Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book 21

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Book: 21, Page: 478, Grantor: Dunn, F. L., Grantee: Roberts, Lennie, Date: 22-Jun-1909
$20.00 for 1 3/4 acres; Lying between the C&O RR and the Gordonsville Road. Bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone in the said C&O RR and Sallie A. May, N88W 25.75 poles to stump pointers in the Gordonsville Road, in the Fox tract, thence up said road 12.5 poles to stone with said first parties, thence N51E 10 poles to stone with said first parties and the said C&O RR, thence S55E 30.8 poles to beginning.

Book: 22, Page: 18, Grantor: Lasley, Jacob O., Grantee: Lasley, B. E. And Lula, Date: 01-Jan-1904
Restates information from DB 21:426, namely that B. E. and Lula W. Lasley sold their interest in the estate of Martha W. LASLEY (B. E. Lasley’s grandmother) to Jacob O. Lasley for the sum of $200, $100 of which was to be paid in twelve months from the earlier deed. The interest concerns a 210 acre parcel of land located beside the property of T. L. WATKINS and R. E. LANFORD. This deeds confirms that payment of the remaining balance of $100 was paid and the land was transferred to Jacob O. Lasley.

Book: 22, Page: 38, Grantor: Hettie O. Bagby and Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howa, Grantee: Thomas J. Smith, Date: 16-Dec-1903
Hettie O. Bagby and Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howard D. Johnson, husband of Rosa V. B. Johnson to Thomas J. Smith, $60. for 16 acres adjoining William Thurston, Cory Harris and others. Notary of Lynchburg certify for grantors (sellers).

Book: 22, Page: 39, Grantor: Hettie O. Bagby, Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howard , Grantee: Thomas J. Smith and Ida L. Smith, his wife, 1st, A, Date: 24-Dec-1903
Deed of trust 24 Dec 1903 Thomas J. Smith and Ida L. Smith, his wife, 1st, A.T. Gordon 2nd, R. L. Gordon, Jr.3rd. all of Louisa. In trust tract adjoining William Thurston, Cary Harris and others being land conveyed to Thomas J. Smith by Hettie O. Bagby, Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howard D. Johnson 16 Dec 1903 to secure $53 bond. ( Margin release paid)

Book: 22, Page: 72, Grantor: Henry Smith, Nora Smith and Hattie Clark and Richa, Grantee: W. J. Crank. Nora Smith and Hattie Clark, Date: 11-Feb-1904
Henry Smith, Nora Smith and Hattie Clark and Richard Clark, her husband to W. J. Crank. Nora Smith and Hattie Clark and Richard Clark have sold to Henry Smith all their interest in property which Nelson Smith died seized being 1/5 part each and Henry Smith having sold his own 1/3 interest and a debt of $53 against Nelson Smith's estate for funeral expenses paid by him and doctor's bills of $300. Grantors sell all their right title and interest in property of Nelson Smith which was conveyed to Nelson Smith by W. J. Crank to Nelson Smith, Henry Smith and Richard Smith 13 Jan 1896 containing 40 1/8 acres. Nelson being entitled to 1/3 of said tract which upon his death descended to his 5 children and share of Richard having been cut off 28 Nov 1904.

Book: 22, Page: 145, Grantor: Hettie O. Bagby and Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howa, Grantee: H. Scott Smith, Date: 30-Mar-1904
Hettie O. Bagby and Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howard D. Johnson, her husband, to H. Scott Smith for $45. for 15 acres being a part of the old Baker tract adjoining Cary Harris, Thomas J. Smith and John Talley, Sulphur Mine lines. Notary of Lynchburg certify for Hettie O. Bagby, Rosa V. Bagby Johnson and Howard D. Johnson. Rec. 30 Apr 1904.

Book: 23, Page: 42, Grantor: W. D. Johnson and Mollie, his wife, Grantee: John N. Walker, Date: 14-Jan-1905
W. D. Johnson and Mollie, his wife of Polk County, Georgia to John N. Walker of Louisa $763 for 105 acres by survey by John W. Nunn adjoining Peyton Winston, Daniel, John N. Walker and land recently sold to Frank T. Johnson.

Book: 23, Page: 43, Grantor: W. D. Johnson and Mollie his wife, Grantee: Frank T. Johnson, Date: 14-Jan-1905
W. D. Johnson and Mollie his wife, of Polk Co. Ga. to Frank T. Johnson of Louisa $275 for tract in Louisa containing 34 1/4 acres adjoining Frank T. Johnson, land recently sold to John N. Walker by W. D. Johnson adjoining road leading to Frank T. Johnson's dwelling, Duckinghole Creek and the North Anna River.

