Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book J
Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!
Updated: 03/07/2025
Book: J, Page: 492, Grantor: William Gilliam and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: William Cooke, Date: 27-Dec-1802
William Gilliam and Elizabeth his wife of Hanover Co. to William Cooke of Louisa for £280 tract in Louisa being part of a larger tract of George Barclay which William Gilliam got as distributee in right of his wife one of the children of sd. George Barclay, 187 acres adj. Dr. John Wells, Reverend James Dickason dec'd., said Cook, Toler, John S. Boxley.
Book: J, Page: 495, Grantor: Benjamin Clarke, Grantee: Robert Adams, Date: 03-Jan-1803
Benjamin Clarke of Louisa Co. appoints Robert Adams his lawful attorney to sell tract of land lying in North Carolina in Anson County on the Pee Dee River. 3 Jan 1803. Recorded 11 Apr 1803.
Book: J, Page: 495, Grantor: Benjamin Clark, Grantee: , Date: 11-Apr-1803
Benjamin Clark of Louisa Appoints Robert Adams power of Attorney for tract of land in North Carolina in Anson county on Pedee River to sell or sue for recovery if necessary. Rec. 11 Apr 1803 Sig. Benjamin Clark (X)
Book: J, Page: 502, Grantor: Benjamin Crenshaw and wife, Tabitha, Grantee: Thomas Grubbs, Date:
Benjamin Crenshaw and wife, Tabitha, to Thomas Grubbs £163 2s 6p; South Fork of Pamunkey River, 130 1/2 acres. Thomas Hardens (or Haidens), Higgarson, Crenshaw, Dennicotts, Wit: William D. Higgarson, Flemning Short, Susanna Crenshaw, Elizabeth Short. Samuel Higgarson.
Book: J, Page: 508, Grantor: George Adams and Agnes his wife, Grantee: Thomas Shelton, Date: 04-Mar-1803
George Adams and Agnes his wife of Louisa to Thomas Shelton of same for £103-15s current money of Va. for tract in Louisa on Owen's Creek cont. 411/2 acres being part of tract said Adams now lives adjoining Adams, Shelton, Jesse Shelton, Thomas Shelton. Wit. Reubin Ford, Alexander Kersey, Nathaniel Burford, James Dabney Shelton.
Book: J, Page: 512, Grantor: Frances Crenshaw, Grantee: David Crenshaw, Date:
State of Tennessee 22 March 1802 Frances Crenshaw to David Crenshaw came before us James Hart ad Charles Donoho justices of sd. County and signed deed for 232 acres in Louisa to Thomas Johnston.
Book: J, Page: 512, Grantor: Samuel Higgason and Sally his wife, Grantee: Thomas Grubbs, Date: 28-Oct-1802
Samuel Higgason and Sally his wife of Louisa to Thomas Grubbs land in Louisa on Pamunkey River containing 24 acres adjoining Overton and said Samuel Higgason, Thomas Hardin and Benjamin Crenshaw. Wit: Benjamin Crenshaw, William Higgason, Polly Harris (x), John Jackson as to Samuel Higgason, Daniel Gardner and Joel Walton.
Book: J, Page: 522, Grantor: Charles Mills and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Josiah Bingham, Date: 10-Jun-1803
Charles Mills and Sarah his wife of Hanover to Josiah Bingham of Richmond for $1,000 tract in Louisa on both sides Reedy Creek containing 300 acres by survey adj. David Morris, Samuel Henson, Rocky Creek. Sig. Charles Mills, Sarah (x) Mills. wit. Robert Mills, John Mills, Charles Mills.
Book: J, Page: 524, Grantor: Bibb, Elizabeth, Grantee: Grandaughters, Date: 16-May-1803
Elizabeth Bibb of the first part; her grandchildren of the issue of the daughter of Elizabeth Bibb, Ann and Catharine; Sal? with her 5 children, Sal, Billy, Ben, Dick and Anny; Fanny and her child Elizabeth.....
