Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With H.

Index To Volumes 1 - 46

Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM

H., John --- Will Witness 12/40
H.G. Hiter's School, --- V27:76
H.R., --- V31: 84
H’wy 250, --- V38:41
H’wy 33, --- V38:41, 42
Ha/atm, ( icrintin speaking --- V39:19
Haarlem Heights, --- V23:99
Habersham, Joseph --- V14:26
Hackel, Martin --- V17:32
Hacket, John --- Petitioner 6/24
Hacket, Martin --- V14:42, 43, 66-69
Hacket, Martin --- V16:40
Hacket, Martin --- Legal Note 10/31 10/32
Hacket, Pleasant --- V23:8
Hacket, Pleasant --- V32:5
Hacket, S. P. --- V29:103
Hacket, Thomas --- Legal Case 9/45 Landowner 9/82
Hacket(T), Martin --- Road Overseer 6/24 6/27 6/82 6/83 6/85
Hackett, --- V25:35
Hackett, Agnes --- Census 2/2/44
Hackett, Catharine A. --- Census 1/77
Hackett, Clara --- Census 2/2/44
Hackett, Colin J. --- Census 2/2/28
Hackett, Dr. William R. --- V45:136
Hackett, Ellis G. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Hackett, Frances --- V42:90
Hackett, George W. --- Census 1/77
Hackett, George W. --- V32:5, 6
Hackett, George White --- Tombstone 7/71
Hackett, George White --- V32:6
Hackett, Henrietta --- Census 2/2/28
Hackett, Henrietta --- V30:81
Hackett, James H. --- Census 2/2/40
Hackett, Kitty A. Perkins --- V32:5
Hackett, Kitty Perkins --- Tombstone 7/71
Hackett, Lucy --- Census 2/2/28 2/2/44
Hackett, Martin --- V42:90
Hackett, Mary --- Census 2/2/28
Hackett, Mary P. --- V25:30
Hackett, Mary P. Johnson --- V30:81
Hackett, Mayor --- V31: 3
Hackett, Mr. & Mrs. --- V46:15
Hackett, Mrs. --- Teacher 7/81
Hackett, Pleasant --- Census 2/2/40 Justice Of Peace 5/2/20 Court Justic
Hackett, S. P. --- V13:13
Hackett, S. P. --- V25:36
Hackett, S. P. --- V31: 3
Hackett, Sallie --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hackett, Sallie W. --- Census 2/2/44
Hackett, Samuel P. --- V18:27
Hackett, Samuel P. --- Census 2/2/44 Magistrate 7/58 Merchant 7/59
Hackett, Samuel P. --- V29:15-16
Hackett, Samuel P. --- V32:4, 6
Hackett, Samuel P. --- V45:106, 110, 136, 137
Hackett, Samuel Pleasant --- V45:106
Hackett, Thomas --- V42:90
Hackett, William R. --- Census 2/2/28
Hackett, William R. --- V32:6
Hackett, Wirt Henry --- Tombstone 7/71
Hackett, Wm. R., Dr. --- V30:81
Hackett, Wm. R., Mrs. --- V30:81
Hackney, Mary --- V31: 93
Hackson, Richard --- V19:91
Hactch, James H. --- Census 3/42
Hadder, J. B. --- V29:77
Hadder, John B. --- V34:53
Hadder, Private --- V34:57
Hadder, Thomas --- V34:54
Hadder, Thomas B. --- V34:53
Hadder, Tommy --- V34:54, 55, 57, 58
Hadder House, --- V21-1:26
Haden, Alice Maude --- V23:44
Haden, Edward Mrs. --- Bible Owner 4/66
Haden, Edward Price --- Birth 4/68
Haden, Ethel Gooch --- Death 4/68
Haden, Jn. --- V15:46
Haden, John --- Census 3/49
Haden, Joseph --- V28:23
Haden, Leslie Douglas --- Birth 4/68
Haden, Margaret Louise --- Birth 4/63
Haden, Mayor E. G. --- V31: 38
Haden, Nancy --- Census 3/49
Haden, Willfred --- Landowner 6/10
Haden, William --- Landowner 11/2/10
Haden, Wirt Douglas --- Marriage 4/68
Hadensville, --- V34:58
Hades, William --- Census 5/1/20
Hagerstown, --- V22:23
Haggard, --- V40:58
Haggard, Elizabeth --- V13:30
Haggard, Frank --- V17:33
Haggard, French --- V16:85
Haggard, French --- Roadwork 5/26 6/33
Haggard, James --- Will 2/2/17
Haggard, Richard --- V14:35, 37
Haggard, Richard --- Landowner 6/33 Ordinary License 9/84
Haggard, William --- V13:30
Hailey, Bartlet --- Census 5/1/20
Hailey, Bartlett --- Taxpayer 1/15
Hailey, Benjamin --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/20
Hailey, John --- Landgrant 10/17 Legal Note 12/46
Hailey, Rev. L. J. --- V16:65
Hailey, William --- Landgrant 10/17
Hailstock, Charles --- V26:46
Hailstock, Rose --- V26:46
Hailstock, Rosetta --- V26:46
Haily, John --- Landgrant 11/2/21
Haily, William --- Stock Mark Recorded 9/45
Hain, Thomas H. --- Haley Diary 4/96
Haines, Arthur --- V21-2:15
Haines, Henry --- V14:64
Haines, James O. --- Census 2/2/35
Haines, John --- V42:122
Haines, Lucy --- Census 2/2/35
Haines, Sarah --- V42:92
Haines, Thomas --- Census 4/37
Haines, Warren --- Census 4/37
Haines, William --- Census 2/2/35
Hairfield, S. W. --- Resident 1/9
Halasz, Nicholas --- V30:12
Hale, Mr. --- V23:7
Hale, Sally Eliz. --- V23:7
Hale, William --- V19:40
Hale, William --- V27:73
Hale, William --- V29:82
Hale & White, --- V39:45
Hale and White, --- V29:82
Haley, --- V21-1:100
Haley, Agnes --- Heir 11/1/15
Haley, Allen --- Haley Diary 11/2/42
Haley, Allen --- V38:76, 77
Haley, Allen W. "Chuck” --- V38:75.76
Haley, Alva --- V21-1:122
Haley, Annie --- Haley Diary 10/39
Haley, Benjamin --- Heir 11/1/16 Marriage 11/1/17
Haley, Bunny ( Jeter Garland ) --- Haley Diary 8/49
Haley, Champ --- Haley Diary 10/96
Haley, Champe --- Haley Diary 9/94
Haley, Chuck --- V38:74. 75, 76, 77, 83
Haley, Clivie --- V13:44
Haley, Clivie --- V38:75, 76
Haley, Clivie C. --- V38:75
Haley, Clivie Carpenter --- V38:76
Haley, Cordelia --- Heir 11/1/15
Haley, Delany --- Marriage 11/1/17
Haley, Delia --- Heir 11/1/16
Haley, E. A. --- V38:81
Haley, E. Allen --- Diary Transcriber 4/13
Haley, Edward Allen --- V38:76
Haley, Elizabeth --- V38:77
Haley, Elizabeth Allen --- V28:86
Haley, Elizabeth Allen --- V34:19
Haley, Elizabeth Nee Allen --- Parent 4/13
Haley, Fannie --- V38:74, 74, 75
Haley, Fannie (Boxley) --- V38:74
Haley, Fanny --- V13:43
Haley, Fanny --- V23:112
Haley, Fanny Fife --- Birth 7/94
Haley, Flossie --- Haley Diary 11/2/42
Haley, Flossie --- V38:76
Haley, Flossie S --- V38:76
Haley, Garland --- Haley Diary 9/100 10/34 11/1/47
Haley, Isham --- Heir 11/1/15
Haley, J. C. --- V13:42
Haley, J. C. --- Haley Diary 11/2/46
Haley, J. C. --- V38:81
Haley, J. Long --- Haley Diary 12/97
Haley, James G. --- Haley Diary 7/94
Haley, James Littleberry, Reverend --- V32:46
Haley, James Long --- Birth 7/94
Haley, Jeter Garland --- Birth 7/94 Teacher 8/47 Death 9/47
Haley, Jno. C. --- V38:76
Haley, John --- Haley Diary 8/99 10/35 Will 11/1/16
Haley, John --- V38:76, 77, 78
Haley, John C. --- Haley Diary 10/40
Haley, John C. --- V38:76, 77, 78
Haley, John Clivius --- Birth 7/94
Haley, John Clivius --- V38:76
Haley, John Cluvius --- V38:75
Haley, John M. --- Haley Diary 4/13 4/14 9/97
Haley, Joseph --- Haley Diary 4/14
Haley, Joseph N. --- Death 4/13
Haley, L. J. --- V13:13, 39-42
Haley, L. J. --- V19:10
Haley, L. J. --- V21-1:22, 65-67, 80, 100
Haley, L. J. --- V23:112
Haley, L. J. --- V24:83
Haley, L. J. --- V27:32, 51
Haley, L. J. --- Diary 4/81 5/1/37 6/16 6/92 7/41 7/91 8/47 8/91 9/
Haley, L. J. --- V29:57, 89
Haley, L. J. --- V34:19, 20, 32
Haley, L. J. --- V41:31
Haley, L. J., (Mrs. ) --- V13:39-44
Haley, L. J., Jr. --- V13:42, 44
Haley, L. J., Rev --- V38:44, 75
Haley, Larry --- Haley Diary 10/39
Haley, Littleberry --- V21-1:37, 80, 110
Haley, Littleberry --- Teacher 8/49
Haley, Littleberry --- V28:86-87, 91
Haley, Littleberry J. --- Diary 4/13 Minister 12/28
Haley, Littleberry J. --- V38:45, 75
Haley, Littleberry James --- V34:19
Haley, Littleeberry James --- Photo 5/2/10 Diary 5/2/11 Birth 7/94
Haley, Long --- Haley Diary 8/49
Haley, Lucille --- V13:39
Haley, Lucy --- V13:47
Haley, Lula --- V13:39
Haley, M. R. --- 25th Wedding Anniversary 7/94
Haley, Mary --- V13:44
Haley, Mary --- V23:112
Haley, Mary --- Heir 9/48
Haley, Mary --- V38:75
Haley, Mary C. --- V38:75
Haley, Mary Champe --- V38:76
Haley, Mary R. --- V21-1:37
Haley, Mary R. Long --- V28:87
Haley, May --- V13:40
Haley, Minister --- 6/53 9/58 78 Years Old 10/39 Birth 11/2/38
Haley, Minister --- 12/88
Haley, Minnie --- Haley Diary 10/39 10/43 10/97 11/2/45 12/90 12/94
Haley, Mourning (Glen) --- V13:47
Haley, Mr. --- V21-2:17
Haley, Mr. and Mrs. --- V28:35
Haley, Nannie --- Haley Diary 4/19
Haley, Nannie Rosa --- Birth 7/94 12/88 Marriage 12/88
Haley, Nanny --- V23:112
Haley, Nanny --- Haley Diary 4/83
Haley, P. A. --- V27:32
Haley, P. A. --- Haley Diary 10/41 10/97 12/90
Haley, Perry --- Haley Diary 8/49 9/50
Haley, Peter (Dr. ) --- V13:39
Haley, Peter (Mrs. ) --- V13:39
Haley, Peter A. --- Baptized 8/94
Haley, Peter A. Dr. --- V17:85
Haley, Peter Allen --- Birth 7/9
Haley, property --- V28:88
Haley, Randolph --- Heir 11/1/16
Haley, Rev. L. J. --- V21-1:44, 62, 81-84, 88
Haley, Rev. L. J. --- V21-2:18
Haley, Rev. Littleberry James --- V41:66, 67, 74
Haley, Rev., Mr. L. J. --- V14:12, 13
Haley, Sarah --- Heir 11/1/16 Marriage 11/1/17
Haley, Tabitha --- Marriage 11/1/17
Haley, Taylor --- Haley Diary 8/49
Haley, Thomas --- Haley Diary 4/14
Haley, W. A. --- V13:40-44
Haley, W. A. --- V21-1:93
Haley, W. A. --- Haley Diary 10/37 10/42 10/100 11/2/44 12/94 12/96
Haley, W. A. --- V38:75, 75, 81
Haley, W. A., Jr. --- V38:75
Haley, Walter W. --- V14:48
Haley, William --- Haley Diary 4/14 5/1/49 Heir 11/1/16 Marriage 11/1
Haley, William A. --- Haley Diary 10/39
Haley, William Arglye --- V28:86
Haley, William Argyle --- Birth 7/94
Haley, William Argyle --- V34:19
Haley, William Argyle --- V38:75
Haley, William Austin --- Haley Diary 4/13
Haley, William, Jr. --- Landowner 11/1/17
Haley, Willie --- V13:39, 42
Haley, Willie --- V23:112
Haley, Willie --- V38:74
Haley, Willie, III --- 7/43 8/49 8/96 8/100 9/94 9/98 10/37 10/39 10/43 1
Haley, Willy --- V13:39-44
Haley, Wilson --- Haley Diary 8/49
Haley family, --- V38:74, 77
Haley High, --- V38:43
Haley High School, --- V27:53
Haley High School, --- V29:9, 88-89, 95
Haley High School, --- V32:55
Haley High School, --- V38:44
Haley, Chisholm & Morris v. Trice's Admx, March 16, 1916, --- V38:80
Haley, Chisholm and Morris, --- V38:76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82
Haley, Louis and Company, --- V38:81
Half Sink, --- V25:97
Halfway Branch, --- V21-2:39
Halifax County, --- V20:68
Halifax County (Virginia), --- V13:67
Halifax County (Virginia), --- V14:16
Halifax, North Carolina, --- V28:65
Hall, --- V22:20, 69
Hall, --- V39:21, 24
Hall, A. P., Jr. --- V21-1:116-118, 123
Hall, A. P., Sr. --- V33:91
Hall, Absalom --- Census 1/86 4/37
Hall, Agnes --- Rev., Widow 8/32
Hall, Alexander --- Census 1/88
Hall, Alexander F. --- Census 2/1/40
Hall, Alexander L. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hall, Alexander Wade --- V22:20
Hall, Allen Parker, Sr. --- V21-1:119
Hall, Allen, III --- V21-1:119
Hall, Amelia --- Census 1/88
Hall, Andrew --- Census 1/86
Hall, Ann --- Census 1/84
Hall, Ann R --- V32:33
Hall, Anna --- V23:105
Hall, Anna Beth --- V32:34
Hall, Annie E. --- V27:34
Hall, Annie May --- V32:98
Hall, Asa --- V43:55
Hall, Ashborne --- V32:31
Hall, Ashborne, Mrs. --- V32:31
Hall, Barbara J --- V32:34
Hall, Bernard Terrell --- Tombstone 4/65
Hall, Bertha --- Census 1/88
Hall, Bettie --- Census 1/84
Hall, Booker C. --- Census 3/88
Hall, Buck --- V24:92
Hall, Calvin --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, Caswell --- Census 1/88
Hall, Catharine --- Census 2/1/46 2/2/32
Hall, Chancellor --- V21-1:93, 121
Hall, Charles --- Census 2/2/32
Hall, Charles R. --- V27:19, 21
Hall, Cintha A. --- V22:37
Hall, Clifton --- Tax Payer 1/15 Census 5/1/20
Hall, Collie --- V21-1:48
Hall, Cornelia --- V21-1:30, 93
Hall, Dan --- V18:25
Hall, Dan --- V21-1:108
Hall, Daniel R. --- V19:75
Hall, David --- V16:68, 69
Hall, David --- V17:14, 57
Hall, David --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 4/36 5/1/21
Hall, David --- V42:128
Hall, David --- V43:55
Hall, Dorothy --- V31: 47
Hall, Dudley --- Census 1/88
Hall, E. --- V23:110
Hall, E. C. N. --- V21-1:86
Hall, E. M. --- V23:110
Hall, E. M. --- Haley Diary 8/51
Hall, Ed. --- V21-1:56, 57
Hall, Eddie --- V31: 46, 47
Hall, Edmund --- Census 2/1/46
Hall, Edward --- V21-1:38
Hall, Eli --- V23:111
Hall, Eli --- Census 2/2/33 Haley Diary 5/1/40 9/50 9/93 10/38
Hall, Elias --- V25:71, 74
Hall, Elias --- V28:74
Hall, Elias --- V35:10
Hall, Eliza --- V22:39
Hall, Eliza --- Census 1/84 Census 2/1/38
Hall, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/38 2/1/46 3/83 4/37
Hall, Elizabeth --- V45:141
Hall, Elizabeth Ann --- V39:21, 19
Hall, Ellen --- Census 1/84 1/86
Hall, Ellis --- V21-1:107
Hall, Ellis Wm. --- V21-1:38
Hall, Elwood --- V24:40
Hall, Elwood Crawford --- V22:20
Hall, Emily --- Census 2/2/32
Hall, Emily --- V32:33
Hall, Emma --- V21-1:38
Hall, Emmett Ray --- Tombstone 4/65
Hall, Essubia --- Census 2/1/40
Hall, Etta W. --- V28:36
Hall, Evie Lee Kennon --- V21-1:118
Hall, Fannie --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, Fontaine --- Census 2/1/46
Hall, Frances --- Census 2/1/46 2/2/39
Hall, Francis --- Census 2/1/31
Hall, Frank --- Haley Diary 10/38
Hall, Franky --- Census 2/1/43
Hall, Frederick --- Census 1/88
Hall, G. W. --- V21-1:93
Hall, Geo W. --- V22:37
Hall, George --- Census 1/86 1/88 2/2/39
Hall, Gladys --- V16:89
Hall, Gladys --- V17:83
Hall, Grandmother --- V39:20
Hall, H. F. --- Merchant 7/59
Hall, Hall Case --- V39:21, 22, 23
Hall, Harris --- V26:38
Hall, Harris Lee --- V22:20
Hall, Henrietta --- Census 2/2/33
Hall, Ida --- V32:98
Hall, Isabella --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, J. C. --- V21-1:57
Hall, J. G. --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Hall, J. H. --- Haley Diary 9/93
Hall, James --- V15:68
Hall, James --- V22:39
Hall, James --- Census 1/86 Rev. Soldier 8/32
Hall, James Allen --- V21-1:121
Hall, James Lafe --- V21-1:122, 124
Hall, James T. --- Census 1/04
Hall, Jane --- V22:36
Hall, Jane Wash --- V32:31
Hall, Jas. --- V24:93
Hall, Joe --- V32:98
Hall, Joe, Mrs. --- V32:98
Hall, John --- V13:78, 79
Hall, John --- V15:23
Hall, John --- V17:32, 33, 35, 68
Hall, John --- V19:43, 44, 88, 90
Hall, John --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 1/83 2/1/38 Rev.Soldier 8/32
Hall, John --- V45:141
Hall, John L. --- V32:33
Hall, John L., Mrs. --- V32:33
Hall, John S. --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 3/88
Hall, Joshua --- Census 3/83
Hall, Joshuaray --- V24:93
Hall, Julia --- Census 1/84
Hall, Julie Ann --- V21-1:119
Hall, Katy --- Census 1/84
Hall, Kitchen Table, Mrs's --- V39:20, 24
Hall, L. A. --- Minister 9/58
Hall, L. C. --- V28:36
Hall, Larkin --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, Lavinia --- Census 3/83
Hall, Lewis --- V32:29
Hall, Lewis --- V41:43, 46
Hall, Lewis J. --- Census 2/2/33
Hall, Littleton --- V32:29
Hall, Lottie --- V21-2:28
Hall, Louisa --- V27:19
Hall, Louisa --- Census 2/2/32 2/2/39
Hall, Lucy --- 2/2/32
Hall, Luella --- Marriage 5/2/32
Hall, Luther --- V22:30
Hall, Luther R. --- V17:43
Hall, Luther R. --- Census 3/88
Hall, Major --- Census 2/1/46
Hall, Mann --- V21-1:38
Hall, Maranda --- Census 1/84
Hall, Margaret --- V46:63
Hall, Maria --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, Maria Christmas --- V32:34
Hall, Marion --- V23:113
Hall, Martha --- Census 1/84 1/88 2/2/39
Hall, Martha Ann --- V27:19
Hall, Martha S. --- V32:34
Hall, Martin --- V23:8
Hall, Mary --- Census 1/84 1/86 2/1/38 3/83
Hall, Mary --- V32:33
Hall, Mary Ann --- V32:34
Hall, Mary E. --- V32:31
Hall, Mary F. Strong --- V32:33
Hall, Meredith --- Census 3/49
Hall, Michael --- V21-1:123
Hall, Mildred --- V23:8
Hall, Mildred --- Census 2/2/33
Hall, Mildred (Thomas) --- V13:78, 79
Hall, Mildred N. --- Census 3/88
Hall, Milton --- V24:92
Hall, Milton --- V32:35
Hall, Milton, Mrs. --- V32:35
Hall, Mr. --- V23:29
Hall, Mrs. --- V39:20, 21
Hall, Nancy --- V32:35
Hall, Nathan --- Census 5/1/21
Hall, Nathan --- V42:128
Hall, Nelson --- Census 2/1/46
Hall, Neri --- Census 1/83
Hall, Otho D. --- Tombstone 4/65
Hall, Otho D., Jr. --- Tombstone 4/64
Hall, P. Henry --- V37:7, 8
Hall, Patricia N. --- V25:13
Hall, Patsy --- Census 1/88
Hall, Patsy --- V31: 69
Hall, Pickney --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, Polly --- V32:31
Hall, Rachel --- Census 3/83
Hall, Rebecca --- Census 1/88
Hall, Rev. --- V13:40
Hall, Rev. Reginal P. --- V21-1:82
Hall, Rhoda --- Census 2/1/37
Hall, Richard --- Census 1/86 2/2/32
Hall, Robert --- Census 2/1/40 2/2/39 3/88
Hall, Robert --- V31: 46
Hall, Robert --- V32:33
Hall, Robert I. --- V32:33
Hall, Robert J. --- Marriage 12/91
Hall, Robert J., Mrs. --- V32:33
Hall, Robert Pryor --- V27:19
Hall, Robertha --- Census 3/88
Hall, S. --- V14:73
Hall, S. O. --- V19:6
Hall, Sally O. --- Tombstone 4/65
Hall, Samuel --- Census 1/84
Hall, Samuel O. --- V19:10
Hall, Sarah --- Census 1/86
Hall, Sarah --- V45:141
Hall, Simeon --- Census 1/86
Hall, Simeon --- V32:29
Hall, Stephen F. --- V17:26
Hall, Story --- V19:91
Hall, Story --- Will 2/2/17
Hall, Susan --- Census 3/83
Hall, T. A. --- Haley Diary 11/1/51 11/2/45 Minister 11/2/42 11/2/
Hall, Tarlton D. --- Census 3/79
Hall, Thomas --- Census 1/88 2/1/40 2/2/32 2/2/48 Committee Of Safe
Hall, Thomas F. --- Census 3/83
Hall, Thomas J. --- Census 2/2/32
Hall, Timothy --- Census 4/36 Rev. Soldier 8/32
Hall, Timothy A. --- V21-1:84
Hall, Victor --- V33:95
Hall, Victor --- V39:21
Hall, Victoria --- Census 3/88
Hall, Virginia Elizabeth --- V22:20
Hall, W. T. --- V29:57
Hall, Warner --- Census 2/2/39
Hall, Warner --- V32:29
Hall, Watson C. --- Census 3/88
Hall, Will Ian --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 1/88 2/2/33 5/1/21 Roadwork 5
Hall, William --- V14:42, 65, 70
Hall, William --- V15:42, 75, 77
Hall, William --- V16:86, 87, 88
Hall, William --- V19:39, 43, 88
Hall, William --- V21-1:48
Hall, William --- V32:34
Hall, William --- V41:100
Hall, William --- V43:55
Hall, William J. --- V32:33
Hall, William S. --- Mentioned 8/8
Hall, William, Mrs. --- V32:34
Hall, Zeph. --- Census 1/88
Hall, Zepheniah --- Census 4/37
Hall Co., Georgia, --- V15:29
Halladay, Fred --- V28:35
Hallowing Creek Church, --- V14:52
Hall's Auto Body Shop, --- V21-1:110
Hall's Store, --- V39:21, 22
Halsall, Benjamin --- Census 4/37
Halsall, Robert S. --- Census 3/84
Halsey, Anna M. --- V17:26
Halterman, Arnold --- V21-1:123
Hambetons Schoolhouse, --- V18:28
Hamblen, Pascal --- Query 2/2/49
Hambleton, --- V17:43
Hambleton, Ann --- V17:43
Hambleton, Ann --- V23:6
Hambleton, Benjamin --- V24:92
Hambleton, David --- V17:43
Hambleton, David --- V19:40, 42, 87
Hambleton, David --- V21-2:43
Hambleton, David --- V23:4, 9
Hambleton, David --- Census 4/36
Hambleton, Duke --- V17:43
Hambleton, Duke --- V21-2:43, 44
Hambleton, Elizabeth --- V17:43
Hambleton, Elizabeth --- V21-2:43
Hambleton, G. P. --- Farmer 7/64
Hambleton, George --- V23:102
Hambleton, Jane --- V17:43
Hambleton, Joe --- V21-1:56
Hambleton, Louisa Jane --- V16:4
Hambleton, Mary Jane --- V41:31
Hambleton, Mathew --- V20:11
Hambleton, Mourning --- V17:43
Hambleton, Mourning --- V21-2:43
Hambleton, Russell --- V21-1:56
Hambleton, Sarah --- V20:100
Hambleton, Sarah --- V21-2:43, 44
Hambleton, Sarah --- V23:9
Hambleton, Saray --- V21-2:44
Hambleton, Susanna --- V17:43
Hambleton, Susanna --- V21-2:43
Hambleton, W. A. --- V21-1:56
Hambleton, W. J. --- V21-1:56
Hamden, --- V38:63
Hamden Cemetery, --- V38:61
Hamilton, --- V25:45
Hamilton, A. C. --- V22:30
Hamilton, AJex. --- V21-1:48
Hamilton, Alexander --- Census 2/1/40
Hamilton, Andrew --- V42:3
Hamilton, Anna M. --- Census 2/2/34
Hamilton, Benjamin --- V24:93
Hamilton, Benjamin --- Census 2/2/34
Hamilton, Curtis Jackson --- V21-1:122
Hamilton, David --- V14:70
Hamilton, David --- Census 2/2/34
Hamilton, David --- V46:71
Hamilton, George --- 2/2/34
Hamilton, Isabella --- Census 2/1/40
Hamilton, Isabella Bodley --- Wife Of Robert Todd 8/18
Hamilton, James --- Census 2/2/34
Hamilton, Jane --- V22:51, 52
Hamilton, Luke --- V14:42
Hamilton, Maria --- Census 2/2/34
Hamilton, Mary --- Census 2/1/40
Hamilton, Merle R. --- V28:11
Hamilton, Mr. --- V14:51
Hamilton, Nancy --- V24:93
Hamilton, Nancy --- Census 2/1/ 4 0
Hamilton, Oliver --- V21-1:44
Hamilton, Oliver Mortimer --- V21-1:121
Hamilton, Road --- V28:71
Hamilton, Saml. --- V22:51
Hamilton, Samuel --- V22:51
Hamilton, Sarah --- Taxpayer 1/14
Hamilton, Susan --- Census 2/1/40
Hamilton, Thomas --- V13:63
Hamilton, William V.M. --- Census 2/1/90
Hamilton Co. IN, --- V30:13
Hamilton’s Crossing, --- V44:130, 133, 135, 136, 138, 141
Hamlett, William --- V39:19
Hamlin, Addie Dunn --- Methodist 11/1/28
Hamlin, C. H. --- V21-1:67
Hamlin, W. S., Mrs. --- V36:40
Hamm, Emmett --- V13:83
Hamm, Irene G. --- Tombstone 10/73
Hamm, John W. --- Tombstone 10/73
Hamm, Mary L. (Spicer) --- V13:83
Hammack, Austin S. --- V19:48
Hammack, John --- Roadwork 6/33 Landowner 9/70
