Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With G(?)
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
G(?), Francis --- V41:101
G. E. Appliance Store, --- V21-1:109
Gabbert, Mary J. C. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Gable, Manor --- V29:88
Gacias, Sire --- V13:33
Gaddler, James --- Haley Diary 8/98
Gage, General --- V22:35
Gaines, --- V19:97
Gaines, Dr. --- V42:58
Gaines, Harry --- V19:97
Gaines, James --- V16:86
Gaines, James --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 5/1/20 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Gaines, James --- V43:66
Gaines, Jas. --- V20:76
Gaines, Martha --- V19:97
Gaines, William E. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Gaines Mill, --- V16:9
Gaines Mill, --- V28:74
Gaines' Mill, --- V30:40
Gains, Daniel --- V20:91
Gains, David --- V20:76
Gains, James --- V19:96
Gains, Mary --- V20:91
Galaspa, Alexander --- Legal Case 9/49 Landowner 11/1/21
Galilee Baptist Church, Ferncliff --- V31: 93
Gallagher, Ann Eppard --- V46:75
Gallagher, James Francis --- V46:75
Gallaham, James W. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Gallaway, Robert --- V15:41
Gallia Co., Ohio, --- V20:14
Gallihugh, Don --- V29:27
Gallion, F. E. --- V28:19
Gallion, Fred E. --- V19:10
Gallion, Fred, Jr. --- Mentioned 1/56
Gallion, Fred, Jr. --- V37:62
Gallion, Mrs. --- V37:62
Gallion, N.H., RN, Mrs. --- V35:168
Gallion, Sadie L. --- V28:19
Gallion, Sally --- V31: 69
Gallion, Zeke --- V31: 55
Gallion, Zelia, Mrs. --- V31: 31
Gallion's Gas Station, --- V31: 55
Galloway, Shire of --- V13:15
Galmore, Benjamin --- V23:96
Gambell, Henry --- V19:87
Gambell, Henry --- Legal Note 10/33
Gambill, Henry --- V13:67
Gamble, ----- --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Gammon, Anderson --- Census 9/35
Gammon, Annie Belle --- Tombstone 10/22
Gammon, Catharine --- Census 3/85
Gammon, Charmen --- V31: 46
Gammon, Dabney --- V34:28
Gammon, Edmund --- Census 3/84
Gammon, Edward --- V31: 46
Gammon, Emily --- Census 3/69
Gammon, Frances --- Census 3/85
Gammon, George --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Infant --- Tombstone 10/71
Gammon, Jeff --- V31: 46
Gammon, Jefferson --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Joel --- V31: 46, 47
Gammon, John --- Census 3/89
Gammon, John A. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Gammon, Johnnie --- V31: 46, 47
Gammon, Judy --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Kate --- V31: 47
Gammon, Leon K. --- Tombstone 10/72
Gammon, Lillian --- V31: 47
Gammon, Lula Sharpe --- Tombstone 10/73
Gammon, Maria L. --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Martha A. --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Mary --- Census 3/85
Gammon, Mary J. --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Mary, Mrs. --- V31: 46, 47
Gammon, Mildred L. --- Tombstone 10/72
Gammon, Richard W. --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Sam --- V31: 46
Gammon, Sulie --- V31: 46
Gammon, Susan J. --- Census 3/85
Gammon, T. C. --- V21-1:93
Gammon, Thomas --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Thomas E. --- Tombstone 10/22
Gammon, Thomas H. --- Census 3/89
Gammon, Tommie --- V31: 46
Gammon, William --- V24:92
Gammon, William --- Census 3/85
Gammon, William --- V31: 46
Gammon, William --- V32:28
Gammon, William A. --- Census 3/84
Gammon, William, Sr. --- Census 3/85
Gammon Store, --- V32:38
Gantt, Richard --- Witness 10/23
Garand, Mary --- V17:31
Garber, Grandfather Abram --- V39:37
Garber, Priscilla --- V39:35
Garber, Uncle George --- V39:35
Garborough, Wm. --- V17:55
Garbutt, Durham --- V20:25
Garbutt, Judith --- V20:25
Gardiner, Amanda --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, Ann --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, George I. --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, Georgianna --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, Georgie E. --- Marriage 5/2/39
Gardiner, Henry --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, J. --- Errata 9/92
Gardiner, John, Jr. --- Landowner 9/29
Gardiner, Mildred --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, Miles --- Census 2/1/33
Gardiner, Polly --- Census 2/1/33
Gardner, --- V25:71
Gardner, Amanda --- V28:97, 100
Gardner, Amanda --- V32:80
Gardner, Ann --- V20:33, 34
Gardner, Ann --- Will 2/2/17
Gardner, Ann --- V28:94
Gardner, Ann --- V32:79
Gardner, Ann Harris --- V28:97
Gardner, Ann Harris --- V33:24
Gardner, Ann Harris --- V32:89, 90
Gardner, Ann Nelson --- V28:94
Gardner, Ann Nelson --- V33:21
Gardner, Ann Nelson --- V32:78, 79, 90
Gardner, Ann Thornton Harris --- V28:94
Gardner, Ann Thornton Harris --- V32:78, 79, 82
Gardner, Clara Harris Kimbrough --- V23:41
Gardner, D. E. --- V32:85
Gardner, Daniel --- Census 4/35 Death 9/98
Gardner, Daniel --- V28:94, 97
Gardner, Daniel --- V32:79
Gardner, Daniel --- V41:39
Gardner, Daniel E. --- V32:85
Gardner, Dennis --- V21-1:123
Gardner, Dr. --- V23:33
Gardner, Dr. J.B. --- V46:53
Gardner, Eddie --- V21-1:32
Gardner, Edwin --- V33:31
Gardner, Edwin L. --- V28:100
Gardner, Elbridge --- V25:26
Gardner, Elizabeth --- V22:38
Gardner, Geo. J. --- V32:92
Gardner, Geo. J. --- V32:83, 91
Gardner, George --- V23:41
Gardner, George --- V28:94, 97, 99
Gardner, George --- V32:79, 82, 84, 91, 92
Gardner, George I. --- V26:99
Gardner, George I. --- Landowner 12/20
Gardner, George I. --- V32:82, 85
Gardner, George Iverson --- V28:94
Gardner, George Iverson --- V33:21, 22
Gardner, George Iverson --- V32:78, 79, 80, 85, 91
Gardner, George Iverson, Mrs. --- V32:79
Gardner, George Iverson, Mrs. --- V32:78, 80
Gardner, George, Mrs. --- V32:79
Gardner, Georgiana --- V32:79, 80
Gardner, Georgianna --- V28:97
Gardner, H. D. --- V21-2:14
Gardner, H. I. --- V23:92
Gardner, Henry Daniel --- V23:41
Gardner, Henry Daniel --- V28:100
Gardner, Henry Daniel --- V32:80
Gardner, Herbert C. --- V23:79
Gardner, Herbert Irving --- V24:71
Gardner, J. M. --- V21-2:16
Gardner, J. Stuart --- Tombstone 9/63
Gardner, James --- V43:40
Gardner, John --- Taxpayer 1. 19
Gardner, John --- V41:23, 27, 28, 29
Gardner, John --- V42:128
Gardner, John --- V43:54
Gardner, John Beale --- V24:71
Gardner, John Mrs. --- Church Member 9/59
Gardner, John O. --- V32:79
Gardner, John R. --- V22:17
Gardner, Katy --- V43:112
Gardner, Kersey --- V32:67
Gardner, Kesiah --- V32:67
Gardner, Lucretia --- V32:67
Gardner, M. H. --- Farmer 7/63
Gardner, M. H. --- V32:92
Gardner, M. J. --- V21-2:17
Gardner, Margaret M. --- V32:79
Gardner, Marion --- V23:93
Gardner, Marion Harris --- V22:18
Gardner, Marion Harris --- V23:92
Gardner, Marion Harris --- V25:74
Gardner, Marion Louise Harris --- V24:71
Gardner, Martin Sandige Loyall --- V43:104
Gardner, Mary --- Census 5/1/20
Gardner, Mary Ann Burnely --- V32:79
Gardner, Mary Ann Burnley --- V28:97
Gardner, Mary Ann Burnley --- V32:80
Gardner, Mary Elizabeth Beale --- V32:85
Gardner, Mary Goodwin --- V28:94
Gardner, Mary Goodwin --- V33:21
Gardner, Mary Goodwin --- V32:78, 79, 83, 86
Gardner, Mary V. --- V24:71
Gardner, Mary Virginia Miller --- V24:71
Gardner, Mildred --- V28:97, 100
Gardner, Mildred --- V32:80
Gardner, Miles --- V42:61
Gardner, Miles H. --- V21-1:80
Gardner, Miles Hunter --- V28:97
Gardner, Miles Hunter --- V33:22
Gardner, Miles Hunter --- V32:80, 85, 91
Gardner, Miles Hunter, Mrs. --- V32:85
Gardner, Millie --- Landowner 10/69
Gardner, Milly --- V28:100
Gardner, Mrs. --- V25:71
Gardner, Mrs. Lucy T. --- V43:40
Gardner, Nannie --- V28:94-95, 97-99
Gardner, Nannie --- V33:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Gardner, Nannie --- V32:78, 79, 89, 90, 91
Gardner, Nannie --- V42:60
Gardner, Overton --- Landowner 7/12
Gardner, Polk --- Haley Diary 6/18
Gardner, Polly --- V28:94, 96-99
Gardner, Polly --- V33:21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31
Gardner, Polly --- V32:78, 79, 83, 86, 89, 91
Gardner, Reuben --- V43:104
Gardner, Sally --- V20:33
Gardner, Sarah --- Owner Of Tom 6/62
Gardner, Sarah --- V30:11
Gardner, Thomas --- V20:33, 101
Gardner, Thomas --- V21-2:36
Gardner, Thomas --- V23:5, 109
Gardner, Thomas --- V24:61
Gardner, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/19 Census 4/35 Rev. Soldier 6/24 Obitua
Gardner, Thomas --- V41:34
Gardner, Thomas --- V42:128
Gardner, Thomas, Jr. --- Son Of Nancy--Murderer 1/99
Gardner, Vester B. --- V24:71
Gardner, William --- V24:71
Gardner, William --- Census 4/35 Haley Diary 9/86
Gardner, Willie --- V27:34
Gardner Family, --- V32:78, 82, 84
Gardner House, --- V32:86
Gardner Sisters, --- V32:78, 80
Gardner's Cross Roads, --- V19:68
Gardner's Cross Roads, --- V32:38, 79, 83
Gardner's Crossroads, --- V28:94
Gardner-Webb College, --- V34:31
Gargett, James --- Marriage 5/2/36
Garland, Amanda Malvina --- V41:65-67, 72-74
Garland, Ann --- V14:64
Garland, Ann R./Nancy --- V41:65, 66, 71, 71
Garland, Becky --- Haley Diary 8/91 8/96
Garland, C. L. --- Haley Diary 5/1/91 5/1/42 Ill 5/1/37 5/1/38
Garland, Charles --- Census 4/35 5/1/20
Garland, Clara --- Census 2/1/39 Haley Diary 4/18 4/85 4/87 4/89 4/94
Garland, Clara L. --- V41:63-67, 69, 71, 73-76
Garland, David --- V17:31
Garland, David --- V22:47, 91
Garland, Edward --- V22:90, 91
Garland, Edward --- Landowner 3/55 Query 11/2/48
Garland, Edward, Jr. --- Landowner 11/1/3
Garland, Edward, Sr. --- V27:37
Garland, Elijah --- V23:35
Garland, Elizabeth --- V19:97, 98
Garland, Elizabeth --- V27:37
Garland, Elizabeth --- Census 4/34 5/1/20
Garland, Elizabeth --- V44:91
Garland, Elizabeth (Bullock) --- V41:65, 66, 74
Garland, Garrett, Henry --- V41:55, 100
Garland, Hobert --- Criminal Guard 11/1/42
Garland, James --- V27:88
Garland, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/31 9/36
Garland, James, Jr. --- V14:53
Garland, John --- V14:64
Garland, John --- V19:38
Garland, John --- V22:90, 91
Garland, John --- V27:88
Garland, John --- Census 4/35 Church Trustee 4/57 Roadwork 6/90 Land
Garland, Malvina --- Census 2/1/39
Garland, Marl --- Funeral 7/9
Garland, Martha --- V27:88
Garland, Mary --- V19:31
Garland, Mary --- V22:91
Garland, Missie Clay --- V28:23
Garland, Missie Clay --- V37:10
Garland, Mr. --- V41:29
Garland, Nancy --- Died 8/91
Garland, Nath --- V28:58
Garland, Nathaniel --- V19:97
Garland, Nathaniel --- Taxpayer 1/14
Garland, Nathaniel --- V28:56-58, 60, 64
Garland, Nathaniel --- V41:50
Garland, Nathl --- V28:62
Garland, Nathl. --- V22:48
Garland, Peter --- Indenture 9/46 Landowner 12/57
Garland, Peter, Jr. --- V22:90
Garland, Peter, Jr. --- Landowner 11/1/3 Legal Note 12/47
Garland, R. D. --- Haley Diary 12/99
Garland, Rebecca --- Census 2/1/39 Haley Diary 8/51
Garland, Rebecca --- V28:23
Garland, Rebecca --- V37:10
Garland, Rebecca Catharine --- V41:6567, 71, 73-74
Garland, Richard --- V17:63
Garland, Robert --- V16:87
Garland, Robert --- V22:90
Garland, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20 Petitioner 6/29 Roadwo
Garland, Robert --- V28:58, 64
Garland, Robert --- V41:65
Garland, Robert, Jr. --- V41:64, 65, 74
Garland, Robert, Sr. --- V28:58
Garland, Robert, Sr. --- V41:65
Garland, Salley --- V26:43
Garland, Sam --- V44:47, 48
Garland, Sam --- V45:47
Garland, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20
Garland, W. E. --- V20:14
Garland, William, Jr. --- V41:55
Garland Town, --- V23:89
Garlands, --- V17:63
Garlands, --- V22:60
Garlands, --- V28:85-86, 91-92
Garlandtown, --- V13:40
Garlandtown, --- V28:92
Garland-town, --- V28:23
Garlick, Samuel --- V13:36
Garlick, Samuel --- V14:69
Garlick, Samuel --- V24:25
Garlick, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/14
Garnder, Amanda --- V28:99
Garnder, Milly --- V28:99
Garnder, Nannie --- V28:100
Garnder, Polly --- V28:100
Garner, Ann --- Census 2/1/39
Garner, Benjamin G. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Garner, Joseph --- V20:5
Garner, Lee E. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Garner, Mary --- Census 2/1/39
Garner, Robert --- Census 2/1/39
Garner, Unity --- Census 2/1/39
Garnet, Lieut. --- V42:47
Garnett, Fanny T. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Garnett, Genl. --- V35:70
Garnett, James --- Census 1/78
Garnett, Lucy --- Census 1/78
Garnett, Mary --- Census 1/78
Garnett, Mary L. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Garnett, Priscilla --- V27:23
Garnett, R. Jefferson --- V29:78, 85, 86-87
Garnett, Thomas --- Census 1/78
Garnett, Virgie --- V23:105
Garnett and Garnett, --- V16:84
Garnett's Command, --- V26:84
Garnett's Command, --- V29:92
Garrar, J. E. --- V18:29
Garret, C. P. --- V22:30
Garret, Carter --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Garret, Charlotte M. Dickinson --- V27:94
Garret, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/14
Garret, Henry --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/34 Rev- Soldier 8/31
