Louisa County Historical Society - Index Starting With A&P
Index To Volumes 1 - 46
Copyright © 2016 Louisa County Historical Society; Last revised: 7/6/2017 10:28:44 PM
A&P, --- V29:83
A. G. Richardson School, --- V21-2:12
Aachen, --- V25:66
Aaron, --- V18:35
Abbeville County (South Carolina), --- V14:16, 74, 80
Abbeville, South Carolina, --- V34:15
Abbot, Garland --- Heir 8/56
Abbott, C. H. --- V13:40
Abbott, C. H. --- Haley Diary 11/2/40 11/2/44 12/90 12/93
Abbott, James --- Landgrant 10/83
Abbott, Mathais --- V42:91
Abby, --- V22:52
Abcrcrombie, Janice --- V32:71
Abel, Mr. --- V31: 100
Abell, C. W. --- Parent 7/33
Abell, Cornelia Rea --- Parent 7/33
Abell, Ruth Pearle --- Marriage 7/33
Abercrombie, Janice --- V17:1, 69
Abercrombie, Janice --- V28:88
Abercrombie, Janice --- V31: 70
Abercrombie, Janice --- V40:13, 63
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V15:31
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V16:63
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V18:7, 34
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V19:2, 3, 11, 37
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V20:11, 76, 82, 90, 98
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V21-1:15, 28, 32, 33, 46, 50, 56, 59, 70, 72, 74,
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V25:26
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V27:17
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V30:70
Abercrombie, Janice L. --- V35:125
Abercrombie, Janice Luck --- V19:86
Abercrombie, Janice Luck --- V21-2:16, 38
Abercrombie, Janice Luck --- V22:45, 99
Abercrombie, Janice Luck --- V23:3
Abercrombie, Janice Luck --- V41:17, 23, 40, 76, 85
Abercrombie, Janice Luck --- V42:52
Abercrombie, Tom --- V21-1:111
Abercrombie, Tom --- V40:14, 16
Aberville Home, --- Insurance Record 5/2/45
Abingdon, --- V20:38
Abingdon, Virginia, --- V28:65
Abolitionists, --- V43:61, 62, 67,68
Abraham, --- V22:93
Abraham, (Slave) --- V30:10
Abraham H. Davis Tavern, --- V32:64
Abraham's, son (Slave) --- V30:10
Abram, --- V23:65, 66
Abram, --- V25:97
Abram, --- V28:57, 62
Abram, Mr. --- V39:37
Absalom, --- V26:41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52
Absalom, Becky --- V26:43
Absalom, Betsey Lewis --- V26:43
Absalom, Charles --- V26:42, 45, 46
Absalom, Elizabeth --- V26:42
Absalom, James --- V26:42
Absalom, Jenny --- V26:43
Absalom, John --- V26:42
Absalom, John Charles --- V26:42, 48
Absalom, Joseph --- V26:42, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52
Absalom, Kitty --- V26:43
Absalom, Lewis --- V26:45
Absalom, Lucian --- V26:44
Absalom, Micael --- V26:50
Absalom, Michael --- V26:42, 44, 45, 49, 53
Absalom, Michael, Jr. --- V26:42-44, 46, 48
Absalom, Michael, Sr. --- V26:42
Absalom, Michael, Sr. --- V26:51
Absalom, Michal --- V26:48
Absalom, Polley --- V26:43, 44
Absalom, Rebecca --- V26:43-47, 52, 53
Absalom, Rebekah --- V26:43
Absalom, Reuben --- V26:45
Absalom, Robert --- V26:43, 44
Absalom, Salley --- V26:43
Absalom, Sally --- V26:51, 52
Absalom, Susannah --- V26:42, 43, 47, 52
Absalom, Ursula --- V26:43
Absalom, William --- V26:42-44, 52
Abstracts of Law Order Book 1742-1748, --- V14:32-43, 64-70
Abstracts of Law Order Book 1742-1748, --- V15:41
Abstracts of Law Order Book 1742-48, --- V13:29-38, 72-76
Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Book 174, --- V13:46
Ace Hardware, --- V29:37
Ackley, Dorothy Irene --- V38:58
ACL, --- V38:82
Acorns, --- V43:72, 75, 76, 82, 86,87
Acres, Isiah --- Census 2/1/46
Acres, Miller --- Census 2/1/46
Acres, Patsy --- Census 2/1/96
Acres, William --- Census 2/1/46
Acrey, William --- Census 5/1/16
Acts of 1832 and 1892, --- V31: 5
Acts, General Assembly 1872-1873, Chapter 125 --- V29:6
Ad[d]ams, Anne Cooke --- V42:44, 45
Ad[d]ams, John --- V42:122
Ad[d]ams, John William --- V42:44, 45
Ad[d]ams, Julia Talmage (Cooke) --- V42:44, 45
Ad[d]ams, Thomas --- V42:128
Ad[d]ams, Wilson --- V42:122
Adair, Carl B --- V38:9
Adair, Eva Viola --- V38:9
Adair, John Irvin --- V38:9
Adair, John Olonzo --- V38:9
Adair, Leo Zero --- V38:9
Adair, Leslie Dee --- V38:9
Adair, Pearl May --- V38:9
Adair, Ruby Ines --- V38:9
Adair, Thelma Louise --- V38:9
Adair, William Olonzo --- V38:10
Adams, Adnie M --- Tombstone 4/63
Adams, Aggey --- V27:91
Adams, Annie D. --- V24:39
Adams, Denia --- Census 3/77
Adams, Elizabeth --- V21-1:46
Adams, Elizabeth --- Quaker 11/1/7 Married 11/1/22
Adams, Ford --- V45:72, 73, 88
Adams, Francis --- V14:25
Adams, G. W. --- V18:29
Adams, Geo. P. --- V18:29
Adams, George --- V14:9
Adams, George --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 3/77 4/29 Occupation 7/63 8/2
Adams, George Price --- V22:20
Adams, George R. --- V27:46
Adams, George W. --- Farmer 7/64
Adams, Gladys --- V34:28
Adams, Grace --- V40:62
Adams, Grace C. --- V21-1:29, 30, 32
Adams, Grace Curtis --- V21-1:47, 50, 72, 84
Adams, Henry Perry --- V21-1:46
Adams, J. M. --- Married 5/2/34
Adams, James --- Census 3/77
Adams, Jesse E. --- V20:46
Adams, Joe --- V21-1:93
Adams, John --- Census 3/77 5/1/16 Rev. Soldier 8/25 Witness 9/45
Adams, John L. --- Farmer 7/64
Adams, John Quincy --- V21-1:47
Adams, Josephine C. --- V21-1:32, 50
Adams, Judith --- Married 11/17
Adams, Ken --- V28:92
Adams, M. P., Mrs. --- V23:105
Adams, Martha Ann --- Census 3/77
Adams, Martha Brooks --- V22:20
Adams, Mary --- Census 3/77 Quaker 11/1/7
Adams, Minnie A. --- V27:46
Adams, Mourning --- Parent 7/75 Quaker 11/1/7
Adams, Nancy --- Church Member 2/1/16
Adams, P. R. --- V25:19
Adams, Parker --- V25:73
Adams, Parker --- Church Member 4/59
Adams, Robert --- Genealogy 7/75 Quaker 11/1/7 Parent 11/1/14
Adams, Roxie Missouri --- Tombstone 4/65
Adams, Sarah --- Census 3/77
Adams, T. M. --- V25:19
Adams, Thomas --- V13:31, 72, 76
Adams, Thomas --- V14:34, 36-38
Adams, Thomas --- V25:73
Adams, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16 Legal Note 11/1/44 11/
Adams, Thomas M. --- V27:46
Adams, Thos. M. --- V18:29
Adams, W. H. --- V21-1:29, 30, 43, 51, 75, 84
Adams, W. Jas. --- V18:29
Adams, William --- V13:74
Adams, William --- V15:43, 44
Adams, William --- V17:34, 68
Adams, William --- V19:90
Adams, William --- V23:102
Adams, William --- Census 3/77 Legal Case 9/44 10/33 Constable 11/2/3
Adams, William --- V45:72
Adams, William H. --- V21-1:32, 47, 66
Adams, William Henry --- V21-1:50, 51
Adams, Wilson --- V14:9
Adams, Wilson --- Census 4/29
Adams, Wm. H. --- V21-2:15
Adams & Co., --- V17:1
Adams County, --- V38:10
Adams Express Company, --- V24:91
Adams, IN, --- V30:13
Adda, (Slave) --- V30:81
Addams, George --- Census 5/L/16
Addams, John --- V41:103
Addams, Thomas --- V41:102
Addams, Wilson --- Census 5/1/16
Addison, George --- V21-2:37
Addison, Walter E. --- V31: 5
Adkins, Andrew Tyler --- V38:62
Adkins, Austin Lee --- V38:62
Adkins, Dora --- V21-1:35
Adkins, John --- V38:50
Adkins, Samuel --- V38:62
Adkins, Samuel --- V38:62
Aesop's Fables, --- V38:31
African American, --- V43:4, 16, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31
African Campaign, --- V31: 92
Afton, --- V39:36
Agee, Dean --- V19:95
Agee, Dean --- V21-2:20
Agee, Dean P. --- V17:40
Agee, Dean P. --- Landowner 9/25
Agee, Dean P. --- V31: 63
Agee, Nancy Merle (Woolfolk) --- V41:31
Agee, Sunny --- V31: 69
Agee, Sunny M. --- Landowner 9/25
