Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book S
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!
Book: S, Page: 134, Grantor: John Vest Senior, Grantee: Richard McGehee, Date:
[blank] Nov 1829 John Vest Senior of Louisa to Richard McGehee $1,683.36 for two tracts in Louisa Co. containing together 336 acres. One tract contains 324 and the other contains 12 acres adjoining each other. 1st tracts adjoins Arnett, Freemans road, road leading from Louisa Courthouse to Fredericksburg, Gold Mine Creek, Lipscomb. 2nd tract adjoins Arnett, 1st tract. Sig. John (x) Vest, Sr. wit. Pleasant Hackett Jno. D. Perkins, John Perry. Rec. 9 Nov 1829.
Book: S, Page: 142, Grantor: Allen Sims, Charles Dabney Jr. and Archibald F. Th, Grantee: Charles B. Brame, Date: 27-Jul-1829
Allen Sims of Louisa, Charles Dabney, Jr. and Archibald F. Thomas all of Louisa and Charles B. Brame. Thomas security for Sims on deed of trust.
Book: S, Page: 145, Grantor: George Lumsden, Grantee: John O. Harris, Date: 21-Nov-1829
George Lumsden to John O. Harris for $480 for 122 2/3 acres, 1st lot containing 61 2/3 acres in will of Rev. William Cooke as No. 1 drawn by William Lipscomb and conveyed to George Lumsden by deed 19 Dec 1820 and lot No. 2 in land of Rev. William Cooke drawn by Andrew B. Cooke cont. 61 1/3 acres and by Andrew B. Cooke and Sarah D. his wife sold to George Lumsden by deed 30 Oct 1821. Whole tract adjoining George Harris, John C. Goodwin, Samuel A. Sale, Thomas T. Davis, Louisanna, infant daughter of Rev. William Cooke and Andrew Cook with all improvements. Sig. George Lumsden. Rec. 29 Nov 1829.
Book: S, Page: 152, Grantor: Hezekiah Butler and Susanna, his wife, Grantee: Saml. White, Date: 14-Dec-1829
Hezekiah Butler and Susanna, his wife, of Louisa to Saml. White of same for $400 for tract adjoining Moses White, Humphrey Bickley and others being land said Butler now resides containing 50 acres. Sig. Hezekiah Butler and Susanna (x) Butler. Recorded 14 Dec 1829. no witnesses.
Book: S, Page: 156, Grantor: Poindexter, Thomas, Grantee: May, John S., Date: 11-Dec-1829
both sides of Lob's Run adj. Joseph Vaughan, formerly Wm. Bell, Jesse White, etc. 113 acres in 1815 forfeitted to commissioner by Moses Quisenberry for non-payment of taxes.
Book: S, Page: 159, Grantor: Geo. Lumsden, Grantee: Nathl and Chas. Thompson, Date: 21-Nov-1829
In trust 1 Negro woman Ailsy and her daughter Sally in trust from Geo. Lumsden to Nathl and Chas. Thompson to secure and save himself harmless. George Lumsden makes this deed since his wife Elizabeth did not make her relinquishment in deed Lumsden to John W. Harris.
Book: S, Page: 164, Grantor: Cosby, James, Grantee: Dunn, James, Date: 08-Jan-1832
James Cosby of the first part, Champ Terry of the second part, and James Dunn of the third part, Cosby owes Dunn $20.00
Book: S, Page: 169, Grantor: Allegre, William R., Grantee: Diggs, Thomas, Date: 14-Dec-1829
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Book: S, Page: 184, Grantor: Chiswell B. Winston 1st, Joseph W. Pendlton 2nd, W, Grantee: toler, Date: 20-Oct-1829
DT 20 Oct 1829 Chiswell B. Winston 1st, Joseph W. Pendlton 2nd, William F. Toler 3rd. Winston indebted to toler $639.40. In trust 118 3/4 acres adjoining Newel Baker, Thomas Harris, Parsons Barret and others, also one blackish horse, one mulato girl named Jenny. sig. Chisewll B. Winston and Lucy F. Winston. Wit. Nelson L. Hines, E. Pendlton and John W. Waddy.
