Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With B & 0 Railroad
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
B & 0 Railroad, --- V38:71
B. Y. P. U., --- V38:32
B????, Samuel --- Minister 6/53
Baber, Emily J. Southard --- V23:43
Baber, T. F. --- V18:30
Baber, T. F. --- Farmer 7/64
Baber, Thomas L. --- V13:17
Babgy, Robert M. --- V18:29
Bache, John --- V29:28
Backannon, Thomas --- Census 2/1/38
Bacon, Edmund --- Tombstone 11/2/13
Bacon, Elizabeth Edloe --- Tombstone 11/2/13
Bacon, Langdon --- V13:31, 32
Badger, Bela --- V14:78
Badger, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Badget, Arthur --- V36:50
Badget, Arthur M. --- V36:47
Badget, Edward I. --- V36:47
Badget, Isabella --- Census 3/87
Badget, John --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 4/31 5/1/16
Badget, Lucy --- Census 3/87
Badget, Melvin Bennie --- V36:47
Badget, Myrtle --- V36:47
Badget, Polly --- Census 3/87
Badget, Thomas --- V22:99-101
Badget, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 4/30 Rev. Soldier 6/14 8/26,
Badget[t], John --- V42:122, 128
Badget[t], Thomas --- V42:52, 128
Badgett, Arthur, Mrs. --- V21-1:94
Badgett, Bernie --- V21-1:108
Badgett, Edmond --- Will 2/2/16
Badgett, Grace --- V25:99
Badgett, John --- V41:52
Badgett, M. B. --- V21-1:93
Badgett, Myrtle --- V21-1:93
Badgett, Thomas --- Will Executor 2/2/16 Rev. Soldier 9/36
Badgett, Thomas --- V41:51, 52
Badgetts, --- V23:4
Bagby, --- V24:93
Bagby, A. S. --- V18:30
Bagby, Adsian Aubrey --- V13:60
Bagby, Alex. & Martha H. --- V35:125, 125, 127
Bagby, Alexander --- V19:12, 14
Bagby, Alexander --- V20:67
Bagby, Alexander --- V26:92
Bagby, Alexander --- Census 3/75
Bagby, Alexander, Reverend --- V32:86
Bagby, Ann --- V27:90
Bagby, Ann --- Census 1/85
Bagby, Ann Maria --- Death 5/1/32
Bagby, Annie Agile --- Birth 5/1/32
Bagby, C. E. --- V15:73
Bagby, C. R --- V23:102, 105
Bagby, C. R. --- V18:27, 30
Bagby, Caius R. --- V13:60
Bagby, Caius R. --- V27:34
Bagby, Carl M. --- V13:60
Bagby, Catharine --- Census 1/85
Bagby, Catharine J. --- Birth 1/2
Bagby, Catharine T. --- Bible Owner Birth 1/24
Bagby, Catherine B. --- Bible Owner 1/24
Bagby, Catherine Burch --- Birth 5/1/32
Bagby, Crantz --- Landowner 6/50
Bagby, Crantz Virginius --- V13:23
Bagby, Dicksey M. --- Birth 1/24
Bagby, Dorothy Cooke --- V23:41
Bagby, Edgar A. --- V15:73
Bagby, Edward --- Church Speaker 4/61
Bagby, Evie M. --- V21-2:14
Bagby, George W. --- V24:76
Bagby, Georgia Ella (Parrish) --- V13:23
Bagby, James --- V13:57, 58
Bagby, James --- V16:67
Bagby, James --- V17:41
Bagby, James --- Birth 1/2, Census 4/31 Minister 5/1/32
Bagby, James --- V32:27
Bagby, James --- V37:82
Bagby, James --- V41:38
Bagby, James (Elder) --- V29:44
Bagby, James M --- V37:65
Bagby, James M. --- V21-1:10
Bagby, James M. --- Marriage 1/24 Census 1/85 Minister 3/65 10/67, Aut
Bagby, James M. --- V41:17, 34, 41, 47, 76
Bagby, James M. --- V42:117, 128
Bagby, James M., Jr. --- Death 1/24
Bagby, James Morris --- V13:23, 26, 46, 57, 77, 83
Bagby, James Morris --- V14:9, 50
Bagby, James Morris --- V15:71
Bagby, James Morris --- Bible Owner 1/24 Author 1/10 1/24 2/2/26, 3/26 3/2
Bagby, James Morris --- V37:73
Bagby, James Morris, Mrs. --- V14:50
Bagby, James, Rev. --- V41:85
Bagby, James, Sr. --- Death 1/24
Bagby, John --- V27:87
Bagby, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 4/29 5/1/16 Insurance Record
Bagby, John --- V41:30, 49
Bagby, John (Capt. ) --- V13:57, 58, 59
Bagby, John, Jr. --- V13:57, 58, 59
Bagby, Louisa --- Census 3/75
Bagby, Lydia --- V20:60
Bagby, Mansel R. --- Birth 1/24
Bagby, Marcia H. --- V19:14
Bagby, Marcia Hazeltine Carpenter --- V20:67
Bagby, Mary --- Death 1/24 Census 1/84
Bagby, Mary L. --- Birth 1/24
Bagby, Mary M. --- V13:60
Bagby, Mary Quarles --- V14:50
Bagby, Matilda (Davis) --- V13:59
Bagby, Mattie Lee (Chick) --- V13:60
Bagby, Mildred --- V13:57, 58
Bagby, Mildred --- V14:11
Bagby, Militia --- Rev. Widow 8/26
Bagby, Molly --- Census 1/85
Bagby, Mr. --- V41:38
Bagby, Nancy F. T. --- Birth 1/24
Bagby, Parson --- V23:58
Bagby, Preacher --- V23:84
Bagby, R. M. --- V13:13
Bagby, R. M. --- V18:29, 30
Bagby, R. M. --- Picnic Manager 5/2/39 Occupation 7/58 7/61 7/63
Bagby, R. M. Dr. --- V18:30
Bagby, Richard --- V13:57, 58, 59
Bagby, Richard --- V14:20, 21, 79
Bagby, Richard --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 1/85 5/1/16
Bagby, Richard --- V29:45
Bagby, Richard M. --- V23:105
Bagby, Richard M. --- Birth 1/24 Census 3/40 Wife Died 5/1/32
Bagby, Richard Morris --- Parent 1/24
Bagby, Ro. M. --- V18:30
Bagby, Sarah (Kimbrough) --- V13:58
Bagby, Sylvanus --- Census 3/75
Bagby, Theodocia (Morris) --- V13:57, 58
Bagby, Thomas C. --- V23:102
Bagby, Thomas James --- Birth 5/1/32
Bagby, Thomas M. --- V13:60
Bagby, Thomas, Jr. --- V13:60
Bagby, V. C. --- V18:30
Bagby, Victoria Thomas --- Landowner 6/56
Bagby, Virginius Crantz --- V13:23
Bagby, W. S. --- V18:30
Bagby, W. S. --- Farmer 7/63
Bagby, Weldon E. --- V34:33
Bagby, William --- V13:9, 57, 58, 59
Bagby, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 1/84 3/75 5/1/16 Rev. Soldier
Bagby, William --- V28:90
Bagby, William S. --- V23:105
Bagby, Wm. --- V24:94
Bagby, Wm. S. --- V27:34
Bagby Family, --- V13:57
Bagby Family Bible Records, --- 1/24
Bagnham, Joseph --- V15:60
Bagot, Edith Meredith --- V14:86
Bah, Char McCargo --- V44:78
Bailey, --- V21-1:105, 107, 118
Bailey, Amanda --- V28:16
Bailey, Ann --- V28:16
Bailey, Anselmn --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Bailey, Anselum --- Legal Note 11/1/44
Bailey, Baxter --- V31: 63
Bailey, Betsey --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, C. --- V21-1:74
Bailey, C. B. --- V21-1:84
Bailey, Callam --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Bailey, Catherine H. --- V21-1:84
Bailey, Charles Carter --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Cliff --- V33:93
Bailey, Clifton B. --- V21-1:33, 112, 114
Bailey, Clifton Barto --- V21-1:74
Bailey, Darlene --- V40:8
Bailey, Dollie --- V28:16
Bailey, Dollie H. --- V28:16
Bailey, Edmund --- Will Witness 12/39
Bailey, Edna --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Elizabeth --- V21-1:74, 75
Bailey, Emmet --- V21-1:112, 114
Bailey, Ernest --- V28:17
Bailey, Genevieve --- V21-1:75
Bailey, George --- V21-1:112
Bailey, George --- V42:91
Bailey, George "Snag" --- V21-2:28
Bailey, Gerald C. --- V20:80
Bailey, Henry --- V13:37
Bailey, J. --- V21-1:74
Bailey, J. M. --- V27:14
Bailey, J. M. --- V29:23
Bailey, James --- V28:17
Bailey, James H. --- V28:16
Bailey, James Nicholas --- V28:16
Bailey, John --- V13:33
Bailey, John --- Census 4/30 5/1/16 Legal Note 10/29 10/30 10/32 11
Bailey, John Hubbard --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Joseph --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Katherine --- V21-1:112, 114
Bailey, Katy --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Lewis --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Mae --- V21-1:125
Bailey, Mae --- V22:97
Bailey, Mae --- V33:93
Bailey, Mamie Y. --- V21-1:33, 84
Bailey, Mamie Young --- V21-1:112
Bailey, Marina --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Mark --- V29:48
Bailey, Mary Hays --- V28:16
Bailey, Mr. --- V32:12, 18
Bailey, Nancy --- Rev. Widow 8/26 8/88 8/89
Bailey, R. E. (Dr) --- V29:26, 27
Bailey, Rice --- Courtcase 8/87
Bailey, Rice G. --- V28:16
Bailey, Robert, Jr. --- V21-1:75
Bailey, Sally Katharine Chewning --- V28:16
Bailey, T. W. --- V20:14
Bailey, Thomas --- Rev. Pension Record 8/88
Bailey, Thomas W. --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Bailey, Tom --- V20:14
Bailey, Waller --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey, Willis --- Genealogy 8/88
Bailey's Drug Store, --- V29:37
Bailey's Drug Store, --- V31: 33
Bailie, Mr. --- V32:18
Baille, Shadrack --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Bain, Alexander --- Legal Case 8/6
Bain, Rev. W. F. --- V25:90
Bain, V. T. --- V21-1:29
Baine, Alexander --- V19:99
Baine, Alexander --- Taxpayer 1/11
Baine vs Buckner, --- V19:99
Baird, Alvin Voris --- V19:81
Baird, Anna (Doles) --- V38:61
Baird, Dr. --- V23:76
Baird, Nancy C. --- V19:81
Baird, Nancy C. --- V20:51
Baird, Nancy C. --- V35:93, 98
Baker, A. M. --- V18:30
Baker, A. M. --- V19:94
Baker, A. M. --- Farmer 7/64
Baker, A. M. --- V29:102
Baker, A. M., Jr. --- Farmer 7/64
Baker, Albert M. --- Census 2/2/37
Baker, Alfred --- Census 2/2/37
Baker, Alfred M. --- V19:94
Baker, Alfred M. --- Married 5/2/33
Baker, Alfred Moore --- V19:94
Baker, Ann --- V27:89-90
Baker, Ann --- Census 2/1/36
Baker, Anne --- V28:47
Baker, Annis Lipscomb --- V26:35
Baker, Aurona --- Census 2/2/47
Baker, B. W. --- V18:30
Baker, Becky (Doles) --- V38:67
Baker, Benjamin --- Census 2/2/34
Baker, Benjamin --- V32:99
Baker, Benjamin T. --- V22:57, 58
Baker, Benjamin, Mrs. --- V32:99
Baker, Blanche Carlton --- Marriage 6/11
Baker, Bushrod W. --- V24:92
Baker, Bushrod W. --- Census Z/2/45
Baker, Caroline --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Caroline W. --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Carter --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Baker, Catharine --- V32:67
Baker, Catherine George --- V26:35
Baker, Cathleen --- V34:30
Baker, Cecil L. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Baker, Charles --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Baker, Cicelia --- V26:36
Baker, Cicelia --- Census 2/2/47
Baker, Cicelia W. --- V26:36
Baker, Cicelia Walton --- V26:36
Baker, Cleavears --- Census 4/30
Baker, Cliveas --- Census 3/35
Baker, Dick --- V25:2
Baker, Dorothy G. --- V25:23
Baker, Dorothy Kathleen --- V37:40
Baker, Edloe --- V25:73, 74
Baker, Edlow --- V24:38
Baker, Edmonia --- Census 2/2/47
Baker, Edward --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Edward J. --- V25:31
Baker, Edward Newel --- V26:35
Baker, Edwin --- V26:36
Baker, Edwin --- V32:62
Baker, Edwin J. --- V21-1:11
Baker, Edwin J. --- V26:36, 37
Baker, Edwin J. --- Tombstone 1/64 2/2/47
Baker, Edwin W. --- V26:36
Baker, Elias --- V17:51
Baker, Eliza Ann --- V26:35
Baker, Emma E. --- V26:36
Baker, Emma E. --- Tombstone 1/64
Baker, Ernest Lee --- V28:92
Baker, Ethel --- V32:99
Baker, Fannie Stanley --- V32:99
Baker, Frances E. --- Census 2/2/37
Baker, Frank M. --- V26:36
Baker, H. C. --- V18:30
Baker, H. C. --- Farmer 7/64
Baker, Harry --- V21-1:57
Baker, Henry --- V32:99
Baker, Henry C. --- Census 3/35
Baker, Henry Clay --- V32:98
Baker, J. W. --- V18:29, 30
Baker, J. W. --- Civil War Soldier 9/19
Baker, J. W. --- V29:24, 25, 81
Baker, James --- Census 2/2/34 2/2/37
Baker, James M. M. --- V22:57, 58
Baker, Jane --- Census 2/1/36
Baker, Jas. M. --- V18:30
Baker, Jesse T. --- V21-1:121
Baker, John --- V15:24
Baker, John --- V17:48
Baker, John --- V22:14, 56-58, 64
Baker, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16
Baker, John --- V28:91
Baker, John M. --- Census 2/1/36
Baker, John O. --- V22:57, 58
Baker, John O. --- Census 2/2/34
Baker, John T. --- V22:57-59, 64, 65
Baker, John T. --- Census 2/2/34
Baker, John, Jr. --- V22:56-58
Baker, John, Sr. --- V22:56
Baker, Joseph --- Census 2/2/37
Baker, Joseph M. --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Joseph W. --- Mentioned 1/57 Occupation 1/57 Landowner 9/25
Baker, Joseph W. (Dr.) --- V29:81
Baker, Joseph W., Dr. --- V35:108, 143
Baker, Joseph W., Jr (Dr.) --- V29:76
Baker, Katie --- V22:56
Baker, L. --- Farmer 7/65
Baker, L. M. --- V18:30
Baker, L. M. --- Farmer 7/63
Baker, Linnaeus M. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Baker, Lizzie --- V25:2
Baker, Lottie M --- Marriage Death 5/1/31
Baker, Louisa M. --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Louisa Mansfield --- Portrait Source 7/35
Baker, Lucille (Doles) --- V38:69
Baker, Lucinda --- Census 3/35
Baker, Lucy Strahan Frazer --- V28:92
Baker, M. --- V26:100
Baker, Margaret --- Census 3/35
Baker, Maria Hester --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Martha --- V22:57
Baker, Martha A. --- Census 2/2/34
Baker, Martha Anne --- V22:57
Baker, Martha G. --- V22:58
Baker, Martin --- V14:80
Baker, Martin --- V22:14, 55-57, 59
Baker, Martin --- V24:69
Baker, Martin --- Census 2/2/34 Guardian 12/76
Baker, Martin, Jr. --- V22:56-59, 64, 65
Baker, Martin, Sr. --- V22:55
Baker, Mary --- V22:56, 57, 64
Baker, Mary --- Census 3/35
Baker, Mary (Polly) --- V22:56, 64
Baker, Mary W. --- Marriage 10/92 Birth 10/93
Baker, Mary Walton --- V26:35
Baker, Mattie A. --- V21-1:39
Baker, May J. --- V21-2:13
Baker, Mellie Lassiter --- V32:99
Baker, Mildred --- Census 2/2/37 2/2/45
Baker, Mildred [Minnie]Montague --- V19:94
Baker, Mildred Montague --- V19:94
Baker, Minnie --- V19:93, 94
Baker, Mr. --- V22:24
Baker, Nancy --- V22:14, 56-58
Baker, Nancy --- Census 4/31
Baker, Newel --- V26:35, 36
Baker, Newell --- Census 3/88
Baker, Overton --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 5/1/16
Baker, R. E. --- V21-1:108
Baker, R. L. --- V18:30
Baker, Richard L. --- V24:46
Baker, Robert --- V19:87
Baker, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/12
Baker, Robert --- V29:44, 98
Baker, Robert --- V34:31
Baker, Robert --- V32:99
Baker, Robert Edloe --- V21-1:122
Baker, Robert Lynn --- V32:98
Baker, Robert M. --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Robert, Mrs. --- V32:99
Baker, Rosa --- Census 2/2/37
Baker, Rosa G. --- V26:36
Baker, Ruth --- V32:99
Baker, Sallie --- V19:94
Baker, Sallie Montague --- V19:93
Baker, Sallie V. --- Married 5/2/31
Baker, Sarah --- Census 2/2/45
Baker, Senna --- V32:99
Baker, Susan --- Census 3/35
Baker, Susan A. Omohundro --- V22:59
Baker, Susan Mansfield --- V26:35
Baker, T. S. --- V18:30
Baker, Tamsey --- Query 10/64
Baker, Thomas --- V17:33
Baker, Thomas --- V26:87
Baker, Thomas --- Census 3/35 Query 10/64
Baker, Thomas S. --- Census 3/42 Farmer 7/64
Baker, Virginia --- Census 2/2/47
Baker, W. Frank --- V25:23
Baker, W. H. --- V18:30
Baker, W. M. --- Farmer 7/64
Baker, W. R. --- V18:30
Baker, W. T. --- V17:77
Baker, W. T. --- V23:56
Baker, Walter --- V25:74
Baker, Walter H. --- V25:74
Baker, William --- V13:84
Baker, William --- V26:35
Baker, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 2/2/45 3/35 4/29 5/1/16
Baker, William H. --- V22:57, 58
Baker, William H. --- Census 2/2/34
Baker, William M. --- Census 3/35
Baker, William Thompson --- V13:60
Baker, William Thompson, Sr. --- V38:82
Baker, William Thomson --- V26:75
Baker, William, Jr. --- Census 4/29
Baker, Wm. --- V19:94
Baker Family of England and Central Virginia, --- V13:60
Baker Place, the --- V31: 53
Baker School, --- V31: 38
Bakers, Jas., Mrs. --- V20:53
Bakers, Jas., Mrs. --- V35:100
Baker's Store, --- V23:52, 56
Balduf, B. E. --- Resident 1/40
Baldwin, A. Maria --- Marriage 5/2/36
Baldwin, Hon. John B. --- V35:133
Baldwin, John B. --- Mentioned 9/13
Baldwin, John T. --- Haley Diary 8/86
Baldwin Family, --- V33:36
Baldwin Wallace College, --- V36:6I
Balengers Creek, --- V15:35
Balgrave, Mansfield --- V19:88
Baliles, Gov. Gerald --- V36:6, 27
Ball, Henry --- V24:38
Ball, Jane --- V20:59
Ball, John --- V19:44
Ball, Thomas --- V19:43
Ballagh, Robert H. --- V21-2:13
Ballard, --- V40:57
Ballard, Charles --- V41:28
Ballard, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/45 Parent 9/28
Ballard, John --- V21-2:40
Ballard, Lewis --- Death 1/45 Census 2/2/45
Ballard, Thomas --- V14:39, 42, 64
Ballard, Thomas --- V15:43
Ballard, Thomas --- V16:40
Ballard, Thomas --- V17:34
Ballard, Thomas --- Roadwork 6/33 6/82 6/85 Legal Note 11/1/42
Ballard, William --- Legal Note 10/32
Ballman, Caroline --- Census 2/1/34
Ballman, Josef H A. --- Census 2/1/34
Ballman, Mary --- Census 2/1/34
Ballman, Mr. --- V31: 102
Ballman, Susan --- Census 2/1/35
Ballmans, --- V32:37
Ballmans, Mr. --- V31: 97, 98, 102, 103, 104
Ballmans, Mr. --- V32:11, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23
Ballowe, Lednard --- Court Case 8/87
Baltimore, --- V21-1:19, 115
Baltimore, --- V23:27
Baltimore, --- V24:69
Baltimore, --- V25:85
Baltimore, --- V27:3-4, 73
Baltimore (Maryland), --- V14:85
Baltimore Car & Foundry Co., --- V23:28
Baltimore, MD, --- V17:26, 47
Baltimore, Md, --- V35:140
Bancroft, --- V21-1:40
Bancroft, Henry M. --- V21-1:58
Bancroft, Henry W. --- V21-1:13
Bancroft, Lula C. --- V21-1:28
Bandy, Vivian S. --- V14:84, 86
Bandy, Vivian S. --- V15:47
Bane, Eugene Russell --- V20:81
Bank, of Louisa --- V29:3, 40, 71, 74
Bank Mining Co., --- V21-1:62
Bank of Clifton Forge, --- V21-1:17
Bank of Louisa, --- V19:46
Bank of Louisa, --- V21-1:26, 93
Bank of Louisa, --- V21-2:29
Bank of Louisa, --- V33:8
Bank of Louisa, --- V32:46
Bank of Louisa, --- V37:69
Bank of Virginia, --- V26:73
Bankhead, Eugenia --- V23:50
Bankhead, John Hollis --- V23:49
Bankhead, Tallulah Brockman --- V23:50
Bankhead, William Brockman --- V23:50
Banks, --- V14:80
Banks, Alice --- V23:107
Banks, Alice --- V33:19
Banks, Anna --- V15:81
Banks, Edward --- V14:26
Banks, Genl --- V35:142-143
Banks, Ger. --- Letter From 4/12
Banks, Gerard --- Landowner 3/55 Census 4/29
Banks, John O. --- V15:80
Banks, Patsy --- Census 3/76
Banks, William --- V17:67
Banner, --- V25:87
Banner, John --- V38:7
Banner stone, --- V43:77, 79, 86
Baptist, --- V19:69, 94
Baptist, --- V24:47
Baptist, --- V38:5
Baptist, --- V37:33
Baptist, Church Trustees (colored) --- V29:41
Baptist, E. G. --- Haley Diary 4/93 Minister 9/58
Baptist, Edward --- V34:18
Baptist, Florence --- Haley Diary 6/95
Baptist, General Convention --- V28:84
Baptist, John --- V14:76
Baptist Association, --- V16:30
Baptist Church, --- V17:9
Baptist Church, --- V21-1:44, 51, 83, 91, 107, 121
Baptist Church, --- V21-2:30
Baptist Church, --- V29:37
Baptist Church, --- V18:25
Baptist Church, --- V36:15, 16, 18, 19, 41
Baptist Church, --- V38:88
Baptist Church, --- V37:56
Baptist Church Trustees, --- V29:40
Baptist Congregation of Free Union, --- V36:19
Baptist General Association of Virginia, --- V34:23
Baptist parsonage, --- V21-1:106
Baptist Seminary, --- V34:18, 24
Baptist Seminary School, --- V25:43
Baptists, --- V19:66, 68
Baptists, --- V22:4, 36
Baptists, --- V26:87, 89
Barb, Phyllis --- V38:10
Barb, Roscoe --- V38:10
Barb, Ruby --- V38:10
Barbados, --- V22:77
Barbados, --- V23:49
Barbara, --- V22:94
Barbary, Lucy --- V23:62
Barber, --- V14:7
Barber, Amelia --- Query 4/51
Barber, P. Johnson --- V42:58
Barber, S. B. --- Haley Diary 4/91
Barber Co., Kansas, --- V38:8
Barbour, --- V14:75
Barbour, B. J. --- Haley Diary 4/91
Barbour, E. Ben --- V14:50
Barbour, E. Ben --- V19:2
Barbour, E. Benjamin --- V17:39, 40
Barbour, E. Benjamin --- Author 9/38
Barbour, E. Benjamin --- V29:45
Barbour, E. Benjamin --- V37:82
Barbour, James --- V26:73
Barbour, John (Reverend) --- V29:51
Barbour, John Strode --- V46:50
Barbour, P. P. --- V19:8
Barbour, P. P. --- V41:107
Barbour, Philip --- V26:73
Barbour, Philip P. --- Witness 5/2/24
Barbour, Rev. E. Benjamin --- V16:71
Barbour & Strodes, --- V14:25
Barboursville, --- V20:39
Barboursville, Va, --- V35:137
Barclay, Andrew --- Witness 9/45
Barclay, Barkley --- V27:91
Barclay, Barkley-Dickinson Mill --- V27:93, 94
Barclay, Betty Ann --- V28:47
Barclay, Catherine Cole --- V27:92
Barclay, Dr. --- V32:15
Barclay, Elizabeth Ann --- V28:47
Barclay, Elizabeth Martin --- V27:92
Barclay, George --- V24:70
Barclay, George --- V27:87, 88, 91-92, 93
Barclay, John Walker --- V28:47
Barclay, Lucy Martin --- V27:92
Barclay, Mary --- V27:92
Barclay, Mary Cole --- V27:91
Barclay, Mary Roscoe Cole --- V27:91
Barclay, Mary Wills --- V27:92
Barclay, Patrick --- V13:32, 34, 36
Barclay, Patrick --- V27:92
Barclay, Patrick --- Legal Case 9/45
