Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book 17
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!
Book: 17, Page: 440, Grantor: Dunn, Thomas R. (admin), Grantee: Hunter, John Jr., Date: 17-Jul-1899
part of 146 acres … 39 1/7 acres. Bid $4/per acre 19 Dec 1891. Adjoining Joseph Perkins & others. Beg. Point in Byrd Mill road to Hilliard Jacksons along road S1.75W; 55P+15L; old stump on west side of road, corner to Joseph Perkins & Foster; S83.75E; 101P+16L; corner to John Price in Fosters line N12E; 62P+14L; rock corner w/ Hilliard Jackson in Prices line, along Jackson S87.25W; 113P+18L; to beg.
Book: 17, Page: 447, Grantor: Bettie D. Smith and George B. Smith her husband, Grantee: W. J. Nelm, Date: 01-Jun-1899
Bettie D. Smith and George B. Smith her husband of Louisa 1st, W.J. Nelms Trustee of city of Newport News 2nd, Mineral City Land Co. 3rd. Bettie D. Smith and George B. Smith to W. J. Nelms. Lots #29, 30, 31, in block 23 in trust to secure $550. in 55 payments of $10.00 each.
Book: 17, Page: 482, Grantor: S.W. Wilson 1st part, J.R. Ellis, L. A. Kellar, an, Grantee: , Date: 10-Jul-1899
S.W. Wilson 1st part, J.R. Ellis, L. A. Kellar, and Boyd M. Smith, trustees 2nd to be held in trust for the Protestant Ephiscopal Church in Dioces of Virginia, $200 paid by Kate C. Bibb as a donation to the church six certain lots in Mineral being #14, 15, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in block 13.
Book: 17, Page: 483, Grantor: Dunn, F. L., Grantee: Chesapeak & Ohio RR, Date: 07-Sep-1899
[no abstract]
Book: 18, Page: 2, Grantor: R. B. Porter and Bessie C. his wife, Grantee: Mineral City Land Co., Date: 18-Aug-1899
R. B. Porter and Bessie C. his wife of Louisa County to Mineral City Land Co. $75. for lot #28 in block 61; #13 in block 26; #1 in block 59; # 7 in block 142; #3 in block 63; #14 in block 77; #8 in block 81, #24 in block 101; #4 in block 41; #19 in block 38; #8 in block 123; #17 in block 42; #1 in block 24/ #5 in block 132, #26 in block 98. sig. P. B. and Bessie C. Porter.
Book: 18, Page: 37, Grantor: H.W. Quarles, Grantee: Grace Curtis Adams, Date: 11-Jul-1899
H.W. Quarles to Grace Curtis Adams for $1,500 secured by deed of trust same day plot in Mineral City known as the Holte Lot which was conveyed to Quarles by Equitable Investment Co. excepted from conveyance is that portion of the hotel lot heretofore conveyed by H.W. Quarles to Grace Curtis Adams with survey made 12 Sep 1894.
Book: 18, Page: 38, Grantor: H.W. Quarles, Grantee: Grace Curtis Adams, Date: 11-Jul-1899
Deed of trust on property conveyed by H.W. Quarles to Grace Curtis Adams 11 Jul 1899.
Book: 18, Page: 45, Grantor: W. A. Butler, Grantee: L. S. Butler, W. A. Butler, H. M. Butler, Bettie W, Date:
Commissioners in suit Butler and others vs. W. A. Butler and other Winston Trustees vs. Butler Nov 1895 L. S. Butler, W. A. Butler, H. M. Butler, Bettie W. Massie and Virginia R. Toler became purchases of land which was owned by Alex. F. Butler adjoining Beadles, Julia D. Driscol, Mrs. Young and others.
Book: 18, Page: 127, Grantor: Thomas J. Fleshman purchased from R. L. Gordon, Jr, Grantee: Thomas J. Fleshman, Date: 22-Mar-1897
Thomas J. Fleshman purchased from R. L. Gordon, Jr. special Commissioner in suit C.A. Poore and others vs. Ruffner by decree 22 Mar 1897. This deed 22 Aug 1899 for tract cont. 60 29/100 acres adjoining Frederick Hughson, estate of W. L. Poore, dec'd., McGehee, South Anna River, J. E. Poores estate, being part of estate of W. L. Poore dec'd. died seized.
