Index to Relationships submitted by Janice Abercrombie

These pages contain almost 20,000 names that were provided by Janice L. Abercrombie. They contain a persons name, date, source of information, relationship type and the name of the related person. If the column named 'Added' contains an asterisk, then it means that I tried to generate a reverse relationship entry (i.e. if there was already an entry for Doe, Jane to Doe, John as husband, then I tried to create Doe, John to Doe, Jane as wife) Whenever in doubt, check the original entry!

Legend:    * Picture; ** Addition/Correction; *** In Memoriam; **** News Article; ^Will Probate

Pages: A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y  

Name Date Reference Relation Related To Added
Mackbride, Jane1742HenricogranddaughterCurd, Edward 
Mackbride, Mary1742HenricodaughterCurd, Edward 
Macomack, Lucy1766GDB 9 p. 70daughterProphet, Sylvester & Alice 
Maddox, Algernon S.1855Goochland Box 16sonMaddox, Wm. J. 
Maddox, Benjamin1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Elizabeth1855Goochland Box 16wifeBrook, John 
Maddox, Elizabeth1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Jacob1855Goochland Box 16husbandMaddox, Mary*
Maddox, Jane1855Goochland Box 16wifeMaddox, Wm. J.*
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Michal 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16husbandMaddox, Mary 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Wilson 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Sarah 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Mary 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, John 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Elizabeth 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Benjamin 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16fatherMaddox, Usly 
Maddox, John1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Judith1855Goochland Box 16wifeHancock, William 
Maddox, Mary1855Goochland Box 16wifeMaddox, Jacob 
Maddox, Mary1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Mary1841Goochland Box 16wifeMaddox, John*
Maddox, Michal1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Sarah1855Goochland Box 16wifeGammon, Benjamin 
Maddox, Sarah1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Usly1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, William H.1855Goochland Box 16sonMaddox, Wm. J. 
Maddox, Wilson1841Goochland Box 16child ofMaddox, John*
Maddox, Wm. H.1855Goochland Box 16parentMaddox, Wm. Joseph*
Maddox, Wm. J.1855Goochland Box 16grandparentSmith, Sarah Jane*
Maddox, Wm. J.1855Goochland Box 16husbandMaddox, Jane 
Maddox, Wm. J.1855Goochland Box 16grandfatherWeldon, Jane A. 
Maddox, Wm. J.1855Goochland Box 16parentMaddox, Algernon S.*
Maddox, Wm. J.1855Goochland Box 16parentMaddox, William H.*
Maddox, Wm. Joseph1855Goochland Box 16sonMaddox, Wm. H. 
Madison, Ann F. (Caroline)1855Jud. Box 20wifeMarmaduke, Moutraville*
Madison, Annie M. & Russell1915DB 37 p. 146child ofButler, Ellet*
Madison, Bertha vs. Walter Lee1914File Box 138divorce  
Madison, Elizabeth (Caroline)1855Jud. Box 20wifeMadison, George w. 
Madison, George W.1855Jud. Box 20parentMadison, Mary E.*
Madison, George W.1855Jud. Box 20parentMaridson, Richard J.*
Madison, George W.1855Jud. Box 20mother or father-in-lawMadison, Joseph r.*
Madison, George W.1855Jud. Box 20husbandMadison, Elizabeth (Caroline)*
Madison, George W. (Caroline)1855Jud. Box 20parentMarmaduke, Ann V.*
Madison, Henry1823Caroline-Hopkinbrother-in-lawVest, John*
Madison, John etc. Patent1717DB C p Rogers, John 
Madison, Joseph R.1855Jud. Box 20son-in-lawMadison, George W. 
Madison, Joseph R.1855Jud Box 20husbandMadison, Mary E. 
Madison, Mary1916DB 35 p. 380child ofSims, W. T.*
Madison, Mary E.1855Jud. Box 20daughterMadison, George W. 
Madison, Mary E.1855Jud Box 20wifeMadison, Joseph R.*
Madison, Walter Lee File Box 138marriedJones, Nora Culpeper 
Madison, Willie1916DB 35 p. 380son/daughter-in-lawSims, W. T.*
Magill, William1822DB Q p. 104husbandGooch, Unity*
Magill, William & Unity (Lincoln,Ky1822DB Q p. 104son-in-lawGooch, John 
Mahanes, Catharine1859DB EE p. 488daughterGibson, William & Mary 
Mallory, Addie1895Box 80daughterMallory, S. C. 
Mallory, Alva1938Chancery 1938-009child ofMallory, Rosa Estes*
Mallory, Ann1821WB 6 p. 208wifeMartin, Mallory 
Mallory, Bakerton1814DB M p. 481sonMallory, Richard & Milly 
Mallory, Bickerton W.1840DB X p. 243sonMallory, Richard 
Mallory, Chalres1829F WB 3 p. 316heirMallory, Nathan J.*
Mallory, Charles1824DB Q p. 303brotherMallory, Jesse H. 
Mallory, Charles1824DB Q p. 303sonMallory, Thomas 
Mallory, Charles1829F WB 3 p. 316heirMallory, William H.*
Mallory, Charles1824DB Q p. 303brotherMallory, Jesse H.*
Mallory, Charles1829F WB 3 p. 316heirMaupin, Gabriel*
Mallory, Charles t.1804WB 6 p. 164sonMallory, Thoms & Nancy 
Mallory, Charles t.1804WB 6 p. 164sonMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Clarissa1814DB M p. 481daughterMallory, Richard & Milly 
Mallory, Delphe1824WB 7 p. 193wifeMitchell, William S. 
Mallory, Dillard W.1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Dillard W.1818WB 6 p. 68legateeMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Dillard W.1813WB 5 p. 419sonMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Eliza R.1804WB 6 p. 164daughterMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Fleming1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Fleming1818WB 6 p. 68legateeMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Frances1820WB 6 p. 208daughterMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Frances1821WB 6 p. 208daughterMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Frances1825DB Q p. 465daughterMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Frances1821WB 6 p. 480brotherMallory, John (Georgia)*
Mallory, Frances1821WB 6 p. 480aunt/uncleMallory, William*
Mallory, Frances1821WB 6 p. 480aunt/uncleMallory, Roger*
Mallory, Francis1814DB M p. 481daughterMallory, Richard & MIlly 
Mallory, Francis1814DB M p. 481sonMallory, Richard & Milly 
Mallory, Geo. W> & LULA J> (Calif)1893F DB 27 p. 242heirMallory, Wm. J. 
Mallory, George W.1824DB Q p. 303grandchildThomas, Joel*
Mallory, George W.1865F WB 10 p. 4sonMallory, William J. 
Mallory, George W.1824DB Q p. 303sonMallory, Jesse H. & Margaret 
Mallory, George W.1824DB Q p. 303grandsonThomas, Joel 
Mallory, Henry1844DB AAheirRyals, H. C.*
Mallory, Henry1844DB AAheirRyals, V. C.*
Mallory, Henry1836DB V p. 102 Plantation, Adams*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193wifeMallory, Henry 
Mallory, Henry1825WB 7 p. 193husbandMallory, Rebecca*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193husbandMallory, Rebecca*
Mallory, Henry1844DB AAheirHunter, Martha A. W.*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193husbandMallory, Henry*
Mallory, Henry1828DB AA pwidowMallory, Rebecca*
Mallory, Henry1828WB p. 198heirEllis, Leroy*
Mallory, Henry1844DB AA pheirHunter, George Jr.*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193parentPerkins, Lucy*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193mother or father-in-lawMitchell, William S.*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193parentPerkins, Rebecca*
Mallory, Henry1817DB N p. 128 Church, St. James*
Mallory, Henry1828WB p. 198heirMitchell, Sarah T. or Y*
Mallory, Henry1836DB V p. 102 Adams Plantation*
Mallory, Henry1828WB p. 198heirMitchell, Malinda C.*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 163mother or father-in-lawMitchell, William S.*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193parentMitchell, Delphe*
Mallory, Henry1844DB AAheirChristmas, Sarah T.*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193parentMallory, Sally*
Mallory, Henry1824WB 7 p. 193parentMallory, Salley*
Mallory, Henry1844DB AAheirChristmas, Geroge W.*
Mallory, Henry a.1895Box 80sonMallory, S. C. 
Mallory, Hunter1938Chancery 1938-009child ofMallory, Rosa*
Mallory, Ichabod1820WB 6 p. 208sonMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Ida C.1895Box 80wifeMallory, S. C. 
Mallory, Idhabod1821WB 6 p. 208heirMallory, Roger 
Mallory, James1814DB M p. 481sonMallory, Richard & Milly 
Mallory, James1938Chancery 1938-009child ofMallory, Rosa*
Mallory, Jesse1819DB O p. 313sonMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Jesse H.1854DB CC p. 568husbandThomas, Margaret M.*
Mallory, Jesse H.1824DB Q p. 303husbandThomas, Margaret*
Mallory, Jesse H.1804WB 6 p. 164sonMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Jesse H.1824DB Q p. 303sonMallory, Thomas 
Mallory, Jesse H.1824DB Q p. 303son-in-lawThomas, Joel 
Mallory, Jesse H.1824DB Q p. 303brotherMallory, Charles 
Mallory, Jesse H.1824DB Q p. 303brotherMallory, Charles*
Mallory, Jesse H. & Margaret1824DB Q p. 303parentMallory, Thomas M.*
Mallory, Jesse H. & Margaret1824DB Q p. 303parentMallory, Joseph H.*
Mallory, Jesse H. & Margaret1824DB Q p. 303parentMallory, George W.*
Mallory, Jesse H. & Margaret M.1854DB CC p. 568heirThomas, Joel 
Mallory, John1821WB 6 p. 208son-in-lawMallory, Roger 
Mallory, John1820WB 6 p. 208son-in-lawMallory, Roger 
Mallory, John1820WB 6 p. 208sonMallory, Roger 
Mallory, John1821WB 6 p. 208sonMallory, Roger 
Mallory, John1938Chancery 1938-009child ofMallory, Rosa*
Mallory, John (GA)1821WB 6 p. 480parentMallory, Roger*
Mallory, John (GA)1821WB 6 p. 480parentMallory, William*
Mallory, John (Georgia)1821WB 6 p. 480brotherMallory, Frances 
Mallory, John (Green Co. GA)1820DB O p. 416fatherMallory, Roger (Petersburg) 
Mallory, John (Green, GA)1820DB O p. 416parentMallory, William (Petersburg)*
Mallory, John B.1885WB 19 p. 85grandsonBarret, Malinda 
Mallory, John F.1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, John W.1857DB EE p. 117husbandGillespie, Mary Helen*
Mallory, John W. & Mary Helen1857DB EE p. 117legateeHunter, William 
Mallory, John W. & Mary Helen wf1857DB EE p. 117heirGillespie, David S. 
Mallory, John W. & Mary Helen wf1857DB EE p. 117heirHunter, William 
Mallory, John W. & wife1857WB 10 p. 325legateeGillespie, David S. 
Mallory, John W. (Hanover)1857DB EE p. 117husbandMllory, Mary Helen*
Mallory, Joseph (Richmond)1897DB 16 p. 48husbandMcAllister, Rosalie*
Mallory, Joseph H.1824DB Q p. 303grandchildThomas, Joel*
Mallory, Joseph H.1824DB Q p. 303grandsonThomas, Joel 
Mallory, Joseph H.1824DB Q p. 303sonMallory, Jesse H. & Margaret 
Mallory, Judith1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Judith1818WB 6 p. 68legateeMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Judith O.1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Laura J.1865F WB 10 p. 4daughterMallory, Wm. J. 
Mallory, Linwood1938Chancery 1938-009child ofMallory, Rosa*
Mallory, Louisanna Virginia1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Salley 
Mallory, Louisanna Virginia1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Lucy1832DB CC p. 431widowMallory, Minor (Nottaway Co.) 
Mallory, Lucy (widow Minor)1832DB CC p. 431wifeGentry, John 
Mallory, Mahala D.1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Margaret1824DB Q p. 303daughterThomas, Joel 
Mallory, Margaret M.1845DB Z p. 244legateeParrish, Booker 
Mallory, Mary Ann1843DB Y p. 229wifeMallory, Samuel 
Mallory, Mary Helen1857DB EE p. 117wifeMallory, John W. (Hanover) 
Mallory, Mary Helen1857DB EE p. 117child ofGillespie, David S.*
Mallory, Minor (Nottaway Co.)1832DB CC p. 431widowMallory, Lucy*
Mallory, Moriah F.1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Moriah F.1813WB 5 p. 419sonMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164wifeMallory, Thomas 
Mallory, Nancy1818WB 6 p. 480wifeGibson, Zedekiah 
Mallory, Nancy1820DB O p. 394wifeGibson, Zedekiah 
Mallory, Nancy (widow Thomas)1818WB 6 p. 56wifeGibson, Zedekiah 
Mallory, Nancy E.1874F DB 21 p. 306heirBanks, Ralph 
Mallory, Nancy E.1893F DB 27 p. 242widowMallory, Wm. J. 
Mallory, Nancy E.1865F WB 10 p. 4wifeMallory, William J. 
Mallory, Nathan J.1829F WB 3 p. 316heirMallory, Chalres 
Mallory, P. H.1818WB 6 p. 68sonMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Patrick H.1813WB 5 p. 419sonMallory, Robert & Salley 
Mallory, Patrick H.1813WB 5 p. 419sonMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Polley M.1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Rebecca1824WB 7 p. 193wifeMallory, Henry 
Mallory, Rebecca1825WB 7 p. 193wifeMallory, Henry 
Mallory, Rebecca1828DB AA pwidowMallory, Henry 
Mallory, Richard1839DB X p. 33parentSmith, Clarissa*
Mallory, Richard1840DB X p. 243parentMallory, Bickerton W.*
Mallory, Richard & Milly1814DB M p. 481parentMallory, Bakerton*
Mallory, Richard & Milly1814DB M p. 481parentMallory, Samuel*
Mallory, Richard & Milly1814DB M p. 481parentMallory, Francis*
Mallory, Richard & Milly1814DB M p. 481parentMallory, Clarissa*
Mallory, Richard & Milly1814DB M p. 481parentMallory, Francis*
Mallory, Richard & Milly1814DB M p. 481parentMallory, James*
Mallory, Robert1813WB 5 p. 419husbandMallory, Sally*
Mallory, Robert & Salley1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Louisanna Virginia*
Mallory, Robert & Salley1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Patrick H.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68parentMallory, P. H.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Thomas*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Polley M.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Sally D.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Susanna Taylor*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Robert T.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Patrick H.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Judith*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68legateeMallory, Dillard W.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Dillard W.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68heirDickenson, Thomas Jr.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68legateeDickenson, Thomas Jr.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, John f. Mallory*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68legateeMallory, Fleming*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68legateeMallory, Judith*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Judith O.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Louisanna Virginia*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Mahala D.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Fleming*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Moriah F.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Moriah F.*
Mallory, Robert & Sally1813WB 5 p. 419parentMallory, Dillard W.*
Mallory, Robert T.1813WB 5 p. 419sonMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 480nephewMallory, Frances 
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 480sonMallory, John (GA) 
Mallory, Roger1820WB 6 p. 208mother or father-in-lawMallory, John*
Mallory, Roger1820WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Sarah*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Frances*
Mallory, Roger1825DB Q p. 465parentMallory, Frances*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Thomas*
Mallory, Roger1820WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Ichabod*
Mallory, Roger1820WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Frances*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208parentMartin, Ann*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Sarah (wf John Mallory)*
Mallory, Roger1826DB Q p. 645heirMallory, Roger & Elizabeth C.(wife0*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, John*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208heirMallory, Idhabod*
Mallory, Roger1821WB 6 p. 208mother or father-in-lawMallory, John*
Mallory, Roger1820WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, Thomas*
Mallory, Roger1820WB 6 p. 208parentMallory, John*
Mallory, Roger & Elizabeth C.(wife01826DB Q p. 645heirMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Roger (Petersburg)1820DB O p. 416child ofMallory, John (Green Co. GA)*
Mallory, Rosa1938Chancery 1938-009motherMallory, James 
Mallory, Rosa1938Chancery 1938-009motherMallory, Spencer 
Mallory, Rosa1938Chancery 1938-009motherMallory, John 
Mallory, Rosa1938Chancery 1938-009motherMallory, Hunter 
Mallory, Rosa1938Chancery 1938-009motherMallory, Linwood 
Mallory, Rosa Estes1938Chancery 1938-009motherMallory, Alva 
Mallory, Rosa Estes1938Chancery 1938-009child ofEstes, Abram*
Mallory, Rosalie M.1897DB 16 p. 48daughterMcAllister, Richard B. & Martha E. 
