Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book T

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Book: T, Page: 504, Grantor: John Gunter and Mary his wife, Grantee: Benjamin Coleman, Date: 21-Aug-1832
John Gunter and Mary his wife of Louisa to Benjamin Coleman of Spotsylvania $6.42 tract containing one acre being part of tract purchased at sale of late Mrs. Mary Carpenter by said Coleman and transferred by him to said Gunter. adjoining stone quarry making figure of parellogram surrounded on all sides by land of said Gunter with right of egress and ingress. Sig. John Gunter and Mary Gunter. Rec. 10 Sep 1832.

Book: T, Page: 517, Grantor: Thos. Eskridge and Ann his wife, Grantee: Oswald McGehee, Date: 21-Jul-1832
Thos. Eskridge and Ann his wife of Green Co. Alabama to Oswald McGehee of Louisa, $125, undivided 1/5 part of tract in Louisa on North Anna River containing 200 acres adjoining river, John O. Harris, Oswald McGehee, dower lands of Frances McGehee being land devised by John McGehee to his 3 daughters Mary, Agness and Sarah McGehee and after their death to Edward McGehee and his heirs. Wit. E. McGehee, L. A. Wilson, Z. M. McGehee, Thomas Eskridge and Ann Eskridge

Book: T, Page: 517, Grantor: Thomas Smith 1st, William Rennolds 2nd, William F., Grantee: Toler, Date: 21-Jul-1832
DT 21 Jul 1832 Thomas Smith 1st, William Rennolds 2nd, William F. Toler 3rd. Smith indebted to Toler $25. In trust 1 grey mare, bed furniture, household furniture and kitchen furniture. Wit. Martha L. Toler, Lewis W. Johnson and Alexander M. Barrett. Rec. 8 Oct 1832.

Book: T, Page: 519, Grantor: Ralph Tandy and Matilda his wife, Grantee: Oswald McGehee, Date: 21-Jul-1832
Ralph Tandy and Matilda his wife of Green Co. Alabama to Oswald McGehee of Louisa, $125, undivided 1/5 part of tract in Louisa on North Anna River containing 200 acres adjoining river, John O. Harris, Oswald McGehee, dower lands of Frances McGehee being land devised by John McGehee to his 3 daughters Mary, Agness and Sarah McGehee and after their death to Edward McGehee and his heirs. Wit. E. McGehee, L. A. Wilson, Z. M. McGehee, Ralph Tandy and Matilda Tandy

Book: T, Page: 527, Grantor: Edward Cosby and Polly his wife, Grantee: Geo. Vest, Date: 28-Sep-1832
Edward Cosby & Polly his wife of Louisa to Geo. Vest of same $590 for 118a adj. Benj. Jenson, Perkins, sd. Vest, Bartlett Henson. Sig. Edward Cosby and Polly Cosby. Rec. 8 Oct 1832.

Book: T, Page: 532, Grantor: Tisdale, George & wife, Grantee: Foster, James, Date: 31-Aug-1832
[no abstract]

Book: T, Page: 532, Grantor: Coswell Winston and Mary B. Winston, his wife, Grantee: William F. Toler, Date: 08-Oct-1832
Coswell Winston and Mary B. Winston, his wife, of Fluvannah to William F. Toler of Louisa $250; for 100 acres adjoining Joseph Grady, William Talley, Fendol Chiles and said William F. Toler being the 100 acres purchased by Winston from Toler. Rec. 8 Oct 1832.

Book: T, Page: 541, Grantor: Thomas Dalton, Grantee: James Fleshman, Date: 22-Oct-1832
Thomas Dalton of the Town of New Orleans, Louisiana to James Fleshman of Louisa for $220, all of Thomas Dalton's interest in 2 tracts in Louisa on Harris Creek. 1 tract containing 125 acres and the other containing 100 acres being land willed by Thomas Wood, dec'd. to Sarah Dalton who was Sarah Wood and a daughter of sd. Thomas Wood, dec'd. and mother of said Thomas Dalton. The right of Thomas Dalton is 1/3 part. Rec. 22 Oct 1832.

