Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book L
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!
Updated: 03/07/2025
Book: L, Page: 400, Grantor: Richard Jones and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: William Butler, Date: 10-Dec-1810
Richard Jones and Elizabeth his wife of Louisa to William Butler of Hanover, £100 for tract in Louisa containing 100 acres adjoining Nathaniel Dickinson, William Wash, George Pottie. No. wit. Sig. Richard Jones.
Book: L, Page: 419, Grantor: Ragland, William, Grantee: Hackett, Pleasant, Date: 10-Jun-1811
[no abstract]
Book: L, Page: 427, Grantor: , Grantee: Benjamin Higgason, Date: 13-Aug-1810
There were 32 acres more than in the original estimate of 30 acres so Rev. John Todd sells it to Benjamin Higgason for 57 £ 12s. Rec. 13 Aug 1810.
Book: L, Page: 428, Grantor: Rowland Gooch, Grantee: John Chiles, Date: 13-Aug-1810
Rowland Gooch of Louisa to John Chiles 50 Lb. on headwater Goldmine Creek 228 acres adjoining John Chiles. James Turner, James Tisdale, John Tate, William Warner, Ralph Quarles Sig. Rowland Gooch. Rec. 13 Aug 1810.
Book: L, Page: 428, Grantor: Gooch, Rowland, Grantee: Chiles, John, Date: 13-Aug-1810
Roland Gooch to John Childs for £50 228 acres of land on headwaters of Goldmine Creek. Beginning at John Childs corner, James Turner, James Tisdale, John Tate, William Warner, Ralph Quarles .....
Book: L, Page: 430, Grantor: John Miller, Joseph Highbee and Ann Moon, Grantee: , Date: 23-Sep-1803
John Miller, Joseph Highbee and Ann Moon of Jassamine Co. Kentucky appoint friend John P. Anderson of Nelson Co. Va. to sell lands in Louisa which descended from Robert Anderson dec'd. to David Anderson as his heir at law and David conveyed to us the children and heirs of Robert. Ann Moon formerly Ann Anderson, John Miller & Susannah his wife formerly Susanna Anderson daughter of Robert and Joseph Highbee and Salley his wife formerly Salley Anderson also daughter of Robert Anderson. Also to collect money due but as land is subject to mortgage to secure payment of British debt we charge atty. in fact to sell land so we will not be liable for any debts due from Robert Anderson dec'd. 23 Sep 1803. Justices of Kentucky certify for signatures.
Book: L, Page: 431, Grantor: Bartlett Meeks and Mary his wife, Grantee: William Pulliam, Date: 13-Oct-1809
Bartlett Meeks and Mary his wife of Louisa to William Pulliam of Hanover for wagon and hind geer with 1 mare valued ++50 for tract in Louisa on head of Locust Creek containing 90 acres adjoining Benjamin B. Hope, Ned Edwards, Win's orphans and William Poindexter. Wit. William Henderson, John (X) Gentry, Thompson W. Pulliam and Nelson C. Pulliam.
Book: L, Page: 435, Grantor: David Johnson and Mary his wife, Grantee: Peyton J. Rawlins, Date: 14-Oct-1811
David Johnson and Mary Johnson his wife of Louisa to Peyton J. Rawlins for $798.75 for tract on beaver Creek being part of tract deeded him by his deceased father Thomas Johnson containing 297 acres adjoining road leading from Yanceyville to Louisa running due east, crossing Beaver Creek and Sims.
Book: L, Page: 447, Grantor: David Johnson and Mary his wife, Grantee: Charles Quarles, Date: 09-Dec-1811
David Johnson and Mary his wife of Louisa to Charles Quarles of Louisa $5000 for 2 tracts- 1 on South Anna River containing 263 acres being lots 4-8 of plat of division of land where Richard Anderson died seized, #7 containing 32 acres which fell to Nicholas M. Anderson a son of sd. Richard dec'd, #4 cont. 60 acres which fell to William Kerr and Cecily his wife dau. of Richard Anderson, #5 containing 58 acres which fell to David Anderson, #8 cont. 32 acres which fell to Joseph Anderson son of Richard Anderson being the 124 acres laid off to the widow of Richard Anderson now Milly Jackson and also #6 of Ann M. Anderson. David Johnson to Quarles 5/8 interest of 124 acres of the widows dower after death of said Milly.
