List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1877-010

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1877-010

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gooch, Robert T. Hunter, David M.  
Miles & Rosson & Co. Jennings, Charles C.  
Miles, John Jennings, Charles C., Jr  
Rosson, John H. Jennings, Delaware  
 Jennings, John  
 Jennings, Mildred R.  
 Jennings, Robert T.  
 Jennings, Thomas  
 Jennings, Washington  
 Talley, Mary S. A.  
 Talley, Sarah C.  
 Talley, Thomas C.  
 Trice, James M.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-011

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Locker, Andrew Harlow, Hessa  
Locker, Baldwin Hopkins, Benjamin F.  
Locker, Elizabeth Landrum, Lewis W.  
Locker, Nelson Landrum, Maria  
 Locker, Alexander  
 Locker, Dabney  
 Locker, David  
 Locker, John  
 Smith, Barbara  
 Smith, William R.  
 Snow, Richard D.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-012

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Andrews, John L. Chandler, Henry H. Chlakey & Co.
Andrews, Robert Gooch, Martha S. Christian & Gooch
Andrews, Samuel Gooch, Mary B. H. M. Daniel & Bro.
Baker, Joseph M. Gooch, Mary E. Jebbib
Barret, Robert L. Gooch, Robert T. Kwnr
Bend, Thomas W. Gooch, Stapleton D.  
Blubough, George W. Gooch, Susie L.  
Bonavita, Francis M. Gooch, William S.  
Burruss, John L. Mohler, John  
Campbell, Joseph D. Quarles, John T.  
Cave, Lindsay W. Vaughan, Gooch  
Coleman, Clayton G. Vaughan, Madison P.  
Coleman, John T. Vaughan, Martha F.  
Coleman, John T.   
Conner, Paul W.   
Crawford, John   
Crawford, William   
Daniel, Beverly   
Daniel, Henry M.   
Daniel, John M.   
Duke & Moore   
Duke, Richard H.   
Elliott, Frances   
Gillespie, William A.   
Gooch, Miletus T.   
Gooch, Robert T.   
Gooch, Robert T.   
Grinstead, William   
H. M. Daniel & Bro   
Henson & Watson   
Henson, Samuel   
Kennon, George L.   
Kennon, William J.   
Kent, Robert M.   
Lane, Edward H.   
Moore, James   
Moss, Robert F.   
Murray, Henry W.   
O. H. Chalkey & Co   
Pinkard, Richard O.   
Reiley, Bernard   
Richmond Whig   
Shields, J. C.   
Sims, Joseph   
Sumner, George J.   
Timberlake, Elizabeth   
Watson, Thomas   

Case File Number: 109-1877-013

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harris, George F. Harris, Mildred H. Armstrong  

Case File Number: 109-1877-014

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Millhiser & Bro Levy, Arabella W. Milhiser
Millhiser, Joseph Levy, Leon Millhiser & Bro.
Millhiser, Moses Moss, Francis O.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-015

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bond, Thomas W. Gibson, J. F. Hwnsweaon
Henderson & Bond Gibson, Nancy  
Henderson, James M.   

Case File Number: 109-1877-016

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Buckner, Baldwin M., Dr Metz, John A.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-017

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hughson, Aubrey Barrett, William  
Hughson, Bettie Sanders, B. W.  
 Sanders, Benjamin  
 Sanders, Jesse  
 Sanders, Mattie  
 Sanders, Nancy  
 Sanders, Nancy  
 Sanders, Nannie  
 Sanders, Nora  
 Sanders, Willie  

Case File Number: 109-1877-018

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Barret, Robert L. Carneal, James  
Parrish, A. M. Carneal, Mary Tate  
Tate, Reuben Carneal, Mollie  
Tate, Reuben, Jr Carneal, Sallie  
 Carneal, Willie  
 Hall, Ann E Tate  
 Hall, Fontaine E.  
 Henson, Benjamin A.  
 Tate, James  
 Tate, Martha  
 Tate, Reuben  
 Tate, Reuben  
 Tate, Richard  
 Thacker, Elizabeth Tate  
 Thacker, Joseph  
 Thacker, Joseph  
 Thacker, Lucian  