Book: T, Page: 560, Grantor: Thomas Mallory, Grantee: Joseph K. Pendleton, Date: 12-Nov-1832
Thomas Mallory to Joseph K. Pendleton 2nd Samuel Mallory 3rd all of Louisa Samuel Mallory has become security for Thomas Mallory $94 on note Thomas Mallory to John B. Perkins executor of Henry Mallory dec'd. 9 Apr 1832 due 1842 if Mrs. Sarah Mallory lives so long if not payable at her death which Mrs. Sarah Mallory is the wife of said Thomas Mallory. In trust Negros Mary and Thadeus.

Book: T, Page: 579, Grantor: Augustus Parsons and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Nancy Cooke, Date: 06-Dec-1832
Augustus Parsons and Elizabeth his wife to Nancy Cooke all of Louisa $90, tract on west side of the main Road from Louisa to Richmond adj. Elbridge Gardner, Joel Walton, Dabney Smith cont. 123 acres on which Ludwell Britton died seized. No wit. Sig. Augustus Parsons and Elizabeth Parsons. Justices William Nelson and David Richardson certify for the Parsons.

Book: T, Page: 597, Grantor: David Bullock and Catharine W. Bullock, his wife, Grantee: William Grady, Date: 10-Sep-1832
David Bullock and Catharine W. Bullock, his wife, of Henrico County to William Grady of Louisa co.; $206 for tract in Louisa on Fork Creek being lot No. 2 of survey made by David Richardson 16 Feb 1830 containing 103 acres being part of tract conveyed to Bullock by Thos. Marks 31 Dec 1801 adjoining Charles C. Jennings, Marks, Smith. Recorded 13 Oct 1832.

Book: T, Page: 612, Grantor: Joseph Vest, Grantee: Nathaniel Thompson and William F. Toler, Date: 04-Jan-1833
Joseph Vest to Nathaniel Thompson and William F. Toler trustees. Joseph Vest indebted to George B. Nuckolls $1,375. In trust Negro girl, Rose, 1 horse, household, kitchen, stocks in goods of his store, etc. Sig. Joseph Vest. Rec. 4 Jan 1833.

Book: T, Page: 622, Grantor: Hancock, Benjamin, Grantee: Pettus, William W., Date: 14-Jan-1833
[no abstract]

Book: T, Page: 647, Grantor: Uriah Higgason and Helen his wife, Grantee: Thomas C. Turner, Date: 31-Dec-1832
$1,000 Uriah Higgason and Helen his wife of Louisa to Thomas C. Turner land we now reside on headwater of Hammond's Creek, Louisa 151 1/3 acres adjoining Joel Thomas, Bradshaw, John Eaton, Lancelot Minor, 31 Dec 1832. Z.W. Perkins and Charles Dabney, Justices of Louisa, certify.

Book: T, Page: 663, Grantor: John Ellis 1st, Rebecca Thomson 2nd. and William E, Grantee:  , Date: 12-Nov-1832
John Ellis 1st, Rebecca Thomson 2nd. and William Ellis 3rd. John Ellis is seized of parcel of Negroes and is desirous to secure all his title in them to Rebecca Thomson and children and that Rebecca should have the entire use of them free from her husband and his creditors. John Ellis sells to William Ellis as trustee slaves for Rebecca and at her death to go to her children and William Ellis to hold slaves so they shall not be liable for any debts contracted by William Thomson the husband of said Rebecca Thomson. Sig. John Ellis, Rebecca Thomson, William Ellis, Wit. Wm. F. Shisler, William A. Gillespie, Lewis Shisler. Rec. 11 Feb 1833.

Book: U, Page: 22, Grantor: Francis Quarles, Sarah Quarles and Patsy Quarles, Grantee: William D. Mansfield, Date: 22-Mar-1833
Mar 1833 Francis Quarles, Sarah Quarles and Patsy Quarles of Spotsylvania and Jane Poindexter of Goochland to William D. Mansfield of Louisa; $1,150 on North Anna River 244 acres bounded by William D. Mansfield on the South; on the north by North Anna River; on the east by Christophers Run and the West by Roger Quarles with all appurtenances.