Mallory, S. C.1895DB 14 p. 347sonMallory, Thomas H. 
Mallory, S. C.1895Box 80parentMallory, Sarah J.*
Mallory, S. C.1895Box 80parentMallory, Addie*
Mallory, S. C.1895Box 80parentMallory, Henry a.*
Mallory, S. C.1895Box 80husbandMallory, Ida C.*
Mallory, Salley1824WB 7 p. 193daughterMallory, Henry 
Mallory, Sally1820F WB 2 p. 317daughterBowles, Knight 
Mallory, Sally1824WB 7 p. 193daughterMallory, Henry 
Mallory, Sally1813WB 5 p. 419wifeMallory, Robert 
Mallory, Sally1843DB T p. 560wifeMallory, Thomas 
Mallory, Sally D.1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Samuel1838DB W p. 93 Tavern, Cosby's*
Mallory, Samuel1814DB M p. 481sonMallory, Richard & Milly 
Mallory, Samuel DB Y p. 128son-in-lawBarret, Peter S. 
Mallory, Samuel1843DB Y p. 229husbandMallory, Mary Ann*
Mallory, Samuel1838DB W p. 93 Cosby's Tavern*
Mallory, Samuel DB Y p. 128husbandBarret, Mary Ann*
Mallory, Samuel C.1878LCMRsonMallory, Thomas H. & Martha J. 
Mallory, Sarah1820WB 6 p. 208daughterMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Sarah (wf John Mallory)1821WB 6 p. 208daughterMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Sarah J.1895Box 80daughterMallory, S. C. 
Mallory, Spencer1938Chancery 1938-009child ofMallory, Rosa*
Mallory, Susanna1804WB 6 p. 164daughterMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Susanna1804WB 6 p. 164daughterMallory, Thoms 
Mallory, Susanna Taylor1813WB 5 p. 419daughterMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Susannah1819DB O p. 313daughterMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Susannah1798WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
Mallory, Susannah1801WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
Mallory, Thomas1821WB 6 p. 208sonMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Thomas1818WB 6 p. 68heirMallory, Robert & Sally 
Mallory, Thomas1820WB 6 p. 208sonMallory, Roger 
Mallory, Thomas1843DB T p. 560husbandMallory, Sally*
Mallory, Thomas1824DB Q p. 303parentMallory, Jesse H.*
Mallory, Thomas1820DB O p. 394widowNancy, Gibson*
Mallory, Thomas1824DB Q p. 303parentMallory, Charles*
Mallory, Thomas1804WB 6 p. 164husbandMallory, Nancy*
Mallory, Thomas1818WB 6 p. 56widowGibson, Nancy*
Mallory, Thomas1820DB O p. 394widowGibson, Nancy*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1819DB O p. 313parentMallory, Jesse*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Eliza R.*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Susanna*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Jesse H.*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1819DB O p. 313parentMallory, Susannah*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Charles t.*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Thomas G.*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1820DB O p. 394parentMallory, Thomas G.*
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1819DB O p. 313parentArmstrong, Eliza H. *
Mallory, Thomas & Nancy1819DB O p. 313mother or father-in-lawArmstong, David*
Mallory, Thomas G.1804WB 6 p. 164sonMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Thomas G.1820DB O p. 394sonMallory, Thomas & Nancy 
Mallory, Thomas H & Martha Jane wife1857DB FF p. 578heirDiggs, Patsy P. 
Mallory, Thomas H.1865F WB 10 p. 4brotherMallory, Wm. J. 
Mallory, Thomas H.1895DB 14 p. 347parentMallory, S. C.*
Mallory, Thomas H. & Martha J.1878LCMRparentMallory, Samuel C.*
Mallory, Thomas M.1824DB Q p. 303grandchildThomas, Joel*
Mallory, Thomas M.1824DB Q p. 303grandsonThomas, Joel 
Mallory, Thomas M.1824DB Q p. 303sonMallory, Jesse H. & Margaret 
Mallory, Thoms1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Susanna*
Mallory, Thoms & Nancy1804WB 6 p. 164parentMallory, Charles t.*
Mallory, William1821WB 6 p. 480sonMallory, John (GA) 
Mallory, William1821WB 6 p. 480nephewMallory, Frances 
Mallory, William1836F DB 17 p. 418 Church, Methodist Episcopal South*
Mallory, William (Petersburg)1820DB O p. 416sonMallory, John (Green, GA) 
Mallory, William H.1829F WB 3 p. 316heirMallory, Charles 
Mallory, William J.1865F WB 10 p. 4husbandMallory, Nancy E.*
Mallory, William J.1865F WB 10 p. 4parentMallory, George W.*
Mallory, Wm. J.1893F DB 27 p. 242heirSmith, A. V & Laura J.*
Mallory, Wm. J.1865F WB 10 p. 4brotherMallory, Thomas H.*
Mallory, Wm. J.1893F DB 27 p. 242widowMallory, Nancy E.*
Mallory, Wm. J.1893F DB 27 p. 242heirMallory, Geo. W> & LULA J> (Calif)*
Mallory, Wm. J.1865F WB 10 p. 4parentMallory, Laura J.*
Mann, Elizabeth B.1818FWB 2 p. 272daughterWoodson, Rene 
Mann, L. J.1905WB 20 p. 424auntBragg, Ada H. 
Mann, William F.1818FWB 2 p. 272son-in-lawWoodson, Rene 
Mansfield, Ann1867WB 17 p. 540widowMansfield, William 
Mansfield, Edward S.1851WB 13 p. 350heirMansfield, John G. 
Mansfield, F. B.1867WB 17 p. 325heirMansfield, Wiliam 
Mansfield, John G.1851WB 13 p. 350heirMansfield, Edward S.*
Mansfield, Virginia D.1868DB GG p. 555wifeChiles, Fendol W.*
Mansfield, Wiliam1867WB 17 p. 325heirMansfield, F. B.*
Mansfield, William1868DB GG p. 555parentChiles, Virginia D. Mansfield*
Mansfield, William1867WB 17 p. 540widowMansfield, Ann*
Mantelo, Martha Burrett1800DB J p. 80daughterHarris, Robert & Mezzapina 
Mantelo, Richard1800DB J p. 80son-in-lawHarris, Robert & Messapina 
Mantelo, Richard1800DB J p. 80husbandHarris, Martha Burrett*
Marbrey, Elenor1786Rowan Co., NCwifeMoore, John*
Maridson, Richard J.1855Jud. Box 20sonMadison, George W. 
Marks, Fannie A.1876WB 18 p. 184daughterWright, William T. 
Marks, Mollie E.1896DB 15 p. 464heirWaldrop, Thomas 
Marks, William H.1896DB 15 p. 464heirWaldrop, Thomas 
Marmaduke, Ann V.1855Jud. Box 20daughterMadison, George W. (Caroline) 
Marmaduke, Elizabeth1869DB GG p. 791daughterStiffler, Hyman 
Marmaduke, James1869DB GG p. 791son-in-lawStiffler, Hyram 
Marmaduke, Moutraville1855Jud. Box 20husbandMadison, Ann F. (Caroline) 
Marshall, John1790WB 3 p. 313 Company, Marshall Store*
Martin, Ann1821WB 6 p. 208daughterMallory, Roger 
Martin, Dr. George1871A WB 28 p. 391widowMartin, S. E.*
Martin, Elizabeth1802DB J p. 484wifeGilliam, William 
Martin, Mallory1821WB 6 p. 208husbandMallory, Ann*
Martin, Martin1736GDB 2 p. 249heirWoodson, Stephen 
Martin, S. E.1871A WB 28 p. 391widowMartin, Dr. George 
Mason, Drusilla W.1842WB 11 p. 1651daughterBoxley, George 
Mason, E. L.1902DB 24 p. 174 Post Office, Brians*
Mason, E. L.1902DB 20 p. 302 Post Office, Brian*
Mason, Moses M. & Charity1841DB X p. 470heirHughes, William 
Mason, Richard1878WB 18 p. 255husband of nieceDansey, Julia*
Massey, Abraham1787WB 2 p. 182grandsonClark, Isaac 
Massey, Alexander W.1909S WB BB p. 330husbandMassey, Lucy M.*
Massey, Alexander W.1909S WB BB p. 330parentPendleton, Nina E.*
Massey, Alexander W.1909S WB BB p. 330parentMassey, C. Rosser*
Massey, Alexander W.1909S WB BB p. 330parentMassey, Ella Maude*
Massey, Alexander W.1909S WB BB p. 330parentMassey, J. Wallace*
Massey, Ann1787WB 3 p. 182daughterClark, Isaac 
Massey, Benjamin S WB 6 p. 268parentOverton, James*
Massey, Benjamin1807S DB R p. 270parentMassey, Reuben & Mary*
Massey, Benjamin S. S WB AA p. 152parentWilloughby, Sarah E.*
Massey, Benjamin S. S WB AA p. 152husbandMassey, Hulday*
Massey, Benjamin S. S WB AA p. 152parentMassey, William H.*
Massey, Benjamin S. S WB AA p. 152parentMassie, Benjamin F.*
Massey, C. Rosser1909S WB BB p. 330sonMassey, Alexander W. 
Massey, Charles1787WB 3 p. 182grandsonClark, Isaac 
Massey, Clary P.1829S DB CC p. 168daughterMassey, Elizabeth Mariah 
Massey, Eliza M.1817S WB I p. 208daughterMassie, Thomas C. 
Massey, Elizabeth Mariah1829S DB CC p. 168parentMassey, Clary P.*
Massey, Ella Maude1909S WB BB p. 330daughterMassey, Alexander W. 
Massey, Fountain Mesheck Walker S WB 6 p. 268sonMassie, Benjamin 
Massey, Hulday S WB AA p. 152wifeMassey, Benjamin S. 
Massey, J. Wallace1909S WB BB p. 330sonMassey, Alexander W. 
Massey, James Venable1787WB 3 p. 182grandsonClark, Isaac 
Massey, John f. S WB AA p. 152sonMassie, Benjamin S. 
Massey, Lucy1817S WB I-J p. 208wifeMassie, Thomas C. 
Massey, Lucy M.1909S WB BB p. 330wifeMassey, Alexander W. 
Massey, Reuben & Mary1807S DB R p. 271mother or father-in-lawSpindle, John*
Massey, Reuben & Mary1807S DB R p. 270sonMassey, Benjamin 
Massey, William1787WB 3 p. 182grandsonClark, Isaac 
Massey, William H. S WB AA p. 152sonMassey, Benjamin S. 
Massie, Alexander W.1892S WB BB p. 330 Plantation, Cool Spring*
Massie, Alexander W.1892S WB BB p. 330 Cool Spring Plantation*
Massie, Benjamin S WB 6 p. 268parentMassey, Fountain Mesheck Walker*
Massie, Benjamin S WB 6 p. 268parentOverton, Benjamin Skinner*
Massie, Benjamin S WB 6 p. 268parentOverton, William Burdell Thornton*
Massie, Benjamin S WB 6 p. 268parentOverton, Clarey S. Harley*
Massie, Benjamin S WB 6 p. 268husbandOverton, Fanny*
Massie, Benjamin F. S WB AA p. 152sonMassey, Benjamin S. 
Massie, Benjamin S. S WB AA p. 152parentMassey, John f.*
Massie, Eliza M.1817S WB I p. 108daughterMassie, Thomas C. 
Massie, James1827S DB AA p. 432aliasOverton, James (Orange)*
Massie, John P.1817S WB I p. 208sonMassie, Thomas C. 
Massie, Mary1853DB CC p. 410at one timeWalton, Mary 
Massie, Mary1853DB CC p. 410motherPeers, Dorothy 
Massie, Mary1863WB 15 p. 323brotherBoxley, Pallison*
Massie, Mary Boxley1863WB 15 p. 323wifeGoodwin, Ralph S. 1st. 
Massie, Mary Fluvanna1853DB CC p. 410wasWalton, Mary 
Massie, Mary Fluvanna1853DB CC p. 410parentPeers, Dorothy*
Massie, Mrs. R. B.1937WB 24 p. 15daughterWright, John W. & Hattie M. 
Massie, Sarah E. S WB AA p. 152wifeWilloughbly, Walter M. 
