Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book C
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!
Updated: 03/07/2025
Book: C, Page: 11, Grantor: Richard Johnson and Dorothy his wife, Grantee: Thomas Johnson Junr., Date: 25-Jan-1760
Richard Johnson and Dorothy Johnson his wife of Hanover co. and Thomas Johnson, Jr. of Louisa co.; #410 curr. money; 400 acres on north side of the Southanna River, part in Louisa and part in Hanover Co., where sd. Richard Johnson formerly lived; bounded by the river and by the lands of David Johnson, Richard Johnson, James Johnson, William Johnson and John Glen. Sig. Richard Johnson. Wit. Nicholas Johnson, David Johnson, Richard Anderson
Book: C, Page: 12, Grantor: Richard Johnson and Dorothy his wife, Grantee: David Johnson, Date: 24-Jan-1760
Richard Johnson and Dorothy his wife of Hanover to David Johnson of Louisa ?155 currt. money for 720 acres by patent on Maidlins Folly and branches thereof adj. William Johnson, upper fork of Maidlins folly, Robert Dupriests. Sig. Richard Johnson. wit. John Boswell, Richard Anderson, Robert Wilson, Nicholas Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Jr.
Book: C1/2, Page: 13, Grantor: Benjamin Cook, Grantee: William Sharp, Date: 08-May-1764
Benjamin Cook of Louisa Co. and Effey his wife to William Sharp of Hanover Co.; £100 for 200 acres on Long Creek, said tract was by the last will and testament of Benjamin Cook dec'd. given to his son the sd. Benjamin Cook as by records of Hanover Co. bounded by lands of Anthony Waddy, Isham Richardson, and James Harris. Sig. Benja. Cook and Effey Cook.
Book: C1/2, Page: 18, Grantor: Jno. Forsie, Jr., Grantee: Samuel Magehee, Date: 25-Dec-1764
Jno. Forsie, Jr. of Louisa Co., Fredericksville Parish to Samuel Magehee of same for £10 for 100 acres in Fredericksville Parish on both sides of the north fork of Beaverdam Creek adj. Forsie. Sig. John Forsie. wit. Michael Kelley, Elizabeth Timberlake, Edm. Boyd.
Book: C, Page: 28, Grantor: Lawrence Young and Margaret his wife, Grantee: William Thomson, Date: 23-Jun-1760
Lawrence Young and Margaret his wife of Spotsylvania Co. to William Thomson of Louisa Co. #74 for 529 acres on Gold Mine Creek, Curtisses corner, Thomsons line, Curtis and Ayletts corner, Buckners corner land the formerly belonged to Joseph Herron.
Book: C, Page: 35, Grantor: David Hambleton, Grantee: William Archer and Jesse Hogard, Date: 26-Aug-1760
David Hambleton of St. Martin's Par., Louisa Co. to William Archer and Jesse Hogard, £11-10 for 120 acres on Hensons Creek, adj. Benjamin Johnes and Camberlaines line, Philip Burfords.
Book: C1/2, Page: 38, Grantor: Joseph Walker, Grantee: Henry Lawrence, Date: 19-Dec-1763
Joseph Walker of Goochland Co. to Henry Lawrence of Hanover Co. for £30 for 220 acres adj. David Hudson, John Sladgen and James Owens on the County line. Sig. Joseph Walker.
Book: C, Page: 40, Grantor: Thomas Moreman and Rachel, his wife, Grantee: John Matlock, Date: 07-Feb-1763
Thomas Moreman and Rachel Moreman, his wife of Trinity Par., Louisa Co., to John Matlock of same; #80 curr. money; 134 acres ... Thomas Moremans and David Andersons corner near the river, running along Andersons line to Benjamin Johnson's line thence to James Johnsons line ... Gilbert Gibson line .. Little Creek, to the river. Sig. Thos. Moreman and Rachel Moreman (M)
Book: C1/2, Page: 40, Grantor: James Arnet, Grantee: Thomas Moreman and Rachel his wife, Date:
& Feb 1763 James Arnet wit. to deed Thomas Moreman and Rachel his wife of Trinity Parish Louisa Co. to John Matlock.
Book: C, Page: 41, Grantor: John Moor, Grantee: John Jones, Date: 23-Sep-1760
John Moor to John Jones both of Louisa, Fredericksville Par. £15 for 100 acres lying in sd. parish on south side of Hudson's Creek and adj. William Hudson line. Sig. John Moore, Jr.