Book: U, Page: 51, Grantor: Nicholas Whitlock, Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 10-Jun-1833
Nicholas Whitlock to David Lipscomb all of Louisa. Whitlock trustee by decree 11 Feb 1833 instead of Enos Gunter dec'd. former trustee to deed of trust secured by Valentine Whitlock and Lucy his wife on 116 1/2 acres to secure bonds of Valentine Whitlock to David Lipscomb for $582.50 which default was made in about that amount. At public auction 14 Mar 1833 the tract cont. 116 1/2 acres on waters of Contrary Creek as described in deed of sale by David Lipscomb and Martha his wife in deed 23 Nov 1827 now purchased by David Lipscomb as highest bidder at $466.

Book: U, Page: 74, Grantor: William C. Arnold and Adeline Cosby 1st, William F, Grantee:  , Date: 23-Jul-1833
William C. Arnold and Adeline Cosby 1st, William F. Toler 2nd, $25. for tables chest, bed furniture, pots, axes, etc .

Book: U, Page: 82, Grantor: William Crews, Sr., Grantee: Nancy Butler, Date: 24-Jul-1833
William Crews, Sr. of Louisa to Nancy Butler for love to my daughter tract adjoining Richmond Terrell, Anderson G. Jones called Rittenhouse tract about 30 acres being all interest I have n tract purchased of Rittenhouse heirs. Sig. William (X) Crews.

Book: U, Page: 91, Grantor: Zedekiah Gibson and wife Nancy 1st, Hezekiah Sims , Grantee: Perkins, Date: 23-Jul-1833
Zedekiah Gibson and wife Nancy 1st, Hezekiah Sims 2nd, Z. W. Perkins 3rd. Gibson indebted to Perkins $60 dated 23 Jul 1833. IN trust tract on Roundabout Creek where Gibson resides cont. 72 acres adj. James Parrish, John Kennon and others. wit. R. M. Kent, John W. Loyall, Benjamin G. Higgason.

Book: U, Page: 111, Grantor: Tisdale, James D. wife, Grantee: Dabney, William, Date: 02-Sep-1833
[no abstract]

Book: U, Page: 112, Grantor: Jesse H. Mallory and Margaret M. his wife, Grantee: Zedekiah Gibson, Date:  
[date and month blank] 1833 Jesse H. Mallory and Margaret M. his wife of Louisa to Zedekiah Gibson for $70 tract on Roundabout Creek cont. 30 acres being land bequeathed Mallory as well as part he may inherit at death of his sister Susannah. adj. James Parrish, Jno. Kennon. Sig. Jesse H. Mallory.

Book: U, Page: 116, Grantor: Kennon, Frances, Grantee: Kennon, Richard, Date: 10-Sep-1833
DB U - 116 10 Sep 1833 Frances Kennon and Richard Kennon $220 24 acres adjoining lands of Richard Kennon, Nathaniel Mills, Champ Terry same land which she holds as dower in the estate of her late husband, Joseph cannon deceased.

Book: U, Page: 124, Grantor: Wyatt Gentry and Polly his wife, Grantee: Nancy Amos, Date: 04-Jun-1833
Wyatt Gentry and Polly his wife of Hanover to Nancy Amos of Louisa. Polly Gentry, formerly Polly Amos daughter of Sally Amos late of Louisa entitled by descent from her mother to 1/3 part of 28 acres being 9 1/4 acres being a part of tract of land Nancy Amos now resides on waters of Roundabout Creek for $25. Sig. Wyatt Gentry and Polly Gentry. wit. none. James Underwood and Anderson Bowles justices of Hanover certify for Polly Gentry and Wyatt Gentry.

Book: U, Page: 128, Grantor: John N. Gunter and Jane L. Gunter his wife, Grantee: Charles M. Dickinson, Date: 08-Oct-1833
John N. Gunter and Jane L. Gunter his wife to Charles M. Dickinson all of Louisa; $100 tract in Louisa containing 18 acres on waters of Little Creek and Christopher Run adj. Mary Gunter, William F. Toler, William Robinson and others being that part of land allotted Jane L. Gunter as her portion of her father Charles Dickinson's estate. Sig. John N. Gunter and Jane L. Gunter Rec. 14 Oct 1833.