Book: 23, Page: 394, Grantor: John N. Walker, Grantee: Walker, Date: 23-Sep-1905
John N. Walker has become sole owner of all the capitol stock of the Brian Store Company, Inc. for $1 from Brian Store Co. Inc. all assets real and personal to Walker including tract in Louisa near George E. Ware's being the Old Trinity Church property, also the entire stock, wares, merchandise now in the store house being property heretofore conveyed by T. S. Jones to F. M. Boxley and by F. M. Boxley to Mrs. Mattie E. Ennis and by Mrs. Mattie E. Ennis to J. B. Wooddy and John N. Walker and wife jointly which they conveyed 1/2 interest back to Brian Store, Inc.

Book: 23, Page: 411, Grantor: Evelina P. Mills wife, Grantee: Susan F. Davis, Date: 23-Sep-1905
Evelina P. Mills wife of P. B. Mills, first part, P. B. Mills of second part $2,310 being amount of bond of said Evelina and P. B. Mills to Susan F. Davis for sum of $2,000 dated 17 Nov 1883. Evelina R. Mills being principal debtor and P. B. Mills her surety. Evelina Mills doth grant unto P. B. Mills tract on North Anna River containing 331 acres being land conveyed to Evelina R. Mills by Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, and James M. Wayt, trustee, by deed dated 17 Nov 1883 recorded 22 Nov 1883 reference made and plat. The bond aforesaid for $1,000 was assigned by Susan E. David during her lifetime to P. B. Mills and is now delivered by P. B. Mills to Evelina R. Mills as consideration for this conveyance. Recorded 10 Oct.1905.

Book: 23, Page: 475, Grantor: Virginia S. Trice, widow, Henry A. Trice single, V, Grantee: John Lawhead, Date: 28-Apr-1900
Deed 2 Nov 1905 Virginia S. Trice, widow, Henry A. Trice single, Virginia M. Rolfe widow of Huntington West Va. and Dianna V. Trice and Alfred W. Trice her husband of Louisa, Va. to John Lawhead of Louisa $650. 1st tract contains house lot and 25 acres adjoining Frances A. Trice and Fabius Johnson's line, Arnetts line, Mrs. Deanna V. Trice, 2nd tract contains 5 1/2 acres adjoining Mason and said Francis A. Trice, road, Mrs. Sims. 3rd piece contains 47 acres adjoining Mrs. Va. S. Trice and children, Arnetts line, B. Trice. 4th piece contains 5 acres adjoining V. L. Perkins, Frank B. Trice, Smith's line in all aggregating 82 1/2 acres assigned to 1st parties by a partition deed 12 Aug 1870 recorded 28 Apr 1900 between 1st parties and heirs of the late John L. Trice and Edlow H. Trice. Sig. Virginia S. Trice, Harry A. Trice, Jennie M. Rolfe, Deanna V. Trice and Alfred W. Trice. Recorded 5 Dec 1905.

Book: 23, Page: 485, Grantor: A. M. Baker and Sallie his wife and P. B. Mills, Grantee: T. A. and P. E. Daniel, Date: 11-Dec-1905
a. M. Baker and Sallie his wife and P. B. Mills to T. A. and P. E. Daniel $293.28 for tract adjoining main road leading from Louisa to Bibbs store, Malcolm Hiter, John C. Goodwin, Stapleton Daniel, and A. M. Baker containing 36 33/50 acres.

Book: 24, Page: 174, Grantor: R. V. Graves and Bertie his wife, Grantee: E. L. Mason, Date: 14-May-1906
By deed 9 Aug 1902 rec. Louisa 4 Sep 1902 R. V. Graves and Bertie his wife conveyed to E. L. Mason a tract of land and whereas the name Mason was an adopted name and the true name was at the time E. L. Loveridge who has been legally married under that name and whereas E. L. Loveridge has sold the tract to John N. Walker therefore E. L. Loveridge and Lillian M. his wife sell to John N. Walker for $450 a tract in Louisa near Brian's post office upon the road leading from Mineral to Holladay's Mill and between that road and the road leading to Vass Ford containing 16 3/8 acres being land conveyed to E. L. Loveridge therein called E. L. Mason by R. V. Graves and wife and which was conveyed to R. V. Graves by Frank M. Boxley. Sig. E. L. Loveridge and Lillian M. Loveridge. Rec. 14 May 1906.

Book: 24, Page: 444, Grantor: p B. Mills and Evelina R. Mills his wife, Grantee: D. P. Nixon, Date: 24-Sep-1906
p B. Mills and Evelina R. Mills, his wife, of Louisa County to D. P. Nixon of Jettesville, West Virginia. $4,000 in hand 275 acres in Louisa County on North Anna River and Christophers Run adjoining land of late R. N Dickinson, Boxley, John A. Hillaman and others being land P. B. Mills resides. Certain lumber off land purchased by P.D. Taylor and Company. Recorded 15 Oct 1906.