Book: C, Page: 42, Grantor: John Jones, Grantee: William Dabney, Jr., Date: 28-Oct-1760
John Jones of St. Martins Par., Louisa planter, and Catherine his wife to William Dabney, Jr. of King William Co., Gent. £200 for 250 acres in St. Martins Par. adj. Williamsons Creek, Finney, south side of the Southanna River. Being tract purchased by sd. Jones of Robert Priddy late of the Louisa County by ure 21 Feb 1756. Sig. John Jones, Catherine (X) Jones. ack. 28 Oct 1760 by John Jones and Catherine his wife.
Book: C, Page: 44, Grantor: William Cook, Grantee: Anthony Waddy, Date: 28-Oct-1760
William Cook of St. Martins Par. Louisa Co. to Anthony Waddy of sd. par. and Co. of Hanover £100 for 200 acres bounded by the lines of Samuel Waddy, sd. Anthony Waddy and Benjamin Cook; part of a tract granted to Benjamin Cook by patent 24 Mar 1725 and by sd. Cook in his last will and Testament given to sd. Cook. Sig. William Cook. Wit. William Anderson, David Chisholm, John Rice. 28 Oct 1760 ack by William Cook. Keziah Cook his wife personally appeared in Court and relinquished right of Dower.
Book: C, Page: 45, Grantor: Samuel Dolton Jur., Grantee: John Lewis to Richard Durrat, Date: 03-Oct-1760
Samuel Dolton Jur. witness to deed John Lewis to Richard Durrat tract in Louisa.
Book: C, Page: 49, Grantor: Clark, Thomas & Elizabeth, Grantee: Goodall, Charles, Date: 01-Jan-1760
Thos. & Elizabeth Clark of Fredericksville Parish in Louisa, to Charles Goodall of [blank] county, £25 for 200 acres land in Louisa Co. Beg. Col. John Henry's corner two pines & white oak, along his line; S18E; 122P; Fork Creek; S18E; 128P; Lickinghole branch, thence on the water course to the fork, up the south fork to several marked trees, along marked line to the County Line, along County line to upper fork of Lickinghole Branch, along same; N40W; 24P; pointers; N24W; 30P; pine; N38W; 46P; pointers of bush; N31W; 24P; North Fork of Creek in all 38P to County line; N69W; 54P; pointers; N10E; 60P; pointers by a small branch in Col. Henry's line, thence on same S60E; 40P; to beg.
Book: C, Page: 54, Grantor: John Rodes, Grantee: William Thomson, Date: 24-Dec-1760
John Rodes of St. Martins Par. Louisa Co. for natural love and affection unto my son in law William Thomson of Co. afsd. negro, Sarah, Kezia which have been in his possession for some time past. John (R). Rodes
Book: C, Page: 57, Grantor: William Hogan, Grantee: Charles Cosby Junr., Date: 28-Apr-1761
William Hogan of Fredericksville Par. Louisa Co. and Mary his wife to Charles Cosby, Jr. of St. Martins Par. Hanover Co. £36 for 200 acres on both sides Fosters Creek adj. Philip Reynolds.
Book: C, Page: 60, Grantor: John Henry and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Love Statham, Date: 26-May-1761
John Henry and Sarah his wife of Hanover co. to Love Statham of Louisa; #67 605 acres on Roundabout Creek, sd. Henry's back line.
Book: C1/2, Page: 63, Grantor: Wm Thacker and Mary his wife, Grantee: John Thacker , Love Statham lin, Date:
Wm Thacker and Mary his wife late of Louisa to John Thacker 400 acres, Love Statham line.
Book: C, Page: 65, Grantor: Stark, Thomas & Jane, Grantee: Terry, Thomas, Date: 16-May-1761
Thomas & Elizabeth Stark of Goochland Co., Thomas Terry of Caroline Co. £40 for 400 acres of land on both sides of Hickory Creek, patented for John Davis [1735] . Beg. White oak on N. Side the N. fork of Hickory Creek, N30E; 53P; pine; S75E; 274P; two white oak bushes; S; 156P; three pines; crossing Hickory Creek; N89W; 394P; crossing southh fork of said creek to a pine & several saplins; N30E; 207P; to beginning
Book: C1/2, Page: 66, Grantor: Lewis Webb, Grantee: David Bunch, Date: 01-Nov-1764
Lewis Webb of New Kent Co. to David Bunch of Louisa Co. £85 16s for 143 acres on Hudsons Creek on the north side of Sycamore Fork in sd. Webbs lower line, Sig. Lewis Webb. wit. P. Henry, Jr., Francis Bickley, Jno. Carr, Saml. Ragland.