Book: 18, Page: 207, Grantor: F. W. Sims, Grantee: Thomas Smith and Henry Smith, Date: 12-Oct-1897
F. W. Sims, Special Commissioner to Thomas Smith and Henry Smith in case George W. Harris vs. Kenney and others for $300 adjoining Lucinda Jones, Rosa Thompson, William Green and William Nelson.
Book: 18, Page: 252, Grantor: Mineral City Land co., Grantee: L.A. Keller, Date: 24-Mar-1900
Mineral City Land co. to L.A. Keller for $25, lot # 31 in block 39. Sig. Robert P. Orr Pres, George Nelms Wise, Sec.
Book: 18, Page: 325, Grantor: Robert P. Orr and Agness B. Orr his wife, Grantee: Mineral City and Land Co., Date: 17-Feb-1900
Robert P. Orr and Agness B. Orr his wife of Newport News to Mineral City and Land Co. $5.00 list and number of lots in City of Mineral. Being same parcels conveyed to Orr by W.E. Bibb special Commissioner and S.W. Wilson by deed 22 Nov 1899 rec. Dec 1899.
Book: 18, Page: 334, Grantor: Dabney A. Trice, Grantee: John L. Trice, Date: 24-Feb-1859
By a deed 4 Sep 1856 recorded Louisa 24 Feb 1859 Dabney A. Trice conveyed to the children of John L. Trice the lands and personal property set out in sd. deed which had been conveyed to Dabney A. Trice by John L. Trice by deed recorded in Louisa. Whereas since the execution of the deed Adelia H. Trice widow of John L. Trice, who had a life estate in sd. property, has departed this life and whereas Robert N., James and Addison L. Trice, three of the said children named in said deed were killed during the late war and died intestate, unmarried and without issue, and whereas on 25th Oct 1875, Alfred W. Trice conveyed his interest in said lands to John L. Trice in trust for the benefit of his wife Dianna V. Trice and her children which deed had been corrected by decree of Louisa Circuit Court rendered 5 Sep 1896, in suit of Trice by and others vs. Perkins and the said Dianna V. Trice held to take a fee simple in the lands conveyed by said last named deed, and whereas since the date of last named deed John L. Trice had departed this life unmarried, intestate and without issue; and the interest of said Alfred W. Trice inherited from said John L. Trice has been sold under the orders of the Court and purchased by one V. L. Perkins, and whereas Andrew J. Trice has also departed this life leaving surviving him his widow Virginia S. Trice and the following children Henry A. Trice and Virginia M. Rolfe wife of C. R. Rolfe, all of whom are of age. And whereas the parties now entitled to lands have chosen Dr. Jos. W. Baker, p M. Daniel, E. J. Boyd and Benjamin Sims, four disinterested gentlemen to make partition of said land who with the assistance of John W. Nunn the County Surveyor made partition of the same among the parties entitled. Therefore in order to carry into effect and complete the partition, this deed made 12 Aug 1899, between Frank B. Trice called in said deed 4 Sep 1856, Benjamin F. Trice, Dabney A. Trice, Frances A. Trice of the 1st part Virgil L. Perkins, Virginia S. Trice, Henry A. Trice, Virginia M. Rolfe and others, R. Rolfe her husband and Dianna V. Trice and Alfred W. Trice, her husband, parties of the 2nd part. for in consideration of the premises the 1st parties convey to Virgil L. Perkins all of a trace of land in Louisa containing 25 acres adjoining according to the survey made by said Nunn, land herein after conveyed to D. A. Trice and said Perkins, Perkins, the five acres assigned to Mrs. Dianna V. Trice, Frank B. Trice, the road, 1st parties also convey unto Virginia S. Trice, Henry A. Trice and Virginia M. Rolfe all of 2 tracts being the house tract and containing 25 acres and the 5 1/2 acres adjoining the road, Frances A. Trice and Fabius Johnson, Arnetts, branch, Mrs. Dianna V. Trice. And a second tract adjoining Mason, Frances A. Trice, the road, Mrs. Sims, branch. Virginia S. Trice to have a dower interest in said land and the children of Andrew J. Trice dec'd to hold the same in fee simple subject to such dower interest. The 2nd parties other than Virgil L. Perkins unite in the conveyance to V. L. Perkins of the tract of 25 acres and convey unto Dianna V. Trice all those two tracts containing 47 and 5 acres adjoining the road and convey to Mrs. Virginia S. Trice and children adjoining Trices, Arnetts, Frank B. Trice. The 2nd tract adjoining Smith, V. L. Perkins, Frank B. Trice, Smith. 