Aggy, --- V18:34, 35, 36
Agin, Thomas --- Census 4/29
Agnew, Miss Ella --- V31: 31
Ahern, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16
Ahorn, William --- V45:142
Aiken, Bessie Johnson --- V21-2:28
Aiken, Col. --- V30:20, 21
Aiken, Fanny --- Dau. Of Solomon Edwards 3/25
Aiken, Hugh Colonel --- V30:18
Aiken, Hugh, Col. --- V30:20
Ailstock, Absalom --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Ailstock, Bettie R. --- Tombstone 10/71
Ailstock, Catharine --- Census 3/38
Ailstock, Elizabeth --- Census 3/38
Ailstock, Polly --- Census 3/38
Ailstock, Susanna --- V46:119
Ailstolk, Absolom --- V26:41
Ailstolk, Elisabeth --- V26:41
Ailstolk, Joseph --- V26:41
Ailstolk, Mary --- V26:41
Ailstolk, Michael --- V26:41
Ailstolk, Rebecca --- V26:41
Ailstolk, Sussanna --- V26:41
Air Raid Warden, --- V31: 85
Aircraft Carrier Oriskany, --- V30:59
Aircraft Carrier Oriskany, --- V30:59
Aircraft Warning Service, --- V31: 87
Airline, --- V33:90
Airline Rail Line, --- V33:92
Airline Station, --- V33:90
Akron, --- V20:54
Akron, Ohio, --- V19:81
Akron, Ohio, --- V35:93, 101, 103
Alabama, --- V26:92
Alabama, --- V38:75
Alabama, Huntsville --- V40:59, 60
Alabama, Madison County --- V40:59, 60
Alabama River, --- V20:82
Alabama State Teacher's College, --- V25:62
Alamenia Barber Co, --- V38:5
Alarm Act, --- V22:102
Alaska, --- V21-1:46
Alaska, --- V38:16, 19, 21, 22
Albany, --- V24:85
Albany, N.Y., --- V35:89
Albany, Oregon, --- V38:14, 15, 16, 21
Albemarle, --- V15:33
Albemarle, --- V17:84
Albemarle, --- V20:13, 51, 93
Albemarle, --- V20:73, 75
Albemarle, --- V22:5, 58, 59, 66
Albemarle, --- V28:61, 63
Albemarle, --- V39:35
Albemarle, --- V32:11
Albemarle, --- V43:44, 49, 60, 95
Albemarle Barracks, --- V22:100, 101
Albemarle Barracks, --- V43:52
Albemarle Co., --- V40:56, 57
Albemarle Co. Va, --- V35:91, 93, 95, 98, 137
Albemarle Co., VA, --- V38:75, 79
Albemarle Count, --- V40:90
Albemarle County, --- V16:7, 31
Albemarle County, --- V17:69, 83
Albemarle County, --- V21-2:19, 34
Albemarle County, --- V23:49
Albemarle County, --- V25:13, 70
Albemarle County, --- V26:21, 42, 51, 103
Albemarle County, --- V28:55
Albemarle County, --- V29:32, 63
Albemarle County, --- V19:55, 56, 58, 59, 63, 67, 81, 83, 91
Albemarle County, --- V31: 80, 98
Albemarle County, --- V33:34, 91
Albemarle County, --- V32:20, 27, 30, 83
Albemarle County, History of --- V14:58
Albemarle County (Virginia), --- V13:18, 47, 51, 54, 65, 83
Albemarle County (Virginia), --- V14:21, 27, 52, 53, 55, 61, 62, 84
Albemarle County Line, --- V16:87
Albemarle Everetts, --- V41:89
Albemarle Institute, --- V28:16
Albemarle Military District, --- V19:81
Albemarle Military District, --- V28:101
Albemarle Military District Governor, --- V29:38
Albemarle Regiment Virginia Volunteers, --- V28:42
Albemarle Rifles, --- V28:19
Albemarle Rifles, --- V35:72, 74
Albemarle Telephone Company, --- V31: 38
Albert, --- V17:72
Albert, (Slave) --- V30:82
Albert Nordstrom & Associates, --- V38:14
Alberts, Jane, Mrs. --- V35:167
Albevenna, --- V29:64
Alcohol and Narcotics Education Council of Virginia Churches, --- V34:26
Alcut, D. G. --- V18:29
Alder berries, --- V23:34
Alderman Library, --- V13:16
Alderman Library, --- V25:86
Alderman Library, --- V28:8
Alderman Library, --- V36:9
Aldrich, H. --- V30:28
Aldrich, Lieutenant --- V30:28
Aldwalock Home, --- Insurance Record 5/1/50
Aleck (Alex. Keen), --- V35:48, 56-57
Alestock, Michael --- Census 5/1/16
Alestocks, Michael --- V26:50
Alexander, --- V25:45
Alexander, A. --- V21-1:28
Alexander, Alva B. --- V38:65
Alexander, Charles --- V23:43
Alexander, Charles --- V38:65
Alexander, Edward P., Dr. --- V37:77
Alexander, Emma Estelle Purcell --- V23:43
Alexander, Emma Purcell --- V28:84
Alexander, Frederick --- V38:65
Alexander, Henry --- Census 2/2/45
Alexander, James R. --- V38:65
Alexander, Laura --- V38:65
Alexander, Major --- V16:22
Alexander, Major --- V35:78
Alexander, Mary Anne --- V38:65
Alexander, Patricia A. --- V23:43
Alexander, Rebecca --- Mentioned 5/2/43
Alexander, Rebecca (Doles) --- V38:64
Alexander, Robert --- V38:65
Alexander, Samuel --- V38:65
Alexander, William --- V38:65
Alexandria, --- V24:85
Alexandria, --- V26:21
Alexandria, --- V32:14
Alexandria City, --- V25:88
Alexandria County, --- V25:88
Alexandria Railroad, --- V23:35
Alexandria, Va, --- V35:29, 88
Alford, Jacob --- V15:33
Alford, Jacob --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Alford, James --- Taxpayer 1/11
Alford, Nancy --- Rev. Widow 8/26
Alford, Richard H. --- V19:10
Alfred, R. H. --- Farmer 7/64
Alger, Col. --- V30:35
Alger's 5th Michigan, --- V30:35, 38
Alhizer, --- V21-1:99, 104, 108
Alhizer, Albon O. --- V21-1:75
Alhizer, Alfred Lee --- V21-1:122
Alhizer, Annie --- Marriage 5/2/37
Alhizer, Cary --- V21-1:122
Alhizer, Cary Nelson --- V21-1:124
Alhizer, Elsie --- V21-1:75
Alhizer, Frederick Robert --- V21-1:124
Alhizer, Gayle S. --- V21-1:121
Alhizer, Paul Haywood --- V21-1:124
Alhizer, Richard --- V21-1:57
Alhizer, Roy --- V21-1:57
Alhizers Appliance, --- V21-1:108
Alice, --- V16:14
Alice, --- V23:84, 90
Alice, --- V38:11
Alice (cook), --- V33:22
All(e)y, Erasmas --- V41:55, 101
Allah Cooper Mine, --- V20:34
Allah Cooper Mine, --- V37:21
Allason, William --- V42:70
Allay, Erasmus --- Rev. Soldier 8/25
Alleghanies, --- V20:37
Alleghanny, --- V35:68
Alleghany, --- V32:20
Alleghany Co., --- V21-1:16
Alleghany Co., VA, --- V38:75
Alleghany County, --- V22:67
Alleghany County, --- V26:51
Alleghany County, --- V19:78
Alleghenies, --- V21-2:22
Allegre, Daniel --- Parent 4/66
Allegre, Giles --- V13:72
Allegre, Giles --- Census 3/48
Allegre, Susannah Nee Tisdale --- Parent 4/66
Allemong, J. --- V21-1:29
Allen, Abraham --- V15:43
Allen, Abraham --- Road Overseer 6/86 Indenture 9/46
Allen, Ann --- Mentioned 5/1/4
Allen, Anne --- Haley Diary 4/16
Allen, Austin --- Haley Diary 4/14
Allen, B. Manly --- V13:44
Allen, Capt. --- V17:75
Allen, Cary C. --- Mentioned 5/2/41
Allen, Charles --- V14:41, 70
Allen, Charles --- V16:43
Allen, Charles --- V17:34
Allen, Charles --- V20:28
Allen, Charles --- Ordinary License 6/28 6/81 9/45
Allen, Charles --- V32:67
Allen, Charles --- V41:103
Allen, Charles --- V42:4
Allen, Charles J. --- Haley Diary 6/92
Allen, Charles, Mrs. --- V32:67
Allen, Dorcas --- Will Witness 10/58
Allen, Elizabeth --- V19:92
Allen, Elizabeth --- Haley Diary 10/39
Allen, Elizabeth --- V28:86
Allen, George --- Ordinary License 11/2/35
Allen, George H. --- V14:29
Allen, H. --- Haley Diary 4/85
Allen, Hattie --- Haley Diary 4/18 4/19
Allen, J. T. --- Haley Diary 10/39
Allen, James --- Census 4/29 Mentioned 10/9
Allen, James --- V36:72
Allen, John --- Haley Diary 4/14 6/92 Census 4/29 Legal Note 10/33
Allen, John L. --- Legal Note 11/1/39
Allen, Joseph --- V20:6
Allen, L. W. --- Haley Diary 4/13 4/15 4/16 Died 4/19 Courtcase 5/1
Allen, Linda --- Married 5/2/36
Allen, Littleberry --- Haley Diary 4/14
Allen, Littleberry --- V34:19
Allen, Littleberry W. --- V23:111
Allen, Littleberry W. --- V28:87
Allen, Littlebury W. --- Minister 9/58
Allen, Lucie J. --- V21-1:32
Allen, Lucille T --- V37:94
Allen, Lucy J. --- Died 9/47
Allen, Manly --- Haley Diary 5/1/41 5/1/47 5/2/13 6/95 6/97 7/41 8/
Allen, Mary --- V20:67
Allen, Mary --- Married 10/9
Allen, Mary --- V29:53
Allen, Nannie Bates --- Haley Diary 4/19 4/92
