List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1904-003

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1904-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Sims, Mary E. Meredith, Lewis  

Case File Number: 109-1904-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Mayhugh, Joseph A. Mayhugh, Maggie Baber  

Case File Number: 109-1904-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Clarkson, R. W., Dr Clarkson, Edmund  
G H Kent & Co Clarkson, J. J.  
Kent, Elizabeth Clarkson, John  
Kent, G. H. Clarkson, R. W., Dr  
Kent, J. A. Clarkson, Robert  
 Paut, Maud  
 Woolfolk, James H.  

Case File Number: 109-1904-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Berkely, Edgar Berkely, Edgar  
Chisholm, Ellen V.   

Case File Number: 109-1904-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Jones, Mary Gertrude Grubbs, Bettie Mae  
Jones, Thomas M. Grubbs, Frank  
 Jackson, Ada B Jones  
 Jackson, John  
 Jones, Bertha  
 Jones, Cora K.  
 Jones, Edmonia Elton  
 Jones, Eula E.  
 Jones, Fannie J.  
 Jones, James  
 Jones, Josephine  
 Jones, L. Z.  
 Jones, Mattie Lou  
 Jones, Minnie  
 Jones, Powhatan  
 Jones, S. W.  
 Jones, Thomas M.  
 Newton, Callie E Jones  
 Newton, Charles  
 Pugh, H. L.  
 Pugh, Kate M Jones  
 Winston, James  
 Winston, Julia Jones  

Case File Number: 109-1904-008

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Ware, George E. Hall, Thomas J.  
Ware, Nathan A.   

Case File Number: 109-1904-009

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Cambre, A. Cambre, Auguste  
Cambre, Adolph Cambre, Caroline  
Cambre, Auguste A. Cambre, Della A.  
Cambre, Della A. Cambre, Robert G.  
Cambre, Robert G.   
Hanger, D. F.   
Peoples Natl Bank Of Charlottesville   
Porter, Jesse J.   
Rosson, Cora Lee   

Case File Number: 109-1904-010

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Jackson, Charles, Jr Jackson, Alex.  
 Jackson, Base  
 Jackson, Benjamin F.  
 Jackson, Caroline  
 Jackson, Charles  
 Jackson, Ellen  
 Jackson, Elvira  
 Jackson, Lellus  
 Jackson, Lottie  

Case File Number: 109-1904-011

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Coleman, Richard Hawkins, Perry E.  
Hawkins, Mary E Waddy   

Case File Number: 109-1904-012

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Perkins, Russell Aubrey Perkins, Roberta V Dabney  

Case File Number: 109-1904-013

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harper, Emily Anderson, F. H.  
Whitlock, John H. Harper, J. H.  
 Harper, Joseph W.  
 Harper, W. O.  
 Jones, Bettie Harper  
 Jones, J. T.  

Case File Number: 109-1904-014

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Boswell, Eva T Gunter Timberlake, Annie  
Boswell, J. H. Timberlake, Judy A Gunter  
Gunter, E. H. Timberlake, Mary  
Gunter, E. J. Timberlake, Sarah  
Gunter, J. G. Timberlake, W. B.  
Gunter, O. T.   
Gunter, W. G.   

Case File Number: 109-1904-015

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Timberlake, Richard Timberlake, Lucy  

Case File Number: 109-1904-016

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dodd, James M. Dodd, Margaret J Bryant  

Case File Number: 109-1904-017

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Waddy, Lizzie Waddy, John William  

Case File Number: 109-1904-018

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Braxton, Eveattie Jackson Carter, Andrew  
Braxton, Henry Carter, Sarah  
Braxton, John   

Case File Number: 109-1904-019

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Omohundro, John F. Bunch, Nannie  
Pettit, William B. Bunch, Patty  
Walker, Garland Bunch, Virgil  
 Bunch, Zach  
 Falwell, John  
 Gillespie, Armazinda  
 Gillespie, Barbara  
 Gillespie, Lewellyn  
 Gillespie, Sally  
 Morris, Kitty  
 Morris, Richard  
 Steward, Clay  
 Steward, Zoody  
 Walker, Garland  
 Woolfolk, James H.  