Book: C, Page: 66, Grantor: John Walton Jr. Philip Burford, Grantee: Thomas Jones, Date: 27-Jan-1761
John Walton, Jr. wit. deed Philip Burford of Louisa to Thomas Jones of same 100 acres adj. Chamberlaynes, cooks, John Harris.
Book: C1/2, Page: 68, Grantor: Richard Jones, Grantee: James Watson, Jr., Date: 08-Apr-1765
Richard Jones of Trinity Parish, Louisa Co., planter and Ann his wife to James Watson, Jr. of sd. Par. and Co. £56-5s for 125 acres in Trinity Par. adj. John Rice, John Dixon, Gent. Sig. Richd. Jones, Ann (x) Jones, wit. Wm. Pettit, John White. ack. 8 Apr 1765 by Richard Jones and Ann his wife.
Book: C, Page: 70, Grantor: Stringer, Edward, Grantee: Dickens, John, Date: 01-Jan-1761
[no abstract]
Book: C, Page: 73, Grantor: Samuel Mackgehee, William Pettus, James Mackgehee,, Grantee: John Graves and Mary, his wife, Date: 13-Feb-1761
Samuel Mackgehee, William Pettus, James Mackgehee, John Clift wit. to deed John Graves and Mary, his wife, of St. Martins Parish, Louisa to John Harris. 13 Feb 1761.
Book: C, Page: 77, Grantor: Benjamin Brown Jr., Grantee: John Whealer, Date: 11-Jan-1761
Benjamin Brown, Jr. of Hanover co., St. Martins Parish and Susannah his wife to John Whealer of Louisa for £60 for 600 acres in Fredericksville Par adj. John Tisdale, George Bell, Alexander Galasby, estate of John Ross, dec'd. and Thomas Ballards on the south side of the south Anna River.
Book: C1/2, Page: 80, Grantor: Robert Yancey, Grantee: Cleavars Duke, Date: 13-May-1765
Robert Yancey of Louisa Co. to Cleavars Duke of same; £128=11=4; 150 acres in St. Martins Par. on the Little River and Long Creek...adj. Harriss, Long creek, William Crenshaw, Yanceys old field, Waddy. sig. Robert Yancey. wit. Nathl. Garland, John Jones, John Bickley.
Book: C1/2, Page: 80, Grantor: Yancey, Robert, Grantee: Duke, Cleavers, Date: 13-May-1765
£128, 11 shillings, 5 pence; 150 acres in St. Martins Parish on Little River and Long Creek; Beg. Red Oak in Waddy's line, S1E; 36P; to Harris's Corner poplar on Long Creek, along meander to black gum in William Crenshaws line; N22W; 84P; fallen Elm on the Little River bank, along river corner Elm on S. side of the river, S27.5W; 74P; to pine; thence a new dividing line; S30W; 70P; to a Peach Tree in Yancey's old field; S61.5W; 96P; white oak; S42E; 11P; white oak in Waddy's line; N80E; 22P; to beg.
Book: C, Page: 92, Grantor: John Williamson, Grantee: David Anderson, Date: 24-Aug-1761
John Williamson of St. Pauls Par, Hanover to David Anderson of St. Martins Par. Louisa co.; £30 tract of 380 acres by survey of Thomas Rice, part of a great tract belonging to sd. Williamson ..David Sheltons line ...Richard Farrells path ...Joseph Sheltons line...
Book: C, Page: 98, Grantor: John Henry, Grantee: Isaac Clark, Date:
John Henry of Hanover to Isaac Clark, 300 acres on Fork Creek, Love Statham corner.
Book: C1/2, Page: 98, Grantor: Thomas Johnson, Jr., Grantee: Pouncey Anderson, Date: 08-Jul-1765
Thomas Johnson, Jr. of Louisa Co. to Pouncey Anderson of Hanover Co.; #350 curr. money; 400 acres on the north side of the South Anna River, part in Louisa Co., and part in Hanover Co. where Richard Johnson formerly lived .. bounded by the sd. River on one part and by the lands of David Johnson, Richard Johnson, James Johnson, William Johnson and John Glenn. Sig. Thomas Johnson, Jr.
