Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With F. J. Safley Funeral Home
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
F. J. Safley Funeral Home, --- V31: 17
FAA, --- V36:24-29
FAA Administrator, --- V36:26
FAA Washington Airports, Districts Office --- V36:25, 26
Faber, Lillie --- V46:35
Faber’s Carriage House (Gordonsville), --- V46:35
Fackrell, Margaret Morris --- V23:43
Factory Mill, --- V18:27
Factory Mill Rd, --- V36:14
Factory Mills, --- V32:38
Fagg, Joel --- V14:25
Fagg, Josiah --- V14:25
Fair, Oaks --- V28:51
Fair Grounds, --- V28:73
Fairfax, --- V14:75, 78
Fairfax, --- V25:88
Fairfax County (Virginia), --- V13:25
Fairfield, --- V34:58
Fairgrounds, --- V38:26, 28
Fairview Baptist Church, --- V34:29
Falkner, Lucy --- V22:48
Falkner, William G. --- V19:47
Falling River, --- V20:4
Fallon, Mr. --- V32:49
Falls, Mike --- V42:28
Falmouth, --- V17:47
Fannie, --- V33:78
Fannie A. Talley vs. Hancock, --- V24:36
Fannin, Shirley, Dr. --- V31: 41
Fanny, --- V19:95
Fanny, --- V25:98
Fanny, (Slave) --- V30:74, 82
Farguson, John --- V20:11
Faris, Benjamin --- Marriage 11/1/11 Landgrant 11/2/21
Faris, Charlie --- Landgrant 11/2/22
Faris, Elizabeth Key --- V20:6
Faris, John --- V20:6
Faris, Mary --- Census 5/1/19
Faris, Mary Key --- V20:6
Faris, Richard --- Census 5/1/19
Faris, William --- V20:6
Farish, A. J. --- V22:58
Farish, Andrew J. --- V22:59
Farish, M. D. --- V22:59
Fariss, Hezekiah --- Census 4/34
Fariss, John --- Census 4/34
Fariss, Joseph --- Census 4/33
Fariss, Richard --- Census 4/34
Fariss, William --- Census 4/34
Farley, Elizabeth, Mrs. --- V31: 97
Farley, J. W. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Farley, L. Paul --- V23:51
Farm, Tractor rubber tire --- V30:52
Farmall, Fl2 (tractor) --- V30:52
Farmers & Merchants Bank, --- V21-1:109
Farmer's & Merchants Bank, Baltimore, Md. --- V17:48
Farmers Almanac, --- V33:64
Farmers Home Administration, --- V36:27
Farmers in Louisa County, --- V31: 55
Farmers Picnic, --- V40:50
Farmington, --- V14:52, 53
Farmville, --- V19:8
Farmville, --- V25:89
Farmville, --- V38:12
Farmville (Virginia), --- V13:56
Farmville State Female Normal School, --- V33:86
Farmville, Virginia, --- V33:83
Farr, Edward --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Farrar, Catharine --- V24:93
Farrar, Catharine --- Census 3/86
Farrar, David S. --- V15:36
Farrar, Fred --- V21-1:93
Farrar, Garland --- V27:61
Farrar, Garland --- V41:43
Farrar, Helen McCoy --- V27:61
Farrar, J. E. --- V18:27
Farrar, J. E. --- Farmer 7/64
Farrar, James --- V24:93
Farrar, James --- Census 1/81
Farrar, James --- V33:22
Farrar, James --- V32:89, 90
Farrar, James E. --- V13:13
Farrar, James E. --- Magistrate 7/58 Civil War Guide 8/81
Farrar, James Edward --- V32:89
Farrar, James, Mrs. --- V32:89, 90
Farrar, John --- Census 1/81 3/76
Farrar, Matthew --- V27:61
Farrar, Matthew --- Rev. Soldier 8/31 Parent 11/1/35
Farrar, Mildred --- Census 2/2/37
Farrar, Mildred --- V28:78
Farrar, Mrs. --- Church Member 2/1/16
Farrar, Pattie --- V23:105
Farrar, Pattie --- V27:34
Farrar, Perrin --- V15:63
Farrar, Perrin --- Census 5/1/19
Farrar, Rebecca Bacon --- Tombstone 11/2/4
Farrar, Richard --- Married 11/1/37
Farrar, Robert --- Census 3/31 Tombstone 11/2/14
Farrar, S. B. --- V17:26
Farrar, S. B. --- V21-2:16
Farrar, Sallie --- V15:63
Farrar, Sallie --- Census 1/81
Farrar, Sallie --- V32:90
Farrar, Sallie A. --- Census 2/2/37
Farrar, Sallie Bacon --- Mentioned 8/81
Farrar, Sallie K. --- Teacher 1/81
Farrar, Sallie Lacy --- V15:63
Farrar, Sallie Waddy --- V32:89
Farrar, Sarah ( Sally ) --- Married 1 1/1/35
Farrar, Stephen --- V25:26
Farrar, Stephen --- V27:61
Farrar, Stephen --- Census 2/2/37 Rev. Soldier 8/31 Parent 8/82 Tombst
Farrar, Stephen --- V41:43, 103
Farrar, Stephen, Mrs. --- V27:61-62
Farrar, Susan --- Census 2/2/37
Farrar, Susan Pearson Duncan --- Tombstone 11/2/14
Farrar, Susannah P. --- V27:61
Farrar, William --- V15:73
Farrar Family, --- V33:88
Farrell, Baby Rita Mae --- V35:167
Farrell, Mr. --- V21-2:42
Farrell, William --- Landowner 8/57
Farrer, James --- Haley Diary 5/1/45
Farrer, Matthews --- Census 4/34
Farrer, Perrin --- Taxpayer 1/1 4
Farris, Charles --- V20:76
Farris, Charles --- Rev. Soldier 8/31 Landgrant 11/2/21
Farris, Richards --- Rev., Soldier 8/31
Farris, Richd. --- V20:76
Farris, William --- V20:76
Fatherly, George --- Haley Diary 8/48
Faudree, Elmo --- V25:99
Faudree, Lottie --- V25:101
Faudree, Velma --- Gravesite 9/98
Faulconer, George --- V21-1:71
Faulconer, William --- Prisoner 8/62
Faulconer Construction of Charlottesville, --- V36:26
Faulkner, Charles --- V28:20
Faulkner, Elizabeth --- V28:20
Faulkner, Louisa --- V20:68
Faulkner, Sarah Frances --- V28:48
Faulkner, Todd --- V38:62
Fauqueer County, --- V31: 105
Fauquier, --- V25:88
Fauquier, Francis Lt. Gov. --- V15:55, 56, 57, 58
Fauquier, Gov. Francis --- V42:82
Fauquier, Governor --- V20:92
Fauquier County, --- V17:49
Fauquier County, --- V28:15
Fauquier County, --- V31: 103, 104
Fauquier Court House (Virginia), --- V14:26, 27
Fawcett, Daniel S. --- V42:107
Faxon, __ --- V42:62
Faxon, John W. --- V35:48
Fayette, --- V20:37
Fayette, County Ohio --- V30:5
Fayette County (Kentucky), --- V14:14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 29, 74
Fayette County KY, --- V30:77
Fayette Ville, --- V13:70
Fayette Ville, (Fayetteville), --- V14:14, 16, 17, 20, 22
Fayette, WVa., --- V20:102
Fayetteville, --- V17:28
Fayetteville, NC, --- V24:74, 78
FBO, --- V36:27
FDR, --- V35:171
Fears, James --- Roadwork 6/87
Feast of Fools, --- V16:47
February, Robert --- V38:41
Federal Constitution, --- V31: 7
Federal Land Bank, --- V25:69
Federal Land Bank, --- V30:51
Federal Postal Service, Archives, --- V32:5
Federalist, --- V25:45
Feldtzpar, --- V19:66
Felep, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Felgate, --- V38:48
Felgate, Capt. --- V38:48
Felgate, Robert, Capt --- V38:50
Felgate, Sibella --- V38:50
Female Boarding School, --- V27:77
Fenman, Clara Matilda (Doles) --- V38:59
Fensey, H. P. --- V21-1:125
Fensey, H. P. --- Merchant 7/59
Fenton, Robert --- Landgrant 10/80
Ferebee, George Shelton --- V20:81
Ferebee Ford, --- V20:30
Ferebee Ford Co., --- V21-2:29
Ferguson, Abraham --- V19:101
