, 71
Minor, Garrett --- V20:97
Minor, Garrett --- V27:20
Minor, Garrett --- Of Sunning Hill 3/3 Census 5/1/23 Farmer 7/27
Minor, Garrett --- V40:61
Minor, Garrett --- V42:117l
Minor, Garrett --- V43:66, 100, 102
Minor, Garrett --- V44:58, 61, 64, 65, 71
Minor, Garrett, Col. --- V14:16, 17, 27
Minor, Garrit --- V21-2:38
Minor, Garrit --- V27:19
Minor, Garrit --- Mentioned 4/70
Minor, Garrit, Col. --- V37:54
Minor, Garritt --- V13:21
Minor, Garritt --- V22:47, 48
Minor, Garritt --- Military Service 7;85 Mentioned 3/8 3/16 3/22
Minor, Gen'l --- V30:6
Minor, George W. --- Census 3/86
Minor, James --- V13:66
Minor, James --- V18:19
Minor, James --- V20:97
Minor, James --- V22:49
Minor, James --- Landowner 3/3 Insurance Record 5/1/50 Justice Of P
Minor, John --- V14:24, 28
Minor, John --- V17:31
Minor, John --- V19:41, 90
Minor, John --- V20:63, 66
Minor, John --- V22:49
Minor, John --- Parent 10/59 Stock Mark Recorded 11/2/35
Minor, John --- V28:13
Minor, John --- V43:102
Minor, John Barbee --- V25:41
Minor, John Barber --- V23:45
Minor, Julia Ann --- Mentioned 3/4
Minor, Julia Anna --- V46:110
Minor, Kittie --- Census 3/73
Minor, Lancelot --- V26:87
Minor, Lancelot --- Census 3/73 4/40 Insurance 5/2/44 Will Witness 8/2
Minor, Lancelot, Jr. --- V13:25
Minor, Lancelot, Jr. --- V17:22
Minor, Lancelotte --- V14:15, 26
Minor, Lavinia --- Census 1/77
Minor, Lucian --- V17:62, 66
Minor, Lucian --- V24:75
Minor, Lucian --- V25:25, 49
Minor, Lucian --- Census 1/77
Minor, Lucien --- V23:45
Minor, Lucien --- V29:73
Minor, Lucien --- V35:180
Minor, Lucy T. --- V17:27
Minor, Lydia Lewis --- Mentioned 3/3
Minor, Margaret Herndon --- V34:18
Minor, Maria L. --- V16:34
Minor, Maria Louisa --- V46:111, 116
Minor, Mary --- Of Sunning Hill 3/3 Census 3/73 4/40
Minor, Mary --- V32:47
Minor, Mary O. --- V27:19
Minor, Mary O. --- Insurance 5/2/44
Minor, Mary Overton --- Tombstone 11/2/16
Minor, Mary Terrell --- 10/12
Minor, Mary W. --- V13:16
Minor, Mary Watson --- Mentioned 9/72
Minor, Mat --- Died 9/93
Minor, Nancy --- V13:19
Minor, Patsy --- V27:19-20
Minor, Peter --- V14:25
Minor, Peter --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Minor, Polly --- V27:39
Minor, Sallie --- Census 3/73
Minor, Sally --- Mentioned 9/73 Tombstone 11/2/14
Minor, Samuel Overton --- Heir Of Garret 3/3
Minor, Sarah --- V17:31
Minor, Sarah --- Marriage 9/65
Minor, Sarah A. (Winston) --- V13:25
Minor, Sarah Carr --- Parent 10/59
Minor, Thomas --- V13:10
Minor, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16
Minor, Thomas C. --- Census 4/41
Minor, Thomas, Jr. --- V14:78
Minor, Tom --- V37:10
Minor, William --- V14:19, 20, 28, 79
Minor, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Minor, Wm --- V43:102
Minor/Miner, Garrett --- V41:55
Minor/Miner, James --- V41:34
Minor/Miner, John --- V41:55
Minor/Miner, Lilla --- V41:85
Minor/Miner, Nancy/Nannie --- V41:68, 70
Minor/Miner, Raymond --- V41:3,
Minor's, Major Garrett --- V26:42
Minor's Folley, --- V26:87
Minors Folly, --- V14:26
Minute Book of Louisa County, --- V32:5
Mirne, (Slave) --- V30:74
Miss Jane, --- V16:14
Miss Martha, --- V16:17
Miss Mary, --- V16:13
Mission Ridge, --- V24:85
Mississippi, --- V20:44
Mississippi, --- V23:25, 26
Mississippi, --- V28:80
Mississippi, --- V37:27, 30, 31, 36
Missouri, --- V14:60
Missouri, --- V17:82
Missouri, --- V38:5
Missouri, --- V37:82
Missouri, --- V35:91
Missouri, --- V40:56, 57
Missouri, Democracy A History --- V30:3
Mistletoe Lodge, --- V33:75
Mitchall, John --- V26:41
Mitchel, Carter --- Roadwork 6/83
Mitchel, Thomas --- Census 4/41
Mitchel, William --- Census 4/40
Mitchell, Albert --- Murderer 6/21
Mitchell, Alex R. Williams --- V14:57
Mitchell, Ann F. --- V18:36
Mitchell, Anna --- Marriage 5/2/38
Mitchell, Barnet --- Taxpayer 1/16
Mitchell, Barnett --- V20:23
Mitchell, Barnett --- Census 5/1/23
Mitchell, Barrett --- Rev. Soldier 8/29
Mitchell, Catherine --- Marriage 12/81
Mitchell, Charles --- V16:87
Mitchell, Charles --- V19:43
Mitchell, Charles Paul --- V21-1:122
Mitchell, Delphe Mallory --- V15:35
Mitchell, Dorothy --- V28:78
Mitchell, Dorothy --- V35:13, 14
Mitchell, Emma Jane --- V30:13-14
Mitchell, Francis Jerdone --- V14:57
Mitchell, George --- V26:47, 48
Mitchell, George G. --- V18:36
Mitchell, Gwen --- V30:14-15
Mitchell, Henry --- V13:70
Mitchell, Isabella --- V18:34, 35
Mitchell, Isabella (Jerdone) --- V14:53, 56
Mitchell, Isabelle --- Tombstone 11/2/14
Mitchell, John --- Tax Payer 1/16 Census 2/2/42 5/1/23 Landgrant 10/8
Mitchell, John --- V43:57
Mitchell, John W. --- V28:78
Mitchell, John W. --- V35:13, 14
Mitchell, Lemuel Barzilla --- V30:13
Mitchell, Lemuel Barzilla, Mrs. --- V30:13
Mitchell, Lila Goff --- V30:14
