Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book 5

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Book: 5, Page: 0, Grantor: Feb. Richard Talley and Julia Ann his wife, Grantee:  , Date:  
Feb. Richard Talley and Julia Ann his wife to exor. of Reuben B. Davis Release on the part of Julia Ann Talley, wife of Richard Talley, and Richard Talley in land Reuben Davis bought in his life time at auction due to bankruptcy of Richard Talley dec'd.

Book: 5, Page: 0, Grantor: John W. Davis, Grantee:  , Date: 09-Mar-1881
John W. Davis exor. of Reuben B. Davis, dec'd is allowed by the court to sell for the purpose of division parts of the estate . Reporting of such sale John W, Davis, exor. to James T. Jones 200a. being a part of Tolersville tract $2,000. bounded by C&O railroad, J. E. Jones, R. T. Bibb and others to Pendleton Depot. 9 Mar 1881. Sig. John W. Davis, exor.

Book: 5, Page: 1, Grantor: James E. Jones and Ella C. Jones his wife, Grantee: James V. Luce, John Luce, Francis Luce, Date: 12-Feb-1880
James E. Jones and Ella C. Jones his wife of Louisa to James V. Luce, John Luce, Francis Luce, Edward Luce partners of Luce Brothers of Conn. $6,500 for 88 acres adjoining Morrison's estate and the Slate Hill Gold Mine, R. R. Levy or Twey, and Jones. Being 88 acres of a tract containing 97 1/2 acres conveyed to James E. Jones by John Hunter, Jr. Special Comm. in suit Harris, Administrator and others against Harris and others deed dated 13 Jan 1880 rec. 31 Jan 1880 in Louisa . Land near Pendleton Station on C & O R. Way . All mineral rights and privileges on entire 97 1/2 acres and right to enter and explore. Rec. 12 Feb 1880. (Margin del . to Luce Bros.)

Book: 5, Page: 2, Grantor: Willis W. Proffitt and Betty C., his wife, Grantee: James V. Luce, John Luce, Francis Luce, Date: 12-Feb-1880
Willis W. Proffitt and Betty C., his wife, of Louisa to James V. Luce, John Luce, Francis Luce, and Edward Luce partners of Luce Brothers of Conn. $2400 with General Warranty title for 2 tracts of land in Louisa containing 118 2/3 acres bounded as described in deed dated 3 Jan 1838 recorded in Louisa 11 Jan 1838 from Chiswil B. Winston and Lucy t., his wife, to John F. Morrison as follows " on head waters of Little River adjoining Thomas Harris, center of Church Road, 3 Notch Road. Other tract containing 98 1/4 acres adjoining tract of 118 2/3 acres on opposite side of road being same land purchased by John T. Morrison from Unity Y. Pendleton but it was not paid for until after death of John T. Morrison and a deed taken by Roxanna Morrison, the widow and Ann T. D. Andrews the only child of John F. Morrison, Dec'd. dated 15 Feb 1853. Rec. 14 Mar 1853. The two tracts being same land conveyed to Willis W. Proffit by W. I Lorgan and wife, Y. K. Andrews and wife, and J. C. Johnson and wife by deed dated 2 Feb 1880 and recorded this day in Louisa. The first tract is conveyed with a reservation of the present enclosure for a grave yard not to exceed 20 feet square which is mentioned in deed from Langan and wife and others to Willis W. Proffit. Rec. 12 Feb 1880

Book: 5, Page: 20, Grantor: Amanda M. And Rebecca C. Garland, Grantee: Wm. D. Talley, Date: 01-Jan-1879
Deed 1 Jan 1879 Amanda M. And Rebecca C. Garland to Wm. D. Talley all of Louisa for $45 for a tract adjoining Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson, Dennis Moody, Minor Hackney and others containing 6 acres being a part of the old Laurel Hill Tract Sig. Amanda M. and Rebecca C. Garland. [Margin note] delivered to Wm. Talley.

Book: 5, Page: 52, Grantor: Mordecai Thomasson, Grantee: Elisha Melton, Date: 16-Jan-1880
Whereas Mordecai Thomasson by deed dated 10 Aug 1840 conveyed all his interest in estate of John Thomasson to Elisha Melton as trustee for benefit of his wife, Polly Thomasson, and his children: Frances, Thomas, Nancy O. and Elizabeth C. Thomasson and after death of Polly, Melton was to hold the land for the children . The children were to receive their portion upon arrival of lawful age. Whereas Betty C. Proffit who was Betty C. Thomasson and Nancy C. Thomasson are the only living heirs of Mordecai Thomasson, Dec'd. and have arrived long since of twenty one years, Francis and Thomas have long since departed this life intestate without issue and unmarried. Whereas in division of John Thomasson's landed estate of about 60 acres in deed referred to as land to Henry a Spean () was allotted to Mordecai Thomasson subject to trust deed to Melton trustee. Elisa Melton having departed this life, J. J. Porter by order of Court Jan 1880 was substituted. Whereas Willis W. Proffit and Betty C. his wife and Nancy C. Thomasson desire that land to be conveyed to them in order to make sale of the said 60 acres to Henry A. Sprean and his alliance "The Old Trinity Gold Mining Co. Rec. 13 Dec 1879. (trust deed)