Bard, Elizabeth Kathleen --- V21-1:100
Barden, Frances --- Census 3/47
Barden, Mary --- Census 3/47
Bare, Lillie Lee --- Marriage 5/2/35
Bareford, Marden Hayes --- V34:23
Baret, Charles --- Legal Note 12/70
Barfoot, William --- V19:57
Barkelot, George --- V15:42
Barker, A. Lisa --- Author 12/25
Barker, Arthur --- V30:15
Barker, Arthur, Mrs. --- V30:15
Barker, Carey --- V21-2:30
Barker, Carey, Dr. --- V17:37
Barker, Charles --- V42:90
Barker, Chiles A. --- Landowner 6/7
Barker, F. M. --- Author 12/26
Barker, Ida J. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Barker, Jenie Prudence Boxley --- V30:15
Barker, John --- Census 5/1/16
Barker, Lisa --- Author 10/66
Barker, Margaret --- V42:94
Barker, Martha --- Census 2/2/31
Barker, Mary S. --- Landowner 6/7
Barker, Nathan --- V42:90
Barker, Pauline --- V30:15
Barkley, Quarles --- V16:86
Barksdale, Lettice --- Legal Client 8/5
Barksdale, Margaret --- V21-1:108
Barksdale, Margaret M. --- V21-1:99
Barksdale, Margaret Mallory --- V22:41, 97
Barksdale, Pete --- V21-1:108
Barksdale, Thomas E. --- V27:79
Barlow, --- V26:77
Barlow, A. --- V23:111
Barlow, E. S. --- V22:29
Barlow, Fred Steel --- Tombstone 9/60
Barlow, Irene --- V24:4
Barlow, John --- V31: 87
Barlow, Kenneth --- V21-1:123
Barlow, Kim --- V24:12
Barlow, Mary Gibson Sorrell --- Tombstone 9/60
Barlow, Ollie D. --- V28:12
Barlow, Ray --- V31: 87
Barlow, Ray. T. --- V22:21
Barlow, Rosalee --- V31: 87
Barlow, Roy Lee --- V21-1:122
Barnes, Everard F. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Barnes, Fitzgerald --- V31: 63
Barnes, Fitzgerald, Chairman --- V36:72
Barnes, William --- V42:91
Barnet, Arthur --- Rev. Soldier E/27
Barnet, Athanasius --- Census 5/1/16
Barnet, Athas. --- Taxpayer 1/12
Barnet, Edith (Carrico) --- V38:67
Barnet, Elizabeth --- Census 3/39
Barnet, Freda --- V38:67
Barnet, James --- Census 5/1/16
Barnet, John --- Taxpayer 1/12
Barnet, Katherine Holcomb --- V38:67
Barnet, Margaret (Wilbur) --- V38:67
Barnet, Phyllis (Collier) --- V38:67
Barnet, Ralph --- V38:67
Barnet, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 4/31 5/1/16
Barnet, Sherman --- V38:67
Barnet, Thomas --- V22:50
Barnet, Thomas --- Census 5/1/16
Barnet, William --- Census 4/30 5/1/16
Barnett, --- V40:57
Barnett, Francis --- Landowner 6/7
Barnett, Harriet --- Married 8/34
Barnett, J. W. (Reverend) --- V29:42
Barnett, James --- V13:10
Barnett, James --- Taxpayer 1/11 Ordinary Keeper 8/15 Landowner 11/18
Barnett, Mr. --- V28:83
Barnett, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/12 Landowner 6/7
Barnett, Thos. --- V19:96
Barnett, Wm. --- V20:76
Barney, Jacob --- V38:67
Barney, William --- V38:67
Barnhart, Dale --- V29:48
Barnshire, --- V25:98
Baron Renfrew (Prince of Wales) (King Edward VIl), --- V35:47, 56
Baronial Halls, --- V37:13
Barratt, Charles --- Census 5/1/16
Barren, Charles --- V28:39, 57
Barren County (Kentucky), --- V13:59
Barren County, KY, --- V20:102
Barren County, KY, --- V30:78
Barret, A. B. --- V24:70
Barret, A. K. (Mrs.) --- V29:41
Barret, Alec --- V21-1:109
Barret, Alex --- V14:8
Barret, Alexander B. --- V26:83
Barret, Ann --- V26:81
Barret, Ann --- Census 4/29
Barret, Anne Ludwell --- V26:81
Barret, Annie V. Keene --- Tombstone 1/63
Barret, Barbara --- Marriage Death 2/1/25
Barret, Barbara W. --- Marriage 2/1/25
Barret, Barbara Winston --- Birth 2/1/24 Death 2/1/25
Barret, Barbary --- Landowner 12/56
Barret, Bob --- V21-2:4
Barret, C. --- Mentioned 11/1/38
Barret, C. W. --- V16:88
Barret, Ch. --- V15:42
Barret, Charles --- V14:32, 34-39, 41, 43, 64, 65, 68, 69
Barret, Charles --- V15:41, 55, 58, 75, 76, 78
Barret, Charles --- V19:37, 40, 41, 86, 87, 89
Barret, Charles --- V20:72
Barret, Charles --- V21-2:21
Barret, Charles --- V26:80-82, 85
Barret, Charles --- Resident 1/3 1/4 1/56 Census 4/29 Landowner 6/25,
Barret, Charles Newton --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Charles, Jr. --- V15:58
Barret, Chas --- V37:62
Barret, Chiswell --- V26:82
Barret, Chiswell --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Barret, Chl --- V43:57
Barret, Chs --- V43:110
Barret, Col. --- V20:93
Barret, David Bullock --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Eliza --- V26:83
Barret, Elizabeth --- V26:82
Barret, Elizabeth Kimbrough --- V26:81-84
Barret, Elizabeth L. --- Birth 2/1/24 2/1/26 Marriage 2/1/25
Barret, Elizabeth Lewis --- Birth 2/1/26
Barret, Elizabeth Overton --- V26:86
Barret, Elizabeth Strachan --- V26:82
Barret, Elizabeth Winston --- Birth 2/1/26
Barret, Estelle --- Haley Diary 12/97
Barret, George Alexander --- V21-1:116
Barret, Gladys --- V21-1:67
Barret, Gladys Spicer --- V21-1:114
Barret, Helen --- Birth 9/85
Barret, James --- V26:82
Barret, James Winston --- Birth 2/1/26
Barret, John --- V14:27
Barret, John --- V26:81, 82, 85, 86
Barret, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Barret, John --- V43: 63,64,67,68
Barret, John & Co. --- V26:82
Barret, John Brodie --- V26:82
Barret, John Henry --- V26:83
Barret, John Strachan --- V26:82
Barret, John Stuart --- Birth 9/85
Barret, John W. --- V14:75
Barret, John W. --- Census 4/30
Barret, John Winston --- Birth 2/1/26
Barret, John Y. --- Marriage 2/1/25
Barret, John Yates --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Lewis --- Birth 2/1/26 Census 5/1/16
Barret, Lewis --- V43:57
Barret, Mary --- V26:81-83, 86
Barret, Mary --- Son Died 2/1/25 Census 4/29 Tombstone 11/2/13, Men
Barret, Mary Chiswell --- V26:81
Barret, Mary Leigh --- V26:80-82
Barret, Mary O. --- Marriage 2/1/25
Barret, Mary Overton --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Mary Strachan --- V26:82, 85, 86
Barret, Matilda W. --- Death 1/23
Barret, Millicent --- V17:40
Barret, Millicent --- V37:82
Barret, Mrs. --- V14:5
Barret, Nancy --- Death 2/1/25
Barret, Nancy C. --- Marriage 2/1/25
Barret, Nancy Coleman --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Nelson Berkeley --- Birth 2/1/26
Barret, P. S. --- Church Member 10/67
Barret, Patsey H. --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Peter Strachan --- V26:82, 83
Barret, R. L. --- V18:27, 30
Barret, R. L. --- V24:22
Barret, R. L. --- Tombstone 1/63
Barret, R. L. (Dr.) --- V29:40
Barret, R. Leighton (Dr.) --- V29:17
Barret, Richard --- V19:88
Barret, Richard T. --- V21-1:79
Barret, Robert --- V15:55
Barret, Robert --- V21-2:4
Barret, Robert --- V24:70
Barret, Robert --- V26:81
Barret, Robert --- Bible Owner 2/1/24 Birth Marriage Death 2/1/25, Ce
Barret, Robert 2nd --- Birth 2/1/26
Barret, Robert Bullock --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, Robert Lewis --- Death 2/1/25
Barret, Robert, Capt. --- V43:52
Barret, Robert, Jr. --- Census 4/30
Barret, Robert, Sr. --- Death 2/1/25
Barret, Rosabell Hunter --- V24:22
Barret, Sadie Everil Keene --- Tombstone 1/63
Barret, Sarah Kimbrough --- V26:82, 83
Barret, Sarah Strachan --- V26:83
Barret, Sary Jane --- Birth 2/1/24
Barret, T. J. --- V15:64
Barret, Thomas --- V26:82
Barret, Thomas --- Census 5/1/16
Barret, Thomas J. --- V29:53
Barret, Ths --- V43:57, 99
Barret, W. C. --- Civil War Soldier 9/19
Barret, W. Jno. --- V14:5
Barret, W. O. --- Son Of W. O. Death 2/1/25
Barret, William --- V14:5, 8
Barret, William --- V26:81-83
Barret, William --- V43:104
Barret, William & Company --- V26:83
Barret, William C. --- V27:6
Barret, William C. --- Tombstone 1/63
Barret, William Chiswell --- Marriage 12/64
Barret, William Overton --- Birth Marriage 2/1/24 2/1/25 2/1/26
Barret, William Pettus --- Birth Marriage 9/85
Barret, William Thomas --- V26:83
Barret, Willie M. --- Married 5/2/31
Barret Family, --- V26:80
Barret Family, Bible --- Records 2/1/24
Barret Family Bible Records, --- 2/124
Barret(t), Barbara --- V13:5
Barret(t), Charles --- V13:31, 32, 34, 64, 72, 75
Barret(t), Robert (Rev. ) --- V13:5, 51
Barret's Neck, --- V26:81
Barret's Wharf, --- V26:81
Barrett, --- V22:14
Barrett, Alex M. --- Census 3/39
Barrett, Ann --- Census 2/1/36 2/1/43 3/39
Barrett, Ann M. --- Census 2/144
Barrett, Benjamin F. --- Census 2/1/33
Barrett, Candice --- Census 2/1/44
Barrett, Charles --- V16:43, 86
Barrett, Charles --- V17:32, 33, 36, 68
Barrett, Charles --- V19:86, 88
Barrett, Charles --- V20:73, 74
Barrett, Charles --- V22:13, 15
Barrett, Charles --- Vestryman 1/10 9/28 Census 2/1/33 3/31 3/39, Legal
Barrett, Charles --- V30:71
Barrett, Charles --- V45:142
Barrett, Charles --- V46:76
Barrett, Dr. --- V26:23
Barrett, Elizabeth C. --- V21-1:6
Barrett, Estelle --- Haley Diary 11/1/47 12/89
Barrett, Harriet --- Census 3/39
Barrett, Henrietta McDonald --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Ida E. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Barrett, J. P. --- V18:31
Barrett, J. R. --- V18:30
Barrett, J. W. --- V18:30
Barrett, J. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Barrett, Jack --- V25:13
Barrett, Jack B. --- Haley Diary 11/1/47
Barrett, James --- Census 3/46
Barrett, James P. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Barrett, Jean S. --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Jefferson --- Census 3/39
Barrett, John W. --- Museum Benefactor 4/76
Barrett, Lewis --- Taxpayer 1/12 1/19
Barrett, Lucy A --- Census 2/1/31 3/31
Barrett, M. J., Mrs. --- V23:83
Barrett, Mary --- V15:65
Barrett, Mary --- V22:13, 15
Barrett, Mary --- V27:31
Barrett, Mary --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 2/1/31 2/1/44 3/31 3/39 5/1/1
Barrett, Mary --- V46:76
Barrett, Mary A. --- Census 2/1/31
Barrett, Mary Ann --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Mary Jane --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Mary L. --- Census 2/1/33
Barrett, Mr. --- V32:12
Barrett, Mrs. --- V32:12
Barrett, Mrs. M.J. --- V46:37
Barrett, Nanny --- Census 2/1/33
Barrett, Parsons --- Census 2/1/31
Barrett, Patsy --- Census 2/1/36 3/39
Barrett, Peter S. --- V15:35
Barrett, Philip A. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Barrett, Philip Andrew --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Polly Ryan --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, R. L. --- Museum Benefactor 4/77 Physician 7/61
Barrett, R. L., Dr. --- V15:38
Barrett, R. P. --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Rebecca Lindsay --- Query 10/64
Barrett, Richard --- Census 2/1/31
Barrett, Richard Thomas --- Tombstone 10/71
Barrett, Robert --- V26:81
Barrett, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/11 Rev. Soldier 3/26 Haley Diary 4/84,
Barrett, Robert --- V46:78
Barrett, Robert L. --- Census 3/31 3/42
Barrett, Sarah --- Census 2/1/31 3/39
Barrett, T. J. --- V32:25
Barrett, Thomas --- Census 2/1/31 Rev. Claim 7/32 Marriage Witness 11/
Barrett, Thomas J. --- Census 3/31
Barrett, Thos --- V43:99
Barrett, Virginia --- V21-1:69
Barrett, W. C. --- Farmer 7/63
Barrett, W. C., Jr. --- V18:31
Barrett, W. C., Sr. --- V18:31
Barrett, William --- Census 3/39 Rev. Soldier 8/27
Barrett, William C. --- Census 2/1/44 3/31
Barrett, William G. --- V26:99
Barrett & Harris, --- V16:78
Barrier, Oscar --- V21-1:121
Barron, James --- Ship Captain 8/62
Barron, Richard --- Ship Captain 8/62
Barry, W. T. --- Mentioned 10/77
Barstow, Henry --- V38:63
Barstow, John William --- V38:63
Barstow, Pearl Frances --- V38:63
Bart, Major --- V30:26
Bartailes, John --- Haley Diary 7/91
Bartel, George --- Census 3/42
Bartelate, --- V41:103
Bartelate, Augustine --- V41:41
Bartelate, Joseph S. --- V41:41, 42, 46
Bartelate, Nancy --- V41:42
Bartelate, Nancy T. --- V41:41
Bartlett, Junius --- Haley Diary 6/17 6/20
Bartlett, William H. --- Haley Diary 6/94
Bartley, Walker S. --- V41:32
Barton, Philip --- V29:78
Barton, Robert Francis --- V17:83
Barton, W. S. --- V16:66
Barton, W. S. --- V18:29
Barton, W. S. --- V21-1:17
Barton, W. S. --- Judge 7/57
Barw, --- V43:103
Barw, Page --- V43:103
Basbell, John --- V24:92
Basbone, B. J. --- Haley Diary 4/91
Bashfield, Elizabeth --- V38:48
Basic City (Waynesboro, Va), --- V35:39
Basin, Bank --- V28:73
Baskerville, Mary J (Cooke) --- V42:43
Baskett, William --- Minister 3/59
Bason, Zoie --- Marriage 10/92
Bate, John --- Printer 11/1/43
Bates, Anderson --- Haley Diary 5/1/45
Bates, Fleming --- V32:28
Bates, James --- Query 2/2/48 Census 4/30 5/1/16 Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bates, Katherine --- Rev. Widow 8/28
Bates, Reubin --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 5/1/16
Bates, Robert A., Maj. Gen. --- V36:23
Bates, Rubin --- V42:128
Bates, Thomas --- Census 4/29
Bates, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bates, Winnifred --- Query 2/2/48
Batey, S. W. --- V17:25
Bath Co., --- V21-1:101
Bath County, --- V22:67
Bath County, --- V26:42
Battaile, P. E. --- V18:31
Battaile, W. E. --- V18:31
Battenfields, the, --- V33:13
Battery, Carrington's --- V26:84
Battle, Nellie --- V28:16
Battle, of Blue Lick --- V28:40
Battle, of Cheat Mountain --- V29:92
Battle, of Cold Harbor --- V30:18
Battle, of Fredericksburg --- V28:74
Battle, of Fredericksburg Hart --- V28:75
Battle, of Louisa Court House --- V30:28
Battle, of Manassas --- V28:27
Battle, of Sharpsburg --- V28:74
Battle, of the Wilderness --- V28:76
Battle, of Trevellion --- V30:27
Battle, of Trevellion Station --- V30:28
Battle, of Trevilian Station --- V29:38, 81, 91, 97
Battle, of Trevilian Station --- V30:18
Battle, of Trevilian Station --- V30:17, 31, 40
Battle, of Trevilians --- V28:69
Battle, of Trevilians --- V29:47, 54
Battle, of Trevillians --- V28:18
Battle, T. W. --- V29:99
Battle of Bloody Angle, --- V26:84
Battle of Camden, --- V22:99, 100
Battle of Cheat Mountain, --- V26:84
Battle of Cold Harbor, --- V20:87
Battle of Fredericksburg, --- V16:19
Battle of Guilford Courthouse, --- V26:81
Battle of Savage Station Richmond, --- V40:8
Battle of Seven Pines Henrico County, --- V40:8
Battle of' Spotsylvania, --- V22:73
Battle of the Bulge, --- V25:66
Battle of the Crater, --- V25:41
Battle of the Crater, --- V33:28
Battle Of Trevilians, --- 7/3
Battle of Trevilians, --- V36:32
Battle Of Trevilians, Described --- 7/3
Battle of Trevillians, --- V23:46, 52
Battle of Trevllians, --- V33:90
Battle South Mountain, --- V44:48
Battlefield of Colloden, Scotland, --- V36:71
Battlefield of Manassas, Old, --- V28:74
Battlefields:, Appomattox --- V35:5, 48, 105, 107, 140, 143, 144, 146
Battlefields:, Argonne Forest --- V35:181
Battlefields:, Blackwater, Tenn --- V35:89
Battlefields:, Brandy Station --- V35:28, 62, 137
Battlefields:, Bull Run --- V35:9
Battlefields:, Cedar Mt --- V35:23
Battlefields:, Cedar Run --- V35:143
Battlefields:, Chancellorsville --- V35:4, 88, 140, 143
Battlefields:, Chantilly --- V35:163
Battlefields:, Cold Harbor --- V35:50, 94, 105, 143
Battlefields:, Darksville --- V35:141
Battlefields:, Fort Donelson --- V35:140
Battlefields:, Fort Sumter --- V35:3
Battlefields:, Fredericksburg --- V35:10, 11, 76-82, 140, 143
Battlefields:, Gaines Mill --- V35:9, 143, 145, 146
Battlefields:, Gettysburg --- V35:10, 140, 143, 148
Battlefields:, Hagerstown, Md --- V35:19
Battlefields:, Harpers Ferry --- V35:10, 64, 72, 137
Battlefields:, Jackson, Miss --- V35:89
Battlefields:, Kernstown --- V35:23
Battlefields:, Leesburg, Va. --- V35:9, 10
Battlefields:, Lookout Mt --- V35:89
Battlefields:, Malvern Nil --- V35:4, 10
Battlefields:, Manassas --- V35:3, 9, 10, 64, 75, 142, 152-153
Battlefields:, McDowell --- V35:61
Battlefields:, Mechanicsville --- V35:9
Battlefields:, Memphis, Tenn. --- V35:89, 134
Battlefields:, Mine Run --- V35:61
Battlefields:, Mission Ridge --- V35:89
Battlefields:, Ox Hill --- V35:10
Battlefields:, Petersburg --- V35:12, 143, 144
Battlefields:, Phillipi --- V35:69.71
Battlefields:, Portsmouth --- V35:67
Battlefields:, Seven Days --- V35:140
Battlefields:, Sharpsburg --- V35:10, 140, 143
Battlefields:, Shepherds town --- V35:10
Battlefields:, Spotsylvania --- V35:12, 47, 48, 50, 60, 61, 143, 166
Battlefields:, Stone Bridge --- V35:9
Battlefields:, Trevilians --- V35:5, 28-41, 108, 166
Battlefields:, Vicksburg --- V35:89
Battlefields:, Wilderness --- V35:12, 143
Batty, Mrs. --- V40:96
Baugh, J. A. --- V18:31
Baugh, James A. --- Census 3/87 Married 5/2/32
Baugh, John R. --- Tombstone 10/70
Baugh, Leah Estelle --- V21-1:114
Baugh, Mary --- Census 3/87
Baugh, Mildred Annie --- Tombstone 10/70
Baugh, Mildred B. --- Census 3/87
Baugh, W. B. --- Harness Maker 7/62
Baugh, William --- V44:146
Baugh, William B. --- Census 3/87
Baugh, William F. --- Census 3/87
Baugh, Willie --- Tombstone 10/69
Baugh, Zach --- V18:31
Baugh, Zach T. --- Tombstone 10/70
Baughan, --- V18:15
Baughan, Andrew --- Census 2/1/44
Baughan, Benjamin --- Parent 11/2/37
Baughan, Betsy --- V24:93
Baughan, Charles W. --- Census Z/1/44
Baughan, Elkanah --- Census 5/1/17
Baughan, George D. --- Census 2/1/44
Baughan, Henry --- Census 2/1/44
Baughan, J. C. --- V18:31
Baughan, James --- Haley Diary 8/51
Baughan, James C. --- Census 2/1/44
Baughan, Leander --- Census 2/1/44
Baughan, M. V. --- V21-1:18
Baughan, M. W. --- V18:31
Baughan, M. W. --- Tanner 7/63 Farmer 7/65
Baughan, M. W. --- V31: 82
Baughan, Susan Ann --- Census 2/1/44
Baughan, Tandy --- V24:94
Baughan, W. J. --- V18:31
Baughan, William --- V41:42
Baughan, William A. --- V32:29
Baughn, --- V36:
Baughn, Annie --- V36:39
Baughn, Fannie E. --- V27:34
Baughn, George --- V36:12
Baughn, James --- Census 4/30
Baughn, James --- V36:24, 25, 29
Baughn, Miss --- V36:39
Baughn, Mr. --- V36:12
Baughn, Mrs. --- V36:12
Bauintt, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Baumbach, Adolph --- V38:68
Baumbach, Bertha Evelyn (Doles) --- V38:68
Baumeister, H. M. --- V18:31
Bauskett, John --- V30:18
Bauskett, John Captain --- V30:17
Bauskett, Marc --- V30:18
Bauskett, Matt --- V30:18
Bawsal, Mattie A. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Baxter, Bailey and Associates Orange --- V29:72
Baxter, Lewis R., Mrs. --- V16:56
Baxton, Julia Vance --- V23:43
Bayer Company, --- V31: 32
Bayley, Anselum --- Legal Note 11/1/42
Bayley, Henry --- V21-2:40
Bayley, John --- Taxpayer 1/12
Baylor, William M. --- Married 5/2/33
Baylor University, --- V27:31
Bayne, John --- Census 4/30
Bayneham, Joseph --- Census 5/1/17
Baynham, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/11 1/17 Hill???? 272/16 Rev. Soldier 8/
Baynham, Joseph --- V41:103
Bays, John John --- V17:33
Bead, Owen --- V14:39
Beadels, Edmond --- V41:100
Beadels, James --- V41:100
Beadels, James, Jr. --- V41:103
Beadle, J. M. --- Haley Diary 4/94
Beadles, Ada Sumner --- V16:71
Beadles, Andrew --- Census 2/1/43
Beadles, Ann --- Census 2/1/43 Landowner 12/22
Beadles, Ann T. --- Census 2/1/44
Beadles, Arianna --- Census 2/2/40
Beadles, Edmond --- Taxpayer 1/12
Beadles, Elizabeth --- Census 1/76
Beadles, George --- Census 1/76
Beadles, Green --- Haley Diary 6/21
Beadles, I. M. --- Haley Diary 8/92
Beadles, J. M. --- V18:31
Beadles, J. M. --- Farmer 7/64 Haley Diary 8/99 11/1/48 11/2/42 11/2/
Beadles, J. M. --- V29:102
Beadles, James --- V14:77
Beadles, James --- V19:96
Beadles, James --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/1/13 4/29 5/1/17
Beadles, James --- Insurance Record 5/1/30
Beadles, James --- V44:57, 67
Beadles, James --- V45:148
Beadles, James H. --- Minister 9/96 Haley Diary 9/100
Beadles, John M. --- Census 2/1/43
Beadles, Marcellus --- Census 1/76
Beadles, Mary E. --- Census Z/1/44
Beadles, Mary K. --- Query 5/Z/46
Beadles, Montgomery --- Census 1/76
Beadles, Percival --- Census Z/Z/40
Beadles, Percival, Dr. --- V16:71
Beadles, Robert --- Census 2/1/43
Beadles, Robertha --- Census Z/ 1/43
Beadles, Susan E. --- Census 2/1/43
Beadles, Thomasia --- Census 1/76
Beadles, Wallace --- Census Z/1/44
Beadles, Walter S. --- Census 2/1/44
Beadles, Wiliana --- Census Z/Z/40