Mitchell, Lucy Anne --- V40:75
Mitchell, Maggie A. --- V30:13
Mitchell, Maria --- V18:26, 35
Mitchell, Martha --- V15:34
Mitchell, Martha A. --- V15:35
Mitchell, Mary --- V18:36
Mitchell, Mary Ellen Boxley --- V30:13
Mitchell, Mary Eugenia --- V30:13
Mitchell, Maude Martha --- V30:13-14
Mitchell, Mrs. --- V18:35
Mitchell, O. T. --- V15:46
Mitchell, O. T. --- V24:93
Mitchell, Richard A. --- V16:12
Mitchell, Robert E. --- V18:39
Mitchell, Sarah Jerdone --- V14:57
Mitchell, Sarah T. --- Marriage 12/12
Mitchell, Thomas --- V14:53, 56, 57
Mitchell, Thomas --- V18:34, 35, 36
Mitchell, Thomas --- V24:49
Mitchell, Thomas --- V26:4
Mitchell, Thomas --- Census 5/1/23 Merchant 7/29
Mitchell, Thomas Boxley --- V30:13-14
Mitchell, Thomas Boxley, Mrs. --- V30:14
Mitchell, Virginia Alice --- Married 5/2/25 Mentioned 5/2/28
Mitchell, William Snelson --- V15:35
Mitchell, William T. --- Parent 12/12
Mitchell, William W. --- V17:51
Mitchell, Wm., M. --- V17:52
Mitchell's store, --- V32:39
Mitchie, Elizabeth --- V27:60
Mithridate, --- V16:51
Mitten, Robert --- V20:11
Mizell, John --- V21-1:84
Mizzell, J. C. --- V29:57
Mobile, --- V24:85
Mobile, Alabama, --- V34:25
Mobiom, Son Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Mocaulay, John --- Roadwork 6/85
Model-T bus, --- V31: 49
Model-T Ford bus, --- V31: 48
Model-T school bus, --- V31: 48
Modena, Etta --- V32:43
Modena, Fanny --- Census 3/47
Modena, Martha --- Census 3/47
Modena, Polly --- Census 3/47
Modena, Richard --- Census 3/47
Modena, Thomas --- Census 3/47
Moffett, T. R. --- V21-1:28
Molasses, --- V30:64-65
Molasses, Pudding --- V30:87
Molenda, Anna --- V24:12
Molenda, Joseph Jacob --- V24:11
Molenda, Kim Barlow --- V24:12
Molenda, Morgan Ann --- V24:12
Molenda's Cabinet Shop, --- V24:11
Moll, --- V20:91
Moll, --- V25:98
Molly, --- V25:97
Molly, Miss --- V23:33
Moms, Jim --- V30:59
Monacan, --- V33:67. 68
Monacan, --- V34:7, 8, 13
Monacan burial mound, --- V34:13
Monacan Indians, --- V28:38
Monacan Indians, --- V34:7, 13
Monacan Nation, --- V34:7, 13
Monacan Village, --- V34:7
Monanacah, --- V33:68
Moncure, Elgin D. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Moncure, H. W. --- V27:27
Moncure, Henry W. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Moncure, James A., III --- V13:60
Monday, Samuel --- Census 3/42
Money, W. E. --- V21-1:67
Monger, Hubert --- V21-1:116
Monger, Hubert --- V21-2:14
Mongrumry, --- V20:82
Monk, Ida --- V38:60
Monkas, William --- Legal Note 10/27 10/28 10/29 9/84
Monkus, William --- V32:64, 66, 68
Monmouth, --- V22:10
Monmouth, NJ --- V30:14
Monongahela Co., PA, --- V25:20
Monroe, --- V20:82
Monroe, Col. --- V13:15
Monroe, Gabriel --- V19:78
Monroe, Governor James --- V26:26
Monroe, James --- V13:15
Monroe, James --- V25:44
Monroe, James --- Tavern Visitor 1/39
Monroe, Rev. C. F. --- V21-1:82
Monroe County KY, --- V30:78
Monroe Mills, --- V37:39
Monroe Park, --- V34:59
Monsieur, Durand --- V16:49
Montabaun, --- V34:51
Montague, Elizabeth Smith --- Query 10/10
Montague, James --- Query 10/10
Montague, James H. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Montague, Lt. Gov. --- Haley Diary 4/18
Montague, William --- Taxpayer 1/17
Montana, --- V40:14
Monteiro, Helen (Miss) --- V13:85
Montgomery, --- V20:37
Montgomery, Mason --- V21-1:123
Montgomery County (Virginia), --- V14:45
Montgomery's Co, --- V32:33
Montgomery's Co. Lt. Artillery, --- V32:33
Monticello, --- V14:63
Monticello, --- V25:11
Monticello, --- V28:16
Monticello, --- V29:5, 63
Monticello, --- V31: 100
Monticello, --- V33:68
Monticello, --- V34:13
Monticello Park, --- V23:38
Montpelier, --- V21-1:103
Montpelier, --- V24:14
Montpelier, --- V28:14
Montreal, --- V33:79
Montross, --- V44:125
Monument, --- V35:56-57
Monument Ave, --- V35:129
Monument Conservators, --- V36:72
Monument, Confederate, --- V35:128-136, 148-158
Monumental (Episcopal) Church, --- V26:27
Moody, --- V21-1:17, 20
Moody, Anna B. --- V21-1:15, 16
Moody, Anna Bella --- V21-1:12, 13
Moody, Dennis --- Haley Diary 5/1/39 5/1/41
Moody, Dwight L. --- V35:53
Moody, Frances --- Census 3/33
Moody, Harriet --- Census 1/85
Moody, John N. --- V32:29
Moody, Johnson --- V33:18
Moody, M. L. --- Census 1/85
Moody, Mary --- Census 3/33
Moody, R. B. --- Census 1/85
Moody, William B. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Moody, William C. --- V19:48
Moody, William C. --- V21-1:12, 15, 16, 28
Moody, William C. --- Census 1/85
Moon, Alice P. --- V24:66
Moon, Alice Pendleton --- Tombstone 10/70
Moon, Ann M. --- Census 2/1/36
Moon, Arch. --- V30:77
Moon, Charlotte --- V27:93, 94
Moon, Edward --- V22:60
Moon, Elizabeth Barclay --- Tombstone 10/70
Moon, F. C. --- V22:60
Moon, Jacob --- V27:94
Moon, Judith --- Married 11/1/22