Book: U, Page: 131, Grantor: George W. Davis 1st., William C. Nelson 2nd, and W, Grantee: Toler, Date: 10-Oct-1833
George W. Davis 1st., William C. Nelson 2nd, and William F. Toler 3rd. all of Louisa. George W. Davis indebtred to Toler $9.05. Toler also his security on bond to Wilson Ware for $10.45 and Leon Levy for $3.87 1/2, also George Tisdale. In trust furntiture, glasses, carpenter tools, household furniture, . Wit. Martha T. Toler, William B. Toler and James L. Nelson.

Book: U, Page: 147, Grantor: John Whitton 1st, William C. Nelson 2nd and Willia, Grantee: Toler, Date: 14-Sep-1833
John Whitton 1st, William C. Nelson 2nd and William F. Toler 3rd. all of Louisa. Whitton indebted to Toler $200. In trust Negro Samuel.

Book: U, Page: 173, Grantor: John Hester and Patsy, his wife, Grantee: Robert Hester, Date: 11-Mar-1833
John Hester and Patsy, his wife, of Louisa, John T. Nelson and Elizabeth, his wife, of Madison County, Alabama, and Augustine L. McGehee and Mary, his wife, of Fluvanna co., Va. to Robert Hester of Louisa for $1,073.25 land on waters of Christopher's Run Creek 238 1/2 acres adjoining William Mansfield, Joseph Grady and Mrs. Mary Mansfield. Wit. William Nelson and Thomas C. Whitlock.

Book: U, Page: 179, Grantor: William Ellis and Mary Ann his wife, Grantee: Lewis Harris, Date: 08-Nov-1833
William Ellis and Mary Ann his wife of Louisa to Lewis Harris of same $3,333 for tract in Louisa adjoining John Ellis, William Thompson and others being tract purchased by said Ellis of Aron C. White and wife containing 146 acres. Also a tract where Ellis now lives being the same of which Dr. Joseph Duke dec'd. died seized containing 267 acres. Sig. William Ellis and Mary A. Ellis. Wit. Nathl. Mills & Jno. Graves. Mills and Graves took the relinquishment of Mary A. Ellis. Rec. 11 Nov 1833.'

Book: U, Page: 181, Grantor: William Ellis and Mary Ann his wife, Grantee: William Chiles, Date: 08-Nov-1833
William Ellis and Mary Ann his wife of Louisa to William Chiles of same $1,200 for tract in Louisa adjoining George Young, road leading from Clayton's Old store to Gold Mine creek, down the said creek being tract purchased by Ellis under decree of Superior Court of chancery and same tract William Thompson purchased of executors of John White dec'd. cont. 300 acres. Sig. William Ellis and Mary a. Ellis. Wit. Nathl. Mills, Jno. Graves who took Mary's relinquishment. Rec. 11 Nov 1833.

Book: U, Page: 220, Grantor: Elizabeth O. Harris, George J. Waldrop and Carolin, Grantee: William Waldrop, Jr., Date: 24-Aug-1833
Elizabeth O. Harris, George J. Waldrop and Caroline L, his wife, late Caroline L. Mallory, Fleming W. Mallory legatees of Higgason King, Dec'd. all of Louisa to William Waldrop, Jr. $362. land King died possessed of and bequeathed in his last will and testament to said grantors adjoining William Waldrop, Sr., Robert T. Isbell, Peter King and others cont. 100 acres.

Book: U, Page: 223, Grantor: David Dalton, Malichi Dalton, James Dalton, Willia, Grantee: Richard Kennon, Date: 03-Dec-1833
David Dalton, Malichi Dalton, James Dalton, William Dalton, Lucy Dalton, Polly Shepherd, Robert Thacker and David Thacker to Richard Kennon $10 for tract on Gibby's Creek Louisa county containing 13 1/2 acres adjoining Oliver Cross, Kennon, David Thacker, land which descended to them by their mother Mary Dalton, dec'd. Wit. Oliver Cross, Mathew W. M. Michie, George Cross, C. Seargeant as to Malachi Dalton. Rec. 13 Jan 1834.