Beadles, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/17 Landowner 12/22
Beadles, William W. --- V17:54
Beadles, William W. --- V20:29
Beadles, William W. --- V27:84
Beadles, William W. --- Census 1/76
Beadles, William, Jr. --- Census 2/2/40
Beadles and Brother, --- V39:26
Beagle, Francis --- V13:76
Beale, Eliza Somerville --- V21-1:25
Beale, F. M. --- V19:46
Beale, F. M. --- V29:40
Beale, F. M. House --- V29:66
Beale, Frank M. --- V29:19
Beale, Mary Elizabeth --- V32:85
Beale, William C. --- V21-1:25
Beale, William C. --- Tombstone 1/69
Beall, Richard H. --- V24:46
Beals, Miss --- V31: 106
Bean, Mr. --- V31: 101
Beans, Jacob --- V20:6
Bean's, --- V20:39
Bear Castle, --- V17:59, 63
Bear Castle, --- V28:59
Bear Castle, History Of --- 2/22+
Bear Garden Furnace, --- V19:15
Bear Investments, --- V26:38
Bear Island, --- V27:37
Beard, John --- V14:39
Beard, Muriel Carolyn --- V21-1:106
Beardsworth, --- V37:16
Beardsworth, John & Judy --- V37:14, 15
Bears, Den --- V28:91
Bears Den, --- V35:21
Bear's Den, --- V22:14, 26, 55-61, 64
Beary, Elizabeth --- Landowner 9/30
Beary, George --- Landowner 9/30
Beasley, Adalaide --- Census 2/2/40
Beasley, Charles E. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Beasley, Leonidas --- Census 2/2/40
Beasley, Mahala --- Census Z/2/40
Beasley, William J. --- Census 2/2/40
Beasley, William T. --- Census 2/2/40
Beattie, Dr. --- V21-1:106
Beattie, H. C. --- V35:166
Beattie, Russel, Dr. --- V21-1:44
Beattie, Russell W. --- V13:48
Beattie, Russell W. (Mrs. ) --- V13:48
Beauregard, General --- V25:42
Beauregard, General --- V30:17
Beauregard, P.G.T., Genl. --- V30:41
Beauregard, P.G.T., Genl. --- V35:142
Beaver, Elizabeth --- V42:92
Beaver, John --- Taxpayer 1/11
Beaver, Samuel --- Census 5/1/17
Beaver Creek, --- V20:74
Beaver Creek, --- V21-1:8
Beaver Creek, --- V21-2:21
Beaver Creek, --- V29:72
Beaver Dam, --- V19:81, 82
Beaver Dam, --- V33:3, 5, 91
Beaver Dam, --- V37:90
Beaver Dam, --- V40:70, 96, 97
Beaver Dam, --- V44:24, 36, 129
Beaver Dam Church, --- V13:17
Beaver Dam Creek, --- V45:98
Beaver Dam Mills, --- V39:32
Beaverdam, --- V18:19
Beaverdam, --- V21-1:96
Beaverdam, --- V22:75
Beaverdam, --- V25:70
Beaverdam, --- V29:45
Beaverdam, --- V37:86, 87
Beaverdam, --- V46:121
Beaverdam, Va., --- V35:62, 93-94
Beazeley, Virginia M. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Beazley, E. S. --- Wife Died 5/2/27
Beazley, Edward A., Jr. --- Married 5/2/28
Beazley, Edward S. --- Married 5/2/25
Beazley, James E. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Beazley, John G. --- Census 3/39
Beazley, Lora Carpenter --- Death 5/2/27
Beazley, Martha E. --- Marriage 7/43
Beazley, Roy Carpenter --- Bible Owner 5/2/25
Beck, --- V22:4
Beck, John --- Query 4/51
Becker, --- V26:22
Beckham, --- V25:76
Beckham, L. E. --- V18:31
Beckham, T. E. --- V18:31
Beckham, Theo --- V25:71
Beckham, Theodore E. --- V22:17
Beckham, Theodore Edward --- Tombstone 4/64
Beckwith, Katherine Ellen Rennolds --- V25:19
Beckwith, Sidney Thomas --- V25:19
Bedford, --- V21-1:17
Bedford Co., --- V15:32
Bedford Co., --- V20:6
Bedford County, --- V13:19
Bedford County, --- V18:37
Bedford County, --- V34:18
Bedford County, --- V32:12, 20
Bedford Pennsylvania, --- V33:46
Bedrock Mortars, --- V34:9
Beech Hill, --- V28:35, 36-37, 58
Beechwood, --- V33:75
Beef Loaf, --- V38:84
Beeler, Eddie --- V29:48
Beeler, Grace --- V29:48
Beeler's Appliances, --- V29:30
Beer, Receipe For --- 1/74
Beer, recipe --- V26:99
Bees, Spelling and Arithmtic, --- V33:49
Behrens, John Nevin --- V21-1:122
Behrens, John Nevin --- V21-2:13
Behrens, Paul --- V21-1:67, 122
Beirne, --- V25:81, 82, 84, 85, 87
Beirne, Horton --- V25:86
Beirne, Horton F. --- V25:79
Beirne, Horton P. --- V25:91
Beirne, Mary McD. --- V25:86
Beirne, Mr. --- V25:84
Beirne, Richard --- V25:44
Beirne, Richard F. --- V25:45, 49, 79, 86, 91
Bel Air, Landmark --- 2/26
Belcher, E. B. --- Witness 10/23
Belches, Joe --- V28:86
Belches, Patrick --- V13:63
Belches Road, --- V22:13
Belfast Farm, --- V20:99
Belfast Farm, --- V22:88
Belfast Farm, History Of --- 4/2+
Belfield, --- V28:77
Belfonte, --- V46:109
Belford, Mary Eugenia Mitchell --- V30:13
Belford, Robert James --- V30:13
Belford, Robert James, Mrs. --- V30:13
Belfort, Ala --- V35:89
Belfort, Alabama, --- V24:85
Belgium, --- V25:66
Bell, Alexander Graham --- V19:47
Bell, Alfred T. --- Married E/47
Bell, Alice Hendren --- Haley Diary 8/48
Bell, Alison --- V26:59
Bell, Ann L. --- Census 3/32
Bell, Anthony --- Census 2/1/42
Bell, Ashley --- V16:38
Bell, Ashley --- V17:55
Bell, Ashley --- V18:19
Bell, Ashley --- Census 4/30
Bell, Bettie A. --- Census 3/46
Bell, C. Col. --- V17:72
Bell, C. S., Co. --- V21-1:82
Bell, Ciceley --- Census 4/30
Bell, Ciscley --- V16:64
Bell, Elijah --- V28:42
Bell, Eliza --- Census 3/32
Bell, Fendol B. --- Census 3/46
Bell, George --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 4/29 5/1/17 Haley Diary 7/96
Bell, George --- V46:118
Bell, Harriet --- Census 3/46
Bell, Humphrey --- V13:29
Bell, Humphrey --- Legal Note 10/31 10/32 11/1/39 11/1/44 12/48
Bell, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bell, James M. --- V30:6
Bell, Jane Lumsden --- V28:42
Bell, John --- Census 3/32 Haley Diary 8/48
Bell, John A. --- V22:29
Bell, John C. --- V15:51, 62
Bell, John C. --- V22:91, 92
Bell, John M., Dr. --- V16:56, 89
Bell, Joseph --- Marriage 5/Z/35
Bell, L. Andrew --- V27:53
Bell, Malinda --- Census 3/32
Bell, Marshal --- Census 3/46
Bell, More --- Taxpayer 1/12
Bell, Mr. --- V21-2:42
Bell, Mrs. --- V46:118
Bell, Pleasant --- V16:64
Bell, Robert --- Census 3/46
Bell, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/12
Bell, T.A --- V40:55, 76
Bell, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/12 Landowner 12/56
Bell, Vergilia --- Census 3/46
Bell, Virgilia --- Marriage 5/2/32
Bell, William --- V17:67
Bell, William H. --- Census 3/46
Bell and Stanfield, --- V41:19
Bell Island, --- V35:19
Bell Isle, --- V22:17, 57
Bell Isle, --- V25:72
Bell View, --- V40:55
Bell X Road, --- V31: 6
Bell’s X Roads, --- V46:62
Bellair, --- V14:25
Bellam, Charles M. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Bellamy, Ambrose --- Census 3/46
Bellamy, Betsy --- Census 3/47
Bellamy, Edward --- Census Z/Z/31
Bellamy, Elizabeth --- Census 3/36 3/46 3/47
Bellamy, Frances --- Census 3/47
Bellamy, Francis --- Census 3/46
Bellamy, Ida L --- V21-1:93
Bellamy, J. T. --- Merchant 7/59
Bellamy, James --- Census 3/39 3/46
Bellamy, Jimmy --- V42:51
Bellamy, John --- Taxpayer 1/11
Bellamy, Julia Ann --- Census 3/46
Bellamy, Lucy J. --- Census 3/39
Bellamy, Martha --- Census 3/47
Bellamy, Mary --- Census 3/36 3/39 3/47
Bellamy, Mary E. --- Census 3/36
Bellamy, Mary Elizabeth --- V17:83
Bellamy, Mary F. --- Census 3/47
Bellamy, Mary H. --- Census 3/36
Bellamy, Richard --- Census 3/39
Bellamy, Ruben W --- Census 3/47
Bellamy, Thomas W. --- Census 3/36
Bellamy, William --- V17:83
Bellamy, William --- Census 3/36 3/39 4/30
Bellaway, R. W. --- Farmer 7/63
Belle, (Slave) --- V30:83
Belle, Meade --- V28:19
Belle Island, --- V22:23
Belle Isle, --- V13:57
Belle Isle, --- V14:81
Belle Isle, --- V27:86-87, 89-91, 93-95
Belle Isle, --- V28:14-15
Belle Isle Cemetery, Records Of --- 5/2/40
Belle Isle Cemetery Records, --- 5/2/40
Belle Isle plantation, --- V28:88
Belle Meade, --- V33:73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86
Belle Meade, Photo --- 6/79
Belle Meade tract, --- V32:76
Belle Monte, --- V20:45
Belle Monte, --- V24:26
Belle Monte, --- V44:13
Bellemont, --- V33:76, 83
Belle's Station, --- V28:77
Belleville, --- V17:25
Bellisle, Insurance Record --- 5/1/36
Bellome, John --- Census 5/1/17
Bellomy, Ida L. --- Tombstone 9/59
Bellomy, J. H. --- V18:31
Bellomy, J. H. --- Tombstone 9/59 9/60
Bellomy, James W. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Bellomy, Jno. --- V20:76
Bellomy, John --- Will 2/2/16 2/2/18 Rev. Soldier A/27 Parent 11/1/1
Bellomy, Mary --- Marriage 11/1/10
Bellomy, William --- Marriage Surety 11/1/10
Bellos, Larry K. --- V24:41
Bellos, Martha J. --- V24:41
Bellows, Mr. --- V25:71
Bells, --- V27:34
Bell's, --- V20:36
Bells Cross Roads, --- V22:7
Bells Cross Roads, --- V32:37
Bells Cross Roads, --- V37:37
Bell's Cross Roads, --- V18:29
Bell's Cross Roads, --- V27:10
Bell's Cross Roads, --- V29:32
Bell's Cross Roads, --- V45:110
Bells Crossroads, --- V28:16
Bells Crossroads, --- V39:30
Bells Grove, --- V29:45
Bell's Station, --- V16:76
Bell's X Road, --- V18:32
Bells X Roads, --- V19:45, 46
Bells X Roads, Landmark --- 1/51
Belmont, --- V17:47
Belmont, --- V28:86
Belmont, Kentucky Battle --- V31: 97
Belschers Road, --- V32:98
Belsches, Hugh --- V25:95
Belsches, James --- V25:95, 98
Belsches, Judith --- V25:95
Belsches, Judith Macon --- V25:95
Belsches, Judy --- V25:97
Belsches, Margaret --- V25:95, 97, 98
Belsches, Mary --- V25:95, 97, 98
Belsches, Patrick --- V15:55, 56
Belsches, Patrick --- V25:95, 96, 98
Belsches, Patrick --- Tombstone 11/2/16
Belsches, Road --- V28:92
Belsches, Shelton Thomas (Sr) --- V25:98
Belsches, Thomas --- V25:95
Belsches Road, --- V26:105, 106
Belsches Road, --- V32:69
Belser, Agnes, Mrs. --- V35:168
Belshes, Hugh --- V14:51
Belshes, James --- V14:51
Belshes, Judith --- V14:52
Belshes, Mary --- V14:52
Belshes, Patrick --- V14:51, 52
Belshes, Patrick, Mrs. --- V14:52
Belshes Road, --- V22:56, 69
Belshes Road, --- V24:71
Belshes Road, --- V25:68, 70
Belvidary, Insurance Record --- 5/2/45
Belvin, Ada V --- V40:8
Belvin, Ada V. --- Birth Marriage 12/43
Belvin, Ada. --- V40:8, 9
Belvin, Alonzo Grey --- V40:9
Belvin, Annie. Elizabeth --- V40:7, 11
Belvin, Coley F. --- V40:9, 10
Belvin, Cora Louisa --- V40:8, 9
Belvin, Earley --- V40:9
Belvin, Edward --- V40:9
Belvin, Ernest --- V40:9
Belvin, Ethel --- V40:9
Belvin, Eva --- V40:9
Belvin, Eva Ellen --- V40:7
Belvin, George Wallace --- V40:10
Belvin, George Washington --- V40:8, 9
Belvin, Harry Coleman --- V40:4, 10
Belvin, James B. --- V40:9
Belvin, James C. --- V40:10
Belvin, James Coleman --- V40:9
Belvin, Mary L. --- V40:9
Belvin, Matilda Anna --- V40:9
Belvin, Ocie (or Rosie) Virginia --- V40:9
Belvin, Ollie H --- V40:9
Belvin, Oren --- V40:9
Belvin, Oren H, Jr. --- V40:9
Belvin, Phillip Coleman --- V40:9
Belvin, Vernell --- V40:9
Belvin, W. H. --- V18:31
Belvin, Wiley Hawkins --- V40:10
Belvin, William Cleveland --- V40:10
Belvin, William H. J. --- V40:10, 11
Belvin, William Henry Jackson --- V40:8, 11
Belvoir Church, --- V13:52
Beman, Mr. --- V32:19
Bemis, William J. --- V25:9
Ben, --- V22:52
Ben, --- V25:97, 98
Ben Lomond, --- V24:27
Benanla, F. M. --- V17:9
Bend, --- V32:37
Bendall, James, Jr. --- V41:55
Benger, Elliot --- V14:51
Benger, Elliott --- V42:3
Benjamin West of Louisa County, Virginia, --- V13:46
Benn, J. R. --- V40:96, 97
Bennet, Richard --- Petitioner 6/27 6/82
Bennet, William --- V15:42, 76
Bennet, William --- Roadwork 6/90 Legal Note 10/31 10/33
Bennett, Albert P. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Bennett, Corer --- Census 3/76
Bennett, Edward Dabney --- Birth 9/85
Bennett, F. D. --- Marriage 9/85
Bennett, J. Patrick --- V26:107
Bennett, John S. --- V26:107
Bennett, Mary Elaine --- V27:48
Bennett, Peter --- V17:68
Bennett, Robert --- V21-1:88
Bennett, Samuel --- V41:88
Bennett, William --- V13:29, 31
Bennett, William --- Legal Note 11/1/40
Bennetts, --- V26:105
Bennix, Marion --- V21-1:100
Benson, Harriet --- V20:60
Benson, Myrna (Doles) --- V38:69
Bentivoglea, --- V20:73
Bentivoglio, --- V18:32
Bentley, Virginia F. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Bentovoles, --- V20:12
Bera Baptist Church, --- V34:35
Berea, --- V34:35, 37, 38
Berea, --- V40:90
Berea Baptist Church, --- V28:14
Berea Baptist Church, --- V31: 78, 79
Berea Baptist Church, --- V34:37, 38
Berea Church, --- V34:11, 25
Berea Church, --- V32:7
Bering Strait, --- V33:71
Berkeley, Carter --- V43:103
Berkeley, Edmd. --- V43:103
Berkeley, Edmund, Jr. --- V36:9
Berkeley, Edmund, Jr. --- V35:178
Berkeley, Nelson --- V43:103
Berkeley, William --- V43:103
Berkely, William, Sr. --- V38:48
Berkett, Aisken --- Mentioned 3/12
Berkley, George --- V27:87, 91
Berkley, George --- V33:19
Berkley, Kitty --- V37:10
Berkley, Nelson --- Haley Diary 10/35
Berkley, Nelson --- V31: 37
Berkley, Robert C. --- V17:63
Berkley, Norfolk Co., --- V24:66
Berkly, Bettie Thomas --- Marriage 12/96
Berks Co., Pennsylvania, --- V19:15
Berlin, Germany --- V31: 92
Bermuda Hundred, --- V33:36
Bernard, --- V40:11, 15
Bernard, Garrett, W.C. --- V35:143
Bernard, John W., Dr. --- V35:167
Bernard, Phillip --- Minister 6/53
Bernard Louis, --- V40:15
Berrett, Julian R. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Berry, George --- V13:74
Berry, George --- Legal Case 9/46 9/82
Berry, James M. --- V21-1:37
Berry, John --- V13:76
Berry, John --- V15:43
Berry, Josie --- V21-1:37
Berry, Lewis T. --- V21-1:37
Berry, S. T., Mrs. --- V21-1:84
Berryman, Andrew --- V18:31
Berryman, Andrew --- V21-1:48
Berryman, Andrew --- Marriage 5/2/32
Berryman, Benjamin --- Legal Note 10/30
Berryman, Betty Butler --- V32:71
Berryman, Christopher --- V13:32
Berryman, Christopher --- V14:66, 67
Berryman, Christopher --- V15:41, 75
Berryman, Christopher --- V16:41, 85
Berryman, Christopher --- V17:32, 35
Berryman, Christopher --- V19:38, 42, 88, 91
Berryman, Christopher --- Query 3/91 Road Overseer 6/25 Parent 10/45 10/51
Berryman, Edith Spicer --- V21-1:115
Berryman, Isaac --- V22:51
Berryman, Jane --- V32:71
Berryman, Jean --- V21-2:28
Berryman, John Harry William --- V21-1:122
Berryman, Kenneth W. --- V32:71
Berryman, Kenneth W., Mrs. --- V32:71
Berryman, Kenny --- V32:71
Berryman, Lizzie --- V21-1:35
Berryman, Mary --- Mentioned 10/41 10/45
Berryman, Merle --- V21-2:28
Berryman, Philippa --- Marriage 5/2/38
Berryman, Ray --- V21-1:123
Berryman, Robert --- V21-1:123
Berryman, Sarah --- V22:51
Besanson, Isabella G. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Besley, --- V21-1:99, 100, 102
Besley, Brooks --- V21-1:108, 110
Besley, Kate R. --- V17:41
Besley, Kate R. --- V37:82
Besley, Katherine R., Mrs. --- V15:48
Besley, Susan B. --- V19:2
Besley, W. B. --- V21-1:110
Besley, W. B., Sr. --- V21-1:62, 98
Besley's Implement, --- V21-1:108
Bessie, --- V39:38, 39, 41
Beth Page Christian Church Cemetery Records, --- 4/63
Bethal Church, --- V22:5
Bethany, Christian Church --- V37:3
Bethany, Church --- V37:49
Bethany Christian Church, --- V19:32
Bethany College, --- V21-2:17
Bethany Meeting House, --- V29:44
Bethel, --- V43:44, 46, 47
Bethel, Battle of --- V42:53
Bethel, Elizabeth (Whitton) --- V13:84
Bethel, George --- V13:84
Bethel, William --- V20:6
Bethel Church, --- V34:20, 25
Bethel Church, --- V40:90
Bethesda Church, --- V34:20
Bethpage, --- V29:44-45
Bethpage Christian Church, --- V21-2:32
Bethpage Christian Church, --- V25:24, 68
Bethpage Christian Church, --- History Of 4/57
Bethpage Christian Church, --- V33:11
Bethpage Christian Church, --- V36:8, 11
Bethpage Christian Church, --- V35:21, 177
Bethpage Christian Church, Cemetery --- V32:32
Bethpage Christian Church, History --- 4/57 Cemetery 4/63
Bethpage Church, --- V22:18-20, 26, 68, 69
Bethpage Church, --- V24:40, 41
Bethpage Church, --- V25:72, 75, 76
Bethpage Church, --- V21-2:33
Bethpage Church, --- V33:4, 46
Bethpage Church Cemetery, --- V24:40
Betsy, --- V22:94, 95
Bettie, (Slave) --- V30:82
Betts, J. T. --- Haley Diary 8/100
Betty, --- V16:15
Betty, --- V20:61
Betty J Queen Intergenerational Center, --- V36:55
Beverly, Bessie Lewis --- Mentioned 11/2/38
Beverly, William --- V21-2:22
Bias, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bibb, --- V17:36
Bibb, --- V18:29, 30, 31, 32
Bibb, --- V21-2:38
Bibb, --- V23:30
Bibb, --- V25:35, 80
Bibb, --- V26:24
Bibb, --- V27:76
Bibb, --- V32:37
Bibb, --- V37:33
Bibb, Agnes --- Census 3/32
Bibb, Agnes Tate --- V30:76, 78
Bibb, Agness --- Rev Widow 9/89
Bibb, Alfred --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, America Washington Lipscomb --- Bible Record 6/11
Bibb, Andrew --- Census 2/2/29
Bibb, Andrew J. --- V26:6
Bibb, Angie Gillette --- Birth 6/11
Bibb, Ann --- V19:97, 98
Bibb, Ann --- V21-2:38
Bibb, Ann --- V30:68-69, 77
Bibb, Anna --- V30:74, 79
Bibb, Anna Arnett --- V30:77
Bibb, Anny --- V30:74
Bibb, Arabella --- Census 2/2/39 3/42
Bibb, Ben --- V30:72
Bibb, Ben, Jr. --- V28:58
Bibb, Benj. --- V19:39, 91
Bibb, Benjamin --- V15:75
Bibb, Benjamin --- V16:41, 85
Bibb, Benjamin --- V17:34
Bibb, Benjamin --- V19:43, 96-98
Bibb, Benjamin --- V21-2:38
Bibb, Benjamin --- V22:14
Bibb, Benjamin --- V27:84
Bibb, Benjamin --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 3/48 4/30 5/1/17, Roadwork 6/
Bibb, Benjamin --- V28:56-58, 61
Bibb, Benjamin --- V30:67, 68, 70, 72-74, 76, 78, 80
Bibb, Benjamin --- V37:3
Bibb, Benjamin B. --- Census 3/48
Bibb, Benjamin III --- V30:78
Bibb, Benjamin III, Mrs. --- V30:78
Bibb, Benjamin Jr --- V30:66, 68-69, 71-73, 76, 79
Bibb, Benjamin, Jr. --- V28:56
Bibb, Benjamin, Jr., Mrs. --- V30:69, 70, 72
Bibb, Benjamin, Mrs. --- V30:69, 71, 76
Bibb, Benjamin, Sr. --- V30:66- 68
Bibb, Betsy --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, Betty J. --- Tombstone 5/1/35
Bibb, Biggers --- V30:76
Bibb, Capt. --- V43:36
Bibb, Catherine --- V30:78
Bibb, Catherine Smith --- V19:98
Bibb, Cemetery Records --- 5/1/35
Bibb, Charles --- V19:97, 98
Bibb, Charles --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, Charles --- V28:58
Bibb, Charles --- V30:73, 76
Bibb, Christian --- V19:97
Bibb, Christian --- V30:68-69
Bibb, Clarence Asbury --- Birth Marriage 6/11
Bibb, David --- V14:39
Bibb, David --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, David --- Census 5/1/17
Bibb, David --- V30:73-74, 77
Bibb, David G. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Bibb, David, Mrs. --- V30:77
Bibb, Dr. --- V25:1
Bibb, E. Cammack --- V21-1:24
Bibb, E. H. --- V18:31
Bibb, Edna --- Census 2/1/43 Tombstone 11/2/15
Bibb, Edna K. --- Tombstone 5/1/35
Bibb, Edward --- V30:74
Bibb, Edward Harvey --- Birth 6/11
Bibb, Edward Pulaski --- Tombstone 1/66
Bibb, Eleanor --- V19:96
Bibb, Eleanor --- V21-2:38
Bibb, Eleanor --- Wife Of William Cole 1/48
Bibb, Eleanor --- V30:68, 70
Bibb, Eleanor Fleming --- V30:67
Bibb, Elijah --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V19:97, 98
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V21-2:38
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V27:84
Bibb, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/1/45 2/2/38 3/32 5/1/17
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V28:58
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V30:68, 73-75, 79
Bibb, Elizabeth --- V40:6
Bibb, Elizabeth Biggers --- V30:76
Bibb, Elizabeth Carpenter --- V30:77
Bibb, Elizabeth Chiles --- V22:46
Bibb, Ellis Brown --- Birth Marriage 6/11
Bibb, Emily --- Census 2/2/38
Bibb, Emmet Cammack --- Tombstone 1/62
Bibb, Eugene S. --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, Eveline May --- Birth 6/11 Death 6/12
Bibb, F. Gillet --- V27:51, 52
Bibb, Family in America --- V30:76
Bibb, Fanny --- V20:33
Bibb, Fleming J. --- V30:78
Bibb, G. --- Teacher 4/84 5/1/39
Bibb, Gee --- V27:52
Bibb, H. B. --- V18:31
Bibb, H. B. --- Marriage 6/11 Occupations 7/61 7/63
Bibb, H. Q. --- V18:31
Bibb, H.B. --- V39:29
Bibb, Helen --- V27:51
Bibb, Helen --- Haley Diary 4/90
Bibb, Helen Marshall --- Birth Marriage 6/11
Bibb, Henry --- V13:36
Bibb, Henry --- V14:34, 39, 67
Bibb, Henry --- V15:41, 44, 46
Bibb, Henry --- V17:68
Bibb, Henry --- V19:39, 42-44, 86, 96-98
Bibb, Henry --- V21-2:39
Bibb, Henry --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/2/38 4/29 4/30 5/1/17, Rev.
