Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book E

Many thanks to Janice L. Abercrombie! She submitted over 2,500 Deed Abstracts, which produced almost 16,000 surname references!

Book: E, Page: 231, Grantor: Waldrop, Samual, Grantee: Hancock, Benjamin, Date: 12-Jun-1778
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 236, Grantor: Clevears Duke, Grantee: George Lumsden, Date: 17-Jan-1778
Clevears Duke of Louisa Co., St. Martins Par. to George Lumsden of same. £5 15s for 400 acres in St. Martins Par adj. George Pottie, William Wash, David Tullor and said Duke. Sig. Clevears Duke. wit. Wm. Pettus, James Overton, Wm. Crenshaw, Fredk. Harris.

Book: E, Page: 238, Grantor: Harris, William & Elizabeth, Grantee: Biggers, David, Date: 01-Jan-1778
£200 for 100 acres. S. side of the North Anna river of Pamunky. Beginning at Parson Douglas corner white oak own the river with his line S5W; 160P; white oak in his line, new line of marked trees, N85W; to William Harris line in an old field, with Harris's line N4W to white oak sapling on Thomas Graves line, with Graves line to the land of Thomas Harris, thence down the river with Harris's land to beg.

Book: E, Page: 243, Grantor: Stephen Hunter and Mary, his wife, Grantee: Joseph Woodger, Jr., Date: 09-Mar-1778
Stephen Hunter and Mary, his wife of Louisa co. to Joseph Woodger, Jr. of Goochland Co. #140 for 400 acres by Patent to Andrew Hunter 1 Aug 1745 on both sides of the south fork of Rocky Creek adjoining Charles Moreman corner in John Prices line. sig. Stephen Hunter (X) and Mary Hunter (X)

Book: E, Page: 244, Grantor: William Cole, Grantee: James Dickason and James Cole, Date: 09-Mar-1778
William Cole of Goochland to James Dickason and James Cole of Fluvanna and Louisa Co. Whereas Mary Barclay wife of George Barclay being distressed with her family of children for necessaries of life thru the imprudent conduct and bad management of George Barclay her husband who is poor and unable to provide for their support, a number of benevolent and generous persons being affected with the distress of sd. Mary Barclay did by several large donations purchase for Mary and her children the following slaves: Ambrose, Blender, Dinah, Milly, Venus, Dina, Judy, Richard, Bellender, Randel, Phillis, Frank, Hannah, Abby, Liddy, Ambrose with their increase. 10s pd to William Cole and he in turn sells them to James Dickason and James Cole as trustees. Slaves to be free from molestation and interruption of George Barclay. At Mary's death the slaves to go to her children. Sig. William Cole. wit. David Anderson, Jr. and Fredk. Harris.

Book: E, Page: 248, Grantor: James Meriwether, William Meriwether and George Me, Grantee: Charles Goodman, Date: 09-Mar-1778
James Meriwether, William Meriwether and George Meriwether Exors of Thomas Ballard Smith dec'd. of Trinity Parish Louisa Co... to Charles Goodman of Fluvanna #50 for 98 acres on Roundabout Creek part of which lies in Fluvanna co. and part in Louisa county. adj. Edmund Humphreys corner in Fluvanna.

Book: E, Page: 255, Grantor: Charles Gunter, Grantee: Bartelot Right and Sarah, his wife, Date:  
Charles Gunter one of the witnesses to deed Bartelot Right and Sarah, his wife, to Barnet Smith in St. Martins Parish. 17 Nov, 1777.

Book: E, Page: 261, Grantor: Wood, Christopher & Sarah, Grantee: Harris, Nathaniel, Date: 08-Sep-1777
£49, 16s, 8p, 1/2 penny for 118 2/3 acres on Harris's Creek. Beginning at pointers on Charles Thompson corner, along his line; S33.25W; 88P; red oak on Thompson line; S28E; 110P; pine on Richard Winrows corner; S26.5W; 34P; post oak sapling; S67E; 156P; I'm N38.5E; 10.5P; post oak on James Welch corner; N29W; 287P; to beginning.