Book: 25, Page: 56, Grantor: Dunn, Frank L. & Annie M., Grantee: Jackson, Anna, Date: 20-Oct-1906
$70.00 for 8 1/5 acres. To Anna Jackson and Mildred Gillum jointly; On north side of C&O RR, beginning in a road corner with F. L. Dunn and Lipscomb Est. thence with Lipscombs Est. N.5E 65 poles to a black Gum stump on side of a branch corner with Lipscomb Est. in Scotts line, thence S87.25E 40.4 poles to a rock corner with said Dunn and Bettie Smith, thence S33.25E 75.2 poles to the beginning. Survey made by John W. Nunn Dec. 27, 1900

Book: 26, Page: 15, Grantor: J. M. Snider and Margaret R., his wife, Grantee: S. O. Butler, Date: 01-Jan-1908
J. M. Snider and Margaret R., his wife, to S. O. Butler for $350 for tract in Louisa adjoining Butler, Hopkins and others containing 50 acres adjoining Black Meadow Branch and the road leading from the courthouse to Bells X Roads conveyed to J. M. Snider by John S. Kent and wife.

Book: 26, Page: 58, Grantor: J. N. Walker and Annie E. his wife, Grantee: T. A. Daniel and P. E. Daniel and Elsie T, Date: 01-Feb-1908
J. N. Walker and Annie E. his wife to T. A. Daniel and P E. Daniel and Elsie Todd Daniel his wife $600 for tract being same conveyed by W. D. Johnson and Mollie his wife to J. N. Walker 14 Jan 1905 recorded DB 23 p 42 containing 105 1/4 acres adjoining Peyton Winston and Daniel, J. N. Walker and land sold Frank T. Johnson.

Book: 26, Page: 73, Grantor: Katherine Ernet, sister and heir, Grantee: Charles H. Wilbert, Date: 05-Jun-1905
Katherine Ernet, sister and heir at law of Michael Wilbert, dec'd. and William A. Ernet, her husband, of the county of Lewis, State of New York to Charles H. Wilbert for $1 tract in Louisa Co., Va. adjoining William S. Swift and others being same land Michael Wilbert died seised and was conveyed to him by Frederick Lorry and wife 25 Jan 1876 containing 100 acres more or less. Sig. William A. Ernet and Katherine Ernet. Justices of Lewis Co., NY certify for William A. Ernet and Katherine. 5 Jun 1905.[copy enclosed]

Book: 26, Page: 74, Grantor: Eliza Wilbert, Grantee: Charles H. Wilbert, Date: 12-Jun-1907
Eliza Wilbert, widow of Simon P. Wilbert, late of Titusville, Pa., dec'd., Elizabeth B. Wilbert, Simon P. Wilbert, Mary G. Wilbert, and Eliza Wilbert natural guardian of Frances X. Wilbert being all of the children of said decedent and heirs at law of Michael Wilbert, dec'd. to Charles H. Wilbert for $1 for tract in Louisa County, Virginia, containing 100 acres being tract Michael Wilbert died seized and purchased of Frederick [blank] 25 Jan 1876. Sig. Eliza Wilbert, Elizabeth B. Wilbert, Simon P. Wilbert, Mary G. Wilbert, Eliza Wilbert, natural guardian of Frances Wilbert. Justices of Crawford Co., Pa. certify for above signatures 12 Jun 1907.

Book: 26, Page: 75, Grantor: John S. Wilbert and Gladious his wife, Grantee: Charles H. Wilbert, Date: 24-Aug-1905
John S. Wilbert and Gladious, his wife of Rock Island, Illinois, Carrie Wilbert Tracey, and David her husband, and Charles S. Wilbert and Clara his wife of Petroleum Center, Venango Co., Pa., Elizabeth Wilbert Howard and James O. her husband of Wadesworth, Nevada, P. A. Wilbert and Maud L. his wife of Oil City, Pa., Mary Wilbert, single of Titusville, Pa. and P. A. Wilbert guardian of Henry Wilbert minor child, and Barbara Wilbert being the children and heirs at law of Henry Wilbert late of the county of Venango, Pa. dec'd. to Charles H. Wilbert of Terre Haute, Ind. for $1. tract in Louisa County, Va., cont. 100 acres adjoining Wm. Z Swift and others which was conveyed to Michael Wilbert by Lowery and wife 25 Jan 1876. Signed P. A. Wilbert, guardian of Henry Wilbert and Barbara Wilbert., John S. Wilbert, Gladious Wilbert, Chas. S. Wilbert, Clara Wilbert, Elizabeth Wilbert Howard, James O. Howard, P. A. Wilbert, Maud L. Wilbert, Mary Wilbert, Carrie Wilbert Tracey, Dave A. Tracy. Justices of Venango, Pa., certify for Elizabeth Howard and husband James O. Howard, Charles Wilbert and wife Clara Wilbert, P. A. Wilbert and wife Maud L. Wilbert 24 Aug 1905, and Carrie Tracy and husband David Tracy 24 Aug 1905, P. A. Wilbert guardian of Henry Wilbert and Barbara Wilbert 17 Nov 1906. Justices of Crawford, Pa. certify for Henry Wilbert 19 Nov 1906. Justices of Rock Island co., Ill. certify for John S. Wilbert and Gladious Wilbert his wife 11 Oct 1905.