Hammack, Richard --- V14:35, 39
Hammack, Richard --- V16:88
Hammack, Richard --- V19:39, 42
Hammack, Richard --- Roadwork 5/33 6/85 6/87 6/89 Legal Note 9/83 9/84
Hammer, A. M. Esq --- V38:14
Hammerstone, --- V34:12
Hammond, Earl Russell --- V13:26
Hammond, Edith --- V13:26
Hammond, Edith --- V32:77
Hammond, Harry --- V39:32
Hammond, Maryland, --- V23:41
Hampden-Sidney, --- V25:30
Hampden-Sidney, --- V25:30
Hampden-Sidney College, --- V26:27
Hampden-Sydney College, --- V23:6
Hampshire County, --- V31: 101
Hampton, --- V17:74
Hampton, --- V26:100
Hampton, --- V30:31, 33-35, 37-40
Hampton, --- V31: 87
Hampton, --- V43:43, 44, 46
Hampton, Commander --- V30:17
Hampton, Frank James --- V21-1:122
Hampton, Gen. --- V17:75
Hampton, General --- V30:21-22, 27, 33
Hampton, John J. --- Census 3/42
Hampton, Wade, Genl. --- V30:29
Hampton, Wade, Genl. --- V35:28-33, 35-39, 44, 50
Hampton Legion, --- V31: 99
Hampton Parish, --- V38:51
Hampton Roads, --- V43:91
Hampton Roads, Victory --- V31: 105
Hampton's Division, --- V30:39
Hampton's Headquarters, --- V30:34
Hampton's Lead Brigade, --- V30:31
Hampton's Scouts, --- V30:33
Hampton's Wagon Park, --- V30:35
Hancock, --- V24:36
Hancock, A. C. --- V24:34
Hancock, A. E. --- V19:47
Hancock, A. E. --- Postmaster 7/57 Methodist 11/1/29
Hancock, A. F. --- V32:43
Hancock, Agness --- V22:39
Hancock, Ann --- Census 2/1/36
Hancock, Ann Nuchols --- Query 3/52
Hancock, Ann S. --- Tombstone 1/16
Hancock, Anna E. --- V23:95
Hancock, Annie E. --- V24:34
Hancock, Anthony --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Hancock, Augusta G. --- V24:34
Hancock, Austin --- V23:110
Hancock, Austin --- Census 2/1/37 4/37 Rev. Soldier 8/32 Methodist 11/
Hancock, Austin --- V42:52
Hancock, Austin & Mary --- V35:44
Hancock, Austin, Sr. --- Query 3/52
Hancock, Benjamin --- V15:85
Hancock, Benjamin --- Will Witness 5/2/28
Hancock, C. --- V27:32
Hancock, Charlie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Hancock, D. G. --- V27:32
Hancock, David --- Methodist 11/1/29
Hancock, Douglas --- Legal Officer 12/39
Hancock, E. A. --- V22:29
Hancock, Elias --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1 /37
Hancock, Elvira --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Frances Anne --- V24:34
Hancock, George --- Taxpayer 1/L Census 4/37 Marriage 11/1/10
Hancock, Georgia Kuper --- V24:34
Hancock, H. P. --- Haley Diary 6/95 Miller 7/60 Farmer 7/64
Hancock, Harry --- Methodist 11/1/29
Hancock, Hollis --- V24:34
Hancock, Horatio --- V24:34
Hancock, Horatio --- Census 2/1/36
Hancock, Horatio --- V41:18
Hancock, Horatio P. --- V22:17
Hancock, Horatio P. --- V24:32, 33
Hancock, Horico --- V23:29
Hancock, J. W. --- Picnic Manager 5/2/39
Hancock, James --- Census 2/1/36
Hancock, James M. --- V23:30, 95
Hancock, James M. --- V24:34
Hancock, Jane --- V36:34
Hancock, Jane Francis --- V36:40
Hancock, Jno --- V43:63
Hancock, John --- V16:63
Hancock, John --- V23:95, 96
Hancock, John --- V24:34-36
Hancock, John --- Census 2/1/36 5/1/21 Rev. Soldier 8/32
Hancock, John --- V41:55, 105
Hancock, Joseph --- V15:85
Hancock, Joseph, Jr. --- V17:58
Hancock, Kesiah --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Kezie E. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Hancock, L. B. --- Husband 7/16
Hancock, M. S. --- V36:37
Hancock, Mamie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Hancock, Marnie --- V36:41
Hancock, Martha J. --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Martha Jefferson --- Married 11/2/29
Hancock, Mary --- Marriage 11/1/10 Parent 11/2/29
Hancock, Mary --- V36:34, 38
Hancock, Mary E. --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Mary J. --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Maurice --- V23:113
Hancock, Mr. --- V39:36
Hancock, Mrs. --- V36:34
Hancock, Nancy --- V23:95, 96
Hancock, Nancy --- Census 2/1/36
Hancock, Nancy Anne Wills (Boxley) --- V24:34
Hancock, Nasatia P. --- V23:95
Hancock, Otie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Hancock, Otye --- V36:34
Hancock, Otye E. --- V38:38, 39
Hancock, P. B. --- V22:29
Hancock, P. M --- V38:38, 39
Hancock, Philip --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Richard --- V22:66
Hancock, Richard --- V46:132
Hancock, Richard J. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Hancock, Sarah --- Census 2/1/37
Hancock, Sarah H. --- V26:99
Hancock, Tomasia --- V22:66
Hancock, Wilhelmina --- V24:34
Hancock, William --- Census 2/1/36
Hancock, Willie --- V24:34
Hancock Family, --- V33:95
Hancock Mill, --- V28:36
Hancock's House, --- V30:32
Handy, Moses P. --- V24:81
Hanen, Annie L. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Haner, George --- V35:144-145
Hanes, Ann --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Benjamin --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Garland --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Henry C. --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Isabella --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Lavinia E. --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Lucy C. --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Lutie C. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Hanes, Mary --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Mary Brown --- V23:35
Hanes, Mary E. --- Census 3/88
Hanes, Susan M. --- Census 3/88
Hanger, Alice --- V19:9
Hanger, Alice --- V36:40
Hanger, Alice --- V38:24, 25
Hanger, D. F. --- V33:70
Hanger, D.P. --- V34:10
Hanger, Harry --- V38:73
Hanger, J. M. --- V31: 77
Hanger, John --- Taxpayer 1/14
Hanger, Mike --- V38:26
Hanger's Pond and Distillery, --- V25:85
Hankins, Mary Kimbrough --- Tombstone 10/70
Hankins, Sarah Holladay --- Tombstone 10/70
Hanks, Jehu --- Minister 6/52
Hanna, D. E. --- V29:45
Hanna, Mary Elam --- V24:79, 80
Hanna, Mary Elam --- V25:89, 91
Hannah, --- V19:96
Hannah, --- V22:94
Hannah, --- V25:97
Hannah, --- V26:98
Hannah, (Slave) --- V30:71, 74
Hannah Glasse's Art of Cookery, --- V16:52
Hannillons, S. --- V14:65
Hanover, --- V16:40, 41, 43
Hanover, --- V17:28
Hanover, --- V20:7, 27, 75, 91, 93, 99, 100
Hanover, --- V22:13, 14, 55-57, 61, 63-66, 90, 91
Hanover, --- V25:96
Hanover, --- V26:73
Hanover, --- V27:65, 86
Hanover, --- V28:13, 59
Hanover, --- V37:3, 53, 62, 76
Hanover, --- V33:52, 91
Hanover, --- V32:27
Hanover, County VA --- V30:66, 67, 68, 72
Hanover, Courthouse --- V29:35
Hanover .County, --- V37:81
Hanover Academy, --- V23:73
Hanover Co., --- V15:31, 32
Hanover Co., --- V23:3, 4, 22, 28, 33, 35, 55, 72, 75, 77, 80, 81
Hanover Co., --- V24:67
Hanover Co., VA, --- V32:34
Hanover County, --- V17:43, 62, 63
Hanover County, --- V20:63, 65, 98, 100
Hanover County, --- V21-1:3, 4, 9
Hanover County, --- V21-2:10, 16, 21, 22, 23, 39, 40, 42
Hanover County, --- V25:51, 69, 70, 80, 95
Hanover County, --- V26:50, 68, 74, 81, 84, 98, 106
Hanover County, --- V27:37-39, 41-42, 44, 60, 82, 87-88, 91
Hanover County, --- V28:18, 39-40, 55, 58, 61, 89, 91, 94
Hanover County, --- V29:5, 28, 32, 45
Hanover County, --- V18:7, 8, 9
Hanover County, --- V31: 107
Hanover County, --- V32:27, 32, 33, 34, 64, 65, 66, 74, 75
Hanover County, --- V34:45
Hanover County, --- V40:70, 71, 74, 75, 76
Hanover County, --- V44:22, 24, 30, 64
Hanover County (Virginia), --- V13:19, 29, 31, 32, 36, 46, 47, 55, 62, 63, 64, 67
Hanover County (Virginia), --- V14:11, 19, 32, 56, 57, 68, 77, 79, 81, 82
Hanover County Chancery Wills and Notes, --- V14:58
Hanover County Line, --- V31: 48
Hanover County, Virginia, --- V32:27, 33, 34
Hanover County, Virginia Court Records 1733-1735, --- V13:46
Hanover Court, --- V14:20
Hanover Court House, --- V26:103, 104
Hanover Courthouse, --- V21-1:4, 8
Hanover Courthouse, --- V22:50
Hanover Junction, --- V23:26, 35
Hanover Junction, --- V25:81
Hanover Junction, --- V35:29, 44, 52
Hanover Junction, --- V44:30
Hanover Road, --- V21-1:10
Hanover Tavern, --- V22:35
Hanover, Virginia, --- V25:64
Hanovertown, --- V19:99
Hansborugh Family Bible Records, --- 7/34
Hansbrough, Annie --- Portrait Source 7/35
Hansbrough, Elijah --- Portrait Source 7/35
Hansbrough, Henry Milton --- Birth Marriage Death 7/34 7/35
Hansbrough, M. F. --- Bible Owner 7/34
Hansbrough, Mary F. Mansfield --- Portrait Source 7/35
Hansbrough, Mary Fannie --- Death 7/35
Hansbrough, Sadie --- Portrait Source 7/35
Hansbrough, Sallie M. --- Portrait Source 7/35
Hansbrough, Sallie Milton --- Birth Marriage 7/34
Hansbrough Family, Bible Records Of --- 7/34
Hansen, E. S. --- V27:11
Hansen, E. S. --- V36:44
Hansford, Jane --- V25:17
Hanson, Samuel --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Haphazard, --- V27:31
Happy Valley, History Of --- 9/24
Harbor, Thomas --- V41:28
Hardaway, Maj. --- V42:58
Hardee, A. B. --- V23:51
Hardee, Martha H. --- V23:51
Hardeman, Tomasella --- V28:80
Hardeman X Roads, --- V15:19
Hardenberg, --- V22:17
Hardenberg, John E. V. --- V22:17
Hardenberg, Mrs. --- V22:17
Hardenburg, Brand --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Charlie --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Elizabeth --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Hal --- V21-1:71
Hardenburg, Hal H., Mrs. --- V21-1:71
Hardenburg, Hall --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Hall, Jr. --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Henry Hall --- V21-1:124
Hardenburg, Henry Hall --- V25:74
Hardenburg, John --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Marion Brand --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Maxine --- V25:74
Hardenburg, Sadie --- V25:74
Hardenburgh, Hall --- V22:27
Hardenburgh, Hall --- V35:22
Hardenburgh, Maude --- V31: 76
Hardgrave, Mrs. --- Funeral 7/92
Hardin, Thomas --- Farmer 7/27
Hardin, Turner --- Census 4/47
Harding, Bethenia --- Mentioned 9/10
Harding, Capt. --- V32:13
Harding, Clyde E. --- V21-2:12
Harding, Thomas --- Census 4/37 Insurance Record 5/1/50
Hardware, --- V34:18
Hardware Farm, --- V28:17
Hardwick, John --- V15:43
Hardwick, Mr. --- V32:12
Hardwith, William --- Census 3/31
Hardy, 11/1/42 --- 11/1/43 11/2/33
Hardy, Lila Judd --- V22:97
Hardy, P. L. --- V21-1:125
Hardy, Percy --- V21-1:110
Hardy, Percy, Mrs. --- V21-1:68
Hardy, Thomas --- V13:73, 74
Hardy, Thomas --- V17:31
Hardy, Thomas --- Road Overseer 6/27 6/85 Legal Note 10/31
Hardy County, --- V31: 101, 104
Hardyman, James E. --- V32:29
Harford, Edward --- V17:33
Harford, Edward --- V19:90, 92
Harford, Edward, Jr. --- V41:18
Hargar, John --- V19:57
Harge, --- V42:122
Harger, Buly --- V22:36
Harger, Julia --- Census 2/2/33
Harger, Mary --- Census 4/37
Hargrave, Martha --- V22:49
Hargrave, Mary --- Census 3/51
Hargrave, Samuel --- V22:49
Hargrave, Thomas --- Census 3/51
Hargrove, Arthur Wellesley --- V37:6, 7
Hargrove, Rosa Lee --- V37:7
Hark, Mr. --- V42:88
Harker, George N. L. --- Minister 6/52
Harkrader, Columbia --- V37:5, 6, 7
Harkrader, Columbia Jones --- V37:7
Harkrader, Columbia W. Jones --- V37:8
Harkrader, Columbia Winston Jones --- V37:5, 6, 7
Harkrader, F. Ward, Jr. --- V17:42
Harkrader, F. Ward, Jr. --- V27:54
Harkrader, F. Ward, Jr. --- V31: 63
Harkrader, F. Ward, Jr., Judge --- V37:7, 7, 83
Harkrader, F. Ward, Jr., Judge --- V32:49
Harkrader, F. Ward, Jr., Mrs. --- V32:49
Harkrader, F. Ward, Judge --- V32:46
Harkrader, Fletcher W. III --- V18:38
Harkrader, Fletcher Ward --- V37:7
Harkrader, Fletcher Ward, Judge --- V37:5
Harkrader, Hon. F. Ward, Jr. --- V16:45
Harkrader, Judge --- V31: 34, 63, 69,104
Harkrader, Judge F. Ward --- V25:99
Harkrader, Mary Taylor Gary --- V37:5, 6, 7
Harkrader, R., Dr. --- V35:167
Harkswell, William Richard --- Minister 10/26
Harlan, James F. --- V20:14
Harlan, Pleasant M. --- Census 3/86
Harland, --- V20:39
Harlow, --- V21-1:88, 92, 93, 108
Harlow, Agnes --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Alexander --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Allen Richard --- Marriage 9/31 Errata 9/92
Harlow, Amarylis A. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Harlow, Amarylis Aletha --- Birth Marriage 12/43
Harlow, Annis J. --- Death 9/33
Harlow, Bessie Belle (Spicer) --- V13:83
Harlow, Burnley --- V21-1:123
Harlow, Byrd --- V29:48
Harlow, Cathy --- V36:72
Harlow, Cecil --- V27:36
Harlow, Celia M. --- V21-1:39
Harlow, Charles --- V13:47
Harlow, Charles --- Census 2/2/37
Harlow, Dora Ann --- Birth Marriage 12/43
Harlow, E. W. --- V21-1:93
Harlow, E. W., Jr. --- V21-1:84
Harlow, Ed. --- V21-1:57
Harlow, Edgar --- V21-1:69
Harlow, Edgar W. --- V21-1:34
Harlow, Edgar Watts --- V21-1:107
Harlow, Edward --- V21-1:32
Harlow, Elsie L. --- V21-1:34
Harlow, Emily A. --- Census 3/41
Harlow, Emma --- V28:15
Harlow, Essie --- V21-1:32
Harlow, Frances --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Garret R. --- Death 12/44
Harlow, George --- V16:31
Harlow, George --- Census 3/49
Harlow, George --- V35:123
Harlow, Gerald, Lt. Commander --- V36:74,75
Harlow, Glenn --- V21-1:123
Harlow, H. --- V21-1:39
Harlow, Harry A. --- V21-1:32
Harlow, Henry Emmett --- V13:83
Harlow, Henry J. --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Hezekiah --- Census 3/49
Harlow, J. C. --- V21-1:96
Harlow, J. S. --- V21-1:18, 21, 22, 44, 62, 76, 86-88, 91-93, 99, 10
Harlow, J. S. --- Haley Diary 1 12/99
Harlow, J. Samuel --- V21-1:87
Harlow, James Carroll --- V21-1:122
Harlow, James Carroll --- Bible Owner 12/43
Harlow, James G. --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, James S. --- V21-1:39, 87
Harlow, James S. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Harlow, James Samuel --- V21-1:87, 88
Harlow, James Samuel --- Birth Marriage 12/43
Harlow, John --- V27:12
Harlow, John --- Roadwork 6/32
Harlow, John W. --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, Laura B. --- V21-1:39
Harlow, Laura Belle --- V21-1:88
Harlow, Lewis Daniel --- V21-1:122
Harlow, Lucian --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, Mable --- V21-1:93
Harlow, Maria --- Census 3/41
Harlow, Maria Susan --- Birth Death 12/43 12/44
Harlow, Martha J. --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Mary --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, Mary (Crew) --- V13:47
Harlow, Mary A. --- V21-1:84
Harlow, Mathew --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Mercer Quarles --- Birth Death 12/43 12/44
Harlow, Minor --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Nancy --- Census 3/49 2/2/44
Harlow, Philip H. --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, R. Allen --- Marriage 12/43
Harlow, R. L., Mrs. --- V21-1:93
Harlow, Rebecca --- Census 2/43
Harlow, Richard --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, Richard Allen --- Birth 12/43
Harlow, Richard H. --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, Robert --- V24:46
Harlow, Robert --- Census 2/1/46 Birth Death Marriage 12/43 12/44 12/
Harlow, Robert --- V29:44, 98
Harlow, Robert Garitt --- Birth 12/43
Harlow, Rosanna --- V16:31
Harlow, Rosanna --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Sallie R. --- Marriage 12/43
Harlow, Saml. --- V21-1:83, 110
Harlow, Samuel --- Haley Diary 11/1/49
Harlow, Sarah --- Census 3/49 2/1/46
Harlow, Sarah A. --- Birth 12/44
Harlow, Sarah Rebecca --- Birth 12/43
Harlow, Shelton --- Census 2/1/46 Birth 12/44
Harlow, Susan --- Census 2/2/43
Harlow, Susan H. --- Birth Death 12/43 12/44
Harlow, Susanna --- Census 3/49
Harlow, Thomas --- V16:31
Harlow, Thomas --- Census 3/49 4/36
Harlow, Thomas A --- Farmer 7/63
Harlow, Thomas G. --- Census 2/2/43 Farmer 7/63
Harlow, Thomas S. --- V21-1:84
Harlow, Thomas Shelton --- Birth 12/43
Harlow, Thomas, Jr. --- Census 3/49
Harlow, William --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 3/41 Landgrant 10/81 10/83
Harlow, William T. --- Census 3/41
Harlow Family Bible Records, --- 12/43
Harlow Planing Mill, --- V21-1:98, 99
Harlowe, Glenn --- V21-1:114
Harlowe, Jack --- V21-1:114
Harlowe, Ruby --- V21-1:112, 113
Harlowe, Ruth --- V21-1:114
Harlowe, Sam --- V21-1:118
Harlow's Milling Co., --- V21-2:29
Harlpin, William --- V41:26
Harmon, Martin --- V38:63
Harmony Castle, --- V22:26
Harper, --- V22:59
Harper, America --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, Angelina --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, Ann --- Census 1/87
Harper, Barbara --- Census 3/44
Harper, Barbary --- Census 1/87
Harper, Benjamin --- Census 1/87
Harper, Bettie A. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Harper, Betty --- V22:67
Harper, Bill --- V21-1:48
Harper, Buford --- V21-1:122
Harper, Dick --- Census 1/87
Harper, Dod --- V21-1:48
Harper, Elizabeth --- Census 1/87 2/2/47 3/44 Mentioned 8/13
Harper, Emmet Leslie --- V21-1:122
Harper, Frances --- Census 3/44 5/1/21
Harper, George --- 2/2/47
Harper, George W. --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, Isabella --- Census 1/87
Harper, Jack --- Died 6/99
Harper, James --- V21-1:123
Harper, James --- Census 2/2/38 2/2/47
Harper, James C. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Harper, Jas. E. --- V21-1:36
Harper, Jas. L. --- V21-1:36
Harper, Jeduthon --- V45:141
Harper, Jesse --- Census 1/87
Harper, Jesse C. --- V21-1:89
Harper, Jesse C. --- Married 12/100
Harper, John --- V15:23
Harper, John --- Census 1/87 2/2/47 3/44 4/38
Harper, John M. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Harper, Judithan --- Land Owner 8/13
Harper, Julian Fillmore --- Marriage 5/2/38
Harper, Kittie --- Census 1/87
Harper, Lavinia J. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Harper, Lewis --- Census 3/44
Harper, Littleberry --- V21-1:88
Harper, Littleberry --- Married 9/50
Harper, Louisa --- Census 1/87
Harper, Lucy S. --- V21-1:36
Harper, Mahala C. --- Census 3/44 Marriage 5/2/35
Harper, Margaret --- Census 1/87 1/89
Harper, Margaret E. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Harper, Martha --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, Mary --- V21-1:47
Harper, Mary A. --- Census 3/44
Harper, Mattie Ruth --- V21-1:88
Harper, Mattie Ruth --- Married 9/49
Harper, Nancy --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, Rhyley Washington --- V21-1:122
Harper, Richard Washington --- V21-1:121
Harper, Robert --- V21-1:123
Harper, Robert Lee --- V21-1:122, 124
Harper, Rufus Hubbard --- Marriage 5/2/38
Harper, Sam. --- V21-1:56
Harper, Sarah --- Census 1/87 1/89 2/2/47
Harper, Sarah --- V32:29
Harper, Sarah J. --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, Shirley Stanley --- V21-1:122
Harper, Susan --- Census 1/87 3/44
Harper, Thomas --- Census 1/87 2/2/38
Harper, Virginia --- Census 2/2/38
Harper, W. C. --- V22:30
Harper, W. O. --- V22:30
Harper, William --- V15:24, 25
Harper, William --- V16:38, 68
Harper, William --- V21-1:88
Harper, William --- Census 1/87 2/2/47 3/44 Death 12/95
Harper, William A. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Harper, William C. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Harper, William E. --- Census 1/87
Harper, William W. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Harper, William, Jr. --- Census 1/89
Harper, Willie --- V19:71
Harper, Willie --- V31: 63
Harper, Willie G. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Harper, Wm. --- V16:68
Harper Tract, --- V22:58
Harper’s Ferry, --- V44:50, 51
Harpers Ferry, --- V18:11
Harper's Ferry, --- V25:3, 6
Harper's Ferry, --- V28:74
Harpers Ferry WV, --- V28:51
Harralson, Burgiss --- Legal Note 11 /2/33
Harrell, C. A. --- V21-1:67
Harrell, J. D. --- V23:114
Harrell, Rose Yvonne --- V40:15
Harrelson, Jesse --- Mentioned 12/10
Harrelson, Will E. --- Marriage 12/10
Harriet, (Slave) --- V30:82
Harrilson, Paul --- V41:28
Harring, Eddie --- V34:21
Harris, --- V18:29
Harris, --- V24:36
Harris, --- V25:26
Harris, --- V26:36, 96
Harris, --- V27:34
Harris, --- V39:31
Harris, --- V37:2, 3, 4
Harris, --- V32:38, 39, 70
Harris, --- V40:58, 91
Harris, (Mary) Rachael (McAllister) --- V14:44
Harris, ___ey --- V42:92
Harris, A. --- V26:48
Harris, A. J. --- Tombstone 4/65
Harris, A. J. --- V34:27
Harris, A. J., Mrs. --- V34:27
Harris, Abner --- V23:91
Harris, Abner --- V28:78, 96
Harris, Abner --- V35:14, 13, 14
Harris, Abner --- V39:29
Harris, Abner --- V44:102, 104
Harris, Abner N. --- Census 3/74 Landowner 12/20 12/22
Harris, Abner N. --- V28:78-79
Harris, Abner N. --- V32:75
Harris, Abner Nelson --- V28:98