Allen, Penelope --- V19:90
Allen, Penolope --- V19:39
Allen, Reuben --- Haley Diary 4/13 4/14
Allen, Richard --- V19:39, 90
Allen, Richmond --- Will Witness 10/58
Allen, S. W. --- Marriage 7/43
Allen, Sallie --- Census 1/88
Allen, Susanna --- V16:43
Allen, Ursula Hendrick --- V32:67
Allen, William --- V13:30, 32, 34, 36
Allen, William --- V14:37-40, 69
Allen, William --- V17:35, 68
Allen, William --- Roadwork 6/25 6/29 6/30 6/31 6/32 6/85 9/82 12/70
Allen, William --- V32:67
Allensong, J. E. --- V21-1:28
Allensville, KY, --- V28:47, 48
Allensworth, Bill --- V33:22
Alley, Cora --- Married 5/2/36
Alley, Erasmus --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16
Alley, Willie Ann --- Married 5/2/35
Allford, Judith --- Legal Note 11/1/44 11/2/32
Allin, William --- Landowner 11/1/18
Allison, R. J. --- V17:24, 25
Allison, William --- V16:74
Allison and Addison, --- V28:6
Allman, Thomas --- Legal Client 8/5
Allyn, Lydia --- V35:93
Alman, Ted --- V36:26
Almand, John --- Taxpayer 1/11
Almira, --- V24:86
Almon, Thomas --- Taxpayer 1/11
Almon, Thomas --- V42:128
Almond, John --- V19:100
Almond, Mary Sansum --- V20:22
Almond, Susanna Ware --- V20:22
Almond, Thomas --- Census 5/1/16
Almond, Thomas, Jr. --- V20:22
Almond, Wyatt --- V20:22, 24
Almond vs Bullard, --- V19:100
Alport, William --- Census 3/42
Alps, --- V35:68
Alsop, Nannie C. --- Married 5/2/32
Alstock, Rebekah --- V26:42
Alstock, Susannah Couper --- V26:42
Alstock, Will --- V26:42
Alto, --- V32:37
Altoona, PA, --- V25:12
Alverson, Becknall --- Taxpayer 1/11
Alvis, Agnes --- Will 2/2/16
Alvis, Elijah --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Alvis, Elizabeth --- Rev. Widow 8/26
Alvis, H. --- V26:79
Alvis, Henry --- V26:77, 79
Alvis, J. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Alvis, Martha --- Census 3/75
Alvis, Nancy --- Census 3/75
Alvis, S. A. --- V19:47
Alystock, Joseph --- V20:76
Amanda, (Slave) --- V30:81
Amanda, Daughter Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Amaryllis, --- V39:30, 31
Amaryllis, --- V32:37
Amaryllis Post Office, --- V32:36
Amber, Jaquelin --- V15:61, 62
Ambler, --- V16:79, 80
Ambler, Colonel --- V43:66
Ambler, Edward --- Landowner 9/28 12/51
Ambler, Elizabeth --- Author 8/65
Ambler, Gabriella B. --- Landowner 12/52
Ambler, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 4/47 4/48 5/1/16 Mentioned 7/
Ambler, Martha (Mattie) --- Tombstone 7/15
Ambler, Robert --- V43:53
Ambler, William --- V34:59
Ambler, William M. --- V20:29
Ambler, William M. --- V26:5, 6
Ambler, William M. --- Census 3/37
Ambler, William Marshall --- Tombstone 7/15
Ambler, William Marshall --- V34:59
Ambler Grays, --- V34:58
Amblers Mills, --- V32:37
Ambrose, Ambrose --- V20:76
Ambrose, Ambrose --- Census 5/1/16
Ambroselli, Lena --- V28:16
Ambroselli's, --- V28:16
Ambross, Ambrose --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Amderson, Jackson --- V18:30
Amelia, --- V20:16
Amelia, --- V22:11, 47
Amelia County, --- V21-1:3
Amelia County, --- V24:47
Amelia County, --- V26:44
Amelia County, --- V31: 34
Amelia County, --- V32:66
Amelia Court House, --- V28:77
Amelia Courthouse, --- V23:31
America, --- V31: 40
America, --- V37:33
American, --- V38:4
American Automobile Association, --- V46:98
American Civil War, --- V32:78
American Colonies, --- V16:48
American Expeditionary Forces, --- V34:51
American Frontier, --- V36:4
American Medical Association, --- V32:48
American Motor League, --- V46:98
American Negro Slave Revolts, --- V30:12
American Oil Co., --- V21-1:93
American Party, --- V24:75
American Realty, --- V23:51, 52
American Revolution, --- V39:46, 47
Ames, Samuel --- V44:160, 161
Amherst County, --- V26:50
Amherst County, --- V19:59, 60
Amherst County (Virginia), --- V13:59
Amherst Court House (Virginia), --- V14:14
Amherst Parish, --- V19:59
Amick, Grace Virginia --- V37:39
Ammon, Thomas --- V30:77
Amoco Plant, --- V21-1:108
Amos, --- V26:78
Amos, A. L. --- V18:29
Amos, Ann --- Census 3/43
Amos, Charles --- Census 3/43 3/77 3/81
Amos, Elizabeth --- Census 3/77
Amos, Emily --- Census 3/43
Amos, J. P. --- V18:29
Amos, James --- Census 3/77
Amos, James P. --- V26:30, 32
Amos, John --- Census 3/77
Amos, John T. --- Census 3/77
Amos, Martha --- Census 3/77 3/81
Amos, Richard --- Census 3/77
Amos, Salley --- Census 4/29
Amos, William --- V26:78
Amos, William J. --- Census 3/77
Amsterdam, --- V20:37
Amy, --- Birth 11/2/38
AN/TRC-24 radio system, --- V40:13
Anburey, Thomas --- Mentioned 8/12
Ancestry.com, --- V40:69, 71, 73
Ancient, Courthouse Louisa --- V29:68
Anderson, --- V20:41
Anderson, --- V22:56
Anderson, --- V25:32
Anderson, --- V37:2
Anderson, A. H. --- V18:29
Anderson, A. H. --- Haley Diary 5/1/41 Farmer 7/64
Anderson, A., Dr. --- V23:60
Anderson, Abner --- V38:39
Anderson, Alexa. --- V19:97
Anderson, Alexander --- Son Of Nelson 3/12
Anderson, Alexander --- V32:67
Anderson, Alice --- V15:63
Anderson, Alice C. --- Married 5/2/35
Anderson, Allen C. --- V19:10
Anderson, Ann --- V27:89, 91
Anderson, Ann --- V28:18
Anderson, Ann F. --- V16:6
Anderson, Ann F. --- Census 3/34
Anderson, Ann F. 'Nannie' --- V15:63
Anderson, Ann M. --- Landowner 4/55
Anderson, Ann Nelson Gardner --- V32:90
Anderson, Anna M. --- V40:9
Anderson, Arch, Dr. --- V33:39
Anderson, Archer --- V23:60
Anderson, Archer --- V26:31
Anderson, Archer --- V44:49
Anderson, Archer H. --- Tombstone 10/51
Anderson, Archer Hart --- Marriage 12/86
Anderson, Archibald --- V15:45
Anderson, Archibald --- V23:60, 105
Anderson, Archibald --- Census 3/84 Died 4/8 Landowner 10/45 10/47 Tombsto
Anderson, Archibald H. --- Census 3/84
Anderson, Armistead --- V14:25
Anderson, Augusta Ann --- Mentioned 10/52
Anderson, Bart --- V42:95
Anderson, Bartelot --- V20:73
Anderson, Bartelot --- Attorney 9/43
Anderson, Bartelott --- V19:89
Anderson, Bartelott --- Taxpayer 1/11
Anderson, Bartelott --- V28:14
Anderson, Barthelot --- V16:44
Anderson, Bartletch --- V17:34
Anderson, Bartlett --- V19:97
Anderson, Bartlett --- Legal Case 9/43
Anderson, Bartlett --- V28:14
Anderson, Bartlett, Jr. --- V27:89, 91
Anderson, Bartlett, Sr. --- V28:14
Anderson, Bartlett,, Sr. --- V27:89
Anderson, Bartolett --- V14:9
Anderson, Barttelott --- V30:68
Anderson, Belle --- V17:15
Anderson, Ben --- Mentioned 10/52
Anderson, Benjamin --- V27:90
Anderson, Benjamin --- Query 3/91
Anderson, Benjamin --- V41:26, 27, 28, 9, 30
Anderson, Benjamin --- V42:91
Anderson, Betty Trevilian --- V23:81
Anderson, Betty Trevilians --- V25:70
Anderson, Beulah Fay --- Tombstone 7/70
Anderson, Bob --- V17:74
Anderson, Calvert Allen --- Tombstone 7/70
Anderson, Capt. --- V30:19
Anderson, Capt. --- V41:109
Anderson, Capt. Richard --- V45:72
Anderson, Carl N. --- V38:15
Anderson, Carlie --- Teacher 4/82
Anderson, Carter --- Census 3/34
Anderson, Carter Scott --- V15:63
Anderson, Catherine Snelson --- V17:62
Anderson, Caty --- Death 2/1/27
Anderson, Cecely Elizabeth --- Query 5/2/46
Anderson, Charles --- V16:43
Anderson, Charles --- V21-2:25
Anderson, Charles --- V27:90
Anderson, Chester --- V33:4
Anderson, Col. --- V21-2:43
Anderson, Col. Richard --- V45:76
Anderson, Cora B. Marshall --- V29:64
Anderson, D. --- V20:15
Anderson, D. Chester --- V31: 50
Anderson, D. Wiley --- V20:83, 84
Anderson, D. Wiley --- V29:63, 64
Anderson, D. Wiley Mrs --- V29:64