Bibb, Henry --- V30:66, 67-69, 73-74, 76, 78, 80
Bibb, Henry --- V41:102
Bibb, Henry --- V42:52
Bibb, Henry --- V43:54, 57
Bibb, Henry F. --- Census 2/2/29
Bibb, Henry Jr --- V30:67, 69, 70
Bibb, Henry N. --- Burial Notice 6/12
Bibb, Henry Q. --- Merchant 1/59
Bibb, Henry Quarles --- Birth Marriage 6/11
Bibb, Henry, Mrs. --- V30:67-68
Bibb, Henry, Sr. --- V30:69, 70
Bibb, Henry, Sr., Mrs. --- V30:70
Bibb, Herbert Summers George --- Birth 6/11
Bibb, Horace Bramham --- Bible Records 6/11 6/12
Bibb, Horace Bramham, Sr. --- Death 6/12
Bibb, Horace Branham --- V25:1
Bibb, Horace E. --- Birth 6/11 Postmaster 7/56
Bibb, Isabella I --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, J. E. --- V18:31
Bibb, J. E. --- V29:102
Bibb, James --- Census 3/48
Bibb, James --- V30:73-74, 78, 79
Bibb, James --- V41:103
Bibb, James E. --- V21-1:24, 120
Bibb, James E. --- Attorney 7/58 Publisher 7/61
Bibb, James E. --- V29:14-17, 18, 40
Bibb, James Edward --- Tombstone 1/66
Bibb, James H. --- Census 2/2/39
Bibb, James, Mrs. --- V30:78
Bibb, Janet Herndon --- V21-1:24
Bibb, Janet Herndon --- Tombstone 1/62
Bibb, Jesse --- Census 2/1/45
Bibb, Jno --- V30:73
Bibb, John --- V17:36
Bibb, John --- V19:48, 96, 97
Bibb, John --- V21-2:38
Bibb, John --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, John --- V24:48
Bibb, John --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/2/38 3/48 4/30 5/1/17, Tomb
Bibb, John --- V29:9
Bibb, John --- V30:67, 69, 72-74, 76-77
Bibb, John --- V42:128
Bibb, John --- V43:53
Bibb, John P. --- V20:85
Bibb, John Pendleton --- V21-1:24
Bibb, John Pendleton --- Tombstone 1/62
Bibb, John, Jr. --- Census 4/30
Bibb, John, Mrs. --- V30:76
Bibb, Joseph T. --- Census 2/1/45
Bibb, Josephine --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, Julia E. --- V29:85
Bibb, Justianna --- V28:57, 61
Bibb, Justianna Burrus --- V28:61
Bibb, K. C. --- V21-1:120
Bibb, Kate C. --- V21-1:82, 93
Bibb, Kate C. --- Tombstone 1/62
Bibb, Kate C. (Mrs.) --- V29:41
Bibb, Kate Cammack --- Tombstone 1/61
Bibb, Kate Lester Cammack --- V21-1:24
Bibb, Kate Lester Cammack --- V28:104
Bibb, Kathleen --- V21-1:24
Bibb, Katie C. --- V21-1:28
Bibb, L. --- V26:22, 23
Bibb, L. --- Merchant 7/59
Bibb, Lady --- V25:1
Bibb, Laura Roberta --- Marriage 5/2/36
Bibb, Lazarus --- V24:90
Bibb, Lazarus --- V26:22
Bibb, Lazarus --- V29:30
Bibb, Lewis Wortham --- Birth Marriage 6/11
Bibb, Louisa --- Census 2/2/38
Bibb, Lucy --- V21-1:24, 25
Bibb, Lucy --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, Lucy Catherine --- Tombstone 1/66
Bibb, Lucy E. --- Marriage 6/11
Bibb, Lutie P. --- V29:40
Bibb, Lutie Pulaski --- Tombstone 1/66
Bibb, M. E. --- Witness 9/89
Bibb, M. E. --- V30:77
Bibb, Mable McDonald --- V28:11
Bibb, Margaret --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, Martha --- V30:73-74, 79
Bibb, Martha J. --- Census 2/2/38
Bibb, Mary --- V19:96
Bibb, Mary --- V21-2:38
Bibb, Mary --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/1/47 2/2/29 2/2/38 3/32 5/1
Bibb, Mary --- V28:56
Bibb, Mary --- V30:69, 71-74, 79, 80
Bibb, Mary A. --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, Mary Arnett --- V30:70, 72-73, 79
Bibb, Mary E. --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, Mary Todd --- V30:76
Bibb, Mildred --- Census 2/1/45 2/2/39
Bibb, Miriam --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, Nancy --- V19:56
Bibb, Nancy Walker --- V30:78
Bibb, Naney --- V30:77
Bibb, Ned --- V25:2
Bibb, Oney --- V30:74, 80
Bibb, Patsy --- V30:79
Bibb, Permelia --- Census 2/2/40
Bibb, R. H. --- Mentioned 9/90
Bibb, R. T --- V26:100
Bibb, Rbt --- V28:62
Bibb, Rebecca Sterrett --- Tombstone 1/62
Bibb, Richard --- V27:84
Bibb, Richard --- Census 2/2/40 Landgrant 11/2/20
Bibb, Richard C. --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, Richard G. --- Census 3/32 Witness 9/89
Bibb, Richard G. --- V30:77, 78
Bibb, Richard H. --- Census 3/32
Bibb, Robert --- V13:66
Bibb, Robert --- V21-1:11
Bibb, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/1/43 2/2/29
Bibb, Robert E. --- V28:58
Bibb, Robert F. --- V15:72
Bibb, Robert F. --- Census 5/1/17
Bibb, Robert F. --- V41:101
Bibb, Robert Fg. --- V41:102
Bibb, Robert Flaming --- V28:59
Bibb, Robert Fleming --- V19:96, 97
Bibb, Robert Fleming --- V21-2:39, 40
Bibb, Robert Fleming --- V28:57-58, 60-61
Bibb, Robert Fleming --- V30:67
Bibb, Robert P. --- Census 2/2/40
Bibb, Robert T. --- V22:58, 65, 66
Bibb, Robert T. --- V24:36
Bibb, Robert T. --- Security 3/65 Tombstone 5/1/35
Bibb, Robt --- V28:62
Bibb, Robt F. --- V43:57
Bibb, Sally --- V30:74
Bibb, Sandaella --- Census 2/2/39
Bibb, Sarah --- V21-2:39
Bibb, Sarah --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, Sarah --- Census 2/2/36 3/42 Query 4/51
Bibb, Sarah E. --- V21-1:25
Bibb, Sarah F. --- Census 2/1/47
Bibb, Sarah Thomason --- V30:76
Bibb, Selina --- Census 2/1/45
Bibb, Susan --- Census 2/1/45 Died 11/2/24
Bibb, Susan E. --- Census 3/48
Bibb, Susanna. --- V30:74
Bibb, Susannah --- V30:79
Bibb, T. L. --- V18:31
Bibb, Thomas --- V13:10
Bibb, Thomas --- V19:97
Bibb, Thomas --- V20:33
Bibb, Thomas --- V22:46, 47
Bibb, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/27 9/89
Bibb, Thomas --- V28:56-58
Bibb, Thomas --- V30:68, 70, 73-74, 77, 79
Bibb, Thomas --- V45:142
Bibb, Thomas Porter --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, Thomas, Mrs. --- V30:77
Bibb, W. C. --- V20:80
Bibb, W. C. --- V21-1:22, 24, 70, 71
Bibb, W. D. --- V20:80
Bibb, W. E. --- V13:12
Bibb, W. E. --- V15:73
Bibb, W. E. --- V17:8, 9, 10, 11
Bibb, W. E. --- V18:27, 31
Bibb, W. E. --- V19:46
Bibb, W. E. --- V20:80, 85
Bibb, W. E. --- V21-1:16, 17, 24, 44, 93
Bibb, W. E. --- V25:35, 36
Bibb, W. E. --- V26:23
Bibb, W. E. --- V27:51, 52, 54
Bibb, W. E. --- Tombstone 1/62 Farmer 7/64
Bibb, W. E. --- V29:73, 105
Bibb, W. E. --- V35:180
Bibb, W. T. --- Farmer 7/63
Bibb, William --- V13:36
Bibb, William --- V19:56
Bibb, William --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/2/39 4/30 5/1/17 Voter 3/22
Bibb, William --- V28:56
Bibb, William --- V30:66, 67, 69, 72, 73-76
Bibb, William --- V41:101
Bibb, William --- V42:95, 128
Bibb, William --- V45:142
Bibb, William A. --- Death 6/11
Bibb, William Alexander --- Birth 6/11
Bibb, William Asbury --- Bible Records 6/11 6/12
Bibb, William B. --- Tombstone 1/65
Bibb, William Chew --- V21-1:24
Bibb, William Chew --- Tombstone 1/62
Bibb, William E. --- V16:66
Bibb, William E. --- V21-1:24
Bibb, William E. --- Haley Diary 6/17 Lawyer 7/42 7/57 7/58
Bibb, William E. --- V29:13
Bibb, William Emmet --- V21-1:24
Bibb, William Emmett --- Tombstone 1/61
Bibb, William Emmitt --- V37:34
Bibb, William J. --- Census 2/2/29
Bibb, William T. --- V21-1:24, 25
Bibb, William T. --- Census 3/4b Farmer 7/65
Bibb, William Thomas --- V37:3
Bibb, William, Mrs. --- V30:67, 69, 75, 76
Bibb, Wilton Early --- V28:11
Bibb, Wm. Emmet --- V28:104
Bibb Family Cemetery Records, --- 5/1/35
Bibb Home, --- V25:73
Bibb Road, --- V25:99, 100
Bibb Road, --- V40:86
Bibb Store, --- V19:45
Bibb Store, --- V25:1, 2
Bibb Store, --- V25:1
Bibb Store Community, --- V31: 53
Bibb Store Road, --- V26:75
Bibb Store School, --- V25:1
Bibb vs Yancey, --- V19:95
Bibb vs Yancy, --- V30:71
Bibbs, --- V27:34
Bibbs, G. --- Teacher 4/87 4/90
Bibbs, Penny --- Haley Diary 6/19
Bibb's, --- V18:29
Bibb's, Noncupative Will --- V30:68
Bibb's, Oral Will --- V30:69
Bibbs Corner, --- V23:52
Bibb's Crossroads, --- V30:34
Bibb's Crossroads, --- V37:33
Bibb's Line, --- V30:76
Bibb's Public School, --- V27:51
Bibb's Road, --- V16:64
Bibbs Store, --- V23:49
Bibb's Store, --- V27:51
Bibb's Store, --- V29:32
Bibb's Store, --- V32:37
Bibb's Store, --- V37:33
Bibb's Store Road, --- V37:33
Bibbs, Virginia, --- V25:1
Bible, --- V38:31
Bible Records, --- 10/11 10/92
Bible Records, Bagby Family --- 1/24
Bible Records, Barret Family --- 2/124
Bible Records, Boxley Family --- 11/2/37
Bible Records, Bramham Family --- 6/11
Bible Records, Carpenter Family --- 5/2/25
Bible Records, Cooke Family --- 12/87
Bible Records, Daniel Family --- 7/34
Bible Records, Francisco Family --- 9/85
Bible Records, Goodwin Family --- 5/1/31
Bible Records, Hansborugh Family --- 7/34
Bible Records, Harlow Family --- 12/43
Bible Records, Harris Family --- 4/10 11/1/45
Bible Records, Hart Family --- 11/1/45
Bible Records, Hill Family --- 6/6. 7/33
Bible Records, Hope Family --- 4/7
Bible Records, Lewis Family --- 6/64
Bible Records, Meredith Family --- 3/28
Bible Records, Pendleton Family --- 1/22
Bible Records, Pettus Family --- 9/85
Bible Records, Richardson Family --- 2/2/26
Bible Records, Robinson Family --- 7/86
Bible Records, Shepherd Family --- 7/87
Bible Records, Swift Family --- 5/1/31, 12/44
Bible Records, Thomasson Family --- 3/72
Bible Records, Todd Family --- 7/34
Bible Records, Waldrop Family --- 9/31
Bible Records, Wheeler Family --- 4/66
Bible Records, Winston Family --- 2/1/24
Bicentennial Commission., --- V32:49
Bicentennial of the Declaration Independence, --- V38:33
Bick[?], Mary --- V14:15
Bicker, John --- V13:29, 69
Bicker, Mrs. --- V13:41
Bickers, --- V21-1:21
Bickers, Abner --- V20:13
Bickers, Agnes Long --- V20:13
Bickers, Betsy --- V20:13
Bickers, Betsy Lathram --- V20:13
Bickers, Bettie --- V20:13
Bickers, Bettine McKean --- V21-1:25
Bickers, Broomfield --- V20:13
Bickers, Caleb --- V20:13
Bickers, Fannie --- V20:13
Bickers, Frank --- V21-1:40
Bickers, Frank (Sheriff) --- V22:7
Bickers, Garnet --- V20:13
Bickers, Hattie --- V20:13
Bickers, J. E. --- V20:15
Bickers, J. E. Mrs. --- Milliner 7/60
Bickers, J. F. --- V18:31
Bickers, J. F. --- V20:80
Bickers, J. F. --- V21-1:17, 24
Bickers, J. F. --- V29:102
Bickers, J. Frank, Jr. --- V21-1:25
Bickers, J. M. --- V18:31
Bickers, J. M. --- V26:23
Bickers, J. M. --- V29:38, 85, 102
Bickers, James --- V15:73
Bickers, James --- Haley Diary 4/18
Bickers, James Frank --- V21-1:25
Bickers, James M. --- V21-1:88
Bickers, James M. --- V25:35
Bickers, James M. --- Harness Maker 7/62 Married 11/1/50
Bickers, James M. --- V29:38, 90
Bickers, James Madison --- V21-1:24
Bickers, James Meredith --- V21-1:81
Bickers, Joe --- V20:13
Bickers, John --- V20:13
Bickers, Joshua --- V20:13
Bickers, Julia E. Bibb (Mrs.) --- V29:85
Bickers, Julia Etta Bibb --- V21-1:24
Bickers, Lucy --- V20:13
Bickers, Margaret --- V20:13
Bickers, Mary Jane Carter --- V20:13
Bickers, Mary M. --- V20:15
Bickers, Matilda --- V20:12, 13
Bickers, Meredith --- V20:13
Bickers, Nancy --- V20:13
Bickers, Nicholas --- V20:13
Bickers, Sandy --- V20:13
Bickers, Sarah E. Bibb --- V21-1:25
Bickers, Susan --- V20:13
Bickers, T. O. --- V20:15
Bickers, Temple A. --- V20:15
Bickers, Thomas --- V20:13
Bickers, Thomas O. --- Merchant 7/59
Bickers, Tom --- V20:14
Bickers, W. M. --- V21-1:120
Bickers, Walter --- V20:13
Bickers, William --- V20:13
Bickers, William --- V29:85
Bickers, William C. --- V21-1:25
Bickerton, John --- V41:24
Bickerton, Mr. --- V41:27, 28
Bickerton T. Winston's School, --- V25:29
Bickerton's Line, --- V30:75
Bickley, --- V14:16
Bickley, Agnes --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Agnes (Crew) --- V13:47
Bickley, Arthur --- Son Of Edwin C 1/52
Bickley, Charles --- V13:30, 36, 74
Bickley, Charles --- V15:43, 54
Bickley, Charles --- V19:37, 90
Bickley, Charles --- V22:90
Bickley, Charles --- Road Surveyor 6/28 6/30 6/87 Jury 12/70
Bickley, Charles --- V30:70
Bickley, Claude --- Landowner 1/52
Bickley, E. C. --- V18:31
Bickley, E. C. --- Farmer 7/65
Bickley, E. C. --- V29:102
Bickley, E. W. --- V18:31
Bickley, E. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Bickley, E. W. --- V29:102
Bickley, Edwin --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Edwin C. --- Family 1/52
Bickley, Elias N. --- Footnote 11/1/28
Bickley, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Elizabeth (Morris) --- V42:80
Bickley, Ellis --- Footnote 11/1/28
Bickley, H. G. --- Farmer 7/64
Bickley, Harriet --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Henrietta --- V14:20
Bickley, Humphrey --- V13:47
Bickley, Humphrey --- Census 2/1/34 Census 4/29
Bickley, Humphrey Cleaveland --- Son Of Edwin C. 1/52
Bickley, Humphry --- V45:141
Bickley, Inez --- Marriage 12/60
Bickley, James --- V14:15, 74
Bickley, John --- V13:68
Bickley, John --- V14:20, 29
Bickley, John --- V20:97
Bickley, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 2/1/34 5/1/17
Bickley, John --- V41:101
Bickley, Joseph --- V13:32, 34, 71, 73, 74
Bickley, Joseph --- V14:21, 26, 35-38, 42, 45, 52, 64, 65, 67-70
Bickley, Joseph --- V15:43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 54, 75, 78
Bickley, Joseph --- V16:40, 43, 86, 87
Bickley, Joseph --- V17:31, 35, 68
Bickley, Joseph --- V19:37, 40, 41, 86, 87
Bickley, Joseph --- V20:71, 74
Bickley, Joseph --- V22:90, 91
Bickley, Joseph --- Biography 1/51 Resident 1/3 Census 4/29 Sheriff 4/
Bickley, Joseph --- V30:71
Bickley, Joseph --- V32:4
Bickley, Joseph --- V37:53
Bickley, Joseph --- V45:142, 143
Bickley, Joseph --- V45:142
Bickley, Joseph (Sheriff) --- V29:70
Bickley, Joseph, Jr. --- V15:51
Bickley, Joseph, Jr. --- V22:89, 92
Bickley, Joseph, Sr. --- V22:89
Bickley, Juliet --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Louisa --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Lucy --- V14:75
Bickley, Mary Ann (Whitfield) --- V14:74
Bickley, Mildred --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, Mr. --- V14:80
Bickley, Mr. --- V19:38
Bickley, Sarah Shelton Gissedge --- V22:89
Bickley, Sheriff Joseph --- V22:89
Bickley, T. O. --- V17:9, 10
Bickley, Tandy --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, W. M. --- V18:31
Bickley, W. M. --- Farmer 7/64
Bickley, William --- V19:101
Bickley, William --- Census 2/1/34
Bickley, William --- V28:39
Bickley, Willie --- V17:9
Bickley, WM. --- V29:102
Bickley & Newby, --- V14:75
Bierce, Gen. --- V20:51
Bierce, Genl --- V35:98
Big Bend Tunnel, --- V38:78
Big Cautherns Run, --- V16:65
Big Elk Creek, --- V20:59
Big Elk Creek, --- V22:13, 17
Big Elk Creek (place), --- V21-2:34
Big Oak School, --- V31: 78
Biggar, Martha --- V19:97
Biggar, William --- V19:97
Biggar, William, Jr. --- V30:79
Biggar/Bigger(s), [?] eon --- V41:100
Biggar/Bigger(s), David --- V41:103
Biggar/Bigger(s), John --- V41:55, 102
Biggar/Bigger(s), William --- V41:101
Biggar/Bigger(s), William, Jr. --- V41:102
Biggars, --- V19:97
Biggars, David --- Query 4/97
Biggars, William --- Landowner 6/26 Legal Note 11/2/35
Bigger, David --- Census 4/31 6/1/17 Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bigger, John --- Census 4/31
Bigger, Macon --- Census 5/1/17
Bigger, William --- Census 5/1/17 Legal Note 12/46 Jury 12/70
Bigger, William --- V30:72
Bigger, William, Jr. --- V30:78
Bigger, William, Sr. --- Taxpayer 1/12
Biggers, David --- V24:48
Biggers, David --- Taxpayer 1/12
Biggers, Elizabeth --- V24:50
Biggers, Elizabeth --- V30:76
Biggers, Hamilton F. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Biggers, John --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 1/78
Biggers, John --- V43:61, 101
Biggers, Joseph --- V21-2:34
Biggers, Martha (Patsy) --- V21-2:34
Biggers, Martha Pollard --- V30:68
Biggers, Mary J. --- Census 1/78
Biggers, Mildred --- Census 1/78
Biggers, Mildred Ferguson --- V21-2:34
Biggers, Mr. --- V30:68
Biggers, Mrs. --- V30:68
Biggers, Polly --- Tombstone 11/2/17
Biggers, Richard F. --- Census 1/78
Biggers, Sarah E. --- Census 1/78
Biggers, Susannah --- V20:94
Biggers, William --- V15:44
Biggers, William --- V20:94
Biggers, William --- Taxpayer 1/12 Legal Note 10/31
Biggers, William --- V30:67, 75
Biggers, William --- V45:95, 99
Biggers Corner, --- V30:67
Biggs, Jane W. Dickinson --- V28:14
Biggs, John --- V28:14
Biggs, Reverend --- V21-1:117
Bill, (Slave) --- V30:19
Billany, H. H. --- V38:36
Billings, John --- V30:75
Billings' Line, --- V30:75
Billingsley, John A. --- Minister 9/58
Billingsley, Sally --- Marriage 6/65
Billingsly, John A. --- V26:87
Billups, Humphrey --- V26:74
Biloxi, --- V37:27, 29
Bilsby, --- V19:19
Bimler, Edward G. --- V30:61
Bingley, Matt --- V41:27
Binkley, Margaret (Brown) --- V38:68, 70
Binnix, Frank --- V21-1:126
Binns, Charles D. --- V29:20
Binns, Daniel --- V20:14
Binns, Daniel K. --- Census 2/2/36
Binns, J. W. --- V18:31
Binns, John --- Census 2/2/29 2/2/36
Binns, Mary --- V20:14
Binns, Mary --- Census 2/2/36
Binns, Sarah --- Census 2/Z/36
Binns, William --- Census 2/1 /42
Binon, Lancelot --- V43:103
Birch, Mr. --- V41:27
Birch, Weston F. --- Affidavit 6/77
Birches, --- V25:70
Bird, 1st Lt. Will. Wallace --- V35:141
Bird, Col. --- V41:28
Bird, John --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 5/1/17
Bird, John, Jr. --- Census 4/31
Bird, William Wallace --- Civil War Soldier 9/17
Bird Creek, --- V15:31
Bird Ordinaries, --- V14:56, 59
Birmingham (Alabama), --- V13:44
Birmingham, Ala, --- V35:44
Birth & Death Record, --- V35:123-4
Birth and Death Register, --- V16:31
Bisco, B. L. --- V18:31
Biscoe, Lillian Moore --- V40:7
Biscoe, R. E. --- V21-1:69
Bishop, --- V21-1:41, 72, 80, 91
Bishop, Cecelia --- V21-1:62
Bishop, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/47 3/81
Bishop, Evelyn --- V36:46
Bishop, Evelyn Clark --- V21-1:62, 89
Bishop, Evelyn L. --- V13:43
Bishop, Henry --- Census 2/2/47
Bishop, Isaac --- Census 3/81
Bishop, James --- Census 3/81
Bishop, John --- V19:90
Bishop, Joyce Ann --- Tombstone 4/64
Bishop, Leonard Ernest Olmsted --- V21-1:62
Bishop, Mary --- Census 2/2/47
Bishop, Mary A. Seay --- V21-1:59
Bishop, Polly --- Census 3/81
Bishop, Richard --- Census 2/2/47
Bishop, Sallie N. --- Census 3/81
Bishop, Susan E. --- Census 2/2/47
Bishop, W. Bowling --- V21-1:99
Bishop, W. L. --- V13:42
Bishop, W. L. --- V15:10
Bishop, W. L. --- V18:29
Bishop, W. L. --- V21-1:20, 21, 29, 30, 40, 44, 59, 62, 81
Bishop, W. L. --- V36:42, 46
Bishop, Walter L. --- V15:10
Bishop, Walter L. --- V21-1:20, 32, 62, 63, 98, 100, 102
Bishop, Walter L. --- V36:46
Bishop, Walter Leonard --- V21-1:16, 59
Bishop, William --- Census 3/31
Bishop, William C. --- V21-1:59
Bissell, Benjamin --- V22:77
Bissell, Hesibah Salmon --- V22:77
Bissell, William --- V22:77
Bitrick, Duane --- V23:114
Bittle, Kate (Mrs.) --- V29:49
Bittle, Kate E. (Mrs.) --- V29:99
Bittle, Thomas W. --- V29:49
Bize, Daniel R. --- V23:80
Bize, Mary S. --- V23:80
Black, Allen (Dr.) --- V29:84
Black, G. L. --- Tombstone 1/64
Black, George E. --- Tombstone 1/64
Black, Gladys --- V38:10
Black, J. Lloyd --- V29:45
Black, Jack (horse) --- V30:20
Black, Mamie Porter --- Tombstone 1/64
Black, Martha Porter --- Tombstone 1/64
Black, William --- V21-2:22
Black Branch Church, --- V34:29
Black Cavalrymen, --- V36:4, 5
Black Draught, --- V31: 32
Black Jack, --- V36:5
Black Tuesday, --- V31: 52, 55
Blackburn, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/46
Blackburn, Mary M. --- Census 2/2/46
Blackburn, Susan --- Census 2/2/46
Blackburn, Susan C. --- V19:74
Blackburn, Sylvester --- Census 2/2/46
Blackgrave, Henry --- V15:76
Blackgrove, Henry --- V13:36
Blackgrove, Henry --- Legal Note 11/2/31
Blackgrove, Mary --- V13:36
Blacklack, David --- V14:39
Blacklack, John --- V14:39
Blacklack, Richard --- V14:33
Blackley, Irene H. --- Marriage 5/3/38
Blackley, James H. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Blackley, Margaret S. --- V16:90
Blackwater, --- V24:85
Blackwater Branch, --- V21-1:6
Blackwater Creek, --- V21-1:4,
Blackwell, Elizabeth --- V41:24
Blackwell, J. F. --- V21-1:67
Blackwell, John --- V14:32
Blackwell, John --- V21-1:115
Blackwell, John --- V22:96
Blackwell, John --- V41:24
Blackwell, John F. --- V21-1:70
Blackwell, John F. --- V27:7
Blackwell, Micajah --- Census 5/1/17
Blackwell, Thomas --- V26:82
Blackwell, Thomas --- V42:95
Blades, Elizabeth --- V19:94
Blades, William --- Church Trustee 4/57
Blagrave, Mansfield --- V19:88
Blagrave, Merrifield --- V19:88
Blain, Melvin --- V21-1:87
Blain, Melvin R. --- V21-1:87
Blair, Dr. --- V33:23
Blair, John --- V20:77
Blair, John --- College Bursar 6/68 Rev. Soldier 8/27
Blair, John D. --- Minister 2/2/24 2/2/25
Blair, John The Honorable --- V15:57, 58
Blair, John, Jr. --- V13:65
Blake, --- V23:63
Blake, Ally Lumpkin --- V27:4
Blake, Emily --- V27:6, 7
Blake, Emma --- V27:6, 8-9
Blake, Eugene --- V27:4
Blake, George --- V27:11-13, 15
Blake, George McD. --- V21-1:120
Blake, George McD. --- V27:7, 14
Blake, George McD. --- V28:70
Blake, George McD. --- V29:22, 24
Blake, George McDonald --- V29:23
Blake, George McDonald --- V34:50
Blake, George McDuffie --- V27:3, 6, 9, 16
Blake, John Dallas --- V27:4
Blake, John Henry --- V27:4
Blake, John W. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Blake, Virginia --- V27:7
Blakeman, Alice B. --- V41:31
Blakesdale, S.C. --- V28:47
Blalock, John --- Legal Note 11/1/41 11/1/43 11/1/44 11/2/32 11/2/33
Blalock, John, Jr. --- Legal Note 10/31
Blalock, Richard --- V13:33
Blalock, Richard --- V16:42
Blalock, Richard --- Legal Note 10/27 10/32 11/1/39 12/48
Blalock, Richard --- V45:70
Blalock, William --- V16:43
Blalock's Road, --- V16:41, 88
Blalok, John --- V46:70
Blanche, (Slave) --- V30:83
Bland, Charles A. --- V23:48
Bland, Frank --- V17:26
Bland, Richard --- Committeeman 2/2/13
Bland, Sallie --- V23:23
Blandford cemetery, --- V24:58
Blank, Edward C. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Blann, A. M. --- V21-1:87
Blann, A. M., Mrs. --- V21-1:87
Blanton, Isla G. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Blanton, Louisa R. --- V22:61
Blanton, Mollie J. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Blanton, Richard A. --- Married 5/1/48
Blanton, W. C. --- V22:61
Blanton, W. H. --- V22:60
Blanton, William L. --- Married 4/92
Blayde, Fannie --- Church Member 4/59
Blaydes, ? H. --- V27:49
Blaydes, Ellen V. --- V27:49-50
Blaydes, Ellen V. Blaydes --- V27:49
Blaydes, Ellen Virginia --- V27:48, 49
Blaydes, Frances A. --- Tombstone 9/61
Blaydes, Frances Ann --- V27:48-49