Book: 5, Page: 68, Grantor: John Hunter,Jr., Grantee: James E. Jones, Date: 13-Jan-1880
John Hunter,Jr., Special Comm. to James E. Jones of Louisa in suit Harris vs. Harris 13 May 1878, 97 1/2 acres sold at auction to Jones at $2.50/acres. Jones fully paid for land. Being same land which Nathan A. Ware conveyed to George Kennon and which George Kennon and wife afterwards conveyed to Charles Harris and which Charles Harris' executors conveyed to Frederick L. Harris recorded in Louisa. land adjoining Frederick Harris, Joseph Grady, county road, rail road. Rec. 30 Jan 1880.

Book: 5, Page: 119, Grantor: Amanda M. and Rebecca C. Garland, Grantee: Miner Hackney, Date: 01-Jul-1879
Amanda M. and Rebecca C. Garland to Miner Hackney all of Louisa $79; tract adjoining Oregon Gibson, Dennis Moody, Julius Anderson and others containing 9 7/8 acres [no legal description]. Sig. Amanda M. Garland and Rebecca C. Garland. Rec. 22 Mar 1880

Book: 5, Page: 163, Grantor: Thomas F. West 1st, F. W. Chiles 2nd, John C. Camm, Grantee:  , Date: 20-Jun-1879
Release 20 Jun 1879 Thomas F. West 1st, F. W. Chiles 2nd, John C. Cammack Exor. of John C. Cammack, Dec'd. 3rd. deed of trust of 13 Nov 1874 has been paid. Rec. 9 Jun 1880.

Book: 5, Page: 256, Grantor: John W. Davis, Grantee: Henry Oliver, Date: 15-Jul-1880
John W. Davis as exor of Reuben Davis, Dec'd., with decree of Circuit Court on 30 Sep 1874 in Chancery case of Davis exor vs. Moody and wife, et al and Mary T. Davis, his wife, Matthew H. Pendleton and Ella M. his wife, Mary C. David, Willie P Davis and George A. Davis of Louisa and William C. Moody and Anna D. his wife of county and r. Frank Davis of the county of Augusa all of Virginia to Henry Oliver for $250; land adjoining Heram Stiffler, dec'd, Reuben B. David, dec'd., being a part of the old Tolersville tract on east side of the Public Road. 16 acres being same land R. B. Davis and wife conveyed to Thomas Ennis by deed 1 Sep 1868 and Ennis and wife conveyed to Ann M. Davis and John W. Davis, exor. 8 Sep 1870. Sig. John W. Davis, Mary Davis, M.H. Pendleton, E.M. Pendleton, Mary O. David, Willie Davis, George W. Davis, W.C. Moody, Annie D. Moody, R. F. Davis, Augusta County. Virginia Justice of Peace certifies R. Frank Davis acknowledged., Alleghany Co. Va. J. P. Certifies for W. C. Moody

Book: 5, Page: 305, Grantor: John W. Davis, Grantee: Luce Brothers and H. E. Havens, Date: 20-Sep-1880
John W. Davis, exor. of Reuben B. Davis, Dec'd. to Luce Brothers and H. E. Havens of Connecticut according to codicil of R. B. Davis' will and suit in style John W. Davis vs. heirs of R. B. Davis in Circuit Court $1,000 with special warranty each getting and undivided half, land on Contrary Creek adjoining B.C. Trice, S. C Harris and Garland Harris. 244 acres being land R. B. Davis purchased at bankrupt sale of Richard Talley. DB 5 p 108 19 May 1880 The Old Trinity Gold Mining Co. a Corporation organized under Laws of New York State 1st ( grantors) to Bettie C. Proffitt and Nancy C. Thomasson (grantees) of Louisa 2nd and James V. Luce, John Luce, Francis Luce and Edward Luce partners of Luce Brothers all of Conn 3rd part also grantees. $250 for two tracts in Louisa containing 60 and 14 acres being same land Henry _________ and wife conveyed to Trinity Gold Mining co. dated 13 Dec 1879 rec. 13 Dec 1879. Reserving all mineral rights of every kind and character. Reserving all right to present mill houses, black smith shop and shaft shelters and all other buildings, shall be able to erect new buildings and roads but not through the yard and garden of grantees without consent, firewood for kitchen use only but not for engine wood nor general sawing purposes. Parties of second part to have possession of other buildings. 1st party conveys to 3rd party all their rights hereby reserved to two tracts with all mineral rights, building, appurtenances, etc. Sig. Old Trinity Mining Co., William C. Church, President.. State New, County of N. Y. 25 May 1880 Commissioners certify for William C. Church president of Old Trinity Gold Mining co. of City of New York. DB 5 p 77 2 Feb 1880 William J. Longan and Ida D. his wife, formerly Ida D. Andrews, James C. Johnson and Cora R. his wife who was Cora R. Andrews and Zula K. Andrews the only heirs at law of R. D. Andrews who was only daughter and heir of John F. Morrison and Roxanna Morrison, both deceased, two tracts containing 118 2/3 acres and 98 1/4 acres being so entitled the above grantors filed their bill in Louisa Circuit Court Feb 1879 against said James C. Johnson and Cora R. his wife to get partition to the two tracts. Decree Sep 1879. The above have contracted with Willis W. Profitt to sell to him with general warranty for $950, two tracts described in deed dated 5 Jan 1838 from Chiswell B. Winston and Lucy T. his wife to John F. Morrison on headwaters of Little River, adjoining Thomas Harris, Church Road, New 3 Notched Road. Reserving only a small quantity of the 118 3/4 acres for grave yard not to exceed 20 square. The other tract containing 98 1/4 acres adjoining the 118 3/4 acres is on opposite side of the road being land John F. Morrison bought of Unity Y. Pendleton dated 15 Feb 1853. Rec. 11 Mar 1853 Louisa.

