Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With Kaimes
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
Kaimes, Virginia --- V14:53
Kain, Alicia Ann --- V30:14
Kajah, --- V19:96
Kajah, (Slave) --- V30:71, 75
Kalona, --- V19:94
Kalona, --- V23:73
Kanary, Myra --- V24:11
Kanawha, --- V23:28
Kanawha County, --- V28:43
Kanawha County, West Virginia, --- V32:30
Kanawha River, --- V38:74
Kanawha Valley, --- V31: 98
Kandle, Robert --- V41:27, 28
Kannaday, Miss --- Death 9/96
Kansas, --- V38:5, 7, 8
Kansas, City MO --- V30:3
Kansas City, --- V23:96
Karl Harris Store, --- V32:99
Kashaskias, --- V20:44
Kasler????, Michael --- Census 2/2/35
Kasser, Anna M. --- V21-1:62, 63
Kasser, Marie Adelia --- V21-1:63
Kasser, Victor H. --- V21-1:63
Kate, --- V25:97
Kate, (Slave) --- V30:82-83
Kate, Lester Cammack --- V28:104
Katrina, --- V37:27, 28, 29
Kaufman, Mr. --- V31: 101
Kavanagh, Lawrence D., Jr. --- V23:13
Kay, Mercer --- V21-1:67
Kaye, Ashby --- V34:24
KDKA, Pittsburgh radio station --- V31: 55
Kean, --- V26:5
Kean, Ada --- V19:9
Kean, Aleck --- V32:51
Kean, Alexander --- V42:104, 106
Kean, Alice Katherine --- V37:41
Kean, Alice Winston --- V28:32
Kean, Alice Winston --- V35:7
Kean, Andrew --- V28:26
Kean, Andrew --- V35:2
Kean, Andrew --- V41:34
Kean, Andrew --- V42:76
Kean, Ann Price Callis --- V35:2
Kean, Anne Ferrell --- V26:37
Kean, Barbara Winston --- V28:32
Kean, Barbara Winston --- V35:7
Kean, Billy --- V28:27, 29, 31
Kean, Billy (Capt. ) --- V13:55
Kean, Captain Billy --- V28:31
Kean, Chloe --- V19:30
Kean, Chloe --- V21-2:18
Kean, Chloe M. T. --- V15:83
Kean, Chloe M. T. --- V35:86
Kean, Cloea --- Census 2/1/34
Kean, D. Julian --- Mentioned 7/47
Kean, David A. --- V28:32
Kean, David A. --- V35:7, 72
Kean, Doctor Julian --- V15:46
Kean, Dr. --- V26:5
Kean, Frank --- V23:48
Kean, Franklin --- V31: 57
Kean, Franklin D. --- V23:51
Kean, Helen --- V23:48
Kean, Helen Waddy --- V23:51
Kean, James L. --- V24:46
Kean, James L. --- Census 3/78 Flour Mill 7/60 Saw Mill 7/61
Kean, James L., Sr. --- Millwright 7/61
Kean, Jessie S. --- V38:39
Kean, John --- V31: 55
Kean, Julian --- V26:3, 37
Kean, Julian --- Census 2/1/34 Church Trustee 12/25
Kean, Julian --- V28:26
Kean, Julian --- V35:2
Kean, Julian, Dr. --- V14:3
Kean, Julian, Dr. --- V16:11, 12, 77
Kean, Julian, Dr. --- V17:17
Kean, Julian, Dr. --- V26:4, 6, 7
Kean, Julian, Dr. --- V35:2
Kean, Lavinia --- Census 2/1/34
Kean, Lois --- V17:40
Kean, Lois D. --- V37:82
Kean, Louis L. --- V16:12
Kean, Louis L. --- V19:45
Kean, Louis L. --- V37:82
Kean, Louis Leake --- V13:25, 79
Kean, Louis Leake --- V14:3, 30, 50, 63, 83
Kean, Louis Leake --- V15:46, 83
Kean, Louis Leake --- V16:11
Kean, Louisa L. --- V17:40
Kean, Lucy --- V25:2
Kean, Lucy B. --- V27:34
Kean, Margaret Overton Hart --- V28:31
Kean, Mary --- V28:30
Kean, Mary E. --- Census 2/1/34
Kean, Mary E., Mrs. --- V16:11
Kean, Mary Elizabeth --- V28:26
Kean, Mary Elizabeth (Callis) --- V14:3
Kean, Mary Elizabeth Callis --- V26:37
Kean, Mary Elizabeth Callis --- V35:2
Kean, Miss Ada --- V35:161
Kean, Miss N. F. --- V27:77
Kean, Mr. --- V31: 57, 58
Kean, Nancy --- Census 2/1/34
Kean, O. C. --- V13:85
Kean, O. C. --- V14:85
Kean, O. C. --- V38:39
Kean, O. C. (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Kean, O. C., Mrs. --- V14:85
Kean, O. Calis --- V17:40
Kean, O. Callis --- V37:82
Kean, Otho --- V27:27
Kean, Otho C., Mrs. --- V35:167
Kean, R. G. H. --- V28:27
Kean, Robert Garlick Hill --- V28:26
Kean, Robert Garlick Hill --- V35:2, 3
Kean, Susan --- Census 2/1/34
Kean, Willam --- V28:30
Kean, William --- V15:84
Kean, William --- Census 2/1/34 Haley Diary 4/88 Farmer 7/65
Kean, William --- V28:27-29, 31
Kean, William C. --- Monument Ceremony 9/6
Kean, William Callis --- V13:79, 80
Kean, William Callis --- V28:26
Kean, William Callis (Billy) --- V35:2, 7, 87, 128.131, 139, 148-149
Kean Farm, --- V28:31
Keane, James E., Sr. --- Farmer 7/64
Keans, --- V28:26
Kearsey, Elizabeth --- Census 1/85
Kearsey, Franky --- Census 1/85
Kearsey, Henry --- Census 1/85
Kearsey, Oliver --- Census 2/1/41 3/85
Kearsey, Peter W. --- Census 3/85
Kearsey, Polly --- Census 1/113
Kearsey, Sallie --- Census 1/85
Kearsey, Woodson --- Census 1/85
Keaseay, Polly --- Census 1/81
Keasey, Maria --- Census 1/83
Keating, Nina Et. --- Tombstone 10/72
Keaton, Frances --- V14:65
Keaton, James --- V14:42
Keaton, James --- V17:34
Keaton, James --- Petitioner 6/24 Legal Note 9/83 11/2/34
Keaton, John --- Roadwork 6/82
Keaton, Joseph --- V14:41-43
Keaton, Joseph --- V15:43
Keaton, Joseph --- V16:41
Keaton, Joseph --- Petitioner 6/24 6/82 6/83 Legal Note 9/83 10/26 10
Keaton, William --- V14:41, 42, 65
Kee, Mary --- V20:5