Book: E, Page: 262, Grantor: Christopher Wood and Sarah, his wife, Grantee: Nathan Butler, Date: 11-May-1778
Christopher Wood and Sarah, his wife, of Louisa Co. to Nathan Butler of same for £36-18s for 123 acres on waters of Cautherns Run adjoining Micajah Harris, Major Thos. Johnson near school house path. No witnesses. Rec. 11 May 1778.

Book: E, Page: 267, Grantor: Cornelius McCoy, Grantee: John Nuckils, Date: 06-Jul-1778
Cornelius McCoy of Berkley Par., Spotsylvania co. to John Nuckils of Trinity Par., Louisa Co. 176 acres in Trinity Par. on Cub Creek adj. John Walton, Robert Harris, Zacheus Cosby.

Book: E, Page: 267, Grantor: John Trice and William Trice are firmly bound unto, Grantee:  , Date: 12-Oct-1786
We John Trice and William Trice are firmly bound unto Patrick Henry Esqr. Governor of Va. in the sum of #70 12 Oct 1786. Condition: above John Trice satisfied the County Court of Louisa that he was possessed of 3 certificates issued by the auditors of Publick Accounts for the sum of #9 5s 5d and another #1 8s 5d two payable to himself and the other #3 18s 8d in the name of Christopher Clark for Militia Services done in the year 1781 and that the same was accidentally lost of his possession. If sd. Trice shall indemnify the Commonwealth in case any future claim be made for sd. certificates, this obligation to be void. Sig. John Trice and Wm. Trice.

Book: E, Page: 267, Grantor: Cornelius McCoy, Grantee: John Nuckills, Date: 06-Jul-1778
Cornelius McCoy of Berkley Par. Spotsylvania County to John Nuckills of Trinity Par. Louisa Co. for £176 for 176 acres in Trinity Par. on the north side of Cub Cr. adj. John Walton, sd. Creek, Robert Harris and Zacheus Cosby. Sig. Cornelius McCoy.

Book: E, Page: 275, Grantor: Thomas Wash and Mary his wife, Grantee: George Lumsden, Date: 13-Jul-1778
Thomas Wash and Mary his wife of St. Martins Par. Louisa Co. to George Lumsden of same; $450 for 393 acres adj. William Flemmings on Great Rockey Creek to the Dividing branch, John Wright, Hester, the Main County Road, George Lumsden, Geo. Smith and Susannah Wash. Sig. Thomas Wash and Mary (X) Wash.

Book: E, Page: 287, Grantor: William Smith B, Grantee:  , Date: 09-Jun-1781
Whereas William Smith B. has conveyed to me by Deed of Mortgage a Negro boy names Luis; for 5 shillings, I Richard Paulett do sell to John Parker said slave. 10 Dec 1787. Guardian bonds p 255 257 A list of bonds and the property of George Pottie, Dec'd and left in the hands of his exor. at his decease taken 13 Sep 1795....Alexander Parker note 9 Jun 1781 for LB1,000 by Seals. 4.0.

Book: E, Page: 289, Grantor: Ragland, Samuel, Grantee: Lasley, Manoah, Date: 14-Sep-1778
Regarding a parcel of 400 acres sold to Manoah Lasley for 52 pounds of Virginia money. The parcel begins at two corner pines in John RAGLAND’s line; runs then on this line south 46 degrees, east 136 poles to Benjamin HENSON’s and JOUETT’s line; then south 46 degrees, west 452 poles to a scrubby white oak sapling; then north 46 degrees, west 142 poles to a pine in James BRUKIN’s line; then on the same line north 47 and 1/2 degrees, east 448 poles, cooping [sic] both forks of Great Cauthen’s Run; then to the beginning.

Book: E, Page: 299, Grantor: Cornelius Dabney, Grantee: William Shelton, Date: 05-Apr-1788
Cornelius Dabney to William Shelton, both of Louisa Co. St. Martins Par; £63-8s-9 for 361/4 acres adjoining Dabney and Shelton. wit. James Shelton, Jesse Shelton, William Shelton, Jr., Philemon Frayser.