Anderson, Dabney M. --- Marriage 2/1/25
Anderson, Daisy Riddell --- Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, David --- V13:63, 76
Anderson, David --- V16:42
Anderson, David --- V19:40, 43, 91
Anderson, David --- V20:76
Anderson, David --- V21-2:42
Anderson, David --- V22:14, 101
Anderson, David --- V27:60, 61
Anderson, David --- Taxpayer 1/11 Landowner 4/44 8/57 11/1/14 Census 4
Anderson, David --- V28:18
Anderson, David --- V30:71, 72
Anderson, David --- V45:76
Anderson, David --- V46:105
Anderson, David Wesley --- V29:63
Anderson, David Wiley --- V29:64
Anderson, David, Jr. --- V13:67
Anderson, David, Jr. --- V15:59
Anderson, David, Jr. --- V20:15
Anderson, Dorsey Cullen --- Tombstone 7/70
Anderson, Edmund M. --- V23:81
Anderson, Edmund M. --- V25:70
Anderson, Elijah --- V42:93
Anderson, Elisa F. --- V17:16
Anderson, Eliza --- Census 3/76 3/B5
Anderson, Eliza --- V30:68
Anderson, Elizabeth --- V14:82
Anderson, Elizabeth --- Taxpayer 1/11 2/2/38 5/1/16 Marriage Witness 11/1/
Anderson, Elizabeth C. --- Census 3/76
Anderson, Elizabeth D. --- Census 3/77
Anderson, Elkanah --- Landowner 11/1/17
Anderson, Ella --- Census 3/37
Anderson, Ella Kimbrough --- V16:72, 83
Anderson, Emily H. --- V23:81
Anderson, Emily H. --- V25:70
Anderson, Erle Purrington --- Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, F. H. --- V18:29
Anderson, F. H. --- V19:47
Anderson, F. H. --- Farmer 7/64
Anderson, F. P. --- V18:30
Anderson, Frances --- V20:101
Anderson, Frances --- V27:89, 91
Anderson, Frances --- Heir 12/4
Anderson, Frances Ann --- Death 3/29
Anderson, Frances Jones --- V20:98
Anderson, Francisca Turnover --- Mentioned 10/51 10/52
Anderson, Frank --- V23:6
Anderson, G. B., Dr. --- V23:102
Anderson, G. K. --- V21-1:17
Anderson, G. K. --- Attorney 7/58
Anderson, Garland --- V17:28
Anderson, Garland --- V18:34
Anderson, Garland --- V24:49, 50
Anderson, Garland --- V27:89
Anderson, Garland --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 3/77 Insurance Record 5/1/30,
Anderson, Garland --- V41:20
Anderson, Garland M. --- Census 3/77
Anderson, Geo. K. --- V21-1:19, 28
Anderson, George K. --- V27:45
Anderson, George K. --- Married 5/2/35
Anderson, George K. --- V31: 82
Anderson, Henry --- V43:13
Anderson, Henry W. --- V43:5, 11
Anderson, Herbert --- V40:7
Anderson, Irene E Werner --- Tombstone 7/71
Anderson, Isabella --- Census 3/76
Anderson, J. B. --- V18:29
Anderson, J. B. --- V19:47
Anderson, J. B. --- V23:104
Anderson, J. B. --- Farmer 7/64
Anderson, J. J. --- V18:30
Anderson, J. N. --- V21-1:86
Anderson, James --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16
Anderson, Jane --- V21-2:25
Anderson, Jane --- Married 12/19
Anderson, Jasper --- Landowner 4/55
Anderson, Jemima A. --- Census 2/2/38
Anderson, Jennie --- V27:99
Anderson, Jesse --- V15:63, 64, 65, 66
Anderson, Jesse --- Census 3/34 Landowner 12/7
Anderson, Jessie --- V15:64
Anderson, John --- V15:71
Anderson, John --- V19:58
Anderson, John --- V21-1:39
Anderson, John --- V23:60
Anderson, John --- V27:90, 91
Anderson, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Will 2/2/16 Grandfather Of Nelson 3/
Anderson, John --- V28:18
Anderson, John --- V42:93, 94, 95
Anderson, John --- V43: 104
Anderson, John B. --- V23:102
Anderson, John B. --- Census 3/84 Doctor 7/61 Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, John B. --- V29:64
Anderson, John Bledsoe --- V29:63
Anderson, John F. T. --- Tombstone 7/70
Anderson, John S. --- Census 3/77
Anderson, John T. --- V18:13
Anderson, John T. --- Wife Died 3/29 Census 3/34
Anderson, John Taylor --- V15:63
Anderson, John Taylor --- V18:11, 18
Anderson, John Taylor --- V35:151-157, 163
Anderson, Josef Hus W. --- Census 3/46
Anderson, Joseph --- Haley Diary 4/90 Married 5/2/34 5/2/39 Census 5/1/
Anderson, Joseph A. --- Census 3/84
Anderson, Judah --- Will 2/2/16 Census 5/1/16
Anderson, Judith --- V17:43, 83
Anderson, Judith --- V22:14
Anderson, Judith --- V27:61
Anderson, Judith --- Taxpayer 1/11 Query 2/2/48 Census 4/29
Anderson, Julia --- V15:65
Anderson, Julius --- Haley Diary 5/1/39
Anderson, Keith Van --- V29:63
Anderson, Kittie --- V15:64
Anderson, Kitty --- Birth Marriage Death 10/9
Anderson, Kitty --- V28:18
Anderson, Kitty --- V32:5
Anderson, L. B. --- Son-In-Law Of Frances Anderson 3/29
Anderson, Lavenia L. --- V23:6
Anderson, Lavinia Frances --- Tombstone 10/51
Anderson, Linn --- V24:67
Anderson, Louisa --- V14:81
Anderson, Louisa --- V27:90
Anderson, Louisa --- V28:14
Anderson, Louisa --- V29:64
Anderson, Lucy --- Census 2/2/36 2/2/38 Haley Diary 4/83 4/90
Anderson, Lucy --- V32:76
Anderson, Lucy B. --- V15:45
Anderson, Lucy B. --- V20:99
Anderson, Lucy B. --- V23:102, 105
Anderson, Lucy B. --- V27:34
Anderson, Lucy B. --- Census 3/84 Birth Marriage 4/7 Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, Lucy Barbara --- V23:101
Anderson, Lucy Barbara --- Landowner 10/47
Anderson, M. G. --- Haley Diary 5/1/38 Married 5/2/19 Died 6/98
Anderson, Major Nelson --- V45:72
Anderson, Mann, Dr. --- V23:60
Anderson, Marcia --- Death 4/8
Anderson, Marcus --- V21-2:37
Anderson, Margaret --- V21-1:99, 100
Anderson, Margaret Chaplin --- V21-1:110
Anderson, Maria F. --- Census 3/84
Anderson, Martha --- V15:65
Anderson, Martha --- V27:90
Anderson, Martha --- Death 4/8
Anderson, Martha (Patsy) Callis Winston --- Mentioned 10/17
Anderson, Martha A. --- Census 3/34
Anderson, Martha Cole --- Query 5/2/46
Anderson, Martha J. --- Census 3/84
Anderson, Martha Jane 'Jennie' --- V15:63
Anderson, Martha Puryear --- V29:64
Anderson, Martha Tanner --- V20:99
Anderson, Martha Tanner --- Landowner 10/47 10/50
Anderson, Mary --- V27:90, 91
Anderson, Mary --- Census 3/77 3/84 Rev Widow 8/26
Anderson, Mary --- V41:25
Anderson, Mary C. --- Census 3/34
Anderson, Mary Caroline 'Callie' --- V15:63, 65
Anderson, Mary Carter --- V15:63, 64
Anderson, Mary Cosby --- V27:89
Anderson, Mary E. --- V17:16
Anderson, Mary E. --- Census 3/77
Anderson, Mary E. Morris --- V29:64
Anderson, Mary F. --- Census 2/2/38
Anderson, Mary G. --- V23:105
Anderson, Mary Goodwin --- Parent 10/12
Anderson, Mary Johnson --- V17:43
Anderson, Mary Johnson --- Parent 4/10
Anderson, Mary L. --- V22:38
Anderson, Mary Lasley --- V29:64
Anderson, Mary M. --- Census 3/77
Anderson, Mary Overton --- V27:89
Anderson, Mary Stuart --- V16:83
Anderson, Mary Stuart --- Married 5/2/35
Anderson, Mary Susannah Kintbrough --- V32:87
Anderson, Massy --- Census 3/77
Anderson, Mat --- Haley Diary 4/82 6/96
Anderson, Mathew --- Taxpayer 1/16 Ordinary Keeper 8/15
Anderson, Mathew --- V41:30
Anderson, Mathew A. --- Census 3/37
Anderson, Mathew Archer --- V16:83
Anderson, Mathew B. --- V28:102
Anderson, Matthew --- V14:9, 33
Anderson, Matthew --- V15:45, 63
Anderson, Matthew --- V20:98, 99
Anderson, Matthew --- Taxpayer 1/11 Death 4/8 Census 4/29 Landowner 10/4
Anderson, Matthew G. --- Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, Matthew Garland --- Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, McGregor --- Haley Diary 7/94
Anderson, Metson --- V13:37
Anderson, Mical --- Census 5/1/16
Anderson, Michael --- V14:9
Anderson, Michael --- V17:43, 83
Anderson, Michael --- Taxpayer 1/11 Query 2/2/48 Marriage 12/29
Anderson, Mildred (Milly) Nee Waddy --- Married 12/19