Keegan, A. M. --- Marriage 12/56
Keeling, George --- V16:42, 85
Keeling, Lucy --- V28:48
Keen, Julian, Dr. --- V34:46
Keen, Oliver --- Mentioned 10/77
Keen, William --- Haley Diary 5/1/38
Keene, Bertha --- V29:53
Keene, Edna L. --- Tombstone 1/63
Keene, Sarah E. --- Tombstone 1/63
Keensan, Zack --- V22:30
Kees, Barbara M. --- V23:90
Kees, Walter T. --- V23:90
Keesaee, Mary Jane --- V41:31
Keesar, Simeon --- V20:34
Keese, Wm. R. --- V15:10
Keese, Wm. R. --- V21-1:20
Keesear, William --- V41:69
Keesee, James A. --- Minister 10/67
Keesee, Lewis A., Jr. --- Court Clark 2/2/16
Keeson, W. H. --- V22:30
Keewhiffle, --- V24:76
Keewhiffle, --- V27:5-6
Keewiffle, --- V24:74
Keewiffle, --- V25:91, 92
Keezlings, J. --- V22:30
Keith, B. W. --- V29:57
Keith, Minnie B. --- V28:86
Kellam, Dr. --- V21-1:108
Keller, --- V21-1:66, 82
Keller, Betty --- V20:29
Keller, Beverly Stanard --- V21-1:124
Keller, Frances Powell --- V31: 49
Keller, Joe --- V21-1:93, 117
Keller, Jos. E. --- V21-1:36
Keller, Joseph E. --- V21-1:96
Keller, L. A. --- V21-1:21, 30, 40, 44, 91, 93, 99, 109
Keller, L. A., Jr. --- V21-1:92, 93, 101, 125
Keller, L. A., Jr. --- V21-2:20
Keller, L. A., Mrs. --- V21-1:68
Keller, L. A., Sr. --- V21-1:100, 102
Keller, L. A., Sr. --- V33:95
Keller, Lewis --- V31: 69
Keller, Lewis A. --- V21-1:32, 36,
Keller, Lewis A. --- V21-2:14
Keller, Lewis A., Jr. --- V21-1:32, 96
Keller, Lewis A., Sr. --- V21-1:13, 82
Keller, Lewis Arodd --- V32:46
Keller, Maria Rosa --- V21-1:36
Keller, Peyton R --- V21-1:36
Keller, Robert --- V19:72
Keller, Rosa S. --- V21-1:32, 93
Kelley, Eugene --- V20:46
Kelley, Mr. --- V24:37
Kelley, Texasia Boston --- V24:37
Kello, Margaret Belsches --- V25:95
Kello, Samuel --- V25:95
Kellum, F. J., Dr. --- V21-1:92
Kelly, Francis --- Legal Note 10/29
Kelly's Ford, --- V22:22
Kelly's Ford, --- V35:19
Kelson, James --- V41:27, 28
Kembrow, John --- Legal Note 10/30
Kembrow, Major --- Legal Note 10/33
Kembrow, Thomas --- V17:32
Kemp, Jim --- V40:69, 70, 74
Kemp, Natonne Elaine --- V40:69, 70, 74
Kemp, R. C. --- Teacher 5/1/ 37
Kemp, Rt. C. --- V23:105
Kemp, Thomas --- Legal Note 10/32
Kemper, --- V25:31
Kemper, C. J. --- V25:31
Kemper, C. J. --- Teacher 7/62
Kemper, Charles, Sr. --- V27:76
Kemper, G. W. --- Church Speaker 4/61
Kemper, Wellington --- Church Member 4/59
Kemperville Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, --- V34:24
Kenady, Chroshe --- Census 4/39
Kenady, Henry --- Census 3/31
Kenady, James --- Census 3/31 4/39
Kenady, Sarah --- Census 3/31
Kendall, Mary Frances --- V37:41
Kendall, William --- Haley Diary 7/99
Kendrick, John --- V13:31
Kendrick, John --- Road Overseer 6/25 6/84 9/83
Kendrick, Mr. --- V32:71
Kendrick, Robert --- V13:29
Kendrick, Robert --- Legal Note 10/33
Keneday, John --- Haley Diary 12/100
Kenedy, Charles --- Taxpayer 1/16
Keningham, J. C. --- V14:12
Kenmore, --- V17:47, 48
Kenmuir, --- V13:55, 56
Kenmuir, --- V17:47, 49
Kenmuir, --- V31: 76, 78
Kenmuir, --- V32:4, 7
Kennaday, Brian --- Haley Diary 11/2/46
Kennaday, John --- Haley Diary 11/2/46
Kennady, Charles --- Query 2/2/48 5/1/22
Kennady, Crosha Cassity --- Query 2/2/48
Kennady, Davenport --- Taxpayer 1/16
Kennady, Garret --- Census 4/39
Kennady, Henry --- Farmer 7/65
Kennady, J. H. --- Merchant 7/59
Kennady, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Kennady, Mary --- Census 5/1/22
Kennady, Sarah J. --- Marriage 6/2/34
Kenneday, Fanny --- Haley Diary 10/40 11/2/46
Kenneday, John --- Haley Diary 11/1/49 11/1/50
Kenneday, Lucie --- Haley Diary 11/2/46
Kenneday, Lucy --- Haley Diary 10/40
Kennedy, --- V17:49, 53
Kennedy, --- V21-1:48
Kennedy, --- V32:70
Kennedy, Brian --- V21-1:111
Kennedy, Brian --- V21-2:29
Kennedy, Fannie --- V21-1:66, 84, 101, 118
Kennedy, Fannie --- V21-2:29
Kennedy, Fannie --- V22:96
Kennedy, Fannie T. --- V21-2:15
Kennedy, Fanny --- V21-1:68
Kennedy, Henry --- V21-1:125
Kennedy, Henry R. --- V19:74
Kennedy, Henry Rankin --- V21-1:12
Kennedy, Ila --- V21-1:93
Kennedy, James H. --- V21-1:84, 93
Kennedy, Jim --- V21-1:107
Kennedy, John --- V21-1:81, 84
Kennedy, John H. --- V21-1:20, 30, 84, 93
Kennedy, John H., Mrs. --- V21-1:84
Kennedy, Joseph --- V21-1:48
Kennedy, Lancelot --- V14:72, 73
Kennedy, Lancelot --- V15:69
Kennedy, Lucy --- V21-1:66, 84, 101, 104, 113, 115, 118
Kennedy, Lucy P. --- V21-2:15
Kennedy, Martin --- V14:72
Kennedy, Mary --- V21-1:84
Kennedy, May --- V21-1:68
Kennedy, Miss --- V21-1:88, 104
Kennedy, Mr. --- V42:62
Kenney, Charles M. --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Erasmus --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Frances --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Georgie --- V21-1:84