Book: L, Page: 454, Grantor: William Johnson, Grantee: John Michie, Date: 26-Nov-1807
William Johnson of Goochland to John Michie of same in consideration of labor services and 5s one undivided moiety of land formerly sold by Thomas Underwood, Esq. now of Hanover Co. to Elizabeth Johnson mother of said William Johnson and lately sold by Jesse Boyd to William Johnson containing 125 acres and is supposed to contain more lying in Louisa Co. adj. Thomas Shelton and others Sig. Wm. Johnson wit. B. Bradshaw, Fountain Duke and Matthew Lacy. Rec. 11 July 1808.
Book: L, Page: 456, Grantor: William Clark and Sally his wife, Grantee: James Trice, Date: 13-Feb-1808
William Clark and Sally his wife of Louisa to James Trice 360 Lb. currt money both sides of Fork Creek adjoining Thacker, Yancey, Pleasant, Trice, Clark and meeting house 484 acres. Sig. William Clark and Sally Clark. Wit. Anderson Trice, William Anderson and John Jenning.
Book: L, Page: 459, Grantor: White, William, Grantee: Biggers, Miles, Date: 01-Jan-1810
[no abstract]
Book: L, Page: 459, Grantor: William Thacker, Grantee: Nathaniel Byrd, Jr., Date: 15-Aug-1810
William Thacker of Louisa to Nathaniel Byrd, Jr.; $52.50 for 46 acres adjoining David Lipscombe, Armistead Cole, Samuel Overton, Christopher Smith, wit. James Nelson, Pleasant Byrd and James Nelson. Rec. 8 Oct 1810
Book: L, Page: 459, Grantor: William Thacker, Grantee: Nathaniel Byrd, jur., Date: 15-Aug-1810
William Thacker of Louisa to Nathaniel Byrd, jur.; $52.50 for 46 acres adjoining David Lipscombe, Armstead Cole, Samuel Overton, Christopher Smith, wit. James Nelson, Pleasant Byrd and James Nelson. Rec. 8 Oct 1810
Book: L, Page: 460, Grantor: William Groom, Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 08-Oct-1810
William Groom to David Lipscomb all of Louisa +33 10s currt. money being part of land William Groom now resides on waters of Christophers Run cont. 33 1/2 aces adj. William Trice and said Lipscomb.
Book: L, Page: 461, Grantor: Skelton Smith and Jane his wife, Grantee: Nathan Terrell, Date: 24-Sep-1810
Skelton Smith and Jane his wife of Louisa to Nathan Terrell of Hanover County for $730 tract where they reside containing 146 acres adjoining creek, Barnet Smith, Wingfield Cosby, Wm. Pettus, Croshea Kennedy, John Phillips. Signed Skelton Smith and Jane C. Smith. witnesses W. Fountain, Thos. W. Claybrook, F. J. Thompson and John Thompson.
Book: L, Page: 464, Grantor: Overton Gooch and Mary his wife, Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 14-Sep-1810
Overton Gooch and Mary his wife to David Lipscomb all of Louisa +75 Va. currency on Duckinghole Creek, county road, William McGehee, William Mansfield and lot No. 2 it being lot No. 1 designated in plat of land of Thomas Gooch dec'd. containing 27 acres.
Book: L, Page: 464, Grantor: Gooch, Overton & Mary, Grantee: Lipscomb, David, Date: 14-Sep-1810
Overton Gooch and Mary Gooch (wife) to David Lipscomb for £75 27 acres of land on Duckinghole Creek, bounded by county road, William McGehee, William Mansfield, and Lot #2, it being the Lot #1 designated in the plat of land of Thomas Gooch dec'd ....
