Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book I

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Book: I, Page: 319, Grantor: Richard Johnson, Grantee: Nuckolds Johnson, Date: 26-Jul-1797
Richard Johnson (Q) to Nuckolds Johnson for ?225 for 1 Negro, 6 cattle, 3 beds, furniture. In trust, Nuckolls Johnson security for Richard to exors. of estate of Sam. Richardson for ?12, to William Bell, to William Nuckolls exors, and sd. Nuckolls. Wit. John Poindexter, Jr., Samuel Harris.

Book: I, Page: 321, Grantor: Tate, Uriah, Grantee: Graves, John, Date: 11-Sep-1797
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 325, Grantor: Robert Hart and Mary his wife, Grantee: David Lipscomb, Date: 09-Oct-1797
Robert Hart and Mary his wife of Spotsylvania to David Lipscomb of Louisa +134 6s for tract on Duckinghole Creek adj. Mansfield, Goodwin, Daniel cont. 213 acres more or less reserving to Mrs. Rebecca Nelson or her assigns the undisturbed occupancy during her natural life to part of the tract it being part allotted as her dower in lands of her deceased husband.

Book: I, Page: 328, Grantor: Thomas Wash and Henley his wife, Grantee: George Smith, Date: 01-May-1797
Thomas Wash and Henley his wife of Louisa to George Smith of said county, 44 Lbs. for land on waters of Little Rocky Creek containing 36 2/3 acres adjoining said Smith, Lipscomb's old rolling road. sig. Thomas Wash, Henley Wash. Wit. Overton H. Pettus, Barnett Smith, David Spicer, Ezek. Wash.

Book: I, Page: 330, Grantor: Nuckolls, Richard & Temperance, Grantee: Terry, William, Date: 11-Sep-1797
Richard Nuckols and Temperance Nuckols (wife) to William Terry £45 for 25 acres .on the waters of Little River on the east side of Lasley Branch to Baileys Branch .....

Book: I, Page: 334, Grantor: William Edwards and Ann his wife, Grantee: Martin Walton, Date: 11-Sep-1797
William Edwards and Ann his wife of Louisa to Martin Walton of same £43 for tract given by commissioners in decree of court to divide lands of John Walton, dec'd. and said William and Ann being legatees to lot #2 containing 48 acres adj. Winston, Peays, and sd. Walton.

Book: I, Page: 342, Grantor: Gardner, Thomas & Sally, Grantee: McGehee, John, Date: 03-Aug-1797
Thomas Gardner and Sally Gardner his wife to John McGehee, £500 for 100 acres on the North fork of Contrary Creek......

Book: I, Page: 347, Grantor: Wm. Harris and Henrietta his wife, Grantee: Thomas Barnett, Date:  
Wm. Harris and Henrietta his wife of Fluvanna to Thomas Barnett of Henrico $250 for 248 2/3 acres in Louisa on East side Chamberlains Creek adjoining Ashley Johnson, Major Ragland, David Wash. Sig. Wm. Harris.

Book: I, Page: 352, Grantor: Nuckolls, Richard, Grantee: Cook, William, Date: 09-Oct-1797
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 352, Grantor: Wharton, Zachariah, Grantee: Gooch, Stephen, Date: 20-Sep-1797
Zachariah Wharton? and Stephen Gooch £70 200 acres on North River

Book: I, Page: 355, Grantor: Thomas Bailey, Grantee: William Lawrence, Date: 16-Apr-1796
Thomas Bailey of Fluvannah Co. to William Lawrence of Louisa £80 for tract adj. William Walker, Bunch, Richard Morris containing by patent granted to Thos. Bailey by Edmund Randolf esqr. Gov. of Commonwealth of Va. 14 Nov 1787 249 acres wit. Lancelot Minor, William Walker, John Anderson.

Book: I, Page: 362, Grantor: William G. Johnson, Grantee: Richard Johnson, Junr., Date: 20-Sep-1797
William G. Johnson of Louisa to Richard Johnson, Jr. of Spotsylvania ?60 100 acres adj. Charles Hopkins near Clarks tract with appurtenances. Sig. William G. Johnson wit. Ludw. Braham, J. W. Bramham, Jr. Geo. Johnson, Jr.