Kenney, Harrison --- Census 3/32
Kenney, James --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Jane --- Census 3/32 3/36
Kenney, John --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Joney --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Joseph --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Luther --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Margaret --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Martha --- Census 3/32
Kenney, Mary --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Ned --- V28:83
Kenney, Newton --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Permelia --- Census 3/36
Kenney, Polly --- Census 3/36
Kenney, William --- V17:13
Kennon, --- V21-1:72, 107, 108
Kennon, --- V26:22
Kennon, A. P. --- Tombstone 1/68
Kennon, Ada Dalton --- V31: 31
Kennon, Alfred --- Census 1/80 3/42
Kennon, Ann --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/31 1/80
Kennon, Ann E. --- V19:47
Kennon, Ann M. --- Census 2/2/36
Kennon, Ashby, Mrs. --- V21-1:113
Kennon, Cecil Lewis --- V21-1:122, 124
Kennon, Charles --- Census 1/80 2/1/31
Kennon, Charles Edward --- V21-1:122, 124
Kennon, Earl --- V21-1:118
Kennon, Ellen F --- V40:39
Kennon, Ellen F. --- Census 2/1/32
Kennon, Ellis --- V21-1:93
Kennon, Emma --- V21-1:39, 93
Kennon, Ethelbert --- Census 2/2/36
Kennon, Frances --- Mentioned 11/2/28
Kennon, Frances --- V35:43
Kennon, G. L. --- Tombstone 1/68
Kennon, G. S. --- V17:7
Kennon, G. S. --- V25:35
Kennon, George --- V23:78
Kennon, George --- Census 1/80 2/1/31
Kennon, George L. --- V28:103
Kennon, George L. --- V29:30
Kennon, George L. --- V42:21
Kennon, George Marcus, Jr. --- V21-1:122
Kennon, George, Jr. --- Census 1/80
Kennon, Georgie --- Tombstone 1/68
Kennon, Grace --- V21-1:118
Kennon, H. J. --- V21-1:21, 93
Kennon, Henry --- Census 1/80
Kennon, Henry Albert --- V21-1:122, 124
Kennon, Hiram --- V21-1:86, 100, 118
Kennon, Hiram --- V33:93
Kennon, Ida --- Methodist 11/1/29
Kennon, Infant --- Census 3/33
Kennon, J. A. --- V29:103
Kennon, J. S. --- V21-1:21, 22, 93
Kennon, Jenks S. --- V21-1:39, 57
Kennon, Joe --- V21-1:75, 109
Kennon, John --- Census 2/1/31 4/39 Methodist 11/1/29
Kennon, John A. --- V29:77
Kennon, Joseph --- V21-1:123
Kennon, Joseph --- Census 2/1/32 3/33 Landowner 11/2/27 11/2/28
Kennon, Joseph --- V35:43,
Kennon, Joseph Jackson --- V21-1:122
Kennon, L. A. --- V21-1:21, 42, 72, 100, 107, 109
Kennon, Maria Jane --- Landowner 12/63
Kennon, Martha --- Census 1/80
Kennon, Mary --- Census 1/80
Kennon, Mary A. --- Census 3/33
Kennon, Mary Ann --- Census 2/1/31
Kennon, Mary F. --- Census 3/89
Kennon, Mary F. --- V41:32
Kennon, Mattie J. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Kennon, Maude Sims --- V21-1:118
Kennon, McCalley --- V42:79
Kennon, McCally --- Landowner 12/63
Kennon, Nancy --- Census 2/2/30
Kennon, Nathan --- Census 1/80
Kennon, Nathaniel --- Census 3/33
Kennon, O. M. --- V21-1:92
Kennon, Oteria --- Census 3/33 Query 9/86
Kennon, Pauline A. --- V21-1:39, 115
Kennon, Richard --- V20:15
Kennon, Richard --- Census 2/1/32
Kennon, Robt. J. --- V21-1:39
Kennon, Sheriff Henry --- V33:93
Kennon, Thomas Ray --- V21-1:122
Kennon, W. Ira --- 1 Tombstone 1/68
Kennon, W. J. --- V17:7
Kennon, W. L. --- V29:103
Kennon, William --- Census 2/2/30 3/33
Kennon, William Ira --- V26:23
Kennon, William Ira --- V29:75
Kennon, William J. --- V24:46
Kennon, William J. --- Census 1/80 2/2/39
Kennon, William K. --- Census 2/2/36
Kennon, Willie Franklin --- V21-1:124
Kenny, Abram --- V26:52
Kenny, Abram --- V46:119
Kenny, Amy --- V46:119
Kenny, Betsey --- V46:119
Kenny, Cornelius V. --- V27:4
Kenny, David --- V46:119
Kenny, Georgia --- V21-1:33, 93
Kenny, Georgie --- V21-1:113
Kenny, Isaac --- V46:119
Kenny, John --- V46:119
Kenny, William --- V17:12
Kenny, William --- Landgrant 10/85
Kenny, Wilson --- V46:119
Kent, Aaron Riner --- V43:40
Kent, Abner Lee --- V43:39
Kent, Abner N. Harris --- V43:40
Kent, Abram Perkins --- V43:36
Kent, Agns H. Foster --- V43:37
Kent, Alice Garland --- V16:84
Kent, Ann M. Barrett --- V43:37
Kent, Ann M. Houchins --- V43:37
Kent, Ann M. Johnson --- V43:39
Kent, Ann Morris --- V43:39
Kent, Ann O. Dandridge --- V43:39
Kent, Ann O. Lane --- V43:36
Kent, Ann T. Perkins --- V43:37
Kent, Anna Key --- V43:37
Kent, Archibald Hutcheson --- V43:35
Kent, Ashton Garrett --- V43:35
Kent, Aubrey --- V21-1:113
Kent, Barnet Wilson --- V43:36
Kent, Benjamin Spicer --- V43:38
Kent, Charles K. Bowles --- V43:40
Kent, Charles Nuckolls --- V43:36
Kent, Charles W. --- V25:90
Kent, Charles W. --- Mentioned 9/15
Kent, Charles W., Dr. --- V35:140
Kent, Chs. Thompson --- V43:39
Kent, Claiborn Mallory --- V43:36
Kent, David Bullock --- V43:36