Ferguson, Abraham --- Query 4/97
Ferguson, Barbara --- V34:27
Ferguson, Elizabeth --- Query 4/97
Ferguson, Emmett Rives --- V34:26, 27
Ferguson, Isaac --- Justice Of Peace 3/26
Ferguson, J. W. and Sons --- V13:16
Ferguson, Josephine --- V24:22
Ferguson, Josephine Lenore --- V15:38
Ferguson, Lilian or Eliza --- V40:7
Ferguson, Mabel Elliott --- V34:27
Ferguson, Major --- V30:21
Ferguson, Rachael --- Mentioned 10/8
Ferguson, Richard --- Query 4/97 Minister 11/1/22 12/57
Ferguson, Vivian --- V32:70
Ferguson, William --- Query 4/97
Ferguson, North Carolina, --- V28:85
Ferguson's Astronomy, --- V23:14
Feriles, Sarah G. --- V21-2:34
Ferncliff, --- V13:47
Ferncliff, --- V28:16
Ferncliff, --- V29:6, 65
Ferncliff, --- V31: 92
Ferncliff, --- V32:38
Ferncliff Home Demonstration Club, --- V31: 109
Fernow, William --- V38:64
Ferrell, P. W. --- Haley Diary 5/1/42
Ferrero, Edward --- V42:36-38
Fertitta, Jerry --- V36:23
Fever, Prescription For --- 1/50
Ficklin, Joseph --- Mentioned 10 /77
Fiddler, William --- V42:95
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, --- V27:31
Fidler, Francis --- Taxpayer 1/1 4
Fidler, Francis --- V41:100
Fidler, Frank --- Census 5/1/19
Fidler, William --- Census 4/34
Field, Agnes --- Rev. Widow 8/31
Field, J. G. --- Haley Dairy 8/92 8/99
Field, James G. --- Haley Diary 7/93 8/92
Field, John --- V14:84
Field, John --- Taxpayer 1/13 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Field, John --- V41:49
Field, John, Senr. --- V14:9
Field, Judge --- V19:69
Field, Judge --- V31: 104
Field, Judge --- V32:20
Field, Major --- V32:20
Field, Nancy C. May --- Marriage 2/1/25
Field, R. H. --- V21-1:19
Field, Richard H. --- V24:18
Field, Richard H. --- V26:92
Field, Richard H. Hon. --- V17:82
Field, Sarah --- V13:58
Field, Zack --- V22:56
Field hospitals, --- V29:38
Fielding, Charles D. --- Census 3/36
Fielding, David --- Census 3/36
Fielding, Eliza --- Census 3/46
Fielding, Elizabeth --- Census 3/46
Fielding, Eppa --- Census 4/33 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Fielding, Eppa --- V36:13
Fielding, Eppa --- V46:119
Fielding, George --- V32:17, 19
Fielding, J. J. --- Miller 7/60 Farmer 7/64
Fielding, James --- Farmer 7/64 Census 3/36
Fielding, James M. --- Census 3/36
Fielding, Jane C. --- Census 3/36
Fielding, John --- V20:12
Fielding, John --- Census 3/46
Fielding, John D. --- Census 3/46
Fielding, Judith --- Census 3/96
Fielding, Mary --- Census 3/36
Fielding, Matilda C. --- Census 3/36
Fielding, Sam --- Farmer 7/64
Fielding, Sarah --- Census 3/46
Fielding, William --- Census 2/L/33
Fielding, William F. --- Census 3/36
Fields, John --- Census 5/1/19
Fields, Ray (Helen), Mrs. --- V14:47
Fife, Catherine --- V34:17
Fife, James --- Haley Diary 4/96 Minister 12/26
Fife, James --- V29:57
Fife, James --- V34:17, 18, 19, 32
Fife, James --- V36:19
Fife, James --- V35:193
Fife, Kate --- V34:18
Fife, Margaret Herndon Minor --- V34:18
Fife, Miller, Mrs. --- V34:18
Fife, R. H. --- V34:18
Fife, William --- V34:17, 18
Figg, Octavia --- Census 2/1/40
Figgott, --- V42:92
Fike, John --- V16:40
Fike, John --- V17:33
Fike, John --- Petitioner 6/82
Fillmore, --- V28:66
Fillups, Mary --- V28:80
Filson, Club --- V28:14
Fincastle, Militia --- V28:63
Fincastle County, --- V28:63-64
Finch, --- V21-1:99, 108
Finch, Elizabeth Virginia --- Marriage 12/12
Finch, Emily O. --- V21-1:36
Finch, Florence --- V21-1:98
Finch, Florence E. --- V21-1:36
Finch, Heloise --- V21-1:36
Finch, Mr. --- V21-1:109
Finch, William O. --- V21-1:36
Fincham, E. F. --- Landowner 3/5
Fincham, T. B. --- Landowner 3/5
Finck-Lockhart, Susan (Reverend) --- V29:51
Finlay, Helen G. --- Death 3/30
Finlay, J. J. --- Wife Died 3/30
Finney, John --- V41:96
Finney, John --- V42:114
Finney, Miss --- V41:92
Fire, of --- V29:1888 8, 38
Fire Company, --- V21-1:91
Fire Hall, --- V21-1:99
Fireman's Field, --- V29:96
Firman, Janet --- V30:17
First & Merchants Bank, --- V21-1:91
First Assistant Postmaster General, --- V38:37
First Baptist, --- V28:84
First Baptist Ch., --- V21-1:84
First Baptist Church, --- V28:84
First Baptist Church of Louisa, --- V28:83
First Baptist Church, Fries, Virginia, --- V34:28
First Baptist Church, Pound, --- V34:28
First Baptist Church, Raleigh NC, --- V34:25
First Board of Trustees Louisa, --- V29:39
First Bull Run VA, --- V28:51
First Company, --- V28:31
First Company of the Howitzers, --- V28:29
First Footer's Day, --- V16:48
First Louisa Courthouse, --- V29:72
First Manassas, --- V28:73
First National Bank, --- V27:14
First National Bank, --- V29:66, 74
First Virginia Regiment, --- V38:28
Firth, Edith --- V33:73, 85
Fischer, Harold Albert --- V21-1:122
Fish Branch, --- V19:33
Fisher, --- V21-1:10, 108
Fisher, Alice --- V21-1:100
Fisher, Alyce --- V21-1:110
Fisher, Anselm --- Landowner 11/1/6
Fisher, Brothers --- V29:8
Fisher, Charlotte Marie --- V37:40
Fisher, Dunlap --- V21-1:9
Fisher, Edwin R. --- V25:23
Fisher, Elizabeth --- Rev. Widow 8/31
Fisher, Eunice G. --- V25:14
Fisher, Francis C. --- V36:44
Fisher, G. E. --- V21-1:62
Fisher, G. E. --- V36:44-46
Fisher, George --- V37:22
Fisher, George --- V36:44
Fisher, George E. --- V36:44-46
Fisher, George W., Jr. --- V21-1:9
Fisher, George W., Sr. --- V21-1:9
Fisher, Gerald E. --- V36:44, 50, 53, 54
Fisher, Hector --- V21-1:62, 109
Fisher, Hector --- V31: 56
Fisher, Hector --- V36:52
Fisher, Hector R. --- V36:44
Fisher, Ishbel M. --- V25:23
Fisher, James --- V21-1:9
Fisher, Louise W. --- V21-1:93
Fisher, Marie --- V21-1:62
Fisher, Marie --- V36:44, 47
Fisher, Morgan McLeod --- V25:23
Fisher, Mr. --- V13:42
Fisher, Mr. --- V37:22
Fisher, Ophelia --- V21-1:108
Fisher, Ophelia Whitlock --- V22:41
Fisher, R. C. --- V21-1:93, 126
Fisher, R. D. --- V21-1:22
Fisher, R. G. --- V21-1:92
Fisher, Ray --- V21-1:62, 99, 110, 118
Fisher, Ray --- V36:44, 46, 51
Fisher, Ray C. --- V21-1:92
Fisher, Ray C. --- V36:50
Fisher, Rees McLeod --- V25:23
Fisher, Richard --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Fisher, Russell --- V21-1:118
Fisher, Russell --- V36:47
Fisher, Ruth --- V36:44
Fisher, W. F. --- V21-1:93
Fisher, W. G. --- V21-1:22, 86, 92, 125
Fisher, Willard --- V21-1:62, 92, 99, 100, 118
Fisher, Willard --- V31: 56
Fisher, Willard --- V36:46, 50, 51