Book: I, Page: 377, Grantor: George Lumsden and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: George Pottie, Date: 22-Nov-1797
George Lumsden and Elizabeth his wife to George Pottie all of Louisa £277 14s 6p for tract in Louisa on Rocky Creek being land I now live on adjoining Thomas Wash, George Smith, Nelson Moss, and Francis Jerdone containing 241 1/2 acres. Wit. Thomas Wash (BH), William Cooke, Samuel Overton, Jr., Malcolm Hart, Christo. Smith Rec. 8 Jan 1798.

Book: I, Page: 378, Grantor: James Overton, Grantee: Malcolm Hart, Date: 08-Jan-1778
Eliz. relinquishment (delivered with deed) 22 Nov 1797 by James Overton and Malcolm Hart. Rec. 8 Jan 1778.

Book: I, Page: 380, Grantor: Jesse Chewning, Grantee: Reuben Chewning, Date: 06-Jan-1798
Jesse Chewning of Louisa to Reuben Chewning of same county for 30 shillings per acre a tract containing by estimation 821/2 acres on N side of S fork of Pamunkey River being 1/2 of the land that George Chewning, dec'd. devised to his sons Jesse and Reuben bounded by James Watson, Turner Anderson, George Michie. Sig. Jesse Chewning. Wit. Peter Crawford.

Book: I, Page: 388, Grantor: John Clark, Grantee: Francis Clark, Date: 05-Feb-1798
I, John Clark of Guilford county, Carolina believing that all men are by nature equally free ....emancipate and set free the following slaves belonging to Francis Clark of Louisa County and since they became my property by purchase as a legatee placed under care of Benjamin Clark of said county. Vis; Phillis age 25, Jordon free born 23 9th month 1793, and Pleasants free born 4th of 2nd month 1796. Sig. John Clark 5 Feb 1798. wit. Clark Moorman, Benjamin Bates, Jr. Thomas Stanley. Rec. 12 Feb 1798.

Book: I, Page: 394, Grantor: Unknown, Grantee: Lipscomb, David, Date: 01-Jan-1797
David Lipscomb 213 acres on Duckinghole Creek .....

Book: I, Page: 403, Grantor: Richard Pope, Grantee: Nuckolds Johnson, Date: 16-Jan-1796
Richard Pope of Goochland to Nuckolds Johnson of Louisa for ?21 for 14 acres adjoining John Garth, Pope, Johnson. Witnesses Philip P. Winn, John Dickason, Richard Johnson, John Poindexter, Jr. and Jno. Glenn. Sig. Richard Pope and Jane Pope.

Book: I, Page: 403, Grantor: Richard Pope, Grantee: Nuckolds Johnson, Date: 16-Jan-1796
Richard Pope of Goochland to Nuckolds Johnson of Louisa for ?21 for 14 acres adjoining John Garth, Pope, Johnson. Witnesses Philip P. Winn, John Dickason, Richard Johnson, John Poindexter, Jr. and Jno. Glenn. Sig. Richard Pope and Jane Pope.

Book: I, Page: 405, Grantor: Meredith Walton, Grantee: John Walton, Date: 27-Sep-1797
Meredith Walton of Louisa to John Walton of same £45 for tract allotted to him by commissioners to divide lands of John Walton, dec'd. of whom Meredith is a legatee being lot #4 containing 57 acres adj. Timberlake, Cub Creek, Benjamin Timberlake, Richard Clough, John Walton. wit. Joel Walton, Martin Walton, Simeon Walton.

Book: I, Page: 406, Grantor: William Pulliam and Mourning his wife, Grantee: Burton Hope, Date: 31-Aug-1797
William Pulliam and Mourning his wife of Hanover to Burton Hope £250 or tract in Louisa containing 194 acres adjoining John Mayo, William Ready,, Dudley Diggs, and Matthew Anderson. Sig. William Pulliam, and Mourning Pulliam. Wit. John Hope, Timothy Ford, John Thomas.