Garret, Henry, Jr. --- Census 4/35
Garret, James --- V29:50
Garret, John --- Church Member 4/57
Garret, Tarleton Robert (Reverend) --- V29:50
Garret, William --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/35
Garret, William A. --- V27:94
Garret, William, Jr. --- Census 4/34
Garret's Store, --- V24:18
Garret's store, --- V27:93
Garrett, --- V14:75, 80
Garrett, Alexander --- V33:90
Garrett, Alice A. --- V38:9
Garrett, Ann --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, Ann --- V33:51
Garrett, Ann Terrell --- V33:52
Garrett, Ashton --- V14:73
Garrett, Ashton --- V16:67, 68
Garrett, Ashton --- V17:54, 55
Garrett, Ashton --- Census 2/1/39 Landowner 4/57
Garrett, Ashton N. --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, C. McGehee --- Marriage 1/43
Garrett, Charles --- V38:9
Garrett, Charlotte Dickinson --- V27:95
Garrett, Dora --- V38:10
Garrett, Eliza --- V38:10
Garrett, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/39 5/1/20
Garrett, Elizabeth --- V28:58-59
Garrett, Garretts --- V27:6
Garrett, George --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, H. --- V14:20
Garrett, Henry --- V13:9
Garrett, Henry --- V14:9, 61, 62
Garrett, Henry --- V15:21, 57, 61, 71
Garrett, Henry --- V17:54
Garrett, Henry --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 1/87 5/1/20 Ordinary License
Garrett, Henry --- V28:59, 64
Garrett, Henry --- V42:76
Garrett, Henry --- V43:35, 58
Garrett, Henry --- V44:63, 69
Garrett, Henry, Jr. --- V16:37
Garrett, J. --- Farmer 7/64
Garrett, Jack --- V33:3, 4
Garrett, John --- V18:19
Garrett, John --- Landowner 4/57
Garrett, John A. --- V14:86
Garrett, John A. --- V19:2, 3
Garrett, John A., Mrs. --- V14:86
Garrett, John H., Jr., Capt. USN. (Ret.) --- V33:17
Garrett, Juliette M. Boxley --- V23:96
Garrett, Ladonia Ashton --- Tombstone 1/70
Garrett, Lizzie --- Mentioned 7/98
Garrett, Lucinda --- V38:10
Garrett, Lucy --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, Mandana --- V38:9
Garrett, Mary --- Yancey Heir 1/74
Garrett, Mary Carolyn Harris --- V25:53
Garrett, Otena --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, R. A. Mrs. --- Farmer 7/63
Garrett, Roberta O. --- Tombstone 1/70
Garrett, Sam --- V25:71
Garrett, Sarah --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, Sarah --- V38:9
Garrett, T. C. --- V25:74
Garrett, T. C. --- Haley Diary 9/99
Garrett, T. C., Mrs. --- V15:47
Garrett, T. C., Mrs. --- V25:53
Garrett, Thomas --- V22:30
Garrett, Thomas --- Census 2/1/39
Garrett, Thomas C. --- V25:71, 74
Garrett, Thomas Lincoln --- V38:9
Garrett, Tom --- Railroad Officer 7/55
Garrett, Tom I. --- V22:30
Garrett, Tom Mrs. --- Haley Diary 9/93
Garrett, Ulysses Grant --- V38:9
Garrett, W. A. --- V22:30
Garrett, W. A. --- Farmer 7/64
Garrett, W. S. --- Merchant 7/59
Garrett, Walter L. --- V23:96
Garrett, Walter L. --- V24:38
Garrett, Walter L. --- Marriage 8/94
Garrett, William --- V13:68
Garrett, William --- V14:21
Garrett, William --- V18:10
Garrett, William --- V21-1:4
Garrett, William --- V22:48
Garrett, William --- Tombstone 1/70 Census 2/1/39 5/1/20 Rev. Soldier 8
Garrett, William --- V28:57-59, 63-64
Garrett, William --- V38:9
Garrett, William --- V44:65
Garrett, William A. --- Miller 7/60
Garrett, William Sherman --- V38:10
Garrett, William, Jr. --- V18:7
Garrett, Wm. --- V18:10
Garrett, Wm. --- V26:47
Garrett, Wm. --- V28:58, 62
Garrett Meeting House, --- V22:19
Garretts, --- V21-1:111
Garrett's, Ordinary --- V28:59
Garretts Meeting House, --- V29:44
Garrett's Meeting House, --- V19:33
Garrett's Meeting House, --- V21-2:32
Garrett's Meeting House, --- V23:111
Garretts Tavern, --- V20:34
Garris, Wesley E --- V28:11
Garrison, John --- V13:36
Garrison, John --- Petitioner 6/31
Garrison, Kenneth Fred --- V22:21
Garritt, William --- V44:69
Garrod, David Owen --- V28:43
Garrod, Mary Forsyth --- V28:43
Garron, John --- Tax Payer 1/14
Garst, J. H. --- V21-1:28
Garst, L. Edward --- V23:114
Garst, R. Lewis --- V23:114
Garten, Thomas --- Census 4/36
Garth, A. G. --- V19:6
Garth, David --- V14:62
Garth, David --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/34 5/1/20 Mentioned 11/27
Garth, Elijah --- V14:61, 62
Garth, Elijah --- Landowner 11/28
Garth, Elizabeth --- Census 4/35
Garth, Elizabeth Brown Price --- V14:65
Garth, Hannah --- Mentioned 11/27
Garth, Hugh --- V42:62
Garth, John --- V14:59, 61, 62
Garth, John --- V16:85
Garth, John --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20 Landgrant 10/82 11/2/2
Garth, John, Jr. --- V14:62
Garth, Mary --- V25:2
Garth, Mary Ann --- V14:62
Garth, Mary G. --- V19:9
Garth, Miller --- 11/2/3
Garth, Mousley --- Mentioned 11/27
Garth, Mously --- V14:62
Garth, N. T. --- V19:6-10
Garth, N. T. --- Farmer 7/64
Garth, Nathaniel T. --- Query 10/10
Garth, Sarah --- V14:62
Garth, Sarah --- Mentioned 11/27
Garth, Susannah --- V14:62
Garth, Susannah Fretwell --- Landowner 11/29
Garth, Thomas --- Mentioned 11/27
Garth, Thomas, Sr. --- V14:61
Garth, William --- V14:62
Gary, Columbia W. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Gary, Mary Catherine --- Marriage 5/2/32
Gary, R. A. --- Minister 9/96
Gary Brigade, --- V20:87
Gary's Brigade, --- V20:88
Gatch, Phillip --- Minister 11/1/25
Gates, C. H. --- V19:47
Gates, C. H. --- V36:44
Gates, C. H. --- V38:15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Gates, Charles --- V38:12, 13
Gates, Charles H. --- V29:21
Gates, Charles H. --- V36:44
Gates, Charles H. --- V38:12, 14
Gates, Charlie --- V38:13
Gates, Elijah M. --- Census 3/86
Gates, Elizabeth (Brooks) --- V38:61
Gates, Gen. --- V41:104
Gates, Harriet --- Census 3/86
Gates, Johnny --- V38:13
Gates, Mae --- V38:13
Gates, Martha --- V38:13
Gates, Mary M. --- Census 3/86
Gates, Mr. --- V38:12, 13, 16, 21
Gates' Defeat, --- V22:99
Gatewood, Capt. --- V14:24
Gatewood, T. B. --- Minister Died 12/94
Gath, John --- Landowner 6/33 Patent 11/25
Gathgens, Marjorie Jenkins --- V31: 87
Gathright, G., Mrs. --- V23:102
Gathright, M. G. Mrs. --- Teacher 9/51
Gathright, Mary G. --- V23:105
Gathright, Mary G. --- V27:34
Gathright, Thomas N. --- V23:102
Gathwright, T. M. --- Farmer 7/64
Gatten, Clarinda (Speakman) --- V38:69
Gaultier, --- V37:28
Gauze masks, --- V31: 34, 35
Gaven, Nancy --- V27:91
Gaven, Thomas --- V27:91
Gavin, Anthony (Rev. ) --- V13:15
Gay, Dick --- V38:81
Gay, Luella C. --- V20:17
Gay, Mary Catherine --- Marriage 5/2/32
Gay, Nannie Alberta --- Married 5/2/25 5/2/28
Gay, R. L. --- Haley Diary 10/38
Gayler, William F. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Gays, --- V27:34
Gays, --- V39:30
Gays, --- V32:38
Gay's, --- V18:29
Gay's Post Office, --- V33:88
Gazeteer, of Virginia --- V29:6
Gazeteer, of Virginia Martin's --- V29:29, 36
Gazetteer of Va & D C, --- V23:45
Gee, William --- V45:7
Geentry, David --- V42:94
Geentry, Nancy --- V42:94
Genealogical, Publishing Company --- V30:66
Genealogical Notes, --- V13:46
Genealogical Notes, --- V14:44
General Assembly, --- V23:53
General Assembly, --- V24:61
General Assembly, --- V35:2, 129
General Assembly, Members --- V31: 63
General Assembly of Virginia, --- V17:5
General Assembly of Virginia, --- V37:61
General Association of Separate Baptist Churches in Virginia, --- V34:15
General Association of Virginia, --- V34:18
General Baptist Association, --- V34:32
General District Court, --- V29:74
General District Court, --- V31: 71
General Electric, --- V36:50
General Pope, --- V23:31
Genl. David McM. USA., --- V35:18, 81
Gent, --- V32:4
Gent, Charles Barret --- V27:82-83
Gentery, Joseph --- V41:27
Gentry, A. F. --- Wagon Maker 7/58
Gentry, Abner --- V24:93
Gentry, Abner --- Census 1/82
Gentry, Abner C. --- V26:101
Gentry, Addison --- V23:111
Gentry, Addison --- Census 2/2/33
Gentry, Addison F. --- V16:4
Gentry, Addison F. --- V23:110
Gentry, Almira --- Census 2/1/47
Gentry, Ann --- V19:89
Gentry, Austin --- V23:67
Gentry, Austin --- V32:29
Gentry, Barbary --- V22:38
Gentry, Benjamin --- V24:92
Gentry, Benjamin --- Census 1/82
Gentry, Bettie M. Davis --- V26:101
Gentry, Blaxton --- Marriage 11/1/11
Gentry, C. W. --- V16:31
Gentry, Caroline --- Census 2/1/47
Gentry, Charles --- Census 2/1/47
Gentry, Charles F. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Gentry, Charles G. --- Census 1/83
Gentry, Charles O. --- V16:31
Gentry, Charles O. --- V35:123
Gentry, Claborne O. --- Census 3/85
Gentry, Claborne W. --- Census 3/85
Gentry, Corunder --- Census 1/81
Gentry, David --- V14:36
Gentry, David --- V18:7
Gentry, David --- Census 3/85 Legal Note 10/27 10/33 12/46
Gentry, Demmos, Sr. --- V29:48
Gentry, Elila --- Census 1/82
Gentry, Eliz --- V32:27
Gentry, Eliza B. --- V16:4
Gentry, Elizabeth --- Census 1/81 1/82
Gentry, Emuella --- Census 3/65
Gentry, Evelina --- Census 1/82
Gentry, Fannie --- Census 2/2/33
Gentry, Francis --- Census 4/35
Gentry, Frank --- V23:111
Gentry, Frank --- Haley Diary 4/86 5/1/45 8/99
Gentry, Franklin --- Census 3/85
Gentry, George --- Census 4/35 5/1/20
Gentry, George --- V32:27
Gentry, Harriet --- V16:4
Gentry, Harriet --- Census 2/1/47
Gentry, Harriet F. --- Marriage 3/72
Gentry, James --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 3/50 Query 10/64
Gentry, Jane --- Census 1/83
Gentry, Jane (Hall) --- V22:39
Gentry, John --- V13:74
Gentry, John --- V14:67
Gentry, John --- V15:44
Gentry, John --- Census 1/82 3/82 4/35 5/1/20 Road Overseer 6/26 6/
Gentry, John --- V41:100
Gentry, John --- V45:79
Gentry, L? J --- V41:103
Gentry, Louisa --- Census 1/81 2/1/47
Gentry, Lucy --- V22:39
Gentry, Lucy --- V24:93
Gentry, Lucy --- Census 3/82
Gentry, Marcellus --- Haley Diary 6/16
Gentry, Marcellus J. --- Census 3/85
Gentry, Martha --- V16:3
Gentry, Martha --- Census 1/81 2/1/45 2/2/33 3/50 3/85
Gentry, Martha Ann --- Query 4/50
Gentry, Martin --- Taxpayer 1/14
Gentry, Martin --- Census 5/1/20 Marriage Surety 11/1/10
Gentry, Mary --- V16:31
Gentry, Mary --- V17:33
Gentry, Mary --- V22:36
Gentry, Mary --- Census 2/1/45 3/85
Gentry, Mary Ann --- V22:36, 50
Gentry, Mary J. --- Census 1/81
Gentry, Meshack --- V40:56, 57
Gentry, Milly --- Query 10/64
Gentry, Nancy --- Rev. Widow 8/88
Gentry, Nathan --- Taxpayer 1/14
Gentry, Nicholas --- V14:34
Gentry, Nicholas --- V17:33
Gentry, Nicholas --- V22:47
Gentry, Nicholas --- V27:83
Gentry, Nicholas --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20 Landowner 6/25 6/32 6/
Gentry, Nicholas --- V40:56, 57
Gentry, Nicholas, Jr. --- Stock Mark Recorded 10/32
Gentry, Polly --- Census 3/85
Gentry, R. H. --- Wagon Maker 7/58
Gentry, Richard --- Census 4/35 Query 10/64
Gentry, Richard --- V40:56, 57
Gentry, Rob --- V17:4
Gentry, Robert --- V16:4
Gentry, Robert --- Census 2/1/47
Gentry, Robert H. --- V16:4
Gentry, Robert H. --- Census 2/1/47
Gentry, Samuel --- V13:52
Gentry, Samuel --- V14:34
Gentry, Samuel --- V19:89, 91
Gentry, Samuel --- Petitioner 6/32 Legal Note 11/2/33
Gentry, Samuel --- V40:56, 57
Gentry, Sarah --- Census 3/89
Gentry, Susan --- Census 3/89
Gentry, Temple --- V41:43
Gentry, Theodicia --- V22:38
Gentry, U. M. --- Farmer 7/64
Gentry, Uriah --- Census 1/82
Gentry, Uriah M. --- V22:40
Gentry, Uriah M. --- Farmer 7/64
Gentry, W. C. --- V29:44, 98
Gentry, Watson --- Marriage 4/98
Gentry, Watson --- V41:38
Gentry, Watson C. --- Census 1/81
Gentry, Will[?] --- V43:58
Gentry, William --- V20:102
Gentry, William --- Census 1/81 1/83 Haley Diary 4/86 Query 10/64
Gentry, William F. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Gentry, William F. --- Census 3/85
Gentry, William N. --- V24:93
Gentry, Willie --- V39:83
Gentry, Willie --- V40:56, 57
Gentry, Wyate --- Census 3/85
Gentry House, --- V35:31, 32
Gentry House, Mentioned --- 7/6
Gentry's store, --- V21-1:105
Gentry's Store, --- V23:67
George, --- V16:14
George, --- V22:95
George, C. Willie --- Marriage 5/2/37
George, E. Maud --- Marriage 5/2/33
George, Elizabeth --- V42:94
George, Henry H, Jr. --- Marriage 5/2/36
George, Leigh & Bro. --- V29:71
George, Leigh and Brother --- V29:73
George, Maggie M. --- Marriage 5/2/34
George, Mary --- V42:91
George, Minor (Slave) --- V30:82
George, William --- Haley Diary 5/1/45
George, Z. J. --- Haley Diary 5/1/45
George Fleming's School, --- V25:28
George H, --- V39:40
George Leigh & Bro., --- V20:84
George Leigh & Brothers, --- V21-1:85
George Morris' Lane, --- V38:40
George Town, --- V14:79
George Washington Natl. Forest, --- V25:7
Georgetown, --- V32:88
Georgia, --- V16:25, 49
Georgia, --- V19:64
Georgia, --- V37:82
Georgia, --- V32:11
Georgia, --- V38:82
Georgia, Elbert Co. --- V40:59
Georgia State, --- V27:74
Georgie, Miss --- V21-1:113
Gerard, Ilana, Mrs. --- V14:43
German enemy, --- V31: 30
Germanna Community College, --- V27:67
Germano-Celtic, --- V16:46
Germantown, --- V21-1:4
Germantown, --- V22:10
Germantown, --- V23:99
Germany, --- V25:66
Germany, --- V28:66