Case File Number: 109-1904-020

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bishop, Walter Leonard Bishop, Ernistine Eliza Cecelia Lumley Lumley

Case File Number: 109-1904-021

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Ballard  []Anderson, F. H.  
Massey, Joseph L. Dickinson, Ballard  
 Dickinson, James L.  
 Massey, Nannie Dickinson  
 Minor, Mat  
 Minor, Willie Belle Dickinson  

Case File Number: 109-1904-022

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Crawford, Georgia Michie Crawford, Henry  

Case File Number: 109-1904-023

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Scott, L. B. Bibb, W. C.  
 Johnson, Amanda  
 Johnson, George  

Case File Number: 109-1904-024

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Brice, Charles L. Brice, Mary Ella Price  

Case File Number: 109-1904-025

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Fidelity Savings & Trust Co Crank, W. J. Fidelity Savings And Trust Co
Rixey, C. J., Jr Mcclannahan, R. Kemper  
Rixey, Lilian Sterns Mcclannahan, Sadie S.  
Rixey, P. M., Jr Stearns, Charles P.  
Rixey, Rena S. Stearns, Emily S.  
Stearns, Alice R. Stearns, Franklin, Jr  
Stearns, Emily P. Stearns, Palmer N.  
Sterns, Franklin   

Case File Number: 109-1904-026

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Terrell, Mary J. Bibb, J. E. Fordon
Terrell, O H T. Bibb, W. E. Reese
 Burnley, Mary G.  
 Flanagan & Flanagan  
 Flanagan, J. W.  
 Flanagan, S. H.  
 Flannagan & Talley  
 Gardner, Mattie H.  
 Gardner, Willis H.  
 Gordon, R. L., Jr  
 Grady, T. F.  
 Holladay, S. K.  
 John S Reese & Co  
 Porter, P. B.  
 Talley, R. P.  

Case File Number: 109-1904-027

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Smith, Boyd M.  []Lennig, Charles  []Armios
 Lennig, John B. Bouligner
 Lennig, Nicholas Sulphur Mines

Case File Number: 109-1904-028

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gordon, R. L. Moss, Clarence Poindextyer
Poindexter, Sarah A.   

Case File Number: 109-1904-029

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Saunders, Louisa A. Watts, Dock  
Saunders, William Watts, Emma  
Watts, Hugh Eva Watts, Feulla  
Watts, Hugh T. Watts, Hugh T.  
 Watts, Walter  
 Watts, William M.  

Case File Number: 109-1904-030

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Johnson, Maria Johnson, Lewis  

Case File Number: 109-1904-031

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Jackson, Delia White Jackson, Orange  

Case File Number: 109-1904-032

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Johnson, Lewis Z. Johnson, Maria  

Case File Number: 109-1904-033

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Snead, C. G. Fortune, James  

Case File Number: 109-1904-034

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
J W. Jones, Carrington W. Luce Bros
Jones, A. L. Jones, Ella H.  
Jones, Ella C. Jones, J. E.  
Jones, J. E. Jones, John L.  
V Louise Jones, Mary C.  

Case File Number: 109-1904-035

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Kimbrough, Andrew  []Kimbrough, John B.  
Kimbrough, Jacob Kimbrough, Thomas D.  
Kimbrough, Rosa   
Kimbrough, Susan A.   
Winston, Malinda   

Case File Number: 109-1904-036

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Smith, Boyd M. Curtis, Thomas A.  
 Lennig, Charles  
 Lennig, Charles  
 Lennig, John D.  
 Lennig, Nicholas  
 Stout, William  
 Sulphur Mines Co  
 Victoria Furnace  

Case File Number: 109-1904-038

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Carpenter, Richard C. Addison, E. B. Ki Nney
Porter, Jesse J. Addison, James W.  
 Addison, John  
 Addison, William H.  
 Carpenter, Caius A.  
 Carpenter, Catherine V.  
 Carpenter, Elizabeth C.  
 Carpenter, R. M.  
 Carpenter, Richard C.  
 Carpenter, William C.  
 Chewning, A. J.  
 Chewning, George  
 Coates, Joseph  
 Farrar, Sallie  
 Gardner, Amanda A.  
 Gardner, M. H.  
 Green, Bessie  
 Green, John F.  
 Green, Thornton Yancey  
 Green, V. G.  
 Green, William  
 Herring, G. E.  
 Kinney, Hal  
 Kinney, William  
 Mills, J. J.  
 Pendleton, E. B., Dr  
 Pendleton, Eugene, Dr  

Case File Number: 109-1904-039

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Brooks Clemens, Charles A.  
Brooks, G. J. Clemens, Louisa  
 Harris, Frederick O.  

Case File Number: 109-1905-002

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Jackson, John E. Dickinson, H. Q.  
 Greene, W. N.  
 Porter, Bessie B.  
 Porter, P. B.  
 Smith, W. O., Dr  

Case File Number: 109-1905-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Allen, Andrew J. Dyer, Chester Gates
Allen, Matilda Dyer, Maggie  
Lawson, Julia Dyer, Mollie  
 Dyer, Sam  
 Dyer, Wash  
 Scott, Bettie  
 Scott, Sallie  
 Scott, W. D.  
 Wood, Ceresa  

Case File Number: 109-1905-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harris, Jesse P. Allen, Eugene  
 Allen, Lillie P.  
 Harris, Clara A.  
 Harris, Ellen  
 Harris, H. T.  
 Harris, Lena  
 Harris, Lewis M.  
 Lacy, Mildona  
 Swift, Laura A.  
 Swift, R. T.  

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