Book: I, Page: 433, Grantor: Hezekiah Dunnevant, Grantee: David Morris, Date: 13-Jan-1790
Hezekiah Dunnevant of Louisa to David Morris; 5 shillings for livestock and furniture. Hezekiah Dunnevant is indebted to William Hunter for #17 2s due after 25 Dec. next. Sig. Hezekiah Dunnevant (X), David Morris. Wit. J. Poindexter, Jr. for Dunnevant and Guttrey Morris for David Morris.

Book: I, Page: 442, Grantor: David Morris and Elizabeth his wife, Grantee: William Hunter, Date: 09-Feb-1737
Jun 1798 David Morris and Elizabeth his wife of Louisa to William Hunter of same #125 for land on both sides of Ready Creek, lower side Old Mountain Road, north side Evans Branch, Camp Creek as called in Patent, adjoining Morris' plantation and Hunter, 20 acres part of a larger tract granted to Henry Bailey under the Royal Govt. signed by William Gooch, Gov. dated 9 Feb 1737 which after fell to the father of Samuel Ragland dec'd. to William Ragland, dec'd. son of the said Maj. Samuel Ragland dec'd., conveyed by William Ragland to John Mills and Mills conveyed to David Morris. sig. David Morris and Elizabeth Morris. Wit. John Poindexter, Jr. William G. Poindexter, Guttrey Morris

Book: I, Page: 444, Grantor: Bell, Robert & wife, Grantee: Bickley, Joseph, Date: 26-Jun-1798
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 445, Grantor: Bell, Robert & wife, Grantee: Bickley, Joseph, Date: 26-Jun-1798
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 449, Grantor: Hughes, William, Grantee: Grady, Joseph, Date: 09-Jul-1798
William Hughes to Joseph Grady £16 for 100 acres on Contrary Creek. Beginning at Thomas Wingfield ......

Book: I, Page: 452, Grantor: John Rowe and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Jno. Crenshaw, Date: 06-Jul-1798
John Rowe and Sarah his wife of Louisa to Jno. Crenshaw of Hanover £60 for 100 acres adjoining William Busby, Mrs. Garth, Benj. Crenshaw and Crews. Sig. John (x) Rowe and Sarah (x) Rowe. no wit. Rec. 9 Jul 1798.

Book: I, Page: 458, Grantor: David Chisholm and Rachel his wife and John Crensh, Grantee: John Rowe, Date: 06-Jul-1798
David Chisholm and Rachel his wife and John Crenshaw and Elizabeth his wife of Hanover to John Rowe of Louisa for £120 for 400 acres more or less on both sides Goochland Road on Beaverdam a fork of Mechunk Creek adjoining Goochland Co. line and Goochland Road. Sig. David Chisholm, Rachel Chisholm, John Crenshaw, Elizabeth Crenshaw. wit. Jas. Trice, Walter Chisholm, Jr., William Hunt, Richard Davis. Rec. 9 Jul 1798.

Book: I, Page: 460, Grantor: Nuckolls, Richard & Temperance, Grantee: Terry, William, Date: 09-Oct-1798
Richard Nuckols and Temperance Nuckols (wife) she can't travel…

Book: I, Page: 469, Grantor: John Faris and Mary his wife, Grantee: Eppa Fielding, Date: 07-Sep-1798
John Faris and Mary his wife of Albemarle to Eppa Fielding of Louisa +50, for 100 acres adj. James Flannagan, Eppa Fielding, Charles B. Hunton and Henry Callahan's old line with all appurtenances. Sig. John (X) Faris. Rec. 10 Sep 1798.

Book: I, Page: 497, Grantor: Terry, William & Sarah, Grantee: Lipscomb, Henry, Date: 10-Sep-1798
William Terry and Sarah Terry his wife, to Henry Lipscomb £57 for 25 1/4 acres on Baileys Branch....