Harris, Abner Nelson --- V32:75, 90
Harris, Abner Nelson, Jr --- V32:76
Harris, Abner Nelson, Jr., Mrs. --- V32:76
Harris, Abner Nelson, Mrs. --- V32:90
Harris, Abner Nelson, Sr. --- V32:76
Harris, Abner Nelson, Sr., Mrs. --- V32:76
Harris, Addie May --- Married 9/98
Harris, Adeline --- Census 3/87
Harris, Adeline Rush --- V32:76
Harris, Agnes --- Census 1/87
Harris, Alex --- V34:26
Harris, Alex. J. --- V25:53
Harris, Alexander J. --- V25:53
Harris, Alexander, Dr. --- V32:81
Harris, Alexander, Mrs. --- V32:81
Harris, Alice --- Census 1/76 3/36
Harris, Amanda --- Census 2/1/31
Harris, Amazela Frances Sims --- V32:29
Harris, Amelia --- V26:98
Harris, Amelia Harris --- V26:98
Harris, Aner(Sic) --- Census 3/77
Harris, Anis [Anna] --- V23:80
Harris, Ann --- V22:55
Harris, Ann --- Census 2/1/36
Harris, Ann --- V33:24
Harris, Ann C.(Chewning?) Dickinson --- V28:14
Harris, Ann L. (Vest) --- V14:44
Harris, Ann L. Vest --- V21-1:5
Harris, Ann Lewis --- Author 11/2/12
Harris, Ann Lewis --- V37:75
Harris, Ann Nelson --- Birth 4/11 Marriage 4/10
Harris, Ann Nelson --- V32:74
Harris, Ann O. --- V22:66
Harris, Ann O. --- Census 2/1/38 3/74
Harris, Ann Overton --- V32:76
Harris, Ann Overton Harris --- V32:76
Harris, Ann R. --- Landowner 12/63
Harris, Ann T. --- V32:75
Harris, Ann Thornton --- V32:78, 79
Harris, Ann Thornton --- V32:79
Harris, Anna --- V23:81
Harris, Anne E. --- Census 2/1/40
Harris, Anne Eliza --- V22:63
Harris, Anne Lewis --- Author 9/41
Harris, Anne Lewis --- Author 2/1/20 4/10 6/10 7/14 7/70 8/25 8/72 Cemete
Harris, Anne Overton Lewis Hill --- Death 4/12
Harris, Anne Schumacher --- V25:53
Harris, Annie May Hall --- V32:98
Harris, Archd --- V28:62
Harris, Archelaus --- Taxpayer 1/19
Harris, Archelaus --- V32:66, 67
Harris, Archelus --- V15:61
Harris, Archilas --- Census 5/1/21
Harris, Barbara --- V21-1:117
Harris, Barbara --- V22:66
Harris, Barbara --- Landowner 11/1/5
Harris, Barbara Terrell --- V22:66
Harris, Barnett --- Query 11/1/23
Harris, Barnett D. --- V27:84
Harris, Barnett O. --- Marriage Surety 11/1/10
Harris, Barrett --- Query 10/ 10
Harris, Benj. --- V46:72
Harris, Benjamin --- V13:11, 30
Harris, Benjamin --- V14:37, 64
Harris, Benjamin --- V15:33, 44
Harris, Benjamin --- V16:40, 86, 88
Harris, Benjamin --- V21-1:4
Harris, Benjamin --- V22:13, 14, 56
Harris, Benjamin --- Census 2/2/31 4/37 Roadwork 6/83 Landowner 12/63
Harris, Benjamin --- Landgrant 10/19
Harris, Benjamin F. --- V28:14
Harris, Berta --- V32:75
Harris, Bertie --- V32:75
Harris, Bessie Bell --- V28:92
Harris, Bettie Williams --- V23:80
Harris, Billey --- V24:93
Harris, C. E. --- V29:40
Harris, Capt. --- V43:35, 37, 40
Harris, Caroline --- Census 1/84
Harris, Caroline M. G. --- V22:63
Harris, Catharine --- V21-1:5
Harris, Catharine --- V22:16
Harris, Catharine S. --- V16:84
Harris, Catherine --- V14:44
Harris, Catherine --- V24:65
Harris, Catherine --- V26:35
Harris, Catherine Mary --- V23:73
Harris, Catherine Mary --- V24:63, 65
Harris, Catherine S. --- V17:60
Harris, Catherine S. --- V22:16
Harris, Catherine Smith --- V26:34, 35, 36
Harris, Catherine Snelson --- V24:32
Harris, Catherine Snelson --- Gravesite 7/52 Tombstone 11/2/17
Harris, Catherine Snelson Smith --- V24:64
Harris, Catherine Snelson Smith --- Parent 3/65
Harris, Catherine Snelson Smith --- V33:28
Harris, Catherine Snelson Smith --- V32:90
Harris, Cathrine Leake --- Tombstone 10/6 Landowner 10/5
Harris, Charles --- V17:84
Harris, Charles --- V23:77-79, 81, 91
Harris, Charles --- V27:44
Harris, Charles --- Census 3/88 Haley Diary 4/88 5/2/15 Landgrant 11/2
Harris, Charles --- V43:22
Harris, Charles F. --- V23:80
Harris, Charles H. --- V19:48
Harris, Charles R. --- Heir 5/10
Harris, Charlotte --- V24:68
Harris, Charlotte --- V28:96
Harris, Charlotte --- V32:75
Harris, Charlotte L. --- Census 3/87
Harris, Charlotte Rebecca --- V24:65
Harris, Charlotte Rebecca --- V26:36, 37
Harris, Christopher --- Landgrant 10/18
Harris, Clara A. (Chick) --- V13:60
Harris, Clara M. --- Census 3/74
Harris, Col. --- V23:25
Harris, Col. --- V32:76
Harris, Cole --- Haley Diary 7/42 7/93 8/94
Harris, Cornelia Martin --- V32:81
Harris, Cornilius --- Census 5/1/21
Harris, Cyrus --- Census 4/38 Rev. Soldier 8/32 9/34
Harris, D. E. --- Letter From 7/47 Saw Mill Operator 7/61 Farmer 7/6
Harris, Dameron --- Census 4/37
Harris, Damon --- V22:36
Harris, Daniel --- Landgrant 10/80
Harris, David --- V14:36, 38, 42, 43, 65-68
Harris, David --- V15:43, 44, 75
Harris, David --- V17:67
Harris, David --- V24:32
Harris, David --- Census 3/82
Harris, David --- V46:71
Harris, David B. --- V24:62, 68
Harris, David Bullock --- V24:64
Harris, David Wortley --- Birth 4/11 Marriage 4/11
Harris, David Wortley, Jr. --- Birth 4/12
Harris, Dr. --- V33:49
Harris, Dr. --- V32:75, 76
Harris, E. T. --- V26:100
Harris, E. T. --- Tombstone 4/65
Harris, Eddie Y. --- V23:105
Harris, Edmonia --- Census 2/1/38
Harris, Edmonia Virginia --- Death 4/12
Harris, Edmonia Virginia, Jr. --- 4/11 Marriage 4/10
Harris, Edmund --- V19:79
Harris, Edward --- V13:72
Harris, Edward --- V14:33, 44, 70
Harris, Edward --- V19:37, 40, 42, 87, 90
Harris, Edward --- V20:23
Harris, Edward --- V21-1:4, 5
Harris, Edward --- Census 5/1/21 Legal Case 11/1/38 11/2/33 11/2/34 1
Harris, Edwin --- Census 3/82
Harris, Eleanor --- Census 1/79
Harris, Elias --- V22:65
Harris, Elias --- V23:33
Harris, Elias --- V25:68
Harris, Elias --- Census 2/1/33
Harris, Elias T. --- V22:65, 66
Harris, Elisha --- Census 3/82
Harris, Eliza Terrell --- V23:78
Harris, Elizabeth --- V14:44
Harris, Elizabeth --- V20:21
Harris, Elizabeth --- V21-1:5
Harris, Elizabeth --- Census 1/87 2/1/38 2/2/31 Heir 10/58 Birth 11/1/45
Harris, Elizabeth --- V28:34, 36
Harris, Elizabeth --- V42:24, 94
Harris, Elizabeth (Baker) --- V42:80
Harris, Elizabeth (Burnett) --- V22:13
Harris, Elizabeth S. --- Tombstone 9/61
Harris, Elizabeth T. --- V23:78
Harris, Elizabeth Terrell --- V22:63
Harris, Ella --- Marriage 5/2/37
Harris, Elleen Goodwin --- V28:91
Harris, Ellen --- V23:26
Harris, Ellen --- Census 2/1/30
Harris, Ellen Goodwin --- Mentioned 8/82
Harris, Emily --- V27:93
Harris, Emily --- Census 1/84
Harris, Emily J. S. Baber --- V23:43
Harris, Emma Eliz. Walton --- V23:43
Harris, Emma P. --- Tombstone 10/6
Harris, Emma W. --- V19:2, 3
Harris, Emma Walton --- V25:75
Harris, Errol --- V32:98
Harris, Ester --- Census 4/38
Harris, Eugene --- V21-1:79
Harris, Everett N. --- Tombstone 9/60
Harris, Everett Nathan --- V17:62
Harris, F. L. --- V23:104
Harris, Fanmy (Sic) --- Census 4/37
Harris, Fannie --- V21-1:93
Harris, Fannie C. --- Tombstone 11/2/18
Harris, Fannie N. --- Census 3/74
Harris, Fannie N. --- Parent 4/11
Harris, Fannie N. --- V37:3
Harris, Fannie W. (Parrish) --- V13:23, 24
Harris, Fanny Noel --- V17:27, 28
Harris, Felician --- Census 3/82
Harris, Flora --- V23:91
Harris, Flora --- Census 2/L/30
Harris, Flora Harris --- V23:91
Harris, Florence E. --- Heir 10/5
Harris, Florence Redell --- Heir 10/5
Harris, Frances --- Census 2/1/38 2/2/33 3/78
Harris, Frances (Walker) --- V22:41
Harris, Frances Cooke --- Parent 12/28
Harris, Frances Cooke --- V32:81
Harris, Francis --- Married 11/1/45
Harris, Francis M. --- V23:78-81
Harris, Francis Mercer --- V23:78
Harris, Frank --- V21-1:108, 110
Harris, Frank --- Dentist 12/89 12/90
Harris, Frank --- V33:95
Harris, Frank C. --- V21-1:93
Harris, Frank, Dr. --- V25:51
Harris, Frank, Dr. --- V34:24
Harris, Frank, Mrs. --- V34:24
Harris, Franklin --- V24:93
Harris, Fredenck L. --- V21-1:79
Harris, Frederick --- V14:76
Harris, Frederick --- V15:60
Harris, Frederick --- V16:84
Harris, Frederick --- V17:60, 62
Harris, Frederick --- V18:36
Harris, Frederick --- V20:96
Harris, Frederick --- V21-1:4, 56
Harris, Frederick --- V22:13, 14, 26, 63
Harris, Frederick --- V23:73
Harris, Frederick --- V24:32, 34, 63, 65
Harris, Frederick --- V25:69, 74
Harris, Frederick --- V27:44
Harris, Frederick --- Tax Payer 1/15 Will Witness 1/73 Census 2/1/30 3/7
Harris, Frederick --- V33:28, 90
Harris, Frederick --- V35:22
Harris, Frederick --- V44:62
Harris, Frederick --- V46:105
Harris, Frederick (Jr) --- V26:34, 35, 36, 96, 97
Harris, Frederick (Sr) --- V26:34
Harris, Frederick L. --- V23:79
Harris, Frederick L. --- V24:32, 36
Harris, Frederick L. --- V26:37
Harris, Frederick O. --- Landowner 10/5 Tombstone 10/6
Harris, Frederick, Jr. --- V14:23, 27
Harris, Frederick, Jr. --- V22:14
Harris, Frederick, Jr. --- Railroad Officer 7/52
Harris, Frederick, Jr. --- V32:90
Harris, Frederick, Jr., Mrs. --- V32:90
Harris, Frederick, Sr. --- V22:15, 16, 61, 63
Harris, Frederick, Sr. --- V23:77, 78
Harris, Frederick, Sr. --- Mentioned 10/59 Landowner 9/77 9/79
Harris, Fredk --- V43:57, 100
Harris, Fredonia --- Marriage 7/93
Harris, G. --- Haley Diary 5/1/43
Harris, G. W. --- V14:23
Harris, G. W. --- V15:39, 40
Harris, Garth Kent --- Tombstone 12/33
Harris, George --- V14:44, 71
Harris, George --- V15:73
Harris, George --- V16:37, 72
Harris, George --- V21-1:5
Harris, George --- V22:63, 64
Harris, George --- V24:33
Harris, George --- Census 2/1/30 2/1/33 2/2/17 3/35 Haley Diary 4/87
Harris, George --- V32:27
Harris, George Eugene --- V21-1:80
Harris, George H. --- Tombstone 6/10 11/2/17
Harris, George N. --- Farmer 7/65
Harris, George Washington --- V32:29
Harris, George Washington, Mrs. --- V32:29
Harris, George Wingfield --- V21-1:79
Harris, Georgiana --- Census 2/1/40
Harris, Gideon --- V13:65
Harris, H. F. --- Haley Diary 12/91
Harris, H. H. --- Haley Diary 7/93 Civil War Soldier 9/14
Harris, H. H. & Jerry M. --- V35:139
Harris, H. Hiter --- V25:53
Harris, H. J. --- Farmer 7/63 Haley Diary 11/1/49 Landowner 12/30
Harris, Harriet --- Census 2/2/33
Harris, Harris Henrietta --- Landowner 6/7
Harris, Harrison --- V42:128
Harris, Hennerittah --- V22:14
Harris, Henrieter --- V22:55
Harris, Henrietta --- V23:80
Harris, Henriettah Baker --- V22:55
Harris, Henry --- V15:13, 29
Harris, Henry --- Census 1/78 2/1/31 3/85 4/37 Landowner 9/56 Birth
Harris, Henry --- V28:34
Harris, Henry --- V34:22
Harris, Henry --- V34:19
Harris, Henry --- V35:49
Harris, Henry Francis --- V25:52, 53
Harris, Henry J. --- V34:21, 24
Harris, Henry Jeremiah --- Tombstone 12/32
Harris, Henry Judson --- Tombstone 12/33
Harris, Henry Judson --- V37:3
Harris, Henry Mills --- V22:42
Harris, Henry R --- V23:78, 80
Harris, Henry T. --- V13:60
Harris, Herbert --- Census 1/78
Harris, Hilary --- V44:104
Harris, Hiliary --- V32:83
Harris, Hillary --- Census 2/2/38
Harris, Hillary --- V32:75
Harris, Hilliary --- V32:75
Harris, Hiram --- Census 2/2/38
Harris, Hiter --- V25:53
Harris, Hugh --- V14:41
Harris, Im --- V28:98
Harris, Indiana --- Census 2/1/36
Harris, Indiana L. --- V32:76
Harris, Isabella --- V27:84
Harris, Isabella Trice --- Query 10/10 11/2/23
Harris, Issac G. --- V23:102
Harris, J. --- Haley Diary 5/2/20
Harris, J. C. --- V26:6
Harris, J. C. --- Died 4/96 Letter Writer 7/73
Harris, J. C. --- V28:100
Harris, J. C. --- V34:46
Harris, J. H. --- Farmer 7/64
Harris, J. O. --- Farmer 7/64
Harris, J. T. --- V17:27
Harris, J. W. --- V23:80
Harris, J. Z. --- V23:102
Harris, James --- V20:76
Harris, James --- Census 2/1/31 2/1/40 3/82 3/85 Rev. Soldier 3/75 8
Harris, James --- V31: 31, 32, 36
Harris, James Bayley --- V19:48
Harris, James E. --- Census 3/36 Farmer 7/63
Harris, James G. --- Landowner 10/5 Tombstone 10/6
Harris, James H. --- Census 2/1/39 2/2/31 Marriage 5/2/34 Haley Diary 9
Harris, James L. --- Census 1/79 2/7/31
Harris, James Mrs. --- Daughter? Married 12/94
Harris, James N. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Harris, James Noel --- Tombstone 9/60
Harris, James O. --- V23:78, 80, 81
Harris, James O. --- Census 2/1/36
Harris, James R. --- V22:30
Harris, Jane --- V14:44
Harris, Jane --- V17:67
Harris, Jane --- V21-1:5
Harris, Jane --- V21-2:43
Harris, Jane --- V23:9
Harris, Jane --- V24:68
Harris, Jane --- Census 2/L/39 Birth Death 11/1/45 11/1/46
Harris, Jane Goodwin --- Married 9/52
Harris, Jane Nuckolls --- V26:97
Harris, Jeany --- V14:44
Harris, Jemima --- V28:98
Harris, Jemima --- V33:22
Harris, Jemimah --- Census 3/74
Harris, Jemina --- V22:14
Harris, Jepariah --- Rev. Soldier 8/33
Harris, Jeremiah --- V37:3
Harris, Jeremiah --- V34:19
Harris, Jeremiah C. --- V24:67
Harris, Jeremiah C. --- Census 3/75 Diary Keeper 5/13 Birth Marriage 11/1/
Harris, Jeremiah C. --- V28:88
Harris, Jeremiah Collins --- V20:65
Harris, Jeremiah Collins --- V25:52
Harris, Jeremiah Collins --- V32:81
Harris, Jeremiah Collins, Mrs. --- V32:81
Harris, Jeremiah M. --- Census L/78
Harris, Jerry F. --- V23:113
Harris, Jerry F. --- Church Trustee 12/30
Harris, Jerry M. --- Civil War Soldier 9/14
Harris, Jerry M. --- V46:62
Harris, Jessee --- V27:102
Harris, Jessie --- V16:72
Harris, Jno. --- V20:76
Harris, Job --- V21-1:4
Harris, Job --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 4/37 5/1/21
Harris, John --- V15:77
Harris, John --- V16:41
Harris, John --- V21-2:43
Harris, John --- V23:9
Harris, John --- V24:92
Harris, John --- Census 2/1/31 2/1/36 2/1/39 2/2/31 3/41 3/82 5/1/2
Harris, John C. --- Census 1/78
Harris, John F. --- Census 2/1/38
Harris, John Jackery --- V32:74
Harris, John L. --- Census 3/74
Harris, John L. --- V44:149
Harris, John N. --- V23:78, 80
Harris, John O. --- V22:66
Harris, John O. --- Census 2/1/38 3/74 Church Trustee 4/57 Landowner 1
Harris, John Overton --- Bible Owner--Records 4/10 Birth 4/11 Marriage 4/10
Harris, John Thomas --- Birth 4/11 Marriage 4/10 Death 4/12
Harris, John Thomas II --- Birth 4/11
Harris, John Z. --- Census 3/87
Harris, John Zackery --- V32:76
Harris, John Zackery, Mrs. --- V32:76
Harris, Joseph --- V13:28
Harris, Joseph --- Census 2/1/38 2/2/31
Harris, Joseph Hobson --- V44:104
Harris, Josephine --- Census 2/1/40
Harris, Joyce --- V32:98
Harris, Judith --- Census 1/78
Harris, Judith S. --- Census 2/2/31
Harris, Julia E. --- Marriage 5/2/3-7 Landowner 9/57
Harris, K. P. --- V32:98
Harris, Karl --- V32:98
Harris, Karl P. --- V32:98
Harris, Karl P., Mrs. --- V32:98
Harris, Kesiah --- Census 3/35
Harris, Keziah --- V27:39
Harris, L. J. --- V15:40
Harris, Laura --- Census 1/79
Harris, Lavinia --- Census 2/2/38 3/85
Harris, Lavinia --- V28:98
Harris, Leckie Lena Mills --- V23:76
Harris, Lecky --- V25:53
Harris, Lecky D. Mills --- V25:52
Harris, Lecky Mills --- V25:53
Harris, Lena T. --- V23:80
Harris, Lewis --- V13:60
Harris, Lewis --- Census 2/2/38 Haley Diary 7/43 Farmer 7/64
Harris, Lewis --- V32:30
Harris, Lewis M. --- V27:85
Harris, Lewis M. --- Census 1/79
Harris, Lewis, Mrs. --- V32:30
Harris, Lilian --- Parent 4/11
Harris, Lillie --- V16:72
Harris, Louisa --- Census 2/1/39
Harris, Louisa E. --- Census 3/36
Harris, Louisa Marie --- V32:80, 81
Harris, Louisa Nelson --- Landowner 9/56
Harris, Louisa V. --- Census 2/1/39
Harris, Louise V. --- V28:35
Harris, Low --- Haley Diary 9/52
Harris, Lucinda --- V26:31
Harris, Lucy --- V17:84
Harris, Lucy --- V24:32, 33
Harris, Lucy --- Marriage 1/48 Census 1/79 2/1/33 3/36 3/41
Harris, Lucy --- V42:92
Harris, Lucy Anderson --- V32:76
Harris, Lucy Bacon Overton --- V32:90
Harris, Lucy Bacon Overton --- V44:101
Harris, Lucy Duke --- V23:76
Harris, Lucy Duke --- V25:53
Harris, Lucy E. --- Census 3/74
Harris, Lucy J. --- V15:39
Harris, Lucy Overton --- V28:99
Harris, Lucy Overton --- V32:76
Harris, Lucy T. --- Census 3/7-7
Harris, Lydia --- Census 2/1/33
Harris, Lydia (Cole) --- V14:44
Harris, Lydia Cole --- V20:21
Harris, Lydia Cole --- V21-1:5
Harris, Lydia Cole --- Parent 11/2/29
Harris, Lysander --- V22:30
Harris, M. Kate --- V27:34
Harris, M. Lucy --- Landowner 12/30
Harris, M. M. --- Author 9/27
Harris, Macolm, Dr. --- V34:14, 15, 23, 31, 32, 33
Harris, Malcolm --- V23:70
Harris, Malcolm --- V26:75
Harris, Malcolm --- V27:83
Harris, Malcolm --- Author 8/18
Harris, Malcolm --- V28:88
Harris, Malcolm --- V37:16
Harris, Malcolm H. --- V17:26, 27
Harris, Malcolm H. --- V22:27, 91
Harris, Malcolm H. --- V26:103
Harris, Malcolm H. --- Mentioned 2/2/16 12/83 author 8/55 8/81 10/85
Harris, Malcolm H. --- V32:3
Harris, Malcolm H. --- V36:10
Harris, Malcolm H., Dr. --- V37:75
Harris, Malcolm H., Dr. --- V32:79
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V13:3, 55, 62
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V14:14, 51, 58, 74
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V15:21, 26, 62, 79
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V16:19, 74
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V19:20
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- Author 3/65 7/73
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V37:3, 13
Harris, Malcolm Hart --- V35:22, 45, 76
Harris, Malcolm Hart, Dr. --- V16:56
Harris, Malcolm L. --- Author 11/1/7
Harris, Malcolm, Dr. --- V17:40, 53
Harris, Malcolm, Dr. --- V37:82
Harris, Malcolm, Dr. --- V32:74
Harris, Mar??? (Minnie) Moss --- Heir 5/10
Harris, Maria --- Census 2/1/33
Harris, Maria --- V32:91
Harris, Maria Ellen Goodwin --- V32:90
Harris, Maria L. --- Census 3/74
Harris, Mariella --- Census 3/87
Harris, Marion Louise --- V24:71
Harris, Martha --- Census 1/79 2/1/31 2/1/33
Harris, Martha A. --- Census 2/2/38
Harris, Martha C. --- V21-1:88
Harris, Martha C. --- Marriage 12/9-7
Harris, Martha F. --- V22:63
Harris, Martha Ola --- V23:43
Harris, Martha Pryor --- V19:32
Harris, Martha Pryor --- V32:83
Harris, Martha V. --- Census 3/87
Harris, Mary --- V19:91
Harris, Mary --- V22:14, 56
Harris, Mary --- Wife Of A. McGehee 1/74 Census 1/78 1/84 2/1/30 2/
Harris, Mary --- V28:97
Harris, Mary --- V33:24
Harris, Mary --- V32:75, 76, 79, 82
Harris, Mary --- V34:45
Harris, Mary (E. ) --- V23:80
Harris, Mary (Morris) --- V22:14
Harris, Mary (Polly) --- V24:23
Harris, Mary A. --- V23:105
Harris, Mary A. --- Census 3/74 3/88 Query 10/10 Birth 11/1/23
Harris, Mary A. --- V32:75
Harris, Mary Alice --- Landowner 7/69
Harris, Mary Ann --- V23:78
Harris, Mary Ann --- Census 3/87 Teacher 4/81 Letter To 7/73 Mentioned
Harris, Mary Ann --- V37:1, 2, 3
Harris, Mary Ann --- V34:19
Harris, Mary Anne --- V25:52
Harris, Mary Carolyn --- V25:53
Harris, Mary Claybrooke --- V37:2
Harris, Mary Cooke --- V22:63
Harris, Mary Cutler --- V16:72
Harris, Mary E. --- V23:81
Harris, Mary E. --- Census 2/1/40 2/2/38
Harris, Mary Elizabeth --- V23:43
Harris, Mary Eugenia Hiter --- V25:53
Harris, Mary G. --- Tombstone 9/60
Harris, Mary H. --- Tombstone 6/10 11/2/17
Harris, Mary H. Cooke --- V22:63
Harris, Mary Hart --- V34:21
Harris, Mary Hiter --- V25:52
Harris, Mary Hudson --- V24:23
Harris, Mary Jane --- V22:63
Harris, Mary Lucy Turner --- Tombstone 12/33
Harris, Mary M. --- Tombstone 10/6
Harris, Mary Netherland --- V27:39
Harris, Mary O. --- Census 2/1/38
Harris, Mary Overton --- Birth Death 4/11 4/12
Harris, Mary P. --- V37:3
Harris, Mary P. --- V32:75
Harris, Mary Pollard --- V34:18
Harris, Mary Pryor --- V28:88
Harris, Mary Pryor --- V32:74, 75, 82, 89
Harris, Mary S. --- V23:80
Harris, Mary T. --- V32:76
Harris, Mary Tyler --- V32:76, 89
Harris, Mary Wingfield --- Birth 4/11
Harris, Mattie --- Marriage 6/16
Harris, Mattie --- V32:98
Harris, Mattie L. --- V32:30
Harris, Mercer --- V23:33
Harris, Mercer --- Census 3/88
Harris, Mezpina Walton --- V26:98
Harris, Micahah --- Query 9/37
Harris, Micajah --- V14:11
Harris, Micajah --- Taxpayer 1/14 1/15 Census 4/38 5/1/21
Harris, Mildred --- Census 1/79
Harris, Mildred --- V32:30
Harris, Miletus E. --- Query 5/2/46
Harris, Milly --- V13:11
Harris, Mizapina Walton --- V22:15
Harris, Mollie --- V23:80
Harris, Moses --- Census 4/36 5/1/21 Insurance 5/1/50
Harris, Moses --- V42:128
Harris, Mr. --- V23:29
Harris, Mr. --- V31: 32
Harris, Mr. --- V37:37
Harris, Mrs. Mary --- V43:40
Harris, N. W. --- V22:26
Harris, N. W. --- V26:100
Harris, N. W. --- Letter From 7/47 Railroad Officer 7/54 Merchant 7/
Harris, N. W., Mrs. --- V27:77
Harris, Nal --- V43:101
Harris, Nancy --- V14:44
Harris, Nancy --- V21-1:5
Harris, Nancy --- V22:14, 56
Harris, Nancy --- V27:39
Harris, Nancy --- Marriage 1/49 Census 3/82
Harris, Nancy Louise --- V23:43
Harris, Nat --- Landowner E/81
Harris, Nathan --- V14:39, 44
Harris, Nathan --- V20:21
Harris, Nathan --- V21-1:5, 6, 80
Harris, Nathan --- V21-2:36
Harris, Nathan --- V25:26
Harris, Nathan --- V27:93
Harris, Nathan --- Tax Payer 1/15 Census 4/37 5/1/21
Harris, Nathan C. --- V19:49
