Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With E. H. Poindexter and Son
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
E. H. Poindexter and Son, --- V24:38, 39
E.L. Stanley and Co., --- V39:26
E.L. Stanley and Co., --- V39:26
Eacho, E. D. --- Courtcase 5/1/38
Eades, Curtis --- V21-1:123
Eades, Harold Curtis --- V21-1:122
Eads, Harrold C. --- V21-1:33
Eads, Henry --- V21-1:33
Eads, Pinkney --- V21-1:33
Eads, Thomas --- Census 4/33
Eagle, --- V21-1:82
Eagle, Frances --- Legal Note 12/46
Eagle, Francis --- Legal Note 12/47 12/70
Eagle, M. S. --- V20:47
Eagle, M. S. --- V36:47
Eagle, Rev. M. S. --- V21-1:51
Eagle, Rev. Morris Stockwell --- V21-1:82
Eagle(s), Francis --- V13:30, 31, 32, 37, 75
Eagles, Francis --- V14:33, 36, 37, 43
Eagles, Francis --- V15:42
Eagles, Francis --- V16:42
Eagles, Francis --- V17:35
Eagles, Francis --- Legal Note 10/29 11/2/34
Eagles, Mattie Lee --- V34:25
Eaheart, Kate Evelyn --- Marriage 5/2/38
Eake(s), William --- V41:25, 28
Ealdham, --- V25:90
Earehart, James C. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Early, --- V30:40
Early, General --- V23:24
Early, Hunter --- V21-1:86
Early, Jubal --- V30:41
Early, Jubal A., Genl. --- V35:143
Early, Jubal, Genl. --- V30:40
Early, L. L. --- Landowner 3/5
Early, T. T. --- Landowner 3/5
Early Archaic Period, --- V43:70, 71, 72, 75, 85
Early Kimbroughs and Some of Their Descendants, --- V13:58
Early Woodland Period, --- V43:71, 77, 79, 80,81, 82, 83, 85, 86
Early's, Corps --- V30:40-41
Earnest, D. E. --- V21-1:30
Earnest, D. F. --- V21-1:19, 29
Earnest, George --- V42:128
East, Ezekiel --- Taxpayer 1/13 Census 5/1/19
East, Joseph --- V19:90, 91
East, Joseph --- Legal Note 11/1/43
East, L? j --- V41:102
East, Providence Parish --- V29:50
East, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/13 Will 2/2/17
East Hampton Baptist Church, --- V34:31
East Ocean View Church, --- V34:28
Easten, William --- Census 4/33
Easter, Abram E. --- V22:30
Easter, Edmund --- Census 5/1/19
Eastern Virginia Medical School., --- V27:74
Eastham, Ann W. --- Census 2/2/29
Eastham, Bernard E. --- Tombstone 7/16
Eastham, David --- V21-1:64
Eastham, David --- Census 2/2/29
Eastham, David --- V33:39
Eastham, Dr. --- V31: 97, 98, 99
Eastham, Dr. --- V32:21, 22, 23, 24
Eastham, Dr. --- V44:38
Eastham, Edward --- Census 5/1/19
Eastham, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/29
Eastham, Eudora --- Gravesite 7/16
Eastham, George --- Road Work 6/86 Legal Note 9/83
Eastham, James --- Gravesite 7/16
Eastham, John B. --- Census 2/2/29
Eastham, John B. --- V33:22
Eastham, John B., Mrs. --- V33:22
Eastham, John O. --- Tombstone 7/16
Eastham, Judith Ann --- Census 2/2/29
Eastham, Judith Ann --- Census 2/2/29
Eastham, Julette --- V32:22
Eastham, L. A. Mrs. --- Death 7/87
Eastham, Mrs. --- V31: 99
Eastham, Mrs. --- V33:22
Eastham, Mrs. --- V32:21, 24
Eastham, Mrs. & Dr. --- V31: 97
Eastham's Store, --- V32:24
Eastin, Nicholas --- Landgrant 11/2/20
Eastman, John B. --- V20:79
Easton, --- V35:169
Easton, Annie --- Marriage 5/2/38
Eastview, --- V23:81
Eastview, --- V25:70
Eastview, --- V26:30
Eaton, C. R. --- V29:103
Eaton, Edward --- Census 2/1/36
Eaton, John --- V41:43
Eaton, Parmelia --- Census 2/1/36
Eaton, Thomas --- Census 4/33
Ebenezer Church, --- V29:54-55
Eberbaugh, Michael E. --- V21-2:13
Eberhardt, Madelon (Spicer) --- V13:83, 84
Ebola virus, --- V31: 41
Echo, --- V20:41
Eckenrode, H. J. --- Author 2/2/14
Eclectic's (textbook), --- V33:20
Economy, Louisa County 1765 -1812 --- 7/19 7/77
Edd[?]s, John --- V41:100
Eddes, Thomas --- Census 5/1/19
Eddings, Nancy Ellen --- V16:89
Eddington, Fern --- V22:97
Eddins, Louise --- V21-1:69
