Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book N

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Updated: 03/07/2025

Book: N, Page: 459, Grantor: John D. Watkins and Mary, his wife, Grantee: Susanna Oliver, Date: 31-Jan-1818
John D. Watkins and Mary, his wife, of Louisa to Susanna Oliver of Fluvanna for $904 for tract on Beaver Creek containing 1391/2 acres adj. Bucks branch on Wheelers line, William Farris. wit. John M. Harlowe, William Oliver, Robert Oliver. Justices of Fluvanna County certify for Mary Watkins.

Book: N, Page: 463, Grantor: Armistead Cole and Nancy his wife and Nathaniel By, Grantee: Elias Thomasson, Date: 09-Mar-1818
Armistead Cole and Nancy his wife and Nathaniel Byrd of Louisa to Elias Thomasson for $300.23 for 125 acres on Contrary Creek.

Book: N, Page: 464, Grantor: William Ragland, Grantee: Richard Byrd, Date: 11-Mar-1818
William Ragland of Louisa to Richard Byrd of same #200 for tract on south branch of Elk Creek, containing 101 acres adjoining Francis Jerdone, William Kimbrough being part of tract devised said Ragland by his grandfather Samuel Ragland.

Book: N, Page: 486, Grantor: Waldrop, John & wife, Grantee: Isbell, Robert, Date: 13-Apr-1818
[no abstract]

Book: N, Page: 495, Grantor: Waldrop, John & wife, Grantee: Isbell, Robert, Date: 13-Apr-1818
[no abstract]

Book: N, Page: 525, Grantor: John D. Fielding and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Philip Smith, Date: 05-Jun-1818
John D. Fielding and Elizabeth his wife of Louisa to Philip Smith of same County $107 for tract on both sides of main road leading from Major Ludlow Bramhams to Bentovoles containing 19 acres adjoining William Michie, John Fielding, Steven Flanagan's, John R. Ragland, Col. Overton, Sig. John D. Fielding and Elizabeth Fielding wit. John Downing, Ludlow Bramham, David Thomasson. Rec. 8 Jun 1818.

Book: O?, Page: 0, Grantor: Bagby, John & Morris, William & Elizabeth, Grantee: Knight, Benjamin, Date: 28-Sep-1818
(Copied by Tom Smith; tasmits@aol.com) This indenture made this twenty eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen between William Morris and Elizabeth Morris his wife of Louisa County of the one part and Benjamin Knight of Albemarle County of the other part, Witnesseth that the said William Morris and Elizabeth his wife for and in consideration of the sum of ninety seven pounds ten shillings lawful money of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the said Benjamin Knight at or before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they do acknowledge have granted, bargained and sold unto the said Benjamin Knight one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Louisa containing one hundred acres, be the same, more or less, and bounded by the lands of John Morris, Jesse W. Harlow and others; To have and to hold the said land and its appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Knight his heirs and assigns forever, with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof with all and every advantage thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the said William Morris and Elizabeth his wife and their heirs unto the said Benjamin Knight and his heirs do hereby agree they will warrant and forever defend the said land free and clear from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof they have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.

Book: O, Page: 6, Grantor: John D. Fielding and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Philip Smith, Date: 06-Jun-1818
John D. Fielding and Elizabeth his wife of Louisa to Philip Smith of same $107 for tract on both sides of main road leading from Ludlow Bramhams to Bentavolio cont. 19 acres adjoining William Michie and John Fielding, Stephen Flanagans, John R. Ragland. Sig. John D. Fielding and Elizabeth Fielding wit. John Downing, Ludlow Bramham, David Thomasson Rec. 8 Jun 1818.

Book: O, Page: 17, Grantor: Micajah Johnson and Mary Ann his wife, Grantee: Beverly Ragland, Date: 19-Apr-1799
Micajah Johnson and Mary Ann his wife of Louisa to Beverly Ragland of same $18 tract cont. 3 acres adj. sd. Ragland and Johnson, main road leading to Louisa Court house. and John Downing. Sig. Micajah (x) Johnson, Mary Ann (x) Johnson. wit. Peter Crawford, John Bagby, Turner Anderson, John Crawford., John Downing, Thomas (x) Porter.

Book: O, Page: 46, Grantor: James H. Terrell, Grantee: Garland Anderson, Date: 19-May-1814
James H. Terrell of Albemarle to Garland Anderson for a parcel of land in Louisa and $1 to Anderson a tract cont. 10 acres on Duckinghole Creek adj. Anderson and Terrell.