Book: 26, Page: 77, Grantor: Maria A. Strahl, Grantee: Charles H. Wilbert, Date: 22-Jun-1905
Maria A. Strahl of Erie, Pa. sister and heir at law of Michael Wilbert, dec'd. to Charles H. Wilbert for $1 all interest in tract in Louisa Co., Va. adjoining Wm. S. Swift being land Michael Wilbert died seised conveyed to him by Frederick Lorry 25 Jan 1876 cont. 100 acres. sig. Maria A. Strahl. Justices of Erie, Pa. certify for Maria A. Strahl 22 Jun 1905.

Book: 26, Page: 269, Grantor: Gertrude Sims and Nicholas Sims her husband, Grantee: Charles H. Wilbert, Date: 30-Jun-1908
Gertrude Sims and Nicholas Sims her husband of Titusville, Crawford Co., Pa., one of the heirs of Michael Wilbert, dec'd. to Charles H. Wilbert for $1 all interest in 100 acres in Louisa Co. adjoining Wm. S. Swift which Michael Wilbert died seized and was conveyed to him by Frederick Lorey 25 Jan 1876.

Book: 26, Page: 282, Grantor: C. H. Wilbert and Mary E. Wilbert his wife, Grantee: B. G. Jones, Date: 30-Jun-1908
C. H. Wilbert and Mary E. Wilbert his wife of Clay Co., Indiana, to B. G. Jones of Louisa Co. for $800 tract in Louisa Co. adjoining Wm. S. Swift containing 100 acres being same land Michael Wilbert died seised.

Book: 26, Page: 626, Grantor: Gordon, R. L., Jr., Grantee: Dunn, F. L., Date: 23-Jun-1909
Whereas F. L. Dunn purchased at public auction on the 23rd day of June, 1909 [8?] of R. L. Gordon, Jr. Special Comr. Of Louisa Circuit Court in the case of F. L. Dunn vs. Hardenia Tisdale & others the hereinafter described tract or parcel of land at the price of $2.55 per acre which sale was duly reported to the Court in said cause and by it's decree entered therein on 12th day of July, 1909, was duly ratified and confirmed, and R. L. Gordon, Jr. who was thereby appointed a special comr. For the purpose was directed to convey the said land to said purchaser by a proper deed upon the payment of the purchase money therefor except the interest of said purchaser in said purchase money; and whereas such purchase money has been paid in full, and said purchaser is entitled to a deed unter the terms of said decree and whereas said F. L. Dunn has sold the said tract of land to Charles Hamner at the price of $450.00 dollars cash and desires the said comr. Gordon to convey said land to the purchaser which is evidenced by said F. L. Dunn and Annie M. Dunn, his wife, uniting in and becoming parties to this deed. Now therefore this deed made this 11th day of November, in the year 1909 between R. L. Gordon, Jr. Spl. Comr. Of said Court in said cause and F. L. Dunn and Annie M. Dunn, his wife, parties of the one part and Charles Hamner party of the second part: …. Certain tract adjoining the lands of C. G. Tisadale in the south on west by Luther Foster & Rhoda C. Hill, on the north by Alonzo Jones & others and on the east by Alonzo Jones & C. G. Tisdale, and containing 120.4 acres be the same tract of land which the late David Tisdale died seized and possessed and which passed under the will of said Tisdale to his wife Maria & his three daughters Emily, Hardenia & Catherine Tisdale which will was duly probated in Louisa County Court on the 9th day of February 1846 and reference thereto is made for a more accurate description of said land.

Book: 27, Page: 41, Grantor: Lewis S. Pendleton and Annie F. Pendleton hits wif, Grantee: H. K. Wood and C. M. Wood, Date: 22-Jan-1909
Lewis S. Pendleton and Annie F. Pendleton hits wife to H. K. Wood and C. M. Wood for $2,500 tract in Louisa on waters of Gold Mines Creek adj. lands formerly owned by Hugh G. Hiter, Henry Chiles and Edwin Boyd and others containing 343 acres being same land formerly owned by James Timberlake conveyed by Joseph K. Pendleton to Henry Pendleton by deed 18 Jan 1876 and which was inherited by Lewis S. Pendleton from his brother the said Henry Pendleton he being his sole heir at law. Sig. L. S. Pendleton and Ann F. Pendleton. Rec. 29 Jan 1909.

