List of Chancery Causes

Please note that the Library of Virginia has scanned the Chancery Causes for Louisa County and placed the images online (see LVA Chancery Search ). But you need to be aware of a significant difference between the data on the LVA site and the Louisa site!!

The LVA site does not list ALL surnames found in a Cause, so I suggest you check the index on the Louisa site if you can't find a surname on the LVA site. Also, the LVA site covers back to 1767 (or before) whereas the Louisa site only goes back to 1832

This data is arranged by Case File Number (starting in 1832). First Case on this page is: 109-1871-005

NOTE!! If you visit the LVA site to search (LVA Chancery Search ), you must remove the leading '109-'

Case File Number: 109-1871-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
May, George W. Beadles, Ann T.  
May, John S. Chewning, Sarah  
 Gooch, Miletus T.  
 Harper, Martha A.  
 Hester, Benjamin  
 Hester, Catherine  
 Hester, Elizabeth  
 Hester, George T. B.  
 Hester, John  
 Hester, Mary F.  
 Hester, Thomas  
 Hester, William A.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Nuckolls, Mordecai J. Bibb, Richard G.  
Nuckolls, William S. Hunter, David M.  
 Nuckolls, George N.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Netherland, Abraham C. Hope, Matthew A.  
Netherland, Alexander C. Smith, Andrew B.  
Netherland, Felix A. Swift, Judith  
Netherland, George C. Swift, Luther R.  
Netherland, Helenna M. W. Swift, Timothy T.  
Netherland, Julian Bond   
Netherland, Martha   
Netherland, Robert H.   
Netherland, William T.   

Case File Number: 109-1871-008

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bowden, Robert M. Bitmyer, Solomon  
 Davis, Reuben B.  
 Fleming, Indiana  
 Fleming, John S.  
 Green, Benjamin W.  
 Hunter, John  
 Nuckolls, Martha A.  
 Reynolds, John  
 Sutton, William M.  
 Walker, Edwin  

Case File Number: 109-1871-009

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Turner, John W. Chiles, Fendol  
 Chiles, Fendol  
 Chiles, James H.  
 Chiles, John W.  
 Chiles, Martha  
 Chiles, Susan  
 Goodwin, Edmund P.  
 Goodwin, Lucy Chiles  
 Harris, James  
 Harris, Susan Chiles  
 Moore, Edmund C.  
 Quarles, John R.  
 Turner, Letitia Chiles  
 West, Addie Chiles  
 West, Francis T.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-010

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Cooke, Andrew B. Longan, Ella L.  
Cooke, John S. Longan, Florence C.  
Cooke, Martha A. N. Longan, Sally B.  
Cooke, William B. L. Longan, William J.  
Duke, Dollie L. Longdan, Amanda  
Duke, George W.   
Hill, Anne E. Smith   
Hill, Edward   
Longan, Chastain E.   
Phillips, Andrew J.   
Phillips, Martha L.   
Smith, Benjamin L.   
Smith, John S.   
Smith, John S.   
Smith, Martha B.   
Swift, John S.   
Swift, William Z.   

Case File Number: 109-1871-011

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Chewning, Thomas J. Barret, Charles  
Whitlock, William W. Barret, Robert L.  
 Barret, Thomas J.  
 Taliaferro, Nathan C.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-012

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Bonavita, Francis M. Hodges Brothers  
 Hodges, James  
 Hodges, William R.  
 Hunter, John, Jr  
 Lewis, William Penn  
 Martin, William J.  
 Raynor, Samuel  
 Raynor, W. P.  
 Samuel Raynor & Co  
 Steinback, George P.  
 Vaughan, M. P.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-013

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Kent, Robert M. Collins, John S. Ohohundro
Lane, Edward H. Cowherd, Jonathan T.  
Pottie, Charles Francisco, B. M.  
 Goddin, Isaac A.  
 Kean, Julian  
 Lawrence, Henry  
 Mcgehee, Oswald  
 Melton, Elisha  
 Nelson, William C.  
 Netherland, George S.  
 Netherland, George S.  
 Netherland, William A.  
 Omohundro, Richard F.  
 Pottie, George  
 Richardson, David  
 Sims, Garland  
 Thompson, Charles  
 Thompson, Charles E.  
 Thompson, Garland  
 Thompson, Nathaniel  
 Thompson, Nathaniel A.  
 Thompson, Philip M.  
 Timberlake, Henry  
 Waller, William C.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-014

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Garrett, Alexander Boxley, Pallison  
 Broaddus, George W.  
 Buckner, Baldwin M.  
 Mills, Andrew S.  
 Mills, Susan D.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-015

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Terry, Calvin S. Davis, James A.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-016