Germany, --- V40:5, 14, 15, 16
Germany, Hanover --- V40:6
Gettle, --- V21-1:110
Gettle, Eubellia --- V21-1:37
Gettle, Eubellia --- V36:43
Gettle, H. C. --- V21-1:21, 76, 77
Gettle, H. H. --- V36:43
Gettle, Hughes C. --- V21-1:37
Gettle, Hughson C. --- V36:43
Gettle, Lula --- V21-1:86
Gettle, Lula Pearl --- V21-1:37
Gettle, Lula Pearl --- V36:43
Gettle, Mr. --- V21-1:108
Gettysburg, --- V24:84
Gettysburg, --- V37:34
Gettysburg, --- V34:59
Gettysburg, --- V40:8
Gettysburg, Battle of --- V42:55
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania), --- V13:79
Gettysburg, PA, --- V28:52
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, --- V28:75
Geyer, Henry S. --- V27:21
Geyer, Joanna E. --- V27:19
GI Bill of Rights, --- V35:170
Gib, --- V25:98
Gibbens, ThL? j --- V41:103
Gibbes, Frank --- Haley Diary 7/98
Gibbies Creek, --- V32:43
Gibbins, Thomas --- Census 5/1/20
Gibbons, Thomas --- V14:24, 29
Gibbons, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gibbons, Thos. --- V20:76
Gibbon's Rome, --- V38:32
Gibbs, --- V15:26
Gibbs, Robert --- V26:85
Gibby's Ford, Landmark --- 1/7
Gibraltar Forge, --- V19:16, 17
Gibson, --- V21-2:39
Gibson, --- V22:20
Gibson, --- V40:57
Gibson, Albert J. --- Census 3/33
Gibson, Allie --- V28:34-35
Gibson, Angelina --- V16:31
Gibson, Ann --- V13:26
Gibson, Ann --- V20:67
Gibson, Ann --- Census 3/34
Gibson, Barbara --- Census 2/1 /39
Gibson, Betsy --- Census 2/2/35
Gibson, Bias P. --- V16:31
Gibson, Bias P. --- V35:123
Gibson, C. S. --- V21-1:21, 93, 94
Gibson, Calvin --- V21-1:122
Gibson, Catharine --- Census 2/2/37 3/33
Gibson, Catherine A. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Gibson, Charles --- V21-1:44, 107, 110
Gibson, Charles --- V28:86, 92
Gibson, Charles S. --- V25:9
Gibson, Chas. S. --- V21-1:37
Gibson, Churchwell --- Census 3/33
Gibson, D. S. --- V21-1:93
Gibson, Daniel --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, David --- V13:37, 38, 73, 75
Gibson, David --- V14:43, 66
Gibson, Dudley --- Census 3/79 3/82
Gibson, Elizabeth --- Census 3/33 Death 11/2/37
Gibson, Elizabeth W. --- V28:34
Gibson, Ellen --- Census 3/33
Gibson, Evelina --- Census 2/2/35
Gibson, Eveline --- Died 6/20
Gibson, Fancy --- Census 2/1/39
Gibson, Fitzhugh Lee --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, Florence --- V21-1:93
Gibson, Florence Waldrop --- Tombstone 10/74
Gibson, Frances --- V25:18
Gibson, Franklin --- Census 3/34
Gibson, G. G --- V20:76
Gibson, Gedeon --- Census 5/1/20
Gibson, Geo. --- V16:86
Gibson, George --- V13:35, 37, 75
Gibson, George --- V14:33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 65
Gibson, George --- V16:31, 86
Gibson, George --- V19:101
Gibson, George --- V20:76
Gibson, George --- V21-2:39
Gibson, George --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 2/2/37 3/33 5/1/20 Rev. Soldi
Gibson, George --- V42:94
Gibson, George, Jr. --- V14:32
Gibson, Gertrude --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, Gideon --- V20:76
Gibson, Gideon --- Taxpayer 1/14 Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gibson, Gilbert --- V13:29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 75
Gibson, Gilbert --- V14:35, 36, 38
Gibson, Gilbert --- V16:44
Gibson, Gilbert --- V17:32
Gibson, Gilbert --- V19:39, 40, 42, 89, 101
Gibson, Gilbert --- V20:76
Gibson, Gilbert --- V21-2:39
Gibson, Gilbert --- Census 4/35 Miller 6/27 6/65 6/83 Rev. Soldier 8/3
Gibson, Gilbert, Jr. --- V14:39, 43
Gibson, Gilbert, Jr. --- V16:86
Gibson, Granville --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, Hardenia --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, Harriet --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, Herman Lee --- V21-2:30
Gibson, J. F. --- V22:30
Gibson, J. W. --- V21-1:93
Gibson, Jack --- V21-1:110
Gibson, James --- Taxpayer 1/14
Gibson, James D. --- Census 4/35
Gibson, Jane --- Census 2/1/38 3/33
Gibson, Jane C. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Gibson, Jerdone --- Census 5/1/20
Gibson, Jim --- V46:75, 81
Gibson, Jno. --- V21-1:56
Gibson, John --- V15:41, 43, 76
Gibson, John --- V16:41, 85
Gibson, John --- V17:32, 34, 36
Gibson, John --- V20:24
Gibson, John --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 2/2/17 4/36 5/1/20 Rev. Soldi
Gibson, John D. --- V23:102, 105
Gibson, John L. --- Census 2/2/38
Gibson, John Nelson --- Tombstone 10/74
Gibson, John S. --- V33:89
Gibson, John T. --- Census 2/1/38
Gibson, Jordan --- V20:76
Gibson, Jordan --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gibson, Josiah --- V19:49
Gibson, Julian --- Census 3/80
Gibson, Kate --- V27:45
Gibson, Kate --- V28:34
Gibson, Lewis --- V21-1:124
Gibson, Lightfoot --- V20:76
Gibson, Lightfoot --- Census 4/35 Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gibson, Lily --- V33:88
Gibson, Louisa --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, LT --- V30:61
Gibson, Lucy --- Census 2/2/38
Gibson, Luther R. --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, Maggie M. --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, Malvina --- V27:45
Gibson, Marion --- V21-1:124
Gibson, Martha --- Census 3/33 3/34
Gibson, Mary --- Census 2/1/38 3/80 3/82 Tombstone 9/60
Gibson, Mary A. --- Census 3/33
Gibson, Mary Emma --- Marriage 5/2/38
Gibson, Mary J. --- Census 3/79
Gibson, Mary L. --- V21-1:93
Gibson, Mary Terry --- V20:67
Gibson, Melvina --- V28:34
Gibson, Mildred --- Census 3/33
Gibson, Mrs. --- V13:44
Gibson, Nannie P. --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, Nathan --- V20:76
Gibson, Nathan --- Census 2/2/38 5/1/20 Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gibson, Nathan --- V42:91, 94, 128
Gibson, Nelson --- V24:93
Gibson, Nicy J. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Gibson, Ollie --- V28:34-35
Gibson, Oragin --- V28:34
Gibson, Philip --- 2/2/38
Gibson, property --- V28:34
Gibson, R. A --- V30:59
Gibson, R.A., Lt(jg) --- V30:59
Gibson, Robert --- Census 2/1/38
Gibson, Ruby --- V31: 86
Gibson, Ruby M. --- V23:114
Gibson, Ruby M. --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, Salina --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, Salley --- V38:1
Gibson, Sarah --- V19:101
Gibson, Sarah --- V24:16
Gibson, Sarah --- Census 4/35
Gibson, Sarah E. --- V13:47
Gibson, Susan --- V16:32
Gibson, Susan --- Census 2/2/38
Gibson, Thomas --- V14:42, 65
Gibson, Thomas --- V15:42
Gibson, Thomas --- Census 3/33 Legal Note 9/82 Landgrant 10/80
Gibson, Thornton --- V14:27
Gibson, Thornton --- V25:18
Gibson, Thornton --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/35
Gibson, Thornton --- V28:33-34
Gibson, Thornton --- V41:34
Gibson, Thos. --- V16:86
Gibson, Tobias --- Census 2/2/37
Gibson, Tom, Mr. --- V39:41
Gibson, Truman --- Landowner 8/85
Gibson, Uriah --- Census 3/33
Gibson, Vivian --- Tombstone 4/63
Gibson, W. A. --- V22:30
Gibson, Walker --- Census 3/34
Gibson, Walker --- V32:26
Gibson, William --- V16:32
Gibson, William --- V20:67
Gibson, William --- V21-1:110
Gibson, William --- V22:30, 41, 97
Gibson, William --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 2/1/38 3/33 4/35 5/1/20 Obitu
Gibson, William --- V34:27
Gibson, William F. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Gibson, William Newton --- V21-1:122
Gibson, Wm --- V43:101
Gibson, Wm. --- V20:76
Gibson, Wm. --- V24:93
Gibson, Zedekiah --- Census 3/81
Gibson Family, --- V32:25
Gibsons, --- V21-1:110
Gibson's, --- V16:87
Gibson's Creek, --- V26:50
Gibson's Flour Mill, --- V24:34
Gibson's Ford, --- V19:37
Gibson's Ford, Landmark --- 1/7
Giddens, Francis --- Census 4/35
Giddens, Francis --- V41:103
Giddens, William --- V22:7
Giddens, William --- Census 4/34
Gideons, Francis --- Taxpayer 1/14
Gideons, William --- Taxpayer 1/14
Gidions, Francis --- Census 5/1/20
Gidions, William --- Census 5/1/20
Gilbert, Harry --- V21-1:48
Gilbert, Jane --- Census 2/1/33
Gilbert, John R. --- Census 2/1/33
Gilbert, John, Sr. --- V16:55
Gilbert, Martha --- Census 2/1/33
Gilbert, Mary Ann --- Census 3/51
Gilbert, Rebecca --- Census 3/51
Gilbert, Richard --- Census 3/51 Farmer 7/63
Gilbert, Ruben --- Census 2/1/33
Gilbert, Sarah A. --- V16:55
Gilbert, Susan E. --- Census 3/51
Gilbert, Thomas --- Query 2/2/48
Gilboa, --- V29:44
Gilboa, --- V31: 4
Gilboa, --- V32:38
Gilboa, Cemetery Records Of --- 10/69
Gilboa Cemetery Records, --- 10/69
Gilboa Christian Ch., --- V21-1:86, 103, 111
Gilboa Christian Ch., --- V23:111
Gilboa Christian Church, --- History Of 10/66
Gilboa Christian Church, --- V31: 63
Gilboa Christian Church, History Of --- Lo/66
Gilboa Church, --- V24:8
Gilboa Church, --- V29:98
Gilboa Church, --- V32:86, 91
Gilboa Church, --- V46:100
Gilboa Church Cemetery, --- V24:67
Giles, Joe W. --- V27:82
Giles, Mr. --- V41:26
Giles, Nancy Branch --- Tombstone 7/71
Giles, Peter --- Census 3/77
Giles, Sergeant --- V30:24
Giles, William B. --- V32:75
Gilespie, David S. --- V16:63
Gilespie, William James --- V16:59
Gill, Coleman --- V28:49
Gill, Edward Allen --- Mentioned 12/18 Tombstone 12/33
Gill, Elizabeth --- V28:49
Gill, Elizabeth Lumsden --- V28:47
Gill, Fannie Mae Jackson --- Mentioned 12/14
Gill, Matilda M. --- V25:69
Gill, Orrie Eyleen --- Marriage 10/92
Gill, Rudolph P. --- V25:69
Gill, Russell B. --- V21-2:11, 13
Gill Hardware Company, --- V30:52
Gillaspy, --- V16:65
Gillaspy, David --- V16:65
Gillaspy, David Shelton --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Emily Ann --- V16:65
Gillaspy, James Lindsay --- V16:65
Gillaspy, John Minor --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Mary Elizabeth --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Metilda Caroline --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Morris Robert --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Nelson Saunders --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Partheina Jane --- V16:65
Gillaspy, Peggy --- V16:65
Gillaspy, William Allen --- V16:65
Gillepsie, David S. --- V16:64
Gillepsie, Jane R. Riordan --- V16:63
Gillespie, --- V16:65
Gillespie, Ann --- V16:59
Gillespie, David --- V16:64
Gillespie, David S. --- V15:34, 35
Gillespie, David S. --- V27:93
Gillespie, David Shelton --- V16:64
Gillespie, Dr. --- V16:65
Gillespie, Helen Mary --- V16:63, 64
Gillespie, J. W. --- V25:28
Gillespie, James --- Census 2/L/33
Gillespie, Jane --- Census 2/1/32
Gillespie, Jane R. --- V16:62, 64
Gillespie, Jane Robertson --- V27:93
Gillespie, John --- Undertaker 7/62
Gillespie, John D. --- Wagon Maker 7/58
Gillespie, Margaret Sanders --- V16:64
Gillespie, Mary J. --- Query 10/10
Gillespie, Mary Jane Hunter --- V15:35
Gillespie, Mary Jane Hunter --- V16:63
Gillespie, Michael --- V37:9
Gillespie, W. F. --- Farmer 7/64
Gillespie, William A. --- V23:52
Gillespie, William A. --- V25:28
Gillespie, William A. --- Died 4/82
Gillespie, William F. --- V23:52
Gillespie, William F. --- Doctor 7/62
Gillespie, William Franklin --- Marriage 5/2/33
Gillespie, William H. --- Census 2/1/32
Gillespie, William James --- V16:60, 63
Gillespie, Wm. A, Dr. --- V33:39
Gillespie, Wm. A. --- V21-1:64
Gillespie Corner, --- V38:41
Gillespie Family, The, --- V16:63
Gilliam, Anastasia --- Census 1/76
Gilliam, Coldman --- V19:47
Gilliam, Ira S. --- Census 2/1/46
Gilliam, Jacquelin D. --- Census 1/76
Gilliam, James --- Census 2/1/46
Gilliam, John --- Genealogical Note 8/B5
Gilliam, John (“Jack”) --- V44:109
Gilliam, Louisa --- (Census 2/L/46
Gilliam, Martha --- V44:89
Gilliam, Martha Catherine --- Tombstone 7/72
Gilliam, William --- Census 4/35
Gillies Creek, --- V25:49
Gillispie, Ann --- Census 1/00
Gillispie, David S. --- Census 2/1/46
Gillispie, Ellen --- Census 1/80
Gillispie, Fannie --- Census 1/80
Gillispie, James --- Census 1/00
Gillispie, Jane --- Census 1/80 2/1/46
Gillispie, John --- Census 1/00
Gillispie, Lucy --- Census 1/80
Gillispie, Mary --- Census 1/80
Gillispie, William --- Census 1/80
Gillispie, William A. --- Census 1/80
Gillispie, William J. --- Census 2/1/46
Gills, John --- Will Witness 10/58
Gillum, Elizabeth Martin Barclay --- V27:92
Gillum, M. M. --- V21-1:20
Gillum, William --- V27:92
Gilmer, Col. --- V32:4
Gilmer, George --- Landowner 11/1/7
Gilmer, Glaze --- V38:8
Gilmer, Glick --- V38:61
Gilmer, Gold --- V38:14, 17
Gilmer, J. F. --- Mapmaker 1/7
Gilmer, J. F. Gen. --- V17:78
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis --- V30:30
Gilmer, John --- V27:12, 17
Gilmer, John --- V29:85
Gilmer, John B. --- V19:71
Gilmer, John B. --- V37:72.81
Gilmer, John B. --- V32:59, 60
Gilmer, John B. --- V38:34
Gilmer, John Blair --- V37:39
Gilmer, W. B. --- V29:74
Gilmer, W. B. --- V38:34
Gilmer Map (1863), --- V33:34
Gilmer Map of 1863, --- V32:4
Gilmer's, Maps --- V30:30
Gilmore, Dr. --- V31: 98
Ginder, Robert --- Census 3/31
Ginger Beer, --- V23:34
Ginter, Lewis, Major --- V32:85