Book: 27, Page: 653, Grantor: Dunn, Frank L., Grantee: Smith, Bettie, Date: 05-Oct-1900
$50 dollars for 10 acres by recent survey. Beginning at pointers in William Scotts line thence with same north 16 chains to a stone corner; thence east with line of William Kiblinger 6.25 chains to stone corner, thence south 16 chains to pointers thence west 6.25 chains to pointers at beginning.

Book: 29, Page: 138, Grantor: Martha Jane Pemberton., Grantee:  , Date:  
with Martha Jane Pemberton.

Book: 29, Page: 245, Grantor: Ogg, A. M., Grantee: Poindexter, Isaac N., Date: 17-Dec-1901
137 acres on Hickory creek (later on was the 'Wilkerson Place')

Book: 29, Page: 644, Grantor: Dunn, F. L. & Annie M., Grantee: May, P. P., Date: 01-Sep-1911
8 1/2 acres. On North side of C & O Railway; same parcel granted by Anna Jackson and Mildred Gillum

Book: 30, Page: 229, Grantor: Poindexter, Isaac N., Grantee: McDonald O.S. and wife A. C., Date: 17-Feb-1912
$250 for 50 acres, part of 137 acres obtained from A. M. Ogg on 17 Dec 1901. Land is on south side of the 137 acre tract, divided by a fence row running in a straight line across the land. It being commonly known as the Tushaw & Bailey fence, ant the tract commonly known as the Tushaw tract. The fence runs from the line of Dr. P. P. May to the draw-bars of I. N. Poindexter of the first part., the boundary runs thence along a road which runs through the woods the lands of J. N. Poindexter being on the other side and the land being conveyed being bound on the south side by the lands of John Dunn, Dr. May and als.

Book: 30, Page: 378, Grantor: Dunn, F. L. & wife Annie M., Grantee: Otey, Melton, Date: 13-Nov-1909
$96.00 for 12 acres. East side of Hickory creek, adjoining lands of the said first parties, Emma Porter and the Poindexter tract; according to survey made 12 Nov 1909 by C. E. Watkins S. F. C.; Said party of the first part reserve unto themselves, heirs, etc. the right of using water from the spring situated in the south west corner.

Book: 30, Page: 501, Grantor: John S. Wilbert and wife, Grantee: Charles H. Wilbert, P. A. Wilbert, Date: 24-Aug-1905
Whereas by deed 24 Aug 1905 John S. Wilbert and wife and others to Charles H. Wilbert, P. A. Wilbert attempts to convey the interest of Henry Wilbert, Barbara Wilbert of Eliza Wilbert natural guardian of Frances X. Wilbert in a tract of land. Barbara Wilbert has married H. B. Fitzgerald and she and Henry are now of full age and Frances X. is an imbecile and his interest in the land is so small as to be inconsiderable and whereas Charles H. Wilbert sold the tract to B. G. Jones and B. G. Jones and Annie his wife have sold the land to William t. Jones 3 Aug 1908. Tract Adjoins W. Z. Swift, Miss Birch Goodwin and others on the north side of the county road leading from Buckner to Long Creek and contains 100 acres being same land conveyed to the late Michael Wilbert by Fred Lorey. Now to perfect the title this deed 4 Oct 1911 between Henry Wilbert and Lila his wife, H. b. FitzGerald and Barbara his wife and Charles. Wilbert to William T. Jones of Louisa for $5 give general warranty title. Sig. H. L. Wilbert, Lila R. Wilbert, H. b. FitzGerald, Barbara FitzGerald, and Charles H. Wilbert. Justices of Wadsworth, Nevada certify for Henry Wilbert and Lila 4 Oct 1911, justices of Brazil, Indiana certify for Charles H. Wilbert 4 Oct 1911 and Justices of Venago, Pa. certify for H. B. FitzGerald and Barbara his wife 5 Oct 1911.

Book: 30, Page: 583, Grantor: George E. Safley and D. L. Safely his wife, Grantee: A.R. Gordon 2nd, to N. W. Winst, Date: 08-Mar-1905
Deed Trust 1 Aug 1912 George E. Safley and D. L. Safely his wife to A.R. Gordon, trustee 2nd, to N. W. Winston. lots #1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, and 26 in block 81 Mineral, Va. conveyed to George Edward Safeley by Mineral City Land Co. 8 Mar 1905 by deed DB 23 p 170 also # 2 and 3 in block 81 conveyed to George Edward Safley by Manerva Dahn and John Dahn her husband 20 Apr 1905, also lots #17, 19 and 20 in block 81 conveyed by W.J. Coleman and wife by deed 8 May 1903 rec. DB 21 p. 227 . In trust for $1,800. Book 1896 1904 20 Sep 1903 A.F. Estes vs. Ethel Mining co. plaintiff recover against defendant $701.25. George E. Ware vs. Ethel Mining Co. plaintiff recover against defendant $500.00 ORDER BOOK 1896 1901 P 554 13 May 1901 appearing to the court there is a mistake in the entry of land owned by Mineral City Land Co. for the year 1900 and that the true quantity is 324 acres. Tax bill for 1890 to be reduced and each item by $24.82 at 6 %.

