Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book BB

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Book: BB, Page: 403, Grantor: John B. Shelton, Grantee: John H. Amos, Date: 04-Oct-1850
John B. Shelton to John H. Amos all of Louisa for $260.81 for a tract on Owen's Creek adjoining William Shelton, Minor deceased, and Nelson Anderson being originally part of tract belonging to Mrs. Martha Lucas dec'd. and on a division among legatees of William Shelton the elder to whom the said land reverted on the death of sd. Lucas, the lot was assigned to William Shelton (Insane) containing 53 1/2 acres. Sig. Jno. B. Shelton.

Book: BB, Page: 434, Grantor: David C. Skerrett, M.D., Grantee: Slate Hill Gold Mining Co., Date: 05-Nov-1850
David C. Skerrett, M.D. of Phildelphia and Fanny E., his wife, and Isaac D. Budd of Phildelphia, Pa, stock and exchange broker, to Slate Hill Gold Mining Co. of Virginia; $5.00 for tract near upper branches of East North East Creek containing by survey 81 1/4 acres adjoining Robert Andrews, Richard Talley, Anderson Talley, and Charles Harris. Being the same tract or parcel of land which Richard Talley and Sarah, his wife, sold 14 Feb 1850 recorded 26 Mar 1850 to David C. Skerrett and Isaac D. Budd. Sig. D. C. Skerrett, F. E. Skerrett, Isaac D. Budd. Wit. Anthony E. Stocker and James C. Turnpenny in State of Penn.

Book: BB, Page: 524, Grantor: Robert H. Andrews 1st part, Yulee K. Andrews 2nd p, Grantee:  , Date: 28-May-1851
Robert H. Andrews 1st part, Yulee K. Andrews 2nd part, Reuben Davis 3rd Part, Yulee K Andrews son of Robert H. Andrews slaves allotted to him from the division of the estate of John F. Morrison dec'd. Roxanna S. Morrison widow of John F. Morrison, dec'd. slaves, Mose, Gariel, John, Matilda and child, Alice and future increase, Alfred, Andrew and Charles. In Trust nevertheless shall permit Robert H. Andrews to hold possession of slaves for life and have power to govern . Upon Andrews death Davis is to deliver the slaves to his son Yulee or any brother and sisters.

Book: BB, Page: 564, Grantor: Isaac D. Budd and David C. Skerrett Richard Talley, Grantee: George H. Thomson, Date:  
Isaac D. Budd and David C. Skerrett had a bond due Richard Talley and George W. Fisher for $1,060 which Talley and Fisher assigned to George H. Thomson of Phildelphia and has now been paid. Sig. President and Directors of Slate Hill Mining Co. J. D. Budd, D. C. Skerrett, George H. Thomson, John Hunter and Jos. K. Pendleton. Wit. James C. Freeman, George Jenkins, Jr. of Phildelphia.