Anderson, Miss --- V22:11
Anderson, Mollie F. --- Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, Molly --- Married 5/2/19 Haley Diary 6/99
Anderson, Mr. --- V38:16
Anderson, Mr. --- V41:25, 26, 28, 29, 30
Anderson, Mrs. John --- V43:40
Anderson, Nancy --- Census 3/49
Anderson, Nanie, Mrs. --- V33:30
Anderson, Nannie --- V16:6
Anderson, Nannie --- V28:98, 100
Anderson, Nannie --- V32:90, 92
Anderson, Nannie Gardner --- V28:96
Anderson, Napoleon --- Census 3/34
Anderson, Nat(t) --- V41:25, 27, 29
Anderson, Nathan --- V20:76
Anderson, Nathan --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 2/2/38 5/1/16 Trustee 11/1/26
Anderson, Nathan (Rev.) --- V29:64
Anderson, Nathanie --- V27:91
Anderson, Nathaniel --- V15:60
Anderson, Nathaniel --- V18:10
Anderson, Nathaniel --- V20:92
Anderson, Nathaniel --- V22:50
Anderson, Nathaniel --- Bath House Operator 7/40 Ordinary Keeper 8/15, Wil
Anderson, Nathaniel --- V41:55
Anderson, Nathl. --- V21-2:42
Anderson, Nelson --- V20:101
Anderson, Nelson --- Taxpayer 1/11 Biography 3/12+ Mentioned 3/9 3/23,
Anderson, Nelson --- V28:39
Anderson, Nelson --- V42:91
Anderson, Nelson --- V43:57
Anderson, Nelson --- V45:72, 73, 77, 89
Anderson, Nelson, Jr. --- V20:100
Anderson, Nelson, Jr. --- Mentioned 3/12 Married 12/5
Anderson, Nelson, Sr. --- Census 5/1/16
Anderson, Nicey --- Census 3/84
Anderson, Nicholas --- Landowner 4/55
Anderson, Nicholas W. --- Query 3/52 Haley Diary 9/50
Anderson, Nicie B. --- V23:102
Anderson, Occie --- V15:64
Anderson, Olivia R. --- Census 3/76
Anderson, P. B. --- Haley Diary 10/47
Anderson, P. T. --- Mentioned 1 0 / 49
Anderson, Pat --- Haley Diary 4/90
Anderson, Patsy --- Census 3/77 Haley Diary 6/18 8/95
Anderson, Patsy Turner --- Landowner 10/47
Anderson, Patsy W. --- Census 3/84
Anderson, Pattie B. --- V27:34
Anderson, Pattie T. --- V23:102
Anderson, Pouncey --- V13:72
Anderson, Pouncey --- V14:39
Anderson, Pouncey --- V17:43, 83
Anderson, Pouncey --- Query Z/2/48 Estate Executor 11/1/8
Anderson, Pouncey --- V45:76
Anderson, R. E. --- V32:92
Anderson, R. J. --- V21-1:29
Anderson, R. N. --- V32:87, 88, 99, 90, 91, 92
Anderson, R.N --- V33:21,24
Anderson, Rachel --- V27:89
Anderson, Rachel --- V28:14
Anderson, Richard --- V14:9, 14
Anderson, Richard --- V15:59, 71
Anderson, Richard --- V19:32
Anderson, Richard --- V22:45, 51
Anderson, Richard --- V25:98
Anderson, Richard --- Taxpayer 1/11 Mentioned 2/2/10 12/19 Query 2/2/48,
Anderson, Richard --- V34:45
Anderson, Richard --- V41:52
Anderson, Richard --- V45:73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 100
Anderson, Richard Clough --- Rev. Soldier 12/78
Anderson, Richard Col. --- V17:43, 83
Anderson, Richard, Col. --- V21-2:42
Anderson, Richard, Jr. --- Mentioned 8/70
Anderson, Ro. N. --- V18:30
Anderson, Robert --- V15:55, 56, 57, 59, 77
Anderson, Robert --- V16:43
Anderson, Robert --- V17:16, 32
Anderson, Robert --- V19:38, 42-44, 86-90
Anderson, Robert --- V20:73
Anderson, Robert --- V21-2:24, 40
Anderson, Robert --- V22:14, 50
Anderson, Robert --- V27:89
Anderson, Robert --- Vestryman 1/10 Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16 Query 5
Anderson, Robert --- V28:18
Anderson, Robert --- V33:20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Anderson, Robert --- V41:26, 54, 100, 103
Anderson, Robert --- V42:93, 128
Anderson, Robert H. --- Census 3/76
Anderson, Robert Henry --- V32:87
Anderson, Robert Henry, Mrs. --- V32:87
Anderson, Robert M. --- Census 2/2/38
Anderson, Robert Nelson --- V28:96
Anderson, Robert Nelson --- V33:21,28
Anderson, Robert Nelson --- V32:87, 90, 91
Anderson, Robert Nelson, Mrs. --- V32:90
Anderson, Robert, Jr. --- V41:100
Anderson, Robert, Mrs. --- V33:30
Anderson, Robert, Sr. --- V28:18
Anderson, Robt --- V43:55
Anderson, Robt. --- V26:48
Anderson, Rosa Belle --- V35:165
Anderson, S. D. --- Teacher 4/81
Anderson, Sallie F. --- V18:16
Anderson, Sallie F. --- V35:151-157, 163
Anderson, Sallie Farr --- V18:11
Anderson, Sallie Farrar --- V15:63
Anderson, Sallie Farrar --- V17:15
Anderson, Sallie Farrar --- V19:25
Anderson, Sally --- V28:18
Anderson, Sarah --- V20:15
Anderson, Sarah --- Query 3/91
Anderson, Sarah Graves Wilkinson --- V29:64
Anderson, Sarah T. --- Census Z/2/38
Anderson, Sarah Waddy --- Grandparent Of Nelson 3/12
Anderson, Scott --- V21-1:99, 100, 110
Anderson, Scott, Mrs. --- V21-1:68
Anderson, Suzannah --- V28:18
Anderson, T. C. --- V18:30
Anderson, T. Marian --- V27:79
Anderson, Taylor --- V18:16
Anderson, Thomas --- V13:31
Anderson, Thomas --- V20:98
Anderson, Thomas --- V27:90
Anderson, Thomas --- Rev. Soldier 8/26 Legal Note 11/1/42 11/1/44, 11/2
Anderson, Thomas --- V41:42
Anderson, Thomas --- V42:93
Anderson, Thomas C --- Census 2/2/38 Death 4/8
Anderson, Thomas C. --- V15:45
Anderson, Thomas C. --- V20:99, 100
Anderson, Thomas Cary --- Tombstone 10/50
Anderson, Thomas D. --- V28:14
Anderson, Thomas L. --- V23:105
Anderson, Thomas M. --- Census 4/29
Anderson, Thomas W. --- Census 3/84 Farmer 7/64
Anderson, Tom W. --- Haley Diary 7/45
Anderson, Turner --- V13:9
Anderson, Turner --- V14:9, 24
Anderson, Turner --- V15:71
Anderson, Turner --- V20:76
Anderson, Turner --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/8 5/1/16 Insurance, Recor
Anderson, Turner --- V28:13-14, 39
Anderson, Turner --- V41:100
Anderson, Turner --- V42:122
Anderson, Turner --- V43:57, 100, 102
Anderson, Ursley --- V26:43
Anderson, Vic K. --- V23:105
Anderson, Virginia B. --- V25:23
Anderson, Virginia C. --- V17:16
Anderson, Virginia C. --- Census 3/76
Anderson, W. M. --- V18:30
Anderson, Weldon --- V15:64
Anderson, Welson --- V13:35
Anderson, Wiley --- V29:79
Anderson, Wiley D. --- V29:71
Anderson, William --- V13:67, 74
Anderson, William --- V19:99
Anderson, William --- V22:14, 95
Anderson, William --- V23:77
Anderson, William --- V27:89
Anderson, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 Mentioned 3/12 Census 3/84 Parent 10
Anderson, William --- V42:95
Anderson, William M. --- Census 3/34
Anderson, William McKinley --- V21-1:121
Anderson, William P. --- Death 4/8
Anderson, William W. --- V25:23
Anderson, William W. --- Landowner 6/51
Anderson, Willie --- Married 10/12
Anderson & Co. (Tredegar Iron Works), --- V35:80
Anderson and Co., --- V16:24
Anderson College, --- V34:29
Anderson report, --- V38:17, 20
Anderson’s Mill, --- V45:75, 76
Anderson's Mill tract, --- V34:45
Anderson's Plantation, --- V13:53
Andes, --- V22:20
Andes, Alden Erasmus --- V25:23, 68, 73
Andes, Allen Erasmus --- Tombstone 4/65
Andes, David L. --- V21-2:14
Andes, Etta Funkhouse --- V25:23
Andes, Etta Funkhouser --- V25:68
Andes, Etta Funkhouser --- Tombstone 4/65
Andes, Evelyn O. --- V25:20
Andes, Harry --- V25:67
Andes, Harry A. --- V25:68
Andes, Harry A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Andes, Mae H --- Tombstone 4/65
Andes, Quinton --- V25:20, 67
Andes, Quinton P. --- V25:68
Andes, T. Carl --- Landowner 6/34
Andes, Virginia --- V23:82
Andes, Virginia --- V25:68, 73, 74
Andes, Willard F. --- V25:68
Andes House, --- V25:73
Andrew, (Slave) --- V30:81
Andrews, --- V18:17
Andrews, Ann S. --- Census 2/1/43
Andrews, Anna Royal --- V25:33
Andrews, Bertha --- Landowner 7/69
Andrews, C. M. --- V25:33
Andrews, Carl --- V21-1:123
Andrews, Carl --- V26:80
Andrews, Charlotte --- V28:86