Kent, David Robinson --- V43:39
Kent, David Ross --- V43:39
Kent, Dennis Reiley --- V43:39
Kent, Edna K. Bibb --- V43:38
Kent, ElizaA. Sims --- V43:37
Kent, Elizabeth Bumpass --- V43:39
Kent, Elizabeth Diggs --- V43:35
Kent, Elizabeth Farrar --- V43:38
Kent, Elizabeth Hughes --- V43:40
Kent, Elizabeth L. Duke --- V43:38
Kent, Elizabeth Parrish --- V43:35
Kent, Elizie W. Perkins --- V43:36
Kent, Ellen H. --- V16:84
Kent, Ellen H. --- V19:30
Kent, Ellen H. --- Monument Association 9/4
Kent, Ellen Hunter --- V16:72
Kent, Emeline H. Wilkinson --- V43:38
Kent, Fleming Parrish --- V43:37
Kent, Florence --- Census 1/77
Kent, Frances H. Camohan --- V43:38
Kent, George --- V29:65
Kent, George S. Burruss --- V43:40
Kent, Henrietta Grubbs --- V43:36
Kent, Henrietta Loving --- V43:40
Kent, Henry Garrett --- V43:35
Kent, Henry Thompson --- V16:72
Kent, Hezekiah Butler --- V43:35
Kent, Isabella F. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Kent, J. A. --- V19:46
Kent, James --- Haley Diary 8/96
Kent, James Aubrey --- V29:20
Kent, James Carpenter --- V43:38
Kent, James Groom --- V43:37
Kent, James Lowry --- V43:38
Kent, James M. --- V15:36
Kent, James Parrish --- V43:36
Kent, James Ross --- V43:39
Kent, James S. --- Haley Diary 6/97
Kent, Jane O. Duke --- V43:38
Kent, Jemima Stanly --- V43:38
Kent, Jesse Furbush --- V43:39
Kent, Jesse Humphry --- V43:36
Kent, Joanna Brown --- V43:35
Kent, Joanna Jordan --- V43:39
Kent, John Boyd --- V43:35
Kent, John Bryant --- V43:39
Kent, John Desper --- V43:37
Kent, John Higgason --- V43:36
Kent, John Kennon --- V43:35
Kent, John Middlebrook --- V43:35
Kent, John Moody --- V43:38
Kent, John S. Buck --- V43:38
Kent, John W. Parrish --- V43:36
Kent, Joseph Coates --- V43:38
Kent, Joseph Lee --- V43:39
Kent, Judith Swift --- V43:38
Kent, Lewis --- V43:35
Kent, Linden --- Census 1/77 Civil War Soldier 9/15
Kent, Linden --- V35:139
Kent, Lucy Ann --- V16:84
Kent, Lucy Henson --- V43:37
Kent, Lucy Holland --- V43:39
Kent, Lucy J. Rawlins --- V43:36
Kent, Madison Grady --- V43:38
Kent, Madison Meade --- V43:38
Kent, Malinda Bacon --- V43:39
Kent, Martha H. Ryals --- V43:35
Kent, Mary C. Hines --- V43:36
Kent, Mary C. Smith --- V43:40
Kent, Mary D. & Henry Chiles --- V43:37
Kent, Mary G. Thompson --- V43:38
Kent, Mary Gunter --- V43:37
Kent, Mary Hope --- V43:36
Kent, Mary Ross --- V43:36
Kent, Mary Ulegate --- V43:37
Kent, Mary Whitlock --- V43:35
Kent, Miles Taylor --- V43:39
Kent, Miss Ellen H. --- V35:130
Kent, Nancy Butler --- V43:35
Kent, Nancy Loving --- V43:38
Kent, Nancy Mills --- V43:38
Kent, Nancy Netherland --- V43:37
Kent, Nancy Walton --- V43:39
Kent, Newel Baker --- V43:40
Kent, Parsons Barrett --- V43:35
Kent, Polly Davis --- V43:38
Kent, R. M. --- V17:72
Kent, R. M. --- Flour Mill 7/60 Saw Mill 7/61 Commissioner 7/68
Kent, R. M. --- V29:104
Kent, R.M. --- V33:39
Kent, R.M. --- V43:34
Kent, Reuben Rennolds --- V43:40
Kent, Richard C. Eggleston --- V43:37
Kent, Richard Fisher --- V43:36
Kent, Richard Noel --- V43:39
Kent, Robert Fleming --- V43:36
Kent, Robert Lumsden --- V43:37
Kent, Robert M --- V33:39, 41
Kent, Robert M. --- V15:37
Kent, Robert M. --- V16:72
Kent, Robert M. --- V17:73
Kent, Robert M. --- V21-1:64, 65
Kent, Robert M. --- V23:73
Kent, Robert M. --- Census 1/77
Kent, Robert M. --- V29:44, 98
Kent, Robert M. Mrs --- V29:44, 98
Kent, Robert M., Jr. --- V16:84
Kent, Robert Meredith --- V16:84
Kent, Robert T. Gooch --- V43:38
Kent, Rosa C. Hughson --- V43:36
Kent, Sallie G. --- Census 1/77
Kent, Sally G. --- V16:72
Kent, Sally Mallory --- V43:39
Kent, Sally Tally --- V43:40
Kent, Samuel H. Melton --- V43:40
Kent, Samuel Lilly --- V43:36
Kent, Samuel Oldham --- V43:39
Kent, Sarah E. Bibb --- V43:39
Kent, Sarah Garland Hunter --- V23:73
Kent, Sarah H. Moody --- V43:40
Kent, Sarah Harris --- V43:38, 40
Kent, Sarah J. --- V43:35
Kent, Sarah J. Thompson --- V43:35
Kent, Sarah K. Jones --- V43:40
Kent, Sarah Kersey --- V43:37
Kent, Sidney Bledsoe --- V43:39
Kent, Stephen Eastin --- V43:38
Kent, Sully Poindexter --- V43:37
Kent, Susan Armstrong --- V43:37
Kent, Susanna Shelbum --- V43:39
Kent, Thomas Bragg --- V43:39
Kent, Thomas Gardner --- V43:36
Kent, Thomas H. Scruggs --- V43:37
Kent, Thomas Johnson --- V43:36
Kent, Thomas Yarbrough --- V43:36
Kent, Thos. Bronaugh --- V43:39
Kent, William B. Cocke --- V43:39
Kent, William Bucks --- V43:36
Kent, William Corker --- V43:37
Kent, William Dickinson --- V43:40
Kent, William Hall --- V43:36
Kent, William Hughes --- V43:36
Kent, William O. Harris --- V43:39
Kent, William Philips --- V43:38
Kent, William Smith --- V43:36
Kent, William Smith. --- V43:36
Kent, William W. Harris --- V43:35
Kent, William Weldy --- V43:39
