List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1894-026

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1894-026

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Duncan, R. A.  []Anthony, Samuel W.  
Hart, James M.  []Anthony, Susan R.  
Woolfolk, James H.  []Davis, Joseph A.  
 Davis, Victoria  
 Foster, Mary Ann  
 Hampton, Ollie O.  
 Hampton, Wesley L.  
 Kersey, Betty  
 Kersey, Catherine W.  
 Kersey, Charles J.  
 Kersey, Thomas F.  
 Mccauley, Hattie L.  
 Sharp, Edwin R.  
 Sharp, Martha C.  
 Tate, Ferdinand J.  
 Tate, Flora  
 Tate, Henry G.  
 Tate, Maria  
 Tate, Octavia  
 Tate, Rosa  
 Tate, William N.  
 Woolfolk, R. M.  

Case File Number: 109-1894-027

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Anderson, George K. Fowler, W. S.  
Nuckolls, A. L. Lacy, Marmaduke  
Nuckolls, Benjamin Lacy, Mary E.  
Nuckolls, Charles Y. Nuckolls, Charles Y.  
Nuckolls, Ernest Nuckolls, Lucy M.  
Nuckolls, Lucy M. Nuckolls, William L.  
Nuckolls, Myrtle Richardson, Benjamin F.  
Nuckolls, W. L. Talley, George B.  
Nuckolls, Willie Talley, James L.  
Shelton, James B. Talley, Kate G.  
Shelton, John B. Talley, Mary E.  
 Talley, Thomas  
 Talley, Virginia  

Case File Number: 109-1894-028

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Garrett, W. L. Lewis, Clayton  

Case File Number: 109-1894-029

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Pendleton, F. H. Gordon, R. L.  
Pendleton, Joseph K. Meredith, Kate W.  
Pendleton, Julianna Overton, Alice P.  
Pendleton, W. B. Overton, Kate P.  
 Overton, Susan M.  
 Overton, William D.  
 Pendleton, Alice O.  
 Pendleton, Bessie K.  
 Pendleton, L. S., Dr  
 Pendleton, Philip H.  
 Pendleton, William B., Jr  

Case File Number: 109-1894-030

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gibson, John D. Armstrong, Theodosia Bibson
Gibson, Laura L. Johnston, Adelia Y.  
Gibson, Lily B. Johnston, Emma F Armstrong  

Case File Number: 109-1894-031

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harris, Cynthia O Jones Harris, Allen A.  

Case File Number: 109-1894-032

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Garrett, W. L. Hall, Lewis  

Case File Number: 109-1894-033

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Garrett, W. L. White, Fielding  

Case File Number: 109-1894-034

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gooch, Caswell Gooch, Archer  
Gooch, J. R. Gooch, Caswell  
 Gooch, Caswell  
 Gooch, Edward  
 Gooch, Laura  
 Gooch, Milly  
 Gooch, Ola  
 Woolfolk, J. H.  

Case File Number: 109-1894-035

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Morris, J. Maury Ferguson, Carrie  
Morris, James Ferguson, J. B.  
Morris, Susan D. Gratton, Harriet  
 Morris, Bettena  
 Morris, Constance  
 Morris, George W.  
 Morris, Hampden P.  
 Morris, John W.  
 Morris, John W.  
 Morris, M. C.  
 Page, Thomas W.  

Case File Number: 109-1894-036

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harris, Charles T. Leake, A. K. Chrisler
Harris, Mary Ann Richardson, B. F. Gustafson
Parrish, John W. Sims, O. C.  
Parrish, Nelson J. Sims, Thomas J.  
 Smith, Henry T.  
 Smith, Mary F.  
 Smith, Samuel H.  
 Smith, Susan A.  
 Smith, William G.  
 Walton, William James  

Case File Number: 109-1894-037

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Buck, John S.  []  
Gooch, James R.  []  
Hope, David M.  []  
Kent, Robert M.  []  
Perkins, David W.  []  
Perkins, William  []  
Smith, Edwin L.  []  
Walton, Thomas R.  []  