Book: L, Page: 470, Grantor: Dunn, Martin, Grantee: Bunch, Anderson, Date: 12-Nov-1810
[no abstract]
Book: L, Page: 475, Grantor: William Peers, Grantee: David Johnson., Date:
Deed of trust 8 Nov. 1810 William Peers indebted to David Johnson.
Book: L, Page: 476, Grantor: Dunn, Martin & Martha, Grantee: Bunch, Anderson, Date: 12-Nov-1810
Martin Dunn and Martha Dunn (wife) to Anderson Bunch for £14, 10 shillings, 14 1/2 acres of land on the waters of Hickory Creek. Beginning at Gum in James McGehee line on E. side of a small branch; S87W; 21.5P; to several saplins in line; S3E; 106P; to James Porter corner, along his line; N87E; 23P; to a new corner; then a new line; N4W; 106P; to Beg.
Book: L, Page: 478, Grantor: Roberta B. Hunter, Grantee: Otho D. Hall and Sarah O. Hall, his wife, Date: 17-Oct-1901
Roberta B. Hunter to Otho D. Hall and Sarah O. Hall, his wife , for $350 cash in hand conveyed jointly and equally, 117 31/100 acres adjoining Dr. Lewis Pendleton, N. C. Harris, Joseph Cosby; tract known as the Lewis Johnson tract. Sig. Roberta B. Hunter. Notary in Richmond, Va., certifies for Roberta B. Hunter.
Book: L, Page: 489, Grantor: Jesse Toler, Grantee: Wm. Cooke, Date:
Jesse Toler indebted to Wm. Cooke £3 for purchase of a mare named Clarissa from Wm. Cooke.
Book: L, Page: 496, Grantor: Wm. S. Mitchell and Delphia his wife, Grantee: David Johnson, Date: 10-Feb-1812
Wm. S. Mitchell and Delphia his wife of Louisa to David Johnson of same ?90 for tract on Cub Creek containing 74 acres adjoining David Smith being tract purchased by sd. Mitchell of Nicholas J. Winston on plat designated as lands of John Winston, dec'd.
Book: L, Page: 507, Grantor: , Grantee: William Butler, Date: 10-Dec-1810
Relinquishment of Elizabeth Jones on deed Richard Jones to William Butler 10 Dec 1810.
Book: L, Page: 511, Grantor: John N. Johnson, Thomas M. Johnson and Polly Green, Grantee: William Morris, Date:
John N. Johnson, Thomas M. Johnson and Polly Green his wife, Chapman Johnson and Mary Ann his wife, Jane Johnson, Patrick Michie and Dorothy his wife late Dorothy Johnson, and Ann Johnson. (John B. and Ann acting by Chapman their agent) by deed 21 Dec. 1810 to William Morris (T.C.) tract on Hudsons Creek in Green Springs being land whereon Richard Johnson died containing 446? acres; whereas Dorothy Michie wife of Patrick Michie cannot travel this is her relinquishment.
Book: L, Page: 515, Grantor: John Gooden, Grantee: Joel May, Date: 14-Sep-1810
John Gooden of Louisa to Joel May of same for $1 for 1 horse named Carter, 1 waggon and gear in trust whereas John Parrott and John S. May have entered themselves joint bond to James Young and Co. as security to John Gooden to secure Young and Co. all cost and damages against said Gooden in case Young and Co. should cost him in his bill of injunction. wit. Sally Burton, Nancy Albright.
Book: L, Page: 523, Grantor: John Pulliam and Sally his wife, Grantee: William and Nicholas Poindexter, Date: 09-Sep-1811
John Pulliam and Sally his wife to William Poindexter and Nicholas Poindexter for $1 to secure to Francis Johnson $150 in trust land adjoining Moses White, said Poindexter being same land conveyed by Francis Johnson and Barbary Hambleton his wife by deed this date. Deed of trust due 1 Sep 1812. Witnesses John Poindexter, Richard Johnson, Thomas Poindexter.