Kent, Zedekiah W. Gibson --- V43:37
Kent Drug Store, --- V31: 33
Kent House, --- V32:55
Kent, Connecticut, --- V27:74
Kentmine Hill, --- V33:94
Kent's Boy's School, --- V27:74
Kent's Drug Store, --- V19:46
Kent's Mill, --- V24:25
Kent's Store, --- V34:58
Kents Store, Fluvanna County, --- V32:38
Kentucky, --- V13:58, 59
Kentucky, --- V14:78
Kentucky, --- V19:13, 94
Kentucky, --- V20:39, 40, 100
Kentucky, --- V21-1:4
Kentucky, --- V22:55
Kentucky, --- V23:28, 60, 91
Kentucky, --- V24:67
Kentucky, --- V25:18, 22, 71
Kentucky, --- V26:75
Kentucky, --- V28:86
Kentucky, --- V37:82
Kentucky, --- V35:12, 6
Kentucky, --- V38:82
Kentucky, Clark County --- V40:56 57
Kentucky, infantry --- V28:45
Kentucky, Madison County --- V40:56 57
Kentucky Legislature, --- V26:73
Kentucky Secretary of State, --- V38:81
Kentucky Springs, --- V23:103
Kenty, Anthony --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 4/39 5/1/22
Kenty, Cicil Y. Nee Anderson --- Landowner 4/55
Kepler, --- V23:14
Kercheval, James --- V30:12
Kercheval, James, Mrs. --- V30:12
Kercheval, Mary --- V30:13
Kercheval, Mary Ann Schcoley --- V30:12
Kercheval, Sarah Ann --- V30:12- 13
Kernstown, --- V22:28
Kernstown, Victory at --- V31: 104
Kerouchan, Frederick --- V21-1:53
Kerr, Alexander --- V13:72
Kerr, Alexander --- V14:39, 66
Kerr, Elizabeth --- V14:66
Kerr, William --- Landowner 4/55
Kersey, Amanda --- Census 3/82
Kersey, Ann --- V32:31
Kersey, Bettie --- V23:102
Kersey, Bettie --- Census 1/84
Kersey, Bettie R. --- V23:105
Kersey, C., Mrs. --- V23:102
Kersey, Clayborn --- Taxpayer 1/16
Kersey, Elisha --- V42:128
Kersey, Elizabeth --- V32:31
Kersey, George --- Taxpayer 1/16
Kersey, George --- V42:121, 122, 128
Kersey, Harris --- V24:92
Kersey, Henry --- V32:29
Kersey, Henry, Mrs. --- V32:29
Kersey, Jas. --- V24:94
Kersey, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/72 9/36
Kersey, John --- V41:103
Kersey, John --- V42:122, 128
Kersey, Julian --- Census 3/82
Kersey, Mahala --- Census 3/82
Kersey, Matt, Councilman --- V39:45
Kersey, Matt. --- V19:71
Kersey, Matt. L., Jr. --- V14:86
Kersey, Matthew --- V31: 63
Kersey, Matthew, Jr. --- V21-2:14
Kersey, Meredith --- Census 4/39
Kersey, Nancy --- Census 4/39
Kersey, Richard --- Census 1/84
Kersey, Richard --- V32:31
Kersey, Richard. Mrs. --- V32:31
Kersey, Sally Tate --- V32:29
Kersey, Sarah Thompson --- V32:29
Kersey, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 3/82 4/39
Kersey, Thomas --- V41:103
Kersey, Thomas --- V42:121, 122
Kersey, Widow --- V23:58
Kersey, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Kersey, Woodson --- V24:93
Kersey's Store, --- V33:88
Kesear, Ellen --- Census 3/51
Kesear, George T. --- Census 3/51
Kesear, Louisa --- Census 3/51
Kesear, Malinda --- Census 3/51
Kesear, Simeon --- Census 3/51
Kesear, William --- Census 3/51
Kesear, Zachariah --- Census 3/51
Kesler, Anna K. --- V36:46
Kesler, Marie O. --- V36:46
Kessler, Christine --- V21-1:68
Kessler, Christine --- V21-2:29
Kester's 1st New Jersey, --- V30:36
Keswick, --- V33:91
Kettilwell, Richd. --- V43:104
Key, Ann --- V19:59
Key, Ann --- Census 3/89 Mentioned 12/11 12/83
Key, Belinda --- V19:60
Key, Celia --- V20:7
Key, Criswell --- V20:5, 6
Key, Daniel --- V20:7
Key, Elenor Daniel --- V20:7
Key, Elizabeth --- V19:56-58
Key, Elizabeth --- V20:3, 6, 7
Key, Frances --- V20:6, 7
Key, Garland --- V20:5, 6
Key, George --- V19:56
Key, Henry --- V19:59
Key, Jack --- V19:56
Key, Jacob --- V19:57, 58
Key, Jacob --- V20:3, 6
Key, James --- V20:3, 7
Key, Jane Mills --- V19:60
Key, John --- V17:35
Key, John --- V19:55, 56, 59, 60
Key, John --- V20:3-7
Key, Luck --- V19:56-58
Key, Luck --- V20:6, 7
Key, Lucy --- V20:6
Key, Marcus M. --- V19:55
Key, Marcus M. --- V20:3
Key, Martin --- V19:55-61
Key, Martin --- V20:3, 4, 6, 7
Key, Martin --- Marriage 12/83
Key, Mary --- V20:3, 5, 6
Key, Mildred --- Census 2/ 1 /4 1
Key, Milly --- V20:6
Key, Nancy --- V19:59
Key, Nancy --- V20:7
Key, Patty --- V20:7
Key, Pleasant --- V20:3
Key, Rice --- V19:59, 60
Key, Robert --- V20:3, 4
Key, Sarah --- V19:60
Key, Sarah --- V20:3
Key, Sarah Daniel --- V20:7
Key, Sarah Wash --- V20:3, 4
Key, Sophia --- V20:7
Key, Temperance --- V20:7
Key, Thomas --- V19:56-58, 61
Key, Thomas --- V20:3-6
Key, Thomas Luck --- V20:6
Key, Thos. --- V19:58
Key, Will --- V19:56
Key, William --- V19:58-60
Key, William --- V20:3-6
Key, William --- Census 5/1/22
Key, William J. --- Census 2/1/41
Key, Winefred --- V20:7
Key, Winnie --- V20:7
Key, Winnifred Kimbell --- V20:7
Key families, --- V19:55
Keys Family, Query --- 11/2/48
Keyser, --- V21-1:108
Keyser, Ann --- V16:84
Keyser, E. M. --- V21-1:22
Keyser, E. W. --- V21-1:93