Harris, Nathan W. --- V18:19
Harris, Nathaniel --- V22:25
Harris, Nathaniel --- V24:32-34
Harris, Nathaniel --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 2/1/30 4/36 5/1/21 Marriage S
Harris, Nathaniel --- V35:21, 22
Harris, Nathaniel C. --- V23:91
Harris, Nathaniel W. --- V24:32, 34, 36, 62
Harris, Nathaniel W. --- V25:28
Harris, Nathaniel W. --- V27:77
Harris, Nathaniel W. --- Census 2/1/30 Marriage 3/65 Storekeeper 3/65
Harris, Nathaniel W. --- V32:90
Harris, Nathaniel W., Mrs. --- V32:90
Harris, Nathaniel William --- V22:17
Harris, Nathaniel William --- V28:91
Harris, Nellie Grace --- V23:37
Harris, Nelson --- Rev. Soldier 8/33 Haley Diary 8/98
Harris, Nelson --- V32:74, 75, 79, 82, 89
Harris, Nelson --- V34:45
Harris, Nelson, Mrs. --- V32:74, 75, 82, 89
Harris, Newton C. --- V15:40
Harris, Notra --- Haley Diary 9/95
Harris, Octavia Rebecca --- Birth 4/11
Harris, Overton --- V14:65
Harris, Overton --- V19:89
Harris, Overton --- V22:13, 14, 90
Harris, Overton --- Census 3/36 4/37 Rev. Soldier 8/33 Criminal Guard
Harris, Overton --- V30:71
Harris, Overton --- V32:74, 75
Harris, Overton, Mrs. --- V32:74
Harris, Pamelia Catherine --- Married 11/2/29
Harris, Patrick --- Census 4/37
Harris, Patsy Estes --- V27:85
Harris, Patsy Pryor --- V32:75
Harris, Paul --- V33:26
Harris, Pearl --- V23:44
Harris, Pearl --- V25:53
Harris, Pearl --- V37:1, 2, 10
Harris, Pearl Mill --- V34:15
Harris, Pearl Mills --- V22:41, 96, 97
Harris, Pearl Mills --- Author 6/15
Harris, Pearl Mills --- V37:4
Harris, Pearl, Mrs. --- V31: 31, 34
Harris, Permelia --- Census 3/36
Harris, Phil --- V32:98
Harris, Phil, Mrs. --- V32:98
Harris, Polly --- V22:36
Harris, Polly --- V23:78, 81
Harris, Polly --- V27:102
Harris, Polly --- Census 2/2/33 Birth Death 11/1/45 11/1/46
Harris, R. L. --- V21-1:21
Harris, R. L. --- V22:30
Harris, R. N. --- Haley Diary 9/48 9/94 9/97 10/99
Harris, R. N., Mrs. --- V21-1:68
Harris, Rebecca --- Tombstone 9/60
Harris, Reuben --- V21-2:39
Harris, Rev. Samuel --- V25:52
Harris, Rev. Samuel --- V26:3, 6
Harris, Reverend --- V37:2
Harris, Ria Lou --- V28:99
Harris, Richard --- V14:22, 27
Harris, Richard --- V26:97
Harris, Richard --- Census 3/88 4/37
Harris, Richard --- V34:45
Harris, Richard H. --- V23:80
Harris, Richmond --- V14:22
Harris, Richmond --- V25:69
Harris, Richmond L. --- V23:78, 79
Harris, Robert --- V13:29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 47, 72
Harris, Robert --- V14:35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 64, 66, 68, 69
Harris, Robert --- V15:41, 54, 55, 77, 78
Harris, Robert --- V16:40, 43, 85, 87
Harris, Robert --- V16:85
Harris, Robert --- V17:31, 33, 34, 67
Harris, Robert --- V19:37, 41, 86-88, 92
Harris, Robert --- V20:72, 74, 93
Harris, Robert --- V21-1:4
Harris, Robert --- V21-2:21, 29
Harris, Robert --- V22:13-15
Harris, Robert --- V23:77, 78
Harris, Robert --- V26:98
Harris, Robert --- Resident 1/3 1/4 1/6 Vestryman 1/10 Taxpayer, 1/15
Harris, Robert --- V28:56
Harris, Robert --- V30:66, 71-72
Harris, Robert --- V43:55
Harris, Robert E. --- V19:30
Harris, Robert E. --- Teacher 4/81
Harris, Robert H. --- Census 3/85
Harris, Robert Maj. --- V17:84
Harris, Robert N. --- V21-2:14
Harris, Robert N. --- Landowner 9/57 Church Deacon 9/58 Tombstone 9/60 H
Harris, Robert N. --- V37:37
Harris, Robert N., Mrs. --- V27:11
Harris, Robert Nelson --- V13:60
Harris, Robt --- V43:100
Harris, Rosa L. --- V15:39
Harris, Rosa Pettit, Mrs. --- V16:19
Harris, Rubie --- Haley Diary 9/99
Harris, S. --- Haley Diary 4/92
Harris, S. E. --- Tombstone 4/65
Harris, S. Elizabeth --- Tombstone 9/60
Harris, Salley --- V21-1:5
Harris, Sallie Hart --- V17:26
Harris, Sallie O. --- V27:34
Harris, Sally (Sarah) Knight --- V14:44
Harris, Sam --- Haley Diary 7/46 8/92
Harris, Sam --- V34:27
Harris, Saml. --- V20:76
Harris, Samuel --- V14:44, 82
Harris, Samuel --- V19:10
Harris, Samuel --- V20:21
Harris, Samuel --- V21-1:5, 6, 64
Harris, Samuel --- V23:108, 111, 112
Harris, Samuel --- Witness 3/25 Census 3/74 4/37 Haley Diary 4/90 4/9
Harris, Samuel --- V28:23
Harris, Samuel --- V34:15, 18, 19
Harris, Samuel --- V44:62
Harris, Samuel & Lydia Cole --- V35:44
Harris, Samuel C. --- Census 2/1/40 Tombstone 12/32
Harris, Samuel C., Mrs. --- V14:50
Harris, Samuel Claybrooke --- V22:41
Harris, Samuel Claybrooke --- V37:2, 3
Harris, Samuel Claybrooke, Jr. --- V22:42
Harris, Samuel J. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Harris, Samuel, Reverend --- V37:1, 3, 10
Harris, Sarah --- V13:30
Harris, Sarah --- V14:64
Harris, Sarah --- V21-1:6
Harris, Sarah --- V22:36
Harris, Sarah --- Census 1/78 2/1/33 2/1/40 2/2 33 3/39 Query 9/37 M
Harris, Sarah Elizabeth --- V20:21
Harris, Sarah Knight --- V20:21
Harris, Sarah Knight --- V21-1:5
Harris, Sarah Lavinia --- Mentioned 3/65
Harris, Sarah Lavinia --- V33:28
Harris, Saul --- Haley Diary 8/92
Harris, Shirwood --- V14:69
Harris, Shirwood --- Legal Note 11/2/33
Harris, Stanley --- Landgrant 10/81
Harris, Stephen --- Legal Case 11/1/38 Parent 12/76
Harris, Stephen C --- V31: 63
Harris, Stephen C --- V37:82
Harris, Stephen C. --- V17:40, 67
Harris, Stephen Carey --- V25:53
Harris, Steve --- V29:84
Harris, Susan --- V14:44
Harris, Susan --- V21-1:5
Harris, Susan --- Birth 11/1/45 Death 11/1/46
Harris, Susan Collins --- V28:34
Harris, Susan W. --- Census 2/2/31
Harris, Susanna --- V20:22
Harris, Susanna --- Birth Marriage Death 11/1/45 11/1/46
Harris, T. H. --- V17:39
Harris, Tandy --- Census 3/41
Harris, Tavern --- V24:32
Harris, Tho. --- V24:93
Harris, Thomas --- V15:71
Harris, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 2/1/39 3/85 3/88 5/1/21 Haley
Harris, Thomas --- V42:128
Harris, Thomas H. --- Census 2/1/39 Haley Diary 4/17 4/84 Teacher 4/19,
Harris, Thomas Hugh --- V22:30
Harris, Thomas L. --- V23:78, 79, 81
Harris, Thomas L. --- V24:37
Harris, Thomas W. --- Birth 11/1/45
Harris, Thomasia O. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Harris, Thos --- V43:55
Harris, Tom --- V24:94
Harris, Tom --- Haley Diary 5/1/43 5/2/17
Harris, Tomasia --- V22:66
Harris, Tyree --- V15:62
Harris, Tyree --- Vestryman 1/10
Harris, Unity --- Census 1/78
Harris, Uriah --- Census 1/76
Harris, Victoria E. Parsons --- V32:32
Harris, Victoria M. --- V32:76
Harris, Vin --- V28:96
Harris, Virginia --- V14:82
Harris, Virginia --- V25:21
Harris, Virginia --- Census 2/1/36 2/1/40 2/2/38
Harris, Virginia Hill --- Birth Death 4/11 4/12
Harris, W. C. --- V19:48
Harris, W. H. --- V33:8
Harris, W. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Harris, W. S. --- V15:39
Harris, W. S. C. --- V15:39
Harris, W. T. --- V13:85
Harris, W. T. --- V23:43
Harris, W. T. --- Farmer 7/53
Harris, W. T. (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Harris, Waller --- V28:92
Harris, Waller O. --- V22:60
Harris, Waller Overton --- V28:91
Harris, Walter O. --- V19:48
Harris, Wilbur & A. Virgil --- V35:168
Harris, Will --- Haley Diary 8/93 9/51 9/100
Harris, William --- V13:9
Harris, William --- V17:84
Harris, William --- V19:40, 91
Harris, William --- V21-1:4
Harris, William --- V22:14, 15, 36, 55
Harris, William --- V24:23
Harris, William --- V25:15
Harris, William --- V26:42
Harris, William --- V27:39
Harris, William --- V27:82, 83
Harris, William --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 1/87 2/1/39 2/2/36 3/41 3/88
Harris, William --- V28:83
Harris, William --- V30:71-72, 75
Harris, William --- V34:18, 45
Harris, William --- V42:128
Harris, William --- V44:61, 62, 65, 66, 91, 102
Harris, William --- V45:72, 73, 75
Harris, William (F.C.) --- V36:16
Harris, William (III) --- V22:14
Harris, William (Jr) --- V26:98
Harris, William Francis --- Birth 4/11
Harris, William Francis "Snapper" (Jr) --- V25:64
Harris, William Francis (Jr) --- V25:64
Harris, William Francis Jr --- Author 6/64
Harris, William George --- Birth 4/12
Harris, William Goodwin --- Birth 4/11 Death 4/12
Harris, William H. --- V26:6
Harris, William H. --- Census 2/1/33
Harris, William Henry --- V25:52, 53
Harris, William Henry --- Census 3/75
Harris, William III --- V22:13, 14, 55
Harris, William J. --- V13:23
Harris, William J. --- Heir 5/10 Tombstone 6/10
Harris, William J. --- V32:32
Harris, William J., Mrs. --- V32:32
Harris, William Judkins --- Birth Marriage 4/10 4/11
Harris, William L. --- V32:32
Harris, William Lee --- V14:20
Harris, William O. --- V22:99
Harris, William O. --- V26:5
Harris, William O. --- Census 3/87 Justice Of Peace 10/24 Landowner 12/20
Harris, William O. --- V32:75
Harris, William O. --- V34:46
Harris, William O., Colonel --- V32:76
Harris, William O., Mrs. --- V32:76
Harris, William Overton --- V28:96
Harris, William Overton --- V32:75, 89
Harris, William Overton, Colonel --- V32:47, 75
Harris, William Overton, Mrs. --- V32:75, 89
Harris, William S. --- Church Deacon 9/58 Tombstone 9/60 Haley Diary 10/4
Harris, William T. --- V23:78-80
Harris, William T. --- Census 3/87
Harris, William Thomas --- V23:43
Harris, William Tyler --- V28:95
Harris, William Tyler --- V32:76
Harris, William Tyler, Mrs. --- V32:76
Harris, William W. --- Census 2/2/33
Harris, William Y. --- V23:102
Harris, William, (Jr. ) --- V22:14
Harris, William, Jr. --- V22:13, 55, 56, 61
Harris, William, Jr. --- V23:77
Harris, Willis --- Farmer 7/64
Harris, Willis Overton "Willie" --- V44:108
Harris, Wilmer --- V21-1:56
Harris, Wingfield --- Census 4/37
Harris, Wm --- V43:100, 104
Harris, Wm W. --- V43:40
Harris, Wm. --- V22:55
Harris, Wortley --- Parent 4/11
Harris, Zack --- V32:76
Harris & Gibson, --- V16:63, 74
Harris and Pendleton, --- V39:29
Harris cemetery, --- V26:37, 38
Harris Cemetery, --- V26:37
Harris Cemetery, Records Of --- 6/10
Harris Chapel, --- V21-1:79, 85, 100
Harris Creek, --- V22:7
Harris Creek, --- V40:91
Harris' Creek, --- V16:43
Harris Families, --- V32:77
Harris Family, --- V32:74, 82
Harris Family Bible Records, --- 4/10 11/1/45
Harris Family Cemetery Records, --- 6/10
Harris Farm, --- V25:101
Harris' Line, --- V30:72
Harris Mill, --- V16:43
Harris Old Mill Road, --- V26:35
Harris Store, --- V32:99
Harris Tavern, --- V21-1:4, 5
Harris(s), Archelus --- V41:101
Harris(s), Archibald --- V41:100
Harris(s), Barbara --- V41:11
Harris(s), Catherine S. (Smith) --- V41:19
Harris(s), Charles B. --- V41:41
Harris(s), Cornelius --- V41:55
Harris(s), David Bullock --- V41:18
Harris(s), Ellen M. --- V41:17
Harris(s), Frederick --- V41:19, 100
Harris(s), Frederick L. --- V41:19
Harris(s), Georgia --- V41:31
Harris(s), James --- V41:27
Harris(s), Jeremiah C. --- V41:66
Harris(s), John --- V41:27
Harris(s), John O. --- V41:11
Harris(s), Lucy --- V41:18
Harris(s), Malcolm --- V41:71
Harris(s), Moses --- V41:103
Harris(s), N. W. --- V41:18
Harris(s), Nathaniel W. --- V41:17, 19
Harris(s), Richard --- V41:29
Harris(s), Robert --- V41:26, 27, 28, 102
Harrisburg P. O., --- V15:29
Harrisburg, Haywood Co. Tenn, --- V15:28, 29
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, --- V30:59
Harrises, The, --- V28:92
Harrison, --- V16:79
Harrison, Benjamin --- Letter To 8/16
Harrison, Burton, Mrs. --- V28:28
Harrison, C. G., Mrs. --- V23:102, 105
Harrison, Carter --- Mentioned In Letter 6/35
Harrison, Clare --- V27:34
Harrison, Claude --- V21-1:109
Harrison, Claude --- V24:38
Harrison, Claude --- V25:73
Harrison, Constance Cary --- V28:28
Harrison, Constance Cary --- V35:4
Harrison, E. W. --- Merchant 7/59
Harrison, Fairfax --- V41:79
Harrison, General --- V26:73
Harrison, Geo. --- V26:30
Harrison, George --- V26:31
Harrison, George --- Rev. Soldier 8/33
Harrison, George --- V41:105
Harrison, Hezekiah --- V15:61
Harrison, Hollis --- V28:86
Harrison, John T. --- Farmer 7/63
Harrison, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/21
Harrison, Joseph --- V30:75
Harrison, Julia McDowell Hartley --- V28:86
Harrison, Noel --- V40:3
Harrison, Noel G. --- V40:1
Harrison, President Benjamin --- V25:89
Harrison, Rebecca --- V17:62
Harrison, William N., Mrs. --- V16:56
Harrison & West, --- V16:74
Harrison County, --- V31: 98
Harrisonburg, --- V18:17
Harrisonburg, --- V25:68, 88
Harrisonburg, --- V31: 57
Harrisonburg College, --- V27:54
Harrisonburg Normal School, --- V31: 19
Harrisonburg State Teachers School, --- V31: 57
Harrisonburg Teachers College, --- V22:41
Harrisonburg, Va., --- V17:6
Harrisonburg, Va., --- V35:156
Harrisonian, Pudding --- V30:86
Harrisons Landing, --- V20:54
Harriss, Nelson --- Census 4/36
Harrott, Henry --- V42:93
Harrris, Abner Nelson --- V28:95
Harrris, Ann Lavinia --- V28:95
Harrris, Ann Thornton Harris --- V28:94
Harrris, Hillary --- V28:95
Harrris, Mary Pruor --- V28:94
Harrris, Nelson --- V28:94
Harrris, Overton Harris --- V28:94
Harrris, Vin --- V28:95
Harrris, William Overton --- V28:95
Harry, --- V22:50, 52, 56
Harry, --- V25:97
Harry, --- V32:23
Harry, J. C. --- V21-1:86
Harry of the Wynd, --- V35:132
Hart, --- V22:23
Hart, --- V32:70
Hart, A. --- Haley Diary 4/92 Death 5/1/46
Hart, Allie --- V28:34, 36
Hart, Allie Gibson --- Tombstone 9/61
Hart, Allie Gibson --- V28:34-35
Hart, Alwidie F. Gibson --- V28:34
Hart, Andrew --- V15:28
Hart, Andrew --- V20:67
Hart, Andrew --- V24:68
Hart, Andrew --- Census 2/1/39
Hart, Anna S. --- V23:96
Hart, Benjamin --- Census 2/1/39 Haley Diary 7/92
Hart, Benjamin James --- V20:68
Hart, Bessie --- V25:74
Hart, Bob --- Mentioned 7/74
Hart, Catharine --- V23:96
Hart, Catherine --- V23:95, 96
Hart, Collins --- Birth Death 11/1/46
Hart, Curtis --- V21-1:84, 91
Hart, Curtis, Mrs. --- V21-1:84
Hart, Edward L. --- V23:96
Hart, Elizabeth --- V25:22
Hart, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/35 Married 11/1/45
Hart, Elizabeth Harris --- V28:34, 36
Hart, Emma Jo --- Tombstone 9/59
Hart, F. W. --- V23:67
Hart, Family --- V28:72
Hart, Francis Bacon --- V28:79
Hart, Frank B. --- V17:26, 27
Hart, Frank B. --- V21-1:84
Hart, Gay Ann --- V18:38
Hart, Gay Ann --- Tombstone 9/59
Hart, H. C. --- V21-1:29, 30, 57
Hart, H. C. --- V29:22
Hart, H. G., III --- V14:48
Hart, Helen McCoy --- Author 2/1/13
Hart, Henrietta --- V17:29
Hart, Henry --- V17:29, 30
Hart, Henry --- V25:22
Hart, Henry --- V27:34
Hart, Henry --- Haley Diary 5/1/37 Farmer 7/64 Birth Death 11/1/45
Hart, Henry --- V28:36
Hart, Henry Curtis --- Birth 11/1/46
Hart, Henry Curtis --- V28:36
Hart, Henry, Jr. --- V28:35
Hart, Hettie --- V28:36
Hart, Hubert --- Minister 12/31
Hart, Hubert --- V34:29
Hart, Irene --- V28:80
Hart, Irene McGhee --- Tombstone 9/60
Hart, J. --- V16:75
Hart, J. --- V22:27
Hart, J. --- Haley Diary 4/87
Hart, J. B. --- Haley Diary 4/93 Estate Appraisal 5/1/37
Hart, J. M. --- V21-2:18
Hart, J. M. --- Flour Mill Operator 7/60 Saw Mill Operator 7/61
Hart, J. M. --- V28:80
Hart, J. P. --- V22:29
Hart, James --- V16:27, 74, 76
Hart, James --- V17:53
Hart, James --- V25:29
Hart, James --- Census 2/2/35 Haley Diary 4/88 Mentioned 7/73 Birt
Hart, James --- V28:72-79
Hart, James [Malcolm] --- V46:62
Hart, James M. --- V15:30
Hart, James M. --- V16:27, 28, 29, 30, 74, 75
Hart, James M. --- V17:24, 25, 26, 27
Hart, James M. --- V19:30
Hart, James M. --- V27:45, 76
Hart, James M. --- Homeowner 3/6 Letter To 3/65 Teacher 4/81
Hart, James M. --- V28:36, 74, 79
Hart, James M. --- V34:35
Hart, James Malcolm --- V13:27, 28
Hart, James Malcolm --- V15:80, 81, 82
Hart, James Malcolm --- V16:29
Hart, James Malcolm --- V28:79-80
Hart, James Malcolm --- V44:85, 89, 90, 91, 109
Hart, James Overton --- V28:79
Hart, James' wife' --- V16:76
Hart, Jane --- Birth Death 11/1/45
Hart, Jas M. --- V34:35
Hart, Jean L. --- V29:82
Hart, Jesse B. --- V22:29
Hart, Jesse B. --- Census 2/2/35 Birth Marriage Death 11/1/46
Hart, Jesse B. --- V28:36
Hart, Jesse B. --- V28:34
Hart, John --- V16:30
Hart, John --- V25:22
Hart, John --- Vestryman 1/10 Census 2/2/35 Mentioned 7/73 Haley
Hart, John --- V28:34, 36, 72
Hart, John A. --- Farmer 7/65
Hart, John Henry --- Tombstone 9/59
Hart, John Malcolm --- V20:68
Hart, John Malcolm --- V28:72
Hart, John, Sr. --- Marriage Death 11/1/45 11/1/46
Hart, Joseph --- V20:68
Hart, Joseph --- Census 2/1/39
Hart, Judith --- Census 2/2/35 Birth Marriage Death 11/1/45 Tombsto
Hart, Judith Crews --- V20:67
Hart, Judith Crews --- V27:43
Hart, Judy --- V14:81
Hart, Louisa Rebecca Jackson --- Landowner 12/14
Hart, Louise J. --- Tombstone 12/33
Hart, M. --- V15:26
Hart, M. A. Mrs. --- Census 2/2/35 Mentioned 7/73
Hart, Major --- V30:28, 37, 39
Hart, Malcolm --- V14:81
Hart, Malcolm --- V17:26
Hart, Malcolm --- V20:67
Hart, Malcolm --- V22:30
Hart, Malcolm --- V23:72
Hart, Malcolm --- V27:43
Hart, Malcolm --- Census 4/36 Birth Death 11/1/45 Tombstone 11/2/16
Hart, Malcolm Duncan --- V28:79
Hart, Malcolm Maxwell --- V28:72
Hart, Malcomb --- Census 2/1/39
Hart, Maria G. --- V23:95
Hart, Maria Goodwin --- V28:36
Hart, Mary A. --- V15:79, 80
Hart, Mary A. --- V16:27, 29
Hart, Mary Ann --- V16:75
Hart, Mary Ann --- V17:27
Hart, Mary Ann --- V27:44
Hart, Mary Ann Claybrooke --- V16:74
Hart, Mary Ann Claybrooke --- V27:43
Hart, Mary Ann Claybrooke --- V28:72
Hart, Mary C. --- V27:34
Hart, Mary Claybrooke --- V28:79
Hart, Mary Jane Allen --- V20:67
Hart, Mary Overton --- V28:31
Hart, Mildred --- V28:79
Hart, Mildred Dabney --- V28:78
Hart, Mildred Farrar --- V28:78
Hart, Mr. --- V14:81
Hart, Ollie --- V28:34-35
Hart, Robert --- V14:20
Hart, Robert --- V16:27
Hart, Robert --- V22:30
Hart, Robert --- Birth Death 11/1/46
Hart, Robert --- V28:80
Hart, Robert Campbell --- V13:62
Hart, Robert Campbell --- Mentioned 12/18
Hart, Robert Campbell --- V28:79
Hart, Robert W. --- V23:96
Hart, Robert, Jr. --- V23:95, 96
Hart, Robert, Mrs. --- V34:27
Hart, Robt., Jr. --- V23:96
Hart, Ryan --- V25:22
Hart, S. G. --- V17:26
Hart, Sallie Overton --- Death 3/66
Hart, Sallie Overton --- V28:72
Hart, Sally O. --- V15:80, 81
Hart, Sally Overton --- V17:27
Hart, Samuel James Mrs. --- Mentioned 10/47
Hart, Sarah --- Census 2/1/39 Tombstone 11/2/18
Hart, Sarah Ellen Carpenter --- V20:67
Hart, Stephen F. Mrs. --- Author 2/1/18
Hart, Stephen Farrar --- V28:79
Hart, Susan --- Census 2/2/35 Birth Death 11/1/46
Hart, W. C. --- V29:26-27
Hart, W. J. --- V18:28
Hart, W. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Hart, William --- V28:36
Hart, William Andrew --- Haley Diary 7/95
Hart, William C. --- V29:27
Hart, William J. --- V27:45
Hart, William J. --- Census 2/2/35 Haley Diary 5/1/49 Tombstone 9/61 Bi
Hart, William Jeremiah --- V28:34
Hart, WilliamJ. --- V28:34
Hart, Willie --- V28:34-36
Hart, Willie J. --- V22:29
Hart, Willie J. --- V28:35-36
Hart, Willy --- Haley Diary 8/97 12/100
Hart & Marshall, --- V26:47, 48
Hart Family, --- V13:62
Hart Family Bible Records, --- 11/1/45
Hart House, --- V28:36
Harter, Mrs. --- V30:80
Hartland, --- V13:62
Hartland, --- V16:74
Hartland, --- V17:28
Hartland, --- V27:76
Hartland, --- V28:72, 74-76, 78-80
Hartley, Annie Cowles --- V28:86
Hartley, Carol Ann --- V23:93
Hartley, Carson --- V25:72
Hartley, Carson Lewis --- V23:90, 93
Hartley, Charles Lewis --- V23:90
Hartley, Charles Lewis --- V28:85-86
Hartley, Charles Lewis, Jr. --- V28:86
Hartley, Charlotte Andrews --- V27:95
Hartley, Charlotte Andrews --- V28:86
Hartley, Cowles --- Landowner 5/2/40
Hartley, Cowles --- V28:86
Hartley, Elizabeth Watkins --- V28:86
Hartley, James --- V25:71, 72
Hartley, James --- V28:86
Hartley, James C. --- V25:70, 71
Hartley, James Caleb --- V23:90, 92
Hartley, James Caleb --- V25:68
Hartley, James Caleb --- V28:86
Hartley, Jayne --- V23:90
Hartley, Jayne --- V24:40
Hartley, Jayne --- V25:71
Hartley, Jayne Palmer --- V25:71
Hartley, Joyce Ann --- V23:90
Hartley, Julia Coffee --- V28:86
Hartley, Julia McDowell --- V28:86
Hartley, Kate K --- V23:90
Hartley, Kate Kuper --- V23:92
Hartley, Kate Kuper --- V25:68, 76
Hartley, Kate Kuper --- V28:86
Hartley, Lillie Kate Kuper --- V23:90
Hartley, Lillie Kate Kuper --- V25:70
Hartley, Linda --- V28:86
Hartley, Linda Sutphin --- V28:85
Hartley, Maggie --- V28:86
Hartley, Maggie C. --- V28:86
Hartley, Margaret --- V28:86
Hartley, Margaret Cowles --- V23:90
Hartley, Margaret Cowles --- V28:86
Hartley, Mayme --- V23:7
Hartley, Mayme --- V28:86
Hartley, Richard C. --- V27:95
Hartley, Richard Cowle --- V28:86
Hartley, Richard Cowles, Jr. --- V28:85-86
Hartley, Richard Cowles, Sr. --- V28:86
Hartley, Ruth M --- V28:86
Hartley, Virginia Lassiter --- V28:86
Hartman, Charles W. --- V28:20
Hartman, Frances D. (Douglas) --- V38:70