Book: U, Page: 243, Grantor:  , Grantee: John Waldrop, Date: 03-Mar-1834
Release Debts secured by deed of Trust having been paid off and discharged by James L. Harris to John Waldrop, Trustee, to recover land an appurtenances to James L. Harris. Sig. William N. Waldrop.

Book: U, Page: 256, Grantor: George Vest, Grantee: Wm. Ragland, Date: 22-Dec-1833
George Vest to Wm. Ragland $1.20 for 3/4a on old Mountain Road, road where store is to be placed. Sig. Geo. Vest, wit. Alexander C. Vest. Rec. 10 Mar 1834.

Book: U, Page: 261, Grantor: William Ragland, Grantee: Geo. Vest, Date: 20-Dec-1833
William Ragland of Louisa to Geo. Vest of same $193.20 for tract on both sides Old Mountain Rd. being part of a tract purchased by Ragland of Nuckolds Johnson & wife, beg. where a store is intended to be placed on north side of Old Mountain Rd. near a well, sd. Vest, containing 12 3/4a. Sig. William Ragland wit. Alexander C. Vest, Isaac L. Saunders, James M. Saunders. Rec. 10 Mar 1834.

Book: U, Page: 261, Grantor: William Ragland, Grantee: George Vest, Date: 20-Dec-1833
William Ragland to George Vest $193.20 tract on both sides Old Mountain Road being a part of the tract of land purchased by said Ragland of Nuckolds Johnson and wife by deed recorded Louisa County adjoining north side Old Mountain Road, Vest, crossing road to George Vest containing 12 3/40 acres. Sig. William Ragland wit. Alexander C. Vest, Isaac L. Saunders, James M. Saunders.

Book: U, Page: 266, Grantor: Zedekiah Gibson and wife Nancy, Grantee: Perkins, Date: 01-Apr-1834
Zedekiah Gibson and wife Nancy of Louisa 1st, Owen C. Morris 2nd. of Goochland Co., Zachariah W. Perkins of Louisa 3rd. Gibson indebted to Perkins $50. IN trust 87 acres where Gibson resides on headwaters of Roundabout Creek adj. John Kennon, James Parrish and other also cattle, hogs, furniture, etc. Sig. Z. W. Gibson.

Book: U, Page: 291, Grantor: Richard C. Eggleston, Grantee: Oswald McGehee, Date: 19-Apr-1834
deed of trust 19 Apr 1834 Richard C. Eggleston to Oswald McGehee $1, in trust cows, bed, furniture, household goods in trust to secure to George L. Netherland $49.50.

Book: U, Page: 309, Grantor: James Anderson and Patsy his wife, Grantee: Samuel Mallory, Date: 13-May-1830
James Anderson and Patsy his wife of Grayson Co. to Samuel Mallory of Louisa $390 for tract in Cuckooville containing 130 acres adjoining Peter S. Barret, Duke Cosby dec'd., Anthony Winston and others being tract conveyed 6 Sep 1800 by Samuel and Mary Waddy to Charles Garland under which said Charles Garland then sold to Anderson and wife claim title, the said wife having before her marriage been Patsy Nuckolds. By power of atty from Rhodes Nuckolls and Elizabeth his wife and Ezra Nuckolls and in virtue of a deed executed by Peter Nuckolls which he sold Anderson his interest in said land.

Book: U, Page: 309, Grantor: Thomas Mallory, Grantee: Samuel Mallory and Eliza H. Mitchell, Date: 11-Jul-1834
Thomas Mallory indebted to Samuel Mallory and Eliza H. Mitchell with Dr. Joseph W. Pendleton security. In trust Mary and Thadeus, Negros.

Book: U, Page: 313, Grantor: Trevilians, Thomas, Grantee: Trevilian, Charles G., Date: 05-Jun-1834
Thomas P. Trevilian of Louisa Co. to Charles G. Trevilian of same for natural love and affection and $44 for tract on Richmond Road containing 14 3/4 acres. Beg. Corner in road to Barsheba Magehee; 26P S. W. to a Sassafras corner on McGehee's line; W; 136P; corner on the 7th lot; 75P; S. W. Small white oak in Peter Crawford line & James Porter corner on a path; E; 115P; corner rock on widow Trevilian dower; 39P; N. W. to beginning with appurtenances. Sig. Thos. P. Trevilian. no witnesses. Rec. 5 June 1834

Book: U, Page: 323, Grantor: William F. Toler, George Tyler and John Cole bound, Grantee: Littleton W. Tazewell, Governor, Date: 09-Jun-1834
William F. Toler, George Tyler and John Cole bound to Littleton W. Tazewell, Governor for $5000. Toler appointed constable for 2 years.