Book: O, Page: 49, Grantor: Alfred Anderson, Grantee: Garland Anderson. Isaac Winston, Date:  
Aug 1818 Alfred Anderson, grandson of Isaac Winston, of Culpeper Co. and son of Garland Anderson of Louisa to Garland Anderson. Isaac Winston by deed 7 Sep 1805 conveyed to Alfred Anderson Negro woman and her two children which were in possession of Garland Anderson who claimed them by virtue of gift from said Isaac Winston, Alfred Anderson yields ownership to his father.

Book: O, Page: 56, Grantor: George Overton, Grantee: Benjamin Massey, Date: 07-Apr-1795
Deed George Overton of Spots and Mary his wife to Benjamin Massey of Spots; 25 Lbs. land in Berkeley Parish containing 70 acres adjoining new Road in Corbins line, David Partlow's line, with building and improvements. Sig. George Overton and Mary Overton. Rec. 7 Apr 1795

Book: O, Page: 57, Grantor: Gooch, Rowland, Grantee: Poindexter, Charles, Date: 14-Sep-1818
[no abstract]

Book: O, Page: 57, Grantor: George Overton and Mary his wife, Grantee: Thomas Moore, Date: 07-Apr-1795
George Overton and Mary his wife of Spots. to Thomas Moore of Spots. for 12 Lbs. 10s for 57 1/2 acres in Spots. adjoining Massey, William Overton on the old Road, David Partlow, Gaines. Sig. George Overton and Mary Overton. Rec. 7 Apr 1795

Book: O, Page: 57, Grantor: Rowland Gooch and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Charles Poindexter, Date: 14-Sep-1818
Rowland Gooch and Elizabeth his wife $432. to Charles Poindexter on Hickory Creek adjoining Landrum, William Bibb, Thomas Jones, 108 acres. Sig. Rowland Gooch and Betsey Gooch, no wit. 14 Sep 1818.

Book: O, Page: 59, Grantor: Wyatt Almond and Susanna his wife, Grantee: William Walton, Date: 14-Sep-1818
Wyatt Almond and Susanna his wife of Louisa to William Walton of Louisa $92.25 for tract on Contrary Creek adj. Wilson Ware, Dudley Ware. No acreage given.

Book: O, Page: 59, Grantor: Wyatt Almond and Susanna, his wife, Grantee: William Walton, Date: 14-Sep-1818
Wyatt Almond and Susanna, his wife, of Louisa, Va. to William Walton of same $92.74 currt. on Contrary Creek adjoining Wilson Ware, Dudley Ware. Sig. Wyatt Almond and Susanna Almond. No wit. No acreage. Rec. 14 Sep 1818.

Book: O, Page: 60, Grantor: Sneed, Grantee: Dudleu Ware, Date:  
Sneed to Dudleu Ware $102. on Contrary Creek adjoining Charles Garland, John Gunter, Sr. Dec'd., Wyatt Almond, Elizabeth Ware.

Book: O, Page: 61, Grantor: Dudley Ware and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Charles Gunter, Date:  
Dudley Ware and Elizabeth his wife to Charles Gunter

Book: O, Page: 61, Grantor: Thomas Gunter and Mary his wife, Grantee: William Walton, Date: 14-Sep-1818
Thomas Gunter and Mary his wife of Louisa to William Walton of same [money blank] for tract on Contrary Creek containing 89 acres adj. Enos Gunter, John Gunter, Malachi Ware, dec'd. Dudley Ware, Thos. Carter.

Book: O, Page: 61, Grantor: Thomas Gunter and Mary, Grantee: William Walton., Date:  
Thomas Gunter and Mary to William Walton.

Book: O, Page: 62, Grantor: Dudley Ware and Elizabeth, Grantee: Wilson Ware, Date:  
Dudley Ware and Elizabeth to Wilson Ware

Book: O, Page: 63, Grantor: Thomas Gunter and Mary his wife, Grantee: Dudley Ware, Date:  
Thomas Gunter and Mary his wife to Dudley Ware

Book: O, Page: 64, Grantor: Malachi Ware, Grantee: Dudley Ware., Date:  
All of the children of Malachi Ware and their spouses to Dudley Ware.