Book: DD, Page: 0, Grantor: Louisa Gold Mining company in the County, Grantee: John Samuel, Date:  
Whereas the Louisa Gold Mining company in the County of Louisa and State of Virginia only incorporated as such a few years since by an act of the Virginia Legislature is justly indebted to John Samuel of the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania in the sum of Thirty nine hundred dollars of lawful money of the United States with interest on the same after the rate of six per centum per annum from the eleventh day of Apr 1854 until paid. Which note duly signed by Charles E. Seidel the agent or superintendent of the said Company at the time of making the same is filed among the papers in a Foreign attachment suit in the Circuit Court of Louisa County the style of which may be described as John Samuel against the said Seidel and the Louisa Gold Mining Company which suit has been recently dismissed for the want of jurisdiction of the same as is supposed in a court of Equity but without prejudice to the rights of the said Samuel in a court of Law. And whereas it is still proper and expedient to secure the payment of the said note with all interest that has accrued or shall accrue on the same to the said Samuel and his heirs and assigns, the validity of the same being in no respect questioned, and whereas the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company is also indebted to the following names of persons for loans heretofore made by them to said Company to wit, to Stacey B. Barcroft in the sum of Six thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars upon loans made as follows; October ninth 1850 $1500, January thirteenth 1851 $1500, September ninth 1851 $810, July seventh 1852 $1200, October twenty third 1852 $650, June ninth 1853 $1200; To Joseph Cabot in the sum of one thousand dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $250., January thirteenth 1851 $250, July seventh 1852 $200, October twenty third 1852 $100, June ninth 1853 $200: To Edward and David Gratz in the sum of Seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $2000., January thirteenth 1851 $2000,September ninth 1851 $675, July seventh 1852 $925, October twenty third 1852 $775, June ninth 1853 $1475; To Charles Schaffer in the sum of seventeen hundred and ten dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $375, January thirteenth 1851 $375, September ninth 1851 $200, July seventh 1852 $300, October twenty third 1852 $160, June ninth 1853 $300; To George H. Thomson in the sum of Four thousand, one hundred and eighty dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $1000, January thirteenth 1851 $1000, September ninth 1851 $540, July seventh 1852 $500, October twenty third 1852 $400, June ninth 1853 $740: To J. R. Knox in the sum of one hundred dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $50, January thirteenth 1851 $50; To Henry Seybert in the sum of two thousand one hundred and ten dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $550, January thirteenth 1857 $550, September ninth 1851 $270, July seventh 1852 $370, June ninth 1853 $370; To D.F. Willing in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $125, January thirteenth 1851 $125. To Isaac W. Potts in the sum of twenty five dollars upon a loan made October ninth 1850. To Thomas Dunlap in the sum of eight hundred and thirty five dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $375, October twenty third 1852 $160, June ninth 1853 $300. To Nalbro Frazier in the sum of eight hundred dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $250, January thirteenth 1851 $250, October twenty third 1852 $100, June ninth 1853 $200. to Benjamin W. Frazier in the sum of eight hundred dollars upon loans made as follows: October ninth 1850 $250, January thirteenth 1851 $250, October twenty third 1852 $100, June ninth 1853 $200, with interest on said loans respectively at the rate of six per centum per annum from said dates. And whereas it is proper and expedient to secure the payment of the said loans to the said parties their heirs and assigns. Now therefore this ure witnesseth that the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company for and in consideration of the premises and especially for the pecuniary consideration of the sum of ten dollars of lawful money of the United States, to them in hand paid by John Hunter of the County of Louisa and Egbert N. Watson of the County of Albemarle in the said State of Virginia the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold, aleined, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alein enfeoffed confirm and deliver unto them the said John Hunter and Egbert R. Watson and their heirs and assigns forever all the property real, personal and mixed of the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company of whatever description or kind the same may be. Situate lying and being in the said County of Louisa on and near the branches of North East Creek supposed to contain in the aggregate about seven hundred acres more or less it being the same premises which were purchased some years since by George H. Thomson of the said City of Philadelphia of Thomas B. Harris, Anderson Talley, James L. Harris, Lewis Thomasson and others and which said George H. Thomson and wife and the North East Gold Mining Company by deeds and release granted and conveyed unto the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company to which conveyances and release of record in the Clerk's Office of the said County of Louisa reference is hereby made for a more minute description of the said land. It adjoins the lands of Francis Waldrop, of Hugh Goodwin, dec'd, Joseph K. Pendleton and others. To Have and to hold the said body of land which is hereinbefore described, being all the land which stands recorded in the Clerk's Office of Louisa County in the name of the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company unto them the said John Hunter and Egbert R. Watson, their heirs and assigns forever absolutely and in fee simple and the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company aforesaid covenants and agrees to and with the said John Hunter and Egbert R. Watson and their heirs and assigns and the heirs and assigns of the survivors of them ever to warrant and defend the title to the said property and every part and parcel of the same as far as by the laws of Virginia they are authorized to do so but no farther. But in Trust nevertheless that the said The Louisa Gold Mining Company shall be permitted to retain peaceable and quiet possession of the whole of the said Mining property both real and personal and to receive to and for the use of the said company the rents issues and profits of the same until the said John Samuel or his assigns or proper representatives or the said Stacey B. Barcroft, Joseph Cabot, Edward and David Gratz, Charles Schaffer, George H. Thomson, J. R. Knox, Henry Seybert, D. F. William, Isaac W. Potts, Thomas Dunlap, Natbro Frazier and Benjamin W. Frazier or either of them their or either or any of their heirs and assigns or legal representatives shall request in writing the said John Hunter and Egbert R. Watson or either of them to sell the same or part of the same for the payment of the debts loans and interest on the same which are hereinbefore described. Then and in that case it shall be the duty and privilege of the said Hunter and Watson or of either of them or of the legal representatives of either of them upon being so requested to proceed to advertise the said mining property by proper advertisement for at least thirty days previously to selling, one copy of such advertisement shall be inserted once a week for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the said City of Philadelphia and other copies of the same shall be duly posted at various public places in the said County of Louisa including one at the front door of Louisa Courthouse for and during the said period of thirty days and then if the said note of thirty nine hundred dollars or of the said loans of six thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars, one thousand dollars, seventy eight hundred and fifty dollars, seventeen hundred and ten dollars, forty one hundred and eighty dollars, one hundred dollars, twenty one hundred and ten dollars, two hundred and fifty dollars, twenty five dollars, eight hundred and thirty five dollars, eight hundred dollars and eight hundred dollars or any part of the same or either of them or of any interest on the same or either of them shall remain due and unpaid to proceed to sell either the whole of the said property of The Louisa Gold Mining Company real, personal and mixed or so much of the same as will suffice to pay off the said amount and seem due to John Samuel and the said loans to Stacey b. Barcraft, Joseph Cabot, Edward and David Gratz, Charles Schaffer, George H. Thomson, J. R. Know, Henry Seybert, D. F. Willing, Isaac W. Potts, Thomas Dulap, Nalbro Frazier and Benjamin W. Frazier or such part of the same or any or either of them principal or interest as shall be due and unpaid as to the expediency of selling the whole of the said property or only so much of the same as will satisfy the said note and loans. The said Hunter and Watson or either of them who shall act or the representatives of either of them who shall act are hereby invested with full and absolute power and discretion in order not to impair the interest of the stockholders. The place of selling whether on the premises or elsewhere shall be at the discretion of the said Hunter and Watson or of either of them who shall act or of the afore representatives of either of them who shall act. If under this deed of Trust a sale of the property herein described shall at any time become proper the said Hunter and Watson or either of them who shall sell for ready money, From the proceeds of such sale shall be paid first a commission of five percentum to the trustee or trustees who shall act as such and all other costs incident to the carrying of this deed into full effect including a reasonable and proper attorney f

Book: DD, Page: 12, Grantor: John C. Talley and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Nathan A. Ware, Date: 17-Feb-1854
John C. Talley and Elizabeth his wife of Louisa to Nathan A. Ware of same $200 all interest of John C. Talley and Elizabeth his wife in the estate of George Talley dec'd. now held by his widow Sarah Talley ruing her life real Personal or mixed. wit. Lewis C. McGehee, Matthew Anderson, William Sheeler.