1st parties convey to Frances A. Trice tract containing 79 acres eddying Mrs. Virginia S. Trice and children, Arnetts, the road, Fabius Johnson, Arnett Mason, Mrs. Sims, D. A. Trice. Parties convey to Dabney A. Trice two tracts containing 50 1/2 acres and 35 1/2 acres adjoining the road, Frances A. Trice, Mrs. Sims, V. L. Perkins, Arnetts, Frances A. Trice. the second tract adjoins the road, Mrs. Sims, V. L. Perkins. Parties convey to Frank B. Trice two tracts containing 47 acres and 5 acres adj. Dianna V. Trice, Arnett, the branch, Mrs. Dickenson line, Wm. Saunders. The 5 acres tract adjoining Smith, the road, V. L. Perkins, Dianna V. Trice, Smith. These said lands being the lands owned by John L. Trice and conveyed to his brother Dabney A. Trice as aforesaid and afterwards conveyed by deed to the children of said John L. Trice. The object and intention of this deed is to make partition in accordance with the division and the parties do mutually convey to each other the respective tract set aside to each as aforesaid so that each hold severally. Sig. Virginia S. Trice, Henry A. Trice, Jennie M. Roffe, C. R. Roffe, F. B. Trice, D. A. Trice, Frances A. Trice, Dianna V. Trice, Alfred V. Trice. Notaries for Cabel Co. West Virginia certify for Virginia S. Trice, Virginia M. Rolfe and C . R. Rolfe her husband
Book: 18, Page: 376, Grantor: Nancy M. Hambleton, Grantee: George P. Hambleton and Rosa N. Hambleton, Date: 10-Nov-1897
Nancy M. Hambleton, widow of James Hambleton, dec'd. to George P. Hambleton and Rosa N. Hambleton his wife, 2nd part, James K. P. Hambleton and Virginia A. Hambleton his wife 3rd. part all of Louisa County and Alexander C. Hambleton and Emma, his wife, William D. Hambleton, Benjamin F. Hambleton of Huntington, W. Va. and Cora L. Hambleton the wife of James D. Hambleton and James. D. Hambleton in right of his said wife, heirs of Benjamin L. Hambleton, dec'd. of 4th part of Richmond heirs at law and in equity of estate of James M. Hambleton dec'd Tract which James M. Hambleton died possessed on Henson Creek near old Fork Church in Louisa County adjoining R. C. Bowels Estate, Hardin L. Dukes estate and other containing 179 17/100 acres. Partition by natural consent made Nancy M. Hambleton reserves her life right to all the said tract of land. 2ndly Geo. P. Hambleton to have two lots marked on plat as A & B containing 35 acres and 11 67/100 acres adjoining Geo. P. Hambleton, Isaac Foster, McCarthy. 3rdly Jos. K. P. Hambleton to have lot 6 adj. Geo. P. Hambleton, creek containing 871/2 acres, 4thly the heirs of Benja. L. Hambleton being Alex. C. Hambleton, William D. Hambleton, Benj. F. Hambleton and Cora L. Hambleton to have jointly lot D adjoining Hardin L. Dukes estate, Geo. P. Hambleton, containing 35 acres. Sig. J. K. P. Hambleton, G. P. Hambleton, Rosa N. Hambleton, Nancy M. Hambleton, Virginia A. Hambleton, Alex. C. Hambleton, Mary E. Hambleton, W. D. Hambleton, Benjamin F. Hambleton, J. D. Hambleton, Cora L. Hambleton.
Book: 18, Page: 435, Grantor: Dunn, W. M., Grantee: Louisa Telephone Co., Date: 06-Aug-1900
[no abstract]
Book: 18, Page: 471, Grantor: Dunn, Thomas R., Grantee: , Date: 22-May-1900
We the undersigned legatees and devisees of Thomas R. Dunn dec'd being all of legal age. In order to make partition of the real estate devised to us in accordance with last will and testament, do hereby make partition of the said land known as Meltons, containing 309 acres into three equal parts containing 103 acres each as follows. Lot No. 1 to Addie Dunn, Lot No. 2 to Mrs. Emily E. Dunn as her dower, Lot No. 3 to Frank L. Dunn as set forth in the above diagram.
Book: 18, Page: 473, Grantor: S.W. Wilson, Grantee: Grace Curtis Adams, Date: 03-Jul-1899
S.W. Wilson to Grace Curtis Adams for $300.00 all of blocks 4 and 5.