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Gordon, William F., Jr Adie & Gray Mcveigh & Chamberlaine
Linney, Henry M. Adie, Samuel F.  
Linney, Lucy G. Alvey & Ginter  
 Anderson, Joseph R.  
 Antrine, C. W.  
 Beale, Charles  
 Beale, Mary H.  
 Beale, Nathaniel G.  
 Bell, Reuben P.  
 Boston, William B.  
 Burruss, Lucy J.  
 Campbell, America  
 Carlton, Ambrose  
 Chiles, William  
 Dunn, William H.  
 Elliott, Drury  
 Gardner, J.  
 Ginter, Lewis  
 Gordon, James  
 Gordon, John N.  
 Heaston, John  
 Hubbard, Gardner & Carlton  
 Hubbard, William H.  
 John N Gordon & Son  
 Kent, Horace S.  
 Kent, Payne & Kent  
 Linney, Henry M.  
 Linney, John M.  
 Mcveigh & Chamberlain  
 Merchant & Weisiger  
 Merchant, Silas  
 More, William C.  
 Morris, George  
 Paine, William G.  
 Roberts, John P.  
 Ship, Edward  
 Smith, Thomas M.  
 Talbott Brothers  
 Watt, Hugh A.  
 Weisiger, Oscar  
 Wellingham & Elliot  
 West, George M.  
 Willis, John  

Case File Number: 109-1871-017

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Sarah S.  []Dickinson, Asa M.  
Lilly, Garland  []Dickinson, Permelia G.  
Lilly, Martha P.  []Dickinson, Sarah S.  
 Kent, Ann H.  
 Kent, John S.  
 Lilly, Garland  
 Lilly, Thomas P.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-018

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Dickinson, Charles Campbell, Charles Q.  
Dickinson, Charles Campbell, Francis P.  
Dickinson, John P. Campbell, Joseph  
 Campbell, Joseph, Dr  
 Campbell, Lidney Ann Dickinson  
 Dickinson, James M.  
 Dickinson, James S.  
 Dickinson, John Q.  
 Dickinson, Joseph Alexander  
 Dickinson, Leroy C.  
 Dickinson, Martha A.  
 Dickinson, Martha S.  
 Dickinson, Mary Elizabeth  
 Dickinson, Mary F.  
 Dickinson, Richard C.  
 Dickinson, Richard Ralph  
 Dickinson, Robert Q.  
 Dickinson, Virginia L.  
 Dickinson, Walter G.  
 Dickinson, William P.  
 Eubank, Alexander  
 Eubank, Charlie  
 Eubank, Emily A.  
 Eubank, Willie  
 Rawlings, Richard H.  
 Rawlings, Sarah Goodwin  

Case File Number: 109-1871-019

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Davis, Reuben B. Codling, George H.  
 Curtis, George B.  
 Dye, John B.  
 Hemmer, Frederick A.  
 Park, Thomas J.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-020

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Lucas, William P. Lucas, Annie Robinson Barley

Case File Number: 109-1871-021

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Graves, John R. Yeaman, Cora E.  
 Yeaman, John W.  
 Yeaman, Larkin P.  
 Yeaman, Martha J.  
 Yeaman, Mary Ann  
 Yeaman, William U.  

Case File Number: 109-1871-023

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Nuckolls, Lucy Mary Nuckolls, Lucy Mary  
Winston, Joseph, Dr Penn, George W.  
 Penn, Mary Ann Rennolds  
 Rennolds, Battaile  
 Rennolds, Jane H.  
 Rennolds, Reuben  
 Rennolds, Robert  
 Rennolds, Robert B.  
 Rennolds, Sarah A.  
 Rennolds, Taliaferro  
 Rennolds, William  

Case File Number: 109-1871-024

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Fletcher, Henry Dunnington, Stephen  
Fletcher, Keziah Poindexter Estes, Abraham  

Case File Number: 109-1872-001

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thacker, Robert Mills, John J. Garett
 Moss, Robert F.  

Case File Number: 109-1872-002

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Buckner, Baldwin M. Broaddus, Elizabeth R. C.  
 Broaddus, George W.  
 Mills, Andrew J., Jr  
 Mills, Edmund D.  
 Mills, Fannie S.  
 Mills, Joseph B.  
 Mills, Susanna D.  
 Mills, Susanna D.  

Case File Number: 109-1872-003

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Cosby, Cordelia S. Cosby, Ella V.  
Cosby, Denia D. Cosby, John O.  
Cosby, Wingfield Cosby, Thomas W.  
 Cosby, Wingfield  
 Johnson, Mary M.  
 Johnson, Thomas B.  
 Saunders, David J.  
 Saunders, Pamelia A.  
 Terrell, Leroy D.  

Case File Number: 109-1872-004

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Mills, Catherine S. Chesapeake & Ohio Rail Road  
 Virginia Central Rail Road  

Case File Number: 109-1872-005

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Quarles, Henry W. Bond, Thomas W.  
Quarles, Joseph B. May, Thomas J.  
Quarles, Mercer W. Quarles, Joseph B.  

Case File Number: 109-1872-006

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Waldrop, George J. Goodwin, William H.  
 Moss, Robert F.  
 Overton, William  

Case File Number: 109-1872-007

Plaintiffs Defendants Surnames
Thomson, William Q. Christmas, John W.  
 Cowherd, Jonathan T.  
 Goodwin, John T.  
 Kent, Robert M.  
 May, T. J.  
 Moss, Robert F.  
 Woolfolk, James H.  

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