Book: DD, Page: 14, Grantor: Cowherd, James wife, Grantee: Tisdale, Martha A., Date: 11-Sep-1854
[no abstract]

Book: DD, Page: 47, Grantor: Snow, Richard D. & wife, Grantee: Carver, John, Date: 07-Oct-1854
[no abstract]

Book: DD, Page: 49, Grantor: Trevilians, Charles , Grantee: Lane, Edward H., Date: 12-Jun-1857
[no abstract]

Book: DD, Page: 72, Grantor: Hundley, Larkin, Grantee: Dunn, Benjamin Franklin, Date: 29-Nov-1854
Larkin Hundley, John M. Hundley and Elizabeth his wife heirs at law of Margaret Hundley late of Louisa County appoint Dr. Benjamin F. Dunn our lawful attorney to sell our interest real and personal in estate of Margaret Hundley and or sue 26 Oct. 1854. Sig. John (x) Hunley, Larkin Hunley, Elizabeth Hunley who all appeared before justices of Scott County, Indiana 31 Oct. 1854. Recorded Louisa 29 Nov. 1854

Book: DD, Page: 77, Grantor: Hundley, Margaret dec'd, Grantee: May, John S., Date: 28-Apr-1841
The late Margaret Hundley dec'd an the 28th April 1841 sell to John S. May acertain family of negros -- Dick and his wife Fanny and their children May, Fanny, Isaac, Jacob, Dartholas, last is since dead (Benj. E. Dunn atty for Larkin Hundley)

Book: DD, Page: 77, Grantor: Dunn, Benjamin F., Grantee: May, John S., Date: 22-Dec-1854
Benjamin F. Dunn as attorney-in-fact for John Hunley and Larkin Hunley. Margaret Hundley, dec'd. did on 28 April 1841 sell to John S. May a family of Negroes namely Dick and his wife Fanny and their children Mary, Fanny, Isaac, Jacob and Darthular which last is since dead and May executed a bond for $1,000 which has been paid off but not taken in. Therefore James Hundley, Squire Hundley, William Hundley and Joseph Dodd who is intermarried with Frances Hundley and Benjamin F. Dunn attorney in fact for John and Larkin Hundley all lawful heirs of Margaret Hundley, dec'd. sell to John S. May the slaves. wit. Jesse Bibb, Robert P. Bibb, Felix Moore. Rec. 22 Dec. 1854

Book: DD, Page: 78, Grantor: David Lipscomb, Grantee:  , Date:  
David Lipscomb of Louisa did by his last will appoint his son Nathan Lipscomb of the state of Georgia, Lewis Johnson of Spotsylvania County, and Francis W. Jones of Louisa executors of said will recorded in Louisa 10 Jun 1850. Johnson and Jones surviving executors, Nathan Lipscomb having died. By said will executors were required to sell both real and personal property of the testator except what was specifically devised and in conformity with the will and two decrees of the circuit Court of Louisa pronounced Apr 1851 and August 1851 in chancery in Lipscomb Executors against Lipscomb & others on 4 Nov 1851 the executors sold to Joseph M. Baker, he being the highest bidder the mansion house tract containing 648 1/2 acres for $12,346.87 payable by three bonds due from Baker with William Baker and Alfred Baker as coobligers and the said William by an agreement with Joseph M. Baker having agreed to take the westerly part of the said tract containing 253 1/2 acres and Joseph M. Baker taking 405 acres being the residue of the mansion tract. The said bond for the sum of $12,346.87 having been paid off, now on this 11 Dec 1854 Francis W. Jones surviving executor conveys to Joseph M. Baker a tract on Duckinghole Creek containing 405 acres being part of the home tract of David Lipscomb dec'd. adj. Capt. James H. Terrell, John Hester, William Stout, Nathan Smith Col. Garrett C. McGehee on a branch in Ralph N. Dickinson line, road in Mrs. Julia Holladys line. [copy]

Book: DD, Page: 85, Grantor: David Lipscomb, Grantee: Nathan Lipscomb, Date: 04-Nov-1851
Whereas David Lipscomb late of Louisa died leaving a will recorded in Louisa requested sale of his real estate by his executors Francis W. Jones, Lewis Johnson and his son Nathan Lipscomb, said Nathan Lipscomb died before the will was admitted to record. Jones and Johnson qualified and in pursuance of the will and by a decree of the Circuit Court of Louisa in chancery sold the real estate 4 Nov 1851 to the highest bidder at public auction when John Hunter became the purchase of a tract containing 462 acres at $4 per acre on 3 years credit. This deed 30 Dec 1854 Francis W. Jones surviving executor of David Lipscomb dec'd., said Lewis Johnson having died, to John Hunter tract containing 462 acres on waters of Contrary Creek adjoining Edwin Baker, Groom, Mills, east side of the old church road and William Baker.

Book: DD, Page: 95, Grantor: David Hambleton, Grantee: William Bagby, Date: 22-Nov-1854
David Hambleton to William Bagby for $48.121/2 tract acres on Hensons Creek being part of tract where David Hambleton lives adjoining Harden S. Duke, Henson's Creek, Bagby containing 9 5/8 acres. Signed D. Hambleton.

Book: DD, Page: 106, Grantor: Josephus Wash and Eliza A. his wife, Grantee: William Johnson, Date: 04-Jan-1851
Josephus Wash and Eliza A. his wife to William Johnson for $323.06 on waters Fork Creek being part of the Fork Creek tract adjoining Josephus Wash, William Johnson, A. G. Walton and John Mitchell containing 39? acres. Sig. Josephus and Eliza A. Wash, William S. Walton and Philip H. Jones, justices certify for Washes. Recorded 8 Jan. 1855.

