1920 Census Page 20

Copyright © 2013 Wayne G.Dunn; Last revised: 2/16/2015 4:15:12 PM

This census is 'under construction' (I had transcribed the entire census, but then my HP computer crashed and the unqualified technicians at HP's support center gave me some bad advice which resulted in the data being lost!) The page format is as follows:
You will find PP = Printed Page Number; WP = Written Page Number; Date = Date Census taker filled out this page.
The codes used in the 'Flags' column are: M = Married within the year; S = Attended School within the year; R = Over 20 and can't read or write; xxxx = Idiot / Pauper, etc.
Also, there are two additional columns found on the Census -- Dwelling Number and Family Number. In the case of this particular Census for Louisa County, these numbers are the always the same. Finally, I have tried very hard to retain what I feel are obvious errors (William, sex = f, etc.). If you find a question-mark, it means I was not sure of the letter, and may try to go back and correct it in the future.

Dwlg Surname Given Name Rel. Age Sex Race Occupation Value Born Flags*
WP = 58ADate =          
259 WilkersonLutherHead33mm    
260 RudingerAchellus J.Head50mw    
  Rosa A.Wife47fw    
  John C.Son25mw    
  Bertha R.Dau22fw    
  Albert E.Son16mw    
  Oliva C.Dau10fw    
261 EastonHarrisonHead85mb    
262 PerkinsStuart D.Head53mw    
263 ButlerAndrew S.Head31mw    
264 MichieSusanHead78fb    
265 VestJoe J.Head61mb    
266 ?aronBentrod C.Head45mw    
267 PoindexterAubreyHead36mm    
269 DunawayWilliam H.Head59mw    
WP = 58BDate =          
270 B?EdwardHead51mb    
271 ?ThomasHead34mm    
272 PoindexterJohnHead36mb    
274 SpicerJohn L.Head28mw    
275 HarrisCharlesHead52mb    
276 HunterFest?Head43mm    
277 JohnsonRubenHead69mm    
278 ChambersJohn A.Head38mm    
279 JacksonRobertHead54mb    
 BraxtonHelengc1 8/12fm    
280 TimberlakeWilliamHead31mb    
WP = 59ADate =          
282 OggWesley S.Head45mw    
  Lucy E.Wife41fw    
  William H.Son13mw    
  Robert E.Son10mw    
  Virginia D.Dau9fw    
  Mary L.Dau7fw    
283 B?Philip C.Head20mw    
284 CameronHarry C.Head21mw    
285 Wright?James W.Head54mw    
286 Lathom?William B.Head48mw    
287 MahanesJohnHead52mw    
288 WillsWilliamHead39mb    
289 ColemanNelsonHead45mb    
290 MasseyR?o?Head62fb    
291 JacksonBerry?Head44mb    
WP = 59BDate =          
292 KannonKatherineHead78fw    
 ChildressWilliam J.Boarder68mw    
293 GlickJohn S.Head45mw    
294 TisdaleChastine G.Head60mw    
  Alice A.Dau19fw    
295 HarlowAllen R.Head62mw    
  Waldrop S.Son27mw    
  Doise? D.Dau17fw    
296 BakerBerry?Head76mb    
297 McGeheeJohn W.Head63mw    
  Lena H.Wife47fw    
  Robert L.Son14mw    
  Eliza V.Dau13fw    
  George S.Son12mw    
  Malcom V.Son9mw    
  Janet A.Dau7fw    
298  HarrisO?bff    
299 HarrisRaymondHead25mb    
300 ColemanEra?Head62fb    
301  RichardHead26mm    
302 TurnerWinston M.Head52mw    
WP = 60ADate =          
303 HillJamesHead54mm    
304 E?testEddie A.Head55mw    
304 BakerFrankHead48mb    
305 TimberlakeHarrisonHead38mb    
306 FosterElizabeth F.Head47fw    
 MillsPallison B.Boarder78mw    
307 SimsJohn L.Head41mw    
308 BrownMaryHead61fm    
 JohnsonJames E.Neph35mm    
309 MorrisMozellaHead67fm    
310 PayneThomas P.Head61mw    
  Anna L.Dau14fw    
311 ParishJohn W.Head57mb    
312 Con?Ernest E.Head39mb    
314 PerkinsJessie C.Head66mb    
315 JohnsonCharles H.Head35mm    
316 McDonaldWillie S.Head49mw    
WP = 60BDate =          
  Porter A.Son1 7/12mw    
317 PendletonHilo?Head52mb    
318 YanceyEddieHead33mb    
319 QuarlesRobertHead28mb    
321 FleshmanThomasHead48mw    
322 RuffnerJames D.Head52mw    
324 HouchensChancey L.Headmw    

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