Book: I, Page: 499, Grantor: Douglas, Robert, Grantee: Terry, David, Date: 10-Sep-1798
Robert Douglas to David Terry $150 for 148 acres. Beg. Corner Thomas Melton and James McGehee in Meriwether line; along Meriwethers line to Poindexter line, several pointers along Poindexter line to corner pointers in Dunn's line; along Dunn's line to small Hickory in Thomas Meltons & James McGehees corner, along Melton / Mcgehee line to corner pine then along Melton / McGehee line to beginning. [ No M&B]

Book: I, Page: 521, Grantor: Clifton Thompson, Grantee: Capt. William Thomson, Date:  
I Clifton Thompson of Fayette Kentucky appoint my brother Capt. William Thomson of Louisa attorney in fact to receive of the will of Samuel Ragland dec'd. of Louisa in right of my wife formerly Mary Ragland daughter of John Ragland dec'd. . Wit. James Poindexter. Sig. Clifton Thomson.

Book: I, Page: 530, Grantor: John McCray, Grantee: Nathan Butler, Date: 01-Feb-1792
John McCray of Fluvanna to Nathan Butler for £20 for 105 acres in Louisa County adjoining Christopher Wood, Moses White, Major Thomas Johnson. Sig. John (x) McCray. witnesses James Michie, John Michie, Wm. Tompkins.

Book: I, Page: 554, Grantor: Susannah Allegre, Grantee:  , Date: 11-Dec-1798
Susannah Allegre relinquishment of dower right to above deed. Justices of Albemarle Co. certify for her. 11 Dec 1798.

Book: I, Page: 554, Grantor: Tisdale, John, Grantee: Allegree, Daniel, Date: 11-Feb-1799
Commonwealth of Virginia to William Clark, William D. Meriwether and Edward Moore, Justices of Albemarle; Daniel Allegre and Susannah Allegre his wife; Deed of Bargain 15 Jun 1797 to John Tisdale 443 acres, .... Susannah can't travel to court to acknowledge .....

Book: I, Page: 564, Grantor: Douglas, Robert & wife, Grantee: Melton, Thomas, Date: 11-Feb-1799
Robert Douglas to Thomas Melton and James McGehee of Orange Co. £130 for 270 acres. Beginning at an Oak on the North side of a branch, in Meriwethers line, Terry line, Martin Dunn line.....

Book: I, Page: 570, Grantor: Biggers, David & Macon, Grantee: Hughes, William, Date: 11-Feb-1799
David Bigger, Macon Bigger, David Terry of the first part, William Hughes second part $400 for 400 acres. Beg. at pine corner in John Tait's line on N. side of Bunches Creek, and running different lines and courses for quantity, as a reference to the patent granted to William Biggers will morefully show. [No M&B]

Book: I, Page: 570, Grantor: Terry, David, Grantee: Hughes, William, Date: 11-Feb-1799
David Bigger, Macon Bigger, David Terry of the first part, William Hughes second part $400 for 400 acres. Beg. at pine corner in John Tait's line on N. side of Bunches Creek, and running different lines and courses for quantity, as a reference to the patent granted to William Biggers will morefully show. [No M&B]

Book: I, Page: 575, Grantor: Hughes, Stephen & Sarah, Grantee: Lymejun, John, Date: 12-Mar-1799
Stephen Hughes and Sarah Hughes (wife) of Albemarle to John Lymejun ... £18 for 170 acres on the north fork of the South Anna River.

Book: I, Page: 576, Grantor: Biggers, David, Grantee: Hughes, William, Date: 20-Sep-1798
David Biggers, Macon Biggers, James Biggers, David Terry and George Morris; William Linney £10 for 10 acres on Hickory creek. Beginning two red oaks near a branch; N4E; 65P; corner red oak and white oak; S83.5E; 18P; corner stone and cherry tree in old field; S10W; 26P; corner two hickory's near Martha Biggers fence; S33E; 43P; corner three pines on a hill; N86W; 40P; to beginning.

Book: I, Page: 577, Grantor: Ann Thomasson wife of Samuel Thomasson, Grantee: Nathaniel Thomasson, Date: 10-Jul-1794
Ann Thomasson wife of Samuel Thomasson, Dec'd., Elias Thomasson, William Thomasson, John Thomasson of Louisa and Samuel Thomasson and Richard Thomasson, Poindexter Thomasson, Frances Thomasson, Nancy Thomasson, Ann Thomasson security for Nelson Thomasson, David Shelton, William Daniel and Charles Daniel of Scott County, state of Kentucky to Nathaniel Thomasson of Louisa. Ann Thomasson and above mentioned legatees for #13 paid by Nathaniel Thomasson, tract in Trinity Parish containing 250 acres adjoining James Beadles, Whitlock, Dickens, Trices, Cammons, Mastins, Yancey. Wit. Peter Daniel, Randolph Perry, John Perry, Vivion Daniel, Charles Daniel, Jr. rec. 8 Sep 1794. Sig. by all legatees.

