Index to Relationships submitted by Janice Abercrombie

These pages contain almost 20,000 names that were provided by Janice L. Abercrombie. They contain a persons name, date, source of information, relationship type and the name of the related person. If the column named 'Added' contains an asterisk, then it means that I tried to generate a reverse relationship entry (i.e. if there was already an entry for Doe, Jane to Doe, John as husband, then I tried to create Doe, John to Doe, Jane as wife) Whenever in doubt, check the original entry!

Legend:    * Picture; ** Addition/Correction; *** In Memoriam; **** News Article; ^Will Probate

Pages: A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y  

Name Date Reference Relation Related To Added
Eades exploration Mines1825G DB 29 p. 138 Eades, Thomas 
Eades, John H.1851G DB 36 p. 314sonEades, Thomas 
Eades, Mary a. M.1851G DB 36 p. 314daughterEades, Thomas 
Eades, Susan M. C.1851G DB 36 p. 314daughterEades, Thomas 
Eades, Thomas1851G DB 36 p. 314parentEades, Susan M. C.*
Eades, Thomas1825G DB 29 p. 138 Mines, Eades exploration*
Eades, Thomas1825G DB 29 p. 138 Eades exploration Mines*
Eades, Thomas1851G DB 36 p. 314parentEades, John H.*
Eades, Thomas1851G DB 36 p. 314parentEades, Mary a. M.*
Eades, Ursula1801G DB 18 p. 556legateeRutherford, William 
Easly, Hannah1757GDB 7 p. 209daughterWoodson, Susanna 
Eastham, David1847DB AA p. 385heirBunch, David 
Edwards, Ambrose1797WB 4 p. 40legateeKennedy, Davenport 
Edwards, Ambrose1813WB 5 p. 411sonEdwards, Harry 
Edwards, America1818DB O p. 58daughterEdwards, Ivy & Phebe 
Edwards, Ann1790WB 3 p. 288heirBibb, Ann 
Edwards, Ann1789WB 3 p. 288daughterBibb, Ann 
Edwards, Ann1818DB O p. 58daughterEdwards, Ivy & Phebe 
Edwards, Anne1827WB 7 p. 305daughterEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Betsy1827WB 7 p. 305daughterEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Billy1827WB 7 p. 305sonEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Brice1818DB O p. 58childEdwards, Ivy & Phebe 
Edwards, Dicy1827WB 7 p. 305daughterEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Dicy1827WB 7 p. 305wifeEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Edmund1827WB 7 p. 305sonEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305husbandEdwards, Dicy*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, Dicy*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, John*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, Billy*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, Betsy*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, Nancy*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, Anne*
Edwards, Edward1827WB 7 p. 305parentEdwards, Edmund*
Edwards, Edwin1818DB O p. 58sonEdwards, Ivy & Phebe 
Edwards, Elizabeth1788S WB EwidowEdwards, James 
Edwards, Elizabeth1866WB 17 p. 256widowEdwards, William 
Edwards, Gravit1836WB 9 p. 243heirEdwards, Reuben 
Edwards, Gravit1801JudgmentssonEdwards, Harry 
Edwards, Gravit1813WB 5 p. 411sonEdwards, Harry 
Edwards, Gravit1826WB 9 p. 39sonEdwards, Reuben 
Edwards, Gravit1805DB K p. 242 Patent*
Edwards, Harry1748Judgment BoxhusbandTrice, Mary*
Edwards, Harry1748JudgmentshusbandTrice, Mary 
Edwards, Harry1801JudgmentsparentEdwards, Gravit*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentEdwards, Mary*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentBarlow, Lucy*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentBibb, Oney*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentEdwards, Wright*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentEdwards, Thomas*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentEdwards, John*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentEdwards, Gravit*