Blaydes, Frances B. McGehee --- V27:49
Blaydes, Frances Barbara --- V27:48, 49, 50
Blaydes, Frances Barbara McGehee --- V28:46
Blaydes, Isabella Matilda --- V27:49
Blaydes, John Coleman --- V27:48-49
Blaydes, Mary E. --- V27:49
Blaydes, Mary Elizabeth --- V27:48-49
Blaydes, Miss G. M. --- V23:105
Blaydes, Miss Isa. M. --- V23:105
Blaydes, William --- V28:46
Blaydes, William B. --- V27:49, 50
Blaydes, William Bibb --- V27:48
Blaydes, William H. --- Tombstone 9/61
Blaydes, William Hames (Hawes?) --- V27:48
Blaydes, William Hawes --- V27:49
Bleeding Nun, The --- V26:27
Blegrave, Mansfield --- V19:39, 42
Block, Bates --- V13:85
Blomberg, Roberta P. --- V14:45
Bloody Angle, --- V22:73
Bloody Angle, --- V30:18, 39
Bloody Angle, --- V34:59
Bloody Angle, --- V35:47, 60
Bloomer, Nehemiah --- Census 5/1/17
Bloxon, Richard --- V41:100
BLR, Ft. Bragg, Ft. Lee, Camp Ritchie, Md --- V40:14
Blubaugh, G. O. --- V29:13
Blue, Ridge Mountains --- V30:29
Blue, Ridge Shores --- V29:30
Blue, Surgeon General Rupert --- V31: 35
Blue Goose, The, --- V33:91
Blue Ridge, --- V20:36, 51
Blue Ridge, the --- V31: 104
Blue Ridge Club, --- V31: 32
Blue Ridge Gardens, --- V23:51
Blue Ridge Mountain, --- V18:15
Blue Ridge Mountains, --- V39:35
Blue Ridge Mountains, --- V34:13
Blue Ridge Mountains, --- V37:77
Blue Ridge Mts., --- V35:98
Blue Ridge Shores, --- V36:55, 56, 65, 66, 68
Blue Ridge Shores Baptist Church, --- V34:31
Blue Ridge Shores, Inc., --- V23:50-52
Blue Run, --- V34:18
Bluefield College, Bluefield, Virginia, --- V34:32, 33
Bluewater Subdivision, --- V19:74
Blumdell, Paul --- V36:72
Blunt, Brodie C. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Blunt, Henry --- V42:90
Blunt, Nellie --- Query 10/10
Blythe, --- V40:57
Blythe, B. G. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Board of Directors, --- V39:43, 45, 47
Board of School Commissioners, --- V33:41
Board of Supervisors, --- V19:71
Board of Supervisors, --- V33:59
Board of Supervisors, --- V35:133-134
Board of Supervisors, Louisa County --- V31: 63, 70, 78
Boar's Head, --- V16:53
Boatswain, --- V25:97
Boatwright, John W. --- V44:81
Boatwright, Mary H. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Boatwright, R. B. --- Haley Diary 12/91
Bob, --- V16:15
Bob, --- V22:56
Bob, --- V25:97
Bobbet, Randolph --- Landgrant 11/2/20
Bobbit, Randolph --- Landowner 11/1/21
Bobit, Randolph --- V13:35, 37, 75
Bobit, Randolph --- V15:42, 76
Bobit, Randolph --- V16:41, 85
Bobit, Randolph --- V17:35
Bobit, Randolph --- Indenture 9/46 Legal Note 10/32
Boblitt Cemetery, --- V38:6
Bobo, Jaret --- V38:61
Bobo, Maria (Hewitt) --- V38:61
Bocock, John --- Minister 2/1/17
Bocock, John S. --- Courtcase 8/07
Bocock, Salem --- V15:42, 44, 75, 76
Bocock, Salem --- V17:67, 68
Bocock, Salem --- Legal Case 9/46
Bodkins, Joseph --- V41:100
Bodley, Thomas --- Witness Lo/77
Boe, Jacob --- V41:103
Bogan, Otis --- V21-1:88
Bogden, Alfred N. --- V21-1:67
Boggs, Alexander --- V46:109
Boggs, Ann --- V24:64
Boggs, Bailey Mrs. --- V16:60
Boggs, Mary (Doles) --- V38:63
Boggs, Michael --- V38:62
Boggs, Miss Ann --- V46:108
Boggs, Ruth P. --- V40:48, 49
Bohanan, --- V14:29
Bohanon, John --- V24:69
Bohanon, Willian P. --- V24:69
Bohanon, Zelica P. --- V24:68
Boiled Eggs, --- V38:85
Boiling, Ernest Lee --- Tombstone 1/64
Boiling, Mary Celeste Winston --- Tombstone 1/64
Boiling, Penelope --- Query 4/97
Boiling, Virginia Louise --- Tombstone 1/64
Boiling, William --- Tombstone 1/63 1/64
Boitnott, John W. --- V25:27
Boland, T. M., Mrs. --- V14:86
Bolar, Alexander --- V38:8
Bolar, Margaret --- V38:8
Bolar, Nancy Jane --- V38:8
Bolen Bevel, --- V33:69
Boling Green Kentucky, --- V31: 102
Bolivar County, --- V23:25
Boliver (Pennsylvania), --- V13:26
Bollery, --- V26:77
Bolling, Mary Louise Morris --- V34:6
Bolling, Mr. --- V25:31
Bolling, Pink --- V41:93
Bolling, Pink --- V42:111
Bolling, Thomas --- V34:6
Bolling, Virginia Louise --- V26:36
Bolling, William C. --- V21-1:59
Bolling Island, --- V34:6
Bolton, England, --- V25:71
Boman, D. P. --- Court Clerk 12/41
Boman, E. E. B --- Will Witness 12/40
Bon Air, --- V28:19
Bonaparte, --- V35:68
Bonavita, --- V26:24
Bonavita, --- V29:40, 74
Bonavita, F. M. --- V29:14, 15
Bonavita, Francis M. --- V29:39
Bonavita, P. --- V28:103
Bonavita, W. A. --- V26:23
Bonavita's Old Store, --- V20:72
Bond, Catharine --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Homer William --- V21-1:122
Bond, James --- Census 3/34
Bond, James --- V42:92
Bond, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bond, Joseph --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Joseph, Jr. --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Lucy --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Mary --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Mildred --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Nathaniel J. --- Census 3/34
Bond, Patsy --- V40:59
Bond, Richard --- Census 3/34
Bond, Robert --- Census 2/2/46
Bond, Thomas --- V17:31
Bond, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 5/1/17
Bond, Thomas --- V41:100
Bond, W. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Bond, William --- V22:48
Bond, William --- V41:28
Bond, William, Jr. --- Legal Note 10/29
Bond, Wright --- Census 4/31
Bone, Sarah --- V41:15, 30
Bonet, Charles --- V41:100
Bonet, Lewis --- V41:55, 100
Bonet, Robert --- V41:10, 100
Bonham, Andrew --- Married 7/93
Bonnavita, F. M. --- Merchant 7/59
Bonnie Blue Flag, --- V36:72
Booch, Jarman J. --- V18:28
Booker, John --- V21-2:17
Booker, Mr. --- V41:30
Booker, William --- Census 4/30
Booker, William --- V42:74
Boon, J. --- V21-1:28
Boone, --- V40:57
Boone, Daniel --- V39:20
Boone, Edwin --- V30:15
Boone, Edwin, Mrs. --- V30:15
Boone, Pauline Barker --- V30:15
Boone Co., MO, --- V20:16
Booneville, --- V20:45
Booth, John F. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Boothwright, William --- Census 2/1/33
Booton, John R --- V33:36
Booton, Mary --- V33:34
Booton, Mary Daniel --- V33:36
Booton, R. Daniel --- V33:34
Bordley, S. Ellis --- Teacher 4/81
Bordon Road, --- V32:98
Boroughs, Henry --- V30:72
Boshea, John --- V42:93
Bosher, Leonard --- V41:102
Bosin, Mary --- V21-1:93
Bost, Mary Frances --- V23:7
Bostick, Charles --- V41:25-28
Boston, --- V16:6
Boston, --- V31: 28, 29
Boston, --- V38:20
Boston, --- V43:61
Boston, Alexander A. --- V24:34
Boston, Anne Terrill --- V24:34
Boston, Annie T. --- V24:37
Boston, Channing --- V19:8
Boston, Clenning M. --- V24:37
Boston, Dean --- V15:37
Boston, Dean --- V23:73
Boston, Eulalia --- V24:37
Boston, Frances Anne --- V24:34
Boston, Frank --- Haley Diary 5/2/16
Boston, J. T. --- V35:147
Boston, John --- V24:36, 37
Boston, John --- V39:23
Boston, John T. --- V24:36, 37
Boston, John T. --- Merchant 7/59
Boston, John T. --- V41:17
Boston, John Terrill --- V24:35
Boston, John Wilmer --- V24:37
Boston, Mary C. --- V15:37
Boston, Mary C. --- V23:73
Boston, S. G. --- Haley Diary 5/2/16
Boston, Seymore --- V24:37
Boston, Susan --- V15:37
Boston, Susan --- V23:73
Boston, Texanna --- V24:37
Boston, Texasia --- V24:37
Boston, Texasia Dickinson --- V24:37
Boston Guardians vs Boston &, --- V24:38
Boswel, William --- V19:38
Boswell, Ann --- Wife Of John 1/40
Boswell, Colo --- V28:62
Boswell, Joel J. --- Census 1/82
Boswell, John --- V13:46
Boswell, John --- V15:61, 62, 71
Boswell, John --- Tavern Owner 1/11 1/39 1/40 8/15 Query 3/91, Censu
Boswell, John --- V38:2
Boswell, John F. --- Census 1/82
Boswell, Maria --- Census 1/82
Boswell, Preston --- Census 1/82
Boswell, Thomas --- Heir Of John 1/40
Boswell’s Tavern, --- V44:11, 13
Boswells Tavern, --- V34:58
Boswell's Tavern, --- V25:14
Boswell's Tavern, --- V27:13
Boswell's Tavern, --- V28:16
Boswell's Tavern, --- V29:5, 83
Boswell's Tavern, --- V30:32, 37
Boswell's Tavern, --- V31: 96, 97
Boswell's Tavern, --- V38:2
Boswell's Tavern, History --- Photo 1/38+
Boswellsville, --- V32:37
Boswellville, --- V19:68
Botetourt, --- V20:77
Botetourt, --- V26:43
Botetourt, --- V32:18
Botetourt, Gov. Norbornne Baron --- V20:96
Botetourt County (Virginia), --- V14:28
Botetourt County History Before 1900: Through Coun, --- V14:85
Botetourt County History: Through County Letters a, --- V14:85
Bottigheimer, Elias --- V24:38
Bottigheimer, Eliaser --- V22:17
Bottigheimer, Philip --- V22:17
Bottingheimer & Iseman, --- V23:27
Bottoms Bridge, --- V30:18
Botts, --- V17:2
Boulder Pestle, --- V34:8
Boulware, --- V44:122
Boulware, C.R. --- V46:60
Boulware, Columbas R. --- V32:19
Boulware, Columbus R. --- Census 3/35
Boulware, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/31
Boulware, Emanuel --- Census 2/2/31
Boulware, Ewel --- Census 3/35
Boulware, John --- Census Z/2/31
Boulware, Mary --- Census 2/2/31 3/35
Boulware, Muscoe --- Census 2/2/31
Boulware, Richard Henry --- V44:117
Boulware, William --- Census 2/2/31
Bounty land, --- V43:33, 34
Bounty Lands, --- V34:45
Bourbon, --- V25:87
Bourbon County KY, --- V30:76
Bourbonism- Funders, --- V25:88
Bourbons, --- V25:44, 94
Bourn, Ann --- V13:47
Bourn, David --- Census 4/30
Bourn, Elizabeth --- V13:47
Bourn, Elizabeth --- Tax Payer 1/12 Census 4/30
Bourn, Frances --- V13:47
Bourn, George --- V41:42
Bourn, Hannah --- V13:47
Bourn, Hannah (daughter) --- V13:47
Bourn, John --- V13:47
Bourn, Mary --- V13:47
Bourn, Sally --- V13:47
Bourn, Stephen --- V13:47
Bourn, Stephen --- Tax Payer 1/12 Census 4/30 Query 12/42
Bourn, Stephen, Jr. --- V13:47
Bourn, Stephen, Jr. --- Census 4/30
Bourn, William --- V13:47
Bourn, William --- Will 2/2/16 Query 12/42
Bourne, Adelia --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Arthur --- Married 9/52
Bourne, D. A. --- V18:31
Bourne, David --- V42:93
Bourne, Dolly --- Census 2/1/42
Bourne, Eliza --- Census 2/1/42
Bourne, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/41 5/1/17
Bourne, George --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Infant --- Census 2/1/42
Bourne, John --- Census 5/1/17
Bourne, John --- V42:128
Bourne, Lewis --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Louisa --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Lucy --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Mary --- Census 2/1/41 2/1/42
Bourne, Robert Lee --- Tombstone 12/32
Bourne, Stephen --- Census 5/1/17
Bourne, T. A. --- V18:31
Bourne, Thomas --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Thomas, Jr. --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, Virginia --- Census 2/1/41
Bourne, William --- V15:42
Bourne, William --- V16:86
Bourne, William --- V17:34
Bourne, William B. --- V23:102
Bourne, Wm. --- V18:31
Bournemouth, --- V25:64
Bow, Jacob --- Taxpayer 1/11
Bow, Jacob --- V42:95
Bowcocke, John H. --- Census 2/1/36
Bowden, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bowdin, Robert M. --- Census 2/1/36
Bowe, Jemima --- Census 5/1/17
Bowe, Nathaniel --- V13:68
Bowe, William --- V13:69
Bowen, Carolyn E. --- V16:90
Bowen, Dr. --- V31: 100
Bowen, William --- Road Surveyor 11/1/38
Bowers, Eugene --- Lost Leg 6/94
Bowie, Maryland, --- V14:45
Bowin, John --- Taxpayer 1/11
Bowl(e)s, Albert G. --- V41:41
Bowles, --- V21-1:40, 41, 88
Bowles, --- V26:79
Bowles, A. A. --- Haley Diary 7/44
Bowles, A. G. --- V18:31
Bowles, Albert G. --- Census 2/1/34
Bowles, America --- V24:94
Bowles, America --- Census 3/83
Bowles, Anderson --- Will Executor 2/2/16
Bowles, Ann --- V26:78
Bowles, Ann M. --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Arlene --- V21-1:75
Bowles, Aubrey R. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Bowles, Augustin --- Census 4/30
Bowles, Augustus --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Augustus K. --- V23:102
Bowles, Augustus Knight --- V36:14
Bowles, Bettie B. --- V23:102, 105
Bowles, Bettie B. --- Census 2/41
Bowles, Betty L. --- V27:34
Bowles, Betty Lewis --- V38:43
Bowles, C. C., Jr. --- Landowner 3/56
Bowles, C. C., Jr. --- V34:33
Bowles, C. Champion, Jr. --- Church Member 12/31
Bowles, C. Champion, Jr. --- V36:1, 14, 15
Bowles, C. Champion, Jr. --- V35:181, 187
Bowles, C. R. --- V18:31
Bowles, Caroline --- Census 3/83
Bowles, Caroline G. --- V20:98
Bowles, Caroline G. --- V23:58
Bowles, Caroline G. --- V24:93
Bowles, Caroline, G. --- V15:45
Bowles, Catharine --- Census 1/82
Bowles, Champion --- V37:5
Bowles, Champion --- V39:43
Bowles, Charles --- V23:4
Bowles, Charles Knight --- Marriage 12/79 12/85
Bowles, Christina --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Clementine E. --- V23:80
Bowles, Dabney --- V21-1:75, 99, 109, 126
Bowles, Dick --- Haley Diary 6/20
Bowles, Drucilla --- Census 3/77
Bowles, E. A. --- V23:105
Bowles, Edgar --- Census 1/82
Bowles, Edgar A. --- V18:31
Bowles, Edgar A. --- V23:105
Bowles, Edgar A. --- V27:34
Bowles, Edgar A. --- Farmer 7/64
Bowles, Edgar A. EdE --- V43:105
Bowles, Eliza --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Eliza Tate --- V32:30
Bowles, Eliza W. --- Mentioned 10/4
Bowles, Elizabeth --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Elizabeth T. --- V23:78-81
Bowles, Frances --- Census 3/83
Bowles, Frances Emily --- V34:21
Bowles, George --- Census 3/77
Bowles, George K. --- Census Z/L/11 Marriage 5/2/38
Bowles, Grace Hanna --- V32:101
Bowles, Hugh --- V21-1:108, 111
Bowles, Indianna --- Census 3/83
Bowles, J. A. --- V18:31
Bowles, J. H. --- V18:31
Bowles, J. H. --- V21-1:76
Bowles, James --- V21-1:48
Bowles, James --- Census 3/77 Daughter Died 9/98
Bowles, James A. --- Landowner 7/17
Bowles, James A. --- V36:14
Bowles, James H. --- Census 3/77
Bowles, John --- Will 2/2/16 Census 3/49
Bowles, John --- V36:12
Bowles, John --- V42:94
Bowles, John --- V46:118
Bowles, John R. --- V23:105
Bowles, John S. --- Haley Diary 8/95
Bowles, Joseph --- V23:61
Bowles, Joseph --- Farmer 7/64
Bowles, Joseph A. --- V24:94
Bowles, Joseph A. --- Census 3/83
Bowles, Joseph S. --- V15:45
Bowles, Judith --- V16:55
Bowles, Katie --- V39:43
Bowles, Katie R. --- Author 9/87
Bowles, Knight --- V14:15
Bowles, Lavelia L. --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Lucille --- V21-1:111
Bowles, Lucy A. --- V23:105
Bowles, Lucy Ann --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Lucy E. --- V21-1:80
Bowles, Maranda --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Margaret --- Census 3/49
Bowles, Martha --- Census 2/1/34 3/77 3/83
Bowles, Martha J. --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Mary --- Census 1/82 3/77 3/88
Bowles, Mary Arlington --- V32:55
Bowles, Mary J. --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Mary L. --- V23:78, 80
Bowles, Mr. --- Died 9/51
Bowles, Nancy --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Perihelia --- Census 3/49
Bowles, R. C. --- V23:102
Bowles, R. K. --- V23:10
Bowles, Rebecca --- V27:19
Bowles, Richard --- V24:93
Bowles, Richard C. --- V23:60
Bowles, Richard C. --- Census 1/82
Bowles, Richard K. --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Richard Key --- Contractor 7/17
Bowles, Robert Thomas --- Census 2/1/34
Bowles, Rosa E. --- Marriage 5/2/35
Bowles, S. Ellis --- V23:105
Bowles, Sallie --- Census 3/49
Bowles, Seth --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Susan --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Susan Annette --- V37:40
Bowles, Susan E --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, T. G. --- V18:31
Bowles, T. G. --- V22:29
Bowles, Thomas --- V21-1:48
Bowles, Thomas G. --- V19:79
Bowles, Thomas G. --- V21-1:80
Bowles, Walter --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, Washington --- Census 3/77
Bowles, Wesley Linwood --- V21-1:121
Bowles, William --- V19:43, 89
Bowles, William --- Census 2/1/41
Bowles, William A. --- Landowner 7/17
Bowles, William A. --- V36:14
Bowles, Wm. J. --- V18:31
Bowles, Zach --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bowles Store, --- V21-2:36
Bowling, William --- Haley Diary 7/95
Bowling Green, --- V44:123, 124, 125, 128, 132
Bowling Green VA, --- V30:40-41
Bowling Green, Virginia, --- V32:34
Bowls, Bartelot --- Census 5/1/17
Bowls, Elizabeth --- Heir 5/2/27
Bowlwar, Ewell --- Census 4/30
Bowman, Charles Luther --- Marriage 10/92
Bowman, Cynthia Lu (Joseph) --- V38:69
Bowman, Ginnie --- V32:11, 17, 18
Bowman, Julie Kay (Sugimoto) --- V38:69
Bowman, Mr. --- V31: 99, 102, 103
Bowman, Mr. --- V32:23
Bowman, N. W. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Bowman, Nancy --- Mentioned 10/79
Bowman, P. K. --- V21-1:77
Bowman, Peter --- V38:69
Bowman, Phillip L. --- V38:69
Bowman, Thomas H. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Bowman, William --- Mentioned 10/79
Bowmans, Mr. --- V32:12, 18, 19
Bownes, George --- Haley Diary 8/91
Bowtie Celt, --- V34:11
Bowyer, George --- V20:14
Bowyer, Marion Octavia --- Marriage 5/Z/31
Bowyer, William --- V23:54
Box, Robert Holman --- Birth 2/1/28
Boxing Day, --- V16:47
Boxley, --- V22:20
Boxley, --- V25:21
Boxley, --- V38:76, 80
Boxley, (Wife) --- V30:7, 11
Boxley, A. L. --- Haley Diary 8/91 Died 8/98
Boxley, Addison --- V30:5, 12
Boxley, Addison, Mrs. --- V30:12
Boxley, Amlie M. --- V24:60
Boxley, Ann --- Census 2/2/46 3/40
Boxley, Ann L. --- Census 2/2/35
Boxley, Ann W. --- V13:60
Boxley, Ann W. --- Census 3/40
Boxley, Anna --- V23:96
Boxley, Anna --- V27:50
Boxley, Anna --- Census 2/2/35
Boxley, Anna --- V30:13-14
Boxley, Anna E. --- V30:12
Boxley, Anna Griswold --- V27:32
Boxley, Anna L. --- Death Parent 11/2/37
Boxley, Anna N. --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, Anna N. --- Tombstone 5/2/40
Boxley, Anna N. (McGehee) --- V13:60
Boxley, Anne --- Haley Diary 6/17
Boxley, Annie --- Haley Diary 4/20 6/22 8/51 9/52
Boxley, Annie L. --- Haley Diary 7/94 8/98
Boxley, Annie Willis --- Query 7/48
Boxley, Annie Wills --- V19:50
Boxley, B. --- Married 11/2/38
Boxley, B. V. --- V21-1:92
Boxley, B. V. --- Mentioned 11/2/38 11/2/39
Boxley, Benjamin --- V30:12
Boxley, Benjamin Boling --- Birth Death 11/2/37
Boxley, Bertha --- V23:114
Boxley, Bertha --- V30:13
Boxley, Betty --- V30:15
Boxley, Bruce --- V27:15
Boxley, Bruce --- Haley Diary 10/100
Boxley, Bruce --- V36:26
Boxley, Bruce --- V38:74
Boxley, Bruce V. --- V27:4, 8, 14
Boxley, Bruce V. --- Mentioned 11/2/39
Boxley, Bruce V. --- V36:44
Boxley, Bruce V., Sr. --- V29:21
Boxley, Bruce Vaughan --- V29:64
Boxley, Bruce Vaughan, Sr. --- V29:79
Boxley, C. P. --- V27:45
Boxley, Cabin --- V29:80
Boxley, Caius --- Census 2/2/35
Boxley, Caroline --- V38:75
Boxley, Caswell --- V30:5, 12
Boxley, Caswell, Mrs. --- V30:12
Boxley, Catharine --- V13:60
Boxley, Catharine --- Census 3/40 4/31
Boxley, Catharine M. --- V23:95
Boxley, Catherine Cole Barclay --- V27:92
Boxley, Cemetery --- V30:3
Boxley, Cemetery --- V30:3
Boxley, Charlie --- Haley Diary 10/100
Boxley, Charlotte D. --- V23:95
Boxley, Charlotte D. --- V24:60
Boxley, Clara --- V30:12
Boxley, Clara --- V30:14
Boxley, Clifford C. --- V21-1:121
Boxley, Clifton --- Church Member 4/59 4/60
Boxley, Clifton Carpenter --- Tombstone 4/64
Boxley, Cordelia Davis --- V30:12
Boxley, David W. --- V23:95
Boxley, David W. --- Tombstone 5/2/40
Boxley, David Wills --- V23:95
Boxley, David Wills --- V24:60
Boxley, Davis --- V30:15
Boxley, Dickinson --- V27:92
Boxley, Dorothy --- V30:13
Boxley, Dr. --- V21-1:120
Boxley, Drucilla --- V16:63
Boxley, Drucilla --- Census 2/1/43 2/2/35 Parent 11/2/37
Boxley, Drusilla --- V38:73, 74
Boxley, E. D. --- V22:29
Boxley, E. D. --- Farmer 7/63
Boxley, E. W. --- Married 11/2/39
Boxley, Earl --- Tombstone 4/64
Boxley, Edward --- V13:60
Boxley, Edward --- V23:95
Boxley, Edward --- V27:45
Boxley, Edward --- Census 3/40
Boxley, Edward D. --- V22:29
Boxley, Edward D. --- V23:96
Boxley, Edward D. --- Landowner 7/69
Boxley, Edward F. --- V21-2:33
Boxley, Edward F. --- V23:96
Boxley, Edward Frank --- Tombstone 4/64 Landowner 7/69
Boxley, Elijah --- V30:12- 13
Boxley, Elijah, Mrs. --- V30:13
Boxley, Elisha --- V30:12
Boxley, Elizabeth (Betty) Anna --- Married 12/65
Boxley, Elizabeth Crane --- V30:12
Boxley, Emma --- V30:13, 15
Boxley, Estelle Winifred --- V23:95
Boxley, Ester --- V30:12
Boxley, Ethel Glasgow Whyte --- Gravesite 11/2/39
Boxley, Ethel Glasgow Whyte --- V29:79
Boxley, Ethelyn Glasgow --- V26:95
Boxley, Ethelyn(E) --- Death Mentioned 11/2/39
Boxley, F. B. --- Tombstone 9/60
Boxley, Fannie --- Haley Diary 8/49 8/92 3/93 12/96
Boxley, Fannie Haley --- V38:76
Boxley, Fanny --- V38:75
Boxley, Fenton Bruce Mansfield --- V26:95
Boxley, Fenton Bruce Mansfield --- Death 11/2/37
Boxley, Frances B. --- V23:95
Boxley, Frank --- V19:71
Boxley, Frank --- Author 5/2/40 Married 8/52
Boxley, Frank --- V30:13
Boxley, Frank --- V31: 63
Boxley, Frank B, Jr --- V37:67
Boxley, Frank B. --- Landowner 7/69
Boxley, Frank B., Jr --- V35:195
Boxley, Frank B., Jr. --- V21-2:14
Boxley, Frank B., Jr. --- V23:114
Boxley, Frank, Jr. --- V23:108
Boxley, Frank, Mrs. --- V30:13
Boxley, Fred A. --- V30:3
Boxley, George --- V14:75
Boxley, George --- V27:92
Boxley, George --- Census 2/2/35 4/31 Insurrection Instigator 6/57, B
Boxley, George --- V30:3- 13
Boxley, George --- V38:73
Boxley, George G. --- V30:3
Boxley, George G., Mrs. --- V30:3
Boxley, George, Mrs. --- V30:13
Boxley, Gladys Orpha --- V30:13, 15
Boxley, Griswold --- V21-1:26
Boxley, Griswold --- V27:30
Boxley, Griswold --- V29:79
Boxley, Hannah --- V30:12-14
Boxley, Hannah Jenkins --- V30:3
Boxley, Harriet --- V23:107
Boxley, Harriet --- V33:19
Boxley, Helen Leigh --- Married 11/2/38
Boxley, Henrietta --- V29:40
Boxley, Hilda Payne --- Landowner 7/69
Boxley, Howard --- V23:95
Boxley, Hunter Stuart --- Tombstone 4/64
Boxley, J. C. --- Haley Diary 4/84 5/2/17 7/94 8/48 Mentioned 6/78
Boxley, J. C. --- V28:35
Boxley, J. D. --- V21-1:93
Boxley, J. D., Mrs. --- V21-1:28, 29
Boxley, J. G. --- V18:31
Boxley, J. G. --- Farmer 7/65
Boxley, J. G. --- V38:74
Boxley, J. J. --- V18:31
Boxley, J. J. --- V19:46
Boxley, J. J. --- Haley Diary 10/96 10/100
Boxley, J. J. --- V34:36
Boxley, J. W. --- V18:31
Boxley, J. W. --- V19:14
Boxley, J. W. --- V23:95