Book: 31, Page: 554, Grantor: W. C. Daniel, Grantee: P. E. Daniel and T. A. Daniel, Date: 08-May-1913
W. C. Daniel to P. E. Daniel and T. A. Daniel for $112 tract on road leading from Louisa to Bibb's Store containing 6 acres adjoining Mrs. Rosson, Jack Stuart, William M. Watts, county road, being land formerly owned by William W. Watts. Purchaser agree to maintain a poultry wire fence high enough to keep chickens in.

Book: 31, Page: 646, Grantor: Wesley Andrews and Nannie his wife, Grantee: T. A. Daniel and P. E. Daniel, Date: 08-Jul-1913
Wesley Andrews and Nannie his wife 8 Jul 1913 to T. A. Daniel and P. E. Daniel for $350 for tract containing 28 1/2 acres adjoining John Rosson's estate, R. L. Battel, Wm. M. Watt being 1/2 land formerly owned by John Stewart which was willed by him to Younger Gooch and wife for life and then to their 2 daughters, Nannie who intermarried with Wesly Andrews and Arnetta who married Oscar Sargeant to be equally divided.

Book: 32, Page: 135, Grantor: J. P. Massie, Grantee: T. A. and P. E. Daniels, Date: 25-Apr-1884
J. P Massie to T. A. and P E. Daniels 3 Oct 1913 Francis A. Daniel and Peter E. Daniel $3,000 for tract adjoining B. H. Sims, P M. Hiter containing 87 1/2 acres conveyed to J. P Massie by George W. Massie by deed 25 Apr 1884 in DB 8 p 120. the other tract containing 12 acres acquired by Peter M. Hiter and wife by deed 25 Apr 1884 adjoining W. C. Massie containing 100 acres total.

Book: 32, Page: 229, Grantor: M. V. Henderson and wife, Grantee: Charles S. Henderson, Date: 12-Aug-1913
M. V. Henderson and wife to Charles S. Henderson $300 for 76 acres in Jackson Dist. bounded on N by road from Brick House to Jones Cross Roads; S by Louisa Road; W. by J. W. Duggins, E. by Davis, Cole, Minerva Nelson, L. C. Henderson and Arthur Jackson with appurtenances.

Book: 32, Page: 377, Grantor: Laurene C. Henderson and Marshall V. Henderson her, Grantee: Lucy B. Brooks, Date:  
1914 Laurene C. Henderson and Marshall V. Henderson her husband to Lucy B. Brooks for $1 for tract in Jackson Dist. cont. 100 acres more or less adjoining Parsons Loyall and others on Taylors Creek adjoining Parson Loyall and oc on the North; Ned Johnson on East; J. E. Jackson & oc on S., J. J. Brooks with tenements.

Book: 32, Page: 604, Grantor: Lucy B. Brooks and John Brooks, Grantee: Laurene C. Henderson, Date: 07-Jan-1914
Lucy B. Brooks and John Brooks to Laurene C. Henderson tract in Jackson Dist. containing 153 acres bounded on South by Louisa Road, North by Edwin Sharp, East by Edwin Sharp, west by lands of Susan Richardson.

Book: 32, Page: 647, Grantor: Dunn. Frank L. & Annie M., Grantee: Melton, Mrs. Bettie H., Date: 04-May-1914
For $50.00, 5 acres bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock corner in the road, (north side C&O RR) with Frank L. Dunn, Thomas Johnson and old Lipscomb estate, thence a new line with said Frank L. Dunn S59E 3.95 chains to a rock corner with Frank L. Dunn on North side of a road, thence another new line with Frank L. Dunn N35E 12.77 chains.Thence another new line with Frank L. Dunn N59W 3.95 chains to a rock corner with said Frank L. Dunn and Thomas Johnson line S35W 12.77 chains to beginning. It is also agreed that the said Mrs. Bettie H. Melton to have an outlet to the nearest County road.

Book: 33, Page: 97, Grantor: Grace A Van Duersen, Grantee: Grace A. Davis, Date: 02-Nov-1907
Being same land Grace A Van Duersen nee Grace C. Adams now Grace A. Davis contracted 2 Nov 1907

Book: 33, Page: 152, Grantor: S. O. Butler and Ola O. Butler his wife, Grantee: J. M. Snider, Date: 24-Mar-1914
S. O. Butler and Ola O. Butler, his wife, to J. M. Snider for $350 for 50 acres being same land conveyed to S. O. Butler from party of 2nd party Jul 1908 in DB 26 p 15. The conveyance is made subject to a deed of trust executed by S. O. Butler to Snider. Sig. S. O. Butler and Ola O. Butler.