Edwards, Harry1813WB 5 p. 411parentEdwards, Ambrose*
Edwards, Henry1812WB 5 p. 370marriageTrice, Mary relict John Trice 
Edwards, Howard B.1836WB 10 p. 93husbandWright, Patsy*
Edwards, Ivey1818DB O p. 51husbandEdwards, Phebe*
Edwards, Ivy1813WB 5 p. 449heirGardner, Thomas & Mary 
Edwards, Ivy1814WB 5 p. 449son-in-lawGardner, Thomas 
Edwards, Ivy1818DB O p. 58widowEdwards, Phebe (Warren, Ky)*
Edwards, Ivy & Phebe1818DB O p. 58parentEdwards, Brice*
Edwards, Ivy & Phebe1818DB O p. 58parentEdwards, Edwin*
Edwards, Ivy & Phebe1818DB O p. 58parentEdwards, America*
Edwards, Ivy & Phebe1818DB O p. 58parentEdwards, Louisa*
Edwards, Ivy & Phebe1818DB O p. 58parentEdwards, Ann*
Edwards, Ivy & Pheve1818DB O p. 58parentEdwards, Mary*
Edwards, James1788S WB EwidowEdwards, Elizabeth*
Edwards, James1822DB Q p. 102husbandGooch, Polly*
Edwards, James & Elizabeth1788S WB EparentArnold, Barbary*
Edwards, James & Elizabeth1788WB E pparentArnold, James*
Edwards, James & Elizabeth1788S WB EparentArnold, Susannah*
Edwards, James & Elizabeth1788S WB EparentArnold, Betty*
Edwards, James & Elizabeth1788S WB EparentArnold, Judith*
Edwards, James (Todd, Ky.)1822DB Q p. 102son-in-lawGooch, John 
Edwards, John1813WB 5 p. 411sonEdwards, Harry 
Edwards, John1826WB 9 p. 39sonEdwards, Reuben 
Edwards, John1827WB 7 p. 305sonEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, John1825WB p. 363husbandMcGehee, Nancy*
Edwards, John1791WB 3 p. 441parentEdwards, Johnathan*
Edwards, John & Edith1763DB C p. 235heirBingley, John & Judith (Cumberland) 
Edwards, John & Nancy1825WB p. 363heirMcGehee, John 
Edwards, Johnathan1791WB 3 p. 441sonEdwards, John 
Edwards, Lorenzo A.1866WB 17 p. 256heirEdwards, William 
Edwards, Louisa1818DB O p. 58daughterEdwards, Ivy & Phebe 
Edwards, Mary1789WB 3 p. 288daughterBibb, Ann 
Edwards, Mary1790WB 3 p. 288daughterBibb, Ann 
Edwards, Mary1813WB 5 p. 411daughterEdwards, Harry 
Edwards, Mary1818DB O p. 58daughterEdwards, Ivy & Pheve 
Edwards, Mildred1836WB 9 p. 243heirEdwards, Reuben 
Edwards, Nancy1824WB 7 p. 64daughterMcGehee, John & Mary 
Edwards, Nancy1825WB p. 363daughterMcGehee, John 
Edwards, Nancy1827WB 7 p. 305daughterEdwards, Edward 
Edwards, Ora Lee1909WB 20 p. 585heirThacker, Sarah a. 
Edwards, Phebe1818DB O p. 51wifeEdwards, Ivey 
Edwards, Phebe (Warren, Ky)1818DB O p. 58widowEdwards, Ivy 
Edwards, Reuben1826WB 9 p. 39parentEdwards, Gravit*
Edwards, Reuben1836WB 9 p. 243heirEdwards, William*
Edwards, Reuben1826WB 9 p. 39parentEdwards, John*
Edwards, Reuben1836WB 9 p. 243heirEdwards, Gravit*
Edwards, Reuben1835WB 9 p. 243heirHollins, George heirs*
Edwards, Reuben1836WB 9 p. 243heirEdwards, Mildred*
Edwards, Reuben1833WB 9 p. 39parentHollins, Polly*
Edwards, Reuben1833WB 9 p. 39parentBullock, Ann*
Edwards, Solomon1832LCHS Vol 3 #1rev paper  
Edwards, Thomas1813WB 5 p. 411sonEdwards, Harry 
Edwards, William1836WB 9 p. 243heirEdwards, Reuben 
Edwards, William1839WB 10 p. 142legateeWalton, Mary 
Edwards, William1813WB 11 p. 142heirWalton, Mary 
Edwards, William1866WB 17 p. 256heirEdwards, Lorenzo A.*
Edwards, William1866WB 17 p. 256widowEdwards, Elizabeth*
Edwards, William & Ann1797DB I p. 334legateeWalton, John 
Edwards, Wright1813WB 5 p. 411sonEdwards, Harry 
Eggleston, Edmund1844Order Book 1831brotherEggleston, Susan A. 
Eggleston, Joseph1807DB L p. 31heirPhillips, William Sr. 
Eggleston, Joseph c.1828WB 7 p. 504widowEggleston, Sarah M.*
Eggleston, Richard WB 2 pnephewPettus, John 
Eggleston, Richard1813DB M p. 230 Mill, Eggleston*
Eggleston, Sarah M.1828WB 7 p. 504widowEggleston, Joseph c. 