Book: S, Page: 186, Grantor: Richard McGehee, Grantee: James Timberlake, Date: 13-Jan-1830
Richard McGehee of Louisa to James Timberlake of same $1,717.02 two tracts containing together 336 acres 1st tract contains 324 acres and 2nd contains 12 acres and adjoin each other. 1st. tract adjoining Arnett, Freemans road, north side of road leading from Louisa Courthouse to Fredericksburg, Gold Mine Creek, Lipscombs. 2nd tract adjoins Arnett and 1st tract. Sig. Richard McGehee. Rec. 13 Jan 1830.
Book: S, Page: 187, Grantor: James Timberlake, Grantee: John Hunter, Date:
Deed of trust James Timberlake to John Hunter trustee to insure to Richard McGehee payment on above tract.
Book: S, Page: 206, Grantor: Richard McGehee, Grantee: John D. Perkins, Richard McGehe, Date: 08-Feb-1830
Richard McGehee to John D. Perkins, trustee, Richard McGehee is indebted $1,683.36 in 3 bonds of $561.21 each to John Vest administrator of John Vest, dec'd. all of Louisa. In trust tract in Louisa on which John Vest, dec'd. lived containing 336 acres adjoining Hugh Goodwin, William Boyd, John Lipscomb. Rec. 8 Feb 1830.
Book: S, Page: 221, Grantor: Charles M. Dickinson 1st, William Waddy 2nd, Willi, Grantee: , Date: 03-Mar-1830
DT 3 Mar 1830 Charles M. Dickinson 1st, William Waddy 2nd, William F. Toler 3rd. Dickinson indebted to toler $40. also Toler his security on bond to executors of Richard Sandidge for $292. In trust all Charles M. Dickinson's interest he may have in the estate of his uncle, Richard Sandidage, Dec'd., slaves, Elias, Stephen, Edwin, horses furniture, desk, writing desk, axes also his interest in slave Fanny belonging to his mother, all interest in his mothers estate. Sig. Charles M. Dickinson. Wit. William smith D, Martha L. Toler, Robert H. Fox. Rec. 3 Mar 1830.
Book: S, Page: 229, Grantor: William F. Toler, Grantee: , Date: 28-May-1820
William F. Toler trustee to a deed of trust from Merewether Smith to him the said Toler for the benefit of Edmond Pendleton, Nelson L. Hines and Joseph C. Eggleston of 1st part to Nelson Hines of 2nd. Land sold at public auction, all the rights Merewether Smith had in the estate of George McGehee and Samuel Nuckolls, Dec'd by his intermarriage with Ann L. McGehee.
Book: S, Page: 230, Grantor: Caswell Winston 1st, Nelson L. Hines 2nd, William , Grantee: Richard Sandidge, Date: 13-Jan-1830
DT 13 Jan 1830 Caswell Winston 1st, Nelson L. Hines 2nd, William F. Toler 3rd. In trust Negro named Julia purchased of the estate of Richard Sandidge, Dec'd. Rec. 8 Mar 1830.
Book: S, Page: 250, Grantor: James C. Dickenson my niece Nancy Oliver sell unto, Grantee: , Date: 02-Apr-1830
James C. Dickenson for natural love and affection for my niece Nancy Oliver and $5 do sell unto Abner Whatley and Eli Kennerly of Edgefield SC Negro Queen and her children Dabney and Kezzio, Charles and Frederick. To hold in trust for Nancy Oliver and her children separate and apart of her husband.
Book: S, Page: 273, Grantor: John Anderson, Grantee: David McDonald, Nancy Rosebrough, Date: 21-Jul-1828
John Anderson of Louisa appointed atty. in fact for David McDonald, Nancy Rosebrough late Nancy McDonald, Jane Priddy late Jane McDonald, William McDonald and Susannah McDonald his wife, George McDonald and Henrietta McDonald his wife, Henry McDonald and Phebe his wife of Fayette Co., Ohio heirs of Wm. McDonald deceased of Louisa.