Book: DD, Page: 107, Grantor: Letitia Wharton, Grantee: William D. Mansfield, Date: 01-Oct-1854
Letitia Wharton, widow of Samuel Wharton, Deceased, William Wharton and Mary a. his wife, John Wharton and Elizabeth his wife, Malcolm Wharton and Susan R. his wife, Samuel Wharton and Lucy his wife, Susan a. Wharton, Sarah Wharton, John W. Cole and Nancy his wife, Brooks Symcoe and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Lancaster and Mary his wife, Richard Lancaster and Hulda his wife, William S. Cosby and Levina his wife, David Glass and Parmelia his wife, heirs and distributees of Samuel Wharton, Dec'd. to William D. Mansfield of Luisa and Waller Holladay of Spotsylvania. 130 acres adjoining Nelson's Bridge, Christopher Run, William D. Mansfield, Reserving 1/4 acres for graveyard. 633/4 acres to Benjamin Holladay.

Book: DD, Page: 118, Grantor: Hundley, William, Grantee: Dunn, Benjamin Atty, Date: 20-Jan-1855
William Hundley, 1st, Benjamin F. Dunn attorney in fact for Larkin Hundley and Samuel H. Parrott attorney in fact for James Hundley to John S. May trustee. William Hundley indebted to Benjamin F. Dunn $159. In trust 53 acres bounded as expressed in deed of equal date from said Dunn and Parrott attorney aforesaid and with 30 acres adjoining as his portion of land belonging to Margaret Hundley, dec'd. by a compromise with his brother. Recorded 20 Jan. 1855

Book: DD, Page: 141, Grantor: Geo. Vest, Grantee: Wm. W. McGehee, Date: 24-Jan-1855
Geo. Vest to Wm. W. McGehee $160 tract on South Anna cont 20a adj. Geo. Vest, Ellis G. Hughson, McGehee.

Book: DD, Page: 168, Grantor: Layfette Riodian, Grantee: William V. M. Hambleton, Date: 03-Mar-1855
Layfette Riodian indebted to William V. M. Hambleton $50. Garland T. Waddy trustee, Deed of trust from Riodian to Hambleton.

Book: DD, Page: 191, Grantor: Hugh Davis and Margaret F. his wife, Grantee: Charles G. Goodman, Date: 24-Nov-1854
Hugh Davis and Margaret F. his wife to Charles G. Goodman all of Louisa $1,029.30 in 3 equal annual payments for 113 3/4 acres adjoining William M. Baker, Goodman and William Davis.

Book: DD, Page: 194, Grantor: Layfette Riodian, Grantee: William V. M. Hambleton, Date:  
Deed of trust Layfette Riodian indebted to William V. M. Hambleton $150.

Book: DD, Page: 248, Grantor: Benjamin Massey and Elizabeth, his wife, Grantee: William H. Andrews, Date: 09-Dec-1830
Deed 9 Dec 1830 Benjamin Massey and Elizabeth, his wife, of Spots. to William H. Andrews for $52.50 for 10 1/2 acres adjoining on south side of Musick's branch, Garland Chewning, Benjamin Massey, Samuel Andrews, Garland Turning, William H. Andrews.

Book: DD, Page: 291, Grantor: Thomas A. Hope, Grantee: Matthew Hope, Date: 10-Aug-1855
Thomas A. Hope of Louisa to Matthew Hope of same $10 in trust for use of Thomas Daughter Marcia F. Duke and her children tract known as the Tavern property being all the said Thomas A. Hopes land in Louisa on north side of main Louisa road containing 153 acres & 4 slaves also certificate of deposit at Richmond, feather bed, etc.

Book: DD, Page: 295, Grantor: Jane P. Gillespie, Grantee: Thomas Waldrop, Date: 17-Jul-1855
Jane P Gillespie of Louisa to Thomas Waldrop free and clear 333.33 acres being 1/3 of tract where Waldrop now resides adjoining Chapman White, Martha and Malinda Roberts. Sig. Jane P Gillespie Rec. 13 Aug 1855

Book: DD, Page: 303, Grantor: Waldrop, George, Grantee: Waldrop, Francis, Date: 13-Aug-1855
[no abstract]

Book: DD, Page: 377, Grantor: Trevilian, Charles G., Grantee: Grady, George W., Date: 12-Nov-1855
Charles G. Trevilian and Robert S. Ogg of Louisa to George W. Grady of Louisa for $500 for tract containing 95 or 100 acres adjoining Walter S. Beadles, Charles Poindexter, Oliver P. Humphrey, John S. May, Joseph Grady and Thomas Ogg being tract on which John B. Poindexter now lives. No witnesses. Sig. C. G. Trevillian and Robert S. Ogg. Rec. 12 Nov. 1855

Book: DD, Page: 426, Grantor: Nancy Vest 1st, John N. Hughson 2nd, Charles G. Tr, Grantee:  , Date: 17-Dec-1855
Nancy Vest 1st, John N. Hughson 2nd, Charles G. Trevilian 3rd. A marriage is intended between Nancy Vest and Charles G. Trevillian and Nancy is entitled to certain property to wit; slaves Wilson, Morris, Susan, David, Rachel, Mima, William, Robert, John and Stephen, also money and other estate of her late husband John Vest. All property in trust to Hughson as trustee for her sole benefit free from debts and control of Trevillian as if she were feme sole and to her heirs if there be any.

Book: DD, Page: 426, Grantor: Trevilian, Charles G., Grantee: Hughson, John N., Date: 17-Dec-1855
Nancy Vest 1st, John N. Hughson 2nd, Charles G. Trevilian 3rd all of Louisa County whereas a marriage is intended between Mary Vest and Charles G. Trevilian and said Nancy is possessed to property to wit: slaves Wilson, Morris, Susan, Daniel, Rachel, Mima, William, Robert, John and Stephen and certain money and interest in the estate of her late husband John Vest dec'd. Nancy with the consent of Charles G. Trevilian sets over and conveys in trust to John N. Hughson for her own proper use and benefit free from the debts of Charles G. Trevilian. If Nancy dies after the marriage this property to be divided between her issue (if any) then according to Virginia law respecting the divisions of interstates. If Trevilian dies the trust shall cease and reinvest in Nancy solely. If Hughson dies Nancy to have full power to appoint another trustee. She can use the money during her marriage as she sees fit. Sig. Nancy Vest, John N. Hughson, C. G Trevilian.