Fisher, Willard G. --- V36:50
Fisher, Willard, Jr. --- V21-1:124
Fisher, Willard, Mrs. --- V21-1:68, 110
Fisher, William G. --- V36:44
Fisher, William T. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Fisher Flour Mill, --- V36:47
Fishersville, --- V39:36
Fisherville, --- V21-1:26
Fitchett, Mattie W. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Fitizpatrick, Margaret Boxley --- V30:12
Fitizpatrick, Mr. --- V30:12
Fitz, Joseph E. --- V19:49
Fitz Lee's Division, --- V30:31
Fitzgerald, Peter --- Census 5/1/19
Fitzhugh, Col. --- V16:49
Fitzhugh, St. George R. --- Estate Trustee 12/53
Fitzhugh, Susanna --- V17:48
Fitzhugh-Lee, Amanda --- V45:112, 114
Fitzpatrick, Cornelia Thomas --- Marriage 5/2/36
Fitzpatrick, Edward T. --- V38:53
Fitzpatrick, John M. G. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Fitzpatrick, Lillian C. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Fitzpatrick, Mary Olivia --- Marriage 5/2/32
Fitzpatrick, Mollie A. L. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Fitzpatrick, Mrs. ? --- V30:12
Fitzpatrick, Thomas --- V38:61
Fitzpatrick, Thomas P. --- Marriage 5/2/31 5/2/34
Fitzroy, --- V14:81
Five, Forks --- V28:77
Five Star Realty Co., --- V21-1:75
Fixed Base Operator, --- V36:27
Flaherty, Rosabelle --- V29:24
Flanacan, James --- Roadwork 6/89
Flanagan, Benjamin --- V20:17, 18
Flanagan, C. D. --- V20:80
Flanagan, C. D. --- V32:55
Flanagan, Charles --- Census 4/34
Flanagan, Codrington D. --- V29:31
Flanagan, Dorothy Seward --- V18:37
Flanagan, Flossie --- V38:77
Flanagan, J. M., Resident Engineer --- V38:39
Flanagan, J. W. --- V29:16
Flanagan, James --- Landgrant 10/18
Flanagan, James W. --- V20:17
Flanagan, Kate --- V20:14
Flanagan, Mary B. --- V20:18
Flanagan, Mr. --- V38:37, 38
Flanagan, S. H. --- Merchant 7/59
Flanagan, Samuel --- V20:78
Flanagan, Sarah --- V20:17, 18
Flanagan, Steven --- V20:12
Flanagan, Susan --- V20:14
Flanagan, Whittle --- Census 4/34
Flanakin, James --- Landgrant 11/2/22
Flanican, Ambrose --- Taxpayer 1/13
Flanican, Whiteall --- Taxpayer 1/13
Flanicon, James --- Taxpayer 1/13
Flannaagan, A.W., Mrs. --- V40:50
Flannacan, James --- V19:44
Flannagan, --- V21-1:41
Flannagan, Ada --- V19:46
Flannagan, Ada (Mrs.) --- V29:84
Flannagan, Allen --- V29:47
Flannagan, Allen W. --- V29:20, 47
Flannagan, Allen Waddell, Sr. --- V29:84
Flannagan, Ambrose --- Census 5/1/19
Flannagan, Bessie Haskins Wills --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Bessie W. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Bessie Wills --- V19:6, 7, 9
Flannagan, C. D. --- V20:80
Flannagan, Dorothy --- V29:47
Flannagan, Elizabeth Warwick --- V29:84
Flannagan, Family --- V29:84
Flannagan, H. A. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Henry --- V33:80, 83
Flannagan, Henry S. --- V29:47
Flannagan, Henry Samuel --- V19:7
Flannagan, Henry Samuel --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, J. M. --- V19:7
Flannagan, J. W. --- V21-1:17, 25, 28, 30
Flannagan, J. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Flannagan, J. W. --- V31: 3
Flannagan, James --- Landgrant 10/82
Flannagan, James C. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Flannagan, John W. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, John William --- V19:7
Flannagan, John William, Jr. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Lizzie Lyle --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Roy --- V31: 39
Flannagan, Roy, Dr. --- V31: 34.36
Flannagan, S. H. --- V19:46
Flannagan, S. H. --- V21-1:26
Flannagan, Sam H. --- V29:47
Flannagan, Samuel H. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Samuel H. --- V29:14, 15, 84, 97
Flannagan, Samuel H., Mrs. --- V29:84
Flannagan, Sarah E. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Virgilia C. --- Marriage 9/31
Flannagan, W. W. --- V21-1:25
Flannagan, Warren L. --- V29:47
Flannagan, William --- V21-1:40
Flannagan, Wills Waddell --- V19:7
Flannagan, Wills Waddell --- V21-1:25
Flannagan & Talley, --- V21-1:25, 26
Flannagan and Talley, --- V26:23
Flannagan House, --- V29:84
Flannagan. S H & Co., --- V31: 82
Flannigan, Dorothy Seward --- Museum Benefactor 4/77
Flay, Wm. --- V15:10
Flay, Wm. --- V21-1:20
Fleeman, John --- Census 2/2/31
Fleeman, John --- Census 4/34 5/1/19
Fleeman, John --- V43:53
Fleeman, John C. --- V43:36
Fleeman, Joseph --- Census 6/1/19
Fleeman, Joseph --- V41:103
Fleeman, Lorenzo --- Census 1/77
Fleeman, Sarah --- Census 5/1/19
Fleeman, William --- Census 4/34
Fleishman, S. W --- V36:46
Fleman, George --- Landowner 10/4
Fleman, Sarah --- Taxpayer 1/14
Fleming, --- V16:78
Fleming, Ann --- Census 4/34
Fleming, Ann G. A. --- Parent 7/15
Fleming, Anne --- Census 5/1/19
Fleming, Anthony --- Census 4/34 Query 9/37
Fleming, Bently --- Census 2/1/30
Fleming, Betsy --- Census 2/1/30
Fleming, Carr --- V25:26
Fleming, Carr --- Query 9/37
Fleming, Charles --- V22:49
Fleming, Daniel --- V13:63, 64
Fleming, Daniel --- V19:97, 98
Fleming, Dorothea --- Census 2/2/44
Fleming, Dr. --- Haley Diary 4/16
Fleming, Eleanor --- V30:67-68
Fleming, Elizabeth --- V19:96, 97
Fleming, Emma W. --- Parent 7/14
Fleming, George --- V14:20, 23
Fleming, George --- V25:28
Fleming, George --- Census 4/33 Tombstone 7/14
Fleming, George W. --- Parent 7/15
Fleming, George W. Mrs. --- Mentioned 7/15
Fleming, George W. T. --- Tombstone 7/14
Fleming, Isabella --- V19:97
Fleming, Isabella --- Census 2/1/41
Fleming, Isbell --- V19:98
Fleming, J. --- V17:57
Fleming, James --- V26:106
Fleming, John --- Census 4/34 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Fleming, Lou --- V14:83
Fleming, M. D. --- Tombstone 7/14
Fleming, Maria --- Census 2/1/41
Fleming, Martha --- V19:97
Fleming, Martha Morris --- Tombstone 7/15
Fleming, Mary --- V19:97
Fleming, Mary --- V30:68
Fleming, Minnie --- Tombstone 7/14
Fleming, Mr. --- V16:38
Fleming, Robert --- V19:97, 98
Fleming, Robert --- V24:16
Fleming, Robert --- Census 2/2/44
Fleming, Robert --- V30:69
Fleming, Sallie Brown --- Tombstone 7/15
Fleming, Vivian --- Parent 7/14
Fleming, Widow Of William --- Taxpayer 1/13
Fleming, William --- V19:96-99
Fleming, William --- Sheriff 1/49 Census 2/1/30 2/2/44 4/34
Fleming, William --- V30:67-70, 73
Fleming, William A. --- Student 4/10