Eddins, T. C. --- V28:86
Eddins, Thomas --- V28:92
Edds, Thomas --- V16:89
Edds, William --- V16:89
Edgar, Carolyn (Lawhorn) --- V38:6
Edgar, Clare (Oney) --- V38:6
Edgar, Doris Ann (Green) --- V38:6
Edgar, Eunice Blanche --- V38:6
Edgar, Janet --- V38:6
Edgar, Lawrence --- V38:6
Edgar, Richard James --- V38:6
Edgar, Roger Allen --- V38:6
Edgar, Ruth --- V38:6
Edge Hill School, --- V21-2:16
Edgecombe Co., --- V20:4
Edgeman, Elizabeth Kembie --- Query 2/2/49
Edgeman, Margaret --- Query 2/2/49
Edgeman, William --- Query 2/2/49
Edgemont Private School for Boys, --- V27:79
Edgewood, --- V21-1:25
Edgewood, Home Of Nidemaier --- 6/10
Edinborough, --- V14:56
Edinburg University, --- V38:2
Edinburg, College of, --- V13:15
Edings, Mr. --- V42:60
Edington, Doug --- V21-1:107
Edington, Douglas --- V21-1:69
Edington, Lucile --- V21-1:69
Editor's Page, --- V14:50
Edmondson, Edward Henry --- Census 4/33
Edmondson, Morgan --- Mentioned 5/14
Edmondson, Will Jam --- Taxpayer 1/13
Edmonia, --- V26:92
Edmund, --- V22:56
Edmund, --- V23:88, 89
Edmund, --- V35:49
Edmund, Swift's Mill Pond --- V28:91
Edmundson, Benjamin --- V21-1:3
Edmundson, William --- V21-1:3
Ednam, --- V29:64
Edrington, Jane --- V27:30
Edrington, Jane --- Query 4/50 8/35
Edrington, John --- Taxpayer 1/13 Query 4/50 8/35 Census 5/1/19
Edrington, John --- V41:55
Edrington, Margaret --- Query 4/50 3/35
Education, --- V39:46, 47, 72
Education, Exhibit --- V39:57
Edward, --- V16:80
Edward, John --- V30:76
Edward Bros., Inc., --- V38:82
Edward J. Baker's School, --- V25:31
Edwards, Arch --- V41:3
Edwards, Betsy --- Dau Of Solomon 3/25 Census 3/40
Edwards, Bettie Maud --- Marriage 12/96
Edwards, Bettie Maude --- V21-1:88
Edwards, C. Lee --- V21-2:13
Edwards, Conley L. --- V41:77
Edwards, Dabney --- Son Of Solomon 3/25
Edwards, Daisy Lee --- V21-1:89
Edwards, Daisy Lee --- Marriage 12/98
Edwards, Daniel --- V24:50
Edwards, Decatur --- Minister 10/97
Edwards, Eliza --- V16:89
Edwards, Ernest Chilton, Jr. --- Marriage 10/92
Edwards, Ernest Hilton --- Marriage 10/92 Death 10/94
Edwards, Ethel Baker --- V32:99
Edwards, Frank Goodwin --- Death 10/94
Edwards, Gr[_? id --- V41:102
Edwards, Gravet --- Taxpayer 1/13 4/33
Edwards, Gravet --- V43:67
Edwards, Gravet, Jr. --- Census 4/33
Edwards, Gravit --- Census 5/1/19
Edwards, Gravit --- V42:90
Edwards, Gravitt --- V16:89
Edwards, Harry --- Census 5/1/19
Edwards, Harry --- V41:53
Edwards, Helen Winston --- Death 10/94
Edwards, Henry --- Taxpayer 1/13
Edwards, Henry --- V41:101
Edwards, Henry --- V42:130-132
Edwards, Henry --- V43:66
Edwards, Howard E. --- Census 1/79
Edwards, Humphrey --- Son Of Solomon 3/25 Census 4/33
Edwards, Humphrey --- V43:63
Edwards, James --- V17:36
Edwards, James --- Son Of Solomon 3/25 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Edwards, Jane --- V41:3
Edwards, John --- V18:10
Edwards, John --- Citizen 1/6 Taxpayer 1/13 Marriage 1/18 Census 2/1
Edwards, John --- V35:91, 92
Edwards, John --- V41:103
Edwards, John --- V43:63
Edwards, Julian Winston --- Marriage 10/92
Edwards, Julina --- Census 1/79
Edwards, Margaret --- Census 1/79
Edwards, Maria --- Census 1/79
Edwards, Mary --- Census 4/33
Edwards, Mary --- V42:130, 132
Edwards, Mildred --- V19:96
Edwards, Patsy --- Census 1/79 Dau. Of Solomon 3/25
Edwards, Peter --- Rev. Soldier 8/31
Edwards, Peter --- V41:103
Edwards, Reubin --- Census 4/33 5/1/19
Edwards, Reubin --- V41:102
Edwards, Richard --- Son Of Solomon 3/25
Edwards, Sallie Wirt --- Marriage 10/92
Edwards, Sally --- Dau. Of Solomon 3/25
Edwards, Sarah --- Wife Of Solomon 3/25 Rev. Soldier 8/31
Edwards, Solomon --- Death Marriage Rev. Pension 3/25 Census 4/33 Rev.