Book: L, Page: 527, Grantor: McGehee, William & Mary, Grantee: Cowherd, Reuben, Date: 05-Oct-1811
William McGehee and Mary McGehee (wife) to Reuben Cowherd - 32 acres of land ... Mary can't travel.....
Book: L, Page: 531, Grantor: Terry, Henretta, Grantee: Pottie, George, Date: 18-Oct-1810
Henretta Terry to George Pottie, whereas Henretta in condition for the love and affection unto Joseph Terry her son, desires of securing the said George Pottie £54, 8 shillings, and 4 3/4 with interest, money due from Joseph Terry to George Pottie, sell one negro boy named Henry about 13 years, one negro boy named Taff (?) about 10 years, negro woman slave Sarah 43 years, one negro girl slave Synthia .. 16 years ... If Joseph Terry pays off the .... slaves hired out .....
Book: L, Page: 531, Grantor: Terry, Henrietta, Grantee: Pottie, George, Date: 13-May-1811
Henretta Terry to George Pottie, whereas Henretta in condition for the love and affection unto Joseph Terry her son, desires of securing the said George Pottie £54, 8 shillings, and 4 3/4 with interest, money due from Joseph Terry to George Pottie, sell one negro boy named Henry about 13 years, one negro boy named Taff (?) about 10 years, negro woman slave Sarah 43 years, one negro girl slave Synthia .. 16 years ... If Joseph Terry pays off the .... slaves hired out .....
Book: L, Page: 533, Grantor: Moses Harrris and Judah his wife and Wm. Harris Sr, Grantee: William Thomson, Jr., Date: 16-Sep-1811
Moses Harrris and Judah his wife and Wm. Harris, Sr. of Louisa to William Thomson, Jr. of Louisa $700 on both sides of Hickory Creek containing 200 acres adjoining Tates, Cowherd, Duke, mouth of Raccoon branch.
Book: L, Page: 534, Grantor: Moses Harris and Judah his wife and William Harris, Grantee: William Thompson, Jr., Date: 16-Sep-1811
Whereas Moses Harris and Judah his wife and William Harris, Sr. made deed 16 Sep 1811 conveyed to William Thompson, Jr. tract on Hickory Creek containing 200 acres. Judah Harris cannot conveniently travel, Judah's acknowledgement.
Book: L, Page: 558, Grantor: David Johnson and Mary, Grantee: Thomas Johnson, Date: 09-Sep-1811
David Johnson and Mary of Louisa to Thomas Johnson of same ?287 acres tract on Harris Creek being land deeded him by his dec'd. father Thomas Johnson adjoining road from Yanceyville to Louisa court house adjoining David Bullock, Micajah Sims, John Michie and others containing 381 acres.
Book: L, Page: 560, Grantor: Richard Faris and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Charles Faris, Date: 09-Sep-1811
Richard Faris and Sarah his wife of Louisa to Charles Faris of same $150 for tract in Louisa on Camp Creek adj. Mrs. Wheeler, Roes, Harlow, Zacheus Bailey, Jesse Roe, containing 50 acres. Sig. Richard Faris and Sarah Faris. Rec. 9 Sep 1811.
Book: L, Page: 561, Grantor: Joseph Chewning and Jemima his wife, Grantee: Jeremiah Roberts, Date: 12-Jan-1811
Joseph Chewning and Jemima his wife of Louisa to Jeremiah Roberts for $90 for a tract on Chamberlains Creek containing 9 acres adj. north sine Chewning Spring branch, Long branch, Chamberlains Creek. Wit. Pleasants Hackett, Willis C. Osbourne, Eliza. Hutcherson. Rec. 9 Sep 1811.