Book: E, Page: 303, Grantor: Bibb, Charles, Grantee: Arnette, David, Date: 09-Nov-1778
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 308, Grantor: Bibb, Charles, Grantee: Arnette, David, Date: 09-Nov-1778
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 313, Grantor: Nathaniel Anderson Gent. and Curtis Parrott, Grantee: John Anderson, Date: 09-Nov-1778
Nathaniel Anderson Gent. and Curtis Parrott of Louisa co. Fredericksville Par., Exors of John Dashper late of sd. co. dec'd. to John Anderson of sd. Co., St. Martins par, sd. Nathl Anderson and Curtis Parrott according to the last will and testament of sd. Dashper for £15 all the land and plantation in Trinity Par on Beach Cr. on some of the waters of North East Creek, Dashpers Branch. 100 acres.

Book: E, Page: 314, Grantor: Thomas Shelton and Ann his wife, Grantee: Nelson Anderson, Jr., Date: 09-Nov-1778
Thomas Shelton and Ann his wife of Trinity Par. Louisa Co. to Nelson Anderson, Jr. of St. Pauls Par., Hanover co. 400 acres on Long Creek adj. John Walton, Robert Harris, Charles Nuckolls, dec'd., Charles Colley, John Bullock, Francis Lipscomb, Edmond Beadles and John Sanders.

Book: E, Page: 333, Grantor: Boswell, John And Wife, Grantee: Lasley, Manoah, Date: 09-Nov-1778
Regarding a parcel of 166 acres on the west side of Gilbert GIBSON’s mill creek and the north side of the South Anna River. Sold to Manoah Lasley for 200 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins at two pines and a white oak in the BARK line running along the same 55 and 1/2 degrees, east 121 poles to Gilbert Gibson’s mill creek and down the same creed as it meanders,making a straight line 214 poles to said Gilbert’s line at the end of his mill dam; then along the same line north 43 degrees, west 123 poles to three white oaks in Likinhole Creek; then a new line north 33 and 1/2 degrees, east 188 poles to the beginning. All woods, underwoods, waters, watercourses, houses, pastures, fences, orchards, tithes, profits, commodities, advantages, etc. are also transferred.

Book: E, Page: 345, Grantor: Robert Walton and Kesia his wife, Grantee: John Powell, Date: 20-Sep-1781
Robert Walton and Kesia his wife to John Powell of Louisa Co. £250 for 450 acres whereon I now live adj. Derwins, Capt. Terrell, to Parsons to Dickersons, Waddy and Edwards. Sig. Robert Walton, Keziah (x) Walton, wit. William Waddy, James Burnley, David Crenshaw, David Chisholm, Anthony Winston, Cleavears Duke, Jr. 8 Oct 1781 ack. by sd. Robert Walton.

Book: E, Page: 349, Grantor: Joel Watkins and Barbary his wife, Grantee: Nathaniel McAlester, Date: 19-May-1788
Joel Watkins and Barbary his wife of Louisa Co. to Nathaniel McAlester of same; #300; 341 acres joining lands of James Johnson, William Cosby, William Kendrick and Overstreets Tract. Sig. Joel Watkins, Barbary Watkins.

Book: E, Page: 359, Grantor: James Barnett and Ann his wife, Grantee: George Chewning, Date: 15-Nov-1781
James Barnett and Ann his wife of Louisa to George Chewning of Hanover County for 25s per acre, 1/2 of a tract on west side of Pamunky River adjoining Michies, Hudsons and Watsons being 201 acres. Sig. James Barnett and Ann (X) Barnett. wit. Elizabeth Johnson (X), William Hall, Joseph Chewning. Rec. 10 Jun 1782.