Andrews, Claude --- V25:33
Andrews, J. H. --- V23:113
Andrews, J. H. --- V25:33
Andrews, J. Sturgis --- V23:113, 114
Andrews, J. Sturgis --- V24:44
Andrews, James --- Haley Diary 7/96
Andrews, Rev. Dr. --- V42:54
Andrews, Robert H. --- Census 2/1/42
Andrews, Sallie Woolfolk --- V26:80
Andrews, T. Carl --- V26:85
Andrews, Tavern --- V28:104
Andrews, Thomas Carl --- Marriage 12/60
Andrews, Yerlee K. --- Census 2/1/43
Anglican Church, --- V29:34
Anglicans, --- V22:4
Ann, (Slave) --- V30:81-82
Ann, Daughter Of Amy --- Birth 11/2/38
Anna, --- V25:97
Anna T. Jeans Fund, --- V46:20, 23
Annandale, --- V27:22
Annie, --- V26:92
Annie, Miss --- V33:3
Annis, (Slave) --- V30:72-74
Annual Conference of 1837, --- V36:33
Anson, Richard --- V42:93
Anthon(e)y, James --- V41:28, 29
Anthon(e)y, John --- V41:27, 28, 29
Anthon(e)y, Mark, Jr. --- V41:28
Anthon(e)y, Nathaniel --- V41:103
Anthoney, A. S. --- V18:30
Anthoney, Frank --- V18:30
Anthoney, S. W. --- V18:30
Anthoney, W. F. --- V18:30
Anthony, Agnes --- Heir 11/1/22
Anthony, Ann --- Census 3/82
Anthony, Bettie (Betty) --- V15:47
Anthony, Christopher --- Quaker 11/1/7 Married 11/1/22
Anthony, Claude --- V20:103
Anthony, Eliza --- V22:37
Anthony, Eliza --- Census 1/82
Anthony, Elizabeth --- Heir 11/1/13
Anthony, Frances --- Census 3/82 Landowner 10/64
Anthony, Francis --- V22:40
Anthony, Francis --- V24:93
Anthony, Francis --- Census 3/82
Anthony, Frank --- Farmer 7/63
Anthony, Frank --- V32:32
Anthony, Frank, Mrs. --- V32:12
Anthony, Henry G. --- Married 5/2/34
Anthony, Ida M. --- V32:32
Anthony, James --- V14:37
Anthony, James --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 4/29 5/1/16 Landowner 11/1/18
Anthony, James --- V42:128
Anthony, John --- V24:94
Anthony, John --- Census 1/82
Anthony, John S. --- Census 3/82
Anthony, Joseph --- Census 4/29 Legal Note 10/30 Quaker 11/1/7
Anthony, Lucy C. --- Census 3/82
Anthony, Luke --- V14:38
Anthony, Mary E. --- Census 3/82
Anthony, Nathan --- V20:99
Anthony, Obie M. --- V20:103
Anthony, S. W. --- Farmer 7/64
Anthony, Samuel --- Census 3/82
Anthony, Samuel W. --- V22:40
Anthony, Sarah --- V32:32
Anthony, Victoria --- Census 3/82
Anthony, William --- V23:58
Anthony, William F. --- Census 3/82
Antietam, --- V28:51
Antigua, --- V14:14
Antioch Baptist Church, --- V40:8
Anti-Saloon League, --- V27:12
Antley, Mina --- V22:96
Antley, Philip John --- V22:97
Antley, Ray Mills --- V22:96, 97
Antley, Wilhelmina Mills --- V22:96
Antwerp, Belgium, --- V25:66
Anvil stone, --- V34:12
Appalachian Synod, --- V19:6
Apperson, Jesse --- V21-1:123
Apperson, Jesse Ray --- V21-1:122
Apperson, Johnny Herman --- V21-1:122
Apple Blossom Festival, --- V21-1:96
Apple Grove, --- V17:26
Apple Grove, --- V18:29, 30, 32, 33
Apple Grove, --- V19:45
Apple Grove, --- V21-1:44, 67, 83
Apple Grove, --- V21-2:11, 16, 18
Apple Grove, --- V22:41-43, 97
Apple Grove, --- V23:41, 44, 113
Apple Grove, --- V25:51, 53, 70
Apple Grove, --- V27:4, 10, 34
Apple Grove, --- V28:78-80, 96
Apple Grove, --- V29:32
Apple Grove, --- V39:30, 32
Apple Grove, --- V31: 30, 31, 34, 48
Apple Grove, --- V33:49
Apple Grove, --- V34:21, 22, 59
Apple Grove, --- V32:17, 74, 75, 76, 81, 82
Apple Grove, --- V35:15
Apple Grove, --- V37:1
Apple Grove Agricultural High School, --- V31: 48
Apple Grove Baptist Church, --- V34:33
Apple Grove High School, --- V37:38
Apple Grove Methodist Ch., --- V21-1:86
Apple Grove School, --- V21-2:29
Apple Grove School, --- V22:42
Apple Grove School, --- V33:89
Applebee's, --- V37:27
Appleby, Alice E. --- Marriage 5/2/38
Appleby, Elizabeth Catherine --- Tombstone 1/71
Appleby, James (Dr.) --- V29:50
Appleby, Robert --- V18:27
Appleby, Robert --- Tombstone 1/71
Appleby, T. H. --- V18:30
Appleby, T. H. --- V29:102
Appleby, Thomas H. --- V21-1:93
Applegrove, --- V27:76
Appleman, Russell --- V38:6
Appomattox, --- V20:87, 89
Appomattox, --- V25:41
Appomattox, --- V28:19, 34, 44
Appomattox, --- V34:59
Appomattox Battlefield, --- V39:43
Appomattox County, --- V24:37
Appomattox Court House, VA, --- V32:33
Appomattox Courthouse, --- V28:29
Appomattox River, --- V33:36
Aptheker, Herbert --- V30:12
APVA, --- V38:47
Aquinton, --- V22:89
Arbon Church, Halifax, --- V34:24
Arch, Gordon L. --- V40:13
Archer, --- V23:84
Archer, Archie --- V23:86
Archer, Bob --- V44:38, 49
Archer, Elisha --- V42:94
Archer, Elizabeth --- V42:94
Archer, Sallie W --- Census 3/78
Archer, Samuel M. --- Married 5/2/33
Archer, William --- V41:28
Archer, William S. --- V44:162
Archer, Willy --- V44:49
Archers Farm, --- V28:76
Ardennes, --- V25:66
Ardennes, Battle of --- V31: 92
Ardennes, Battle of --- V31: 92
Ardennes Mountain Range, --- V31: 92
Aristophanes, --- V34:48
Arkansas, --- V26:101
Arkansas, County Arkansas --- V28:48
Arkansas, District of, --- V35:19
Arlington, --- V37:94
Arlington, Farms --- V37:94
Arlington, VA, --- V38:81
Armenius Mines, --- V20:47
Arminius Chemical Co., --- V21-1:53, 56
Arminius Copper Mine, --- V15:74
Arminius Copper Mine Co., --- V21-1:52
Arminius Mines, --- V21-1:40, 44, 46, 47, 52-54, 81, 82, 106, 114
Arminius Pyrites Mine, --- V15:4
Armistead, (Slave) --- V30:74
Armistead, Elizabeth Westwood --- Deed Witness 9/79
Armistead, Ellyson --- V21-2:25
Armistead, Frances Hislop Dalrymple --- Birth 9/79
Armistead, George Graham --- Mentioned 9/79
Armistead, Harriet M. --- Mentioned 9/79
Armistead, Margaret Ellzey --- Mentioned 9/79
Armistead, Mary Elizabeth --- Mentioned 9/76
Armistead, Mary Louisa Nee Westwood --- Mentioned 9/76
Armistead, Nancy Ann --- Mentioned 9/79
Armistead, Ro: Junior --- V43:66
Armistead, Robert --- V15:60
Armistead, Robert --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16 Committeeman 8/61, Bio
Armistead, Robert III --- Genealogy 9/79
Armistead, Robert N. --- Mentioned 9/79
Armistead Ouarter, --- V27:83
Armistice of World War I, --- V31: 40
Armstead, --- V25:16
Armstead, Fanny --- V21-2:25
Armstead, Frances --- V21-2:25
Armstead, Robert --- V22:15
Armstead, Robert --- V25:16
Armstead family, --- V25:16
Armstrong, A. B. --- Census 2/2/44
Armstrong, Adelia --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, Albert C --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, Ann --- Taxpayer 1/11
Armstrong, Annie O. --- Census 1/85
Armstrong, Archibald --- Census 2/2/44
Armstrong, Ashland --- V32:12, 34
Armstrong, Barbara --- V26:91
Armstrong, C. H. --- V18:30
Armstrong, Capt. --- V42:61
Armstrong, Charles M. --- Census 3/86
Armstrong, Charlie Walton --- Tombstone 10/72
Armstrong, Clara --- Census 3/86
Armstrong, Clyde --- V24:7
Armstrong, D. T. --- Farmer 7/65
Armstrong, David --- V18:36
Armstrong, David --- Census 3/75
Armstrong, David L. --- V21-1:35
Armstrong, David T. --- V16:13
Armstrong, David T. --- Census 3/75
Armstrong, Eliza K. --- Census 3/75
Armstrong, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/43 3/85
Armstrong, Elvira --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, Eudocia --- V23:63
Armstrong, Evelina --- Census 3/83 3/86
Armstrong, Fannie --- V24:93
Armstrong, Frances --- Census 1/81 3/83 3/86 3/87
Armstrong, Franky --- Census 3/85
Armstrong, G. A. --- Minister 6/54
Armstrong, Granville --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, Inez (Knight) --- V13:45
Armstrong, James --- V20:76
Armstrong, James --- Census 4/29 Rev. Soldier 8/26