Book: S, Page: 274, Grantor: John Anderson, Grantee: Fontaine Bunch, Date: 12-Apr-1830
Deed John Anderson atty in fact for heirs of Wm. McDonald deceased to Fontaine Bunch of Louisa, $145 for 200 acres adjoining John Anderson, Thomas Paine, Jno. Morris and Jeremiah Roberts. Benjamin Henson of Louisa relinquishes all his interest in above land. 9 Jan 1830. Wit. P. Hackett, John Pulliam, R. Terrell. Rec. 12 Apr 1830.
Book: S, Page: 291, Grantor: Griffith C. Dickinson, Grantee: William F. Toler, Date: 27-Mar-1830
Griffith C. Dickinson to William F. Toler both of Louisa $500. and also $303 which Toler has assumed the payment of executors of Richard Sandidge, Dec'd., 25 acres on head waters of Christophers Run adjoining Ann Dickinson, John Gunter and others, being that proportion of Ralph L. Dickinson's land allotted to him in the division of his fathers land and bought by said Griffith C. Dickinson of John Claybrooke, agent for Ralph L. Dickinson; together with waggon, gig, furniture, negroes and his interest on a bond due from William Boxley to him and his brother, Charles M. Dickinson,; also his interest that may be due him from his uncle, Richard Sandidge's estate. Wit. Martha L. Toler, Robert H. Fox. Rec. 10 May 1830
Book: S, Page: 303, Grantor: Philip Smith, Grantee: Ludlow Bramham 2nd, Evan Sneed 3rd., Date: 06-May-1830
Philip Smith to Ludlow Bramham 2nd, Evan Sneed 3rd. Smith owes Sneed $93.78. In trust personal property wagon, 2 beds. Sig. Philip Smith (P) his mark. wit. Wm. Alett, Daniel J. Hartsook.
Book: S, Page: 337, Grantor: Philip Smith, Grantee: Samuel W. Allen, Date: 23-Jun-1830
Philip Smith of Louisa to Samuel W. Allen of Albemarle 2nd, Benjamin Snead 3rd. Smith indebted to Benjamin Snead $172 by bond 23 Jun 1830. In trust 2 sets of black smith tools, walnut desk and book case, walnut cupboard, pine cupboard, walnut chest, walnut fowling table, one dressing table, doz chairs, chimney peace, clock, 3 feather beds, 1 walnut candlestand, pine chest, coffee mill, 2 jugs, 1 shot gun, 4 dishes, 3 pitchers, 1 doz cups and saucers, 1 doz knives & forks, 1 spinning wheel, one flax wheel, etc.
Book: S, Page: 397, Grantor: Garland Thompson and Jane Q. his wife 1st, David H, Grantee: Nathaniel Thomasson, Date: 11-Aug-1830
Garland Thompson and Jane Q. his wife 1st, David Hunter 2nd., James H. and William Ellis 3rd. all of Louisa. Thompson owes Ellis $105.31 by bond 26 May 1830. In Trust all interest of Garland and his wife in estate of Nathaniel Thomasson dec'd. as well as dower property of Mrs. Martha Thomasson, all their interest in estate of James Tisdale dec'd., all their stock, furniture. Wit. John Slater, John W. Taylor, Bushrod B. Chiles. Rec. 13 Sep 1830.
Book: S, Page: 406, Grantor: Tisdale, William, Grantee: Thommason, Garland, Date: 14-Sep-1830
[no abstract]
Book: S, Page: 454, Grantor: Lewis W. Johnson and Nancy his wife 1st, George Ty, Grantee: toler, Date: 22-Sep-1830
DT 22 Sep 1830 Lewis W. Johnson and Nancy his wife 1st, George Tyler, Jr. and John Cole 2nd, William F. Toler 3rd., all of Louisa. Johnson indebted to toler $131. In trust 109 acres on headwaters of Contrary Creek being land where Johnson now resides also land given him by his father which he purchased of Parke Street as attorney for William Brown. Sig. Lewis W. Johnson and Nancy Johnson. Wit. Caswell Winston, Robert H. Fox and Alexander Mitchell.