Book: O, Page: 73, Grantor: Gooch, Dabney & Ruth, Grantee: Dunn, Martin, Date: 12-Oct-1818
William D. Gooch attorney for Dabney Gooch and Ruth Gooch his wife of Lincoln County, Kentucky to Martin Dunn of Louisa Co for £60 for 80 acres beginning at Robert Dalton line, N 68 deg E 104 poles to Joshua Hughes line, N 3 deg E 212 poles, then S 25 deg W 251 poles to beginning.

Book: O, Page: 76, Grantor: Burris, Mary, Grantee: Bronough, David, Date: 06-Jun-1819
Mary Burris, widow of John Burris, Henry and Lucy Burris, John and Elizabeth Monday, Henry and Lucy Coats, John and Lucinda Burris and Overton Burris, for $300 paid by David Bronough, 115 acres of land on Contrary Creek

Book: O, Page: 77, Grantor: Robert Anderson, Grantee:  , Date: 23-Sep-1818
Robert Anderson of Nelson co., Ann Moon late Ann Anderson, John B. Miller and Susannah his wife late Susannah Anderson, Joseph Higbee and Sally his wife late Sally Anderson of Jessamine and Zacheriah Holladay and Catharine Holladay his wife late Kentucky reposing especial trust and confidence in our mutual friend and relative Joel Miller of Jessamine and appoint Joel Miller atty in fact for business in the estate of Virginia relative to estate of Col. Robert Anderson dec'd. late of Louisa county and of David Anderson his son. We authorize our atty to demand and receive possession of a tract of land in Louisa upon which Col. Robert Anderson lived and died which was conveyed by deed recorded in Louisa by David Anderson heir at law to sd. Col. Robert Anderson to his sisters above named and to Robert Anderson and John P. Anderson dec'd. or in our names either jointly or severally and to prosecute any suits to sell and convey the same, to receive the purchase money as if we were personally present 23 Sep 1818 sig. Robt. Anderson, Ann Moon, John Miller, Susanna Miller, Jos. Higbee, Sally Higbee.

Book: O, Page: 82, Grantor: Henry Lawrence and Mary his wife, Grantee: William Y. Hiter, Date: 12-Oct-1818
Henry Lawrence and Mary his wife to William Y. Hiter for $500 183 acres adj. Waddy Thomason, Elias. Thomas, Garreth with appurtenances.

Book: O, Page: 88, Grantor: Henry Lawrence and Mary his wife, Grantee: Reuben Cowherd, Date:  
Oct 1817 Henry Lawrence and Mary his wife to Reuben Cowherd for $1,500 on Draggon Swamp cont. 100 acres adj. Quarles, Chiles, Turner, also tract adj. first tract containing 50 acres purchased from William Lumsden and wife.

Book: O, Page: 94, Grantor: Polly Bunch, Grantee: David Watson, Date: 03-Mar-1817
Polly Bunch to David Watson all of Louisa $589.50 for tract adjoining said Watson purchased of John Wade and being land bequeathed Polly Bunch by her father Geo. Hancock dec'd. containing 131 acres being upper end of Hancock tract, the lower end lately been laid off to William Saunders and sold by him to David Bunch. Sig. Polly Bunch. wit. Albert G. Quarles, Nathaniel Wheeler, Henry Watson.

Book: O, Page: 105, Grantor: Alexander Levy, Grantee: Harry Lawrence, Date: 25-Nov-1818
Alexander Levy to Harry Lawrence (sic) of Louisa, Levy hath purchased of sd. Lawrence lot adjoining court house 1 acre by deed executed by said Henry (sic) 12 Oct 1818 Henry Lawrence to Peter Crawford, Thomas Gardner, John Downing and Ludlow Branham justices of Louisa for $500 1 acre on which the courthouse now stands adj. road leaving courthouse to Richmond, William Crawfords blacksmith shop, road leading to Yanceyville cont. 2 acres with grounds on which jail stands.

Book: O, Page: 109, Grantor: Isham L. Watkins and Winfred his wife, Grantee: William Mansfield, Sr., Date: 08-Dec-1818
Isham L. Watkins and Winfred his wife of Logan County, Ky. and Elizabeth Watkins his mother of Louisa to William Mansfield, Sr. of Louisa for $10 for tract on Christophers Run cont. 438 acres adjoining Mary Carpenter, William Mills, Armstead Cole, Richard Thompson, Lucy Gooch, William McGehee, Carpenter. wit. Benj. Boxley, William D. Mansfield, Clifton Carpenter.