Keyser, W. H. --- V21-1:86, 126
Keyser, William --- V21-1:107, 110, 117
Keysers, --- V21-1:111
Kiblinger, --- V21-1:65
Kiblinger, Elroy --- V37:36
Kiblinger, Elroy --- V33:95
Kiblinger, George --- V21-1:91
Kiblinger, George E. --- V21-1:35
Kiblinger, Hiram H. --- V36:50
Kiblinger, Lelia --- V36:40
Kiblinger, Lovel Smith --- V22:96
Kiblinger, Lovell Smith --- V37:36
Kiblinger, Magie M. --- V21-1:35
Kiblinger, Mamie --- V36:36
Kiblinger, Mother of William --- V31: 37
Kiblinger, Robert T. --- V21-1:35
Kiblinger, Sarah --- V21-2:11
Kiblinger, Vernon --- V20:80
Kiblinger, Vernon --- V21-1:121
Kiblinger, Vernon F. --- V20:80
Kiblinger, Vernon L. --- V20:78
Kiblinger, W. C. --- V31: 81
Kiblinger, W. H. --- V19:15
Kiblinger, William --- V16:33
Kiblinger, William --- V19:48, 63, 73
Kiblinger, William --- V20:33, 46
Kiblinger, William --- V21-1:65
Kiblinger, William --- V25:13
Kiblinger, William --- V31: 37
Kiblinger, William H. --- V18:19, 20
Kiblinger, William H. --- V19:10, 14, 30
Kiblinger, William H. --- V21-1:3, 72
Kiblinger, William H. --- V21-2:14, 36
Kiblinger, William H. --- V27:17
Kiblinger, William Henry --- V21-1:122, 124
Kiblinger, William Henry. --- V32:71
Kiblinger Farm, --- V32:64, 69
Kidd, Harry L. --- V29:55
Kidd, L. J. --- V21-1:73
Kidd, Leonard J. --- V21-1:73
Kidd, Lindsay --- Census 3/78
Kidd's 6th Michigan, --- V30:35, 38
Kight, George --- V38:8
Kilby, Elizabeth --- Tombstone 11/2/16
Kilkenny, Ireland, --- V37:76
Killey, James R. --- Rev. Soldier 8/73
Killian, Philip --- V25:84, 91
Kilpatrick, Judson --- V22:23
Kilpatrick, Judson,Genl. US --- V35:19
Kilpatrick, Mr. --- V30:41
Kimball, Peter --- V20:7
Kimball, Winifred --- V20:7
Kimbell, Winnifred --- V20:7
Kimbells, --- V20:7
Kimbro, Thomas --- V14:33, 35, 38, 64
Kimbrough, --- V21-1:76, 110
Kimbrough, Archer --- Census 2/1/42
Kimbrough, C. T. --- Haley Diary 11/2/44
Kimbrough, C. Y. --- V21-1:62, 76, 100
Kimbrough, C. Y. --- V32:45
Kimbrough, Carey --- Census 2/1/42
Kimbrough, Charles --- Haley Diary 9/50
Kimbrough, Charles Y. --- Census 3/37 Railroad Officer 7/54 Testimony 12/73
Kimbrough, Charles Yancey --- V21-1:81
Kimbrough, Clara Harris --- V23:41
Kimbrough, Clyde H. --- V13:85
Kimbrough, E. Y. --- V21-1:91
Kimbrough, Eliza --- Yancey Heir 1/73
Kimbrough, John --- Census 3/84 4/39
Kimbrough, Joseph --- Census 4/39
Kimbrough, Maria L. --- Census 3/37
Kimbrough, Mary --- Census 2/1/42 3/37 Mentioned 7/75
Kimbrough, Mary C. --- Census 3/37
Kimbrough, Mary Susannah --- V32:87, 91
Kimbrough, Molly --- V23:27
Kimbrough, Robert --- Census 4/39 Rev. Soldier 8/28 9/35 Heir 9/29
Kimbrough, Sam --- Taxpayer 1/16
Kimbrough, Samuel --- Census 2/1/42 5/1/22
Kimbrough, Samuel --- V42:121, 122
Kimbrough, Sarah --- V13:58
Kimbrough, Sarah --- Census 2/1/42
Kimbrough, Sarah (Field) --- V13:58
Kimbrough, Thomas --- Census 4/39 5/1/22
Kimbrough, Unity Y. --- Married 1/22
Kimbrough, Unity Yancy --- V32:91
Kimbrough, William --- V13:58, 59
Kimbrough, William --- Census 2/1/39 2/1/42 4/39 Insurance 5/1/50 Church
Kimbrough, William --- V43:58
Kimbrough, William, Jr. --- Yancey Heir 1/73
Kimbrough Family, --- V13:57
Kimbrough/Kimbrow, Buckley --- V41:29
Kimbrough/Kimbrow, Charles Y. --- V41:1 l
Kimbrough/Kimbrow, Robert --- V41:49, 100, 103
Kimbrough/Kimbrow, Samuel --- V41:103
Kimbrow, --- V22:90
Kimbrow, John --- V19:39, 42, 87, 90
Kimbrow, John --- Indenture 9/45 Legal Note 11/2/34 12/46 12/47 12/7
Kimbrow, Major --- Legal Note 11/1/39
Kimbrow, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 5/1/22
Kimbrow, Thomas --- V17:34
Kimbrow, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16 Road Surveyor 6/81
Kimbrow (Kimbro), John --- V13:30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 74, 76
Kincannon, --- V21-1:68
Kincannon, Elizabeth --- V14:48
Kincannon, Elizabeth --- V21-1:113
Kincannon, I. C. --- Haley Diary 8/93
Kincannon, J. Frederick --- V21-1:53
Kincannon, Mattie --- V21-2:13
Kincannon, Roy --- V21-1:67
Kincannon, Roy, Mrs. --- V40:49, 50
Kindrake, John --- V17:34
King, --- V24:94
King, Alexander --- V42:92
King, Andrew --- Census 2/2/33
King, Ann --- Census 2/2/33
King, Azariah --- V14:22
King, Benjamin --- Census 4/39
King, Betsy --- Census 2/2/33
King, Charles --- Property Owner 6/56
King, Columbia --- Census 3/82
King, D. C. --- V21-1:19
King, David --- Census 2/2/30
King, Ella Coleman --- V21-1:75
King, Ellen --- V24:92
King, Ellen --- Census 3/82
King, Frances --- Census 2/2/33
King, Frank --- V24:7
King, Frank --- Census 3/82
King, George --- V21-1:56
King, George --- Census 2/2/33
King, George H. S. --- V13:56
King, George H. S. --- Author 1/42 2/1/27 2/2/16 3/25
King, H. S. --- V21-1:75
King, Henry --- Census 3/82
King, Higgason --- V22:36