Fleming, William Thomas --- Tombstone 7/14
Fleming, Wm. --- V28:62
Fleming & McClanahan, --- V42:75
Flemming, Ann --- V13:67
Flemming, William --- V13:67
Flemming, William --- V17:13
Fleshman, --- V32:38, 40
Fleshman, Annati --- V27:36
Fleshman, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/31
Fleshman, Elizabeth Wood --- V27:36
Fleshman, Emma Jane --- V27:36
Fleshman, Harvey --- V20:81
Fleshman, Harvey L. --- V20:77, 80
Fleshman, James --- V27:36
Fleshman, James --- Census 2/2/31 Mentioned 9/31
Fleshman, James F. --- V15:73
Fleshman, James Franklin --- V27:36
Fleshman, Martha Jane Waldrop --- V27:36
Fleshman, Mary Elizabeth --- V27:36
Fleshman, S. W. --- V21-1:28
Fleshman, Solomon W. --- V21-1:62
Fleshman, Steve --- V29:48
Fleshman, Virginia --- V27:36
Fleshman, William H. --- Census 1/77
Fleshman, Willie Ann --- V27:36
Fleshman Family Cemetery, --- V27:36
Fletcher, Abraham --- Census 4/34
Fletcher, Ann M. --- Census 1/75
Fletcher, Betsy --- Census 2/2/44
Fletcher, George --- Census 3/86 2/1/32
Fletcher, Henry --- Census 2/2/44
Fletcher, James --- Census 1/76
Fletcher, James --- V29:103
Fletcher, John --- Census 3/88
Fletcher, Mary --- Census 1/75
Fletcher, Peter --- Census 2/2/44
Flinn, Mr. --- V32:17, 18
Flinn, William, Rev --- V32:20
Flippo, A. R. (Elder) --- V13:82
Flippo, Alexander C. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Flippo, Annie E. --- V13:82
Flippo, Charles --- Haley Diary 4/84 5/2/12 7/46
Flippo, John W. --- Haley Diary 4/92
Flippo, Lit --- Haley Diary 4/92
Flippo, O. F. --- Haley Diary 4/92
Flippo, W. --- Haley Diary 5/2/12
Flood, Thomas --- Landowner 10/55
Florence, (Slave) --- V30:83
Florida, --- V37:82
Flour Sack, --- V36:49
Flowerdew Hundred Farm, --- V26:64
Floyd, Benjamin --- V42:90
Floyd, Gideon --- V42:91
Floyd, James --- Haley Diary 7/96
Floyd, William C. --- V36:23
Fluman, Joseph --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Fluvana County, --- V40:64
Fluvanna, --- V20:13, 16
Fluvanna, --- V22:25, 26
Fluvanna, --- V27:91
Fluvanna, --- V28:14-15
Fluvanna, --- V37:19
Fluvanna, --- V32:15, 31, 38, 39
Fluvanna Co., --- V15:33, 35
Fluvanna Co., --- V17:83
Fluvanna Co., Va, --- V35:21, 93
Fluvanna County, --- V23:42
Fluvanna County, --- V24:50
Fluvanna County, --- V26:73, 74
Fluvanna County, --- V29:32, 63, 65-66
Fluvanna County, --- V19:46, 55, 63, 68, 81
Fluvanna County, --- V31: 37, 38, 71, 80.104
Fluvanna County, --- V33:90
Fluvanna County, --- V34:17, 20
Fluvanna County (Virginia), --- V13:54, 77, 78, 83, 84
Fluvanna County (Virginia), --- V14:77
Fluvanna schools, --- V31: 36
Fluvanna Telephone Company, --- V46:35
Flynn, Anna T. --- V17:40
Flynn, Anna T. --- V37:82
FMHA, --- V36:27, 29
Fogg, Francis B. --- V16:28
Fogg, George J. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Foley's Honey and Tar, --- V31: 33
Folk Housing, --- V26:63, 66
Folklore Institute, --- V26:60
Folly Hill, --- V23:101
Folly Hill, History Of --- 10/44
Follyatt, William --- V38:50
Folta, John --- Tombstone L 0/71
Fontain, Aaron --- Census 5/1/19
Fontain, Lt. Colo. --- V26:103, 104
Fontain, William --- Rev. Soldier 3/26
Fontain, Wm. --- V43:104
Fontain(e), Aaron --- V41:55, 100, 103
Fontaine, Aaron --- V13:21
Fontaine, Aaron --- V26:104
Fontaine, Aaron --- Rev. Soldier 8/31 9/35 Mentioned 10/60
Fontaine, Aaron --- Taxpayer L/13
Fontaine, Alex'r --- V32:29
Fontaine, Col. --- V22:101
Fontaine, Diane --- V36:30
Fontaine, Edmund --- V18:19
Fontaine, Edmund --- Railroad Officer 7/4 7/51 7/54
Fontaine, Edward --- Railroad Officer 7/4
Fontaine, Edward --- V35:29, 30, 94
Fontaine, Peter --- Parent 10/60
Fontaine, William --- V44:126
Fontaine, William, Lt. Col. --- V22:99
Forbes, James A. --- Marriage 5/Z/31
Ford, --- V25:2
Ford, Ann E. --- Census 3/83
Ford, Charles F. --- V28:86
Ford, Clifford M. --- Minister 10/67
Ford, Daniel --- Census 9/34
Ford, Edmonia --- Census 3/83
Ford, Elsie Lee --- Tombstone 9/40
Ford, Emma A. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Ford, Francis --- V43:63
Ford, John --- V19:55
Ford, Joseph Norman --- V21-1:121
Ford, Mary Ann --- V34:21
Ford, Ray --- V38:10
Ford, Reuben --- V15:45
Ford, Reuben --- Church Founder 12/25
Ford, Reuben --- V34:14, 15, 21
Ford, Rueben --- V36:19
Ford, Rueben --- V35:193
Ford, Thomas --- Legal Note 10/29
Ford, W. --- V19:97
Ford, W. --- V30:68
Ford, William --- V41:25, 27, 28
Ford bus, --- V31: 49
Ford Sales Agency, --- V33:51
Fordson, (tractor) --- V30:52
Fore, C. M. --- Minister 4/61
Fore, Capt. --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Forest, Dr. W. M., Dr. --- V31: 4
Forest Grove Baptist Church, --- V34:27
Forest Hill, --- V21-1:105
Forest Hill, --- V34:19
Forest Hill Baptist Church, --- V32:25
Forest Hill Church, --- V29:54-55
Forest Hill Church, --- V32:25, 26
Forest Hill Church, --- V38:42
Forest Hill Church corner, --- V38:40,41
Forest Hill School, --- V31: 36
Forest Hill Union Church, --- V27:31
Forest Hill Union Church, --- V32:25
Forest Home, --- V23:25, 26
Forest Lawn Cemetery, --- V23:37
Fork, --- V26:35
Fork Baptist, --- V21-1:126
Fork Baptist, --- V23:113
Fork Baptist, --- V29:44
Fork Baptist Church, --- History Of 6/51
Fork Baptist Church, History Of --- 6/51 8/55
Fork Church, --- V23:28
Fork Church, --- V24:94
Fork Church, --- V18:28
Fork Church, --- V34:22, 25, 26, 27
Fork Creek, --- V15:34
Fork Creek, --- V16:64
Fork Creek, --- V25:22
Fork Creek, Insurance Record --- 5/1/50
Fork Field, --- V26:39
Fork Meeting House, --- V13:40
Fork Meeting House, --- V20:101
Fork Meeting House, --- V21-2:42
Fork Meeting house, --- V23:102, 103
Fork Methodist Church, --- V22:36
Fork Union, --- V23:43
Fork Union, --- V31: 38
Fork Union, --- V34:18
Fork Union Military Academy, --- V31: 38, 39
Forkfield, --- V26:34, 35, 37-39
Formbe, Alice --- Legal Note 10/29
Forrest, Ann Pendelton --- V32:60
Forrest, Ann Pendleton --- V37:82
Forrest, Ann Pendleton Mrs. --- V17:40
Forrest, Anne --- V21-2:3, 8
Forrest, Anne Pendleton --- Author 1/22 6/34 Church Member 10/7
Forrest, Anne Pendleton --- V35:66
Forrest, Dr. --- V21-2:7
Forrest, W. M. --- V21-2:3
Forrest, W. M. --- Church Member 10/67
Forrest, W. M. --- V29:45
Forrest, William --- Minister 4/61
Forrest, William M. Mrs. --- V17:40
Forrest, William M. Mrs. --- Bible Owner 1/22