Gipson, David --- V45:149
Girl Scout Cadette Troop, --- V37:66
Girl Scout hall, --- V37:69
Girl Scout Hall, --- V32:60
Gisage, Christian --- V22:3
Gist, Samuel --- V20:91
Giteau, Charles J. --- J. Garfield Assassin Attempt 7/45
Gitt, Minnie --- Haley Diary 9/47
Given, David --- Legal Note 10/30
Gladwell, Eugenia W., Mrs. --- V16:56
Glas, Curtis --- Haley Diary 10/38
Glasby, A. --- V15:32
Glasby, Alexander --- V16:65
Glasby, Alexander --- Landgrant 10/16 10/81
Glasby, John --- V15:32
Glascow, College of, --- V13:15
Glasglow, Scotland, --- V28:38
Glasgo, Katherine --- V29:82
Glasgow, --- V37:16
Glasgow, Anne --- V43:5, 9
Glasgow, Ellen --- V24:14, 78
Glasgow, Ellen --- V37:16
Glasgow, Ellen --- V43:3, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Glasgow, Francis --- V43:4, 9
Glasgow, Francis T. --- V43:4
Glasgow, Frank T. --- V37:16
Glasgow (Scotland), --- V14:56
Glaspa, --- V16:65
Glaspy, --- V16:65
Glass, --- V21-1:99
Glass, Alice --- Census 2/1/43
Glass, Archer --- V21-1:38
Glass, C. D. --- V21-1:21, 93
Glass, Carter --- V27:12
Glass, Curtis --- V21-1:38
Glass, Custis --- V13:39
Glass, Custis --- Haley Diary 12/95
Glass, D. C. --- V21-1:57
Glass, David --- Census 2/1/43
Glass, Ella --- V21-1:93
Glass, Geo. C. --- V21-1:36
Glass, George B. --- V21-1:82, 83
Glass, George C. --- V21-1:36
Glass, Harper --- V21-1:38
Glass, Horace --- V21-1:38, 110
Glass, Horace Julien --- V21-1:122
Glass, Iva Lee --- V21-1:88
Glass, Iva Lee --- Marriage 12/92
Glass, J. B. --- V21-1:57
Glass, James --- V21-1:38
Glass, James --- Census 2/1/43
Glass, James Samuel --- V21-1:122
Glass, John C. --- V21-2:14
Glass, John Wood --- V21-1:122
Glass, Lillie M. --- V21-1:36
Glass, Lizzie --- V21-1:38
Glass, Lottie M. --- V21-1:36
Glass, Louise Spicer --- V21-2:28
Glass, Martin Van Buren --- V21-1:122
Glass, Mr. --- V21-1:108
Glass, Permelia --- Census 2/1/43
Glass, R. H. --- V21-1:56
Glass, Robert --- V18:7, 10
Glass, Ruth L. --- V21-1:36
Glass, Sarah E --- Census 2/1/43
Glass, Thomas --- V41:29
Glass, Willie --- V21-1:122
Glassie, --- V26:61, 62, 66
Glassie, Henry --- V26:60
Glassie, Henry --- V27:72
Glazebrook, Mary E. --- V20:102
Glazebrook, Richard S. --- V20:102
Glebe Baptist Church, Arlington, --- V34:25
Glebe House, --- V13:17
Gleenor (Glenn), John --- V13:72
Glen, Archibald --- Census 2/1/42
Glen, Jeremiah --- V19:38, 42, 86, 88
Glen, Jeremiah --- Legal Note 11/1/43 Roadwork 6/81 6/89
Glen, Nancy --- Census 2/1/42
Glen Beau, --- V37:5, 7
Glen Ridge, New Jersey, --- V33:77, 84, 86
Glen(n), John --- V14:39
Glen(n), Susanna --- V14:65
Glencairn Parish, --- V13:15
Glen-Marye, --- V27:10
Glenn, Ann --- Census 3/34
Glenn, Benjamin --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Glenn, Beverly --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Glenn, Charles --- Census 3/34
Glenn, Governor North Carolina. --- V31: 5
Glenn, J. --- Legal Note 12/47
Glenn, J. R. --- V21-1:69
Glenn, J. R. --- V25:74
Glenn, J. R. --- Minister 4/&1
Glenn, James, Jr. --- V17:83
Glenn, Jeremiah --- V13:74
Glenn, John --- Census 5/1/20 Taxpayer 1/14
Glenn, John, Jr. --- Census 4/35
Glenn, Mourning --- V17:83
Glenn, Robert B. --- V31: 5
Glenn (Gleeneor), John --- V13:72
Glenora, --- V14:56
Glenora, --- V32:39
Glentworth, Edward H. --- Will Witness 12/40
Gleve, Susanna --- V14:42
Globe, The, --- V33:68
Gloucester, --- V22:48
Gloucester County, --- V23:53-55
Glynn, John --- V41:43
Gneiss, --- V19:65
Goalsby, Lucy Lee --- Marriage 12/81
Gochenour, Gladys May --- V16:90
Godbey, John --- V42:91
Godwin, James B. --- V21-1:88
Godwin, Lucy --- V20:14
Goetz, Koren --- V23:91
Goffigon, Burruss --- Son Died 8/47
Goin, Agnes --- Legal Note 11/2/32 11/2/33 11/2/34
Goin, Amis --- Legal Note 11/1/42 11/1/44
Going, Arm --- V41:43
Going, Becky Ailstock --- V26:43
Going, James --- V26:43
Going, Jenny --- V26:43
Going, Jesse --- V26:43
Going, Moses --- V22:14
Going, Moses --- Census 5/1/20
Going, Sherwood --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Goings, Moses --- V26:48
Gold, --- V19:64, 65
Gold, Dr. --- Mentioned 12/85
Gold Mine Baptist Church, --- V37:33
Gold Mine Baptist Church, History Of --- 5/13
Gold Mine Church, --- V31: 6
Gold Mine Creek, --- V20:73
Gold Mine Creek, --- V24:27, 50
Gold Mine Creek, --- V35:41
Gold Mine Creek, --- V45:93, 94, 95, 103
Golden, Barbara --- V23:43
Golden, Mine Creek --- V30:67
Golden, William --- V14:45
Goldmine, --- V13:19
Goldmine Baptist Church, --- V24:23
Goldmine Church, --- V23:47
Goldmine Church, --- V25:1
Goldmine Creek, --- V20:33
Goldmine Creek, --- V24:25, 49
Goldmine Creek, --- V26:72
Goldmine Creek, --- V27:83
Goldmine Creek, --- V33:70
Goldsmith, B. and Son --- V25:2
Goldsmith, Elizabeth --- V28:38
Goldsmith, Walter --- V13:70
Goldsmith, Walter --- V18:10
Goldsmith, Walter --- Taxpayer 1/14
Goldsmith, Walter --- V28:38
Goldsmith, Walter --- V45:154
Goldsmith, William --- Taxpayer 1/14
Goldsmith, William --- V42:128
Goldvein Baptist Church, --- 5/13
Golf, Alicia Ann Kain --- V30:14
Golf, James Columbus --- V30:14
Golf, James Columbus, Mrs. --- V30:14
Golf, Lila --- V30:14
Gooch, --- V14:77
Gooch, A. A. --- V21-1:93
Gooch, Addison J. --- Marriage 3/72
Gooch, Alexander Evans --- Marriage 5/2/36
Gooch, America --- V22:38
Gooch, America --- Census 2/2/39
Gooch, Andrew --- Census 1/79
Gooch, Ann --- Census 1/79
Gooch, Ann Pemberton --- V19:93
Gooch, Ann Pemberton --- V26:74
Gooch, Archibald --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Arthur --- V21-1:96, 110
Gooch, Arthur --- V21-2:31
Gooch, Bessie (Mrs.) --- V29:98
Gooch, Betsy --- V33:25
Gooch, Bettie Pollard --- V16:83
Gooch, Bettie Pollard --- V23:73
Gooch, Catharine --- Census 3/35
Gooch, Clab --- Methodist 11/1/29
Gooch, Claiborne --- Census 4/36
Gooch, Claibourn --- V42:128
Gooch, Coleman --- V38:39
Gooch, Corneleus --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Cornelia --- V26:75
Gooch, Dabney --- Married 11/2/27
Gooch, Dabney & Ruthie --- V35:43
Gooch, E. Mrs. --- Census 2/1/32
Gooch, E. P. --- Marriage 4/67
Gooch, Edwin James --- Birth 4/67
Gooch, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/39 Legal Note 11/2/39
Gooch, Elizabeth Katherine --- Birth 4/68
Gooch, Elizabeth T. --- Census 3/86
Gooch, Ellen --- Census 3/35
Gooch, Eloise --- V21-1:93
Gooch, Ethel Bernard --- Birth 4/67 Marriage 4/68
Gooch, Evie --- Methodist, 11/1/29
Gooch, Ferdinand --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Garret --- Census 2/1/32
Gooch, Gideon --- Census 4/35
Gooch, Governor --- V21-2:22
Gooch, Harry Gordon --- Birth 4/68
Gooch, Horace --- Census 3/89
Gooch, Horace C. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Gooch, Indiana --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Infant --- V16:72
Gooch, James --- Taxpayer 1/14
Gooch, Jarmen --- V39:36
Gooch, Jarnim --- Census 2/1/32
Gooch, John --- Census 1/79
Gooch, John R. --- V38:39
Gooch, Joseph --- Roadwork 6/81
Gooch, Julia Virginia --- Birth 4/68
Gooch, Lillian Wintross --- Birth 4/68
Gooch, Liner --- Census 4/35 5/1/20
Gooch, Lovina --- Taxpayer 1/ 14
Gooch, Lucy --- Insurance Record 5/1/50
Gooch, Lucyan --- V38:39
Gooch, M. S. --- V16:72
Gooch, M. T. --- Haley Diary 4/93 5/2/14 Treasurer 7/57
Gooch, Macy Fleming --- Birth 4/67
Gooch, Martha F. --- Census 3/86
Gooch, Martha S. --- Census 3/86
Gooch, Martha Sarah Toler --- V21-1:7
Gooch, Mary --- Methodist 11/1/29
Gooch, Mary --- V29:82-83, 94
Gooch, Mary --- V38:34
Gooch, Mary --- V39:44
Gooch, Mary A. --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Mary Bessie --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, Mary E. --- Census 3/86
Gooch, Mary E. T. --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, Mary S. --- V21-1:26
Gooch, Mary Stuart --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, Mary Susan --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, Massie --- Census 2/2/39
Gooch, Mattie F. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Gooch, Milatus --- V15:73
Gooch, Miletus --- V22:65
Gooch, Miletus T --- V37:56
Gooch, Miletus T. --- V17:82
Gooch, Miletus T. --- V21-1:26
Gooch, Miletus T. --- Census 2/1/32 Sheriff 4/72 Marriage 6/8
Gooch, Mollie --- Teacher 5/2/14
Gooch, Mrs. --- V20:14
Gooch, Murry Mundy --- Birth 4/68
Gooch, Nancy --- Census 1/79
Gooch, Obie --- V38:39
Gooch, Philip --- V14:26
Gooch, Property --- V29:37
Gooch, Pumphrey --- Census 2/1/32
Gooch, Pumphrey --- V43:54
Gooch, Pumphy --- V42:128
Gooch, R. T. --- V29:37
Gooch, Robert --- V29:98
Gooch, Robert T. --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, Robert T. --- V17:53
Gooch, Robert T. --- V21-1:6-8, 10, 58
Gooch, Robert T. --- Census 3/86
Gooch, Robert T. --- V29:30
Gooch, Robert T. --- V39:26
Gooch, Roland --- Census 4/35
Gooch, Rowland --- V24:50
Gooch, Rowland --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20
Gooch, Rowland --- V42:128
Gooch, Russel --- Census 2/2/39
Gooch, S. D. --- V16:72
Gooch, S. D. --- Cemetery Association 1/57
Gooch, S. D. --- V29:38, 81, 103
Gooch, S. D. --- V35:108
Gooch, Sarah J. --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Stafford D. --- V19:48
Gooch, Stapleton --- V26:74
Gooch, Stapleton D. --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, Stapleton Dabney --- V16:72
Gooch, Stephen --- V27:90
Gooch, Stephen --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/36 5/1/20
Gooch, Stephen --- V43:55
Gooch, Susan D. --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Susie L --- Marriage 5/2/35
Gooch, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 3/86 5/1/20 Insurance Record
Gooch, Thomas --- V30:76
Gooch, Thomas --- V41:103
Gooch, Thomas --- V43:54, 100
Gooch, Thomas --- V45:100
Gooch, Thomas F. --- Census 2/2/39
Gooch, Thomas Jr. --- V46:119
Gooch, Thomas P. --- V24:92
Gooch, Thomas R. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Gooch, Thomas, Jr. --- Census 4/35
Gooch, Thomas, Sr. --- Census 4/34
Gooch, Thos. --- V19:96
Gooch, Unity --- Census 4/36
Gooch, Ursella --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Virginia Governor --- 2/1/14
Gooch, W. S. --- Attorney 7/58
Gooch, W. S. --- V29:82
Gooch, W. S. --- V29:83
Gooch, W.S. --- V46:53
Gooch, Wade Hampton --- Birth 4/67 Death 4/68
Gooch, William --- V15:54
Gooch, William --- V19:86
Gooch, William --- Census 3/35 Landowner 6/25 Roadwork 9/82 Legal Not
Gooch, William --- V41:55
Gooch, William D. --- V24:27
Gooch, William O. --- Census Z/2/42
Gooch, William S. --- V16:72, 83
Gooch, William S. --- V18:27
Gooch, William S. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Gooch, William Stapleton. --- V32:49
Gooch, Wm. --- V19:41
Gooch, Woodville --- Census 2/2/42
Gooch, Younger Y. --- Census 1/79
Gooch Home, --- V29:37
Gooche, James R. --- Farmer 7/64
Goochland, --- V20:26, 27, 73
Goochland, --- V22:8, 33
Goochland, --- V27:71, 99
Goochland, --- V28:18
Goochland, --- V37:19
Goochland, --- V34:5, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 32, 58
Goochland Artillery, --- V43:42
Goochland Co., --- V15:34
Goochland Co., --- V16:55
Goochland Co., --- V17:51
Goochland Co., --- V21-1:9, 62, 83, 126
Goochland Co., --- V28:14
Goochland Co. VA, --- V30:78
Goochland County, --- V20:67
Goochland County, --- V21-2:18
Goochland County, --- V23:5, 23, 41, 42, 105
Goochland County, --- V25:21
Goochland County, --- V26:70, 74, 87, 89
Goochland County, --- V27:20, 91-92, 97, 101
Goochland County, --- V28:26
Goochland County, --- V29:32, 65
Goochland County, --- V18:36
Goochland County, --- V19:33, 55, 63, 68,
Goochland County, --- V31: 38
Goochland County, --- V34:58
Goochland County (Safety) Committee, --- V13:16
Goochland County (Virginia), --- V13:16, 17, 22, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 83, 84
Goochland County (Virginia) (Goochland Court), --- V14:14, 15, 54
Goochland County Line, --- V16:43
Goochland Courthouse, --- V40:52
Goochland Road, --- V21-1:10
Goochland, Goochland County, --- V32:38
Goochland, Va., --- V35:2
Good, Lina --- Married 7/93
Good Hope Baptist Church,Madison, Virginia, --- V34:29
Good Hope Church, --- V30:29, 33
Goodal, James --- Constable 11/2/42
Goodale, James --- Legal Note 11/1/42 11/1/44
Goodale, John --- Landgrant 10/83
Goodall, Charles --- V14:69
Goodall, Charles --- V22:49
Goodall, Elizabeth --- V13:72
Goodall, Elizabeth --- Landowner 9/30
Goodall, James --- V13:51, 72
Goodall, James --- V14:66
Goodall, James --- V15:43, 76
Goodall, James --- V16:41, 85
Goodall, James --- V17:32
Goodall, James --- V19:39, 42, 86, 87, 91
Goodall, James --- V20:72
Goodall, James --- Land Owner 9/30 Legal Note 11/2/32 12/46 County Of
Goodall, John --- V17:69
Goodall, John --- V19:87, 91
Goodall, John --- Road Overseer 6/90 Legal Note 10/27
Goodall, Patty --- V22:49
Goodall, Richard --- V22:49
Goodall, Richard --- Tax Payer 1/14
Goodall, William --- V22:49