Book: E, Page: 360, Grantor: Samuel McGehee, Grantee: James McGehee, Mary Graves, Susannah Arn, Date: 11-Jun-1780
Samuel McGehee of Louisa Co., St. Martins Parish to James McGehee, Mary Graves, Susannah Arnett, Sarah McGehee, Wealthy Chowning, Ann Crank and Fanny Smith for love and affection and £5 paid by each of the children: to son James McGehee Negro girls Rose and Jenny; to dau. Mary Graves Negro boy Minor, and Negro girl Sukey; to dau. Susannah Arnett Negro boy Harry, and girl Phillis; to dau. Sarah McGehee Negro boy Lewis and Negro woman Sall with her two children; to daughter Wealthy Chowning Negro women Amey and Lucy and Negro Boy John which Negroes I have given to her possession at her removal from Caroline County and is all I intend to give her; to daughter Ann Crank Negro children Tom and Moll; to daughter Fanny Smith Negro boy William and Negro girl Frank. Sig. Samuel McGehee. wit. Geo. Pottie, James Overton, Tyree Yancy.

Book: E, Page: 361, Grantor: Thomas Hughes and Frances his wife, Grantee: William Cooke, Date: 09-Oct-1781
Thomas Hughes and Frances his wife of Gloucester Co. to William Cooke of Louisa co. £550 for 265 acres adjoining Marshall and Baker, Barclays and McGehees, Matthew Anderson and George Pettus sold by a decree of Louisa Court. To the best of my ability I have gathered all the deeds in Louisa County for a William Cooke or Cook.

Book: E, Page: 361, Grantor: Hughes, Thomas, Grantee: Cooke, William, Date: 08-Apr-1782
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 362, Grantor: Mary Yancey, Grantee: Henry Yancey son to said Mary Yan, Date: 21-Mar-1781
Mary Yancey of St. Martins Par. Louisa co to Henry Yancey, Gent. son to said Mary Yancey, doth sell and freely deliver 222 1/4 acres in par. afsd. on south side of the Main Road in Dukes line.. to a Path to Temples Toad, down same to Jersone's Road, along road in a south direction to the Main Road, up same to dukes corner to Smiths line adjoining Alexander Parkers Plantation supposed to e the sd. Smiths.

Book: E, Page: 362, Grantor: Mary Yancey, Grantee: Henry Yancey, Date: 21-Mar-1781
Mary Yancey of St. Martins Par. Louisa Co. to Henry Yancey, gent, son to sd. Mary Yancey, doth sell and give 2221/2 acres in same par. on main road in Dukes line, adj. Temples road, Jordone's road, main road, Smiths, Alexander parkers Plantation. Sig. Mary Yancey (x).

Book: E, Page: 363, Grantor: John Tisdale Junr., Grantee: Wm. White Jr. and Catharine his wife, Date: 17-Jan-1783
John Tisdale, Jr. witness to deed 17 Jan 1783 Wm. White, Jr. of Trinity Par. Louisa and Catharine his wife to Majr. Thomas Johnson.

Book: E, Page: 363, Grantor: William Porter, Jr., Grantee:  , Date: 16-Aug-1783
William Porter, Jr. witness to a deed 16 Aug 1783 David Terrell and Sarah his wife of Cambell Co. to William Wash for tract on Poor Creek.

Book: E, Page: 364, Grantor: Thomas Johnson Senr., Grantee: John Boswell and William Duvall, Date: 28-Oct-1783
Thomas Johnson, Sr. of Louisa Co. to John Boswell and William Duvall of Henrico Co. and the other of Louisa Co. for ?3,000 all lands with ordinary and courthouse for the life of said Thomas Johnson, that is to say one tract of 2,000 acres on both sides of the South Anna River in Louisa Co. which said Thos. Johnson bought of William Johnson, Mrs. Ann Cosby, and Mr. William White. One other tract where the Courthouse and ordinary now stands containing about 1400 acres for the lifetime of the sd. Thomas Johnson, Sr. ; another tract of 900 acres which sd. Johnson bought of Robt. Jennings and James Littlepage and Jno. Edwards on both sides of Harrises Creek including a water Grist mill and the following slaves Harry, Limburn, Will, Nan, Stephen and Janey which slaves sd. Johnson holds for life and two more slaves named Edom and David held on same terms by sd. Johnson and the follow slaves tom, Roger, Isaac, Joe, Barbary, will, Little Tom, Bob, Fellows, Great Nan, Little Nan, Grace, Little Grace, Barbary, Winney, mulatto Sam, Sampson, Great Grace's dau named Phillis, Betty, Nan and Jugg also horses, colts, oxen, cattle feather beds etc. Nevertheless if sd. Johnson Sr. doth indemnify and save harmless sd. Jno. Boswell from any debt of default in collecting taxes and sd. Duvall the same, which they may become liable for as his security, then these presents void. Sig. Thos. Johnson. wit. Wm. Johnson, Thos. Johnson, Jr., Richard Chapman. [Security bond for Thomas Johnson with John Boswell and William Duvall as his securities for him collecting taxes as sheriff].