Book: J, Page: 527, Grantor: Watson Gentry and Theodosha his wife, Grantee: Edward Edwards, Date: 01-Feb-1803
Watson Gentry and Theodosha his wife of Rockingham County, David Poindexter and Frances his wife of Stokes County, North Carolina, David Hambleton and Elizabeth his wife, William Poindexter, Gabriel Poindexter of Louisa to Edward Edwards of Louisa for £100 money of Virginia for tract on Taylors Creek containing 125 acres adjoining John Burnley, John Diggs, Dudley Diggs, Gabriel Poindexter, Christmas's Road. Wit. John Draper, Daniel Gardner, William Johnson, Thomas Gardner, John Foster.
Book: J, Page: 546, Grantor: Padgett, Abraham, Grantee: Pettus, Joseph, Date: 13-Jun-1803
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Book: J, Page: 570, Grantor: Joseph T. Johnston, Grantee: Daniel Gardner, Date: 16-Jul-1803
Joseph T. Johnston of Louisa to Daniel Gardner of same to secure payment of $58 Johnson is indebted to Lanslott Foster in trust Negro girl named Polly.
Book: J, Page: 572, Grantor: McGehee, Austin & Sarah, Grantee: McGehee, Edward, Date: 12-Sep-1803
Austin McGehee and Sarah McGehee (wife) to Edward McGehee £200 for 100 acres; same land conveyed by John Graves to John McGehee Sr. dec'd on 3 Sep 1788; John by will gave to Austin his son; long branch to Rocky Creek, William Harris .....
Book: J, Page: 575, Grantor: John Foster and Mary his wife, Grantee: Henry Chiles, Date: 13-Sep-1803
John Foster and Mary his wife of Louisa to Henry Chiles of same for +63 10 6 for 77 acres on Roundabout Creek adjoining Henry Johnston, Purkins, George Johnston, wit all buildings and appurtenances, etc. Sig. John Foster, Mary Foster no witnesses.
Book: J, Page: 576, Grantor: William Plant, Grantee: John L. Walton, Date: 26-Nov-1802
William Plant of Louisa to John L. Walton of Hanover. Plant indebted to John Thomas £35 in trust Negro girl Lucy the property of William Plant. Sig. Wm. Plant and J. L. Walton wit. Archibald Christmas, Thos. Callis, Jr., and William Perkins.
Book: J, Page: 583, Grantor: Benjamin Crenshaw and Tabitha his wife, Grantee: Samuel Higgason, Date: 08-Feb-1803
Benjamin Crenshaw and Tabitha his wife of Louisa to Samuel Higgason 300 Lb land on South fork of Pamunkey River, 24 acres adjoining Thomas Grubbs, John Jackson and Samuel Higgason. Wit: John Jackson W.H. Broaddus, William Richardson, John Fretwell, Charles Dabney DB J p 531 Samuel Higgason and Sally his wife of Louisa to John Jackson of Louisa 400 £ on South Fork Pamunkey River, 144 acres adjoining lands of Cole John Overton, Thomas Grubbs, John Jackson. Sig. Samuel Higgason and Sally Higgason (x). Wit: Charles Jackson, John Christmas, William Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Sr.
Book: J, Page: 585, Grantor: Charles Harris and Mary his wife, Grantee: James Cole Dickenson, Date: 12-Sep-1803
[blank] 1803 Charles Harris and Mary his wife of Louisa to James Cole Dickenson of same £26 for tract in Louisa adj. Capt. James Overton, tract of George Boxley to sd. Dickenson, Mrs. Toler, road leading from Louisa Courthouse to Hanover town containing 26 acres. Sig. Charles Harris, Mary Harris. wit. R. Sandidge, Rich'd. Harris. John Waller. Rec. 12 Sep 1803.
Book: J, Page: 588, Grantor: George Boxley and Catherine Cole his wife, Grantee: James C. Dickenson, Date: 29-Mar-1803
George Boxley and Catherine Cole his wife of Louisa to James C. Dickenson of same £280 tract being part of a larger tract formerly property of George Barclay, dec'd. distributed to sd. Boxley in right of his wife one of the children of sd. George Barclay which division was made by mutual consent of distributees containing 187 acres adj. James Overton. Sig. George Boxley, Catharine Boxley. wit. Fredk. Harris, Eli Alexander, R. Sandidge.