Massie, Thomas C.1817S WB I-J p. 208husbandMassey, Lucy*
Massie, Thomas C.1817S WB I p. 208parentMassie, John P.*
Massie, Thomas C.1817S WB I p. 208parentMassey, Eliza M.*
Massie, Thomas C.1817S WB I p. 108parentMassie, Eliza M.*
Massie, William Burdit1827S DB AA p. 432aliasOverton, Wm Burdit (Madison, Ala)*
Matthews, Elizabeth1800DB J p. 80daughterHarris, William 
Matthews, J Harland (Tennessee)1852Judgmentsson-in-lawHumphrey, Overton 
Matthews, J. Harland (Tenn)1852JudgmentshusbandHumphrey, Susan*
Matthews, James1852Judgmentg grandsonHumphrey, Edmund 
Matthews, Jane1798DB I p. 603daughterByars, John & Elizabeth 
Matthews, Sarah (Tennn)1852Judgmentg granddauHumphrey, Edmund 
Matthews, Sherod1798DB I p. 603son-in-lawByars, John & Elizabeth 
Matthews, Susan1852JudgmentgranddaughterHumphrey, Edmund 
Matthews, Virginia (Tenn)1852Judgmentg granddauHumphrey, Edmund 
Matthews, William1852Judgmentg. grandsonHumphrey, Edmund 
Maupin, Catharine1817WB 6 pdaughterWhite, John & Susanna 
Maupin, Catharine P.1832WB 10 p. 306daughterWhite, Moses & Nancy 
Maupin, Chapman1817WB 6granddsonWhite, John & Susanna 
Maupin, Fountaine1817WB 6grandsonWhite, John & Susanna 
Maupin, Gabriel1829F WB 3 p. 316heirMallory, Charles 
Maupin, John1817WB 6 p.grandsonWhite, John & Susanna 
Maupin, Lucinda1817WB 6granddaughterWhite, John & Susanna 
Maupin, Overton1817WB 6granddsonWhite, John & Susanna 
Mauppin, Mariah1817WB 6granddaughterWhite, John & Susanna 
Mauppin, Milley1784WB 3 p. 145daughterWhite, William 
Maxey, Sarah1738G DB 4 p. 499child ofSamson, Francis*
May, John S.1826DB Q p. 650heirPoindexter, Wm. 
May, Mary1800DB J p. 80daughterHarris, William 
May, Samuel1800DB J p. 35son-in-lawHarris, William 
May, Samuel1800DB J p. 35husbandHarris, Mary*
Mayfield, Thos. & Ann Orange1757DB B p. 202deedTate, William 
Mayo, Frances A.1872F WB 10 p. 396daughterSnead, John H. 
McAlester, Elizabeth1798DB I p. 539wifeWhite, William*
McAlester, Elizabeth1798DB I p. 539guardian ofCarter, John & Winifred*
McAlester, James1798DB I p. 539parentWhite, Elizabeth*
McAllester, Eliza.1789WB 3 p. 288child ofBibb, Ann*
McAllister Graveyard1780DB H p. 136 McAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister Graveyard1899DB 17 p. 179BumpassMcAllister, Catharine 
McAllister, Abigail1792WB 3 p. 492daughterTate, Abigail 
McAllister, Alexander1765WB 1 p. 66sonMcAllister, William 
McAllister, Benjamin1804DB K p. 95brother?McAllister, John 
McAllister, Catharine1899DB 17 p. 179BumpassGraveyard, McAllister*
McAllister, Catharine1899DB 17 p. 179BumpassMcAllister Graveyard*
McAllister, Catherine1897DB 16 p. 48parentMcAllister, Richard B.*
McAllister, David1804DB K p. 95brotherMcAllister, Nathaniel 
McAllister, David1804DB K p. 95brotherMcAllister, John*
McAllister, Elizabeth1790WB 3 p. 288daughterBibb, Ann 
McAllister, Elizabeth1765WB 1 p. 66wifeMcAllister, William 
McAllister, Elizabeth1804DB K p. 95wifeCole, Wesley 
McAllister, Florence E.1897DB 16 p. 48daughterMcAllister, Richard B. & Martha E. 
McAllister, Garland1765WB 1 p. 66sonMcAllister, William 
McAllister, Garland1780DB H p. 136sonMcAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, Garland1829WB 8 p. 10sonMcAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, Garland1804DB K p. 95sisterMcAllister, Rebeccah G.*
McAllister, Garland1804DB K p. 95brotherMcAllister, Nathaniel*
McAllister, George W.1899DB 17 p. 180heirMcAllister, Katy 
McAllister, Henry L.1887DB 8 p. 483sonMcAllister, William 
McAllister, James1785WB 3 p. 76widowTate, Winfred*
McAllister, James1829WB 8 p. 51heirCosby, William 
McAllister, James1829WB 8 p. 10sonMcAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, James1802DB J p. 408son?McAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, John1765WB 1 p. 66sonMcAllister, William 
McAllister, John1804DB K p. 95brotherMcAllister, David 
McAllister, John1780DB H p. 136sonMcAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, John1829WB 8 p. 10sonMcAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, John1804DB K p. 95brother?McAllister, Benjamin*
McAllister, Katy1899DB 17 p. 180heirMcAllister, George W.*
McAllister, Louisa A.1854DB DD p. 96widowMcAllister, Nathaniel 
McAllister, Martha E.1897DB 16 p. 48widowMcAllister, Richard B. 
McAllister, Nathaniel1804DB K p. 95brotherMcAllister, Garland 
McAllister, Nathaniel1829WB 8 p. 10sonMcAllister, William & Elizabeth 
McAllister, Nathaniel1854DB DD p. 96widowMcAllister, Louisa A.*
McAllister, Nathaniel1804DB K p. 95brotherMcAllister, David*
McAllister, Olivia F.1905WB 20 p. 424sisterBragg,Ada H. 
McAllister, Rebeccah G.1804DB K p. 95sisterCole, Elizabeth 
McAllister, Rebeccah G.1804DB K p. 95sisterMcAllister, Garland 
McAllister, Richard B.1897DB 16 p. 48sonMcAllister, Catherine 
McAllister, Richard B.1897DB 16 p. 48widowMcAllister, Martha E.*
McAllister, Richard B. & Martha E.1897DB 16 p. 48parentMcAllister, Florence E.*
McAllister, Richard B. & Martha E.1897DB 16 p. 48parentMallory, Rosalie M.*
McAllister, Rosalie1897DB 16 p. 48wifeMallory, Joseph (Richmond) 
McAllister, William1765WB 1 p. 66mother or father-in-lawThomson, Thomas*
McAllister, William1765WB 1 p. 66husbandMcAllister, Elizabeth*
McAllister, William1765WB 1 p. 66parentMcAllister, John*
McAllister, William1765WB 1 p. 66parentMcAllister, Garland*
McAllister, William1887DB 8 p. 483parentMcAllister, Henry L.*
McAllister, William1765WB 1 p. 66parentMcAllister, Alexander*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1780DB H p. 136 Graveyard,McAllister*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1829WB 8 p. 10parentMcAllister, Nathaniel*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1829WB 8 p. 10parentMcAllister, John*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1780DB H p. 136parentMcAllister, John*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1829WB 8 p. 10parentMcAllister, James*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1829WB 8 p. 10parentMcAllister, Garland*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1780DB H p. 136parentMcAllister, Garland*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1780DB H p. 136 McAllister Graveyard*
McAllister, William & Elizabeth1802DB J p. 408parent ?McAllister, James*
McCallas, Daniel DB R p. 400 Plantation, McCallas*
McCallas, Daniel DB R p. 400grandparentWitherspoon, Daniel M. (Phildephia*
McCawley, William1849DB BB p. 189son-in-lawTerry, Polly 
McClary, John & Milly Albemarle1782DB H p. 198deedRowe, Johnson 
McClure, K. W.1923DB 45 p. 191heirFoster, Ann L. Griffin 
McComb, Nannie1881WB 18 p. 429daughterQuarles, Charles & Ellen V. 
McComb, Wm. M1881WB 18 p. 429husbandQuarles, Nannie H.*
McComb, Wm. M1881WB 18 p. 429son-in-lawQuarles, Charles & Ellen V. 
McCormick1753LWB 1 p. 30sonMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Charles1753LWB 1 p. 60sonMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, David1753LWB 1 p. 30sonMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Elizabeth1753LWB 1 p. 60daughterMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Lucy1753LWB 1 p. 60daughterMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Mary1753LWB 1 p. 60daughterMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Micajah1753LWB 1 p. 60sonMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Sarah1753LWB 1 p. 60daughterMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, Thomas1753LWB 1 p. 60sonMcCormick, William & Rebecca 
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Elizabeth*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Thomas*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Sarah*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Micajah*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Lucy*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 30parentMcCormick, David*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Charles*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 30parentMcCormick*
McCormick, William & Rebecca1753LWB 1 p. 60parentMcCormick, Mary*
McCowley, Mahalda1849DB BB p. 189daughterTerry, Polly (Jefferson, KY) 
McCowley, Mahalda1849DB BB p. 189nieceSmith, John 
McCowley, William1849DB BB p. 189husbandTerry, Mahalda*
McCullock, Mary Pensions, HarrismarriedHarris, James Albe*
McDonal, Henry & Phebe (wife)Ohio1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, William 
McDonal, William1828DB S p. 273parentRosebrough, Nancy*
McDonald1766 BibleMcDonald, Charles b. 8 April 1778 
McDonald, Charles b. 8 April 17781766 BibleMcDonald*
McDonald, David1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, William 
McDonald, George & Henrietta (wife)1828DB S p. 273sonMcDonald, william 
McDonald, George & Jenrietta (wife)1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, William 
McDonald, Henry & Phebe (wife)1828DB S p. 273sonMcDonald, William 
McDonald, Lot H.1868chancery 1900husbandThompson, Kate J. 
McDonald, Lot H. & Kate J.1868chancery 1900daughterThompson, Capt. Richard A. 
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273heirRosebrough, Nancy*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273parentPriddy, Jane*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273heirPriddy, Jane*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273parentMcDonald, William & Susannah (wife)*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, David*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273parentMcDonald, George & Henrietta (wife)*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273parentMcDonald, Henry & Phebe (wife)*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonal, Henry & Phebe (wife)Ohio*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, Wm. & Susannah*
McDonald, William1830DB S p. 274heir?Henson, Benjamin*
McDonald, William1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, George & Jenrietta (wife)*
McDonald, William & Susannah (wife)1828DB S p. 273sonMcDonald, William 
McDonald, Wm. & Susannah1828DB S p. 273heirMcDonald, William 
McGehee, Aggy1819DB p. 598daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Aggy1819DB p. p 598daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Aggy1819DB p. p. 598daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Aggy1819DB p. p 598sisterMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Agnes1798WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Agness1801WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Augustine1801WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Augustine1798WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Carr1824WB 7 p. 64sonMcGehee, John & Mary 
McGehee, Carr1825WB p. 363sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Dabeny & Ester (SC)1819DB Q p. 21legateeMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Dabney1835Box 3sonMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Dabney1798WB 5 p. 44grandsonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Dabney1819DB Q p. 21heirMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Dabney1819Box 3sonMcGehee, Edward sn of John 
McGehee, Dabney1819DB Q p. 21widowMcGehee, Frances*
McGehee, Dillard1824WB 7 p. 64sonMcGehee, John & Mary 
McGehee, Dillard1825WB p. 363sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward1832DB T p. 519heirTandy, Ralph & Matilda*
McGehee, Edward1821DB p. p 174heirTandy, Ralph*
McGehee, Edward1821DB p. p 174heirTandy, Matilda*
McGehee, Edward1821DB p. p 174mother or father-in-lawTandy, Ralph (Christian, KY)*
McGehee, Edward1832DB T p. 519heirTandy, Ralph & Matilda (Green, Ala)*
McGehee, Edward1819Box 3died  
McGehee, Edward1798WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward1801WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward1819DB P p. 598sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward1819DB Q p. 21sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward1835Box 3sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward1842DB W p. 505sonMcGehee, John S. 
McGehee, Edward1835Box 3parentMcGehee, Matilda*
McGehee, Edward1819DB p. p 598sisterMcGehee, Aggy*
McGehee, Edward1835Box 3parentMcGehee, Nancy*
McGehee, Edward1835Box 3parentMcGehee, Oswald*
McGehee, Edward1819DB Q p. 21heirMcGehee, Dabney*
McGehee, Edward1835Box 3parentMcGehee, Dabney*
McGehee, Edward1819DB p. p 598sisterMcGehee, Sarah*
McGehee, Edward1835DB U p. 583parentBlaydes, Frances*
McGehee, Edward1819DB Q p. 21child ofMcGehee, John*
McGehee, Edward1835Box 3parentBlaydes, Frances B.*
McGehee, Edward1819DB Q p. 21widowMcGehee, Frances*
McGehee, Edward1819DB Q p. 21legateeMcGehee, Dabeny & Ester (SC)*
McGehee, Edward1832DB T p. 517heirEskridge, Thos. & Ann (Green, Ala)*
McGehee, Edward1821DB p. p 295heirCooke, Mordecai*
McGehee, Edward1821DB p. p 295legateeCooke, Mordecai*
McGehee, Edward1821DB p. p 295parentCooke, Nancy*
McGehee, Edward1835DB U p. 583mother or father-in-lawBlaydes, William B.*
McGehee, Edward1809WB not proven 31sisterMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, Edward1835DB U p. 583mother or father-in-lawBlaydes, William*
McGehee, Edward1835DB U p. 583parentBlaydes, Frances B.*
McGehee, Edward (K Wm)1735Hanover p. 66deedMcGehee, Samuel (Hanover) 
McGehee, Edward (Rush, Ind.)1842DB W p. 505heirMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward L.1825WB p. 363grandsonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Edward L.1825WB p. 363sonMcGehee, John S. 
McGehee, Edward L.1824WB 7 p. 64grandsonMcGehee, John & Mary 
McGehee, Edward N.1849WB 12 p. 443sonMcGehee, Oswell 
McGehee, Edward N.1849WB 12 p. 443sonMcGehee, Oswald 
McGehee, Edward N. (Miss.)1849WB 12 p. 443sonMcGehee, Oswell 
McGehee, Edward sn of John1819Box 3parentTandy, Matilda wf Ralph*
McGehee, Edward sn of John1819Box 3parentMcGehee, Oswold*
McGehee, Edward sn of John1819Box 3parentMcGehee, Nancy*
McGehee, Edward sn of John1819Box 3husbandEstridge, Nancy*
McGehee, Edward sn of John1819Box 3parentMcGehee, Dabney*
McGehee, Edward sn. of John1819Box 3parentMcGehee, Matilda*
McGehee, Edward, dec'd.1832DB U p. 583mother or father-in-lawBlaydes, William B.*
McGehee, Fannie (wf. Emmett H.)1917WB 21 p. 362daughterMills, Charles M. 
McGehee, Frances1819DB Q p. 21widowMcGehee, Dabney 
McGehee, Frances1819DB Q p. 21widowMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Frances1844WB 11 p. 131heirMcGehee, Oswald*
McGehee, Frances1829Box 3wifeBlaydes, William*
McGehee, Frances B.1829Box 3marriedBlaydes, William B. 
McGehee, Frances B.1832DB U p. 583wifeBlaydes, William B. 
McGehee, Garret C.1824WB 7 p. 64sonMcGehee, John & Mary 
McGehee, Garrett1834WB 9 p. 152heirCole, William 
McGehee, Garrit C.1825WB p. 363sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, James1795Order Bk 1792-97sonMcGehee, Samuel 
McGehee, James1787DB E p, 219sonMcGehee, Samuel 
McGehee, James1780DB E p. 360sonMcGehee, Samuel 
McGehee, James1805WB 5 p. 170heirCole, Lemender 
McGehee, James1805WB 5 p. 170heirCole, Lemander 
McGehee, James1807DB L p. 31husbandMcGehee, Lydia*
McGehee, James & wife1807DB L p. 31heirPhillips, William Sr. 