Edwards, Solomon --- V28:41
Edwards, Steptoe Pickett --- Marriage 10/92
Edwards, Susannah --- Landowner 12/94
Edwards, T. L. --- Commissioner Of Pensions 10/23
Edwards, Unity --- V24:50
Edwards, Unity --- Census 2/1/47
Edwards, William --- Son Of Solomon 3/25 Census 3/40
Edwards, William --- V42:91
Edwards, Wright --- V43:66
Edwards, Zachary --- Taxpayer 1/13 Landowner 12/74
Edward's Line, --- V30:76
Edy, --- V22:94, 95
Eels, James, Dr. --- V33:75
Ege, Dinah Maule --- Marriage 5/2/36
Eggan, Thomas --- Census 4/33
Eggerson, David --- Landgrant 10/18
Eggleston, --- V14:27
Eggleston, Ed. W. --- Census 3/86
Eggleston, Edmund --- Query 11/2/48
Eggleston, Edward --- Query 11/2/48
Eggleston, George --- Census 2/1/32
Eggleston, J. D. --- Professor Of History 2/1/14
Eggleston, J. O. --- Tombstone 9/87
Eggleston, Joseph --- V27:64, 65
Eggleston, Joseph --- Census 4/33 Landowner 10/63 Query 11/2/48
Eggleston, Joseph --- V43:66
Eggleston, Joseph C. --- Mentioned 10/62
Eggleston, R. B. --- V19:6, 9
Eggleston, R. Beverly --- V19:10
Eggleston, Richard --- V17:31
Eggleston, Richard --- Query 11/2/48
Eggleston, Richard C. --- V15:68
Eggleston, Richard C. --- V27:64
Eggleston, Richard C. --- Landowner 10/64
Eggleston, S. A. E. --- Tombstone 9/87
Eggleston's Mill, --- V27:65
Ekblad, Mary Ellen Andrews --- V25:33
Elam, --- V25:45, 46, 48, 49, 85, 87, 88, 90
Elam, Alexander G. --- V24:74
Elam, Cecil --- V24:79
Elam, Cecil --- V25:91, 92
Elam, Charlotte F. H. --- V24:74
Elam, Col. --- V24:82
Elam, Col. --- V24:77, 79-81
Elam, Col. --- V25:44, 84, 85, 90, 92
Elam, Col. --- V25:89, 91
Elam, Drusilla --- V24:80
Elam, Drusilla --- V25:91
Elam, Drusilla A. Poindexter --- V24:79
Elam, Drusilla Poindexter --- V27:5
Elam, Edith --- V25:85
Elam, Eva --- V25:91
Elam, Gertrude --- V25:91
Elam, Herman M. --- V29:55
Elam, Lottie (Charlotte) --- V25:91
Elam, Mary Vawter --- V24:79
Elam, Mr. --- V25:83
Elam, T. P. --- Landowner 3/5
Elam, Travis P. --- V25:91
Elam, W. C. --- V24:76
Elam, W. C. --- V25:88
Elam, Walter --- V24:79
Elam, Walter A. --- V25:91
Elam, William C. --- V24:79
Elam, William C. --- V25:39, 44
Elam, William C. --- V27:6, 12
Elam, William Cecil --- V24:73, 74
Elam, William Cecil --- V25:39, 79, 91
Elam, William Cecil --- V27:5
Elam., --- V25:82
Elbert County, Georgia, --- V14:28
Eldred, Charles --- V38:9
Eldred, Elmer --- V38:9
Eldred, Harriet Louisa Noel --- V38:9
Eldred, Lillian --- V38:9
Eldred, Nettie --- V38:9
Eldred, Rosa Bell --- V38:9
Eldridge, R. --- Court Clerk 8/87
Electric Car. the., --- V31: 53
Elijah, (Slave) --- V30:75
Eliott, M. E. --- V36:37
Eliott, Mollie --- V36:34, 35, 38, 40
Eliott, Mrs. --- V36:38
Eliott, Sallie A. --- V36:34, 35, 38, 40
Elisabeth, --- V26:41
Elisha Melton's School, --- V25:29
Eliza, --- V24:64
Eliza, (cook) --- V30:36
Eliza (Negro woman), --- V32:29
Elizabeth, --- V16:80
Elizabeth, & Anna The --- V28:55
Elizabeth, (Slave) --- V30:81
Elizabeth, and Ann The --- V28:65
Elizabeth City, --- V25:16
Elizabeth City State University, --- V37:11
Elk, Creek --- V28:33, 35, 37, 56, 58-59, 88
Elk, River South Fork --- V30:72
Elk Creek, --- V16:87
Elk Creek, --- V17:59, 63, 66
Elk Creek, --- V20:59, 60, 62, 63, 66-68
Elk Creek, --- V21-1:105
Elk Creek, --- V21-2:32, 34, 40, 41