Book: DD, Page: 430, Grantor: Nancy Vest, Grantee: Wm. W. McGehee, Nancy Vest, Date: 18-Dec-1855
Nancy Vest to Wm. W. McGehee, Nancy Vest formerly Nancy Hughson all title to land which was assigned to her mother Judith Hughson as her dower in lands of her late husband, William Hughson containing 130a adj. tract now owned by Wm. Wm. McGheee and estate of John Vest, dec'd. Sig. Nancy Vest.

Book: DD, Page: 472, Grantor: William Kennon, Grantee: Reuben Davis, Date: 14-Jul-1855
Deed trust William Kennon indebted to Reuben Davis $40.39 and to J. P. Stanley $7.44. Francis O. Moss holds deed of trust on personal property.

Book: DD, Page: 488, Grantor: Edward S. Mansfield, Grantee: William H. Mansfield, Date: 09-Nov-1852
Edward S. Mansfield to William H. Mansfield all his right and title to 33 1/2 acres $283 from division of father, John G. Mansfield estate, also to 150 1/2 acres allotted to Mary B. Mansfield as her dower as John G.'s widow.

Book: DD, Page: 522, Grantor: p B. Pendleton and Jane K. his wife, Grantee: Lewis Butler, Date: 24-Mar-1856
p B. Pendleton and Jane K. his wife to Lewis Butler for $1,800 in sundry installments tract near John Hancock's Mill containing 166 7/8 acres adjoining J. Hancock and W. Walton.

Book: DD, Page: 574, Grantor: David Hambleton and Nancy M. Hambleton, Grantee: Nancy M. Hambleton, Date: 31-May-1856
David Hambleton and Nancy M. Hambleton widow of James M. Hambleton, dec'd. and Benjamin L. Hambleton, George P. Hamilton, David C. Hambleton, James K.P. Hambleton and Maria E. Hambleton children of said James M. Hambleton dec'd. for love and affection which David Hambleton has for the parties of the second part and for $50 to Nancy M. Hambleton during her life and no longer tract in Louisa County on West side of road leading from the fork meeting house to Burnleys old shop bounded on N by William Sharp, SW by Garland Sims, being all the land owned by David Hambleton on the west side of the road and on which Nancy M. Hambleton at present resides. After death of Nancy M. the land to Benjamin L. Hambleton, George P. Hambleton, David C. Hambleton, James K. P. Hambleton and Maria E. Hambleton. Signed D. Hambleton.

Book: DD, Page: 576, Grantor: William F. Johnson, Grantee: Kitty A. Perkins, Date: 30-Oct-1855
William F. Johnson for natural love and affection to my daughter Kitty A. Perkins wife of James E. Perkins of Cumberland Co., Va. Negro Susan and her child Billy and $200 with which the house is to be furnished free from debts of her husband and then to her children. . Sig. William F. Johnson. wit. J. Wharton and Jno. T. Williamson.

Book: DD, Page: 615, Grantor: Susan A. Hopkins, extrix., Grantee:  , Date: 22-Sep-1856
Susan A. Hopkins, extrix. of John R. Hopkins, appoints Ashley J. Bell her attorney to perform duties of the extrix 22 Sep 1856

Book: DD, Page: 637, Grantor: John R. Vest, James M. Vest and Martha S. Vest his, Grantee: Nicholas M. Ware, Date: 07-Aug-1856
John R. Vest, James M. Vest and Martha S. Vest, his wife and Robert H. Vest and Susan J. Vest his wife to Nicholas M. Ware all of Louisa except John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and his wife who are of Fluvanna and Nicholas M. Ware who is of Goochland County. For $3,320. tract in Louisa County adjoining William M. McGehee, Dr. William R. Hacketts estate containing 664 acres bounded Little Cauthorn Creek on Pamunkey River. Sig. Jno. Rich. Vest., Jas. M. Vest, Martha Sneed Vest, Robert H. Vest, Susan J. Vest.

Book: DD, Page: 637, Grantor: John R. Vest, James M. Vest and Martha S. Vest his, Grantee: Nicholas M. Ware, Date: 07-Aug-1856
John R. Vest, James M. Vest and Martha S. Vest his wife and Robert H. Vest and Susan J. Vest his wife to Nicholas M. Ware all of Louisa except John R. and Robert H. Vest and wife who are of Fluvanna and Nicholas M. Ware who is of Goochland for $3,320 for tract in Louisa adjoining William M. McGehee, Dr. William R. Hockett's estate containing 664a adj. mouth of Cautheran Run on Pamunkey River, road. Sig. Jno. Rich. Vest, Martha Sneed Vest, Robert H. Vest, Susan J. Vest.

Book: DD, Page: 640, Grantor: Nicholas Ware, Grantee:  , Date:  
Deed of trust from Nicholas Ware on above property to Vest.

Book: DD, Page: 648, Grantor: Waldrop, Benjamin S. & wife, Grantee: Roberts, Jacob W., Date: 10-Nov-1856
[no abstract]

Book: DD, Page: 654, Grantor: Fanny Butler, Grantee: William A. Durvin, Date: 05-Dec-1854
Fanny Butler, widow of William Butler, dec'd., Clayton C. Butler and Judith his wife; Ellett Butler and Catharine his wife; John Harper and Barbara his wife; Bently Fleming and Elizabeth J. his wife; Lewis H. Butler and Lavinia his wife, Susan Ann Hall and Mahala Harper heirs and distributees of William Butler, dec'd. late of Louisa, to William A. Durvin for $686.55 by bond with William Durvin security, tract containing 100 acres reserving 1/2 acre around the family burying ground and rights of ingress and egress. Sig. [all grantors signed with an x. All appeared before Clayton G. Coleman, justice of the peace 5 Dec 1854.