Book: 5, Page: 341, Grantor: Allerson and Adderson, Grantee:  , Date: 15-Jun-1880
Agreement between Allerson and Adderson of Richmond who will advance Chiles 80 bags of tobacco manure between 1 Jan 1880 and 1 Jan 1881. Chiles to execute a bond for $50. Rec. 25 Oct 1880.

Book: 5, Page: 389, Grantor: John W. Davis and Henry W. Murray, Grantee:  , Date: 11-Jul-1870
deed Trust 1880 Dec 13 John W. Davis and Henry W. Murray Trustee of 2nd part. Whereas under the last will and testament of Reuben B. Davis dec'd., Mary Davis, William P. Davis, George W. Davis, and H. Clay Davis were each entitled to receive a thousand coupon bonds of Virginia Central Railroad Co. and whereas the said John W. Davis, Exor. has never turned over said bonds to legatees or paid them anything on account with the exception of $150 in Nov 1880 John W. Davis being desirous to secure himself to his brothers and sisters hereby grants and conveys to Henry W. Murray all his interest in the will of Reuben B. Davis dec'd recorded in the clerks office of Louisa Co. Court 11 Jul 1870 . A. W. Talley, J.P certified for John W. Davis

Book: 5, Page: 398, Grantor: Thomas B. Harris, Grantee: Ann S. Harris, Date: 13-Sep-1875
Whereas Thomas B. Harris departed this life some time during 1875 leaving a will dated 7 Nov 1867 recorded 13 Sep 1875 by which he devised all his land in Louisa and Spotsylvania to his wife, Ann S. Harris, and his sister, Nancy Harris, for their lives. At the death of both of them the land to go to Nathan A. Ware. Whereas Nancy Harris has departed this life leaving Ann S. Harris and Nathan A. Ware has also departed this life recently intestate but in his life time agreed to sell to Squire Lewis a tract of 50 acres being part of a tract of 531 acres of which Thomas B. Harris died seized. The heirs of Nathan A. Ware and Ann S. Harris have agreed amongst themselves to carry out this contract with Squire Lewis. This deed 16 Sep 1880, Ann S. Harris, George E. Ware & Jammie, his wife; Thomas A. Ware and Sally M. his wife; Richard W. Lumsden and Sarah A. his wife who was Sarah A. Ware; Robert W. Harris and Julia E. his wife who was Julia E. Ware; B. W. ? & Mollie E. his wife who was Mollie E. Ware, Susie E. Ware, and Martha C. Ware, the widow, of Nathan Ware to Squire Lewis 50 acres being part of 531 acres where Thomas B. Harris lived bounded by the main road from Tolersville [Mineral] to Cuckoo with Morrisons Estate. Rec. 27 Dec 1880.

Book: 5, Page: 406, Grantor: P.B. Pendleton and Jane K. his wife, Grantee: James E. Jones, Date: 06-Jan-1881
P.B. Pendleton and Jane K., his wife, to James E. Jones $800 for land on C & O R. Way adjoining R. B. Davis, Charles Harris and others containing 21 acres, near Church Road. Geo. H. Cooke, notary public for Louisa certifies for P. B. Pendleton and Jane K. Pendleton. Rec. 10 Jan 1881.

Book: 5, Page: 448, Grantor: Henry W. Murry Special Commissioner in cause Buckn, Grantee: Pleasant Bullock, Date: 08-Sep-1879
Henry W. Murry Special Commissioner in cause Buckner vs. Wm. V. M. Hambleton's administrators to Pleasant Bullock. Bullock became purchaser 14 May 1877 of 2 lots being part of the real estate of Wm. V. M. Hambleton, dec'd. one lot containing 431/2 acres #1 and #3 lot containing 531/2 acres in all being a part of the lands of the late Capt. Wm. V. M. Hambleton, dec'd.