Book: E, Page: 365, Grantor: Douglas, William, Grantee: Douglas, William's grandchildren, Date: 10-Feb-1783
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 365, Grantor: Minor, Dabney & wife, Grantee: Douglas, Rev. William, Date: 10-Feb-1783
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 366, Grantor: Douglas, William, Grantee: Merriwether, Nicholas H., Date: 10-Feb-1783
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 366, Grantor: William Douglas and Elizabeth Burrus, Grantee: marry. William Douglas having been bless, Date: 10-Feb-1783
William Douglas and Elizabeth Burrus of Louisa intending to marry. William Douglas having been blessed with a imminent first wife and children to whom he gives his estate. To future wife Elizabeth Burrus he gives 200 acres bought of John Syme in Trinity Parish on Pamunkey River and Negroes. Wit. Thomas Johnson, Jr., Rich. Johnson, Jno. Poindexter, Jr.

Book: E, Page: 366, Grantor: Douglas, William, Grantee: Burrus, Elizabeth, Date: 10-Feb-1783
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 367, Grantor: Robert Freeman and Sarah his wife, Grantee: William Trice, Date: 11-Feb-1783
Robert Freeman and Sarah his wife of Louisa to William Trice of same #207 for 338 acres bounded by [blank]. Sig. Robert Freeman and Sarah Freeman.

Book: E, Page: 368, Grantor: Douglas, William, Grantee: Terrell, Margaret, Date: 08-Dec-1783
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 372, Grantor: George Lumsden and William Wash, Grantee: Thomas Johnson, Date: 13-Oct-1788
George Lumsden and William Wash bound unto Thomas Johnson, Gent £500, 13 Oct 1788. condition above bound George Lumsden is appointed Coroner of Louisa Co. by commission from the Governor.

Book: E, Page: 374, Grantor: Charles Yancey, Sr. and Charles Yancey, Grantee:  , Date: 13-Aug-1788
We Charles Yancey, Sr. and Charles Yancey, son of Robert, are firmly bound unto Thomas Johnson acting sheriff of Louisa Co. in the sum of £ 10,000 13 Aug 1788. Condition: above bound Charles Yancey, son of Robert, hath undertaken to do the office of a deputy Sheriff in the co. in the ensuing year. Sig. Chas. Yancey, Chas. Yancey, Jr. wit. Nichl Johnson, R. Yancey.

Book: E, Page: 376, Grantor: Nathl. McAlester, Grantee: Benjamin Day, Date: 10-Nov-1788
Nathl. McAlester of Louisa Co. to Benjamin Day of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Co.; #300 ; 341 acres in Louisa Co. on the south fork of Contrary River joining lands of James Johnson, Wm. Cosby, Wm. Hendricks and Overstreets tract corner in James. Dickasons line ... Davises line ... Bakers line... Wit. none. Sig. Nathl. MC Alester.