Book: C, Page: 105, Grantor: John Garth, Grantee: William Coward, Date: 23-Sep-1761
John Garth of Trinity Parish to William Coward of same 215# current money, 400 acres in said Co. and Parish adjoining John Ragland to oak on North side River "with all woods, underwoods, swamps marshes, lowgrounds, meadow fieldings, mills, water mills and water courses"..............
Book: C, Page: 109, Grantor: Ann Cosby, Grantee: John Boswell and Ann Boswell, Date: 28-Nov-1762
For love and affection unto my son-in-law John Boswell and Ann Boswell my daughter and to the heirs of sd. Ann Boswell, slaves which they now have in their possession, Velot and her increase, Nan and her increase and her 4 children Adam, Tom, Billey and Daniel. If sd. Ann Boswell should die without heirs of her body then I give all the named Negroes to John Boswell. Sig. Ann Cosby. wit. William Johnson, Rowland Jones, Thomas Johnson.
Book: C, Page: 109, Grantor: Ann Cosby, Grantee: John Boswell and Ann Boswell, Date: 28-Nov-1762
Deed for love and affection unto my son-in -law John Boswell and Ann Boswell my daughter and to their heirs from Ann Cosby slaves. Ann Cosby.
Book: C, Page: 109, Grantor: Stephen Hunter, Grantee: Thomas Watson, Date: 23-Mar-1761
Stephen Hunter of Louisa Co., planter, to Thomas Watson of same, cooper, for 20 Lbs. land on both sides of the south branch of Rockey creek adjoining Andrew Hunter's Corner in Glasbey's line, James Buckhannan's, south branch of Creek, being land granted to Alexander Glasbey by patent 10 Feb 1748 containing 300 acres. Sig. Stephen Hunter (X) Phillip Burford, Abraham Venale, Patrick Mechie.
Book: C1/2, Page: 113, Grantor: Hughes, William & Ruth, Grantee: Smith, Thomas Ballard, Date: 09-Sep-1765
£19 for 250 acres. Beg. Shrubby white oak in Mathew Jouetts line, along his line N3E; 26P; white oak saplin in a bottom; N10W; 192P; black / white oak & pine in Jouetts line; N46E; 150P; white oak in Jouetts line; S54E; 126P; pine & black oak saplin; S28W; 326P; several marked trees; s71.5W; 25P; to beg. Thomas Ballard Smith
Book: C1/2, Page: 120, Grantor: Tisdale, Wife, Grantee: Cosby, John, Date: 14-Oct-1765
[no abstract]
Book: C1/2, Page: 120, Grantor: , Grantee: John Cosby, Joiner, Date:
5th year of reign of our sovereign Lord George III Samuel Temple and Fanney his wife of Louisa to John Cosby, Joiner of Louisa £100 for 400 acres. wit. John Bickley, James Forman, Benjamin Temple.
Book: C1/2, Page: 122, Grantor: Ann Temple, Grantee: Samuel Temple, Date: 19-Apr-1765
Ann Temple the elder of King William Co., planter to Samuel Temple of Louisa, planter, for £50 for 403 acres adj. Francis Jerdone, David Richardson, Robert Hester, Samuel Temple and Samuel McGehee.
Book: C, Page: 138, Grantor: John Grisham and Elizabeth, his wife, Grantee: Richard Henson, Date: 11-May-1762
John Grisham and Elizabeth, his wife, of Louisa to Richard Henson of same; 8 Lbs.; 100 acres on north branch of Northeast Creek adjoining Cosby's line. Sig. John Gresham (x) and Elizabeth Gresham (x) Wit. Abraham Venable, William Saxon, James Johnson. 11 May 1762 acknowledged by John Gresham and Elizabeth, his wife who declared her consent.
Book: C, Page: 143, Grantor: Edward Walton, Henry Duke, John Moss, Grantee: Clevears Duke, Date: 08-May-1762
Edward Walton, Henry Duke, John Moss wit. to deed Clevears Duke of St. Martins Par. Hanover to William Snelson the younger of St. Martins Par. Louisa 100 acres on branches of Locust Creek.