Forrest, William M., Mrs. --- V37:72, 72, 81
Forrest, William Mentzel --- V21-2:6
Forrest, William Mrs. --- Letter Owner 6/34
Forrest Hill Baptist Church, --- V15:63, 64
Forrest Hill Union Church, --- V15:64
Forsie, Elizabeth --- V19:99
Forsie, James --- V19:99
Forsie, Jon --- Landowner 9/70
Forsters Creek, --- V36:12
Forsyth, Ada Bell --- V28:43
Forsyth, Amelia --- V28:43
Forsyth, Henry --- V28:43
Forsyth, Hortense --- V28:43
Forsyth, Lovina --- V28:43
Forsyth, Mary --- V28:43
Forsyth, Revilo --- V28:43
Forsyth, Robert --- V28:43
Forsyth, Ruby Asbury --- V28:43
Forsyth, Sarah Catherine --- V28:43
Forsythe, Elizabeth --- V20:100
Forsythe, King Logan --- Tombstone 7/72
Fort, Donelson TN --- V28:51
Fort, Sumter --- V28:27
Fort Delaware, --- V16:31
Fort Delaware, --- V22:73
Fort Delaware, --- V23:24
Fort Delaware, --- V35:26, 60, 143
Fort Donelson, --- V31: 101
Fort Donelson, --- V43:89
Fort Donelson, TN, --- V23:28
Fort Donilson, --- V31: 102
Fort Gregg, --- V28:77
Fort Harrison, --- V37:34
Fort Hoyle, PA, --- V25:10
Fort Jackson, S.C, --- V34:53
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, --- V36:4
Fort Logan Baptist Church, --- V34:24
Fort Magruder, --- V43:42
Fort Meade, MD, --- V34:58
Fort Mineral, --- V40:13, 15
Fort Mitchell, --- V20:82
Fort Pickett, VA, --- V34:53
Fort Pulaski, --- V22:73
Fort Republis, --- V18:17
Fort Riley, Kansas --- V31: 28
Fort Stoneman, --- V34:53
Fort Warren, Mass. --- V16:32
Fortress Monroe, --- V31: 97
Fortress Monroe, --- V43:42, 47
Fortson, Elizabeth --- V23:23
Fortson, Stephen --- V23:23
Fortson, Stephen --- Census 4/34
Fortson, William --- Census 4/34
Fortune, Dicey --- Census 4/34
Fortune, Ellen --- Census 2/1/37
Fortune, Fanny --- Census 2/1/37
Fortune, Hardenia --- Census 2/1/37
Fortune, James --- Census 2/1/37
Fortune, Mary --- Census 2/1/38
Fortune, Sheriff --- V39:43
Forward, Orpha K. --- V13:84
Foster, Abner C. --- Census 3/82
Foster, Agnes --- Will 2/2/17
Foster, Agnes H. --- Census 2/2/44
Foster, Amy F. --- V13:81, 82
Foster, Andrew --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, Ann --- Census 3/87
Foster, Ann L. --- V13:81
Foster, Ann L. --- V20:103
Foster, Ann L. --- V23:8
Foster, Ann L. Griffin --- V23:5
Foster, Annie H. --- Tombstone 10/73
Foster, Archer Elzey (sic) --- V13:81
Foster, Augy --- V32:33
Foster, Betsy --- Census 1/95
Foster, Carmilla --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, Caroline --- Census 2/1/41 Haley Diary 7/92
Foster, Carrie --- Methodist 11/2/29
Foster, Charles W. --- V42:32
Foster, Clyde A. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Foster, Cosby --- V21-2:42, 43
Foster, Cosby --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Foster, Cosby --- V42:128
Foster, D. M. --- V23:101
Foster, Daniel --- Census 3/82
Foster, David M. --- V13:81
Foster, David M. --- V20:103
Foster, David M. --- V23:5, 8
Foster, David M. --- V24:93
Foster, David M. --- Census 3/87
Foster, Drucill A --- Census 3/80
Foster, E. M. --- V13:81
Foster, Edmd. --- Census 5/1/19
Foster, Edmond --- Taxpayer 1/14
Foster, Edmund --- V43:64
Foster, Eleajas M. --- V27:34
Foster, Elezer (Elezar) M. --- V13:81, 82
Foster, Eliza Ann --- Census 3/82
Foster, Elizabeth --- Census 3/82
Foster, Elizabeth --- V42:96
Foster, Ellen --- Census 3/87
Foster, Ellwood --- V21-1:123
Foster, Emily --- Census 3/82
Foster, Emmett Jackson --- V13:81
Foster, Emmett M. --- V13:81
Foster, Fanny --- V20:92
Foster, Fanny Talley --- V13:81
Foster, Francis --- Census 4/34
Foster, Frank --- Census 1/85
Foster, Franklin --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, George M. --- V23:102
Foster, George M. --- Census 3/80
Foster, Helen --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, Henry --- V22:43
Foster, Henry --- Census 1/85 3/82
Foster, Henry --- V34:27, 33
Foster, Henry Ford --- Landowner 12/13
Foster, Isaac --- V24:92
Foster, Isaac A. --- Census 3/80
Foster, Isaac Alvin --- V13:81
Foster, Isaac S. --- Tombstone 10/73
Foster, Isaetta --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, Ivy --- V32:33
Foster, Jack --- V24:94
Foster, James --- V22:30
Foster, James --- Census 2/1/37 3/82
Foster, Jane --- Census 3/32
Foster, Joe --- V21-1:48
Foster, John --- V14:40
Foster, John --- V23:5
Foster, John --- V24:92
Foster, John --- Census 1/84 2/1/37 2/2/41 4/33 4/34 Indenture 9/45
Foster, John Casky --- V13:81
Foster, John J. --- V13:81, 82
Foster, John Richardson --- V13:81
Foster, John, Jr. --- V41:43
Foster, Joseph --- V14:32
Foster, Joseph --- Census 2/1/37
Foster, Joseph W. --- V21-1:84
Foster, Joseph W., Mrs. --- V21-1:84
Foster, Joy C. --- V21-1:88
Foster, Joy G. --- Married 9/94
Foster, Kate --- V21-1:32, 33, 50, 72, 73
Foster, Kate --- V22:43
Foster, Kate H. --- V21-1:93
Foster, Kate Hamilton --- V21-1:110
Foster, Katie --- Census 2/1/37
Foster, L. N. --- V18:29
Foster, Lance --- V22:30
Foster, Lancelot --- Census 2/1/41 2/2/44 4/34
Foster, Lavinia --- Census 3/87
Foster, Leon F. --- V13:81
Foster, Lewis --- Teacher 6/93
Foster, Louisa C. --- Census 3/82
Foster, Lucie H. --- V21-1:32
Foster, Lucy --- V21-1:50, 110
Foster, Lucy H. --- V21-1:33
Foster, Luther N. --- V27:34
Foster, Luther, Mrs --- V36:40
Foster, Martha A. (Tally) --- V13:81, 82
Foster, Martha J. --- V13:82
Foster, Martha Jane --- V13:81
Foster, Mary --- V24:37
Foster, Mary --- Taxpayer 1/13 Census 2/1/37 3/82 4/34
Foster, Mary C. --- V24:37
Foster, Mary E. --- Census 3/79
Foster, Mary J. --- Census 2/2/44
Foster, Mary Lucy --- V13:81
Foster, Milley --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, Minnie A. --- V27:46
Foster, Minnie Dunaway --- Tombstone 12/32
Foster, Miss W. B. --- V23:102
Foster, Nancy --- Census 3/82
Foster, Nimrod --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, R. S. --- V23:105
Foster, Rchard --- V22:49
Foster, Richard --- Census 1/13 2/1/41
Foster, Robert --- V21-1:123
Foster, Robert --- Tax Payer 1/13 Census 3/82
Foster, Rosser C. --- V33:88
Foster, Sallie --- Census 2/1/37
Foster, Sarah --- Census 1/85 3/38 3/80 3/82
Foster, Sarah J. --- Census 3/82
Foster, Smith A. --- Census 3/87
Foster, Susan --- Census 2/1/91
Foster, Terissa Ann --- V13:81
Foster, Theodocia --- Census 1/84 3/82
Foster, Thomas --- Census 2/2/41 5/1/19