Book: 18, Page: 484, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: James O. Carr, Date: 01-May-1900
Mineral City Land Co. to James O. Carr for $37.50 lots #20 and #21 in block 39. MCL reserves mineral rights.
Book: 18, Page: 486, Grantor: MCL Co., Grantee: H.C. Hart, Date: 01-May-1900
MCL Co. to H.C. Hart $37.50 for lots #25 and 26 in block 39 with Mineral rights reserved.
Book: 19, Page: 35, Grantor: W. E. Bibb, Grantee: W. H. Adams, Date: 06-Jul-1899
In suit Estes vs. Estes 20 Sep 1900 in chancery, W. E. Bibb appointed commissioner, to W. H. Adams tract of land in suit except the 1 5/8 acres reserved to the widow and children of W. A. Estes, Dec. also refers to and confirms deed to A.J. Smitz on 6 Jul 1899 by W.H. Adams and wife and Josephine H. Estes. Now this ure 31 Oct 1900 between W. E. Bibb, commissioner, to W. H. Adams with special warranty for 20 acres bought by W. A. Estes from Reuben Davis estate excepting 1 5/8 acres reserved for his wife and children adjoining on the east the road leading from Mineral City to the Arminius and Sulphur mins and corner with Adams.
Book: 19, Page: 64, Grantor: Grace C. Adams by W.H. Adams her attorney in fact, Grantee: R. Henry Jeffery, Date: 19-Nov-1900
Grace C. Adams by W.H. Adams her attorney in fact to R. Henry Jeffery of London, England $550. for lots # 6 and 7 in block 13 on Louisa Ave. The above mentioned lots were purchased from James L. Warren and wife and from S. W. Wilson in years 1898 and 1899.
Book: 19, Page: 70, Grantor: Grace Curtis Adams, Grantee: William Henry Adams, Date: 17-May-1899
Know all men that Grace Curtis Adams of Mineral City has appointed William Henry Adams her attorney in fact 17 May 1899 . Sig. Grace Curtis Adams. Charles Hall Adams commissioner of Boston, Mass. certifies for Grace Curtis Adams.
Book: 19, Page: 107, Grantor: Wm. H. Adams and Josphine C. Adams, Grantee: Grace C. Adams, Date: 01-Nov-1900
Wm. H. Adams and Josphine C. Adams to Grace C. Adams all of Mineral $100. land deeded to W.H. Adams by W.E. Bibb commissioner 31 Oct 1900 adjoining rock sunk in main road, corner with Mrs. Mary Young and block 5, line of Estes, Lee Street, corner with Thomas Ennis, Lee Street and Richmond, Mrs. Josephine Estes and being about 3 acres. (drawing of plat)
Book: 19, Page: 142, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: Julian H. Quissenberry and Malcolm B. Quissenberry, Date: 19-Nov-1900
Mineral City Land Co. to Julian H. Quissenberry and Malcolm B. Quissenberry for the consideration of the 2nd parties constructing within 30 months and no more than 45 months a flour mill with machinery and equipment on lots herein conveyed. Mill to have a capacity of not less than 40 barrells of flour a 24 hour day and 8 bushels of corn per hour. Lots #1 16 in block 79. No intoxicating liquor to be manufactured or sold for 5 years. In event mill is not built and equipped with 45 months this deed void. Sig. Robert P. Orr, Pres, George Nelms Wise, Sec and Trea. Julian F. and Malcolm B. Quisenberry.
Book: 19, Page: 215, Grantor: Lucy M. Smith, Grantee: Alponso V. Smith, Date: 21-Jan-1901
Deed 30 Aug 1900 Lucy M. Smith widow of J. E. Smith dec'd., J. E. Bickers, Mary M. Bickers, Virgie Little, children of Tempe A. Bickers dec'd. and grandchildren of said J. E. Smith. dec'd., T. O. Bickers lately husband of said Tempe A. Bickers, dec'd. who was a daughter of said J. E. Smith, Dec'd., J. F. Little husband of Virgie Little, Nora F. Nuckolls a widow, M. Alice Smith, J. E. Smith, E. M. Smith children of said J. E. Smith, dec'd., Eurie Smith wife of J. E. Smith and Lotte Smith wife of E. M. Smith of 1st part to Alponso V. Smith of 2nd part one of the children of J. E. Smith dec'd. 1st Parties sell to Alponso smith 2nd part all their right title and interest in property of J. E. Smith dec'd. known as Yanceyville Mill property being mill, mill dam, dwelling and all buildings thereon cont. 15 1/2 acres lately belonging to J. E. Smith dec'd. bounded by lands of J. E. Smith, son of J. E. Smith, Dec'd., J. W. Bullock, J. S. Lacy, said Alphonso V. Smith and Nora F. Nuckolls. Sig. Lucy M. Smith, Nora F. Nuckolls, M. Alice Smith, J. E. Smith, E. M. Smith, Eurie Smith, Lottie Smith. Justices of Boone Co. Missouri certify for E. M. Smith and Lottie Smith his wife 30 Aug 1900 Rec. 21 Jan 1901.