Goode, John --- Haley Diary 7/96
Goode, John --- V41:103
Goodhope, --- V34:19
Goodling, --- V21-1:101
Goodling, Betty --- V21-1:79
Goodling, Bill --- V21-1:99
Goodling, Mary --- V21-1:99, 101, 110
Goodling, Mary C., Mrs. --- V15:3
Goodling, Mary Chaplin --- V21-1:98, 100, 104
Goodling, Mary Chaplin --- V21-2:14
Goodling, William --- V21-1:86, 100
Goodll, James --- V15:42
Goodloe, --- V22:4
Goodloe, Charles --- V27:78
Goodloe, Charles --- Marriage 5/2/35
Goodloe, Daniel --- Druggist 7/59
Goodloe, G. P. --- Married 4/96
Goodloe, George --- V34:16
Goodloe, George P. --- Haley Diary 5/2/17
Goodloe, Henry --- V20:33
Goodloe, Henry --- V22:4
Goodloe, Henry --- V34:16, 32
Goodloe, Mr. --- Minister 12/25
Goodloe, Phil --- Haley Diary 4/87
Goodloe Plantation, --- V34:16
Goodlow, Elder Henry --- V40:90
Goodman, A / W. --- Haley Diary 10/39 10/97
Goodman, Andy --- V31: 97, 98, 99, 100, 102
Goodman, Ann --- V32:80
Goodman, Annie --- V13:42
Goodman, Annie --- Haley Diary 12/99
Goodman, Annie Boxley --- Haley Diary 10/39 10/41 10/48 11/1/47
Goodman, Bartlett --- Taxpayer 1/14
Goodman, C. C. --- V15:64
Goodman, C. C. --- V32:25
Goodman, Charles --- Census 3/36
Goodman, Charles G. --- Census 3/36
Goodman, Daisy --- V33:76, 83
Goodman, Elizabeth --- V32:80, 86
Goodman, Frank --- V31: 99
Goodman, George A. --- Teacher 4/81 Civil War Soldier 9/14
Goodman, George A. --- V35:139, 143
Goodman, Gilbert --- V20:76
Goodman, Gilbert --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Goodman, Harry --- V33:83
Goodman, Henry --- V16:6
Goodman, Henry --- Census 3/36
Goodman, Henry G. --- Farmer 7/64
Goodman, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Goodman, Jno --- V43:100
Goodman, John --- V17:32
Goodman, John --- Tax Payer 1/14
Goodman, John --- V42:95
Goodman, John, Jr. --- Census 5/1/20
Goodman, Joseph --- V41:53
Goodman, Juliett --- V31: 98,100, 102
Goodman, Juliette --- V31: 97, 98
Goodman, Kesiah --- Census 3/36
Goodman, Manoah --- Census 3/36
Goodman, Margaret --- Census 3/36
Goodman, Margaret --- V33:83
Goodman, Margaret B. --- V29:83
Goodman, Mary Ann --- V42:100
Goodman, Mr. --- V31: 97
Goodman, Mr. --- V32:17, 19, 23
Goodman, Mrs. --- V26:22
Goodman, Nancy --- V33:83
Goodman, Nannie L. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Goodman, Peggie --- V32:16
Goodman, Samuel --- V14:37, 69
Goodman, Samuel --- V15:43
Goodman, Samuel --- V22:90, 91
Goodman, Samuel --- Landowner 11/1/3
Goodman, Samuell --- V17:31
Goodman, Thomas --- V15:23
Goodman, Tumfe --- V31: 100
Goodman, William --- Census 5/1/20 Rev. Soldier E/32
Goodman, Wm. --- V20:76
Goodman’s Boarding House, --- V46:36
Goodwin, --- V21-1:17
Goodwin, --- V22:20
Goodwin, --- V23:89
Goodwin, --- V23:51
Goodwin, --- V27:39
Goodwin, A. J., Sr. --- Church Trustee 12/29
Goodwin, A. M. --- Farmer 7/63
Goodwin, A. T. --- Tombstone 4/64 Haley Diary 4/80 Postmaster 7/57
Goodwin, A. T. --- V41:34
Goodwin, A., Mr. & Mrs. --- V17:85
Goodwin, Addison G. --- Census 2/1/35
Goodwin, Addison Galen --- Birth 12/64
Goodwin, Al --- V32:62
Goodwin, Alfred --- Census 2/2/32 Haley Diary 11/2/43
Goodwin, Alfred M. --- V26:99
Goodwin, Alfred M. --- Census 2/2/32 Landowner 12/60
Goodwin, Alfred M., Jr. --- Birth 12/65
Goodwin, Alfred M., Sr. --- Landowner 12/59 Birth Marriage 12/59
Goodwin, Alfred Mercer III --- Mentioned 12/66
Goodwin, Alfred Merger --- Marriage 12/66
Goodwin, Alice --- V21-1:69
Goodwin, Amanda Lee --- Heir 9/80
Goodwin, Amanda Lee --- V32:83
Goodwin, Andrew --- Census 3/41
Goodwin, Andrew Jackson --- Landowner 10/64
Goodwin, Angeliner --- Birth 10/94
Goodwin, Ann --- Census 2/1/39
Goodwin, Ann Tyler --- Birth 12/65
Goodwin, Anna --- V29:90
Goodwin, Anna (Thomson) --- V41:85, 87
Goodwin, Anna B. --- V41:85
Goodwin, Anna B. (Lect) --- V41:85
Goodwin, Anna Bell --- Married 5/1/32 Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Anna Bell --- V41:86
Goodwin, Anna R. --- V21-1:28, 30, 93
Goodwin, Anna Rhodes --- Tombstone 1/63
Goodwin, Anna Rhodes Thomson --- V24:25
Goodwin, Anna Rhodes Thomson --- V32:90
Goodwin, Anne R. --- Death 5/1/33
Goodwin, Annie --- Mentioned 3/66
Goodwin, Annie E. --- Marriage 10/94
Goodwin, Anthony --- V22:19
Goodwin, Anthony --- Census 2/2/46 Church Member 4/59 Died 9/94
Goodwin, Anthony --- V38:78
Goodwin, Anthony T. --- V22:68
Goodwin, Anthony T. --- Heir 9/80
Goodwin, Anthony Thomas --- V24:69
Goodwin, Anthony Thomas --- V38:76, 77, 78
Goodwin, Arch --- Haley Diary 5/1/38
Goodwin, Arch. T. --- V22:30
Goodwin, Archibald --- Census 2/1/39 2/2/32
Goodwin, Archibald T. --- Census 2/1/42 3/41 Landowner 2/2/6 Birth Marriage,
Goodwin, Archibald Tulloch --- Heir 12/57 Landowner 12/55 12/61 Birth 12/64
Goodwin, Archibald Tulloch, Jr. --- Birth Death 12/65
Goodwin, Archibald Tulloch, Sr. --- Query 9/61
Goodwin, Archie --- Haley Diary 7/93
Goodwin, Archy --- Haley Diary 4/90
Goodwin, Armi --- V17:76
Goodwin, Ben, Dr. --- V31: 30
Goodwin, Benjamin --- Census 3/79
Goodwin, Bessie --- V34:21
Goodwin, Bettie --- Census 2/2/46 3/79
Goodwin, Bettie Anna (Bessie) --- Mentioned 12/66
Goodwin, Bettie E. --- Tombstone 10/71
Goodwin, Betty E. --- Census 3/41
Goodwin, Betty Y. --- Birth 10/94
Goodwin, Billy --- V20:86
Goodwin, Billy --- V24:55
Goodwin, Blanch Irvin --- Mentioned 12/66
Goodwin, Brooke --- V25:2
Goodwin, Burch Mrs. --- Church Member 4/59
Goodwin, C. H. --- V26:15, 16
Goodwin, C. H. --- Farmer 7/65
Goodwin, C. J. --- Haley Diary 5/1/46 Farmer 7/64
Goodwin, C. Q. --- Husband Of Isabella 1/24 Witness 3/65 Wife Died 5/
Goodwin, Callie --- V25:75
Goodwin, Candace --- Landowner 12/57 Birth Death 12/65
Goodwin, Candis --- Census 1/83
Goodwin, Chap --- V38:77, 78, 79
Goodwin, Chapman --- V38:76, 81, 82
Goodwin, Chapman "Chap” --- V38:77
Goodwin, Charles G. --- V32:22
Goodwin, Charles Q. --- Census 2/1/30 Marriage 5/1/32 Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, Charles Q. --- V28:91
Goodwin, Charles Q. --- V41:85
Goodwin, Charles Q., Jr. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Charles Q., Jr. --- V41:86
Goodwin, Charles Quarles --- V22:60
Goodwin, Charles Quarles --- Birth 5/1/32 5/1/33 Death 5/1/32 Landowner 5/2/23
Goodwin, Charles Quarles --- V28:91-92
Goodwin, Charles Quarles --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, Clara --- Census 2/2/43
Goodwin, Clarence Q. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Clarence Q. --- V41:86
Goodwin, Clarrence Q. --- V22:60
Goodwin, Coleman --- Census 3/41
Goodwin, D. W. --- Tombstone 4/64
Goodwin, David H. --- Heir 5/2/23
Goodwin, David Harris --- Birth 5/1/33 Death 5/1/34 Owner Of Oaksby 5/2/25
Goodwin, David Harris --- V41:87
Goodwin, Dr. Wm. --- V43:40
Goodwin, E. (Pendleton) --- V41:85
Goodwin, E. A., Jr. --- Mentioned 12/20
Goodwin, E. G. --- Girl's School Advertisement 12/86
Goodwin, E. P. --- V21-1:120
Goodwin, E. P. --- Tombstone 1 /62
Goodwin, E. P. --- V29:38
Goodwin, E.P. --- V46:61
Goodwin, Ed. P. --- Census 1/81
Goodwin, Edgar --- V32:62
Goodwin, Edgar, Mr. & Mrs. --- V34:31
Goodwin, Edmond P. --- Birth 5/1/33 Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, Edmond P. --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, Edmund B. --- V19:48
Goodwin, Edmund C. --- V19:32
Goodwin, Edmund P. --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, Edmund P. --- V29:90
Goodwin, Edwin --- V33:24
Goodwin, Edwin --- V32:86
Goodwin, Elizabeth --- V21-1:69
Goodwin, Elizabeth --- V24:50
Goodwin, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/42 2/2/32 3/79 Nee Pendleton Death 4/98
Goodwin, Elizabeth (Chapman) Chisman --- V41:88
Goodwin, Elizabeth E Lades --- Parent 10/94
Goodwin, Elizabeth E. --- V26:13
Goodwin, Elizabeth Hiter --- Death 10/96
Goodwin, Elizabeth Jane --- Mentioned 12/65
Goodwin, Elizabeth K. (Pendleton) --- V41:39
Goodwin, Elizabeth P. --- Death 5/1/33
Goodwin, Elizabeth T. --- V41:87
Goodwin, Elizabeth Tyler --- Marriage 12/63 12/65 Landowner 12/59
Goodwin, Elleen --- V28:91
Goodwin, Ellen --- Census 2/1/35
Goodwin, Eloise P. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Goodwin, Fannie Brooke --- Marriage 10/94
Goodwin, Fannie Brooke Francisco --- V22:10
Goodwin, Fannie Francisco --- Death 10/95
Goodwin, Fannie Jane --- Marriage 10/92
Goodwin, Fendol --- Tombstone 1/62
Goodwin, Fenefred --- Census 1/83
Goodwin, Frances --- Census 1,78
Goodwin, Frances Anne --- Marriage 10/92
Goodwin, Frances I. --- Death 10/95
Goodwin, Frances Jane --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Frances Jane --- V41:86
Goodwin, Frank --- V25:1
Goodwin, Frank --- Marriage 10/92 10/94
Goodwin, G. W. --- Committee Man 5/2/46
Goodwin, Garland Waddy --- V20:61
Goodwin, Garlie --- Census 2/2/46
Goodwin, George F. --- Married 5/1/33
Goodwin, George F. --- V41:85
Goodwin, George Frederick --- Birth 5/1/33 Marriage 5/1/31 Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, George Frederick --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, George S. --- V21-1:121
Goodwin, George S. --- Bible Owner 5/1/31
Goodwin, George S., Sr. (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Goodwin, George Shift --- Birth 5/1/32 Death 5/1/34 Landowner 5/2/25
Goodwin, Gertrude Mildred --- Birth 5/1/33 Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, Gertrude Mildred --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, H. B. --- V29:103
Goodwin, H. W. --- V38:39
Goodwin, Harwood --- Census 3/75 4/35
Goodwin, Helen Douglas --- Marriage 10/92
Goodwin, Henry --- Church Member 4/60
Goodwin, Henry W. --- V22:19
Goodwin, Henry Webb --- Church Member 4/59 Tombstone 4/64
Goodwin, Hiter --- V26:15, 16
Goodwin, Hugh --- V19:10, 94
Goodwin, Hugh --- V24:48-50
Goodwin, Hugh --- V26:13
Goodwin, Hugh --- Census 3/41 4/34 Teacher 4/81 Baptist 5/1/5 Haley
Goodwin, Hugh --- V34:20
Goodwin, Hugh, Jr. --- Landowner 10/64 Birth 10/94
Goodwin, Indiana --- V33:24
Goodwin, Infant --- Census 3/79
Goodwin, Irma --- V25:74
Goodwin, Irma Jones --- V26:38
Goodwin, Irma Jones --- Author 5/1/31
Goodwin, Isabella --- Death 1/24 5/1/32
Goodwin, J. B. --- Farmer 7/64 7/65
Goodwin, J. C. --- V29:103
Goodwin, J. C. B. --- V32:97
Goodwin, J. C. G. --- Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, J. Clifton --- Married 5/1/33
Goodwin, J. Clifton --- V41:85
Goodwin, J. H. --- V35:147
Goodwin, J. S. --- V29:103
Goodwin, J. T. --- V38:39
Goodwin, J. W. --- V38:81
Goodwin, James --- Census 3/79 Landowner 5/2/23 11/1/3 Parent 12/56
Goodwin, James --- V32:29
Goodwin, James --- V41:88
Goodwin, James B. --- Tombstone 4/64
Goodwin, James Boxley --- Mentioned 12/66
Goodwin, James R. --- V24:94
Goodwin, James R. --- Census 3/79 Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, James R. --- V28:91
Goodwin, James R. --- V41:87
Goodwin, James, Jr. --- Heir 11/1/4
Goodwin, Jane --- V19:94
Goodwin, Jane --- Census 2/2/43 2/2/46 Census 4/35 Insurance 5/1/36
Goodwin, Jane Dickenson --- V27:31
Goodwin, Jane Grant --- Birth 12/64 Death 12/65
Goodwin, Jane Tyler --- Landowner 9/80
Goodwin, John --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/32 Death 12/63 Birth 12/64
Goodwin, John --- V32:62
Goodwin, John --- V42:93
Goodwin, John C. --- V41:85-88
Goodwin, John C. B. --- V26:13
Goodwin, John C. B. --- Landowner 10/64
Goodwin, John C. G. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, John C. Q. --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, John Chapman --- Landowner 5/2/23 Birth 11/1/4 Tombstone 11/2 Lando
Goodwin, John Chapman --- V28:91
Goodwin, John Chapman --- V32:90
Goodwin, John Chapman, Mrs. --- V32:90
Goodwin, John Clifton --- Birth 5/1 /33
Goodwin, John Clifton --- V41:86
Goodwin, John L. --- Census 3/41 4/36 Parent 3/65 Bible Records 5/1/2 B
Goodwin, John Taylor --- Tombstone 4/64
Goodwin, John Tyler --- Landowner 12/60 Birth 12/65
Goodwin, John William --- Mentioned 12/66
Goodwin, Joseph --- Census 1/83 2/1/42
Goodwin, Joseph B. --- V19:49
Goodwin, Joseph S. --- Birth 12/65
Goodwin, Joseph Sandage --- Death 10/94 10/95
Goodwin, Josephine --- Census 2/2/32 Mentioned 12/59
Goodwin, Josephine Ryland --- Birth 12/65
Goodwin, Judie --- V27:34
Goodwin, Judith --- Church Member 4/59 Heir 9/80
Goodwin, Judith Catherine --- Birth 12/65
Goodwin, Judith Tyler --- V19:32
Goodwin, Judith Tyler --- Parent 12/63
Goodwin, Lafayette --- Birth Death 12/64
Goodwin, Laura --- Census 2/1/39
Goodwin, Lewis T. --- V22:60
Goodwin, Lewis T. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Lewis W. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Lewis W. --- V41:86
Goodwin, Lilla (Moon) --- V41:85
Goodwin, Lilla Moon --- V22:59
Goodwin, Lilla Moon --- V28:92
Goodwin, Lilly Murray --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, Lily --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, Lily Marshall --- Tombstone 1/66
Goodwin, Lina --- Teacher 7/43
Goodwin, Lizzie --- Haley Diary 4/92
