Louisa County, Va. Names in Deeds

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Following the name, you will find the context (i.e. Grantor, Grantee, Witness, Neighbor)
Yes, I realize there are a few names that need to be reformatted!)

Chewning, Joseph; (); Book/Page: I-686
Chewning, Joseph; (); Book/Page: I-686
Chewning, Joseph; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-561
Chewning, Joseph; (Neighbor); Book/Page: E-359
Chewning, Joseph; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-46
Chewning, Joseph; (Grantee); Book/Page: D1/2-488
Chewning, Louisa; (Grantor); Book/Page: W-498
Chewning, Louisa; (); Book/Page: W-522
Chewning, Louisa; (Neighbor); Book/Page: Z-294
Chewning, Lucy; (Grantor); Book/Page: M-533
Chewning, Lucy; (Grantor); Book/Page: AA-590
Chewning, Mary; (); Book/Page: AA-239
Chewning, Mary E.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: CC-80
Chewning, Mary E.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: BB-46
Chewning, Mary E.; (Grantee); Book/Page: X-526
Chewning, Nancy; (Grantor); Book/Page: M-556
Chewning, Nancy Tisdale; (Spouse); Book/Page: M-556
Chewning, Reuben; (); Book/Page: K-318
Chewning, Reuben; (); Book/Page: W-522
Chewning, Reuben; (Grantee); Book/Page: I-380
Chewning, Reuben; (Neighbor); Book/Page: Z-294
Chewning, Reuben; (); Book/Page: X-487
Chewning, Reuben; (); Book/Page: O-309
Chewning, Reuben; (Grantee); Book/Page: M-112
Chewning, Reuben; (Grantor); Book/Page: K-321
Chewning, Reuben; (Neighbor); Book/Page: W-498
Chewning, Reuben; (Neighbor); Book/Page: K-218
Chewning, Reuben; (Neighbor); Book/Page: N-146
Chewning, Reuben T.; (Grantee); Book/Page: BB-46
Chewning, Reuben T.; (Grantee); Book/Page: CC-80
Chewning, Reubin; (Grantee); Book/Page: J-320
Chewning, Reubin; (Grantee); Book/Page: J-315
Chewning, Reubin; (Grantee); Book/Page: L-133
Chewning, Reubin; (); Book/Page: M-112
Chewning, Reubin; (Grantee); Book/Page: N-147
Chewning, Reubin; (Grantee); Book/Page: L-620
Chewning, Reubin; (Grantee); Book/Page: N-188
Chewning, Robert; (Grantor); Book/Page: Z-330
Chewning, Robert; (Grantor); Book/Page: X-487
Chewning, Robert; (); Book/Page: X-526
Chewning, Robert; (Neighbor); Book/Page: W-414
Chewning, Robert; (Grantee); Book/Page: AA-239
Chewning, Robert D.; (Grantee); Book/Page: Y-174
Chewning, Robert D.; (); Book/Page: Z-386
Chewning, Robert D.; (Grantor); Book/Page: CC-80
Chewning, Robert D.; (Grantee); Book/Page: Z-385
Chewning, Robert D.; (Grantor); Book/Page: BB-46
Chewning, Tandy; (Mentioned); Book/Page: HH-443
Chewning, Tandy; (Grantor); Book/Page: AA-173
Chewning, Tandy; (Relative); Book/Page: AA-173
Chewning, Tandy; (Grantor); Book/Page: AA-590
Chewning, Thomas; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-58
Chewning, Thomas; (Grantee); Book/Page: J-33
Chewning, Thomas; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-231
Chewning, Thomas; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-58
Chewning, Thomas; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-58
Chewning, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: G-124
Chewning, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: G-123
Chewning, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: M-569
Chewning, William; (Grantee); Book/Page: M-447
Chewning, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: M-533
Chewning, William Sr.; (Grantee); Book/Page: M-569
Chewning, William H.; (Grantee); Book/Page: Q-14
Chewning, William H.; (Grantee); Book/Page: Q-14
Chewnings, Roberts; (); Book/Page: X-487
Chicago, Ill; (Location); Book/Page: 11-430
Chick, John R.; (Witness); Book/Page: J-633
Childress, Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: R-481
Childress, Kitty; (); Book/Page: Q-550
Childress, Kitty; (Neighbor); Book/Page: U-537
Childress, Kitty; (Grantee); Book/Page: R-282
Childress, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: R-481
Childs, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: M-84
Childs, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: M-273
Childs, John; (Grantee); Book/Page: I-293
Childs, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-428
Childs, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: M-273
Childs, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-260
Childs, John; (Grantee); Book/Page: M-84
Childs, John; (Grantor); Book/Page: M-275
Childs, Polly; (Spouse); Book/Page: M-275
Childs, Polly Tisdale; (Spouse); Book/Page: M-273
Chiles, Bushrod B.; (Witness); Book/Page: S-397
Chiles, Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-429
Chiles, Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-507
Chiles, Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-428
Chiles, Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-429
Chiles, F. W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-155
Chiles, F. W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-154
Chiles, F. W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 6-321
Chiles, F. W.; (); Book/Page: 5-163
Chiles, F. W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-153
Chiles, F. W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 6-471
Chiles, F. W.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 1-82