Book: J, Page: 589, Grantor: Catharine Cole wife of George Boxley, Grantee: , Date: 29-Mar-1803
Relinquishment of Catharine Cole wife of George Boxley for above deed 29 Mar 1803.
Book: J, Page: 591, Grantor: James Dickenson and Mary Roscow his wife, John Spi, Grantee: James C. Dickenson, Date: 29-Mar-1803
James Dickenson and Mary Roscow his wife, John Spiller Boxley and Mary Willis his wife, William Gilliam and Elizabeth Martin his wife all of Louisa to James C. Dickenson of same tract of land of George Barclay, dec'd. being lot #1 given to George Boxley and Catharine Cole his wife. Wit. Fredk. Harris and Eli Alexander, R. Sandidge.
Book: J, Page: 611, Grantor: Isaac Winston and Lucy his wife, Grantee: Garland Anderson, Date: 26-Aug-1803
Isaac Winston and Lucy his wife of Culpeper to Garland Anderson of Louisa +743 13s tract on Duckinghole Creek cont. 220 acres more or less adjoining Duckinghole, sd. Winston, Anderson, old channel of sd. Creek, Terrell, Bibb.
Book: J, Page: 619, Grantor: McGehee, William, Grantee: Unknown, Date: 01-Jan-1804
William L. McGehee ....
Book: J, Page: 633, Grantor: Nicholas Mills, Grantee: William Mills, Date: 22-Nov-1803
Nicholas Mills to William Mills, whereas Nicholas Mills dec'd. late of Hanover Co. the father of said Nicholas and William Mills departed this life about 1800 possessed of sundry tracts of land in counties of Hanover and Louisa to wit. a tract in Hanover where he resided at the time of his death containing 350 acres on Little River, one tract in Louisa on Christophers Run cont. 1200 acres adjoining John Carpenter dec'd., Isham Watkins, the lands where Edmond Dear lived at time of his death, Charles Dickenson and others. Whereas Nicholas and William Mills purchased of George Harris 275 acres in Louisa on Little River being part of land Frederick Harris dec'd. adjoining sd. Harris, Charles Harris, William Toler, Mrs. Baker and Overton Harris which land was deeded by said George Harris to Nicholas and William Mills and is now recorded in Louisa. Nicholas Mills dec'd. departed this life intestate and leaving no other children. For $1 William Mills sells to Nicholas Mills all his title to land in Hanover whereon Nicholas Mills dec'd. lived cont. 350 acres and Nicholas sells to William the land of Nicholas dec'd. on Christophers Run in Louisa containing 1200 acres and also all his moiety in the 275 acres purchased of Harris. Wit. Charles Thompson, John R. Chick, Garland Thompson. Rec. 12 Dec 1802.
Book: J, Page: 635, Grantor: William Cooke, Grantee: William Crenshaw, Date: 17-Nov-1803
Receipt, received of William Cooke, Admr. of William Crenshaw, Dec'd 63 Lbs. 12 s 4p in full for my part of said William Crenshaw, Dec'd estate as far as has been in the hands of said Cooke. Sig. William Fretwell. Wit. William Kimbrough. Rec. 17 Dec 1803
Book: J, Page: 652, Grantor: Tisdale, John & Frances, Grantee: Trevilian, James, Date: 09-Jun-1804
JOHN TISDALE, and Frances, his wife, of the County of Louisa to JAMES TREVELIAN, of Hanover County; DEED dated 9 January 1804
Consideration: Five Hundred Dollars current money
Conveyance: "One water grist mill standing in the County of Louisa aforesaid on the South Anna river, a little below the mouth of (blank) creek & Mulford or Munfords bridge, commonly known and called by the name of Bernard's mill, with all apparatus, privileges, advantages & immunities thereunto belonging of thereto in any manner pertaining; as also ten acres of land to be the same, more or less, with its appurtenances attached to the said mill & lying on both sides of the river, including two islands, which said ten acres of land is bounded by the lines of Shirley Tisdale & Joseph Bickley."