Moon, Lilla --- V22:60
Moon, Lilla --- Married 5/1/33
Moon, Lilla --- V28:92
Moon, Louisa --- V25:21, 22
Moon, Sarah --- Married 11/1/22
Moon, Schuyler B. --- V24:66
Moon, Schuyler B. --- Marriage 5/2/38 Tombstone 10/70
Moony, John --- Roadwork 6/33 Timothy, Roadwork 6/33
Moor, Ann --- Will Recorded 11/1/20 John, Landowner 11/1/20 Land
Moor, Bernard --- V19:101
Moor, Col. --- V19:101
Moore, Ann --- V19:101
Moore, Augustine --- V35:173, 175
Moore, Augustine, Jr. --- Legal Note 11/1/40
Moore, Austin --- V21-2:40
Moore, Bettie --- Marriage 5/2/32
Moore, Claudia Waddy --- V21-1:118
Moore, Edward --- Census 5/1/23
Moore, Edward --- V41:24, 30
Moore, Fannie E. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Moore, Francis --- Census 3/42
Moore, Gibson --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Moore, H. Gregory --- Marriage 5/2/37
Moore, Hezekiah --- Census 3/32
Moore, Hugh Alexander --- V21-1:12
Moore, J. D. --- V21-1:56
Moore, James --- Genealogy 8/24
Moore, Jean --- V38:11
Moore, Jem --- Census 3/32
Moore, John --- V13:31, 53
Moore, John --- V14:34, 40, 43, 66
Moore, John --- V15:41, 77
Moore, John --- V16:86, 87, 88
Moore, John --- V17:35
Moore, John --- V19:37, 39, 42-44, 90, 91
Moore, John --- V21-1:111
Moore, John --- V21-2:41
Moore, John --- Resident 1/4 Query 2/2/49 Roadwork 6/86 Legal. Cli
Moore, John --- V41:29
Moore, Lillian S. --- V34:20
Moore, Lucenda --- Census 3/32
Moore, Lucy --- Census 3/32
Moore, Mamie Aileen (Doles) --- V38:62
Moore, Maude --- V21-1:111
Moore, Mr. --- V41:27
Moore, Nimrod --- V20:6
Moore, Peter --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Moore, Robert Charles --- V38:60
Moore, Union Theological Seminary Richmond Va --- V29:49
Moore, W. W. (Reverend) --- V29:49
Moore, William --- Mentioned 10/8
Moore, William T. --- V27:62
Moore, William T., Mrs. --- V27:62
Moore, Willie --- V38:62
Moore, Wm. T., Mrs. --- V27:62
Moore Farm, --- V27:62
Moore House, --- V27:57-64
Moore House, Photo --- 6/80
Moorefield, --- V26:34-38
Moorefield (place), --- V21-2:6
Mooreman, Charles --- V17:32
Mooreman, Charles --- Road Overseer 6/24 10/27 Quaker 10/89 Will, 11/1/2
Mooreman, Kitty --- Landowner 11/2/20
Mooreman, Thomas --- Quaker 10/89
Moorman, Achilles --- Quaker 11/1/7
Moorman, Alexander --- V19:90
Moorman, Andrew --- V24:49
Moorman, Andrew --- Quaker 11/1/20
Moorman, Caty --- V24:49
Moorman, Charles --- V16:65
Moorman, Charles --- Landowner 11/1/19 Marriage 11/1/21 Quaker 11/1/20
Moorman, Charles --- V41:104
Moorman, Charles, Sr. --- V22:50
Moorman, Elizabeth --- Marriage 11/1/22
Moorman, James --- V13:9
Moorman, James --- V24:49
Moorman, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/74 Heir 11/1/21 Marriage 11/1/22 Ma
Moorman, James --- V41:104
Moorman, Judith --- Marriage 11/1/22
Moorman, Mary --- Marriage 11/1/22
Moorman, Micajah --- Lynchburg Trustee 11/1/20
Moorman, Rachel --- Heir 11/1/12 11/1/13
Moorman, Robert --- Heir 11/1/21 Marriage 11/1/23
Moorman, Sarah --- Quaker 11/1/20
Moorman, Thomas --- Quaker 11/1/7 11/1/20 11/1/21 Heir 11/1/13 11/1/21
Moorman, Zachariah --- Immigrant 11/1/20 Married 11/1/23
Moran, Sandra --- V42:28
More, John --- Taxpayer 1/16
More, Mr. --- V42:61
More, Philip --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
More, Sarah --- Wife Of Rev. Soldier 8/74
Moreman, Charles --- V20:91
Moreman, Charles --- Road Overseer 6/24 6/83 6/85 Legal Case 9/44, 12/4
Moreman, Charles --- V32:3
Moreman, Charles, Jr. --- Landowner 9/43
Moreman, Charles, Sr. --- Legal Note 11/1/42
Moreman, James --- Tax Payer 1/16
Moreman, Thomas --- V14:64
Moreman, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16 Landowner 6/85
Moreman, Thos. --- V20:76
Morgan, Charles Chester --- V28:43
Morgan, Jarrett --- Taxpayer 1/16 Lena V., Marriage 5/2/38
Morgan, Lovina Forsyth --- V28:43
Morgan, Wiley --- V30:22
Morgan County Ill, --- V28:48
Morgan County Illinois, --- V28:46
Morgan James Publishing, --- V39:24
Morgan Thomas & Co., Bristol, --- V13:63
Morganton, N. C., --- V21-1:62
Morgantown, WV, --- V20:88
Mork Investment Corporation, --- V13:61
Morman, Andrew --- Land Owner 9/73
Morman, Thomas --- Census 5/1/23
Morney, Thomas --- V38:48
Morris, ? Louise Churchill --- Tombstone 7/71
Morris, Andrew --- Census 3/49- 5
Morris, Ann --- Census 2/2/36
Morris, Ann --- V46:15
Morris, Ann C. --- Mentioned 11/2/9
Morris, Annie G. --- Tombstone 11/2/13
Morris, Arthur Henry --- V21-1:121
Morris, Betsy --- Census 3/47
Morris, Bill --- V21-1:109
Morris, Capt. --- V20:82
Morris, Capt. --- V43:36, 37
Morris, Carolin, Mrs. --- V32:17
Morris, Caroline --- Census 3/44
Morris, Caroline Smith --- V44:105
Morris, Catharine --- V16:40
Morris, Catharine --- V32:34