Book: O, Page: 119, Grantor: Frederick Harris and Catharine S. Harris his wife, Grantee: William Mills, Date: 07-Sep-1818
Frederick Harris and Catharine S. Harris his wife to William Mills of Louisa $185 on south side of Belches Rd. cont. 20 1/2 acres adjoining sd. Harris, sd Mills and Thornton Gibson.

Book: O, Page: 123, Grantor: Winston, Anthony, Grantee: McGehee, George, Date: 14-Dec-1818
[no abstract]

Book: O, Page: 141, Grantor: Garland Anderson and Mary his wife, Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 29-Sep-1818
Garland Anderson and Mary his wife of Louisa for $12,000 Va. Currency to David Lipscomb for tract on Ducking Hole Creek containing 694 1/2 acres adjoining James Terrell, Charles Wright, John Edwards, Duckinghole Creek, John Bibb, Henry Bibb, John Quarles, Jas. Tate, William Tate, James Minor on the old Road. Also another tract a short distance from the above mentioned tract containing 7 1/4 acres adjoining South side main road leading from Louisa Court House to Boxleys bridge, Samuel Thomson. Sig. Garland Anderson and Mary Anderson wit. Reub. Cowherd, Peter M. Daniel, John Nunn, William Martin.

Book: O, Page: 144, Grantor: Martha Wills, Grantee: James Curren and John R. Perkins, Date: 14-Dec-1818
Relinquishment of Martha Wills taken by James Curren and John R. Perkins of Fluvanna on deed DB N p 189. Rec. 14 Dec 1818.

Book: O, Page: 146, Grantor:  , Grantee:  , Date: 25-Nov-1818
In consideration of the good will an esteem we have toward Isham L. Watkins of Logan County, Kentucky and $1 we give all our claim to land willed to him by his father in which his mother Elizabeth Watkins was to have a right being land Isham Watkins, dec'd. resided during his lifetime in Louisa on waters of Christophers Run. Sig. Joel Watkins, Elizabeth Watkins, James Lewis, Ann Lewis, John D. Watkins, Polly Watkins, Francis Landrum agent for James and Piney Landrum. Rec. 5 Jan 1819.

Book: O, Page: 149, Grantor: James May, Grantee: Charles Poindexter, Date: 11-Jan-1819
James May of Louisa to Charles Poindexter for $300 tract on headwaters of Hickory creek containing 122 acres adjoining Doctors Road, Graves waggon road. no witnesses. Sig. James May.

Book: O, Page: 151, Grantor: Bell, Robert & wife, Grantee: Saunders, Julius, Date: 11-Jan-1819
[no abstract]

Book: O, Page: 155, Grantor: Bibb, Henry, Grantee: Webb, Caleb, Date: 01-Feb-1819
[no abstract]

Book: O, Page: 167, Grantor: James D. Turner and Mary, his wife, Grantee: William Hunter, Date: 25-Dec-1819
James D. Turner and Mary, his wife to William Hunter, $415 for tract on Fork Creek containing 83 acres adjoining Parish, Goodall, William Hunter Wit. James Groom, David T. Cannon, George Hunter, Oliva Mann.

Book: O, Page: 170, Grantor: Dunn, Susannah, Grantee: Kennon, Joseph, Date: 08-Feb-1819
DB O, pg 170 8 Feb 1819 Susannah Dunn of Louisa Joseph Kennon 68lb. For 68 acres on headwaters of Harris’s creek and on south side of the main road leading to Richmond known by lot # 2 in William Hughes survey and founded as follows: Beginning read oak in James Turner’s line, Lot # 3 on the road then up said road 58 poles to corner white oak and hickory then south 85°W 30 poles to corner of pointers in Terry’s lot # 1, then south 3 ½° west 122 poles to corner of painters and Thomas Woods line then south 68°E 77 poles to corner of pointers in Christopher Woods line then north 9°E 139 poles to beginning.

Book: O, Page: 170, Grantor: Dunn, Susanna, Grantee: Kennon, Joseph, Date: 08-Feb-1819
For 68 pounds, 68 acres on headwaters of Hickory Creek and on the south side of the main road leading to Richmond known by Lot #2 in the William Hughes survey and bounded as follows: James Turner line, lot #3 on the road, then up road 58 poles to Oak & Hickory; s85W 30 poles to corner in Thomas Wood S68E 77 poles Christopher Wood line N9E 139 poles to beginning.