Book: 33, Page: 332, Grantor: C. P. Lewis, Grantee: J. R. Buck, Date: 23-Nov-1914
Assignment 23 Nov 1914 C. P. Lewis assignes store building and goods and merchandise at Bells X Roads to J. R. Buck as trustee.

Book: 33, Page: 354, Grantor: Jno. G. May, Grantee: T. A. Daniel and P. E. Daniel, Date: 02-Dec-1914
Jno. G. May special commissioner to T. A. Daniel and P. E. Daniel the interest of Lula Daniel Hulse in tract adjoining land of the late Samuel H? Parsons and others containing 106 1/2 acres being land upon which P. M. and Margaret E. Daniel resided conveyed to them by W. E. Bibb special Commissioner and P. M. Daniel by deed 22 Apr 1882

Book: 33, Page: 590, Grantor: H. K. Wood, Grantee: John M. Griffith, Mattie I. Wood his wif, Date: 22-Mar-1915
H. K. Wood to John M. Griffith, Mattie I. Wood his wife, and Clark M Wood to John Mullen Griffith of Penn. $6,000 tract in Louisa on Gold Mine Creek adj. road leading from Louisa to Fredericksburg, E. S. Boyd, Patrick Mansfield, Boyd, Baker, James Smith's line (formerly Arnetts) Fleeman's Road, road leading from Mr. Pleasant Meeting house, Boxley, Daniels, Gold Mine Creek, Wm. Hiter Goodwin and Glick (formerly Henry Chiles) containing 3161/4 acres deed to H. K. Wood and Cm. Wm. Wood by deed from Lewis S. Pendleton and wife DB 27 p 41-42.

Book: 34?, Page: 0, Grantor: Dunn, Sallie & others, Grantee: Dunn, Frank L., Date: 21-Oct-1916
From what appears to be a list of the children of the 1/2 brothers and sisters of F. L. Dunn: 103 acres and 64 acres: That in consideration of the natural love and affection that the said first parties bear to the second party, and the fact that the said second party has paid all taxes upon the hereinafter described land for many years, and that the same is of inconsiderable value, the said first parties do grant and convey unto the said second party all their right title and interest in and to the tract of 103 acres, assigned to Mrs. Emily E. Dunn, under the will of Rev. Thos. R. Dunn, deceased, as will more fully appear from the division of the lands of said Thos. R. Dunn recorded in DB 18, page 471 …… and also all of their right title and interest in and to the tract of 64 acres of land, of which the said Thos. R. Dunn died siesed and possessed lying in said county, adjoining the lands of Dr. P. P. May and others and being the land formerly owned by Polly or Catherine Terry, or by both Polly and Catherine Terry.

Book: 34, Page: 164, Grantor: W. J. Coleman, Grantee: George Edward Safley, Date: 05-Apr-1912
ALSO lots #17, 18, 19 and 20 in block 81 being property conveyed to George Edward Safley by W.J. Coleman and wife by deed 8 May 1903 rec. DB 21 p 227. ALSO lot #12 in block 81 being same lot conveyed to Carrie K. Safley by Lucy F. and Anna R. Goodwin by deed 5 Apr 1912. All buildings, improvements, rights and privileges which was devised unto Carrie K. Safley by will of George Edward Safley, deceased dated 30 Apr 1917 and recorded Louisa Co. WB 21 p 256. Subject to all reservations and rights contained in deed by which George Edward Safley acquired property regarding mining rights, and right of closing certain streets and alleys. In trust for the use of the children of O.E. King with full power and authority vested. If King holds property until the youngest child, Charles Thomas King who is now an infant becomes 21 then he may convey the property to the beneficiaries or their survivors and end the trust or sell and reinvest for the children. Rec. 31 Oct 1921.

Book: 34, Page: 179, Grantor: Dunn, John H., Grantee: Dunn, Jerry, Date: 05-Jan-1915
93 acres for $1,000. Land formerly belonging to Richard Poindexter. Pine tree corner of Charles Poindexter on C[hampness] Terry now Samuel Ogg, James Porter to Main Road. John H. Dunn, Sciotto Co., Ohio. [Sold to John H. Dunn on 16 Feb 1884, by Thomas R. Dunn. See DB 8, pg 540]

Book: 34, Page: 307, Grantor: George P. Carter and Fannie L. his wife, Grantee: P. E. and T. A. Daniel, Date: 04-Oct-1915
George P Carter and Fannie L. his wife to P E. and T. A. Daniel for $400 tract containing 11 68/100 acres purchased by Fannie L. Carter of W. W. Foster 23 Apr 1903 and 13 1/2 acres purchased of Samuel L. Carter and Deliah Carter by George Carter 8 Jul 1909 adjoining W. S. McDonald, W. D. Fleshman, county road both pieces lie to south side of Byrd Mill Road.