Morris, Catherine --- V17:34
Morris, Catherine --- V19:38
Morris, Catherine --- V46:74
Morris, Charles --- Census 3/80
Morris, Charles --- V42:50, 51
Morris, Charles --- V43:94
Morris, Charles --- V44:42
Morris, Col. --- V19:42, 64
Morris, Col. --- V23:46
Morris, Constance M. --- Tombstone 7/70
Morris, Dabney --- Query 4/51
Morris, David --- V15:34
Morris, David --- Census 4/40
Morris, David --- V42:128
Morris, David --- V43:100
Morris, Dorothy --- V15:35
Morris, Dudley --- Census 3/49
Morris, Edloe --- Census 2/2/36
Morris, Edwin H. --- V14:48
Morris, Effie --- V20:32
Morris, Eleanor Murray --- V37:39
Morris, Elgin C. --- V20:80
Morris, Elizabeth --- V15:33, 34
Morris, Elizabeth --- Census 3/45
Morris, Elizabeth --- V35:166
Morris, Elizabeth --- V41:10
Morris, Emily J. --- Census 2/2/36
Morris, Evelyn --- V23:43
Morris, F. C. --- Farmer 7/65
Morris, Fannie --- Census 3/44
Morris, Frank Carr --- Tombstone 7/72
Morris, Fred M. --- Census 3/79
Morris, Geo. W. --- V27:27
Morris, George --- V24:50
Morris, George --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 3/41 5/1/23 Query 4/51
Morris, George --- V41:100
Morris, George W. --- V19:7, 10
Morris, George W. --- Farmer 7/65 Tombstone 7/70
Morris, George, Jr. --- Census 5/1/23
Morris, George, Jr. --- V41:101
Morris, George, Mr. --- V39:39
Morris, Guthrie --- V15:35
Morris, H. C. --- Farmer 7/65
Morris, H. C. --- V29:104
Morris, Hamden --- Census 3/44
Morris, Harriet --- Census 3/41 3/44
Morris, Harry Milton --- V21-1:122
Morris, Henry --- V16:87
Morris, Henry --- V19:92
Morris, Henry --- Census 3/41 3/45 Roadwork 6/83 Landgrant 10/82
Morris, Hill --- V44:50
Morris, Horsey C. --- Census 3/79
Morris, Isaac --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 4/40 Landgrant 10/84
Morris, Isaac --- V41:100
Morris, Isaac --- V43:100
Morris, Isabella --- Census 3/49
Morris, J. M. --- Farmer 7/65
Morris, J. M. --- V31: 82
Morris, James --- V13:28
Morris, James --- Census 3/35 3/44 3/45
Morris, James --- V32:14
Morris, James --- V44:87, 104, 105, 124
Morris, James H. --- Census 3/(29 Or 79) Farmer 7/63
Morris, James M. --- V46:105
Morris, James Maury --- Tombstone 7/70 Landowner 11/2/9
Morris, James Maury --- V46:8, 15
Morris, Joe Samuel --- V21-1:122
Morris, John --- V13:33
Morris, John --- V15:44
Morris, John --- V16:87
Morris, John --- V22:90
Morris, John --- Census 3/45 3/47 4/40 Roadwork 6/83 Farmer 7/65 To
Morris, John --- V38:77
Morris, John --- V41:10, 103
Morris, John --- V43:91
Morris, John --- V44:126, 131
Morris, John --- V46:74
Morris, John B. --- V38:80
Morris, John L. --- Census 2/2/36
Morris, John M. --- Census 3/79
Morris, John N. --- V38:80
Morris, John R. --- V38:77, 79, 80, 81, 82
Morris, John Richmond --- V38:79
Morris, Joseph --- Census 3/40
Morris, Joseph W. --- V32:29
Morris, Joshua L. --- Census 3/79 Farmer 7/63
Morris, Julia M. Armstrong --- Tombstone 7/72
Morris, Julian --- Tombstone 7/70
Morris, L. Z. --- V21-1:28
Morris, L. Z. --- V36:46
Morris, Landowner --- 11/2/19 Parent 11/2/9
Morris, Lewis Z. --- V21-1:62
Morris, Maj. --- V41:20
Morris, Major --- V27:83
Morris, Malinda --- Census 3/45
Morris, Maria --- Census 3/49
Morris, Martha L. --- Census 3/79
Morris, Mary --- V15:34
Morris, Mary --- V23:72
Morris, Mary --- V24:21
Morris, Mary --- Census 3/45
Morris, Mary (Polly --- V15:33
Morris, Mary E. --- V29:64
Morris, Mary F. --- Census 3/41
Morris, Mary Louise --- V34:6
Morris, Mary M. --- Census 3/79
Morris, Mary Minor --- V45:31, 64
Morris, Mary Nee Overton --- Mentioned 11/29
Morris, Matilda --- Census 2/2/36
Morris, Mr. --- V41:26
Morris, Mrs. --- V19:37
Morris, Oliver C. --- Census 3/79
Morris, Patience --- V41:10
Morris, Pomey Bell --- Census 3/32
Morris, R. O. --- Farmer 7/65
Morris, Ray --- V20:32
Morris, Reverend James W --- V45:40
Morris, Richard --- V14:29, 78, 79
Morris, Richard --- Taxpayer 1/16 Author 3/8 Biography 3/9 Mentioned 3
Morris, Richard --- V35:65
Morris, Richard --- V42:99
Morris, Richard --- V44:13
Morris, Richard --- V46:74
Morris, Richard G. --- Query 4/51
Morris, Richard O. --- Census 3/45 Tombstone 7/70
Morris, Richard Overton --- V46:8
Morris, Richard, Col. --- V14:28, 61, 62
Morris, Robert --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Morris, Robert --- V28:6
Morris, Robert --- V43:39
Morris, Sallie --- Census 3/47
Morris, Sallie Fleming --- Tombstone 7/15
Morris, Samuel --- Census 5/1/23 Landgrant 11/2/21
Morris, Samuel --- V41:100
Morris, Sarah --- Census 3/32 3/47
Morris, Sarah E. --- Census 3/49
Morris, Silvanius --- V46:73
Morris, Silvanus --- V13:35, 37, 76
Morris, Silvanus --- V15:41, 76
Morris, Silvanus --- V16:40, 41
Morris, Silvanus --- V17:34
Morris, Silvanus --- V19:42