Book: T, Page: 17, Grantor: James Foster and Catherine his wife, Grantee: John Waldrop, Date: 04-Dec-1830
James Foster and Catherine his wife of Louisa to John Waldrop of Henrico $393.37 1/2 for 131 acres adjoining Richard Sandidge, William Talley and Joseph C. Eggleston's Estate, Frederick Harris. Being a part of a tract purchased by Anthony Waddy from commissioners to sell estate of Merewether Smith, Dec'd. Sig. James Foster and Catherine Foster (x). Wit: William N. Waldrop and Francis Waddy. Rec. 21 Dec 1830.
Book: T, Page: 60, Grantor: Edward Almond and Sarah L., his wife, Grantee: Mark M. Landrum, Date: 14-Feb-1831
Edward Almond and Sarah L., his wife to Mark M. Landrum of Goochland land near Columbia.
Book: T, Page: 82, Grantor: Isham Desper, Grantee: Geo. Vest, Date: 27-Feb-1831
Isham Desper of Louisa to Geo. Vest of same $720 for tract laid off to Desper by will of Samuel Hudson, dec'd. containing 80 acres adjoining Roderick Johnson, John Gilbert, Jr., Benjamin Henson. Wit. Pleasant Hacket, Frances Burrus, Samuel P Hackett. Rec. 14 Mar 1831.
Book: T, Page: 85, Grantor: James Burnley Jr., Grantee: , Date: 19-Feb-1821
By will of James Burnley, Jr. of Louisa, I Richard Goodman of Hanover am entitled to reversionary interest in portion now held by his widow Mr. Elizabeth Burnley, convey that interest for $100 to my son Alexander Goodman of Hanover. 19 Feb 1821.
Book: T, Page: 97, Grantor: Thomas Bond 1st, Nelson S. Hines 2nd, William F. T, Grantee: Toler, Date: 28-Feb-1831
DT 28 Feb 1831 Thomas Bond 1st, Nelson S. Hines 2nd, William F. Toler 3rd. Thomas Bond indebted to Toler $10., and $6.. In trust beds, cow and yearling, gun, and household furniture.
Book: T, Page: 101, Grantor: Thomas Peers, Grantee: William F. Toler, Date: 22-Jan-1831
Thomas Peers of Louisa to William F. Toler for $100, one fourth part of Peers interest in Negro woman, Lucinda, and her 3 children Martha, Andrew, and George, now in possession of William F. Toler, being the Negor woman given by Samuel Parsons, Dec'd to my wife Peers, Dec'd. and to her heirs . Also for $1.00 paid to me by my son John W. Peers, daughter Mary J. Peers, son Albert A. Peers, daughter Melissa A. Peers and by William F. Toler, guardian of my daughter Judith F. Peers and my son William N. Peers all my interest in other 3/4 of said Nefro and her children. Sig. Thomas Peers, Wit. Nelson L. Hines, Robert H. Fox and Augustus Parsons (x) Rec. 14 Mar 1831.
Book: T, Page: 107, Grantor: Z. W. Gibson 1st, Joseph B. Glenn 2nd, and Hardin , Grantee: Glenn and Perkins, Date: 31-Jan-1831
Z. W. Gibson 1st, Joseph B. Glenn 2nd, and Hardin Perkins 3rd. Z. E. Gibson indebted to Glenn and Perkins $20. IN trust tract adj. John Kennon, Joseph Bullock cont. 180 acres wit. Thos. Eades, Robert J. Hope.
Book: T, Page: 142, Grantor: Hughson, Samual, Grantee: Woods, Thomas, Date: 01-Jan-1831
[no abstract]
Book: T, Page: 148, Grantor: Robert Y. Isbell and Martha his wife, Grantee: John Foster Jr., Date: 17-Sep-1825
Robert Y. Isbell and Martha his wife of Louisa to John Foster, Jr. for $100 for tract on Taylor's Creek, it being land Mrs. Theodosia Christmas dec'd. formerly resided. Sig. Robert Y. Isbell and Martha H. Isbell. Wit. Elisha Jackson as to Mrs. Isbell, David Richardson, Elijah M. Byars, Thomas Gardner and Wm. Meredith justices took Martha's relinquishment. 17 Sep 1825.