Boxley, J. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Boxley, James --- Census 2/2/35 2/2/46 Haley Diary 4/84 5/1/37, Died
Boxley, James --- V38:74
Boxley, James G. --- Haley Diary 4/83 5/1/37
Boxley, James Garland --- Birth Marriage Death Gravesite 11/2/37, 11/2/38 11
Boxley, James Garland (Sr) --- V26:95
Boxley, Jenie Prudence --- V30:15
Boxley, Jenie Prudence --- V30:13
Boxley, Jimmie --- V38:75
Boxley, Joe --- Haley Diary 4/20 6/94 8/97
Boxley, Joe --- V38:74
Boxley, Joe C. --- Haley Diary 7/99
Boxley, John --- V23:96
Boxley, John --- Church Officer 4/58 Rev. Soldier 8/27
Boxley, John --- V30:12
Boxley, John C. --- V13:60
Boxley, John C. --- V14:82
Boxley, John C. --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, John C. --- Census 3/40
Boxley, John C., Jr. --- V22:29
Boxley, John C., Jr. --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, John S. --- V16:68
Boxley, John S. --- Census 4/31 Owner Of Hardiman 6/60
Boxley, John S. --- V30:10
Boxley, John Spiller --- V21-2:32
Boxley, John Spiller --- V27:92
Boxley, John Thomas --- V30:12
Boxley, John W. --- V13:60
Boxley, John W. --- V15:73
Boxley, John W. --- V22:29
Boxley, John W. --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, John W. --- V27:50
Boxley, John W. --- Census 3/40 Tombstone 5/2/40 Farmer 7/64
Boxley, John Wills --- V19:50
Boxley, Johnny --- V33:19
Boxley, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/2/35 2/2/46 5/1/17, Owner O
Boxley, Joseph --- V30:10-11
Boxley, Joseph --- V41:55, 100, 102
Boxley, Joseph --- V42:89
Boxley, Joseph C. --- Census 2/2/35 Haley Diary 7/94 8/98 Died 9/52, Chu
Boxley, Joseph C., Jr. --- Death 11/2/37
Boxley, Joseph Cluverious --- Birth 11/2/37
Boxley, Joseph, Jr. --- V17:77
Boxley, Judy --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, Julian --- V13:60
Boxley, Julian --- V22:29
Boxley, Julian --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, Julian --- Census 3/40
Boxley, Juliett H. --- Married 8/94
Boxley, Juliette M. --- V23:95, 96
Boxley, L. C. --- V18:31
Boxley, L. C. --- V23:95
Boxley, L. J. --- V13:40, 43
Boxley, L. J. --- Haley Diary 12/96
Boxley, L. J. --- V38:75, 76, 81
Boxley, Lavinia --- Death Gravesite 11/2/39
Boxley, Lavinia Firth --- V26:95
Boxley, Lindsay --- V24:60
Boxley, Lindsay C. --- V23:96
Boxley, Lindsay C. --- V24:60
Boxley, Lindsay O. --- V13:60
Boxley, Lindsay O. --- Census 3/40
Boxley, Linsey C. --- V23:95
Boxley, Littleberry James --- V38:75
Boxley, Lucy --- Died 6/17
Boxley, Lucy --- V38:74
Boxley, Lucy B. --- V23:95
Boxley, Lulie --- V23:96
Boxley, Luther --- Mentioned 3/66
Boxley, Luther R. --- Census 2/2/35
Boxley, Margaret --- V30:12
Boxley, Margaret --- V38:75
Boxley, Margaret Baptist --- Tombstone 4/64
Boxley, Margaret Baptist Carpenter --- V21-2:33
Boxley, Margaret E. --- Married 11/2/38
Boxley, Margaret Ellen --- V20:65
Boxley, Margaret Ellen --- Birth 11/2/37
Boxley, Margaret Ellen --- V38:73
Boxley, Margaret Mckinzie Wilson --- V30:12
Boxley, Marguerite --- Death 11/2/39
Boxley, Marguerite Colston --- V26:95
Boxley, Marguiret --- Gravesite 11/2/39
Boxley, Martha --- V23:96
Boxley, Martha --- Census 2/2/46
Boxley, Martha A. --- V23:95
Boxley, Martha Ann Trice --- V25:21
Boxley, Martha C. --- V23:95
Boxley, Martha S. Bumpass --- V13:60
Boxley, Mary --- Marriage 12/63
Boxley, Mary --- V30:12
Boxley, Mary Alice Harris --- Tombstone 9/60
Boxley, Mary B. --- Census 2/2/46
Boxley, Mary Cole --- V23:96
Boxley, Mary Ellen --- V30:12-13
Boxley, Mary Kercheval --- V30:13
Boxley, Mary P. --- V16:63
Boxley, Mary Willis Barclay --- V21-2:32
Boxley, Mary Wills Barclay --- V27:92
Boxley, Maude Cordelia --- V30:13
Boxley, Mildred D. --- V21-1:26
Boxley, Mildred P. --- V17:85
Boxley, Minnie E. [Isbell] --- V24:60
Boxley, Minnie E. Isbell --- V23:96
Boxley, Mrs. --- V30:4, 12
Boxley, Myra R. --- V26:97
Boxley, Nancy --- V23:96
Boxley, Nancy (Willis) --- V13:60
Boxley, Nancy W. --- V23:95
Boxley, Nice --- Census 8/39
Boxley, Pallison --- V19:34
Boxley, Pallison --- V26:97
Boxley, Pallison --- V27:92
Boxley, Pallison --- Census 2/2/30 2/2/46 Church Clerk 9/58
Boxley, Phillip Seddon --- V38:74
Boxley, Ralph --- V30:14-15
Boxley, Robert Wilson --- Tombstone 9/60
Boxley, Roy C. --- V23:95
Boxley, Ruth V. --- V17:5
Boxley, Ruth V. --- V19:3
Boxley, Ruth Via --- V29:25
Boxley, Sallie --- Haley Diary 6/17
Boxley, Sallie A. --- Census 2/2/46
Boxley, Sallie Ann Lipscomb --- Parent 12/65
Boxley, Sandridge --- Census 2/2/46
Boxley, Sanna M. Harges --- V30:15
Boxley, Sarah Ann Kercheval --- V30:12
Boxley, Seddon G. --- Mentioned 11/2/39
Boxley, Silas --- V25:21
Boxley, Silas --- Census 2/2/46
Boxley, St George --- V29:24, 25
Boxley, St. George Tucker --- V29:25
Boxley, Susanna Dickinson --- V26:97
Boxley, Susanna Robinson --- V27:92
Boxley, Taylor M. --- V21-1:26
Boxley, Taylor M. --- Mentioned 11/Z/39
Boxley, Taylor M., Mrs. --- V21-1:26
Boxley, Taylor Mansfield --- V29:64
Boxley, Theatees --- Census Z/2/35
Boxley, Thomas --- V30:3, 5
Boxley, Thomas Boxley --- V30:13
Boxley, Thomas Pittman --- V30:12
Boxley, Thomas Pittman, Mrs. --- V30:12
Boxley, Tucker --- V29:25
Boxley, Virginia --- V30:12-13
Boxley, W. W. --- Haley Diary 11/2/43
Boxley, W. W. --- V38:74, 75, 76
Boxley, Westly --- V23:106
Boxley, Will W. --- V38:74
Boxley, William --- Haley Diary 5/2/20 Constable 11/1/42
Boxley, William --- V38:75
Boxley, William Clivrus --- Married 11/2/38
Boxley, William Wise --- V38:74
Boxley, Willie --- Haley Diary 7/97 8/50 8/91 8/92 10/100
Boxley, Willie O. --- V13:60
Boxley, Willie O. --- V23:95
Boxley, Willie O. --- Census 3/40
Boxley, Winnifred --- V17:77
Boxley, Winnifred --- Marriage 12/63
Boxley Company, --- V38:75
Boxley Family, --- V13:57
Boxley Family, --- V33:51
Boxley family, --- V38:74, 77
Boxley Family Bible, --- V23:95
Boxley Family Bible Records, --- 11/2/37
Boxley Home, --- V29:68, 80
Boxley Materials Company, --- V38:74
Boxley, Chisholm and Hall, --- V38:81
Boxley, Goodwin and Bray, --- V38:81
Boxley, Haley and Company, --- V38:76
Boxley-McCandlish Cemetery, --- V24:60
Boxleys, --- V21-2:36
Boxley's Mill, --- V28:35
Boxley's Mine, --- V37:21
Boxwoods, --- V32:80, 86
Boy Scouts, --- V31: 39
Boyce, C. W. --- V21-1:120
Boyce, Gertrude B. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Boyce, Henry G. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Boyd, E. J. --- V18:32
Boyd, E. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Boyd, E. J. --- V29:102
Boyd, Edmund --- Taxpayer 1/11
Boyd, Edmund --- V42:90
Boyd, Edwin --- V22:39
Boyd, Edwin --- Census 1/77
Boyd, Edwin --- V32:62
Boyd, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/35
Boyd, J. Edwin Mrs --- V29:54
Boyd, J. L. --- V18:32
Boyd, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Boyd, James --- V42:90, 95
Boyd, James Edwin --- V29:54
Boyd, James R. --- Farmer 7/64
Boyd, James T. --- V15:82
Boyd, Jemima --- Census 2/1/35
Boyd, John --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 2/1/35 Marriage Witness 11/1/
Boyd, John --- V42:89
Boyd, John L. --- Farmer 7/65
Boyd, John L. --- V31: 82
Boyd, Lena --- Marriage 10/92
Boyd, Leroy --- V25:2
Boyd, Leroy L. Mrs. --- V29:24
Boyd, Leroy L., Mr. & Mrs. --- V35:169
Boyd, Lucy May (Parrish) --- V13:23
Boyd, Martha M. --- Census 1/77
Boyd, Martha Trice (Mrs.) --- V29:54
Boyd, Mary --- Census 2/1/35
Boyd, Miss S. --- V36:39
Boyd, Mr. --- V26:21
Boyd, Mrs. --- V25:2
Boyd, Mrs. E.S. --- V46:102
Boyd, Nora M. --- V46:102
Boyd, Peter --- V18:32
Boyd, Peter --- Census 2/1/35
Boyd, Pinkey --- V29:41
Boyd, Richie G. McGuire --- V26:38
Boyd, T. N. --- V18:32
Boyd, T. N. --- V29:102
Boyd, Thomas --- Census 4/30
Boyd, Thomas M. --- Farmer 7/65
Boyd, Virgie E. --- V27:34
Boyd, W. B. (Dr. ) --- V13:23
Boyd, Washington --- V29:42
Boyd, William --- Census 2/1/35 Rev. Soldier 8/27
Boyd Auto Sales Co., --- V46:102
Boyd Smith Commissary, --- V21-1:99
Boyd Smith Mines, --- V21-1:53, 98
Boyde, James --- Legal Note 11/1/40
Boyden, Mr. --- V31: 107
Boyden, Mr. --- V32:20
Boyden, P. M. --- V29:53
Boydton, Plank Road --- V28:77
Boyer, Mary (Doles) --- V38:63
Boyer, Mary C. (Doles) --- V38:63
Boyle, --- V21-1:66, 68
Boyle, Lucy Kennedy --- V21-1:104
Boyle, W. H. --- V21-1:43
Boyle, Wallace --- V33:94
Boyle, Wallace Haily --- V21-1:121
Boyles, --- V21-1:108
Boynton, Frederick James --- V38:9
Bracewell, John --- V28:48
Bracewell, Susan Elizabeth --- V28:48
Bracketts, --- V28:5, 7
Bracketts, --- V34:6
Bracketts, --- V35:166
Bracketts, --- V43:49, 90
Bracketts, --- V44:13
Bracketts, Plantation --- V28:4
Bracketts 8ff, --- V46:110
Bradbourn, --- V22:55
Bradbourn, William --- V14:11
Bradbourn, William --- Taxpayer 1/11
Bradburn, Butler --- V13:9
Bradburn, Butler --- V20:76
Bradburn, Butler --- Census 5/1/17 Rev. Soldier 8/28
Bradburn, Elizabeth --- Census 5/1/17
Bradburn, John --- V21-2:43
Bradburn, Thos. --- V20:76
Bradburn, William --- Census 5/1/17
Bradburn, Wm. --- V20:76
Braddock, General --- V27:38
Bradford, --- V14:29
Bradford, Daniel --- Mentioned 10/77
Bradford, John --- V42:91
Bradford, Mary --- V28:80
Bradford, Miss Mary --- V35:15
Bradford, Susan B --- V37:82
Bradford, Susan B. --- V17:40
Bradley, Bettie --- V28:80
Bradley, Cornelia V. --- Census 3/73
Bradley, Demarcus L. --- Census 3,'73
Bradley, Fannie E. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Bradley, Frances J. --- Census 3/73
Bradley, G. Y. --- V29:57
Bradley, George Y. --- V21-1:84
Bradley, John --- V14:64
Bradley, John --- V20:76
Bradley, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/17
Bradley, John --- V41:101
Bradley, Margaret --- Census 3/73
Bradley, Mary F. --- Census 1/76
Bradley, Mary F. --- V29:44, 98
Bradley, Mary S. --- V28:48
Bradley, Miss Bettie & Mary --- V35:15
Bradley, Robert --- Census 1/76
Bradley, Sarah --- Census 3/73
Bradley's British Housewife, --- V16:51
Bradleysburg, --- V32:37
Bradleysburgh, --- V19:68
Bradly, Mary --- V28:80
Bradshaw, (Helen Janett) Nettie (Cooke) --- V42:43, 46
Bradshaw, Claude Selma --- V42:43, 46
Bradshaw, John Peyton --- Marriage 5/2/38
Bradshaw, Richard J. --- Married 8/52
Brady, Stanley Wayne --- V28:10
Braehead, --- V14:31, 56, 57
Braehead, --- V18:36
Braehead, Photo --- 8/84
Bragg, Charles J. --- Census 3/35
Bragg, Gen. --- V42:62
Bragg, Henry A. --- Mentioned 9/79
Bragg, Henry R. --- Census 3/35
Bragg, J. R. --- V18:32
Bragg, J. W. --- V18:32
Bragg, James --- Census 3/81
Bragg, James R. --- Census 3/35
Bragg, James Y. --- Census 3/35
Bragg, John --- Census 3/45
Bragg, John D. --- Census 2/2/43
Bragg, John G. --- Census 3/35
Bragg, John J. --- V22:29
Bragg, Louisa --- Census 3/35
Bragg, Martha --- Census 3/81
Bragg, Mary --- Census 2/1/33
Bragg, Mary E. --- Census 3/35
Bragg, Polly --- Census 3/45
Bragg, Samuel H. --- Census 2/2/42
Bragg, Sarah --- Census 2/2/43 3/45
Bragg, Virgilius --- Census 3/35
Bragg, William --- Census 2/2/42
Bragg, William B. --- Census 3/35
Brain, Mary Catherine --- V38:9
Bramble, --- V37:13, 14
Brame, Charles E. --- Landowner 12/63
Brame, Hannah --- V19:31
Brame, John --- V19:31
Brame, Kerrenhappack --- V19:31
Brame, Margaret --- Church Member 2/1/16 Landowner 12/63
Bramham, Alvin --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Barbara --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Betsy Ann --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Caroline --- Census 2/1/46 3/33 3/46
Bramham, Dicy --- Census 3/73
Bramham, Drucilla --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Elizabeth --- Census 3/73
Bramham, Ellen F. --- Census 3/46
Bramham, Emily --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Frances --- Census 2/1/46
Bramham, George H. --- V42:101
Bramham, Harriet --- Census 3/46
Bramham, Henry --- Census 2/1/46
Bramham, Horace --- V31: 99
Bramham, Jefferson --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Jemima --- Census 3/33
Bramham, John --- Census 3/33 3/46
Bramham, John --- V32:24
Bramham, Joseph --- Census 2/1/46
Bramham, Judith --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Lewis --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Ludlow --- V14:19
Bramham, Ludlow --- Resident 1/40 Query 3/91 Census 4/29 Justice Of Pe
Bramham, Ludlow --- V41:34
Bramham, Ludwell --- Merchant 7/29
Bramham, Mal. --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Martha A. --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Mary --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Mary E. --- V42:101
Bramham, Monroe --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Nathaniel --- Census 3/33
Bramham, Nimrod --- Marriage 5/2/33
Bramham, Page --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Ransom --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Rebecca --- Census 3/32
Bramham, Roxanna --- Census 3/73
Bramham, Sallie --- Census 2/1/46
Bramham, Sarah --- Census 2/1/46 3/46 Birth 6/12
Bramham, William --- Census 2/1/46 3/32
Bramham Family Bible Records, --- 6/11
Bramhams, Ludlow --- V20:12
Brammin(g), Benjamin --- V14:65
Brammin(g), John --- V14:41
Branch, Elwyn V. --- Landowner 7/12
Branch, Garland M. --- V18:38
Branch, John --- V28:65
Branch, Margaret --- V28:65
Branch, Mary --- V38:57
Branches, Betty Clark's Spring --- V13:57
Branches, Dashper's --- V13:67
Branches, Mills' --- V13:53
Branching, Benjamin --- V14:42
Brand, John O. --- Census 3/48
Brand, Joseph --- V42:96
Brand, Marion --- V25:74
Brandau, J. J. --- V40:39
Brandau, J.K --- V39:19, 24
Brandau, James K --- V40:39
Brandau, Sharon --- V39:20, 21, 22, 23
Brandburn, Butler --- Census 4/29
Brandy Farm, --- V39:53
Brandy Station, --- V21-1:96
Brandy Station, --- V22:75
Brandy Wine, --- V22:10
Brandywine, --- V21-1:4
Brandywine, Battle of --- V23:99
Branham, --- V31: 96
Branham, Ann Bailey --- V28:16
Branham, Ben --- Taxpayer 1/11
Branham, Benj. --- V20:76
Branham, Benjamin --- Rev. Soldier 8/27 Landowner 9/66
Branham, Benjamin, Jr. --- Census 5/1/17
Branham, Benjamin, Sr. --- Census 5/1/17
Branham, Ellen --- V28:16
Branham, Ellen --- V31: 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Branham, Ellen A. --- V31: 96
Branham, Frances --- V19:101
Branham, G. H. --- V19:6-8
Branham, G. H., Jr. --- V18:32
Branham, G. H., Sr. --- V18:32
Branham, G. Henry --- V19:9, 10
Branham, George H. --- V19:8
Branham, George H. --- Magistrate 7/58 Farmer 7/64
Branham, Harriet --- V28:16
Branham, Harriet --- V31: 96
Branham, Harriet H. --- V31: 96
Branham, John --- V28:16
Branham, John Ludlow --- V28:16
Branham, Ludllow --- V28:17
Branham, Ludlow --- Court Justice 6/62
Branham, Ludlow --- V28:16, 18
Branham, Ludlow --- V29:6, 30
Branham, Ludlow --- V31: 96
Branham, Ludlow, Jr. --- V28:16
Branham, Ludwell --- V24:49
Branham, Mary --- V28:16
Branham, Meade --- V18:32
Branham, Minnie --- V35:167
Branham, Molly --- V32:14
Branham, Nathaniel --- Census 4/30 5/1/17
Branham, Nathaniel --- V42:95
Branham, Nathaniel --- V45:143
Branham, Sarah Michie --- V28:16
Branham, Sarah Michie --- V31: 96
Branham, W. E. --- V28:16
Branham, William E. --- V31: 96
Branham, Wm. --- V20:76
Branham Family, --- V31: 96
Brannum, Benjamin --- Landowner 9/66
Branough, David --- Census Z/Z/46
Bransom, Susan --- Census 3/45
Bransom, Walker S. --- Census 3/45
Bratcher, Clabon --- Census 5/1/17
Braxton, Carter M. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Braxton, George --- V30:66
Braxton, Juanita, Mrs. --- V31: 30, 31, 37
Braxton, Mrs. --- V31: 32, 33, 37
Braxton, Sallie J. --- V27:34
Brazilian Colony, --- V32:87
Brechin, James --- V21-2:41
Brechin, Sarah --- V21-2:40, 41
Brechin, William --- V21-2:41
Breckenrideg, Lomax (Mrs. ) --- V13:85
Breckenridge, George --- V14:53, 56
Breckenridge, Sarah (Jerdone) --- V14:53, 56
Breckinridge, John, Genl. --- V30:31, 40
Breckinridge's Division, --- V30:31, 40
Breeden, --- V37:38
Breeden, James --- V17:34
Breeden, Lee G. --- V21-1:121
Breeden, Mr. --- V13:28
Breeden, Mrs. --- V25:91
Breeden, William --- V44:103
Breedlove, James --- V21-1:4
Breedlove, Nancy --- V21-1:4
Bremo Bluff, --- V29:64
Bremo Bluff, --- V33:90
Brener, William B. --- V40:13
Brent, Sarah --- V22:39
Brent, William --- V22:39
Brent, William --- Census 4/30
Brethren Church, --- V39:38
Brewer, Barret --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Brewer, Berle H. --- V29:45
Brewer, Edmond --- V13:66
Brewer, Mr. --- V30:35
Brewer's 7th Michigan, --- V30:35
Brewster, Mrs. --- V21-2:29
Brian, --- V39:30, 31
Brian, --- V31: 6
Brian, --- V32:37
Brian School, --- V21-1:115
Briant, Elizah --- V20:6
Briant, Lucy Key --- V20:6
Briant, Zachariah --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Brice, --- V23:88
Brice, Willie --- V21-2:8
Brichen, James --- V21-2:40, 41
Brichen, Sarah --- V21-2:40, 41
Brichen, Sarah Crafford --- V21-2:40
Brichin/Bickin, Mrs./Madam --- V41:27, 28
Bridenbaugh, Russ --- V38:71
Bridges, Mary Elizabeth --- V34:22
Briel, Louis --- V32:48
Briel, Rowena A. --- V21-2:13
Briggs, Catherine --- V14:38
Briggs, J. H. --- V21-1:28
Briggs, John Corporal --- V30:26-27
Briggs, Richard --- V14:38
Briggs, Richard --- V16:88
Briggs, Richard --- V19:44
Briggs, Richard --- Roadwork 6/84 Legal Note 10/29
Bright Hope Baptist Church, --- V35:39
Brightwell, Jeannie Day --- V27:17
Brightwell, Joseph --- Census 2/2/32
Brightwell, Susan --- Census 2/2/32
Brightwell, William --- Census 1/82
Brinkekoff, Kate R. --- V21-1:11, 65
Briscoe, Ann --- Census 3/31
Briscoe, George --- Census 3/31
Briscoe, J. M. --- V29:17-18
Briscoe, Mary A. --- Census 3/31
Briscoe, Permelia --- Census 3/31
Brison, John --- Petitioner 6/85 6/86
Brister, --- V20:91
Bristoe, Station --- V28:74
Bristol, --- V16:40
Bristol, --- V19:22, 24
Bristol, --- V20:12, 91
Bristol, --- V23:30
Bristol (England), --- V13:63
Bristol, England, --- V19:21
Briston, John --- V17:32, 35
Bristow, J. R. --- Haley Diary 4/91
Bristoygoe, Tommie --- V21-1:57
Britain, Lynddall --- Census 4/29
Brittain, Anna --- Census 3/86
Brittain, Sallie --- Census 3/86
Brittish Soldiers, --- V40:56
Britton, Ann (Nancy) Jackson --- Biography 12/22
Britton, Anna (Anne) --- Mentioned 12/23
Britton, Catherine (Kitty) --- Married 12/16 Mentioned 12/22
Britton, Elizabeth --- Heir 4/12 Married 12/23 12/76
Britton, Elizabeth Jackson --- Parent 12/16
Britton, Ludwell --- Census 5/1/17
Britton, Lydall --- Parent 12/16 Married 12/22
Britton, Lyddal --- V42:128
Britton, Sarah (Sallie) G. (Or J. ) --- Biography 12/23
Broad Street, --- V27:7
Broaddus, A. --- Haley Diary 4/18
Broaddus, Andrew --- V23:110
Broaddus, Andrew, Sr. --- Haley Diary 7/93
Broaddus, L --- V42:23
Broaddus, Mary --- V24:24
Broaddus, W. H. --- Insurance Record 5/1/30
Broaddus, Warner H. --- V24:23, 24
Broaddus, Warner H. --- Census 4/29
Broaddus, William --- Landowner 10/47
Broadey, Edmund --- Attorney 7/39
Broadus, A. --- Haley Diary 6/18
Broadus, Andrew --- Haley Diary 6/18
Broadus, John A. --- Haley Diary 8/50
Broadus, John H. --- Haley Diary 6/19
Broadus, Julian --- Haley Diary 6/18
Broadwater, Abe --- V30:27
Broadwater, Abe Private --- V30:26
Broak, Mart --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Broak, Richard --- Legal Note 11/2/32
Brock, --- V42:95
Brock, Billy --- V32:77
Brock, David --- Census 5/1/17
Brock, Dr. --- V24:81
Brock, Elizabeth --- V23:56
Brock, I. P. --- Teacher 4/81
Brock, Joseph --- V23:49, 56
Brock, Moses --- Minister 6/52
Brock, Mr. --- V41:27
Brock, Richard --- V16:87
Brock, Samuel --- V18:10
Brock, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/12
Brock, Sarah D. --- V21-2:34
Brock, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/17 Marriage 5/2/35 5/2/39
Brock, William --- V45:143
Brock, Willie,, Sr. --- V37:10
Brock, Wm --- V43:63
Brock, Wm. --- V20:76
Brockman, --- V23:48
Brockman, --- V24:53
Brockman, Aron --- Census 4/30
Brockman, Arthur --- V42:41
Brockman, Bessie --- V42:41
Brockman, Capt. --- V42:60
Brockman, Catherine --- Query 9/37
Brockman, E. R. --- V18:32
Brockman, Eliza --- V42:39
Brockman, Henry --- V23:49
Brockman, James --- V18:32
Brockman, James --- V23:49
Brockman, James --- V42:41
Brockman, John --- V18:32
Brockman, John --- V23:49
Brockman, John --- V27:84
Brockman, John --- Census 3/32 Farmer 7/64
Brockman, John --- V42:29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38-42
Brockman, John --- V46:136
Brockman, Joseph --- Farmer 7/64
Brockman, Lillian E. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Brockman, Lilly --- V23:47
Brockman, Louisa Bell (Perkins) --- V42:38
Brockman, Martha Estes --- V27:84
Brockman, Mary L. (Woods) --- V42:39
Brockman, Samuel --- V23:49
Brockman, Samuel --- V24:51
Brockman, Tallulah James --- V23:49
Brockman, Virginia --- V46:15
Brockman, W. J. --- V18:32
Brockman, William Everett --- V23:48
Brockman, Wm. --- V18:32
Brockman's Store, --- V23:52
Brock's Bridge, --- V19:68
Brocks' Bridge, --- V23:47
Brocksly (place), --- V21-2:23
Brohard, Janet (Ventura) --- V38:67
Brohard, Linda (Goeller) --- V38:67
Brohard, Norman --- V38:67
Broman, Samuel --- Legal Note 11/2/35
Bronaugh, Ann --- V43:39
Bronaugh, Anna Dandidge --- V17:83
Bronaugh, Anna Sandidge --- V16:89
Bronaugh, Charlotte --- Census 2/1/34
Bronaugh, David Capt. --- V17:83
Bronaugh, David, Capt. --- V16:89
Bronaugh, Elizabeth Grant --- V16:89
Bronaugh, Elizabeth Grant --- V17:83
Bronaugh, Elizabeth S. --- V25:21
Bronaugh, Isabella --- Census 2/1/34
Bronaugh, Jane --- Census 2/1/34
Bronaugh, Jane or Janet --- V16:89
Bronaugh, Judie --- Mentioned 7/73
Bronaugh, Judith --- Census 2/1/34
Bronaugh, Judith Hart --- V16:89
Bronaugh, Mary --- Census 2/1/34
Bronaugh, Mary G. --- V17:83
Bronaugh, Thomas --- V16:89
Bronaugh, Thomas --- Census 2/1/34
Bronchus, Ben F. --- Mentioned 9/79
Brook, Chas. --- V24:93
Brooke, Ambler E. --- Census 3/37
Brooke, Catharine --- Census 3/37
Brooke, Catherine --- V22:12
Brooke, E. C. --- Farmer 7/63
Brooke, Edward --- Census 3/37
Brooke, Edward Carter --- Mentioned 12/53
Brooke, Ella --- Census 3/47
Brooke, Frances E. --- Census 3/37
Brooke, Francis --- V14:26