Book: 5, Page: 484, Grantor: Reuben B. Davis, Grantee: James E. Jones, Date: 27-Jan-1881
By last will and testament of Reuben B. Davis, John W. Davis, Exor to James E. Jones 200 acres being a part of Tolersville tract of land of R. B. Davis for $1000. Jones has fully complied with contact so John W. Davis releases to Jones said land with special warranty. (Plat)

Book: 5, Page: 498, Grantor: John Hunter, Grantee: James E. Jones, Date: 01-Apr-1881
John Hunter special Comm. to James E. Jones by decree 21 Mar 1881 Harris vs. Harris land near Pendleton Station 58 1/5 acres being land conveyed to Sarah L. Harris by N.W. Harris and wife deed dated 13 Apr 1866 mentioned as lot #2 in Contrary neighborhood near Va. Central R.Way ( Now C & O R.Way) adjoining Wm. Rennolds, R. B. Davis, Va. Central R.R. $200.

Book: 5, Page: 529, Grantor: Malvina and Rebecca C. Garland, Grantee: Dennis Moody, Date: 24-Dec-1880
Malvina and Rebecca C. Garland to Dennis Moody all of Louisa $154 tract adjoining Miner Hackney, Oregon Gibson, Dec'd., Wm. O. Talley, C. S. Garland and sister and others containing 18 acres beginning joint of road leading from Poindexter's gate with Elk Creek and Centerville Road, W. O. Talley, Elk Creek Road [legal description] being land Dennis Moody now resides. Sig. Malvina and Rebecca Garland. Wm. Waddy certifies for Misses Garland. Rec. 11 Apr 1880.

Book: 5, Page: 530, Grantor: Robert M Kent, Grantee: Luce Brothers, Date: 25-Mar-1878
Robert M Kent Special Commissioners under decree of Louisa Circuit Court in chancery suit of Harris and others against Bibb administrator and others at March term 1887 to Luce Brothers land belonging to estate of Robert T. Bibb, Dec'd., 10 acres for $2,850. near Pendleton Depot and C & O. R. Way. adjoining lands of estate of Reuben B. Davis and others Rec. 25 Mar 1878.

Book: 5, Page: 537, Grantor: Frank V. Winston and Mary D. his wife, Grantee: Robert Anderson, Date: 26-Nov-1880
Frank V. Winston and Mary D. his wife to Robert Anderson for money and labor for a piece of land cont. 3 acres about half a mile from Brooks and Perkins Mill in Louisa County adjoining the land now occupied by Pleasant Crawford, colored, and cut off from other land belonging to Frank V. Winston by a survey annexed hereto made by A. J. Perkins Oct 1876. Land to Robert Anderson during his life and then Maria Anderson wife of Robert Anderson, her heirs. This is the same land sold Robert Anderson 1876 and since then occupied by him. Sig. Frank V. Winston and Mary D. Winston.

Book: 5, Page: 557, Grantor: Hughson, William E., Grantee: Perkins, Robert C., Date: 01-Jul-1887
DB 5 – 557 1 Jul 1887 William E. Hughson and wife Coleman sell his crop of wheat debt of $19.61 to Robert C. Perkins for merchandise.

Book: 5, Page: 580, Grantor: John Smith, Grantee: wife Betty, Date: 30-Jan-1813
Will John Smith to wife Betty and then to children, granddaughter Frances Terry, Children David Smith, Ann Thomasson, Elizabeth Armstrong, Lovina Byars, John Smith, Nathan Smith, Thomas Smith, Ann Sims, Polly Terry, son John Smith exor. 30 Jan 1813. Wit. Richard W. Manteo, James Baughan, John Baughan.

Book: 5, Page: 587, Grantor: S. D. Todd and Sallie M. Todd his wife, Grantee: S. D. Todd and Mary T. Hansbrough, Date: 24-May-1887
deed of trust 24 May 1887 S. D. Todd and Sallie M. Todd his wife and Mary F. Hansbrough of Spotsylvania County 1st, John J. Porter of Louisa 2nd tract in Louisa adjoining Ralph M. Dickinson, William T. Bibb, Mr. Johnson and others containing 330 acres being land conveyed 26 Dec 1877 to S. D. Todd and Mary T. Hansbrough by Joseph M. Baker and others in trust to secure to Henry W. Murray payment of principal and interest on bond due Murray for $1,806.84 on 20 May 1887 payable on demand.