Book: DD, Page: 662, Grantor: Dunn, Benjamin Atty, Grantee: Hundley, William, Date: 08-Dec-1856
Parrott, Ellis. Recorded 8 Dec. 1856.

Book: DD, Page: 695, Grantor: Richard Bishop, Grantee: Davis, Date: 05-Feb-1857
Deed trust Richard Bishop indebted to Davis $150. Richard R. Towsey holds deed of trust.

Book: DD, Page: 697, Grantor: James L. Gordon, Grantee: Charles G. Goodman, Date: 02-Feb-1857
James L. Gordon to Charles G. Goodman $1,400 for tract known as Pates tract containing 177 acres adjoining Omohundro, Goddard, Meltons.

Book: DD, Page: 709, Grantor: Trevilian, Charles G., Grantee: Porter, William B. & Mary, Date: 02-Apr-1853
William B. Porter on 2 April 1853 sold 3 tracts of land in Louisa to Paul W. Conner in trust to secure debt due Charles G. Trevilian and William B. Porter and wife Mary on 31 Oct. 1853 sold land to James M. Hart. Since all money has been paid to Trevilian he enters and consents with this deed. Rec. 20 Feb. 1855

Book: DD, Page: 712, Grantor: Dabney H. Trice, Grantee: Andrew J, Alfred W., Addeson L., Dabney, Date: 21-Feb-1857
Deed 4 Sep 1856 Dabney H. Trice of City of Richmond to Andrew J, Alfred W., Addeson L., Dabney A., Frances A., Robert N., John L., James M. and Benjamin F. Trice children of John L. Trice dec'd. of Louisa. $5.00 all lands, Negroes, stock, household furniture, crops and farming utensils and interest in estate of Charles Dickenson dec'd. or such part as now remains which was conveyed to said Dabney A. Trice by John L. Trice and Adelia H. his wife by deed 15 Aug 1843. It being intention of Dabney H. Trice to convey to children of John L. Trice dec'd. all estate real and personal that was conveyed to him. Agreement made with understanding that Adelia H. Trice mother of the parties to this deed of the 2nd part and widow of John L. Trice is to have use for her support and education of her children until youngest child is of age 21 years. At that time 2/3 of the land, stock and slaves to be divided amongst the children of John L Trice and 1/3 to be held by Adelia H. Trice for her life and at her death equally divided amongst the children. Sig. D. A. Trice Rec. 21 Feb 1857.

Book: DD, Page: 726, Grantor: Robert H. Gentry, Grantee: Captain Wm. V. M., Hambleton admor, Date: 13-Feb-1857
Robert H. Gentry indebted to Captain Wm. V. M., Hambleton admor of David Hambleton, dec'd. $957. In trust slaves. Deed of Trust.

Book: DD, Page: 736, Grantor: Charles G. Trevillian and Nancy his wife, Grantee: John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and James M, Date: 16-Aug-1856
Charles G. Trevillian and Nancy his wife to John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and James M. Vest all of Louisa except John R. Vest who is of Fluvanna. John Vest husband of Nancy died in 1853. After John Vest death his land including that portion which he conveyed to Nancy was conveyed to parties of 2nd part and purchase money fully paid and this is a deed of release. Sig. C. G. Trevillian and Nancy Trevillian.

Book: DD, Page: 736, Grantor: Trevilians, Charles & Nancy, Grantee: Vest, John R., Date: 10-Mar-1857
Charles G. Trevilian and Nancy his wife to John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and James M. Vest all of Louisa County except John R. Vest of Fluvanna County. By deed of marriage contract 24 Dec. 1849 John Vest conveyed 1/3 of his real and personal estate in trust to William N. Hughson for the benefit of Nancy Trevilian then Nancy Hughson in the event she should marry him and survive him. John Vest and Nancy Hughson were shortly afterwards married and she survived her said husband who died in the year 1853. After John Vest death by a deed of marriage the lands of John Vest excluding the portion which he conveyed as aforesaid by deed of marriage was sold to the parties entitled to them at which sale John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and James M. Vest became purchasers and said money has been fully paid to said Nancy by the purchasers. This is a deed of release. Sig. Charles G. Trevilian and Nancy Trevilian. Justices of Louisa County certify for Charles G. and Nancy Trevilian.