Book: I, Page: 593, Grantor: John HIcks and Ann his wife, Grantee: John Hicks Duncan, Susanna Pearson Dunca, Date: 05-Jan-1798
John HIcks and Ann his wife of City of Richmond to John Hicks Duncan, Susanna Pearson Duncan, Eliza Edland Duncan, Ann Hicks Duncan, Robert Alexander Duncan of Louisa son and daughters of Robert Duncan of Louisa County for £865 tract adjoining Samuel Dabney, Diggs, purchased by John Hicks under deed of trust from said Robert Duncan to Donald and Burton containing 6651/4 acres. Sig. Jno. Hicks, Ann HIcks. Wit. William Jones, James Davis. Rec. 13 Aug 1798, John Glazebrook, Susanna Pearson.

Book: I, Page: 593, Grantor: Hix, John & Ann, Grantee: Duncan, John Hix, Date: 05-Jan-1798
John HICKS & Ann his wife of Richmond to John Hicks DUNCAN, Susanna DUNCAN, Parson DUNCAN, Eliza EDLAND DUNCAN, Ann Hicks DUNCAN, Robert Alexander DUNCAN of Louisa sons & daughters of ROBERT DUNCAN of Louisa L865 paid by their father Robert DUNCAN their nect friend for tract in Louisa on South Anna River containing 665 1/4 acres adjoining the river, Samuel DABNEY, DIGGES being tract purchased by John HICKS under a deed of trust from said Robert DUNCAN to Donald & Burton(Margin note-delvd. to John H. DUNCAN) sig. John Hicks & Ann Hicks. wit. N. POPE, Jr., William JONES, James ACK. 13 Aug 1798 & delivered in presence of John GLAZEBROOK, Wm. JONES, Susanna PEARSON rec. 8 April 1799

Book: I, Page: 593, Grantor: John Hicks and Ann his wife, Grantee: John Hicks Duncan, Susanna Duncan, Parso, Date: 05-Jan-1798
John Hicks and Ann his wife of Richmond to John Hicks Duncan, Susanna Duncan, Parson Duncan, Eliza Edland Duncan, Ann Hicks Duncan, Robert Alexander Duncan of Louisa sons and daughters of Robert Duncan of Louisa £865 paid by their father Robert Duncan their next friend for tract in Louisa on South Anna River containing 6651/4 acres adjoining the river, Samuel Dabney, Digges being tract purchased by John Hicks under a deed of trust from said Robert Duncan to Donald & Burton. [Margin note-delvd. to John H. Duncan} Sig. Jno. Hicks and Ann Hicks. wit. N. Pope, Jr., Wm. JOnes, James. Ack. 13 Aug 17998 and delivered in presence of John Glazebrook, Wm. Jones and Susanna Pearson Rec. 8 Apr 1799.

Book: I, Page: 595, Grantor: John Overton, Grantee: John Johnson, Date: 08-Apr-1799
John Overton of Louisa to John Johnson of same #400 for tract bounded by Duncan's line, John Jackson, John Overton, Dudley Diggs containing 200 acres [legal description]. Sig. John Oerton. Rec. 8 Apr 1799.

Book: I, Page: 595, Grantor: John Overton, Grantee: John Johnson, Date: 08-Apr-1799
John Overton of Louisa to John Johnson of same ?400 for tract bounded by Duncan's line, John Jackson, John Overton, Dudley Diggs containing 200 acres [legal description]. Sig. John Overton. Rec. 8 April 1799.