Book: 19, Page: 293, Grantor: , Grantee: , Date:
In accordance with decree Sep 1898 of Wilson assignee of Mineral City Mining, Manufacturing and Land Co. at sale held S. W. Wilson became purchaser for $200. Whereas some possible questions have arisen as to whether proceedings were regular in regard to sale this deed confirms said sale.
Book: 19, Page: 297, Grantor: Robert P. Orr and Agnes B. his wife, Grantee: Mineral City Land Co., Date: 26-Dec-1899
Robert P. Orr and Agnes B. his wife of Newport News to Mineral City Land Co. $5.00. Lots listed. Order Book 1896 1901 p 251 Matter of locating a public Road from Mineral City to Pendleton. Road Commissioner R. N. Harris, all land owners have consented except Henry Sharp who has declined to accept $10.00/acre of his land that will be taken. Court appoints M.H. Gardner, George P. Ads, Henry Hart, William Reynolds and J. W. Bellamy, commissioners.
Book: 19, Page: 309, Grantor: Alphonza V. Smith and Laura his wife, Grantee: W. J. Crank, Date: 01-Apr-1901
Deed 1 Apr 1901 Alphonza V. Smith and Laura his wife to W. J. Crank all of Louisa $880.42 one undivided 1/2 interest in tract at Yanceyville adj. J. E. Smith, J. W. Bullock, J. S. Lacy, said Alphonzo V. Smith and Mrs. Nora F. Nuckolls containing 15 1/2 acres being land of which J. E. Smith dec'd. died seized on which is located the dwelling house and Mill at Yanceyville which was recently conveyed to Alphonzo Smith in subdivision of J. E. Smith dec'd. and F. W. Sims Commissioner in suit of Alphonze V. Smith vs. Bickers and others recorded in Louisa Clerks Office. Sig. A. V. Smith and Laura Smith.
Book: 19, Page: 322, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: L. A. Keller, Date: 20-Mar-1901
Mineral City Land Co. to L. A. Keller for $35.00 lots #29 and 13 in block 39.
Book: 19, Page: 324, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: E.W. Milhado, Date:
Mineral City Land Co. to E.W. Milhado of Mineral for $35. lots #10 and 11 in block 14. Reserves mine rights and liquor restrictions.
Book: 19, Page: 341, Grantor: Mineral city Land co., Grantee: R.W. Parrish, Date: 11-Apr-1901
Mineral city Land co. to R.W. Parrish of Richmond, Va. for $75. For consideration of the 2nd party erecting a neat and substantial building on lot conveyed at a cost of no more than $400. Lots #5,6,7,8, in block 40 with all appurtenances. Liquor and mine restrictions.
Book: 19, Page: 369, Grantor: Nathan F. Smith and Belle M. Smith 1st, J. J. Port, Grantee: John H. Whitlock, Date: 21-Jun-1901
Deed of Trust 21 Jun 1901 Nathan F. Smith and Belle M. Smith 1st, J. J. Porter 2nd, In trust 75 acres adjoining Elizabeth Hester, Mrs. Fanny Hansborro being land where Nathan F. Smith and wife reside to secure to John H. Whitlock $125 on bonds payable in 3 years. ( Margin release paid)
Book: 19, Page: 397, Grantor: John Hunter, Grantee: , Date:
Inventory of John Hunter bonds City of Richmond $37,500 bonds payable by Richmond and Danville Railroad Co. Shenadoah Valley Railroad Co., City of Mancester, also City of Staunton, City of Lynchburg, Virginia Midland R. R., Confederate States Bonds ca $18,000, list worthless assets . bonds of William Anderson, David M. Hunter., S. J. Bagby, James L. Gordon, John S. Fleming, G. D. M. Hunter, Wm. J. Winston, James O Connal, R. W. and Wm. Baker, Charles Poindexter, Geo. T. Kaiser, W. T. F. Walker, Absoloms Woods, Robert Hart and E. W. Massie, Jr., H. W. Quarles, Wm. M. Hunter, E. P. Hawkins, James Poindexter.