Recorded 9th day of January 1806.
Book: J, Page: 652, Grantor: John Tisdale and Frances his wife, Grantee: James Travilians, Date: 09-Jan-1804
JOHN TISDALE, and Frances, his wife, of the County of Louisa to JAMES TREVELIAN, of Hanover County; DEED dated 9 January 1804
Consideration: Five Hundred Dollars current money
Conveyance: "One water grist mill standing in the County of Louisa aforesaid on the South Anna river, a little below the mouth of (blank) creek & Mulford or Munfords bridge, commonly known and called by the name of Bernard's mill, with all apparatus, privileges, advantages & immunities thereunto belonging of thereto in any manner pertaining; as also ten acres of land to be the same, more or less, with its appurtenances attached to the said mill & lying on both sides of the river, including two islands, which said ten acres of land is bounded by the lines of Shirley Tisdale & Joseph Bickley."
Recorded 9th day of January 1806.
Book: J, Page: 653, Grantor: Cisley Bell and Pleasant Bell, Grantee: David Gillaspy, Date: 23-Jan-1804
Cisley Bell and Pleasant Bell to David Gillaspy, 437 Lbs. 5 s. for land in Louisa County by estimate 145 3/4 acres, adjoining Thomas Poindexter, John Poindexter, Joseph Bickley and Julius Saunders with appurtenances. Sig. Cisley Bell (X) and Pleasant Bell Wit. Thomas Poindexter, Julius Saunders, Elisha Watkins. (Margin Note examined and delivered to Gillaspy. Filed in suit Bell vs. Gillaspy in Superior Court)
Book: J, Page: 656, Grantor: Tate, John, Grantee: Bunch, Anderson, Date: 13-Feb-1804
[no abstract]
Book: J, Page: 657, Grantor: David Bullock, Grantee: Winslow Bunch, Date: 01-Dec-1803
David Bullock to Winslow Bunch all of Louisa, for $1 and humane and charitable purposes he the said Bunch being an honest poor and needy man, tract adjoining Ragland, Hart, cont. 25 acres. being formerly part of land of John Winston dec'd. which Bullock purchased of Edmund Randolph. Sig. David Bullock. Wit. Wm. Callis, Saml. Ragland, Saml. Overton, Jr., Charles Smith. Rec. 13 Feb 1804.
Book: J, Page: 668, Grantor: Day, Pottie & Dick, Grantee: Henricks, James, Date: 13-Feb-1804
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Book: J, Page: 669, Grantor: Hullum, Duke William, Grantee: Dunn, Martin, Date: 11-Jun-1804
Duke William Hullum and Patsey Hullum (wife) to Martin Dunn of the county of Albemarle £155 tract of land on the branches of Hickory Creek being part of a tract of land which belongs to Robert Douglas, by survey containing 200 acres, corner of James Porter
Book: J, Page: 672, Grantor: John B. Johnson, Grantee: Richard C. Johnson, Date: 02-Mar-1785
John B. Johnson of Louisa power of attorney to Richard C. Johnson of same to sell land coming to me and my brothers Thomas M. Johnson, Chapman Johnson, Wm. Johnson and Richard C. Johnson by my father Thomas M. Johnson Mr. dec'd. purchased of him from John Forsythe in upper end of Louisa known by name of Beaverdam, also tract in Caroline purchased by Thomas Johnson Mr. from Joseph Bunch, also 800 acres in north western side of Ohio devised by said Thomas Johnson Mr. to said John B. Johnson and brothers which title came from Thomas Johnson from James Cultertron and Anthony Muntor 2 Mar 1785, also 2,137 acres in 1787 in Montgromery Co. on waters of Clinch River as per patent 13 Jun 1794 granted by Commonwealth of Va. to John Boswell and devised by him to Thomas Boswell and Thomas Johnson (minor) which said Thomas Johnson (Minor) devised to said John B. Johnson and his brothers. 7 Oct 1799 wit. Thomas M. Johnson, Wm. Thompson. Rec. 13 Mar 1804.