Book: 5, Page: 587, Grantor: Ralph N. Dickinson, Grantee: Joseph M. Bake, Date: 26-Dec-1877
Ralph N. Dickinson trustee in deed of trust 1 Jun 1869 rec. 27 Nov 1871 1st, Joseph M. Baker grantor of said trust 2nd and S. D. Todd and Mary F. Hansbrough 3rd part. By means of said trust deed Joseph M. Baker conveyed in fee simple his tract of land in Louisa on which he resided adjoining Joseph H. Johnson, R. N. Dickinson and others containing 405 acres in trust to secure Joseph M. Baker's bond of $300 dated 1 Jun 1869 with interest to Waller L. Holladay as trustee for Mary F. Hansbrough and Sallie M. Hansbrough. Whereas said land was bound by lien of judgment against sd. Joseph M. Baker and others in circuit court of Louisa in favour of William Walton's executors on 13 Apr 1867 for $847.05. Whereas the said Joseph M. Baker and L. M. Baker his wife with Ralph N. Dickinson as trustee and John M. Holladay trustee for Mary F. and Sallie M. Hansbrough by deed 27 Aug 1874 conveyed to E. L. Harrison a part of the said tract to wit 75 acres for $12 per acre thereby leaving the said tract of 335 acres unaffected by the said last mentioned deed. Whereas the said S. D. Todd hath since the date of the last deed intermarried with Sallie M. Hansbrough and whereas the beneficiaries under the said deed of trust having requested the trustee, Ralph N. Dickinson to proceed to sell the residue of the tract viz 330 acres in order to satisfy the amount due and in concurrence with the executor of William Walton dec'd. At a public auction 26 Dec 1877 S. D. Todd and Mrs. Mary F. Hansbrough purchased sd. tract for $11.30 per acre for a total of $3,729. The purchase money has been applied to payment of all debts of Joseph M. Baker which are now satisfied. This is a special warranty deed to S. D. Todd and Mary F. Hansbrough for 330 acres adjoining R. N. Dickinson, William T. Bibb and Mr. Johnson and others.

Book: 5, Page: 624, Grantor: John Hunter, Sr., Grantee: Mrs. S. M. Davis wife of John W. Davis, Date:  
Mrs. S. M. Davis wife of John W. Davis buys from John Hunter, Sr. land adj. lands of Reuben B. Davis, dec'd, near the depot on the RR at Tolersville; 5 4/5 a. Moody's and Smith's line and Hunter' line.

Book: 5, Page: 632, Grantor: E. Smith and J. W. Smith his wife, Grantee: John O. Smith, Nathan F. Smith, Hampton, Date:  
E. Smith and J. W. Smith his wife to John O. Smith, Nathan F. Smith, Hampton A. Smith, Eliza Ellet Smith 144 Acres known as homeplace adjoining Joseph W. Baker being land granted by James E. Smith to parties of 2nd part and to Nathan W. Smith and Susanna L. Smith for life 28 Feb 1877. Also all interest 1st parties have in property conveyed by Mary C. Smith to N. W. Smith for Susanna L. Smith 28 Jan 1878 being personal property. Sig. James E. Smith and Josephine W. Smith.

Book: 6, Page: 77, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles, his wife,, Grantee: Chiles and wife, Date: 09-Mar-1868
Deed of Trust 18 Apr 1882 Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles, his wife, 1st, James M. Wayt, trustee in a deed of marriage settlement between said Chiles and wife 2nd, and H. W. Murray trustee of this deed 3rd., Whereas T.M. Fowler, Guardian of S. W. and J.L. Pettus, has lent to said Chiles and wife $850. even date payable on demand. To secure said loan, in trust to H. W. Murray the following 3 tracts of land in Louisa County near North Anna River and near McGehees Mine and Holladay's Mill. 1st 200 acres, three roads and two perches less 38 acres that was sold to J A. Hillman and estimated in deed at 30 acres . Said 238 acres allotted to F. W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles in a partial division of the estate of Wm. D. Mansfield, Dec'd. by commissioners appointed by the Court confirmed 9 Mar 1868. See Will book 1865 1875 p 325 for report and plat. 2nd tract consisting of 168 2/3 acres being part of a tract of about 272 2/3 acres known as the "Beadles Tract" Chiles sold 104 acres off "Beadles Tract" to D. Lyon leaving 11.8 2/3 acres, rather this was the way the land was disposed of 130 of the 272 2/3 acres was sold by Chiles and wife to Lyon. Lyon sold back to Chiles 30 acres of the 130 and said Chiles sold to David Lyon 4 acres of the 272 2/3 acres thus leaving to Chiles and wife the said 11. 8 2/3 acres See DB 1877 and 1876 p 504 and 187 p 460. 3rd. a tract of 130 acres known as "Wharton" which adjoins lands of J. A. Hillman, said Chiles and others See DB 1871 p 82. The said 238 acres, 3 roads and 2 perches was settled in said Virginia D. Chiles by a deed from F. W Chiles and wife to J. M. Wayt, trustee, in DB 1865 and is described as a tract in Louisa containing 238 acres bounded on the north by North Anna River, East by Christopher Run and south by dower land of Mrs. Anne F. Mansfield being a part of the land formerly owned by William D. Mansfield, Dec'd. and the same land allotted to said Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, in her right by Joseph M. Baker, Joseph H Johnson and Edward S. Mansfield Comrs. acting under order of the Court. The 168 2/3 acres part of the 272 2/3 is described in deed J. T. Harris and Caroline C, his wife, to William D. Mansfield DB 1851 p 543 and the 130 acres are described in said deed from Boxley and wife in deed Wharton and others to William D. Mansfield DB 1854 p 107. Sig. F. W. Chiles, Virginia D. Chiles, and Jas. M. Wayt, trustee. John T. Goddin, notary public, of Richmond certifies for Jas. M. Wayt. 19 Apr 1882.. Rec. Louisa 11 May 1882