Book: C1/2, Page: 146, Grantor: Love Statham and Martha his wife, Grantee: Thomas Johnson, Date: 12-May-1766
Love Statham and Martha his wife of Trinity Parish to Thomas Johnson #112; 2 tracts on both sides of South Anna River 1 containing 47 acres north of River and Harris' Creek, land Statham purchased of Capt. Abraham Venerable. The other containing 212 acres on River, Johnson's line near Roaling Rd. south side Southanna River.
Book: C, Page: 159, Grantor: Bailey, John, Grantee: Jo___, John, Date: 14-Sep-1762
[no abstract]
Book: C, Page: 160, Grantor: David Cosby, Grantee: Alexander Bayne, Date: 11-Jul-1762
David Cosby, the younger of Trinity Par. Louisa Co., planter and Mary his wife to Alexander Bayne of Town of Richmond Henrico Co. £25 for 108 acres land purchased by David Cosby of Samuel Gentry late of Louisa 21 Nov 1757.
Book: C1/2, Page: 162, Grantor: John Street and Frances his wife, Grantee: Benjamin Cooke, Date: 17-Sep-1764
John Street and Frances his wife of New Kent Co. to Benjamin Cooke of Louisa co. £40 for 219 acres adj. Story Hall, David Brooks and Nicholas Matlock, Zackariah Cawley and Charles Nuckols and William Shelton.
Book: C1/2, Page: 168, Grantor: William Thomasson, Grantee: Nicholas Talley, Date: 11-Aug-1766
William Thomasson of Louisa co. and Sarah Thomasson his wife to Nicholas Talley of same #55 for 200 acres on branches of Christophers Run, part of a patent of George Thomasson.
Book: C1/2, Page: 170, Grantor: William Cosby, Grantee: John Wingfield, Date: 01-Aug-1766
William Cosby of Louisa Co. to John Wingfield of Hanover Co. and James Bullock of Louisa Co. William Cosby is seised and possessed of the lands and slaves and other estate which he cannot manage to advantage and by that means he is now indebted to sundry persons so to provide as well for Cosby and his family and making provisions for his wife and children at his death he has agreed to settle his estate and commit the management to the said Wingfield and Bullock for 5 shillings doth grant to them 1200 acres on both sides of the north fork of Little River and Negro salves, goods and chattels. Negro Jamey, Jolly, Peter, Matt, Bartelott, Will, Charles, Tamar, Milly and children, Beck, Dinah, horses, cattle, sheep, hoggs and all household goods. during the life of William Cosby for the maintenance of him and his family and at his death if his present wife survives him to use of sd. wife and all the children which the sd. Cosby may leave at his death equally to be divided to them. If the present wife shall not survive him then to the children. Sig. William Cosby. wit. George Lumsden, John Watkins, Jr.
Book: C1/2, Page: 171, Grantor: Richard Johnson, Grantee: James Johnson, Date:
I Richard Johnson of Louisa Co. for me and my heirs Release renounce and forever quit Claim unto James Johnson of same Co. all benefit , Gift, legacy or bequest whatsoever to me belonging by reason of the will of Isham Johnson, Dec'd., 11 Aug. 1766. Sig. Richard Johnson. Ack. 11 Aug. 1766 by Richard Johnson.
Book: C, Page: 174, Grantor: Love Statham and Martha his wife, Grantee: John Thacker, Date: 08-Nov-1762
Love Statham and Martha his wife of Fredericksville Par, Louisa to John Thacker of same, $20: 300 acres on branches of Fork Creek.
Book: C, Page: 188, Grantor: William Cosby, Chas. McPherson, Merd. Price., Grantee: Edward Webster, Date: 19-Aug-1762
William Cosby, Chas. McPherson, Merd. Price wit. to deed 19 Aug 1762 Edward Webster of Trinity Par. and Judith his wife to Alexander Baine of Richmond.
Book: C, Page: 194, Grantor: Travilian, Thomas & Sophia, Grantee: Luck, Samuel, Date: 12-Apr-1763
All of Hanover Co. St. Martins parish; £40 for 140 acres Land in Fredericksville parish on Long Creek. Bounded by the lines of John Matlock, Ann Austin, Lucy Smith, David Crenshaw, ___ard Bullock, Thomas Shelton. NO M&B listed
Book: C, Page: 196, Grantor: John Wheeler, Grantee: Alexander Galesby, Jr., Date: 11-Jan-1763
John Wheeler of Louisa Co. to Alexander Galesby, Jr. 3 Lbs. 4s. for 32 acres on north side of the Old Mountain Road adjoining George Bell, south side of road, Glaseby and Moor Bell Sig. John Wheeler.