Book: 34, Page: 566, Grantor: Dunn, F. L., Grantee: Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co., Date: 25-Jul-1906
Grant right of way for $1.00 [at Petersburg Va., P.O. Address

Book: 36, Page: 263, Grantor: Thomas Rutherford and Constance his wife, Grantee: Charles T. Harris, Date: 16-Jun-1851
Thomas Rutherford and Constance his wife to Charles T. Harris all of Goochland $150 on lower Lickinghole Creek adjoining tract called Parrishville containing 13 3/4 acres [Margin Note refers to DB 41 p 536]

Book: 36, Page: 264, Grantor: Thomas Rutherford and Constance M. his wife, Grantee: Charles T. Harris, Date: 16-Jun-1851
Thomas Rutherford and Constance M. his wife of Goochland to Charles T. Harris of same $160 tract in Goochland adjoining Mrs. Lucy Harris, said Harris, formerly owned by George Thomas, adj. Valentine Parrish containing 23 1/8 acres. Sig. Thomas Rutherford and Constance M. Rutherford.

Book: 36, Page: 492, Grantor: Lucy Harris Dec'd., Grantee: John M. Trevillian, Date:  
Est. Lucy Harris Dec'd. 1843 1852 John M. Trevillian trustee for Lucy Harris and her children. due estate $67.86 and $24.06 interest.

Book: 36, Page: 633, Grantor: W. E. Graves and M.B. Graves his wife, Grantee: J. H. Smith and Mattie E. Smith, Date: 06-Nov-1916
W.E. Graves and M.B. Graves his wife of 1st, Lillie F. Pemberton, Lillian Talley, Grace A. Davis and Eugene L. Davis her husband 2nd, to J. H. Smith and Mattie E. Smith $200 on road leading from Mineral to Sulphur Mines commonly called Graceland adjoining Boyd Smith on east, county Road, SW by Elmore Jones being same property conveyed to W.E. Graves from E.M. and M.M. Pemberton 15 Nov 1913

Book: 37, Page: 312, Grantor: Neil, W. H. & wife, Grantee: Wilkerson, Harold, Date: 11-Oct-1917
$1,200 for 87 acres adjoining Richard Roberts, McDonald, known as old "I.N. Poindexter place" conveyed to W. H. Neil by W. W. Smith, trustee & W. G. Bibb & wife by deed 3-Feb-1916 (DB 34, pg. 657)

Book: 37, Page: 312, Grantor: Neil, W.H. & wife, Grantee: Wilkerson, Harold, Date: 10-Oct-1917
$1,200 for 87 acres adjoining Richard Roberts, McDonald. Known as "Old I[saac] N. Poindexter Place" conveyed to W. G. Bibb & wife by Deed 3 Feb 1916 (DB 34-657)

Book: 38, Page: 66, Grantor: John Mullen Griffith and Emma E. Griffith, Grantee: H. B. Parkhurst & William A. Lenz, Date: 22-Mar-1915
John Mullen Griffith & Emma E. Griffith to H. B. Parkhurst & William A. Lenz $7,400 for tract on Gold Mine Creek with appurtenances adj. road leading from Louisa to Fredericksburg, Boyd, Sam. Baker, James Smith (formerly Arnett's) Freeman's road, Mr. Pleasants Meeting House road, Wm. Hiter Goodwin and Glick, formerly Henry Chiles., Pat Mansfield containing 3161/2 acres being same tract conveyed to Jno. Mullen Griffith by H. K. Wood deed 22 Mar 1915 in DB 33 p 590 reserving timber rights. Sig. John Mullen and Emma E. Griffith.

Book: 38, Page: 477, Grantor: Lasley, Charles H., Grantee: Lasley, Hattie, Date: 06-Oct-1902
[no abstract]

Book: 40, Page: 245, Grantor: Mary Jones, Grantee: Mrs. Lucy G. Harris, Date: 14-Jun-1865
Will Mary Jones of Goochland to my esteemed friend Mrs. Lucy G. Harris wife of Dr. George W. Harris of Goochland $3,000 in stock of State of Virginia, my wardrobe, jewelry all estate. Friend Dr. George W. Harris to be executor. 14 Jun 1865.

Book: 41, Page: 65, Grantor: Dr. Geo. W. Harris, Grantee: Peachy Gratton, Date: 23-Jun-1868
Dr. Geo. W. Harris appoints Peachy Gratton trustee for Lucy G. Harris for everything she received from estate of Mary Jones.

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