Book: L, Page: 569, Grantor: John Rowe, Sr. and Jane his wife, Grantee: David G. Jones, Date: 14-Mar-1810
John Rowe, Sr. and Jane his wife to David G. Jones of Virginia £100 for tract adjoining William Rowe, Jesse Rowe, Nathan Anderson and others in Louisa on fork of Beaverdam Creek cont. 131 acres by estimate. Sig. John Rowe and Jane Rowe. wit. William Walker, Jno. Gilbert, Benjamin Sims. Rec. 9 Apr 1910.
Book: L, Page: 585, Grantor: McGehee, William L. & Mary, Grantee: Cowherd, Reuben, Date: 07-Oct-1811
William L. McGehee and Mary McGehee (wife) to Reuben Cowherd for £43, 4 shillings 32 acres of land on South by John Bibb, West by Richard McGehee, N. by Reuben Cowherd, formerly Isaac Winston, E. by John Madison ....
Book: L, Page: 590, Grantor: Hardin Turner and Rachael Turner his wife, Grantee: Wm. Cooke, Date: 07-Oct-1811
Hardin Turner and Rachael Turner his wife sold to Wm. Cooke 7 Oct 1811 a tract on Dixons Creek containing 241 acres. Rachaels relinquishment.
Book: L, Page: 594, Grantor: David Johnson and Mary his wife, Grantee: Bickerton Winston, Date: 13-Apr-1812
David Johnson and Mary his wife to Bickerton Winston all of Louisa ?100 for tract on Cub Creek containing 74 acres adjoining David Smith being tract purchased of William S. Mitchell designated as land of late John Winston.
Book: L, Page: 599, Grantor: Richard Faris and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Francis Wheeler, Date: 04-Sep-1811
Richard Faris and Sarah his wife of Louisa to Francis Wheeler of same $372 for tract in Louisa on Sycamore fork of Camp Creek cont. 124 acres adj. Thomas Harlow, Rowe, Morris, Wheeler. Sig. Richard Faris and Sarah Faris. Wit. John Edwards, Ewd. Massey, George C. Wheeler. Rec. 9 Sep 1811.
Book: L, Page: 599, Grantor: Jesse Rowe and Jane his wife, Grantee: Thomas Darnell, Date: 15-Aug-1811
Jesse Rowe and Jane his wife of Ross Co., Ohio to Thomas Darnell of Albemarle Co., Va. for £230 for tract on Beaverdam a branch of Mychunks Creek containing 230 acres more or less adjoining James Rowe, Rueben Flannagan and Lewis Johnson, David Draper, Nathan Anderson. Sig. Jesse Rowe, Jane Rowe. Wit. William Robinson, Elizabeth Dunbar. Justice William Robinson of Ross Co. Ohio took acknowledgement and relinquishment of Jesse and Jane Rowe 15 Aug 1811. Rec. Louisa 11 Nov 1811.
Book: L, Page: 612, Grantor: Richard Swift, Grantee: , Date: 06-Nov-1811
I Richard Swift of Louisa for $1,000 paid by Williams Mills, Jr. and John Swift of same all estate both real and personal which I possess. In trust that after my debts are paid out of my estate then William Mills, Jr. and John Swift use the residue to support and maintenance of me Richard Swift and my wife Elizabeth Swift. 6 Nov 1811 wit. William Mills, Sr., Peggy Mills, John Duncan. Rec. 9 Dec 1811.
Book: L, Page: 613, Grantor: Jesse Rowe, Sr., Grantee: dispose, Date: 25-Sep-1811
Jesse Rowe, Sr. of Ross Co., Ohio appoints Edward Massey of Louisa, Va. his lawful attorney to dispose of a tract in Louisa. 25 Sep 1811. Sig. Jesse Rowe. wit. Joseph Tiffin, John Bennett of Ross Co., Ohio. Rec. Louisa 9 Dec 1811.