Brooke, Francis --- Landowner 12/38 Parent 12/53
Brooke, Francis E. --- V16:78
Brooke, Francis E. --- Landowner 12/52
Brooke, Francis T. --- V27:20
Brooke, Francis T. --- Census 3/37
Brooke, Frank --- V44:133
Brooke, Frank T. --- Birth Death 12/53
Brooke, Gabriella --- Parent 12/53
Brooke, John Jacquelin --- Birth Death 12/53
Brooke, Mary C. --- V19:30
Brooke, Mary Champe --- Birth Death 12/53
Brooke, Robert --- V22:12
Brooke, Zachariah --- V41:25
Brooken, Samuel --- V16:69
Brookes, Ann F. --- Census 3/84
Brookes, Boyd --- Marriage 5/2/32
Brookes, Caroline --- Census 3/84
Brookes, Elkana --- Census 3/84
Brookes, James --- Census 3/84
Brookes, James, Jr. --- Census 3/84
Brookes, Martha E. --- Census 3/84
Brookes, Richard --- V17:32
Brookes, Richard --- V19:43, 88, 90, 91
Brookes, Sarah --- Census 3/84
Brookes, T. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Brookeville, --- V16:74
Brookeville, --- V17:27, 28
Brookeville, --- V27:37-46
Brookeville, --- V44:89, 90
Brookfield, --- V14:81
Brookin, --- V26:78
Brookin, Samuel --- V14:71
Brooking, J. H. --- V18:32
Brooking, James --- V14:67
Brooking, Noel --- Landowner 10/6
Brooking, Violet --- Landowner 10/6
Brookins, C. L. --- V21-1:56
Brookland, --- V17:25
Brooklia, --- V15:27, 28, 30
Brooklia, Hay Wood Co., Tenn. --- V16:28
Brooklin, Samuel --- V15:67
Brooklyn Institute, --- V33:84
Brooks, --- V21-1:48, 92, 107
Brooks, --- V38:61
Brooks, Bettie --- Census 2/1/42
Brooks, Bettie Sue --- V16:33, 36
Brooks, Betty J. --- V28:10
Brooks, Brenda --- V23:43
Brooks, C. H. --- V18:32
Brooks, C. H. --- V23:102
Brooks, Caroline --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Caroline F. --- V20:99
Brooks, Cassandria --- Census 3/82
Brooks, Charles --- V22:37
Brooks, Charles --- Census 3/82 Lynchburg Trustee 11/1/20
Brooks, Charles --- V41:42
Brooks, Chas. W. --- V18:32
Brooks, Christiana --- V22:37
Brooks, Christiana --- Census 3/82
Brooks, Cora --- V21-1:89
Brooks, Cora --- Married 12/100
Brooks, David --- V46:68
Brooks, Dianna --- Census 3/82
Brooks, Dock --- V21-1:56
Brooks, Dorothy, Mrs. --- V16:56
Brooks, Edith E. --- V21-1:35
Brooks, Elizabeth --- V22:37
Brooks, Elizabeth --- Census 3/82
Brooks, Elizabeth --- V46:68
Brooks, Elk --- Haley Diary 5/1/38
Brooks, Elkana --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Emmet Daniel --- V21-1:121
Brooks, Ermina --- V38:61
Brooks, F. P. --- V18:32
Brooks, Fieldy --- V30:23-24, 27
Brooks, Frank --- V18:32
Brooks, G. J. --- V18:32
Brooks, G. R. --- V18:32
Brooks, G. S. --- V18:32
Brooks, G.A. --- V33:78
Brooks, Helen Ester --- Married 10/13
Brooks, Herbert Talmadge --- V21-1:121
Brooks, Herman --- V38:61
Brooks, Herman Richard --- V38:61
Brooks, Horace --- V21-1:123
Brooks, Horace R. --- V28:10
Brooks, Horace Raymond, Jr. --- V21-1:122
Brooks, Humphrey --- V30:66
Brooks, I. B. --- V24:38
Brooks, I. B. --- V25:73
Brooks, I. B. --- Author 10/21
Brooks, Infant --- V38:71
Brooks, J. H. --- V18:32
Brooks, J. J. --- V18:32
Brooks, James --- V20:99
Brooks, James --- V21-1:123
Brooks, James E. --- V36:15, 18
Brooks, James E. --- V35:190, 193
Brooks, James F. --- Farmer 7/64
Brooks, Jane --- Census 3/34
Brooks, Jane --- V46:68
Brooks, Jas. L. --- V21-1:57
Brooks, Jeff --- Tombstone 10/21
Brooks, Jesse --- V46:68
Brooks, John --- Census 3/78 4/30 5/1/17
Brooks, John --- V38:61, 61,63
Brooks, John --- V45:72
Brooks, John --- V46:68
Brooks, John G. --- V22:29
Brooks, John J. --- V20:99
Brooks, Judith --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Kitty --- V22:37
Brooks, Kitty --- Census 3/82
Brooks, Lorenzo --- V21-1:35
Brooks, Lucy --- Census 4/31
Brooks, Lucy B. --- Census 3/34
Brooks, M. D. --- V21-1:56
Brooks, Marcella --- Census 2/1/42
Brooks, Martha --- V46:68
Brooks, Mary C. --- Census 3/34
Brooks, Mary E. --- V21-1:35
Brooks, Mathew --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Matt --- V19:47
Brooks, Matthew --- V18:32
Brooks, Mildred C. (Vickers) --- V38:71
Brooks, Mina --- V38:61, 61,68
Brooks, Mina Alice (Doles) --- V38:71
Brooks, Mrs. --- Death 7/47
Brooks, Nancy --- V46:68
Brooks, Philip --- Legal Note 11/1/40
Brooks, Price --- V24:93
Brooks, Price --- Census 3/82
Brooks, R. --- V21-1:93
Brooks, R. L. --- V18:32
Brooks, R. L. --- V21-1:29, 30, 57
Brooks, R. W. --- Tombstone 9/60
Brooks, Richard --- Legal Note 9/84 10/26 10/28 10/30 10/33 Jury 12/70
Brooks, Richeson --- V43:103
Brooks, Robert --- Legal Note 10/33 12/47
Brooks, Robert --- V38:58
Brooks, Roger --- V16:36
Brooks, Roger, Mr. & Mrs. --- V16:35
Brooks, Rufus P. --- V38:61
Brooks, Sallie --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Sallie Ann --- Census 3/34
Brooks, Samuel --- V38:61, 71
Brooks, Sarah --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Sarah --- V46:68
Brooks, Susan --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Sylvia (Doles) --- V38:67
Brooks, T. B. --- V18:32
Brooks, T. J. --- V15:64
Brooks, T. J. --- V32:25
Brooks, Thomas --- Census 4/30
Brooks, Thomas B. --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Thomas J. --- Census 3/34
Brooks, Virginia (Miller) --- V38:62
Brooks, W. B. --- V18:32
Brooks, W. B. --- V19:47
Brooks, W. F. --- V18:32
Brooks, Walker --- Census 3/78
Brooks, Walter H. --- Haley Diary 6/94
Brooks, Walton S. --- V15:64, 65
Brooks, Walton S. --- V16:3
Brooks, Whitefield --- V30:23
Brooks, Wiley Private --- V30:23
Brooks, William --- V20:97
Brooks, William --- Census 2/1/42 Legal Note 9/82 9/84 10/28 10/30, 10
Brooks, William D. --- Census 2/1/43
Brooks, William, Sr. --- V28:38
Brooks Garage, --- V24:12
Brook's Mill, History Of --- 12/51
Brookville, --- V13:57
Brookville, --- V14:82
Brookville, --- V16:27, 29, 30, 76
Brookville, --- V22:27
Brookville, --- V27:86, 88
Brookville, --- V28:72
Brookville(Frederick's Hall), --- V35:22, 23
Broom, R. G. B. --- V18:32
Broome, Henry P. --- Tombstone 7/71
Broome, Mary E. --- Tombstone 7/71
Broome, Nannie --- Tombstone 7/71
Broome, Rodger Grevile Brooke --- Tombstone 7/71
Broome, Sally Poindexter --- Tombstone 7/71
Broome, Sally Ragland Hackett --- Tombstone 7/71
Broski, Elizabeth G. --- Tombstone 10/72
Broski, John W. --- Tombstone 10/72
Brother Rat, --- V38:75
Brotherhood, --- V34:26, 28
Brough, Marilyn --- V23:44
Brough, Robert D. --- V23:44
Broughton, W. P. --- Teacher 4/86
Brounlee, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Brown, --- V40:57, 60
Brown, A. M. Mrs. --- Census 2/2/42
Brown, Albert L. --- Census 2/2/42
Brown, Alice C. --- Marriage 5/2/36
Brown, Ann --- Census 3/50
Brown, Archer --- Census 3/31
Brown, Archibald --- V32:71
Brown, Bartelot --- V14:41
Brown, Benj. --- V19:40
Brown, Benjamin --- V13:30, 31, 32, 64
Brown, Benjamin --- V14:40-43, 64, 66, 67, 77
Brown, Benjamin --- V15:41, 44, 54, 55, 62, 75, 77
Brown, Benjamin --- V16:41, 86
Brown, Benjamin --- V17:25, 35, 67, 69
Brown, Benjamin --- V19:39, 92
Brown, Benjamin --- V22:50, 90
Brown, Benjamin --- Census 2/2/42 Petitioner 6/26 6/82 6/87 6/88, Inde
Brown, Benjamin --- V28:58
Brown, Benjamin --- V41:26
Brown, Benjamin, Jr. --- V15:55
Brown, C. C. --- V21-1:88
Brown, C. Robert --- V38:70
Brown, Carolyn (Carper) --- V38:700
Brown, Charles --- V30:77
Brown, Charles --- V35:193
Brown, Charles, Deacon --- V36:18
Brown, Clarence --- V38:61
Brown, Clarence O. --- V38:70
Brown, Col. --- V44:47
Brown, Cordelia Adelaide --- Tombstone 6/56
Brown, Cordelia Adelaide Martha --- Query 7/48
Brown, David --- V31: 37
Brown, Donald E --- V38:70
Brown, Edmond --- V14:19
Brown, Edmund --- V46:55
Brown, Elizabeth --- V35:169
Brown, Elizabeth (Betty) --- V20:21
Brown, Ella --- V33:19
Brown, Ella P. --- V23:107
Brown, Ephraim --- V38:70
Brown, Garfield --- V14:67
Brown, Garfield --- V17:34
Brown, Garfield --- V19:43
Brown, Garfield --- Roadwork 6/83 6/90
Brown, Garfiled --- V19:38
Brown, George --- V18:10
Brown, H. William --- V46:70
Brown, Harold D. --- V38:70
Brown, Harris --- V23:106
Brown, Henry "Box" --- V43:69, 71,72, 74, 75, 76
Brown, J. Henry --- V21-1:82
Brown, J. T. --- V18:32
Brown, J. Thompson, Col. --- V15:16
Brown, J. Thompson, Col. --- V35:51
Brown, J. W. --- Merchant 7/59
Brown, James --- Taxpayer 1/12
Brown, James --- V38:3O
Brown, John --- V19:97
Brown, John --- V25:3, 4
Brown, John --- Census 5/1/17 Church Han 8/19 Rev. Soldier 8/27 8/
Brown, John --- V42:96
Brown, John Mrs. Nee McGee --- Died 10/34
Brown, John P. --- Census 2/1/35
Brown, John R. --- Census 2/2/42
Brown, John T. --- Census 7/58
Brown, John, Mrs. --- V21-1:88
Brown, Joseph N. --- Census 2/2/42
Brown, Julia --- V23:106
Brown, Lucy Ann --- Will 2/2/16
Brown, Marge --- V14:86
Brown, Maria --- V38:31)
Brown, Mary --- V18:7, 8
Brown, Mary --- V23:106
Brown, Mary --- Census 2/1/36
Brown, Math or Mark --- V42:96
Brown, Matilda --- V23:107
Brown, Mr. --- V41:26
Brown, Nancy Bickers --- V20:13
Brown, Patty (Schuler) --- V38:70
Brown, Paul Clarence --- V38:68
Brown, Robert L. --- Census 3/50
Brown, Rose --- V21-1:115
Brown, Samuel --- V28:23
Brown, Samuel P. --- Census 2/1/36
Brown, Susannah --- Census 4/31
Brown, Tarleton --- V15:62
Brown, Tarlton --- V21-2:39
Brown, Thomas --- Census 4/29 4/30
Brown, Thomas Ferro --- V13:48
Brown, Thompson --- V43:92, 93
Brown, Thompson --- V44:37, 43
Brown, Thompson --- V45:46, 48, 58, 59
Brown, Tom --- V21-1:121
Brown, William --- V14:42
Brown, William --- V15:41
Brown, William --- V17:33, 35, 67
Brown, William --- Taxpayer 1/12 Road Surveyor 6/26 6/87
Brown, William --- V42:93
Brown, William B. --- Census 3/31
Brown, William Jr --- V43:103
Brown vs. Board of Education, --- V35:171
Browne, R. G. B. --- Doctor 7/61
Browne, R. G. B. --- V31: 82
Brownell, Charles (Dr.) --- V29:63
Browning, Alexander --- Trustee 3/5
Browning, Alexander T. --- V27:8
Browning, George L. --- Trustee 3/5
Brownsville, --- V15:29
Brownsville, --- V16:75
Brownsville, Tenn. --- V16:29, 30, 75
Broyles, George D., Jr., Mrs. --- V16:56
Bruce, Angelina --- Census 3/45
Bruce, B. B. --- V18:32
Bruce, B. B. --- Farmer 7/63
Bruce, Brightberry --- Census 3/48
Bruce, Charles --- Landowner 9/25
Bruce, Edward --- Homeowner 9/81
Bruce, Ellen --- Census 3/48
Bruce, George --- V19:91
Bruce, Jeremiah E. --- Census 3/45
Bruce, Jerk A. --- Farmer 7/63
Bruce, Kathleen --- Mentioned 1/9
Bruce, Louden --- Census 3/45
Bruce, Paul --- V18:32
Bruce, R. L. --- V18:32
Bruce, Richard --- Census 3/45
Bruce, Robert L. --- Census 3/45
Bruce, Thomas --- Census 3/48
Bruce, Thomas F. --- V19:49
Bruce, William D. --- Census 3/45
Bruer, Henry --- V38:69
Brumskyll/Brunskill, Mr. --- V41:29
Brumskyll/Brunskill, Rev. Edw. Jno. --- V41:30
Brunham, Mary Walker --- V23:42
Brunswick, --- V23:99
Brunswick, Missouri --- V16:63
Brunswick County, --- V16:43
Brunswick County, --- V34:24
Bruse, Robert --- V41:25
Bryan, David --- Married 10/79
Bryan, Madge --- V33:85
Bryan, Margaret --- Mentioned 10/79
Bryan, Mr. --- V36:72
Bryan, V. L. --- V21-1:93
Bryan, William Jennings --- V25:90
Bryan Female College, --- V27:31
Bryant, John --- Census 4/29
Bryant, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/27
Bryce, Archibald, Jr. --- V28:14
Bryce, Benjamin F. --- V28:18
Bryce, Mildred B. --- V28:18
Bryce, William --- V28:15
Bryce, William M. --- V28:15
Bryson, John --- V16:40
Bryson, John --- Petitioner 6/85
Bryson, John, Jr. --- Petitioner 6/82
Bryton, George --- V13:76
Bubel, --- V36:57
Buchanan, --- V20:37
Buchanan, Archabald --- V14:67
Buchanan, Archabald --- V19:91
Buchanan, Charles --- Legal Case 9/44
Buchanan, Crawford --- V20:3
Buchanan, James, and Company, London --- V13:64
Buchanan, Judge --- V27:28
Buchanan Archabald .& Company, --- V14:66
Buchannon, James --- V16:65
Buchannon's Old Field, --- V17:59, 60
Buchanon, Mr. --- V14:51
Bucher, Henry --- V21-1:28
Bucher, Sarah --- Census 2/1/42
Buck, --- V22:95
Buck, Ann C./Nancy --- V42:81
Buck, Ann E. --- Census 2/2/28
Buck, Charles --- V42:71
Buck, Eliza --- Census 2/2/28
Buck, Elizabeth --- V42:80
Buck, Elizabeth (Baker) Harris --- V42:80
Buck, Elizabeth (Morris) Bickley --- V42:80
Buck, George W. --- V27:84
Buck, George Washington --- V42:81
Buck, J. R. --- V18:32
Buck, J. R. --- Farmer 7/63
Buck, J. R. --- V42:22
Buck, J. W. --- V18:32
Buck, James R --- V42:81
Buck, James R. --- V28:37
Buck, Jim --- V28:37
Buck, John --- V42:70, 79
Buck, John H. --- Census 2/2/28
Buck, John Henry --- V42:66-80
Buck, John S. --- Census 2/2/28 Tombstone 11/2/17 Owner 11/1/45
Buck, John S. --- V42:79, 80
Buck, Judith --- V21-1:67
Buck, Judith --- V25:72
Buck, Judith P. --- V28:37
Buck, Judith Pleasants --- V17:29
Buck, Lucinda/Lucy --- V42:81
Buck, Lucy (Colvin) --- V42:80
Buck, Mary (Butler) --- V42:80
Buck, Mary Ann --- V42:80
Buck, Mary L. --- Census 2/2/28
Buck, Polly --- Census 3/81
Buck, Sarah (Estes) --- V42:81
Buck, Sarah E. --- V27:84
Buck, Sarah Estes --- V27:84
Buck, Sarah O. --- V42:81
Buck, Sarah O. (Johnson) --- V42:81
Buck, Walter --- Census Z/2/28
Buck, William --- Census 3/81
Buck, William --- V42:79
Buck, William D. --- V38:69
Buck, William Henry --- V42:80
Buck Hill, --- V27:83
Buck Hill, --- V32:74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 89
Buck Hill Harrises, --- V32:74
Buck Hill House, --- V32:75, 76
Buck Hill Spring, --- V32:76
Buck Mountain Church, --- V13:53
Buck Mountain Church, --- 1/8
Buck Mountain Creek, --- V17:69
Buckanon, Archibald --- V15:41, 75
Buckhill, --- V28:94
Buckhill, --- V34:45
Buckhill, Thomas --- V41:29
Buckingham, --- V22:12, 25
Buckingham, --- V31: 104
Buckingham Co. Va, --- V35:21
Buckingham County, --- V23:35
Buckingham County, --- V27:43
Buckingham County, --- V29:32
Buckingham County, --- V31: 104
Buckingham County, --- V33:91
Buckingham County, --- V34:27
Buckingham County, --- V37:24, 25
Buckingham County (Virginia), --- V13:17, 18
Buckle-Up Corporation, --- V33:37
Buckley, Charles --- Criminal Guard 11/1/42
Buckley, Jefferson --- Census 3/49
Buckley, John --- V13:66
Buckley, Joseph --- Stock Mark Recorded 9/83
Buckley, Rachel --- Census 3/49
Buckman, Archibald --- V19:44
Buckner, --- V18:29, 32
Buckner, --- V19:45
Buckner, --- V21-1:105
Buckner, --- V22:63
Buckner, --- V23:102, 112
Buckner, --- V24:44, 63
Buckner, --- V25:22, 33, 76, 95
Buckner, --- V26:108
Buckner, --- V27:11, 15, 34
Buckner, --- V28:92
Buckner, --- V29:5
Buckner, --- V31: 37, 50, 84, 85, 86,87, 108
Buckner, --- V33:3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 55, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95
Buckner, --- V32:37, 41
Buckner, Ann --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, Aylett --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, B. M. --- V21-1:64
Buckner, B. M. --- Magistrate 7/58 Physician 7/62 Farmer 7/63
Buckner, B.M, Dr. --- V33:39
Buckner, Baldwin --- Census 2/1/30
Buckner, Ben --- Minister 4/10
Buckner, Bettie --- Census 2/1/30
Buckner, Dr. --- V23:29
Buckner, Elizabeth --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, Harry --- V21-1:121
Buckner, Horace --- V23:105
Buckner, Jane --- V19:99
Buckner, Jane --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, Jane & Fam. --- V35:41
Buckner, Lucy Chew (Duke), ln --- V41:16
Buckner, Mary --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, Mary Ann --- Census 2/1/30
Buckner, Mr. --- V15:26
Buckner, Philip --- V19:99
Buckner, Philip --- Legal Case 8/6 Married 11/2/25
Buckner, Philip --- V35:41
Buckner, Philip --- V35:41
Buckner, Samuel --- V13:64
Buckner, Samuel --- V22:48, 49
Buckner, Thomas --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, W. M. --- V22:29
Buckner, Walker --- V19:30
Buckner, Walter --- V23:105
Buckner, William --- V22:29
Buckner, William --- Mentioned 11/2/25
Buckner, William A. --- V41:11, 16
Buckner, William M. --- V19:49
Buckner, Wm. M. --- V18:32
Buckner (Virginia), --- V13:39-43
Buckner Community, --- V31: 30, 50
Buckner Exchange 2161, --- V37:97
Buckner High, --- V33:48
Buckner Post Office, --- V31: 89
Buckner School, --- V31: 85, 86, 88
Buckner Station, --- V33:90
Buckner Turnout, --- V18:20
Buckner Turnout, --- V18:20
Buckners Station, --- V39:33
Buckner's Station, --- V27:76
Buckner's Station, --- V32:37
Buckroe Baptist Church, --- V34:24
Buck's Corner, --- V28:37
Buck's Mountain, --- V20:73
Budd, Isaac D. --- Census 3/38
Budd, Samuel, Dr. --- V31: 33
Budd Vaccine, --- V31: 33
Buena Vista, --- V21-1:101
Buffalo Forge, --- V19:15
Buffalo Soldiers, --- V36:4-6
Buffalo, New York, --- V31: 52, 53
Buford, Col. --- V21-1:4
Buford, Miles --- V16:42
Buggins, Alice Bowyer --- V23:53
Bull, Run --- V28:73
Bull Run, Battle of --- V42:36
Bullard, Ambrose --- V19:100
Bullfield, --- V15:17
Bullfield, --- V35:52
Bullock, --- V37:14
Bullock, Ann --- Census 2/1/35 4/31 Insurance Record 5/1/36
Bullock, Ann (Rice) --- V41:65
Bullock, Ann Rice --- Mentioned 11/1/5 11/2/14
Bullock, Anne --- V41:12
Bullock, Bumpass --- V29:5
Bullock, Catherine --- V17:59
Bullock, Catherine Nee Roy --- Rev. Widow 8/28
Bullock, Catherine W. --- Rev. Widow 9/34
Bullock, Charles --- Query 3/52
Bullock, David --- V13:71
Bullock, David --- V14:11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 27, 28
Bullock, David --- V17:59
Bullock, David --- V19:96
Bullock, David --- V22:101
Bullock, David --- V23:109
Bullock, David --- V25:21
Bullock, David --- V26:97
Bullock, David --- V27:93
Bullock, David --- Query 3/52 Census 4/29 5/1/17 Attorney 4/79 5/2/29
Bullock, David --- V28:89, 91
Bullock, David --- V32:69
Bullock, David --- V41:65
Bullock, David --- V43:55
Bullock, David --- V44:58, 66
Bullock, David B. --- Census 2/2/44
Bullock, David T. --- Census 4/30 Rev. Soldier 9/35
Bullock, Edmund --- V14:27
Bullock, Edmund --- V32:4, 6
Bullock, Edward --- Landowner 10/55 Tombstone 11/2/14
Bullock, Edward --- V41:28
Bullock, Elizabeth --- Tombstone 11/2/14
Bullock, George --- V21-1:107
Bullock, Granville --- V13:25
Bullock, Granville --- V20:15
Bullock, Granville --- Census 2/1/36 Landowner 4/55
Bullock, Granville --- V37:12, 13
Bullock, Home --- V37:12
Bullock, J. W. --- V18:32
Bullock, J. W. --- V20:16
Bullock, J. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Bullock, James --- V13:68
Bullock, James --- V45:143
Bullock, Jane --- Rev. Widow 8/28
Bullock, Jane T. --- Rev. Widow 9/35
Bullock, Jane Terry --- V26:97
Bullock, John --- V20:92
Bullock, John --- Taxpayer 1/12 Committee Of Safety 8/61 Marriage 10
Bullock, John --- V31: 54, 55
Bullock, John --- V41:55, 65, 100
Bullock, John --- V42:91
Bullock, John W, Jr. --- V37:12
Bullock, John W. --- V23:41
Bullock, John W. --- V29:31
Bullock, John Winston --- V20:80
Bullock, John Winston --- Landowner 4/55
Bullock, Joseph --- Census 4/29
Bullock, Kenneth --- V37:12
Bullock, Leo --- V27:84
Bullock, Lewis --- Mentioned 10/77 Heir 11/1/5 Tombstone 11/2/14
Bullock, Martha (Patsy) --- V26:97
Bullock, Mary --- Tombstone 11/2/14
Bullock, Mary --- V41:65
Bullock, Mary C. --- Census 2/1/36
Bullock, Mary Caroline (Winston) --- V13:25
Bullock, Mary Caroline Winston --- Landowner 4/55
Bullock, Mary Caroline Winston --- V37:12
Bullock, Mattie G. --- V37:12
Bullock, Mr. --- V37:14
Bullock, Mr. --- V41:27
Bullock, Mr. --- V43:66
Bullock, Mrs. --- V37:14
Bullock, Nancy --- V23:111
Bullock, Nancy --- Mentioned 7/73
Bullock, Nancy/Ann --- V41:65
Bullock, Nannie --- Census 2/1/36
Bullock, Patterson --- V19:40
Bullock, Rebecca --- Heir 11/1/5 Tombstone 11/2/14
Bullock, Rebecca --- V41:65
Bullock, Rice --- Rev. Soldier 8/28 9/34 Tombstone 11/Z/14
Bullock, Richard --- V13:30, 32
Bullock, Richard --- Petitioner 6/26 6/30 Legal Note 9/84
Bullock, Richard --- V41:23, 28
Bullock, Richard, Jr. --- Landowner 10/55
Bullock, Robert --- Census 2/1/36 Landowner 10/55 Tombstone 11/2/14
Bullock, Robert --- V41:102
Bullock, Robert M --- V41:12
Bullock, Sallie Terry --- Query 3/52
Bullock, Sarah --- Census 2/1/36
Bullock, William --- V25:68
Bullock, William --- Heir 8/56 11/2/14
Bullock, Zachariah --- V19:89
Bullorn, Ed --- Haley Diary 7/99
Bumble-Bee, --- V23:39
Bumpass, --- V18:29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Bumpass, --- V19:45
Bumpass, --- V21-1:21, 104, 105
Bumpass, --- V22:13
Bumpass, --- V23:95, 103, 105
Bumpass, --- V24:60
Bumpass, --- V25:64, 95
Bumpass, --- V26:106
Bumpass, --- V27:34, 65
Bumpass, --- V39:26, 29, 30, 32
Bumpass, --- V31: 6, 37, 48
Bumpass, --- V33:45, 59, 60, 90, 91, 95, 96,
Bumpass, --- V37:83
Bumpass, --- V32:33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 98
Bumpass, --- V40:16, 99
Bumpass, --- V46:39
Bumpass, B. O. --- V18:32
Bumpass, C. W. --- V18:33
Bumpass, C. W. --- Farmer 7/63
Bumpass, Charles --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, Charles David --- V21-1:103
Bumpass, Charles W. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Bumpass, Charles Wesley --- Death 12/45
Bumpass, Cliff --- V33:95
Bumpass, D. E. --- V19:46
Bumpass, D. E. --- V21-1:21, 22, 41-44, 92, 93, 99, 125
Bumpass, D. E. --- V21-2:14
Bumpass, D. E. --- V40:1, 2
Bumpass, D. E., Jr. --- V21-1:93, 107, 109, 110
Bumpass, D. E., Sr. --- V21-1:72, 100, 109-111, 113, 115
Bumpass, D. E., Sr. --- Church Member 10/69
Bumpass, D. Everette --- V21-1:96
Bumpass, David Everette --- V13:23
Bumpass, David Everette, Jr. --- V21-1:50, 72, 102, 103, 107, 108, 122
Bumpass, David Everette, Sr. --- V21-1:103
Bumpass, E. --- Haley Diary 10/35
Bumpass, E. --- V37:83
Bumpass, E. J. --- V18:33
Bumpass, Elizabeth --- V23:96
Bumpass, Elizabeth --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, Ernest J. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Bumpass, Eugenia --- V18:3
Bumpass, Eugenia --- V26:105
Bumpass, Eugenia --- V27:69
Bumpass, Eugenia --- V31: 55
Bumpass, Eugenia --- V32:71
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V13:85
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V17:3, 37, 42, 71
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V19:2, 3, 5, 71
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V20:35
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V21-1:98
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V21-2:11, 28