King, James --- V18:38
King, James --- V24:4, 7, 8
King, James --- Cabinet Maker 10/68
King, James H. --- Census 2/2/42
King, Joseph --- Census 2/2/32
King, Lucy --- Census 3/82
King, Lukey --- V42:92
King, Marian --- Census 2/2/33
King, Martha E. --- Census 3/82 Author 7/86 7/87
King, Martha Eheart --- Author 4/66
King, Mary --- Census 2/2/33
King, Mary P. --- Census 3/82
King, Mr. --- V16:26
King, Mr. --- V39:38
King, Nancy --- V22:36
King, Nancy --- Census 3/82
King, Nannie --- Census 2/2/33
King, Peter --- Census 2/2/33 3/82
King, Robert --- Well Digger 10/98
King, Sackville --- V46:45
King, Sarah --- Census 2/2/33
King, Thomas --- V13:73
King, Thomas --- V14:32, 37
King, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 6/1/22 Legal Note 11/1/44
King, Thomas --- V42:122
King, Thomas --- V46:45
King, Victoria --- Census 2/2/33
King, Walter --- V41:103
King, William --- Census 3/82 3/87
King, William --- V42:91
King, William Chancelor --- V21-1:121
King, William County --- V28:56, 61
King, Winney --- Census 2/2/33
King & Queen Co., --- V23:49
King & Queen County, --- V19:55
King & Queen County (Virginia), --- V14:52, 82
King Alfonso XIII of Spain, --- V31: 28
King and Queen County, --- V24:44
King and Queen County, --- V27:6
King and Queen County, --- V19:19, 20, 24
King and Queen County, --- V34:24
King George, --- V25:88
King George County, --- V26:45
King George II, --- V19:72
King George II of England, --- V32:46
King Wenceslas, --- V16:47
King William, --- V25:88
King William, --- V27:86
King William Co, --- V35:41, 173
King William Co., --- V21-1:6
King William Co., --- V22:89
King William Co., --- V23:49
King William County, --- V20:59
King William County, --- V21-2:24
King William County, --- V19:55-58, 89, 95, 96
King William County Virginia, --- V30:66, 68, 70
Kingdom of Prussia, --- V28:66
Kings, --- V38:48
King's Cabinet Shop, --- V24:7
King's Ford, --- V13:54
King's Furniture and Cabinet Shop, --- V24:7
Kinney, Alice --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Ariminta --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Beck --- V25:98
Kinney, Betsy --- Census 3/49
Kinney, Billy --- Census 3/49
Kinney, Catharine --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Charles --- Census 3/37 3/79
Kinney, Chesley --- V14:79
Kinney, Davey --- V29:42
Kinney, Eliza --- Census 3/37 3/49
Kinney, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/32 3/36
Kinney, Fleming --- Census 2/2/37
Kinney, Fountaine --- Census 3/51
Kinney, Frances --- Census 3/79
Kinney, George --- V33:20
Kinney, Harriet --- Census 3/79
Kinney, Hermitage --- Census 3/84
Kinney, Isaac --- V46:54
Kinney, James --- Census 3/36 3/49
Kinney, James L. --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Jane --- Census 3/49
Kinney, Jim --- Census 3/49
Kinney, John --- Census 2/1/45 2/2/32 3/36 Marriage 5/2/35 5/2/39
Kinney, Johnny --- V23:106
Kinney, Johnny --- V33:20
Kinney, Louisa --- Census 3/37
Kinney, Marcellus --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Martha --- Census 3/79
Kinney, Milley --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Nancy --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Orcella --- Census 3/36
Kinney, Paul --- Census 2/2/32
Kinney, Robert --- V25:18
Kinney, Robert --- Census 3/79
Kinney, Sallie --- Census 3/49
Kinney, Sarah --- Census 2/2/32
Kinney, Thom --- V25:97
Kinney, Thomas --- Census 3/49
Kinney, Thomas --- V29:42
Kinney, William --- Census 2/2/32 3/36 3/79
Kinny, Anna --- V25:97
Kinny, Beck --- V25:97
Kinzer, Mildred C. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Kinzie, John --- V29:57
Kirby, John --- V42:95
Kirby, Mrs. --- V33:95
Kirby, William L. --- V21-2:13
Kirk, Mary --- V28:80
Kirk, of of the Cliff --- V29:50
Kirk Bifurcated, --- V33:70
Kirk Corner Notched, --- V33:72
Kirkland, Robert --- V24:30
Kirkland, Robert --- Church Speaker 10/68 Minister 12/30
Kirkland, Robert --- V34:23, 24
Kirkmyer, Mollie --- Marriage 5/2/35
Kirkpatrick, Capt. --- V16:20
Kirkwood, H. B. --- V15:10
Kirkwood, H. B. --- V21-1:20
Kirtley, Bickford --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, Dolley --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, George A. --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, Mary C. --- V21-1:89
Kirtley, Mary C. --- Married 12/100
Kirtley, Robert --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, Samuel --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, Susan --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, Thomas --- Census 2/1/30
Kirtley, Thomas J. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Kirtley, William --- Census 2/1/30
Kiskiack Farm, --- V38:52.