Book: T, Page: 152, Grantor: Abner N. Harris and Lucy t. his wife, Grantee: Archibald F. Thomas, Date: 31-May-1831
Abner N. Harris and Lucy t. his wife to Archibald F. Thomas $130 for tract on Southanna River immediately below Anderson's bride containing 19 3/4 acres with appurtenances.
Book: T, Page: 153, Grantor: John Pulliam and Sally his wife, Grantee: Matthew White, Date: 12-Apr-1831
John Pulliam and Sally his wife to Matthew White for $200 tract adjoining John S. Buck, Wade Mills, Thomas Baker and others cont. 91 acres by estimation. Wit. John D. Perkins, Jesse W. Harlow, John White. Sig. John Pulliam (x), Sally Pulliam (x)
Book: T, Page: 167, Grantor: Richard C. Eggleston, Grantee: Jude and mieure, Date: 04-Apr-1831
DT 4 Apr 1831 Richard C. Eggleston of Louisa 1st, Jude and Mieure of City of Richmond 2nd and William F. Toler 3rd. Eggleston indebted to Jude and mieure $163.66. In trust slaves, wagon and 4 horses. Wit. Nelson L. Hines, Alexander Mitchell, Richard B. Hall. Rec. 14 May 1831.
Book: T, Page: 179, Grantor: Christopher I. Thomas and Mary N. his wife, Grantee: Archibald F. Thomas, Date: 07-Jul-1831
Christopher I. Thomas and Mary N. his wife of Hanover to Archibald F. Thomas of Louisa $60 tract south side road leading from Cartersville to Fredericksville adjoining said Archibald F. Thomas, Samuel O. Clough being part of tract formerly owned by Richard Clough, dec'd. containing 18 3/4 acres.
Book: T, Page: 189, Grantor: Nathan Smith, Grantee: David M. Hunter, Date: 13-Jul-1831
Nathan Smith of Louisa co. Appoint David M. Hunter power of attorney bonding me as surety of Susan Gillum as admx. Of James Gillum dec'd. 13 Jul 1831.
Book: T, Page: 197, Grantor: John D. Perkins and Ann, his wife, Grantee: John Vest, Date: 14-Aug-1831
John D. Perkins and Ann, his wife, to John Vest $2,570, tract on South Anna River adjoining James M. Morris adj. Couthans Run, South Anna River, Morris, Gillespies, Roberts, corner on Bird Mill containing 514 acres. Sig. Jno. D. Perkins & Ann L. Perkins. wit Ellis Juan?, John R. Vest, Nelson A. Burrus, Jr. Rec. 23 Aug 1831.
Book: T, Page: 210, Grantor: John Waldrop and Mary his wife, Grantee: James L. Harris, Date: 27-Aug-1831
John Waldrop and Mary his wife of Henrico to James L. Harris of Louisa $301.50, both sides of main Road from Louisa CH to Richmond containing 50 1/4 acres adjoining Joseph Stevens in John Thomassons line at junction of old church road, corner Joseph K. Pendleton in spring. L. Bowles and Ro. C. Williamson, Justices certify for Waldrop.
Book: T, Page: 210, Grantor: Waldrop, John & wife, Grantee: Harris, James L., Date: 27-Aug-1831
[no abstract]
Book: T, Page: 215, Grantor: John L. Trice, Grantee: David M. Hunter, Date: 12-Sep-1831
John L. Trice to David M. Hunter trustee for John S. Buck. Trice indebted to Buck $330. in trust land on Duckinghole Creek containing 106 acres and tract containing 100 acres adjoining each adjoining lands of Lasley Arnett dec'd., estate of James Gillum dec'd., estate of Nathaniel Thompson dec'd. Sig. John L. Trice.
Book: T, Page: 246, Grantor: Lewis W. Johnson and Nancy his wife, Grantee: William F. Toler, Date: 26-Oct-1831
Lewis W. Johnson and Nancy his wife, to William F. Toler all of Louisa. $275 for 109 acres on which Johnson now resides adjoining John Massie, Jr. William Walton, John Trice and others being land given Lewis W. Johnson by his father which land the said Lewis Johnson bought from Mr. Street of Hanover County and gave to his son, Lewis W. Johnson and his wife. sig. Lewis W. Johnson and Nancy D. Johnson.