Book: E, Page: 385, Grantor: Nuckolls, William, Grantee: Edwards, Garland, Date: 20-Jul-1820
[no abstract]

Book: E, Page: 390, Grantor: Samuel McGehee, Grantee: William and James McGehee, Date: 27-Nov-1788
I Samuel McGehee of St. Martins Parish, Louisa Co. upon Trust and confidence which I had in my sons William and James McGehee of this county and my son-in-law John Graves of Spotsylvania by letter of attorney under my hand in 1786 did make and appoint sd. William and James McGehee and my son-in-law John Graves my attornies. For divers good causes and considerations do revoke and make void sd. letter of attorney and all power and authority therein 27 Nov 1788. Sig. James McGehee (sic). wit. James Dickerson, Charles Cosby. (mistake by the clerk in copying signature??)

Book: E, Page: 414, Grantor: Shirley Tisdale, Moses White and Chs. Thomas, Grantee: Edmond Stringer and Susanna his wife, Date: 17-Nov-1788
Shirley Tisdale, Moses White and Chs. Thomas witness to deed Edmond Stringer and Susanna his wife of Louisa to Richd. Johnson of same. proved 13 April by Chas. Thomas and Moses White.

Book: E, Page: 462, Grantor: James Tisdale and John Tisdale, Grantee:  , Date: 18-Apr-1789
James Tisdale and John Tisdale witness to power of Attorney of Andrew Trible of Fayette Co., District of Kentucky appoint Wm. White atty. in fact. 18 Apr 1789.

Book: E, Page: 559, Grantor: John Tisdale, Grantee:  , Date: 12-Apr-1790
John Tisdale witness to power of attorney given by Ann Thomson of Louisa to her son William Thomson of same. 12 Apr 1790.

Book: F, Page: 0, Grantor: Thomas Almond and Nancy his wife, Grantee: John Grinstead, Date: 23-Oct-1789
Thomas Almond and Nancy his wife to John Grinstead; Lb 18 50 acres bounded by lands of Asa Sims...beginning at Asa Sims and James McGehees joining Yancey and Asa Sims. Sig: Thomas Almond and Nancy Almond. Wit: William L. McGehee, John Shephardson, John Shephardson 12 Apr 1790 proved by oaths of William L. McGehee, John Shephardson and John Shephardson.

Book: F, Page: 0, Grantor: Richard Paulett and Caty his wife, Grantee: John Vest, Date: 09-Dec-1781
Dec 1781 Richard Paulett & Caty his wife of Louisa to John Vest of Spotsylvania County £162.10 for tract in Louisa on Goldmine Creek containing 325a adjoining Henry Paulett, Freeman's Road, Lipscomb. Sig. Richard Paulett, Caty Paulett. Rec. 10 Dec 1787.

Book: F, Page: 0, Grantor: Jessey Lacy, Stephen Farrer, Salley Farrar., Grantee: Thomas Johnson and Catharine his wife, Date: 16-May-1786
Jessey Lacy, Stephen Farrer, Salley Farrar wit. to deed Thomas Johnson and Catharine his wife of Louisa to Elizabeth Johnson on waters of Owens Creek. bounded by lines of Thomas Shelton, Mathew Pharrow, the said Elizabeth Johnson, David Shelton, David Hudson B F p 298 299 I William Shelton, Sr. of Louisa co. for 5 shillings to my son James Shelton; 600 acres on both sides of Owens Creek being the seat of land my brother Joseph Shelton devised to my by will and bound on the line of said William Shelton to Cornelius Dabneys line to Capt. John Sheltons line to Stephen Farrars line to Capt. Thomas Sheltons line to John Symes line to John Richardsons line 13 Apr 1788.

Book: F?, Page: 0, Grantor: Kimbrough, Robert, Grantee: Moss, John, Date: 22-Sep-1789
This Indenture made 22 Sep 1789 between Robert Kimbrough, John Kimbrough, John Lipscomb, Joseph Kimbrough, William Kimbrough and Richard Bagby of the County of Louisa and state of Virginia of the one part and John Moss of the aforesaid county of the other part …for 157 pounds, 10 shillings, … granted Bargained sold and confirmed unto John Moss a certain tract of Land lying being and situate in the County as aforesaid on Rockey Creek containing by estimation two hundred and ten acres be the same more or less as will appear from the records of Louisa Court morefully ... [NOTE: The copy of this transaction was not complete. The first page ends here.] (Copied by Tom Smith; tasmits@aol.com)