Book: 19, Page: 408, Grantor: J. D. Gibson, Grantee: Miles C. Smith, Date: 15-Aug-1901
J. D. Gibson to Miles C. Smith; $300 for 99 38/100 acres in Jackson District adjoining Cartersville Road, G. H. Foster, Thomas Jackson, Turner's Mill Road being land purchased by Gibson from estate of Theodacid Armstrong and Mt. Hope Church and township Hall being located on said land.( probably Miles B. Smith, Jr..)
Book: 19, Page: 444, Grantor: Dunn, Emily, Grantee: Dunn, F. L., Date: 30-Sep-1901
Gift Deed of 120.04 acres… For Love and affection, parcel devised by will of David Tisdale dec'd, as heirs of Catherine Tisdale dec'd; listed in land books of Louisa to Maria Tisdale and daughters. Commencing at Perkins line and running directly to my new fence; along new fence to the cross fence at the wheat yard, along cross fence crossing next bottom and branch, and cornering sixty feet from the branch on it's S. W. side, then S. course taking in bottom land and striking Brooks line, along Brooks line (once Pettus) until it strikes Woods line, along Woods line until it strikes Harpers (once Woods) along Harpers until Perkins and with that to beginning. N [No M&B]
Book: 20, Page: 0, Grantor: W. R. Moore, Grantee: James W. Hughson 2nd and Charles E. Hughson and Na, Date:
1901 W. R. Moore, a single man of Berkley, Va. to James W. Hughson 2nd and Charles E. Hughson and Nannie his wife 3rd. $800. James W. Hughson agreeing to pay a lien now resting on the property conveyed by this deed in favor of Mrs. Hattie E. Woolfolk as assee. of Mrs. Issa P. Chiles for $300 from 20 Nov 1901 making price paid for the said land and premises by this deed $1,140.50/ Tract adjoining R. E. Trice, Floyd Chaney, road leading from Louisa to Ellisville, H. C. Moore containing 99 1/4 acres being land conveyed to W. R. Moore by H. C. Moore and Mary R. his wife 22 Jun 1899 recorded 21 Oct 1899. In trust that James W. Hughson, trustee, shall hold tract for benefit and sole use of Nannie Hughson, wife of Charles E. Hughson free from debts of Charles E. Hughson. At death of Nannie tract to go to Charles and at both of their deaths tract to go to heirs of Charles E. Hughson. If sold the proceeds are to be reinvested in real estate.
Book: 20, Page: 61, Grantor: Mineral City Land co, Grantee: Julian E. Quisenberry and Malcolm B. Quisenberry, Date: 05-Dec-1901
Whereas Mineral City Land co on 19 Dec. sold to Julian E. Quisenberry and Malcolm B. Quisenberry lots #1 16 in block 79. The said covenants of deed have been met so now on 5 Dec 1901 Mineral City Land co. to the Quisenberries for lots #1 16 in block 79. co. to the Quisenberries for lots #1 16
Book: 20, Page: 153, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: E.W. Milhado, Date: 23-Feb-1901
Mineral City Land Co. to E.W. Milhado $35. lots #13 and 14 in block 14 mine and liquor restrictions.
Book: 20, Page: 176, Grantor: Alexander C. Hambleton, Wm. D. Hambleton and Kate , Grantee: Leonidas J. Smith, Date: 01-Mar-1902
Alexander C. Hambleton, Wm. D. Hambleton and Kate Hambleton, his wife, Benjamin F. Hambleton and Jas. D. Hambleton and Cora L. Hambleton his wife to Leonidas J. Smith tract adjoining land formerly of J. F. Duke, Geo. P. Hambleton containing 35 acres being land grantors as are the children of Benjamin L. Hambleton, dec'd. inherited from their grandfather James Hambleton, dec'd. adjoining lands of Geo. P Hambleton in division of lands of said James Hambleton, dec'd., land formerly owned by J. F. Duke, J. P. Hambleton, creek, reserving 1/4 acres for burying ground reserved. Sig. Alexander C. Hambleton, James D. Hambleton, Cora L. Hambleton, Benjamin F. Hambleton, Will. D. Hambleton, Kate Hambleton.
