List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1928-171

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1928-171

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Duke, Albert N. Dillard, Bessie H.  
Duke, Mary E Hardin Dillard, William H.  
Hardin, Mary E Timberlake Duke, Albert N.  
Hardin, Thomas P. Duke, Alberta N.  
Spindle, John E. Duke, George E.  
Spindle, Mary E P Hardin Duke, John G.  
 Duke, Willie R.  
 Hughes, Cornelius  
 Hughes, Mary R.  
 Hughes, Mary R.  
 Mclaughlin, Emma  
 Mclaughlin, James A.  
 Miller, Fredonia  
 Miller, John C.  
 Spindle, Cassius M.  
 Spindle, John E.  
 Spindle, Lillian T.  
 Stenmetz, A. J.  
 Stenmetz, Cornelius M.  
 Wills, J. Reid  

Case File Number: 109-1928-172

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hollins, J. R. Greenville Banking & Trust Co  
Shelton, Bernard L. Wills, J. Reid  
Shelton, John W.   
Wiltshire, Robert M.   

Case File Number: 109-1928-173

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Armentrout, Harry Schelhorn, Griffith  
Armentrout, Marcie Schelhorn Schelhorn, Toney  
Blake, Lizzie Schelhorn   
Blake, Tom   
Dodd, Bella Schelhorn   
Dodd, Joe   
Meat, Katie Schelhorn   
Meat, Ray   
Morris, Lyn   
Schelhorn, Antone   
Schelhorn, George   
Schelhorn, Henry   
Schelhorn, Louise   
Schelhorn, Minnie   
West, Gertie Schelhorn   
West, Jim   

Case File Number: 109-1928-174

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Stecher, Theodore Aull, Nancy Lee Goodman Gates
 Aull, William  
 Chiles, Margaret B.  
 Chiles, Walter D.  
 Goodman, Barbara H Vobell  
 Goodman, Caroline B.  
 Goodman, Henry Gaines  
 Goodman, La Charles R.  
 Goodman, Sallie Lee  
 Pendleton, E. Barbour  
 Pendleton, Virginia G.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-175

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Tate, Garland F. Reid, H. Carter  
Tate, Marshall V. Tate, Benjamin F.  
Tate, Mary F. West, Samuel  

Case File Number: 109-1928-176

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Goodwin, John T. Goodwin, Bettie V.  
Smith, Fanny L. Goodwin, Betty C.  
Smth, F. P. Goodwin, Hugh B.  
 Goodwin, John C.  
 Goodwin, Julia M.  
 Goodwin, Maria W.  
 Goodwin, William D.  
 Goodwin, William H.  
 Hiter, M. A.  
 Hiter, Malcolm  
 Shelton, James L.  
 Smith, Frederick Ballard  
 Smith, Jane Goodwin  
 Smith, Virginia Terrell  
 Terrell, Dr  
 Winston, Fanny J.  
 Winston, Thomas B.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-177

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Negro, James Negro, Antonia  
Negro, John Negro, Clarence  
Trice, R. E. Negro, Cornelius  
 Negro, Joseph  
 Negro, Lawrence  
 Negro, Thomas  
 Spotswood, Virginia Negor  

Case File Number: 109-1928-178

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Sarah Grant  

Case File Number: 109-1928-179

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thacker, Charles P. Hardgrove, John Thacker  
Thacker, Robert A. Sims, L. A.  
 Tate, Mary Thacker  
 Thacker, Andrew A.  
 Thacker, E. N.  
 Thacker, J. M.  
 Thacker, James F.  
 Thacker, Maud  
 Thacker, Robert A., Jr  
 Thacker, Sarah A.  
 Thacker, Willie  

Case File Number: 109-1928-180

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Taylor, Jack Conner, H. C.  
 Conner, Ida  
 Gordon, Mary  
 Lewis, Charlotte  
 Lewis, Millie  
 Quarles, James  
 Willis, Albert  
 Willis, Lucy Gordon  
 Wright, Charles  
 Wright, Chiles  
 Wright, Conner  
 Wright, Daniel  
 Wright, Dolly  
 Wright, Estelle  
 Wright, Eutie  
 Wright, John  
 Wright, Nathaniel  
 Wright, Penny  
 Wright, William  

Case File Number: 109-1928-181

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Strause Bro. Co Hall, R. I. Strause Bro Co

Case File Number: 109-1928-182

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Sprouse, Benjamin F.  []Branham, S. L.  
Sprouse, V. W. Goodman, Charles Le Roy  
 Ross, T. W.  
 Sprouse, Alfred Peyton  
 Sprouse, Benjamin F.  
 Sprouse, Benjamin F.  
 Sprouse, Camora Idell  
 Sprouse, Cornelia Virginia  
 Sprouse, Delilah  

Case File Number: 109-1928-183

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Smith, L. J. Winston, David  
Winston, Edmund Winston, Edmund  
 Winston, Elizabeth  
 Winston, Sarah  