McGehee, James, Jr.1812DB M p. 48trusteeChurch, Methodist Episcopal*
McGehee, Jane1825WB p. 363wifeWilliams, William 
McGehee, John1832DB T p. 519heirTandy, Ralph & Matilda (Green, Ala)*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363heirWilliams, William*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentWilliams, Mary*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentTate, Martha*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 373parentWilliams, Jane*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363heirWilliams, James & Mary*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363heirTate, Francis & Martha*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, John1819DB Q p. 21fatherMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, John1805WB 5 p. 170heirCole, Lemander 
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John, dec'd. 
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363grandparentMcGehee, Louisa Ann*
McGehee, John1819DB p. p 598parentMcGehee, Sarah*
McGehee, John1835Box 3parentMcGehee, Edward*
McGehee, John1819DB Q p. 21parentMcGehee, Edward*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentEdwards, Nancy*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Sarah*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363grandparentMcGehee, Edward L.*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, John*
McGehee, John1819DB p. p. 598parentMcGehee, Molly*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentMcGehee, John S.*
McGehee, John1842DB W p. 505husbandMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, John1842DB W p. 505heirMcGehee, Edward (Rush, Ind.)*
McGehee, John1824WB 7 p. 64husbandMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, John1825WB 7 p. 64husbandMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, John1819DB P p. 598parentMcGehee, Edward*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363heirEdwards, John & Nancy*
McGehee, John1819DB p. p 598parentMcGehee, Molly*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentBond, Elizabeth*
McGehee, John1819DB p. p 598parentMcGehee, Aggy*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, William*
McGehee, John1832DB T p. 517heirEskridge, Thomas & Ann*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363heirHicks, George & Lucy*
McGehee, John1832DB T p. 517heirEskridge, Thomas (Green, Ala)*
McGehee, John1823DB Q p. 3husbandNuckolls, Ann W.*
McGehee, John1819DB p. p. 598parentMcGehee, Aggy*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentGroom, Barbara*
McGehee, John1819DB p. 598parentMcGehee, Aggy*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentBond, Elizabeth*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentMallory, Susannah*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMallory, Susannah*
McGehee, John1832DB U p. 583grandparentBlaydes, Frances B. & Wm.*
McGehee, John1835Box 3grandparentBlaydes, Frances b.*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentCason, Lucy*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentCason, Lucy*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentGroom, Barbara*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentMcGehee, Garrit C.*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentMcGehee, Dillard*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Edward*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Agnes*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentHicks, Lucy*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Edward*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGheee, Agness*
McGehee, John1825WB p. 363parentMcGehee, Carr*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, John*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Augustine*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Augustine*
McGehee, John1801WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, Agness*
McGehee, John1798WB 5 p. 44grandparentMcGehee, Dabney*
McGehee, John & Lucy1824WB 7 p. 64parentHicks, Lucy*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentWilliams, Mary*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentTate, Martha*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentWilliams, Jane*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentMcGehee, Dillard*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentMcGehee, Garret C.*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64grandparentMcGehee, Edward L.*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentEdwards, Nancy*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentMcGehee, John S.*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64grandparentMcGehee, Louisa Ann*
McGehee, John & Mary1824WB 7 p. 64parentMcGehee, Carr*
McGehee, John S.1824WB 7 p. 64sonMcGehee, John & Mary 
McGehee, John S.1825WB p. 363sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, John S.1825WB p. 363parentMcGehee, Edward L.*
McGehee, John S.1842DB W p. 505parentMcGehee, Edward*
McGehee, John S.1825WB p. 363parentMcGehee, Louisa Ann*
McGehee, John Sr.1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, William*
McGehee, John, dec'd.1798WB 5 p. 44parentMcGehee, John*
McGehee, John, dec'd.1809WB notproven 31parentMcGehee, Mary*
McGehee, Lavina1778WB 2 p. 345daughterSmith, David 
McGehee, Louisa Ann1825WB p. 363daughterMcGehee, John S. 
McGehee, Louisa Ann1824WB 7 p. 64granddaughterMcGehee, John & Mary 
McGehee, Louisa Ann1825WB p. 363granddaughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Lucy1825WB p. 363wifeHicks, George 
McGehee, Lydia1819DB O p. 234wifeThomason, Samuel Scott Co., KY*
McGehee, Lydia1781WB 3 p. 181daughterCole, Richard 
McGehee, Lydia1807DB L p. 31wifeMcGehee, James 
McGehee, Lydia1807DB L p. 31heirPhillips, William Sr. 
McGehee, Martha1825WB p. 363wifeTate, Francis 
McGehee, Mary1824WB 7 p. 64wifeMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Mary1842DB W p. 505wifeMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Mary1825WB 7 p. 64wifeMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Mary1795Order Bk 1792-97wifeGraves, John 
McGehee, Mary1809WB not proven 31sisterMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Mary1809WB notproven 31daughterMcGehee, John, dec'd. 
McGehee, Mary1801WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Mary1798WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Mary1825WB p. 363wifeWilliams, James 
McGehee, Matilda1819Box 3daughterMcGehee, Edward sn. of John 
McGehee, Matilda1835Box 3daughterMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Matilda1821DB p. p 174wifeTandy, Ralph 
McGehee, Molly1819DB p. p 598daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Molly1819DB p. p. 598daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Nancy1835Box 3daughterMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Nancy1825WB p. 363wifeEdwards, John 
McGehee, Nancy1819Box 3daughterMcGehee, Edward sn of John 
McGehee, Nancy (Christian, KY)1823DB p. p 295wifeCooke, Mordecai 
McGehee, Nathaniel1838DB W p. 204deedGibson, Solomon & Louisa Ann*
McGehee, Nathaniel1838DB W p. 204deedChambers, Hardin & Eliz*
McGehee, Nathaniel1838DB W p. 204deedChambers, Willis*
McGehee, Nathaniel Madison1863DB FF p. 537heirTisdale, Charles H. & America A.*
McGehee, Oswald1844WB 11 p. 131heirMcGehee, Frances 
McGehee, Oswald1835Box 3sonMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Oswald1849WB 12 p. 443parentBoxley, Anna N.*
McGehee, Oswald1849WB 12 p. 443parentMcGehee, Edward N.*
McGehee, Oswell1821DB P. p. 174deedTandy, Ralph & Matilda (Chris., KY)*
McGehee, Oswell1849WB 12 p. 443parentBoxley, Anna N.*
McGehee, Oswell1848WB 12 p. 443parentBoxley, Anna N.*
McGehee, Oswell1849WB 12 p. 443parentMcGehee, Edward N.*
McGehee, Oswell1849WB 12 p. 443parentMcGehee, Edward N. (Miss.)*
McGehee, Oswold1819Box 3sonMcGehee, Edward sn of John 
McGehee, Patty1781WB 3 p. 181child ofCole, Richard*
McGehee, Richard1814DB V p. 439landHarper, Geo. W. grantee 
McGehee, Sameul1795Order Bk 1792-97parentChewning, Wealthey*
McGehee, Saml.1801DB J p. 347heirTate, Zimri 
McGehee, Saml.1796DB I p. 159heirsArnett, Susanna & James*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97grandparentTrice, William*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97grandparentTrice, James*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentTrice, Elizabeth*
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentSmith, Fanny*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentSmith, Fanny*
McGehee, Samuel1735Hanover p. 66husbandEllite, Elizabeth 
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97will  
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentChowning, Wealthy*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentCrank, Nancy*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentArnett, Susanna*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentMcGehee, Wm.*
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentCrank, Ann*
McGehee, Samuel1787DB E p. 219parentMcGehee, William*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97mother or father-in-lawGraves, John*
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentGraves, Mary*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentGraves, Mary*
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentMcGehee, James*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentMcGehee, Sarah*
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentMcGehee, Sarah*
McGehee, Samuel1787DB E p, 219parentMcGehee, James*
McGehee, Samuel1780DB E p. 360parentArnett, Susannah*
McGehee, Samuel1787DB E p. 219mother or father-in-lawGraves, John*
McGehee, Samuel1795Order Bk 1792-97parentMcGehee, James*
McGehee, Samuel (Hanover)1735Hanover p. 66deedMcGehee, Edward (K Wm)*
McGehee, Sarah1819DB p. p 598sisterMcGehee, Edward 
McGehee, Sarah1796DB I p. 200wifeHall, David 
McGehee, Sarah1798WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Sarah1795Order Bk 1792-97daughterMcGehee, Samuel 
McGehee, Sarah1780DB E p. 360daughterMcGehee, Samuel 
McGehee, Sarah1819DB p. p 598daughterMcGehee, John 
McGehee, Sarah1796DB I p. 200wifeHall, David*
McGehee, Wealthey1795Order Bk 1792-97wifeChewning, Bartholomew 
McGehee, William1822DB P. p. 547mother or father-in-lawValentine, Joseph C.*
McGehee, William1822DB p. p 547mother or father-in-lawValentine, Joseph C.*
McGehee, William1798WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John Sr. 
McGehee, William1819DB O p. 234fatherThomason, Lydia & Samuel 
McGehee, William1805WB 5 p. 170heirCole, Lemender 
McGehee, William1787DB E p. 219sonMcGehee, Samuel 
McGehee, William1798WB 5 p. 44sonMcGehee, John 
McGehee, William1764DB D½ p. 53heirDavis, Mary*
McGehee, William1764DB D½ p. 53heirDavis, William*
McGehee, William1764DB D½ p. 204heirDavis, Mary*
McGehee, William1764DB D½ p. 53heirDavis, Sarah*
McGehee, William, dec'd.1822DB P. p. 547heirValentine, Joseph C.*
McGehee, Wm.1795Order Bk 1792-97sonMcGehee, Samuel 
McGheee, Agness1798WB 5 p. 44daughterMcGehee, John 
McGhees Gold Mine DB 1 p. 82   
Mead, Waller (NY)1859DB EE p. 411 Bowden Copper Mine*
Mead, Waller (NY)1859DB EE p. 411 Mine, Bowden Copper*
Medlock, Hester1733Han. bk p. 13wifeAnthony, Mark 
Meeks, John W.1849DB EE p. 307heirCaptaine, William 
Meeks, John W.1837DB W p. 27son-in-lawFielding, Mary 
Meeks, John w.1837DB W p. 27husbandFielding, Nancy*
Melson, Nancy1834WB 9 p. 473daughterChiles, John 
Melton, Angeline1845Box 17wifeTurner, James 
Melton, Brazeel1845Box 17grandsonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Elisha1843DB AA p. 227 Tavern, Melton's*
Melton, Elisha1834WB 9 p. 473son-in-lawChiles, John 
Melton, Elisha1845Box 17sonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Elisha1837DB U p. 558husbandChiles, Mary T*
Melton, Elisha1840Jud 59 Company, Ellis for railroad work*
Melton, Elisha1843DB AA p. 227 Melton's Tavern*
Melton, Henrietta1845Box 17wifeOgg, Thomas 
Melton, James H.1845Box 17grandsonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Jesse W.1845Box 17grandsonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Lucy A.1845Box 17wifePatten, George W. 
Melton, Mary E.1845Box 17wifeCarpenter, James M. 
Melton, Nancy1834WB 9 p. 473daughterChiles, John 
Melton, Samuel1845Box 17grandsonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Samuel1845Box 17sonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17parentTurner, Angeline Melton*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17parentMelton, Samuel*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentMelton, Wilson N.*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17parentMelton, William L.*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentMelton, Samuel*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17parentOgg, Henrietta*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentMelton, Jesse W.*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentMelton, James H.*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17parentMelton, Elisha*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentDamerson, Julianna F.*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentMelton, Brazeel*
Melton, Thomas1845Box 17grandparentCarptenter, Mary E. & James M.*
Melton, Tomas1845Box 17grandparentPatten, Lucy A.*
Melton, William L.1845Box 17sonMelton, Thomas 
Melton, Wilson N.1845Box 17grandsonMelton, Thomas 
Melton's Tavern1843DB AA p. 227 Melton, Elisha 
Merchant1773DB D½ p. 520 Grackenridge, George 
Merchant1770DB D171 p. 251HanoverThomson, David & Margaret 
Merchants1773DB D½ p. 520 Burnley, Hardin, Jr. 
Merdith, Ellen1870Box 47daughterMeredith, Samuel 
Merdith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirMeredith, John W.*
Meredith, C. Q.1917WB 21 p. 275heirMeredith, Susan Ellen 
Meredith, C. Q.1875WB 19 p. 264daughterMeredith, Samuel 
Meredith, Dr. William1870Box 47grandparentWalton, Sallie M.*
Meredith, Elizabeth W.1830Box 10daughterShelton, Thos. 
Meredith, Ellen1875WB 19 p. 264daughterMeredith, Samuel 
Meredith, John W.1917WB 21 p. 275heirMerdith, Susan Ellen 
Meredith, L. E.1875WB 19 p. 264heirMeredith, Samuel 
Meredith, L. E.1917WB 21 p. 275heirMereidth, Susan Ellen 
Meredith, Lucressha1777WB 2 p. 243sisterBunch, John 
Meredith, R.1875WB 19 p. 264sonMeredith, Samuel 
Meredith, Rebeccah1783WB 2 p. 474daughterBunch, Samuel & Mary 
Meredith, Reuben G.1852DB CC p. 223exorAnderson, Thomas C. 
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264 Plantation, Boomingdale*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264parentMeredith, Walter*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264heirMeredith, L. E.*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264parentMeredith, R.*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264parentPendleton, Sally A.*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264parentMeredith, Ellen*
Meredith, Samuel1870Box 47parentMeredith, Walter*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264parentMeredith, C. Q.*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264heirAlfred, V. M.*
Meredith, Samuel1870Box 47parentMerdith, Ellen*
Meredith, Samuel1875WB 19 p. 264 Boomingdale Plantation*
Meredith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirWeaver, Meredith*
Meredith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275legateeWeaver, Mary*
Meredith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirPendleton, Eugene*
Meredith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirPendleton, Betty b.*
Meredith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirMeredith, C. Q.*
Meredith, Thos. G. & Elizabeth1870Box 47parentWalton, Sallie M.*
Meredith, Walter1870Box 47sonMeredith, Samuel 
Meredith, Walter1875WB 19 p. 264sonMeredith, Samuel 
Meredith, William1852DB CC p. 223exorAnderson, Thomas C. 
Meredith, William1844DB 34 p. 44 GHson-in-lawHarris, Charlotte 
Mereidith, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirAlfred, V. M.*
Mereidth, Susan Ellen1917WB 21 p. 275heirMeredith, L. E.*
Meriwether, Ann1801WB 4 p. 128daughterMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, Charles DB M p. 312heirMeriwether, Nicholas 
Meriwether, DavidRev.Pensions, HarrisLt.  