Morris, Silvanus dec'd. --- V17:35
Morris, Stark W. --- Death 1/45
Morris, Starke W. --- V25:34
Morris, Starke W. --- Census 3/32
Morris, Susan --- Census 3/45
Morris, Susan Dabney --- V34:6
Morris, Susan Dabney --- V41:89
Morris, Susanna --- V24:50
Morris, Sylvanus --- V14:66, 67, 68
Morris, Sylvanus --- Father Of Richard 3/9
Morris, T. H. --- Landowner 11/2/11
Morris, Tandy G. --- Census 3/41
Morris, Tandy Graves --- Query 4/51
Morris, Theodocia --- V13:57
Morris, Thomas --- V19:96
Morris, Thomas --- Census 3/32
Morris, Thomas Burbage --- Tombstone 7/15 Will, Landgrant 10/85
Morris, W. Ross --- V38:80
Morris, W. W. --- V21-1:94
Morris, William --- V14:11, 42, 65, 67
Morris, William --- V15:41, 43, 76
Morris, William --- V16:40, 41
Morris, William --- V19:39
Morris, William --- V27:83
Morris, William --- Taxpayer 1/16 Grandfather Of Richard 3/9 Census 3/
Morris, William --- V41:10
Morris, William --- V42:95
Morris, William "Billy" --- V44:38, 40, 41, 49
Morris, William (Maj. ) --- V13:57
Morris, William J. --- Census 3/79
Morris, William O. --- V14:62
Morris, William O. --- Census 3/89
Morris, William Overton --- Landowner 11/29
Morris, William W. --- Tombstone 7/70
Morris, William, Jr. --- Census 4/40 Insurance Record 5/2/44 Mentioned 9/73
Morris, William, Jr. --- V41:34
Morris, William, Sr. --- V14:78
Morris, William, Sr. --- Insurance 5/2/44
Morris, Wm --- V46:74, 119
Morris family, --- V38:77
Morris Island, --- V19:81
Morris' Island, --- V22:73, 74
Morris Island, S.C., --- V35:60-61, 93
Morris' Quarters, --- V13:51
Morrison, A. J. --- V25:31
Morrison, A. T. --- V29:45
Morrison, Agnes M. --- V38:60
Morrison, Bessie May (Moore) --- V38:60
Morrison, Gladys L. --- V38:60
Morrison, Jasper --- V38:60
Morrison, Jessie Marie --- V38:60
Morrison, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Morrison, John --- V38:60
Morrison, John --- V42:52
Morrison, L. Donald --- Minister 10/67
Morrison, Mart --- Census 3/39
Morrison, Myrtle Elma --- V38:60
Morrison, Rosanna --- Census 2/1/43
Morrison, Sarah Gertie --- V38:60
Morrison, William --- V42:50
Morrison Gold Mine, --- V21-1:9
Morriston Mine, --- V37:22
Morrow, Evelyn C. --- V15:86
Morrow, Richard --- V21-1:123
Mortality Schedule of 1860, --- V38:5
Mortar and Pestle, --- V34:8
Mortars, --- V43:73, 86, 114
Mortician in Louisa, --- V31: 37
Morton, David T. --- Census 2/2/38
Morton, Frances A. --- Census 2/2/38
Morton, George E. --- Census 2/2/36
Morton, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Morton, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/16 Legal Note 9/82 9/84 10/29 10/30 10/
Morton, Malicia --- V21-1:32
Morton, Mary E. --- Marriage 12/59
Morton, William --- Census 5/1/23
Morton, William E. --- Census 2x2/38
Morton, William J. --- Census 2/1/35 4/40
Morton, William J. --- V42:128
Morton, Zelda T. --- V46:24
Mosby, --- V14:75
Mosby, Ben --- V14:74
Mosby, Benjamin --- Taxpayer 1/17 Census 5/1/24 Will Witness 11/1/15
Mosby, Benjamin --- V41:55
Mosby, Butler --- Census 2/1/37 3/31
Mosby, Denia --- Census 3/31
Mosby, Edward --- Census 3/37
Mosby, Eliza --- Census 2/1/37 3/37
Mosby, Eliza, Mrs. --- V16:16
Mosby, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/37
Mosby, Ellen --- Census 3/31
Mosby, Esther --- Census 2/2/32
Mosby, Frances --- Census 3/31
Mosby, John --- Census 3/44
Mosby, John S. --- V35:139
Mosby, John S., Col. --- V37:75
Mosby, Joseph --- Census 3/44
Mosby, Lucy --- Census 2/1/37
Mosby, Martha --- Census 2/1/37
Mosby, Pleasant --- Census 2/2/32
Mosby, Robert --- Rev. Soldier 8/74 9/35 9/89
Mosby, Samuel --- Marriage 5/2/32
Mosby & Dorion, --- V16:76
Mosby’s Rangers, --- V42:103
Mosby's Regiment Partisan Rangers, --- V32:86
Moseby, Benjamin --- V14:29
Moseby, Wash --- V21-1:48
Moseley, Blackman --- Taxpayer 1/17
Moseley, E. J., Dr. --- V15:13
Moseley, Leonard --- Census 5/1/24
Moseley, Linda Crank --- V27:53
Moseley, Linda, Mrs. --- V35:181
Moseley, Thaddeus (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Mosely, Capt. --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Mosely, Leonard --- Census 4/40
Moser, George --- V26:63
Mosley, William --- V42:94
Moss, --- V15:34
Moss, --- V20:91
Moss, --- V22:74
Moss, 1st Lt. T.O. --- V35:23, 60-62
Moss, Ann --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Ann Eliza --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Ann M. --- V21-1:10
Moss, Ann O. --- Student 4/10
Moss, Anne --- V22:51
Moss, Annie E. --- V42:43
Moss, Arabella --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Ben P. --- V22:30
Moss, Benjamin --- V13:8, 14
Moss, Benjamin --- V19:100, 101
Moss, Benjamin --- Census 2/1/38 4/41 5/1/24
Moss, Benjamin F. --- V41:11
Moss, Bettie --- V26:77