Hartman, Mary Ann Chewning --- V28:20
Harton, Dorothy --- V21-1:75
Harton, Mr. --- V21-1:99
Hart's, Shop --- V28:33-37
Harts (Hartland), --- V35:8-17
Hart's Battery, --- V30:25
Hart's Company, Horse Artillery, South Carolina Volunteers (Washington Artillery --- V32:34
Hart's Guns, --- V30:37
Hart's Mill, --- V28:79
Hart's Mill, --- V35:18
Hart's Mill Road, --- V28:79
Hart's Shop, --- V25:16, 23, 24, 72
Hartsoak, John --- Census 4/37
Hartswell, M. Richard --- Minister 10/28
Harvey, Alexander --- Census 4/36
Harvey, Chester A. --- V23:114
Harvey, Elizabeth --- Married 8/34
Harvey, George Edward Winthrop --- V33:84
Harvey, Geraldine --- V23:42, 114
Harvey, Zapianiah --- Rev. Soldier 8/33
Harvey's (textbook), --- V33:20
Harwood, Ellen --- V28:35
Harwood, Maria --- V24:49
Harwood, Nancy --- V24:49
Harwood, Sara Jane --- V28:35
Harwood, William --- Census 4/36 Landowner 9/25
Harwood’s Mill, --- V43:44
Hasher, Annie Lilian --- V32:101
Hasher, Bernard A. --- V32:101
Hasher, Bernard A., Mrs. --- V32:101
Hasher, Bernard Ashton --- V32:101, 102
Hasher, Daniel --- Census 2/1/33
Hasher, Daniel --- V32:102
Hasher, Elizabeth Matilday --- V32:101
Hasher, George Myrtle --- V32:101
Hasher, Graham --- Tombstone 7/72
Hasher, J. D. --- Farmer 7/63
Hasher, James --- Census 3/30
Hasher, Jennie C. --- V32:102
Hasher, John --- Census 2/1/33
Hasher, Lilian --- V32:101, 102
Hasher, Lucy Floyd --- V32:101
Hasher, Lucy Jane Floyd --- V32:102
Hasher, M. B. G. --- Parent 7/72
Hasher, Mabel G. Perkins --- V32:101
Hasher, Mabel Perkins --- V32:102
Hasher, Marion Wolis --- V32:101, 102
Hasher, Martha --- Census 2/1/33
Hasher, Martha --- V32:102
Hasher, Mayme E. Wright --- V32:101
Hasher, Mayme Wright --- V32:102
Hasher, N. A. --- Parent 7/72
Hasher, Nealy Ashton --- V32:101
Hasher, P. T. --- V32:102
Hasher, Parker Edgar --- V32:101
Hasher, Percie Trumbull --- V32:101
Hasher, Percy T. --- V32:101
Hasher, Percy T., Mrs. --- V32:101
Hasher, Sadie May --- V32:101, 102
Hasher, Virginia C. Jordan --- V32:101
Hasher, W. D. --- Farmer 7/63
Hasher, Will B. --- V32:101
Hasher, Will B., Mrs. --- V32:101
Hasher, Will Barret --- V32:102
Hasher, William Daniel --- V32:101
Hasher, William T --- V32:102
Hasher, Willie Barret --- V32:101
Haske, Mary Ann --- V39:20
Haskell, Mr. --- V20:48
Haskins, Jay E. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Haslewood, Farrish --- V14:21
Hasting, Mrs. --- V38:89
Hastings, Nebraska, --- V38:10
Haswell, --- V22:78
Hatch, Edward, Col. --- V36:4
Hatch, Harry --- V21-1:112
Hatch, Harry --- V33:93
Hatch, Kate --- V27:25-26
Hatch, Kate Binford --- V13:46
Hatch, Kate Binford --- V19:81
Hatch, Kate Binford --- V35:93
Hatch, T. A. --- V21-1:29
Hatcher, Harvey --- Haley Diary 5/2/15 6/18
Hatcher, Mahlow G. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Hatcher, Martha Anne --- V25:71
Hatcher, Martha Anne Poindexter --- V24:40
Hatcher, Rev. William E. --- V21-1:84
Hatcher, Robert --- V25:71
Hatcher, Robert V. --- V24:40
Hatcher, Robert V. --- V25:74
Hatcher, Sallie --- Marriage 12/59
Hatcher, W. E. --- Haley Diary 7/100 9/51
Hatcher, William E. --- Haley Diary 4/86 5/2/16 6/18 6/19 6/95 7/93
Hatcher, William Eldridge --- Death 11/2/43
Hatcher's, Run --- V28:77
Hatchett, Patricia A. --- V23:43
Hatchhill, Pleasant --- V41:34
Hatson, J. B. --- Haley Diary 11/1/49
Hauda, Jno. S. --- V17:26
Havana, --- V31: 97
Haven, Kansas, --- V38:10, 11
Havre, Montana, --- V38:68
Haw, Elizabeth --- V42:94
Hawes, Mary --- V29:40
Hawkins, --- V20:38
Hawkins, --- V40:58
Hawkins, C. Ray --- V23:113
Hawkins, Charles A. --- Census 3/34
Hawkins, E. P. --- Haley Diary 5/1/43 Farmer 7/65
Hawkins, Ed. P. --- Census 3/34
Hawkins, Edward P. --- V15:63
Hawkins, Elder Ed. P. --- V16:3
Hawkins, Elizabeth --- V13:47
Hawkins, Emily --- Census 3/39
Hawkins, Fred M --- V22:30
Hawkins, Frederick M. --- Census 3/39
Hawkins, Hardenia --- Census 3/39
Hawkins, J. G. --- Marriage 12/44
Hawkins, J. L. --- V14:25
Hawkins, Jennie --- V18:18
Hawkins, Jesse --- Census 3/39
Hawkins, John --- V13:52
Hawkins, John --- V15:54, 55
Hawkins, John --- V19:40
Hawkins, John --- V21-2:41, 42
Hawkins, John --- V22:46
Hawkins, John --- V27:31
Hawkins, John --- Map Maker 9/6 Census 4/37 5x1/21 Will Executor 8/5
Hawkins, John C. --- V15:68
Hawkins, John C. --- V16:38
Hawkins, John C. --- V17:55
Hawkins, John C. --- V32:27
Hawkins, John N. --- Census 3/39
Hawkins, Joseph --- V19:39
Hawkins, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/14
Hawkins, Martha J. --- Census 3/34
Hawkins, Martin --- Mentioned 10/60 10/78
Hawkins, Martin --- V41:53
Hawkins, Mary Garland --- Mentioned 10/62
Hawkins, Mary Garland Duke --- Death 12/44
Hawkins, Mr. --- V18:18
Hawkins, Mr. --- V20:93, 95
Hawkins, Rebecca --- Census 1/87
Hawkins, Robert --- Birth 12/43
Hawkins, Thomas J. --- Census 3/39
Hawkins, Thomas Rose --- V24:39
Hawkins, William --- V20:93
Hawks, C. W. --- Minister 12/31
Hawks, C. W. --- V34:28
Hawks, Calloway --- V34:28
Hawks, Diane --- V34:28
Hawks, Douglas --- V34:28
Hawks, Gladys Adams --- V34:28
Hawks, Linda --- V34:28
Hawks, Loretta --- V34:28
Hawkwood, --- V35:65
Hawkwood, --- V46:8
Hawley, Alice --- V21-1:39
Hawley, Bessie L. --- V21-1:35
Hawley, Blanche A. --- V21-1:39
Hawley, Charlie W. --- V21-1:39
Hawley, Druey --- V21-1:35
Hawley, Floyd, G. --- V21-1:39
Hawley, James L. --- V21-1:35
Hawley, Leo --- V31: 46
Hawley, Lula F. --- V21-1:35
Hawley, Mary A. --- V21-1:39
Hawley, Mollie C. --- V21-1:39
Hawley, Russell T. --- V21-1:35
Hawley, Sallie --- V31: 47
Hawley, Schylar --- V31: 46
Hawley, Walter --- V31: 46, 47
Hawley, Walter E. --- V21-1:39
Hawthorn, J. B. --- Haley Diary 5/2/19 6/95 7/47 7/93 Death 9/100 Mini
Hay, Maria L. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Hayburn, Nancy (Doles) --- V38:66
Hayden, Clement --- Physician 5/2/30
Hayden, Clement, MD, --- V35:92
Hayes, Charlotte --- V34:23
Hayes, Dora German --- V34:23
Hayes, Hugh --- V21-1:84, 116
Hayes, Marden --- V34:23
Hayes, R. T. --- V24:30
Hayes, R. T. --- Minister 12/30
Hayes, R. T. --- V34:22, 23
Hayes, Rev. Hugh --- V21-1:123
Hayes, Rolland Thomas --- V34:22
Hayley, William --- Legal Case 11/1/40
Haynes, --- V21-1:65
Haynes, Cassie Smith Boxley --- Tombstone 4/64
Haynes, Claude D. --- V23:113
Haynes, Douglas --- V23:83
Haynes, H. C. --- V22:30
Haynes, Henry --- V17:34
Hays, Dimock --- V42:94
Haywood, George --- Census 4/36
Haywood, Insurance Record --- 5/1/50
Haywood, William --- Census 4/36
Haywood Co., Tenn., --- V16:28, 74, 76
Haywood County, Tenn. --- V17:24, 25
Haywood County (Tennessee), --- V13:62
Haywood County, Tenn., --- V15:26, 30
Hazard, Ebenezer --- V29:28
Hazel, Hil --- V28:15
Hazel Hill, --- V28:15
Hazelrig, Nancy --- Genealogy Note 8/85
Hazelwood, --- V44:121
Head, Anna --- V26:78
Head, Susan --- Query 4/51
Head, Willis --- V26:78
Headen, George --- Taxpayer 1/15
Headon, Anthony --- Taxpayer 1/15
Headquarters, --- V26:37
Healing Spring, Photo --- 8/84
Healing Springs, --- V14:20, 23
Health for Peace Act, --- V35:170
Heart, J. H. --- V17:28
Heart, Mr. --- V41:28
Heart, Thomas --- V41:26, 28
Heaston, Joe --- V20:13
Heater, Gabriel --- V31: 88
Heath, Albert --- Census 3/75
Heath, James E. --- Virginia Auditor 6/75
Heathie, Me Hitab Le??? --- Query 2/2/48
Heaton, James --- Legal Note 12/48
Heaton's Battery, --- V30:38
Hebrews, --- V16:46
Heiskill, Godlove --- V14:21
Hellman, J. W. --- V15:67
Helm, Emillie Todd --- Author 8/17
Helm, Jonathan --- Legal Note 10/26
Helm, Judith Page --- Marriage 9/11
Helsabeck, E. N. --- V21-1:67
Helsabeck, Kate --- V21-1:103
Hembry, Daniel --- V38:3 9
Hembry, Lucille --- V38:39
Hemmer, Frederick --- V21-1:16
Hemmer, Frederick A. --- V17:53
Hemorrhagic pneumonia, --- V31: 29
Henchey, Bartelott --- V42:90
Henchey, John --- V42:90
Henchey, Obidiah --- V42:90
Hencock, John --- Taxpayer 1/15
Henderson, Angelina --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Ann --- V32:67
Henderson, David --- V20:98
Henderson, Elizabeth --- V24:92
Henderson, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 3/83 5/1/21
Henderson, Elizabeth --- V42:89
Henderson, Ellis --- V29:103
Henderson, Jack --- V27:74
Henderson, James --- V20:98
Henderson, James --- Landowner 11/1/21
Henderson, James H. --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Jane A. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Henderson, John --- Census 3/03 Heir 8/55
Henderson, Joseph H. --- V20:99
Henderson, Julian --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Lauren C. --- V20:100
Henderson, Linda (Mrs.) --- V29:40
Henderson, Linda F. --- V21-1:120
Henderson, M. B. --- V23:102
Henderson, M. V. --- V18:27
Henderson, M. V. --- Magistrate 7/58
Henderson, Margaret --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Margaret Rigsby --- V27:71, 74
Henderson, Marshal --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Marshall V. --- V20:99
Henderson, Marshall V. --- V24:93
Henderson, Mary --- V14:5
Henderson, Mary L. --- V20:99
Henderson, Mary L. --- Death 4/8
Henderson, Nathaniel --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Pamela --- V27:71
Henderson, Pamela Kay --- V27:71, 74
Henderson, Richard --- V14:32, 67, 69
Henderson, Richard --- V30:79
Henderson, Robert --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Sallie L. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Henderson, Sophia --- V24:92
Henderson, Sophia --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Susie M. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Henderson, Thomas --- Census 3/83
Henderson, Thomas --- V42:93
Henderson, Thomas Johnson --- Author 1/25 2/2/23
Henderson, William --- V14:37
Henderson, William --- V16:86
Henderson, William --- Census 4/37 Legal Case 9/44
Henderson, William --- V28:104
Henderson County (Kentucky), --- V14:4, 5
Henderson, Kentucky, --- V14:3, 5
Hendersonville, Tennessee --- V28:64
Hendley, Richardson --- Census 4/36
Hendrake, Bird --- Taxpayer 1/15
Hendrake, William --- V27:83
Hendrake, William --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/21
Hendren, Alice --- Married 8/47
Hendrick, Ann Henderson --- V32:67
Hendrick, Anny --- V32:67
Hendrick, Byrd --- V32:70
Hendrick, Byrd --- V32:69, 70
Hendrick, Byrd D. --- V32:70
Hendrick, Byrd Duke --- V32:67, 70
Hendrick, Byrd Duke --- V32:64, 66, 67, 69
Hendrick, Byrd Duke, Mrs. --- V32:67
Hendrick, Catharine Baker --- V32:67
Hendrick, Hans --- V32:66
Hendrick, James --- Census 4/37
Hendrick, James --- V32:64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71
Hendrick, James --- V41:103
Hendrick, James, Mrs. --- V32:67, 69, 70
Hendrick, John --- V16:85, 87
Hendrick, John --- V17:35
Hendrick, John --- V19:44
Hendrick, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/33 Road Surveyor 6/30
Hendrick, John --- V32:64, 65, 66, 69
Hendrick, John, Mrs. --- V32:65
Hendrick, Kersey Gardner --- V32:67
Hendrick, Kesiah --- V32:70
Hendrick, Kesiah Gardner --- V32:67
Hendrick, Lucretia Gardner --- V32:67
Hendrick, Martha Duke --- V32:67
Hendrick, Mary --- Census 4/37
Hendrick, Mary --- V32:65, 66, 67, 70
Hendrick, Mary Ford --- V32:67
Hendrick, Patsy --- V32:70
Hendrick, Susanna --- V32:69
Hendrick, Temperance --- V32:67
Hendrick, Tyree --- V32:66
Hendrick, Ursula --- V32:66, 67
Hendrick, Ursuly --- V32:66
Hendrick, William --- V16:87
Hendrick, William --- V17:33
Hendrick, William --- V18:07
Hendrick, William --- V19:37, 89
Hendrick, William --- Roadwork 6/31 6/84 6/88 6/89 Legal Note 10/27 10/2
Hendrick, William --- V32:64, 66, 71
Hendrick, William --- V41:103
Hendrick, William W. --- V32:65, 66, 67, 68
Hendrick, William W., Mrs. --- V32:66, 67
Hendrick, William W., Sr. --- V32:67
Hendrick, William, Jr., Mrs. --- V32:67
Hendrick, William, Jtr --- V32:67
Hendrick, Wm --- V43:58, 104
Hendrick Family, --- V32:65, 71
Hendrick House, --- V32:64
Hendrick Houses, --- V32:65
Hendricks, --- V21-2:34
Hendricks, Bill --- V29:45
Hendricks, James --- V21-1:4
Hendricks, Mary --- V22:66
Hendricks, William --- V20:24
Hendrick's Store, --- V32:69
Hendrirks, --- V32:67
Henedin, Samuel --- Census 5/1/21
Henfleet, John --- V15:44
Hening, William W. --- V17:69
Hening, William W. --- V41:19
Hening, William Waller --- V13:54
Henkel, Harold --- V25:85
Henkel, Harold Killian --- V25:84
Henkel, Helen --- V25:85
Henkel, Helen Virginia --- V25:91
Henkenius, E. F. --- Miller 7/60
Henkenius, Emil F. --- Farmer 7/63
Henley, Lendard --- Taxpayer 1/15
Henley, Leonard --- Census 5/1/21
Henley, Mrs. --- V22:4
Henley, Mrs. --- V40:89, 90, 91
Henley, Richardson --- Census 5/1/21
Henly, Tarlton --- V41:34
Henning, G. W. --- V23:27
Henrick, Anny --- V32:66
Henrick, John --- Landgrant 10/20
Henrick, William, Jr. --- V32:66
Henrico, --- V22:8
Henrico, --- V28:14
Henrico, --- V37:3
Henrico Co., --- V15:31
Henrico Co., --- V21-1:118, 119
Henrico Co., --- V24:65
Henrico County, --- V28:41
Henrico County, --- V29:32
Henrico County, --- V18:36
Henrico County, --- V19:81
Henrico County, --- V37:56
Henrico County, --- V32:31.85
Henrico County, --- V38:78
Henrico County (Virginia), --- V13:83
Henrrick, John --- V42:95
Henry, --- V17:72
Henry, --- V19:8
Henry, --- V20:91
Henry, (Slave) --- V30:82
Henry, Charlie --- V19:84
Henry, Coon --- Haley Diary 7/45
Henry, I. P Mrs. --- V29:44, 98
Henry, Isa P. Hunter --- V29:88
Henry, James --- V21-2:37
Henry, John --- V15:32
Henry, John --- V16:43
Henry, John --- V19:39, 90
Henry, John --- V25:100
Henry, John --- Landowner 9/62 9/83 Legal Note 10/31 10/32 Landgra
Henry, Margaret B. Goodman --- V29:83
Henry, Mary --- V23:55
Henry, Mrs. --- V29:88
Henry, Patrick --- V13:19
Henry, Patrick --- V14:60
Henry, Patrick --- V15:52, 60
Henry, Patrick --- V19:68, 85, 99
Henry, Patrick --- V20:72
Henry, Patrick --- V21-2:23
Henry, Patrick --- V22:32-35, 46
Henry, Patrick --- V23:55
Henry, Patrick --- V24:7
Henry, Patrick --- V25:100, 101
Henry, Patrick --- V26:50, 82, 103
Henry, Patrick --- Mentioned 2/1/15 2/2/9 2/2/11 2/2/12 2/2/13 3/8, 1
Henry, Patrick --- V28:63
Henry, Patrick --- V29:34, 35, 40, 68, 74
Henry, Patrick --- V37:77
Henry, Patrick --- V35:97, 137
Henry, Patrick --- V32:49
Henry, Patrick --- V39:20, 47
Henry, Patrick --- V41:18
Henry, Patrick --- V40:61, 87, 89, 90
Henry, Patrick --- V42:85, 86
Henry, Patrick --- V46:6
Henry, Patrick, Jr. --- Biography 8/3
Henry, Rev. Patrick --- V23:55
Henry, Robert --- Churchman 8/19
Henry, Sarah --- V15:32
Henry, Sarah --- Landowner 11/27
Henry, Son Of Sally --- Birth 11/2/38
Henry, Thomas --- V13:31, 38, 76
Henry, Thomas --- V15:44
Henry, Thomas --- Road Work 6/86 6/89 Legal Note 12/46
Henry, Virgie --- V29:82
Henry, W. D. --- V29:88
Henry, Walter D. --- V29:17-18, 83
Henry Co, --- V32:17
Henry Co., Tenn., --- V20:5
Henry County, --- V28:7
Henry Lee House, --- V38:46, 47
Henry Lee House Fund, Inc., --- V38:49
Henry Lee Society, --- V38:49
Henry, Tennessee, --- V25:17
Henshaw, E. P., Mrs. --- V32:32
Henshaw, Howard --- V21-1:123
Henshaw, Patrick --- V32:29
Henslee, Benjamin --- V15:44
Henslee, Benjamin --- V17:34, 68
Hensley, Benja. --- V17:69
Hensley, Benjamin --- V13:30
Hensley, Benjamin --- V15:75
Hensley, Benjamin --- V20:72
Hensley, Benjamin --- Road Work 6/27 6/33 6/82 Constable 9/43 9/44, 9/45
Hensley, Colin --- Legal Note 11/2/33
Hensley, John --- Roadwork 6/33
Hensley, Sameul --- Roadwork 6/33
Henson, A. R. --- Parent 5/2/29
Henson, Adelia R. --- Census 2/2/29
Henson, Albin B. --- V32:7
Henson, B. A. --- V32:7
Henson, Bartlett --- Parent 5/2/29
Henson, Bartlett A. --- Census 2/2/29
Henson, Bartlett A., Col. --- V36:22,23
Henson, Ben --- V32:9
Henson, Ben Albin --- V32:7
Henson, Benj. --- V19:44
Henson, Benj. --- V46:70
Henson, Benjamin --- V13:31, 74
Henson, Benjamin --- V14:36-38, 40, 43, 65, 67, 69, 70
Henson, Benjamin --- V15:42, 43, 44, 75, 76, 77
Henson, Benjamin --- V16:28, 40, 41, 86, 87
Henson, Benjamin --- V17:31, 34, 68
Henson, Benjamin --- V19:40, 41, 86, 90
Henson, Benjamin --- Census 2/1/34 Mentioned 6/86 6/87 6/88 Farmer 7/65
Henson, Benjamin --- V31: 82
Henson, Benjamin --- V32:7, 9
Henson, Benjamin A. --- V31: 82
Henson, Charles --- Landowner 11/2/19
Henson, Creek --- V16:44
Henson, David --- V14:65
Henson, David --- Census 2/2/29
Henson, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/29
Henson, Fannie E. --- Married 5/2/29
Henson, H.A. --- V39:27
Henson, James --- Census 2/1/34 2/2/29
Henson, Jim --- Civil War Soldier 9/15
Henson, Jim --- V35:139
Henson, John --- V14:64, 65, 69
Henson, John --- V27:83
Henson, John --- Landowner 6/25 11/1/3
Henson, John --- V46:70
Henson, Ken --- Haley Diary 8/99
Henson, Lucy --- V20:96
Henson, Lucy --- Census 3/51
Henson, Lucy R. --- Census 2/2/29
Henson, Martha --- Census. /1/34
Henson, Mary --- Census 2/1/34
Henson, Mary Puryear Wade --- V32:7
Henson, Medford --- V31: 79
Henson, Nannie W. --- V27:34
Henson, P. S. --- Haley Diary 4/94
Henson, Richard --- Taxpayer 1/15
Henson, Richard --- V42:94
Henson, S. B. --- V27:30
Henson, S. P. --- Saw Mill Operator 7/61 Farmer 7/65 Civil War Soldi
Henson, S. P. --- V31: 80, 82
Henson, Samuel --- V20:96
Henson, Samuel --- V21-2:42
Henson, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 2/1/34 4/36 Rev. Soldier 8/33
Henson, Samuel B. --- Census 3/46 5/2/29
Henson, Samuel B. --- V29:31
Henson, W. H. --- V31: 82
Henson, W. H. . --- Saw Mill Operator 7/61 Farmer 7/65
Henson, William --- V14:65
Henson, William --- Census 2/1/34
Henson, William --- V32:7
Henson, William H. --- V32:8
Henson, William Henry --- V32:7
Henson and Perkins, --- V32:7
Henson/Hinson, Benjamin --- V41:24, 27
Henson/Hinson, Samuel --- V41:100
Hensons Creek, --- V32:76, 80
Henson's Creek, --- V17:31
Henson's Creek, --- V22:91
Henson's Creek Church, --- V14:64
Hepburn, David --- Haley Diary 9/95 Minister 10/98
Hepburn, Rev. David --- V34:37
Herbert, Beverley Ann --- Marriage 7/34
Herblen, Reverend --- V28:23
Herdone, Francis --- V15:44
Hereford Iron Furnace, --- V19:15
Hereford Township, --- V19:15
Herford, John --- V19:44
Hering, B. C. --- Haley Diary 10/97
Heritage Sunday, --- V36:31, 33
Hermitage, --- V16:65
Hermitage, --- V24:66
Hermitage, --- V26:80, 82, 83
Hermitage, --- V28:16
Hermitage Camp of Instruction, --- V34:59
Hermitage, The, --- V28:65-06
Herndon, Annie Adeline --- V28:45
Herndon, Brodie --- V26:86
Herndon, Edward --- V15:77
Herndon, Edward --- V16:41, 85
Herndon, J. W. --- V23:111
Herndon, James --- Census 2/2/38
Herndon, John M. --- V14:18, 79
Herndon, Joseph --- V14:17, 22
Herndon, Minor --- V14:16
Herndon, Sarah Frances --- V28:45
Herndon, William --- V14:22, 24, 26
Herndon, Virginia Isabelle, --- V37:40
Herock, Andy --- V25:69
Herock, Helen H. Gillock --- V25:69
Herod, --- V16:47
Heron, John --- Landgrant 11/2/21
Herricks, --- V26:85
Herring, Alva --- V21-1:37
Herring, Arabella Johnson --- V23:41, 44
Herring, Bentley --- V45:7
Herring, C. Oscar --- Marriage 12/12
Herring, Curtis --- Census 2/1/34 Mentioned 12/12
Herring, Curtis O. --- Marriage 12/13
Herring, Edward --- Haley Diary 4/88 6/99 11/1/49 11/2/43
Herring, Elizabeth --- Census 3/87
Herring, Elkridge --- Census 3/87
Herring, Frank --- Haley Diary 7/94
Herring, Frank H. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Herring, George --- V23:41
Herring, George Edward --- Death 11/2/41 Mentioned 12/12 Churchman 12/29
Herring, Hazel --- V23:41
Herring, Jack --- V21-1:37
Herring, John H. --- Census 3/87
Herring, Lavinia --- Census 3/87
Herring, Lee --- V23:41
Herring, Lee --- Haley Diary 11/2/42
Herring, Lillian --- V23:43
Herring, Louise --- V34:21
Herring, Louise Harris --- Church Woman 12/30
Herring, Lula M. --- V21-1:37
Herring, M. Lee --- V23:41
Herring, Margaret --- Census 3/87
Herring, Martha --- Census 3/87
Herring, Martin --- V23:41
Herring, Mary --- Census 2/1/34 3/87
Herring, Mary C. --- Heir 12/13
Herring, Mary Stuart --- V23:41
Herring, O. --- Haley Diary 4/18 7/100
Herring, Oscar --- V13:12
Herring, Oscar --- V26:99
Herring, Oscar --- Census 2/L/34 Farmer 7/63
Herring, Oscar A. --- Mentioned 12/12
Herring, Polly --- Census 3/87
Herring, Polly Gardner --- Parent 12/12
Herring, Richard --- Census 3/87
Herring, Sallie --- Census 3/87
Herring, W. --- V16:82
Herring, W. --- Death 6/93
Herring, William --- Census 3/87
Herring, William W. --- Census 2/1/34 Mentioned 12/12
Herring, William Wilson --- V23:41
Herring, Willie --- V23:42
Herring, Wilson --- V16:17