Book: 6, Page: 99, Grantor: Hardenia E. Johnson, Grantee: Hardenia, Emma E. and Arabella, Date: 01-Oct-1880
Hardenia E. Johnson widow of William Johnson, dec'd., Arabella J. Herring who was Arabella Johnson and now widow of W. W. Herring, dec'd., Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife who was Emma E. Johnson all of Louisa. By will all land to Hardenia, Emma E. and Arabella except 300 acres to Susan F. Wash. M. A. Hope, William A. Winston and R. C. Carpenter were chosen referees and to Hardenia E. gave all portion of Fork Creek separated from remainder of the tract by line in Fork Creek, on Joseph Duvalls, Simeon Jones containing 350 acres. To Arabella Herring all except 11 acres of tract called Carnells of the said balance of sd. land lying on Old Mountain Road known as Forkland adjoining Charles Dickensons estate containing 439 acres to Emma E. Walton residue known as Woodstock containing 400 acres. Daughters release title to their mother's land during her life time. William G. Walton justice certifies for grantors.

Book: 6, Page: 117, Grantor: Danne, Charles, Grantee: Va. Central Railroad, Date:  
Trevilians Station

Book: 6, Page: 128, Grantor: R. Y. Johnson, Grantee: John W, Davis agent and W. W. Proffit of, Date: 01-Apr-1883
R. Y. Johnson of Montgomery co., Tenn to John W, Davis agent and W. W. Proffit of Louisa land on headwaters of Contrary Creek 123 3/4 a. exempting right to access of family grave yard on 1/2 a bought by Johnson from special comm. of Schooler vs. Johnson & oc. being land assigned to Mrs. Barbara Johnson as her dower in real estate of her late husband Lewis Johnson described as Lot #1. 18 Jan 1883.

Book: 6, Page: 143, Grantor: John W. Davis, Grantee: Mary C. Young, Date: 07-Feb-1881
John W. Davis exor of Reuben Davis, dec'd, to Mary C. Young both of Louisa $100 . Mary C. Young wife of Thomas J. Young 15 a. near Tolersville adj. Frederick Hemmer, main county road to Louisa, road leaving Tolersville to Victoria Furnace and C&O RR.

Book: 6, Page: 203, Grantor: Fendol Chiles and Virginia D. his wife, to Henry W, Grantee: Henry W. Murray, Date: 08-Sep-1882
Deed of Trust Fendol Chiles and Virginia D. his wife, to Henry W. Murray for bond dated 8 Sep 1882 for $499.20.

Book: 6, Page: 234, Grantor: Henry W. Murray, Grantee: William L. Poore, Date: 20-Sep-1882
Henry W. Murray, Special Commissioner in suit Ware and oc vs. Ware administrators to William L. Poore for tract containing 303 acres it being a part of land of Nicholas M. Ware, dec'd. adjoining lands of William W. McGehee, Richardson and other for $3.50 per acres. Rec. 13 Nov 1882.

Book: 6, Page: 298, Grantor:  , Grantee: W. J. Kennon, Date: 15-Oct-1883
Promissory note to W. J. Kennon for Dissolved Bond Phosphate for wheat crop of 1883.

Book: 6, Page: 320, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: Henry Murray, Date: 30-Jan-1883
Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, to Henry Murray; 15 acres adjoining John M. Holladay and R. M. Kent on Road from Wares X Roads to Holladay Mill; $120. Sig. Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles. Notary of Spots. Co. certified for Chiles and wife. 31 Jan 1883

Book: 6, Page: 321, Grantor: F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: Jesse J. Porter, Date: 19-Jan-1883
Deed of Trust 1 Jul 1880 F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, of Louisa to Jesse J. Porter, trustee, of Louisa, In trust one tract of land known as "Clifton" cont. 340 acres more of less adjoining Mrs. F. B. Boxley, R. M. Dickinson and others, being same land where Chiles now resides on Christophers Run and the North Anna River. Also another tract of land on south side of North Anna River containing 272 acres called Beadles adjoining the above tract of 340 acres. In trust to secure to W. E. Bibb of Louisa $528.72 by note of even date payable in 6 mos. Sig. F. W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles. Henry O. Bibb, notary Public for Louisa certifies for F. W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles 26 Jul 1880. Rec. 19 Jan 1883 (Margin note See DB 1883 p 38 for release deed)

Book: 6, Page: 354, Grantor: Hardenia E. Johnson, Arabella J. Herring, Joel W. , Grantee: James Overton, Date: 16-Feb-1883
Hardenia E. Johnson, Arabella J. Herring, Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife to James Overton for $380 for tract on Fork Creek adjoining E. C. Wash and others cont. 76 acres adj. Fork Creek, Joseph Duvall, Joel and Emma Walton, E. c. Wash, John P. Smith being part of estate of William Johnson, dec'd. allotted sd. Hardenia for life. Sig. by Hardenia E. Johnson, Arabella J. Herring; Joel W. Walton, Emma E. Walton.