Elk Creek, --- V22:13, 25
Elk Creek, --- V23:23
Elk Creek, --- V24:38, 40, 63, 70
Elk Creek, --- V25:16, 17, 21, 22, 24
Elk Creek, --- V27:11, 37-38, 86, 88, 89, 90-91, 93-94
Elk Creek, --- V33:5
Elk Creek, --- V32:83
Elk Creek (plantation), --- V13:57
Elk Creek Baptist Church, --- V19:33, 34
Elk Creek Baptist Church, --- V25:75
Elk Creek Baptist Church, --- V28:34-36, 87
Elk Creek Baptist Church, --- History Of 9/54
Elk Creek Baptist Church, History Of --- 9/54
Elk Creek Cemetery, Records Of --- 9/59
Elk Creek Cemetery Records, --- 9/59
Elk Creek Church, --- V20:65
Elk Creek Church, --- V22:18, 19
Elk Creek Church, --- V24:40
Elk Creek Church, --- V28:36
Elk Creek Church, --- V34:19
Elk Creek Farm, --- V20:62
Elk Creek Farm, --- V38:78
Elk Creek Farm (place), --- V21-2:32, 34
Elk Creek Meeting House, --- V19:33
Elk Creek Road, --- V27:46, 86
Elk Horn Township, --- V38:6
Elks Club of Pulaski, --- V31: 39
Ellen, --- V24:94
Ellen, (Slave) --- V30:82-83
Ellerman, A. Denny --- V14:48
Ellerslie, --- V14:8
Ellerslie, --- V17:59, 60, 62, 63, 64
Ellerslie, --- V33:5
Ellerslie, Landmark --- 2/26
Ellet, James --- V30:66
Ellicott, Thos. Price --- V35:109
Elliot, Marjorie Fry --- V18:38
Elliot, Mollie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Elliot, Mollie S. --- V27:34
Elliot, Sallie --- Methodist 11/1/29
Elliot, William T. --- Methodist 11/1/29
Elliott, Billy --- V35:39
Elliott, Jean Quarles --- V17:84
Elliott, Mabel --- V34:27
Elliott, Mr. --- V31: 106
Elliott, Sallie A. --- Teacher 4/81
Elliott, Thomas Price --- Tombstone 1/58
Elliott, W. J., Mrs. --- V16:56
Elliott, William --- V42:93
Elliott Place, --- V39:37
Ellis, --- V23:45
Ellis, --- V24:47, 51
Ellis, A. C. --- V18:38
Ellis, A. R. --- V21-1:93
Ellis, B. D. --- V28:84
Ellis, Connie P. --- V23:51
Ellis, Daniel --- V15:36
Ellis, Elijah --- V19:38
Ellis, Hezekiah --- V24:47
Ellis, J. H. &W. --- V25:26
Ellis, J. R. --- V21-1:41
Ellis, J. T., Mrs. --- V21-1:93
Ellis, James H. --- V24:45
Ellis, James H. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Ellis, John --- V14:42, 65
Ellis, John --- V16:85
Ellis, John --- V23:50, 52
Ellis, John --- V24:21, 50
Ellis, John --- Legal Note 9/91 Road Surveyor 11/1/41
Ellis, John --- V28:14
Ellis, John --- V42:95
Ellis, John K. --- Census 2/1/41
Ellis, John, II --- V23:50
Ellis, Joseph --- Mentioned 9/10
Ellis, Josiah --- V21-1:81
Ellis, Josiah R --- V21-1:82
Ellis, Josiah Richard --- V21-1:81, 82
Ellis, Lewis --- V43:64
Ellis, Martha J. --- V23:105
Ellis, Mary --- Legal Note 11/2/33 11/2/35
Ellis, Mattie --- V23:107
Ellis, Mattie --- V33:19
Ellis, Mildred --- Census 3/32
Ellis, Mildred Ferguson --- V24:21
Ellis, Moses --- V16:88
Ellis, Ola Lacy --- Tombstone 10/69
Ellis, R. S. --- Miller 7/60
Ellis, R. Stapleton --- V24:51
Ellis, Reverend --- V21-1:82
Ellis, Richard --- Died 1/4/1 Legal Note 11/2/33 11/2/35 Wife Probate
Ellis, Robert --- V15:43
Ellis, Robert --- V16:88
Ellis, Robert --- V19:38
Ellis, Robert --- V27:83
Ellis, Robert --- Road Overseer 6/31
Ellis, Robert S. --- V24:21, 46
Ellis, Robert S. --- Legal Case 9/91
Ellis, Robert, Jr. --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Ellis, S. M. --- V23:51
Ellis, Sadie --- V23:51
Ellis, Sadie P. --- V23:51