Foster, Thomas --- V42:128
Foster, Tina Sue --- Tombstone 12/32
Foster, Uriah D. --- V32:29
Foster, Victoria --- Census 3/87
Foster, Virginia --- Census 3/82
Foster, Volumnia --- Census 3/87
Foster, Wade --- Census 2/2/41
Foster, William --- Census 1/85 4/34 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Foster, William --- V41:43, 46
Foster, William --- V42:128
Foster, William, Jr. --- V42:128
Foster, Wm --- V43:64
Foster Cemetery, --- V24:40
Foster Creek, --- V40:90, 91
Foster Family, --- V13:81
Foster Family Bible, --- V13:81
Foster vs. Claybrooke, --- V16:76
Fosters Creek, --- V15:31
Foster's Creek, --- V16:43, 64
Foster's Creek, --- V21-2:42
Foster's Creek, --- V32:4, 7
Foster's Creek, --- V34:35, 36
Fountain Church, --- V34:25
Fountain, North Carolina, --- V34:25
Fountaine, E. --- V19:82
Fountaine, James --- V43:94
Four Cavalry, --- V32:18
Four Years Under Marse Robert, --- V28:27
Fourteenth Amendment, --- V43:17
Fourth, (present) Louisa Courthouse --- V29:72
Fourth, Virginia Regiment --- V28:26
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, --- V38:35, 36
Fourth Circuit Court, --- V31: 34
Fourth Va. Regiment (Revolution), --- V35:2
Fourth Virginia Cavalry, --- V26:84
Fourtson, William --- V17:71
Fowke, William --- Mentioned 3/12
Fowler, --- V26:31, 33
Fowler, Albert Fowler --- V19:78
Fowler, David --- Census Z/Z/39
Fowler, John --- Census Z/Z/39
Fowler, M. --- Mentioned 10/77
Fowler, Martha A. --- Census Z/2/39
Fowler, Mary S. --- Census 2/2/39
Fowler, Susan --- Marriage 5/2/34 5/2/39
Fowler, T. M. --- V26:30, 33
Fowler, T. T. --- V19:7
Fowler, T. T. --- V29:49
Fowler, Thomas --- V26:30
Fowler, Thomas M. --- V15:15
Fowler, Thomas M. --- V26:30
Fowler, Thomas M. --- Census 2/2/39
Fowler, Twyman T. --- V19:10
Fowler, W. A. --- V28:89
Fowler, William S. --- Census 2/2/39
Fowler, William Shelton, Dr. --- V26:30
Fox, Agnes --- Birth 2/1/27
Fox, Ann --- Birth 2/1/27 Census 3/73
Fox, B. R. --- V29:103
Fox, Beverly R. --- V17:47
Fox, Beverly R. --- Census 3/41
Fox, Beverly Ragland --- Marriage 2/2/25
Fox, Beverly Ragland --- V46:6
Fox, Capt. Joseph --- V45:142, 144, 148, 149, 153, 155
Fox, Caty --- Birth 2/1/27 Query 2/2/48
Fox, Caty (Catherine) --- Married 12/19
Fox, Eliza Ann --- Birth 2/1/27
Fox, Elizabeth --- Birth 2/1/27
Fox, Frances --- Birth 2/1 /27
Fox, Frances T. --- V15:47
Fox, Frances Thomasson --- V16:89
Fox, Frances Thomasson --- V28:47
Fox, Grace Young --- Parent 12/19
Fox, H. W. --- V29:103
Fox, Henry --- V19:57
Fox, Henry --- Census 3/82
Fox, Henry W. --- V46:7
Fox, Henry Washington --- Birth Death 2/2/25
Fox, James --- V13:75
Fox, James --- Legal Note 12/46 12/48 12/70
Fox, James M. --- V23:113
Fox, Jno --- V43:67
Fox, Jo. --- V22:45
Fox, Joe Neale (Mrs. ) --- V13:83
Fox, John --- V15:58
Fox, John --- V20:74
Fox, John --- V21-2:42
Fox, John --- Taxpayer 1/13 Birth Marriage Death 2/1/27 Rev. Sol
Fox, John --- V41:55, 103
Fox, John --- V42:121, 122
Fox, John --- V42:121-122
Fox, John Young --- Birth 2/1/28
Fox, John, Captain --- V32:49
Fox, John, Sr. --- Death 2/1/27
Fox, Joseph --- V16:87
Fox, Joseph --- V17:31, 67
Fox, Joseph --- V19:37
Fox, Joseph --- V20:74
Fox, Joseph --- V21-2:21
Fox, Joseph --- V22:45
Fox, Joseph --- Resident 1/3 Birth 2/1/27 Roadwork 6/30 6/32 6 88
Fox, Joseph --- V41:29, 30
Fox, Josephus --- Father Of Eliza Ann 2/1/27
Fox, Lilbourn Preston --- Birth 2/1/28
Fox, Lilburn L. --- V28:19
Fox, Linda Montague --- Birth Death 2/2/25
Fox, M. --- V29:103
Fox, Malinda O. D. --- Tombstone 11/2/14
Fox, Malinda Ragland --- Mother Of B. R. 2/2/25
Fox, Mary Ann Dickinson --- V28:19
Fox, Melinda A. D. --- V42:99
Fox, Melinda Ann (Ragland) --- V42:99
Fox, Melinda M. --- V29:53
Fox, Meredith --- Birth Death Parent 2/2/25 Tombstone 11/2/14
Fox, Meredith --- V46:7
Fox, Meredith A., Dr. --- V42:99
Fox, Meredith, Dr. --- V32:49
Fox, Nancy --- Census 1/82
Fox, Nathaniel --- Died 2/1/27
Fox, Prayer Kook Records --- 2/1/27
Fox, Robert --- V32:19
Fox, Robert --- V42:61
Fox, Robert H. --- V16:82
Fox, Robert H. --- V28:19
Fox, Sarah --- Birth 2/1/27
Fox, Susanna --- V22:45
Fox, Susanna Smith --- Marriage 2/1/28 10/24
Fox, Susannah --- V22:45
Fox, Susannah --- Birth Death 2/1/27
Fox, Thomas --- V23:111
Fox, Thomas --- Birth Z/1/27
Fox, Thomas Johnson --- Birth Death Z/2/25
Fox, Thomas Johnson --- V46:4
Fox, Thomasia --- V46:7
Fox, William Monroe --- Birth 2/1/28
Fox hunters, --- V32:62
Fox Hunting, --- V31: 54
Fox Lake, Wisconsin, --- V34:22
Fox(e), James --- V14:35, 37, 40, 43, 67
Fox(e), John --- V14:32
Fox(e), Joseph --- V14:37, 38, 43, 66, 68, 69
Foxe, James --- Legal Note 11/2/34
Foxe, Joseph --- V13:72, 74
Foxe, Joseph --- V15:77, 78
Foxe, Joseph --- V16:43
Foxe, Joseph --- Court Justice 11/2/33 Legal Note 11/2/35
Foxes Bridge, --- V40:90
Foxland, --- V32:82
Foy, Thomas --- V23:102
Framer, Clifton Leroy --- V21-1:122
France, --- V35:6, 181
France, --- V40:16
Frances, --- V16:78
Frances, (Slave) --- V30:81
Frances, Daughter Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Frances, James --- V21-2:39
Frances, Miss --- V33:78
Frances, Thomas Vernon James --- Petitioner 6/24
Francis, Reuben --- V15:41
Francis, Wirt S. --- Marriage 5/Z/38
Francis Jerdone (1720-1771) Merchant and His Famil, --- V14:51-58
Francisco, Ann --- Census Z/1/30
Francisco, Annie --- Death L N /95
Francisco, B. F. --- V29:103
Francisco, B. M. --- Census Z/1/30 Railroad Meeting 7/51
Francisco, B. M., Dr. --- V22:10
Francisco, B.M. --- V46:105
Francisco, Ben --- V24:56, 58
Francisco, Benjamin M. --- Death 1 U/95
Francisco, Benjamin Morris --- Letter From 5/2/41
Francisco, Benjamin Spottswood --- Birth Marriage Death 9/85
Francisco, Bertie --- Church Member 4/59
Francisco, Catherine Brooke --- V22:12
Francisco, Fannie Brooke --- V24:55
Francisco, Fannie E. --- Marriage 10/94
Francisco, Fanny --- Census 2/1/30
Francisco, Henry --- V22:30
Francisco, Henry --- Census 2/1/30
Francisco, J. C. --- V29:103
Francisco, John Russer --- Birth 9/86
Francisco, Kate --- Teacher 4/85
Francisco, Kate --- V37:12, 13
Francisco, Lizzie --- V29:89
Francisco, Marcia P Escud --- Birth Death 9/86
Francisco, Margie --- Bibleowner 9/85
Francisco, Mary (May) Spottswood --- Birth Death 9/86
Francisco, Mary Beverly Grymes --- V22:12