Armstrong, James A. --- V19:7, 10
Armstrong, James A. (Reverend) --- V29:49
Armstrong, James B. --- V16:14
Armstrong, James B. --- V26:91
Armstrong, James B. --- Census 3/73
Armstrong, James W. --- Farmer 7/65
Armstrong, Jessie (Newland) --- V38:68
Armstrong, Jimmie --- Funeral 7/91
Armstrong, John --- V14:9
Armstrong, John --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 5/1/16
Armstrong, John --- V42:121
Armstrong, John L. --- Census 2/2/44
Armstrong, Julian --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, Katherine --- V31: 48
Armstrong, L. R. --- V18:29, 30
Armstrong, Lancelot --- V13:47
Armstrong, Lancelot --- V14:70
Armstrong, Lancelot --- V15:43
Armstrong, Lancelot --- V20:91
Armstrong, Lancelot --- V23:4
Armstrong, Lancelot --- Road Overseer 6/25
Armstrong, Lancelot, dec'd. --- V16:86
Armstrong, Lancelot, dec'd. --- V17:35
Armstrong, Lancelott --- V20:92
Armstrong, Lanclott --- Taxpayer 1/11
Armstrong, Lanslot --- Census 5/1/16
Armstrong, Launcelot --- V46:70
Armstrong, Launcelot, Jr. --- V46:70
Armstrong, Lawrence --- V14:66, 68
Armstrong, Lewis --- Census 2/2/46
Armstrong, Louisa A. --- Census 2/2/44
Armstrong, Marcia F. --- Census 3/83
Armstrong, Martha --- Census 1/81 3/83 3/85
Armstrong, Mary --- Census 2/1/43
Armstrong, Mary (Bourn) --- V13:47
Armstrong, Mary A. --- Census 3/86
Armstrong, Mary F. --- Query 2/2/48
Armstrong, Mary Nuckols --- V25:69
Armstrong, Mildred --- Census 3/83
Armstrong, Missouria --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, Nat. T. --- V19:30
Armstrong, Oliver --- V24:92
Armstrong, Oliver --- Census 3/83
Armstrong, Patsy --- Census 2/2/44
Armstrong, Price O. T. --- Census 3/86
Armstrong, Prince --- V32:29
Armstrong, R. M. --- V18:30
Armstrong, Raymond C. --- Tombstone 10/72
Armstrong, Richard --- V42:122
Armstrong, Richard H. --- Census 1/86
Armstrong, Robert --- Census 3/83
Armstrong, Roberta --- Census 3/85
Armstrong, Ruben --- Census 3/83
Armstrong, Samuella --- Census 2/2/44
Armstrong, Sarah --- V16:86
Armstrong, Sarah --- V17:35
Armstrong, Sarah --- V46:70
Armstrong, Sarah T. Carpenter --- V20:61
Armstrong, Stephen --- Census 3/86
Armstrong, Susan --- Census 3/87
Armstrong, T. L. (Tommy) --- V31: 48
Armstrong, Theodocia --- V24:94
Armstrong, Theodocia --- Census 3/37
Armstrong, Theodoshia --- V24:92
Armstrong, Thomas --- V20:92
Armstrong, Thomas --- V46:70
Armstrong, Thompson --- Haley Diary 4/88
Armstrong, Tommy --- V31: 48
Armstrong, Virginia --- Census 2/1/43
Armstrong, W. A. --- V22:29, 30
Armstrong, W. E. --- V22:29
Armstrong, W. H. --- Farmer 7/64
Armstrong, W. M. J. --- V13:45
Armstrong, W. M. J. --- V21-1:89
Armstrong, William --- V20:61
Armstrong, William --- V21-1:5
Armstrong, William --- V25:18, 69
Armstrong, William --- Taxpayer 1/11 1/81 Census 2/1/43 3/83 4/29 5/1/16
Armstrong, William --- V32:29
Armstrong, William --- V46:71
Armstrong, William, Jr. --- V42:128
Armstrong, Wm. --- V23:63
Armstrong, Zachariah P. --- Census 3/85
Army Microwave Station, --- V40:13
Army of N. VA, --- V20:89
Army of Northern Va, --- V35:10, 12, 19, 23, 47, 140, 141
Army of Northern Va., --- V16:8
Army of Northern Virginia, --- V30:30, 41
Army of Northern Virginia, --- V33:28
Army of Potomac, --- V23:31
Army of the James, --- V30:31
Army of the Potomac, --- V28:50
Army of the Potomac, --- V30:31, 37-38, 41
Army of the Republic, --- V36:56
Army of the Valley, --- V30:40
Army of West Virginia, --- V30:31, 40
Army Sanitary Corps, --- V31: 35
Army Special Services, --- V36:64
Arnet, David --- Census 5/1/16
Arnet, Susanna --- V14:9
Arnet, Susanna --- Census 5/1/16
Arnet, William --- Census 5/1/16
Arnett, A. C. --- Civil War Soldier 9/19
Arnett, A. D. --- V18:30
Arnett, A. D. --- V29:102
Arnett, A. H. --- V29:74
Arnett, Anna --- V30:77
Arnett, Araanna --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Arabella --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Archibald --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Archibald D. --- V16:71, 83
Arnett, Archibald D. --- V21-1:33
Arnett, Archibald D. --- Census 1/79 Married 5/2/32
Arnett, Archibald D. --- V29:39
Arnett, David --- V19:95, 96
Arnett, David --- Taxpayer 1/11 Rev. Soldier 3/26
Arnett, David --- V30:71, 73, 74, 77
Arnett, David --- V41:102
Arnett, David J. --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Frances --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Frances --- Census 1/79
Arnett, George --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Hansford --- V20:65
Arnett, Henry --- Census 1/79
Arnett, J. C. --- V18:30
Arnett, J. C. --- V21-1:91, 126
Arnett, J. C. --- V29:102
Arnett, James --- V19:95
Arnett, James --- Census 1/79 Landgrant 11/Z/20
Arnett, James --- V30:73, 75-78
Arnett, James --- V41:102
Arnett, James, Mrs. --- V30:74, 77
Arnett, Jas. --- V30:73
Arnett, John --- V30:77
Arnett, Joseph --- Census 1/79 2/1/40
Arnett, Judge --- V21-1:107, 118
Arnett, Judith E. Carpenter --- V20:65
Arnett, Julius C. --- V21-1:34
Arnett, L. D. --- V18:30
Arnett, L. D. --- V29:102
Arnett, Laura Estelle --- V16:71, 83
Arnett, Lt. A. C. CSA --- V35:143
Arnett, Lucas --- Census 1/79
Arnett, Madora --- V16:71
Arnett, Madora E. --- V21-1:33
Arnett, Maggie M. --- V21-1:34
Arnett, Marina --- Marriage 11/1/10
Arnett, Martha --- V19:95
Arnett, Martha --- V30:71
Arnett, Mary --- V19:95
Arnett, Mary --- Haley Diary 11/2/47
Arnett, Mary --- V30:70-73
Arnett, Mary C. --- V21-1:34
Arnett, Monroe --- V21-1:56
Arnett, Peggy --- V30:77
Arnett, property --- V29:39
Arnett, Rhode C. --- V21-1:34
Arnett, Robert --- V19:46, 95
Arnett, Robert --- V30:71
Arnett, Susanna McGehee --- V30:77
Arnett, Susannah --- Taxpayer 1/11
Arnett, Susannah --- V30:74, 77
Arnett, Susannah McGehee --- V30:74
Arnett, T. F. --- V29:102
Arnett, Wallace, A. L. --- V16:71, 83
Arnett, Wilfred --- Census 1/79
Arnett, William --- Census 5/1/16
Arnett, William --- V30:77
Arnette, Frances --- V21-2:23
Arnett's Store, --- V29:40
Arnold, Alexander B. --- V28:46
Arnold, Ambrose --- V17:36
Arnold, Archibald --- V28:46
Arnold, Baldy --- V28:46
Arnold, Benj., Jr. --- V17:33
Arnold, Benjamin --- V14:42, 65
Arnold, Benjamin --- V17:32
Arnold, Benjamin --- Indenture 9/46 Landowner 9/62
Arnold, Benjamin --- V28:47
Arnold, Cemetery --- V28:47
Arnold, Charles H. --- Marriage 5/2/37
Arnold, Elizabeth --- Census 2/1/37
Arnold, Elizabeth --- V28:47
Arnold, Hezekiah --- V14:71
Arnold, Isaac --- Taxpayer 1/13 Census 5/1/16
Arnold, Isaac --- V41:103
Arnold, James --- V28:46-47
Arnold, Jonathan --- V19:43, 44, 90
Arnold, Jonathan (Rev. ) --- V13:51, 53, 54
Arnold, Larkin --- V28:46
Arnold, Lewis --- Census 2/1/37
Arnold, Mahala Reynolds --- V28:46
Arnold, Mary --- Query 9/37
Arnold, Mrs. --- V22:13
Arnold, Nancy Lumsden --- V28:46
Arnold, Pamela Partlow --- V28:46
Arnold, Susan --- Census 1/87
Arnold, William --- Census 5/1/16 Rev. Soldier 9/89
Arnold, William --- V41:55, 103
Arnold, William --- V42:93
Arnold, Willie --- Query 7/48 10/10
Arnold, Georgia, --- V28:46
Arnoldus Mortanus Nova, Virginae Tabula --- V38:48
Arrack-punch spring, --- V19:66
Arritt, Shelby W. --- Author 7/56
Arrowhead Vineyard, --- V33:69
Arrowood, Robert S. --- V19:7, 10
Arrowwood, Robert S. (Reverend) --- V29:49
Arthur, Amanda (Vickers) --- V38:71
Arthur Burnet Family, --- V33:75