Eggleston, Sarah M.1844Order BookwifeHarris, James L.*
Eggleston, Susan A.1844Order BookdaughterHarris, Sarah M 
Eggleston, Susan A.1844Order Book 1831brotherEggleston, Edmund*
Eidson, George (Logan, KY)1829F DB 9 p. 26legateeLilly, Arminger 
Ellia, Thomas1838O DB 37 p. 325parentEllis, Thomas J. & Cynthia (wife)*
Ellia, William1836DB V p. 205heirQuarles, John 
Elliot, Lucy A.1897DB 16 p. 210daughterHarris, Charles T. & Sallie T. 
Ellis Store1821DB p. p 124 Ellis, James H. 
Ellis, Agnes1766S WB D p. 241daughterEllis, Wm. & Elizabeth 
Ellis, Elizabeth (widow Thomas) Jud 59wifeWoolfolk, Thomas (Orange) 
Ellis, Frances A.1816Jud 59wifeDavidson, Michael F. 
Ellis, Hezekiah1766S WB D p. 241sonEllis, Wm. & Eizabeth 
Ellis, Hunter & Bibb1840DB X p. 104 Company, Forked Run Mining*
Ellis, James1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas 
Ellis, James H.1821DB p. p 124 Store, Ellis*
Ellis, James H.1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas & Elizabeth 
Ellis, James H.1821DB p. p 124 Ellis Store*
Ellis, John1766S WB D p. 241sonEllis, Wm. & Elizabeth 
Ellis, John1800WB 4 p. 127sonEllis, Thomas 
Ellis, John1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas 
Ellis, John Jud 59mother or father-in-lawDavidson, Joseph P.*
Ellis, John & Mildred P.1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas & Elizabeth 
Ellis, Leroy1828WB p. 198heirMallory, Henry 
Ellis, Lewis1784DB H p. 357grandsonHicks, Temperance 
Ellis, Lewis1784DB H p. 357grandsonHicks, Temperance & Pewid 
Ellis, Louisa1842DB Y p. 95daughterDuke, Joseph Dr. 
Ellis, Mary Ann1816Jud 59wifeJohnson, Collin 
Ellis, Nancy1802Albe DB 14 p. 41wifeGillespie, Lewis*
Ellis, Richard (d. Missouri)1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas & Elizabeth 
Ellis, Robert S. (Orange)1816Jud. 59sonEllis, Thomas (Louisa) 
Ellis, Thomas1800WB 4 p. 127heirYoung, Margaret 
Ellis, Thomas1816Jud 59parentEllis, James*
Ellis, Thomas1800WB 4 p. 127parentEllis, John*
Ellis, Thomas1816Jud 59parentEllis, John*
Ellis, Thomas1816Jud 59parentCrawford, Frances A.*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentThompson, Rebecca (Orange)*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentThompson, Maria*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentWoolfolk, Clarissa*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentThompson, Sarah (Kentucky)*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentEllis, William (d. Missouri)*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentJohnson, Mary Ann*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentEllis, James H.*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentEllis, John & Mildred P.*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentEllis, Richard (d. Missouri)*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentEllis, Thomas (d. Missouri)*
Ellis, Thomas & Elizabeth1816Jud 59parentDavidson, Frances A.*
Ellis, Thomas (d. Missouri)1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas & Elizabeth 
Ellis, Thomas (Louisa)1816Jud. 59parentEllis, Robert S. (Orange)*
Ellis, Thomas J. & Cynthia (wife)1838O DB 37 p. 325sonEllia, Thomas 
Ellis, William1766S DB D p. 241sonEllis, Wm. & Elizabeth 
Ellis, William1842DB Y p. 95husbandDuke, Louisa*
Ellis, William & Louisa Duke1840DB Y p. 95parentEllis, William Henry*
Ellis, William (d. Missouri)1816Jud 59sonEllis, Thomas & Elizabeth 
Ellis, William Henry1840DB Y p. 95sonEllis, William & Louisa Duke 
Ellis, Wm. & Eizabeth1766S WB D p. 241parentEllis, Hezekiah*
Ellis, Wm. & Elizabeth1766S WB D p. 241parentProctor, Mary*
Ellis, Wm. & Elizabeth1766S WB D p. 241parentHawlins, Eizabeth*
Ellis, Wm. & Elizabeth1766S WB D p. 241parentEllis, Agnes*
Ellis, Wm. & Elizabeth1766S WB D p. 241parentEllis, John*
Ellis, Wm. & Elizabeth1766S WB D p. 241parentO'Neal, Ann*