Book: F, Page: 1, Grantor: William Bunch, Grantee: James Pulliam, Date: 14-Mar-1787
William Bunch of Louisa have made over to James Pulliam of same, for 300 lbs. of neat crop Richmond tobacco bond given by said Bunch to Samuel Ragland until he shall pay said bond. in trust 1 grey horse 5 years old, 1 sorrel mare about 7 years, 2 feather beds and furniture. 14 Mar 1787 Sig. William Bunch. wit. Peter Crawford, Michael Perkins, Thos. Gibbins.

Book: F, Page: 7, Grantor: William Watson, Wingfield Cosby and Charles Cosby , Grantee: Martin Baker, Date: 01-Sep-1785
William Watson, Wingfield Cosby and Charles Cosby proved deed Mary Hawkins of Hanover Co. to Martin Baker of Louisa Co. for land on Little River.

Book: F, Page: 18, Grantor: Hughes, William, Grantee: Yancey, Charles, Date: 09-Jul-1787
£500 for seven negros … 2 horses, 10 cattle, 20 hogs, 3 beds, furniture,…. Mortgage -- Hughes to repay by 29 May 1792. Test: William Ragland, John Trimmer

Book: F, Page: 27, Grantor: Thomas Wash and wife, Henley, Grantee: Matthew Grubbs, Date: 27-Sep-1785
Sep 1785 Thomas Wash and wife, Henley, of Louisa to Matthew Grubbs £50 currt. money, 49 acres adjoining Whitlock, Rolling Road. Wit: Cleavers Duke, Jr. Edmund Hawkins, William Waddy. Rec. Sep 1785.

Book: F, Page: 38, Grantor: David Thomson, Grantee:  , Date:  
This is to certify that David Thomson, Minister of the Gospel is orderly Ordained, stands a right full pastor of the Baptist Church of Clealot? in Louisa. Sig. John Tisdale, Anthoney Thomson, Saml. Brokman, Thos. Graves.

Book: F, Page: 51, Grantor: Nathaniel Turner and Mary Turner his wife, Grantee: Samuel Waddy, Date: 10-Apr-1785
Nathaniel Turner and Mary Turner his wife of Hanover co. St. Pauls Par. to Samuel Waddy of Trinity Par. Louisa Co. for £100 for 150 acres adj. Zachius Cosby, Robert Barrett, Anthony Winston and Isham Wadkins. Sig. Nathl. Turner, Mary Tuner. wit. Charles Barret, N. Thomson, Zaus. Cosby. 10 Oct 1785 proved by oaths of Charles Barret, N. Thomson and Zacheus Cosby.

Book: F, Page: 57, Grantor: Smith, Edward And Wife, Grantee: Lasley, John, Date:  
Regarding a parcel of 39 and 3/4 acres sold to John Lasley for 30 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins at John Lasley’s and Widow BALL’s corner pine in the said Smith’s line; then on the said Smith’s and RAGLAND’s line south 5 1/2 degrees east 101 poles to Ragland’s corner white oak; then on Ragland’s line south 26 and 1/2 degrees west 89 and 3/4 poles to Smith’s corner pine on Ragland’s line; then a new line north 30 degrees west 100 poles crossing Mumford’s Road to a Black Jack; then a new line north seven degrees east 52 and 1/2 poles to the beginning.

Book: F, Page: 59, Grantor: Douglas, William, Grantee: Henry, Patrick Gov., Date: 14-Nov-1785
[no abstract]

Book: F, Page: 63, Grantor: Boe, Henry, Grantee: Lasley, John, Date:  
Regarding a parcel of 50 acres sold to John Lasley for 55 Virginia pounds. The parcel begins at William WASH’s line on Poore Creek; then on the said Wash’s line to a corner white oak on [illeg.] RAGLAND’s line; then on the said Ragland’s line to the Spring Branch; then down said Branch to Poore Creek; then up the Creek to the beginning.

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