Book: 6, Page: 381, Grantor: Mary A. Butler wife, Grantee: obtain a divorce from bed and board, Date:  
Mary A. Butler wife of Matthew Butler who sues by Matthew A. Butler her son and next friend against Matthew Butler April Rules 1883. Object is to obtain a divorce from bed and board of same Matthew and recover alimony, effected is a tract of 50 acres adjoining E. S. Trainham, R. S. Ellis where Matthew now resides and 22 acres adjoining R. S. Ellis and J. B. Riner.

Book: 6, Page: 471, Grantor: F. W. Chiles and Virginia D, his wife, Grantee: Sarah Jackson, Date: 27-Sep-1880
F. W. Chiles and Virginia D, his wife, to Sarah Jackson; $130; 17 acres adjoining Chiles on East, Guy Hart on South, Chiles on West and W. Sheelor on the North. Ref. plat 17 Nov 1871. Sig. F. W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles. John M. Holladay commissioner in Chancery of Spots certifies for the Chiles 24 Aug 1883. Rec. 5 Sep 1883

Book: 7, Page: 11, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: Guy Hart, Date: 31-May-1876
Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, to Guy Hart; $141; 17 3/4 acres adjoining Alexander Butler and Chiles. Ref. plat.

Book: 7, Page: 16, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles, his wife, Grantee: James M. Wayts, Date: 17-Nov-1883
Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles, his wife, of Louisa County, first part; James M. Wayts, trustee in deed 3 Jan 1868 recorded Jan 1868 of Richmond, Virginia, second part; and Pallerson B. Mills and Evelina B. Mills, his wife, of third part ; tract of land containing 331 acres of which 200 acres, 3 roads and 2____ conveyed to James M. Wayts as trustee in deed Jan 3, 1868. Land adjoining Ralph Dickinson, Dr. James R. Boxley, Henry Muray (colored), John C. Hillaman, and others containing 331 acres. In fee simple to Evelina Mils free from her husband. Signed Fendol W. Chiles, Virginia D. Chiles, James Wayt, trustee for Virginia D. Chiles PLAT p 17.

Book: 7, Page: 120, Grantor: Henry W. Murray 1st, Robert Henning 2nd, Fendol W., Grantee:  , Date: 30-Jan-1883
Release 16 Feb 1881 Henry W. Murray 1st, Robert Henning 2nd, Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles 3rd.; Release on deed of trust made 30 Jan 1883 on Beadles tract having been paid.

Book: 7, Page: 153, Grantor: F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: Julius Hall, Date: 28-Feb-1884
F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, to Julius Hall all of Louisa; $260 secured; tract adjoining John A. Hillman, James Boxley, Guy Hart and others containing 34 1/3 acres. Sig. F.W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles. ( Margin note sent to Mildred Hall)

Book: 7, Page: 154, Grantor: F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: Phillip Terrell, Date: 28-Feb-1884
F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, to Phillip Terrell; $121.25 part secured by bond; 24 1/4 acres adjoining Granville Terrell, Thomas Sheelor, North Anna River. Sig. F. W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles

Book: 7, Page: 154, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles, Grantee: Guy Hart, Date: 28-Feb-1884
Fendol W. Chiles to Guy Hart; $43; for 7 1/6 acres adjoining John Hall, Granville Terrell. Sig. F.W. Chiles and Virginia D. Chiles

Book: 7, Page: 155, Grantor: F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: Granville Terrell, Date: 28-Feb-1884
F. W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, to Granville Terrell all of Louisa; $111.50 secured by 3 bonds; 17 acres adjoining Guy Hart.

Book: 7, Page: 325, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: John H. Sheelor, Date: 28-Feb-1884
Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, John H. Sheelor; $112.50 secured; 22 1/2 acres adjoining Albert Watson, Overton Jackson, Thomas Sheelor and others. Rec. 8 Sep 1884.

Book: 7, Page: 357, Grantor: Geo. K. Anderson, Grantee: L. M. Hambleton, Date: 04-Oct-1884
Geo. K. Anderson special Commissioner to L. M. Hambleton $87.22 for tract bought at auction 9 Aug 1884 adjoining S. C. Harris containing 6 6/10 acres it being tract lately owned by Thomas Bird which in the division of his estate fell to Lucy Bird, dec'd.

Book: 7, Page: 424, Grantor: Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, Grantee: James Beckly and Susan Beckly, his wife, Date: 27-Sep-1880
Fendol W. Chiles and Virginia D., his wife, to James Beckly and Susan Beckly, his wife; $128; 19 acres adjoining on the East A. R. Holladay, Dec'd., on North between Sarah Jackson and Holladay, John A. Hillman and Holladay and Chiles.

Book: 7, Page: 430, Grantor: William F. Johnson, Grantee: John Hunter, Date: 12-May-1832
I William F. Johnson of Goochland Co. appoint John Hunter, clerk of Louisa, my lawful attorney as security of Seymour Johnson as executor of Anderson W. Johnson, dec'd. of Louisa. 12 May 1832. Sig. William F. Johnson.