Book: J, Page: 672, Grantor: John B. Johnson, Grantee: Richard C. Johnson, Date:
John B. Johnson of Louisa power of attorney to Richard C. Johnson of same to sell land coming to me and my brothers Thomas M. Johnson, Chapman Johnson, Wm. Johnson and Richard C. Johnson by my father Thomas M. Johnson Mr. dec'd. purchased of him from John Forsythe in upper end of Louisa known by name of Beaverdam, also tract in Caroline purchased by Thomas Johnson Mr. from Joseph Bunch, also 800 acres in north western side of Ohio devised by said Thomas Johnson Mr. to said John B. Johnson and brothers which title came from Thomas Johnson from James Cultertron and Anthony Muntor 2 March 1785, also 2,137 acres in 1787 in Montgomery Co. on waters of Clinch River as per patent 13 June 1794 granted by Commonwealth of Va. to John Boswell and devised by him to Thomas Boswell and Thomas Johnson (minor) which said Thomas Johnson (Minor) devised to said John B. Johnson and his brothers. 7 Oct. 1799 wit. Thomas M. Johnson, Wm. Thompson. Rec. 13 March 1804
Book: J, Page: 674, Grantor: John Faris Sr., Grantee: William Faris his son, Date: 03-Apr-1804
John Faris Sr. of Louisa to William Faris his son of same for $200, for 200 acres in Louisa bounded by creek, Nathan Anderson, John Rowe, dividing line between John Faris and William Faris. Sig. Jno. Faris. Rec. 9 Apr 1804.
Book: J, Page: 677, Grantor: Houchins and Jane his wife, Grantee: Edward Houchins, Date:
Houchins and Jane his wife of Louisa to Edward Houchins of Goochland 200 Lb. on North East Creek adjoining Henry Chiles, Dec'd. 150 acres. No wit/ Rec. 9 Apr 1804
Book: J, Page: 677, Grantor: Francis Houchins and Jane, his wife, Grantee: Edward Houchins, Date: 09-Apr-1804
Francis Houchins and Jane, his wife, of Louisa to Edward Houchins of Goochland for £200 tract on North East Creek adjoining Henry Chiles, dec'd. containing 150 acres. Sig. Francis (x) Houchins. no witnesses.
Book: J, Page: 680, Grantor: Francis Houchins and Jane, Grantee: Edward Houchins, Date: 09-Apr-1804
Francis Houchins and Jane to Edward Houchins of Goochland 100 Lb on North East Creek adjoining south side of road, Henry Chiles, Dec'd., William Mallory, Francis Houchins, 50 acres. Sig. Francis Houchin. Rec. 9 Apr 1804.
Book: J, Page: 680, Grantor: Francis Houchins and Jane, his wife, Grantee: Edward Houchins, Date: 09-Apr-1804
Francis Houchins and Jane, his wife, of Louisa to Edward Houchins of Goochland for £100 for tract on North East Creek and main Road, Henry Chiles, dec'd., Old Glebe Road, William Mallory, said Francis Houchins containing 50 acres. Sig. Francis (x) Houchins. no witnesses.
Book: J, Page: 692, Grantor: Agnes Adams, Grantee: James Shelton, Date:
Relinquishment of dower of Agnes Adams on DB J. p 508. taken by justices James Shelton and John Jackson justices of Louisa.
Book: J, Page: 713, Grantor: John Jones, Grantee: Tarlton Henley, Date: 16-Dec-1803
John Jones of Pendleton Co. Va. to Tarlton Henley of Louisa Co. John Jones indebted to Thos. Poindexter of Louisa $1,000 and in order to secure several bonds in trust a stud horse formerly called Camillers and now called Bellare which is 6 years old last spring. If default made Henly can sell horse to satisfy Thos. Poindexter. Sig. John Jones, Tarlton Henley. wit. Saml. Henson, Saml. Gilbert. When John Jones send to Captain William Price of Louisa Co. with approved security the amount of $1,000 then Thos. Poindexter shall deliver up the bonds and the deed of trust unto Wm. Price for John Jones. Sig. Thos. Poindexter. Rec. 11 Jun 1804.