Ellis, Sarah Jane --- V24:21
Ellis, Susanna --- V15:36
Ellis, Thomas --- V23:50
Ellis, Thomas --- V24:47, 50
Ellis, Thomas --- Census 4/33
Ellis, Thos. --- V24:49
Ellis, W. T. --- V27:27
Ellis, W. T. --- Farmer 7 /65
Ellis, Widow --- V16:41
Ellis, William --- V24:47
Ellis, William F. --- Farmer 7/65
Ellis Barboursville Store, --- V24:51
Ellis Light Artillery, Co. A, 1st N.C. --- V40:8
Ellis Mill, --- V23:48
Ellis Mill Bridge, --- V23:50
Ellis Store, --- V23:56
Ellison, Thomas --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Ellis's Widow, --- V16:88
Ellisville, --- V18:29, 30, 31, 32
Ellisville, --- V19:45
Ellisville, --- V23:45, 52
Ellisville, --- V24:21, 37-39, 45, 46, 48-51
Ellisville, --- V25:27, 43
Ellisville, --- V27:34
Ellisville, --- V29:32
Ellisville, --- V39:28, 30
Ellisville, --- V32:36, 38, 40
Ellisville, --- V38:12
Ellisville, Road --- V29:47, 56
Ellisville Methodist Church, --- V24:22
Ellisville Mill, --- V23:45, 46
Ellisville Mill, --- V24:51
Ellisville P O, --- V24:45
Ellisville Road, --- V16:33
Ellisville Road, --- V23:46, 48
Ellisville Road, --- V24:45
Ellisville Road, --- V27:8, 10
Ellsworth Zouave, --- V21-1:46
Ellyson, H. K. --- Haley Diary 5/1/42
Ellyson, H. Theodore --- Haley Diary 5/1/42 5/2/16
Ellyson, Henry --- V24:80
Ellyson, James --- V28:89
Ellyson, Margaret --- V28:89
Ellyson, Mary Jane --- V28:89
Ellyson, Theodore H. --- Haley Diary 6/18
Ellyson, William --- Haley Diary 11/1/49
Elm Avenue, --- V29:67, 86-87
Elm Street, --- V27:53
Elm Street, --- V29:9
Elm Street, --- V38:43, 43, 44
Elmira, New York, --- V16:31
Elmore, Austin --- Landgrant 10/18 Legal Note 10/31 11/1/38
Elmore, Peter --- V42:90
Elms, The --- V27:7
Elmwood, --- V25:1
Elon Baptist Church, --- V34:25
Elstock, Michael --- V26:51
Ely, Rae --- V29:84
Elzey, Col. --- V35:142
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Amy --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Barbara --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Daniel --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Hannah --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Jackson, Isaac --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, James, Lucy --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Overton --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Sam --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Sanders, Julius --- V36:12
Emancipated Negros/Free Negros, Suckey --- V36:12
Embry, Anne Cooke --- V42:43, 45
Embry, Anne Cooke (Adams) --- V42:44, 45
Embry, Thomas Green --- V42:44, 45
Emergency Hospital in Pulaski, --- V31: 19
Emergency Hospitals, Richmond --- V31: 37
Emerson, John --- V16:55
Emerson, Louisa S. --- Birth 2/1/24
Emerson, William --- V16:55
Emilu (place), --- V24:58
Emma, Daughter Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Emma, Miss --- V23:33
Emmerson, William --- V30:77
Emperor Aurelian, --- V16:46
Emporia, --- V22:96
Emporia, --- V25:39
Encyclopedia of Virginia, Biography --- V38:50
Encyclopedia of Virginia, England --- V38:50
Encyclopedia of Virginia, English Literature --- V38:32
Enfield, Mr. --- V41:37
Enfield, Rifles --- V30:35, 38
Enfield Rifle, --- V35:33
Engen, Donald D., Admiral --- V36:26