Book: C, Page: 201, Grantor: George Thomasson, Grantee: Richard Thomasson, Date: 10-May-1763
I George Thomasson of Louisa co, Trinity Par, for love and good will and affection towards my loving son William Thomasson of Sam Parish and county, 200 acres with plantation where sd. William Thomasson now lives, unto my loving son Thomas Thomason, 210 acres with the plantation where sd. Thomas now lives, to my loving son Richard Thomasson 200 acres of land and the plantation that is now called the new Design, also to my loving son John Thomasson 200 aces of which theses presents I have delivered them. 10 May 1763. Sig. George Thomasson.
Book: C, Page: 206, Grantor: Benjamin Johnson and Mary Johnson his wife, Grantee: Drury Pulliam, Date: 10-May-1763
Benjamin Johnson and Mary Johnson his wife of Louisa Co. to Drury Pulliam of Henrico Co.; #74 curr. money; 125 acres bounded by lines of Thomas Moreman, James Johnson.... down Poor Creek ... David Anderson's line. Sig. Benjamin Johnson and Mary Johnson.
Book: C, Page: 208, Grantor: James Overton, Philip Cosby and John Jones., Grantee: , Date: 08-Jan-1763
James Overton, Philip Cosby and John Jones wit. to deed 8 Jan 1763 Robert Armistead and Mary his wife to Richard Cole all of Trinity Par.
Book: C, Page: 208, Grantor: Armistead, Robert, Grantee: Cole, Richard, Date: 10-May-1763
[no abstract]
Book: C, Page: 210, Grantor: Jesse Harper and Diana his wife, Grantee: James Travillion, Date: 10-May-1763
Jesse Harper & Diana his wife of St. George Par., Spotsylvania Co. to James Travillion of Fredericksville Par., Louisa, Co. £35 for 400 acres in Fredericksville Par., Albemarle Co. (late Louisa) adj. John Ragland, dec'd., line, Cuffys Creek ... Saml. Dalton's line ... Revd. Mr. Maury's line, crossing the W. fork of Cuffys Creek.
Book: C, Page: 228, Grantor: Day, Philip & wife, Grantee: Blaxson?, Richard, Date: 11-Oct-1763
[no abstract]
Book: C, Page: 230, Grantor: Love Statham and Martha his wife, Grantee: Stephen Hunter, Date: 11-Oct-1763
Love Statham and Martha his wife of Louisa to Stephen Hunter of same; #22 for 200 acres on both sides Roundabout Creek... Henry's old line.
Book: C, Page: 256, Grantor: Richard Johnson, Grantee: Sarah Johnson, Date: 12-Jan-1765
Richard Johnson of Hanover Co. and Doretha Johnson his wife to Sarah Johnson of Louisa ?128 for land and plantation of Richard Johnson in St. Martins parish, Louisa County adj. Sarah Johnson and Robert Tenhams corner in Richard Johnson now Thomas Johnson line, along David Johnson's line containing 200 acres granted by patent 16 June 1737 to Lanslott Crost late of Hanover and by Crost sold to Edward Arnold, by Arnold sold to Benjamin Arnold and by sd. Benjamin Arnold to sd. Richard Johnson. Sig. Richard Johnson. wit. William Johnson, Richard Johnson, Isham Johnson.
Book: C, Page: 256, Grantor: Richard Johnson, Grantee: Sarah Johnson, Date: 12-Jan-1765
Richard Johnson of Hanover Co. and Doretha his wife to Sarah Johnson of Louisa Co.; #28 curr money; all land and plantation of Richard Johnson in St. Martin's par., Louisa Co.... Sarah Johnsons and Robert Tenhams corner tree in Richard Johnson's now Thomas Johnson's line ..... Thomas Johnson's corner l.....along David Johnson's line ... 2000 acres granted by patent at Williamsburg 16 June 1737 unto Lanslott Crost late of the Co. of Hanover and by sd. Crest sold to Edward Arnold; by sd. Arnold conveyed to Benjamin Arnold of whom the sd. Richard Johnson purchased it. Sig. Richard Johnson Wit. William Johnson, Richard Johnson, Isham Johnson.
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