Book: J, Page: 716, Grantor: Robert Lumsden and Polly his wife and John Gunnell, Grantee: Thomas Nuckols, Date: 11-Jun-1804
Robert Lumsden and Polly his wife and John Gunnell to Thomas Nuckols. Polly Lumsden and John Gunnell are two of legatees under will of John Gunnell dec'd. who devised one moiety his land whereon he lived to his wife Sarah Gunnell and at her death divided among his children of which Polly and John are two of. $80 for all their interest in estate after death of Sarah Gunnell. Sig. Robert (X) Lumsden, Polly (X) Lumsden, John (X) Gunnell. Rec. 11 Jun 1804.
Book: J, Page: 724, Grantor: David Bullock, Grantee: John Byrd, Date: 12-Jun-1804
David Bullock of Louisa to John Byrd of same for $300; 100 acres bounded by land lately deeded by said Bullock to Jenny Yancey, John Byrd, land formerly belonging to John Winston now property of said Bullock being balance of tract purchased by Bullock of Williamson after deduction land sold to Joseph Grady heretofore known as Darricots land. Sig. David Bullock. no wit. Rec. 9 Jul 1804.
Book: J, Page: 725, Grantor: English, Charles & wife, Grantee: Martin, Henry, Date: 09-Jul-1804
[no abstract]
Book: J, Page: 725, Grantor: English, James & wife, Grantee: Martin, Henry, Date: 09-Jul-1804
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Book: J, Page: 727, Grantor: Pouncey Bunch and Ludlow Bramham, Grantee: , Date: 11-Jun-1804
Bond Pouncey Bunch and Ludlow Bramham $500 11 Jun 1804 Bunch appointed constable.
Book: J, Page: 730, Grantor: Thomas Meriwether, Grantee: , Date:
Thomas Meriwether of Georgia, Jefferson County and son of David Meriwether for regard and esteem I bear David Johnson of Louisa all my title to shares as lawful representative of David Meriwether in the Loyal Company. Wit. Fran. Johnson, Richard Overton, Ann M. Johnson.
Book: J, Page: 731, Grantor: Jonathan Carpenter and May his wife, Grantee: Richard Byrd, Date: 04-Aug-1804
Jonathan Carpenter & May his wife, to Richard Byrd #279 7s for tract in Louisa adjoining Robert Dickason, Francis Jerdone, William Cimbrow [Kimbrough] & Stephen Terry containing 109 1/2 acres. Wit. James Cosby, John McJohnson, James Carpenter. Rec. 10 Sep 1904
Book: J, Page: 738, Grantor: Elizabeth Johnson, Grantee: , Date:
I Elizabeth Johnson of Louisa (and daughter of Thomas Meriwether) for love and esteem for my son David Johnson of Fluvanna County all my title in Loyal Company as a legatee of said Thomas Meriwether which will be found from his will to be ninth? of his interest in said Company. 10 Sept. 1804. wit. Fran. Johnson, Robert King, Ann M. Johnson.
Book: J, Page: 741, Grantor: John A. Pulliam and Anne his wife, Grantee: Alexander Kersey, Date: 28-Dec-1802
John A. Pulliam and Anne his wife to Alexander Kersey 102 acres adjoining Paulett's Road, Holman. Witnesses Herman Allen, C. Pulliam, Jennings Pulliam, Nelson C. Pulliam. Recorded 11 Apr 1803
Book: J, Page: 748, Grantor: James Gooch and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: Gideon Gooch, Date: 16-Feb-1804
James Gooch and Elizabeth his wife, of Louisa county to Gideon Gooch of Orange County 75 pounds for 26 acres on Duckinghole Creek being the parcel of land James Gooch inherited from his father. Sig. James Gooch and Elizabeth Gooch. Wit; James McAlester, John Edwards, Cornilius Gooch. Rec. 8 Oct 1804.