Book: U, Page: 332, Grantor: Thomas Loyall, Grantee:  , Date: 15-Jun-1834
Thomas Loyall, Commissioner under decree 13 Aug 1833 to sell estate of John Loyal, Dec. to William F. Toler. $285.50 for 51 acres on Old Mountain Road adjoining Charles Nuckolls with appurtenances. DB U p 329 23 Jun 1834 Thomas T. Davis of Louisa to William F. Toler a tract of land where Thomas T. Davis lives adjoining Turner, containing 30 acres being same land conveyed to Davis by Jonathan Dickinson and wife . In Trust as Davis indebted to Walter M. Davis $50. also Frederick Haris. $20. In event of sale notice to be made public at Pottiesville.

Book: U, Page: 344, Grantor: William F. Toler and Elizabeth C. his wife, Grantee: Thomas Loyall, Date: 11-Aug-1834
William F. Toler and Elizabeth C. his wife to Thomas Loyall $285.50 on Old Mountain Road adjoining Harris, Nuckolls, containing 51 acres.

Book: U, Page: 354, Grantor: Tisdale, Frances, Grantee: Biggers, Richard F., Date: 19-Aug-1834
[no abstract]

Book: U, Page: 354, Grantor: Frances Tisdale, Grantee: Richard F. Biggers, Date: 19-Aug-1834
Frances Tisdale widow of James Tisdale, dec'd., Garland Thomasson and Jane O. his wife, Eveline O. Tisdale, Ellin D. Tisdale all of Louisa, Dandidge L. Tisdale of Christian Co,, Kentucky, James D. Tisdale and Ann his wife of Pike County, Missouri to Richard F. Biggers of Louisa for $2,022 for 253 3/4 acres on Goldmine Creek adj. George Young, Rowland Gooch, Charles Wright's estate, William T. Lipscomb, Cattail branch,

Book: U, Page: 378, Grantor: Deleware Tisdale, Grantee:  , Date: 22-Jul-1834
Deleware Tisdale of Pike Co., Missouri appoints Dandridge Tisdale of Christian Co. Kentucky lawfull attorney in fact in business in Louisa Co., Va. Whereas Mrs. Frances Tisdale widow of James Tisdale, dec'd. is to remove from Louisa to some portion of the western county and she having a life estate in slaves and real estate of James Tisdale dec'd. father of said Deleware and others. Land and slaves need to be sold. Empower Dandridge Tisdale to do what ever he think proper in my share of James Tisdale's estate.

Book: U, Page: 378, Grantor: Tisdale, Delaware, Grantee: Tisdale, Dandridge, Date: 22-Jul-1834
[no abstract]

Book: U, Page: 418, Grantor: George Kennon and Nancy P. Kennon, Grantee: William D. Mansfield and Mary B. Mansfield, Date: 16-May-1834
George Kennon and Nancy P Kennon of Louis to William D. Mansfield and Mary B. Mansfield of Louisa and Benj. Jenkins of Spotsylvaia $160. on Contrary Creek adjoining David Tinder, Mary McGehee, John Burrus, timothy F. Grady, Joseph Boxley 53 acres.

Book: U, Page: 437, Grantor: James C. Dickenson and Mary his wife, Grantee: Pallison Boxley, Date: 28-Aug-1834
James C. Dickenson and Mary his wife of Louisa to Pallison Boxley of same for $40 for tract on Elk Creek containing 4 acres adj. sd. Boxley, sd. Dickenson, Garland Waddy, Boxley's old mill. Sig. James C. Dickenson.

Book: U, Page: 444, Grantor: Thomas Bond 1st,, John Cole and John Day 2nd and W, Grantee:  , Date: 12-Jan-1835
Thomas Bond 1st,, John Cole and John Day 2nd and William F. Toler. 3rd. In trust horse, beds, furniture etc.