Arvonia, --- V31: 38
Asa, (Slave) --- V30:74
Asafetida, --- V31: 33
Asbury, Bishop Francis --- V36:31
Asbury, Francis --- Minister 11/1/25
Asbury, Ruby --- V28:43
Ash Lawn, --- V25:44
Ashby, Ann Pendleton --- Parent 9/11
Ashby, Ann Pendleton --- V35:134
Ashby, Cleo --- V23:43
Ashby, John --- Mentioned 9/11
Ashby, John, Capt. --- V35:134
Ashby, Turner --- Mentioned 9/11
Ashby, Turner --- V35:134, 146
Ashby’s Gap, --- V44:51
Ashcake, --- V33:91
Ashcake, Virginia, --- V15:63
Ashland, --- V21-1:113
Ashland, --- V22:61
Ashland, --- V31: 53
Ashland (Virginia), --- V13:81
Ashland Artillery, --- V24:77
Ashland parish, Hanover Co., --- V29:53
Ashland, VA, --- V30:31
Ashland, VA, --- V35:135
Ashland, VA, --- V38:73
Ashler Lodge, --- V21-1:77
Ashley, Enoch --- Rev. Soldier 0/26
Ashlin, Chesley --- V16:74
Asian flu, --- V31: 40
Askew, Joe --- V21-1:88
Askew, Joe --- Married 9/49
Askew, John W. Mrs. --- Museum Benefactor 4/77
Askew, Judith --- Taxpayer 1/11 Census 4/29
Aspatrick, --- V19:98
Aspen Hill, --- V13:60
Aspen Hill, --- V23:37
Aspen Hill, --- V27:76
Aspen Hill, --- V28:34, 36
Aspen Hill Academy, --- V27:76
Aspen Hill Academy, --- V25:31
Aspen Hill Harrises, --- V32:74
Aspirin, --- V31: 32
Astin, James --- V44:147
Astle, George S. --- V38:11
Astle, Gladys L. --- V38:11
Athenaeum Institute, --- V34:29
Athens Asylum, --- V38:7
Athens County, --- V38:61
Athens, Ga, --- V35:179
Athens, Ga., --- V18:3
Atkerson, Joseph --- V24:93
Atkins, Coleman --- Census 2/2/31
Atkins, Donald Leigh --- V31: 79
Atkins, Ed --- V21-1:57
Atkins, Edgo --- Census 2/1/45
Atkins, Frances Henson --- Author 5/2/29
Atkins, Frances Henson --- V36:22
Atkins, Frances Henson --- V35:91
Atkins, Frances Lumsden --- V28:48
Atkins, Frank --- Census Z/1/45
Atkins, Garrand --- Church Trustee 11/1/26
Atkins, Garret --- V25:26
Atkins, George A. --- Census 2/1/47
Atkins, Gerrard --- Census 2/1/33
Atkins, Jacob --- V14:38
Atkins, John L. --- V28:48
Atkins, Joseph --- V24:94
Atkins, Leonora L. --- Married 5/2/33
Atkins, Lewis --- Census 2/1/36
Atkins, Martha --- V28:48
Atkins, Mr. --- V34:38
Atkins, Olive Lum --- V16:71
Atkins, Patsy --- Census 2/2/31
Atkins, R. A. --- Minister 4/61
Atkins, R. A. --- V29:45
Atkins, R. Milton --- V16:71
Atkins, R. Milton --- V29:46
Atkins, Rebecca --- Census 2/1/33
Atkins, Rev. Robert A. --- V16:71
Atkins, Robert F. --- Census 2/2/30
Atkins, Sam --- V18:17
Atkins, Sam --- V35:156
Atkins, Sarah --- Census 2/1/33
Atkins, Stephen --- Census 5/1/16
Atkins, Susan --- Census 2/1/33
Atkins, Susan H. --- Marriage 12/43
Atkins, Treble --- Census 3/89
Atkins, W. E. --- V21-1:57
Atkins, W. W. --- V18:30
Atkins, William --- Census 4/29
Atkins, William B. --- Census 3/89
Atkinson, --- V22:16, 20
Atkinson, --- V23:89
Atkinson, Abner --- Census 2/1/41
Atkinson, Andrew --- Census 2/1/41
Atkinson, Andrew C. --- Census 2/1/42
Atkinson, Ann --- Mentioned 7/76
Atkinson, Aunt Vick --- V27:8
Atkinson, Blanche --- Tombstone 4/65
Atkinson, C. D. --- Farmer 7/64
Atkinson, Charles --- V28:31
Atkinson, Chisholm --- Census 2/1/41
Atkinson, Eliza --- Census 2/1/41
Atkinson, Elkanah --- Census 3/78
Atkinson, Eva --- V23:83
Atkinson, Eva --- V25:71
Atkinson, George A. --- V22:66
Atkinson, George A. --- V23:82
Atkinson, George A. --- V24:37, 38
Atkinson, George A. --- V25:68
Atkinson, George A. --- Tombstone 4/65
Atkinson, John --- Census 2/1/41
Atkinson, Lucian --- Haley Diary 9/49
Atkinson, Lula --- V23:82, 83
Atkinson, Lula --- V25:71
Atkinson, Lula --- Haley Diary 8/94
Atkinson, Maria L. --- Census 3/78
Atkinson, Mary A. --- Census 2/1/42
Atkinson, Mary J. --- Census 3/78
Atkinson, Myrtle --- Church Member 4/59 Tombstone 4/65
Atkinson, R. J. --- Farmer 7/64
Atkinson, Richard --- Census 3/78
Atkinson, Robert H. --- Census 3/78
Atkinson, Sarah E. --- Census 2/1/42
Atkinson, Spotswood L. --- Census 2/1/42
Atkinson, Sydney --- V27:101
Atkinson, Tryphena --- V22:21
Atkinson, Tryphena M --- Tombstone 4/65
Atkinson, W. B --- V37:89
Atkinson, William --- Mentioned 10/9
Atkinson, William S. --- Census 3/78
Atkinson House, --- V25:71
Atlanta, --- V23:28-30
Atlanta, --- V25:18
Atlanta Gap, --- V24:85
Atlanta, GA, --- V28:52
Atlanta, GA, --- V30:41
Atlanta, GA, --- V35:29, 89
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, --- V29:83
Atlantic (boat), --- V41:94
Atlantic and Virginia Fertilizing Co., --- V19:79
Atlantic City, --- V25:86
Atlantic City, NJ, --- V23:73
Atlantic Coastal Plain, --- V38:48
Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio R. R., --- V25:42
Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio RR, --- V33:28
Atlee, --- V33:91
Atlee's Station, --- V30:31
Attack Dive Bomber Pilot, --- V30:59
Attack Dive Bomber Pilot, --- V30:59
Attack Squadron, --- V30:45 61
Attack Squadron, --- V30:45 61
Attkison, Charles --- V43:111
Attkison, Charles --- V44:20
Attkisson, A. C. --- V18:30
Attkisson, A. C. --- V19:47
Attkisson, Ella E. --- V23:105
Attkisson, J. W. --- V18:30
Attonce, --- V28:26, 32
Attonce, --- V35:1-2, 6-7
Attwood, Oriana --- V19:21
Attwood, William --- V19:21, 24
Attwood, Wm. --- V19:21
Auburn, Mills --- V28:18
Auburn University, --- V34:25
August Court, --- V39:41
Augusta, --- V20:36
Augusta Co., --- V21-1:17, 18, 26
Augusta Co., VA, --- V35:137, 139
Augusta County, --- V16:43
Augusta County, --- V25:17, 84, 85
Augusta County, --- V18:16
Augusta County, --- V32:20, 21
Augusta County, VA, --- V38:73
Augusta, Georgia, --- V30:19, 27
Augustus, --- V31: 68
Aunt Edna, --- V40:65
Aunt Harriet, --- V33:78
Aunt Nicie, --- V38:31
Austen, David --- V41:42
Austin, --- V19:85
Austin, David S. --- V44:20
Austin, Ernest James --- V21-1:121
Austin, F. Mrs. --- Census 1/81
Austin, Fannie --- Census 1/83
Austin, Fleming --- V43:111
Austin, Fleming --- V44:20
Austin, Harry Thadeus --- V21-1:121
Austin, James W. --- Married 5/2/35
Austin, John --- Married 11/1/37
Austin, John --- V42:96
Austin, John --- V43:111
Austin, John --- V44:20
Austin, Lucy --- V19:50
Austin, Mildred --- V15:32
Austin, Richd. --- V43:105
Austin, Rush --- V21-1:48
Austin, Rush --- Census 1/81 1/83
Austin, Sallie J. --- Married 5/2/35
Austin, Thaddeus R. --- V19:49
Austin, Thadeus R. --- V24:93
Austin, Theodorha --- V44:20
Austin, Theodorha. --- V43:111
Austin, Waller --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Austin, Walter --- Testimonial 8/38
Austin, William --- V14:25, 27, 29, 77
Austin, William --- Census 1/82
Austria, --- V18:28
Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS), --- V36:28
Automobile Club of America, --- V46:99
Averett College, --- V34:28
Avery, --- V21-1:110
Avery, Ann Talley --- V21-1:116
Aylett, Ann --- Parent 11/2/25
Aylett, Ann --- V35:41
Aylett, Elizabeth Henry --- Letter To 8/7
Aylett, Jane --- Heir 11/2/25
Aylett, Jane --- V35:41
Aylett, John --- Landgrant 11/2/25
Aylett, John --- V35:41
Aylett, Mary --- V35:41
Aylett, Philip --- V19:44
Aylett, Phillip --- V19:90
Aylett, William --- Rev. Soldier 8/26 Parent 11/2/25
Aylett, William --- V35:41
Aylett, William --- V42:86
Aylett's Line, --- V30:67
Aylstock, Absalom --- V20:76
Aylstock, James --- V26:42
Aylstock, James --- Rev. Soldier 8/26
Aylstock, Joseph --- Census 5/1/16
Ayre, Howarth --- V28:48
Ayre, Nancy Frances --- V28:48
Ayre, Pathaney --- V28:48
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