England, --- V14:51, 53, 56
England, --- V16:47, 48, 52, 53
England, --- V18:24
England, --- V19:16, 24, 25, 31, 71, 72, 97, 98
England, --- V21-1:79
England, --- V23:53
England, --- V25:66
England, --- V27:101
England, --- V31: 92
England, --- V37:61, 62
England, --- V35:6, 33, 52, 80, 172, 179
England, --- V40:56, 64
England, Edward --- V42:92
England, John --- V13:72
England, John --- V14:33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 42, 65, 67, 69
England, John --- V15:42
England, John --- Legal Case 9/82 9/84 10/28 10/29 10/32 11 1/40 11/
England, Whitehaven --- V40:64
England, William --- Marriage 11/1/11
England, William --- V42:92
Engleking, Gustavus J. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Engleman, A.B., Mrs. --- V40:48, 49, 50
English, Edgar B., Sr. --- V22:76
English, Edgar B.,, Sr. --- V35:62
English, Otey Wood Moss --- V22:76
English, Stephen --- Roadwork 6/33 Legal Case 9/44 11/2/35
English, Virginia M. S. --- V22:32
English Channel, --- V25:64
English settlers, --- V34:12
Ennet, Richard --- V16:40
Ennis, Bob --- V33:91
Ennis, Clay --- V21-1:88
Ennis, Clay --- Death 12/89
Ennis, Floyd --- V33:91
Ennis, Harry C. --- V21-1:32
Ennis, Herbert B. --- V33:90
Ennis, James --- V19:42, 87, 90, 92
Ennis, James --- Landgrant 10/84
Ennis, John --- V13:30, 32, 34, 37, 73, 75
Ennis, John --- V14:32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 43, 65, 67, 69
Ennis, John --- V15:41, 42, 76
Ennis, John --- V16:42
Ennis, John --- V17:32
Ennis, John --- V19:39, 42, 87, 90
Ennis, John --- Roadwork 6/85 Legal Note 11/2/34 12/46 12/47 12/70
Ennis, John --- V33:91
Ennis, Maggie L. --- V21-1:26
Ennis, Susan --- V21-1:84
Ennis, Susan M. --- V21-1:32
Ennis, Thomas --- V21-1:16, 20, 29, 32, 65, 88, 91
Ennis, Thomas --- V21-2:14, 16
Ennis, Thomas --- V27:34
Ennis, Thomas --- Parent 12/89
Ennis, Tom --- V21-1:48
Ennis Family, --- V33:90
Ennis's Road, --- V16:41
Enola, --- V28:15
Enon, --- V29:45
Enon Church, --- V31: 6
Enquirer, The --- V30:11
Enter, Lottie --- V25:18
Entry Creek, --- V20:6
Eperson, Paul --- V41:28
Epileptic Colony, --- V31: 39
Episcopal, Presbyterian Shared Ministry --- V29:50
Episcopal Church, --- V21-1:30, 41, 42, 44, 81, 99, 102, 103, 107, 112
Episcopal Church, --- V27:20, 24
Episcopal Church, --- V43:60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 99, 102, 103
Episcopal Church Mineral, --- V29:66
Episcopal Church, Danville, --- V34:28
Episcopal Female Institute, --- V23:36
Episcopal rectory, --- V21-2:29
Episcopal School for Boys, --- V31: 39
Episcopalians, --- V19:66
Episcopalians, --- V22:4
Episcopalians, --- V44:31
Epperson, Ann Bibb --- V30:77
Epperson, David --- V16:40
Epperson, David --- V19:92
Epperson, David --- Petitioner 6/27 6/82 Legal Note 10/30 10/32 Legal
Epperson, Paul --- V13:31
Epperson, Richard --- V30:77
Epperson, Richard, Mrs. --- V30:77
Epperson, Robert --- Landgrant 11/2/19
Epworth, Ann --- V38:5, 6
Equipment for nurses, --- V31: 36
Equitable Investment Co., --- V21-1:19, 20, 28, 72
Erbprinz, Regiment --- V39:19
Ereaqueir, Alexander --- Legal Note 12/48
Ereaquier, Alexander --- Legal Note 12/46
Ergenbright, --- V21-1:72, 92, 107, 110
Ergenbright, Ellis --- V21-1:37, 115
Ergenbright, G. R. --- V21-1:21, 62, 72, 91, 93