Book: U, Page: 455, Grantor: Bibb, Mary A., Grantee: Hunter, David, Date: 09-Feb-1835
[no abstract]

Book: U, Page: 465, Grantor: Bunch, Anderson, Grantee:  , Date:  
Anderson Bunch, dec'd

Book: U, Page: 467, Grantor: Hancock, Benjamin, Grantee: Waller, Elizabeth M., Date: 26-Jan-1835
[no abstract]

Book: U, Page: 535, Grantor: Archibald F. Thomas, Grantee: Henry M. Holland, Date: 23-Mar-1835
Archibald F. Thomas Commissioner to Henry M. Holland of Goochland by decreed of Court 9 Feb 1835 the Commissioner ordered to sell estate of George Adams, dec'd.. Holland highest bidder on tract containing 671/2 acres adjoining Dabney's Mill, 3 Chopt road, legatees of James Adams and Miss Shelton. Wit. James Sims and Hezekiah Sims.

Book: U, Page: 537, Grantor: William Y. Hiter and June his wife, Grantee: James L. Harris, Date: 05-May-1835
William Y. Hiter and June his wife of Louisa to James L. Harris $600, on North East Creek containing 127 acres adjoining John Thomasson, Joseph Eggleston, Dec'd., John Waldrop, William Goodwin and William Y. Hiter. Sig. William Y. Hiter and June Hiter. Wit: William N. Waldrop and Benjamin Harris. David Richardson and W. Waddy, Justices of Richmond, certify for June Hiter. Rec. 16 May 1833 DB U p 364 9 Sep 1834 Kitty Childress of Louisa to William N. Waldrop of Louisa $301 land on head waters of Dirty Swamp, both sides of main road from Louisa CH to Richmond containing 88 acres adjoining James L. Harris, Hugh Goodwin, land belonging to children of Hartwell Davis, Dec'd., Parson Barrett and John Thomasson, Jr. Sig. Kitty Childress (x). Rec. 12 Sep 1834

Book: U, Page: 583, Grantor: Wm. B. Blaydes and Frances B. his wife, Grantee: Oswald McGehee, Date: 22-Jul-1835
Wm. B. Blaydes and Frances B. his wife, of Spotsylvania County to Oswald McGehee of Louisa, $600, tract in lower end of Louisa Co. containing 62 1/2 acres adjoining Oswald McGehee, John Waller, dec'd. it being tract Frances B. Blaydes then Frances B. McGehee drew in division of lands of her father Edward McGehee as lot No. 4 also undivided interest in dower lands of Frances McGehee on which she now resides containing 81 1/2 acres also interest in land of John McGehee dec'd. left to his daughters Mary, Agness, and Sarah and then to Edward McGehee father of Frances B. Blaydes. Wm. B. Blaydes, Frances B. Blaydes.

Book: U, Page: 606, Grantor: Terry, Champness and Nancy, Grantee: Neff, Leonard, Date: 05-Sep-1835
Champness Terry and Nancy of Monroe Co., Va to Leonard Neff of Hanover, $400 for 139 acres. Beg. at corner to Robert Dalton on the main road of J. C. Sanner; S31.5E; 155.5P; Corner of Sanner in Mrs. Kennon's line; N88W; 10P; Corner of Kennon, along her line; S4W; 85P; Poplar on Kennon; S7.5W; 35P; Hickory corner on Thos. Gooch line; N60.5W; 116P; Corner of Gooch and Dalton; N5W; 60.5P; Post Oak corner to Dalton; S86E; 19P; Corner on Dalton; N20.5E; 145P; To Beginning.

Book: U, Page: 613, Grantor: Tyler, George & wife, Grantee: Hancock, Austin, Date:  
[no abstract]

Book: U, Page: 615, Grantor: John Foster Junior, Grantee: David Richardson, Date: 21-Sep-1835
John Foster Junior indebted to David Richardson $50 and to Elisha Jackson $17.89. To Stephen Farrar trustee a tract adjoining William Waldrope, Mrs. Martha Isbell and others containing 60 acres where Foster resides, also personal property. sig. John Foster, Jr.

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