Moss, Bettie --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Bettie G. --- Student 4/10
Moss, Betty Nee Garth --- Mentioned 11/27
Moss, C. H. --- V29:104
Moss, David --- Landgrant 11/2/20
Moss, Diana --- V13:8, 14
Moss, Diana (Howard) --- V13:8, 14
Moss, Diane --- V19:100
Moss, Dinah --- V19:101
Moss, Edward --- V13:8, 14
Moss, Eleanor --- V13:14
Moss, Eleanor Jennings (Duke) --- V41:11, 16
Moss, Elizabeth Coleman (Duke) --- V41:11, 16
Moss, Ella --- Census 3/37 Landowner 7/69
Moss, Ella Rouzie --- V22:75
Moss, Elvira --- Census 1/89 2/1/38
Moss, Elvira Wingfield --- V13:23
Moss, Elvira Wingfield --- Daughter Of Robert F. 2/1/20
Moss, Emma --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Emma P. --- Married 10/5
Moss, F. A. --- Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, Fannie --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Fannie Mrs. --- V16:59
Moss, Frances --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Frances Ann (White) --- V13:23
Moss, Frances Jane --- Daughter Of Robert F 2/1/20
Moss, Francis --- V13:8
Moss, Francis --- V33:20
Moss, Francis O. --- V16:63
Moss, Francis O. --- V21-1:16
Moss, Francis O. --- Census 2/1/39
Moss, Frederick --- V41:11, 16
Moss, George W. --- Census 3/46
Moss, George, Jr. --- Census 3/46
Moss, Hattie F --- V27:34
Moss, Hattie F. --- V23:102
Moss, Imogene V. --- Landowner 7/69
Moss, James --- V22:51
Moss, James --- Census 3/46
Moss, James P. --- Parent 5/10
Moss, Jane --- V13:8
Moss, Jane --- V14:84
Moss, Jane --- V19:100, 101
Moss, Jane --- Will 2/2/17
Moss, John --- V13:8
Moss, John --- V14:9, 84
Moss, John --- V19:41, 42, 44, 100, 101
Moss, John --- Taxpayer 1/16 Husband Of Jean 2/2/17 Census 5/1/24
Moss, John --- V30:18, 25
Moss, John --- V38:13
Moss, John --- V41:49
Moss, John Franklin --- Marriage 5/2/39
Moss, John R. --- V23:102
Moss, Julia A. --- Daughter Of Robert F. 2/1/20 Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, Kenton Overton --- Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, Laura D. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Moss, Margaret --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Margaret L. --- Census 3/88
Moss, Maria C. --- Census 3/08
Moss, Maria Clayton --- V20:67
Moss, Maria Clayton --- V21-2:33
Moss, Maria L. --- Parent 10/5
Moss, Marie L --- Landowner 7/69
Moss, Mart Cole --- Landowner 7/69
Moss, Martha --- Census 2/1/38 3/46
Moss, Martha F. --- Tombstone 6/10
Moss, Martha F. Harris --- V22:63
Moss, Martha Long Gates --- V38:12, 25
Moss, Mary --- V13:8
Moss, Mary --- V19:100, 101
Moss, Mary --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Mary M. --- Census 3/88
Moss, Mary M. --- V42:43
Moss, Matt --- V30:25
Moss, Meriwether --- Census 3/46
Moss, Merle --- V25:73
Moss, Mildred --- Census 2/1/38 3/46
Moss, Nathaniel --- V13:8
Moss, Nathaniel --- V19:101
Moss, Nelson --- V14:71
Moss, Nelson --- V15:25, 69
Moss, Nelson --- V16:38, 68
Moss, Nelson --- V17:57, 58
Moss, Nelson --- Census 4/41
Moss, Nina Wood --- V22:75
Moss, Nina Wood --- Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, Otey Wood --- V22:76
Moss, Otey Wood --- Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, R. F. --- V22:29
Moss, R. F. --- V23:96
Moss, R. F. --- Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, R. F. --- V35:61, 62
Moss, Robert --- V22:75
Moss, Robert --- Census 2/1/38 3/46
Moss, Robert --- V28:45
Moss, Robert F. --- V15:73
Moss, Robert F. --- V19:14
Moss, Robert F. --- Census 2/1/38 Landowner 7/68
Moss, Robert Field --- V13:12, 23
Moss, Robert Field --- V22:74, 75
Moss, Robert Field --- Marriage 2/1/20
Moss, Robert, III --- V36:75, 76
Moss, Sallie --- Census 1/88
Moss, Sallie F. --- Census 3/88
Moss, Samuel --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Sara --- V13:8
Moss, Sarah --- V19:100, 101
Moss, Septembia --- Census 3/46
Moss, Spurgeon --- V46:22
Moss, T. O. --- V22:28, 73
Moss, Thomas --- V22:75
Moss, Thomas --- Census 2/1/38
Moss, Thomas O. --- V22:28
Moss, Thomas O., Sr. --- V22:76
Moss, Thomas Overton --- V22:74
Moss, Thomas Overton --- Tombstone 2/1/20
Moss, Todd --- V38:13
Moss, Virginia --- V38:13
Moss, William K. --- V22:63
Moss, William K. --- V23:110
Moss, William L. --- Tombstone 6/10
Moss, William T. --- Census 3/46
Moss Family Cemetery, --- 2/1/20
Moss Family Cemetery Records, --- 2/1/20
Moss Family of Louisa County, Origin of the --- V13:8, 14
Moss Neck, --- V44:132
Mount, Alice --- V38:7
Mount, Carol (Cultice) --- V38:6
Mount, Clifford Leroy --- V38:7
Mount, Connie (Long) --- V38:7
Mount, Delbert --- V38:7
Mount, Donald Andrew --- V38:7
Mount, Helen (Annon) --- V38:7
Mount, James --- V38:7
Mount, Juanita (Holdren) --- V38:7
Mount, Larry --- V38:6