Ergenbright, Geo. --- V21-1:100
Ergenbright, George --- V21-1:100, 107
Ergenbright, George R. --- V21-1:37, 110
Ergenbright, Lelina --- V21-1:93
Ergenbright, Selma --- V21-1:37
Ernest, Mr. --- V28:88
Ernst, A. H. --- Haley Diary 5/2/13
Eskew, William --- Census 2/2/29
Essex, --- V22:12
Essex Co., --- V21-1:3
Essex County, --- V23:49, 92
Essie, --- V39:20, 21
Esso Station, --- V21-1:108
Estes, --- V21-1:16, 115
Estes, --- V23:47
Estes, --- V27:84
Estes, --- V40:57
Estes, A. F. --- V19:46
Estes, A. F. --- V21-1:93
Estes, Abraham --- V17:51
Estes, Abraham --- V27:82-83, 84
Estes, Abram --- Census 2/2/47
Estes, Albert --- V33:94
Estes, Albert F. --- Tombstone 1/70 Landowner 3/5
Estes, Alice --- V14:48
Estes, Alice --- V21-2:12
Estes, Alice --- Tombstone 1/70
Estes, Andrew --- Census 2/2/45
Estes, Aubrey --- V21-1:99, 107
Estes, Aubrey E. --- V21-1:124
Estes, Barbara --- V27:84
Estes, Barbary --- V27:83
Estes, Benjamin H. --- Census 2/2/29
Estes, Bill --- V21-1:48
Estes, Billie --- Census 2/2/45
Estes, Charlie --- V21-1:100
Estes, Connie --- V21-1:57
Estes, Dabney --- V22:30
Estes, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/29
Estes, Elizabeth --- V42:100
Estes, Elizabeth Bibb --- V27:84
Estes, Ellen Rice --- V27:85
Estes, Emily J. --- V27:84
Estes, George --- V25:2
Estes, George --- Landowner 3/5
Estes, George Baker --- V21-1:122
Estes, Henry --- Census 2/1/37
Estes, Isabella --- Census 2/2/47
Estes, Isabella Harris --- V27:84
Estes, Isabella Patterson --- V27:85
Estes, J. F. --- V21-1:79, 85
Estes, J. F., Mrs. --- V21-1:85
Estes, J. F., Mrs. --- V27:12
Estes, James --- V24:46
Estes, James R. --- Census 1/76
Estes, Jane M. --- V27:85
Estes, Joel --- V27:84
Estes, Joel --- Census 2/2/29
Estes, Joel --- V42:100
Estes, John --- V13:52
Estes, John --- V21-1:48
Estes, John --- V27:82-84
Estes, John --- Census 2/2/45 Landowner 6/24 6/26 9/45 9/82 Marria
Estes, John W. --- V21-1:79
Estes, Josephine --- V21-1:84
Estes, Josephine Young --- V27:85
Estes, Louisa Ann --- V27:84
Estes, Lucy F. --- Census 1/76
Estes, Martha --- Census 2/2/29
Estes, Martha A. --- Census 1/76
Estes, Martha P. --- V27:84
Estes, Mary --- V27:83, 84
Estes, Mary --- Census 2/1/37
Estes, Mary A. Christmas --- V27:84
Estes, Mary J. --- Census 2/2/29
Estes, Mary Jane --- V27:84, 85
Estes, Merwood --- V27:85
Estes, Merwood --- Marriage 5/2/31
Estes, Mildred A. --- Census 1/76
Estes, Molley --- V27:83
Estes, Moses --- V21-1:3
Estes, Moses --- V27:83
Estes, Mr. --- V13:41
Estes, Murwood --- V27:84
Estes, Murwood --- Census 2/2/47
Estes, Nancy Porter --- V27:85
Estes, Patsy --- V27:84, 85
Estes, Queen J. --- V21-1:88
Estes, Queen J. --- Married 10/100
Estes, Raleigh Q. --- V21-1:122
Estes, Ralph Owen --- V21-1:122
Estes, Richard --- V27:82
Estes, Richard --- Landgrant 10/80
Estes, Robert --- V19:91
Estes, Robert --- V27:83, 85
Estes, Robert --- Census 2/1/37 2/2/45 Slave Owner 9/44 Landowner 9/
Estes, Robert --- V41:20
Estes, Sallie --- Census 2/2/45
Estes, Sarah --- V27:83-84
Estes, Sarah --- Census Z/2/45
Estes, Sarah Cosby --- V27:85
Estes, Sarah E. --- Census 2/2/45
Estes, Sarah Timberlake --- V27:83-84
Estes, Sarah/Sally --- V42:81
Estes, Susan --- Census 2/2/47
Estes, Thomas --- V27:85