Book: L, Page: 615, Grantor: Terry, David, Grantee: Poindexter, William G., Date: 07-Dec-1811
David Terry to William Poindexter ... David Terry in order to secure the payment of several sums of money, .. 16 shillings ... 50 acres ... Beginning at James Porter ....
Book: L, Page: 620, Grantor: Charles Dickerson, Grantee: Reubin Chewning, Date: 13-Jan-1812
Charles Dickerson of Augusta County to Reubin Chewning of Louisa for $5.00 for 105 acres adj. Meriwether, Bronoughs, Hubbard. no wit. Rec. 12 Jan 1812. delivered Reubin Chewning.
Book: L, Page: 623, Grantor: Gooch, Dabney & Ruth W., Grantee: Turner, James, Date: 23-Nov-1811
William D. Gooch of Lincoln, KY, attorney for Dabney Gooch and Ruth W. Gooch his wife of Lincoln, KY to James Turner of Louisa for $100 62 acres of land on the headwaters of Harris Creek ... corner on county road, 62 acres which said parcel of land was allotted to the said Dabney Gooch in right of the [?] Ruth W. his wife, under the last will and testament of William Hughes dec'd late of Louisa, survey on file ...
Book: L, Page: 626, Grantor: Winslow Bunch and Celia his wife, Grantee: Edward N. Cooke, Date: 17-Oct-1809
deed of trust 17 Oct 1809 Winslow Bunch and Celia his wife to Edward N. Cooke all of Louisa, $30 for tract adj. Ragland, Hart, conveyed to sd. Bunch by David Bullock, Sig. Winslow Bunch and Selah Bunch. Rec. 17 Oct 1809 at Superior Ct and Circuit Court.
Book: M?, Page: 0, Grantor: Bagby, James, Grantee: Pottie, George, Date: 05-Oct-1814
(Copied by Tom Smith; tasmits@aol.com) This Indenture … 5 October 1814, Between James Bagby of the one part George Harris of the second part and George Pottie of the third part (all from Louisa Co.) The said James Bagby in order to secure the payment of the sum of $361.04 which he owed the said George Pottie for his store account ... in consideration of the sum of one dollar … paid by … George Harris … have granted bargained and sold … unto the said George Harris his heirs and assigns forever one negroe man named Will aged about six and twenty years rather yellowish complected To have and to hold the same negroe Will with all the rights title and claim of him the said James Bagby ... the said George Harris his heirs and assigns forever and the said James Bagby for himself and his heirs doth covenant and agree to and with the said George Harris . title of said negroe Will unto the said George Harris his heirs and assigns clear from the claim … nevertheless that in case the said James Bagby make default in paying and discharging the said sum of $361.04 to the aforesaid George Pottie his executors or administrators on or before the first day of December next Then in that case the deed George Harris his executors or administrators shall as soon as he or they may be directed thereafter by the said George Pottie his executors or administrators ... to deal to the highest bidder for ready money the aforesaid negroe Will first advertising the same in two or three public places in the county of Louisa at least twenty days before such sale and out of the money ... from such sale first satisfy and pay the said George Pottie his executors or administrators the sum of $361.04 with legal interest thereon from the date hereof and the balance if any pay to the said James Bagby ... executors or administrators. In Witness whereof the said James Bagby and George Harris have hereunto set their hands and affirmed their seals this the day and year first above written. James Bagby (Signature & Seal)
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of William T. Sims, David Hoall, Nathe Thompson
At a court held for Louisa County on the 10th day of October 1814 This deed was this day in open court proved to be the act and deed of James Bagby by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and by the court ordered to be recorded as to him.
Book: M, Page: 1, Grantor: William Dabney and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Thomas Gardner, Date: 13-Jan-1812
William Dabney and Sarah his wife of Albemarle and John Edwards of Louisa admors. of James Dabney, dec'd. to Thomas Gardner of Louisa £390 for tract on Cub Creek with mill thereon lately property of James Dabney, dec'd. containing 156 acres adjoining Walton, South Ann River, Charles Dabney .