Herring, Wilson --- Census 3/87 Parent 12/12
Herring, Wm. --- V24:92
Herring, Zelia --- V23:41
Hersant, A. --- V46:69
Hersch, Legamin --- Census 2/2/29
Hessaer, Elizabeth --- Death 1/45
Hessian, Troops --- V39:19
Hesten, Charles --- V42:95
Hester, --- V21-2:31
Hester, A. L. --- V21-1:93
Hester, Ann --- Census 2/2/36
Hester, Benjamin --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, Bettie --- Census 2/1/35
Hester, Buck --- V29:42
Hester, C. E. --- V27:14
Hester, C. E. --- V29:23
Hester, C. N. --- V26:22, 23
Hester, C. N. --- V29:103
Hester, C. N. --- V29:105
Hester, Charles --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 2/1/35 5/1/21
Hester, Charles --- V41:53
Hester, Charles E. --- V29:22
Hester, Charles N. --- V29:16, 17, 18
Hester, David --- V19:92
Hester, Elijah --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, Elizabeth --- V19:38
Hester, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/36 2/2/36
Hester, Ellen Rice Estes --- V27:85
Hester, Francis --- V13:72
Hester, Frank --- V21-1:57
Hester, George --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, George T. B. --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, H. M. --- V21-1:57
Hester, Henry --- V19:38
Hester, Hester --- V21-1:122
Hester, Hugh --- V14:64
Hester, Hugh --- Road Overseer 6/81
Hester, Hugh G. --- V21-1:64
Hester, J. E. --- V29:103
Hester, J. G. --- V21-1:56
Hester, James --- Census 2/1,35
Hester, James H. --- Census 2/2/39
Hester, Jesse Lewis --- V21-1:122
Hester, John --- Taxpayer 2/1/15 Census 2/2/36 4/37 5/1/21
Hester, John T. --- V27:85
Hester, John T. --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, John W. --- Census 1/79
Hester, John, Jr. --- Church Trustee 9/38
Hester, John, Sr. --- Church Trustee 9/38
Hester, Joseph --- Census 3/31
Hester, Joseph L. --- V39:27
Hester, Lelia O. --- V27:34
Hester, Letitia --- V19:92
Hester, Lewis --- V21-1:123
Hester, Martha --- Census 2/1/35 2/1/36 2/2/36
Hester, Mary --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, R. J. --- Marriage Official 9/33
Hester, R. J. --- V29:103
Hester, Rebecca --- Census 2/1/35
Hester, Robert --- V13:65
Hester, Robert --- V17:33
Hester, Robert --- V19:39, 40
Hester, Robert --- Census 2/2/45 Church Trustee 9/38
Hester, Robert, Jr. --- Census 2/1/35
Hester, Ruby --- V26:8
Hester, Russell, Jr. --- V21-1:123
Hester, Russell, Jr. --- V36:52
Hester, Sarah --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, Susan --- Census 2/1/36
Hester, Thomas --- Census 2/1/35
Hester, William P. --- Census 2/1/36
Hetfield, Rebecca R. Lumsden --- V28:44
Hetfield, William --- V28:44
Hewitt, Alice (Brooks) --- V38:61
Hewitt, Ephraim --- V38:61
Hewitt, Moses --- V38:61
Hewlett, --- V23:26, 33
Hewlett, --- V33:91
Hewlett Station, --- V23:81
Hewlett Station, --- V25:70
Hewlett's Depot, --- V25:80
Heywood, Katherine --- Marriage 12/66
Hianly, Isaac --- Landowner 9/66
Hiatt, tephen --- V45:154
Hibbs, J. W. --- Civil War Soldier 9/17
Hibbs, John W. --- Civil War Soldier 9/17
Hibbs, John W. --- V35:141, 143
Hiccory, Creek --- V30:72-73, 76
Hick’s Hill, --- V44:118
Hickason, Charity --- V32:27
Hickason, Samuel --- Rev. Soldier 8/33
Hickerson, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/15
Hickinson, James M. --- Census 3/84
Hickinson, Sallie --- Census 3/84
Hickman, Daniel E. --- Census 2/2/28 Tombstone 10/22
Hickman, John --- Census 2/2/28
Hickman, Mary C. --- Census 2/2/28
Hickman County, --- V28:47-48
Hickman County KY, --- V28:47
Hickmond (Fayette County), --- V13:70
Hickory, --- V32:89
Hickory, --- V43:70, 71, 74, 86
Hickory, Creek --- V28:61
Hickory, Creek --- V30:75
Hickory Creek, --- V22:14
Hickory Creek, --- V23:45, 50, 52
Hickory Creek, --- V24:23, 25, 26, 31, 37, 39, 79
Hickory Creek, --- V27:6
Hickory Creek Road, --- V37:33
Hickory Forest, --- V28:96
Hickory Forest, --- V32:76
Hickory Hill, --- V25:73
Hickory Hill, --- V32:47
Hicks, --- V18:37
Hicks, --- V26:63, 77, 79
Hicks, Adleroy --- V21-1:122
Hicks, Adrian --- V21-1:124
Hicks, Annie M. --- V21-1:37
Hicks, Aubrey T. --- V21-1:37
Hicks, Bernice --- Married 11/2/47
Hicks, Bernie --- V21-1:88
Hicks, Burnley Cleveland --- V21-1:121
Hicks, Charles Henry --- V21-1:121
Hicks, Charles William --- V21-1:122
Hicks, Charlie --- V21-1:39
Hicks, David --- Rev. Soldier 8/33
Hicks, Dickie --- V21-1:124
Hicks, E. J. --- V21-1:21
Hicks, E. Jack --- V21-1:39
Hicks, Elmo --- V21-1:39
Hicks, Ethel --- V21-1:39, 88
Hicks, Ethel --- Married 11/2/47
Hicks, Frances --- V25:13
Hicks, George --- Marriage 1/48
Hicks, Harrison --- V37:88
Hicks, Harrison, Mrs. --- V37:87, 90
Hicks, Harry --- V21-1:39, 56
Hicks, Herman Anderson --- V21-1:122
Hicks, J. B. --- V21-1:56
Hicks, J. W. --- V19:47
Hicks, Jack --- V21-1:48, 57
Hicks, James --- V43:55
Hicks, James B. --- V24:39
Hicks, Jessie --- V21-1:56
Hicks, Jessie --- V39:37, 38
Hicks, John W. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hicks, Joseph --- V41:30
Hicks, Kerney --- V21-1:39
Hicks, Kristin --- V42:28
Hicks, Leighton --- V21-1:39
Hicks, Leighton --- Haley Diary 10/38
Hicks, Leonard --- V21-1:39
Hicks, Leonard Terrell --- V21-1:122
Hicks, Lula V. --- V21-1:39
Hicks, Martha A. Poindexter --- V24:39
Hicks, Mr. --- V37:86, 87, 88, 90
Hicks, Mrs. --- V37:86, 88, 90
Hicks, Peawd --- V42:89
Hicks, Pewit --- Taxpayer 1/14
Hicks, Preston --- V21-1:56
Hicks, Raphael --- V38:58
Hicks, Robert C. --- V21-1:122
Hicks, Roy --- V21-1:69
Hicks, Roy --- V36:46
Hicks, Walter --- V21-1:39, 56, 88
Hicks, Walter E. --- Marriage 12/90
Hicks, Walter Edward --- V21-1:88, 122
Hicks, William --- Census 3/89
Hicks, Willy C. --- V21-1:89
Hicks, Willy C. --- Marriage 12/100
Hide, Thomas --- Legal Note 9/84
Hiden, Elizabeth --- V28:15
Hiden, J. C. --- Haley Diary 6/18 6/19 7/93
Hiden, J. H. --- V28:16
Hiden, Nellie Battle --- V28:16
Hiden, Rev. J.C. --- V28:15
Hiet, Stven --- V45:149
Higason, G. B. --- Farmer 7/65
Higgason, Ann M. --- Census 3/79
Higgason, Benjamin G. --- Census 3/79
Higgason, Benjamin T --- V43:112
Higgason, David C. --- V41:43
Higgason, Elizabeth Polly --- V43:112
Higgason, Frances Fowlkes --- Marriage 10/14
Higgason, Francis W. --- Census 3/79
Higgason, Jane --- Married 2/1/28
Higgason, Jane --- V43:112, 124
Higgason, John --- V43:112
Higgason, King --- V43:104
Higgason, Martin --- V43:112
Higgason, Mary A. --- Census 3/86 Mentioned 12/16
Higgason, Richard --- V32:27
Higgason, Richard --- V43:112
Higgason, Samuel --- Census 4/36 5/1/21
Higgason, Samuel --- V41:103
Higgason, Susan --- Census 3/79
Higgason, Susan --- V43:112
Higgason, Uriah --- Church Leader 10/66
Higgason, Uriah --- V43:112, 113
Higgason, Uriah M. --- Census 3/79
Higgason, William B. --- Census 3/79
Higgerson, George --- V16:77
Higgins, Jacob --- V28:38
Higginson, Charity --- V32:27, 29, 33
Higginson, Frances Hudson --- V32:27
Higginson, Johnson --- V32:27
High, Jack L., Jr. --- V23:43
High, Lance --- V23:43
High, Martha Elizabeth --- V23:43
High, Martha Virginia --- V23:43
High, Martha Virginia Walton --- V25:75
High School, --- V38:32
Highfill, Patricia Mullins --- V23:43
Highgrass, Henry --- V19:89
Highland, Hillsboro OH --- V30:13
Highland, Paint Township Ohio --- V30:12
Hight, Bettie A. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Hiles, L. C. --- V21-1:87
Hill, A. G. --- V21-1:17, 18, 20, 28, 30
Hill, A. Govan --- Death 7/33
Hill, A. Govan, Jr. --- Birth Death 7/33
Hill, A. Govan, Sr. --- Civil War Wound 7/33
Hill, A. P., Gen. --- V42:55
Hill, A.P. --- V44:52
Hill, Ann --- V44:29
Hill, Ann Cornelia --- Birth 7/33
Hill, Ann Overton Lewis --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Anne Overtun Lewis --- Marriage 4/1o Birth 4/11
Hill, Archibald Govan --- Birth 7/33
Hill, Archibald Govan --- V42:93, 104-5
Hill, B. L. --- V24:44
Hill, Benjamin Lewis --- Marriage 4/10
Hill, Benjamin Lewis, Jr. --- Birth 4/11
Hill, Bettie --- Census 3/79
Hill, Bettie Ann (Vest) --- V42:93, 104-105
Hill, Bettie Ann Vest --- Baptized 7/33 Bible Owner 7/33
Hill, Blanche Vest --- Birth 7/33
Hill, Catherine --- Census 3/79
Hill, D. H. --- V44:48, 52
Hill, D. R --- V23:102
Hill, David --- V14:69
Hill, David --- Census 4/37 Landowner 9/25
Hill, Edward H. --- V26:106
Hill, Edward Henry --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Eliza Lewis --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Elizabeth H. Lawrence --- Birth 6/64 Death 6/65
Hill, Elizabeth Jean --- Birth 6/64 Death 6/65
Hill, Elsie (Doles) --- V38:59
Hill, George P. --- V21-1:53
Hill, Huldah Lewis --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Humphrey, Col. --- V14:52
Hill, Humprhey --- Legal Note 11/2/34
Hill, Infant --- Census 3/74
Hill, Irvin T. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Hill, J. Murray, Mrs. --- V15:11
Hill, J. Murray, Mrs. --- V35:47, 58
Hill, J. Murry --- V19:7, 9, 10
Hill, J. W. --- V32:32
Hill, James --- V14:69
Hill, James --- V22:47
Hill, James --- Census 3/74 5/1/21 Legal Note 9/82
Hill, James Muny --- V39:53
Hill, James Murray --- Birth 7/33 Bible Owner 7/33
Hill, James Murry --- V42:98, 101
Hill, Jane F. --- V14:48
Hill, John --- V13:72
Hill, John --- V14:68
Hill, John --- V15:44, 77
Hill, John --- V16:41, 43
Hill, John --- V17:32, 35, 68
Hill, John --- V19:41, 86, 88
Hill, John --- V20:72
Hill, John --- Census 3/74 3/79 Birth 6/64 Marriage 6/65 Petition
Hill, John Merger --- Birth 6/64
Hill, John Snelson --- Birth 4/11
Hill, Lancelot --- V24:92
Hill, Lancelot --- V32:29
Hill, Lancelot W. --- Census 3/74
Hill, Lucy Burnley??? --- Death 7/33
Hill, Lydia Hansford --- Wife Of Richard Cole 1/48
Hill, Martha E. --- Census 3/74
Hill, Martha Hannah --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Martha J. --- Census 3/74
Hill, Martha Sneed --- Birth Death 7/33
Hill, Martha Terrell --- Birth 6/64 Death 6/65
Hill, Mary Camm --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Mary W. --- Death 6/65
Hill, Morton Halsey --- Death 7/33
Hill, Richmnd Lewis --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Robert --- Census 3/74
Hill, Robert Zachary --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Samuel --- V14:69
Hill, Samuel --- V23:99, 100
Hill, Samuel --- Census 4/37 Rev. Soldier 8/33
Hill, Samuel O. --- Census 3/79
Hill, Sarah A. --- Census 3/74
Hill, Sarah Addison --- Birth 6/64
Hill, Sen. Joseph Lister --- V35:170
Hill, Sue --- V23:102, 105
Hill, Tabitha --- V19:41
Hill, Virginia --- Census 3/79
Hill, Virginia Elizabeth --- Birth 4/11
Hill, W. --- V24:92
Hill, William --- Census 3/74
Hill, William --- V41:29
Hill, William A. --- Haley Diary 4/91
Hill, Wm --- V43:57
Hill and Dale, --- V40:7, 55
Hill Bible, Records Of --- 6/64
Hill Division, --- V26:107
Hill Family Bible Records, --- 6/6. 7/33
Hill Farm, --- V33:21, 26, 28, 31
Hill Farm, --- V32:86
Hill, Warren & Co., --- V19:75
Hill, Warren and Company, --- V19:75
Hillcrest Cemetery, --- V21-1:25
Hillcrest Cemetery, --- V23:38, 72
Hillcrest Cemetery, --- V25:68
Hillcrest Cemetery, --- V40:12
Hillcrest Cemetery, Mentioned --- 1/47
Hillier, Richard --- V32:47
Hillman, C. N. --- V29:105
Hillman, George --- Farmer 7/65
Hillman, John W. --- V25:26
Hillman, L. J. --- V29:17
Hillman, Martha --- V28:43
Hillman, Mr. --- V18:25
Hillman, S. M., Dr. --- V21-1:29
Hills, Mr. --- V16:78
Hill's Ford, --- V25:39
Hillsboro Classification, --- V33:72
Hillsborough, --- V22:11
Hillsborough Dist., --- V20:5
Hillsman, George --- Haley Diary 8/91
Hilltop Road, --- V36:56
Hilman, George L. --- V41:32
Hilman, J. L. --- Farmer 7/65
Hilton Head, S. C., --- V22:73
Hilton Head, S.C, --- V35:60-62
Hinche, Obediah --- Census 5/1/21
Hinchey, Albert G. --- Census 1/85
Hinchey, Frances --- Census 1/85
Hinchey, Louisa --- Census 1/85
Hinchey, Malvina --- Census 1/85
Hinchey, Mary --- Census 1/83 Mentioned 12/75
Hinchey, Nancy --- Census 1/83
Hinchey, Obediah --- V41:103
Hinchey, Patrick --- Census 1/83 Mentioned 12/75 Married 12/77
Hinchey, Pleasant --- Census 1/85
Hinchey, Sallie --- Census 1/05
Hinckey, Pleasant --- V16:69
Hindrake, John --- V17:34
Hinds, Sarah --- Mentioned 7/76
Hine, Thomas --- V41:30
Hines, Belson --- Tombstone 1/66
Hines, Capt. --- Tombstone 1 /64
Hines, Elizabeth --- Tombstone 1/66 Census 2/2/44
Hines, Frances --- Census 3/81
Hines, Henry --- Census 4/37 Rev. Soldier 7/88 8/33
Hines, James H. --- Census 2/2/43
Hines, Mary --- Census 2/2/44
Hines, Nancy --- Wife Of Henry 7/89
Hines, Rebecca L. --- Census 2/2/43
Hines, Richard --- Census 2/1/33
Hines, Tarlton --- Son Of Henry 7/89
Hines, Tarlton B. --- Census 2/2/43
Hines, Thaddious --- Landowner 12/60
Hingher, William G. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Hinson, Benjamin --- Legal Note 11/1/41
Hinton, --- V23:36
Hinton, West Virginia, --- V25:83
Hinton, West Virginia Republican, --- V25:87
Hinton, WV, --- V38:74
Hire, William --- Criminal Guard 11/1/42
Historical Society, --- V37:4, 12
Historical Society's Executive Committee, --- V39:45
History, --- V38:32
History, History of C. r. Mason --- V38:83
History of Albemarle County, --- V14:58
History Of Education, Louisa County --- 6/15
History of Louisa County (A), --- V13:3, 55, 62
History of Louisa County, Virginia, --- V37:3, 13, 16
History of the Indians of the United States, --- V33:67
History of the Monument, --- V36:72
History of W. W. Boxley Co., --- V38:82, 74
Hiter, Bettie --- Marriage 12/64
Hiter, Biography --- 10/94 Testimony 12/73
Hiter, Charles S. --- V19:93
Hiter, Charles Stapleton --- V19:94
Hiter, Elizabeth --- V19:94
Hiter, Elizabeth --- Birth Marriage 10/94
Hiter, Ella Nora --- V19:94
Hiter, Emma --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Emma Jackson --- V19:94
Hiter, H. G. --- V27:76
Hiter, H. H. --- V19:46
Hiter, Hellen Lee --- V19:94
Hiter, Henry --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Henry C. --- V23:79
Hiter, Hugh --- Birth 10/94
Hiter, Hugh D. --- V19:93
Hiter, Hugh G --- V33:39
Hiter, Hugh G. --- V19:94
Hiter, Hugh G. --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Hugh G. --- V36:44
Hiter, Hugh G., Jr. --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Hugh W. --- V19:94
Hiter, Inez --- V37:35
Hiter, Irene E. --- V24:51
Hiter, J. H. --- V29:103
Hiter, James --- V13:12
Hiter, James --- V19:93, 94
Hiter, James --- Birth 10/94
Hiter, James Henry --- V19:94
Hiter, Jane --- Census 1/78 Death 10/95
Hiter, John H. --- Landowner 9/25
Hiter, Mac --- Farmer 7/65
Hiter, Malcolm --- V29:103
Hiter, Mary --- V25:2
Hiter, Mary --- V38:31
Hiter, Mary Eugenia --- V25:53
Hiter, Mary F. --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Mary P. --- V19:93
Hiter, Mary Pemberton --- V19:93, 94
Hiter, Miss --- V37:35, 36
Hiter, Mr. --- Teacher 4/18
Hiter, P. M. --- Civil War Soldier 9/15
Hiter, P. M. --- V35:1311
Hiter, Peter --- V19:49
Hiter, Peter --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Peter M. --- V19:93
Hiter, Peter M. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hiter, Peter Micklebrough --- V19:94
Hiter, Sallie K. (Sally) --- Teacher 4/84 4/85
Hiter, Sallie M. --- V19:94
Hiter, Sallie M. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hiter, Sallie Montague --- V19:94
Hiter, Sarah M. --- Census 1/78
Hiter, Sarah Montaque Daniel --- V19:93
Hiter, Susan --- Census 1/78
Hiter, W. T. --- V15:46
Hiter, W. Y. --- V27:84-85
Hiter, W. Y. --- Farmer 7/65 Death 10/95
Hiter, W. Y. (Pastor) --- V29:56
Hiter, William --- Birth 10/94
Hiter, William Y. --- V15:45, 46
Hiter, William Y. --- V19:94
Hiter, William Y. --- V21-1:5
Hiter, William Y. --- V23:110
Hiter, William Y. --- V27:84
Hiter, William Y. --- Minister 1/43 Census 1/70 Witness 5/24
Hiter, William Y. --- V28:41
Hiter, William Y. --- V29:57
Hiter, William Y., Rev. --- V41:39
Hiter, Wm. Y. --- V19:93, 94
Hiters, H. --- Haley Diary 5/1/47
Hitler, --- V25:64, 66
Hitor, H. G. --- Teacher 7/62
Hitt, Anne E Rooke E Roome[Brooke Groome???] --- Tombstone 7/72
Hitt, Mary Marie --- V13:83
Hix, --- V18:7, 8, 37
Hix, --- V26:78
Hix, Ardie Edward --- V21-1:122
Hix, Capt. --- V18:8
Hix, Cecil Early --- V21-1:122
Hix, Clarence Earl --- V21-1:122
Hix, Milton --- V21-1:123
Hix, Minerva --- V38:66
Hix, Minerva (Doles) --- V38:60
Hix, Minerva (Welch) (Doles) (Swackhammer) --- V38:70
Hix, Robert --- V18:8
Hix (Hicks), --- V15:47
Hix Family, --- V16:89
Hoagland, --- V25:73
Hobards, Dorothy --- V46:132
Hobos, --- V33:46
Hobson, Charles --- V38:7
Hobson, Elizabeth --- V38:7
Hobson, Phoebe Ann --- V44:104
Hockaday, Ida G. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Hockaday, Irba K. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Hocker, --- V40:58
Hodge, Griswold Boxley --- Author 11/2/37
Hodgers, Thomas --- Census 2/1/46
Hodgers, William --- Census 2/2/31
Hodges, George Thurman --- Tombstone 12/33
Hodges, Isaiah --- V21-1:121
Hodges, Nancy --- Census 3/65
Hodges, R. N. --- Farmer 7/64
Hodges, Thomas H. --- V22:30
Hodges, Thurmon --- V34:27
Hodges, William --- Tax Payer 1/15 Census 5/1/21
Hodges, William --- V41:103
Hodges, William --- V43:55
Hodgson, --- V26:78
Hodgson, William --- V19:98
Hoffman, James N. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Hoffman, Maggie G. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Hog(g)ard, Jesse --- V42:122, 128
Hogan, Daniel --- V15:41
Hogan, James --- Census 4/36
Hogan, James --- V43:57
Hogan, John --- V13:69
Hogan, John --- Census 5/1/21
Hogan, John --- V41:103
Hogan, John --- V42:128
Hogan, John --- V43:55
Hogan, John --- V45:148
Hogan, Mary --- Census 4/37 Heir 4/79 12/61 Land Occupant 5/2/29
Hogan, William --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/21 Rev. Soldier 8/33 Land
Hogan, William W. --- Marriage 9/12
Hogan, Zachariah --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/21
Hogan, Zachariah --- V42:128
Hogan, Zacharias --- V43:55
Hogans Cr., --- V20:5, 6
Hogans Creek, --- V20:5
Hoge, Emma S. --- V23:105
Hogg, B. M. --- V29:103
Hogg, Jacque, Dr. --- V33:66
Hogg, Mr. --- V21-1:44
Hogg, Payne --- V19:30
Hogg, Sameul --- Census 4/37
Hogg, Sarah --- V19:60
Hogg, William --- V14:40
Hoggard, Jesse --- V20:100
Hoggard, Jessee --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/37
Hoggard, John --- Census 4/36
Hoggard, Mariwether S. --- Census 3/79
Hoggard, Mary M. --- Census 3/79
Hoggard, Merriwether S. --- V20:15
Hogmanay, --- V16:47
Holcomb, Brent H. --- V14:48
Holder, Joseph P. --- V19:10
Holder, Ned Pvt --- V30:26
Holford, John --- V13:31
Holford, John --- V16:42
Holiday, Frederick --- V22:19
Holiday Guards, --- V36:23
Holiness Ch., --- V21-1:121
Holladay, A. R. --- V22:8
Holladay, Agnes --- V46:132
Holladay, Eliza --- Census 2/2/34
Holladay, Emily Mansfield --- Portrait Source 7/35
Holladay, F. --- Haley Diary 5/2/20
Holladay, F. H. --- Farmer 7/63
Holladay, Fred --- Haley Diary 7/41
Holladay, Frederick H. --- Census 2/2/34
Holladay, H. --- V19:8
Holladay, Henry T. --- Census 1/79
Holladay, James F. --- Haley Diary 8/96
Holladay, James M. --- Haley Diary 4/16
Holladay, Jane Kimbrough --- V21-2:9
Holladay, Jane Kimbrough --- Birth Marriage Death 1/22
Holladay, John Mansfield --- Portrait Source 7/35
Holladay, John Y. --- Witness 7/36
Holladay, John Z. --- Landowner 3/4
Holladay, John Z. --- V46:108
Holladay, Julia Ann --- Estate Executor 3/4
Holladay, Lewis L., Dr. --- V46:109
Holladay, M. Lou --- Marriage 5/2/32
Holladay, Maria L. --- Census 2/2/34
Holladay, Mary C. --- Census 2/2/34
Holladay, Matilda --- Census 2/2/34
Holladay, S. K. --- Farmer 7/63
Holladay, Sarah --- Census 2/2/3-7
Holladay, Sarah K. --- Census 2/2/34
Holladay, T. H. --- Farmer 7/6-7
Holladay, Thomas --- V14:71
Holladay, Wailer --- Census 2/2/34 Portrait Source 7/35 Marriage 6/65
Holladay, Waller --- V30:6
Holladay, Waller Lewis --- V46:108
Holladay, William --- V14:13
Holladay, William A. --- Teacher 7/92 7/94
Holladay site, --- V43:72
Holland, --- V19:68
Holland, Bettie --- Census 2/2/37
Holland, Capt. --- V14:34
Holland, Eddie --- Entertainer 4/85 Haley Diary 5/1/49
Holland, Edwin --- Haley Diary 4/90
Holland, Elizabeth --- V17:43, 83
Holland, Elizabeth --- Query 2/2/48
Holland, Elizabeth --- V45:76
Holland, Etta, Mrs. --- V35:161,
Holland, Frank --- Entertainer 4/85 Haley Diary 4/90 5/1/49
Holland, Frank --- V34:20
Holland, George --- V13:9
Holland, George --- V14:60
Holland, George --- V19:39, 42, 87, 90
Holland, George --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/21 Landowner 9/63 Landgra