Book: O, Page: 171, Grantor: Kennon, Joseph, Grantee: Dunn, Susannah L., Date: 08-Feb-1819
Joseph Kennon 1st, James Trevilian and James Porter 2nd, and Susannah L. Dunn 3rd. sd. Joseph Kennon indebted to Susannah L. Dunn £68 in gold or silver to be paid 4 Feb. 1823. To secure in trust all tract of 68 acres in Louisa adjoining James Turner lot #3 on the road, Terry's lot #1, Thos. Wood, Sr., Christopher Wood with appurtenances. [explanation of sale in case of default follows] Sig. Joseph Kennon. wit. Robert Dalton, Thomas Gooch, John Dunn. rec. 8 Feb. 1819

Book: O, Page: 174, Grantor: Henry Lawrence and Mary his wife, Grantee: Charles Thompson, Jr. and John M. Price, Date: 26-Jun-1819
Henry Lawrence and Mary his wife to Charles Thompson, Jr. and John M. Price for $25,000 for tract on which courthouse now stands containing by estimate 3921/2 acres.

Book: O, Page: 179, Grantor: Lancelot Minor and Mary Overton Minor his wife, Grantee: Archibald Thomson, Date: 29-Dec-1818
Lancelot Minor and Mary Overton Minor his wife to Archibald Thomson all of Louisa $200 tract adjoining said Archibald Thomson, estate Benjamin Higgason, dec'd., old Mountain Road containing 20 acres. Sig. Lancelot Minor, Mary O. Minor. wit. William Baugh, Mathew Hope, Stephen Lacy.

Book: O, Page: 183, Grantor: Johnson, Lewis, Grantee: Ulegate, Paul, Date: 08-Mar-1819
[no abstract]

Book: O, Page: 193, Grantor: Anderson Graven and Joice his wife, Grantee: Merewether Smith, Date: 21-Oct-1818
Anderson Graven and Joice his wife of Louisa to Merewether Smith $75.00, 200 acres belonging to estate of Francis Houchins, Dec'd. on North East Creek adjoining Edward Houchins, Merewether Smith, John Thomasson, Trinity Church. Wit. William Jackson, Jr., Parson Barrett, George Davis, Lynch Terrell, J. W. Pendleton. Rec. 12 Apr 1819.

Book: O, Page: 199, Grantor: William Ragland, Grantee: Nathaniel Bunch, Date: 01-Apr-1819
William Ragland to Nathaniel Bunch all of Louisa. Parties purchased tract of land from heirs of John Boyd dec'd. in partnership containing 100 acres and final division being this day made by David Watson and Elja. Hutcheson referees chosen by the parties into 2 lots 53 acres to Bunch and 47 acres to Ragland. Wit. Elijah Hutchison, Pleasant Hacket.

Book: O, Page: 211, Grantor: Matthew Anderson and Martha his wife, Grantee: Garland Anderson, Date: 10-Apr-1819
Matthew Anderson and Martha his wife of Louisa to Garland Anderson of same $1 and love and affection they bear their son Garland Anderson for tract on Folly Swamp cont. 340 adj. on south by Hunters Road, north by cub. Creek adj. Matthew Anderson, James Johnson and Cub Creek.

Book: O, Page: 216, Grantor: Stephen Houchins and Polly, his wife, Grantee: Meriwther Smith, Date: 12-Nov-1818
Stephen Houchins and Polly, his wife, of Louisa to Meriwther Smith for $75 all interest in 200 acres belonging to estate of Francis Houchins, dec'd., on North East Creek adjoining Edward Houchins, Meriwether Smith, John Thomasson, Trinity Church Tract. wit. William Jackson, Jr., Benja. Waddy, Ro. Barret, Richard Anderson. Sig. Stephen Houchins and Polly (x) Houchins.

Book: O, Page: 216, Grantor: Stephen Houchins and Polly his wife, Grantee: Merewether Smith, Date: 12-Nov-1818
Stephen Houchins and Polly his wife of Louisa to Merewether Smith of same $75.00, 200 acres belonging to estate of Francis Houchins, Dec'd on North East Creek adjoining Edward Houchins, Merewether Smith and John Thomasson, Trinity Church Tract with appurtenances. Wit. William Jackson, Jr., Benjamin Waddy, Ro. Barrett, Richard Anderson.