Mount, Lois (Hutt) --- V38:6
Mount, Lowell --- V38:6
Mount, Marcella (Williams) --- V38:6
Mount, Marilyn (Croutwater) --- V38:6
Mount, Martha --- V38:7
Mount, Naomi Porchet --- V38:6
Mount, Norma Beatrice --- V38:6
Mount, Ovid --- V38:7
Mount, Phyllis Graves --- V38:6
Mount, Ralph Emerson --- V38:6
Mount, Robert --- V38:6, 6,7
Mount, Rollo E --- V38:7
Mount, Simon --- V38:7
Mount, Thomas --- V38:7
Mount, Von Eugene --- V38:7
Mount, Wayne --- V38:6
Mount, Wilma (Brandenburg) --- V38:6
Mount Air, Insurance --- 5/2/45
Mount Airy, --- V14:63, 81
Mount Airy, Insurance --- 5/1/36
Mount Ephriam, Insurance --- 5/1/50
Mount Garland Bapt. Ch., --- V23:112
Mount Hope, --- V14:23
Mount Hope, Insurance --- 5/2/44
Mount Misery, --- V27:92
Mount Olivet, --- V22:36, 37
Mount Pleasant, Insurance --- 5/2/45
Mount Pleasant Hospital, --- V24:85
Mount Pleasants, Insurance --- 5/1/36
Mount Squat, --- V20:51
Mount Sterling, --- V14:54, 55
Mountain Chapel Church, --- V13:51-53
Mountain Plain, --- V34:18
Mountain Ridge Road, --- V20:26, 27
Mountain Road, --- V20:26, 28
Mountain Road, --- V27:62
Mountain Road, --- V31: 82
Mountain Road, Old --- V28:26, 98
Mountain Road, Old --- V31: 75
Mountain Road, Old --- V20:27
Mountain Road, Old --- V22:7
Mountain Road, Old --- V27:58, 60
Mountain Road, Old --- V25:99-101
Mountain View, --- V28:15, 19-20
Mountcastle, L. C. --- V37:91
Mountcastle, Mr. --- V37:92
Mounter, Alan, Dr. --- V25:74
Mounter, Dr. --- V25:71
Mounter, Dr. and Mrs. --- V25:74
Mounter, L. A. --- Landowner 7/52
Mounter, Laurence A. --- V22:27
Mounts, Mary --- V18:37
Mounts, Scott --- V34:30
Mounts, Sharon --- V34:30
Mounts, Shirley Ann Milligan --- V34:30
Mounts, Slater --- Minister 12/31
Mounts, Slater --- V34:30
Mounts, Susan --- V34:30
Movie Theater, Louisa --- V31: 55
Mowbry, John --- V14:64
Mrs, --- V31: 107
Mrs. Donnally's Private school, --- V34:53
Mt., Garland Church --- V28:23
Mt., Horeh Church --- V29:54, 55
Mt., Pleasant Church --- V29:54-55
Mt. Air, --- V13:57-61
Mt. Air, --- V27:87
Mt. Air-Pleasant View, --- V13:57-61
Mt. Church, --- V28:23-24
Mt. Dora, FL, --- V38:60
Mt. Garland, --- V37:10, 11
Mt. Garland, Baptist Church --- V37:10, 12
Mt. Garland, Church --- V37:10
Mt. Garland Baptist Church, --- V28:23
Mt. Garland Community, --- V31: 30, 31
Mt. Garland School, --- V31: 50
Mt. Gilead, --- V40:91
Mt. Herman Church, --- V34:20
Mt. Hermon, --- V30:10-11
Mt. Hermon Church, --- V26:87
Mt. Pleasant, --- V20:42
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Records, --- 9/40
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church, --- History Of 9/38
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church, History --- 9/38
Mt. Vernon, --- V20:40
Mt. Vernon, Kansas, --- V38:1 I
Mt. Zion Church, --- V34:27
Mudtown (Byer, Ohio), --- V38:70
Muhlenberg, Genl. --- V26:104
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Betsy --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Kitty --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Lewis --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Polley --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Rebecca --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Robert --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Salley --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, Susanna --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Ailstock, William --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Cob --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Cooper, Joseph --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Dalton, Frankey --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Dalton, John, Jr. --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Daniel --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Doles, Duncan --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Doles, Elizabeth --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Doles, Nancy --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Gooch, Thomas, Jr. --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Graves, William B. --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Holmes, Salley --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Holmes,, Duncan --- V36:13
