1920 Census Page 18

Copyright © 2013 Wayne G.Dunn; Last revised: 2/16/2015 4:15:12 PM

This census is 'under construction' (I had transcribed the entire census, but then my HP computer crashed and the unqualified technicians at HP's support center gave me some bad advice which resulted in the data being lost!) The page format is as follows:
You will find PP = Printed Page Number; WP = Written Page Number; Date = Date Census taker filled out this page.
The codes used in the 'Flags' column are: M = Married within the year; S = Attended School within the year; R = Over 20 and can't read or write; xxxx = Idiot / Pauper, etc.
Also, there are two additional columns found on the Census -- Dwelling Number and Family Number. In the case of this particular Census for Louisa County, these numbers are the always the same. Finally, I have tried very hard to retain what I feel are obvious errors (William, sex = f, etc.). If you find a question-mark, it means I was not sure of the letter, and may try to go back and correct it in the future.

Dwlg Surname Given Name Rel. Age Sex Race Occupation Value Born Flags*
WP = 52ADate =          
97 HoffmonWade F.Head43mw    
98 ArmstrongJohn R.Head53mw    
99 BostonSally M.Head42fw    
100 LoveingOsker J.Head35mw    
101 CowherdJohn W.Head64mw    
102 DowellWilliam D.Head56mw    
103 PhillipsEugene P.Head63mw    
104 JonesWilliam F.Head59mw    
105 UtzGeorge E.Head33mw    
106 JonesWilliam C.Head33mw    
107 StanleyCh? A.Head46mw    
WP = 52BDate =          
108 HopkinsHen?Head53mw    
109  GordonO. G.bm    
110 LkenneyRuthHead28fb    
111 TaylorCarrieHead25fb    
112 FinchamThomas D.Head39mw    
113 HughesRichard B.Head33mw    
114 BrownPatsyHead37fb    
116 TaylorMargaretHead62fm    
117 LewisBerthaHead22fb    
118 CarterRandolphHead48mb    
118 DanielJohnHead56mb    
119 JeffersonHenryHead55mm    
120  WillieHead33mm    
121 JacksonHannahHead55fm    
122  Sa?Head75mm    
123 CowardEdward C.Head52mb    
WP = 53ADate =          
124 GordonJames D.Head39mm    
125 WinstonDuglasHead32mb    
126 BoldenLockerHead48mb    
127 HalidayNannieHead30fm    
128 ByrdJamesHead44mb    
129  BettieHead70fm    
130 DandridgeMaryHead78fw    
 DowellSdaie B.Dau33fw    
131 KendrickReuben A.Head60mw    
132 HanesOtoHead33mw    
133 StanleyMarianHead52fw    
134 Ste?Th?Head67mw    
WP = 53BDate =          
135 WoodyWiley C.Head61mw    
136 OggJamesHead58mw    
137 GilmoreIssacHead36mb    
138 ?OtoHead29mw    
139 JohnsonWillie F.Head26mw    
140  James S.Head24mw    
141 SprouceVera C.Head29mw    
142 ColemanLeeHead57mb    
143 HarrisMinnie M.Head32fw    
144 GibsonRoyHead51mw    
145  Thomas G.Headu wdmw    
146  Manuel G.Head51mw    
147 Pri?Lettie W.Head47fw    
148 HoodFreemanHead55mw    
WP = 54ADate =          
  Anna MDau17fw    
149 N?ghleyWilliam S.Head30mw    
150 Dood?John C.Head64mw    
151 HallNicklas W.Head66mw    
  Louise J.sis61fw    
152 ColesFannieHead63fb    
153 SimsSamuelHead51mb    
154 KaneAmericaHead83fm    
 VestWilliam A.gc21mb    
155 WardMarshalHead75mb    
156 Bina?James W.Head63mw    
157 JohnsonJohn J.Head23mw    
158 EllisWatsonHead36mm    
159 TalleyLeeHead20mb    
160 DunivanAngusHead53mw    
161 Daulton?Head67mw    
162 WoolfreyCallie?Head52mw    
WP = 54BDate =          
163 MichieRus?Head31mw    
164 SproucePhilip B.Head27mw    
165 WinstonMariaHead54fb    
166 BurkheadAdaHead35fw    
167 MorrisLemuelHead75mw    
168  Wesley W.Head53mw    
169 JacksonJamesHead53mb    
170 KennonGeorge M.Head66mw    
171 MitcheltreeEdwinHead37mw    
172 JacksonElizaHead61fb    
173 SprouseAugust L.Head25mw    
  Ruby R.Wife19fw    
174 JohnsonJacobHead79mm    
175 HoltHowardHead36mm    

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