Holland, George --- V41:103
Holland, George H. --- Farmer 7/65
Holland, George, Dr. --- V41:106
Holland, George, Sr. --- V42:128
Holland, John --- V16:86
Holland, John --- Haley Diary 5/1/38
Holland, John --- V45:148
Holland, John P. --- Merchant 7/59 Farmer 7/65
Holland, Judith --- Query 2/2/48
Holland, M. --- V41:29
Holland, Martha --- Census 2/2/37
Holland, Mary --- Census 2/2/37 Landowner 9/63
Holland, Micha. --- V41:28
Holland, Michael --- V13:35, 37, 38, 72, 75, 76
Holland, Michael --- V14:33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 66, 67, 69
Holland, Michael --- V15:42, 75, 76
Holland, Michael --- V16:41, 43
Holland, Michael --- V17:32, 35
Holland, Michael --- Query 2/2/48 Census 4/37 Roadwork 6/82 Landowner 9
Holland, Mr. --- V41:30
Holland, Nathaniel --- Census 2/2/37
Holland, R. P. --- V19:46
Holland, R. P. --- Farmer 7/63
Holland, Richard --- Census 2/2/37 Landowner 9/70
Holland, Richard --- V42:122, 128
Holland, Robert --- Census 2/2/37
Holland, Shandy W. --- Teacher 4/81
Holland, William --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/21
Holland, William --- V41:101
Holland, William Oswin --- V20:80
Holland Creek, Insurance Record --- 5/2/44
Holliday, Dr. --- V32:16
Holliday, F. H. --- Church Meeting 4/59
Holliday, F. W. --- Church Member 4/59
Holliday, Fred --- V32:62
Holliday, Jane --- Mentioned 3/66
Holliday, John --- Church Member 4/57
Holliday, John M. --- Miller 7/60
Holliday, John Wailer --- Death 12/98
Holliday, John Walter --- V21-1:89
Holliday, Sallie K. --- V26:86
Holliday, Sarah S. --- Tombstone 6/10
Holliday, Sarah Strachan Barret --- V26:83
Holliday, Thomas --- Census 4/37
Holliday, Wailer --- Tombstone 6/10
Holliday, Waller --- V26:83
Holliday, Waller --- V28:91
Holliday, William --- V19:56
Holliday, Wm. --- V19:55
Holliday Cemetery, Records Of --- 10/6
Holliday Family Cemetery Records, --- 6/10
Holliday Guard Co. C., --- V18:18
Hollingshead, Lougene --- V38:71
Hollins, --- V22:43
Hollins, --- V26:31
Hollins, A. R. --- V34:27
Hollins, Alfred R --- V21-1:121
Hollins, Alma --- Haley Diary 9/94
Hollins, Benjamin --- V23:4
Hollins, Benjamin --- Taxpayer 1/15 Landowner 7/11 Census 4/36 5/1/21
Hollins, Benjamin --- V42:128
Hollins, Benjamin --- V43:112, 113, 116
Hollins, Edwin --- V18:38
Hollins, Elizabeth --- Church Member 2/1/16
Hollins, Frank --- Haley Diary 9/95
Hollins, George --- Census 3/79
Hollins, James --- Haley Diary 11/2/41
Hollins, Jane --- Landowner 7/11
Hollins, Jane --- V43:112
Hollins, John --- Haley Diary 9/49 9/93 9/94
Hollins, John --- V43:124
Hollins, John L. --- Census 3/79
Hollins, John M. --- Census 3/79
Hollins, John R. --- Landowner 10/47 10/49
Hollins, Lucy Lee --- V18:38
Hollins, Marcia Ann Swift --- V21-2:11
Hollins, Marten --- V26:30
Hollins, Maude Lacy --- Tombstone 10/69
Hollins, Ray --- V34:26
Hollins, Rebecca --- Census 3/79
Hollins, Richard --- V19:47
Hollins, Richard --- Census 3/79 Landowner 7/12
Hollins, Richard --- V43:113, 116
Hollins, Samuel --- Census 3/79
Hollins, Sarah A. --- Landowner 10/49
Hollins, Sarah T. --- Daughter Of Benjamin Wife Of John Richardson 2/2/2
Hollins, Sarah T. (Sallie) --- V23:4
Hollins, Susan --- Landowner 7/12
Hollins, W. C. --- Haley Diary 4/02
Hollins, William --- Census 4/37
Hollins, William C. --- Census 3/79 Farmer 7/65
Hollins College, --- V31: 39
Hollins College, --- V36:7, 8, 11
Hollins College, --- V35:178
Hollis, Coll --- V26:31
Holloday, R. A. --- V22:30
Holloway, --- V25:74
Hollowing Cr. Church cemetery, --- V25:96
Hollowing Cr. Episcopal Church, --- V25:95
Hollowing Creek Church, Old --- V19:31
Holly, William --- V46:74
Holly Grove Area, --- V33:88
Holly Tree Field, --- V20:68
Hollyfields, --- V25:74
Hollywood Cemetary, --- V35:62
Hollywood Cemetery, --- V23:37
Hollywood Cemetery, --- V25:53
Holman, Henry --- V26:30
Holman, Henry W. --- V23:102
Holman, Henry W. --- V26:77
Holman, Sarah --- V26:77
Holman, William --- V27:92
Holman?, James --- Mentioned 10/52
Holmes, Anne --- Mentioned 9/27
Holmes, Anne --- V40:61
Holmes, Anne Meriwether --- Genealogy 9/28
Holmes, David --- V14:80
Holmes, Duncan --- Census 5/1/21
Holmes, Duncan --- V38:1, 2, 3
Holmes, Duncan --- V46:119
Holmes, Elizabeth --- V38:2, 3
Holmes, Elizabeth (Doles) --- V38:66
Holmes, Eugene --- Haley Diary 12/93
Holmes, Gibson --- V38:2
Holmes, H. H. --- Physician 7/62
Holmes, James --- V17:53
Holmes, James --- V17:53
Holmes, Penelope --- V27:38
Holmes, Salley --- V38:1, 2
Holmes, Salley --- V46:119
Holmes, William --- V38:3
Holmes, William Thomas --- V21-1:122
Holmes, Wm. --- V21-1:57
Holmes (Homes, Hoomes), --- V38:1
Holston, --- V20:38
Holt, Ann? --- Query 3/91 Mentioned 8/19
Holt, David --- Parent 8/19
Holt, Elizabeth --- Marriage 7/86
Holt, Henrietta --- Census 1/77
Holt, Henry --- V28:47
Holt, Jean --- Marriage 8/19
Holt, John --- Will 8/19 Landgrant 10/82
Holt, Lucille --- V46:24, 31
Holt, Margaret --- Parent 8/19
Holt, R. P. --- V21-1:21
Holt, Randall --- V14:52, 53
Holt, Richard --- Roadwork 6/83
Holt, Virginia C. --- V28:47
Holt, William --- Query 3/91
Holt, Yuille --- V18:37
Holt family, --- V14:52
Holtham, H. F., Mrs. --- V38:88
Home Demonstration Agent, --- V29:86
Home Economic Division. VPI, --- V31: 31
Home Places of Louisa County, Old --- V14:58
Homer, Son Of Sally --- Birth 11/2/38
Homes, Duncan --- Census 4/36
Homestead, --- V37:37
Homestead Exemption, --- V25:41
Honaker, Mary --- V23:43
Honeyman, Robert --- Obituary 8/9
Honeyman, Robert, Dr. --- V17:26
Hong Kong flu, --- V31: 40
Honolulu, --- V31: 85, 87, 89
Honyman, Robert --- V14:82
Hood, --- V22:20
Hood, Alice --- V25:71
Hood, Alice --- Church Member 4/59
Hood, Alice G. --- V23:92
Hood, Egbert --- V41:77
Hood, Fred --- V25:76
Hood, Fred, Jr. --- V25:71
Hood, Frederick --- V23:91
Hood, Frederick --- V25:71
Hood, Frederick Edward --- V23:92
Hood, Frederick Edward --- Tombstone 4/64
Hood, Jane Claybrooke Kuper --- V25:71
Hood, Louis --- V25:71
Hood, Mary --- V23:91
Hood, Peggy --- V28:41
Hood, Richard --- V28:41
Hood, Robert --- V41:28
Hood, Ruth B. --- V23:92
Hood, Theo --- V23:91
Hood, Theo Harriet Beckham --- Tombstone 4/64
Hood, Thomas --- V23:91
Hood House, --- V23:91
Hood House, --- V25:71, 76
Hoofer, Adrian --- Census 2/2/37
Hoofer, Columbia --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/95
Hoofer, Florence --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, George --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, George W. --- Farmer 7/63
Hoofer, James A. --- Farmer 7/63
Hoofer, John T. --- Census 2/1/45
Hoofer, Louisa --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, Madeline --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, Marietta --- Census 3/07
Hoofer, Martha --- Census 2/1/45
Hoofer, Mary --- Census 2/1/45
Hoofer, Missouri --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, Napoleon --- Census 2/2/38
Hoofer, Napoleon D. --- Census 2/1/45
Hoofer, Sara I J. --- Census 2/1/45
Hoofer, William --- Landgrant 10/16 Landowner 11/1/17
Hoofer, William M. --- Census 2/2/44
Hoofnagle, J. A. --- V21-1:29, 30
Hook, John --- V14:76, 77
Hooker, John --- V42:91
Hooker, Joseph, Maj. Gen. --- V22:22
Hooker, Joseph, Maj. Gen. --- V35:18
Hooland, John --- V17:4
Hoomes, Masses --- V25:97
Hoomes, Stephen Farnea --- V13:64
Hooper, Florence --- V18:37
Hooper, George W. --- V18:37
Hooper, George William --- V15:47
Hooper, Jean Talley --- V14:86
Hooper, Jean Talley --- V15:47
Hooper, Jim --- V17:75
Hooper, John --- V19:88
Hooper, Madeline M. --- V18:37
Hooper, Martha --- V22:40
Hooper, Mary --- V22:39
Hooper, Missouri --- V18:37
Hooper, Thomas --- V15:47
Hooper, William --- V42:94
Hoopeston, Il. --- V30:14
Hoosier, John --- V21-1:123
Hoover, G. Kenneth --- V29:57
Hoover, Herbert --- V27:12
Hoover, President --- V33:86
Hope, A. R. --- Query 5/1/51
Hope, Andrew R. --- V20:102
Hope, Andrew Richardson --- V20:103
Hope, Angela Thornton --- Birth Death 4/8 4/9
Hope, Angelina E. --- Birth Death 4/7 4/8
Hope, Annie Gray --- Belfast Resident 4/3 Birth 4/8 4/9
Hope, Benjamin B. --- V15:46
Hope, Benjamin B. --- V20:98, 101
Hope, Benjamin Burton --- V15:45
Hope, Benjamin Burton --- V20:99
Hope, Benjamin Burton --- Landowner 4/3 Belfast Builder? 4/5 Death, 4/8
Hope, Benjamin E. --- Census 4/37
Hope, Benjamin F. --- Birth 4/7
Hope, Bettie S. --- V20:101
Hope, Burton --- V20:98
Hope, Calvery --- V20:98
Hope, Cornelia Gray --- Landowner 4/3
Hope, David B. --- V20:103
Hope, David Burton --- Birth 4/8
Hope, David M. --- Census 2/2/43
Hope, Edwin G --- Census 2/2/44
Hope, Eliz. Richardson --- V23:6
Hope, Elizabeth --- V15:45
Hope, Elizabeth --- V20:98, 100, 102
Hope, Elizabeth --- V23:9
Hope, Elizabeth --- Census 1/81 Death 4/8 Marriage 4/98
Hope, Elizabeth --- V41:38
Hope, Elizabeth Anderson --- Belfast Resident 4/3
Hope, Elizabeth Jones --- V20:99
Hope, Elizabeth Richardson --- V20:103
Hope, Eugenia F. --- V20:101
Hope, family --- V40:13
Hope, Fanny --- V20:98
Hope, Fleming --- Death 4/8
Hope, Frances --- Census 3/83
Hope, Frances J. --- V15:45
Hope, Frances W. --- V20:101
Hope, Irabella W. --- V20:101
Hope, Isabella --- Census 3/83
Hope, J. F. --- V22:88
Hope, J. F. --- Doctor 7/62 Farmer 7/64
Hope, J. Fleming --- Marriage 4/7
Hope, Jane J. --- V20:101
Hope, Jim --- Census 3/78
Hope, John --- V13:30, 32
Hope, John --- V20:98
Hope, John --- Death 4/8 Wife Died 4/8 Census 4/37
Hope, John F. --- V20:99, 100
Hope, John F. --- V22:88
Hope, John F. --- V23:58-60
Hope, John F. --- Census 1/31 Landowner 4/3 Belfast Resident 4/6 Bir
Hope, John F. --- V40:13
Hope, John F. Dr. --- V17:37, 81
Hope, John F., Jr. --- Marriage 4/7 4/9
Hope, John Fleming --- V24:92
Hope, John Fleming --- Landowner 4/3 Bible Owner 4/7 Birth 4/8
Hope, John Fleming, Jr. --- Landowner 4/3
Hope, John, Sr. --- V20:98
Hope, Josephine --- Census 3/&3
Hope, Lavina C. --- V20:103
Hope, Lucy --- V20:100
Hope, Lucy --- V23:59, 60
Hope, Lucy B. --- V20:100-102
Hope, Lucy B. --- V22:40
Hope, Lucy B. --- Census 1/03
Hope, Lucy Bolling --- V20:102
Hope, Lucy Bolling Anderson --- V23:57
Hope, Lucy Bolling Anderson --- Landowner 4/3 Died 4/9
Hope, M. A. --- V20:103
Hope, M. A. --- V23:66
Hope, M. A. --- V24:93, 94
Hope, M. A. --- Tax Collector 2/2/27 Haley Diary 5/1/37 5/1/38
Hope, Marcia --- V20:99
Hope, Marcia F. --- Birth Marriage 4/7
Hope, Maria --- V15:45
Hope, Maria --- V20:98
Hope, Martha --- Census L/01
Hope, Martha E. --- Birth Marriage 4/7
Hope, Mary --- Census 1/83 Death 4/8
Hope, Mary A. --- V20:98, 99
Hope, Mary A. --- Birth Marriage 4/7
Hope, Mary E. --- V20:102
Hope, Mary E. --- Census 3/83
Hope, Mat --- Haley Diary 6/21 7/81
Hope, Mat. A. --- V21-1:64
Hope, Mathew A. --- Census 1/81
Hope, Mathew Anderson --- V32:48
Hope, Matthew --- V15:45
Hope, Matthew --- V20:98, 99
Hope, Matthew --- V23:65
Hope, Matthew --- Death 4/8
Hope, Matthew A. --- V14:12
Hope, Matthew A. --- V17:37
Hope, Matthew A. --- V20:99, 100, 101-103
Hope, Matthew A. --- V22:40
Hope, Matthew A. --- V23:6
Hope, Matthew A. --- Birth 4/7
Hope, Matthew A. --- V33:39
Hope, Matthew A., Jr. --- V20:102
Hope, Matthew Anderson --- V20:100
Hope, Mattie H. --- V20:102
Hope, Mr. --- Died 7/93
Hope, Nancy L. --- V20:101
Hope, Olive Willis --- Belfast Resident 4/3
Hope, Polly --- Census 2/2/93
Hope, T. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Hope, Temperance --- V20:98
Hope, Temperance H. --- V15:45, 46
Hope, Temperance H. --- V20:98
Hope, Tho. A. --- V22:88
Hope, Thomas --- Census 1/81 3/83
Hope, Thomas A. --- V15:45, 46
Hope, Thomas A. --- V20:98-103
Hope, Thomas A. --- V23:60
Hope, Thomas A. --- Census 1/83 Birth 4/7 4/8 Marriage 4/7 Death 4/8
Hope, Thomas Anderson --- V20:99, 100
Hope, Thomas Anderson --- V23:57
Hope, Thomas Anderson --- Belfast Resident 4/3 Builder? 4/5 Bible Records, 4
Hope, Thomas B. --- Farmer 7/64
Hope, Thomas W. --- V20:101
Hope, Thos. A. --- V24:93
Hope, William --- V15:45
Hope, William --- V20:98, 101
Hope, William --- Death 4/8
Hope Family Bible Records, --- 4/7
Hope Tavern, --- V20:100, 103
Hope Tavern, --- V28:15
Hope Tavern, --- V32:48
Hope Tavern, Photo --- 6/78
Hopeful, --- V18:29, 30, 32
Hopeful, --- V19:47
Hopeful, --- V21-1:105
Hopeful, --- V23:105
Hopeful, --- V27:34
Hopeful, --- V39:31
Hopeful, --- V32:38
Hopeful Church, --- V34:20
Hopes, Fanny --- Haley Diary 5/2/19
Hopewell, --- V31: 54
Hopi Nation, --- V37:28
Hopkins, America V. --- Census 3/47
Hopkins, Anderson --- V32:7
Hopkins, Annie --- V32:18
Hopkins, Anstess --- Birth Marriage 10/13
Hopkins, Arthur --- Landgrant 10/85
Hopkins, Benjamin --- Census 3/97
Hopkins, Bettie --- Census 2/2/28
Hopkins, Charles --- Taxpayer 1/14 Heir E/56
Hopkins, Charles E. --- Census 3/47
Hopkins, Dale --- V29:27
Hopkins, Daniel --- Query 11/2/48
Hopkins, Dennis --- V25:13
Hopkins, Earl --- V43:55
Hopkins, Edith Jenkins --- V34:23
Hopkins, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/14
Hopkins, Horace --- V26:78
Hopkins, Isaac --- Query 11/2/48
Hopkins, J. Dale --- V29:27
Hopkins, Jonathan --- Query 11/2/48
Hopkins, Joseph --- Query 11 /2/48
Hopkins, Judith J. --- Census 3/50
Hopkins, Kittie A. --- Census 3/50
Hopkins, Lucy Ann --- V32:7
Hopkins, Marcus S. --- V43:18
Hopkins, Mary --- Census 2/2/28
Hopkins, Mary Ann --- Census 3/47
Hopkins, Mary Davis --- V34:23
Hopkins, Nora Thomas --- V34:23
Hopkins, Peter --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/21
Hopkins, Peter --- V43:55
Hopkins, R. F. --- V24:30
Hopkins, R. F. --- Minister 12/30
Hopkins, Rev. Charles --- V14:54
Hopkins, Robert Fulton --- V34:23
Hopkins, Roy Ellis --- V31: 51
Hopkins, Ruby Perkins --- V31: 50
Hopkins, Sarah --- Census 3/47
Hopkins, Sarah E. --- Census 3/47
Hopkins, Seymour --- Census 3/50
Hopkins, Susan, Clerk of Court 22 --- V39:22
Hopkins, William Franklin --- V34:23
Hopkins, William Henry --- Census 3/47
Hopkins, Willie --- Census 3/50
Hord, R. L. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hord, William --- Census 4/37
Hord, William --- V41:27
Horn, John --- Census 5/1/21
Hornblend, --- V19:66
Horne, John --- Marriage 5/2/33
Horsepen, --- V28:88-89, 91
Horsepen Branch, --- V22:90
Horsepen Branch, --- V28:85
Horsepen Branch Road, --- V28:85
Horsepen Swamp, --- V22:14, 90
Horse-pen swamps, --- V27:82
Horseshoe Farm, --- V24:56
Horsley Virginia, --- V38:68
Horton, --- V21-1:84
Horton, Charles W. --- V21-1:84
Horton, Charles W., Mrs. --- V21-1:84
Hose, James --- V14:66
Hoskins, John --- V42:92
Hoskins, John C. --- Census 2/2/47
Hoskins, Joseph --- Census 2/2/47
Hoskins, Philip W. --- Census 2/2/47
Hoskins, Susan E --- Census 2/2/47
Hosley, Frances --- V33:85
Hospital, Civil War --- V29:47, 54
Hospitals, Community --- V40:48
Hospitals, Memorial --- V40:48
Hostetter, E. E. --- V21-1:88
Hot Springs, VA, --- V37:37
Hotchkiss, Jed --- Haley Diary 5/1/39 Map Maker 12/52
Hotchkiss, Jed --- V32:4
Hotchkiss Map of 1871, --- V32:4
Hotel, Fredericks Hall --- V25:73
Hotel, Louisa --- Letterhead Of 2/1/26
Hotel, Patrick --- Henry, Mentioned 2/1/26
Hotel, Property Louisa Virginia --- V29:41
Hotel Property, Louisa Virginia --- V29:41
Hotel Rates, Samples Of --- 3/67
Hottinger, B. F. --- Landowner 11/2/30
Hottinger, B. F. --- V35:45
Hottinger, Eddie --- V36:31
Hottinger, H. E. --- V21-2:14
Hottinger, H. Edward --- V31: 63
Hottinger, Sandra Govensky --- Painter 11/1/28
Houchen, Lillie White --- V27:36
Houchens, Bemice Willoughby --- V25:99
Houchens, Bessie Bickley --- Mother Of Lorena Payne 1/52
Houchens, Clarence Henry --- V21-1:122
Houchens, James E. --- Marriage 9/31
Houchens, James Otis --- V21-1:122
Houchens, John --- Census 2/2/32
Houchens, Otis, Mrs. --- V25:99
Houchens, Polly --- Census 2/2/32
Houchens, T. J. --- Father Of Lorena Payne 1/52
Houchins, Ann --- Census 3/41
Houchins, Bernice --- V40:89
Houchins, Eugene --- Haley Diary 10/99 Woodcutter 10/100
Houchins, Francis --- Census 4/38
Houchins, George H. --- Farmer 7/63
Houchins, J. B. --- Farmer 7/63
Houchins, James --- Census 2/2/43 3/81
Houchins, Jane --- Census 1/76
Houchins, John --- Census 1/76
Houchins, John C. --- Census 1/76
Houchins, Lee --- Woodcutter 10/100
Houchins, Martha J. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Houchins, Mary --- Census 2/2/43 3/81
Houchins, Polly --- Census 3/81
Houchins, Robert --- Census 2/2/43 3/81
Houchins, W. W. --- V26:16
Houchins, William --- V26:16
Houchins, William --- Census 1/76
Houchins, William W. --- V26:15
Houg, Mary T. --- V21-1:123
Hough, Bernard A. --- V23:42
Hough, Mary Dabney Turner --- V23:42
House, Dorothy (Doles) --- V38:62
House, of Burgesses --- V29:35
House Field, --- V26:39
House of Burgesses, --- V19:68
House of Burgesses, --- V22:33
House of Burgesses, --- V26:81, 104
House of Burgesses, --- V32:49
House of Delegates, --- V24:41
House of Delegates, --- V26:72, 73
House of Delegates, --- V37:32
House of Hanover, --- V19:72
Household chores, --- V31: 56
Houser, M. --- Minister 10/11
Houshaw, John --- V21-1:88
Houshaw, John L. --- Married 9/94
Houston, family --- V28:37
Howard, Allen --- Guardian 11/1/32 11/1/34
Howard, Benjamin --- V15:33
Howard, Diana (Wythe) --- V13:8, 14
Howard, Diana(h) --- V13:8, 14
Howard, Etta --- V36:34, 38
Howard, George T. --- V23:113
Howard, Henry --- V13:14
Howard, Isabella --- Census 3/31
Howard, James, Mrs. --- V36:34, 37
Howard, Jimmy --- V33:20
Howard, John --- V13:14
Howard, John --- Legal Note 9/83
Howard, Louisa --- Census 3/31
Howard, Louisa --- V33:19
Howard, Lucy D. --- V25:30
Howard, M. E. and Son --- V29:57
Howard, Mamie --- V36:36
Howard, Martha --- Census 3/31
Howard, Minnie H. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Howard, Mr. --- V31: 98
Howard, Mr. --- V36:35
Howard, Thomas M. --- V20:79
Howard, Thomas M. --- Census 3/31
Howard, William --- V19:44
Howard, William --- Legal Note 10/32 Legal Note 11/1/39
Howard Univ. School of Law, --- V25:3
Howard University, --- V25:62
Howard University, --- V45:116
Howard vs. Slate Hill, --- V21-1:17
Howard's Grove, --- V22:75
Howards Grove Hospital, --- V35:62
Howardson, Louisa Hughson --- V26:9
Howarth, James --- Census, 4/36
Howe, --- V17:29
Howe, John --- V30:5
Howe, W. M. --- V28:83
Howe, W. M. (Reverend) --- V29:42
Howe, William --- V28:23
Howel, Emmett --- Marriage 5/2/32
Howel, John --- V14:38
Howell, John --- Query 2/2/48
Howell, Linda Karen (Snider) --- V38:62
Howell, Octavia (Doles) --- V38:62
Howells, C. K. --- V29:71
Hower, James --- V27:83
Hower, James --- Landowner 6/31
Howeron, Samuel --- V14:27
Howes, Ronald W. --- V13:85
Howitzer, --- V28:31
Howitzers, --- V28:28-29
Howland, Doniphan P. --- V42:97
Howland, Doniphan Purcell --- V35:56, 61
Howland, Doniphan Purcell --- V38:47
Howland, Doniphan Purcell --- V39:77
Howland, family --- V42:107
Howlet, John --- Legal Note 10/27
Howlett, John --- V13:30, 32, 72
Hoye, Reverend A. --- V21-1:111
Hoye, W. S. --- V29:45
Hranicky, Jack --- V34:10, 12
Hubard, Benjamin --- V19:90
Hubard, Daniel --- Census 5/1/21
Hubbar[d], Daniel --- V42:128
Hubbard, Benj. --- V19:44
Hubbard, Carter --- Census 4/36
Hubbard, Derozelle M. --- Land Owner 12/53
Hubbard, E. Wade --- V21-1:93
Hubbard, Elizabeth --- V14:54
Hubbard, Elizabeth P. --- V21-1:67
Hubbard, Eunice --- V21-1:93
Hubbard, Eunice Barrett --- Tombstone 10/72
Hubbard, Franklin Lee --- Tombstone 10/74
Hubbard, J. O. --- V21-1:93
Hubbard, James --- V21-1:124
Hubbard, James Otis --- Tombstone 10/72
Hubbard, Joel --- Haley Diary 5/1/42
Hubbard, Louise May --- Tombstone 10/74
Hubbard, Lucille --- V21-1:93
Hubbard, Nancy --- Query 4/50
Hubbard, Otis --- V21-1:108, 109
Hubbard, Russell I. --- V21-1:54
Hubbard, S. B. --- Landowner 12/53
Hubbard, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/15
Hubbard, Vincent Robertson --- V21-1:122
Hubbard, Wade --- V21-1:123
Hubbard, Wade, Jr. --- V21-1:123
Hubbard, William Arthur --- Tombstone 10/74
Huckstep, John --- V42:128
Huckstep, Willis, Reverend --- V37:33
Huddleston, Eugene L. --- V29:91
Hudgins, Albert G. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Hudson, Ann Cary --- Tombstone 1/61 1/66
Hudson, B. F. --- Merchant 7/59 Farmer 7/65
Hudson, B. T. --- V42:49
Hudson, Benj. --- V19:39
Hudson, Benjamin --- V19:39
Hudson, Bettie --- Tombstone 1/61
Hudson, Capt. --- V21-2:39
Hudson, Catharine --- Census 3/36
Hudson, Charles --- V14:36-38
Hudson, Charles --- V16:42
Hudson, Charles --- V20:91
Hudson, Charles --- Resident 1/39 Landgrant 10/85 Christopher, Rev. So