Book: 20, Page: 262, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: J.S. Harlow, Date: 14-Aug-1902
Mineral City Land Co. to J.S. Harlow of Louisa $56.25 lots #13, 29, 30 in block 98.
Book: 20, Page: 263, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: H.C. Hart, Date: 14-Aug-1902
Mineral City Land Co. to H.C. Hart of Louisa co. $56.25 for lots #8, 9,10 in block 39.
Book: 20, Page: 264, Grantor: Mineral City Land co, Grantee: James O. Carr, Date: 14-Aug-1902
Mineral City Land co to James O. Carr of Louisa co. $56.25 for lots #3, 5, 19 in block 39.
Book: 20, Page: 296, Grantor: W. H. Adams and Josephine C. Adams his wife, Grantee: Mrs. Edith Coyner, Date: 29-Sep-1902
W.H. Adams and Josephine C. Adams his wife to Mrs. Edith Coyner $160. land adjoining Mrs. W.A. Estes containing over 2 acres. Being land bought by W.H. Adams from commissioner in Estes vs. Estes. (Drawing) North of Lee street between Cecelia and Richmond adj Grace C. Adams on East and Thomas Enis on north.
Book: 20, Page: 302, Grantor: R. V. Graves and Bertie Graves his wife, Grantee: E. L. Mason, Date: 09-Aug-1902
R. V. Graves and Bertie Graves his wife to E. L. Mason of Louisa for $450 for 16 3/8 acres near Brian Post Office and situated on road leading from Mineral City to Holladay's Mill and between that road and the road leading to Vass' Ford being a portion of property conveyed to Frank M. Boxley and Bruce V. Boxley by deed from Thornton S. Jones and wife 10 May 1899. Bruce V. Boxley and wife conveyed all their interest in the property to said Frank M. Boxley 30 Dec 1901.
Book: 20, Page: 339, Grantor: W. H. Adams and Josephine C. Adams his wife, Grantee: Thomas Ennis, Date: 29-Sep-1902
W.H. Adams and Josephine C. Adams his wife to Thomas Ennis $15.00 land adjoining lands of said Ennis which he now resides known as block 6 in Town of Mineral .East Cecelia Ave., W. A. Estes estate now owned by Adams, line between Ennis and Adams intersection with Lee Street parallel to Cecelia. (Drawing)
Book: 20, Page: 363, Grantor: Bettie D. Smith and George B. Smith her husband, Grantee: William A. Winston and William Ke, Date: 06-Oct-1902
Bettie D. Smith and George B. Smith her husband of Louisa, P.B. Porter trustee for lots # 29, 30, 31 in block 23. 1st party will keep building insured for at least amount of secured debt. In trust to secure William A. Winston and William Kean trustees of Providence church or their successors for $277. at 6% also to secure George K. Sims for $110. Margin note_bonds cancelled.
Book: 20, Page: 365, Grantor: Mineral city Land Co., Grantee: A.R. Tate, Date: 14-Aug-1902
Mineral city Land Co. to A.R. Tate $26.25 for lot #2 block 37.
Book: 20, Page: 401, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: Maria Warren, Date: 13-Jul-1902
Mineral City Land Co. $93.75 to Maria Warren of Mineral lots #18, 20, 3, and 4 in block 23.
Book: 21, Page: 0, Grantor: Louisa Co., Cuckoo District, Grantee: Robert H. Beldin by James M. Hancock, Date: 11-Jul-1903
Louisa Co., Cuckoo District conveyed to Robert H. Beldin by James M. Hancock, deed Book 1865 and 1869 p 253 adjoining Kennedy and Butler. Land sold 10 Dec 1900 for taxes delinquent for year 1899 in name of R. H. Beldin and purchased by R. M. Woolfolk .11 Jul 1903.
Book: 21, Page: 31, Grantor: H.W. Quarles, Grantee: Clarence Q. Wilson, Date: 31-Aug-1903
Aug 1903 H.W. Quarles to Clarence Q. Wilson $75. lots # 13 and 14 in block 23
Book: 21, Page: 107, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: C.W. Horton, Date: 10-Feb-1903
Mineral City Land Co. $93.75 to C.W. Horton lots # 30, 31, 32 in block 58.