Ellis, Wm. & Elizabeth1766S DB D p. 241parentEllis, William*
Ellite, Elizabeth1735Hanover p. 79daughterEllite, Susannah 
Ellite, Elizabeth1735Hanover p. 66wifeMcGehee, Samuel*
Ellite, Jane1735Hanover p. 79wifeSlaughter, Martin*
Ellite, Jane1735Hanover p. 79daughterEllite, Susannah 
Ellite, Susanna1735Hanover p. 66wifeKing, Robert*
Ellite, Susannah1735Hanover p. 79daughterEllite, Susannah 
Ellite, Susannah1735Hanover p. 79parentEllite, Jane*
Ellite, Susannah1735Hanover p. 79parentEllite, Susannah*
Ellite, Susannah1735Hanover p. 79parentEllite, Elizabeth*
Elm Hill Plantation1885DB 7 p. 445 Walton, Joel W. & Emma 
Emerson, David1843WB 11 p. 157nephewCole, Elizabeth Emerson 
Emerson, David1843WB 11 p. 157heirCole, Elizabeth 
Emerson, Elender1843WB 11 p. 157wifeTinder, David 
Emerson, Elizabeth F.1843WB 11 p. 157nieceCole, Elizabeth 
Emerson, Elizabeth F.1843WB 11 p. 157niece/nephewCole, Elizabeth*
Emerson, Henry1843WB 11 p. 157heirCole, Elizabeth 
Emerson, Henry1843WB 11 p. 157nephewCole, Elizabeth Emerson 
Emerson, James1843WB 11 p. 157brotherCole, Barbara 
Emerson, James1843WB 11 p. 157sisterCole, Elizabeth*
Emerson, John1843WB 11 p. 157brotherCole, Elizabeth 
Emerson, Martha T.1843WB 11 p. 157sis-in-lawCole, Elizabeth 
Emerson, Reuben1843WB 11 p. 157heirCole, Elizabeth 
Emerson, Reuben1843WB 11 p. 157nephewCole, Elizabeth Emerson 
Emerson, Sarah1843WB 11 p. 157wifeTalley, Richard 
Emerson, Thomas (Goochland)1736DB B p. 271 Patent*
Emmery, Anne1766GDB 9 p. 70daughterProphet, Sylvester & Alice 
England, Susannah1770WB 2 p. 84daughterLipscomb, Thomas 
English, John1733Han p. 22heirRobinson, Mountford*
English, John & Mary1733Han p. 22parentRobinson, Elinour*
Ennis, W. O.1917DEB 36 p. 241heirEnnis, W. O. & H. C. 
Ennis, W. O. & H. C.1917DEB 36 p. 241heirEnnis, W. O.*
Ernet, Katherine1905DB 26 p. 73sisterWilbert, Michael 
Eskridge, Thomas & Ann1832DB T p. 517heirMcGehee, John 
Eskridge, Thomas (Green, Ala)1832DB T p. 517heirMcGehee, John 
Eskridge, Thos. & Ann (Green, Ala)1832DB T p. 517heirMcGehee, Edward 
Estell, Kydied 15 Aug. 1834Pensions, HarrischildlessHarris, Thomas*
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009fatherEstes, Abram 
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009fatherTalley, Willie Estes 
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009fatherTalley, Sarah Estes 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherCrank, Ann & Richardson 
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009fatherMallory, Rosa Estes 
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009fatherEstes, John 
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009fatherEstes, Ham 
Estes, Abram1804WB 5 p. 145sonEstes, Ursula 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherSeay, Susannah & Jno. 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherSeay, Mary & Alex. 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherSeay, Emily J. & Wm 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherEstes, Robert 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherEstes, Joel 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherEstes, Murwood 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherBuck, Sarah E. & Geo. W. 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001fatherWright, Martha & James 
Estes, Abram1832chancery 1838-001widowEstes, Sarah*
Estes, Abram1938Chancery 1938-009child ofEstes, Abram*
Estes, Abram1771WB 2 p. 127child ofEstes, John*
Estes, Atkins, Mary J. & John F.1886DB 8 p. 362child ofEstes, Catherine & Wm. D.*
Estes, Barbary1771WB 2 p. 127daughterEstes, John 
Estes, Catherine & Wm. D.1886DB 8 p. 362motherEstes, Atkins, Mary J. & John F. 
Estes, Catherine & Wm. D.1886DB 8 p. 362motherEstes, J. Q. 
Estes, Catherine & Wm. D.1886DB 8 p. 362motherEstes, Richard E. 