Meriwether, David1801WB 4 p. 128sonMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, David1804DB J p. 730heir ?Johnson, David*
Meriwether, David1804DB J p. 730parentMeriwether, Thomsa (Jefferson GA)*
Meriwether, David1801DB J p. 730parentMeriwether, Thomas (Jefferson, GA)*
Meriwether, David1801DB J p. 730associateCompany, Loyal Company*
Meriwether, Elizabeth1762WB 1 p. 55grandparentMeriwether, Richard*
Meriwether, Elizabeth1762WB 1 p. 55mother or father-in-lawLewis, Robert*
Meriwether, Elizabeth1762WB 1 p. 55grandparentLewis, Robert*
Meriwether, Elizabeth1762WB 1 p. 55parentCosby, Ann*
Meriwether, Elizabeth1762WB 1 p. 55parentMeriwether, William*
Meriwether, Elizabeth M1801WB 4 p. 128wifeMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, Frances1760GMR p. 266wifePryor, Samuel*
Meriwether, George1782WB 2 p. 424half brother?Pryor, Samuel*
Meriwether, George1782WB 2 p. 424child ofPryor, Frances*
Meriwether, George1782WB 2 p. 424sonMeriwether, William 
Meriwether, George1782WB 2 p. 424sonPryor, Frances 
Meriwether, George1782WB 2 p. 424husbandMeriwether, Martha*
Meriwether, George & Martha1782WB 2 p. 424parentMeriwether, William*
Meriwether, James1788DB E p. 386 Sheriff, James Meriwether*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128sonMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, John*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, William*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, Thomas*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, Robert*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128husbandMeriwether, Elizabeth M*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, Ann*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, James*
Meriwether, James1801WB 4 p. 128parentMeriwether, David*
Meriwether, John1801WB 4 p. 128sonMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, Martha1782WB 2 p. 424wifeMeriwether, George 
Meriwether, Martha & Frances 1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, James s/o Robert*
Meriwether, Martha A.1857G Box 22sisterPryor, Samuel T. & Wm. 
Meriwether, Nicholas1753DB A p. 523grandsonMeriwether, Nicholas 
Meriwether, Nicholas1757Henningmilitia  
Meriwether, Nicholas1699Gleaning EnglannephewHartwell, Henry 
Meriwether, Nicholas1752DB A p. 520glebe land deedParish, Fredericksville*
Meriwether, Nicholas1753DB A p. 523grandparentMeriwether, Nicholas*
Meriwether, Nicholas DB M p. 312heirMeriwether, Charles*
Meriwether, Patty1757GDB 7 p. 234daughterWood, Henry 
Meriwether, Priscilla1794DB I p. 34wifeMeriwether, Valentine 
Meriwether, Richard1762WB 1 p. 55grandsonMeriwether, Elizabeth 
Meriwether, Robert1801WB 4 p. 128sonMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, Robert1805GMR p. 91husbandPryor, Martha 
Meriwether, Thomas1758WB 1 p. 45husbandCobb, Jane 
Meriwether, Thomas1801WB 4 p. 128sonMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, Thomas1806DB J p. 738 Company, Loyal*
Meriwether, Thomas1801DB J p. 738parentJohnson, Elizabeth*
Meriwether, Thomas1806DB J p. 738grandparentJohnson, David*
Meriwether, Thomas1804DB J p. 738parentJohnson, Elizabeth*
Meriwether, Thomas & Jane175WB 1 p. 45heirCobbs, Samuel 
Meriwether, Thomas (Jefferson, GA)1801DB J p. 730sonMeriwether, David 
Meriwether, Thomsa (Jefferson GA)1804DB J p. 730sonMeriwether, David 
Meriwether, Valentine1794DB I p. 34husbandMeriwether, Priscilla*
Meriwether, William1757GDB 7 p. 234husbandWood, Patty*
Meriwether, William1782WB 2 p. 424grandsonMeriwether, William 
Meriwether, William1762WB 1 p. 55sonMeriwether, Elizabeth 
Meriwether, William1782WB 2 p. 424sonMeriwether, George & Martha 
Meriwether, William1801WB 4 p. 128sonMeriwether, James 
Meriwether, William1757GDB 7 p. 234son-in-lawWood, Henry 
Meriwether, William1782WB 2 p. 424grandparentMeriwether, William*
Meriwether, William1782WB 2 p. 424parentMeriwether, George*
Michie, Betsy1793WB 3 p. 514daughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, David1804LDB K p. 16deedJohnson, William Doctor*
Michie, Dorothy1795WB 3 p. 605daughterJohnson, Thomas, Minor 
Michie, Dorothy1795WB 3 p. 605daughterJohnson, Thomas minor 
Michie, Dorothy1810DB L p. 511daughterJohnson, Richard 
Michie, Elizabeth1778WB 3 p. 318daughterMichie, James 
Michie, Elizabeth1776WB 2 p. 259daughterWatson, James 
Michie, Elizabeth wf Geo. Michie1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert*
Michie, George1778WB 3 p. 318sonMichie, James 
Michie, Henrietta1808DB L p. 129daughterRagland, Wm. & Agnes 
Michie, James1808DB L p. 129husbandRagland, Ann*
Michie, James1808DB L p. 129husbandRagland, Henrietta 
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318sonMichie, James 
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMickie, Ann*
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMichie, James*
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMichie, George*
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMichie, Elizabeth*
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMichie, Mary*
Michie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMichie, Sarah*
Michie, James dec'd.1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Lucy & John d/o Robert*
Michie, James F & Mary A.1860LDB EE p. 629heirJohnston, Robert F.*
Michie, James F. & Mary A.1860LDB EE p. 629heirJohnson, William J. & Malinda E.*
Michie, James J.1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Mathew s/o Robert*
Michie, James s/o Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMeriwether, Martha & Frances  
Michie, Janetta1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Lucy & John d/o Robert*
Michie, John1758DB B p. 234fatherWood, Sarah 
Michie, John1778WB 3 p. 318sonMickie, James 
Michie, John1793WB 3 p. 514sonMichie, Robert 
Michie, John1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert*
Michie, John1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Lucy d/o Robert*
Michie, Joseph1853chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Lucy & John d/o Robert*
Michie, Lucy1793WB 3 p. 514daughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, Lucy & John d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003motherChilds, Sarah & Henry T. 
Michie, Lucy & John d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003motherMichie, James dec'd. 
Michie, Lucy & John d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003motherWillis, Eliza & Robert G. 
Michie, Lucy & John d/o Robert1853chan 1835-003motherMichie, Joseph 
Michie, Lucy & John d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003motherMichie, Janetta 
Michie, Lucy d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003motherMichie, John 
Michie, Lucy d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003motherMichie, Mathew 
Michie, Lucy d/o Robert1835chan 1835-003mother Michie, Robert 
Michie, Lucy wf/o John Michie1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert*
Michie, Martha1793WB 3 p. 514granddaughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, Mary1778WB 3 p. 318daughterMichie, James 
Michie, Mathew1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert*
Michie, Mathew1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Lucy d/o Robert*
Michie, Mathew s/o Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, James J. 
Michie, Matthew1793WB 3 p. 514sonMichie, Robert 
Michie, Nancy1793WB 3 p. 514daughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, Nancy1835DB V p. 28wifeCross, Oliver 
Michie, Nancy (Albemarle)1786Rev. PaperswifeGoodman, Joseph 
Michie, Patrick1810DB L p. 511heirJohnson, Richard 
Michie, Patrick1793WB 3 p. 514sonMichie, Robert 
Michie, Patrick1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert*
Michie, Patrick1810DB L p. 511husbandJohnson, Dorothy*
Michie, Patrick & Dorothy1810DB L p. 511heirJohnson, Richard 
Michie, Polley1793WB 3 p. 514daughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, Polly1793WB 3 p. 514daughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, Robert1799LDB J p. 48heirWatson, James*
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, Patrick 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, William 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, Sarah wife of David Michie 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, Robert 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, Lucy wf/o John Michie 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, John 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, Elizabeth wf Geo. Michie 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherCross, Nancy wf Oliver Cross 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, Mathew 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherDowning, Mary wd/o John Downing 
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003child ofMIchie, Robert*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Salley*
Michie, Robert1799LDB J p. 48heirJohnson, John Boswell & Elizabeth*
Michie, Robert1799LDB J p. 48heirJohnson, Richard Chapman*
Michie, Robert1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Lucy d/o Robert*
Michie, Robert1835DB V p. 28parentCross, Nancy*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Nancy*
Michie, Robert1835DB V p. 28mother or father-in-lawCross, Oliver*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Matthew*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Patrick*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Polley*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Polly*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, William*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514grandparentMichie, Martha*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Betsy*
Michie, Robert1799LDB J p. 48heirJohnson, Thomas*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, John*
Michie, Robert1793WB 3 p. 514parentMichie, Lucy*
Michie, Robert (Green Springs)1804LDB K p. 26heirJohnson, Thomas (Minor) 
Michie, Robert s/o Robert1835chan 1835-003fatherMichie, William W. 
Michie, Salley1793WB 3 p. 514daughterMichie, Robert 
Michie, Sarah1778WB 3 p. 318daughterMichie, James 
Michie, Sarah wife of David Michie1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert*
Michie, William1793WB 3 p. 514sonMichie, Robert 
Michie, William1835chan 1835-003child ofMIchie, Robert*
Michie, William W.1835chan 1835-003child ofMichie, Robert s/o Robert*
Mickie, Ann1776WB 2 p. 259daughterWatson, James 
Mickie, Ann1778WB 3 p. 318daughterMichie, James 
Mickie, Dorothy1862DB FF p. 510heirMickie, Patrick 
Mickie, James1778WB 3 p. 318parentMichie, John*
Mickie, James D.1862DB FF p. 510heirMickie, Patrick 
Mickie, Patrick1862WB FF p. 510heirMickie, William J.*
Mickie, Patrick1862DB FF p. 510heirMickie, Thomas J.*
Mickie, Patrick1862DB FF p. 510heirMickie, Dorothy*
Mickie, Patrick1862DB FF p. 510heirMIckie, James D.*
Mickie, Robert1776WB 2 p. 259son-in-lawWatson, James 
Mickie, Thomas J.1862DB FF p. 510heirMickie, Patrick 
Mickie, William J.1862WB FF p. 510heirMickie, Patrick 
Middlebrook, Mary1791WB 3 p. 474parentWright, Jeney*
Miles, John & Virginia1856chan 1875-031child ofPorter, Joseph D. s/o James*
Militia1757HenningmilitiaDickenson, Henry*
Militia - Louisa1757Henningnames of office  
Mill - grist1828WB 7 p. 179ownerAnderson, Matthew 
Mill, Ann1806DB K p. 191heirCosby, Elizabeth B.*
Mill, Eggleston1813DB M p. 230 Eggleston, Richard 
Mill, Garland1807DB M p. 370 Todd, John & Sarah 
Mill, Garland1818DB R p. 3 Dabney, Charles, Jr. 
Mill, Goodwin1843DB Y p. 264 Goodwin, Robert 
Mill, Grubbs1847DB AA p. 183 Grubbs, Jesse 
Mill, Jerdone1795DB I p. 17adjoiningMinor, John & Eliz. (Caroline) 
Mill, Pottie1796DB I p. 148from HarrisHarris, William 
Mill, Sharps1825DB Q p. 407   
Mill, Swifts1848DB AA p. 440 Goodwin, John C. 
Mill, Thomassons1847DB AA p. 158 NE Creek 
Mill, Yanceyville1863DB FF p. 521 Nuckols, James D. 
Miller, Agnes S.1859WB 15 p. 310daughterJohnson, Wm. F. & Mary J. 
Miller, Anges S.1862WB 15 p. 310daughterJohnson, Wm. F. & Mary J. 
Miller, John1803DB L p. 430son-in-lawAnderson, Robert 
Miller, John & Susannah (KY)1803DB L p. 430heirAnderson, Robert 
Miller, Narcissus1844DB 34 p. 44 GHdaughterHarris, Charlotte 
Miller, Susan B.1854F WB 7 p. 135daughterHolman, George & Polly 
Miller, Susan b.1854F WB 7 p. 135granddaughterHolman, George & Polly 
Miller, Susannah1803DB L p. 430daughterAnderson, Robert 
Miller, William1844WB 34 p. 44son-in-lawHarris, Charlotte 
Miller, William1844DB 34 p. 44 GHhusbandHarris, Narcissus W.*
Miller, William Jr.1821G DB 24 p. 516GoochlandPlantation, Sprinfield*
Miller, William Jr.1821G DB 24 p. 516GoochlandSprinfield Plantation*
Mills family   Wm & Mary Quarterly 
Mills family  articleTylers Quarterly 
Mills, Ann1800DB J p. 191neePhilips, Ann 
Mills, Ann1806DB K p. 211heirCosby, Polly*
Mills, Ann1805DB K p. 191heirCosby, Polly*
Mills, Ann1806DB K p. 191heirsCosby, Dabney & sis Polly (Staunton*
Mills, Ann1805DB K p. 191heirCosby, Nancy B.*
Mills, Ann1805DB K p. 191heirCosby, David*
Mills, Ann1805DB K p. 191heirCosby, Elizabeth J.*
Mills, Ann1800DB J p. 191formerlyPhilips, Ann*
Mills, Ann1805DB K p. 191heirCosby, Elizabeth B.*
Mills, Ann (Hanover)1806DB K p. 211heirCosby, Mourning Jackson*
Mills, Ann (Hanover)1806DB K p. 211heirCosby, Dabney (Staunton)*
Mills, Anna G.1917WB 21 p. 362daughterMills, Charles M. 
Mills, Caroline1884Occ p. 194sisterPulliam, female*
Mills, Caroline1884Occ p. 194sisterBaker, Virginia*
Mills, Caroline1884Occ p. 194wifeMills, Ronald*
Mills, Caroline1884Occ p. 194aunt/uncleBaker, Lizzie*
Mills, Caroline1884Occ p. 194aunt/uncleCrocket, female*
Mills, Charles  parentMills, Wade*
Mills, Charles1737DB D½ p. 121 Patent*
Mills, Charles1768LDB D1/2 p. 121heirMills, Nicholas*
Mills, Charles1768DB D½ p. 121parentMills, Nicholas*
Mills, Charles & Sarah1828 parentHolloway, Polly*
Mills, Charles & Sarah (Hanover)1815DB X p. 489deed toMills, Wade 
Mills, Charles H.1819WB 6 p. 124brotherMills, Edmund 
Mills, Charles M1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills,Walter D.*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, Fannie*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, William A.*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, Mary Aston*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, Lula Mae*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, James Franklin*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, Robert Anderson*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, Edward L.*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMcGehee, Fannie (wf. Emmett H.)*
Mills, Charles M.1917WB 21 p. 362parentMills, Anna G.*
Mills, Charles Monroe  sonMills, James Franklin 
Mills, Edmund1819WB 6 p. 124sisterStevens, Margaret*
Mills, Edmund1822WB 6 p. 331legateeWood, James*
Mills, Edmund1822WB 6 p. 331legateeStevens, William*
Mills, Edmund1819WB 6 p. 124brotherMills, Nathaniel*
Mills, Edmund1819WB 6 p. 124brotherMills, Charles H.*
Mills, Edmund1822WB 6 p. 331legateeBurrus, Roger*
Mills, Edmund1822WB 6 p. 331legateeFerguson, Vivion*
Mills, Edmund1822WB 6 p. 331legateeLindsay, Reuben*
Mills, Edmund1822WB 6 p. 331legateeMills, Jackson*
Mills, Edward L.1917WB 21 p. 362sonMills, Charles M. 