Goodwin, Lizzie Brooke --- V20:86
Goodwin, Lizzie Brooke --- Author 10/92
Goodwin, Louisa --- Census 2/2/32
Goodwin, Louisa Ann --- Birth Death 5/1/33
Goodwin, Louisa Virginia --- Birth Death 12/65
Goodwin, Louise Anne --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, Lucie F. --- V21-1:29
Goodwin, Lucy --- V29:82
Goodwin, Lucy A. --- V21-1:28, 30
Goodwin, Lucy A. --- Tombstone 1/62
Goodwin, Lucy A. (Mrs.) --- V29:29-31, 40, 90
Goodwin, Lucy A. Chiles --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, Lucy A. Chiles --- V29:90
Goodwin, Lucy F. --- V21-1:30
Goodwin, Lucy Fendola --- Tombstone 1/63
Goodwin, Lucy Fendola --- V29:90
Goodwin, M. T. --- V22:66
Goodwin, M. T. --- Death 5/1/34
Goodwin, M. T. --- V41:87
Goodwin, Manlius --- Census 2/1/30 Haley Diary 5/2/20 6/20
Goodwin, Manlius T. --- V22:59
Goodwin, Manlius T. --- Birth Marriage 5/1/33
Goodwin, Manlius T. --- V28:91
Goodwin, Manlius T. --- V41:85, 86
Goodwin, Marcellus --- Census 2/1/35
Goodwin, Maria --- Census 2/1/35
Goodwin, Maria --- V28:36
Goodwin, Maria Burch --- Birth Death 5/1/33 5/1/34 Landowner 5/2/25
Goodwin, Maria Burch --- V41:87
Goodwin, Maria Ellen --- V32:90
Goodwin, Mariah Ellen --- V41:86
Goodwin, Martha --- V19:34
Goodwin, Martha --- Census 2/2/46
Goodwin, Mary --- V23:6
Goodwin, Mary --- Census 1/83 3/79 Birth 12/64
Goodwin, Mary --- V28:94
Goodwin, Mary Ann --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Mary Ann --- V33:24
Goodwin, Mary Ann --- V32:82, 86, 89
Goodwin, Mary Ann --- V41:86
Goodwin, Mary E. --- Tombstone 4/64
Goodwin, Mary Ellen --- Marriage 5/2/31
Goodwin, Mary Harris --- V33:24
Goodwin, Mary Harris --- V32:79, 82, 89
Goodwin, Mary J. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Goodwin, Mary Jane --- Birth Death 10/94
Goodwin, Mary T. --- Will 2/2/17
Goodwin, Mathew --- Census 3/49
Goodwin, Mattie Francisco --- Marriage 10/92
Goodwin, Mildred Barbary --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Mildred Barbary --- V41:86
Goodwin, Minnie --- V26:13
Goodwin, Minnie (Swift) --- V41:85
Goodwin, Minnie Moody --- V21-1:124
Goodwin, Minnie Swift --- Beat H 5/1/34
Goodwin, Miriam Ellen --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Miss --- V27:77
Goodwin, Mr. --- V33:27
Goodwin, Ms. Lizzie Brook --- V35:104
Goodwin, Nannie Meade Winston --- Bible Owner 10/92
Goodwin, Nelson --- V33:24
Goodwin, Nicey Ann --- Census 2/1/42
Goodwin, Nicey C. --- V19:30
Goodwin, Nicie A. C. --- Death 10/95
Goodwin, Nicie Ann --- V26:13
Goodwin, Nicy --- Haley Diary 5/2/14
Goodwin, Nicy Coleman --- Birth 10/94
Goodwin, Novelle --- V21-1:68
Goodwin, Pattie --- V33:24
Goodwin, Polly --- V24:51
Goodwin, Polly Clayton --- V24:50
Goodwin, Polly P. --- Census 1/78 Tombstone 11/2/15
Goodwin, Polly P. Clayton --- V24:50, 51
Goodwin, Postmistress --- V26:23
Goodwin, Property --- V29:38
Goodwin, Quarles --- V22:26
Goodwin, Quarles, Mr. --- V35:21
Goodwin, Ralph S. --- V23:6
Goodwin, Ralph S. --- Birth 12/64
Goodwin, Reuben --- V42:93
Goodwin, Richard T. --- Census 2/2/46 Heir 9/80 Marriage 12/59
Goodwin, Robert --- V19:32
Goodwin, Robert --- V20:23, 24, 63
Goodwin, Robert --- V23:23, 109
Goodwin, Robert --- V25:21
Goodwin, Robert --- V26:13
Goodwin, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 2/2/46 5/1/20 Landowner 5/2/2
Goodwin, Robert --- V41:11, 12, 88
Goodwin, Robert --- V42:128
Goodwin, Robert G. --- Census 2/2/46
Goodwin, Robert James --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Robert James --- V41:86
Goodwin, Robert T. --- V21-1:121
Goodwin, Robert Tyler --- Marriage 10/92 Death 10/94
Goodwin, Robert W. --- V41:12
Goodwin, Robert Woodson --- V19:32
Goodwin, Robert Woodson --- V20:61
Goodwin, Robert, Dec'd. --- V16:63
Goodwin, Robert, Jr. --- Heir 12/57 Parent 12/63
Goodwin, Robt --- V43:55
Goodwin, Rosa E. P. --- Tombstone 1/62
Goodwin, Rosa P. --- V21-1:93
Goodwin, Rosa R. --- V21-1:28
Goodwin, Ruth Shands --- V26:13
Goodwin, S. J. --- Death 5/1/34 Heir 5/2/23
Goodwin, Sallie Billingsley --- Mentioned 12/66
Goodwin, Sallie J. (Swift) --- V41:85
Goodwin, Sallie J. Shift --- Mother Of David 5/2/25
Goodwin, Sam --- Haley Diary 5/1/45
Goodwin, Samuel --- Census 2/2/46 Church Member 4/60
Goodwin, Sarah --- Census 2/1/30 3/75 Heir 9/80
Goodwin, Sarah C --- V41:1 l
Goodwin, Sarah Catherine --- V19:32
Goodwin, Sarah D. --- V19:34
Goodwin, Sarah D. --- Census 2/2/46
Goodwin, Sarah J. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, Sarah J. --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, Sarah Jane Swift --- V22:60
Goodwin, Sarah Waddy --- V32:83
Goodwin, Semple --- V19:32
Goodwin, Semple --- V21-2:14
Goodwin, Semple --- Census 2/2/46 Haley Diary 4/16 Church Member 4/57
Goodwin, Semple --- V32:83
Goodwin, Semple --- V41:12
Goodwin, Semple, Jr. --- V22:17
Goodwin, Semple, Jr. --- Farmer 7/64 Heir 9/80
Goodwin, Semple, Mrs. --- V32:83
Goodwin, Simple --- V25:18, 21, 23, 24
Goodwin, Sister --- Died 5/1/41
Goodwin, Susan Ann --- Census 2/2/43
Goodwin, Susanna --- Marriage 12/14
Goodwin, T. --- V41:86
Goodwin, Thomas --- V14:8, 25
Goodwin, Thomas T. --- Landowner 2/2/6 Census 2/1/39 Church Trustee 9/56
Goodwin, Thomas Tulloch --- V17:77
Goodwin, Thomas Tulloch --- Landowner 12/63
Goodwin, Thomas, Jr. --- Census 2/1/39
Goodwin, Thompson --- Mentioned 4/98
Goodwin, Thompson, Mrs. --- V41:39
Goodwin, Virgie C. --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, Virgie Chiles --- V29:82
Goodwin, Virginia R. --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, W. D. --- V29:103
Goodwin, W. H. --- V17:74, 76
Goodwin, W. H. --- V20:86, 88, 89
Goodwin, W. H. --- Farmer 7/64 Marriage 10/94
Goodwin, W. H. --- V35:104-107
Goodwin, W. Hiter --- V29:103
Goodwin, W. Hugh --- V29:103
Goodwin, W. R. --- V16:83
Goodwin, W. R. --- V19:46, 47
Goodwin, W. R. --- V20:80
Goodwin, W. R. --- V21-1:16, 17, 19, 25, 28, 30, 93
Goodwin, W. R. --- Tombstone 1/6
Goodwin, W. R. --- V29:16, 103
Goodwin, W. R. --- V31: 3
Goodwin, W. S. --- V21-1:22, 93
Goodwin, W. S. --- Tombstone 4/64
Goodwin, W. T. --- Death 1/23
Goodwin, W. Thompson --- Married 5/1/32
Goodwin, W. Thompson --- V41:85
Goodwin, Weir --- V21-1:20
Goodwin, Weir R. --- V21-1:16, 25, 72
Goodwin, Weir R. --- V29:17-18, 90
Goodwin, Weir R. --- V29:16, 19-20, 82-83
Goodwin, Weir Randolph --- V21-1:25
Goodwin, William --- V26:15
Goodwin, William --- Census 1/78 2/1/42 3/41
Goodwin, William C. --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, William C. --- V41:86
Goodwin, William Francisco --- Marriage 10/92
Goodwin, William H. --- V33:24
Goodwin, William H. --- V32:79, 82, 83
Goodwin, William H., Mrs. --- V32:79, 82
Goodwin, William Hiten --- V17:75
Goodwin, William Hiter --- Birth 10/94 Death 10/95
Goodwin, William T. --- Death 5/1/33
Goodwin, William T. --- V41:39
Goodwin, William Thomson --- Birth 5/1/33
Goodwin, William Thomson --- V41:86, 87
Goodwin, William W. --- Census 2/2/43
Goodwin, William, Dr. --- V21-1:62
Goodwin, William, Jr. --- Census 1/78
Goodwin, Willis W. --- V26:16
Goodwin, Winefred --- Census 2/1/39
Goodwin, Winifred --- Census 2/1/39
Goodwin, Winnefred --- Landowner 2/26
Goodwin, Wm. H. --- V21-1:125
Goodwin, Wm. R --- V21-1:29
Goodwin Family, --- V33:24
Goodwin Family, --- V32:83, 87
Goodwin Family Bible Records, --- 5/1/31
Goodwin Tract, --- V15:5
Goodwins, --- V21-2:43
Goodwin's Store, --- V21-1:111, 115
Goodwin's Store, --- V31: 4
Goolsby, Tarlton --- Insurance Record 5/1/50
Gordon, --- V25:35
Gordon, A. T. --- V21-1:25
Gordon, A. T. --- V25:99
Gordon, A. T. --- V29:16-17
Gordon, A. T. --- V32:50
Gordon, Abram --- V24:93
Gordon, Alexander L. --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Alexander Taswell --- V32:46
Gordon, Alexander, Dr. --- V31: 102
Gordon, Alice Maud Winston --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Alice Maud Winston --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Andrew T. --- Query 9/37
Gordon, Basil --- V17:47
Gordon, Bear --- V14:80
Gordon, Betsy --- Census 2/2/47
Gordon, Bettie --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Catherine --- V17:48
Gordon, Catherine --- Mentioned 11/1/12
Gordon, Chapman --- V17:48
Gordon, Chapman --- Census 3/77
Gordon, Charles --- V31: 103
Gordon, Diane --- V21-1:117
Gordon, Douglas --- V17:48
Gordon, Dr. --- V31: 101, 102, 103, 105, 106
Gordon, Dr. --- V32:11
Gordon, Eliza Somerville --- Tombstone 9/69
Gordon, Eliza Somerville Beale --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Elizabeth Lindsay --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Fanny P. --- V17:48
Gordon, Fanny Powell --- V17:49
Gordon, Frances P. --- V13:85
Gordon, Frances Powell --- V31: 49
Gordon, Francis --- V13:37
Gordon, Francis --- Legal Note 11/2/33 11/2/34
Gordon, Frank Wilson --- V21-1:122
Gordon, Genl. --- V41:109
Gordon, Hortense, Mrs. --- V31: 30
Gordon, James L. --- V25:35, 36
Gordon, James L. --- Census 3/42
Gordon, James L. --- V46:115
Gordon, James Lindsay --- V32:45
Gordon, James Lindsey --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Jane --- V40:58, 74, 75, 79
Gordon, Jas. L. --- V17:10
Gordon, John --- Census 4/34
Gordon, John --- V37:10
Gordon, John A. --- V15:13
Gordon, John Mortgomery --- V17:47
Gordon, Johnathan --- Census 4/35
Gordon, Josephine --- V37:9
Gordon, Josephine Williams --- V37:9, 12
Gordon, Josephine, Mrs. --- V31: 30, 31
Gordon, Lindsay --- V27:8
Gordon, Louisa Ann --- V40:79
Gordon, Lucy --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Lucy D. --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Martha Hastings --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Mary --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Mary L. --- Teacher 4/81
Gordon, Mr. --- V15:14
Gordon, Mrs. --- V31: 32, 33
Gordon, Mrs. --- V37:9, 10, 11, 12
Gordon, Mrs. --- V32:11
Gordon, Mrs.& Dr. --- V31: 101
Gordon, Nan --- V35:167
Gordon, Nathaniel --- V44:61
Gordon, Nathaniel G --- Census 3/42
Gordon, Patty --- V32:8
Gordon, Polly --- Census 3/77
Gordon, Powell --- V17:47
Gordon, R. E. --- V21-1:84
Gordon, R. L. --- V25:99
Gordon, R. L. --- V29:102
Gordon, R. L. --- V32:45, 47
Gordon, R. L. --- V40:98
Gordon, R. L. III --- V29:81
Gordon, R. L., Jr. --- V18:29
Gordon, R. L., Jr. --- Attorney 7/58 Monument Ceremony 9/6
Gordon, R. L., Jr. --- V29:14, 15-16
Gordon, R. L., Jr. --- V35:131
Gordon, R. Lindsay --- V21-1:25, 29
Gordon, R. Lindsay --- V29:90
Gordon, R. Lindsay, 3rd. --- V21-1:25
Gordon, R. Lindsay, II --- V39:23
Gordon, R. Lindsay, Jr. --- V21-1:25
Gordon, R. S. --- V21-1:19
Gordon, R.L. --- V46:54
Gordon, Ralph Anderson --- V21-1:122
Gordon, Ray --- V21-1:117
Gordon, Rebecca --- V24:92, 94
Gordon, Rebecca --- V31: 37
Gordon, Reuben --- Haley Diary 11/2/44 11/2/45
Gordon, Reuben --- Lindsay Jr, Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Reuben --- V41:64
Gordon, Reuben L. --- V21-1:25
Gordon, Reuben Lindsay --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, Reuben, II --- V31: 37
Gordon, Reubin Lindsay, Jr. --- V32:46
Gordon, Rev. R. E. --- V21-1:123
Gordon, Robert --- V21-1:117
Gordon, Roy Coffer --- V21-1:122
Gordon, Samuel --- V17:47
Gordon, Sandy --- V29:103
Gordon, Sandy --- V32:50
Gordon, Thomas C. --- V21-1:54
Gordon, Wellington --- V13:55
Gordon, Wellington --- V17:47, 48, 49
Gordon, Wellington --- V25:32
Gordon, Wellington --- V32:7
Gordon, William --- Census 3/88
Gordon, William --- V41:93
Gordon, William --- V42:111
Gordon, William E. --- V32:46
Gordon, William F. --- V21-1:25
Gordon, William F. --- Tombstone 1/69
Gordon, William F. --- V46:115
Gordon Cottage, --- V19:94
Gordon’s Tavern, --- V44:11
Gordonsville, --- V18:12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31
Gordonsville, --- V19:5, 7, 8, 45, 46
Gordonsville, --- V21-1:41, 82, 96, 105, 119
Gordonsville, --- V23:45
Gordonsville, --- V24:26
Gordonsville, --- V25:74
Gordonsville, --- V26:20, 21
Gordonsville, --- V27:7, 9, 34-35
Gordonsville, --- V28:74, 96
Gordonsville, --- V29:32, 50, 91
Gordonsville, --- V39:36
Gordonsville, --- V31: 30, 36, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103. 104, 105, 106, 107
Gordonsville, --- V37:92
Gordonsville, --- V33:14, 77, 85, 90, 91 95
Gordonsville, --- V32:11, 12, 13, 14, 16 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 38, 39, 40
Gordonsville, --- V36:23
Gordonsville, --- V44:2, 11, 12, 13, 46, 51, 53, 115, 117, 121, 122
Gordonsville (Virginia), --- V13:39, 42
Gordonsville Exchange Hotel, --- V21-1:111
Gordonsville Greys, --- V18:11
Gordonsville Presbyterian Church, --- V19:5
Gordonsville Road, --- V30:18, 22, 32, 34-35, 38
Gordonsville Tavern, --- V13:39
Gordonsville, Orange County, --- V32:38
Gordonsville, VA, --- V30:22, 24, 28, 31-32, 37-38, 40, 59
Gordonsville, VA, --- V35:10, 29, 30, 35-38, 137, 139, 151-155
Gordonsville-Green Spring Intersection, --- V30:32