Book: CC, Page: 0, Grantor: Thomas Steers, Grantee: John Hunter, Date:  
This ure made and entered into this 16th day of December 1851 between Thomas Steers of the first part and Reuben Davis and Isaac Steers of the second part all of the county of Louisa and State of Virginia . Whereas the said Thomas Steers is indebted as security to John Hunter of said county for the hire of negroes for the year 1849 in the sum of $540 with interest from the 1st of January 1850 for which he holds the bond of Samuel Dixon, Thomas Steers and Isaac Steers; and also indebted to him the said John Hunter in the sum of $815 for the hire of negroes for the year 1851, for which he holds the bond of Thomas Steers and Isaac Steers due on the 1st of January next and also indebted to him the said John Hunter for the rent of the Victoria Furnace in said county for the year 1851 and to said Isaac Steers for a balance of $800 due him in the year 1848 and also indebted to him the said Isaac Steers a balance of salary for the year 1851 of $500 with interest thereon from the 1st January next for services rendered for said Thomas Steers; and to Anderson Trice of said county by two bonds a balance thereon of $205.28 for the hire of negroes with interest from 1st January next and to Huphrey Bickley of said county a balance of $127.50 on a bond executed to him by said Thomas Steers and Isaac Steers for the hire of negroes and to Henry Harris of said county a note of $66.15 executed by Thomas and Isaac Steers for articles purchased at a public sale, and to Captain James Trice of said county a bond of Thomas and Isaac Steers for the sum of about $120.31 and to Mrs. Frances E. Thompson of said county administratrix ac bomis non with the will annexed of John Poindexter,dec'd. by bond of $65. for the hire of negroes executed by Thomas and Isaac Steers dated on the 2nd day of January 1851 and payable on or before the 25th of December 1851 and to Mrs. E. S.M. White of said county by a balance of $42.50 due on a bond executed by Thomas Steers and Isaac Steers; and to Richard Biggers of said county in the sum of $75. being a balance due on a bond executed to him by Isaac Steers and Thomas Steers for the hire of negroes and to John Vass of said county by open account of $79 for work done at said Furnace; and to Washington Hudson of said county by open account for the sum of $41.04 for work done at said furnace and to Charles Donohoe of said county by open account for the sum of $41.25 for work done by him at said furnace and to Henry Kennady of said county by open account for the sum of $23.76 for work done by him at said furnace; and to Alexander Moore of said county by open account for the sum of $30. for work by him done at said furnace; and to Whilliam Sheeler of said county by open account for the sum of $20. for work done by him at said furnace; and to George W. Shildler of said county by open account for the sum of $50. for services as clerk rendered by him at said furnace and to William Stout of the County of Culpeper by bond of $10 with interest thereon and by open account, the amount whereof is not at present ascertained; and to Reuben Davis of said county of Louisa by open account which it is supposed will not exced $300. the consideration thereof being for services rendered at depot and store account and to Mrs. Lucy Bibb of the county of Spotsylvania by bond for the hire of negores for the year 1851 due at the end of this year for the sum of $85 and to Mrs. Martha C. Dillard of said County the balance of $43. due her upon a bond executed by Thomas Steers and perhaps Isaac Steers as security whereas also the said Thomas Steers is willing and desirous effectually to assure and secure as far as he can the payment of the said several sums due or to become due to the said enumerated creditors. Now this ure witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises aforesaid as of five dollars paid to the said Thomas Steers by the said Reuben Davis and Isaac Steers and the said Thomas Steers hath granted bargained assigned sold and conveyed, and by these presents doth grant bargain assign sell and convey unto the said Reuben Davis and Isaac Steers and to their personal representatives jointly all the pig iron made at said furnace supposed to contain about one hundred and four and a half tons, and stacked up against the side of the furnace, also all the pig iron made at said furnace and now lying at Davis' Turnout on the Virginia Central rail road supposed to contain about one hundred tons, and upon which a certain William D. Mansfield of the county of Louisa has issued an attachment also about seven or eight tons of pig iron made a said furnace and now lying at the said furnace near the scales also all the pig iron which may be made at said furnace up to the 24th day of December 1851 also all the wood and coal that is now or may be on hand at said furnace on the 24th day of December 1851 also all the casting hollow ware and mould boards ( together supposed to amount to about seven tons) which are now at said furnace, and which may there be made up to the 24th of December 1851 also six mules used in said furnace and upon which the said Mansfield has lately issued an attachment also one grey horse named Charley, one iron axle tree wagon four new wagon wheels, one new cart, two sets ______harness together with all the tos and instruments of every description used in and about said furnace also all the books and accounts and debts which are now or may be due at or before the 24th of December 1851, and which accounts and debts are stated in said books relating to said furnace and belonging to said Thomas Steers . Also all the mules wagons, carts, harnesses, horses and pig iron which have been attached, as the property of Samuel Dixon and claimed by Thomas Steers . To have and to hold the said property, books, accounts, and debts unto the said Reuben Davis and Isaac Steers and to their heirs and personal representatives jointly and to their own use and behoof forever. Upon Trust nevertheless that the said Reyben Davis and Isaaac Steers shall permit the said Thomas Steers to remain in possession and use the said property in carrying on and operating said furnace until the 24th of December 1851. Upon thus further trust that the said Isaac Steers and Reuben Davis when requested by said Thomas Steers or any of the above mentioned creditors of the said Thomas Steers on or after the said 24th day of December 1851 shall proceed to make sales of the pig iron conveyed as aforesaid either in the city of Richmond or at the said furnace, as may be more conducive to the interest of said Creditors, and shall sell at said furnace the balance of said property conveyed by this deed at said furnace at public auction for cash, or upon six months credit to the highest bidder having first advertised the time and place and term of said sale; and the proceeds arising from said sale, they the said Trustees after retaining to their own use the legal commission for executing this trust and having paid off the expenses incident thereto, shall pay whatever amount of rent for said furnace that may be due and unpaid to the said John Hunter and William Stout and the balance f said premises the said Trustees shall distribute among the aforesaid Creditors enumerated in this deed, should there not be enough left to pay off the full amount of their several claims due to them. Upon this further trust that should there be more funds arising from the said sale than sufficient to pay off the said above enumerated creditors then the said Trustees shall pay off the claims due by said Thoms Steers to Nathan A. Ware of Louisa County and William Burr of the city of Richmond, the said Burr's claim is believed to amount to #2,000. Upon this further trust that should there be any funds left from said sale after paying the said enumerated creditors and the said Ware and Burr the said trustees shall pay the balance of said proceeds noteable among such other creditors of the said Thomas Steers as may prove their claims to be just and correct at any time before the 1st of Jul 1852. In witness whereof the said Thomas Steers has hereunto set his hand and seal this 16th day of December 1851. Sig. Thomas Steers. Clerk's office of the county court of Louisa county December 17th 1851. The foregoing deed of Trust from Thomas Steers to Reuben Davis and Isaac Steers in trust for the benefit of said Thomas Steer's Creditors was this day presented in said office and was acknowledged by the said Thomas Steers the subscribing party to be his act and is thereupon admitted to record. Teste. John Hunter, CC by David M. Hunter, DC.