Mills, Fannie1917WB 21 p. 362daughterMills, Charles M. 
Mills, Goodwins1803DB J p. 521   
Mills, Henry1756LDB B p. 120fatherMills, Matthew 
Mills, Henry1687St. Peters ParsonMills, Nicholas 
Mills, Henry1756DB B p. 120parentMills, Matthew (Caroline)*
Mills, Jackson1822WB 6 p. 331legateeMills, Edmund 
Mills, James1814Box 18husbandThomason, Nancy*
Mills, James1814Box 18son-in-lawThomason, Nathaniel 
Mills, James Franklin1917WB 21 p. 362sonMills, Charles M. 
Mills, James Franklin1917 husbandLoving, Sadie Saunders*
Mills, James Franklin  parentMills, Charles Monroe*
Mills, Lula Mae1917WB 21 p. 362daughterMills, Charles M. 
Mills, Mary Aston1917WB 21 p. 362daughterMills, Charles M. 
Mills, Mary Aston1911LCMR 3 p. 64wifeWinston, John Hudson 
Mills, Matthew1756LDB B p. 120child ofMills, Henry*
Mills, Matthew (Caroline)1756DB B p. 120sonMills, Henry 
Mills, Milly1840WB 10 p. 267daughterGoodman, Richard & Molly 
Mills, Nancy & James1814Box 18daughterThomason, Nathaniel 
Mills, Nathaniel1819WB 6 p. 124brotherMills, Edmund 
Mills, Nicholas1768LDB D1/2 p. 121heirMills, Charles 
Mills, Nicholas1768DB D½ p. 121sonMills, Charles 
Mills, Nicholas1803DB J p. 633sonMills, Nicholas (Hanover) 
Mills, Nicholas1687St. Peters ParparentMills, Henry*
Mills, Nicholas (Hanover)1803WB J p. 633parentMills, William*
Mills, Nicholas (Hanover)1803DB J p. 633parentMills, Nicholas*
Mills, Peggy1821WB 6 p. 210wifeMills, William 
Mills, Polly1828Hanover ChancerwifeHolloway, Jacob*
Mills, R. L. & Rosa1923DB 45 p. 191heirFoster, Ann L. Griffin 
Mills, Robert Anderson1917WB 21 p. 362sonMills, Charles M. 
Mills, Ronald1884Occ p. 194husbandMills, Caroline 
Mills, Wade  sonMills, Charles 
Mills, Wade1815DB X p. 489deed toMills, Charles & Sarah (Hanover)*
Mills, Wade & Maria1832DB T p. 389landChurch, Meth-Epis*
Mills, William1821WB 6 p. 210sonMills, William & Peggy 
Mills, William1803WB J p. 633sonMills, Nicholas (Hanover) 
Mills, William1821WB 6 p. 210husbandMills, Peggy*
Mills, William1818DB M p. 435husbandBaker, Mary*
Mills, William & Mary1818DB M p. 435heirBaker, John 
Mills, William & Peggy1821WB 6 p. 210parentQuarles, Ann*
Mills, William & Peggy1821WB 6 p. 210parentWinslow, Margaret*
Mills, William & Peggy1821WB 6 p. 210parentMills, William*
Mills, William & Peggy1821WB 6 p. 210grandparentBaker, William*
Mills, William & Peggy1821WB 6 p. 210mother or father-in-lawBaker, Cleavers*
Mills, William & Pendleton1821WB 6 p. 210grandparentBaker, William*
Mills, William A.1917WB 21 p. 362sonMills, Charles M. 
Mills,Walter D.1917WB 21 p. 362sonMills, Charles M 
Mims, Agathy1786GDB 14 p. 324daughterMims, David & Patty 
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentWoodson, Mary*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentRiddle, Agnes, dec'd.*
Mims, David1824G 26 p. 62heirMims, Gideon 
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142sonMims, David 
Mims, David1763GDB 8 p. 374uncleDrumwright, George Weldy 
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentAnderson, Susannah*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142grandparentMims, Sarah*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentJarrott, Elizabeth*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Shadrack*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, David*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142grandparentMims, Susanna*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142grandparentMims, Mary*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Drury*
Mims, David1786GDB 14 p. 324husbandMims, Patty*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Gedion*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142grandparentMims, Eliza*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142grandparentAnderson, Elizabeth*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142grandparentMims, Martha*
Mims, David1771GDB 13 p. 142parentAnderson, Judith, dec'd.*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Shadrick*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Nancy*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Agathy*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Gideon*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Dugatt*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Elira or Eliza*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324brotherMims, Gideon*
Mims, David & Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324parentMims, Jane*
Mims, Drury1777GDB 12 p. 68brotherMims, Shardrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Drury1771GDB 13 p. 142sonMims, David 
Mims, Drury (Turkey Branch)1777GDB 12 p. 68sonMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Dugatt1786GDB 14 p. 324sonMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Elira or Eliza1786GDB 14 p. 324daughterMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Eliza1771GDB 13 p. 142daughterMims, Shadrack 
Mims, Eliza1771GDB 13 p. 142granddaughterMims, David 
Mims, Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68daughterMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Gedion1777GDB 12 p. 68brotherMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Gedion1771GDB 13 p. 142sonMims, David 
Mims, Gideon1786GDB 14 p. 324brotherMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Gideon1824G 26 p. 62heirMims, Gideon 
Mims, Gideon1786GDB 14 p. 324sonMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Gideon1824G 26 p. 62heirMims, Gideon*
Mims, Gideon1824G 26 p. 62heirMims, David*
Mims, Jane1786GDB 14 p. 324daughterMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Martha1777GDB 12 p. 68daughterMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Martha1771GDB 13 p. 142granddaughterMims, David 
Mims, Martha1771GDB 13 p. 142daughterMims, Shadrack 
Mims, Mary1771GDB 13 p. 142daughterMims, Shadrack 
Mims, Mary1777GDB 12 p. 68daughterMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Mary1771GDB 13 p. 142granddaughterMims, David 
Mims, Mary1760D Reg. p. 8wifeWoodson, John 
Mims, Nancy1786GDB 14 p. 324daughterMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Patty1786GDB 14 p. 324wifeMims, David 
Mims, Robert1777GDB 12 p. 68sonMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Robert & Lucy1806G DB 19 p. 447heirPoor, Abraham 
Mims, Sally1777GDB 12 p. 68daughterMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims, Sarah1771GDB 13 p. 142daughterMims, Shadrack 
Mims, Sarah1771GDB 13 p. 142granddaughterMims, David 
Mims, Shadrack1771GDB 13 p. 142sonMims, David 
Mims, Shadrack1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Sarah*
Mims, Shadrack1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Martha*
Mims, Shadrack1777GDB 12 p. 68husbandMins, Elizabeth*
Mims, Shadrack1771GDB p. 142parentMims,Susanna*
Mims, Shadrack1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Eliza*
Mims, Shadrack1771GDB 13 p. 142parentMims, Mary*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Martha*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Susannah*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Sally*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Robert*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Mary*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68brotherMims, Gedion*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Elizabeth*
Mims, Shadrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68parentMims, Drury (Turkey Branch)*
Mims, Shadrick1786GDB 14 p. 324sonMims, David & Patty 
Mims, Shardrack & Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68brotherMims, Drury*
Mims, Susanna1771GDB 13 p. 142granddaughterMims, David 
Mims, Susannah1777GDB 12 p. 68daughterMims, Shadrack & Elizabeth 
Mims,Susanna1771GDB p. 142daughterMims, Shadrack 
Mine, Bowden Copper1859DB EE p. 411 Mead, Waller (NY) 
Mine, Chiswells1761DB C p. 125 Mitchell, James 
Mine, Forked Run Mining Co.184DB X p. 104 Hunter, John 
Mine, Gold1836DB V p. 320explorationGrady, Timothy F. & Melipa 
Mine, Grady Gold1856DB DD p. 464 Ware, Nathan A. 
Mine, Gradys Gold1857DB EE p. 132 Ware, Nathan A. 
Mine, Luce1880DB 5 p. 305 Havan, H. E. (Conn) 
Mine, Luce Gold MIne1892DB 12 p. 498 Partridge, John A. (Wash DC) 
Mine, Mineral city Mining & Manuf.1891DB 11 p. 398 Goodwin, W. R. 
Mine, Morrison Gold1867DB GG p. 434 Morrison, Roxanna S. 
Mine, Richmond Gold Mining1846G DB 34 p. 376 Roberts, Joseph W. 
Mine, Ricswan Mining Corp1945DB 65 p. 471 Walton, W. J. 
Mine, Sizer1830DB S p. 359explorationSizer, William 
Mine, Slate Hill1925DB 46 p. 382 Walton, H. H. 
Mine, Stockton Gold1862DB GG p. 434 Dye, John B. 
Mine, Victoria Mining1867DB Q p. 600 Hunter, John 
Mine, Virginia & New England1847DB AA p. 403   
Mine, Walton Gold1836DB V p. 242 Walton, William & Patsy 
Mine, Walton Gold1843DB AA p. 227 Nelson, Thomas 
Mine, Wheal Maria Copper1861DB FF p. 304 Conson, SAmuel & Martin, Thomas NY 
Mine, Wheal Maria Copper Co. DB FF p. 304 Condon, Samuel (NY) 
Mineral city Mining & Manuf. Mine1891DB 11 p. 398 Goodwin, W. R. 
Mines, Eades exploration1825G DB 29 p. 138 Eades, Thomas 
Mines, Luce1880DB 5 p. 305   
Mines, Virginia Exploring & Mining1835DB V p. 124minesGray, John B. 
Mining DB S p. 359 Sizer, William 
Mining1839DB S p. 361 Poindexter, Dabney 
Mining, Va. & New England1902DB 20 p. 103landCorker, J. W.  
Minor, Charles & Lucy W.1840DB X p. 303heirMinor, Lancelot, elder 
Minor, Garret1808DB L p. 156deedJohnson, Lewis 
Minor, Garrett1800Rev pensionparentQuarles, Patsy*
Minor, Garrit & Mary O1770 parentQuarles, Patsy*
Minor, Garrit & Mary O1770Rev. PapersparentMinor, Patsy*
Minor, John & Eliz. (Caroline)1795DB I p. 17adjoiningJerdone Mill*
Minor, John & Eliz. (Caroline)1795DB I p. 17adjoiningMill, Jerdone*
Minor, John & Sarah1744DB A p. 157deedWash, Wm. 
Minor, John B. & Martha M.1840DB X p. 303sonMinor, Lancelot elder 
Minor, Lancelot1837DB V p. 359 Plantation, Hammonds Creek*
Minor, Lancelot1845DB Z p. 169deedJohnson, William F. & Mary Jane*
Minor, Lancelot1837DB V p. 359 Hammonds Creek Plantation*
Minor, Lancelot elder1840DB X p. 303 Plantation, Pine Hill*
Minor, Lancelot elder1840DB X p. 303 Pine Hill - Plantation*
Minor, Lancelot elder1840DB X p. 303 Pine Hill Plantation*
Minor, Lancelot elder1840DB X p. 303parentMinor, John B. & Martha M.*
Minor, Lancelot, elder1840DB X p. 303heirMinor, Charles & Lucy W.*
Minor, Mary Walters1847WB 12 p. 47nieceOverton, Elizabeth 
Minor, Patsy1770Rev. PapersdaughterMinor, Garrit & Mary O 
Minor, Patsy1791Rev pensionwifeQuarles, Robert 
Mins, Elizabeth1777GDB 12 p. 68wifeMims, Shadrack 
Mitchell, Ann1781G DB 13 p. 310cousinMitchell, Reuben 
Mitchell, Ann F.1844G DB 40 p. 348wifeMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, Ann Maria1816WB 5 p. 672daughterMitchell, Thomas & Sarah I 
Mitchell, Archelous1781G DB 13 p. 310uncle?Mitchell, Reuben 
Mitchell, Archilaus1731DB 1 p. 297brotherMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, Archilaus (New Kent)1731DB 1 p. 297brotherMitchell, Thomas (New Kent)*
Mitchell, Barbara1811DB L p. 580wifeJohnson, Francis 
Mitchell, Barbara H.1816WB 5 p. 672wifeJohnson, Francis 
Mitchell, Charles1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, John*
Mitchell, David1816G DB 22 p. 278parentMitchell, Samuel C.*
Mitchell, David1816G DB 22 p. 278husbandMitchell, Elizabeth*
Mitchell, David & Elizabeth1816G DB 22 p. 278parentMitchell, William*
Mitchell, David & Elizabeth1816G WB 22 p. 278parentMitchell, Susan S.*
Mitchell, David & Elizabeth1816G DB 22 p. 278parentDavis, Polly*
Mitchell, David & Elizabeth1816G DB 22 p. 278parentMitchell, Jane*
Mitchell, Delphe1824WB 7 p. 193daughterMallory, Henry 
Mitchell, Edmond1781G DB 13 p. 310brotherMitchell, Reuben 
Mitchell, Elizabeth1804DB L p. 266 Plantation, Pleasants*
Mitchell, Elizabeth1804DB L p. 266 Pleasants Plantation*
Mitchell, Elizabeth1806WBwifeMitchell, John 
Mitchell, Elizabeth1816G DB 22 p. 278wifeMitchell, David 
Mitchell, Elizabeth1776G DB 11 p. 148wifeMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, Elizabeth O.1830Box 10auntShelton, Cecilia, Martha, Sally & 
Mitchell, Elizabeth O.1830Box 10daughterFarrar, Matthew 
Mitchell, Garland H.1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, John 
Mitchell, Garland Hudson1806WBsonMitchell, John 
Mitchell, George F.1816WB 5 p. 672sonMitchell, Thomas & Sarah I. 