Book: J, Page: 758, Grantor: Joseph Duke and Mary his wife, Grantee: Arthur Clayton, Date: 10-Feb-1805
Joseph Duke and Mary his wife of Louisa to Arthur Clayton of same for £87 tract in Louisa on Hickory Creek adj. Arthur Clayton, road containing 43 acres. Sig. Joseph Duke and Mary Duke. wit. Wm. Thomson, D. Yancey, H. Lawrence. Rec. 11 Feb 1805.
Book: J, Page: 760, Grantor: Linia Gooch and Rhoda his wife, Grantee: Wm. Lumsden, Date: 08-Oct-1804
Linia Gooch and Rhoda his wife to Wm. Lumsden all of Louisa £320 for 2 tracts on both sides Dragon Swamp, 1st containing 51 acres adjoining Ralph Quarles being tract deeded Linia Gooch by Humphrey Edwards atty in fact for Jonathan Edwards in deed 9 Apr 1798. 2nd tract containing 100 acres adjoining first tract, Ralph Quarles. Being tract deeded by Ralph Quarles to Linia Gooch 12 Feb 1798. Rec. 8 Oct 1804.
Book: J, Page: 760, Grantor: Gooch, Liner & Rhoda, Grantee: Lumsden, William, Date: 08-Oct-1804
Liner Gooch and Rhoda Gooch (wife) to William Lumsden for £302 ... Land on both sides of Dragon Swamp; the first tract contains 51 acres ... Ralph Quarles line ... same tract as deeded to Liner Gooch by Humphrey Edwards attorney for Jonathan Edwards by a deed dated 9 Apr 1798; The other tract being 100 acres adjoining the first tract ... to Dragon Swamp, down the swamp ... Ralph Quarles corner, same tract deeded by Ralph Quarles to Liner Gooch 12 Feb 1798
Book: J, Page: 765, Grantor: George Johnson and Jane, his wife, Grantee: Thomas Knighton, Jr., Date: 09-Oct-1804
George Johnson and Jane, his wife, of Louisa to Thomas Knighton, Jr. for 100 LBS. ; tract on both sides of north branch of North East Creek containing 100 acres being same land purchased by said Jane before her coveture with George ( then Jane Rowe) from the executors of Richard Henson, Dec'd. adjoining Cosby's. Sig. George Johnson (x) and Jane R. Johnson (x) Rec. 9 Oct 1804
Book: J, Page: 772, Grantor: Nuckolls, John, Grantee: Mallory, Richard, Date: 08-Oct-1804
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Book: K, Page: 0, Grantor: Stephen Hunter, Grantee: George Hunter, Date: 12-Jan-1807
Stephen Hunter to George Hunter of Louisa and Samuel Hunter of Kentucky for trust he has in them and one dollar. One Negro named Lewis son of Cate who is 6 years old to lend Lewis to Stephen's daughter Polly Priddy wife of Larkin Priddy of South Caroline, When Polly dies Lewis is to be sold at public auction and proceeds divided between Polly's children. 12 Jan 1807 ack. by Stephen Hunter
Book: K, Page: 1, Grantor: Bragg, Richard & wf, Grantee: Fulcher, John, Date: 10-Dec-1804
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Book: K, Page: 1, Grantor: Bragg, Richard & wf, Grantee: Fulcher, John, Date: 10-Dec-1804
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Book: K, Page: 1, Grantor: Alice Willington, Hastings Evans and Lucy his wife, Grantee: William Walton, Date: 01-Oct-1805
Oct 1805 Alice Willington, Hastings Evans and Lucy his wife and Catherine Willington of Louisa to William Walton 50 acres on Contrary Creek adj. Malcolm Hart, John Gunter and others with appurtenances. Rec. 14 Oct 1805.
Book: K, Page: 4, Grantor: Nuckolls, James, Grantee: Nuckolls, Patsy, Date: 08-Oct-1804
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