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V22:32, 41, 88, 96
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V23:57, 99
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V24:1, 60, 61, 84, 92
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V25:7, 33, 51, 95
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V26:30
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V27:17
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- Author 7/33 7/34 8/3 9/31 9/85 10/11 11/1/25, 11/1
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V37:84
Bumpass, Eugenia T. --- V35:88
Bumpass, Eugenia Trainum --- Author 2/2/3 4/3
Bumpass, Eugenia, Mrs. --- V16:39, 45
Bumpass, Eugenia, Mrs. --- V31: 37, 58
Bumpass, Everett --- V13:23
Bumpass, Everette --- V21-1:69, 103, 112
Bumpass, H. C. --- V18:33
Bumpass, H. O. --- V18:32
Bumpass, H. T. --- V18:33
Bumpass, Hardenia --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, Henry --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, Henry O. --- Farmer 7/63
Bumpass, Irma Hope --- Birth Marriage 12/44 12/45
Bumpass, J. T. --- V18:33
Bumpass, J. T. --- V23:102
Bumpass, J. T. --- V25:30
Bumpass, J. T. --- Farmer 7/63
Bumpass, J.T. --- V39:27, 29
Bumpass, James Edgar --- V21-1:103
Bumpass, John --- V16:39
Bumpass, John --- V17:13, 58
Bumpass, John --- V23:96
Bumpass, John --- V24:60
Bumpass, John "Jack" --- V24:60
Bumpass, John F. --- V22:39
Bumpass, John T. --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, John T. --- V41:13
Bumpass, John Thomas --- Parent 12/45
Bumpass, Kate --- V21-1:103
Bumpass, Martha --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, Martha Cosby (Parrish) --- V13:23
Bumpass, Martha S. --- V13:60
Bumpass, Mary --- Census 1/88
Bumpass, Mary Elizabeth Duke --- Parent 12/45
Bumpass, Mary R. (Werner) --- V41:13
Bumpass, Mattie C. --- V21-1:21, 72
Bumpass, Mattie Parrish --- V21-1:103
Bumpass, Mrs. --- V31: 56
Bumpass, Robert --- Mentioned 8/4
Bumpass, Station --- V30:29
Bumpass, T. L. --- V18:32
Bumpass, Waller --- Census 1/88
Bumpass (Virginia), --- V13:23
Bumpass Depart. Store, --- V21-1:103
Bumpass Department Store, --- V21-2:29
Bumpass Depot, --- V21-1:6
Bumpass Hotel, --- V21-1:73
Bumpass Post Office, --- V32:37
Bumpass Station, --- V24:60
Bumpass Station, --- V33:90
Bumpass' Store, --- V21-2:29
Bumpass Turnout, --- V18:20
Bumpass Turnout, --- V18:20
Bumpass Turnout, --- V22:24, 25
Bumpass Turnout, --- V35:20
Bumpass, VA, --- V31: 86
Bumpass, Va., --- V23:108
Bumpassville, --- V39:26, 27, 29
Bunch, Adney --- Marriage 11/1/9
Bunch, Alice --- Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Anderson --- V25:26
Bunch, Anderson --- Marriage 11/1/9 11/1/10 Church Trustee 11/1/26
Bunch, Ann --- Heir 11/1/9
Bunch, Anthony --- V20:76
Bunch, Anthony --- Census 4/30 Rev. Soldier 8/28 Heir 11/1/9, Marriag
Bunch, Aulena --- Census 2/1/34
Bunch, Burwell G. --- Census 1/80
Bunch, Charles --- Heir 11/1/9 Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Clara --- Census 2/1/34
Bunch, David --- V20:76
Bunch, David --- V21-2:38
Bunch, David --- Census 4/30 Rev. Soldier 8/28 Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Dycie (Dicie) --- Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Elizabeth --- Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Febe --- Marriage 11/1/11
Bunch, Fountaine --- Census 3/43
Bunch, Frances --- Census 1/79
Bunch, George --- V20:76
Bunch, George --- Rev. Soldier 8/28 Heir 11/1/9 Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Henry --- V14:41
Bunch, Henry --- V19:44, 90
Bunch, Henry --- Petitioner 6/24 9/82 Surveyor 6/83 Indenture 9/46,
Bunch, James --- V15:59
Bunch, James --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5 1/17 Landowner 9/73 11/2/11
Bunch, Jane --- Heir 11/1/8
Bunch, Jesse --- Marriage 11/1/10 11/1/11
Bunch, Jessee --- Census 4/30
Bunch, John --- V15:69
Bunch, John --- V16:55
Bunch, John --- V19:37
Bunch, John --- V21-2:38
Bunch, John --- V22:50
Bunch, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 4/30 5/1/17 Landowner 10/86 1
Bunch, John --- V41:100
Bunch, John --- V42:92
Bunch, John A. --- V16:55
Bunch, John, Jr. --- Land Patent 11/1/8
Bunch, Joseph --- V20:76
Bunch, Joseph --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/17 Rev. Soldier 8/28, Hei
Bunch, Joseph --- V41:100
Bunch, Josiah --- Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, Judith --- Census 3/43 Heir 11/1/9
Bunch, Lt --- V30:26
Bunch, Lucreasa --- Heir 11/1/8
Bunch, Malinda --- Census 3/43
Bunch, Margarey --- Marriage 11/1/11
Bunch, Margery --- Marriage 11/1/11
Bunch, Marina --- Census 3/80
Bunch, Marina F. --- Census 3/80
Bunch, Martha --- Marriage 11/1/11
Bunch, Mary --- V16:55
Bunch, Mary --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 1/80 2/1/34 5/1/17 Heir 11/1/
Bunch, Molley --- Census 5/1/17
Bunch, Nancy --- Heir 11/1/8 Married 11/1/11
Bunch, Nathaniel --- Census 4/30 Heir 11/1/9 Marriage Witness 11/1/10
Bunch, Nicholas --- Marriage Surety 11/1/11
Bunch, P. B. --- V19:48
Bunch, P. P. --- V25:35
Bunch, Paul --- Marriage 11/1/9 11/1/10
Bunch, Paulina --- Census 2/1/34
Bunch, Philip P. --- V19:49
Bunch, Polly --- Parent 11/1/11
Bunch, Pouncey --- Taxpayer 1/11 Will 2/2/16 Census 4/30 5/1/17, Land
Bunch, Rebecca --- Heir 11/1/9
Bunch, Rhoda --- Marriage 11/1/11
Bunch, Samuel --- V13:73
Bunch, Samuel --- V14:42, 65
Bunch, Samuel --- V16:86, 87
Bunch, Samuel --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 8/30 5/1/18 Parent 11/1/10, H
Bunch, Samuel O. --- Census 3/43
Bunch, Samuel, Jr. --- Census 5/1/18
Bunch, Sarah --- Married 11/1/11
Bunch, Suprey --- Executor's Bond 2/2/16 Census 4/30 Marriage 11/1/1
Bunch, Theodocia --- Mentioned 11/1/20
Bunch, Thomas --- Heir 11/1/9 Marriage Witness 1/1/10
Bunch, Ths. --- V43:103
Bunch, Virgil O. --- Farmer 7/63
Bunch, Walter --- Marriage 11/1/10
Bunch, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 2/1/34 5/1/18 Indenture 9/46
Bunch, William --- Landowner 11/1/8 Marriage Witness 11/1/11
Bunch, Willie F. --- Census 3/80
Bunch, Winney --- V13:47
Bunch, Winney --- Heir 11/1/9 Married 11/1/11
Bunch, Winslow --- Census 4/29
Bunch, Winslow --- V43:63
Bunch's Creek, --- V28:7
Bunger, Ella May --- V23:27
Bungers, WV, --- V23:27
Bunker Hill, --- V20:11
Burch, --- V21-1:74, 75, 92, 109
Burch, David --- Census 3/80
Burch, E. P. --- V21-1:93
Burch, John F. --- Marriage 5/2/32
Burch, Mary J. --- Census 3/80
Burch, Mercer F. --- Census 3/30
Burch, Philip P. --- Census 3/80
Burch, W. C. --- V21-1:79
Burch, W. P. --- V21-1:76, 91, 110
Burcher, D. L. (Mrs. ) --- V13:48
Burdet, William --- V13:31
Burdett, William --- V17:35
Burdett, William --- V19:90
Bureau of Ordinance, U.S. Navy, --- V38:53
Bureau of Vital Statistics, --- V13:16
Bureau of Vital Statistics, --- V35:108
Bureau of War, --- V28:26
Bureau of War, --- V35:2
Burett, A. G. --- V18:33
Burford, Daniel --- V17:68
Burford, Daniel --- V19:56, 60, 88
Burford, Daniel --- Legal Note 11/1/43
Burford, Daniel, Jr. --- V14:32
Burford, Melicent --- V19:56
Burford, Mildred --- V19:57
Burford, Miles --- V16:86
Burford, Miles --- V17:68
Burford, Neciles --- V17:35
Burford, Philip --- V15:56
Burford, Philip --- V19:56-58, 60, 61
Burford, Philip --- V20:4, 6
Burford, Philip --- Vestryman 9/28
Burford, Philip Terrell --- V19:57
Burford, Phillip --- Landgrant 10/81
Burford, Sarah --- Landowner 9/28
Burford, William --- V14:70
Burford, William --- V19:57, 60
Burford, William --- V20:4
Burford, Wm. --- V19:57
Burfort, William --- V19:57
Burger, Chief Justice . --- V31: 67
Burger, Warren E. --- V31: 67
Burgess, James --- Census 3/49
Burgess, Jesse Home --- Tombstone 7/71
Burgess, Kate A. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Burgess, Sarah --- Census 3/49
Burgess, Thomas --- V19:87, 91
Burgess, William --- Census 3/49
Burgess Mill, --- V28:77
Burgoyne, Gen. --- V22:100
Burk, Maj. --- V14:78
Burke, Dr. --- V28:23
Burke, Kenneth --- V23:113
Burke, Ray --- V38:67
Burkholder, Edgar J. --- V34:32, 33
Burks, James F. --- V23:114
Burks, Lindsey --- V19:60
Burles, C. E. D. --- V20:103
Burley, William --- Farmer 7/65
Burley, Wm. --- V21-1:56
Burnese, J. S. --- V19:48
Burnet, A. G. --- V19:6-8
Burnet, Ag West --- V33:83
Burnet, Agnes West --- V19:9
Burnet, Agnes West --- V33:86
Burnet, Alice G. --- V19:9
Burnet, Alice Gray Neff --- V33:73
Burnet, Arthur --- V33:76
Burnet, Arthur G. --- V19:5, 6, 8-10
Burnet, Arthur Gouverneur --- V33:73, 74
Burnet, Bella --- V33:76, 77
Burnet, Beth --- V33:73, 85
Burnet, Bob --- V33:76, 77
Burnet, Caroline --- V33:76, 77
Burnet, Caroline Margaretta --- V33:74
Burnet, Caroline Neff --- V33:73, 76.77
Burnet, Dave --- V33:77
Burnet, David --- V19:9
Burnet, David --- V33:76
Burnet, Dorothy Smith --- V33:86
Burnet, Eliz --- V41:28
Burnet, Gladys --- V28:19
Burnet, Gladys --- V33:76, 77
Burnet, Hugh --- V33:77
Burnet, Hugh G. --- V19:10
Burnet, Hugh Gordon --- V33:75, 76
Burnet, Hugh, Mrs. --- V33:85
Burnet, Isabella Bromwell --- V33:80
Burnet, Isabella N. --- V19:9
Burnet, Isabella Neff --- V33:76
Burnet, Jim --- V33:73. 85, 86
Burnet, Jo --- V33:77
Burnet, Josephine Clark --- V33:74
Burnet, Josephine Neff --- V33:73, 76
Burnet, Judge Jacob --- V33:75
Burnet, Leonora R. --- V33:87
Burnet, Lucy --- Census 3/78
Burnet, Madge Bryan --- V33:85
Burnet, Robert Gouverneur --- V33:76
Burnet, Staats --- V33:77
Burnet, Staats Gouverneur --- V33:74
Burnet, Staats Gouverneur --- V33:76
Burnet, Staats Gouverneur, Mrs. --- V33:74
Burnet, Will --- V33:75
Burnet, William --- V33:73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 85
Burnet and Huckstep Auto Shop, --- V33:85
Burnet Greenhouses, --- V33:86
Burnett, Isaac --- V42:94
Burnett, Mary --- V20:95
Burnett Corner, --- V38:11, 42
Burnett's Corner, --- V38:40
Burnham, Capt. --- V21-1:100
Burnham, F. W. --- Church Speaker 4/61
Burnham, Haley Diary --- 10/39
Burnham, R. F. --- V21-1:92, 93
Burnham, Robert F. --- V21-1:35
Burnham, Rowland --- V38:50
Burnhams, Mr. --- V31: 101
Burnl(e)y, Caleb --- V41:38
Burnl(e)y, Harding --- V41:26, 27
Burnl(e)y, James --- V41:100
Burnl(e)y, John --- V41:25, 28
Burnley, Abner --- V15:23, 24
Burnley, Amanda (Vesr) --- V42:102, 104, 105
Burnley, Ann Goodman --- V32:80
Burnley, Burnley --- V28:4
Burnley, Burrus --- V28:16
Burnley, C. --- V42:60
Burnley, Caleb --- Mentioned 4/98
Burnley, Caleb --- V42:103
Burnley, Caroline --- V24:93
Burnley, Caroline --- Census 2/1/33
Burnley, Champ Meredith --- Tombstone 12/33
Burnley, Charles --- V28:60
Burnley, Charles G. --- V34:18
Burnley, Charles T. --- V42:63
Burnley, Elizabeth --- V28:60
Burnley, Elizabeth Goodman --- V32:80, 86
Burnley, Emma --- V15:15
Burnley, Emma --- V35:50, 52
Burnley, Gardner --- V32:92
Burnley, George Gardner --- V33:21
Burnley, George Gardner --- V32:86
Burnley, H. K. --- Landowner 6/51
Burnley, Harden --- V14:33
Burnley, Hardin --- V13:38, 75
Burnley, Hardin --- V19:89
Burnley, Hardin --- V42:92, 131
Burnley, Harding --- Legal Note 10/28 Landgrant 11/2/20
Burnley, Harry --- V32:80
Burnley, Henry --- V28:60-61
Burnley, Henry Mills --- V32:80, 86
Burnley, Henry Mills --- V42:100
Burnley, Henry Mills, Mrs. --- V32:80
Burnley, Ivy --- V33:26,27
Burnley, Ivy --- V32:86, 92
Burnley, Ivy N. --- V33:31
Burnley, Jacob --- V28:59-62
Burnley, Jacob, Jr. --- V28:61
Burnley, Jacob, Sr. --- V28:61
Burnley, James --- V15:24
Burnley, James --- V24:92
Burnley, James --- V26:6, 51
Burnley, James --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 1/825/1/18
Burnley, James --- V33:21
Burnley, James --- V32:86, 92
Burnley, James --- V42:122
Burnley, James Fendal --- V42:104, 105
Burnley, James N. --- V32:86
Burnley, James Sen. --- V15:23
Burnley, James, Jr. --- Census 4/30
Burnley, James, Jr. --- V32:86
Burnley, James, Jr. --- V32:80
Burnley, James, Jr., Mrs. --- V32:80, 86
Burnley, James, Mrs. --- V32:86
Burnley, John --- V13:67
Burnley, John --- V14:23
Burnley, John --- Census 4/29
Burnley, Justianna --- V28:61
Burnley, Katherine Fontaine Turner --- Tombstone 12/33
Burnley, Martha Snead --- V35:54, 58
Burnley, Martha Sneed --- V42:100
Burnley, Martin --- V15:15, 17
Burnley, Martin --- V35:50, 52
Burnley, Mary --- V15:15
Burnley, Mary --- V28:60-61
Burnley, Mary --- V35:50, 52
Burnley, Mary (Overton) --- V21-2:10
Burnley, Mary Ann --- V28:97
Burnley, Mary Ann --- V32:79, 80, 86
Burnley, Mary Ann (Goodman) --- V42:100
Burnley, Mary B. --- Marriage 1/22
Burnley, Mary Goodwin --- V32:86
Burnley, Miss Martha Snead --- V15:19
Burnley, Nan --- V42:61, 63
Burnley, Nancy --- Census 2/1/30 2/1/33
Burnley, Nannie --- V15:15
Burnley, Nannie --- V35:50, 52
Burnley, Nannie Iverson --- V32:86
Burnley, Nannie Iverson (Ivy) --- V33:21
Burnley, Polly --- V32:86, 92
Burnley, Sallie H. --- Marriage 5/2/31
Burnley, Thomas --- V28:60-61
Burnley, Willam --- V28:60-61
Burnley Farms, --- V25:14
Burns, Michael --- V18:33
Burnside, --- V16:25
Burnside, --- V43:48, 50
Burnside, Ambrose --- V42:37
Burnside, General --- V32:17
Burras (Burruss), Elizabeth --- V14:11, 48
Burrhus, Henry --- V30:72
Burrough, Ann --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Charles --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Elizabeth --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Henry --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Jacob --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Justianna --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Mary --- V21-2:39
Burrough, Thomas --- V21-2:39
Burrough, William --- V21-2:39
Burrow, Alice --- V23:106
Burrows, Alice --- V23:105
Burrows, Alice --- V33:19
Burrows, Alice --- V46:34
Burrows, J. L. --- Haley Diary 7/93
Burrows, Phoebe (Doles) --- V38:66
Burrows, Phoebe Jane (Doles) --- V38:66
Burrus, Alena --- V25:23
Burrus, Alena H. Trice --- V25:22
Burrus, Ann --- V25:22
Burrus, Charles --- V25:23
Burrus, Cindy --- V17:42
Burrus, Henry --- V30:72
Burrus, Jacob --- V21-2:39, 40
Burrus, John --- Census 4/31
Burrus, John A. --- Query 7/48
Burrus, John H. --- V25:22
Burrus, John L. --- V22:29
Burrus, John L. --- V25:22
Burrus, Lancelot --- V25:22
Burrus, Martha Trice --- V25:22
Burrus, Mary --- V21-2:39, 40
Burrus, Mildred F. --- V25:22
Burrus, Overton --- V25:22
Burrus, R. D. --- V21-1:92
Burrus, Richard Anderson --- V19:50
Burrus, Rodger --- Insurance Record 5/1/35
Burrus, Roger --- Census 4/29
Burrus, Sadie --- V25:23
Burrus, Thomas --- V21-2:40
Burrus, William --- V21-2:39, 40
Burruss, --- V25:80
Burruss, Alfred P. --- Tombstone 1/66
Burruss, Ann --- V26:97
Burruss, Ann --- Census 2/1/38
Burruss, Ann Trevilian --- Query 7/48
Burruss, Anna Irene --- V23:96
Burruss, Ashton --- Census 2/1/38
Burruss, Ashton G. --- Student 4/10
Burruss, Bernard --- Tombstone 9/60
Burruss, Caroline --- Census 1/79
Burruss, Cindy --- V37:83
Burruss, Coley --- V38:39
Burruss, Daisy Eloise Gibson --- Tombstone 9/61
Burruss, Early H. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Burruss, Eli --- Census 2/1/38 Student 4/10
Burruss, Eli A. --- V18:33
Burruss, Elizabeth --- V13:20
Burruss, Elmer S. --- Letter Writer 9/8
Burruss, Elmer S. --- V35:132-133
Burruss, H.P. --- V46:54
Burruss, Henry --- V37:37
Burruss, Ida W. --- V23:96
Burruss, J. L. --- V27:24
Burruss, J. L. (Dr.) --- V29:52
Burruss, Jno. L. --- V18:33
Burruss, John L. --- V29:53
Burruss, Lucinda Nuckolls --- V26:97
Burruss, Martha L. --- V25:22
Burruss, Meena --- V23:96
Burruss, Miniie --- V38:39
Burruss, Nannie --- V23:96
Burruss, Nelson A. --- V45:136, 137
Burruss, Overton --- V18:33
Burruss, Sophie --- V37:10
Burruss, Thomas --- V13:64
Burruss, Wilson M. --- V23:96
Burruss, Wilson Montgomery --- V19:50
Burtis, T. W. --- V18:33
Burton, Ann --- V20:91
Burton, Charles, Mrs. --- V35:168
Burton, Hon. Harold Hitz --- V35:170
Burton, Jesse --- V20:91
Burton, Lucretia (Bobo) --- V38:61
Burtton, Charles --- V42:128
Burwell, D. S. --- V21-1:28
Busada, John --- V27:23
Busby, William --- V42:76
Bush, --- V40:57
Bushnell, Edna Harris --- V22:89
Bushnell, James J. --- V22:89
Bushnell, James J., Mrs. --- V15:86
Busic, Elizabeth --- V21-1:93
Busic, Mary --- V21-1:93
Busick, Alma --- V36:39
Busick, Elizabeth --- V21-1:22
Business Mens Assoc., --- V21-1:91
Butcher, Jonathan B. --- V19:55
Butcher, Jonathan B. --- V20:3
Butchers Flat, --- V20:47
Bute Co., --- V20:3, 4
Butler, --- V17:52, 53
Butler, --- V30:34-38, 41
Butler, --- V32:70
Butler, --- V40:57
Butler, A. F. --- V17:72
Butler, Agnes (Crew) --- V13:47
Butler, Alexander --- V16:71, 83
Butler, Alexander --- V29:44, 98
Butler, Alexander F. --- V29:30
Butler, Amanda --- V44:36
Butler, Amy F. --- V13:82
Butler, Archibald --- V32:31
Butler, Augustine --- V13:47
Butler, Benjamin --- V42:30-32
Butler, Benjamin F., Genl. --- V30:31
Butler, Calbraith, Genl. --- V30:33
Butler, David --- V14:72
Butler, David --- V17:56
Butler, Elira --- V40:61
Butler, Elizabeth --- V16:71
Butler, Ella --- V16:71, 83
Butler, Ellis --- V21-1:56
Butler, Eudora E. --- V13:83
Butler, Eugenia --- V16:71, 83
Butler, Eva --- V26:101
Butler, Evenate[?] M. --- V21-1:34
Butler, Francis Wilson --- V21-1:122
Butler, General --- V30:21, 24, 27, 39
Butler, H. M. --- V29:102
Butler, Harry Phillips --- V21-1:122, 123
Butler, Hattie Smith --- Tombstone 1/60
Butler, Henry K. --- V21-1:34
Butler, Isabella --- V16:71, 83
Butler, J. L. --- V18:29
Butler, James --- V21-1:89
Butler, Jefferson --- V16:71, 83
Butler, John --- V21-1:84
Butler, John --- V25:72
Butler, John H. --- V21-1:34
Butler, John H. --- V21-2:14
Butler, John Lewis --- V20:25
Butler, John Lewis --- V28:36
Butler, Kate --- V21-1:34
Butler, L. S. --- V29:102
Butler, Lavinia Louisa --- V20:25
Butler, Lettie --- V21-1:93
Butler, Lewis --- V20:25
Butler, Lewis --- V28:36
Butler, Lewis A. --- V21-2:14
Butler, Lewis H. --- V16:34
Butler, Lewis H. --- V19:79
Butler, Lewis H. --- V20:25
Butler, Lewis H. --- V21-1:65, 125
Butler, Lewis S. --- V19:48
Butler, Lloyd --- V33:91
Butler, M. C., Genl. --- V30:19
Butler, Mamie J. --- V21-1:34
Butler, Maria E. --- V22:67
Butler, Mary --- V42:80
Butler, Matthew C., Genl. --- V35:30, 36, 38, 44
Butler, Merle --- V21-1:75
Butler, Mildred --- Census 2/2/29 2/2/42
Butler, Mildred S. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Butler, Miss Maggie --- V16:35
Butler, Montgomery C. --- V20:25
Butler, Mr. --- V31: 99
Butler, Mr. --- V32:14, 18, 19, 22, 24
Butler, Nancy --- Census 2/1/32 2/2/29
Butler, Otelia --- V25:42
Butler, Patsy --- Census 2/2/29
Butler, Percy A. --- V21-1:121
Butler, Peter --- Census 2/2/42 4/32 Rev. Soldier 8/28 12/71
Butler, Philip --- V21-1:75
Butler, Polly --- Census 2/1/36
Butler, Rebecca --- Census 1/89
Butler, Robert --- Census 3/42 3/44
Butler, S. O. --- V21-1:111
Butler, Sallie B. --- Marriage 5/2/33
Butler, Sally B. --- V28:36
Butler, Sam --- V21-1:56
Butler, Sam Overton, Jr. --- V21-1:122
Butler, Samuel --- Census 2/1/35
Butler, Sarah --- Census 3/42
Butler, Sarah J. --- Census 3/44
Butler, Stephen M. --- V42:10
Butler, Susan --- Census 2/2/42
Butler, Susan J. --- Census 2/2/42
Butler, Susan Jane --- V16:34
Butler, Thomas --- V14:33
Butler, Thomas --- V13:72
Butler, Thomasia --- V16:71, 83
Butler, Violet S (Sherry) --- V40:16
Butler, Virginia --- V21-1:75
Butler, W. L. --- Farmer 7/63
Butler, W. S. --- V32:6
Butler, W. S., Jr. --- V21-1:93
Butler, W. S., Sr., Mrs. --- V21-1:65
Butler, Waller --- V44:36
Butler, William --- V21-1:48, 56
Butler, William --- Census 1/89 2/2/42 Haley Diary 10/39 10/42
Butler, William J. --- Census 3/44
Butler, William S. --- Marriage 5/2/34
Butler, William Samuel --- V20:25
Butler, Zachariah --- Census 3/37
Butler Brigade, --- V30:17
Butler Family, --- V32:71
Butler House, --- V32:65, 71
Butler-Hendrick House, --- V32:71
Butler's, Provost Guard --- V30:37
Butler's Brigade, --- V30:33, 40
Butt, W. M. --- Will Witness 12/40
Butt, William --- Will Witness 12/41
Butterworth, Paul S. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Button, A. M. --- V21-1:19
Button, Marietta --- V25:30
Byars, Capt. --- V22:99
Byars, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/12 Census 5/1/18
Byars, James --- Taxpayer 1/12 Rev. Soldier 8/28
Byars, Jemima --- Tombstone 11/2/13
Byars, Jeremiah --- V43:103
Byars, John --- V15:59, 61
Byars, John --- V19:100
Byars, John --- V22:99
Byars, John --- Rev. Soldier 3/25 9/91
Byars, Lucy T. --- V17:24, 27
Byars, Mary --- V14:55
Byars, William --- V19:57, 58
Byars/Byers, J. --- V41:49
Byars/Byers, John --- V41:104
Byarse, George --- Census 4/30
Byarse, James --- Census 4/30
Byas, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/28
Byer, --- V38:58
Byer Cemetery, --- V38:70, 71
Byers, Billy --- V23:114
Byers, George --- V24:70
Byers, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/28
Byers, Jemima --- V13:56
Byers, John --- Rev. Soldier 8/28
Byers, John --- V42:90
BYPU, --- V34:23
Byrd, --- V25:70
Byrd, Ann --- Census 2/2/43
Byrd, Betsy --- V13:60
Byrd, Dr. --- V23:51
Byrd, Eleanor --- V20:68
Byrd, Elizabeth --- V21-2:35
Byrd, Elizabeth --- Census 2/2/28
Byrd, Ellis --- Marriage 5/2/31
Byrd, Fred --- V31: 52, 58
Byrd, H. G. --- V29:24
Byrd, Harry Flood --- V27:12
Byrd, Holmes G. --- V20:80
Byrd, Holmes Gantt, Dr. --- V35:168
Byrd, I. E. --- V23:51
Byrd, Lella --- Haley Diary 8/100
Byrd, Lucy --- Census 2/2/47
Byrd, Lucy A. --- Census 2/2/47
Byrd, Myrtle L. --- V23:90
Byrd, Myrtle Lee Trainham --- V31: 85
Byrd, Nancy --- Census 2/2/43
Byrd, Richard --- V17:54
Byrd, Richard --- Census 2/2/28
Byrd, Roger --- V31: 52, 58
Byrd, Sarah --- V21-2:35
Byrd, Sarah --- Census 2/2/43
Byrd, Senator Harry S. --- V46:21, 50
Byrd, William --- V20:26
Byrd, William Col. --- Mentioned 1/8
Byrd, William P. --- V23:90
Byrd, William Preston --- V31: 85
Byrd Mill, --- V18:27
Byrd Mill, --- V27:36
Byrd Mill, --- V32:36.37
Byrd Mill, --- V45:108
Byrd Mill, History Of --- 11/23
Byrd Mill - A Continued Story, --- V14:59-62
Byrd Mill Road, --- V39:39
Byrds, --- V21-2:34, 36
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