Mitchell, George G.1839DB W p. 390heirMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, Gideon1781G DB 13 p. 310brotherMitchell, Reuben 
Mitchell, Isabela1816DB N p. 90widowMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, Isabella1799DB J p. 654wifeMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, James1761DB C p. 125 Mine, Chiswells*
Mitchell, James1761DB C p. 125 Chiswells Mine*
Mitchell, Jane1816G DB 22 p. 278daughterMitchell, David & Elizabeth 
Mitchell, John1780WB 2 p. 250son-in-lawSnelson, William 
Mitchell, John1806WBsonMitchell, John 
Mitchell, John1816MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, John 
Mitchell, John1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, Charles 
Mitchell, John1816MB 1815 p. 302heirMItchell, John*
Mitchell, John1806WBparentJennings, Catey*
Mitchell, John1806WBparentMitchell, Garland Hudson*
Mitchell, John1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, Sally c.*
Mitchell, John1766DB C½ p. 175storekeeperCompany, Mitchell, John*
Mitchell, John1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, William S.*
Mitchell, John1806WBparentMitchell, John*
Mitchell, John1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, Garland H.*
Mitchell, John1806WBparentCasey, Salley*
Mitchell, John1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, Katy J.*
Mitchell, John1806WBhusbandMitchell, Elizabeth*
Mitchell, John & Elizabeth1816DB N p. 89heirMitchell, William S.*
Mitchell, Katy J.1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, John 
Mitchell, Malinda C.1828WB p. 198heirMallory, Henry 
Mitchell, Martha1776G DB 11 p. 148sisterMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, O. T.? (Goochland)1830Box 10husbandFarrar, Elizabeth O.*
Mitchell, Reuben1783G DB 13 p. 310niece/nephewMitchell, William*
Mitchell, Reuben1781G DB 13 p. 310cousinMitchell, Ann*
Mitchell, Reuben1781G DB 13 p. 310niece/nephew?Mitchell, Archelous*
Mitchell, Reuben1781G DB 13 p. 310brotherMitchell, Gideon*
Mitchell, Reuben1781G DB 13 p. 310sisterMitchell, Sally*
Mitchell, Reuben1781G DB 13 p. 310brotherMitchell, Edmond*
Mitchell, Sally1781G DB 13 p. 310sisterMitchell, Reuben 
Mitchell, Sally c.1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, John 
Mitchell, Samuel C.1816G DB 22 p. 278sonMitchell, David 
Mitchell, Sarah I1816DB 5 p. 672wifeMitchell, Thomas 
Mitchell, Sarah T. or Y1828WB p. 198heirMallory, Henry 
Mitchell, Susan S.1816G WB 22 p. 278daughterMitchell, David & Elizabeth 
Mitchell, Thomas1776G DB 11 p. 148sisterThomsun, Rebecka*
Mitchell, Thomas1816DB 5 p. 672husbandMitchell, Sarah I*
Mitchell, Thomas1776G DB 11 p. 148husbandMitchell, Elizabeth*
Mitchell, Thomas1776G DB 11 p. 148sisterMitchell, Martha*
Mitchell, Thomas1844G DB 40 p. 348husbandMitchell, Ann f.*
Mitchell, Thomas1816DB N p. 90widowMItchell, Isabela*
Mitchell, Thomas1731DB 1 p. 297brotherMitchell, Archilaus*
Mitchell, Thomas1799DB J p. 654husbandMitchell, Isabella*
Mitchell, Thomas1839DB W p. 390heirMitchell, George G.*
Mitchell, Thomas & Isabella1811DB L p. 580mother or father-in-lawJohnson, Francis*
Mitchell, Thomas & Isabella1811DB L p. 580parentJohnson, Barbara*
Mitchell, Thomas & Isabella1811DB L p. 580grandparentJohnson, Thomas Mitchell*
Mitchell, Thomas & Isabella1811DB L p. 580grandparentJohnson, Alexander Hamilton*
Mitchell, Thomas & Isabella1811DB L p. 580grandparentJohnson, Mildred Meriwether*
Mitchell, Thomas & Sarah I1816WB 5 p. 672parentThompson, Sarah I*
Mitchell, Thomas & Sarah I1816WB 5 p. 672parentJohnson, Barbara H.*
Mitchell, Thomas & Sarah I1816WB 5 p. 672parentMitchell, William*
Mitchell, Thomas & Sarah I1816WB 5 p. 672parentMitchell, Ann Maria*
Mitchell, Thomas & Sarah I.1816WB 5 p. 672parentMitchell, George F.*
Mitchell, Thomas (New Kent)1731DB 1 p. 297brotherMitchell, Archilaus (New Kent) 
Mitchell, William1816G DB 22 p. 278sonMitchell, David & Elizabeth 
Mitchell, William1816WB 5 p. 672sonMitchell, Thomas & Sarah I 
Mitchell, William1783G DB 13 p. 310uncleMitchell, Reuben 
Mitchell, William S.1816DB N p. 89heirMitchell, John & Elizabeth 
Mitchell, William S.1824WB 7 p. 193son-in-lawMallory, Henry 
Mitchell, William S.1815MB 1815 p. 302heirMitchell, John 
Mitchell, William S.1824WB 7 p. 163son-in-lawMallory, Henry 
Mitchell, William S.1824WB 7 p. 193husbandMallory, Delphe*
Mitchell, William Snelson1806WBsonSnelson, John 
Montague, Thomas (Orange)1752DB D p. 93boundKennedy, Davenport*
Montague, William1874Mar term 1874husbandGooch, Sarah d/o John Gooch 
Montgomery, Alexander N.1861WB 17 p. 480nephewNelson, Dr. Thomas & Julia M. 
Montgomery, Elizabeth1870WB 17 p. 481parentWaddell, Nannie E.*
Montgomery, Elizabeth1861WB 17 p. 480sisterNelson, Dr. Thomas & Julia M. 
Montgomery, Elizabeth1861WB 17 p. 480sisterNelson, Dr. Thomas 
Montgomery, James1861WB 17 p. 480nephewNelson, Dr. Thomas 
Montgomery, James (Lewisburg)1861WB 17 p. 480nephewNelson, Dr. Thomas & Julia 
Montgomery, Nannie E.1870WB 17 p. 481wifeWaddell, Littleton 
Montgomery,Elizabeth1861WB 17 p. 480sisterNelson, Dr. Thomas 
Moody, Anna D.1880DB 5 p. 256daughterDavis, Reuben B. 
Moody, wioliaim C.1880DB 5 p. 256son-in-lawDavis, Reuben B. 
Moon, Ann1803DB L p. 430daughterAnderson, Robert 
Moore, Archls., KY1796DB I p. 159devisorArnett, Susanna & James*
Moore, Edward WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, Edward1777WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, James1734HanovernephewHorsley, Robert 
Moore, James WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, Jas.1777WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, John1746DB A p. 235exorJouett, Matthew 
Moore, John1786Rowan Co., NChusbandMarbrey, Elenor 
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 244parentHammer, Ann*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Susannah*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 177parentMoore, Matthew*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Matthew*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, James*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Jas.*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Martha*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Martha*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentHammer, Ann*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Susannah*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 177husbandMoore, Judith*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, John Jr.*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Edward*
Moore, John1777WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, John Jr.*
Moore, John WB 2 p. 244parentMoore, Edward*
Moore, John & Sarah (Roan, NC)1773DB ? p. 541toCarver, Joseph (Louisa) 
Moore, John Jr. WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, John Jr.1777WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, Judith1777WB 2 p. 177wifeMoore, John 
Moore, Martha WB 2 p. 244daughterMoore, John 
Moore, Martha1777WB 2 p. 244daughterMoore, John 
Moore, Matthew WB 2 p. 244sonMoore, John 
Moore, Matthew1777WB 2 p. 177sonMoore, John 
Moore, Susannah1777WB 2 p. 244daughterMoore, John 
Moore, Susannah WB 2 p. 244daughterMoore, John 
Moorman, Andrew1814WB 5 p. 507husbandHarwood, Maria*
Moorman, Catharine WB 7 p. 537daughterWhite, Catharine & William 
Moorman, Caty1814WB 5 p. 507daughterWhite, William 
Moorman, Charles1764DB C½ p. 11deedQuakers - Camp Creek Meeting house*
Moorman, Charles1778Gdn. p. 84heirVenable, Agnes & John*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentTaylor, Mary*
Moorman, Charles1779DB H p. 97heirVenable, John & Agness (Bedford)*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentVenable, Agnes*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 434sonMoorman, Charles 
Moorman, Charles1764DB C½ p. 11 Church, Camp Creek*
Moorman, Charles1795DB I p. 117heirAnthony, Joseph*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentMoorman, Robert*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432husbandMoorman, Mary*
Moorman, Charles1778Gdn. p. 84parentAnthony, Judith*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentMoorman, Thoomas*
Moorman, Charles1795DB I p. 117heirAnthony, Charles*
Moorman, Charles1778Gdn. p. 84heirJohnson, Christopher & Elizabeth*
Moorman, Charles1795DB I p. 117heirBallard, William & Elizabeth*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432heir ?Johnson, Christopher*
Moorman, Charles1779DB H p. 97heirJohnson, Christopher (Bedford)*
Moorman, Charles1788Gdn p. 84heirAnthony, Judith, dec'd.*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentMoorman, James*
Moorman, Charles1778Gdn p. 84heirMoorman, James*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 434parentMoorman, Charles*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentMoorman, Tobert*
Moorman, Charles1778GDn p. 84heirJohnson, Benjamin & Lucy*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 1 p. 84parentJohnson, Lucy*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentJohnson, Lucy*
Moorman, Charles1779DB H p. 97heirJohnson, Benjamin (Bedford)*
Moorman, Charles1778Gdn p. 84heirMoorman, Thomas*
Moorman, Charles1778WB 2 p. 432parentJohnson, Elizabeth*
Moorman, Charles1764DB C½ p. 11deedCamp Creek Meeting - Quakers,*
Moorman, Elizabeth1788WB 3 p. 212daughterJohnson, James 
Moorman, Elizabeth1788WB 3 p. 213daughterJohnson, James 
Moorman, James1814WB 5 p. 507husbandWhite, Caty*
Moorman, James1814WB 5 p. 507son-in-lawWhite, William 
Moorman, James1778Gdn p. 84heirMoorman, Charles 
Moorman, James1778WB 2 p. 432sonMoorman, Charles 
Moorman, Maria1814WB 5 p. 507daughterHarwood, Nancy 
Moorman, Mary1778WB 2 p. 432wifeMoorman, Charles 
Moorman, Robert1778WB 2 p. 432sonMoorman, Charles 
Moorman, Thomas1778Gdn p. 84heirMoorman, charles 
Moorman, Thomas1778WB 2 p. 432sonJohnson, Charles 
Moorman, Thoomas1778WB 2 p. 432sonMoorman, Charles 
Moorman, Tobert1778WB 2 p. 432sonMoorman, Charles 
Moreman, Charles1795DB I p. 117heirTerrell, David & Mary*
Moreman, Charles, jr.1768WB 2 p. husbandVenable, Mary*
Moreman, Elizabeth1788WB 3 p. 214daughterJohnson, James 
Moreman, Mary1768WB 2 p. child ofVenable, Abraham*
Moreman, Rachael1741WB 1 p. 31daughterClark, Christopher 
Morrill, Lewis1738G DB 3 p. 177heirDavid, Peter & Rachel*
Morrill, Lewis1738G DB 3 p. 177heirMorrill, Susanna*
Morrill, Susanna1738G DB 3 p. 177heirMorrill, Lewis 
Morris, Adeline1832WBdaughterMorris, George 
Morris, Amanda1832WBdaughterMorris, George 
Morris, Amanda1836WB 10 p. 93daughterMorris, Thomas 
Morris, Ann1832WB 8 p. 468widowMorris, William 
Morris, Ann1837WB 9 p. 469daughterSmith, Nathan 
Morris, Ann1842DB Y p. 69heirLea, John 
Morris, Ann1860DB FF p. 108tractGoshen tract*
Morris, Ann C.1831WB 8 p. 221child ofMorris, William & Nancy*
Morris, Ann C.1844Box 17wifeMorris, Dr. James M.*
Morris, Anne C.1844Box 17motherMorris, James M. 
Morris, Anne C.1844Box 17motherMorris, William 
Morris, David1786WB 3 p. 156sonMorris, George 
Morris, David1786WB 3 p. 157sonMorris, George & Mary 
Morris, David1832WBwidowMorris, Nancy*
Morris, David1832WBparentMorris, George dec'd.*
Morris, David1832WBparentMorris, Guthrey*
Morris, David1832WBparentFackler, Caroline M.*
Morris, David1832WBmother or father-in-lawHunter, William*
Morris, David1832WBparentHunter, Elizabeth*
Morris, David1792DB G p. 183husbandMorris, Elizabeth*
Morris, David1832WBparentHunter, Polly*
Morris, David1832WBparentMorris, Samuel*
Morris, David1832WBparentMorris, Joshua*
Morris, Dr. James M.1844Box 17husbandMorris, Ann C. 
Morris, Dr. James M.1844Box 17ownerByrd Mill tract,*
Morris, Dr. James M. & Ann C1844Box 17parentMorris, Richard O.*
Morris, Elizabeth1785WB 3 p. 90grandchildTisdale*
Morris, Elizabeth1792DB G p. 183wifeMorris, David 
Morris, Elizabeth1785WB 3 p. 91granddaughterTisdale, John 
Morris, Elizabeth1832WB 8 p. 468guardianMorris, John W. 
Morris, Elizabeth A.1832WBdaughterMorris, Joshua 
Morris, Ellen1832WB 8 p. 468guardian ofMorris, John W.*
Morris, Frances1858WB OCC p. 118daughterWilliams, Robert D. 