Estes, Catherine M.1886DB 8 p. 362widow ofEstes, Wm. D. 
Estes, Charlie1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, Dabney1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, E. W.1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, Eddie1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, Ham1938Chancery 1938-009child ofEstes, Abram*
Estes, Isabella1910chancery 1937-0251st husbandPatterson 
Estes, Isabella1910chancery 1937-025motherPatterson, Angelina 
Estes, Isabella1910chancery 1937-025child ofHaynes, Garland T.*
Estes, Isabella & Murwood1910chancery 1937-025motherRoberts, T. H. 
Estes, Isabella Patterson1910chancery 1937-025wifeEstes, Murwood 
Estes, J. Q.1886DB 8 p. 362child ofEstes, Catherine & Wm. D.*
Estes, Jno. W. 1887DB 5 p. 585heirEstes, Murwood 
Estes, Jno. W. & Catherine1898mar. p. 43parentJohnson, Maggie*
Estes, Joel1832chancery 1838-001child ofEstes, Abram*
Estes, John1771WB 2 p. 127fatherEstes, Abram 
Estes, John1777WB 2 p. 127fatherEstes, John 
Estes, John1938Chancery 1938-009fatherEstes, Willie 
Estes, John1938Chancery 1938-009fatherStanley, Maud 
Estes, John1938Chancery 1938-009fatherStanley, Sarah 
Estes, John1771WB 2 p. 127husbandEstes, John 
Estes, John1773DB H p. 7sonEstes, Thomas Orange Co., NC 
Estes, John1771WB 2 p. 127parentEstes, Sarah*
Estes, John1938Chancery 1938-009child ofEstes, Abram*
Estes, John1771WB 2 p. 127parentEstes, Barbary*
Estes, John1777WB 2 p. 127child ofEstes, John*
Estes, John1771WB 2 p. 127wifeEstes, John*
Estes, John1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, John1771WB 2 p. 127parentEstes, Molly*
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, John 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, O. C. 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, R. C. 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, Jos. W. 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, E. W. 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, Dabney 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, Charlie 
Estes, John W.1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, Eddie 
Estes, John W.Estes1911WB 21 p. 57fatherEstes, Rodney 
Estes, Jos. W.1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, Molly1771WB 2 p. 127daughterEstes, John 
Estes, Mrs.1837DB V p. 480widowHarris, Barnett D. 
Estes, Murwood1832chancery 1838-001child ofEstes, Abram*
Estes, Murwood1910chancery 1937-025husbandEstes, Isabella Patterson*
Estes, Murwood1887DB 5 p. 585heirEstes, Jno. W. *
Estes, Murwood1886DB 8 p. 362parent ofEstes, William D.*
Estes, O. C.1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, R. C.1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.*
Estes, Richard E.1886DB 8 p. 362child ofEstes, Catherine & Wm. D.*
Estes, Robert1756DB B p. 119parentEstes, Robert Jr.*
Estes, Robert1832chancery 1838-001child ofEstes, Abram*
Estes, Robert Jr.1756DB B p. 119sonEstes, Robert 
Estes, Rodney1911WB 21 p. 57child ofEstes, John W.Estes*
Estes, Sarah1771WB 2 p. 127daughterEstes, John 
Estes, Sarah1832chancery 1838-001widowEstes, Abram 
Estes, Thomas1773S D H p. 7parentRogers, Barbara*
Estes, Thomas & Nancy1856chancery 1875-031child ofPorter, James*
Estes, Thomas Orange Co., NC1773DB H p. 7parentEstes, John*
Estes, Ursual1804WB 5 p. 145parentJohnson, Robert*
Estes, Ursual1804WB 5 p. 145parentJohnson, John*
Estes, Ursual1804WB 5 p. 145parentJohnson, Wm. dec'd.*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentWoodger, Mary*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentEstes, Abram*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentJohnson, James*
Estes, Ursula1806LDB L p. 8heirJohnson, James (Buckingham)*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentHarper, Sarah*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentJohnson, Alice*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentLane, Sarah*
Estes, Ursula1804WB 5 p. 145parentDoble, Barbara*
Estes, Ursula1806LDB L p. 8heirJohnson, Alice*
Estes, William D.1886DB 8 p. 362son ofEstes, Murwood 
Estes, Willie1938Chancery 1938-009child ofEstes, John*
Estes, Wm. D.1886DB 8 p. 362widow ofEstes, Catherine M.*
Estridge, Nancy1819Box 3wifeMcGehee, Edward sn of John