Francisco, Mattie Amanda --- V37:12
Francisco, Mattie Armeda --- Marriage 10/92
Francisco, Peter --- V22:10, 12
Francisco, Peter --- V24:55
Francisco, Peter --- Parent 5/Z/41 Parent 10 /95
Francisco, Rosalie --- Bible Owner 9/85
Francisco, Roslie Pettus --- Birth Marriage 9/85
Francisco, Sadie --- Bible Owner 9/85
Francisco, Sadie Overton --- Birth Death 9/86
Francisco, Susan --- V24:55
Francisco, Susan Brooke --- V24:55
Francisco, William --- Death 10/95
Francisco, William D. --- Marriage 5/Z/35
Francisco Family Bible Records, --- 9/85
Franck, Andrew Jackson --- V40:7
Franck, Bernard --- V40:6
Franck, Bernard Louis --- V40:10
Franck, Charles Dabney --- V40:7
Franck, Charles T. --- V40:7
Franck, Charlie --- V40:7
Franck, Daniel --- V40:7
Franck, Emma Virginia --- V40:7
Franck, George W. --- V40:7
Franck, Jane Lewis --- V40:7
Franck, Jane Poindexter --- V40:8
Franck, John Rober --- V40:7
Franck, Kathleen --- V23:114
Franck, Lizzie --- V40:7, 8, 11
Franck, Louis G.A. --- V40:5, 6, 55
Franck, Myrtle --- V40:7
Franck, Pauline --- V40:7
Franck, Richard E. --- V40:7
Franck, Rose --- V40:7
Franck, Ruth --- V40:7
Franck, Thomas Clifton --- V40:7
Franck & Co., --- V40:6
Frank, --- V16:79
Frank, --- V19:89
Frank, --- V22:95
Frank, Alan William --- V30:15
Frank, Beatrace Reed --- V30:15
Frank, Brenda lane --- V30:15
Frank, Emma lane Mitchell --- V30:14
Frank, J. --- V25:97
Frank, Jane Ellen Poindexter --- V24:39
Frank, Jeanne Louise --- V30:15
Frank, John Lemuel --- V30:14-15
Frank, John Lemuel, Mrs. --- V30:15
Frank, John Mitchell --- V30:15
Frank, John Williams --- V30:14
Frank, John Williams, Mrs. --- V30:14
Frank, Lewis --- V24:39
Frank, Son Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Frankey, --- V22:94
Frankfurt, Germany --- V31: 92
Frankland, Davis Co --- V28:4
Franklin, --- V16:79
Franklin, Ben --- V23:14
Franklin, Benjamin --- V29:28
Franklin, Benjamin --- V42:4, 5
Franklin, Edward --- Legal Note 10/29
Franklin, James --- V23:14
Franklin, Robert --- Landowner 11/2/10
Franklin Co., --- V20:4
Franklin Co., GA, --- V20:82
Franklin County, --- V28:40
Franklin Military Academy, --- V34:22
Franklin, Virginia, --- V23:92
Franklyn, Lawrence --- V17:35
Franks Run, --- V20:62
Franks Run, --- V21-1:4
Franks Run, --- V21-2:34, 46
Franks Run, --- V27:88
Frantz, Alice --- V36:45
Fraser, Herndon --- Minister 9/58
Fraser, James --- Prisoner 8/62 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Fraser, Philip --- Census 2/1/41
Fraser, William S. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Frayser, Judy --- V22:77
Frazer, Lucy Strahan --- V28:92
Frazer, Susan Hume --- V29:63
Frazier, Benjamin --- Wit Ness 10/23
Frazier, Solomon E. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Frear, Samuel G. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Fred. Hall, --- V27:34
Fred. Hall Depot, --- V28:97
Fredencks Hall Road, --- V26:80
Frederick County, --- V20:60
Frederick Hall, --- V18:19, 20, 27, 29, 30, 31
Frederick Hall, --- V24:64, 65, 68
Frederick Hall, --- V28:35, 72
Frederick Hall, --- V32:20, 39
Frederick Harris and Co., --- V24:36
Frederick’s Hall, --- V44:46
Frederick’s Hall, --- V46:53
Fredericks, --- V40:6
Fredericks Hall, --- V13:40, 44
Fredericks Hall, --- V14:84
Fredericks Hall, --- V16:4, 19, 61
Fredericks Hall, --- V19:45
Fredericks Hall, --- V20:59
Fredericks Hall, --- V21-1:43, 66, 103, 114, 117
Fredericks Hall, --- V21-2:17, 32, 33
Fredericks Hall, --- V22:13, 15, 17-20, 22-27, 56, 58, 63-65
Fredericks Hall, --- V23:6, 22-27, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 77, 78, 80,
Fredericks Hall, --- V24:31-34, 37, 39-41, 63, 66, 68, 70
Fredericks Hall, --- V25:15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 28, 67, 69, 70, 72-74
Fredericks Hall, --- V26:34-37, 39-40, 96-98
Fredericks Hall, --- V27:37-38, 43, 45, 77, 86, 97
Fredericks Hall, --- V28:30, 33-34, 36-37, 85
Fredericks Hall, --- V30:40
Fredericks Hall, --- V39:26, 27, 29, 30, 32
Fredericks Hall, --- V33:11, 6, 28, 45, 46, 55, 90, 91, 95, 96
Fredericks Hall, --- V37:73
Fredericks Hall, --- V32:32, 39, 90
Fredericks Hall, --- V40:7
Fredericks Hall, Post Office --- V25:71
Frederick's Hall, --- V25:95
Frederick's Hall, --- V27:10
Frederick's Hall, --- V32:38, 81
Frederick's Hall, --- V35:5, 8, 18, 177
Fredericks Hall Depot, --- V22:66
Fredericks Hall Depot, --- V23:77
Fredericks Hall Depot, --- V24:32, 68
Fredericks Hall Depot, --- V25:71
Fredericks Hall Female, --- V25:28
Fredericks Hall Female School, --- V27:77
Fredericks Hall Grays, --- V19:33
Fredericks Hall Grays, --- V24:66
Fredericks Hall Grays, --- V28:34
Fredericks' Hall Grays, --- V22:28, 73, 74
Frederick's Hall Greys, --- V35:60-61
Fredericks Hall Hotel, --- V25:73
Fredericks Hall P O, --- V23:93
Fredericks Hall P.O., --- V22:16
Fredericks Hall Road, --- V21-1:84
Fredericks Hall Road, --- V27:86
Fredericks Hall Road, --- V28:85
Fredericks Hall Station, --- V33:90
Fredericks Hall Store, --- V24:35, 36
Fredericks Hall Store, --- V25:73
Fredericks Hall Store House, --- V24:32
Fredericks Hall, VA, --- V31: 6, 89
Fredericks Hall, Va., --- V17:24, 27, 29, 37, 77
Fredericksburg, --- V14:24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 74
Fredericksburg, --- V16:9, 19, 23, 25, 28, 29
Fredericksburg, --- V18:29
Fredericksburg, --- V19:69, 75, 76
Fredericksburg, --- V20:42, 77
Fredericksburg, --- V21-1:100
Fredericksburg, --- V23:55
Fredericksburg, --- V24:16, 49
Fredericksburg, --- V28:15, 29, 37, 59, 74-75
Fredericksburg, --- V29:6, 29, 32
Fredericksburg, --- V31: 103
Fredericksburg, --- V37:78
Fredericksburg, --- V32:13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23
Fredericksburg, --- V34:58
Fredericksburg, --- V44:24, 30, 91, 116, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 141
Fredericksburg, Road --- V29:42
Fredericksburg, Road --- V30:32-33
Fredericksburg (Virginia), --- V13:70
Fredericksburg and Valley Plank Road, --- V25:40
Fredericksburg Avenue, --- V29:9, 54, 67
Fredericksburg Daily Star, --- V31: 4
Fredericksburg Normal School, --- V31: 45
Fredericksburg Road, --- V25:1
Fredericksburg Road, --- V33:34
Fredericksburg Road, --- V32:27
Fredericksburg Stage Road, --- V37:33
Fredericksburg, VA, --- V28:52