Morris, Geo. & Mary1786WB 3 p. 157parentMorris, Samuel*
Morris, Geo. & Mary1786WB 3 p. 157parentMorris, John*
Morris, George1797LDB I p. 576heirBigger, William 
Morris, George1801DB J p. 236heirGraves, Richard 
Morris, George1796WB 3 p. 156sonMorris, George 
Morris, George1832WBparentMorris, Louisa A.*
Morris, George1832WBparentMorris, Oliver C.*
Morris, George1832WBparentMorris, Pamela*
Morris, George1832WBparentMorris, Adeline*
Morris, George1796WB 3 p. 156parentMorris, Samuel*
Morris, George1832WBparentMorris, Amanda*
Morris, George1786WB 3 p. 156husbandMorris, Mary*
Morris, George1796WB 3 p. 156parentMorris, Joshua*
Morris, George1786WB 3 p. 156parentCosby, Mary*
Morris, George1786WB 3 p. 156parentMorris, Isaac*
Morris, George1796WB 3 p. 156parentMorris, John*
Morris, George1786WB 3 p. 157widowMorris, Mary*
Morris, George1786WB 3 p. 156parentMorris, David*
Morris, George1796WB 3 p. 156parentMorris, George*
Morris, George1786WB 3 p. 156parentHarding, Ana*
Morris, George & Mary1786WB 3 p. 157parentMorris, David*
Morris, George & Mary1796WB 3 p. 157parentMorris, Isaac*
Morris, George & Mary1786WB 3 p. 157parentHarding, Anna*
Morris, George & Mary1786WB 3 p. 157parentCosby, Mary*
Morris, George dec'd.1832WBsonMorris, David 
Morris, Guthrey1832WBsonMorris, David 
Morris, Harriet1832WB 8 p. 468heir?Morris, William 
Morris, Isaac1786WB 3 p. 156sonMorris, George 
Morris, Isaac1796WB 3 p. 157sonMorris, George & Mary 
Morris, James M.1867DB GG p. 340heirHunter, George & Elizabeth 
Morris, James M.1832WBsonMorris, Joshua 
Morris, James M.1867DB GG p. 340sonMMorris, Joshua & Ann 
Morris, James M.1844WB 11 p. 215tractGrass Dale*
Morris, James M.1844Box 17child ofMorris, Anne C.*
Morris, James M.1831WB 8 p. 221child ofMorris, William & Nancy*
Morris, James M.1840DB X p. 58husbandCrank, Mary*
Morris, James M. & Mary1840DB X p. 58son-in-lawCrank, George & Martha 
Morris, John1785WB 3 p. 90grandchildTisdale, John*
Morris, John1786WB 3 p. 157sonMorris, Geo. & Mary 
Morris, John1796WB 3 p. 156sonMorris, George 
Morris, John1834DB U p. 252sonMorris, William 
Morris, John1785WB 3 p. 91grandsonTisdale, John 
Morris, John (Goochland)1831WB 8 p. 221child ofMorris, William & Nancy*
Morris, John L.1832WBsonMorris, Joshua 
Morris, John W.1832WB 8 p. 468guardianMorris, Ellen 
Morris, John W.1832WB 8 p. 468guardianMorris, susan 
Morris, John W.1832WB 8 p. 468guardian ofMorris, Mary*
Morris, John W.1832WB 8 p. 468guardian ofMorris, Juliet*
Morris, John W.1832WB 8 p. 468guardian ofMorris, Elizabeth*
Morris, Joseph W.1831WB 8 p. 221sonMorris, William & Nancy 
Morris, Joseph W.1834DB U p. 252sonMorris, William 
Morris, Josephine1785WB 3 p. 90grandchildTisdale, John*
Morris, Josephine1785WB 3 p. 91granddaughterTisdale, John 
Morris, Joshua1796WB 3 p. 156sonMorris, George 
Morris, Joshua1832WBsonMorris, David 
Morris, Joshua1832WBparentMorris, Elizabeth A.*
Morris, Joshua1832WBparentMorris, James M.*
Morris, Joshua1832WBparentMorris, Marier J.*
Morris, Joshua1832WBparentMorris, John L.*
Morris, Joshua1832WBparentMorris, William O.*
Morris, Joshua & Ann1867DB GG p. 340parentMorris, James M.*
Morris, Joshua L.1874F DB 21 p. 306husbandPerkins, Sallie S.*
Morris, Joshua L. & Sallie1874F DB 21 p. 306heirBanks, Ralph 
Morris, Juliet1832WB 8 p. 468guardianMorris, John W. 
Morris, Louisa A.1832WBdaughterMorris, George 
Morris, Marier J.1832WBdaughterMorris, Joshua 
Morris, Mary1786WB 3 p. 156wifeMorris, GEroge 
Morris, Mary1786WB 3 p. 157widowMorris, George 
Morris, Mary1785WB 3 p. 91granddaughterTisdale, John 
Morris, Mary1840DB X p. 58daughterCrank, George & Martha 
Morris, Mary1832WB 8 p. 468guardianMorris, John W. 
Morris, Mary & James M.1840DB X p. 58daughterCrank, George 
Morris, Mary & James M.1840DB X p. 58daughterCrank, George & Martha 
Morris, Mary (dau. Geo & Mary)1786WB 3 p. 157wifeCosby, Wingfield*
Morris, Mary d/o Sally 1785WB 3 p. 90grandchildTisdale, John*
Morris, Nancy1832WBwidowMorris, David 
Morris, Oliver C.1832WBsonMorris, George 
Morris, Oliver C.1874F DB 21 p. 306husbandPerkins, Louisa R.*
Morris, Oliver C. & Louisa R.1874F DB 21 p. 306heirBanks, Ralph 
Morris, Pamela1832WBdaughterMorris, George 
Morris, Richard & Susanna1801DB J p. 236grantor of heirGraves, Richard*
Morris, Richard O.1844Box 17sonMorris, Dr. James M. & Ann C 
Morris, Sally1785WB 3 p. 91daughterTisdale, John 
Morris, Sally dec'd.1785DB 3 p. 90child ofTisdale, John*
Morris, Sally Jane1866DB GG p. 153legateeMorris, Thomas 
Morris, Samuel1786WB 3 p. 157sonMorris, Geo. & Mary 
Morris, Samuel1796WB 3 p. 156sonMorris, George 
Morris, Samuel1832WBsonMorris, David 
Morris, Sarah1787S WB p. 874daughterLuck, Samuel, Sr. 
Morris, Starke1836WB 10 p. 93heirWright, Starke 
Morris, Susan1832WB 8 p. 468wifeWatson, Dr. James 
Morris, Susan1832WB 8 p. 468guardian ofMorris, John W.*
Morris, Susannah1801DB J p. 236heirGraves, Richard 
Morris, Thomas1836WB 10 p. 93heirWright, Starke 
Morris, Thomas1866DB GG p. 153legateeMorris, Sally Jane*
Morris, Thomas1836WB 10 p. 93parentMorris, Amanda*
Morris, William1832WB 8 p. 468heir?Morris, Harriet*
Morris, William1832WB 8 p. 468widowMorris, Ann*
Morris, William1844Box 17child ofMorris, Anne C.*
Morris, William1834DB U p. 252parentMorris, John*
Morris, William1834DB U p. 252parentMorris, Joseph W.*
Morris, William & Nancy1831WB 8 p. 221tractSouthalls - Goochland*
Morris, William & Nancy1831WB 8 p. 221fatherMorris, Ann C. 
Morris, William & Nancy1831WB 8 p. 221fatherMorris, James M. 
Morris, William & Nancy1831WB 8 p. 221fatherMorris, John (Goochland) 
Morris, William & Nancy1831WB 8 p. 221parentMorris, Joseph w.*
Morris, William (Green Springs)1804LDB K p. 26heirJohnson, Thomas (Minor) 
Morris, William O.1832WBsonMorris, Joshua 
Morrison Gold Mine1867DB GG p. 434 Morrison, Roxanna S. 
Morrison, John F.1851DB BB p. 524heirAndrews, Robert H.*
Morrison, John F.1851DB BB p. 524widowMorrison, Roxanna S.*
Morrison, Roxanna S.1851DB BB p. 524widowMorrison, John f. 
Morrison, Roxanna S.1867DB GG p. 434 Mine, Morrison Gold*
Morrison, Roxanna S.1867DB GG p. 434 Morrison Gold Mine*
Morton, Elizabeth1768WB 2 p. daughterVenable, Abraham 
Morton, Josiah1768WB 2 p. husbandVenable, Elizabeth *
Mosby, Martha Ann1868internetwifePayne, William Overton *
Mosely, Arther1825Pow WB 6 p. 66fatherMosely, John 
Mosely, Arther1825Pow. WB 6 p. 66sisterHarris, Frances Powhatan*
Mosely, Benjamin1811Hustings Ct.son-in-lawCrouch, Richard 
Mosely, Benjamin1825Pow WB 6 p. 66sisterHarris, Frances Powhatan*
Mosely, John1825Pow WB 6 p. 66child ofMosely, Arther*
Mosely, John1825Pow. WB 6 p. 66sisterHarris, Frances Powhatan*
Mosely, Richard1825Pow. WB 6 p. 66niece/nephewHarris, Frances Powhatan*
Mosley, Capt. John (Nelson)1830WB 8 p. 124legateeWare, Mildred 
Moss, Anne Maria1837WB 10 p. 162daughterMoss, Nelson 
Moss, Arabella W.1837WB 10 p. 162daughterMoss, Nelson 
Moss, Benjamin1787WB 1 p. 42sonMoss, John 
Moss, Darah1787WB 1 p. 42daughterMoss, John 
Moss, Dinnah1787WB 1 p. 42daughterMoss, Sarah 
Moss, Elizabeth1785WB 3 p. 90child ofTisdale, John*
Moss, Elizabeth1785WB 3 p. 91daughterTisdale, John 
Moss, Emma Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444daughterMoss, Francis O. 
Moss, Emma Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444granddaughterMoss, Mildred 
Moss, Francis O.1847DB AA p. 239husbandRiordan, Frances*
Moss, Francis O.1847DB AA p. 239legateeDickinson, James C. 
Moss, Francis O.1837WB 10 p. 162sonMoss, Nelson 
Moss, Francis O.1855WB 14 p. 444sonMoss, Mildred 
Moss, Francis O.1855WB 14 p. 444parentMoss, Emma Mildred*
Moss, Francis O. Riordan1847DB AA p. 239granddaughterDickinson, James Cole 
Moss, James A.1834marriagehusbandGibson, Martha A. 
Moss, Jane1787WB 1 p. 42daughterMoss, John 
Moss, Jane1787WB 1 p. 42widowMoss, John 
Moss, John1796WB 4 p. 1parentSmith, Dannielle ?*
Moss, John1796WB 4 p. 1mother or father-in-lawSmith, Shelton*
Moss, John1779WB 4 p. 1mother or father-in-lawSmith, Sealton*
Moss, John1837WB 10 p. 162sonMoss, Nelson 
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42sonMoss, John 
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, John*
Moss, John1796WB 4 p. 1mother or father-in-lawKimbrough, William*
Moss, John1779WB 4 p. 1mother or father-in-lawKimbrough, William*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, Benjamin*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42widowMoss, Jane*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, Jane*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, Darah*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, Nathaniel*
Moss, John1779WB 4 p. 1parentMoss, Nelson*
Moss, John1796WB 4 p. 1parentMoss, Nelson*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, Sarah*
Moss, John1796WB 4 p. 1widowMoss, Sarah*
Moss, John1779WB 4 p. 1husbandMoss, Sarah*
Moss, John1787WB 1 p. 1787parentMoss, Mary*
Moss, Martha1856W. 14 p. 115daughterGibson, Zedekiah 
Moss, Martha A.1834marrdaughterGibson, Zedekiah 
Moss, Mary1787WB 1 p. 1787daughterMoss, John 
Moss, Mary M.1924F DB 15 p. 138wifeHaley, J. M. 
Moss, Mildred1830WB 8 p. 145daughterCosby, Ann 
Moss, Mildred1837WB 10 p. 162widowMoss, Nelson 
Moss, Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444parentDavis, Ann Maria*
Moss, Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444grandparentMoss, Emma Mildred*
Moss, Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444parentMoss, Francis O.*
Moss, Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444parentLevy, Arrabella W.*
Moss, Mildred1865DB GG p. 32heirLevy, Arabella W.*
Moss, Mildred1855WB 14 p. 444parentLevy, Arabella W.*
Moss, Nathaniel1787WB 1 p. 42sonMoss, John 
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentSmith, Nancy H.*
Moss, Nelson1832WB 8 p. 409heirCosby, Overton 
Moss, Nelson1779WB 4 p. 1sonMoss, John 
Moss, Nelson1796WB 4 p. 1sonMoss, John 
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentCoats, Jane F.*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentMoss, Francis O.*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentMoss, Anne Maria*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentMoss, John*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentMoss, William K.*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentMoss, Arabella W.*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162widowMoss, Mildred*
Moss, Nelson1837WB 10 p. 162parentMoss, Robert F.*
Moss, Rebecca1796WB 4 p. 86daughterJohnson, Sarah 
Moss, Robert F.1837WB 10 p. 162sonMoss, Nelson 
Moss, Sarah1787WB 1 p. 42daughterMOss, John 
Moss, Sarah1796WB 4 p. 1widowMoss, John 
Moss, Sarah1779WB 4 p. 1wifeMoss, John 
Moss, Sarah1796WB 1 p. 133parentKimbrough, William*
Moss, Sarah1787WB 1 p. 42parentMoss, Dinnah*
Moss, Sarah1800WB 4 p. 133parentKimbrough, John*
Moss, Sarah1796WB 4 p. 133parentLipscomb, Mary*
Moss, Sarah1796WB 4 p. 133parentKimbrough, John*
Moss, Sarah1800WB 4 p. 133parentKimbrough, William*
Moss, Sarah1779WB 4 p. 1parentKimbrough, John*
Moss, Sarah1800WB 4 p. 133parentLipscomb, Mary*
Moss, Sarah1800WB 4 p. 133parentKimbrough, Robert*
Moss, Sarah1800WB 4 p. 133parentKimbrough, Joseph*
Moss, Sarah1796WB 4 p. 133parentKimbrough, Joseph*
Moss, Sarah wife John1796WB 4 p. 1parentKimbrough, John*
Moss, William1792DB G p. 393husbandJohnson, Rebecca*
Moss, William & Rebecca (Bucking)1792LDB G p. 308deedOverton, John 
Moss, William & Rebecca (Buckingham1794DB G p. 393heirJohnson, James & Sarah 
Moss, William & Rebecca (Buckingham1792DB G p. 393heirJohnson, James 
Moss, William (Buckingham)1792LDB G p. 308husbandJohnson, Rebecca ??*
Moss, William K.1837WB 10 p. 162sonMoss, Nelson 
Mullin, Martha1859Albe WB 25 p. 456child ofBowles, John*
Munday, Benj. H.Rev.Pensions, HarrisEssex Co.deposition 
Munday, Elizabeth1819DB O p. 314daughterBurrus, John 
Munday, John1819DB O p. 314heirBurrus, John 
Munday, Jon1819DB O p. 314heirBurrus, John 
Munday, Samuel1760WB 1 p. 60heirDowel, John 
Munday, Samuel1760WB 1 p. 50husband?Dowel, Sukey*
Munday, Sukey1760WB 1 p. 50daughterDowell, John 
Murray, H. W.1882WB 19 p. 508 Company, Murray, Gooch & Anderson*
Murray, Henry W.1856DB DD p. 508son-in-lawHines, Nelson 
Murray, Henry W.1856DB DD p. 508son-in-lawHunter, Stephen 
Murray, Henry W.1855DB DD p. 508son-in-lawHunter, David M. 
Murray, Henry W.1882WB 19 p. 508husbandMurray, Mary A.*
Murray, Henry W.1856DB DD p. 508son/daughter-in-lawHines, Nelson*
Murray, Henry W.1856DB DD p. 509husbandHines, Mary Ann*
Murray, Henry W.1856DB DD p. 508husbandHunter, Mildred M.*
Murray, Henry W.1856DB DD p. 508parentMurray, Mildred M.*
Murray, Mary A.1882WB 19 p. 508wifeMurray, Henry W. 
Murray, Mary Ann1856DB DD p. 509daughterHines, Nelson 
Murray, Mildred M.1856DB DD p. 508granddaughterHunter, David M. 
Murray, Mildred M.1856DB DD p. 508daughterMurray, Henry W. 
Murray, Mildred M.1856DB DD p. 508daughterHunter, David M. & Sarah J. 
Murray, Mildred M.1856DB DD p. 508great granddauHunter, Stephen & Sarah J. 
Murrell, John (Spartenburg SC)1810DB L p. 90heirDabney, James 
Murrell, John (Union, SC)1808DB L p. 90heirDabney, James