Book: EE, Page: 4, Grantor: Hughson, John N., Grantee: Perkins, Thomas P., Date: 11-May-1857
[no abstract]

Book: CC, Page: 4, Grantor: William Baker, Grantee: James L. Gunter, Date: 22-Oct-1851
William Baker of Louisa to James L. Gunter of same a continuation of the line between James L. Gunter and Nancy Dicenson running North 43 degrees West on side of Road in J. D. Gillums line is hereby made true and permanent line between them the said Baker and Gunter and William Baker doth grant and sell unto James L. Gunter all his title in that portion of his Smithfield tract of land lying South of aforesaid line and his land adjoining Baker lying North of the line. Sig. Wm. Baker and James L. Gunter. Rec. 23 Oct 1851.

Book: EE, Page: 19, Grantor: J. W. Pendleton, Grantee: George Davis, Date: 19-Nov-1850
Nov 1850 J. W. Pendleton commissioner in case Davis vs. Davis to George Davis $5.00 land held by distributees of Hartwell Davis adjoining James L. Harris, Hugh Goodwin Estate, J. W. Pendleton, Parsons Barrett containing 17 acres subject to dower right of A. Davis widow. Rec. 17 Nov 1839.

Book: EE, Page: 22, Grantor: Elizabeth Dabney, Grantee:  , Date:  
Elizabeth Dabney late of Louisa in her will directed a tract to be sold among other things at her death. Francis Dabney was appointed her executor and he died before making the sale and now William F. Johnson is admor. de bonis non and sells to Samuel G. Meredith for $3,108.61 all of the tract except ? acre reserved for grave year on Richardson and Rices branch adjoining Samuel G. Meredith, Stephen Farrar and other containing 243 3/8 acres. Justices John Walton and Matthew A. Hope certify for William F. Johnson.

Book: CC, Page: 27, Grantor: James Vest, Grantee: John R. Quarles., Date: 08-Dec-1851
James Vest trustee in deed of trust 8 Dec 1851. Thomas J. Barnet to John R. Quarles.

Book: EE, Page: 42, Grantor: John Hunter, Grantee: James L. Gunter, Date: 01-Jun-1857
John Hunter to James L. Gunter all of Louisa; $8. per acre secured, to be paid by James L. Gunter before delivery of these presents 50 3/4 acres by survey made by Robert T. Bibb adjoining said Gunter, Hunter, Lewis Smith, Charles Dickenson [legal description] . Rec. Jun 1857.[ John Hunter was the clerk of the court]

Book: EE, Page: 43, Grantor: John C. Talley and Elizabeth Talley his wife, Grantee: Charles M. Dickinson, Date: 07-Mar-1856
John C. Talley & Elizabeth Talley his wife to Charles M. Dickinson all of Louisa $75 all right title and interest in Mrs. Nancy Dickinsons land which interest was conveyed by Bath Whitlock and wife to William A. Roberson and wife and from said Roberson and wife to John C. Talley release to grantee all claims . John C. Talley, Elizabeth S. Talley. Justices Matthew A. Hope of Louisa certify for John C. & Elizabeth Talley.

Book: EE, Page: 44, Grantor: John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and Susan J. his wife, Grantee: James A. Davis, Date: 12-Jan-1857
John R. Vest, Robert H. Vest and Susan J. his wife of Fluvanna, James M. Vest and Martha S. his wife to James A. Davis of Louisa tract in Louisa near South Anna River containing 201 1/4a being part of land John Vest died seized for $1,006.25. Sig. Jno. Rich. Vest, Robert H. Vest, Susan J. Vest, James M. Vest, Martha Sneed Vest.

Book: CC, Page: 48, Grantor: Mary Dickinson, Grantee: William Durvin, Date: 12-Jan-1852
[date blank] 1849 Mary Dickinson, widow and relict of James D. Dickinson, dec'd,. James T. Dickinson, Roscow C. Dickinson, Joseph S. Dickinson, Claudius Dickinson, and David S. Gillespie and his wife Jane R. who was Jane R. Dickinson, William W. Davis and his wife Ann who was Ann O. Dickinson, and William A. Kuper and Mary L. his wife who was Mary L. Dickinson, legatees of James C. Dickinson, dec'd. to William Durvin $5.00 for land being same conveyed to James C. Dickinson by John W. Durvin by deed [blank] 1844 recorded 19 Mar 1844 containing 43 1/16 acres upon special confidence that William Durvin shall hold land for sole and separate use and benefit of Mary Durvin, wife of John W. Durvin, and her children permitting her to live on said land and use any way she desires and in no way to be under control of John W. Durvin or to payment of his debts. At death of Mary Durvin land to go to her children. Sig. William W. Davis, Ann O. Davis, David S. Gillespie, Jane R. Gillespie, Mary Dickinson for Roscow C. Dickinson, Claudius Dickinson, Claudius Dickinson for Joseph S. Dickinson, W. A. Kuper and M. L. Kuper. Rec. 12 Jan 1852.

Book: EE, Page: 49, Grantor: Trevilians, Charles G., Grantee: Gordon, John, Date: 12-Jun-1857
By deed 1 Feb. 1853 recorded 14 Feb. 1853 Elisha Melton conveyed to Charles G. Trevilian a tract being formerly purchased by said Melton of Gravit Edwards and Mildred Edwards on Harris Creek containing 523 acres in trust to secure debt $850 payable to Robert Collins trustee for Susan Ann Collins. All debt has been paid to Robert Collins trustee by Edward H. Lane, James L. Gordon and Charles W. Dabney trustee in deed of trust and released to said Charles G. Trevilian. Trevilian released to Lane, Gordon and Dabney trustees.

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