Case File Number: 109-1895-001

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Barksdale, James H.  []Basket, John P.  
Buck, John S.  []Basket, Susan  
Gooch, James R.  []Basket, Susan C.  
Hope, David M.  []Brown, A. J.  
Kent, Robert M.  []Brown, Eliza V.  
Perkins, David W.  []Brown, Joseph E.  
Perkins, William  []Buck, Addie L Perkins  
Smith, Edwin L.  []Buck, John H.  
Timberlake, George  []Bunch, Malinda S.  
Timberlake, Horace  []Bunch, Samuel O.  
Walton, Thomas R.  []Carter, George  
 Carter, Henry  
 Carter, Lewis  
 Carter, Richard  
 Carter, Theodosia  
 Carter, Wilson M.  
 Cosby, Benjamin F.  
 Cosby, Eloise  
 Cosby, George E.  
 Cosby, Mary E.  
 Cosby, Mattie  
 Cosby, William F.  
 Crew, Stephen  
 Crew, Susan Carter  
 Grubbs, David H.  
 Harris, Edward E.  
 Henson, Bartlett  
 Jones, Charles C.  
 Jones, Lucy M.  
 Lane, Edward H.  
 Langford, Mary F.  
 Levirford, John D.  
 Levirford, Sarah E.  
 Mealer, Maria Perkins  
 Mealer, W. R.  
 Moss, Robert F.  
 Omohundro, Elizabeth M.  
 Omohundro, John J.  
 Parrish, Sarah  
 Perkins, Alice  
 Perkins, Andrew J.  
 Perkins, Ann  
 Perkins, Cora L.  
 Perkins, David A.  
 Perkins, David W.  
 Perkins, Everett  
 Perkins, Ira G.  
 Perkins, Jane V.  
 Perkins, John  
 Perkins, John  
 Perkins, John D.  
 Perkins, John M.  
 Perkins, Joseph  
 Perkins, Joseph H.  
 Perkins, Layton B.  
 Perkins, Lucy  
 Perkins, Lucy Kate  
 Perkins, M U B.  
 Perkins, Mary  
 Perkins, Pattie  
 Perkins, Thomas P.  
 Perkins, Vasco  
 Perkins, William B.  
 Seargeant, Elizabeth  
 Seargeant, Sarah  
 Seargeant, Virginia  
 Seargent, Kascinsco  
 Thompson, Sarah N.  
 Timberlake, John P.  
 Timberlake, Martha P.  
 Timberlake, Philip  
 Wale, H. J.  
 Woolfolk, James H.  

Case File Number: 109-1895-002

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Jackson, James Jackson, Dolly Thompson  

Case File Number: 109-1895-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Easton, Harrison Gordon, James L. Sahelton
Hackett, George W. Guy, John H.  
Mcgehee, George V. Hackett, George W.  
Overton, William Hackett, Kitty A.  
Vest, Alexander G. Hackett, Nat  
Winston, William J. Hackett, Sally  
 Hackett, Wyeth  
 Leake, A. K.  
 Shelton, James B.  
 Shelton, John B.  
 Winston, William J.  

Case File Number: 109-1895-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Morris, Richard O.  []Anderson, Susan W.  
Morris, William  []Davis, Eugene  
 Gordon, James M M  
 Gordon, Nannie W.  
 Gordon, Patty M.  
 Gordon, William F.  
 Gordon, William F., Jr  
 Jones, Bettie M.  
 Jones, Philip B., Jr  
 Morris, Ann C.  
 Morris, James M.  

Case File Number: 109-1895-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Richardson, W. W. G H Kent & Co  
Wright, John B. Kent, Elizabeth  
 Kent, G. H.  
 Wright, O. D.  

Case File Number: 109-1895-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Morris, James M., Dr Crenshaw, O. A.  
Morris, Richard O. Crenshaw, Susan W Morris  
 Gordon, Elizabeth L.  
 Gordon, Mary W.  
 Gordon, Nannie W.  
 Gordon, William F., Jr  
 Jones, Philip B.  
 Jones, Polly Morris  
 Mcgehee, James  
 Morris, Imogen  
 Morris, James M.  
 Morris, John Penn  
 Morris, Victoria E.  
 Morris, William  
 Perkins, Polly Gordon  
 Perkins, Robert C.  

Case File Number: 109-1895-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Danne, Charles Estes, A. F. Nicholson
Graham, Julia Estes, Alice  
Graham, Pierce N. Graham, Albert P.  
 Graham, Amelia  
 Graham, Charles P.  
 Graham, Elvya  
 Graham, Julia  
 Graham, Julia  
 Graham, Minnie  
 Graham, Pierce H.  
 Graham, Rosa  
 Graham, Thomas A.  
 Lanford, Anne  
 Lanford, R. E.  
 Ruger, Louis  
 Saunders, Emma Graham  
 Saunders, F. J.  

Case File Number: 109-1895-008

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Duerson, Emma Bibb, W. E.  
Duerson, H. Q. Sims, F. W.  
Duerson, W. R. Woodville, Arnette Stevenson  
 Woodville, Bessie Chew  
 Woodville, Dora Byrd  
 Woodville, George Robert  
 Woodville, H. C.  
 Woodville, Mary Kate  
 Woodville, Virginia Littlepage  

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