Gordonsville-Mechanicsville Road Intersection, --- V30:34
Gordonsville-Mechanicsville Road Intersection, --- V30:32
Gorgets, --- V34:9, 10
Gos, E. --- V42:59
Gose, Joseph --- V13:30
Gose, Joseph --- Legal Note 11/2/31
Goshen, Association --- V29:47, 97
Goshen Ass., --- V40:86
Goshen Association, --- V34:20, 25, 30, 32
Goshen Association of Virginia, --- V34:20
Goshen Baptist Assoc., --- V23:108-111, 113
Goshen Baptist Association, --- V13:39
Goshen Baptist Association, --- V24:23
Goshen Baptist Association, --- V29:56
Goshen Church, --- V34:17
Gosher Association, --- V40:90, 91
Goshorn, Donald --- Minister 2/1/18
Goshorn, Donald H. --- V19:10
Goshorn, Donald H. (Reverend) --- V29:49
Gosner, --- V19:96
Gosner, Martha --- V30:71
Gospel of the Baptist Church, --- V15:74
Goss, J. M. --- V15:36
Goss, James W. --- Minister 10/12 10/67
Goss, James W. --- V29:44-45, 98
Goss, James, Mrs. --- V16:7
Goss, John --- V13:62
Goss, John --- V20:13
Goss, John W., Jr. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Goss, Miss --- V33:76
Goster, John --- V15:77
Gould, Dr. --- V14:58
Goulding, Ann Smelt --- V27:100
Goulding, Rich. --- V14:6
Government, --- V39:46, 47, 77
Government, --- V38:37, 38, 53
Government, Exhibit Room --- V39:55
Governor, Albemarle Military District --- V29:38
Governor's Gentlemen, --- V31: 74
Governor's Mansion, --- V24:7
Gowin, Joshua --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gowrdin, Denis --- V41:26
GPS (Global Positioning System), --- V37:23
GPS systems, --- V37:25
Grac Adams Davis Stadium, --- V21-1:70
Grace Church, --- 1/8
Grace Episcopal Church, --- V29:64
Grace Johnson Road, --- V28:16
Grady, Catharine --- Census 2/2/46
Grady, Eldridge --- V22:30
Grady, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/46
Grady, George --- Census 2/2/28
Grady, George W. --- Census 2/2/28
Grady, James P. --- Census 3/33
Grady, Jane E. --- Census 3/33
Grady, Joseph --- Death 1/45 Census 2/2/45 3/33 4/35
Grady, Joseph --- V40:6
Grady, Joseph L. --- Census 3/33
Grady, Kesiah --- Census 2/2/45
Grady, Mary --- Census 3/33
Grady, Milissa --- Census 2/2/45
Grady, Nancy Ann --- V24:39
Grady, Nancy Ann --- V40:6
Grady, Polly --- Census 2/2/45
Grady, Reubin --- Census 4/35
Grady, Rhoda --- Census 2/2/28
Grady, Roxy --- Census 2/2/45
Grady, Tim T. --- V22:30
Grady, Timothy --- Census 2/2/45
Grady, Timothy F. --- Will 2/2/17
Grady, William --- Census 2/2/45 4/35
Grady, William D. --- Census 3/33
Grafton, Thomas --- Legal Case 9/44
Graham, A. --- Legal Note 11/1/29
Graham, Albert --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Amelia --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Annie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Archie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Augustine --- Legal Note 10/33 11/1/41 11/2/34 11/2/36 12/47
Graham, Augustus --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Graham, Augustus (Augustin) --- V13:30, 32, 34, 36
Graham, Charlie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Eliza --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Emma --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, Harry B. --- V21-2:11
Graham, Julia --- Methodist 11/2/29
Graham, Julia Danne --- Tombstone 7/72
Graham, Minnie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, P. M. --- Tombstone 7/72
Graham, P. N. --- Merchant 7/59
Graham, P. N. --- V31: 82
Graham, Rosa --- Methodist 11/1/29
Graham, T. A. --- Tombstone 7/72
Graham, Thomas --- V13:75
Graham, Walter III (Dr.) --- V29:55
Graham, William --- V43:104
Grammar, James --- V27:24
Grammar, James --- V29:53, 98
Grammar, James (Rev. ) --- V13:13
Grand, Ms. Juanita G. --- V16:56
Granger, --- V20:38
Granger, Connie Ann (Hill) --- V42:53, 98, 100, 103, 106
Granite, --- V19:65
Grant, --- V15:14, 16
Grant, --- V20:87
Grant, --- V24:85
Grant, --- V30:40
Grant, Curtis E. --- V18:38
Grant, Daisy G. --- Tombstone 12/33
Grant, General --- V30:30
Grant, General Ulysses S. --- V46:120
Grant, John --- Prisoner 8/62
Grant, Kenneth Ray --- Tombstone 12/33
Grant, Linwood --- Piano Donor 12/30
Grant, Linwood, Mr. & Mrs. --- V34:28
Grant, Melvin H. --- Tombstone 12/33
Grant, President --- V24:81
Grant, President --- V25:42, 93
Grant, President --- V29:7
Grant, President Ulysses S. --- V43:17
Grant, Rickey Allen --- Tombstone 12/33
Grant, Ricky --- V34:28
Grant, Ruth --- V34:33
Grant, Susan --- V26:77
Grant, Thomas --- V26:77
Grant, Thomas E --- Tombstone 12/33
Grant, U. S. --- V42:38
Grant, U.S., Genl. --- V30:30
Grant, Ulysses S. --- V35:33, 50
Grant, Virginia E. --- Tombstone 12/32
Grant, Wilton --- V26:77
Grantham, Amis --- Query 2/2/49
Grants, --- V26:78
Grant's Grand Strategy, --- V30:30
Granville, Maria Ann --- V14:55
Granville Co., --- V20:3-5
Graphite, --- V19:65
Grasberger, B. J. --- V26:107
Grasberger, B. J. (Jr) --- V26:107
Grasberger, B. J., Jr. --- V26:107
Grasberger, Benedict J. --- V26:106, 107
Grasberger, Benedict Joseph --- V26:105
Grasberger, Frances --- V23:102
Grasberger, Frances T. --- V26:107
Grasberger, Francis N. --- V26:107
Grasberger, Francis Nicholas --- V26:107
Grasberger, Francis P. --- V26:106, 107
Grasberger, Hannah M. --- V26:107
Grasberger, Margaretha --- V26:107
Grasberger, Margaretha (Margaret) --- V26:107
Grasberger, Mary --- V26:108
Grasberger, Mary L. --- V26:107
Grasberger, Mary Lee --- V26:107
Grasberger, Nellie Duke --- V26:107
Grasberger, Paul --- V26:107, 108
Grasberger, Paul V. --- V26:107
Grasberger, Paul Vincent --- V26:107
Grasberger Spoon Factory, --- V26:106
Grassdale, --- V44:124
Grassdale, --- V45:33
Grassdale, --- V46:8
Grattan, H. M. --- V19:6
Grave, Robert --- V41:28
Graves, --- V25:22
Graves, A. W. --- Haley Diary 5/2/17
Graves, B. B. --- V23:76
Graves, Bartlett --- V43:54
Graves, Basil --- V38:63
Graves, Bob --- V38:1, 70
Graves, C. W. S. --- Haley Diary 11/2/47 12/89 12/97
Graves, Catherine S. --- Census 3/80
Graves, Charles --- V31: 30
Graves, Charles --- V42:59, 60
Graves, Clara --- V41:68
Graves, Clifford C. --- V38:70
Graves, Dick --- V41:90
Graves, Dick --- V42:110
Graves, Drusilla (Boxley) --- V38:73
Graves, Eddie W. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Graves, Edward --- V19:38
Graves, Ellia --- V21-1:93
Graves, Gladys --- V38:63
Graves, Goldie (Doles) --- V38:68
Graves, James --- V14:41
Graves, Jo. --- V41:50
Graves, John --- V13:29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 75
Graves, John --- V24:72
Graves, John --- Census 4/35 Legal Note 11/2/42 12/48
Graves, John --- V42:122
Graves, John R. --- V17:63
Graves, John R. --- Census 3/80
Graves, John, Jr. --- V13:36
Graves, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20
Graves, Joseph --- V42:92
Graves, Lee Jackson --- Haley Diary 10/39
Graves, Lieut. --- V42:60
Graves, Lucy B. --- Census 3/80
Graves, Martha (Dotson) --- V38:70
Graves, Mina (Doles) --- V38:71
Graves, Minnie _ --- V38:6
Graves, Mr. --- V16:38
Graves, Mr. --- V42:59
Graves, N. E. --- V21-1:93
Graves, Nathan --- V38:6
Graves, Otelia "Tot" --- V22:97
Graves, P. H. --- Minister 8/91
Graves, Patrick --- V28:23
Graves, Patrick H. --- V41:68, 71
Graves, R. Perrin --- Marriage 5/2/34
Graves, Rebecca --- V41:68
Graves, Rice --- V19:101
Graves, Rice --- Tax Payer 1/14 Census 4/36 5/1/20
Graves, Rice --- V41:101
Graves, Richard --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20
Graves, Richard --- V30:77
Graves, Richard M. --- Census 3/80
Graves, Richd --- V43:54
Graves, Ruth (Brown) --- V38:70
Graves, Samuel --- V15:72
Graves, Samuel Clinton --- V38:61, 61, 68
Graves, Sarah --- V15:72
Graves, Sarah --- V19:32
Graves, Spurgeon --- Haley Diary 11/1/47 11/2/47 12/89
Graves, Susan --- V21-1:84
Graves, Susan --- V41:68
Graves, Susannah --- Query 4/51
Graves, Temple --- V41:68
Graves, Thomas --- V15:72
Graves, Thomas --- V19:39, 43, 88
Graves, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20 Legal Note 12/46
Graves, Thomas --- V38:63
Graves, Tom --- V38:63
Graves, Vernie Moore --- V33:94
Graves, W. E. --- V21-1:93
Graves, W. E., Jr. --- V21-1:93
Graves, W. R. --- V21-1:57
Graves, W.B. --- V46:119
Graves, Wallace --- V21-1:107
Graves, Wallace --- V21-2:29
Graves, Wallace, Mrs. --- V21-1:79
Graves, William --- V15:68
Graves, William --- Census 4/36 5/1/20
Graves, William --- V42:59
Graves, William E. --- Census 4/36
Grave's Hardware, --- V22:97
Graves Louisa Christian Church, --- V16:71
Graves Tract, --- V32:27
Gray, Alexander --- V32:65
Gray, Alphonso A. --- Census 3/46
Gray, Arthur --- V15:10
Gray, Arthur --- V21-1:20, 29, 30
Gray, Arthur P. --- V13:55
Gray, Cornelia T. --- V20:100
Gray, Cornelia T. --- Marriage 4/7 4/9
Gray, Daniel --- Census 4/36
Gray, Dr. --- V15:36
Gray, Elizabeth --- V19:33
Gray, Ellen Powell --- V17:49
Gray, Henry --- V19:33
Gray, John E. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Gray, Mary E. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Gray, Mr. --- V13:28
Gray, Richard --- Legal Officer 12/39
Gray, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/36 5 1/20
Gray, William --- V13:36
Gray, William --- V14:29, 75
Gray, William --- V19:40
Gray, William --- Landowner 6/25 Legal Case 9/46
Gray, William --- V44:104
Gray Tent, Tenn., --- V14:75
Grayson, Joel --- Marriage 5/2/35
Grayson County, --- V34:28
Grayson County, Virginia, --- V14:45
Grayson, Carter County, Kentucky, --- V32:32
Great Britain, --- V19:67
Great Britain, --- V30:6
Great Culloden, --- V36:70
Great Depression, --- V30:52-53
Great Depression, the --- V31: 52, 58
Great Dismal Swamp, --- V25:41
Great Mountains, --- V16:43
Great Revival, --- V34:18
Great Rocky, --- V27:86
Greater Dabney House, --- V33:34
Greaves, John S. --- Civil War Soldier 9/14
Greece, --- V19:25
Greeg, Brig. General --- V16:25
Green, --- V24:12
Green, Ann --- V20:96
Green, Ann --- V21-2:42
Green, Ann --- V22:7
Green, Ellis --- Haley Diary 8/92
Green, Forest --- V20:96
Green, Forest --- Legal Note 1/28 Census 4/35 Road Overseer 6/26 10/
Green, Forester --- Taxpayer 1/14
Green, Forres --- Census 5/1/20
Green, Forrest --- V21-2:42
Green, Forrest --- Will Witness 11/1/9
Green, Forrester --- Legal Official 11/1/21
Green, Fortu’s --- V42:91
Green, General --- V26:81
Green, General --- V27:20
Green, George --- Census 4/35
Green, Jacob, Capt. --- V30:36
Green, Joe --- V21-1:121
Green, John --- V19:55
Green, John --- Legal Note 10/26
Green, Joseph --- V20:96
Green, Joseph --- V21-2:42
Green, Lakie --- V21-2:38
Green, Lewis --- V19:78
Green, Lucy --- V20:96
Green, Malicha --- Census 5/1/20
Green, Mary --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20 Heir 11/1/15
Green, Mary A. --- Tombstone 1/65
Green, Mr. --- V14:30
Green, Otis H. --- V21-1:88
Green, Sallie L. --- V21-1:29
Green, Spring --- V28:78
Green, Spring Road --- V30:32, 36-38
Green, Springs --- V28:3, 5, 8, 13-14, 74, 80
Green, Springs District --- V29:74
Green, Thomas --- Attorney 3/26 6/76 Guardian 12/70
Green, Thomas --- V30:78
Green, Thomas --- V42:94
Green, Tomatoe Pickle --- V30:87
Green, W. N. --- V29:40, 76
Green, Walter F. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Green, William --- V22:7
Green Bay, --- V26:36, 37
Green Branch, --- V32:27
Green Briar Co., WV, --- V38:74
Green Co., --- V21-1:107
Green County, --- V21-2:34
Green County KY, --- V30:78
Green Lane Forge, --- V19:15
Green Lawn Cemetery, --- V38:59, 72
Green Level, --- V26:87
Green Publisher's, Inc., --- V26:21
Green Spring, --- V15:11, 12, 13, 15
Green Spring, --- V19:64, 68
Green Spring, --- V20:16
Green Spring, --- V27:15, 27
Green Spring, --- V40:7, 9
Green Spring Academy, --- V25:32
Green Spring School, --- V25:30
Green Spring School, --- V25:30
Green Springs, --- V16:8
Green Springs, --- V18:29, 31
Green Springs, --- V19:5, 8, 68, 69
Green Springs, --- V23:46, 90
Green Springs, --- V24:37
Green Springs, --- V25:32, 71
Green Springs, --- V26:20, 21, 92
Green Springs, --- V27:3, 6
Green Springs, --- V39:41
Green Springs, --- V31: 31, 36, 53, 78, 99
Green Springs, --- V37:37
Green Springs, --- V33:73, 76, 91, 93, 95
Green Springs, --- V32:4, 6, 17, 43, 44, 50, 51
Green Springs, --- V34:10, 35
Green Springs, --- V35:10, 13, 29, 31, 32, 47.51, 65, 138
Green Springs, --- V40:15, 39, 48
Green Springs, --- V43:79, 91, 94
Green Springs, --- V44:4, 13, 50, 53, 90, 105, 121, 124, 134, 135
Green Springs, --- V46:8
Green Springs, Depot --- V39:19, 21, 23
Green Springs, Insurance Record --- 5/1/30
Green Springs, Murder --- V39:19, 24
Green Springs Academy, --- V27:78
Green Springs Board, --- V38:44
Green Springs Community, --- V31: 31, 36
Green Springs Depot, --- V15:63
Green Springs Depot, --- V33:94, 95
Green Springs Depot, --- V32:38, 43
Green Springs Depot, --- V40:39
Green Springs District, --- V31: 78
Green Springs District, --- V45:112, 136
Green Springs Station, --- V15:64
Green Springs Station, --- V33:90