Mulattoes, James --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Kenny, Abraham --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, Aviv --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Kenny, Betsy --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, David --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, Fillis --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, Issac --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, Jane --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, John --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Kenny, Wilson --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Lucy --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Mary --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Mason, Charles --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Mason, Elizabeth --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Mason, Jesse --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Mason, Susanna --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Mason, Thomas --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Mason, William --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Moore, William --- V36:12
Mulattoes, Morris, William --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Salley --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Settle, Simon --- V36:13
Mulattoes, Watkins, Stephen --- V36:12
Mulawa, Margaret Kean --- V35:72
Mullan, C. J. --- Parent 1/24
Mullan, James B. --- Birth 1/24
Mullan, Pattie A. --- Birth 1/24
Mullan, Roberta --- Birth 1/24
Mullan, Werner G. --- Birth 1/24
Mullan, William A. --- Parent 1/24
Mullan, William Alberts --- Birth 5/1/32
Mullen, W. A. --- Farmer 7/63
Mullin, Catherine --- Death 1/24
Mullins, --- V40:58
Mullins, Mathew --- V13:35
Mullins, Samuel --- V42:39
Multi-Fix, Brick --- V29:64
Mumbords Bridge, --- V19:9
Mumford, George --- V42:29
Mumston, Molly L. --- V45:108
Munck, J. W. --- V21-1:56
Mundy, W. L. --- V27:32
Munford Bridge, --- V32:3, 4
Munford Bridge Road, --- V32:3
Munford's 2nd Virginia, --- V30:36
Munfords Bridge, --- V32:7
Municipal Cemetery
Municpal Cemetery, --- V29:8
Munson, T. V. --- V32:96
Murdock, --- V23:27
Murdock, Angus --- V38:47
Murdock, John --- V19:101
Murdock vs Bickley, --- V19:101
Murfey, C. J. --- V19:47
Murfreesboro, TN, --- V28:52
Murphy, Daniel --- V21-1:120
Murphy, Daniel --- V24:83
Murphy, Daniel --- V27:51
Murphy, John --- Census 2/2/46
Murphy, Madeleine English --- V22:76
Murphy, Martha --- V23:102
Murphy, Martha --- Census 2/1/42
Murphy, Paul --- V22:73
Murphy, Richard --- Census 2/1/42
Murphy, Sarah --- Census 2/1/42
Murphy, Sarah A. --- Census 2/1/42
Murphy, Thomas --- Census 3/88
Murphy, William L. --- Census 2/2/46 Minister 6/53
Murray, --- V14:80
Murray, G. W. --- V22:30
Murray, Gabriel --- Rev. Soldier 8/74
Murray, George --- V14:19
Murray, H. W. --- V17:9, 10, 11
Murray, H. W. --- V20:79
Murray, H. W. --- V21-1:16
Murray, H. W. --- V25:35, 36
Murray, H. W. --- Haley Diary 4/85 7/45 Politician 6/22
Murray, H. W. (Capt. ) --- V13:13
Murray, H. W., Capt. --- V35:73, 141
Murray, Henry --- V20:79
Murray, Henry --- V29:54
Murray, Henry E. --- V29:11, 39
Murray, Henry H. --- Census 3/42 Civil War Soldier 9/17
Murray, Henry W. --- V15:73
Murray, Henry W. --- V17:5, 7, 8
Murray, Henry W. --- V20:79, 80
Murray, Henry W. --- V21-1:16, 25
Murray, Henry W. --- V24:21, 22, 90
Murray, Henry W. --- V26:24
Murray, Henry W. --- V29:7, 13, 14, 81
Murray, Henry W. --- V32:8
Murray, Henry W. --- V46:31
Murray, Henry W., Capt. --- V15:38
Murray, Henry William --- Cemetery Association 1/57 Tombstone 1/66
Murray, Hon. Henry M. --- V16:66
Murray, James Earl of Dunmore --- V41:18
Murray, John --- V15:59
Murray, Lilly --- V24:22
Murray, Lilly Marshall --- V21-1:25
Murray, Mary Ann --- Tombstone 1/66
Murray, Mildred M. --- Tombstone 1/66
Murray, Mildred M. Hunter --- V24:22
Murray Co., Ga., --- V20:82
Murray Lodge, --- V31: 87
Murray Masonic Lodge, --- V21-1:66, 114
Murrillo, Alex --- V37:29
Murry, James --- V15:11
Murry, Sarah --- Taxpayer 1/16
Muse, A. Bettie --- Marriage 5/2/36
Muse, Clarissa --- Genealogical Note 8/85
Museum, Louisa County --- V17:39
Museum Update, --- V14:47, 85
Museum Update, --- V15:38
Musgrove, Patty --- Query 4/51
Music Hall, --- V13:19
Musket Volley, --- V36:77
Musser, Cecil --- V24:4
Musser, Edna Haw --- V24:13
Musser, family --- V25:20
Musser, John --- V24:4
Musser, Pete --- V24:13
Musser, Ruth E. --- V25:20
Musser, Sidney --- V25:20
Musser, William --- V25:20, 23
Musser's Furniture Shop, --- V24:13
Mustoe, Thomas --- Marriage 12/60
Mutual Assurance Society, --- V13:59
Mutual Assurance Society, --- V23:52
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, --- V36:4
Myers, Charles --- V25:20
Myers, Clara Boxley --- V30:14
Myers, George --- V30:14
Myers, George, Mrs. --- V30:14
Myers, Ida U. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Myers, Phillip S. --- V42:28
Myers, Thomas P. --- V42:3
Mylne, Olivia --- Census 3/41
Mylne, William --- Minister 5/53 Census 3/41
Mylne, William --- V29:57
Myrtle, --- V23:85, 88
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