Case File Number: 109-1877-019

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Hester, Elizabeth Dickerson, Charles M. Kube
Hester, George T. B Dickerson, Christiann G. Hester  
Hester, John Gillespie, William A., Dr  
 Gooch, Miletus T.  
 Herring, Benjamin  
 Hester, Benjamin H.  
 Hester, Elizabeth M.  
 Hester, John  
 Hester, John W.  
 Hester, Nancy B.  
 Hester, Robert F.  
 Kubew, Bernard  
 Mcgehee, James F.  
 Mcgehee, Matilda A.  
 Smith, Joseph Y.  
 Smith, Sarah L.  
 Smith, Timoleon  
 Talley, Nathan  
 Tinder, John A.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-020

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Blair, Addison Barr, Thomas J. Hemner
Powers, Blair & Co. Central Virginia Copper Mine Co.  
Powers, William H. Codling, George H.  
Watkins, Charles T. Curtis, George B.  
 Dye, John B.  
 Hemmer, Frederick A.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-021

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Harris, Sarah L.  []Harris, Sarah L. D. B. & N. W. Harris & Co
Hunter, John, Jr  []Pendleton, William B. Merideth
 Pendleton, William J., Dr  
 Porter, Jesse J.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-022

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Baker, Edwin J.  []Baker, Cecelia A. Cowhere
Hunter, John, Jr  []Baker, Edwin J.  
 Baker, Edwin W.  
 Baker, Emma W.  
 Baker, Frank M.  
 Baker, William  
 Cowherd, Jonathan T.  
 Harris, Nancy  
 Jones, Gabriel  
 Moss, Robert F.  
 Trice, James M.  
 Ware, Nathan A.  

Case File Number: 109-1877-023

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Metz, John A. Buckner, Baldwin M., Dr Bullheler
 Guy, John H. Bumpassq

Case File Number: 109-1878-001

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Campbell, John  []Campbell, John  [] 
Hancock, Joseph  []Campbell, Lucy E.  [] 
Hancock, Rufus E.  []Moss, Robert F.  [] 
 Nuckolls, William J.  

Case File Number: 109-1878-002

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bullock, Granville Barret, Mary C. Alcutt
Bullock, Mary Caroline Barret, William C.  
 Winston, Nathaniel W.  

Case File Number: 109-1878-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Winston, Frank V. Barret, Thomas J. Schisler
Winston, Mary D. Chiles, Bettie C.  
 Chiles, John H.  
 Chiles, William  
 Chiles, William F.  
 Ellis, Robert S.  
 Gillespie, William A.  
 Hackett, Samuel P.  

Case File Number: 109-1878-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Boyd, J. R. Henson, Bartlett Dunavant
Boyd, Martha Louisa Cosby Henson, Bartlett  
 Henson, Benjamin A.  
 Henson, Lucy  
 Henson, Roxey  
 Morton, H. S.  
 Moss, Robert F.  

Case File Number: 109-1878-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Davis, George W.  []Jones, J. E.  
Davis, H. C.  []Pendleton, E. M Davis  
Davis, John W.  []Pendleton, M. H.  
Davis, Mary C. Pendleton, P. B.  
Davis, Reuben B.   
Moody, Annie D.   
Moody, W. C.   

Case File Number: 109-1878-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Carr, James Jackson, Carter  
Jackson, Patsy Carr   

Case File Number: 109-1878-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Baughan, Juliatt Bagby, William  
Baughan, Sallie S. Baughan, Sallie S.  
Baughan, Tandy Hope, Matthew A.  
 Moss, Robert F.  

Case File Number: 109-1878-008

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Claudius Davis, Ann O.  
Dickinson, James C. Dickinson, Charlotte L.  
Dickinson, William C. Dickinson, James T.  
Garrett, Charlotte D. Dickinson, Joseph S.  
Garrett, William A. Dickinson, Roscoe C.  
 Dickinson, William C.  
 Gillespie, Jane  
 Kuper, Mary  
 Kuper, William A.  

Case File Number: 109-1878-009

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Charlotte Davis, Ann O.  
Dickinson, Claudius Dickinson, Charlotte L.  
Dickinson, James Cole Dickinson, James T.  
Garrett, Charlotte D. Dickinson, Joseph S.  
Garrett, William A. Dickinson, Roscoe C.  
 Dickinson, William C.  
 Gillespie, Jane  
 Kuper, Mary  
 Kuper, William A.  

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