Green Springs township, --- V14:12
Green Springs Township, --- V32:43
Green Springs Valley, --- V20:35
Green Springs Valley, --- V35:35
Greenbay, --- V24:63
Greenbriar Co. VA, --- V30:4, 14
Greenbrier Swamp, --- V20:98
Greene, Arthur --- V24:1, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14
Greene, Arthur C. --- V24:14
Greene, Arthur Calhoun --- V24:15
Greene, Billy --- V24:15
Greene, Calvin --- V24:7
Greene, David T. --- V23:114
Greene, Elmer --- V24:15
Greene, Emma --- V24:14
Greene, Raymond --- V24:15
Greene Co., --- V21-1:103
Greene County, --- V27:12
Greene County, --- V31: 71
Greene County, --- V37:62
Greene's Corner, --- V24:14
Greene's Furniture Shop, --- V24:14
Greenherd, Andrew --- Landgrant 10/83
Greenhill, Mr. --- V41:28
Greenhorn, Andrew --- V19:40
Greenhorn, Andrew --- V22:50
Greenhow, Hallie --- Marriage 4/10
Greensboro, N. C., --- V21-1:103
Greensprings, --- V14:77
Greensprings Academy, --- V17:49
Greensprings Depot, --- V21-1:25
Greensprings Depot, --- V27:31
Greensprings Depot, --- V28:70-71
Greensprings Depot, --- V31: 49
Greensprings District, --- V28:69, 72
Greensprings School, --- V21-1:105
Greensprings turnout, --- V18:20
Greensville County, --- V34:27
Greenview, --- V28:15
Greenville, --- V20:36, 42
Greenway, Anderson --- V19:43
Greenwood, South Carolina, --- V28:46
Gregg, David McM, Genl. --- V30:31
Gregg, David McM. --- V22:22
Gregg, General --- V28:74
Gregg, Genl, CSA --- V35:10, 81
Gregg, J. I. --- V30:37
Gregg, J. Irwin, Col. --- V30:36
Gregg, James J. Captain --- V30:22
Gregg, McM. --- V30:33-34, 37-38, 39
Gregg, McM., Genl. --- V30:36
Greggs, Capt. --- V30:19
Gregg's Brigade, --- V30:36
Gregg's Division, --- V30:31, 33, 36
Gregg's Pennsylvanians, --- V30:37
Gregory, Albert --- Census 1/82
Gregory, Charles --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gregory, Richard --- V13:29-32, 34, 37, 75
Gregory, Richard --- Legal Note 12/48
Gregory, Sarah F. --- Marriage License 7/76
Gresham, John Thomas. --- Query 10/10
Gresham, Joseph --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gresham, Thomas --- V13:30, 32, 34, 37
Gresham, Thomas --- V14:33
Gresham, Thomas --- V19:38, 89
Gresham, Thomas --- Roadwork 6/31 6/88 6/89 6/90 Legal Note 10/29 10/3
Gresham, W.D. --- V46:32
Grey, Arthur --- V21-1:21
Grey, Arthur Powell --- V17:49
Grey, Thomas --- V42:91
Grey Gables, --- V21-1:26
Grey Gables, History Of --- 6/7
Grierson, Benjamin, Col. --- V36:4
Griffin, Ann L. --- V23:5
Griffin, James E. --- V29:48
Griffin, Lewis Baldwin --- Marriage 5/2/37
Griffin, Mr. --- V20:103
Griffin, Robert --- V23:5
Griffin, William --- Census 4/35
Griffith, --- V39:38
Griffith, S. S. --- Hotel Proprietor 2/1/26
Griffith, S. S. --- V29:9, 20, 76
Grigg, Annie Burton --- V23:37
Grim, C. W. --- V21-1:57
Grimaldi, Mary M., Mrs. --- V16:56
Grimes, William --- V42:92
Grimm, James Clifton --- V21-1:122
Grimsley, Daniel A. --- V20:85
Grimsley, Daniel A. --- Monument Presentation 6/9
Grimsley, Daniel A. --- V32:49
Grimsley, Daniel Ammon --- V20:83
Grimsley, Judge Daniel A. --- V35:131
Grinnan, Daniel --- V14:25
Grinnan, Miss --- V13:28
Grinstead, Angermina --- Census 1/81
Grinstead, Betsy --- Census 3/32
Grinstead, David --- Census 4/34
Grinstead, Jim --- Census 3/32
Grinstead, Mary --- Census 1/81 3/32
Grinstead, Mary C. --- Census 1/81
Grinstead, Mildred --- Census 3/32
Grinstead, Richard --- Census 4/34
Grinstead, Sallie --- Census 3/32
Grinstead, William --- Census 1/81
Grisham, Mary --- V22:47
Groeiling, Henry --- V15:10
Groom, Albert --- Census 2/2/37
Groom, Aunt --- V16:60, 65
Groom, Charles --- V17:49, 52
Groom, Charles --- Census 2/2/37
Groom, Churchill --- V20:17
Groom, Elizabeth --- V30:74
Groom, Elizabeth Bibb --- V30:79
Groom, Frances --- Census 2/2/37
Groom, George --- Census 2/2/37
Groom, James --- V15:34, 35
Groom, James --- V16:64, 65
Groom, James W. --- V20:14
Groom, Jim --- V20:14
Groom, John N. --- V26:6
Groom, John W. --- Census 2/1/31
Groom, Major --- Census 4/36
Groom, Martha --- Census 3/39
Groom, Mary --- V20:14, 15
Groom, Mary --- Census 2/1/31
Groom, Mary Ann --- V20:14
Groom, Mary Elizabeth Hunter --- V15:35
Groom, Mr. --- Killed In Armenius Mine 9/99
Groom, Randolph --- V31: 81
Groom, Richard --- Marriage 1/47 Census 4/36
Groom, Robert --- V30:79
Groom, Robert, Mrs. --- V30:79
Groom, Roberta --- Census 2/1/31 9/34
Groom, Sallie --- V20:14
Groom, Sallie Smith --- V20:14
Groom, Samuel --- V20:14, 17
Groom, Samuel --- Landowner 6/7
Groom, William --- V20:14
Groom, William --- Census 4/35 Haley Diary 6/20 6/21
Groom, Zachariah --- Census 2/2/37
Groome, --- V22:74
Groome, Charles, Jr. --- V21-1:123
Groome, J. W., Lt. --- V22:73
Groome, J. W., Lt. --- V35:60
Groome, Julia --- V36:35
Groome, Justin T.M. --- V28:10
Grooms, Albert --- V21-1:48
Grooms, Charles --- Census 3/95
Grooms, Dabney --- Census 3/45
Grooms, James --- Census 3/45
Grooms, John --- Census 3/45
Grooms, Mary --- Census 3/95
Grooms, Matilda --- Census 3/45
Grooms, Samuel --- Census 3/95
Grooms, W. H. --- V21-1:48
Ground Hog (thresher), Old --- V30:55
Ground Squirrel, --- V21-2:42
Ground Squirrel Meeting, Mentioned --- 8/55
Ground stone tools, axe --- V43:75
Ground stone tools, celt --- V43:75
Ground stone tools, pestle --- V43:75
Grove, F. S. --- Farmer 7/64
Grove, The --- V29:82
Grove Avenue Baptist Church, --- V28:16
Groves, Mr. --- V14:17
Groves, W. B. --- V14:17
Groyer, David --- Legal Note 12/46
Grubb, Rich. --- V24:93
Grubbs, --- V21-1:8, 62, 99, 102, 111
Grubbs, Alphonzo --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Angelina --- Census 3/32
Grubbs, Ann E. --- Census 3/32
Grubbs, Ann R. --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Arabella --- V21-1:32
Grubbs, Benjamin --- V23:8
Grubbs, Benjamin --- Census D/35 5/1/20
Grubbs, Bett Jennings --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Bro. --- V21-1:80
Grubbs, D. A. --- V36:46
Grubbs, D. A., Mrs. --- V21-1:85
Grubbs, D. H. --- Farmer 7/63
Grubbs, Dabney --- V22:39
Grubbs, Dabney --- Census 2/2/39
Grubbs, Daniel --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Daniel A. --- V21-1:30, 32
Grubbs, Daniel H. --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Eliza --- Census 2/2/38
Grubbs, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/34 2/2/38
Grubbs, Emily --- Census 3/78
Grubbs, Ewell --- Census 2/2/39
Grubbs, F. J. --- Tombstone 9/88
Grubbs, Frances C. --- Query 5/2/96
Grubbs, Frank E. --- Tombstone 9/88
Grubbs, Frederick --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Frederick J. --- Tombstone 9/88
Grubbs, George --- Census 2/2/34
Grubbs, Harriett H. --- Query 572/46
Grubbs, Helen --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Henrietta --- Census 2/2/30
Grubbs, Hensley --- Testimonial 8/38
Grubbs, J. R. --- V25:101
Grubbs, James --- V22:38
Grubbs, James --- Census 2/2/34
Grubbs, John --- Census 1/84 3/32
Grubbs, John --- V42:91
Grubbs, John --- V43:67
Grubbs, John E. --- Query 5/2/46
Grubbs, Kate --- V21-1:65, 79, 101
Grubbs, Kate C. --- V21-1:32
Grubbs, Kate C. --- V21-2:14
Grubbs, Katherine Camilla --- V21-1:98
Grubbs, L. A. --- V21-1:79
Grubbs, Lee A. --- V21-1:32
Grubbs, Leon --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Lucy --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Lucy J. --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Maria --- Census 2/2/34
Grubbs, Mariella --- Census 3/32
Grubbs, Martha --- V41:43
Grubbs, Martha Cole Anderson --- Query 5/2/46
Grubbs, Mary J. --- Query 5/2/46
Grubbs, Mathew G. --- Census 3/32
Grubbs, Matthew --- Census 4/34 5/1/20
Grubbs, Matthew --- V41:103
Grubbs, Mildred --- V23:8
Grubbs, Mrs. --- V21-1:101
Grubbs, Myrtle --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Nancy --- Census 2/2/34
Grubbs, Patsy --- Census 1/84
Grubbs, Rebecca --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Richard --- Census 2/2/34
Grubbs, Robert (Bob ) --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Rosa Hester --- V26:8
Grubbs, Russell --- Gravesite 9/88
Grubbs, Sallie A. --- Tombstone 9/88
Grubbs, Sarah --- Census 1/84
Grubbs, Sarah Jennings --- Query 5/2/46
Grubbs, Sop Hronia --- Census 3/79
Grubbs, Susan --- V24:92
Grubbs, Thomas --- V16:68
Grubbs, Thomas --- V17:53, 58
Grubbs, Thomas --- Census 2/2/30
Grubbs, Thomas Anderson --- Query 5/2/46
Grubbs, Virginia --- Census 2/2/34
Grubbs, William E. --- Census 3/32
Grubs, John --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 5/1/20
Grymes, Elizabeth --- V28:43
Grymes, Fanny M. --- Tombstone 4/63
Grymes, John --- Census 1/88 Landgrant 10/85
Grymes, John --- V28:43
Grymes, John M. --- Census 3/43
Grymes, John Samuel --- Tombstone 4/63
Grymes, Lucy --- V31: 56
Grymes, Ludwell --- Taxpayer 1/14
Grymes, Mary --- Tombstone 4/63
Grymes, Mary Beverly --- V22:12
Grymes, Robert S. --- Census 1/75
Grymes, Samuel --- V28:43
Grymes, Samuel A. --- Census 1/75
Grymes, Sarah H. --- Census 1/75
Grymes, W. L. --- V21-1:56
Grymes, William N. --- Census 1/75
Guano [fertilizer], --- V44:25
Gueray, Martha M. --- V19:101
Guerrant, Charles --- V21-2:37
Guilford, Lynn --- V33:88
Guilford, Lynn G. --- V17:40
Guilford, Lynn G. --- V37:72
Guilford, Lynn G. --- V32:60
Guilford, William B. --- V37:72, 81
Guilford, William B. --- V32:59, 60
Guilford Court House, --- V22:11
Guilford Courthouse, --- V39:19, 20
Guilford Round Base, --- V33:69, 70
Guilford-Round Base (arrowhead), --- V32:96
Guilford's Home, --- V32:59
Guillain Barre' Syndrome, --- V31: 41
Guinea Station, --- V26:84
Guinea's Depot, --- V28:73
Guiney’s Depot, --- V44:116, 121, 139
Guinias Depot, --- V32:21
Guisto, Frances Hicks --- V25:13
Guisto, Tommy --- V25:13
Gulf, --- V37:27, 28, 29
Gulf Islands National Seashore, --- V37:28
Gulfport, --- V37:28, 29
Gulks, Thomas --- Legal Note 11/1/40
Gum Spring, --- V20:28
Gum Spring, --- V39:26, 27, 31
Gum Spring, --- V33:36
Gum Spring, --- V32:38, 41
Gum Spring Post Office, --- V32:37
Gum Spring Tavern, --- V33:34
Gum Springs, --- V18:29, 30
Gum Springs, --- V20:11
Gum Springs, --- V26:77
Gum Springs, --- V31: 49
Gunill, John --- V41:30
Gunn, Capt. James --- V45:147
Gunnel, John --- Census 2/1/30 4/35
Gunnel, Lucy --- Census 2/1/30
Gunnel, Mary L. --- Census 2/2/34
Gunnel, William --- Census 3/42 5/1/20
Gunnell, John --- Tombstone 11/2/12
Gunnell, John A. --- V22:57
Gunnell, John, Jr. --- Rev. Soldier 8/32
Gunnell, Martha Anne --- V22:57
Gunnell, Mary --- V28:45
Gunnell, Mary Lewis --- V22:58
Gunnell, Matilda Flemming Davis --- V22:57
Gunnell, Timothy T. --- V22:57
Gunnell, William --- V13:33, 34, 37, 67
Gunnill, John --- Census 5/1/20
Gunning, Carl --- V38:62
Gunter, Alexander --- Census 2/1/32
Gunter, Andrimonca --- Census 2/1/32
Gunter, Bill --- V21-1:40
Gunter, Charles --- V20:22
Gunter, Charles --- V41:55
Gunter, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/32
Gunter, Elizabeth B. --- V20:22
Gunter, Elizabeth Ware --- V20:22
Gunter, Enos F. --- V24:46
Gunter, Enos F. --- Census 2/1/35
Gunter, James A. --- Census 2/2/42 Farmer 7/63
Gunter, James L. --- Census 2/1/32
Gunter, James Phillip --- Tombstone 9/41
Gunter, James S. --- V20:22
Gunter, James, Jr. --- Census 2/1/32
Gunter, Jeremiah --- Census 4/35
Gunter, John --- V20:23
Gunter, John --- Census 4/35 5/1/20 Rev. Soldier 8/29 8/32
Gunter, John F. --- Census 2/1/32
Gunter, John, Sr. --- V20:22
Gunter, John, Sr. --- V20:22
Gunter, Joseph B. --- V20:22
Gunter, Mary --- V20:22
Gunter, Mary --- Census 2/1/32 2/1/35
Gunter, Mary L. --- Census 2/1/35
Gunter, Mary Ware --- V20:22
Gunter, Nancy A. --- V20:22
Gunter, Permelia --- V20:22
Gunter, Phillip T. --- Tombstone 9/41
Gunter, R. Enos --- V13:85
Gunter, Sarah --- Census 2/2/42
Gunter, Susan Jane --- V20:22
Gunter, Susanna Harris --- V20:22
Gunter, Susanna Ware --- V20:22
Gunter, Thomas --- Census 4/35
Gunter, Thomas N. --- V20:22
Gunter, William D. --- V20:22
Gunter, William J. --- V21-1:58
Gunter, Wilson H. --- V20:22
Gunter Ware, --- V16:34
Gunter Ware Tract, --- V16:33
Gunter's, --- V26:37
Gunter-Ware tract, --- V19:79
Gupton, Stephen --- V13:33, 34, 37
Guss, Willa I. --- V13:47
Guston, Stephen --- V13:75
Guston, Stephen --- V14:32, 35, 37, 39, 43
Guthrie, Henry --- Query 3/52 11/1/23
Guthrie, John --- Query 3/52
Guthrie, Mary --- V15:34
Guthrie, Mary Shay --- Query 3/52
Guy, Ann H. Wyatt --- V22:37
Guy, Benjamin --- V20:5
Guy, James C. --- V20:101
Guy, James C. --- V22:40
Guy, James C. --- Landowner 12/79
Guy, Rutherford --- V26:92
Guy, William --- Marriage 5/2/31
Gwathmey, Frank Winston --- Tombstone 1/68
Gwathmey, Hattie Winston --- Tombstone 1/68
Gwathmey, John H. --- V13:3
Gwathmey, Mrs. --- V44:134
Gwathmey, Robert Ryland --- Tombstone 1/68
Gwin, David --- Legal Note 10/32
Gwin, Hugh --- V38:50
Gwyn, David --- Legal Note 11/1/39 11/1/41 11/1/44 11/2/31 22/2/32
Gypsies, --- V33:47
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