Chiles, Fendal; (); Book/Page: EE-411
Chiles, Fendal; (Neighbor); Book/Page: Y-167
Chiles, Fendol; (Grantee); Book/Page: O-447
Chiles, Fendol; (Grantor); Book/Page: 6-203
Chiles, Fendol; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 3-62
Chiles, Fendol; (Neighbor); Book/Page: GG-555
Chiles, Fendol; (Neighbor); Book/Page: T-532
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-16
Chiles, Fendol W.; (); Book/Page: 23-411
Chiles, Fendol W.; (); Book/Page: 7-120
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 1-75
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantee); Book/Page: 1-82
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-11
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-154
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-325
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 6-77
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 7-424
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 1-262
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: GG-555
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 2-165
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 6-320
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantee); Book/Page: 2-504
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 2-460
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantee); Book/Page: 3-446
Chiles, Fendol W.; (Grantee); Book/Page: 2-457
Chiles, Henry; (); Book/Page: J-680
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-677
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 33-590
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 27-41
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 38-66
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-677
Chiles, Henry; (Grantee); Book/Page: 9-219
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-680
Chiles, Henry; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 9-165
Chiles, Henry; (Grantee); Book/Page: J-575
Chiles, James; (Grantee); Book/Page: D 1/2-0
Chiles, James; (Former Owner); Book/Page: H-335
Chiles, James; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-429
Chiles, James; (); Book/Page: E-0
Chiles, James; (Grantee); Book/Page: D-383
Chiles, James; (); Book/Page: E-44
Chiles, James; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-428
Chiles, James; (); Book/Page: D1/2-301
Chiles, James; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-507
Chiles, James; (Grantor); Book/Page: D1/2-429
Chiles, James; (Grantee); Book/Page: D1/2-383
Chiles, James; (); Book/Page: D1/2-267
Chiles, James M.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 2-174
Chiles, Jno.; (); Book/Page: A-479
Chiles, Jno.; (); Book/Page: A-411
Chiles, Jno.; (); Book/Page: A-411
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: P-524
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: M-273
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-24
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: N-299
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: M-84
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-260
Chiles, John; (Grantee); Book/Page: L-428
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-48
Chiles, John; (Grantee); Book/Page: M-84
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: A-285
Chiles, John; (Grantee); Book/Page: L-428
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-127
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: M-273
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: M-275
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: M-630
Chiles, John; (); Book/Page: Q-600
Chiles, John; (Witness); Book/Page: M-86
Chiles, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: N-299
Chiles, John Carr; (); Book/Page: A-285
Chiles, John Jr.; (Grantee); Book/Page: Q-156
Chiles, Nathan; (); Book/Page: ?-0
Chiles, Virginia D.; (); Book/Page: 7-16
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 6-320
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 3-62
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 6-321
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 7-154
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 7-154
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 7-153
Chiles, Virginia D.; (); Book/Page: GG-555
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 1-75
Chiles, Virginia D.; (); Book/Page: 7-120
Chiles, Virginia D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: 6-471
Chiles, Virginia D.; (); Book/Page: 2-460
Chiles, Virginia D.; (); Book/Page: 6-77
Chiles, W.; (); Book/Page: GG-555
Chiles, W.; (); Book/Page: 1-75
Chiles, W.; (); Book/Page: 1-82
Chiles, W.; (); Book/Page: 1-262
Chiles, W.; (); Book/Page: 2-165
Chiles, W.; (Grantor); Book/Page: 3-62
Chiles, Walter; (Grantee); Book/Page: N-0
Chiles, William; (); Book/Page: J-152
Chiles, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-736
Chiles, William; (Neighbor); Book/Page: Z-189
Chiles, William; (Grantee); Book/Page: I-661
Chiles, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: J-152
Chiles, William; (Neighbor); Book/Page: W-19
Chiles, William; (Grantee); Book/Page: U-181
Chiles, Wm.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: W-46