Book: I, Page: 596, Grantor: Terry, David, Grantee: L??, William, Date: 10-Sep-1798
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 602, Grantor: Richard Faris and Sarah his wife, Grantee: Paul G. G. Jones & Elizabeth his wife. A, Date: 08-Apr-1799
Richard Faris and Sarah his wife of Louisa to Paul G. G. Jones & Elizabeth his wife. A suit in ejectment by Jones and wife against Richard Faris for possession of land whereon Richard Fairs now lives being 1/3 of a larger tract containing 400 acres which sd. Elizabeth claims as dower as widow and relict of Joseph Hopkins, Jr. dec'd. Richard Faris and wife for 5s relinquishes right and title to 1/2 of the 400 acres being 133 1/3 acres. Sig. Richard (X) Faris and Sarah (X) Faris.

Book: I, Page: 609, Grantor: James Nelson the elder, Grantee: Samuel Wharton, Date: 14-Feb-1799
James Nelson the elder of Louisa to Samuel Wharton of same; 72 Lbs. 15s; 97 acres where James Nelson now lives adjoining Racoon branch, Mansfield, Augustus Yancey, road leading to Hart's mill with all houses, orchards, fences, etc. Sig. James Nelson. Wit Joseph Wharton, Samuel Sale, William Winston, John Pollock, Joseph Atkins, Malcolm Hart . Rec. 8 Apr 1799 James Nelson.

Book: I, Page: 618, Grantor: Quarles, John & wife, Grantee: Poindexter, John, Date: 10-Jun-1799
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 654, Grantor: West, Benjamin, John, Robert, Wm., Grantee: West, Benjamin C., Date: 01-Jan-1799
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 657, Grantor: Martin, James, Grantee: Gooch, Stephen Sr., Date: 11-Jun-1799
James Martin first part, Stephen Gooch Sr. and Hugh Goodwin second part, $1 for one bay horse .... James Martin is indebted to Thomas Gooch, Jr. .....

Book: I, Page: 659, Grantor: Isaac Winston, Grantee: Garland Anderson, Date: 12-Jun-1799
Isaac Winston of Hanover to Garland Anderson of Louisa +480 Va. Curr. tract containing 240 acres more or less on south side Duckinghole Creek, 12 feet therefrom on that part of it turned by Aaron Fontaine and opposite the ancient channel which passes obliquely across the low ground to Isaac Winston and Terrell, dwelling house, spring house, John Bibb, Bibbs and Grays old line, Henry Bibb, James Tate, Thomas Gray, Garrett Minor with appurtenances . wit. Charles Wright, John Thompson, John Bibb, D. William Turner.

Book: I, Page: 661, Grantor: Southland, Joseph, Grantee: Chiles, William, Date: 26-Jul-1799
Joseph Southland and William Chiles £222 for 111 3/16 acres south side of South Anna River ....

Book: I, Page: 662, Grantor: Isbell, William & wife, Grantee: West, Robert, Date: 01-Jan-1799
[no abstract]

Book: I, Page: 663, Grantor: Harris, Frederick, Grantee: McGehee, William, Date: 29-Jul-1799
Frederick Harris to William McGehee £401, 8 shillings for land (where Richmond Harris now lives) both sides of the North fork of the Little River adjoining Benjamin Harris, Elias Thompson, Thomas Smith and Austin Hancock .....

Book: I, Page: 666, Grantor: John Johnson and Robert Johnson, Grantee: William Johnson, Date: 01-Aug-1799
John Johnson and Robert Johnson to William Johnson of Carterville, Cumberland County tract in Louisa cont. 95 acres being our part of tract deeded to us and others by Thos. Johnson in Louisa adj. Charles Yancey John Woodger, James Watson for ?100. sig. John Johnson Robert Johnson.

Book: I, Page: 681, Grantor: William Johnson, Grantee: Thomas Johnson, Date:  
[day and month blank] 179[blank] William Johnson (TC)? to Thomas Johnson both of Louisa ?100 tract being tract purchased by William of Richard Johnson others in Louisa cont. 152 acres adj. Edward Burton and William Barnett, John Price, Humphrey Parrish, Nuckolds. Sig. Wm. Johnson. Rec. 9 Dec. 1799.

Book: I, Page: 684, Grantor: John Perkins Jr. and Salley his wife, Grantee: David Garth, Date: 08-Apr-1700
John Perkins, Jr. and Salley his wife of Louisa to David Garth of same.... 275 # current money in Virginia for 50 acres. .............

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