Case File Number: 109-1928-184

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Smith, Jesse Rhodes, John Q.  
Swife, David Smith, Jesse  
Swift, David Smith, Nannie  
Swift, David   

Case File Number: 109-1928-185

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Sims, F. W. Atlantic & Virginia Fertilizing Co Stoker
 Crenshaw, W. G.  
 Davis, E. G.  
 Drewry, Clay  
 Etchinson, J. E.  
 Freeman, John C.  
 Harrison, John S.  
 Hughes, S. B.  
 Kennon, G. L.  
 Kennon, William Ira  
 Robinson, H. A.  
 Simmons, W. D.  
 Stokes, Thomas D.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-186

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harris, Abner N.  []Bardner, Henry D.  
Waddy, Jemina Harris Cosby, John O.  
Waddy, John A. Cosby, Louisa O Harris  
 Curd, Isaac, Dr  
 Curd, Maria Louisa Harris  
 Gardner, Clara M Harris  
 Harris, Ann O.  
 Harris, William T.  
 Newell, Charles  
 Newell, Lucy Bacon Harris  
 Waddy, R. Burns  

Case File Number: 109-1928-187

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Snyder, W. D. Daniel, Lizzie Baulmore
Trice, R. E. Snyder, Florence  
Trice, R. E. Snyder, Laura  
 Snyder, Ruth  
 Snyder, W. D.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-188

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hargrove, Charles T. Sims, Louisa Thacker  
Hargrove, Ida Thacker Tate, Mary E Thacker  
Thacker, E. N. Thacker, Andrew N.  
Thacker, Robert Thacker, Charles P.  
 Thacker, James F.  
 Thacker, Joseph  
 Thacker, Maud  
 Thacker, Robert  
 Thacker, Sarah A.  
 Thacker, W. A.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-189

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thurston, Lucy Jane Barrett Thurston, Anthony D.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-190

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Wormley, Venia Green Yancey, Daniel B.  
 Yancey, Mat  

Case File Number: 109-1928-191

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thompson, James Thompson, Fannie Johnson  

Case File Number: 109-1928-192

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Talley, Mollie J Trainum Goodman, Charles Q., Jr  
Talley, William J. Goodman, Henry G.  
Trainum, Elias Goodman, Henry V.  
Trainum, George W. Goodman, Margaret B.  
Trainum, Laura J. Goodman, Nannie L.  
Trainum, Lucetta F. Goodman, Sallie Lee  
 Goodman, Virginia H.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-193

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
National Cash Register Co Boyd, L. L. Boyd Auto Sales & Repair
 Boyds Auto Sales & Repair  

Case File Number: 109-1928-194

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Truran, Mabel Cooke Truran, James  

Case File Number: 109-1928-195

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Walker, George W. Walker, Floyd  
Walker, Irene   

Case File Number: 109-1928-196

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Virginia Carolina Chemical Co Thurston, A. L.  
 Thurston, Albert  
 Thurston, Lucy  
 Thurston, P. C.  
 Thurston, S. A.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-197

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Whitlock, John H. Andrews, F. H.  
 Gibson, Elizabeth  
 Harper, George W.  
 Harper, Willie L.  
 Haynes, Garland  
 Haynes, George  
 Haynes, Mary  
 Patteson, Isabella  
 Talley, Henry  
 Talley, Lavinia  
 Talley, Samuel C.  
 Talley, Sarah A.  
 Talley, Susan  
 Talley, William O.  

Case File Number: 109-1928-198

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Charles C Charles Keneday
Trice, Delia H. Dickinsn, Mary E.  
Trice, Robert N. Dickinson, Ann  
 Dickinson, Ann E.  
 Dickinson, Ann Nancy  
 Dickinson, Barbara  
 Dickinson, Charles C.  
 Dickinson, Charles M.  
 Dickinson, Charles M.  
 Dickinson, Christianna  
 Dickinson, Griffith  
 Dickinson, John  
 Dickinson, John  
 Dickinson, John F.  
 Dickinson, Mary E.  
 Dickinson, Mary E.  
 Dickinson, Ralph  
 Dickinson, Ralph  
 Dickinson, Ralph  
 Dickinson, Robert P.  
 Dickinson, Robert P.  
 F, Enos  
 Gordon, James L.  
 Gunter, Jane  
 Gunter, John M.  
 Gunter, Permelia  
 Gunter, Thomas  
 Kennedy, Susan A Gunter  
 Mcgehee, Mattie A.  
 Moore, Frank  
 Moore, Permelia Gunter  
 Moss, Robert F.  
 Murray, Henry W.  
 Nuckolls, Joseph  
 Nuckolls, Willie  
 Robinson, Ann T.  
 Robinson, William A.  
 Ware, Nathan A.  
 Whitlock, Bartholemew  
 Whitlock, Martha S.  
 Whitlock, Martha S.  

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