Book: 7, Page: 443, Grantor: Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife, Grantee: Jeny Pendleton, Date: 01-Jan-1885
Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife to Jeny Pendleton for $224.50 for tract on Fork creek cont. 44 9/10 acres adjoining Mrs. Hardenia E. Johnson being part of land of Mrs. Emma E. Walton in division of estate of her father, William Johnson, dec'd.,. sig. Joel W. Walton and Emma A. Walton.

Book: 7, Page: 445, Grantor: Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife, Grantee: Miles H. Gardner, Date: 10-Jan-1885
Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife to Miles H. Gardner for $1,000 for 1st. tract called Woodstock where Walton and wife now reside on Fork Creek adjoining estate of Charles Dickinson, Mrs. Hardenia E. Johnson containing 313? acres being all land assigned to Mrs. Emma E. Walton in division of estate of her father, William Johnson, dec'd., except 86? acres which has been sold and 2nd tract called Elm Hill on which William G. Walton now resides on Cub Creek adjoining estate of James Burnley, dec'd. , Atwood Wash, James Walton cont. 204? acres. In trust to secure bond executed by Joel W. Walton to Mrs. Sarah K. Holladay for $1,000 with waiver of homestead act. Sig. Joel W. and Emma E. Walton. [Margin note: The limitation of the right to enforce this trust deed from Joel W. Walton and Emma E. his wife dated 10 Jan. 1885 is hereby extended by Emma E. the present owner of the tract of land herein first described and Joel W. Walton having departed this life for the period of 20 years from this date in accordance with Lic 1985 of ? Code of Virginia Given under my hand 9 day Sept. 1905. Sig. Emma E. Walton]

Book: 7, Page: 698, Grantor: Miss R. C. Garland, Grantee: H. C. Chisholm, Date: 28-May-1885
deed 28 May 1885 Miss R. C. Garland to H. C. Chisholm trustee, my black mare named Prince in trust to secure to Wm. Ira Kennon payment of a note for $33.25 made 15 Jun 1885 due on or before 1 Dec 1885.

Book: 7, Page: 706, Grantor: James E. Jones and Ella C. his wife, Grantee: Francis Luce, Edward Luce, James Luce an, Date: 24-Mar-1884
James E. Jones and Ella C. his wife to Francis Luce, Edward Luce, James Luce and John Luce partners in business known as Luce Brothers in state of Conn. $10 for 86 acres adjoining Main gate on the road leading from Pendleton Station in the C & O R. Way to Luce Gold Mining Mills, and James E. Jones. in fee simple.

Book: 7, Page: 771, Grantor: Lawrence M. Hambleton and Mary J. Hambleton, Grantee: John L. Butler, Date: 14-May-1885
Lawrence M. Hambleton and Mary J. Hambleton to John L. Butler trustee a tract adjoining Mrs. Permelia A. Easton, Samuel C. Harris containing 35 6/10 acres known as the Lucy Bird Tract being same tract purchased by Lawrence M. Hambleton from Geo. K. Anderson special Commissioner. I trust to secure payment of debt to John H. Whitlock o $91.15 due 14 May 1885. Sig. Lawrence M. Hambleton and Mary J. Hambleton.

Book: 8, Page: 29, Grantor: John Hunter Jr., Grantee: Alexander C. Hambleton, Date: 11-Jan-1886
John Hunter, Jr., special Commissioner to Alexander C. Hambleton in suit Trice and Harris vs. Hancock and others 21 3/4 acres purchased 20 Dec 1882 adjoining Contrary Creek.

Book: 8, Page: 165, Grantor: Dunn, William M., Grantee: Homestead Act, Date: 02-Jun-1886
I W. M. Dunn a citizen of Louisa County, declare my intention of taking the benefit of the Homestead Act of the General Assembly of Va., one horse, $40.00, balance due me for work on W. W. Bennetts house by W. W. Bennett's … $98.25 ...

Book: 8, Page: 177, Grantor: Rebecca C. Garland, Grantee:  , Date: 05-Jul-1886
Rebecca C. Garland of Louisa avail myself of the Homestead law of Virginia in addition to what I have previously claimed and the following in list of property I now sit apart as my homestead to my interest in present crops of wheat, straw, chaff, oats, tobacco and corn and porovender now sowed and growing on my place at the present also potatoes and ? worth about 100.00. 5 Jul 1886 Sig. Rebecca C. Garland.

Book: 8, Page: 207, Grantor: Wood, John, Grantee: Sanner, Josiah C., Date: 01-Nov-1824
DB 8, page 207 Nov 1824, John Wood of Louisa and Josiah C. Sanner of Orange County $1,200. Land in Louisa County on both sides of the main road leading from Louisa to Gordonsville adjoining the lands of Robert Dalton, Nancy Robinson, Martin Dunn, Joshua Hughes heirs, Mrs. Kennon and Champ Terry containing By estimation 60 acres be the same more or less and is the same land purchased by the said Wood of Sucky Dunn by deed bearing date June 18, 1822 and being recorded in Louisa court.

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