Book: O, Page: 233, Grantor: Terry, David Heirs, Grantee: Porter, James, Date: 07-Mar-1819
William Terry, Martin Dunn, William Gooch, Champs. Terry, James Terry, Catharine Terry and Polly Terry heirs and representatives of David Terry, dec'd. to James Porter. for divers good causes and $200 tract in Louisa County on some of the head branches of Hickory Creek containing by survey 20 acres adj. Martin Dunn, said Porter, Poindexter. wit. G. Atkins, Thos. Poindexter, Robt. Dalton, James Porter, Sr. Sig. Martin Dunn, William (x) Gooch, Champs. Terry, James (x) Terry, Catharine (x) Terry, Polly (x) Terry. Rec. 17 May 1819

Book: O, Page: 233, Grantor: Wm. Terry, Martin Dunn, Wm. Gooch, Champ Terry, Ja, Grantee:  , Date: 17-Mar-1819
Wm. Terry, Martin Dunn, Wm. Gooch, Champ Terry, James Terry, Catharine Terry, Polly Terry heirs of David Terry dec'd.

Book: O, Page: 235, Grantor: A. C. White and Mary Ann White, Grantee: Wm. Ellis, Date: 25-Feb-1819
A. C. White and Mary Ann White of Caroline to Wm. Ellis of Louisa $2250 tract in Louisa cont 50 acres being tract of land formerly sold by Jos. Maddison to Wm. Thomson dec'd. and devised by said Thomson to his 2 daughters Mary A. White and Ann Goodwin adj. said Wm. Ellis, Jno. Ellis and Jno. Bibb, Arthur Clayton. Sig. A. C. White and Mary A. White. wit. Timothy Chandler, Hugh C. Chandler, John Blunt, Nathl. Mills, John Thomson, Arthur Clayton, Ralph Quarles, Wm. Thomson, Jr.

Book: O, Page: 249, Grantor: Thomas Gooch and Martha his wife, Stephen Gooch an, Grantee: Peter M. Daniel, Date: 28-Nov-1818
Thomas Gooch and Martha his wife, Stephen Gooch and Catherine his wife, James Nelson and Elizabeth his wife, John Thompson and Mary his wife, John Cole and Susannah his wife to Peter M. Daniel for $1,626 for 203 3/4 acres on Goldmine and Draggon Creek. Sig. by all. Witnesses Overton Gooch, Richard Thompson, J. A. Allen, Nathl. Mills, George Vest, H. Goodwin, Lewis Landrum Meriwether Smith. Justices of Louisa to the acknowledgement of Mary Thompson wife of John Thompson, Susan Cole wife of John Cole, and Elizabeth Gooch wife of James Gooch. 1 Dec 1818.

Book: O, Page: 255, Grantor: John Wills and Martha his wife, John Winn and Lucy, Grantee: James C. Dickenson, Date: 06-Mar-1819
John Wills and Martha his wife, John Winn and Lucy his wife of Fluvanna, John C. Boxley and Ann his wife of Louisa to James C. Dickenson of Louisa for $1500 for 3/4 undivided interest in a tract containing 400 acres in Louisa on S fork of Elk Creek adj. William Kimbrough, Joseph Coates, James Dickenson, William Cooke and others tract being tract conveyed by Patrick Barclay in his life time to John Willis by deed recorded in Louisa. Wit. Ralph L. Sandidge, William Dabney magistrates of Louisa certify for John C. Boxley. Sig. John Willis, Martha Willis, John Winn, Lucy Winn, Jno. C. Boxley, Ann Boxley. Justices of Fluvanna Matthew Wills and Washington Ware certify for Martha Wills wife of John Wills, Lucy Winn wife of John Winn. 6 Mar 1819.

Book: O, Page: 268, Grantor: Quarles, Charles' heirs, Grantee: King, Robert, Date: 09-Aug-1819
[no abstract]

Book: O, Page: 273, Grantor: Malcolm Hart and Mary B. his wife, Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 10-Apr-1819
Malcolm Hart and Mary B. his wife of Spotsylvania to David Lipscomb for $500 on Contrary Run patented in name of Philemon Cloughland 22 Sep 1739 said to contain 484 acres but survey of John M. Herndon dated 23 Sep 1997 contains only 453 acres adjoining formerly belonging to Isaac Morris.

Book: O, Page: 285, Grantor: Winston Dalton, Grantee: James Flanaghan, Date: 12-May-1820
I Winston Dalton of Pittsylvania County having entered into articles of agreement with James Flanaghan of Fluvanna for division of a tract of land in Louisa on Hudson's Creek and do hereby appoint Reuben Flanaghan my lawful attorney. Sig. Winston Dalton wit. D. Watson, Ludw. Branham, John Downing. Rec. Louisa 12 May 1820.

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