Estes, Ursula --- V27:83
Estes, Ursulah --- V27:84
Estes, William --- V27:85
Estes, William --- Marriage 5/2/33
Estes, William G. --- Census 2/1/37
Estes, Willie --- V21-1:100
Estes, Winifred --- Census 2/2/45
Estes, Young --- V21-1:89
Estes Store, --- V21-1:67
Estes's Race Ground, --- V27:82, 83
Estill, --- V40:57
Estis, A. F. --- V21-1:30
Estis, Abraham --- Census 4/33
Estis, Buchard --- Landowner 11/2/19
Estis, Elisha --- Roadwork 6/83 6/90
Estis, Jack --- V21-1:32
Estis, James --- Road Surveyor 6/26 6/27
Estis, John --- V19:90
Estis, John --- Roadwork 6/28 6/33 6/81 6/87 (Or 89)
Estis, Josephine --- V21-1:32
Estis, Josephine H. --- V21-1:29
Estis, Lottie M. --- V21-1:32
Estis, Moses --- Roadwork 6/31 6/84
Estis, Richard --- V13:51
Estis, Richard --- Died 6/26
Estis, Robert --- Roadwork 6/27 6/31 6/84 6/87 6/88 6/90
Estis, Ursala --- Census 4/33
Estis, William --- V21-1:32
Estis, William A. --- V21-1:16, 28
Estis, Wm. A. --- V21-1:28-30
Ethalinda Barbara Fritchie Marie Antoinette Sara Jane, --- V33:78
Etna Furnace, --- V19:15
Eton, --- V23:53
Ettler, Mrs. --- V25:75
Eubank, Beuliah --- V27:34
Eubank, E. D. --- V18:29
Eubank, E. D. --- Haley Diary 8/94
Eubank, Edsel Eugene --- V21-1:122
Eubank, John --- Court Case 8/86 Genealogy Note 8/85
Eubank, Mrs. --- V21-1:110
Eubank, Nancy --- Courtcase 8/86
Eubank, Rev. --- Minister 4/59
Eubank, Rosa Lee --- Marriage 5/2/38
Eubank, William --- V42:90
Eufaula, Alabama, --- V23:80
Europe, --- V31: 29
European Common Market, --- V36:70
Eustis, F. A. --- V38:20
Eustis, Mr. --- V38:20
Euting, George L. --- V23:114
Evans, D. M. --- V22:75
Evans, D.M., Col., USA --- V35:62
Evans, Elizabeth --- V17:83
Evans, Emanuel --- Taxpayer 1/13 Census 4/33 5/1/19
Evans, Emmanuel --- V17:83
Evans, Hastings --- V17:83
Evans, Hastings --- Census 4/33
Evans, Joseph --- V14:37
Evans, Joseph --- V16:41
Evans, Langdon --- V21-1:123
Evans, Letiticia --- V38:57
Evans, Letiticia D. --- V38:57
Evans, Margaret Burgess --- Tombstone 7/72
Evans, Michael T. L. --- Tombstone 7/72
Evans, Michael Villiers Hamilton --- Tombstone 7/72
Evans, Mildred --- Census 3/33
Evans, Nancy --- V17:83
Evans, Obadiah --- V17:83
Evans, Oliver --- V42:74, 76
Evans, Shelton --- V17:83
Evans, Shelton --- Census 4/33
Evans, T. J. --- Haley Diary 4/18
Evans, Tandy --- Census 3/33
Evans, Tarlton --- V17:83
Evans, W. H. --- V17:83
Evans, Walker --- Baptized 9/96
Evans, Wilkerson --- V17:83
Eve, William (Billy) --- V26:35
Evelina, --- V16:80
Evelyn, --- V39:20,21
Everett, Edward --- V44:97, 109
Everett, Miss --- V21-1:113
Everett, Mr. --- V13:27
Everitt, Mr. --- V20:54
Evertsville, --- V20:35
Ewell, General --- V20:87
Ewell, General --- V32:12, 13
Ewell, Genl. --- V35:105, 144
Ewell’s Division, --- V44:52
Ewells Division, --- V32:12, 13
Ewels Division, --- V31: 107
Ewing, John --- Trustee 6/22
Ewing, Mr. --- V42:59
Ewing, Theresa --- V28:80
Ewing, Thomas --- Secretary Of Interior 6x76
Executive Director of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, --- V38:47
Extension Division of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA ., --- V31: 94
Extension Service, --- V31: 70
Eylstock, James --- V26:42
EZ Cosmos, --- V23:14
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