Book: 21, Page: 113, Grantor: Mineral City Mining Manufacturing and Land Co.,, Grantee: Mineral City Land Co., Date: 23-Jan-1901
Decree in Chancery Sep 1900 in suit Wilson assignee against Mineral City Mining Manufacturing and Land Co., W.E. Bibb, special Commissioner did sell on 23 Jan 1901 at the depot in Mineral City to Mineral City Land Co. for $100 lots in Mineral, also a 10 acres strip as shown by John W. Nunn. PLAT lot #7 B11, #29 B13, #28 B 23, #4 B 24, #30 B 78, #3 and #8 B62, also strip of land containing about 10 acres.
Book: 21, Page: 160, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: J.L. Sacre, Date: 14-Aug-1902
Mineral City Land Co. to J.L. Sacre of Louisa co. $56.25 for lots #20, 22, 23 in block 58.
Book: 21, Page: 175, Grantor: Mineral city Land Co., Grantee: Standard Oil Co., Date: 01-Oct-1903
Mineral city Land Co. to the Standard Oil Co. $100 for lots #4 and#5 in block 120A
Book: 21, Page: 227, Grantor: W. J. Coleman and Lizzie his wife, Grantee: George E. Safley, Date: 08-May-1903
W.J. Coleman and Lizzie his wife to George E. Safley, $400, 4 lots with buildings in town of Mineral on St. Cecelia Avenue, 100' and along 5th street, 100' to an alley. Being lots #17, #18, #19, #20 in block 81. Being same lots conveyed to W.J. Coleman by F.R. Moffitt and Nannie his wife by deed 3 Jan 1893 . Rec. 23 Jan 1893.
Book: 21, Page: 304, Grantor: Mineral City Land Co., Grantee: W.L. Bishop, Date: 01-May-1900
Mineral City Land Co. to W.L. Bishop of Mineral $140 lots #1 16 except lot #5 in block 58.
Book: 21, Page: 315, Grantor: Ralph N. Dickinson, Grantee: S. D. Todd and Mary F. Hansbrough, Date: 30-Aug-1881
Whereas by deed 26 Dec 1877 recorded 30 Aug 1881 Ralph N. Dickinson trustee and others conveyed to S. D. Todd and Mary F. Hansbrough tract knows as Jos. M. Baker's land containing 330 acres since which time they have sold some land leaving 257 1/2 acres and since that time Mary F. Hansbrough has departed this life leaving heirs Annie Hansbrough Taylor, wife of William Thomas Taylor of Richmond, Milton Todd, Frances Lee Todd now the wife of Otis Lee Wright, Henry Samuel Todd, and Elsie Todd Daniel now wife of Peter Ellis Daniel and agreeing to sell at public auction for a division. Auction held 15 Aug 1903 and knocked out to T. A. Daniel, Peter Ellis Daniel and Elsie Todd Daniel wife of Peter Ellis Daniel for $2,500 as equal purchasers of the tract on Duckinghole Creek adjoining Peyton Winston, William Johnson and others containing 257 1/2 acres reference made to deed Ralph N. Dickinson trustee to said S. D. Todd and Mary F. Hansbrough for better description.
Book: 21, Page: 318, Grantor: Charles E. Hughson and Nannie his wife and James W, Grantee: Frances L. Wright wife, Date: 06-Sep-1903
Charles E. Hughson and Nannie his wife and James W. Hughson trustee for Nannie to Frances L. Wright wife of O. L. Wright for $1,275 tract in Louisa adjoining R. E. Trice D and Flod Chaney in road leading from Louisa to Ellisville, Mrs. Issa P. Chiles cont. 99 1/4 acres being same land conveyed to Hughson by W. R. Moore 1 Oct 1901.
Book: 21, Page: 426, Grantor: Lasley, Jacob O., Grantee: Lasley, B. E. And Lula, Date: 06-Oct-1903
Transfers all of B. E. and Lula Lasley’s interest in a 210 acre parcel of land [known as the property Spring Grove] to Jacob O. Lasley for $200, with a stipulation that $100 will be paid presently and the remainder within a period of twelve months following the date of the deed.
Book: 21, Page: 429, Grantor: R. L. Gordon, Jr., Grantee: C. A. Poore, Date: 11-Aug-1902
R. L. Gordon, Jr. trustee in deed from heirs of W. L. Poore 11 Aug 1902 to secure debt to C. A. Poore sold the tract at public auction 28 Sep 1903 and Thomas J. Fleshman became purchaser at $860. this deed 12 Dec 1903 for 209 acres adjoining R. E. Poore, James Morris, Frederick Hughson begin all of land Wm. L. Poore died seized except tracts fold by Gordon under decrees of the Court. Rec. 12 Dec 1903.
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