Chisholm, Cornelius D.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: V-372
Chisholm, David; (Witness); Book/Page: E?-0
Chisholm, David; (Witness); Book/Page: C-44
Chisholm, David; (Neighbor); Book/Page: E-345
Chisholm, David; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-458
Chisholm, H. C.; (Grantee); Book/Page: 7-698
Chisholm, Nemrod; (Neighbor); Book/Page: K-293
Chisholm, Rachel; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-458
Christmas, Ann; (Neighbor); Book/Page: GG-395
Christmas, Archibald; (Grantor); Book/Page: X-492
Christmas, Archibald; (); Book/Page: J-576
Christmas, Charles N.; (); Book/Page: T-445
Christmas, John; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-583
Christmas, John; (Legatee); Book/Page: G-94
Christmas, John; (); Book/Page: D1/2-165
Christmas, Theodosia; (); Book/Page: Q-200
Christmas, Theodosia; (); Book/Page: T-148
Christmas, Thomas; (Former Owner); Book/Page: M-97
Christmas, Thomas; (); Book/Page: Q-200
Church, Methodist Episcopal; (Mentioned); Book/Page: T-389
Clark, Agness; (); Book/Page: K-54
Clark, Ann; (Grantee); Book/Page: A-487
Clark, Ann; (Grantor); Book/Page: K-136
Clark, Benjamin; (); Book/Page: B-295
Clark, Benjamin; (Witness); Book/Page: B-0
Clark, Benjamin; (Witness); Book/Page: B-0
Clark, Benjamin; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-204
Clark, Benjamin; (); Book/Page: L-232
Clark, Benjamin; (Grantor); Book/Page: K-54
Clark, Benjamin; (); Book/Page: L-108
Clark, Benjamin; (); Book/Page: L-108
Clark, Benjamin; (Grantor); Book/Page: J-495
Clark, Benjamin; (Grantor); Book/Page: J-495
Clark, Benjamin; (); Book/Page: I-388
Clark, Benjamin; (); Book/Page: K-178
Clark, Bowlin; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-19
Clark, Charles; (Grantor); Book/Page: J-362
Clark, Christopher; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-19
Clark, Christopher; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-2110
Clark, Christopher; (); Book/Page: B-20
Clark, Christopher; (); Book/Page: E-267
Clark, Edward; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-2110
Clark, Edward; (); Book/Page: B-19
Clark, Edward; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-20
Clark, Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: C-49
Clark, Francis; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-242
Clark, Francis; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-53
Clark, Francis; (Grantee); Book/Page: I-388
Clark, Francis; (); Book/Page: B-0
Clark, Francis; (); Book/Page: J-362
Clark, Francis; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-100
Clark, Francis; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-103
Clark, Francis; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-51
Clark, Francis; (); Book/Page: B-295
Clark, Francis; (); Book/Page: J-485
Clark, Francis; (); Book/Page: B-0
Clark, Francis; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-101
Clark, Geffry; (Grantor); Book/Page: A-488
Clark, George; (Grantor); Book/Page: A-516
Clark, Hattie; (); Book/Page: 22-72
Clark, Isaac; (); Book/Page: A-487
Clark, Isaac; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-103
Clark, Isaac; (); Book/Page: J-121
Clark, Isaac; (); Book/Page: J-485
Clark, Isaac; (Grantee); Book/Page: C-98
Clark, Isaac; (); Book/Page: L-28
Clark, Isaac; (); Book/Page: K-136
Clark, James; (Grantee); Book/Page: T-459
Clark, John; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-100
Clark, John; (); Book/Page: B-103
Clark, John; (); Book/Page: E-0
Clark, John; (Grantor); Book/Page: K-136
Clark, John; (); Book/Page: I-242
Clark, John; (Grantor); Book/Page: I-388
Clark, Joseph; (Neighbor); Book/Page: J-472
Clark, Joseph; (Grantor); Book/Page: T-459
Clark, Joseph; (); Book/Page: B-0
Clark, Joseph; (); Book/Page: B-295
Clark, Micajah; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-20
Clark, Micajah; (Grantor); Book/Page: B-291
Clark, Mildred; (); Book/Page: K-54
Clark, Nathaniel; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-215
Clark, Robert; (Witness); Book/Page: K-54
Clark, Robert; (Grantor); Book/Page: J-472
Clark, Sally; (); Book/Page: L-232
Clark, Sally; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-456
Clark, Sally M.; (); Book/Page: L-447
Clark, Sally M.; (); Book/Page: M-183
Clark, Sally M.; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-28
Clark, Sally M.; (); Book/Page: L-385
Clark, Sally M.; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-55
Clark, Sarah; (); Book/Page: M-102
Clark, Sarah; (Grantor); Book/Page: A-516
Clark, Sarah; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-27
Clark, Sarah; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-385
Clark, Sarah; (); Book/Page: L-108
Clark, Sarah; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-204
Clark, Sarah,; (Grantor); Book/Page: L-266
Clark, Thomas; (Neighbor); Book/Page: L-28
Clark, Thomas; (); Book/Page: K-136
Clark, Thomas; (Grantee); Book/Page: B-101
Clark, Thomas & Elizabeth; (Grantor); Book/Page: C-49
Clark, William; (); Book/Page: L-114
Clark, William; (); Book/Page: L-385
Clark, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: J-485
Clark, William; (Grantor); Book/Page: K-23

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