Fredericksburg, VA, --- V30:3, 8-10, 38, 40
Fredericksburg, Va., --- V17:47, 51
Frederickshall, --- V15:30
Frederickshall, --- V16:27
Fredericksville, --- V16:88
Fredericksville, --- V17:35
Fredericksville, --- V19:56
Fredericksville, --- V20:71, 74, 75
Fredericksville, Par. Louisa Co --- V30:67
Fredericksville, Parish --- V29:34-35
Fredericksville, Parish Vestry Book --- V30:75
Fredericksville Furnace, Comments On --- 1/8 1/9
Fredericksville Parish, --- V13:35, 36, 51-54, 67
Fredericksville Parish, --- V14:51, 61, 65, 69
Fredericksville Parish, --- V15:31
Fredericksville Parish, --- V17:31, 67, 69
Fredericksville Parish, --- V19:37, 40, 55, 56
Fredericksville Parish, --- V20:3, 27, 28
Fredericksville Parish, --- V22:14
Fredericksville Parish, --- V26:81
Fredericksville Parish, --- V27:23
Fredericksville Parish, --- V26:42, 51
Fredericksville Parish, --- V32:66
Fredericksville Parish, Formation Of --- 1/7 Vestrymen L/10
Fredericksville Parish - The Early Years, --- V13:51-54
Fredericksville Parish Vestry Book, --- V32:66
Fredericksville Parish Vestry Book 1742-1787, --- V14:58, 62
Fredericksville Parish Vestry Books 1742-1787, --- V13:51
Fredericksville Revisited, --- V13:52
Free, Ann Cottrell --- V27:17
Free, Elissa Blake --- V27:17
Free Blacks, --- V22:95
Free Blacks of Louisa County, Virginia, --- V38:1
Free Book, --- V23:97, 98
Free Negro, --- V38:3
Free Press Co., --- V21-1:120
Free Union, --- V36:15-19
Free Union, --- V35:187-194
Free Union Baptist, --- V36:15
Free Union Baptist Church Deed, --- V36:20, 21
Free Union Church, --- V20:12
Free Union Church, --- V36:15, 16, 19
Free Union Meeting House, --- V36:19
Freedmen’s Bureau, --- V43:15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 29, 30
Freedmen’s Bureau, --- V46:24, 30
Freeman, --- V20:4
Freeman, Alexander --- V15:44
Freeman, Alexander --- V16:88
Freeman, Alexander --- V17:32, 34
Freeman, Alexander --- V19:38
Freeman, Alexander --- Roadwork 6/84 6/90
Freeman, Alexander --- V41:20
Freeman, Arthur L. --- V38:59
Freeman, Barbara --- Census 2/1/45
Freeman, Barbary --- V20:94
Freeman, Clifford B. --- V38:59
Freeman, D. L., Admiral --- V36:25, 26
Freeman, Danny --- V38:59
Freeman, Douglas S. --- V23:46
Freeman, Elisha --- V18:10
Freeman, Eliza --- Census 2/1/36
Freeman, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/45 3/86
Freeman, Frances --- Census 3/43
Freeman, George W. --- Census 2/1/45
Freeman, Gilbert --- V38:59
Freeman, Henry T. --- Census 2/1/45
Freeman, Howard F. --- V38:59
Freeman, Infant --- V38:59
Freeman, Isaac --- V20:94
Freeman, Isaac --- Census 4/34 5/1/19
Freeman, James --- Census 2/1/95
Freeman, Jane --- Census 2/1/95
Freeman, John --- Taxpayer 1/14 Census 4/34 5/1/19
Freeman, John W. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Freeman, Joseph --- Census 2/1/45
Freeman, Joseph T. --- Census 2/1/95
Freeman, Judy --- Census 3/43
Freeman, Louis J. --- V38:59
Freeman, Louisa --- Census 2/1/95
Freeman, Malinda --- Census 2/1/36
Freeman, Marvin F. --- V38:59
Freeman, Mary --- Census 2/1/36
Freeman, Peggy --- V38:59
Freeman, Rebecca --- Census 3/66
Freeman, Robert --- V22:47, 48
Freeman, Robert --- Census 9/34 5/1/20 11/2/21
Freeman, Sarah --- V22:47, 48
Freeman, Thomas --- V22:51
Freeman, Thomas --- Census 2/1/36
Freeman, Virgie Olive --- V38:59
Freeman, William --- Census 2/1/95 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Freeman, Witt --- V36:25, 27, 28
Freeman Douglas Southall Drive, --- V37:78
Free-Union Church, --- V29:56
Freight, station --- V29:91
Freightliner bus, --- V31: 51
Fremont, John C. --- V42:30, 31
French, Martha --- V22:39
French and Indian War, --- V28:55
French and Indian Wars, --- V30:68, 76
French Revolution, --- V35:73
Frery, Miss --- V42:54
Fretwell, John --- Taxpayer 1/13 Census 4/34 5/1/20
Fretwell, John --- V42:121, 122
Friley, Maud E. (Doles) --- V38:60
Friley, Tenna --- V38:60
Fritz, Daniel --- V30:59
Fritzlar, Germany, --- V25:66
Frizzled Dried Beef, --- V38:85
Froehling, Henry --- V21-1:20
From Jail to Museum, --- V37:78
Front Royal, --- V44:52, 53
Front Royal, Va., --- V21-2:17
Frost, I. M. --- Haley Diary 7/93
Frosty The Snow Man, --- V16:46
Fry, --- V19:56
Fry, Jane Virginia --- V23:82
Ft. Delaware, --- V22:75
Ft. Delaware, Maryland, --- V26:84
Ft. Lewis, Washington, --- V31: 91
Ft. Meade, Maryland, --- V31: 91
Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey, --- V31: 54
Ft. Pulaski, --- V22:74, 75
Fulcher, John --- Census 9/39
Fulcher, Mary E. --- V20:60
Fulcher, Mary Woodfin --- V20:67
Fulcher, Sallie --- Married 5/2/25 Died 5/2/28
Fulcher, Sarah J. --- V20:67
Fulcher, William --- V20:67
Fulcher, William --- Census 5/1/20
Fulkerson, --- V40:58
Fuller, Delores, RN, Mrs. --- V35:168
Fuller, Doug --- V24:4, 7
Fuller, Doug --- V32:49
Fuller, Douglas --- V24:8, 38
Fuller, Douglas --- V25:73, 74
Fuller, James --- V24:8
Fuller, Janie --- V24:8
Fuller, Robert --- V17:75
Fuller's Cabinet Shop, --- V24:8
Fullers Market, --- V21-1:109
Fulwider, --- V17:29
Funder, --- V25:43-45, 49
Funder-Conservative -Democrat, --- V25:79
Funder-Democrats, --- V25:47
Funston's 11th Virginia, --- V30:36
Furgerson, Frances E. --- Census 3/32
Furgerson, M. F. --- Census 3/32
Furguson, David --- V42:80
Furguson, Edmund --- V42:81
Furguson, Elizabeth (Buck) --- V42:80
Furguson, Lucinda ((Buck) --- V42:81
Furgusson, Richard --- Census 9/39
Furrer, Paul A. --- Resident 1/90
Fussy, Ann --- Census 3/76
Fussy, George --- Census 3/76
Fussy, William --- Census 3/76
Fuzzamore, Agness --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Betty --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Fanny --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Isaac --- Census 4/34
Fuzzamore, Isaac --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Isaac --- V46:118
Fuzzamore, Judith --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Lucy --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Martha --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Nancey --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Pattie --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Patty --- V46:118
Fuzzamore, Sarah --- V36:12
Fuzzamore, Tabitha --- V36:12
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