Hudson, Christopher --- V20:91
Hudson, Cornelia Robinson --- Tombstone 1/61
Hudson, David --- Census 5/1/21
Hudson, David --- V41:103
Hudson, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/45
Hudson, Frances --- V32:27
Hudson, Gulielmous --- V22:50
Hudson, Gulismus --- V20:91
Hudson, Hugh H. --- V19:10
Hudson, Hugh H. --- V29:49
Hudson, Hugh M. --- V19:6
Hudson, Inez Hiter --- V37:35
Hudson, J. G. (Rev. ) --- V13:82
Hudson, Jane E. --- Tombstone 1/65
Hudson, John --- V20:91
Hudson, Larkin --- Court Case 8/86
Hudson, Lewellyn --- V20:91
Hudson, Mary --- V20:91
Hudson, Mary --- V24:23
Hudson, Mary --- Genealogy Note 8/85
Hudson, Mary Eliza --- Tombstone 1/61
Hudson, Mr. --- V19:7
Hudson, Mr. --- V44:115
Hudson, R. N. --- Tombstone 1/61 Farmer 7/65
Hudson, Rankin M. --- V21-2:13
Hudson, Richard N. --- Tombstone 1/66
Hudson, William --- V13:30-32, 34, 37, 73, 76
Hudson, William --- V14:34, 35, 37, 40, 42
Hudson, William --- V15:43, 75
Hudson, William --- V16:87
Hudson, William --- V19:37-40, 42-44, 87, 89-91
Hudson, William --- V20:91
Hudson, William --- Petitioner 6/32 6/82 6/84 6/89 11/1/14
Hudson, William Chamberlayne --- V20:91
Hudson, William H. --- Census 3/36
Hudson, Willie Ann --- Census 3/36
Hudson vs Hudson, --- V20:91
Hudson's Bridge, --- V32:3
Hudsons Creek, --- V20:91
Hudson's Creek, --- V28:7
Hudspeth, Charles --- V13:83
Hudspeth, George --- V13:83
Hudspeth, Lucy Provol --- V13:83
Hudspeth, Mary --- V13:83
Hudspeth, Mary Stamps --- V13:83
Hudspeth, Tabitha --- V13:83
Huff, Thomas H. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Huffer, Junior Francis --- V38:9
Huggert, Amelia --- V29:65
Huggert, Elizabeth --- V29:65
Huggert, Mary --- V29:65
Huggert, William --- V29:65
Hughes, __ --- V42:58
Hughes, Anthony --- V41:30
Hughes, Billey --- Census 5/1/21
Hughes, Billy --- Mentioned 1 1/2/27
Hughes, C. C. --- Census 3/38
Hughes, Capt. --- V21-1:4
Hughes, Cassida --- V21-1:123
Hughes, Charles --- V26:98
Hughes, Charles --- Deed Reprint 4/80 Parent 5/2/27
Hughes, Charles E. --- V29:16, 40, 105
Hughes, Charles E. --- V29:40
Hughes, Charles E., Mrs. --- Monument Association 9/4
Hughes, Charles R. --- V19:10
Hughes, Charles, Mrs. --- V35:12c
Hughes, David --- Mentioned 11/2/27
Hughes, Elizabeth --- Heir 5/2/27
Hughes, Elizabeth A. --- Heir 5/2/27
Hughes, Ellis --- V13:38, 75
Hughes, Ellis --- V14:36, 67, 68
Hughes, Ellis --- V15:75
Hughes, Ellis --- Landowner 6/25 Ordinary License 9/82 Legal Note 10
Hughes, Emery --- V42:90
Hughes, Frances A. --- V26:98
Hughes, Francis A. --- Heir 5/2/27
Hughes, George --- V45:126, 136, 137
Hughes, George P. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Hughes, Henry --- V16:42
Hughes, Hugh H. --- V14:86
Hughes, James --- V43:104
Hughes, James Nathaniel --- V25:3
Hughes, Janie --- V37:10
Hughes, John Samuel --- Birth 9/86
Hughes, Josh --- V42:128
Hughes, Joshua --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 5/1/21 Rev. Soldier 8/33 Ment
Hughes, Joshua --- V30:80
Hughes, Joshua --- V41:101
Hughes, Judge Robert W. --- V46:52
Hughes, Langston --- V25:3-6
Hughes, Lucky --- Landowner 11/1/27
Hughes, Mary --- V15:75
Hughes, Mary --- V19:44
Hughes, Mary --- Mentioned 10/9
Hughes, Mary --- V41:25
Hughes, Micajah --- Taxpayer 1/15
Hughes, Miss C. V. --- V15:36
Hughes, Mrs. --- V33:46
Hughes, Nancy --- Parent 5/2/27 5/2/28
Hughes, Peter --- Parent 5/2/27
Hughes, Polly --- V26:98
Hughes, Polly --- Parent 5/2/27 5/2/28
Hughes, Rees --- V41:100
Hughes, Rice --- Census 5/1/21
Hughes, Robert --- V42:91
Hughes, S. Eva --- V25:29
Hughes, Sarah --- Heir Parent 5/2/27 5/2/28
Hughes, Sarah Ann --- V15:47
Hughes, Stephen --- V19:43
Hughes, William --- V15:56, 57, 58, 62
Hughes, William --- V18:7
Hughes, William --- V19:96
Hughes, William --- V20:94
Hughes, William --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 4/37 Parent 5/2/27 Rev. Soldi
Hughes, William --- V41:53, 100, 102
Hughes, William --- V46:48
Hughes, William, Capt. --- V35:41
Hughes, William, Sr. --- Census 5/1/21
Hughes, Wm --- V43:100
Hughs, Charles --- V26:98
Hughs, Joshua --- Census 4/37
Hughs, Wm --- V43:58
Hughson, --- V21-1:99, 105
Hughson, Agnes E. --- V26:8
Hughson, Angelina --- Census 1/80
Hughson, Ann --- V26:8
Hughson, Ann --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Ann M. --- V26:8, 9
Hughson, Aubrey --- V31: 82
Hughson, Auerey --- Farmer 7/65 Tombstone 7/70
Hughson, Bettie L. --- Tombstone 7/70
Hughson, C. E. --- V29:103
Hughson, C. N. --- V26:9
Hughson, Charles --- V43:35
Hughson, Charles Edward --- V26:8
Hughson, Charles N. --- V26:9
Hughson, Clean A. --- Census 1/80
Hughson, Cleon A. --- Tombstone 7/71
Hughson, Cleon A. --- V31: 76, 82
Hughson, Darcus --- Census 3/B0
Hughson, Edward --- Census 2/2/36
Hughson, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/29 2/2/36
Hughson, Ellen --- Census 1/80
Hughson, Ellis --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Ellis G. --- V26:6
Hughson, Eugene --- Tombstone 7/70
Hughson, Frances --- Census 1/80 3/80
Hughson, Frederick --- Census 1/76
Hughson, H. C. --- V26:9
Hughson, Henny C. --- V26:8
Hughson, Henrietta --- V26:8
Hughson, Henrietta --- Census 2/2/36
Hughson, Henry --- Census 2/2/36
Hughson, J. E. --- V21-1:81
Hughson, J. W. --- V21-1:57
Hughson, James --- Census 3/80
Hughson, James W. --- V21-1:39
Hughson, Jeanne N. --- V26:9
Hughson, John --- V26:9
Hughson, John --- Census 1/76 4/36 Tombstone 9/87
Hughson, John H. --- Civil War Soldier 9/15
Hughson, John J. --- V26:8
Hughson, John J. --- Census 3/43
Hughson, John N. --- Census 1/80
Hughson, John W. --- V35:139
Hughson, Judith --- V21-1:39
Hughson, Judith --- Census 2/2/31
Hughson, Julia Catherine H. --- V26:8
Hughson, Laura Frances --- V26:8
Hughson, Lorinia C. --- V26:8, 9
Hughson, Louisa --- V26:9
Hughson, Louisa --- Census 2/2/36
Hughson, Louisa F. --- V26:8
Hughson, Lucetta --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Lucy --- V26:9
Hughson, Lucy --- Census 3/80 Civil. War Escape 7/5 Tombstone 9/87
Hughson, Lucy --- V35:31, 35, 37-40
Hughson, Lucy M. --- V26:9
Hughson, Lucy M. --- Tombstone 9/88
Hughson, Lucy M. E. --- V26:8
Hughson, Martha --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Mary F. --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Mary V. --- V21-1:39
Hughson, Merton Gunter --- Tombstone 9/41
Hughson, Nancey --- V26:9
Hughson, Nancy --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Nathaniel --- V26:8, 9
Hughson, Nathaniel --- Census 1/80 2/2/36 Tombstone 9/88
Hughson, Nathaniel F. --- V26:9
Hughson, Nattie C. --- V26:9
Hughson, Otis, Dr. --- V35:35, 40
Hughson, Paul --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Richard --- Census 2/1/30 3/80
Hughson, Richard E. --- V26:8, 9
Hughson, Richard M. --- V26:9
Hughson, Robert B. --- Tombstone 7/71
Hughson, Rosa C. --- V26:8, 9
Hughson, Rosa C. --- Tombstone 9/88
Hughson, Rose Curtis --- V26:8
Hughson, Rosetta --- Census 2/2/36
Hughson, Sally A. --- V26:9
Hughson, Samuel --- Census 2/2/29 2/2/36
Hughson, Veronica C. --- Census 3/80
Hughson, Virginia --- V21-1:98
Hughson, W. E. --- Farmer 7/63
Hughson, W. J. --- Farmer 7/63
Hughson, William E. --- Census 3/80
Hughson, William J. --- Census 2/1/46
Hughson, William S. --- Farmer 7/63
Hughson, Wm. --- V26:9
Hughson, Wm. Samuel --- V26:8
Huguenot, --- V26:88
Huict, William --- V15:76
Huik, Mr. --- V31: 101
Huldah, --- V19:85
Hull, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/44
Hullam, Duke W. --- V21-2:34
Hullum, Duke William --- Census 4/36
Hultin, Johan, Dr. --- V31: 41
Humanity Hall, --- V22:25
Humanity Hall Academy, --- V23:35
Humber, Edward --- Church Member 2/1/16
Hume, Benjamin --- Justice Of Peace 7/38
Hume, Thomas --- Died 11/2/41
Humes, John --- V19:55
Humphrey, Ann --- Census 3/81
Humphrey, Ballard --- Census 3/82
Humphrey, Basset --- Census 4/36
Humphrey, Capt. --- V30:23, 27
Humphrey, Charles --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Cicely --- Census 4/36
Humphrey, David --- V15:32
Humphrey, David --- Census 2/2/41
Humphrey, Edmund --- Census 4/37 5/1/21 Legal Note 11/2/8
Humphrey, Edward --- Census 3/81
Humphrey, George --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, George E. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Humphrey, Jane --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Jessee --- Census 4/37
Humphrey, John --- Census 3/81 5/1/21 Rev. Soldier 8/33
Humphrey, Lydia --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Mary --- Census 2/2/41 3/81
Humphrey, Mary --- V43:38
Humphrey, Mary S. --- Rev. Widow 8/33
Humphrey, Merrit --- Rev. Soldier 8/33
Humphrey, Mose Captain --- V30:20
Humphrey, Nancy --- Census 2/2/41
Humphrey, Nancy --- V42:91
Humphrey, Nathaniel --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Oliver R. --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Olivia M. --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Rebecca F. --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Sallie --- Census 2/2/28
Humphrey, Samuel --- V42:92
Humphrey, Siccila --- Mother Of Rev. Soldier 8/33
Humphrey, William --- Census 2/2/28 3/81 5/1/21 Rev. Soldier 8/33
Humphrey Parrish Family Bible, --- V13:23, 24
Humphreys, Benjamin F. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Humphreys, Cisley --- Taxpayer 1/15
Humphreys, Emma J. [Hiter] --- V19:93
Humphreys, Henry C. --- V19:10
Humphries, Cissaly --- Census 5/1/21
Humphries, Jess --- V40:59, 60
Humphries, M. J. --- V38:41
Humphries, Ruth Baker --- V32:99
Humphries, Sarah --- V40:59, 60
Humphry, Edmond --- Taxpayer 1/15
Humphry, William --- Taxpayer 1/15
Humphry, Willie --- V26:101
Hundley, __ --- V42:62
Hundley, Edward --- V41:25, 28
Hundley, George --- V42:95
Hundley, I. W. --- Haley Diary 4/93
Hundley, J. W. --- Haley Diary 4/93
Hundley, J.T.T., Dr. --- V33:86
Hundley, John --- Diary 4/95
Hundley, John W. --- Haley Diary 6/18
Hundley, M. Mrs. --- Census 2/1/46
Hundley, M. W. --- Haley Diary 7/100
Hundley, Margaret --- Query 4/50
Hundley, Nannie L. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hundley, Richard --- V42:90
Hundley, V. G. --- Haley Diary 4/84
Hundley, William --- Census 2/1/46
Hunley, J. B. --- Minister 4/61 10/67
Hunt, --- V22:78
Hunt, Almon --- V30:59
Hunt, Almon, Mrs. --- V30:59
Hunt, Aubrey L. --- V22:61
Hunt, Charles (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Hunt, Charlton --- Mentioned 10/75
Hunt, Col. --- V20:52
Hunt, Cordelia --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, Edmonia --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, Gertrude M. --- V22:61
Hunt, Grace L. --- V37:36
Hunt, Harriet --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, J. W. --- Mentioned 4/73
Hunt, J. W. --- V29:103
Hunt, J. W. --- V37:57
Hunt, J. Wesley --- V29:17
Hunt, Lucinda --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, Martha Allen --- V21-2:11
Hunt, Mary --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, Miss --- V37:36
Hunt, Philip --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, Phyloise Crank --- Author 9/62
Hunt, Phyloise, Mrs. --- V35:181
Hunt, Wesley --- Census 2/1/31
Hunt, William --- V13:72
Hunt, William --- V14:33
Hunt, William --- V15:42
Hunt, William --- V19:44
Hunter, Alan --- V21-1:123
Hunter, Alice --- Census 2/1/45
Hunter, Alice --- V31: 103
Hunter, Alice --- V32:18, 23
Hunter, Alice M. --- V15:37
Hunter, Alice M. --- V16:83
Hunter, Alice M. --- V23:73
Hunter, Andrew --- V13:34, 36
Hunter, Andrew --- V15:31
Hunter, Andrew --- V16:65
Hunter, Andrew --- Query 4/50 Guardian 11/2/35
Hunter, Andrew, Jr. --- V15:31, 32
Hunter, Andrew, Sr. --- V15:32
Hunter, Ann (Nancy) --- V15:33
Hunter, Ann Avery --- V25:3
Hunter, Austen --- V42:122
Hunter, Austin --- V15:32
Hunter, Austin --- Rev. Service 3/62 Rev. Soldier 8/33
Hunter, Austin --- V41:103
Hunter, Caroline M. --- V15:34
Hunter, Charles --- V15:33
Hunter, Charles W. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Hunter, Clerk of Court --- V23:69
Hunter, D. M. --- V20:79
Hunter, D. M. --- Tombstone 1 /66
Hunter, David --- V24:17-19, 21, 22
Hunter, David --- V42:31, 32
Hunter, David M. --- V15:38
Hunter, David M. --- V20:29, 79
Hunter, David M. --- V21-2:20
Hunter, David M. --- V23:72
Hunter, David M. --- V24:17-19, 21, 45
Hunter, David M. --- V25:35, 36
Hunter, David M. --- V26:92
Hunter, David M. --- Census 3/41 Clerk 7/76
Hunter, David M. --- V29:11
Hunter, David M. --- V35:161
Hunter, David M. --- V32:49
Hunter, David Morris --- V25:37
Hunter, David S. --- V16:64
Hunter, David, Genl. --- V30:31, 40-41
Hunter, David, Genl. USA --- V35:29, 35, 143
Hunter, Elizabeth --- V16:64
Hunter, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/29
Hunter, Ellen Virginia --- V15:37
Hunter, Ellen Virginia --- V23:73
Hunter, Emma F. --- V15:36
Hunter, Frank --- V24:22
Hunter, Frank Vivion --- V15:38
Hunter, Frank Vivion --- V24:22
Hunter, G. D. M. --- V42:40
Hunter, George --- V15:31, 32, 33, 36
Hunter, George --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 2/2/29 5/1/21 Tombstone 11/1/
Hunter, George --- V29:54
Hunter, George --- V41:103
Hunter, George D. --- Census 3/41
Hunter, George D. M. --- V29:30, 90
Hunter, George David M. --- V15:38
Hunter, George David M. --- V24:22
Hunter, George F. --- V15:35, 36
Hunter, George Hunter, Sr. --- V16:64
Hunter, George W. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Hunter, George, Jr. --- V15:34, 35, 36
Hunter, George, Jr. --- V16:64
Hunter, George, Jr. --- Census 4/38
Hunter, George, Sr. --- V15:34
Hunter, Isa P. --- V29:88
Hunter, Isabella --- V16:84
Hunter, Isabella --- V23:8
Hunter, Isabella --- Census 2/1/45
Hunter, Isabella Hunter --- V16:84
Hunter, Isabella P. --- V15:37
Hunter, Isabella Pottie --- V23:72, 73
Hunter, Isabelle Pottie --- V16:83
Hunter, Jane --- V15:31
Hunter, Jane (Dau. Andrew) --- V15:31
Hunter, Jane C. Pendleton --- V23:73
Hunter, Jane Claybrooke Pendleton --- V23:73
Hunter, Jane R. Pendleton --- V26:36
Hunter, John --- V15:34, 35, 36, 37
Hunter, John --- V17:71, 72, 73
Hunter, John --- V19:16, 73, 78
Hunter, John --- V21-1:13, 80
Hunter, John --- V21-2:20
Hunter, John --- V23:8, 69, 70, 72, 73
Hunter, John --- V24:17, 18, 65
Hunter, John --- V26:5, 19
Hunter, John --- V27:93
Hunter, John --- Landowner 1/57 Census 2/1/45 4/36 Marriage 5/2/31
Hunter, John --- V29:88
Hunter, John --- V29:44, 81
Hunter, John --- V35:139
Hunter, John --- V32:13, 49
Hunter, John --- V41:46
Hunter, John --- V40:64
Hunter, John --- V42:30
Hunter, John --- V43:113
Hunter, John (Jr) --- V26:36
Hunter, John, Jr --- V32:49
Hunter, John, Jr. --- V15:37
Hunter, John, Jr. --- V16:72, 84
Hunter, John, Jr. --- V23:73, 74
Hunter, John, Jr. --- Civil War Soldier 9/14
Hunter, John, Jr. --- V36:44
Hunter, John, Sr. --- V16:83
Hunter, John, Sr. --- V21-1:74
Hunter, John, Sr. --- Farmer 7/65
Hunter, Josephine Ferguson --- V24:22
Hunter, Joshua --- V25:35
Hunter, Juliana --- V24:65
Hunter, Juliana --- Census 2/1/45
Hunter, Julianna --- V15:37
Hunter, Julianna --- V23:73
Hunter, Lucy --- V15:32
Hunter, M. S. --- V29:40
Hunter, Martha --- V15:33, 36
Hunter, Mary --- V15:31, 33
Hunter, Mary --- Tombstone 11/1/31
Hunter, Mary (Polly) --- V15:33
Hunter, Mary C. Boston --- V23:73
Hunter, Mary Callis (Boston) --- V13:3
Hunter, Mary Elizabeth --- V15:34
Hunter, Mary Elizabeth --- V16:65
Hunter, Mary Jane --- V15:34
Hunter, Mary Jane --- V16:63
Hunter, Mary Louisa --- V23:73
Hunter, Mary Louise --- V15:37
Hunter, Mary Louise --- Tombstone 1/61
Hunter, Mary Louise --- V29:88
Hunter, Mary Morris --- V23:72
Hunter, Mary Morris --- V24:21
Hunter, Mildred --- Census 3/41
Hunter, Mildred A. --- V15:36
Hunter, Mildred M. --- V15:38
Hunter, Mildred M. --- V24:22
Hunter, Milly --- V15:33
Hunter, Mollie --- Census 2/1/45
Hunter, Mollie C. --- V15:35, 36
Hunter, Nancy --- V15:33
Hunter, Nancy --- V19:50
Hunter, Nicholas --- V13:15
Hunter, Peter --- V15:31, 32
Hunter, Roberta --- V26:37
Hunter, Robinson --- V17:6
Hunter, Rosabell --- V15:38
Hunter, Rosabell --- V24:22
Hunter, S. J. --- Tombstone 1/66
Hunter, Sallie M. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Hunter, Sally --- V15:33
Hunter, Sally Garland --- V16:84
Hunter, Samuel --- V15:32, 33
Hunter, Sarah --- Census 3/41
Hunter, Sarah F. --- V19:30
Hunter, Sarah Frances --- V15:38
Hunter, Sarah Frances --- V24:22
Hunter, Sarah Garland --- V15:37
Hunter, Sarah Garland --- V23:73
Hunter, Sarah Jane --- V15:38
Hunter, Sarah Jane Ellis --- V24:21
Hunter, Stephen --- V15:31, 32, 33, 35
Hunter, Stephen --- V16:64
Hunter, Stephen --- V18:19
Hunter, Stephen --- V26:37
Hunter, Stephen --- Taxpayer 1/15 Census 4/36 5/1/21 Landgrant 11/2/21
Hunter, Synthia --- Census 3/41
Hunter, Thomas Lomax --- V27:13
Hunter, Virginia Marion Thomson --- V24:22
Hunter, W. S. --- V18:27
Hunter, William --- V15:31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Hunter, William --- V16:63, 65
Hunter, William --- V24:21
Hunter, William --- Census 4/36
Hunter, William --- V42:4
Hunter, William D. --- V15:34, 35
Hunter, William D. --- V16:64
Hunter, William D. --- V23:72
Hunter, William J. --- V16:55
Hunter, William M. --- V15:35, 36
Hunter, William S. --- V15:38
Hunter, William S. --- V24:22
Hunter, William S. --- Census 3/41
Hunter and Ellis Store, --- V24:21
Hunter Family, The, --- V15:31
Hunter[?], Francis --- V41:103
Hunter's Army of West Virginia, --- V30:40
Hunters Hill, --- V32:87
Hunter's Hill, --- V33:21
Hunter's Hill, --- V32:79, 80, 83, 91
Hunter's Lodge, --- V15:35
Huntington Mine, --- V37:22
Hunton, Lieut. --- V42:61
Huntsville Alabama, --- V31: 106
Huon, --- V18:29
Huon, --- V32:38
Huon Post Office, --- V32:43, 44
Huon, Virginia, --- V32:43
Huory Creek, --- V21-2:39
Hurricane Camille, --- V23:52
Hurt, Sarah A. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hurtt, Margaret --- V21-2:13
Hussey, ? Shepherd --- V30:14
Hussey, Isabel S. H. --- V30:14
Hussey, John --- V30:13-14
Hussey, John, Mrs. --- V30:14
Hussey, Reverend John --- V30:14
Hussey, Virginia Boxley --- V30:13
Hussey, Zimri --- V30:13
Hussey, Zimri, Mrs. --- V30:13
Hustings Court, --- V35:47
Hutchenson, Letitia --- Marriage 7/37
Hutcherson, Elijah --- Landowner 6/7
Hutcherson, Robert --- Marriage Bondsman 7/38
Hutcherson, Sarah --- Parent 7/38
Hutcherson, William --- Parent 7/37
Hutcheson, Elijah --- Census 4/36
Hutcheson, R. G. --- Minister 2/1/18
Hutcheson, R. G., Dr. --- V35:161
Hutcheson, Richard G. --- V19:10
Hutcheson, Virginia E. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Hutchins, Fenley --- V24:44
Hutchins, Sophia W. --- V25:29
Hutchinson, --- V18:10
Hutchinson, Archibald --- Census 2/2/28
Hutchinson, B. H. --- V22:74
Hutchinson, Charles --- V18:7
Hutchinson, Elijah --- Tombstone 11/2/12
Hutchinson, Louisa A. --- Census 2/2/28
Hutchinson, Mildred --- Census 2/2/28
Hutchinson, Sarah --- Census 2/2/28
Hutchinson, Sgt. --- V16:9
Hutchinson, Susan --- Census 2/2/28
Hutchinson, W. Kennard --- V15:13
Hutchison, Albert --- V38:58
Hutchison, Amanda Elizabeth --- V38:58
Hutchison, Hester A. --- V38:58
Hutchison, Malinda --- V38:58
Hutchison, Maurice --- V38:66
Hutchison, Stella --- V38:58
Hutchison, Thomas --- V38:58
Hutchson, Cad Gordon --- V38:65
Hutchson, Carrie May --- V38:65
Hutchson, Charles --- V38:64, 64, 65
Hutchson, Glenn --- V38:65
Hutchson, Harold --- V38:65
Hutchson, Laurence --- V38:65
Hutchson, Maggie M. (Farmer) --- V38:65
Hutchson, Ola --- V38:65
Hutchson, Purley --- V38:65
Huteheson, H. G. (Reverend) --- V29:50
Hutson, Christopher --- Taxpayer 1/14
Hutson, David --- Taxpayer 1/15
Huxter, Mildred A. --- Marriage 5/2/36
H'wy 613, --- V38:42
Hyatt, Judge --- V14:7
Hybla, --- V17:27
Hyde, Edward --- V14:26
Hyde, Edward --- V23:55
Hyde, Edward --- V24:49
Hyde, Thomas --- Legal Note 12/70
Hylton v. Puryear, --- V17:28
Hyman, Leon --- Census 3/41
Hynchman, Joseph --- V14:67
Hynchy, Pleasant --- V24:92
Hyndman, John --- V14:38, 40, 43, 65, 69
Hyndmen, John --- Landowner 11/2/21
Hynson, Chester --- V22:91
Hynson, Chester W., Jr. --- V23:114
Hyter, Ann --- Census 2/1/43
Hyter, James --- Census 2/1/43
Hyter, Jane --- Census 2/1/43
Hyter, Jemima --- Census 2/1/43
Hyter, Lucy --- Census 2/1/43
Hyter, Mary --- Census 2/1/43
Hyter, William --- Census 4/1/43
Hyter, William Y. --- Minister 2/2/24

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