Book: T, Page: 248, Grantor: Archibald F. Thomas and Sarah is wife, Grantee: Samuel O. Clough, Date: 09-Jun-1831
Archibald F. Thomas and Sarah is wife to Samuel O. Clough $140 for tract on the Southanna River adjoining Cartersville and Fredericksburg Road and balance of tract of land which belonged to Richard Clough, dec'd. containing 19 3/4 acres.
Book: T, Page: 290, Grantor: Samuel Groom 1st., David M. Hunter, and Pleasant H, Grantee: Seargeant, Date: 16-Dec-1831
Samuel Groom 1st., David M. Hunter, and Pleasant Hacket 2nd. and Chapman Seargeant 3rd. Groom indebted to Seargeant $331.13 in trust Negro, mare, livestock, furniture, all interest in estate of Humphrey Parrish dec'd.
Book: T, Page: 296, Grantor: Edmund Pendleton and Joseph W. Pendleton, Grantee: William Talley, Date: 09-Jan-1832
Edmund Pendleton and Joseph W. Pendleton, exors. of Richard Sandidge, Dec'd., of Louisa to William Talley of same county; $200 for land Richard Sandidge died seized containing 200 acres adjoining land of said Talley, John Waldrope and others. Sig. Jos. W. Pendleton and E. Pendleton. Rec. 9 Jan 1832.
Book: T, Page: 304, Grantor: Alexander Levy, Grantee: John Hunter, Date: 11-Jan-1832
Alexander Levy of Louisa and Elizabeth his wife to John Hunter $879 for 293 acres adjoining Poor house balance of land Levy lately resided after taking off 200 acres sold by Levy to the Justices of Louisa co. for the purpose of a Poor House. Adj. William Y. Hiter, Poor House tract, Dr. William Godwin, Whitlocks, line, Anderson Trice line, Thompason, Sig. a. Levy and Elizabeth Levy. Wit. David M. Hunter.
Book: T, Page: 312, Grantor: James C. Dickenson security for John M. Price who , Grantee: Dr. Joseph W. Pendleton with John Hunter, Date: 14-Feb-1832
James C. Dickenson security for John M. Price who is indebted to Dr. Joseph W. Pendleton with John Hunter trustee. John M. Price sells to John Hunter all his interest in the old Courthouse and grounds on which it stands being same house and grounds conveyed by James H. Ellis and wife to John M. Price and Charles Thompson, Jr. Also Negroes Martha, Gregory, Matt, Thomas and children of Tamas the wife of Moses being Kitty, Eliza, Nelly, Charity and Betty to save Dickenson from loss.
Book: T, Page: 314, Grantor: William Faris, Grantee: Hutson Faris and John M. Harlowe 2nd par, Date: 10-Feb-1832
William Faris of Louisa to Hutson Faris and John M. Harlowe 2nd part, and Lucy B. Faris daughter of said William 3rd. part. William desirous of making provision for his daughter and her children after his death. In trust to trustee 1 Negro woman Betty, 2 feather beds and furniture, etc. Wit. John H. Wheeler, William Sadler, John Anderson. Rec. 13 Feb 1832.
Book: T, Page: 322, Grantor: H. Ellis and David Thompson, Grantee: , Date:
H. Ellis and David Thompson Commissioners appointed by Superior court of chancery in a suit Thompson's committee against other to sell a tract of land therein specified to William Ellis of Louisa by decree 27 Jun 1827. Tract called Whites containing 300 acres being the same land purchased by William Thompson of the executors of John White. Sig. James H. Ellis and David Thomson. Wit. Howard B. Edwards, Simeon Keesaer, Jas. P Shepherd, A. G. Shepperd. Rec. same day.
Book: T, Page: 324, Grantor: William Faris, Grantee: , Date:
William Faris of Louisa for love I bear my son Hutson Faris of Louisa tract I now reside containing 200 acres in Louisa, 1 Negro boy Allen and a child Sally, stock etc. To remain in my possession until my death. Sig. William Faris. Wit. John H. Wheeler, William Sadler, John Anderson.