Book: M, Page: 2, Grantor: David Johnson and Mary his wife, Grantee: Charles Quarles, Date:
David Johnson and Mary his wife by deed 9 Dec. 1811 sold Charles Quarles 2 tracts; 1 on South Anna River containing 263 acres and the other on Beaver Creek containing 115 acres. Mary's relinquishment.
Book: M, Page: 11, Grantor: James McAlister and Mary his wife, Grantee: Garland Anderson, Date: 09-Feb-1812
James McAlister and Mary his wife to Garland Anderson all of Louisa $72.50 for 7 1/4 acres adjoining Richard Thomson, Samuel Thomson and road.
Book: M, Page: 15, Grantor: William Clark and Sarah is wife, Grantee: Elizabeth Mitchell, Date: 23-Mar-1810
Whereas William Clark and Sarah is wife sold on 14 Sep 1809 to Elizabeth Mitchell on both sides of Old Mountain Road Louisa court requesting Justices James Poindexter and Henry Pendleton to examine Sarah which they did and she acknowledged. Rec. 23 Mar 1810.
Book: M, Page: 22, Grantor: David Johnson and Mary his wife, Grantee: Peyton J. Rawlins, Date: 14-Oct-1811
David Johnson and Mary his wife by deed 14 Oct. 1811 to Peyton J. Rawlins tract on Beaver Creek being part of tract deeded him by his dec'd. father Thomas Johnson containing 297 acres. Mary relinquishment.
Book: M, Page: 28, Grantor: William S. Mitchell and Delpha his wife, Grantee: David Johnson, Date:
William S. Mitchell and Delpha Mitchell his wife 10 Feb. 1812 sold to David Johnson tract on Cub Creek containing 74 acres. Delphe's relinquishment.
Book: M, Page: 34, Grantor: Smith, Nathan And Barbara, Grantee: Grantland, William, Date: 07-Feb-1812
Regarding a parcel of 200 acres sold to William Grantland for 240 pounds. The property is located on both sides of the Beaver Dam Fork of the Machunk Creek and is bounded by lands of David DRAPER and Becknal ALVERSON. Premises already existing on the property also included. [This land eventually became what is now known as Spring Grove, the Lasley homestead.]
Book: M, Page: 35, Grantor: Robert Parrish, Grantee: Johnson., Date: 10-Dec-1807
Robert Parrish of Louisa, Wm. G. Poindexter and Maj. James Poindexter trustees, David Johnson 3rd all of Louisa. Robert Parrish in trust tract on Roundabout Creek where Parrish lives cont 216 acres. Parrish indebted to Johnson.
Book: M, Page: 55, Grantor: Theophelus Chewning of Louisa and James Michie 2nd, Grantee: , Date: 13-Apr-1812
Theophelus Chewning of Louisa and James Michie 2nd and Bramhan and Bibb of Columbia, Va. 3rd. In trust 1 horse 9 years old, feather bed & furniture. Chewning owes Bramhan and Bibb $45.30.
Book: M, Page: 58, Grantor: Hezekiah Butler, Grantee: Jasper Grinstead, Date: 13-Jul-1812
Hezekiah Butler of Louisa to Jasper Grinstead of same for £52 for tract on Cauthorns Run adj. Augustin Butler and Sarah Wood, John White, Jasper Grinstead containing 52 acres. Sig. Hezekiah Butler. Rec. 13 Jul 1812.
Book: M, Page: 65, Grantor: Hughes, Archibald, Grantee: Mansfield, William, Date: 13-Jul-1812
William Hughes of Hanover, Anis Barker who was Anis Hughes, Archelus Hughes and Leander Hughes of city of Richmond, county of Henrico, children and heirs at law of Rachel Hughes (the wife of William Hughes, both dec'd) who was Rachel Hester the daughter and heir of Hugh Hester dec'd of Louisa of the one part and William Mansfield of Louisa of the other part, $400 parcel on Christopher Run, 200 acres .......
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