Kiskiack Indians, --- V38:48
Kiskiack Stabilization (The Henry Lee House), --- V38:53
Kiskiack., --- V38:46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53,55
Kit, (Slave) --- V30:10-11
Kitchen, J. D. --- V29:45
Kite, Jack --- V38:83
Kite, Jane E. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Kitt, --- V22:93
Kitty, (Slave) --- V30:82
Kity, Twin Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Kleets, R. M. --- Miller 7/60
Klepper, Robert --- V19:71
Klepper, Robert C. --- V15:86
Klepper, Robert C., Mrs. --- V15:86
Kline, --- V25:2
Kline, Homer --- V21-2:14
Kline, Homer M. --- V21-1:116
Klyer, James N. --- V15:82
Knapp, --- V21-1:107, 112
Knapp, C. J. --- V21-1:87, 93
Knapp, Charles J. --- V21-1:87
Knapp, Hattie --- V21-1:87
Knapp, Hattie M. --- V21-1:87
Knapp Building, --- V21-1:107
Knapp's Butcher Shop, --- V21-1:99
Knicely, Louise Barrett --- Tombstone 10/70
Knicely, Robert Lee --- Tombstone 10/70
Knight, Elizabeth --- V20:24
Knight, Inez --- V13:44
Knight, Inez --- V21-1:89
Knight, John --- V19:42, 87, 91
Knight, John --- V20:24
Knight, John --- Census 5/1/22
Knight, Mabel Sherwood, Mrs. --- V31: 31
Knight, Mabel, Mrs. --- V31: 31, 36
Knight, Miss --- V28:99
Knight, Mrs. --- V31: 32, 33
Knight, Sally (Sarah) --- V14:44
Knight, Sarah --- V20:21
Knight, Sarah --- V21-1:5
Knight, Sarah "Sally" --- V21-1:5
Knight, Uriah --- Heir 8/56
Knight of the Valley, --- V35:146
Knighten, Thomas, Jr. --- Census 4/39
Knighton, --- V19:74
Knighton, --- V28:18
Knighton, Albert --- Census 2/1/31
Knighton, Barbara --- Census 2/2/39
Knighton, Charles --- Census 3/33
Knighton, Edmund --- Census 2/1/45
Knighton, Eliza --- Census 2/2/35
Knighton, Frances --- Census 2/2/35
Knighton, Frank --- Census 3/33
Knighton, James --- Census 2/2/39 3/33
Knighton, James S. --- Census 3/33
Knighton, Jane M --- Census 2/2/35
Knighton, Joe --- V21-1:56
Knighton, John --- Census 2/1/31 2/2/37
Knighton, John T. --- Census 2/1/45
Knighton, Josef H M. --- Marriage License 7/76
Knighton, Joseph --- Census 2/2/36 3/33
Knighton, Mahala --- Census 3/33
Knighton, Margaret --- Census 2/2/35
Knighton, Maria --- Census 2/2/39
Knighton, Martha --- Census 2/1/31
Knighton, Mary --- Census 2/1/31 2/1/45 2/2/35
Knighton, Mordecai --- Census 2/2/35
Knighton, Philip --- Census 3/33
Knighton, Roy --- V19:8
Knighton, Sarah --- Census 1/80 2/2/35 3/33
Knighton, Susan A. --- Census 2/1/45 3/33
Knighton, Thomas --- V19:74
Knighton, Thomas --- V26:48
Knighton, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/16 Census 2/1/31
Knighton, Thomas, Jr. --- Census 5/1/22
Knighton, William --- V19:74
Knighton, William --- Census 2/1/31 2/1/45 2/2/35
Knighton, William Everett --- Marriage 5/2/39
Knighton, Wingfield --- Census 3/33
Knightons, --- V15:15
Knightons, --- V38:57
Knisely, Mary Jane --- V27:69
Knisley, Kermit --- V38:59
Know, --- V20:39
Knowles Street Church, --- V34:28
Know-Nothing Party, --- V24:74
Knox, Ann Eliza (Seymour) --- V38:71
Knox, Anna Campbell --- V17:47
Knox, Eliza (Seymour) --- V38:61
Knox, Marinda "Sis" (Doles) --- V38:66
Knox, Marinda Ellen (Doles) --- V38:62, 66
Knox, Pearl --- V38:62
Knox, Susanna Fitzhugh --- V17:47
Knox, Thomas --- V38:66
Knox, Thomas, Rev. --- V38:66
Knoxville, --- V14:20, 79
Knoxville, --- V23:30
KOA, Denver radio station --- V31: 55
Koffman Building, --- V21-1:108
Kolbe, J. Christian --- V41:47
Kolona, --- V16:84
Koontztown, --- V46:29
Kootner, Donna S. --- V25:12
Korea, --- V40:14, 16
Korea War, --- V31: 41
Korean War, --- V36:64
Kosmahley, Dr. --- V17:52
Kosmahly, --- V21-1:118
Kosmahly, G., Dr. --- V21-1:108
Kosmakley, Dr. --- V18:24
Kostyal, Stuart --- V18:38
Koxsuch, Mildred S., Mrs. --- V15:48
Krahenbill, Chauncey --- V46:87
Krape, Robert --- V38:59
Kristains, Kids the --- V29:48
Kristin Renee, --- V41:63
Kritzer, --- V21-1:73
Kritzer, R. S. --- V21-1:73
Kritzer, Richard S. --- V21-1:75
Kropff, Frederick --- Census 2/2/31
Krouse, Edwin --- V38:68
KS Society, --- V35:168
Ku Klux, --- V17:25
Kube, Bernice --- V40:61
Kube, Ed. --- V19:71
Kube, Edward --- V31: 63
Kubican, Mercedes --- V27:17
Kubican, Robert --- V27:17
Kubican, Robert J. --- V24:74
Kubican, Robert J. --- V25:92
Kuhfahl, Robert E., Sr. --- V21-1:123
Kuncle, Mary --- Ancestor 11/1/18
Kuper, --- V22:20
Kuper, Adnie M. Adams --- Tombstone 4/63
Kuper, Augustine --- Census 1/39
Kuper, Charles H. --- Tombstone 4/63
Kuper, Charlotte --- V25:72
Kuper, Charlotte L. --- V27:95
Kuper, Claudius --- Census 2/1/39
Kuper, Earl --- V25:71, 73
Kuper, Frederick Addphus --- V22:17
Kuper, Frederick Hollis --- Tombstone 5/2/40
Kuper, G. M. --- V27:95
Kuper, Georgia --- V24:34
Kuper, Georgianna --- Census 2/1/39
Kuper, Harry McCumming --- V27:95
Kuper, Ivanhoe --- V27:95
Kuper, Jane Claybrooke --- V25:71
Kuper, Jane O. --- Census 2/1/39
Kuper, John S. --- V25:20
Kuper, John S. --- V27:95
Kuper, John S., Jr. --- V28:37
Kuper, Julia D. --- V21-2:18
Kuper, Julia D. --- V27:34
Kuper, Kate --- V23:90
Kuper, Kate --- V28:86
Kuper, Kate Adams --- V22:20
Kuper, Kate Adams --- V23:90
Kuper, Lillie Kate --- V25:70
Kuper, Lottie --- V28:36
Kuper, M. L. --- V25:74
Kuper, Manson L. --- Tombstone 4/63
Kuper, Manson L. (Bluch) --- V22:20
Kuper, Manson Lewis --- V23:90
Kuper, Mary Elizabeth --- V27:95
Kuper, Mary L. --- Census 2/1/39
Kuper, Mary Lewis --- V27:93
Kuper, Mary Louise Dickinson --- V24:34
Kuper, Sclater --- V25:73
Kuper, W. --- V27:32
Kuper, W. A. --- V22:30
Kuper, W. A. --- Mentioned 4/72 Tombstone 5/2/40
Kuper, W. A. --- V37:56
Kuper, W. H. --- V21-1:92
Kuper, W. L. --- V29:69
Kuper, William --- V25:21
Kuper, William --- Census 2/1/39
Kuper, William A. --- V24:32
Kuper, William A. --- V27:93-94
Kuper, William A. --- Census 2/1/39
Kuper, William Augustus --- V25:75
Kuper, William James Augustus --- V24:34
Kuper, Wm. A. --- V19:49
Kupes, --- V32:39
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