Book: T, Page: 334, Grantor: Robert Dalton, Grantee: , Date: 29-Feb-1832
Robert Dalton Special Commissioner 29 Feb 1832 to make sale of land of Joseph Kennon, dec'd. after allotting his widow her dower to Richard Kennon for $186, 46 1/4 acres being all the land of the estate of Joseph Kennon after widows dower adjoining Richmond main Road leading by Louisa Courthouse to Charlottesville, Terry in Woods line, James Turner (now Nathaniel Mills), plat in suit Kennon &oc vs. Kennon Rec. 9 Feb 1832.
Book: T, Page: 363, Grantor: Nicholas Whitlock and Sally his wife, Bartholomew , Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 13-Mar-1832
Nicholas Whitlock and Sally his wife, Bartholomew Whitlock and Martha his wife to David Lipscomb all of Louisa $2,500 tract on Duckinghole Creek containing 400 acres being same tract Lipscomb sold to Whitlock adjoining Nathan Smith, Hugh Goodwin, Peter M. Daniel, John Fleeman, Benjamin Boxley estate, William McGehee, David Lipscomb and main Road.
Book: T, Page: 366, Grantor: Thompson Price, Jr., Grantee: , Date:
Release for Thompson Price, Jr. who has paid off the bond secured they deed of trust DB T p 312.
Book: T, Page: 389, Grantor: Wade Mills and Maria his wife, Grantee: , Date: 09-Apr-1832
Wade Mills and Maria Mills his wife sell 1 acre to trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church - Hiram Saunders, David M. Hunter, David Thompson, George Hunter, Oliver Bartlett, Elisha Jones, James Roberts, James Timberlake and William Jackson. land for a church building.
Book: T, Page: 431, Grantor: John Turner executor, Grantee: John Gunter, Date: 12-May-1832
John Turner executor of John Carpenter dec'd. of Goochland to John Gunter of Louisa $1,022.38 for 159 1/4 acres adjoining Christophers Run at Nathan Smiths and Charles Dickinson, Dec'd, Enos Gunter, Dec'd. Sig. John Turner executor. Rec. 14 May 1832.
Book: T, Page: 445, Grantor: Geo. Massie, Denr. and Temperance his wife, Grantee: Elisha Jackson, Thos. Pendleton, William, Date: 09-May-1831
Geo. Massie, Denr. and Temperance his wife of Louisa to Elisha Jackson, Thos. Pendleton, William Jackson, Wm. Jackson, Jr., Charles N. Christmas, William Harris, Thomas Harris and Peter N. H. Massie for love of Methodist Episcopal Church tract on Richmond Road east side on Indian Creek for house of worship.
Book: T, Page: 459, Grantor: Joseph Clark, Grantee: James Clark, Date: 30-Oct-1821
Joseph Clark of Orange county to James Clark of said County and Sally Schisler wife of Lewis Shisler of Louisa and daughter of aforesaid Joseph Clark of the third part and children of aforesaid Sally of the 4th part. Joseph Clarke for love and affection towards his daughter Sally Schliser sell to James Clarker, in trust,Negroes for the use of Sally Schisler and her children.
Book: T, Page: 462, Grantor: Charles Abraham of Louisa 1st, Charles N. Jones 2n, Grantee: David Tisdale, Date: 20-Jun-1832
Deed of trust 20 Jun 1832 Charles Abraham of Louisa 1st, Charles N. Jones 2nd, David Tisdale 3rd. Abraham indebted to Tisdale $110 being money paid by Tisdale for articles bought by Abraham at Mrs. Travilians sale.
Book: T, Page: 501, Grantor: Garland Dickinson, Grantee: Erasmus Walton, Date: 11-Sep-1832
Garland Dickinson to Erasmus Walton both of Louisa for $5.121/2 for 251/2 acres adjoining Jesse Perkins, Peter Crawford, road from Munford's Bridge to Tevillians Tavern with privilege to get water from spring on land of Anderson Bunch, being land Dicinson purchased of Anderson Bunch. Sig. Garland (x0) Dickinson.
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